5 simple ways to become a better blogger

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5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger

Kevin Ocasio

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger At this very moment, I’m thinking of the ways for us to become better at what we’re doing – blogging. I’m sure you’ll agree when I say that there are days when blogging is a breeze and days when it isn’t. But the best thing about blogging is that it compels you to discover new oceans. It requires you to be creative to be interesting. Despite that, there’s always this uncertainty of people getting to see and appreciate your work. Unless you keep on refining your skills and opening yourself to growth opportunities, you can’t be a better blogger. Below, I’ve listed simple blogging tips for you.

Never run out of ideas. You fail as a blogger if you run out of topics for your audience. Fresh ideas are the basis for your daily content. How do you make sure that you always have something good to share to the world?

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger R epurpo se co ntent – If you’ve written and published an ebook, that’s wonderful news. Look through each of the chapters you’ve written. Take some ideas from them for your future blog posts. Make sure to update old information before you hit publish. Use a titl e g enera to r – A tool to help you generate TONS of titles for your next post is Tweak Your Biz . Below, I’ve entered the keywords “better blogger.” Look what I got – hundreds of titles categorized under Lists, Best, How-To, Questions, Celebrities, and more. Listen to rel eva nt po dca sts o n iTunes o r Spo tify – Enter iTunes or Spotify and you’ll be able to discover podcasts within your niche. Listen to them while you’re taking a coffee break or jogging around the neighborhood. It will be impossible for you not to come up with great topics.

Always give away free, valuable stuff. Giving away something of value that’s FREE helps people remember you as the better guy. When was the last time you completely ignored a store that offered free samples of their products? Last month, I visited a bazaar. Two college guys made their own version of chocolate brownies which they called Comfort Brownies. This wasn’t people’s favorite brand but because these guys offered huge chunks of free samples, passers by actually ended up buying boxes. How does giving away free blog content help you gain business success? You create paying customers in the long run. You attract more people to your blog. You build a positive reputation. You establish trust – especially with doubtful prospects. You’ll be able to encourage feedback. You grow your email list.

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger Call these free stuffs your lead magnets. These can be guides, tutorials, ebooks, or a free trial of your product. Offer these in exchange for your visitors’ contact information. A definite win-win.

Engage your email subscribers. Now that you’ve built your email list, you should work hard to harness its full potential. Remember that the size of your email list does not determine your blog’s success. The secret is in getting your subscribers to perform some desired action. Below are some tips you can follow when it comes to maintaining your email list: E ma il yo ur bl o g po sts to yo ur subscribers – It’s not enough to publish your posts and wait for people to discover them. Tell your subscribers about your latest topics. Make blogging and email marketing work together so you can get a lot of engagement. Get the a ttentio n o f ina ctive subscribers – Change Conversions recommends sending out a “we miss you” email to subscribers who ignore your messages. To make sure that you send messages that appeal to their interests, run a survey that asks what topics they like. Seg ment yo ur l ist – Email list segmentation allows you to deliver personalized brand messages based on your audience’s unique needs. When you tailor your emails according to what each individual wants, you’ll get better responses – increased open rates and lower unsubscribes.

Find out the best content format for your audience. Never assume that everything you publish on your blog appeals to your visitors. There are people who choose video over text while there are some who appreciate audio content. For that reason, it would be best to consider the preference of the majority. Post a status update on Facebook and ask your fans what they like. 5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger You can say, “Do you prefer reading? Watching videos? Listening to a podcast?” You’ll be surprised with their responses. This will help you focus on the things that matter most to your loyal fans. You can also ask more specific questions such as whether or not they fancy case studies, how-to posts, and listicles. If you’re not posting questions on social media to gather people’s opinions, look into your blog comments. Check the image below as an example:

Always review and proofread your work. It can be stressful to go through everything you’ve written only to find out that there are lots of things that need changing – from spelling mistakes to grammatical errors to unnecessary paragraphs. However, if you want your content to be a must-read, you have to closely examine everything you have written. To review and proofread (and possibly edit) your work the right way, here are some methods to follow: Read out loud. Use a grammar checker – Ginger. Shorten very long sentences. Proofread more than once. Clear your mind before reviewing your work. Have someone else read your text.

Final Thoughts The fun part of being a blogger is that the process of improving never ends. As you gain more experiences over time, you’ll be one step ahead of your competition.

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger And if you love what you do for a living, success will eventually come your way. Trust me. Ho w a bo ut yo u? Wha t steps do yo u ta ke to beco me a better bl o g g er? I wo ul d l o ve to hea r yo ur tho ug hts.

5 Simple Ways To Become A Better Blogger

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