OEM Off-Highway May/June 2014

Page 1




Innovative product development solutions for mobile OEMs TM

Solving today’s challenges with tomorrow’s technologies MAY/JUNE 2014


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TA B L E OF CON T EN T S: VOLUME 32, NO.4 | MAY/JUNE 2014 www.oemoffhighway.com


Engines & Components

Fluid Power Systems & Components Operator Environment

Drivetrains & Components


10 Engines & Components

• Engines • Fuel Filtration • Air Precleaners • Fans

30 Drivetrains & Components

• Transmissions • Brake Systems • Tires • Suspensions • Axles

50 Fluid Power Systems & Components

• Pumps & Motors • Fittings & Couplings • Hoses • Valves


Electrical & Electronics

• Sensors • Lighting • Control Units

86 Hardware

• Bushings & Bearings • Seals & Gaskets • Latches • Lubricants & Epoxies


Operator Environment

• Montiors & Gauges • Seats • HVAC Systems • Cameras • Controls, Joysticks & Buttons

108 Engineering & Manufacturing

• Engineering Design & Testing Software • Apps • Test Facilities and Services • Data Acquisition Systems

116 Industry Directory












A listing of the key system and technology suppliers, manufacturers and service providers by product category.

OEM Off-Highway







Chief Project Manager, Compaction

Volvo Construction Equipment, Road and Utilities


Each article, product and advertisement found in OEM Off-Highway’s pages has a unique 8-digit code that can be entered into the search bar found at the top of www.oemoffhighway.com. By searching for the unique number, you will be instantly taken to that specific piece of content online where you can find more images, online exclusive sidebars, related products and videos, and more!

Electrical & Electronics

Jules Carter

Chief Engineer - Innovation & Hybrids

GKN Land Systems Steve Crow

Product Application Engineer Team Leader - Propel

Sauer-Danfoss Inc. James Grayson

Manager, QA, Engineering & Customer Support

Nissan Industrial Engine Manufacturing, USA, Inc. Andrew Halonen Sales Engineer

Eck Industries, Inc. H. Len Walton

Director of Sales and Marketing

MICO, Inc.

Engineering & Manufacturing

Mike Mackool

VP Sales & Tri-Owner

Torsion Control Products Steven G. Mattson Chief Engineer


Matt Rushing


Director, Product Management, Global Electronics and Global Engines

AGCO Corp.

ON LEFT: The image shows the hydraulic excavator A 918 Litronic. GRAPHIC COURTESY OF LIEBHERR

IN EVERY ISSUE Editor’s Notebook:

6 What do we mean by innovative?

Search: 11476860

Economic Outlook:

8 Economic gains continue for 2014


122 Ad Index Off-Highway Heroes:

123 Sidebooms

Search: 11429429

David N. Slutz President & CEO


Simone Stier

Promotion and Communication

Liebherr-Components AG Keith Thompson

Program Leader, Off-Highway

Nelson Global Products Charlie Throckmorton Technical Advisor

Sauer-Danfoss Inc. John Treharn

Vice President Business Development - Hydraulics Group

Parker Hannifin Corp. Joe Woods

Fluid Power Segment Manager, the Americas

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Americas


by Michelle EauClaire-Kopier



What do we mean by

innovative? My primary job is to

providing information for measuring

properly addresses the

tion and delivery times.

develop content that challenges you face

performance and estimating producThere must be a balance struck

with the technologies

between innovation and consistency.

available in the industry,

blank-slate design cannot be found

and solutions that are or sometimes on the

horizon. That takes a lot of investigation, some

dead ends and countless

hours learning about new technology trends that are emerging that could

be the next big thing. It is basically like finding a needle in a haystack, except the haystack keeps getting moved to

The time and resources required for

every time a new vehicle is being de-

veloped. And, how would a company form a dedicated customer base if

each new product it released to the

market was wildly different from the

last? How does a customer form loyal-

ty, brand recognition and trust if there are no commonalities to latch on to? On the other hand, one should

different locations.

be careful in the use of the word

and technology-driven industry like

nology-savvy world in which we now

That is what happens in a dynamic

equipment engineering. Continual

improvement is the mantra, so staying still is not an option. To an innovator, stagnancy is death.

But, there is also something to be

said for some consistency. Change

should not be made just for the sake of change. Each tweak and update

to a product should be made for a reason, and should be done as efficiently as possible. Consistency helps to for-

mulate standardized processes while


The E Issue! »» Biofuel economy and demand »» Solar-powered vehicles »» Hybrid and electric vehicles »» An investigation of Big Data »» Designing for optimization »» Mitigating costly design mistakes

OEM Off-Highway

live. It raises the question of “What is innovation?” How would you define

it? Is this term subjective, or can it be

quantified? More importantly, should it be quantified to avoid misuse of the word?

While this may seem like a slew of

rhetorical questions, I would like to

know what you think on the matter.

My world is shrouded in marketing

copy that constantly reminds me that

this product is the best in the industry and the most innovative. If the term

“innovation” is subjective, then they

+ The Engine Spec Guide!


“innovation” in this fast-paced tech-


can all be right. If not, parameters

need to be set to allow people to sift

through the incorrect uses to find the real innovators.

Send me an email at editor@

oemoffhighway.com and give me your input as to what innovation means to you, as well as any other thoughts.


1233 Janesville Ave., P.O. Box 803 Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0803 (920) 563-6388 • Fax (920) 563-1700

Reprints and licensing: Please contact Nick Iademarco at Wright’s Media 877-652-5295 ext. 102 or niademarco@ wrightsmedia.com. EDITORIAL Publisher Associate Publisher/ Editor Associate Editor Field Editor Contributing Writers

Sean Dunphy sean.dunphy@cygnus.com Michelle EauClaire-Kopier Editor@OEMOffHighway.com Sara Jensen sara.jensen@cygnus.com Curt Bennink curt.bennink@cygnus.com Frank Manfredi, Thomas Berry

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Stacy Roberts (920) 563-1661 stacy.roberts@cygnus.com Jill Draeger (920) 563-1617 jill.draeger@cygnus.com Barb Levin (800) 547-7377 Ext. 1507 barb.levin@cygnus.com Elizabeth Jackson Merit Direct LLC (847) 492-1350, ext. 18

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Yuly Osorio Cindy Rusch (920) 563-1664 cindy.rusch@cygnus.com

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Published and copyrighted 2014 by Cygnus Business Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. SUBSCRIPTION POLICY: Individual print subscriptions are available without charge in the United States to original equipment manufacturers. Digital subscriptions are available without charge to all geographic locations. Publisher reserves the right to reject nonqualified subscribers. Subscription Prices: U.S. $35 One Year, $70 Two Years; Canada and Mexico $55 One Year, $100 Two Years; all other countries, payable in U.S. funds, drawn on U.S. bank, $80 One Year, $150 Two Years. Canadian GST #131910168 For change of address or subscription information contact Circulation & Subscriptions, OEM Off-Highway, P.O. Box 3257, Northbrook, IL 60065-3257; Phone: Toll Free 877-382-9187, Local 847-559-7598; Circ.OEMOff-Highway@omeda.com OEM Off-Highway (USPS 752-770; ISSN 1048-3039 print; ISSN 2158-7094 on-line) is published eight times per year: January/ February, March, April, May/June, July/August, September, October and November/December by Cygnus Business Media, 1233 Janesville Avenue, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. Periodicals Postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: OEM Off-Highway, P.O. Box 3257, Northbrook, IL 60065-3257. Printed in the U.S.A. Canada Post PM40612608. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: OEM Off-Highway, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2. Volume 32, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2014



Economic gains continue for 2014

U.S. Leading Indicator: 䀜䀜 The leading indicator rose sharply

during March.

䀜䀜 This was accompanied by nice

upward revisions to the readings for the two preceding months.

䀜䀜 All in all, this paints a very positive

picture of the U.S. economy during the middle of 2014.

U.S. Total Industrial Production:

The news remains mostly positive on the economic

front. A strong rebound in

the second quarter appears

to be well underway. Equally

important, the prospects are

good that this rebound will be sustained through the second

half of the year. There are even

䀜䀜 Production rose 0.7% in March. 䀜䀜 Perhaps even more notable,

February’s growth estimate was doubled to 1.2%.

䀜䀜 The U.S industrial sector appears

to be hitting stride.

a few hints of inflation return-

ing. This is something that will bear watching.

Achieving economic prog-

ress in Europe is proving to be

a fitful and frustrating process.

Housing Starts:

Germany and the UK are still

䀜䀜 The expected spring rebound in

data show renewed weakness

䀜䀜 Single-family starts jumped 6.0%

in pretty good shape. But new in other major economies,

including France and Italy.

Find our GLOBAL ECONOMIC CHARTS online at oemoffhighway.com/ economics, and sign up for our monthly Economic Newsletter to have them delivered to you!

housing got an early start.

in March over a substantially upwardly revised February figure.

䀜䀜 It appears the negative effects

from the weather were mostly confined to January.

Private Nonresidential New Construction: 䀜䀜 Nonresidential construction was

up a modest 0.2% in March.

䀜䀜 But the bigger news was the

QUESTIONS? Contact Steven Crane, Senior Economist at C3 Statistical Solutions, at



OEM Off-Highway


substantial downward revisions to the January and February estimates.

䀜䀜 This forced a tempering of

the upward trajectory of the forecast.

Construction Machinery, New Orders: 䀜䀜 The first quarter ended with quite a

bang for construction machinery.

䀜䀜 Real orders rose 9.5% in March. 䀜䀜 This came on top of a February fig-

ure that was revised from a modest decline to a 3.8% rise.

Total Public New Construction: 䀜䀜 Public construction slipped 0.6%

in March.

䀜䀜 This put volume at a new post-

2008 low.

䀜䀜 About the only gains of relevance

came in the transportation and highway/street construction categories.

Mining, Oil & Gas Field Machinery New Orders: 䀜䀜 Real orders slipped a modest 1.7%

during March.

䀜䀜 Given the substantial volatility

of this series of late, this almost qualifies as “no change.”

䀜䀜 March order volume was roughly

“average” based on the last three or four years of data.

Farm Machinery & Equipment Shipments: 䀜䀜 Farm machinery shipments

stabilized during the first quarter of 2014.

Defense Industry, New Orders: 䀜䀜 The first quarter was a good one

for defense orders.

䀜䀜 This followed a surge in volume

䀜䀜 A 20.0% gain in March was the

䀜䀜 Real shipments gained 1.3% in

䀜䀜 Of course, this was coming off of a

during November/December, and a subsequent plunge in January. March, essentially reversing February’s decline.

third consecutive double-digit monthly advance. truly dismal year-end volume level.

Heavy-Duty Truck Shipments: 䀜䀜 Truck shipments rose in March

for the fourth consecutive month.

䀜䀜 Real shipments were up 1.9%,

pushing volume to its highest level since summer of 2012.

䀜䀜 Strong production data seems to

support the notion of improving shipment volume.

OEM Off-Highway




ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S Br ough t to you b y


Firwin Corp is a manufacturer of removable/reusable insulation blankets and permanent insulation systems for engines & exhaust systems, including manifolds, turbochargers, piping, silencers and purifiers. Its products protect personnel from burns, shield heat-sensitive components, lower ambient heat, and optimize catalyst performance. The company’s product line can be divided into 2 main categories: 1. R emovable Insulation Blankets: Custom-fitted to match the part(s) to be insulated, Firwin’s Blankets are ideal where periodic access to the insulated parts is necessary for maintenance or inspection purposes. Firwin’s blankets are available with various fastening systems, and can be designed to withstand heat as high as 2,000°F. Our blankets meet the UL2200-standard for Stationary Engines and Generator Assemblies. 2. F irwin HC Hard Coat Insulation: A permanent, high temperature insulation, Firwin HC is ideal for limited space applications requiring long-term exposure to high temperatures, where the ability to remove the insulation is not required. If you seek outstanding solutions, and the right partner to meet your insulation challenges, you’ll find working with Firwin Corp. will exceed your expectations. An ISO 9001:2008 certified company.

ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S VerticalShaft Engines

Tier 4 Final Engine


offers an in-line 6 cylinder configuration.

The DL06P model engine from Doosan

Infracore Engine Business Group meets

Kohler Engines

Tier 4 Final emissions regulations, and

its Confidant engine

series. This vertical-shaft, V-twin engine

»» Features bore and stroke of 100 x 125 mm

line was carefully designed to meet

»» Displacement

equipment users and property owners.

»» Includes

the unique needs of both commercial »» Encompasses four models ranging

is 5,900 cc turbo-

from 19 to 25 hp


»» Recoil and electric start options

and intercooled

»» Includes cast-iron cylinder liner to



ENGINE PRODUCTS are waiting to be found online. Go to OEMOffHighway.com/ Directory to start your search of ENGINES and ENGINE COMPONENTS including filters, fans, precleaners and cooling system components.

protect the engine in extreme oper-

»» Maximum power output is 192 hp

Diesel Engine

to keep debris out of the engine; and

»» Maximum torque is 805 Nm at

begun produc-

extra-large output for reliable starting

»» Diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and

ating conditions, dual-seal air filter

high-torque inertia drive started with »» Quiet Cam technology consists of

(141 kw) at 1,900 rpm 1,400 rpm

selective catalytic reduction (SCR)

rounded cam lobe and solid nylon

aftertreatment system meets

gear to reduce sound levels

emissions regulations




intercooled aspiration


diesel engine is

designed to provide

reliable performance

and increased ease-of-use

and configuration to fit a variety of

»» Turbocharged and

This air-cooled,

»» Provides reduced maintenance costs

model allows for simple installation

»» Displacement: 3,409 cc

diesel engine.

»» Offers 9.1 hp rating

Doosan Infracore’s D34 engine

»» Bore x Stroke: 98 x 113 mm

tion of its KD440

in tough conditions.

Compact T4F Engine

»» In-line four cylinder design

Kohler Engines has

for operators

»» Able to withstand extreme dust and

SEARCH: 10056373

for more T4F engines from John Deere Power Systems

»» Max. Torque: 430 Nm at 1,400 rpm »» Max. Power: 110 hp at 2,400 rpm

»» DOC + SCR aftertreatment system


Tier 4 Final Engine Platform

clonic separator to remove contaminants and extend service life

»» Fuel filter reduces entry of impurities »» Redesigned drain tap offers quick cleaning and simple replacement

John Deere Power Systems’ PowerTech

»» Features durable fuel tank mounts

to 250 hp) and uses the PVS technology

»» Sound damper engineered into the


»» Direct injection system produces

PVS 6.8L is rated from 104 to 187 kW (140 platforms for Final Tier 4/Stage IV engine »» Available with a 6.8L displacement »» PVS technology features variable

and a heavy-duty injector pump

recoil pulley helps reduce noise levels increased power and lower fuel consumption

geometry turbocharging

»» Full pressure lubrication offers cool-

consisting of cooled EGR, a DOC/DPF

»» Includes air cooling, horizontal shaft

»» Integrated Emissions Control system and SCR



vibration applications

»» Includes air filter with integrated cy-

ing and performance combined and a cast iron liner


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Single Turbo Engine

Three-Cylinder Tier 4 Final Engine

Compact Three-Cylinder T4F Engine

1206F-E70TA is

agriculture and construction product

Model engine to offer advanced envi-

The Perkins

FPT Industrial will further expand its

a six cylinder,

offering with the R22 engine. The

single turbo

three-cylinder, 2.2-liter engine marks

engine featuring

FPT’s entry to the low displace-

SCR technology to

ment off-road sector.

meet Tier 4 Final

»» Delivers 33

emissions regulations.

at 1,400 rpm

to 600 hours

sions regulations

ly in a machine chassis or directly on

»» Suitable for machinery with a gross

top of the engine

weight of 1.6 to 3.1 tonnes

»» Aftertreatment features

» In-line configuration with

flexible inlet and outlet options, pre-installed electronics and DEF line hook ups

»» Fully insulated


module is available

for tight applications

»» DPF uses passive

dealers and

Final/Stage IIIB emis-

ule, which can be positioned remote-

two valves per cylinder,


fixed geometry tur-

bocharger coupled

From these manufacturers and more in OEM Off-Highway’s interactive online ENGINE SPEC GUIDE at OEMOffHighway.com/ SpecGuide


consumption over previous models

up to 250 Nm of

tion system with 1,600

»» Internal EGR with DOC accompanied by Particulate Matter catalyst


Four-Cylinder Engine

Hatz Diesel introduces the four-cylinder engine 4H50TIC, the first in the company’s new H-Series. The 2-liter diesel engine offers extremely low emission values, performance and fuel efficiency in the 37 to 56 kW class.

»» Offers reduced size and weight while maintaining high performance and excellent exhaust gas values

»» Achieves maximum output of 55 kW and weighs just 173 kg

»» Meets EU 97/68 Stage IIIB and EPA Tier 4 Final emissions limits

»» Exhaust aftertreatment requires just a robust diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), which in contrast to a diesel particulate filter (DPF) is maintenance free



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

end-user customers want.

»» In-line three cylinder configuration »» Bore x Stroke: 90 x 94 mm »» Displacement: 1,794 cc »» Turbocharged and

intercooled aspiration

»» Max. Power: 50 hp at 2,800 rpm

»» Max. Torque: 165 Nm at 1,600 rpm »» DOC aftertreatment



»»Common rail injec-

front cover minimizes engine noise

access is required for ash removal


and Waste Gate for

» Antiphone insulated sheet metal

lation in engine bay since no direct

»» Delivers approx. 5% better cycle fluid

with aftercooler

bar of pressure

»» DPF design facilitates easier instal-

(DPF) design —


»» Meets Tier 4

packaged into one integrated mod-

particulate filter

they provide

intervals of up

»» DOC/DPF canister and SCR system

specifically a non-diesel

OEMs because

»» Offers service

rpm with maximum torque of 870 Nm

ronmentally-conscious technologies —

attractive to

to 52 kW

»» Offers up to 151 kW (202 hp) at 2,200

Doosan developed its compact D18

Four-Cylinder T4F Engine Perkins offers the single turbo


engine designed

to meet Tier 4 Final

emissions regulations.

»» 4.4 liter, four-cylinder aftercooled

engine design delivers up to 147 hp

»» DOC and SCR system in one module »» Aftertreatment module can be

mounted in a variety of remote locations to free up space in engine bay

»» Maintains high carry-over of compo-

nents from previous Tier level reduces need for costly machine redesign

»» Includes various Tier 4 Interim

features such as improved power

density, better transient response and competitive fluid consumption



Firwin Corp

Toll free: 1 877 347 9467

Email: firwin@firwin.com www.firwin.com

Firwin Corp manufactures Removable/Reusable Insulation Blankets for engines and complete exhaust systems. We supply blankets for off-road and on-road equipment, power generation, and marine applications. Firwin Corp’s insulation products help companies meet EPA Tier-IV requirements by maintaining exhaust temperatures for optimal catalyst and SCR performance. Our MineWrap™ foil-lined blankets specially designed

Firwin MineWrap™

for underground-mining reduce the danger of fire when diesel and hydraulic oils spray onto hot piping. Firwin products: • protect operators from burns, • heat-shield fuel lines & cables, • reduce ambient heat in confined spaces. Our latest insulation product, Firwin HC (Hard Coat), is a permanent high temperature insulation ideal for limited space applications. Firwin Corp is an ISO-9001:2008 certified company. Let Firwin help you with solution-driven insulation products including acoustic attenuation.

Insulation Solutions for Off Highway Vehicles

Removable Insulation Blankets Permanent Hard Coat™ Insulation 30+ years experience • ISO 9001:2008 certified Fast product turn-around • On time delivery

Contact Firwin today for more information at:


firwin@firwin.com • www.firwin.com oemoffhighway.com/10055417

ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11308700 It's not if, it's when

A look at emerging and existing

GHG reduction technologies for

the mobile off-highway equipment sector, from specific systems to the overall vehicle application.

Four-Cylinder Engine

Tier 4 Final Engines


Power Systems

Hatz Diesel

John Deere

the four-cyl-

offers four tech-

inder engine

nology platforms for

4H50TIC, the

Final Tier 4/Stage IV, the first

first in the compa-

of which is its lowest horsepower range

ny's new H-Series. The

2-liter diesel engine offers extremely low emission values, performance and fuel efficiency in the 37 to 56 kW class.

Search: 11294608 Take careful aim at a custom engine powerband Bobcat shares details of Tier 4

engine technology using Ultra-Low

Particulate Combustion to eliminate the DPF.

»» Offers reduced size and weight while maintaining high performance and excellent exhaust gas values

»» Achieves maximum output of 55 kW and weighs just 173 kg

»» Meets EU 97/68 Stage IIIB and EPA Tier 4 Final emissions limits

»» Exhaust aftertreatment requires DOC

Search: 11359421 Enter Phase II

»» Use of DPF is not necessary but can

Program for medium- and heavy-

»» Fans and the oxidation catalyst can

A study by Manfredi & Associates investigates how emissions

regulations will change how

equipment is purchased and sold.

into existing applications

www.oemoffhighway.com Just type in the article name

or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

consists of a DOC/DPF


MANN+HUMMEL introduces its filter the PreLine fuel prefilter.

»» Features compact design while

simultaneously offering installation space flexibility

providing more

flexibility during set up

»» Includes starter protection

integrated into

the control unit

» Diesel heater, electric pump and in-

Don’t forget to... SEARCH for more product information online using the unique URL under each product!

»» Maintenance-free

hydraulic automatic valve

no need to interfere with the fuel system

»» Pre-heat system enables a cold start at -22 C

»» Features two auxiliary power take-off points (PTO) in addition to the main Nm continuously


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


»» Integrated Emissions Control system

mounting positions,

PTO which can be loaded with 130


»» Platform has a wastegated turbo-

be installed in different

adjustment system ensures there is

Find all of these and more at

cost-effective solution

»» Available with 2.9L and 4.5L models

head with integrated electric pump for

»» Compact design enables integration

Search: 11317668 The unwanted aftertreatment

»» Provides a compact, powerful and

application due to electronic control

of Transportation and EPA Fuel

duty vehicles.

EWX 4.5L (55 kW [74 hp]).

regional and local requirements

President Obama announced the

Efficiency and GHG Emission

55 kW [48 to 74 hp]) and the PowerTech

Filter Head with Electronic Pump

be added as an option based on

»» Can be individually adjusted to any

second phase of the Department

models, the PowerTech EWX 2.9L (36 to

let, and outlet pipes can be fitted on right or left side

» After servicing the PreLine

fuel prefilter, new filter ele-

ment is automatically filled with fuel

» Ensures engine is continuously

supplied with fuel in applications

with long fuel lines or a greater suction height

»» Maintains constant pressure level in front of the high-pressure pump




INSULATION EXPERTS 951-736-9911 | www.thermalstructures.com | sales@thermalstructures.com 2362 Railroad St. Corona, CA 92880 | 2800 Airwest Blvd. Plainfield, IN 46168 (Mid-West Division) oemoffhighway.com/10056178

Tier 4 Final Doosan Diesel Engines without DPF

High Performance Engines Doosan Infracore engines offer high power output, high low-end torque and continual performance even in challenging conditions and applications. Thanks to accumulated engineering expertise of Doosan, all engine models are powered to improve fuel efficiency while reducing noise, emissions and vibration.

Easy Operation The customers benefit from an easy maintainability. A simple aftertreatment system without Diesel Particulate Filter(DPF) minimizes maintenance needs and preventive repairs and operating costs. Plus, long intervals of oil and filter changes provide another ease of operation.

Reliable Durability Root causes of customer’s downtime were analyzed and its solution was reflected in order to build robust engines enough to increase uptime and endure the most challenging working conditions.

Innovative Aftertreatment System All Doosan Infracore's Tier 4 Final engines use an innovative aftertreatment system that eliminates a DPF, reducing inconvenience and maintenance for the customer. A non-DPF engine design provides a simpler design; prevents the need for a larger mounting space; eliminates ash cleaning; enhances fuel economy; eliminates risk of thermal damage and reduces service claims.

Engine Specification MODEL NAME Performance

Max.Power (hp[kW] / rpm) 50[37] / 2600 165 / 1600 Max.Torque (Nm / rpm)

74[55] / 2600 280 / 1600

325 / 1600

430 / 1400

805 / 1400

154 / 1000 In-line 3

235 / 1000

309 / 1000

410 / 1000

637 / 800

In-line 4

In-line 4

In-line 4

In-line 6

Low-end Torque (Nm / rpm) Cylinder Arrangement

High Pressure Common Rail (1,800bar)

Fuel Injection System

Turbocharged & Intercooled

Aspiration Main Characteristics


Wastegate Type


External Cooled EGR

Valve Arrangement Aftertreatment

4 Valves Per Cylinder DOC

DOC + SCR (Bosch)

Tier 4 Final & StageIIIB

Emissions Compliance Technical Features

74[55] / 2600 110[82] / 2400 192[141] / 1900

98 X 113

90 X 94

Bore x Stroke (mm)

Tier 4 Final & StageIV 100 X 125

Displacement (cc)





Engine Weight (kg)





Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd Engine Sales


Tel : +82-2-3398-8400 / Fax : +82-2-3398-8509 Email : enginesales@doosan.com


Reliable solutions with high performance Tier 4 Final 37 hp to 110 hp

Engine Sales 21st Floor, Doosan Tower, 275 Jangchungdan-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-730, Korea Tel : +82-2-3398-8400 / Fax : +82-2-3398-8509 Email : enginesales@doosan.com


ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Single-Stage Air Cleaner

Fan Sensor

Oil Drain Valve

single-stage air cleaner ENTARON MD


Drain Valve for industrial engines and

MANN+HUMMEL introduces the

for air requirements of 40 cubic meters per minute. The ENTARON Series was

developed for machines with an engine output up to 450 kW.

»» Features improved flow resistance design

»» Can be combined with a separate pre-separator,


ing PerfectPitch

sensor technology

provides constant feedback of the fan’s

longer service life for the main filter in the field

»» Complete ENTARON Series includes

eight products covering nominal flow rates from 7 to 40 cubic meters per minute (m3/min)

»» Features compact design


Air Cleaners

Donaldson announces the addition

of the PCD family of air cleaners to its

PowerCore product line of air filters for heavy-duty applications.

»» Offers single-stage filtration in a compact unit

»» Well suited for on-highway trucks and other applications operating in light dust conditions

»» Provides performance for engine airflow ranges up to 974 cfm

»» Housing shape allows for narrow

pitch at any time

prior to reverse

pitch at peak horsepower demands,

freeing up 80% of the fan horsepower



»» Rubber lever cover makes for easy

ents the Four-Stage Fuel Filter Assembly.

»» Hose may be attached to the nipple

Parker Hannifin Corp.'s Racor Div. pres»» Can be added to many applications »» Includes head assembly with a priming pump and 1/2 in.

fittings, a genuine

Racor element, and a self-venting drain

»» Coalescer fuel filter

opening and closing

end to drain oil away from engine,

»» H-Type (Straight Hose End version) allows easy hose connection

»» L-Type (90 degree Hose End version) prevents hose kinking


system contains pri-

Fuel Filter

a secondary polishing

Corporation announces the release of

mary coalescing and stage

»» Multiple layers of specialized media in coalescing stage trap dirt and

extract finely dispersed water out of diesel fuel


»» Maximum Working Pressure is 30 psi

ing water and polishes the fuel (2.07 bar)

»» Maximum Flow Rate is 50 gal/hr (189 lph)


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

»» O-ring seal offers improved sealing

Fuel Filter Assembly

»» Efficiency of 99.9% at 4 micron


proof operation

»» Nickel-plated for extra protection

»» Can be trimmed at high rpm, and de-

»» Secondary filter strips away remain-


»» Turning the lever back locks it closed

CANbus network and, after purge,

or wide mounting orientation with

side access for easy filter service and

touch of a finger

»» Ball valve mechanism provides leak-

»» Allows fan to be set to any desired

can return to exact pitch it was in

»» Combining with pre-separator offers

for clean and easy oil change with a

ately controlling the fan’s pitch.

control system, accurately and immedi-

tion and main separated from each other

»» Replaces traditional oil drain plugs

»» Simply turning lever drains oil

»» Reverse cycles can be triggered by

filtration are

construction equipment.

exact pitch to the

whereby the pre-separa-

Global Sales Group introduces its EZ Oil

The Racor Division of Parker Hannifin the Racor Fuel Polisher.

»» Fuel polishing can be used in a variety of applications

»» Sets up a new fuel circuit around the fuel tank to remove contaminants

such as water, dirt and rust from the fuel delivery circuit, resulting in in-

creased filter life, better performance, and less downtime to change filters

»» Removes contaminants from fuel

tank, allowing fuel system to run at peak performance


RB2 The RB2 by Zinga Industries combines our

time-tested breather design with an innovative internal splash resistant geometry. A variety of popular thread mounting options for simplified and economical reservoir mounting makes this splash resistant design the right choice for reservoir designers and users. RB2 Features: • Integrated splash-resistant design can be used with the pressure/vacuum option • Threaded-in mounting design for new or existing filler ports • Standard thread sizes of 2 ½” – 12 UN (SAE-32), 1 ¼” NPTF, or M52X2 • 10 Micron air filtration keeps contaminants from entering the reservoir • Glass-filled nylon construction provides all-weather durability RB2 Options: • Weld bases in steel or aluminum • Steel baskets in 4”, 6”, 9”, or 12” nominal lengths with 30, 60, 100, or 200 stainless steel mesh liners • Oil level indicating dipstick • Pressure/ Vacuum combined relief valve in 3, 5, or 10 PSI pressure and .2 PSI vacuum • Logo Imprint / Label


Shown with weld base and basket options

ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 10965034 Aftertreatment before it’s an afterthought A clean air technology design and manufacturing company

takes proactive initiative to create forward-looking solutions for

the aftertreatment needs of the commercial vehicle market.

Search: 11326524 The search for efficiency Diesel engines gain efficiency through downsizing and downspeeding.

Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Oil

12V Starter

duty engine oil from

provide long-lasting performance

While removable thermal insulation blankets have typically been

the insulation of choice, recent

advances in rigid insulation have

given equipment designers more

variety when insulating their engine and exhaust components.

Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

commercial vehicles.

and the environment.

»» Takes up to 85% less energy to pro-

duce than oil made from virgin crude

»» Reduces greenhouse gas

»» Includes all the features necessary for the widest range of large

displacement commercial diesel engine applications

(GHG) emissions

»» Features shock absorbing planetary

and on- and off-highway fleets

»» Mounted on rubber shock absorbers

»» EcoPower is used by the U.S. Military »» Available in HD Diesel Engine 15W-40 CJ-4 and 10W-30 CJ-4/SM, as well as NGP 15W-40 Natural Gas Engine Oil and passenger car grades



Removable Insulation Blankets vs. Permanent Composite Insulation

and lifespan on most heavy-duty

protects engines

when developing future products.


that are specially designed to

Safety-Kleen Inc.


Search: 11188753

of its Long Haul 12V Series of starters

EcoPower heavy-

Search: 11221359 Plot fuel roadmap to the future

Evaluate all powertrain alternatives

Bosch has announced the availability

gear system

and located in a steel drive-end

housing, the planetary gear carrier resists ‘kick back’ and eliminates drive-end breakage

»» Easy-to-use Universal Mounting Flange reduces SKU count

»» Over-crank protection prevents damage and ensures a longer life

Centri precleaners

»» Internal magnetic switch (IMS) en-

from DRM

sures optimal voltage for starting in

Industries are

all weather conditions

with durable all stainless steel and aluminum.

»» Carries a lifetime warranty »» ISO9001:2008 company

»» Saves money on filters; extends air

»» Fixed-over running clutch with

50% less moving mass protects internal components

oemoffhighway. com/11002590

filter life up to 12x

»» Reduces equipment downtime and fuel


Fuel Filter/Water Separator

The Racor Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation announces the release of the FBO Fuel Filter/Water Separator.

»» Meets tough hydrocarbon refueling conditions for high-flow applications while providing easy filter changeouts

»» Offers choice between using water separator, a silicone treated

filter, or a water absorber to better meet specific filtration needs

»» Well suited for biofuel applications

»» Supports 10 to 75 GPM flow rates depending on model

»» Locking ring collar rotates bowl assembly for easy maintenance »» Features tool-less filter changeouts



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


US: www.kubotaengine.com Canada: www.kubota.ca

electronic en-

gine control, with a diesel particu-

Building Expansion and New Engine Designs Prepare Kubota Engine America for Future On May 30, 2012, Kubota Engine America broke

ground on their 100,280 square-foot building expansion. This project added an extra 81,880 square feet

of warehouse space and 18,400 square feet of office

space. The additional office and warehouse space will help meet the increasing needs of Kubota customers.

late filter (DPF) and a fuel reformer system.

The D1803-CR has an output

of 28 kW and the D1803-CR-T has an output of 37 kW both engines running at 2700 rpm. These engines

are electronic-controlled engines that have the common rail system, the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), and the diesel particulate filter (DPF). These components result in a clean, high-performing engine that

is more fuel efficient, quiet, and durable. Kubota has kept the engine package compact considering the addition of after-treatment components.

Kubota also introduced the WG2503 at the World

The expansion will also serve Kubota’s growing work-

of Concrete, a new member to its spark-ignited en-

2012. With the completion of this project, Kubota’s

and WG1605 (1.537 liter) line up. The WG2503 is a 2.5

force. Expansion was completed on November 29, corporate office now totals 178,398 square feet.

In addition to the building expansion, at the 2013

World of Concrete in Las Vegas Kubota introduced

two additional new engines to its Tier 4 line up -- the V1505-T as part of the 05 Series and D1803-CR-T as

part of the 03 Series. Although not displayed at the show, Kubota will also offer a D1803-CR naturally aspirated engine.

The V1505-T Doser is 33 kW with a maximum speed

of 3000 rpm. It is also offered at 27.5 kW at 2500

rpm and 30.8 kW at 2800 rpm. All outputs are gross intermittent. The V1505-T is mechanical injection,

gine line up. This engine joins the WG972 (0.962 liter) liter engine that is available in gasoline, LPG, and duel fuel. It is a naturally aspirated engine with a bore and stroke of 88 x 102.4 mm. The gasoline output is 45.5

kW, and the LPG is 46 kW. Both run at 2700 rpm. The

WG2503 is based on an industrial diesel engine platform with the same footprint as the Kubota V2403 diesel engine.

All of these new engines have the proven reliabil-

ity and clean performance that customers expect from Kubota.

Please visit the company website at

www.kubotaengine.com for more details.

ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Two-Stage Air Cleaner

Bulk Diesel Coalescing Skid

Engine Air Cleaners and Filters

MEL introduces

Coalescing Skid 2

PowerPleat air cleaners and filters de-


The BDS2 Bulk Diesel

the smallest air

from Schroeder

cleaner of the

Industries is a


highly effective

featuring a nominal

method to

flow rate of 4.5 m3/min.

remove particulate and

»» For applications with high dust

water from diesel fuels stored in

levels such as construction

machines, agricultural machines and

bulk fuel tanks.

»» Comprised of two QCF Coalescing

mobile compressors

Filter and one QL15

»» Offers high performance, low

Particulate Filter

installation space requirements and

»» Features three different filter

easy servicing

housings which make it possible to

»» Includes efficient pre-separator with

achieve a maximum of 140 gpm

multi-cyclone block

»» Meets bulk fuel quality and cleanli-

»» Service switch can be integrated in

ness needs of Tier 4 engine designs

housing to monitor filter load

and use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel

»» Fitted using mounting points

»» Helps protect critical equipment

»» Can be fitted in a horizontal or

»» Rated at 99.5% single pass efficiency

integrated in the housing

and components

vertical position

»» Available with a dust discharge valve

or scavenging to increase performance

»» Version with dust

scavenging up to 94% is flexible

»» Two-stage design

»» Depending on the size,

access for servicing is either from the side or front

»» Core of filter is the

CompacPleat filter

element developed by MANN+HUMMEL

»» CompacPleat element offers larger filter

surface area and longer service life in a more

compact installation

space in comparison to

»» Provides flexible mounting options and features multiple inlet/outlet

configurations for easy installation

»» Available in a wide range of sizes,

with several that are drop-in replacements for Donaldson’s FPG and FRG models

»» Plastic RadialSeal design allows for system simplification, eliminating need for external pre-cleaners,

scavenged systems or additional mounting brackets

»» Can use an air cleaner with a smaller overall space claim



Fan Drive and Plastic Fan


@CumminsEngines @KohlerEngines @BriggsStratton @MTU_PR @JohnDeere @CaterpillarInc @VolvoPentaNA @firwincorp @DemandDetroit @ScaniaGroup @DieselTechForum

conventional filter elements




matter from various fuel types

pre-separation efficiency

»» Position of dust discharge

signed to protect engines from dust and

»» Removes free water and particulate

discharge valve achieves a up to 90% and with

Donaldson Company introduces its

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Horton introduces the Modulator LCV40 Fully Variable Fan Drive and WindMaster Plastic LS11 Fan.

»» For use as an engine cooling solution

»» Delivers maximum efficiency and optimized cooling in a wide variety of agricultural, construction and transportation equipment

»» Compact and lightweight design

»» Provides improved fuel economy

»» Modulator LCV40 Fan Drive is controlled by

engine’s ECU and features high torque and a faster response time

»» Variable-speed operation and lower off

speed result in more usable horsepower for auxiliary systems

»» Completely sealed with durable construction for long, maintenance-free operating life

»» WindMaster LS11 blades can be trimmed to

appropriate size for radiator and airflow requirements

»» Blades are optimized for minimum deflection, reduced fan stress and increased airflow stability





With product applications for diesel fuel filtration from 5gpm to 5,000gpm, Velcon remains an industry leader in fuel conditioning. Velcon’s primary filtration process ensures clean dry fuel—free of contaminant and water—to meet and exceed stringent ISO 4406 industry specifications, by offering these filtration solutions: »»»» Micronic»Filtration:»removes»fine» and»abrasive»silica»to»reduce»engine» wear,»resulting»in»increased»up-time» while»meeting»equipment»warranty» specifications. »»»» Particulate»and»Water»Absorption:» absorbs»free»water,»while»filtering» particulate»from»diesel»fuels. »»»» Particle»and»Water»Removal»(coalescing):» removes»water,»which»if»left»in»the» fuel»would»otherwise»cause»pump»and» injector»failures»in»diesel»engines. »»»» »Fuel»Condition»Monitoring:»various» unique»applications»to»monitor»diesel» fuel»quality: »»»» Throughout»the»distribution»process »»»» Custody»transfers»to»ensure»the» correct»blend »»»» Disposable»test»kits »»»» Real-time»precision»instrumentation,» designed»to»detect,»simultaneously» solid»contaminant»and»water»in»the» diesel»fuel.

Together, we can improve fuel cleanliness and control your fuel quality processes.

Whether you need to remove fine abrasive silica or remove free water from your diesel fuel, our innovations in bulk fuel filtration extend equipment uptime and assure clean dry fuel delivery. Velcon CLEANDiesel plays an important role in: • Reducing Overall Operating Cost • Meeting Tier 4 Full Emission Requirements • Part of an Essential Contaminant Control Program Contact Velcon to find out how we can meet your ISO 4406 Cleanliness Requirements.

www.velcon.com/oem14aps 1 800 531 0180 oemoffhighway.com/10224743



For over 100 years, customers have depended on MTU engines for exceptional power and performance. We’re focused on off-highway diesel engines, and ready to help you meet your specific requirements. With a passion for performance and reliability, MTU offers first-class service and a tradition of excellence to customers all over the world. We provide a complete product lineup to cover a wide power range (30 kW to 10,000 kW) for diverse applications such as construction and industrial, agriculture, mining, oil and gas, marine, rail and defense. Since our founding, MTU has set standards in technology, innovation and customized products and systems solutions. We offer a full line of solutions for every need. Robust, compact and fuel-efficient engines are available in every power

category. MTU Series 1000 through Series 1600 engines are available now with Tier 4 final certification up to 979 bhp (730 kW). Best of all, they all meet EPA Tier 4 standards without the need for diesel particulate filters. Covering a power range of 760-1,560 bhp (567-1,163 kW), the redesigned MTU Series 2000 diesel engine is ready for EPA Tier 4 interim standards today, and the same engine platform will meet Tier 4 final standards beginning in 2015. The new Series 2000 features improved fuel economy and a compact and efficient design. It joins a complete lineup of Tier 4 ready engines from MTU. We back our products with exceptional service. From maintenance to spare parts to engine overhauls, MTU offers full support through MTU ValueCare. These products and services are designed for peak performance and maximum uptime. MTU ValueCare is always nearby— available worldwide through the MTU service network.

Learn more about MTU at www.mtu-online.com


ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11477259 Yanmar announces leadership and management changes Several leadership changes made to better focus efforts on sales,

marketing and customer support

of its current products and to help grow future business.

Electronically-Controlled Coolant Pump

Behr America's electronically-controlled

High Efficiency Precleaner

diesel engines promises fuel economy

introduces the turbo 390

Visco cooling pump technology for

savings up to 1% for heavy truck based

on an average engine power of 100 kW. »» Reduces parasitic power losses »» Varies coolant-pump

The emergency generator set

features a QSK60 marine auxiliary engine and MCRS fuel system.

Search: 11457843 Perkins celebrates the production of its 20 millionth engine Search: 11456109 EPA funding available to clean up existing diesel engines

III line of precleaners for heavy-duty equipment.

»» Meets performance needs of maand 700 cfm

based on

»» Employs a straight-through air flow


path to prevent possible restriction or loss of engine power

operating conditions

»» Covers variable-speed, fuel-saving airand coolant-flow products by hydraulically isolating engine-input speeds

and minimizing power consumption under high-speed operation and

light-engine loads where maximum flow rates are not required

»» Features impact-resistant, glass-filled nylon construction which is weather and rust proof

»» Includes heavy-duty bearings that

are shielded from contaminants and designed to be maintenance free

»» Delivers more than 80% separation efficiency

»» Pump’s control logic is embedded in

»» Able to remove particulate smaller

»» Energy is transferred hydraulically to

» Removes vast majority of dust before

an engine-control module an impeller

»» Fully variable-speed Visco clutch

operation allows for precise

coolant flow

oemoffhighway. com/10987623

$9 million in grant funding from EPA’s Diesel Emission Reduction Program (DERA) for clean diesel

which is the fifth precleaner in the turbo

chines requiring airflow between 300


requirements and

Search: 11473255 Cummins launches QSK60 C Power emergency genset for offshore applications

Turbo Filtration

than 1 micron

it even gets to air filter, enabling air

Did you know...

Our newly redesigned website has a channel dedicated to all engine system products, news and articles! Find it at www.oemoffhighway.com/ engine

projects to reduce diesel pollution

Oil Drain Valve

existing fleet of diesel engines.

Hose connection for quick and easy oil change, Global

and emissions exposure from the

Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

filter elements to last longer

» Available in a 5-inch, 6-inch and 7-inch base size

» Accommodates numerous engine/inlet sizes



Following the introduction of the EZ Oil Drain Valve with Sales Group has added the L-Type Oil Drain Valve for using the hose in tight area applications. »» Features 90 degree design

»» Detachable and can be fully rotated

»» Direction of the hose end can be adjusted and tightened with the lock nut »» Well suited for draining oil in limited space without kinking the hose »» Oil is drained with a simple turn of the lever

»» Hose may be attached to the nipple end to drain oil away from the engine, making it perfect for hard-to-reach spaces



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


BPS Series Bypass Filter System

The Stauff BPS Series bypass filter system uses a fine, specially-developed

cellulose filter medium to remove even the tiniest impurities that are smaller than 1 micrometer.

»» Special flow control valve allows required flow of oil to be taken directly

Air Cleaner

Donaldson introduces the PSD14 air

cleaner to its line of PowerCore air clean-

from main system without any need for an integrated motor/pump unit

»» Low nominal flow rate of 4.2 liters per minute


ers for heavy-duty off-road equipment and on-road trucks.

»» Expands PSD family of air cleaners

into a larger size and airflow range – now up to 1,450 cfm

»» For equipment in medium-to-heavy dust environments

»» Utilizes PowerCore Technology to

deliver performance and maximum service life

»» Provides features and benefits of

two-stage filtration (with a built-in

pre-cleaner) in a single, compact unit


Engine Cooling Fans

Flexxaire Inc. engineers its Flexxaire Engine Cooling Fans to provide the heavy equipment industry optimized cooling

systems that save money, reduce emis-

sions and allow engines to work harder. »» Features hydraulic or

pneumatic actuation

»» Automatically reverses to clean radiators and prevent overheating

»» Maintenance free as synthetic oil provides constant lubrication




OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


ENGINE S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Modular Fans

Magnetic Oil and Fuel Filter

product line now features the WindShift

product family which substantially reduce the presence of

Horton’s WindShift Modular Fan

WSC, WSE and WSD blade designs for

maximum efficiency in low-restriction

airflow applications such as HVAC, ventilation, stationary power generators, auxiliary coolers and others.

»» Fits in narrow, compact spaces

»» Blades have less deflection, resulting in increased durability

»» Provides greater design and

manufacturing flexibility for higher

performance and faster, easier testing and prototyping

»» Constructed with clamshell knuckles that clamp each blade to a 0.25-inch (6 mm) steel center disk, allowing

blades to be set to a specific pitch angle for increased airflow

»» Options include clockwise or counterclockwise rotation and custom

FilterMag International has introduced a magnetic filtration harmful particles from oil, hydraulic and fuel systems used in critical assets in mining, oil and gas, heavy construction and manufacturing markets.

»» Magnetic filtration technology improves capture rate of most harmful particles in the sub-10 micron range

»» Uses custom-designed, heat-resistant Neodymium alloy magnets

»» Non-invasively extracts wear-causing particles from oil and hydraulic fluids without interfering with flow

»» Focuses magnetic field inside a filter that is formulated to remove damaging particles


SDB Gearbox Desiccant Breathers

STAUFF SDB Gearbox Desiccant Breathers are designed to remove corrosive moisture and hazardous vapors.

»» Removes particulate matter by first having air pass

through a drying agent of non-toxic gel to remove moisture and then through a replaceable air filter element with a micron rating of 3 μm

center disks for virtually any blade

»» As moisture is absorbed, drying agent will gradually change from red to orange

circle pattern

»» Optional spring-loaded check valve isolates drying agent from atmosphere unless

60 in. (450 to 1,525 mm) with 3 to 16

»» Features highly absorbent activated carbon material to trap any hazardous oil vapors

count, fan diameter and pilot or bolt »» Available in diameters from 18 to

blades, equally spaced or staggered to modulate system noise

»» Straight- and tapered-bore adapters are available in addition to flat plate center disc mounting

»» Compatible with Horton fan drives

»» WSE has a swept blade shape making it well suited for Tier 4 and Stage IV compliant equipment


with orange indicating the drying agent needs to be replaced inhaling or exhaling, which increases lifetime of breather


CNG Regulator System

Parker Hannifin Corporation introduces an advanced CNG (Com-

pressed Natural Gas) Vehicle Gas Regulator System for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

»» Offers stable, reduced pressure delivery and control of natural gas

»» Integrated internal components work together to eliminate fuel line

failures due to freezing, dampen flow-induced vibration, reduce drop at high flow, and extend cycle life

»» Offers variety of configuration options

»» Consists of an integrated filter, inlet solenoid valve, and heat exchanger all working together to provide advanced fuel-handling performance

»» Optimized for 6- to 15-liter engines

»» Piston regulator design offers stable pressure delivery and control of CNG throughout the full range of engine and environmental operating conditions

»» Integrated heat exchanger uses heated radiator fluid to condition gas before it enters the engine, offering improved reliability at low temperatures



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

SEARCH: 10055895

for more products and news from Parker Hannifin Corp.'s Racor Division.


www.scaniausa.com Scania operates in more than 100 countries throughout the world and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and industrial and marine engines, with excellent standing and highly loyal customers. The engines build on a long tradition of amazingly compact power packs that share both technology and architecture with Scania’s truck and bus engines. This makes for easy installation and exceptional performance. Important factors in the industrial engine segment are high uptime, generous torque at low revs, good fuel economy and prompt engine response. These demands are all fulfilled with the new Tier 4f, EU Stage IV engine range.

Scania’s long-standing philosophy is to secure full control of all strategic steps in development and performance control. Basic engine development of engine management, fuel injection and emission control systems are carried out in-house. This ensures consistent durability, environmental performance and ease of operation.



DR I V E T R A INS & COMP ONEN T S Br ough t to you b y

@BonfiglioliUSA Tough applications require tough, rugged and reliable travel drives. The 700C Series of travel drives from Bonfiglioli meets the demands for mining and other heavy-duty applications, providing up to 600,000 Nm (5.3M in.lbs.) of torque. These powerful drives accommodate up to 350 ton excavators, huge drilling machines and heavy-duty equipment for even the most demanding mining and earth-moving applications. Smaller drives are available for crawler machines requiring as little as 1,000 Nm (8,850 in.-lbs.) of torque. All Bonfiglioli travel drives are available with a failsafe parking brake and for most, cartridge-type fixed or variable displacement hydraulic motors. See pages 36 and 37 to read more about Bonfiglioli, and visit www.oemoffhighway.com/10055103 to learn more about Bonfiglioli’s latest products and news announcements.

DR I V E T R A INS & COMP ONEN T S Individual Suspension

OVER 420

The individual suspension for agricultur-

al machinery from ZF provides increased driving comfort and faster driving for both on- and off-road applications.

Planetary Axles

Meritor Inc. introduces the P600 Series

planetary axles, including the P610 and P614. These two planetary axles are

engineered for heavy-haul, oil field, logging and mining applications globally. »» Available in tandem and

»» Offers increased maneuverability and improved ground clearance

»» Consists of two control arms, a wheel carrier as well as the chassis connection

»» Features compact and weightoptimized design

»» Permits driver to vary ground clear-

ance as well as steplessly adjust the

track width without having to leave the driver’s cab

»» Minimizes vibrations, providing

smooth ride without loss of traction

»» AWS ensures high maneuverability


tridem configurations

»» Uses common components from other Meritor axles, allowing for reduced lead times and quicker customer deliveries

»» Tandem axle maximum gross axle weight rating is 84,000 lbs.


Combined Brake Bearing Poclain Hydraulics strengthens its

Automated Manual Transmission

combined brake bearing (Dynamic +

six-speed Automated Manual Trans-

braking solutions offer with its C11-25 Parking), which is available immediately on MS/MSE18 and MS35 engines.

»» Offers powerful braking torques up to 25,000 Nm in dynamic conditions and

Hubs and Spindles

»» Well suited for powerful and fast ma-


»» Also operates as a bearing

GKN Land

manufactures a

range of customized hubs

11,000 Nm in parking

chines such as sprayers or harvesters support, enabling it to handle large external loads

and spindles with capacities from 500 to

»» "All in one" concept (dynamic braking

»» Can be tailored to customer specifi-

compact design and is easy to inte-

50,000 lbs. (227 to 22,700 kg).

cations, with an option to include disc brake components if required

»» For heavy-duty wheel applications, a 200-pound ductile iron hub and

spindle is available which has a loadbearing capacity in excess of 35,000 lbs.

»» Ten-bolt pattern system with

load-bearing capacity in excess of 50,000 lbs. is available, as well as 50,000-lb. 20-bolt version



MORE DRIVETRAIN PRODUCTS are waiting to be found online. Go to OEMOffHighway.com/ Directory to start your search for DRIVETRAINS including axles, tracks and tires, driveshafts, PTOs and brake systems.

and parking in a single step) provides grate with the motor

»» Includes oil bath friction tech-

nology for reliable and maintenance-free performance


Oerlikon Graziano introduces its hybrid, mission (AMT). The transmission will be

more cost effective, efficient and lighter than DCT alternatives.

»» Utilizes torque infill to provide seamless shift benefits

»» Provides torque infill from an electric motor during gear changes, providing refinement of a DCT

»» Increased low speed comfort does not compromise rapid shift time

and responsiveness during spirited

driving due to a two-speed electric

motor transmission solution enabled by a twin-shaft AMT layout

»» Smooth shifting at low to medi-

um vehicle performance matches

current DCT expectations, and the transition to high-performance is

enabled by significant torque infill to reduce shift shock

»» For high performance vehicles with

transaxle transmission configurations, and suitable for front- and rear-wheel drive applications


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


DR I V E T R A INS & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


Steerable Lift Axle Suspension

inverted slip design range, the Synergy

13.5k capacity NEWAY LSZ Auxiliary Steerable Lift

GKN Land Systems is launching an

5C-10C driveshafts for the construction and mining industry.

SAF-HOLLAND announces the introduction of its Axle Suspension System.

»» Features 17.5-inch package size »» Over 4 in. shorter than comparable lift axles

»» Rugged, yet compact design offers application versatility, enables easy installation and service, and provides extra frame rail space for component packaging and options

»» Super Chamber lift on the LSZ provides quick and reliable four-second lift speed »» Links existing GKN off-highway

technologies from Mechanics Series

U-Joints range with inverted slip and

»» Delivers stronger and more consistent lift force that keeps axle securely stowed »» Super Chamber position provides increased protection from road hazards


shaft design expertise

Combine Harvester Drivelines

»» Service-free design is achieved

through optimization of spline geometry, optimization of spline grease for off-highway loads and temperatures, and advanced slip seals

»» Specialized design of splined compo-

nents increases length compensation


Who to FOLLOW @PTTech1 @OerlikonGroup

PEEK Plastic Thrust Washers molded by Minnesota Rubber and Plastics handle

thermal expansion forces and are suited for use in a wide range of applications. »» Features chemical resistance and

retention of mechanical properties up to 570 F (300 C)

»» Self-aligning extensions at each end

press quickly and accurately into the transmission assembly ring gears

»» Weighs 50% less than metal components


and feature minimal maintenance demands.

»» Uses single-stage (S-800) or two-stage (S-1050) wheel drive depending on weight of vehicle

»» Two-stage wheel drive typically for vehicles with higher GVW

»» Features two disc brakes mounted directly on the transmission to produce a reliable braking effect with higher operational

@DanaHoldingCorp @BonfiglioliUSA

Plastic Thrust Washers

The ZF 3MD combine harvester drivelines are robustly designed

safety independent of the relevant field of application


@Bendix_CVS @AlcoaWheels @Meritor

Couplings with Solid Film Lubricant

The ServoClass couplings from Zero-Max feature a solid film lubricant treatment on the

threads of all the socket head

cap screws to ensure couplings

are assembled correctly and will grip the shaft precisely.

»» Features precise 304 stainless steel disc members

»» Aligned and locked into position onto high strength aluminum alloy hubs with ISO 4762 XL 12.9 corrosion-resistant socket head cap screws

»» System speeds up to 10,000 rpm

»» Available in 12 sizes with both single and double disc models »» Handles torque ratings ranging from 0.5 to 250 Nm

»» Accommodates parallel (radial), axial and angular misalignments »» Manufactured with RoHS compliant materials



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


The Logan LC-318 Bell Housing PTO transmits 10,000 lb. ft. of torque @ 200 psi.

Logan PTO- Power Take Off Clutches The LC-318 Generation III is now

available from Logan Clutch. The

LC-318 transmits over 10,000 lb. ft.

of torque @ 200 psi. Logan offers a full range of standard power take

off clutches to suit a variety of OEM Industrial, Mobile, Oil & Gas, and

Marine applications. Engineered, modified standards are available to meet specific application

requirements. Logan products are engineered and manufactured in Cleveland Ohio, U.S.A.

Key product features include: » SAE flywheel mounted » Air or Hydraulic actuation » Self-adjusting disc pack » Push button actuation » No expensive electronic

controllers/actuators required.

» No pilot bearing » Ideal for In-line or Heavy side loads

» Hi torque, small envelope Applications Include: » Snow Blowers » Road Milling and Grinding » Dredging and Trenching » Tub Grinding and Rock Crushing oemoffhighway.com/10947421

DR I V E T R A INS & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11173471 Kinetic energy creates brake opportunities There is potential for long-term growth with new regions of

expansion and product offerings that capitalize on current hybrid technology trends.

Regional Steer Tire

Tire Pressure Sensor

Truck Tires, a

signed for OTR tire applications in mines,

Michelin Americas division of Michelin North America Inc.,

announces the launch

of its MICHELIN X Multi

Energy Z, a regional steer

tire that meets U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) SmartWay verified requirements.

»» Features 15% reduction in

Search: 11418071 UQM Technologies collaborating with Kinetics Drive Solutions on electric drive system for all-electric commerical vehicles

rolling resistance

Doran Manufacturing has introduced a tire pressure sensor specifically dequarries and off-road construction.

»» For extreme operating conditions »» Meets or exceeds SAE standards

»» Patent-pending seal design with

built-in filter protects internal sensor components from rim conditioners and other liquids

»» Seal design with brass housing provides consistent valve core depression

»» Well suited for super regional trucking

»» Features high performance Lithi-

stand both irregular wear and scrub

ance to temperature extremes

applications requiring tires that with-

»» Dual compound tread and energy

casing provides low rolling resistance

um-Ion battery for enhanced toler-


»» Inter-locking matrix sipes provide enhanced handling performance

Search: 11354878 Run flat on purpose

Agritechnica 2013 in Hanover, Germany was wrought with

agricultural technology. Mitas used the global platform to premier

a revolutionary tire design that redefines how a traditional tire functions.

Search: 11459298 New Scania hydraulic retarder features freewheel capabilities to improve fuel savings

»» Casing life is extended by curb guards and a rectangular bead bundle


Steer Radial Tire

Bridgestone Commercial Solutions an-

nounces the launch of the Bridgestone

concrete mixer truck fleets which

Radial Tire for Articulated Trucks

on-highway use

Goodyear is a ra-

R244 All-Position Steer Radial Tire.

»» Meets demands of dump trucks and spend a higher percentage of miles in »» Performs well both on- and off-highway

without sacri-

ficing traction

Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

on rougher roads

»» Ribbed pattern helps deliver

smoother ride

»» Wide base design allows vehicle to haul more

»» Special tread compounds provide resistance to irregular wear



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

The GP4D from

dial tire that offers

enhanced traction

for articulated dump trucks.

»» Non-directional tread

design for high fore, aft and lateral traction

»» Ultra-wide tread arc width improves sidewall protection

»» Enhanced flotation and tread life

»» Centerline riding lugs for long tread wear and a smooth ride

»» Available in a 65-Series profile and select wide-base sizes


Performance and efficiency where it matters. Dana provides a wide variety of Spicer ® drivetrain solutions for all types of off-highway equipment including transmissions, axles, driveshafts, and related products such as steering, braking, and tire management. Available as either fully integrated systems or individual components, Dana supports customers around the globe from a network of localized manufacturing facilities and technical support centers.

As a world leader in supplying advanced Spicer driveline technologies for off-highway machine builders and end-users, Dana provides high-performing technologies you can trust. We serve all major off-highway market segments including construction, agriculture, material handling, mining, and more to meet a diverse range of needs with proven platforms and unique designs.

increase efficiency, durability, and reliability in all kinds of off-highway vehicles. Product options include all types of powershift, hydrostatic, and the latest hydromechanical variable transmissions (HVT) together with a full range of axles including applicable steering, brakes, and tire management equipment. New product concepts launched recently include Spicer PowerBoost,™ a new hydraulic-hybrid concept adaptable to all sizes of construction and material-handling machines, and capable of delivering fuel savings of up to 40 percent. Our established global network of engineering, manufacturing, and distribution facilities brings localized support to original equipment and aftermarket customers. As always, we will continue our commitment

An established track record in innovation keeps our teams focused on providing a broad portfolio of options from individual product solutions to fully optimized drivetrain systems, customized to meet your goals. Breakthrough, patented products undergo extensive testing and quality assurance procedures that

to bring global expertise to emerging markets with premium products developed specifically to meet local needs. Based in Maumee, Ohio, USA, Dana employs 23,000 people in 26 countries on six continents and reported 2013 sales of $6.8 billion. For more information, please visit dana.com.

Dana offers a broad portfolio of options to the global off-highway market, from individual product solutions to fully optimized drivetrain systems.

©2014 Dana Limited



BonfiglioliUSA.com/mobile 859-334-3333

Bonfiglioli provides complete electro-hydraulic and mechanical solutions for off-highway applications such as construction, agriculture, forestry and mining. We offer a complete range of wheel drives, track drives, slew drives and winch drives that are rugged and 100% reliable, providing superior performance and the perfect amount of power needed for each application. With decades of expertise in the power transmission market, Bonfiglioli’s precision electronics and engineering have become the benchmark for top manufacturers around the world, improving energy efficiency and overall performance. Our compact, powerful drives feature integrated solutions like disengagement devices and axial piston hydraulic motors and have the design versatility to accommodate even the smallest spaces in any offhighway equipment.

The extensive variety of Bonfiglioli drives ensures the perfect power transmission match for any application. • Travel drives – For all types of off-highway, agricultural and forestry equipment including excavators, tracked and wheeled loaders, bulldozers, crushers and graders, compactors, paving, cranes and skylifts, sprayers, harvesters and feller bunchers, Bonfiglioli travel drives are compact enough to fit any machine. All units are available with a failsafe parking brake. • Slew drives – For equipment requiring smooth precision and guaranteed excellent control, Bonfiglioli slew drives are perfect for mini excavators, wheeled and tracked excavators, cranes, skylifts and winches. • Wheel drives – For agricultural and construction equipment, the 600 series offers unparalleled features including a disengagement device for towing in emergency situations. Bonfiglioli also offers an extended range of wheel drives for pneumatic tire roller machines which optimizes the layout of the hydraulic system. • Transit mixer drives – Bonfiglioli’s 500 series drives offer absolute dependability, low maintenance and compactness for cement mixers. • Planetary drives –The 300 series of planetary drives are the ideal choice for severe duty applications, where shock loads and impacts are most demanding. • Track drive gearmotors – These drives are extremely compact, lightweight and efficient and offer the smoothest operation for excavators, loaders and more. Whatever your next off-highway adventure is, plan to take Bonfiglioli along with you.

Take Bonfiglioli gearboxes along on your next off-highway adventure.

It’s not exactly the outback but it’s still a fun ride.

For over 30 years, Bonfiglioli has been delivering 100% reliable solutions for power transmission and motion control in all offhighway applications including construction, agriculture, forestry, earth moving, mining and more. From track drives with integrated and compact hydraulic motors to wheel drives complete with negative multidisc brakes with disengagement options, our broad and diversified product range offers customizable solutions for any off-highway application.

Bonfiglioli USA 3541 Hargrave Drive Hebron, Kentucky 41048 - Ph. +1 859 334 3333 Bonfiglioliusa.com/mobile oemoffhighway.com/10055103

DR I V E T R A INS & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Automatic Tire Inflation System

Skid Steer Tires

gent Transporta-

tires designed for demanding environ-

STEMCO Intelli-

tion Systems (ITS) announces the

release of an up-

grade to its Aeris line of high-performance auto-

matic tire inflation

systems. Aeris SmartSense technology features an advanced driver alert system that identifies which wheel ends are taking air for faster corrective action.

»» Equipped with LED indicators that in-

dicate which wheel ends have taken air and which are frequently taking air

»» Radio frequency link between Aeris

control box and driver-warning lamp eliminates need for hardwire link


Dual Drive Tire A new segment in commercial

Trelleborg Wheel Systems announces

OTR Radial Tire

tires. These are large, off-the-road solid

Corporation is

its range of Brawler Solidflex Skid Steer

ments such as waste handling, recycling and material handling applications. »» Patented elliptical

hold pattern in the side

wall provides deflection

over broken terrain

»» Elliptical ap-

erture offers a 37% softer

ride when compared to equivalent foam-filled pneumatic tires

»» Eliminates downtime in

severe-duty applications

»» Durable cut-resistant rubber

compound is designed for greater

resistance to cutting and chunking


truck operations,

Flotation Tire

haul with regional

the heaviest agricultural implements,

combining long

traffic, prompted the

launch of Continental

Tire the Americas LLC’s Hybrid HD3 drive tire.

»» Allows trucks to utilize the same tire

for line-haul or regional applications

»» 27/32nds tread depth in regenerating pattern cut in three dimensions and a large tread volume allows for long tread life and larger footprint for traction on highways

»» Sipes support tread blocks against

forces from the drivetrain, retarder and wheel brake system to achieve the best possible traction and braking

»» Open shoulder provides grip and directional control



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Mitas’ Agriterra 03 is intended for use on such as slurry tanks, and is the company’s largest flotation tire.

»» Diameter measures 1.6 m

»» Features radial

Yokohama Tire

unveiling two off-

the-road (OTR) radial

tires, the RL45 and RL51.

»» High turn-up carcass protects against exterior damage with greater lateral stiffness for better riding comfort, and defends against sidewall cuts

»» Buttress side protection prevents against outside damage, and

reduces sidewall snags and cuts with thicker rubber on the upper sidewall and shoulder

»» Non-directional block pattern offers traction and stability, as well as

abrasion- and cut-resistance on rock and gravel surfaces

»» Flexible OTR belt wire creates tough, multi-layer cross-ply steel belt package to improve durability


Hard Surface Radial Tires

Michelin has introduced a range of tires, the radial MICHELIN BibLoad Hard Sur-

face lineup, which is suited for compact loaders and telescopic equipment in

farming applications being used on hard surfaces such as roads and asphalt.

»» Multi-directional tread enables lateral, longitudinal and transversal movements on hard, wet and snowcovered surfaces

steel belt

»» Features dia-

»» ‘D’ speed

tread blocks

construction category allows

speeds of up to 65 km/h and maxi-

mum load of 7,100 kg at 400 kPa

»» Tread features larger tread voids for improved self-cleaning properties

»» Deeper tread than that of Agriterra 02 for improved tread life


mond-shaped made up

of beveled facets

»» Bevels help

spread stress

across casing

layer during lateral

movements and evacuate mud


Integrated PowerTrain Solutions









GKN Land Systems is a global leading supplier of technology differentiated power management solutions and services. We design, manufacture and supply products and services for agricultural, construction, mining and utility machinery offering integrated PowerTrain solutions.

WHAT WE DO: As a leading partner in the off highway industry GKN Land Systems works closely with Global Original Equipment Manufacturers to meet the needs of the ever changing and demanding operating environment. Extensive R & D in increasingly intelligent and integrated engineering solutions ensures that we supply products that are efficient, enable increased productivity of machinery and take into consideration requirements for lighter weight and increased payloads. At GKN Land Systems we engineer an extensive range of products and systems: Coupling & Driveshafts


Gearing & Speed Changers

Hubs Systems

Clutches & Brakes

eDrive and Hybrid Systems

Integrated Drive Systems

High Performance Structures

Sensors & Controls ..... and offer customized solutions, an expanding global footprint, trusted products, services and people. oemoffhighway.com/10110734

Further information can be found at www.gkn.com/landsystems



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What you may have missed…

Search: 11224057 Gaining traction over waste Through the development of

unique wheel and tip configurations one OEM was able to provide better traction, stability and compaction for its waste handling equipment.

Rib-Type AllPosition Tire

Non-Pneumatic Tire/Wheel

mercial Solutions

single unit replacing the current tire/

Bridgestone Comintroduces the

Bridgestone M854, a

rib-type all-position tire ideal for severe on- and

off-highway applications.

»» Specially fabricated to meet tough environment demands of the construction and refuse markets

Search: 11473222


Industrial Wet Clutches, Fluid Couplings and Torque Converters Due to a lack of skilled operators,

mechanically actuated dry friction clutches have been replaced by

other devices such as hydraulically

actuated wet friction clutches, fluid couplings, and torque converters and hydrostatic transmissions.

Search: 11289971 Federal-Mogul to acquire Honeywell brake friction business Search: 11224097 No two tire solutions are the same Differing requirements and

challenges between applications brings tire manufacturers the

opportunity to develop tires which meet specific industry needs.

»» Delivers stability on loose terrain and uneven surfaces

»» Provides long mileage, aggressive

traction and strong casing durability

»» Wide footprint maximizes tire grip, while cap/base compounding and optimized casing construction im-

prove overall occurrence of irregular wear, extending original tread life

»» Wide tread design provides higher payload and flotation


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

»» Once bolted on, there is no air pressure to maintain

»» Provides greater stability and enables skid steers to work faster with more operator comfort

»» Delivers


footprint with strong wear life that is

two to three

times that of

pneumatic tire at equal tread depth

»» Energy transfer within poly-resin

spokes reduces “bounce” associated with pneumatic tires

Mining Tires Yokohama Tire

Tires with DuraSeal Technology

introduces its

WHA DuraSeal tires from Goodyear

Corporation (YTC) Y20 and Y67

mining tires.


»» For scoops and

coal haulers needing

heavy weight carrying capacity

»» Allows replacement of 15-inch rim

with heavy-duty 20-inch rim for bet-

ter durability and extra room around hub, promoting cooler running on lug bolts


»» For large shuttle cars

»» Provides greater carrying capacity without having to change rims

»» Wide footprint for improved ride and oemoffhighway.com/11172718

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

wheel/valve assembly.


tire life


TWEEL SSL for skid steer loaders is one


brakes, and better access and torque

Find all of these and more at

Michelin North America’s MICHELIN X

The G289 WHA DuraSeal and the G296 are ideal for waste industry trucks that travel across municipal and privately

owned dumps, construction sites, waste transfer stations and other areas where

the potential for tread punctures is high. »» Features Goodyear DuraSeal Tech-

nology, a gel-like substance built into the tire’s inner liner that instantly repairs nailhole punctures

»» G289 features deep 24/32-inch tread depth to extend tread life

»» G296 has high-

scrub tread com-

pound and speed rating of 68 mph


Intelligent Braking

For a World on the Move The world of Mobile Machinery is on the move. Environmental Regulations, Energy Savings and Enhanced Vehicle Safety, and Operator Comfort and Efficiency are propelling new machine designs at a rapidly increasing rate. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to focus on machine differentiation, time to market, and cost competitiveness. MICO is uniquely positioned to help you lead and succeed in a world on the move. MICO engineers specialize in developing collaborative solutions custom tailored to the unique requirements of each machine. Rapid development and prototyping processes ensure you get to market on time and on budget. The MICO Electrohydraulic Engineering Center brings new levels of intelligent braking integration to machine safety and efficiency while meeting and exceeding the latest regulations. MICO MOBEUS intelligent systems address your latest ABS, ESC and Traction Control requirements. Talk with MICO today. We help you put your ideas into motion for a world on the move.

Innovative Braking and Controls Worldwide

mico.com • +1 507 625 6426 oemoffhighway.com/10055784

Innovation for Extreme Machines™

One Company, Two Powerful Solutions




Engineered Solutions

PT Tech provides innovative, custom engineered power train solutions that operate in some of the world’s toughest environments – Heavy Construction, Mining, Aggregate, Recycling, Steel, Roadworking and Marine Equipment.

For an innovative solution outside our standard product offerings, look to PT Tech experts to help serve as an extension of your engineering department. Let us help you design a reliable custom solution.

Power Transmission & Friction Products for OEM’s

Diesel Engine Clutches with Microprocessor Controls Dry Clutches


80-140 hp

Wet Clutches


140-250 hp


250-460 hp

Wet Brakes





475 hp max

475-765 hp

765-1050 hp

1050-1600 hp

Friction Torque Limiters


Caliper Disc Brakes

Conveyor Brakes

For more information, please contact PT Tech at 330-239-4933 PT Tech • 1441 Wolf Creek Trail, P.O. Box 305, Sharon Center, OH USA 44274-0305 • Visit us on the Internet: www.PTTech.com PT Tech USA: +1 330 239 4933 • PT Tech EUROPE: +44 776 915 9195 • sales@pttech.com

Innovation for Extreme Machines™


Self-Contained Transmission

Easiest Hydraulic Clutch To Design Into Your Equipment The SCT2500 is the evolution of PT Tech's successful line of Diesel Engine Clutches. PT Tech has revolutionized the industry standard with a completely self-contained, self-adjusting, hydraulically-applied dry friction clutch! By containing the entire electrical and hydraulic systems within the clutch unit, PT Tech has changed the game and raised the bar for the entire industry.

Advantages that Redefine the Industry Standard • Self-Contained Hydraulics: The completely self-contained SCT actuator utilizes an SCT integrated pump, motor, and reservoir to Controller completely eliminate any external hydraulic components. • Self-Contained Controls System: The self-contained SCT controller comes pre-wired for the entire controls system – the only customer integration required is supplying power and mounting/wiring the optional display unit. • Clutch Protection: Proprietary energy management logic that has been successfully used in PT Tech’s wet clutch products, has now been introduced to the dry clutch market. This patented software allows the clutch system to monitor real time parameters in order to protect the clutch hardware during operation. • Less Customer Design Time: The integrated electrical and hydraulic systems demand less engineering integration from design engineers during implementation. • Versatility: Drop-in replacement for most existing dry clutch applications.

SCT2500 SCT Actuator

Display Unit

Simplified Customer Electrical Interface

PT Tech – Empowered to Deliver For over 30 years PT Tech has delivered game-changing power drive solutions to heavy equipment manufacturers around the globe, backed by 24/7 technical support and service.

For more information, please contact PT Tech at 330-239-4933 PT Tech • 1441 Wolf Creek Trail, P.O. Box 305, Sharon Center, OH USA 44274-0305 • Visit us on the Internet: www.PTTech.com PT Tech USA: +1 330 239 4933 • PT Tech EUROPE: +44 776 915 9195 • sales@pttech.com oemoffhighway.com/10056415

DR I V E T R A INS & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Forestry Tire

Radial Tire

King F2 provides

borg Agro Industrial radial range of tires

Combine Harvester Tire

mini loaders in North America.

its range exten-

Nokian’s Forest

better track grip, and is designed to work well with tracks.

»» Offers track

support at every

point, keeping the track links straight on the surface of the tire

»» Features increased straight section of ribs and grooves on center portion of tire for improved grip between track and tire

»» Shape of shoulders works with

pattern to improve support for tracks and helps them stay on tire

»» High-grip pattern means track does not need to be tensed, reducing

stress on the tires and journal boxes

»» Puncture protection has been further improved by increasing material strength on shoulders

»» Expanded rim diameter matches

increased pulling power of machines


Heavy Steer Regional Tires

Continental Tire the Americas’ Commercial Vehicle Tire group has announced

updates to its HSR (Heavy Steer Regional) size 225/70R19.5 tires.

»» Offers up to 20% improvement in

rolling resistance and mileage over original models

»» Structural modifications provide longer wear,

for telescopic handlers, backhoes and »» Advanced radial casing and reinforced structure ensures maximum stability

even when booms are

fully extended

»» Tread pattern

maximizes abrasion

and wear resistance, boosting overall strength and mileage even on the

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

»» For large combine harvesters

»» Capable of higher maximum loads than more conventional tires

»» Permits higher yields through gentler

ground handling in the field and more comfort on the road

»» Offers maximum load capacity and minimum inflation pressure during cyclic harvest operation

»» Fulfils all legal requirements (limited

ty and comfort

»» Provides high traction capability even on muddy and soft soils


»» Larger footprint reduces soil compaction vehicle width)


»» Design at base of lug enhances self-cleaning performance

»» Rolling resistance results in 9%

reduction in fuel consumption per year as well as reduced emissions

»» Available in a number of sizes


Don’t forget to...

SEARCH for more product information online using the unique URL under each product!

Low Sidewall Wheels and Tires

Titan Tire Corp.’s low sidewall (LSW) wheel and tire technology helps boost stability in the field and on the road, and reduces road lope and power hop.

»» Features lower aspect ratio, smaller sidewall and larger rim diameter without increasing outside diameter of tire

»» Combines with increased flexion


under the Continental and Mitas brands.

slopes, giving greater maneuverabili-

GHG targets

emissions reduction

tires, which will include five sizes of CHO

»» Uses standard rims

handling of heavy loads even on

»» For routinely travel several miles

resistance and

Harvesting Operation)

the tire by more than 20%, allowing

»» Tread reduces lateral deformation of


for rolling

sion of CHO (Cyclic

»» Provides good driving stability in road

»» Smaller sidewall reduces potential

»» Meets 2014

Mitas introduces

toughest soils

cooler running and more fuel


Trelleborg introduces the TH400 Trelle-

for recoil and bouncing between fields

(IF) technology to acheive stability, flotation and traction benefits at lower inflation pressures




www.kongsbergautomotive.com 936-856-2971

Kongsberg Automotive’s Driver Control Systems Division is a global leader in the design,

manufacture and supply of vehicle control systems, providing quality engineered solutions to the world’s foremost manufacturers of commercial, industrial, agricultural and construction vehicles, including: • A full range of fixed, tilt and telescopic steering columns, with a unique modular design, to provide best-in-class ergonomic working conditions for the driver. • The innovative ES3000 electronic shifter, offering best-in-class performance and functionality, utilizing

our revolutionary noncontact sensor. • A complete line of fixed and adjustable mechatronic throttle pedal systems, built for extreme off-highway environments, offering outstanding robustness and reliability. • KAntrak™ 3700, the new standard for intelligent, multifunction displays that empower electronic systems with flexibility and control along with market leading functionality. • A range of configurable electronic control units and I/O modules providing manufacturers the freedom to design complete control systems for vehicular applications.



GMP Friction Products

1195 Home Avenue, Akron, OH 44310-2508 330-633-1226 x 313

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Innovative Engineering. Superior Performance.

GMP Friction Products Makes Complete Friction Solutions. Four-wheel drive and light

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Sintered metallic brakes from GMP Friction Products have

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applications in hot, dry, and other

GMP Friction Products provides custom brake pads and clutch plates for maximum stopping and transmitting power. Grooved or smooth, our experienced engineers design the best possible part for your project.

harsh environments.

Our powdered metallic friction

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With a wide variety of different

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Founded in 1929, we are the originators of sintered metallic friction materials. Our innovations help solve your complex challenges.

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GMP Friction

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a solid history

of consistently designing the

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Call today for a custom quote 330.633.1226 ext. 313 or go to www.gmpfriction.com for more information on standard options.

brake pads and clutch plates.


DR I V E T R A INS & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

SmartWay-Certified Truck Tire The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

Tires for Sugar Cane Applications

SmartWay-certified Goodyear G572 1AD

710/70R38 TM800

has launched the premium-quality,

truck tire for single-axle drive and 6x2 applications.

»» For high-torque applications found in

single-axle drive and 6x2 truck models

»» Fuel Max Technology features fuel-sav-

ing compounds and advanced design tech-

nology to help promote energy efficiency and fuel economy

Trelleborg launches its SugarCane specifically

engineered for sugar cane applications.

»» Profile of lug base is significantly smoother and more

rounded than conventional tractor tire to cope effectively with sugar cane stubble

»» Handles high torque and load transmitted during demanding sugar cane farming operations

»» Includes highly siped center rib and lateral grooves for

»» Bead width has been increased by 12% to withstand the

»» Semi-solid shoulder ribs and a 24/32nds tread depth

»» Profile of tread lugs has been strengthened to boost tire

enhanced all-season traction

provide enhanced traction, stability and long tread life in high-scrub applications

»» Tredlock Technology features interlocking

microgrooves that help stabilize the tread for longer life and enhanced toughness

»» Retreadable casings reduce fleet’s overall cost-per-mile


stress of severe farming conditions tread resistance


Bias Tire

Bridgestone Commercial Solutions has introduces the Firestone DuraLoad PT L5S bias tire.

»» Advanced sidewall rib protector

technology minimizes sidewall damage and improves cut resistance

»» Larger footprint design provides longer

wear for use in harsh mining and quarry environments

»» Features plain tread design with no lugs

»» Plain, smooth tread alleviates cuts and puncture damage caused by rocks in the tread voids


TORSION CONTROL PRODUCTS offers tuned torsional couplings for the Tier III & IV diesel engines in agricultural, construction, power generation, marine, forestry, industrial, and mining equipment.

Agricultural Tires

The HC 70 from Mitas is an agricultural tire representing a new approach to the 70 profile segment, bringing to the market a

high-performance tire developed for tractors of up to 180 hp.

With capacities from 27 to 2700 KW, we can provide a tailored solution to your specific application. Our helical spring designs can be configured with coulomb damping, as torque limiters, for dry or wet housings and as sealed assemblies.

»» Offers improved load capacity, gentler ground handling and

TCP couplings continue to perform in the harshest environments. Attenuating torsional vibration provides long term benefits by reducing noise and increasing durability.

»» Pressure can be reduced by 0.3 bar

Call us about our “Smart Damping” feature and find out how it might provide some benefit to your application.

Further details are available at www.torsioncontrol.com or contact us in Rochester Hills, MI at 248-537-1900 oemoffhighway.com/10056775


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

driving comfort

»» Provides adaptability for use in a wide range of operating conditions

for field operations without losing standard load capacity

»» Reducing tire pressure reduces footprint depth for improved fuel consumption

»» Provides 14% higher load capacity



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F L UID P O W ER S YS T EMS & COMP ONEN T S Br ough t to you b y

Throughout the world mobile machines and commercial vehicles are subject to the toughest working conditions. HYDAC Diesel PreCare is a modern, two stage system for diesel pre-filtration which protects vehicle manufacturers and operators from failures, breakdowns and expensive service interventions. The outstanding performance of this filter is achieved through using two-stage water separation and synthetic media in the filter element. The Advantages: • Dual Function: Diesel filtration and water removal • High performance stability • Extremely easy to maintain • Environmentally responsible – elements are fully incinerable • Flexible – many types of connections See pages 52 and 53 to read more about HYDAC, and visit www.oemoffhighway.com/10055563 to learn more about HYDAC's latest products and news announcements.

Non-Spill High-Flow Couplings

Parker Hannifin Corp.’s

Quick Coupling Division introduces the NSL Series of two-inch flow size stain-

Hydraulic Motor

Poclain Hydraulics has completed its

range of MG steerable-wheel motors

with the introduction of the MG/MGE05. »» Features displacement of 376 to 750 cc (22.94 to 45.77 cu. in.)

less steel couplings that are non-spill

»» Built-in hydraulic pivot enables easy

»» Provides easy-to-use, secure con-

»» Offers simplified management of hy-

and high-flow.

nection to transfer, fill and dispense

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) and other

chemicals from point of manufacture to bulk, point-of-use storage

»» Designed specifically to handle non-hazardous DEF

»» Includes non-spill valving with

near-zero spillage and air inclusion

»» Features two-inch male/female

coupling set that delivers a high flow rate of up to 100 gpm

integration into hydraulic systems draulic hoses independent of the motor’s rotational movements around its pivot axis

»» Includes

ing on a chassis,

offering a turnkey solution for

all vehicles fitted with a hydrostatic transmission

»» Highly modular

High-Pressure Coupling

Motion Control Valve

high-pressure iLok coupling for under-

“Control Plus” valves, designed to dra-

»» Connects to longwall mining machinery in seconds and disconnects in

FLUID POWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS are waiting to be found online. Go to OEMOffHighway.com/ Directory to start your search for FLUID POWER COMPONENTS such as hydraulic pumps, motors, valves and cylinders.

direct mount-


ground coal mines.


C-Frame for


Gates Corporation introduces its


Bosch Rexroth introduces the AVBC-14 matically decrease power consumption

and thereby save fuel and cut emissions.

Direct Drive Radial Piston Motor

Power management company Eaton

announces the launch of Hydre-MAC,

a low-speed, high torque (LSHT) direct drive, radial piston motor – featuring a cam lobe design – for variable speed applications that uses less energy to deliver more power when needed. »» Offers class-leading low speed performance

»» Features MacTaggart Scott heavyduty motor design

under two minutes to save 90% of the

»» Provides efficient, reliable and

ment from one coal seam to another

»» Increases component life with two in-

labor hours required to move equip-

»» Disconnects by cutting and removing

serviceable power

cable lock and turning swivel nut two

»» Makes mobile lifting equipment more

prying staples loose with crowbars or

»» Uses the force of gravity instead of

and a half times by hand, instead of hammering equipment

»» Withstands high impulse applications »» Uses a secure, visible locking system


energy efficient and easier to control

engine power to retract a lift cylinder

»» Eliminates wasted horsepower

typically used in motion control ap-

plications such as telehandlers, aerial work platforms or cranes

»» Engineered to replace traditional counterbalance valves

»» Allows the use of gravity to help

lower a loaded or unloaded structure, while at the same time providing increased stability



let and outlet ports reducing pressure drops at high power

»» Generates less overall heat »» Symmetrical 18 piston/ roller assembly design eliminates piston side-loading and


wear and tear

»» Repairable

wear surfaces can

be replaced on-site


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


Components, Systems and Service. All from one Company. Our fluid engineering solutions are defined by the scope and complexity of our customers’ requirements. Our products range from individually designed components in the fields of fluid engineering, hydraulics and electronics right up to complete systems for specific functions. All components and systems are conceived and designed in-house. Experienced industrial and product specialists develop innovative products and efficient solutions for high-quality, cost-effective production. Throughout the globe, our production facilities share one common goal; quality. We take great pride in both our products and solutions.



F L UID P O W ER S Y S T EM S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Spool Control for Control Valves

Parker Hannifin introduces a spool control for the hy-

Fittings for Thermoplastic Hoses

electronics (OBE) complement Parker’s existing range of spool

Division introduces the

draulic directional control valves L90LS and K220LS. On-board controls and are based on CANbus technology.

»» Targeted at machines such as loader cranes, fork lift trucks, wheel loaders, mining and refuse vehicles

»» Parker’s OBE solution includes a spool position sensor and safety for unwanted actuation according to ISO13849 PL D (corresponding to SIL2)

»» OBE unit is available for Parker L90LS and K220LS valves and is compatible with Parker’s IQAN software-based control systems and any other CANbus system

»» Plug and play performance reduces set-up time increasing production capacity while cutting costs

»» Uses CAN 2.0 communication and can add functionality to the hydraulic system with features such as slopes, adjustable frequency and diagnostic messaging


Hydraulic Motor

The Hägglunds CBM hydraulic motor from Bosch Rexroth

packs 50% more torque into a motor that is smaller and

up to 50% lighter than its predecessor, providing a high

Parker Hannifin’s Parflex global connect, 56 Series

Fittings for thermoplastic hoses.

»» Consolidates three series into one,

reducing complexity for customers

»» Offers simplified crimping capabilities »» Smaller in size, allowing for tighter routings

»» Provides space and weight savings of up to 20%


Hydraulic Hose

Eaton introduces the ICE CHAMPION EC810 hose, a spiral wire reinforced hydraulic hose for extreme low temperature applications.

torque-to weight ratio.

» Handles heavier workloads while taking up less space and adding less weight on the drive shaft

» Provides full torque from zero speed, protection from shock

loads and four-quadrant operation

» Supplies 6,000 Nm/bar of specific torque

»» Features splines which simplify attachment to the drive shaft

»» Shrink-disc adapters are also available


Stop & Start Hydraulic System

CleanStart is a Stop & Start hydraulic system from Poclain Hydraulics for high displacement engines.

»» Hydraulic starter motor is core of the system, offering high restart reactivity by directly driving the engine crankshaft

»» Internal combustion engine

»» Withstands temperatures as low as

-57 C (-70 F) and pressures as high as 420 bar (6,100 psi)

»» Well suited for use in polar climates »» Includes Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approved rugged abrasion-resistant cover

»» Working temperatures range from

-57 to 100 C (-70 to 212 F) to ensure

a long operating life in demanding applications

»» Available in sizes -6 to -16 (4-wire) and -20 to -32 (6-wire)

»» Features maximum working pressure of 420 bar (6,100 psi) in sizes -6 to -24

and 350 bar (5,100 psi) for the -32 size


can be cut off during passenger

pick-up or drop-off at bus stops and in traffic jams, therefore consuming less fuel and emitting fewer noises and vibrations at low speeds

»» Improves fuel consumption up to 10% in relation to the cycle and operating conditions »» Hydraulic starter motor supplies instant torque greater than engine’s resisting torque



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Don’t forget to... SEARCH for more product information online using the unique URL under each product!


WITHOUT THE COMPROMISE When you incorporate a multi-function hydraulic cartridge valve solution in your machine design, you can reduce manifold size, the number of ports, and machining costs, while increasing flow passage efficiency. HydraForce multi-function valves incorporate two or more functions into a single valve, allowing for the design of a lighter, more compact valve package. The result is more responsive machine performance and efficient use of available horsepower. Discover a more efficient manifold solution at hydraforce.com/Multi-Function_valves.


Lincolnshire, IL, USA 847-793-2300

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F L UID P O W ER S Y S T EM S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11186752 VMA reports jobs in valve industry could grow 10 to 16% in coming year

High Temperature FourSpiral Hose

Power management company Eaton has announced the launch of its EC525 high temperature four-spiral hose.

»» Features Eaton AQPTM PLUS

elastomer compound, designed to

Search: 11304528 Product reboot

A hydraulics supplier takes a fresh

look at its product offering and the direction of its company.

provide longer hose life and lower maintenance costs in applications

where fluid compatibility and high

The fluid power industry is

dedicated to the continued

education and development of

both the existing professionals in

the industry, as well as the students set to be its future workforce and system design innovators.

Search: 11281709 Fendt receives silver medal at Agritechnica for hydraulic coupling Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

dual counterbalance, pre-engineered

hydraulic integrated circuits (HICs) that include integral makeup checks.

»» DCB10-MC flow of 57 lpm (15 gpm) »» DCB12-MC flow of 95 lpm (25 gpm) »» Both available in aluminum and ductile iron bodies

»» Used for controlling loads in bi-

150 C (-40 to 302 F)

»» Connect ‘T’ port to reservoir or

draulic fluids, including petroleum,

fire-resistant and water-based fluids

»» Sizes -12 and -16 rated at 350 bar

(5,000 psi) operating pressure; sizes

-20 and -24 rated at 241 bar (3,500 psi); size -32 rated at 224 bar (3,250 psi)

Search: 11307034 Working for the industry – current and future

Comatrol introduces two frame sizes of

temperature are problematic

»» For use at temperatures from -40 to »» Can be used with a variety of hy-

Search: 10943526 Bosch Rexroth introduces new configuration tool for compact hydraulic products

Dual Counterbalance HICs


Overhung Load Adaptors

Zero-Max offers a corrosion-resistant

finish for the shafts of its overhung load adaptors (OHLA).

directional motion

charge system for smoothly con-

trolled load with minimum energy loss and noise


Did you know...

Our newly redesigned website has a channel dedicated to all fluid power products, news and articles! Find it at www.oemoffhighway.com/ fluid-power

»» Process is ideal for OHLA used in oil drilling equipment, mining equip-

ment and vehicles, forestry machinery and other off-highway vehicles

»» Cost effective compared to stainless steel shafting

»» Designed for face or foot mounting,

standard OHLAs are available in over 50 models with input bore sizes that range from 5/8 to 3-1/2 in.

»» Available with many shaft variations

including splined, threaded, tapered and extended output shafts

»» Special input bores and housing modifications available


Hydraulic Pumps

In response to an ever more demanding market, Poclain Hydraulics has

developed the PM range pumps with

optimized performance and user comfort, which will integrate easily into all machine environments.

»» Designed to help reduce fuel consumption and emissions

»» Features low noise levels

»» Available models include servomechanical, hydraulic and

automotive to electronic with or without mechanical swashplate position feedback

»» Functions such as flushing and anti-stall can be incorporated



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


ive ods Dr ter Wo e im r e P 9 0 09 - K 28216 t te, NC .com Charlo weusa 9 • ha 9 5 -1 9 0 (704) 5

Solutions for a World under Pressure

Efficiency. As if carved in stone.

In 1997, North America was

introduced to HAWE Hydraulik

through its American subsidiary, HAWE Hydraulics. Today, many of America’s most rugged

industries rely on 60 years of

HAWE’s dependable German engineering and experience

to help them build equipment

with extremely robust hydraulic

systems. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, with offices in Houston, Texas, and Portland, Oregon, HAWE Hydraulics is an ISO

9001:2001 certified international

supplier of sophisticated modular hydraulic components and

systems. HAWE offers sales and

application engineering services

for the custom design of modular hydraulic solutions, an extensive local inventory, and after-sales support, including product

training, troubleshooting, and onsite service.

Efficiency is our requirement. All the others are yours. The new axial piston pump for the medium pressure range: the V40M from HAWE Hydraulics. With 45 ccm and an operating pressure of 3600 psi, this pump meets your most exacting requirements in terms of quality and technology. HAWEusa.com. S O L U T I O N S F O R A WO R L D U N D E R P R E S S U R E . W W W. H AW E U SA . C O M



mary goals of all CROSS

CROSS Manufacturing Inc.

production plants. Over 65

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Phone 620/324-5525

testing and design assure top

Fax 620/324-5737

performance and a long and re-

email: info@crossmfg.com

liable service life for all CROSS prod-


CROSS Manufacturing produces one of the most ex-

ucts. New products are continuously being developed to

meet the ever-increasing technological requirements of

tensive hydraulic component lines on the market today.

the market. Automated machinery, combined with rigid

erated. All three CROSS plants achieved ISO 9001 quality

ship, create the right conditions for the best product at

Established in 1949, CROSS is still privately owned and op-

system registration in June, 1998. Our broad product line includes: welded and tie rod cylinders, directional,

flow and pressure control valves, gear pumps and motors, gear boxes, filters and accu-

quality control and personal pride in American workman-

the lowest price. CROSS invites you to browse our product line and would be pleased to fulfill your hydraulic requirements. Our dedicated, helpful and knowledgeable staff is ready to serve you!

mulators, adapters and manifolds.

Quality, efficiency and responsive-

ness to customers’ needs are the pri-


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Cross Manufacturing, Inc. • 100 James H. Cross Blvd. • Lewis, KS 67552 www.crossmfg.com • 620.324.5525 • Fax 620.324.5737 • info@crossmfg.com oemoffhighway.com/10055248




Innovative Technologies For Sustainable Mobility

ery and engines comply with current and future emission standards and improve the environment. ContiTech is also directing all media flows – whether fuel, oil, air, water, gas, or urea – both in high and also low pressure ranges. Products include hydraulic lines, hose line modules for the SCR technology, extremely resilient fuel lines, and lines for environmentally sustainable air conditioners, as well as high-performance charge-air hoses and a low-emission fuel module.

»»» » ContiTech»Fluid»Technology»» is»directing»all»media»» flows»–»worldwide »»» » The»Commercial»&»Industrial» Vehicles»(CIV)»segment» concentrates»competences»» for»commercial»vehicles,» machinery»and»engines

Up to 30 such extremely pressure-resistant lines for part-time front-wheel drives for the front-axle drive are required per vehicle. Photo: ContiteCh

ContiTech Fluid Technology is a global development partner to, and OEM for, the automotive industry and many other major industries. The company has comprehensive materials and process skills in plastics and rubber technology. Its product range extends from hose components up to complex line systems. The business unit of ContiTech AG, which has more than 14,000 employees, achieved €1,359 million in sales in 2012. The 23 companies that make up ContiTech Fluid Technology develop and manufacture at 38 locations in Europe, North and South America and Asia. They concentrate their know-how in nine product market segments. The innovative technologies for sustainable mobility of the Commercial & Industrial Vehicles (CIV) segment help the manufacturers of commercial vehicles, machin-

We Turn Strong Machines into Clean Power Packs To satisfy the stringent guidelines for protection of the environment and climate, we have improved our clean solutions for construction and agricultural equipment: The air conditioning lines reduce CFC emissions by as much as 95% thanks to innovative technology – an extremely thin film barrier layer. And the SCR lines, equipped with heated quick connectors that ensure optimized contact, meet the latest emission limits specified for modern engines. ContiTech Fluid Technology – the connecting force. q www.contitech.us

Fluid Technology mail@fluid.contitech.de

ContiTech. Engineering Green Value oemoffhighway.com/10859956

F L UID P O W ER S Y S T EM S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

CorrosionResistant Plating for Tube Fittings

Eaton announces the release of its

corrosion-resistant plating technology, Guardian Seal on carbon steel Walterscheid tube fittings, which

Multi-Function Cartridge Valves

HydraForce introduces its HSPEC multi-function cartridge valves which combine an electro-hy-

draulic flow control valve with integral pressure compensation.

»» One model features post-pressure compensating element that enables flow sharing, while

the other features a load-holding compensator that is well suited for stable lifting and lowering operations

gives industrial and mobile customers

»» Both models are available in three flow ranges that can satisfy flow demands from 0 to

connections will withstand even the

»» HSPEC-30 valve combines electro-proportional flow control valve, post-pressure

the confidence that fluid conveyance toughest of environments.

»» Helps maintain original

appearance of equipment, reduce replacement costs and deliver

better equipment performance


Motor Brake The MagnaShear motor

brake from

Force Control

Industries employs oil shear

technology, providing longer service

life even in demanding applications like the frequent start/stop cycles seen on

cranes, hoists, winches and other mobile material handling equipment.

»» Oil shear technology transmits torque between lubricated surfaces thereby eliminating wear on friction surfaces

»» Fluid recirculation system dissipates

heat, eliminating heat build-up which is the most common problem in dry braking systems

»» Elimination of wear significantly

increases service life and virtually

removes need for adjustment which

also elongates maintenance intervals

»» Oil shear technology provides

smooth “cushioned” stop, reducing shock to the drive system and

further extending service life of downstream components



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

32 lpm (9 gpm), 0 to 70 lpm (18 gpm) and 0 to 120 lpm (35 gpm)

compensated logic element, and load sense check valve into a single cavity

»» Enables “tune-able” directional control circuits in a way that cannot be accomplished with traditional options

»» Enables more compact circuit designs without compromising on power and performance


Hydraulic Valve Bosch Rexroth has

extended the EHR23

hydraulic valve family

for standard mid-range

tractors for double-acting

electro-hydraulic hitch control.

»» Hitch gear raises attached implement if it digs too deep

or hits an obstacle, but also presses it actively into soil to achieve a constant working depth

»» Combines electronics, pilot control valve, sensors and

software to produce a closed control loop which maintains preset working depth automatically

»» Can be used on mid-range tractors from 120 to 230 hp »» Controls flow of up to 100 L/min


Oil Drain Valves

Who to FOLLOW @ParkerHannifin @TheNFPA @Danfoss @BucherHyd @ARGO_HYTOS @LynchGroup @GatesFluidPower @BoschRexrothUS @etn_hydraulics @stauffgroup

J.W. Winco Inc. announces it now offers oil drain valves, breathers and accessories with metric or BSPP parallel threads. »» RoHS compliant

»» Provides no-mess oil system and safe container ventilation

»» Available in zinc-plated steel or brass, with a plastic

protective cap, brass valve plate, copper sealing disk and Viton rubber O-ring

»» May be used for draining non-pressurized oil,

»» Offers easy and safe handling, and optimized flow rate




Roquet manufactures sectional and monoblock hydraulic control valves, selector valves, cylinders and gear pumps and motors for

applications such as agricultural,

making moves

construction and other mobile

machinery. Roquet has its own foundry and extensive R&D

facilities including over 40 fatigue

Control Valve

test rigs, metallurgical laboratory,

corrosion resistance and anechoic chamber. All of these make

Roquet a unique company to

satisfy what the OEM requires.

✓Real-world test capabilities

Fan motor

The company has 4 production

✓Gear pump / motor factory features anechoic chamber for noise testing

plants in Spain and is opening

another one in Romania (1Q 2015)

as well as 3 warehouses located in Spain, USA and Thailand.

Total production numbers are

✓NSS and CASS salt spray chambers for corrosion resistance testing

Self-leveling valve

200.000 pumps, 300.000 control

✓Key components manufactured in house

valves and 500.000 cylinders

which are distributed through our sales network across the 5 continents.

Roquet is making moves to support worldwide customer needs.

✓Highly focused on component cleanliness

Steering cylinder

For more information please contact: Xavi Hernandez – Area Manager, North America xhernandez@roquet.es Victor Garces – Area Manager, Europe victor@roquet.es www.pedro-roquet.com

Richard Hall Hall – Commercial Director richard@roquet.es



We have a dedicated staff that focuses on precision engineered solutions. When your engineering team meets with ours great things will happen. We’ll design custom fittings, adapters and more for your critical flow applications. Give us a call and let us show you what the Brennan Engineered Solutions Team can do for you. 888-331-1523, www.brennaninc.com/specials/

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Advanced Fluid Conditioning Solutions ®

Fluid Conditioning + Accessories

Filters (Fuel + Hydraulic & Lube)

Schroeder Industries, an ISO

9001: 2008 certified company,

has designed, manufactured and marketed a complete range of

Remove Dirt. Absorb Water. With Schroeder Diesel Fuel Filtration

filtration products for the fluid

power industry. Our expertise in element technology capabilities, dedication to customer service and product support are the

reasons Schroeder is a worldwide leader in Advanced Fluid Conditioning Solutions®.

