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Mr. Ocaka Bosco was born on the 6th, December 1977, in Palabek Gem, Kitgum District, to mzee Casto Luggaja and mother Betty Latoo Atenga. Both parents are Acholi from Palabek Gem and Palabek Lugwa respectively.

On the 2nd, June, 2007, Mr. Ocaka Bosco, received God’s revelation from 1st, jenge village, Kitgum District.

At the age of 29 years old, I received a dream/voice accompanied with bright light from God, saying, my son, come out and start teaching the people where, the whole world can hear you. Tell the rich to support the poor. Then, I asked, God how do I do this, because I’m not educated. I am just a young child who stopped in primary three for a term one only. The voices continued speaking, get out, you will get a book which will give you wisdom to read and understand. Upon the receipt of this voice, three times, which said, in the name of God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit?

After this call, I stayed indoors for seven days without eating anything. By then, I was a drunkard and had a ten-litter jerry can of alcohol beside me in the house. I felt the urge to drink alcohol, but I could not lift the jerry can from down as it became too heavy. I asked someone to help bring me the jerry can who lifted it up easily. Then, I told the person to take the jerry can away from my house, and this marked the end of my drinking spree to date. On the eighth day, the voice continued speaking, get out of the house, you will find a book. I went out and came back inside and opened my mother’s’ wooden box. Immediately, a book felt down in front of me entitled, BUK LEGA KI WER PA LAKRISTO’’

“(When translated in English it means, A Christian book for worship and Praise.

A voice came again instructing me that forthwith, I will be speaking three languages: Acholi, English and Kiswahili, but before then, I couldn’t speak English and Kiswahili. By then, I only knew Acholi my mothers’ tongue.

When I opened the book, it directed me to page thirty 32, Note 8, which states as follows;


When translated in English, it means:

Rwot, mii abed latic me kucci: Lord, let me your servant of peace:

Ka ma anongo monemii akel kuc; where there is hate, let me bring peace;

Ka ma anongo bal, mii akel kica; Where there is wrong, let me bring forgiveness,

Ka ma anongo akalakala, mii akel yee; where there is doubt, let me bring acceptance.

Ka ma anongo poto cwiny, mii akel gen, where I get anxiety, let me bring trust;

Ka ma anongo cwer cwiny, mii akel yomcwiny. Where there is anger, let me bring happiness,

Rwoda, Lapwonya,mii pe ayeny ni kikwe cwinya, Lord, my teacher, let me not look for consolation,

Ento an aye akwee cwiny jo mukene; But instead, it’s me to console others;

Pe ayeny ni kikwe cwinya ikare ducu; Let others not console me all the times

Ento an aye awiny Jo mukene; But instead, I should accept to listen to other people.

Pe ayeny ni kimara, I should not seek for love

Ento an aye amar jo mukene. But I should accept to love others.

Pien ka wamiyo gin mo, en aye wanongo gin mo bene. Because when we give, in turn we receive

Ka watimo kica, kibitimwa kica bene. When we forgive, we shall be forgiven.

Dok ka kilwongowa ii kwo man, en aye kinywalowa I kwo ma bedo naka. Amen.

When we are called to this life, it’s a life that lasts forever. Amen.





Mr. Oyet Obiya Constantine is the chairman of the Board and Head of departments of the Board of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O.

The Board is composed of Board members from countries all over the World and women leaders totalling to fifty-two (52) of the tribes in Uganda. The board is tasked with policy formulation. The chairman Board is requesting volunteers all over the world to come and join hands with Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, so that we are able to combine efforts to work and serve the vulnerable /needy in communities of human kind.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O is dedicated to implementing the accessibility, vision, mission and media principles/core points to the latter, to deliver our responsibilities to the vulnerable/needy societies globally

One of the cardinal values of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O is socio – economic development, that is, training the vulnerable in entrepreneurship skills, savings, piggery, farming, poultry, tailoring technical skills, designs, saloon, performing Arts, just to mention but a few.

To support activities of the vulnerable by giving assistance to empower them to be self-reliant


Lubanga Lapit Kic is a N.G.O, with open door approach to staff, members and Governments free form barriers. This covers a broader range of clientele. (Human rights, development partners, communitybased organization, local and international NGOs)


- To source funding through fund raisings, donations globally etc.

- To empower communities on self-reliance and developing the people in the areas of life support and knowledge to change livelihoods of the Vulnerable and needy.

