Reporting national GHG inventories through Common Reporting Tables

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Table 2. Mandatory reporting elements of national GHG inventories Reporting Element

Annex I (NIR)

Non-Annex I (NC)

Non-Annex I (BUR)

Gas coverage

CO2, CH4; N2O; PFCs; HFCs; SF6; NF3

CO2, CH4; N2O

CO2, CH4; N2O*

Years covered

Annual series, from base year to N-2

1994 or 1990 in NC1 and 2000 in NC2; LDCs can select years at their discretion. Time series not required.

At least N-4. Time series not required.


2006 IPCC Guidelines

No requirement (Should use Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines)

No requirement (Should use Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines, GPG and Uncertainty Management in National GHG Inventories, and the GPG for LULUCF)


Annual (by 15 April, for N-2)

No requirement

No requirement

Common reporting format

Common Reporting Format (CRF) Tables

No requirement (Encouraged to use tables in Annex 3A.2 of IPCC GPG for LULUCF and sectoral tables from 1996 IPCC guidelines)

No requirement (Encouraged to use tables in Annex 3A.2 of IPCC GPG for LULUCF and sectoral tables from 1996 IPCC guidelines)

Note: * Guidelines for BURs cross-reference guidelines for NCs. Source: Based on (Ellis and Moarif, 2015[10]), expanded by Authors

Annex I Parties’ reporting format: Common Reporting Format (CRF) tables National GHG inventories are submitted by Annex I Parties annually and are prepared following reporting guidelines agreed by the COP, and contained in annex I to decision 24/CP.19 (UNFCCC, 2013[11]). CRF tables that shall be included in Annex I Parties’ annual GHG inventory submissions to the UNFCCC are included in annex II to decision 24/CP.19 (UNFCCC, 2013[11]). Such tables are generated by the CRF Reporter software and shall be submitted electronically, “with a view to facilitating the processing of the inventory information by the Secretariat” (UNFCCC, 2013[11]). Since 2015, national GHG estimates are prepared by Annex I Parties following the methodologies laid out in the 2006 IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 2006[12]). The CRF tables structure national GHG inventories around five sectors: (1) Energy, (2) Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), (3) Agriculture, (4) Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF), and (5) Waste. Each sector includes a number of categories and sub-categories of GHG emissions and removals. The CRF tables currently in use were updated in 2015 to accommodate the 2006 IPCC guidelines5, and the sectors, categories and sub-categories included in the CRF tables largely correspond to those identified by the 2006 IPCC guidelines, yet presenting some differences. For example, emissions from Agriculture and LULUCF are reported in two separate sub-tables in the CRF tables, whereas they are combined in the category AFOLU in the 2006 IPCC guidelines (Jeffery et al., 2018[13]). The CRF tables reported by Annex I Parties are made available by the UNFCCC Secretariat in an Excelreadable format and comprise a total of 48 tables spread across 71 Excel sheets (UNFCCC, 2020[14]).


The transition from Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines includes improvements that relate to general guidance on e.g. data collection, use of key category analysis and methodological choice. Key structural changes pertain to the restructuring of the sectoral classification. In particular, categories 2 (Industrial Processes) and 3 (Solvent and Other Product Use) of the 1996 Guidelines were combined in the new category Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU). The Land-Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) category and the Agriculture category were combined in the new category Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use (LULUCF).


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