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The Weight Loss Manual

Vitto | Weight Loss

Eating fat doesn’t make you fat, carbohydrates do.

Nutritional Disclaimer By accessing and using this book and course content (Vitto Weight Loss), you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. Before undertaking a new lifestyle change, you must seek medical advice. Our opinions are not intended as medical advice and should not be taken as medical advice - we urge you to research your own health and form your own opinions. Any lifestyle change may affect your health, so please ensure you are under appropriate medical care. Ensure your medication and blood results are reviewed regularly. Dietary changes may change your biological markers such as blood pressure, lipid profile, blood glucose control, inflammation, weight and need for medication. This manual is not meant for individual advice as you need to be seen by your doctor or dietician for this on a regular basis. This manual is to inspire and help those who choose to eat this way and help you with practical ideas. It is not meant as a substitute for medical advice or medical treatment. Nutritional values may vary depending on which brand of food you buy. For accuracy, please calculate your own nutritional values. They are indicative ONLY. Odyssey Knebworth Ltd and its employees disclaim any and all liability of any kind with respect to any act or omission wholly or in part in reliance on anything contained in this manual or course content.

Why Go Low Carb?

We are told that eating fat will make you fat. It is actually when you eat fat AND too many carbohydrates. When you consume carbohydrates, they are converted into glucose by your body. The pancreas then secretes insulin (or it may need to be injected) to reduce the blood glucose levels. Insulin is our fat STORING hormone and fat burning is switched off. If we have very little amounts of carbohydrates in our diet, we require less insulin, and therefore store less fat and able to burn fat. Different people can tolerate, and remain healthy, with large amounts of carbohydrates and some virtually none (diabetics). Also as we get older, our ability to handle carbohydrates may diminish and we may get pre-diabetes or insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes). When we consume too many carbs, our body will produce more insulin to help reduce the large amount of glucose now in our blood, leading to hyperinsulinaemia.

By Restricting Your Carb Intake You: -

• stabilise blood sugar levels • stabilise insulin release • stabilise hunger signals and learn to really recognise true hunger • stop insulin spikes which lead to crashes in blood sugar then insatiable hunger • lose weight • improve blood lipid profile – increase good cholesterol, decrease bad and lower triglycerides • improved nutrient intake • can help prevent developing type 2 diabetes by reducing your insulin levels • reduce inflammation in arteries and veins which is a contributing factor to cardiovascular disease and dementia

Why Go Low Carb?

By eating a low carb-high fat diet, you are sustained throughout the day. You don’t get the sugar spikes and then sugar crashes, you don’t need the cake and coffee to stimulate you in the afternoon slump, your whole unprocessed food intake increases, your blood lipid profile improves, blood pressure drops, need for type 2 medication and insulin will be reduced, thinking will be clearer for the entire day, your gut will improve the ability to absorb nutrients, migraines will reduce and much more.

How to Start a Low Carb Diet These are the first 5 things you should stop to cut our sugar and carbs from your diet: 1. Fizzy drinks, fruit juice, flavoured milk and energy drinks – liquid sugar in a bottle. Even the fruit juice and flavoured milk. 2. Sweets, confectionery, sugary treats – and don’t be fooled but the ones that market themselves as being made with real fruit juice. They are still little cubes of sugar but packed into an attractive sweet. 3. Baking, cakes, biscuits, pastries – all incredibly high in sugar, wheat, carbs and bad fats. 4. Cereals – especially the wholegrain ones. Highly processed, high in sugar and fortified. It will make you have a low sugar crash later in the morning and not fulfil you. 5. Sugar & Flour – if you give up these 2 things, you will improve your health, weight and nutrition beyond belief. People may say it is restrictive and you are giving up entire food groups, but what you are giving up is food products. It is only because flour and sugar are incorporated into so many products that it appears to be restrictive.

