C O U NT Y OF O RA N GE 2 0 1 9 Acco m p lishments and 2020 Go a l s
C H I L D S U P P O RT S E RV I C E S 2019 ACCO M PL I S H M E N T S •
Utilized multi-medium marketing campaigns to increase public awareness of the services available and to engage families it serves. The department received the Western Intergovernmental Child Support Engagement Council (WICSEC) Program Engagement Award recognizing the department for its effectiveness in creating a positive public image of the child support program.
Received the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) Program Awareness Award recognizing the department’s marketing campaign for exemplifying a global, multi-segmented approach to reach various audiences, successfully raise awareness and create a positive image of the child support program.
Developed data models, tools and studies using predictive analytics to inform policy and practice, identify challenges and payment barriers for parents, and boost annual performance. As a result of these efforts, the department received a National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award; and the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) Incorporating Innovative Technology Award.
Child Support Services had multiple accomplishments in regards to performance metrics. The department exceeded each Federal Performance Measure as follows: ◦ Percentage of Cases with Paternity Established: 100 ◦ Percentage of Cases with a Support Order: 93.6 ◦ Percent of Child Support Collected: 68.7 ◦ Percent of Cases with an Arrearage Collection: 67.7
Served over 75,000 children.
Answered 158,000 calls with an average wait time of 42 seconds.
Served over 37,000 customers in person.
Distributed on average $15 million in child support each month.
2020 G OA L S
Maintain or increase performance on federal, state and customer-defined performance measures while adapting to continually decreasing number of staff.
Continue to increase public awareness of the wide array of services beyond child support payments available to both parents, through marketing grant and other efforts.
Continue to participate in state and federal anti-poverty policy efforts through research, data analysis and collaboration with social service partners.