Private philanthropy for development SDG13: Climate Action

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Private Philanthropy for Development SDG13: Climate Action Preliminary* insights on 2018-2020* Over recent years, private philanthropic foundations have largely stepped up their financing towards climate action in developing countries Top providers, USD million, 2018-2020 average 2019 prices

USD million, 2019 prices 1,624

Bezos Earth Fund* BMGF CIFF United Postcode Lotteries IKEA Fnd William & Flora Hewlett Fnd Oak Fnd David & Lucile Packard Fnd* Rockefeller Fnd* Grameen Crédit Agricole Fnd Bloomberg Family Fnd* J.D. & C.T. MacArthur Fnd





329 162 150 132 101 97 57 48 37 34 33 32

* The figure for the Bezos Earth Fund only represents its 2020 commitments. BMGF stands for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and CIFF for the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation.


Mainly through activities with a multi-regional reach in the agriculture, environmental protection and energy & transport sectors

Main sectors, 2018-20 average, 2019 prices Agriculture, forestry and fishing


Environmental protection (policy and conservation)


Energy & transport


Social infrastructure and services Awareness raising in provider countries Urban development and other multisector

By region, 2018-20 average, 2019 prices

82 58 Multi-regional 44

Adaptation only

(or unspecified) 49%

Both mitigation and adaptation


Asia and



Oceania 19%

the Caribbean 6%

Mitigation only

* As of November 2021, the 2020 figures are provisional pending the completion of the data collection on 2020 flows.

More details at:

Development Co-operation Directorate

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