- Ability to think and plan for the future with imagination and wisdom.


The motion is to prioritize tasks that need to be done at the moment in order to achieve the goals and objectives of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O through legislation.

MEDIA A multifaceted communications approach that uses all medium available examples televisions, newspapers, radios (mass communications).

Mr. Ocaka Bosco-Kitgum District

Mr. Ocaka Bosco is a trained change agent by Uganda Change Agent Association. He is from Kitgum District. He is married and has a happy family. Since Bosco received the change agent training in 2009, he says his attitude changed and started focusing on development, volunteering, and providing support to the disadvantaged group of people.

He mobilized main group of people and divided it into different categories of groups including mothers, youth and orphaned children of whom some were former abductees as a result of Lord Resistance Army (LRA) war. The group is called Lubanga Lapit Kic. Bosco leads the groups and performs different activities including counselling them, training them in savings and credit management, HIV and aids awareness creation, and among others formed up music and drama with the purpose to ease dissemination of information and easy understanding

Bosco emphasizes that development is meant for all, and thus believes that all the disadvantaged should be uplifted such that they are able to live an improved quality of life. Among the groups he trains, The Lubanga Lapit Kic Women group have been inspired from the trainings and some of them have joined tailoring schools to acquire the skills for a living.

The women group also mobilizes young orphans and train them in Music Dance and Drama carrying important message regarding HIV and aids awareness, savings and credit management and about self-reliance and participatory development. These children are always guided and hired on functions to present to the communities and are paid some money, of which they use to buy scholastic materials and other important basics that they need. Counselling has played a big role in that the former abductees have regained a peace of mind and feel loved and cared for within their communities.

Ocaka Bosco has always led his group to present at important public functions including Hero’s Day, weddings, Women’s Day plus other important days. He has gone ahead to present the group to big government officials including the Residential District Commissioner (RDC), Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), District Police Commander (DPC), Town Mayor and the LC5 Chairperson of Kitgum District, and on that note, the group has been exposed and trusted by the community. They are able to access loans and donations from outside the group.

Mr. Ocaka Bosco is training the vulnerable people with self-reliant participatory rural development facilitation TOPICS

Poverty Analysis Development Theory Conscientisation

Communication Facilitation Gender Issues

Working with the group Income Generation Book Keeping

Lubanga lapit kic work hard, Lubanga lapit kic work hard, We have a vision, we have a mission Helping poor people improve their living

With their own initiatives to sustain development

Effectively promote

Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development

Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development

Go to the people, live with them, Love them, learn from them and work with them.

Start with what they have.

Build on what they know, And in the end when work is done.

The people will rejoice

We have done it have done it ourselves.

We rejoice and promote Participatory development

We rejoice and enjoy Sustainable development

Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development

Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development



Lubanga lapit kic N.G.O training the elders, youths and child mothers with the basic’s skills and knowledge on agriculture and providing them with Agro-inputs and seeds in the Different sub-counties of the districts, Kitgum, Lamwo, Gulu, Pader, Agago, Amuru and many others.

Training them on importance of growing cash crops such as cotton, simsim, tobacco, ginger, and coffee and also trained them on the importance of growing foods crops for domestic survival such as, millet, sorghum, maize, cassava, vegetables and many others to eradicate hunger.

With these trainings and basic survival skills that these people have acquired, we as Lubanga lapit kic N.G.O, feel we have inadequate capacity to enhance their needs, so we therefore request different Government, companies, N.G.O., donations from stakeholders from across the world to help these people embrace the skills and knowledge acquired to the fullest capacity.

Therefore, any N.G.O., companies, stakeholders, and different government institutions that wish to visit, inquire and support the project are mostly welcomed.


These are the widows from Lubanga Lapit Kic group who have lost their husbands during the Lord’s Resistance Army’s War (LRA) and are being shown the self-reliant Participatory skill by Mr. Ocaka Bosco of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O from Kitgum town headquarter.

Photos.1. Mr. Ocaka Bosco President of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, Mr. Bongomin Patrick Ocido, vice president and MS. Jennifer Ogaba, secretary of the President Of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O. The team above is supervising and training women’s groups in business skills and savings. This venture started from the Districts of Kitgum, Gulu, Lamwo and Kampala to enable the women to be self-reliant. Besides empowering the women in business skills, Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, also venture in providing scholastic learning materials to vulnerable and needy children in schools, the N.G.O continues to organize fund raising from donors and well-wishers to support the sponsorship of these needy globally. Hence, the N.G.O invites more members to join and support this noble cause.