Positioned to serve the

© 5-6.2014 Schroeder Industries.

filtration technology, superior

manufacturers and users of

industrial and mobile equipment, our products include:

»»Hydraulic»and»Lube»Filtration A complete range of filter

Schroeder Inline Water Absorbing Fuel Filter

assembly types up to 6,500 psi


High-efficiency elements for lubrication and fluid power systems


Mechanical and electronic fluid conditioning and

diagnostic monitoring tools


The BDFA1 and BDFA2 provide exceptional single-pass diesel filtration and continuous water removal. Both filters combine Schroeder’s fully synthetic Excellement® Z-Media® in a particulate pre-filter with our fast-acting water absorbing filter to fully protect vital diesel engines. The BDFA1 and BDFA2 are ideal for fuel dispensing operations and can be installed on the inlet or outlet of a diesel fueling dispenser or for bulk fuel filtration.

For more information, please contact fuelfiltrationmanager@schroederindustries.com

Bulk diesel fuel conditioning

and on-board diesel filtration and specialty biodiesel purification products

Advanced Fluid Conditioning Solutions ®

580 West Park Road | Leetsdale, PA 15056 | p. 1.800.722.4810 | f. 724.318.1200 | www.schroederindustries.com


F L UID P O W ER S Y S T EM S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 10923387 HAWE Hydraulics acquires Pacific Fluid Systems

Diagnostic Hoses

introduces the 56DH and TEMA diagnos-

HeavyDuty Pumps

where hydraulic systems are monitored.

PWe pumps

Parker Hannifin - Parflex Division

tic hoses for use on mobile equipment

»» Available in micro bore sizes (1/8 in., 3/32 in., 4 mm, 2 mm)

»» Pressures ranges of 6,000 to 9,200 psi

Search: 11173940 R&D renaissance in fluid power

Fluid power offers opportunity

for energy efficiency gains ranging from energy storage devices to

advanced powertrains, and has

new technology applications and market opportunities.

Search: 10986563 Durst's new Lectric Drive system enables mounting of Durst hydraulic pump drives to Marathon electric motors Search: 11116949 How technology is helping farmers boost yield Technological improvements in seed planters include accurate

mechanisms that control important yield determiners including seed handling, seed placement and down/up-force control.

Search: 10963417 HydraForce introduces INTEGR8 line of hydraulic control solutions Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

»» Smaller bore allows hose to fit into tighter routings

»» High tensile, aramid reinforcement minimizes response time and signal loss due to minimal volumetric expansion

»» Can be produced in longer lengths,

allowing for fewer connection points to provide faster response


Valve Bank

HAWE Hydraulik SE, Munich, has

developed a tailor-made valve bank for combine harvesters and forage

harvesters. »» Offers


ity to control

contact pressure of cutter bar and option of fine and precise adjust-

ments to the variator gearbox of the threshing unit

»» Integrates electro-proportional

seated valves and proportional directional spool valves

»» Contact pressure of cutter bar is comfortably adjusted by the driver in the cabin by simply pushing a button

»» Where the cutter bar traverses over a

recess in the ground, weight and load pressure increase as a shock valve opens up

»» Load pressure drops when passes over a bump in the ground

»» Spool valve re-feeds oil and provides pressure equalization



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

The PW and

from Poclain

Hydraulics are used

in hydrostatic transmission systems composed of motors, valves and electronic controls.

»» Features compact, energy efficient and high power density design

»» Offers reliability and durability for heavy-duty applications

»» On-board electronic control unit


Electrohydraulic Hitch Control

Bosch Rexroth has developed electro-hydraulic hitch control (EHC)

for tractors up to 80 hp. EHC-8 was

developed by Bosch Rexroth in India in

close cooperation with a leading Indian tractor producer, and will start series

production in the first quarter of 2014.

»» Meets special demands in emerging economies for cost-effectiveness, functionality and ruggedness

»» Helps reduce fuel consumption and

significantly raise productivity, safety and operator convenience

»» Automatically controls preset working depth without any driver intervention

»» Greater precision also permits tilling soil at depths which would not be

possible using wear-prone mechanical controls



Air Coolers. TTP has a full catalog of standard product

oil coolers; breadth of product is key. Custom-designed/ manufactured cooling modules keep your engines Tier IV Compliant—cooling for lower combustion temperatures

and higher net heat rejection. Our Kaizan approach to lean

For more information contact

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manufacturing and ISO9001:2008 standard establish and maintain a uniform quality management system to better

meet the needs of our customers. High quality products

Choose Thermal Transfer Products for all your heat transfer needs

Thermal Transfer Products is the #1 branded Heat Exchanger in North America. For over four decades, we have manufactured and sold millions of heat exchangers into the Fluid Power World. Our core markets are for applications

in Mobile & Industrial machinery. Copper and Aluminum core construction built from S-Bar, T-Bar and P-Bar brands

allow design mobility to optimize heat transfer performance in Oil Coolers, Water Jacket Radiators and Charge

with short order catalog lead times are key components

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For more information contact

TTPsales@apiheattransfer.com or visit our website at www.thermaltransfer.com


F L UID P O W ER S Y S T EM S & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Control Valves

HAWE Hydraulik SE from

Motion Control Valve for Telehandlers

tional controls which provide a

Bosch Rexroth is a motion control

Munich offers electro-propor-

The Air Control valve from

range of possibilities for adjust-

valve for telehandlers which helps

ing the contact pressure of agricultural

improve boom control and enhance


»» Enables implements to be worked with a pre-defined weight or fully weightless

»» Implement maintains requested distance to the soil far more

precisely than it would with mechanical relief such as springs

»» Saves fuel by pump supplying only the flow necessary to perform the control sequence

»» Floating position can be used in a completely open version by having two cylinder ports connected to oil tank and external forces moving piston rod up and down

»» Integrating actuated over-center valves makes it possible to realize also a proportionally dampened system

»» Valve outlets are leak free when not actuated, avoiding a

energy efficiency.

»» For standard telehandlers with the counterbalance design and no external pilot signal

»» Though cross piloted, it integrates a sub-system capable of

keeping low and constant pressure on the rod side of the cyl-

inder, resulting in perceivable energy savings and high degree of stability during lowering – especially if used in combination with proportional valves with meter-out flow control

»» Completely insensitive to load pressure

»» Ensures absence of vibrations during boom lowering because speed is not affected by acceleration/deceleration due to

load pressure changes, but only depends on spool opening of directional control valve

creeping lowering of the implements



Diaphragm Pump We Power Your Ideas

Heavy Duty Stabilizing

Pentair introduces the 5059 Series SHURFLO Diaphragm Pump, a highly durable automatic-demand pump designed for spraying and pumping herbicides, pesticides, liquid fertilizers and hardto-handle fluids. »» Delivers flow rates up to

5 gpm with

pressures up to

60 psi and a max-

imum draw of 17 amps

Power-Packer’s latest design features increased capacity and performance capability. • Stroke range from 12” to 60” • Integral hydraulic and mechanical load holding • Lift/Load ratings up to 115,000 lbs • Static Mechanical Load rating up to 230,000 lbs Many customization options available. Call us at 800-745-4142 to discuss your stabilization needs.

www.powerpackerus.com oemoffhighway.com/11201175


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

»» Delivers 3.8 gpm when operating at a pressure of 40 psi with a current draw of 13 amps

»» Driven by a 12V, continuous-duty sealed motor

»» Features Santoprene diaphragm and Viton valves for durability, chemical resistance and maximum lifespan

»» Can be run dry without damage

»» Offers automatic thermal overload protection as well as

self-priming capabilities up to 8 ft. and dry priming up to 6 vertical feet

»» Includes built-in pressure switch, set at 60 psi, to protect unit in event of dead-heading

»» Available in same footprint as other models in SHURFLO line, allowing users to upgrade to a higher performance pump in existing applications



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Ace Pump Corporation has provided pumping

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your best choice for

solutions for the off-highway equipment, chemical

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These varied applications have required Ace to

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successfully overcome a wide range of engineering challenges.

Ace developed a complete range of products for

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Take our Model FMC-200SS-HYD-304, for example. Its stainless steel wet end includes the impeller, volute and seal plate, allowing this heavy-duty pump to stand up to abrasive and corrosive chemicals. And, like all Ace pumps, it’s designed for quick mounting, easy maintenance and years of hassle-free performance. To learn about our full line of high-performance pumps, visit www.acepumps.com or call 800-843-2293.


F L UID P O W ER S Y S T EMS & COMP ONEN T S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Stabilization System Power-Packer introduces its

Electronic Advanced Sub-System Actuators

system to the off-highway

that its hydraulic cylinders are now

Heavy-Duty Stabilization

market. Targeted to vehicles in the construction, drilling and mining markets, the

system is engineered for

performance in applications that require increased ca-

pacity, increased side loading and harsh environment capability.

»» Able to handle 10 to 20% side load capacity depending on stroke

»» Stroke lengths range from 12 to 63 in. »» Optional upgrades include

universal footpad and mechanical locking feature

»» Features heavy-wall tube design, integrated valve blocks, thicker

mounting plates, and lift capacities

up to 85,000 lbs. at 3,000 psi and mechanical load holding to 175,000 lbs.


Non-Conductive Thermoplastic Hose

Parker Hannifin, Parflex division has

developed the 518D non-conductive thermoplastic hose to withstand the

harshest environments, both internally and externally.

»» Core material more resistant to permeation

»» Outer jacket features greater abrasion resistance

»» Includes special reinforcement

package to reduce reinforcement

diameter, allowing for an increase in

Texas Hydraulics Inc. announces

available as Electronic Advanced Sub-system – Integrated (EAS-i) Actuators.

»» Self-contained and available on a wide range of cylinder types

»» Locally controls motion of cylinder or a group of cylinders to perform a programmed function and respond to an input

»» Offers vast array of operations, including synchronization, programmable

logic, secondary input, speed control and electronic cushion

»» Can consist of a hydraulic cylinder, load control valves, directional control valves, sensors and an electronic controller

»» Provides simple, local feedback


Particle Monitor The LPM II Parti-

cle Monitor from STAUFF uses

newly developed


LEDs, which provide

a precise image of the

degree of contamination in the hydraulic system.

»» Eight measuring channels help

distinguish particle sizes of between

4 and 70 µm, allowing assessment of contamination at higher contamination classes

thickness of the special PFX cover

»» Permanently installed for continuous

more abrasion resistance, reducing

»» Enables quick response to increas-

»» Provides as much as five times hose changeouts


monitoring of hydraulic system

ing contamination, thus protecting

system from expensive failures and machine downtimes

»» Insensitive to jolts, shocks, dust and moisture (IP65 Protection Rating)

oemoffhighway.com/11183416 oemoffhighway.com/10055853


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



EL EC T R IC A L & EL EC T RONIC S Br ough t to you b y

C.E. Niehoff's alternators use a non-reversing magnetic field and laminated rotors resulting in lower magnetic losses, higher efficiency and less waste heat. Reduced mechanical drive power yields engine fuel savings and leaves more engine power for other functions. Learn more about C.E. Niehoff and its extensive line of brushless alternators on page 84, as well as online at www.oemoffhighway.com/10055148. More information on the C527 alternator (pictured above) can be found at www.oemoffhighway.com/10682089.


High-Current Connectors

est version of

rent BLUEcontact Solutions PowerEle-

presents the lat-

its LA37 electric actuator, an even stronger version developed for heavy-duty off-highway applications such as

agricultural, forestry and construction machines.

»» Provides reliability, safety and

maintenance-free performance for optimized productivity

»» Features heavy-duty aluminum housing

»» Delivers 15,000 N of lifting power and static holding force up to 70,000 N

»» Includes IP66 dynamic and IP69 static

»» Available with all iFLEX options which

provide advanced feedback and readout information


Servo Drive

The CLDP (Closed Loop Differential

Pump) servo drive from Voith Turbo is

a self-contained linear drive offering a high level of overload protection and wear-free operation.

ERNI has expanded its robust, high-curment Series to include combined

flexible/massive press-fit and purely massive press-fit technologies.

»» Delivers superior torque support and optimal power transmission

»» High-power wire-to-board connectors with press-fit terminations

tight interface to the PCB,


the need for


»» Compactly designed

»» Offers easy system integration

»» Can be used for all direct linear

motions, especially when dynamic response, reproducibility and reliability are needed

»» Provides longer lifespan and en-

hanced productivity due to speed of the drive

»» Covers power range of up to 500 kN and speeds of up to 1 m/s



32-Bit Controller

Founded on the unparalleled

quality and innovation of BOSCH

high temperature

technology, Rexroth’s robust RC4-5

the PCB substrate

optimal balance of

soldering and its negative effects on »» Features operating temperature range from -40 to 135 C

»» Combined flexible and massive pressfit versions available


Single- and Multi-Turn Absolute Encoders

Wachendorff Automation has devel-

oped the WDGA PROFIBUS single- and EnDra technology.

chanical shaft drives with benefits of

MORE ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS PRODUCTS are waiting to be found online. Go to OEMOffHighway.com/ Directory to start your search for lights, telematics systems, sensors, ECUs, connectors and more.

provide a gas-

multi-turn absolute encoders using

»» Combines benefits of electrome-

OVER 930

»» Operates without a buffer battery or

gear unit; maintenance and wear-free

»» Features CANopen, SAE J1939, SSI and RS485 interfaces

»» Low installation depth of just 60.7

mm supports progressive miniaturization in machine construction

»» Interface can be configured by the user for classes 1 to 4 using the GSD file

oemoffhighway.com/ 11248163

controller offers the power and flexibility to maximize both hydraulic component and overall

system performance.

»» Offers four fast and accurate Pulse

Width Modulated (PWM) driver out-

puts with closed-loop current control

»» Closed-loop current control compensates for the real world changes in

voltage and resistance to provide re-

peatable performance from machine to machine, day in and day out

»» Adjustable parameters for solenoid current, linearization and PWM

frequency enables easy adaptation to a wide variety of 12 and 24V

electro-proportional components

»» Embedded software algorithms provides smooth and accurate performance

»» Can be connected to many common

sensors for force, speed, pressure, po-

sition and temperature measurement

»» Two CANbus channels offer

communication gateways to a wider array of devices


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


EL EC T R IC A L & EL EC T RONIC S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Hybrid Lever Connector System

Wireless High-Speed Vibration Monitoring Node

SEAL 16 hybrid lever connector system

Stop/Tail/ Turn Light with Integrated BackUp Lamp

formed or screw machine terminals.

its LumenX LED line with an S/T/T light

monitoring node. The IEPE-Link samples

TE Connectivity introduces the AMPwhich accepts circular stamped and »» Hybrid pin out arrangement is

designed to provide flexibillty for various vehicle applications

»» Provides environmental protection by sealing wires between the connector halves and to the panel

»» RoHS Ready

»» Includes multiple terminal sizes in the same housing

»» Operating


range of -55 to 125 C

»» Mating force is 90 N max


Steering Units with Variable Steering Feel

SKF’s ADD Series steering units with variable steering feel include by-wire

LORD Corporation MicroStrain Sensing

Peterson Manufacturing has expanded featuring an integrated back-up lamp, offering a 2-in-1 lighting concept.

»» Embedded small white lens within the main red LumenX lens allows one of the seven diodes to

»» By-wire technology eliminates need for hydraulic hoses, creating a more compact unit which may lead to

transmits it wirelessly via a 2.4 GHz radio. » Capable of

achieving rates of


lens, eliminating “hot

spots” or “dead zones” regardless of viewing angle

»» Meets DOT requirements

oemoffhighway.com/ 11355317


J.W. Speaker adds Models

880 XD and 881 XD to its XD Series LED worklights.

»» Model 880 XD is a 3 in. x 5 in. horizontal rectangular LED worklight; available with or without an integrated on/off switch

bit resolution

» Precisely and

efficiently synchronizes data network


of wireless nodes


LED Worklights

104 kHz with 24-

collection amongst a



» Provides programmable

low-pass filtering for signal optimization



@PetersonMfgCo @Balqon @Topcon_Today @TelematicsUpdte @BalluffSensors

»» Both models feature 1,680 raw (900 ef-

unit’s expected lifespan.

electric IEPE-type accelerometers and

up functionality

»» Fully illuminates entire

steering functionality

adjustment or relubrication during the

raw data from industry standard piezo-


»» Model 881 XD is a 3 in. x 5

and zero maintenance, requiring no

LXRS wireless high-speed vibration

provide DOT-legal back-

technology which provides programmable

Systems has introduced the IEPE-Link-

Mezzanine Connectors for Rugged Applications TE Connectivity (TE) has added extensions to its rugged,

high-speed Mezalok mezza-

in. vertical rectangular LED worklight

nine connector family. The extensions

fective) Lumens of white light in flood,

320 position size, which fill a height gap

spot or trapezoid beam patterns

»» Available in 12 to 24V DC package »» Sealed to IP69K


include a stack height of 15 mm and a and adds additional pin density.

»» Designed specifically for mezzanine cards in rugged applications

»» Standardized as the interconnect for XMC 2.0 (VITA 61)

ergonomic design improvements

»» Typical applications include high

»» Stub shaft enables mounting to the

graphics, memory and digital-

and easier assembly steering wheel

»» Includes two independent non-contact rotary absolute position sensors

and two independent CAN interfaces

»» Corrosion-resistant housing



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

speed input/output (I/O) protocols, signal processing

»» Offers signal integrity up to 10 Gb/s


e f a S k r o W , d r a H k r o W

Work Lights

No matter where you work, or what you are working on, we have LED lighting for every application. Designed for intense light output, rugged durability and maximum efďŹ ciency, our LED lights work as hard as you do.

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LED Light Bars

LED Work Lights

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All Off-Road Light Bars, Work Lights, Mini-Aux Lights, Strobe & Beacon Lights, and Truck & Trailer Lights come with a hassle free Lifetime Warranty. Warranty for Replacement Bulbs vary based on the product. Check superbrightleds.com for details.

For quotes or more information call 866-590-3533 or email commercial-sales1@superbrightleds.com oemoffhighway.com/10835480

EL EC T R IC A L & EL EC T RONIC S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11388972 Updated CiA CANopen profiles for sensors now include CANopen-Safety Search: 11281039 The craftsmanship predicament Along with an entirely new

magnetic encoder product line, a sensor manufacturer relaunches its company’s internal business structure from the ground up.

Search: 10960324 CALSTART receives award to test U.S. Army's lithiumion battery technology in commercial trucks Search: 11302744 Telematics head to the front As the use of telematics grows, OEMs are realizing the value of

developing and integrating these systems earlier in the design process.

Search: 11322464 MTS Sensors division introduces externalmounted sensor for offhighway applications Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

Control Units

LED Flood Light

of CT 200 and CT 300 SmartDrive control

proof LED flood light with adjustable

Poclain Hydraulics is introducing a range units capable of offering functional se-

curity and operational safety in line with the most demanding standards.

»» Large calculation capacity and large

number of inputs and outputs allow efficient operation of hydrostatic transmissions

»» Complies with 2006/42/EC directive and ISO 13849-1

Buyers Products introduces a waterstainless steel stud mount. »» Rated IP67

»» Six clear LEDs produce 1,350 lumens

»» Black powder-coated, cast-aluminum housing and adjustable mount

»» Rectangular flood light measures 5.75 in. W x 2 in. H


»» E-certified electromagnetic com-

patibility and security architecture

capable of Level d performance (PL-d according to ISO 13849-1) allow use for off- and on-road applications

»» Operational over a temperature range of -40 to 85 C


Cables for Remote Latching

Southco Inc. provides a complete rotary latching system that uses three ele-

ments to create remote actuation: rotary latch, cable and actuator. Southco’s AC

cables connect the actuator to the latch and allow remote latching.

»» Constructed of high-strength,

LED Stop, Tail, Turn Lamps

Optronics International presents its ONE Series LED Lamps to the transportation industry.

