Plagiarism 01865 484770
WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? OBU describes plagiarism as “presenting or submitting someone else’s work (words or ideas), intentionally or unintentionally, as your own”.
Paraphrasing: changing a few words & phrases but keeping too much of the original structure & expressions.
We recognise that there are many different practices stemming from different backgrounds, but you need to be aware of the Brookes rules:
Collusion: working with others but passing the work off as your own.
Plagiarism can take the form of: opying: word for word without C acknowledgement of the author or using quote marks, includes images, diagrams & melodies.
uplication: submitting work for 1 module D which has been prepared & submitted for another. Buying someone else’s work. To see the regulations in full, visit: html
WHAT IS AN INVESTIGAtory interview? An investigatory interview is when your module leader suspects plagiarism & reports their suspicion to the School Academic Conduct Officer (ACO).
This is your chance to explain how you researched & wrote the assignment as well as your style of referencing/citing or why you haven’t used referencing/citing.
The ACO will then invite you to an investigatory interview, although in some cases the ACO will take the matter straight to a Disciplinary.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE INTERVIEW? The ACO will introduce themselves & explain their role, the purpose of the interview & remind you of your rights. You will then be: Shown the suspected work & and evidence Asked to respond to the allegation & provide any information you have Asked about your understanding of the regulations relating to plagiarism The ACO will then decide whether or not, based on the evidence & your response, they will proceed with the case to a disciplinary interview. If they do not proceed this will be the end of the matter & you will be informed of this.
We would advise you to contact UPGRADE for study skills advice. If they do proceed, in most cases the matter will be decided on the day. What should I take with me? Make notes on what you want to say & take them with you. Collect & take with you notes you still have from your research as well as a list of all the sources you used. What are the possible outcomes? Doing nothing (for a small offence). Removing/reducing some marks to 40. Requesting that you re-sit the work. Possibly that you re-do the module.
HOW CAN I CHALLENGE THE DECISION? Decision of the Disciplinary interview:
Decision of the Misconduct Committee:
If you do not agree with the penalty or that you have breached the regulations then you can write to the University Student Conduct Officer explaining why you are not happy and that you would like the Academic Misconduct Committee to sit.
If you do not agree with the penalty or that you have breached the regulations then you can appeal the decision of the Committee under one or more of the following grounds:
If this happens, they will rehear the whole case and decide whether or not you have breached the regulations and then if so, impose a penalty. The committee can keep the penalty the same, decrease it or increase it. NB If the Academic Registrar does not believe that the outcome will be different, they will charge you an administration fee of ÂŁ100 which will be refunded if the committee find that you have not breached the regulations.
ou have new evidence that you could Y reasonably not produce before and it would cast doubt on the decision of the Committee. There has been a procedural irregularity that had it not occurred would have meant a different outcome. No fair and reasonable person would conclude that you were liable. The penalty is disproportionate to the breach. You need write to the University Student Conduct Officer explaining which of the above grounds you are relying on and why. If they agree that your case has merit they will forward it to the Appeals Committee.
You should always contact the Advice Centre for further advice if you wish to challenge any decision as you will have one attempt to do this and you must make your challenge within the deadline as set out in the outcome letter.
how to avoid plagiarising? llow plenty of time to research & write the A coursework
Does your reference/citation answer the following for the reader:
sk your tutor straight away if you are not A sure what you’re doing
Who wrote it and when was it published?
eep a record of all sources that you have K read/looked at as well as useful quotes & where they are from. ontact UPGRADE for advice on how C to use the referencing system see ccess the online tutorial PLATO to A help your knowledge of plagiarism plagiarism.htm
What is the title of the article? What journal was it published in? Where exactly can I find it? (Williams K & Carroll J (2009) Referencing & Understanding Plagiarism, Pocket Study Skills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p8)
Brookes Union Advice
01865 484770