ODE Magazine UK - number 3

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ODEMAGAZINE winter 2019 / 2020

“ An oasis of quiet at the heart of Amsterdam”

Oosterdokseiland: Small island, great place

P6 - Construction update

P14 - AutODElen (carpooling)

P8 - Interview with Esther Agricola

P20 - Restaurant Geisha

P10 - Booking.com

P22 - Musical swings


My thoughts turn to Amsterdam When I first saw the Westertoren A raucous flock of seagulls Screeches over the green canal Early morning unravels With the first Airbnb arrivals I glance at the stationary clock Van Campen’s lamp post on Dam Square Countless stripes across the sky Still bring magic to the city centre Even now the centre draws you in To its very heart with a memory stick Only now, following an unwavering flag Right to the museum with a nose of wax While I hang over the bridge railing Vortices in the mirrored surface Of Oosterdok invite me to reflect Beneath the pavement, the marshy peat And under the sun the image reflects Of Amsterdam’s dancing silhouette On the water that shaped the city: For centuries, Mokum has stood on stilts And upside down. Ruud van der Duin, 2nd prize UvA “Love of the City” Poetry Contest




18 16 Colophon Design: Scrambled Ads Editorial team: BPD regio Noord-West Final edit: Marlous Mok Text: Michel van Dijk (interviews), Ilja Kraaier (hotspots), Susan Blanken (sales) English translation: Loft 238 Tekst & Media Š2019 BPD


30 CONTENTS Construction update lot 5/6b........................................6 Interview with Esther Agricola..................................8 City Campus Booking.com............................................10 AutODElen (carpooling)..................................................14


ODE to the neighbours.....................................................16 Stage of the future..........................................................18 ODE to the National Maritime Museum.................19 Restaurant Geisha............................................................20 Musical swings...................................................................22 ODE agenda...........................................................................24 Wormen hotels...................................................................26 ODE estate agents.............................................................30 Living in a smart home...................................................32 ODE apartments.................................................................34



2019 AUG-SEP


• New Oosterdokseiland car park entrance/exit taken into use.

• Demolition of old Oosterdokseiland car park entrance/exit completed.



• Excavation work completed for laying different pipes and cables. Foundations in place. The foundations in question were necessary to build an extra column to support the building. The crash deck (a red steel structure above the road) was also extended across this section to ensure that no construction materials could fall onto the road, among other things. • In the catacombs of the project – located in the -1 basement storey – the central technical system will be set up, including six air handling units with a total airflow of approximately 600,000 m3/h, which will supply the building with conditioned and filtered air. • Distributor/collectors installed for the distribution of heat and cold to the air handling units and to the expanded metal climate ceilings, which will be installed on the upper floors at a later stage. The low-temperature heat and high-temperature cold from the group power station will be used to heat and cool the campus in a sustainable manner.




Construction update NOVEMBER





• The units have been further assembled up to the shafts of the ground floor, where at a later point during construction, a start will be made with building all the vertical ducts and piping systems up to the upper floors. • Part of the 4th floor hollow-core slab has been laid. • Freely suspended cantilever in place.

Photo: Hein Verhees

• Placement of 2 V columns in the Oosterdoksstraat and extension of the mobile Oosterdoksstraat auxiliary structure that supports the cantilever. • Pouring 4th-storey floor layer.

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“ Oosterdokseiland has proved to be a daring feat!” As Director of the Department of Planning and Sustainability for the city of Amsterdam, Esther Agricola has been closely involved in the development of Oosterdokseiland. In her opinion, what lends the island its unique character? And how does she view its development in the future? Oosterdokseiland is nearing completion, with only the City Campus of Booking.com still under construction. What do you think of the island so far? “It’s becoming a magnificent island. It’s been something of a puzzle to make it what it is today. Consider this: you have the railway track, which is a huge barrier, the Oosterdok, the connections to Central Station, the Marineterrein and the NEMO Science Museum. Oosterdokseiland forms part of a finely meshed metropolitan network. What’s more, it was intended to contribute towards further connecting the city and the IJ. It’s unbelievable, but it’s all worked out. Oosterdokseiland has become an excellent combination of companies, hotels and social housing. It’s proved to be a daring feat.”


What is the secret to its success? “It was a great choice to establish two important public amenities there: the OBA Public Library and the Conservatory. You programme a city through its public facilities. This ensures a good mix between private and public functions, between offices and social activities. This creates liveliness, a thriving economy and security, a place that is accessible to everyone. If as a government body – because that’s our task – you don’t provide such a mix, you run the risk of the lights on the island going out at 5 pm. And we don’t want that. In retrospect, it turned out to be a good thing to first establish the public amenities, and then the offices and homes. As a result, the island immediately attracted families, young people and students. This gave it a face

and identity. This, in turn, convinced parties to invest further in the area. That’s how it happened.” Did the waters of the Oosterdok play a role in the urban development plans for Oosterdokseiland? “Absolutely. We envisaged a broad boulevard along the waterside, along the sunny side of Oosterdokseiland. We wanted public amenities where people could stroll around and hang out. I’m thrilled that we’ve achieved this. As you walk along the boulevard or the jetties, you get a feeling of light and space. Oosterdokseiland is a genuine part of the city. And this is clearly supported by all the surrounding public amenities of the Oosterdok including the NEMO Science Museum, the National Maritime Museum and the prestigious

Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. Oosterdok is the blue version of Museumplein, and its magnetism is as great as it is tangible.” Were there sides to the project that were less successful? “I still get stomach pains thinking about the demolition of Post CS. After only three days of taking up my previous position as Director of the Department of Monuments and Archaeology, the dossier hit my desk. The demolition plans had already reached an advanced stage. I fought this tooth and nail. I thought, how could such a beautiful building disappear? I knew you had to cherish iconic buildings like these to avoid certain regret later. But I failed to prevent its demolition.” Are you facing new challenges in further developing Oosterdokseiland? “The flow of cyclists and pedestrians to the surrounding areas is a key issue. The creative industry as a whole – Amsterdam’s new economy – didn’t want to move out of the city, no, it wanted to be established in the centre. We watched

this take place alongside Amsterdam’s canals, and the same thing is happening here. Booking.com wanted its City Campus at the tip of Oosterdokseiland, in the heart of Amsterdam, not in Sloterdijk or in the Zuidas area.” How do you explain this? ‘“Talent, that’s the asset for international companies like Booking.com. They set up shop where talent can be found, such as in Amsterdam. Amsterdam also has so much to offer, with so many cultural amenities and its historic city centre. We have a mixed economy, a creative industry and one of the biggest data hubs of the world, an important prerequisite for companies like Booking. com that depend on the Internet. All of these factors serve to attract such an economy and employment opportunities. We’re pleased with this of course. This type of economy is important for Amsterdam. There’s no way around this if you hope to continue to play a role internationally, offer employment opportunities and remain a healthy city.”

You are the Director of Planning and Sustainability. How sustainable is Oosterdokseiland? “First of all: cities are ideal for achieving sustainability, given their density, short distances and reduced mobility. Amsterdam also has a densification strategy, as part of its compact city policy. Oosterdokseiland scores fantastically in this context. It boasts the highest level of density in the Netherlands as well as providing a great place to live. Dense yet liveable, that makes Oosterdokseiland unique. I think that’s a great achievement. People are drawn from around the world to see how we’ve succeeded in creating this balance.”

“ International companies set up shop where such talent can be found, such as in Amsterdam” What kind of future do you see for Oosterdokseiland? “A future linked to the further development of the IJ banks. In this context, I do think it’s important for the Northern IJ banks, the sunny side of the IJ, to become a green boulevard. This is already partly the case, but the trick is to preserve and enhance this green space. Public space like this is worth its weight in gold in an increasingly densified city. The Southern banks of the IJ, the shadow side, are a little harder, more urban. I hope the two different sides of the banks of the IJ will serve to reinforce each other further. While, for many years, Amsterdam stood with its back to the water, that’s no longer the case. It’s becoming a city around the IJ again. That’s actually always been the case.”


Construction of the City Campus, Booking.com’s new headquarters at the tip of Oosterdokseiland, is progressing steadily. The exterior facade is taking shape fast and a great deal of attention is now being paid to the interior as well. ‘“A homey feeling, that’s what we hope to achieve with the interior of the Booking.com City Campus. We want employees to feel at home at Booking.com. Suppose you immigrate to the Netherlands, and you come to work for us. You’re joining a huge organisation, in a building with thousands of other people. It’ll make all the difference if it feels homely and you can quickly feel at ease.” But that’s easier said than done. Marc van den Helder knows all about this in his capacity as programme manager for real estate at Booking.com. He also carries joint responsibility for the fit-out, the interior of the City Campus, Booking.com’s new headquarters. After all, the new campus will soon employ some 5,000 people, representing more than 100 nationalities. “They all contribute their own cultures. Nevertheless, we hope that they will all feel at home here in the near future.” In order for this to succeed, diversity and inclusion are key words for the fit-out. Van den Helder: “Our premise is that each and every employee must feel welcome on campus. This is about more than cultural differences alone. Suppose we create a beautiful auditorium that isn’t accessible to wheelchair users – this would be a shortcoming.” The feeling of inclusion will soon be tangible throughout all the campus facilities. There will be prayer rooms, neutral areas where you can pray or just enjoy the silence. And gender diversity will be taken into account by facilitating genderneutral toilets for example. “There will also be cosy mother’s rooms; lactation rooms for female employees,” adds Pauline Kern, project manager of the real estate company CBRE, which provides design support to Booking.com in relation to every aspect of the City Campus. “These used to be impersonal, cold spaces. Campus will boast tastefully decorated lactation rooms throughout the building. As a breastfeeding mother at work, you won’t have to head from the ninth floor to the second floor to express milk.”


28 break-outs “By opting for diversity, Booking.com will ensure that Campus remains inspiring for its employees,” explains Van den Helder. “We hope that if you visit another floor after a few weeks or months, you will still be surprised by unfamiliar places.” The 28 break-outs, a collection of different consultation facilities boasting a coffee point, will play an important role in this regard. Van den Helder: “Each break-out area will echo elements of an exceptional travel destination, such as the Amazon, the Greek islands or the Serengeti. This will certainly also be reflected in their design. In the Amazon, for example, we use wooden materials and a lot of greenery.” Kern elaborates: “In the Serengeti, we opt for softer colours, and plants that fit in with a drier climate.” In order to promote the envisaged degree of diversity, Booking.com is working with nine architects, most of whom are from the Netherlands, but also from Shanghai. Kern is responsible for managing the architects: “It’s not an easy task. It’s easier to work with a single architect. The more parties you involve in the process, the harder it becomes to manage everything. But the result will definitely be worth it!”

City Campus becomes green city oasis


Healthy, happy and productive The working environment is where employees will spend most of the day. And diversity plays an important role here too. Van den Helder explains: “Diversity is not only reflected in cultures, but also in working styles. Some people enjoy working in a dynamic environment, while others prefer to work in quiet surroundings. That all depends on the nature of the work. A developer who spends all day coding, wouldn’t like to be constantly distracted, for example.” Last year, Booking.com conducted research amongst its employees to fathom out the ideal working environment. Van den Helder: “We want our employees to be able to work healthily, happily and productively, which ties in with our company philosophy. ‘One size fits all’ doesn’t work, we soon found out. That’s why we’ve chosen for a workplace concept on Campus that can easily be adapted to fit different needs. For example, there will be open areas for employees who thrive more surrounded by activity, and areas that we can close off with panels for employees who prefer to do their work undisturbed.” The internal survey also showed that all employees – regardless of their culture or origin – find greenery a crucial part of a pleasant and healthy working environment. Van den Helder: “That’s why we’re committed to greenery on the City Campus, as is green architect Moss [see textbox]. The City Campus will be one of the greenest office buildings I know. And we’re proud of that.”

Amazon break-out. One of the many consultation facilities.


A walk in the park “I hope that Booking.com’s employees will soon be able to take a stroll through nature during their break. They won’t have to go outside for that, but will be surprised by the amazing amount of greenery in the City Campus. A walk in the park, but then within your own office environment.” Nina Sickenga, founder of Moss – a firm specialising in making office environments greener – can present thousands of reasons why it’s nicer to work in green office surroundings: “Green provides inspiration, you can escape from the daily routine, and it also provides clean air and a sense of security.”

Two years ago, Moss won the tender for the green space in the City Campus. A huge task, because green will soon be everywhere. For example, as soon as you enter the building, at the iconic staircase that leads to the second floor. “The steps will all feature green elements, like a garden that follows you as you head upstairs. And not just one or two plants, but an entire ecosystem of loads of plants, some several metres tall. The roof garden will also be especially green, not only in spring and summer, but all year round. We are hoping it will become a city oasis, not only for Campus employees, but for the entire city.”


“ You get to know your neighbours through AutODElen (carpooling)” From left to right: Rijk Griffioen, resident Oosterdokseiland and founder of AutODElen. Photo: Marjolein van Damme

Selling your own car and sharing one with your neighbours – this has turned out to be a successful formula on Oosterdokseiland. For this reason, initiator Rijk Griffioen wants to scale up his carpooling concept to include other parts of the city. “It’s a question of give and take – otherwise it won’t work,” says Rijk Griffioen, resident of Oosterdokseiland, explaining the principles of carpooling on Oosterdokseiland. “Suppose you share a car with your neighbour and she has to go to a hospital appointment on Tuesday afternoon. You say: ‘You take the car. I’ll arrange something else for my appointment that afternoon.’”


The arrangements about who gets the car when – using an online calendar and a WhatsApp group – are going very well. “It all hinges on the element of trust. And the special thing is: you get to know each other better. If I know my neighbour has gone to visit his brother in Leiden by car, I like to ask him afterwards: ‘How are things with your brother?’ Since we’ve been doing this, we’ve had far more contact with one another. We’ve even gone out for dinner together. Carpooling like this promotes contact with your neighbours, which I couldn’t have imagined beforehand. And I’m happy about it.”

“ It’s a question of give and take – otherwise it won’t work” Emile Because of its success at ODE, Griffioen is now working on expanding his carpooling concept. “I’ve established a start-up called ‘Emile’ (that stands for electric mile), which I’m planning to scale up to include other parts of the city. Space is a scarce commodity in Amsterdam; everyone fights for each square metre. With carpooling, we can create more space.” How does this work in practice? “We form a group of regular users who together lease an electric car and pay a fixed monthly amount. Additionally, incidental users can also book the car. They pay a slightly higher rate that benefits the regular users. This means we can further reduce our fixed monthly charges.”

“No, that’s not a fairy tale, that’s how it works in practice,” Griffioen emphasises. For some time now he’s been sharing a car – with a single parking place in the ODE car park – with two other households. “We decided to sell all three of our cars and lease an electric BMWi3 together. Most of the time, the cars stood unused in the garage, while we were still saddled with our monthly costs. So we came up with a great solution. By sharing a car, we reduce our monthly expenses while creating more space for parking because we now only need one parking space instead of three, and we contribute towards a more liveable Amsterdam. Because, together, we’ve made the city a little more car-free. We all benefit!”

This is good for the user while also improving the quality of life in Amsterdam. “Because if people sell their cars and join in with Emile, the availability of parking places will go up, CO2 emissions will go down and the city will become more car-free.” The city of Amsterdam shares this goal too. It’s therefore hardly surprising that Griffin is talking to the city about his plans. “It goes without saying that the authorities are interested. It’s a win-win scenario for everyone: the car owners, the city of Amsterdam and the environment.”

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ODE to the neighbours

NEMO Museum restaurant The roof of the NEMO Science Museum is the highest ‘city square’ in the Netherlands. It provides access to the museum restaurant, boasting a large outdoor terrace. The panoramic view it offers across the waters of the IJ and the city centre of Amsterdam is highly praised in restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor, for example. It’s wonderful to relax for a while out on the roof terrace or in the glass conservatory of the museum restaurant. Here you can enjoy a glass of homemade lemonade or other fresh juices, freshly baked cake or a delicious meal. Delicious, homemade and healthy; you will find these qualities reflected in the food and drink served at NEMO. And that also goes for the museum restaurant. All of the meals are freshly prepared under the guidance of a chef, using sustainable, responsible ingredients. You can enjoy the roof, even without a museum ticket! Oosterdok 2, www.nemosciencemuseum.nl/ nl/bezoek/eten-en-drinken/

Coffeecompany For a really good cup of coffee, head for Coffeecompany on the Oosterdokskade. The Amsterdam coffee chain – also a school for many (famous) baristas – needs no further introduction. Since the very first CC branch opened its doors on the Leidsestraat in 1996, Coffeecompany has conquered Amsterdam with its selection of coffee and lovely relaxed atmosphere. But CC Oosterdok is not ‘just’ a regular branch. This CC location pioneered the new-style look & feel, with new interior elements and equipment, winning the 2013 Hospitality & Style Award for Best Coffee Concept bestowed by Entree. And it’s not just the interior that’s new about this store: this CC outlet focuses on serving the most exceptional coffees and teas. You will, for example, find a beautiful La Marzocco Strada espresso machine, a large brew bar where coffee and tea specialties are prepared by hand, and there are always amazing specials on the menu! Oosterdokskade 137, www.coffeecompany.nl/locations/ oosterdokskade-137/


Restaurant MOJO Have you lost your ‘mojo’? Taste the fresh sushi and crispy tempura in the pleasant ambiance of restaurant MOJO Amsterdam. This all-you-can-eat restaurant is located on the first floor above the Mediamarkt, between the Double Tree Hilton Hotel and the OBA Public Library. It’s the perfect spot for lunch or dinner with colleagues, friends or family. For 2.5 hours you can – to your heart’s content – enjoy all the homemade delicacies of Japanese cuisine including sushi, tempura and ‘sizzling’ dishes from the grill. Of course, mouth-watering sake is a must. And, all the while, you can soak up the unparalleled panoramic views of the Oosterdok and the old centre of Amsterdam. The warm interior and friendly service in the restaurant complete the picture to help you rediscover your mojo (literally a combination of ‘motivation’ and ‘joy’). You will be able to take on the world again, brimming with positive energy (sushi and sake)! Oosterdokskade 133, www.mo-jo.eu/locatie-amsterdam/

Vapiano Nowadays, the successful Italian food chain Vapiano boasts more than 200 branches worldwide. In November 2008, Vapiano Amsterdam Oosterdokskade opened its doors as the second branch in Amsterdam after Vapiano Rembrandtplein. A relaxed attitude to life sums up the atmosphere at Vapiano, where the motto is: Whoever goes slow, goes healthy and goes far (a rough translation of the Italian proverb ‘Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano’). You can catch up and enjoy the good company seated at the long oak tables. The chef prepares the dishes in the middle of the restaurant, according to the ‘front-cooking’ concept. From stoneoven pizzas, salads and fresh pasta and antipasti, everything is prepared in front of your eyes to satisfy your taste. This is how you put together your favourite pasta dish: choose your type of pasta, the sauce you like and, finally, any ingredients you want to add. All the ingredients are fresh and mostly homemade, and the herbs come from our own herb garden. And no stress if you’re too relaxed to go out for dinner, Vapiano also provides a take-away and delivery service! Oosterdokskade 145, www.nl.vapiano.com


The stage of the future Amsterdam’s Nemo Science Museum is located a short bicycle ride or stroll across the footbridge from Oosterdokseiland. There’s plenty to do this autumn too, culminating in the

Her Majesty Queen Máxima opened the Humania exhibition at the NEMO Science Museum on 21 November 2019. The fourth floor of the Amsterdam Science Museum has been completely renovated. BPD Cultuurfonds contributed towards creating the centrepiece of the exhibition, namely the work of art ‘A Handstand’ produced by the Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman.

Humania exhibition about us truly: the human race.

NEMO is open every day from 10:00 to 17:30 hours, with the exception of a number of Mondays and King’s Day. www.nemosciencemuseum.nl

host of subjects about who you are as a person: from your name to how you celebrate your birthday, from the amount of willpower you have to the cells that make up your body. It also covers topics such as sex and death. You may find yourself asking if you are truly as unique as you think you are or if we are perhaps all alike.” Once again, the Weekend of Science at the Nemo Science Museum on 5 and 6 October was a resounding success. Several thousand children and adults were introduced to the Eco-Runner, a hydrogen car that can drive up to 10,000 kilometres per kilogram of hydrogen gas. Visitors had a chance to be scientists for a while in the BASF Lab. Donning white lab coats and safety goggles, children and parents set to work with baking powder, vinegar and other everyday items, carrying out special experiments and tests. Afterwards, brain scientist Job van den Hurk explained why sleep is so important, and what happens in the brain when your eyes are closed. “The Weekend of Science is the ultimate stage of the future,” says Marloes Mol, spokesperson for Nemo.


“As a science museum, we aim to bring that future closer. We do so by lowering the threshold and showing just how much fun science can be in an exciting and playful manner.” Humania exhibition “Of course, Nemo does this all year round, not only during the Weekend of Science. The Humania exhibition opened to the public on 23 November 2019. This surprising exhibition takes an in-depth look at everything about the human race. By participating in physical challenges and working on brain teasers about all kinds of dilemmas, you get to discover more about how your head, heart and body work. The biology, sociology and the psychology of people all feature in the exhibition,” explains Marloes Mol. “Humania addresses a

The centrepiece of the exhibition is the 8.5-metre sculpture ‘A Handstand’, a spectacular work by the Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. On a colossal scale, he created a human figure standing on its hands in a skeleton suit and in perfect balance. Mol: “Through this ultimate depiction of how to be upside down, inside out and yet perfectly in balance, the artist invites us to take a slightly different look at the world around us. It makes us wonder: Is there someone in that suit? And if so, who are they? The artwork also challenges you to do your own handstand in the museum and take a fresh look at your surroundings. We therefore invite everyone to visit Humania. The more visitors who make a handstand, the more fun we’ll have!”

The National Maritime Museum is open (almost) every day from 09:00 to 17:00 hours. The restaurant, shop and library are also accessible without an entry ticket. Visitors’ address: Kattenburgerplein 1 Amsterdam For more information and entry prices visit: www.scheepvaartmuseum.nl

ODE to the National Maritime Museum (Scheepvaartmuseum) In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie – VOC) was the largest trading and shipping company in the world. With a fleet of more than a hundred ships, thousands of employees, nearly thirty offices in Asia and six branches in the Republic, each with its own offices, warehouses and shipyards. Establishment of the VOC The VOC was founded in 1602 and soon developed into a powerful company with a monopoly over all Dutch trade in Asian waters extending from the Cape of Good Hope. In addition to its monopoly over trading in Asia, the VO also concluded treaties, waged wars and governed the conquered territories. The East India Company therefore wielded a great deal of power that extended beyond trading alone.

VOC ship Moored at the jetty of the National Maritime Museum, there is an exact replica of the famous VOC ship ‘Amsterdam’ that sank on its maiden voyage in 1749. The Amsterdam is one of the showpieces of the National Maritime Museum. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the East Indiamen sailed to the Far East with this type of ship. The voyage lasted about eight months. Taken together, all the East Indiamen embarked upon close to five thousand voyages of this nature.


Restaurant Geisha Unless you know about this gem, you could miss it strolling along Prins Hendrikkade admiring the stately houses. Only a small lantern and red letters on the window mark the Asian restaurant. Unobtrusive and mystical, just like the Geisha. “We’re not a hotspot where you come to be seen,” says owner Dongmie Wang. “Geisha is a restaurant with a heart.” In addition to refined, artistically decorated dishes and tantalising sakes, excellent service and hospitality are important values at this top-notch restaurant. Run by the Chinese sisters Meili, Meauw and Dongmie Wang, restaurant Geisha opened its doors ten years ago. The mystical, ‘hidden’ location and a cherry blossom full of lights in front of the door are a nod to the former Red Light district upon which Geisha’s concept is based. “A playful wink. People who have studied it a little know that the Geisha has nothing to do with prostitution,” laughs Wang. “The Geisha is mystical, a person of art.” Style and elegance are therefore important themes for both the dishes and the interior. The atmosphere is darkly chic, with elements such as a black wood and metal floor, a black leather stretch ceiling, a slate wall, a cherry blossom as a mural and bamboo lanterns.


Double entrance The restaurant is made up of several areas including a large hall at the entrance, a smaller lounge-like room with a long table, and a room with ‘champagne niches’: a number of round seats, hidden behind curtains, for intimate dining. The stairs take you down to the izakaya (Japanese for tavern) ‘Kampai’ (cheers), with its own entrance on Geldersekade. Kampai is run by someone else, but the food comes from Gaisha’s kitchen. And vice versa, Geisha’s cocktails come from the bar downstairs!

“ A restaurant with a heart”

Restaurant with a heart “Geisha is not a traditional Asian restaurant,” says Wang. “We don’t have fifty different courses, our menu is exclusive and we always buy fresh ingredients in limited volumes. It’s a question of first come, first served. We also offer ambient lounge music, not the usual oriental background music you hear in so many Japanese or Chinese restaurants.” Wang emphasises that Geisha does not aspire to be a ‘hotspot’. “People don’t come here just to be seen. We are a restaurant with a heart. A personal approach, service oriented, a ‘warm bath’ in which people are made to feel welcome. We think that’s important. All the people who work here, work with their hearts: with feeling for the business and a sense of hospitality. Just like the Geisha.”

SOTO AYAM Dongmie’s favourite recipe

Restaurant Geisha Prins Hendrikkade 106 a 020 626 24 10 restaurantgeisha.nl

Ingredients: • 1 chicken of about 1.2 to 1.5 kg • 2 sereh (lemongrass) stems, crushed • 3 yeruk purut (wild lime) leaves • 1,750 cc water • 2 teaspoons of salt • 100 g so’un (glass noodles) • 200 g of bean sprouts • 5 pointed cabbage leaves

Preparations: The chicken: Bring the water to the boil and let the chicken, sereh, yeruk purut and salt simmer at a low temperature until the chicken is cooked. Remove the chicken from the pot and let it drain. Fry the chicken until brown and cut the meat into small pieces.

