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Y’AHL el HAY Y’AHL el HAY is a community-focused design project initiated by CSP unit -UNHCR Egypt, developed and implemented by Œcumene Studio that initially entailed the development and upgrade of the health centres in urban areas. After its successful implementation in 2015 in Obour City, the project is extending to three further locations including a Family Health Center in 10th Ramadan city, a Family Health Unit in 6th October City, and a Health Center in El Salam Awal area . Under the umbrella of Terre des Hommes, and in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Health Ya›ahl El-Hay 2016 aims at further developing public health clinics and its surrounding spaces through a participatory approach, in order to enhance its capacity and support its role as a social, safe place within their communities.

Competition Brief The design brief emerges from participatory needs assessment (PNA) sessions held with all involved health centre staff, local stakeholders and partners. This competition aims to design the exisiting outdoor space for El Sad el Aly - health centre, in Cairo Egypt and appropriated to be a child and mother friendly space as well as a pleasant outdoor area for the health centre staff. The area of intervention is composed of two zones. The first outdoor zone is located in the rear facade of the health centre (Due North) and is required to be specified as an outdoor area where the health centre staff (Approx. 15 per) can take coffee breaks and enjoy outdoor time in between their hectic working hours. The second zone is oriented by the west facade of the building to the left of the main entrance from the street. This zone is required to be the child and mother friendly space (Capacity: Approx.25 per). Design interventions will englobe: seating areas, shading areas, landscape/ playscape design. The designers should provide multiuse, diverse and age sensitive spaces while considering the local aspects of the site.

Location Markaz Sehet El Om, Mansheyet EL Sad EL ALy - Ain Shams, Cairo - Egypt The Health centre for motherhood is situated in the middle of a high-density and low income residential area and constitutes a landmark for local residents. The Center’s land plot is 345 m2 and holds potential to be used as an open area; today abundant and of no use.

Evaluation Criteria These aspects should be considered within the proposed designs: *Materials: Material use should be of high durability and require very minimal maintenance. *Age appropriatenance: Designed playscape should suit a variety of ages. *Accessibility: The space should be accessible by all different users of the health centre including the physically disabled. *Multiuse: Elements designed should suit several usages in order to fulfill the design program in minimal space. Also the several types of play should be included within the designs. *Group usage: Playscape elements which are used only by one individual at a time should be avoided as it creates conflict in peak hours. *Safety: All design elements most follow the safety and child proof measures. *Preserving the existing vegetation: Existing trees (marked in the dwg plans) should be preserved and integreated within the proposed designs.

Jury Dr.Hebatalla F. Abouelfadl, Associate professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University. Arch.Eng Omar Wanas, Architect and environmental analyst. Arch.Eng Insaf Ben Othmane H, Architect, urban planner and Urban strategist Arch. Ahmed Nabil, Construction Manager, Architect UNHCR, CSP Unit project coordinator Health Centre El-Sad El Aly community representatives

Urban Context 1. Ain Shams is a high dense area located in the North-East of Cairo Governorate. It covers an area of 8.33 square kilometers Number of population: 1.582.000. (PDP,2015)






Green Areas

Streets Network

Site Analysis

Shading analysis (Attachement:Sketchup File)

Dominant wind: North East

Eligibility Criteria This competition welcome any architecture students and fresh graduates-It could be individual but preferred in group.

Deliverables All participatants should send comeptition panels (PDF maximum quality) and documents at: competition@ecumene-studio.org containing the following: First A3 panel: Concept and master plan Second A3 panel : 3D shots Third A3 panel : Detailed plan and elevations and sections (All drawings should contain dimensions and materials specifications) One A4 page : Brief description about the project. One A4 page : Bios for the team members each 300 characters.

Deadline The 21st of September at midnight - Cairo Time

Awards All participating designs will receive a digital certificate of participation and their designs will be exhibited in public event in December 2016 organized by UNHCR and published in Y-Ahl El Hay final report. The winning design will be implemented and the winning teams will have the chance to follow up the construction with Ecumene Studio team.


proposals 9 Sumbitted 2 Shortlisted








proposals 9 Sumbitted 2 Shortlisted

The Winners ! The two teams worked together with (FXPHQH 6WXGLR WHDP WR VXEPLW D ÀQDO SURSRVDO

Construction Phase Has just Started !



COMPETITION ORGANIZING TEAM ECUMENE STUDIO Arch.Loaii Hossam Arch.Samar Alashaal Arch.Eng Omar Wanas Arch.Eng Insaf BOH

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