Photos.2. The pictures above depict the different activities carried out by the women’s groups. These include, President Mr. Ocaka Bosco, giving out revolving funds to the women, widows and widowers. At the same time, the members are carrying out savings. To this point, Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O is sending out a clarion call to the community to join hands and support this venture.


Photos.1, 2, 3, 4. These groups in the pictures above show when white people in 2009 started visiting and witnessing the activities being carried out by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O in Kitgum, Gulu, Lamwo and Kampala. The N.G.O invites more of these people (whites) to join as development partners and render support to the vulnerable/needy in our communities. The visiting white people witnessed the saving groups and continued to teach them more skills of saving and these has enabled many women and men under the guidance and assistance of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O to be financially independent with the idea of reducing income-inequality within the population.

These are evidential photos which shows that people from the western world (whites) were actively and directly involved in the various activities of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, therefore we are calling upon different whites from across Europe to America and even to Asia to come and take, lead various projects in this Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O



Lubanga Lapit Kic

young girls and boys from the slums and ghetto of different cities, towns and urban centres of Uganda into different co-curriculum activities that involves outdoor sports and games like football, rugby, netball, and basketball and fun activities like music, dance and drama.

We believe these co-curriculum activities will constantly occupies the mind of these youths, giving them limited time and access to harmful vices such as drugs, early pregnancies and other criminal activities like burglary, theft that comes with the rapid development of our surrounding that consumes the futures of these young boys and girls. . More support is needed by this group and invitation is forwarded to those who can give support to them.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O does not support the needy and vulnerable people only but as well gives support to games and sports. As shown in the picture above, the Vice-president of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O Mr. Bongomin Patrick Ocido is leading these youthful team of footballers and giving them full financial and physical support. More support is needed by this group and invitation is forwarded to those who can give support to them.

Mr Bongomin Patrick Ocido has always led his group to the FUFA regional league and they constantly present at important public functions including Hero’s Day, Independence Day, Women’s Day plus other important days. He has gone ahead to present the group to big government officials including the Residential District Commissioner (RDC), Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), District Police Commander (DPC), Town Mayor and the LC5 Chairperson of Kampala and on that note, the group has been exposed and trusted by the community. They are able to access loans and donations from outside the group.


Photo, 1. The Vice President Mr. BONGOMIN PATRICK OCIDO posing for photo shoot with one of the youth’s football team he constantly checks on their progress N.G.O aims to involve


The team above is supervising and training women’s groups in business skills and savings. This venture started from the Districts of Kitgum, Gulu, Lamwo and Kampala to enable the women to be self-reliant. Besides empowering the women in business skills, Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, also venture in providing scholastic learning materials to vulnerable and needy children in schools, the N.G.O continues to organize fund raising from donors and well-wishers to support the sponsorship of these needy globally. Hence, the N.G.O invites more members to join and support this noble cause.

Photos.2. The pictures above depict different activities carried out by the women’s groups. These include, President Mr. Ocaka Bosco, giving out revolving funds to the women, widows and widowers. At the same time, the members are carrying out savings. To this point, Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O is sending out a clarion call to the community to join hands and support this venture.


Photos.2 Photos.1. Mr. Ocaka Bosco President of Lubanga Lapit N.G.O, Mr. Bongomin Patrick Ocido, vice president and MS. Jennifer Ogaba, secretary of office of the President Lubanga Lapit N.G.O.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O sees education as a fundamental right and a key to modern living for every child born and raised with or without the hope of education, due to the high rate of poverty, ignorance and tolerance by many African parents who fail to send their children to schools with believes that education is too expensive.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O therefore sensitizes the parents and guardians on the importance of education to the development of the community; the main activity under this department is to register the vulnerable/needy in the system so that they bring their children in the N.G.O for sponsorship program. Thereafter, children are given support inform of scholastic materials such as; books, pens, ream of duplicating papers, pencils, mathematical sets, uniforms, shoes, school bags, and other items.


Ms. Lamwaka Filder is the Head of department sponsorship in Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O N.G.O.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O looks to preserve the cultural heritage of the different tribes in Uganda as tradition is the backbone for every human existence and it helps in shaping our ways of behaviours and community co-existence.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O looks to showcase to the different parts of the world the various cultural norms, beliefs, dances, foods and ways of living as Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O is a multi-cultural organisation that respect the values of different traditions a cross the world and looks forward to export and expose its talent to the rest of the world. These traditional dance troupes are supported by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O in various different ways through providing them with attires, scholastic materials, fees and basic requirement for personal hygienic needs to both boys but mostly girls as they vulnerable to body changes, so we call upon stakeholders from across the world to come and support this programme and we can make this remote part of the world a better place.