Low Carb Shopping List Try to visit the supermarket only twice a week. If you go on the weekend to stock up on fresh ingredients for the week, then again Wednesday or Thursday. This can cut your food costs down and also help you stop the temptation to buy junk food, sweets and snacks. You will have to plan your shop and your weekly meals in order to get this right, but it’s worth the 10 or 20 minutes to keep your eating on track. You also don’t spend money on takeaways. Just one night’s takeaway meal can easily add up to be the same cost to feed a family for a few days on real food. A good alternative takeaway meal is a cooked chicken and a bag of salad. Easy, peasy and so good. Remember to check the labels for carb and fat content as different brands can have hugely different values. Coconut cream is a great example where carbohydrate can vary from 1.6 to 6% and fat can vary from 12 to 28%. Start reading the labels of ALL the products you buy. It really is an eye opener. You will soon instinctively know what brands you can buy and what to avoid. Some brands of canned tuna can be filled with sugar and wheat! Others are in olive oil. Learn the difference. Even “healthy’ foods have natural sugars, added sugars, dried fruit etc and different brands of the same product can also vary greatly. When calculating recipes, ensure you have chosen the correct brand of food you are using as nutritional values can vary enormously. To calculate net carbs, simply deduct the fibre from the total carb value.’

To calculate net carbs, simply deduct the fibre from the total carb value.

Low Carb Shopping List • • • • • • •

Olives – black or stuffed Tinned/canned tomatoes Nuts, seeds – avoid peanuts and cashews Almond flour, ground almonds Coconut flour Stevia, erythritol Cocoa Coconut shredded unsweetened Sugar free jelly Almond flour/meal Himalayan salt Herbs and spices Fresh herbs – start growing your own basil, mint, chives, coriander etc Vinegars Full fat mayonnaise

All fresh vegetables (except starchy root vegetables which are high in carbs, e.g.:Potato 22.9g/piece, kumara 19.7g/piece, parsnip 19.7g/piece) Fruits – go for berries (average 5g/cup) compared to 1 banana 30.8g, apple 15.1g, pineapple 18.7g/cup, dried apricots 16.1g for 10 halves, raisins 91.8g/cup) Salad ingredients All meats, but try to buy free range, grass fed meats (Church Farm are the best local producers of meat). • • • • • • •

Bacon - with minimal processing, no added sugar or honey cured Chicken – whole, breasts, legs, mince/ground Sausages – read labels to ensure the highest meat content (minimum 80%) and no fillers like wheat, rice etc (Heck & Black Farmer are examples) Fish – salmon, snapper, frozen shrimps, mussels, hoki, tuna, sardines and all fatty omega 3 rich seafood. Avoid all processed battered or crumbed fish. Eggs – have these boiled, fried, omelette, scrambled….. Cheese – all types of full fat, also cream, full fat yoghurt, cream cheese, full fat sour cream, feta Haloumi Oils - Avocado oil Olive oil Butter Coconut oil Macadamia oil Avoid seed oils such as sunflower, canola etc as high in omega 6

Top 10 Easy Low Carb Snacks Snacking isn’t easy to give up – it can take months. You will finally learn the difference between hunger, boredom, thirst and habit. Have snacks ready, and don’t go hungry because you are more likely to become so hungry, that you end up eating something you shouldn’t. Part of changing our total way of eating and thinking about food, is learning not to overindulge on any one food, go for variety to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need. Try and get into the habit of eating something that takes a little preparation. You will enjoy the ritual of making it and the whole ‘snack experience’ will take longer rather than an instant fix. Here are our top 10 easy low carb snacks. 1. Antipasto platter – make a small plate with a selection of cheeses, pate, raw vegetable sticks, ham, salami, peppers, olives, etc. Use cucumber slices instead of wheat/rice crackers. 2. Avocado – slice an avocado in half and season with salt and pepper then eat straight from the avocado skin. Sprinkle with sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds to make it more filling and nutritious. 3. Eggs – any which way. Keep a stash of boiled eggs in the fridge for easy snacks, take them to work, have them fried, poached, scrambled. 4. Meat – any cold meat from the deli counter is great to keep on hand. Leftover roast meat, leftover meatballs, bacon, sausages etc are all quick and easy low carb snacks. Remember to choose meat which has minimal processing, so choose ham off the bone (not pre-formed), bacon with no honey or sugar, pepperoni/salami with 98% or more meat/fat and minimal additives, sausages 85% or more meat. 5. Tuna/shrimps – seafood is a great snack. Take a tin of tuna to work and eat it as it is, or mix with mayonnaise for a bigger snack/lunch. Shrimps can be taken to work, also plain or with added mayonnaise. Try the different flavours of tuna tins available, but read the nutrition label as many are high in added sugars or unhealthy vegetable oils. 6. Low carb high fat yoghurt – add a sprinkle of nut muesli and/or add a spoon of coconut cream.

7. Drinks – are you hungry or thirsty? Go for sparkling water, creamy coffee, diet drinks (only at the beginning to wean you off soda, then stop them completely), iced tea, herbal teas etc. 8. Nuts and seeds – a good source or protein and fibre but choose nuts wisely and don’t overdo them. Cashews are the highest in carbs. Bring bags of nuts to work or in the car for a convenient snack food. Read the nutrition labels for bags of nuts as they often contain raisins, dried fruit or added flavourings and sugars. 9. Berries – are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants which fight free radicals that cause ageing, disease and low immunity. Eat them fresh in season, or suck on the frozen ones. Buy a variety of berries to get all the different nutrients and properties they offer. 10. Dark chocolate – buy 80% or above dark chocolate as the higher the cocoa content, the more health benefits and the less sugar it will contain. Read the nutrient labels of different brands in the supermarket as they vary widely. Also by being bitter chocolate, you are more likely to eat only 1 or 2 squares and really appreciate it, rather than a whole block disappearing before you know it.


Do you struggle with weight loss? Do you have unstable blood sugars? Do you have an appetite you just can’t turn off? Have you tried every diet and exercised relentlessly, but never see any changes? Do you have diabetes, insulin resistance, coeliac disease, PCOS or allergies? Eating low carb could help you. Carbohydrates, whether they’re simple (such as sugar) or complex (such as whole grains), are simply glucose molecules stuck together. When we eat any carbohydrate (including sugar, potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, cakes, sweets, beans and honey), it raises our blood sugar, causing the hormone insulin to be released. Insulin is the driver of hunger and fat storage. When we eat a low-carb diet, our bodies become fat burners, not sugar burners. Most people experience a reduced appetite, improved mood and stable blood sugars. You’ll find the food is fresh and vibrant; choose nutrient-dense ingredients such as non-starchy vegetables, quality meat and eggs, dairy, nuts and seeds. When you eat unprocessed, whole food, you almost become low carb by default. It really is that simple.

Isn’t weight loss about calories in versus calories out?

No. It’s about the type of food we eat, which has a huge impact on our hormones, appetite control and fat storage. Eating a low-carb diet helps fat, not glucose, become the body’s fuel of choice. Cutting down calories too far causes hunger, making you eventually cave in and eat high-carb treats. Yes, we lose weight when we cut calories, but only in the short term, as our metabolism switches to “starvation” mode and it doesn’t address detoxification at any level.

Isn’t it unhealthy to eliminate food groups?

Eating low carb does not mean you eliminate a food group, but cuts out the wheat, grains and sugar found in thousands of processed products. You still eat nutrient-dense carbohydrates in berries and low-carb fruit, non-starchy vegetables and other real food. You reduce the impact carbs have on your body, lowering your insulin levels and improving your appetite control and cholesterol pro le.

Why avoid grains?

Modern grains are completely different to the grains our ancestors ate, and they did not consume the volume that most people do now. Eliminating grains – including whole grains – from your diet means you immediately stop eating processed foods such as bread, cakes, pasta, rice and biscuits. It dramatically reduces your carb intake, reduces insulin levels and stabilises hunger. Remember: grains raise blood sugar and insulin as much as table sugar.

Why should we eat more healthy fats?

We have been told for decades to reduce dietary fat, in the belief that fat makes us fat and causes heart disease. But the current low-fat guidelines are based on poor science. Eating plenty of healthy, naturally occurring fats such as extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and butter keeps you fuller for longer. They also help keep sugar cravings away and stabilise hormones.

Surely we need carbs to fuel our body and brain?

