OECD Centre on Green Finance and Investment

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OECD bodies

Advisory Board Knowledge Partners


Institutional investors Banks and asset managers Industry sectors Data and ratings providers Research institutions Philanthropies

GIFF and other events

Investment in the green economy needs to take place on a far greater scale over coming decades if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the ambition of the Paris Agreement. In 2016, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has taken a major step to support these objectives by establishing a Centre on Green Finance and Investment. The OECD Centre’s mission is to help catalyse and support the transition to a green, low-emissions and climate-resilient economy through the development of effective policies, institutions and instruments for green finance and investment. The Centre will leverage the OECD’s policy and economics expertise and provide a global platform for engaging with key players and harnessing the marketplace intelligence of private sector partners. It will enable knowledge exchange among leaders from the private sector, government and regulatory institutions, academic and civil society. The OECD Centre will develop rigorous, innovative and compelling analysis and practical recommendations, organise high-impact events, and engage effectively in the wider policy debates and arenas, helping to support the rapid scaling-up of green investment and financing flows on a scale commensurate with the challenge.

A wealth of experience The OECD has been working with governments to tackle the economic, social and governance challenges of a globalised economy for over 60 years. It advises countries on making economic and environmental policies more compatible and making growth greener. This work reflects the priorities of the OECD’s 35 member countries and its key partner countries - Brazil, India, Indonesia, the People’s Republic of China and South Africa. The scale of the transition to a green, low-emissions and climate-resilient economy is enormous – it is the biggest structural adjustment ever proposed in the field of international governance. This transition cannot be achieved without profound cooperation and interaction between governments and public authorities at

different levels, the full range of private sector actors and civil society. It demands the sharing of best practices and new ideas, and the shattering of silos across governments, between different levels of government and between the various actors driving the shift to a new model of green development. The OECD is the only intergovernmental organisation that has systematic reach across all branches of government. Its policy research and advice is independent, evidencebased and reviewed by committees drawn from governments. Its unrivalled convening power enables it to bring together ministers, senior policy makers and leaders in finance, industry and civil society.

A Platform for research and collaboration The Centre will produce high-quality, policy oriented research and analysis on green finance and investment, including climate resilience, with the objective of addressing policy and market challenges and supporting the scaling up of green investment. The Centre will tap into the private, public and philanthropic sectors for cuttingedge expertise and analysis as well as access to the latest innovations and initiatives in a quickly evolving area. This will enrich the Centre’s work and reach, contribute to its analysis, and provide insights directly to the policy making process.

The OECD is already contributing to green finance and investment by helping policy makers to: 66

Assess the impacts of their climate policies and investments and other policies on low-carbon investment;


Understand the role that specialist institutions (e.g. green investment banks), financial instruments and vehicles, and public risk mitigation tools and incentives can play in reducing risks and transaction costs;


Promote the development of investment channels and instruments (e.g. green bonds) for institutional investors to facilitate higher levels of investment by them in green infrastructure;


Analyse mandatory climate change disclosure schemes in G20 countries;


Understand the range of current practices by institutional investors in the areas of investment governance and the integration of ESG factors, including climate risks;


Obtain quantitative insights into the impact of the business environment, including trade and investment measures and regulations, on investment and innovation in renewable energy generation.

In addition to producing high-quality, policy-oriented research, the Centre will provide a global platform for effective engagement, collaboration and action on green finance and investment, involving governments and regulators from developed, emerging and developing economies, institutional investors, the private sector, international organisations,

think-tanks, philanthropies, academia and civil society. The OECD’s pioneering annual event, the Green Investment Financing Forum (GIFF), convenes leading actors across the green finance community, including institutional investors, asset managers, ministries of finance and central banks, financial regulators, commercial and investment banks, international climate funds, multilateral development banks (MDBs), green investment banks, corporations, civil society, philanthropic sectors and others. The 2016 GIFF, which was held for the first time in Tokyo, focused on the low-carbon transition in Asia, which is critical for achieving the aims of the Paris Agreement. The OECD Centre will work with institutions that share a commitment to driving these transformative changes. An Advisory Board, combining strategic partners from government, the private and philanthropic sectors, as well as thought leaders from civil society and academia, will provide advice on the activities of the Centre. Working with trusted Knowledge Partners, the Centre will advance the green finance and investment research agenda and promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise globally.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR Sponsors Sponsors of the OECD Centre on Green Finance and Investment will take part in a unique, international public-private platform to deliver solutions for the low carbon transition and sustainable development. They will be able to support path-breaking work and connect with relevant policy makers and regulators represented in various OECD committees, while promoting effective global dialogue. Through the OECD Centre, the OECD can make its expertise and networks more accessible in fields as diverse as finance and investment, tax, governance, climate change and natural resources, agriculture, cities, trade, transportation and development. To have a major impact, the best analysis, insights and innovations from the private, non-profit and philanthropic sectors need to be shared with mainstream decisionmakers and regulators worldwide. The OECD’s convening power and ability to promote the adoption of best practices by governments will amplify the impact of the OECD Centre’s research and analysis. In addition to helping to advance the OECD Centre’s work and

engagement across governments and key stakeholders, sponsors of the Centre will be able to inform the OECD’s broader engagement in key international fora addressing topics at the heart of green finance, investment and policy, including: 66

The Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition which brings together leaders from across government, the private sector and civil society to share experience and expand the evidence base for the most effective carbon pricing systems and policies;


The G20 through a number of working groups including the G20 Green Finance Study Group, which has identified policy options for enhancing the ability of the financial system to mobilise private capital for green investment;groundbreaking discussions to start greening the international financial system;


The G7 Carbon Market Pricing platform established following the 2015 Elmau Summit convened by Germany.

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Robert Youngman OECD Environment Directorate Robert.Youngman@oecd.org Timothy Bishop OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs Timothy.Bishop@oecd.org


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