Photos.1,2,3. These are the youths of Palabek sub-county, Lamwo district that are constantly trained the different cultural dances of the Acholi people.

The Elderly

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, values the elderly so much. This is because of wisdom and respect that radiates from them and they are guide to the society especially the Youth, orphans, street kids, child mothers and many others. Emphasis is put on supporting the Elderly in our communities as envisioned in the pictures. They are provided with basic needs such as, clothing, food, shelter, household items such as mattresses, jerry cans, plates, cups and also shower them with love and medical care supports, support is also given to their caretakers who are paid some little money to watch over and care for these people and we therefore require you to come and witness this activities with your own eyes so that you can see the kind of problems these elderly are facing so that you decide on your own whether to support these elders and all are warmly welcomed.


Photos.1 and 2. The photos above shows different groups of women being given business skills and they are trained on the importance of savings by the staffs of LUBANGA LAPIT KIC N.G.O and whenever its possible, they are provided with material items as the above photo shows some of the women are distributed with bars of washing and bathing soap.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O has a special program set for the women as they are so vulnerable to the rapidly developing diverged societies we live in that requires high level of survival skills because 56% of the women age between 15yrs to 49yrs reportedly have experienced and some of them are still experiencing brutal physical domestic violence, not only are they violated in their homes but women are also abused in various ways outside their homes, maybe in their work places, on the streets, churches to mentioned but a few.

These abusive and negative acts against women give them limited opportunity to involve themselves in developmental and economic activities and Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O wants women to have a diverse perspective so that they can understand the interrelationships between perspectives such as personal, socio-economic status, racial and cultural, religious and political, disciplinary, environmental, gender identity, economic, local and global understandings.

Women are trained on the various mentioned perspectives and they are supported financially onto their savings and given business skills and where material help is required, those items are provided and are accounted for by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, these women have determination and strong belief in Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O activities, as in the photo above shows during the COVID 19 outbreak which had to stop social activities including jobs, business and many more, making life complex for these people and are given food items such as cooking oil, salts, maize flour, beans, sugar and others items like soap, pads, body lotions and a lot of things which were all given out by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O.


Members are tested for blood pressure, diabetes, HIV/Aids and are therefore supported by giving by them tablets for HIV/Aids, blood pressure, diabetes provided by the director of Neo life and are also given domestic and household materials that include jerry cans, cups, water bottles, basins among others during the health outreach to the community by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O.

the help of a medical personal

of the outreaches in Palabek sub-

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O considers health of its major concerns and as its alarming because the life expectancy at birth in Uganda rose from 45.7 years to 62.2 years for males and 50.5 years to 64.2 years for females over the period 1991 t0 2014.

Uganda burden of disease is dominated by communicable disease which account for over 50% of morbidity and mortality. Malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, and respiratory, diarrheal, epidemic-prone and vaccine-preventable diseases are the leading causes of illness and death.

Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O provides support to those suffering from particular diseases or groups with social inequities. This support can come in the provision of a network of people who can provide practical support and a sympathetic ear to listen to the issues and have been reaching out to them to provide medicines, hygiene kits and health checkups. Aside from medical assistance, we also promote healthy lifestyle through holistic health education. This can be done when health professionals take part in educating people on what they can do to lead a healthier life. Below are they various ways depleted so that better health services can reach the vulnerable.

• Teams.

• Partnerships and collaboration.

• Collaborating centres.

• Networks, committees and advisory groups

Photo; The President of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O by demonstrate how to test blood pressure on one county, Lamwo district in northern Uganda.


Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O does not only support the elderly but also in support to the people living with disability, these special group of people feels neglected and disowned by the society they do live in, leaving them with very limited access to various basic needs, like access to quick medical services, clean water and many more.

Therefore; Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O offers multiple ways by which this special group of people can be brought nearer to their needs by educating them on their basic fundamental rights as citizens and so they are supported with clothing, foot wears, wheelchairs, walking equipment’s, etc. These groups are also trained with various skills because disability is not inability.