No – our bodies are brilliant adapters and can run far more efficiently on fat. When we switch to a low-carb, high-fat diet, the body burns fat. We can only store a limited amount of glucose (from carbohydrates) as glycogen, but we have an almost unlimited supply of energy as fat.

Why can’t I just eat everything in moderation?

Sure, have a treat occasionally – just not every day, or even every week. People who don’t want to change their eating habits regard the phrase “eating in moderation” as a wonderful get-out clause. Junk-food companies love the term “moderation” as it allows them to justify their products as part of a “balanced diet”. “Everything in moderation” is actually very bad dietary advice.

Won’t all that fat give me cardiovascular disease?

In February 2017, the World Heart Federation President Salim Yusuf presented some of the data from the 17-country, 140,000-person PURE study on diet and cardiovascular disease. His conclusions? As carbohydrate intake is increased, there’s an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It also found that increasing mono unsaturated fats – such a olive oil – is protective (eaten cold), plus saturated fats may be beneficial (and, at the very least, do no harm).

What about my cholesterol?

Cholesterol forms the building blocks for all our sex hormones, bile acid and vitamin D, and is required by almost every cell in our bodies. It is so vital that our bodies can manufacture it. It’s also worth noting that cholesterol is a poor predictor of heart

disease. Half of those with heart disease have “normal” cholesterol levels, and half of those with “high” cholesterol levels have healthy hearts. Most heart-attack victims have cholesterol within the normal range. Inflammation is the real killer. And what causes inflammation? You guessed it: a diet high in sugar, processed carbs and stress.

How do I start eating low carb?

Cut out the junk. At every meal, choose the most nutrient-dense food you can: goodquality meat or fish, non-starchy vegetables, full-fat dairy, nuts, seeds and possibly lowsugar fruit (berries). This way, processed, high-carb foods will start to feature less often. And don’t drink your sugar – fizzy drinks, fruit juice and flavoured milks are the biggest source of sugar for many.

How many carbs should I eat per day?

There is no strict definition of low carb, but many regard 50g-100g total carbs per day as being low carb. Don’t get too caught up with counting carb grams to begin with, though – just reducing your carbs will be beneficial.

Recipes Breakfast

Orange And Pecan Grain Free Granola

Orange and pecan grain free granola is the perfect way to ditch the boring cereals and toast. Paced with flavour and nutrition. One batch will last a couple of weeks. Course Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 20 minutes Total Time 25 minutes Servings Calories 273 kcal Ingredients • 500 g desiccated/shredded coconut unsweetened • 300 g sunflower seeds • 300 g pumpkin seeds • 70 g slivered almonds • 40 g psyllium husks • 70 g pecans chopped • 4 tbsp stevia or more, to your taste • 50 g coconut oil melted • zest of 1 orange Instructions 1. Place all the nuts and seeds on a baking dish, then mix. 2. Pour the melted coconut oil over the mixed nuts and seeds, add the sweetener and orange zest. Mix again. 3. Bake at 180C/ 350F for 20 minutes until golden brown. You MUST stir the granola as it bakes and browns every 3-4 minutes to ensure the granola doesn’t burn. Stirring it so often ensure the granola is crispy through the entire batch 4. Once the entire grain free granola is browned and baked, remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before placing in storage jars. Recipe Notes • Serving size is 1/2 cup, aprox 45g. • Store in the fridge for up to 2 months or can be frozen for up to 3 months. Nutrition Facts Amount Per Serving (45 g) Total Fat 39% Total Carbohydrates 3% Dietary Fiber 23% Sugars 1.8g Protein 14%

