2019-2020 Accomplishments & Goals

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C OU N T Y OF O R A N G E 2 0 1 9 A cco m pl i sh m e n t s a n d 2 020 G oa ls

C L E R K O F T H E B OA R D O F S U P E RV I S O R S 2019 ACCO M PL I S H M E N T S •

Chaired the OC Agenda Governance Steering Committee through the RFP process for a new agenda management system.

Held eight assessment appeals public workshops.

Participated in user acceptance testing for the Property Tax System project.

Worked with CEO Communications on the upcoming website migration to a new platform.

Completed scanning project to convert archived hard copy records to digital format.

2020 G OA L S •

Continue to serve on statewide legislative committees to actively monitor, develop, review and participate in legislation affecting Clerk of the Board operations and ensure Orange County’s interests are protected.

Begin next steps in the OC Agenda project.

Provide Assessment Appeals Workshops to the public and training to Assessment Appeals Board Members to ensure awareness of new laws, rules and procedures affecting the Assessment Appeals process.

Monitor the “Split Roll” initiative on the ballot for 2020 because if passed, will certainly have an impact on Assessment Appeals operations and the property tax administration.


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