2019-2020 Accomplishments & Goals

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C O U NT Y OF O RA N GE 2 0 1 9 Acco m p lishments and 2020 Go a l s


Completed 26 payroll processes for a total of 489,617 paychecks in the amount of $4,108,2016.

Moved agency headquarters and the offices of over 150 people in 48 hours without any interruption in service to the County.

Received and responded to over 150 Public Records Act requests.

Received a clean opinion on the County’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FY 18-19.

Received the Financial Transactions Reporting Award from the State Controller’s Office for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. The award is in recognition of the professionalism demonstrated by counties in preparing accurate and timely financial reports meeting the review criteria of the award program.

Received the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and the GFOA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting (PAFR) for OC Citizens’ Report for FY 17-18. This award is a prestigious national award recognizing excellence in state and local government financial reporting.

Prepared the County’s Adopted Budget for FY 2019-20 in the prescribed format for submission to the State Controller’s Office (SCO).

Prepared the FY 2020-21 County Wide Cost Allocation Plan (CWCAP) and obtained the approval from the SCO in order for departments to claim indirect costs for reimbursement from federal and state grant/programs.

Processed and paid 175,191 invoices at Central Claims.

Processed and paid 30,419 employee reimbursement claims.

Processed 1,002,676 financial transactions in the CAPS+ Financial/Procurement System.

Processed 1,490,694 personnel/payroll transactions in the CAPS+ HR/Payroll System.

Prepared the County of Orange property tax rolls, totaling over $7 billion and distributed the related tax proceeds to schools, cities, special districts, redevelopment trust funds and County funds.

2020 G OA L S


Receive awards for achievement in financial reporting from GFOA and the State Controller’s Office for FY 2018-19 reports.

Successfully implement GASB Statement 84 “Fiduciary Activities” in the FY 2019-20 CAFR and continue to receive a clean opinion of the County’s financial statements.

Prepare the FY 2019-20 OC Citizens’ Report and receive the GFOA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting.

Support CEO Budget with initiatives to streamline the budget process or Strategic Financial Plan.

Submit the FY 2020-21 Adopted Budget and FY 2021-22 CWCAP to the SCO in a timely manner.

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