Coconut Flour Porridge Breakfast Cereal (Paleo, Grain Free) Prep Time: 2 mins Cook Time: 5 mins Total Time: 7 mins A simple warming paleo coconut flour porridge for quiet mornings. This low carb breakfast cereal comes together in minutes providing a fast ketogenic, grain-free breakfast option. Ingredients • 2 tablespoons coconut flour • 2 tablespoons golden flax meal • 3/4 cup water • pinch of salt • 1 large egg, beaten • 2 teaspoons butter or ghee • 1 tablespoon heavy cream or coconut milk Instructions 1. Measure the first four ingredients into a small pot over medium heat and stir. When it begins to simmer, turn it down to medium-low and whisk until it begins to thicken. 2. Remove the coconut flour porridge from heat and add the beaten egg, a half at a time, while whisking continuously. Place back on the heat and continue to whisk until the porridge thickens. 3. Remove from the heat and continue to whisk for about 30 seconds before adding the butter and cream 4. Garnish with your favorite toppings such as blueberries (5.6 grams net carbs) Nutrition Facts Amount Per Serving Calories 453 Calories from Fat 35 Total Fat 39g, 60% (% Daily Value*) Total Carbohydrates 14g, 5% Dietary Fiber 9,g 36% Protein 13g, 26%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Poached Egg on Toast Ingredients 2 large eggs Cooked Spinach (from fresh) - 92g Cooked Mushrooms (from fresh in fat) - 80g Avocado - 3 slices Whole Wheat Bread Unsalted butter 7g Nutrition Facts Protein - 24% Carbs - 35% Fat - 26% Fibre - 9% Sugar - 5%

What about Cauliflower Toast? Grate cauliflower on a box grater. Transfer to a large bowl and mix with 1 egg and a large pinch of salt. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat olive oil. Add 2 big scoops of cauliflower mixture to pan and shape into a round patty. Repeat to make a second patty. Let cook until golden brown, about 5 minutes, then carefully flip. Cook 3 more minutes. Transfer to a plate. In same skillet, fry remaining 2 eggs and set aside. In a small bowl, mash avocado with lemon juice. Season with salt. Spread on top of cauliflower “toast.� Sprinkle with red chili flakes. Top each with a fried egg. Serve immediately.

Omlette with Cheese & Bacon 2 eggs with a splash of cream, 3 slices bacon, half an avocado, a bit of shredded cheese, topped with a dollop of sour cream Servings per recipe: 1

Amount Per Serving Total Fat: 57% Total Carbs: 1% Dietary Fiber: 6% Protein: 36%

Smoked Salmon Scrambled Eggs 2 large eggs 1/2 oz. smoked salmon, chopped 1 Tbsp. double cream 1 tsp. fresh chives, chopped Pepper, to taste 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

Directions Put the coconut oil into a frying pan. Heat over medium heat about 1 minute. Meanwhile, beat eggs and cream cheese lightly with a fork. Add to pan; stir to scramble lightly. Add salmon and chives, stir again gently. When eggs are done (don’t overcook), season with pepper, if desired. Servings Per Recipe: 1

Amount Per Serving Total Fat: 44% Dietary Fiber: 0% Protein: 56%

Pancakes with Berries and Cream Ingredients 4 Servings 4 eggs 200g. cottage cheese 1 tablespoon ground psyllium husk powder 60g. butter or coconut oil Toppings 8 tablespoons fresh raspberries or fresh blueberries or fresh strawberries 1 cup heavy whipping cream Instructions Blend all ingredients for the batter in a bowl with a spoon or a big fork. Let it expand for 5 minutes or more. Heat butter or oil in a frying pan. Fry the pancakes on medium heat for 3–4 minutes on each side. Flip very carefully. Be sure not to let the cottage cheese lumps stick to the pan as they melt. Serve with blueberries or other berries, and heavy cream whipped until soft peaks form. Tip! These pancakes are also a great snack served cold! Wrap a few up and bring them to work with you!

Nutrition Fat - 83% Protein - 12% Carbs - 4% 5g carbs per serving

Low Carb Hash Browns 4 Servings 450g cauliflower 3 eggs ½ yellow onion, grated 1 teaspoon salt 2 pinches pepper 120g butter, for frying Instructions 1. Rinse, trim and shred the cauliflower. 2. Mix with the other ingredients in a bowl. Set aside for 5–10 minutes. 3. Melt a generous amount of butter or oil on medium heat in a large skillet. The cooking process will go quicker if you plan to have room for 3–4 pancakes (about 3–4 inches each) at a time. Use the oven on low heat to keep the first batches of pancakes warm while you make the others. 4. Place scoops of the grated cauliflower mixture in the frying pan and flatten them carefully until they measure about 3–4 inches in diameter. 5. Fry for 4–5 minutes on each side. Adjust the heat to make sure they don’t burn. Remember — patience is a virtue — if you flip the pancakes too soon they may fall apart! Nutrition Fat - 83% Protein - 10% Carbs - 7% 5g Carbs per serving

Greek Omelette A great choice for breakfast or lunch Ingredients Serves - 1 2 large eggs 4 handfuls of baby spinach small sprig of fresh dill 1 tablespoon of chopped kalamata olives 60g of feta cheese Method Saute the spinach in a little coconut oil or water, until it wilts. Set aside. Whisk the eggs and pour in to an omelette pan. Once the eggs are almost completely cooked, lay the spinach across the middle. Add the dill, feta, and kalamata olives, and fold. Cook for another 2-3 minutes to soften the cheese.

Ian’s Breakfast Smoothie Ingredients 1 Serving 1 Avocado 2 Teaspoons of Coconut Oil 1 Teaspoon of Peanut Butter Handful of spinach 1 Scoop of protein powder 250ml of water Handful of almonds on the side Instructions • • •

Put it all in a blender - super quick, super easy! Reduce or increase the amount of water to adust thickness as desired Options – replace spinach for Kale/ add Chia seeds

Nutrition Fat - 51% Protein - 27% Carbs - 24% (4% Sugar)

Easy Avocado Boats - 3 Ways This is recipe heaven for those who don’t like to cook. Healthy easy avocado boats filled with tuna mayo, prawn cocktail or a baked egg with bacon bits. Keto, Paleo low-carb heaven. Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Total Time 15 minutes

Tuna Mayonnaise

• 50 g tinned/canned tuna drained • 3 tbsp mayonnaise

Baked Egg With Bacon & Chives • 1 egg • 2 tbsp cooked bacon pieces • 1 tbsp fresh chives chopped

Prawn Cocktail

• 50 g prawns pre-cooked • 3 tbsp mayonnaise • 2 tsp tomato paste • pinch chilli optional

Instructions Tuna Mayonnaise

1. Mix the tuna and mayonnaise and any spices you like, add to the centre of the avocado boat. 2. Sprinkle with salt and cracked pepper.

Baked Egg With Bacon & Chives

1. Crack an egg into the hollowed out centre of the avocado. Bake at 180C/350F for 10 minutes, or until the egg is cooked to your preference. 2. Serve with cooked bacon pieces and chopped chives (optional) with salt and cracked pepper.

Prawn Cocktail

1. Mix the pre-cooked prawns, mayonnaise, tomato paste and chilli (optional) together. 2. Place into the avocado centre. Garnish with a sprinkle of chilli, salt and cracked pepper.

Blue Cheese, Bacon, and Mushroom Pie

This is the perfect pie for Winter dinners or a Summer picnic. Packed with blue cheese, bacon, and mushrooms makes this pie an incredible tasty and sturdy. if you don’t like blue cheese, simply swap for your favourite cheese. Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Total Time 45 minutes Servings slices Calories 265 kcal

Ingredients Blue Cheese Bacon Mushroom Pie Crust • 150 g almond meal/flour • 1 egg • 1 tbsp coconut flour • salt and pepper to taste

Blue Cheese Bacon Mushroom Pie Filling • 30 g butter for frying • 2 cloves garlic crushed • 4 slices bacon diced • 400 g mushrooms quartered • 125 ml heavy cream • 100 g blue cheese or your favourite cheese • 4 eggs lightly beaten

Instructions Blue Cheese Bacon Mushroom Pie Crust

1. Mix all the ingredients together with a fork. 2. Grease and line a 24cm/ 9.5 inch pie/flan dish. 3. Place the pie crust onto the lined dish. Place a piece of baking paper on top and smooth out the pie crust with the back of your hand or a glass tumbler. Remove the top baking paper. 4. Make holes all over the base with a fork. This will help the pie crust bake evenly and brown beautifully. 5. Bake at 180C/350F for 15 minutes. Remove from oven


Blue Cheese Bacon Mushroom Pie Filling

1. Heat the butter in a frying pan and gently fry the garlic, bacon and mushrooms until soft and cooked and any water has evaporated. 2. Remove from the heat to cool down. 3. In a mixing bowl, mix the lightly beaten eggs, heavy cream and blue cheese. Pour over the cooked pie crust. 4. Place the bacon, garlic and mushroom mixture evenly into the egg mixture 5. Bake at 180C/350F for 20-30 minutes until cooked in the centre, but do not overcook.

Nutrition Facts

Blue cheese, bacon, and mushroom pie Amount Per Serving (1 slice) Calories 265 Calories from Fat 207 Total Fat 23g, 35% (% Daily Value*) Saturated Fat 8g, 40% Total Carbohydrates 5g, 2% Dietary Fiber 2g, 8% Sugars 1g Protein 10g, 20%

Mozarella Stuffed Meatballs Ingredients 4 servings 700g ground beef 1 tablespoon dried basil ½ teaspoon salt 2 pinches pepper 2 tablespoons cold water 120g mozzarella cheese butter for frying Instructions • • • •

In a large bowl, combine the beef, basil, salt, pepper, and a little cold water. Mix well with your hands or a large wooden fork. Form 10 flat patties, about 3–4 inches (8–10 cm) in diameter and ½ inch (1 cm) thick. Cut the mozzarella into 10 pieces and place one piece on each patty. Wrap the patty around the cheese and form into a ball. Fry in butter on medium heat until the juices run clear.

Nutrition Fat - 62% Protein - 38% Carbs - 2% 1g carbs per serving

Thai Fish and Coconut Curry Ingredients 4 servings 1 oz. butter or olive oil, for greasing the baking dish 1½ lbs salmon or white fish salt and pepper 4 tablespoons butter or ghee 2 tablespoons red curry paste or green curry paste 14 oz. coconut cream 8 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped 1 lb cauliflower or broccoli Print recipe Nutrition Instructions Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Grease a baking dish. Place the pieces in a medium-sized baking dish, there shouldn’t be too much room between the wall of the baking dish and the fish. Salt and pepper to taste. Place a tablespoon of butter on top of each fish piece. Mix coconut cream, curry paste and chopped cilantro in a small bowl and put on top of the fish. Bake in oven for 20 minutes or until the fish is done. Boil the cauliflower or broccoli in lightly salted water for a couple of minutes and serve with the fish. Nutrition Fat - 77% Protein - 25% Carbs - 4%

Baked Fish with Pesto Sauce Ingredients Baked or Broiled Fish - 2 serving (85g) Mixed Salad Greens - 1 cup, shredded or chopped Pesto Sauce - 0.5 serving (30g) Mozzarella Cheese (Whole Milk) - 1.8 slices Nutrition Facts Calories - 456 Protein - 52g Carbs - 5g Fat - 25g Fibre - 1g Sodium - 1047mg Sugar - 1g

Roast Chicken with Soy Sauce Roasted Broiled or Baked Chicken Breast - 1.5 serving (98g) Cooked Vegetable Combination with Soy-Based Sauce (Including Carrots, Broccoli, and/ or Dark-Green Leafy) - 1 serving (93g) Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 1 tsp Nutrition Facts Calories - 369 Protein - 45g Carbs - 9g Fat - 16g Fibre - 3g Sodium - 1049mg Sugar - 4g

Keto baked Salmon Ingredients servingsUSMetric 1 teaspoon olive oil 2⁄3 lb salmon 1⁄3 teaspoon sea salt ground black pepper 21⁄3 oz. butter 1⁄3 lemon Print recipe Nutrition Instructions Instructions are for 6 servings. Please modify as needed. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Grease a large baking dish with olive oil. Place the salmon, with the skin-side down, in the prepared baking dish. Generously season with salt and pepper. Slice the lemon thinly and place on top of the salmon. Cover with half of the butter in thin slices. Bake on middle rack for about 20–30 minutes, or until the salmon is opaque and flakes easily with a fork. Heat the rest of the butter in a small sauce pan until it starts to bubble. Remove from heat and let cool a little. Gently add some lemon juice. Serve the fish with the lemon butter and a side dish of your choice. See below for suggestions. Tip! You can also use lemon zest in the butter. It’s fresh and gorgeous!