Garnish: • 3 spring onions • Celery, a few sprigs • 3 potatoes • 3 eggs • Fried onions • Kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) • 1 lemon

Preparing the other ingredients: Boil the eggs for 8 minutes, peel them and cut them into wedges. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Wash the bean sprouts, blanch them in boiling water with salt and then rinse them with cold water. Soak the so’un (glass noodles) in a bowl with hot boiling water and drain. Cut the spring onions and pointed cabbage into strips and finely chop the celery leaves. Cut the lemon into sections.

Spice paste: • 5 cloves of garlic • 2 cm turmeric • 1 cm ginger • 2 tablespoons of peppercorns • 3 kemiri (candle nuts) • Oil (for frying) Sambal soto: • 10 cabai rawit (cayenne peppers) • Salt

The soup: Heat a layer of oil in the wadjan (wok) and fry the potatoes until golden brown and crispy. Then drain them. Fry the spice paste in a little oil for about 3 minutes. Mix the spice paste with the chicken stock in the pot and bring to the boil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Sambal soto: Boil the cabai rawit (cayenne peppers). Drain them and grind the peppers and salt in a mortar. Serving: Divide the noodles, bean sprouts, pointed cabbage, chicken, spring onion and celery into soup bowls and pour stock over them. Present the wedges of egg and lemon (to dress the soup itself). Sprinkle the soup with fried onions and fried potatoes and, finally, a splash of kecap manis (sweet soy sauce). Serve the soto ayam with sambal (chilli sauce).


Permanent home for

musical swings

WannaSwing was able to be installed at the Muziekgebouw thanks to support from BPD Cultuurfonds and the BAMB Foundation. More information about WannaSwing can be found at: www.wannaplayground.nl

The interactive music installation WannaSwing was permanently installed on the quay in front of the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ in Amsterdam at the end of September. WannaSwing consists of eight swings that play music. The people sitting on the swings control the compositions. Composers such as Willem Jeths, Mayke Nas, Joey Roukens and Rob Zuidam have all written works for WannaSwing. Initiators Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ and WannaPlayground want to offer visitors to the quay a playful and unique musical listening experience all around the Muziekgebouw. Maarten van Boven, artistic and managing director of the Muziekgebouw: “When we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Muziekgebouw in 2015, WannaSwing was already on our quay. People had really fun, unexpected encounters. The swings also gave them a playful way to expand their understanding of the underlying patterns of contemporary music compositions. We loved the idea so much that we wanted to give the installation a permanent location.”


Theatre maker Caecilia Thunnissen and stage designer Jan Boiten, the inventors of WannaSwing: Thunnissen: “Until now, WannaSwing was mainly at festivals such as Lowlands, Oerol and Over ’t IJ. We’re thrilled that the swings now have a permanent home on the quay of the Muziekgebouw, the international stage where cutting-edge concerts are played.” Boiten: “We want adults to rediscover their playful side while we breathe new life into classical music by taking it out of its traditional setting.”

BPD Cultuurfonds contributed to the realisation of the interactive music installation WannaSwing, which has been given a permanent home on the quay in front of the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ in Amsterdam. Other projects BPD Cultuurfonds has contributed to in the Oosterdok area include the Amsterdam Light Festival, Architectuurcentrum Amsterdam (ARCAM) and NEMO Science Museum.

The following compositions can be heard while swinging: David Dramm Wanna Play? Joey Roukens On Swings Rob Zuidam Without title Mayke Nas It don’t mean a thing Willem Jeths Trepidus Rick van Veldhuizen Spaces_between words New compositions will be added to the repertoire at set times.

“Fun, unexpected encouters”





january 2020



may 2020


may 2020

from 12.00 p.m.



Completely in line with the DISRUPT! theme, a new route has been chosen this year that deviates from the traditional route along the Herengracht. The route (Oosterdok, Oudeschans, Amstel, Nieuwe Keizersgracht, Plantage Muidergracht, Entrepotdok) explores the eastern part of the centre of Amsterdam.


A surprising exhibition in which you learn everything about your own kind: man. Human biology, sociology and psychology are themes of the exhibition. By participating in physical challenges and racking your brains to solve all kinds of problems you will discover how your brain, heart and body work.


Expeditie Oosterdok is the brainchild of the cultural institutions and companies at Oosterdok; an international, innovative district in which discovery is central. The future of the city is devised here at Oosterdok. Go out and explore during the Open House!


12-16 august 2020


For the 10th time, Amsterdam will be the backdrop to a flotilla of prestigious tall ships, the sailing heritage, and naval ships. Experience the biggest free accessible event in the Netherlands at a stone’s throw from Oosterdokseiland!

arkt OBA)

Police officer for Oosterdokseiland Corinne Kouwenberg is the acting local police officer for Oosterdokseiland. She was appointed local police officer of Nieuwmarkt Zuid in July 2019. Until 2020, when the local police officer will be appointed for Oosterdokseiland and the Lastage quarter, Corinne, together with her colleague Martijn Jongerling, will be responsible for overall supervision, crime investigation, law enforcement, but especially for identifying incidents and giving advice. She is in close contact with other network partners such as the city of Amsterdam, housing, entrepreneurs and residents. Does a lot happen on Oosterdokseiland or can a local police officer get bored? “I start the day at the precinct, where I’m briefed about the day’s events. Then I set off. I don’t spend the whole day on Oosterdokseiland but try to include it on my route when I’m on duty. Especially when I receive reports of a nuisance or when assistance is needed following an incident. I almost never get bored; there’s always plenty to do in the city centre.” Can you tell us something about your daily activities? “I talk to a lot of residents and local traders. I do my best to keep other parties informed and work with them to find solutions. For example, the nuisance caused by the homeless in the centre of Amsterdam. It’s a problem that requires everyone’s involvement: police officers, wardens, healthcare professionals, the municipality of Amsterdam as well as residents and local businesses. I also act based on what I observe on Oosterdokseiland. I report violations and I give directions to tourists. I also have a good relationship with a number of businesses, and especially the OBA, the Amsterdam Public Library. We assist them, for example, when they feel harassed by people who don’t follow the house rules. I also respond to reports from residents about people on the street whose behaviour alarms them. I often accompany a person working at the city’s public health service (GGD). Disputes between neighbours are also part of the job.” Do you work both day and night shifts? “I mostly work day shifts because consulting with other parties is generally something you do during the day. But I can and do work in the evening and sometimes nights. It depends, really.” Have you experienced things that you’ll never forget? “I’ve been working with the police in Amsterdam since 1997, so I’ve seen and experienced quite a lot. You never forget the nasty incidents, so I seek comfort in the things I’ve done to help people. As a local police officer, you can often go that extra mile for someone because you have more time. Which is exactly why I became a local police officer!”


“Vegetables & fruit bring out emotions in people”

“See that apple tree? We got that from the neighbour. It had never carried fruit, and now it has five apples. We’re going to organise an apple pie competition!” Mariken de Goede has to laugh. She’s the initiator of the Ruijtergaard, a small ‘orchard’ with tree planters full of edible greenery wedged between De Ruijterkade and the train tracks. In 2018, De Goede gave the winning pitch to the municipality of Amsterdam’s call for tenders to breathe new life into the neglected strip of green that ran along the train tracks. Her idea to turn it into a food forest was received with great enthusiasm. Things went quickly from there. “We now have twelve tree planters. Not your usual square planters, I won’t even consider those, but planters made by the Stadshout foundation from

the soil for the planters comes from a farmer in Gein. It’s local soil, not potting soil from Poland. The Poles shouldn’t be digging up their centuries-old peat landscape for us to use as potting soil.”

elm trees that used to live in the city. The planters have an ingenious built-in water collection system that enables the plants and trees to survive up to three months without rain.”

the organic waste from residents and businesses on De Ruijterkade. The waste goes into the hotels, and within a year the worms turn the contents of a whole container into worm poop. That’s the best soil there is; really excellent quality soil. It gets put in the tree planters and keeps them healthy.”

De Goede loves food forests. “You can eat a lot more than you think. The planter over there - she points towards central station - contains a fuchsia. The berries are edible. This planter contains a hydrangea. You can ferment the leaves and make tea from them. And, well, the apples and strawberries speak for themselves; they’re simply delicious.”

What was once a neglected strip of green is now a food forest. Soon, people will be harvesting apples and picking strawberries - welcome to the Ruijtergaard, a green oasis between the train tracks and De Ruijterkade.

The nice thing about food forests is that they connect people, De Goede continues. “Vegetables and fruit bring out emotions in people. Everyone has a story to tell about them. I spent years selling vegetables and fruit at the Noorder farmers’ market, and there was always something to talk about. Stories about the grandfather’s pear tree, the vegetable patch... Stuff like that.” Connect, that’s what she wants to do with the neighbours at De Ruijterkade. “There are a lot of trendy companies here. People rush into work in the morning and rush back out in the evening. I hope they’ll stop here from time to time, walk outside, enjoy the plants, nature, forget time.” Worm hotels Yes, everything that happens at the Ruijtergaard follows the principles of the circular economy. “For example,


Since the beginning of this year, the Ruijtergaard also has two worm hotels and a third is in the planning. “There are six thousand worms in one hotel. We use the worm hotels to compost

The Ruijtergaard is one of the ‘gardens’ of the Amstergaard Foundation, of which De Goede is one of the founders. “We’ve been around since December 2018. We’re still very young, but things are moving quickly. We already have tree planters at the MuseumHaven, the Zonneplein in Noord. It’s spreading through the city like an oil slick. My dream is that people will one day walk through Amsterdam without leaving the garden. Not on a red, but on a green carpet. That would be lovely, wouldn’t it?”

“We create edible oases with love and craftsmanship. In the heart of the city, residents and businesses join forces to plant, look after, harvest and share the crop. Circular, delicious, inclusive, aware. This is our way of transforming Amsterdam, together, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, into an even prettier city.” www.amstergaard.nl

Disclaimer This brochure has been carefully compiled based on data and drawings provided by architects and consultants. We nevertheless reserve the right with regard to changes. All impressions in this brochure are so-called ‘artist impressions’ from which no rights can be derived. These renderings are intended to provide the best possible impression of the future luxury apartment building on Oosterdokseiland, the City Campus of Booking.com and the residences. With the definitive purchase of an apartment, buyers receive the contract documents and any additional information. Š Copyright December 2019



ODE lot 5b/6: design by UNStudio


Sale of 42 luxury apartments in 2020

ode-apartments.nl 30

Meet the estate agents Broersma Nieuwbouw was involved in the construction of the buildings that were built for ODE between 2009 and 2012. “We are proud to now be involved in the sale of this final phase. Our team of experienced and enthusiastic real estate agents is at the ready: Nanneke Koopman, Kees Kemp and Vivian van Middelaar will work with Nadine van der Heijden and Anna van ‘t Westeinde. Our goal is to provide an optimal customer journey for buyers and future residents.” Contact: Koningslaan 14, 1075 AC Amsterdam 020 305 97 88, www.broersma.nl

From left to right: Nanneke Koopman, Vivian van Middelaar, Anna van ’t Westeinde & Kees Kemp.

Eefje Voogd Real Estate Agents love special homes and special people and will go to great lengths for them. Even if it means doing something unusual. “We’ve been involved in this beautiful inner city project since the very beginning. Once an impoverished area and still a wild island today, it has lovely areas for a sun-soaked stroll. After so many years of involvement in Oosterdokseiland, we are very honoured to have been asked to be the real estate agent in this final phase. We have 19 enthusiastic, experienced and driven real estate agents. Eefje Voogd and Els Verpoorten are the dedicated contacts for ODE.” Contact: Parnassusweg 201, 1077 DG Amsterdam 020 305 05 60, www.eefjevoogd.nl

Els Verpoorten

Eefje Voogd


Living in a smart home In 2020 the apartments on the tip of Oosterdokseiland will go on sale. All apartments are amply equipped with domotics, also known as smart home technology. “Domotics increase the residents’ living comfort.” “Imagine you want to bake an apple pie but don’t have a recipe. What could be easier than using the voice assistant to find a manual on how to bake apple pie, which then immediately displays on the TV screen? Or, imagine walking along Oosterdokskade on your way home and using your mobile phone to switch on the lights or the espresso machine. That’s not only cool, but useful too, right?” Jan van den Brink is Business Unit Manager at Van den Pol Elektrotechniek. He is ultimately responsible for the technical installation of domotics in the 42 apartments that are being built at the top of the Oosterdokseiland between the Conservatory and Booking.com’s new City Campus. If everything goes according to plan, the apartments will go on sale in 2020. “All 42 apartments are equipped with domotics or smart home technology,” explains Van den Brink. “That means that you as a resident can remotely control various functions in your home from your iPad, smartphone via an app, such as dimming the lights, turning up the thermostat or adjusting the stereo speakers.”


DJ in his early thirties “It’s not because the technology is available that you have to use it,” Van den Brink emphasises. ‘It’s up to the buyer to decide if and how they use domotics. We offer a package of basic functions. What the resident does with it depends on the their wishes. Every resident is different. A DJ in his early thirties who works a lot with technology would probably have fun discovering all the technical gadgets in the house, while a senior couple would likely be more than happy to control the lights remotely. Everything else they would do manually, just as they’ve always done.”

“ Domotics increase the residents’ living comfort” In short, domotics are a convenience intended to make residents’ lives easier. “We hope it will further enhance their living comfort rather than be an obstacle. If a resident can’t see the wood for the trees, well, then we missed the point. And that’s not the purpose of the exercise.”


A unique location in the centre of town with the allure of high-end modern design and sustainable living. On both sides of the Odebrug, which connects Oosterdokseiland with the centre of Amsterdam, hangs an ode to the city by poet Simon Carmiggelt: “Amsterdam is a wonderful city to leave and come back to.”

ODE Apartments: high-end living in a vibrant environment Living on Oosterdokseiland means living in modern design with a breathtaking view of the historic city centre of Amsterdam. The rich mix of metropolitan functions, excellent accessibility and parking facilities create a unique setting. ODE Apartments is rising on an island in Amsterdam between Oosterdok and IJ: an exclusive and sustainable apartment building in a dynamic setting. The area surrounding ODE Apartments has every convenience. Enjoy a creamy café latte or intense espresso at one of the coffee bars, dine in the restaurants on Oosterdokseiland or the city centre and go to a concert in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ. The OBA Public Library around the corner offers a wide range of exhibitions, lectures, literary evenings and other activities. In addition to daily amenities such as a supermarket and gym, you will be living in the immediate vicinity of restaurant Scheepskameel, the Hilton Double Tree Hotel and restaurant Choux. The IJtunnel or the Odebrug (also for cyclists) will get you to Amsterdam Central Station and the bustling city centre within minutes. The green and trendy district of Amsterdam Noord, with the EYE Filmmuseum, the Tolhuistuin and the city parks is within arm’s reach.

Life with a view The impressive ODE apartment building will be home to 42 luxury, sunny new-build apartments spread over nine floors with a sweeping view of the Oosterdok and the world city of Amsterdam. There will be different types of apartments, but all will have a spacious living room with a view of historic Amsterdam. There will be urban pieds-à-terre and spacious two-storey apartments. The living area of the apartments will vary from 67 m2 to 298 m2.





De Odebrug


Amsterdam Centraal Station


Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ


Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA)


2 3

7 1

Restaurant Scheepskameel


Hotel Hilton Double Tree


Restaurant Choux


EYE Filmmuseum



6 4


The modern apartments are designed for optimum natural light thanks to floor-to-ceiling windows. The apartments have spacious living rooms and a high-quality finish and have under-floor heating and cooling as standaard. Some apartments have walk-in closets and/or extra high ceilings. All apartments have an outdoor area. In one type of apartment the balcony is accessed through the master bedroom, in other apartments the balcony is accessed through a sliding door in the living room. The apartments are equipped with a video door phone with a colour screen that is connected to the electric door opener for the main entrance. All apartments have a private storage room in the basement and there are private parking spaces with electric charging points available.


ODEMAGAZINE winter 2019/2020

Oosterdokseiland: Small island, great place

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