Backpain is the most relative pain that almost everyone can testify once in their lives, they have experienced. A lot of people who experience back pain are people who always working in companies that require servicemen such as mechanics and other typical jobs in the job market. In many occasions you will also find persons of old age complaining about their back pain. There are many things that result to back pain from the way we sit down to how we sleep during the night are some of the reasons that lead to back pain when we wake up.
Reasons to Back Pain
1. Spinal Stenosis Many individuals who have this it is because their spinal channel has narrowed. This enhances pressure on the spine and nerves this results, your body limbs and shoulders to feel numb. This will always happen to people older than 60. This can happens to you according to Odeta Stuikys Rose when age is catching up with you.
2. Spondylolisthesis When a bone around the spine slips forward or goes out of place, especially in the lower back. The progressive form of this condition leads to arthritis. This weakens the joints and ligaments hence the spine aligned. It leads to the moving forward over a vertebra.
3. Accidents and Injuries According to Odeta Rose a lot of car accidents, falls, sprains, tensions and fractures are also the main causes of back pain. A lot of Injuries can cause some of the physical problems but others can cause pain all on their own.
4. Herniated or slipped discs Odeta Rose mentioned that the soft tissue in the discs between your joints may have come out which is mainly caused by wear and tear. Herniated discs can lead to pain in your lower back or hip because the nerves may be pressed.
5. Bulging discs These obtrude, which is not as much as with a herniated disc. You don’t frequently have signs with this. You will start feeling it pushing on the nerve root.
Ways in Which Exercise Can Release Back Pain
1. Lower Tummy Strengthening A fitness trainer- Odeta Rose explains that it is important to always strengthen your lower tummy muscles this is because these muscles work in relation with the lower back. This, therefore, suggests that if the lower tummy muscles are weak the lower back can tighten up and the consequences of this are the lower back pain. This exercise is extremely gentle and also very effective. You just need to lie on your back with knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Breathe in and when you breathe out to bring one knee in closer to your chest and as you breathe in again return the foot back to the floor.
2. Deep Abdominal Strengthening Deep Abdominal Strengthening is the valuable muscle that needs to be strengthened. This provides a great deal of support for the lower back. Many people lack a lot of strength in this muscle. It is extremely weak and this usually leads to lower back pain. When carrying out this exercise you should lie on your back, then place a small cushion under your head, then bend your knees. Your feet should then be hip distance apart and placed on the floor. You should then keep your upper body relaxed and your chin gently tucked in.Â
The following should follow, deep breath in, and as you breathe out to focus on drawing your belly button in towards your spine. This should beheld in gently through contraction for 5 to 10 secondswhen you breathe out one should relax their tummy muscles. This will be a slow, gentle tightening, therefore, one should aim to use less than a quarter of your maximum strength. You can do it five times.
3. Bird Dog Activating your lower back is very important in helping its recovery. When carrying out this exercise get onto all fours, you ensure your hands are directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Your spine should be in a neutral location and make sure to keep your head in line with your spine. Always make a deep breath in and as you breathe out to make sure to extend one leg and the opposite arm to in line with your spine. You also need to keep your spine in a neutral position at all times, so that you don’t let your lower back slump down.Â
Wait for 5-10 seconds and as you breathe out to make sure to lower both the leg and arm to the ground. Do this exercise about 8 to 12 times.
4. Pelvic Tilts This exercise is the best for mobilizing the lower back muscles. One just need to bend your knees and keep your feet hip-width separately and placed on the floor. Your upper body should be relaxed and your chin should gently be tucked-in, moderately level your lower back into the floor and relax your stomach muscles. Then tilt your pelvis near your heels until you start feeling a gentle arch in the lower back. You start to feel your back muscles contracting and returning to the early position.Â
The following step is putting one hand on your stomach and the other under the lower back to feel the correct muscles working. One should repeat these 8 to 12 times by leaning your pelvis back and forth in slow motion.
In conclusion, by doing these types of exercises you will start to recognize that the back pain you might have had before will start to disappear slowly and when you constantly repeat this exercise for the next few days you will find that the back pain will disappear completely as quickly as possible and for those who may be too old to perform other exercises one can decide to adapt to other methods that may be friendlier to avoid accidental situations that may lead to one overworking their muscles or leading to fatigue due to old age.