3 minute read

'Tis the Season to Give Back

By Delaney Puthuff, Communications Specialist

As we come to a close on another great year of offering services to this lovely community, it is a good time to take a step back and take stock of where it is that we work. No, not just the office, but the whole of Orange County. As Orange County REALTORS®, we are so privileged to work in one of the best, most sought after places in the world, and this is the time of year to give back just a little bit of the greatness we get, to the community we work in. The investments made to our home base can and should have a lasting impact on our everyday outcomes.

‘Tis the season to give back, and what better way to ring in the new year with a full heart and some positive morale, than by giving back to the people and things that make Orange County such an amazing place to be. A win/win situation for all involved, volunteering your time or donating your money, helps those who receive the contributions as well as boosting how the community and potential clients receive you.

Donate Your Time

Time, during the last few months of the year, is scarce. Not everyone will have the free calendar space to set up an entire fundraising event for charity, but that does not matter. A day, a few hours, even 15 minutes of your time can be spent giving back and still have an impact. This can be spending time at a community kitchen or food drive to help those in need, taking yourself and a few other agents to donate blood or plasma, signing up for a spot to help in community nonprofits such as Laura’s House, Orangewood Children’s Home. or Shea Center. Time is something anyone regardless of background, can give, and these moments will have a lasting impact. Volunteering can also attract potential clients as you are sure to meet people along the way.. Snap a quick pic, or tweet a small anecdote, encouraging those around you to do a similar small act of service, and let clients, family, and friends know that you care.

Donate Money

Money, a quick fix if you can’t squeeze in the time, is no small feat. This time of year gets busy and before you know it, you are all booked up! For those who can afford it, giving a monetary donation can really have an impact on the community. With a charity of your choosing, you can donate some spare change to make a difference. Open houses coming up? Try leaving out a donation box to collect canned food or toys for children.! You have helped the commonwealth, uplifted your professional perception, and inspired others to do-good as well.

Not sure where to give back? Visit our website at www.ocrealtors.org/charity to find a cause that speaks to you!

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