4. Article 13 and Article 6 review processes Information to be reported under Article 13 and Article 6 is subject to technical expert review (TER) in accordance with section VII of the MPGs for the ETF and section V of the draft A6.2 guidance. Both TER processes under Article 13 and Article 6 need to deliver on their mandates efficiently and effectively. This includes ensuring that they complement each other and do not send contradictory signals and recommendations to Parties or other relevant stakeholders. Consistency, transparency and efficiency of TERs is important because:
The ETF under Article 13 has a central role in building mutual trust and confidence and promoting effective implementation of the Paris Agreement;
The decentralised approach under Article 6.2 recognises the reality of a multiplicity of national markets. While this offers flexibility and allows Parties to choose a preferred approach when using Article 6 co-operative approaches, this poses challenges to the Article 6 TER process (Article 6 review) in ensuring that when Parties engage in such approaches, they adhere to the requirements of promoting sustainable development, and ensuring environmental integrity and transparency, including in governance, and apply robust accounting;
To that end, exploring Article 6 and Article 13 review processes jointly, prior to CMA3, is essential to inform further discussion on the draft A6.2 guidance before its adoption. Exploring these processes jointly would also help to ensure that any modalities, procedures, and guidelines agreed for the reviews minimises the burden on Parties and the UNFCCC secretariat and provides for coordination of the Article 6 TER and the TER under Article 13 (Article 13 review). This section examines similarities, synergies, and differences between the two review processes with a view to avoiding overlaps of review activities and any potential inconsistencies and conflicts in the review process and their outcomes. This section starts with a brief overview of three relevant experiences with reviews under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol conducted in conjunction or in sequence to set the context for understanding Article 13 and Article 6 reviews. It also highlights other issues relating to the scope of the Article 6 review that are not yet addressed in the existing MPGs or yet included in the proposed A6.2 guidance.
4.1. UNFCCC experiences with reviews of information reported by Parties When deciding how to organise Article 13 and Article 6 reviews most effectively and efficiently, it may be helpful to examine current review practices and experiences under the UNFCCC. To that end, this paper outlines three relevant review experiences: