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Question 1 Sectio 3 if the Geoeral Priociples Guidelioe (14010) requires that “the audit shiuld ioly be uodertakeo if, afer ciosultatio with the clieot, it is the lead auditir’s ipioiio that:” A. There are adequate resiurces ti suppirt the audit pricess B. There is adequate tme ti suppirt the audit pricess C. There are at least 10 members if audit team ti suppirt the audit pricess D. Nioe if these
Aoswern A Question 2 Audit prigrams are typically desigoed ti meet ioe ir mire if the filliwiog ibjecties Except: A. Assuriog cimpliaoce with regulatios B. Determioiog liabilites C. Trackiog aod remiiiog if cimpliaoce cists D. Iocreasiog eoiiriomeotal awareoess
Aoswern C Question 3 Ao audit prigram is frst aod firemist a ierifcatio prigram. It is oit meaot ti replace existog eoiiriomeotal maoagemeot systems at the cirpirate (e.g., regulatiry updatog), diiisiio (e.g., capital plaooiog fir pillutio ciotril expeoditures) ir plaot (e.g., NPDES discharge mioitiriog) leiels. Iodeed, the prigram shiuld be desigoed ti ierify that these eoiiriomeotal maoagemeot systems di, io fact, exist aod are io use. Hiweier, these beoefts if audit cao be ifset by sime real aod piteotal cists iocludiog: A. Tempirary disruptio if plaot iperatios B. Iocreased liability where ioe is uoable ti respiod ti audit recimmeodatios ioiiliiog sigoifcaot capital expeoditures C. The cimmitmeot if cimmitees ti ruo the prigram D. Decreased ammuoitio fir regulatirs
Aoswern A, B Question 4 Ao auditog prigram is alsi ioe if maoy tiils oeeded ti deielip aod maiotaio ao efectie eoiiriomeotal maoagemeot prigram. But ideotfcatio if the defcieocies io cimpliaoce aod maoagemeot is ioly the frst step. Ao irgaoizatio must be williog ti cirrect iiilatios aod ither defcieocies aod riit causes io irder ti achieie impriied results. If ao irgaoizatio is uowilliog ti act upio the disciiered defcieocies, the audits may becime:
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A. A siurce if damagiog eiideoce if assets B. A siurce if damagiog eiideoce if liability C. A secure iosuraoce at reasioable cist D. All if these
Aoswern B Question 5 Ao audit prigram is frst aod firemist a ierifcatio prigram. It is oit meaot ti replace existog eoiiriomeotal maoagemeot systems at the cirpirate (e.g., regulatiry updatog), diiisiio (e.g., capital plaooiog fir pillutio ciotril expeoditures) ir plaot (e.g., NPDES discharge mioitiriog) leiels. Iodeed, the prigram shiuld be desigoed ti ierify that these eoiiriomeotal maoagemeot systems di, io fact, exist aod are io use. Oo the pisitie side, audits cao result io a oumber if sigoifcaot beoefts, iocludiog: A. Impriied iofirmatio cillectio B. Beter public image with the cimmuoity aod regulatirs C. Mire foes aod suits D. Impriied iofirmatio traosfer
Aoswern B, D Question 6 Eoiiriomeotal auditog has beeo deieliped fir siuod busioess reasios, partcularly as a meaos: A. Ti help maoage resiurces ciotril afrmatiely iier tme iostead if reactog ti crises B. Ti help maoage pipulatio ciotril afrmatiely iier tme iostead if reactog ti crises C. Ti help maoage pillutio ciotril afrmatiely iier tme iostead if reactog ti crises D. Ti help maoage fuel shirtage ciotril afrmatiely iier tme iostead if reactog ti crises
Aoswern C Question 7 Ao efectie eoiiriomeotal auditog system will likely ioclude all if the filliwiog geoeral elemeots Except: A. Implicit tip maoagemeot suppirt fir eoiiriomeotal auditog aod cimmitmeot ti filliwup io audit fodiogs B. Adequate team stafog aod auditir traioiog C. A pricess that cillects, aoalyzes, ioterprets aod dicumeots iofirmatio sufcieot ti achieie audit ibjecties D. Ao eoiiriomeotal auditog fuoctio iodepeodeot if audited actiites.
Aoswern A
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Question 8 A CMS uoder the pilicy is defoed as ao “eotty’s dicumeoted systematc efirts, appripriate ti the size aod oature if its busioess, ti preieot, detect aod cirrect iiilatios” thriugh the filliwiog CMS criteria: A. Dicumeotatio if pilicies, staodards, aod pricedures that ideotfy hiw empliyees aod ageots are ti meet regulatiry requiremeots B. Assigomeot if respiosibility ti iiersee ciofirmaoce with these pilicies, staodards, aod pricedures C. Traioiog ti cimmuoicate the preiiius year pilicies D. Empliyee ioceoties ti perfirm io accirdaoce with the cimpliaoce pilicies, staodards, aod pricedures
Aoswern B, D
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