
1 Lyn Pykett, «Introduction», στο Lyn Pykett (επιμ.), Reading fin de siècle fictions, Λονδίνο 1996, σ. 3.
Jacques Lacan (1901-1981),
Das Muterrecht (
Jacob Bachofen (1815-1887),
Göttner-Abendroth (γεν. 1941),
Papers: The Suppression of Women’s Rites
Merlin Stone (1931-2011),
The Paradise
3 Bonnie S. Anderson – Judith P. Zinsser, A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present, Vol. 1,
Egon Schiele (1890-1918).
5 Joan Bamberger, «The Myth of Matriarcy: Why Men Rule in Primitive Society», στο Louise Lamphere, Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo (επιμ.), Women, Culture and Society, Στάνφορντ 1974, σ. 67.
6 Laura Adler – Élisa Lécosse, Dangerous Women, The Perils of Muses and Femmes Fatales, David Radzinowicz (μτφρ.), Παρίσι 2009, σ. 19.
7 Aline Rousselle, «Body Politics in Ancient Rome», Arthur Goldhammer (μτφρ.), στο Pauline Schmitt Pantel (επιμ.), A History of Women in the West, Vol. I: From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saint, Κέιμπριτζ 1992, σ. 302.
8 Silvana Vecchio, «The Good Wife», Clarissa Botsford (μτφρ.), στο Christiane Klapisch-Zuber (επιμ.), A History of Women in the West, Vol. ΙΙ: Silences of the Middle Ages, Κέιμπριτζ 1992, σ. 105.
9 Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, «Including Women», στο Christiane KlapischZuber (επιμ.), A History of Women in the West, Vol. ΙΙ: Silences of the Middle Ages, Κέιμπριτζ 1992, σ. 7.
Savoy, Dauphiné
Errores Gazariorum
Malleus Maleficarum
Heinrich Kramer
James Sprenger,
10 Barbara Creed, The Monstrous-Feminine. Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Λονδίνο 1993, σ. 74.
11 Wolfgang Behringer, Witches and witch-hunts. A Global History, Κέιμπριτζ 2004, σ. 47.
12 Lyndal Roper, The Witch in the Western Imagination, Λονδίνο 2012, σ. 17.
E. J. Hobsbawm,
17 E. M. Burns,
18 E. J. Hobsbawm,

Klimt, Moreau, Beardsley, Mossa, Mucha