FUND RAISING, Events in Other


Insert invitation Wed, Feb 8, 2012 8:00 PM (CST)

Location on fund raising Kampala house, Kampala, Other Detail Event


May you come and support Lubanga lapit kic N.G.O in fundraising for the construction of bank to support the mentioned groups of people.


Most farmers in northern Uganda do subsistence farming and could not progress because they are not able to access soft loans to support their activity.


These are especially women whose husbands got killed during the war conflict between the LRA and Uganda government, so may you come and support and fundraised for the above reference.

3. Businessmen in northern Uganda suffered from the post war period and their business were affected and could not grow and may you please come and support these businessmen and construct for them a bank to boost their business.

Lubanga lapit kic has been training people for business skills for over four (4) years and if this bank is constructed it would be an added advantage since it has been doing it before.

As per now the fundraising has been successful on line as seen in the photo below, the department of earning money on line has been created so they can help in the earning of fundraised money.




This is the first announcement from Lubanga lapit kic organization as a NATIONAL N.G.O, and it goes out to anyone in the whole wide world.

We would like to inform you that our funds and the DONORS are now available in Uganda. Our programs to help the vulnerable with free things will start this year 2024

For those who joined Lubanga lapit kic long ago or you want join now, please bring Children for free Registration, for Sponsorship for free education. The elderly (senior citizens) will get free help and those who fall under vulnerable group qualify for free things. Not so for saving group and or Board members.

Our rules, terms and policy come from the BIBLE 1. Timothy 2:9-12. In all our programs we follow GOD and the BIBLE. Saint Paul writing to TIMOTHY teaches women to dress properly not with fancy hair styles or with gold ornaments or pearls or expensive dresses, but with good deeds, as is proper for women who claim to be religious. Women should behave well and learn quietly in humility. They should not teach or try to have authority over men. If the organization identifies a family which

observes the above rule, that family will be qualified for a HOUSE THANKS.IF YOU CAN FOLLOW God’s POLICY


Does God have the first place in my life? Or do I run after other gods, such as money, pleasure, power? Do I trust in God in times of trouble, sickness, danger, or do I trust in superstition? Do I pray to God daily to thank him for his gifts, praise him for his goodness, ask him to help me in my needs? Do I stand up for my religious belief and for all that is just and truthful, or do I hide my faith out of fear? Do I go to Mass on Sundays or do I miss it because of laziness or indifference?


Do I respect and obey my parents and elders or do I insult, disobey and ignore them? Do I care for my children’s health, education, spiritual life? Do I give them good example, correct their faults, encourage them to do good? Or do I spend my money and my time away from home? Do I cause suffering in my family by unjust punishment, unreasonable demands, bad example?

My Married Life

Do I do all I can to be faithful to my partner, to grow in love, to forgive faults and defects? Do I avoid occasions, places and people that are likely to break up my family life? Do I try to achieve self-control, and resistance to temptation? Have I committed adultery, fornication, or have I engaged in sexual play with others or with myself? Did I deliberately provoke sexual desires by reading indecent literature, frequenting bad companies? Have I been an occasion of sin to others by immodest dress, looks, words and behavior?

My Public Life

Do I respect legitimate civil authority? Do I obey just laws and promote common good, the cause of human rights? Do I resist oppression, injustice and discrimination? If I am in a position of authority, do I use it for the common good, or for my own benefit, by cheating, oppressing and injuring those under me?

Other People’s Lives

Do I believe that life is sacred, because it is God’s greatest gift? Have I taken part in murder? Have I cooperated in any way in performing abortion? Have I inflicted physical injury on others? Have I caused death, injury, material loss by slander? Do I hate or despise certain people? Have I insulted others, caused scandal, or needlessly gossiped about my neighbor?


Have I honestly earned what I own? Do I share what I own with those in need? Have I stolen, cheated, defrauded? Have I abused my position to accept bribes, to damage or destroy other people’s possessions? Have I overcharged prices? Do I pay my workers just wages? Do I give my employer an honest day’s work? Have I refused to pay my debts? Do I have feelings of jealousy? Have I made restition for anything I may have acquired unjustly?

Truth and Honesty

Do I speak the truth even when it is unpopular and risky? Have I told lies for my own benefit? Have I told lies to injure other people? Have I lied under oath?

My Church Community

Do I take an active part in the life of my Christian community and my parish? Do I support my Christian community according to my financial position? Do I help the members of my Christian community who are in need: the poor, the sick, those who are in prison, lonely, widows and the orphans?

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