Keto Pesto Chicken with Feta & Olives Ingredients 4 servings 700g chicken thighs or chicken breasts 60g butter, for frying 80g red pesto or green pesto 1½ cups heavy whipping cream 8 tablespoons pitted olives 225g feta cheese, diced 1 garlic clove, finely chopped salt and pepper For serving 150g leafy greens 4 tablespoons olive oil sea salt and ground black pepper Instructions Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Cut the chicken thighs or filets into pieces. Season with salt and pepper and fry in butter until golden brown. Mix pesto and heavy cream in a bowl. Place the fried chicken pieces in a baking dish together with olives, feta cheese and garlic. Add the pesto. Bake in oven for 20-30 minutes, until the dish turns bubbly and light brown around the edges. Nutrition Fat - 83% Protein - 14% Carbs - 2%

Golden Milk Recipe Turmeric has proven health benefits as an anti-inflammatory and this Golden Milk recipe is a tasty way to add more turmeric to your diet. Ingredients 200ml Coconut Milk/ Almond Milk 1 tsp Turmeric Powder Couple of grinds of black pepper 1 tsp of Coconut Oil 1 tsp good quality honey Instructions Heat gently - do not boil Enjoy

Eating Out - Low Carb Low-carb eating works anywhere. Here are six awesome tips:

Eliminate the starch

Bounce the bread. Pass on the pasta. Purge the potatoes. Refuse the rice. Keep temptation off your plate by ordering your meal without the starchy sides. • • • •

If ordering an entrée, most restaurants will substitute a salad or extra veggies for the starch. If ordering a sandwich or burger, most restaurants will substitute lettuce wraps for the bun. If they will not substitute, simply eliminate the unwanted item, regardless. If, in spite of careful ordering, your plate arrives with a starchy side, consider your options. If you are certain you can leave it there, untouched, feel free. If you will be tempted to eat some of it, immediately ask the waiter to replate the meal without the starch. If you are at a more casual place, take care of the unwanted food yourself by discarding it in the trash.

If you feel you must explain yourself (to the waiter or your fellow diners), simply suggest stomach issues or a restrictive diet.

Add healthy fat

Restaurant meals can be low in fat, making it hard to feel satisfied without eating carbs. But this problem can be fixed. • • • • •

Ask for extra butter and melt it on veggies or meat. Ask for olive oil and vinegar dressing and drizzle the oil liberally on salads and your meal. Some restaurants serve cheaper vegetable oils (full of omega 6 fat) rather than olive oil. This is not as healthy, unfortunately. To avoid this many seasoned low-carb eaters carry a small bottle of olive oil with them. Keep an eye on sauces and condiments Some sauces, like Béarnaise sauce, contain mostly fat. Others, like ketchup, contain mostly carbs. Gravies can go either way.

If you are unsure about the sauce, ask about the ingredients and avoid it if it contains sugar or flour. You can also ask for the sauce on the side so you can decide how much to add to your meal.

Choose drinks with care

Perfect drinks are water, sparkling water, tea, or coffee. If you chose to add an alcoholic beverage, champagne, dry wine, light beer, or spirits – straight or with club soda – are all great low-carb choices. For more details, check out our low-carb alcohol guide.

Rethink dessert

Are you really still hungry? If not, preferably enjoy a nice cup of coffee or tea while you wait for others to finish their sweets. Perhaps you don’t want to drink coffee if it is late? Good thinking — ask for decaf coffee or herbal tea instead. If you are hungry and need more food, look for a cheese plate or berries with heavy cream. Sometimes just cream or butter in your coffee is enough to satisfy.

Get creative if necessary

If nothing on the menu seems to work for you, feel free to improvise. What about the Spaghetti Bolognese item – could the restaurant serve just the sauce in a bowl, like soup, with a large serving of sautéed veggies on the side? Both would be perfect sprinkled with Parmesan cheese! Or, might you order two or three appetizers? A salad paired with a shrimp cocktail and a cheese plate makes a delicious low-carb dinner. Just ask – you’re the customer, and the customer is always right.



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