»» Available as

single-diode 4-inch

round and

6-inch oval

stop, tail, turn

lamps with other

formats to follow

corrosion-resistant materials

»» Provides alternative to

exterior environments

»» Looks similar to an incandescent

and end fitting styles to suit a wide

»» Meets all FMVSS 108 photometric

across industries

»» Lenses and housings are made of

»» Suitable for use in both interior and »» Available in seven different options range of application requirements »» Offers design flexibility, allowing rotary systems to be easily

integrated into new and existing enclosure installations

»» Remote actuation provided by the system helps enhance security


incandescent lamps

lamp but lasts 50 times longer

requirements for visibility and safety tough polycarbonate material that is sonically welded

»» Lamps employ a solid-state, sur-

face-mount device (SMD) design that

protects electronics against moisture, shock and vibration

»» Available with standard PL-3,

enabling use of existing harness connections for installation flexibility

»» Weather tight termination options will be available in the future



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


Mobile Electronic Systems Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Electronic Controls Division

also manufactures

most of our products,

For more information, please visit our website at www.parker.com/ecd

ECD is very well suited to

provide complete systems solutions.

With Parker Hannifin already a world leader in

hydraulic, pneumatic, and electromechanical motion

Mobile Electronic Systems - Parker Hannifin’s Electronic Controls Division (ECD) provides products and solutions

for virtually all electrical and electronic systems for mobile vehicles. Parker’s ECD serves a diverse customer base in

construction machinery, bus and RV, forestry machines, material handling, agriculture equipment and specialty trucks. The Electronic Controls Division provides a full

spectrum of system solutions and products comprised

of control modules, displays, sensors, instrument clusters and joysticks. With six manufacturing and engineering locations around the world, ECD offers a complete

line of custom designed products as well as standard

components to fulfill virtually any mobile OEMs needs. As the Electronic Controls Division not only engineers, but

control technologies, the addition of ECDs capabilities

in mobile electronics means Parker is well positioned to provide a complete solution for mobile applications.

Providing full systems

solutions and products for the mobile equipment and truck and bus markets, including:



»»»Full»Vehicle»Multiplexed»Systems »»»Semi-automated»and»automated»functionality »»»Tier»4»Integration

Together, we can shorten development time and increase machine productivity with Parker’s complete CAN bus control system solution.



Parker’s Electronic Controls Division offers a complete CAN bus control system solution. Our latest devices offer multiple CAN ports and flexible inputs and outputs, all engineered to meet mobile equipment needs. The new seven-inch, full color display screen provides video inputs for improved operator feedback. Chassis wiring is simplified; reducing installation and service costs. To find out more, visit www.parker.com/ecd.

Electronic Controls Division • www.parker.com/ecd


EL EC T R IC A L & EL EC T RONIC S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Inductive Linear Sensor

Combination Stop/Tail/Turn Lamps

speed Q25 inductive linear sensor to the

Stop/Tail/Turn lamps, each equipped with an LED built-in

TURCK announces the release of its high automation market.

Grote introduces a family of LED 6 in. oval and 4 in. round back-up lamp.

»» ‘Two-in-one’ designs combine dual functions using long-life LED technology

»» Designs provide new mounting options for a wide range of vehicle types

»» Combining S/S/T and back-up functions eliminate need for two holes and two lamps at the rear of straight, vocational and specialized vehicles

»» Saves time and money in installation and inventory costs »» Internal measuring frequency is user selectable and can be as high as 5

kHz resulting in accurate measuring speeds of 5 m/s

»» Provides real-time monitoring

»» Eliminates potential leaks in vehicles, improves structural integrity and corrosion resistance

»» Leaves more room for other lamps and controls, lift gates and emergency flashers


»» No magnetic position device required

Thermocouple and Analog Signal Input to CAN Controller

»» Offers high resolution and can accu-

Input to CAN Controller from Axiomatic

and measuring, resulting in more precise control

»» Unaffected by metal debris

rately measure lengths up to 1 m


LED Light ABL Lights

Group releases


2700 equipped with

The Thermocouple and Analog Signal

adds flexibility to its line of rugged I/O

controllers for engine and power gener»» Simulink block libraries allow OEM

LED Light with Selectable Beam Patterns

»» TC/Analog Inputs to CAN Controller

Series of LED off-road lights that feature

ator set control systems.

designers to program for applications receives inputs from engine coolant,

fuel and differential pressure sensors,

engine temperature sensors, thermistors as well as thermocouples

the latest efficient

»» Networked to an SAE J1939-based

combined with a superior thermal de-

»» Seven +5V references (10 mA) are

cles in forestry and off-road applications.

»» Two CANbus ports are isolated

LED technology and

sign management, for demanding vehi»» Delivers photometric white light optics

»» Available in flood beam patterns

»» Features 36W power consumption with 2,700 effective lumen yield

»» 12 to 24V multi-volt feature »» Reverse voltage protected

»» Heavy-duty aluminum housing with IP68 to IP69K, ISO 9227 rating

»» Vibration resistance rated to 10 Grms from 24 to 2,000 Hz



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

control system

provided to power the sensors

from signal inputs and thermocouple inputs

»» Power supply interface accepts 12V DC, 24V DC or 48V DC nominal for battery powered applications

»» Rated IP67


Super Bright LEDs has released it’s Titan

selectable beam patterns in a quad row configuration.

»» Features multi-beam technology with both spot and flood beam patterns

that can be operated individually, or in combination within a single light

»» Allows user to select most effective type of illumination required for a

specific application whether it be for distance, directly around the vehicle or both

»» Comes in 6.5 in. or 9 in. lengths with four rows of 5 Watt CREE LEDs

»» Provides light output of 5,040 and 7,560 lumens

»» IP67 waterproof rated in a sealed

aluminum housing with a UV resistant power coat finish, stainless steel hardware and polycarbonate lens

»» Runs on any 9 to 32V DC system



Quality by Design! Transforming Customer Needs into Customer Solutions Founded in 1920, there are few products that Carling Technologies hasn’t turned “ON” and


solutions. With four ISO registered manufacturing

variety of actuator styles such as rocker, toggle,

fewer industries that haven’t turned to Carling for facilities and technical sales offices worldwide,

Carling Technologies switches are available in a pushbutton and rotary. The IP66/68 sealed V-Series

and L-Series rocker switches are one of the most used

Carling is a leading manufacturer of hydraulic

and recognized in the transportation industry.

magnetic and thermal circuit breakers, electrical and electronic switches and

Circuit Breakers

electronic controls.

Carling Technologies offers a complete line of

hydraulic-magnetic circuit breakers configurable with various choices of circuit protection levels, operating

voltages, number of poles and styles. Thermal circuit protectors are also available featuring push-to-reset and rocker actuators with snap-in mounts.

Carling Technologies Introduces Our New Sealed Toggle Switches ST-Series Sealed Toggle


IP67 sealing built through the combination of terminal seals along with a bushing and seal assembly which solidly mates with a dedicated channel in the switch base. A brass roller pin provides rolling metal on metal actuation for maximum durability. The ST-Series features innovative design and performance principles that are sure to withstand the most demanding applications. PINNED TOGGLE/BUSHING







60 Johnson Avenue, Plainville, CT USA 06062 • (860) 793-9281 sales@carlingtech.com • www.carlingtech.com oemoffhighway.com/10055164

EL EC T R IC A L & EL EC T RONIC S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Pressure Sensor


The 86BSD from

What you may have missed…

Search: 11080993 Light the way to safer roads Improvements in lighting

technologies and regulations for

the on- and off-highway industries are bringing increased safety to the roadways.


Rectangular Connector System

Molex Inc.'s Sealed Rectangular Connector (SRC) System offers a rugged, sealed wire-to-panel and wire-to-wire hybrid

Specialties is a small

profile, media compatible,

piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor packaged in a 316L stainless steel housing.

»» 14-bit digital output

connection system.

»» Supports I2C and SPI

»» For high-circuit-count applications in

interface protocols

harsh environments

Search: 11418071 UQM Technologies collaborating with Kinetics Drive Solutions on electric drive system for all-electric commerical vehicles Search: 11288599

»» May come in a 3.3 or 5.0V DC

»» Passes IP69K testing

supply voltage

»» Provides flexibility to increase circuit

»» Designed for o-ring mounting

count up to 84 (control only)

»» Sensing package utilizes silicone oil

»» Uses MX150 terminals with current

to transfer pressure from the 316L

ratings up to 18A, while the MX150L

stainless steel diaphragm to the

terminals are rated up to 40A

sensing element

»» Flexible standard or mixed power/ signal options are available


»» For high performance, low pressure applications



Electric Linear Actuators for Throttle Control in Off-Highway Vehicles Search: 11304655 A technology's reach expands, both figuratively and literally Modularity allows for a flexible

sensor solution for tough cylinder applications on long booms.

Search: 11364964 Case CE enters partnership with Lecia Geosystems Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

Pressure Transducers

The T100 Series of pressure transducers from Anfield Sensors Inc. is a small rugged design machined out of a solid piece of 304 stainless steel. »» Utilizes piezoresistive sensor technology

»» Dedicated ASIC provides up to 1.4% Total Error Band accuracy

»» Available in ratiometric, current loop and voltage output models with EMC, EMI, overvoltage and reverse polarity protection

»» Vented, sealed gauge, and absolute models are available with various electrical terminations up to IP67


Incremental Encoders

The IXARC family of rotary encoders from POSITAL-FRABA has been expanded to include incremental encoders.

»» Utilizes precision magnetic measurement technology

»» Provides reliable performance under demanding conditions

»» Generates output signals each time the shaft rotates a certain amount

»» Advanced signal processing software running on powerful 32-bit microprocessors matches performance of larger, more complex optical encoders

»» Features sturdy, compact, cost effective package

»» Available in thousands of configurations with HTL (Push-Pull) or TTL (RS422) interfaces, different types of electrical connectors and a wide range of shaft and flange diameters

»» Heavy-duty models with IP69K-rated housings and seals can stand up to wet and dirty environments, even repeated exposure to water jets from pressure washers



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Go from downtime to production time in no time with HARTING connectors

HARTING connectors are made for rugged environments. HARTING, first established in 1945, delivers unrivaled reliability, efficiency, innovation and performance in connectors. With HARTING you have a partner who ensures you dependable connections that withstand the elements and test of time. oemoffhighway.com/11287990


EL EC T R IC A L & EL EC T RONIC S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


Ethernet Gateway

announces the

family, the PCAN-Ethernet Gateway DR.

Jewell Instruments addition of its

Emerald Series

PEAK-System Technik introduces its latest product »» Allows connection of different CANbuses over IP networks

low-cost incli-

»» CAN frames are wrapped in TCP or UDP message packets and are then

to the Inertial Sensors and Controls

»» Configuration is done via a comfortable web interface

nometer sensors product group.

»» Delivers higher accuracy than com-

forwarded via the IP net from one device to the other

»» Provides variety of status information, settings for device, communication interfaces and message routing

parable MEMS sensors

»» Includes LAN interface and two High-speed CAN

signed package, enabling installation

»» Features operating temperature range of -40 to 85 C

»» Available in a small rectangular dein space-constrained areas

»» Can withstand up to 500g shock

»» Offers single or dual power input »» Available in custom ranges

channels with a bit rate of up to 1 Mbit/s (-40 to 185 F)


and bandwidths

Thermal Circuit Breakers

cations including wheel alignment,

selected to be a Mechanical Products

»» For use in a variety of industrial appliconstruction equipment, antenna

positioning and tilt safety systems


Telematics Platform

Zonar has released the V3R telematics

platform for work truck fleets and construction equipment.

»» Provides 3G network GPS tracking

»» Delivers vehicle tracking combined with operating information

»» Durable hard casing withstands the

harsh shaking and shocking inherent with rough terrains

»» Sealed watertight connectors ensure reliable connectivity in all conditions

»» Reports and alerts for asset location,

speed, idle time and geo-fences help fleets monitor daily activities


Flexible Magnetic Belt Encoders

(MP) authorized distributor partner for

from Baumer allow great flexibility in

MP’s Series 17 line of Thermal Circuit Breakers.

»» For use in


or auxiliary

direct circuit (DC)


cal systems

operating in harsh environments

»» Provides protection in the

event of overload and/or short circuit interruptions

»» Available in 25 to 100 amp ratings

HDMag flex magnetic belt encoders mounting and accurate measuring

under harsh conditions on large shafts

such as those in torque motors, genera-

tors, large drive units, azipod drive units (PODs), hoists and cranes.

»» Available for shaft diameters from 300 mm (11.8 in.) to more than 3 m (9.8 ft.)

»» Flexible magnetic belt can be buckled around shaft using only two included screws by a single operator in mere minutes for easy installation

»» Non-contact, magnetic sensing prin-

ciple ensures maximum resistance to

shock, vibration, dust, dirt, liquids and condensation

»» Includes stainless steel terminal SEMs

»» Features IP67 protection, 30 g vibra-

»» Available in Type I, Type II and Type III

»» Suitable for harsh applications and

nuts as an option

»» Offers improved access to wiring and operation, corrosion-resistant studs

and hardware, and moisture sealing options, higher amperage ratings,

and potential use of bus bars while enclosed in a durable and sealed thermoplastic housing

»» Panel Mount units are available


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

SEARCH for more product information online using the unique URL under each product!

Waytek Inc. announces that it has been

»» Provides a variety of mounting


Don’t forget to...

tion and 300 g shock ratings

in operating temperatures from -40 to 185 F

»» Provides operational speed rating up to 1,850 rpm


HIRSCHMANN Your OEM Solutions Provider

iSCALE Control System

vSCALE Consoles

n Controls and monitors machine function with the option of load moment indication n For any machine application

n Display Size: 4.3”, 7”, 10.4” n In-dash or on-dash mounting n Available as Monitor Console, Stand-alone Console, or Console with integrated PLC Control

qSCALE LMI n Flexible load moment indicator solution for mobile cranes n Easy to use Configuration Tool n Simplified calibration procedure

cSCALE Controls n Highly modular I/O configuration with 15 different I/O modules n IP20, IP66/67, or IP69K housing

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©2014, Belden Inc.


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HollowShaft Angle Sensors


What you may have missed…

Search: 11318711 DPL Telematics introduces CANbus functionality for equipment monitoring

Novotechnik U.S.

announces the release

of the WAL300 Series of

hollow-shaft angle sensors, made by its affiliate Contelec.

»» Provides repeatability of 0.3 degrees

Search: 11302185 Inter- and intra-machine collision mitigation Accidental collisions—either between machine and its

attachment or two machines on

a site—can be avoided if proper

precautions are taken and advanced technologies are used.

Search: 11406054 Curtiss-Wright supplies joystick controllers and sensors for tunnel fire fighting vehicle

»» Housing features 32 mm diameter

Rota Engineering’s modular transducer is manufactured for external mounting on standard boom cylinders.

»» Easy transport, installation and maintenance

»» Uses Rota’s patent-pending external transducer technology

and 10 mm height

»» Up to 130 ft. (40 m) long

hollow-shaft as well as 3/8 in. round

»» -40 degrees operation

»» Available with 6 or 8 mm D shaped bore with set screw

»» Operating temperature range is -25 to 75 C

»» Electrical travel is 0 to 340 degrees

with continuous mechanical travel

»» Supplied in 1.5, 3, 7 and 10 ft. sections »» Non-contact/frictionless sensor; no external wearing parts



Solar Power for Mobile Applications

50 g shock, 10 g vibration and shaft

flexible, ultra-high-efficiency Solar Flex

»» Provides lifespan of 4 million

»» Operates when exposed to up to loading of up to 1 N

»» Flat tabs integrated into housing ensure easy mounting


Search: 11267708 Plug and play fuel cells

Tip Flow Monitor

develops a cost effective and

Flow Monitor from Tee-

minimal engineering expertise for

vides operators with instant

One component manufacturer

Modular Transducer

The Sentry 6140 Tip

Go Power! has introduced its thin, GP-FLEX Series solar panels.

»» Provides power generation through solar-based mobile power and a battery regeneration system

»» Uses high-efficiency monocrystalline cells to produce power

»» Measures 3 mm thick

»» Aerodynamic and engineered to be virtually indestructible

easy-to-use fuel cell that requires

Jet Technologies pro-

»» Clad in a tough, impermeable,

vehicle design integration.

notification when a spray

»» Can be secured with fasteners

Search: 11177002 Eaton developing hybrid system with smaller battery

lost or misaligned leading

Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

tip is clogged, damaged, to abnormal flow rate.

with adhesive to surfaces with para-

bolic bends of as much as 30 degrees

»» Keeps battery

location of the affected nozzle

ly charged at

problem while graphic display shows

»» Immediate detection of plugged tips can prevent yield loss due to

increased localized pest pressure or prevent the need for re-application

»» Flow performance is precisely

measured and monitored from every turbine-style flow meter in nozzle


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

through pre-cut eyelets or mounted

»» Alarms make operators aware of

spray tip on the boom by a compact,


marine-grade laminate

banks optimalall times

»» Generates up to 100 amps

of DC power per hour

»» Available

in 30-, 100-

and 200-watt power kits



• High Performance inline connection system • High vibration, high temperature, and harsh environment applications




• Industry standard circular Size 24 Shell connection systems for harsh environments

• Wide selection of EV/HEV connection systems and charge connectors

• Commercial vehicle, CON/AG, Military, and Marine applications

• Inverter, battery, junction box, and power electric box applications

Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE: DLPH) is a leading global supplier of technologies for the automotive and commercial vehicle markets. Headquartered in Gillingham, England, Delphi operates major technical centers, manufacturing sites and customer support services in 32 countries, with regional headquarters in Bascharage, Luxembourg; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Shanghai, China and Troy, Michigan, U.S. Delphi delivers innovation for the real world with technologies that make cars and trucks safer as well as more powerful, efficient and connected. Connect to innovation at www.delphi.com

The Power & Signal Group is a strategic group within Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE: ARW) dedicated to the unique design and distribution requirements of the transportation industry. It has been a worldwide distributor of interconnection systems and components for the transportation industry for over 30 years. From its North American headquarters, and its sales and distribution centers in Europe, Asia and South America, the company is able to provide global coverage to its customers— delivering product when, where and how it’s needed. Visit PSG online at www.powerandsignal.com


6675 Parkland Boulevard | Solon, Ohio 44139 | Toll Free: 800-722-5273 www.powerandsignal.com oemoffhighway.com/10742838

EL EC T R IC A L & EL EC T RONIC S www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Industrial Inclinometer

Oil Sensor

a compact and high performance sensor for measurement of slope or tilt angles of an

the past due to the Stauff Oil Quality

BEI Sensors introduces the T-Series industrial inclinometer, object with respect to gravity.

»» Features advanced MEMS technology, offering precision and responsiveness

»» Offers a wide range of motion feedback including dual axis up to ±60 degrees or single axis of 360 degrees, with resolution of 0.01 degree and accuracy of 0.1 degree


Interval oil changes are now a thing of Sensor (OQS).

»» Monitors oil condition, including contamination and moisture

»» Enables oil to be changed based

on need rather than a set interval,

leading to potential to save millions of gallons of oil a year

»» Can be permanently mounted

within any lubrication system on any type of machine

»» Data can be displayed on existing

systems or on the Stauff Oil Quality Display (OQD)

oemoffhighway.com/ 11389101

Anti-Theft System

STRATTEC Security Corp. has released

i-Guard, its latest anti-theft solution, de-

veloped specifically for the construction, fleet and rental equipment industries.

»» Radio-frequency identification (RFID) electronic immobilizer design

»» Safeguards costly machinery of any size from unauthorized use

»» Electronic code programmed into engine module and into a chip

in the key or a Fob is transmitted

between the two components by a

small antenna via difficult-to-mimic radio frequencies

»» Relies on radio frequencies which majority of criminals do not have

skills to disable, unlike easily hacked GPS technology

oemoffhighway.com/11248308 oemoffhighway.com/10055148


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


Steering Encoder Units Non-Contact Angle Sensors Novotechnik U.S. introduces the

Vert-X 28HD Series of non-contact

angle sensors which are designed for

AHE Series steering encoder units from

Pressure Transducers

can improve vehicle efficiency and

pressure transducers from the

SKF feature by-wire technology which performance when used in place of mechanical or hydraulic systems.

»» Based on proven sensor-bearing

use in harsh environments, including


use in off-highway and public

»» By-wire technology provides pro-

transportation vehicles.

grammable steering functionality and

»» Features aluminum housing

zero maintenance

»» Sealed for protection against ingress

»» Includes two non-contact rotary

of liquids and solids to IP69K

»» Provides 0 to 360 degree measurement range, 12-bit, repeatability of

0.1 degrees or better, and maximum

incremental position sensors and an SKF roller bearing


hysteresis of 0.1 degree

»» Output options are 0.1 to 10V, 0.5 to 4.5V or 4 to 20 mA


Measurement Specialties’ U5200 UltraStable line, with their modular

design, offer maximum flexibility for different configurations.

»» Suitable for measurement of liquid or gas pressure, even for difficult media such as contaminated water, steam and mildly corrosive fluids

»» Weatherproof and exceeds the latest heavy industrial CE requirements including surge protection

»» Circuit is protected from reverse wiring at input and short circuit at output

»» Features 10 V/m EMI protection

»» Offers up to ±0.1% accuracy and up to ±0.75% Total Error Band


lights group www.abllights.com

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660 Golf Club Blvd. | Mosinee, WI 54455 For more information: toll free (888) 693-1530 email: ablusa@abllights.com oemoffhighway.com/10054950


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



H A R D WA R E Br ough t to you b y


QA1 Precision Products Inc. manufactures a wide range of products including rod ends, spherical bearings and custom linkages. With its engineering and manufacturing capabilities, as well as international manufacturing alliances, QA1 frequently partners with its customers to deliver custom solutions at the most economical cost. Find out more about QA1 on page 94, as well as online at www.oemoffhighway.com/10055994. For more information about its C Series Carbon Steel Rod Ends, seen above, go to www.oemoffhighway.com/10703546.

H A R D WA R E Rivet Nuts


Sherex Fastening Solutions has

launched a line of large thread Rivet

Nuts ranging in sizes from 1/2-13 to 3/410 (M12 to M20).

»» For attaching thin sheet materials »» Requires less energy and can

streamline manufacturing process compared to weld fasteners

»» Available in either round body or hex body for increased spin-out resistance

Liebherr is a

global manufac-

turer and supplier of large

diameter bearings in various dimensions and designs in accordance with customer specifications.

»» Can be single or double row four-point

contact bearings, triple row roller bearings or specially designed bearings

»» Diameters range from 16 to 236 in. (400 to 6,000 mm)

»» Compatible with Grade 5 Class

»» Other sizes may be available

»» Plated with a RoHS Compliant, Zinc

»» For use in a wide array of applications

8.8 bolts

Trivalent Clear plating

»» Zinc Nickel, with corrosion resistance finish, is also available


on request

such as earthmoving machinery, wind

turbines, mining equipment, maritime applications and vehicle technology

»» Raceway and gearing are hardened via induction heating to eliminate tension fractures and ensure longevity


Sealing Ring Two-Part Epoxy

Primarily used for potting and encapsulation applications, Master Bond Super Gel 9AO is a soft, urethane modified gel-like epoxy that offers thermal

conductivity and electrical insulation properties.

»» Can be used for bonding and sealing as it adheres to various substrates

including metals, glass, ceramics, and many rubbers and plastics

»» Features low hardness of 20 to 30 Shore A

»» Able to encapsulate sensitive electronic components

»» Expensive parts are retrievable by cutting the compound


Zurcon Glyd Ring D from

HARDWARE PRODUCTS are waiting to be found online. Go to OEMOffHighway.com/ Directory to start your search for seals and gaskets, bearings, adhesives, greases and vibration damping components. Wheel Seals

The MileMaker

portfolio of wheel seals

from Freudenberg-NOK

Sealing Technologies help

heavy-duty vehicle manufacturers

of trucks and trailers meet renewed demands for better fuel economy, longer service life and increased wheel durability.

»» Proprietary material reduces friction and lowers torque 50%

Trelleborg Sealing Solu-

»» Withstands operating temperatures

combination of sealing

»» Compatible with mineral and

tions gives the perfect

performance and service life, through optimized

contact pressure and minimized heat generated from friction.

»» Ensures adequate friction by incor-

porating two special grooves in the

D-shaped profile of the seal to sustain an oil film for adequate lubrication of the seal against its counter surface

»» Manufactured from Zurcon Z13

polyurethane material which has

been specially developed to cope

with pressures up to 500 bar/7,250 psi at both sides of the seal and at temperatures up to 120 C/248 F

»» Features hardness of 60 shore D for

wear resistance, excellent extrusion

properties and hydrolysis resistance




up to 350 F

synthetic oils, and grease lubricants

»» Seals have an

integrated lathed, ground and pol-

ished wear sleeve running surface

that reduces fric-

tion, lowers torque

and promotes cool

running surface for main lip seal

»» Incorporates pat-

ented dirt exclusion fins that assist with keeping contamination away from the seal

Who to FOLLOW @SKFGroup @TrelleborgSeals @Alcoa @PEERBearing @MasterBondInc @Dirak_Inc @QA1Motorsports @igus_Inc

oemoffhighway. com/11347782

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



Alcoa Fastening Systems


Huck速 Fasteners: Engineered for Long Life. As part of Alcoa Fastening Systems, Huck速 pro-

vides more than just high strength, precision-engineered fasteners. For more than 60 years, Huck has been committed to providing advanced fastening solutions.

Huck lock bolts (HuckBolts速) and structural

and a more efficient fastening method

than standard nuts

and bolts. In addition,

these engineered fasteners offer

benefits which other fastening

methods cannot, including quick and

easy installation, elimination of maintenance, and ultimately, cost reductions.

Used in a variety of industrial markets, Huck

blind fasteners are designed to provide perma-

fasteners have been proven superior in applica-

result in consistent installations, time after time.

motive, HVAC, green energy, agriculture, mining,

nent, vibration-resistant joining solutions that

Because all Huck fasteners offer relatively high

and consistent tensile, shear and clamp proper-

tions which include truck, trailer, bus, rail, autoand oil and gas.

where the joints are integral to the structure.

Fastening vs. Welding: Changing the Equation

available in a joining solution, Huck fasteners have

cations requiring a secure joint, today, there

ties, they are especially well-suited to applications Offering the highest level of vibration resistance

been the go-to solution for extreme vibration-intensive applications for decades. Huck fasteners provide a clean and safe alternative to welding,

While welding has long been utilized in appliare several strong reasons to consider a proven

alternative: direct-tension, swaged on lockbolts,

such as the HuckBolts速 currently offered by Alcoa Fastening Systems.

The welding process can be very time-consum-

ing, and requires highly skilled, often highly paid technicians. The heat generated by welding can often reduce the strength of the metals being joined, and damage critical surface coatings. Welding often requires a time consuming,

sometimes costly inspection process. And finally, welding can be a safety hazard.

Over the past 60 years, engineered HuckBolts

from Alcoa Fastening Systems have replaced

welding in a wide range of heavy-duty, demanding applications, delivering superior vibration resistance and long life. Find out why. www.AFSHuck.net/NoWeld




INSTEAD. SAFETY, SIMPLICITY, SPEED, COST-SAVINGS, AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. All reasons why you should be using HuckBolts . Fastening with HuckBolts means consistent clamp, and a stronger joint. Ease and speed of installation. Quick, visual inspections. And no costly skilled labor. Faster. Safer. Simpler. More cost-effective. And proven for over 60 years of vibration-resistant performance in the brutal trucking and rail industries. Make the switch from welding to HuckBolts. The reasons couldn’t be stronger. ®

® TM

For more information, visit AFSHuck.net/NoWeld oemoffhighway.com/10054981

H A R D WA R E www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Sealed Roller Bearings

Diaphragm Seals

Explorer spherical roller bear-

seals and other

SKF has extended its range of sealed ings, significantly increasing the number of applications where they can be used. »» Sealed construction

reduces maintenance, while offering consis-

tently high performance under demanding conditions

»» Dimensionally interchangeable with open bearings enabling

applications to be upgraded simply and cost effectively

»» Maintains high degree of cleanliness

Ashcroft diaphragm

isolation devices can

be mated to pressure instruments for

complete media protection.

»» Works with measuring devices such as

dial gauges, switches, digital gauges or transmitters

»» Protects against harsh or corrosive process liquids and gases »» Available in variety of sizes and wetted materials »» Configuration offerings include capsule type,

Don’t forget to...

welded or bonded and clamped designs with

SEARCH for more product information online using the unique URL under each product!

threaded, flanged and flushing connections


inside the bearing to significantly increase bearing service life

»» Does not require external seals

Backup Bearings


Two-Stage Rotary Latch

Southco has expanded its line of

rotary latching solutions with the

launch of the compact R4-10 Two-

Stage Rotary Latch, which allows for increased operator safety by

eliminating false latching conditions

in enclosure applications.

»» Features compact design, occupying minimal space within an enclosure

»» Provides concealed latching and increased security

»» Ensures clean exterior surface free of pry points and push-to-close convenience for doors and panels

»» Available in corrosion-resistant steel and stainless steel

»» Suitable for demanding environments and can be used in a broad range of applications across industries

»» Can be combined with Southco’s line of mechanical and electronic actua-

tors and cables for a complete rotary latching system



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

PTFE NanoDiamonds Coating

Surface coatings specialist Carbodeon

has released uDiamond Vox D, a PTFE/ NanoDiamond coating with twice the durability and up to 66% less friction than current products.

»» Offers potential to cost-effectively reduce CO₂ output and fuel

demand, as well as to improve equipment lifespan

»» Composed of a liquid dispersion of 4

to 6 nm NanoDiamond particles with

a surface chemistry that integrates the particles with PTFE molecules without the use of additional surfactants

»» NanoDiamond particles are hardwearing, small and offer very low surface friction

»» Improvements in durability and

friction are due to the properties of

the NanoDiamond particles, as well as changes to the overall coating

structure caused by the presence of the particles themselves


Napoleon Engineering Services (NES Bearings) has announced the recent

expansion of its bearing manufacturing

capabilities to now include backup bearings for use with active magnetic bearings (AMB), where they serve as highly reliable secondary fail-safe systems. »» Sizes range from 1 to 14 in. O.D.

»» Enables controlled shutdown, in case of a power or control systems failure

»» Shaft drops 2 to 3 thousandths of an inch onto back-up bearing system, allowing

it to coast to a stop without


to shaft or sur-



»» Specialty heat treatments, wear-resistant material combinations, con-

ventional or dry film lubricants and

various cage and internal design characteristics help to effectively manage safe coast down of rotating shaft



Grand Bending

Division of Morris Coupling Company.

Web address: www.grandbending.com Email: sales@grandbending.com Phone: 770-426-0734

Grand Bending, a division of Morris Coupling Company, for over 20 years has been a supplier of high quality bends and associated components used in custom and high-performance exhaust systems, heat exchangers and other industrial applications. Our product offering includes short and long radius bends ranging in size from 1 1/2”OD through 8”OD and in bend radii from 2 1/2” through 72”. This extensive product offering is available in various materials including aluminized and galvanized carbon steel, carbon steel, aluminum and stainless steel. We maintain a large inventory of straight sections of all these materials to satisfy your tubing and pipe requirements. Our capabilities include compound bends, welded fabrications, expansion, swaging and beading.



H A R D WA R E www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11473156 Dana adds multi-layer steel gasket production to facility in China Search: 11299694 Insight into the heart of a bearing A bearing condition monitoring system enables preventative

measures to be taken to mitigate, or prepare for, bearing damage.

Search: 11305122 NES expands bearing manufacturing to include oscillating, wear and corrosive applications



Electronic Rotary Latch

Bonnet seal, which fits all standard 1/4

expanded its

introduces its

in. flared SAE fill connections.

»» Makes any fill connection fitting

permanently leak free and still allows serviceability should the connection require it

»» Copper stamping design coated with a dry-to-the-touch Loctite

sealant, utilizing proven Flaretite sealing ring technology

»» Rated from –65 to 300 F

»» Compatible with all common refrigerants, hydraulic fluids, fuels, oils,

compressed air, most gases, process fluids, and steam


Southco Inc. has

R4-EM Electronic

Rotary Latch product

class to include a version suit-

able for outdoor environments, known as the R4-EM Outdoor.

»» Features corrosion-resistant plated

steel and stainless steel construction and fully-sealed internal actuator

»» Provides reliable electronic locking

that is resistant to moisture and dust

»» Embedded electronic control allows

for easy integration with an external control system

»» Flexible, concealed installation

provides vandal-resistance and accommodates a variety of outdoor applications


Search: 10928936

WHITE PAPER The Future of Access Hardware Technology In OffHighway Equipment Design Search: 10909327 Advanced windscreen bonding solutions for heavy equipment and specialty vehicles Newly developed primerless

windscreen adhesives help increase production time while eliminating the use of solvent-based primers

which can be harmful to employees' health.

Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

Keyless Shaft Locking Bushings

ETP Power keyless shaft locking bush-

ings from Zero-Max feature fast mounting with high radial load capacity.

»» Well suited for locking into position rollers in automated machinery

»» Torque range from 531 to 10,620 in.-lbs. (60 to 1,200 Nm)

»» Single radial screw design ensures fast mounting, repositioning and phasing of components to shafts

»» Positions in seconds and can be

readjusted hundreds of times just as quickly and without any axial move-

ment of bushing or component along keyless shaft

»» Sealed, clean lines resist debris col-

lection and clean easily without any special maintenance

»» Single radial tightening screw pro-

vides solid and precise connection



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Open Gear Lubricant Bel-Ray

introduces its

Biodegradable Open Gear

Lubricant for

mining operations.

»» Biodegradable and semi-fluid

»» Applications include use for walking draglines and electric rope shovels

»» Composition based on proprietary

renewable base fluids and polymers

»» Includes extreme pressure, anti-wear and other task-specific additives

»» Helps increase component life and

reduce unscheduled downtime and lost production

»» Over 60% biodegradable in 28 days

with negligible environmental residue

»» Provides multiservice functionality by providing protection in a wide range of applications



NEW! Proprietary DEF Tanks Elkhart Plastics, Inc. now offers proprietary “off-the-shelf” DEF tanks. These fully-integrated, plug-and-play tanks feature standard or remote fill solutions with spill trays as well as options for unique and diverse valve and venting systems. Our proprietary tank solutions enable you to easily configure a tank and header for a variety of applications. Fast lead times and custom options allow us to help solve your most difficult packaging situations quickly, efficiently, and affordably.

Our Unique Solutions • The most capable header sensors on the market • More than 30 sensor geometries available • DEF tank sizes in 5, 10, and 15 gallons (portrait and landscape) • Ready to ship quickly If you can imagine the possibility, we can rotomold it into reality. We are an American company that provides the highest quality, rotationally molded, plastic components for the agriculture, construction, and heavy truck industries.

epi-roto.com 574 . 825 . 9797 Find us on LinkedIn and Twitter SOUTH BEND, INDIANA • MIDDLEBURY, INDIANA • ELKHART, INDIANA OHIO CITY, OHIO • LITTLETON, COLORADO • RIDGEFIELD, WASHINGTON oemoffhighway.com/10892017

H A R D WA R E www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Hinges with Electrical Switching Function

Hose Clamps

announces it now offers

lines and components, while

J.W. Winco Inc.

GN 139.1 Series Hinges with Electrical Switching Func-

tion, with Safety Switch, in metric sizes.

»» RoHS compliant

Stauff designs hose clamps for the safe installation of hoses and other flexible

protecting the hose material at the same time.

»» Bodies feature profiled inside surfaces and tension clearance »» Includes vibration/noise reducing and impact absorbing features

»» For use on monitoring doors and covers of machines

»» Smooth interior surfaces and chamfered edges prevent dam-

»» Opening door activates switch contacts, causing interruption

»» Elimination of tension clearance ensures necessary freedom of

and equipment

in a protective circuit via broken contact (NC) and simultane-

ously signals door opening by closing a normally open contact element (NO)

»» Contact blocks are fitted with positive opening slow-action contacts, i.e. they are separated when activated and have no hysteresis


age of the hose cover

movement of the clamped hose (in the case of pressure peaks, for example)

»» Available in the Standard, Heavy and Twin Series in accordance with DIN 3015, and optionally in Polypropylene (type PPH), Polyamide (type PAH), or rubber (type SAH)

»» All standard types and sizes of hydraulic hose with diameters between 6 and 102 mm can be clamped

»» High level of vibration, noise reduction and impact absorption


Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing

SKF announces that it has developed the

CE double row angular contact ball bearing which is suitable in trucks and agricultural applications, where a reliable and robust performance is essential.

»» Available in the 32 and 33 Series in the range from 20 to 50 mm bore diameter

»» Features low friction and low noise glass fiber reinforced polyamide cages as standard

»» Optionally available with stamped steel cages

»» Available open or capped with either seals or shields

»» Both versions are dimensionally interchangeable and have the same high load carrying capability

»» Sealed version has steel reinforced Nitrile Butadiene Rubber

(NBR) seals that exert a light contact pressure with the bearing

inner ring for effective retention of the lubricant and exclusion of contaminants

»» Sealed bearings have lower limiting speed than open or shielded bearings owing to the additional seal friction

»» Steel shields in shielded version extend into a recess in bearing inner ring for grease retention and contaminant reduction



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



Plastic Seal Rings

Seal rings made from high-performance PEEK

Plastic material molded by Minnesota Rubber and Plastics handle thermal expansion forces.

»» Provides long operating life with chemical resis-

tance and retention of mechanical properties up to 570 F (300 C)

Silicone for Electronic Components and Systems NuSil Technology LLC introduces R-2165, a robust silicone solution

»» Replaces metal components in assembles requir-

ing high-performance seals in vehicle transmissions


for the protection of electronic

Aluminum Compression Latch

sensors, relays and connectors.

num version of its E3 VISE ACTION Compression Latch.

components and systems such as »» Helps increase operational life of electrical components in harsh environments

»» Performs at elevated temperatures »» Moderate thermal conductivity


Southco Inc. has recently added a lightweight, alumi»» Delivers robust, vibration-resistant fastening

»» Suitable for use in a variety of applications and industries »» Features lightweight, aluminum construction

»» Provides higher strength and superior cycle life for heavy-duty installations »» Commonality with existing products allows for simplified installation


Bearing Grade Rod

Ensinger Inc.’s TECAPEEK PVX bearing grade rod offers the durability and

wear characteristics needed in high temperature polymers machined

into components used in automotive, aerospace and other industrial equipment industries.

»» Compounded exclusively using Victrex PEEK Polymer

»» Typical applications include bushings, bearing cages, seals and gaskets, bearing retainers, and gears

»» Provides extended service life and improved reliability with excellent high temperature performance – HDT over 500 F

»» Features lower abrasion to

mating surfaces and lower run temperatures with a potential

to reduce weight and increase energy efficiency

»» Available in a wide range of rod

sizes, including 0.5 in., 0.75 in., 1 in., 1.5 in., 2 in., 2.5 in., and 3 in.



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



OP ER AT OR EN V IRONMEN T Br ough t to you b y

Visionaire’s only business is supplying rugged, reliable ventilation for offroad equipment. Using modern design and manufacturing techniques, it is able to rapidly prototype and produce individualized heating, cooling and cab pressurization systems designed to an OEM’s specific application requirements. Read more on Visionaire Inc. on page 99, as well as online at www.oemoffhighway.com/10056256. See information on the Model 7060DD low-profile air-conditioning system, seen above, on page 100 and online at www.oemoffhighway.com/10964611.


Perrin Manufacturing has unveiled a more compact version of its

popular PowerCube APU. The PowerCube Slim packs the same

HVAC performance of its predecessor into a thinner profile that fits the mounting space requirements of the majority of North American sleeper cabs.

»» Delivers 24,000 BTUs of AC cooling strength and 30,000 BTUs of heating power

»» Features quiet operation, performing at only 75 dB under full load, about 30% quieter than an idling Class 8 diesel truck

»» Undergoes and meets SAE J1503 testing guidelines

»» Able to quickly and sustainably heat and cool cabs in even the most adverse weather conditions


OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT PRODUCTS are waiting to be found online. Go to OEMOffHighway.com/ Directory to start your search for operator displays, joysticks, seats, HVAC systems, switches, gauges and controls.

»» Attaches to cab’s existing fuel tank and operates on just a quarter of the fuel needed to idle a standard Class 8 diesel engine

»» Helps reduce NOx emission-related soot accumulation and the regeneration frequency of a vehicle’s DPF

»» Features integrated condenser, eliminating need to mount one on exterior of vehicle »» Fits under bunk and is fitted with dual 600 cfm high-performance blower »» Four separate vents enables twice the power capacity of other APUs


ENM’s Series T39

The elobau JFT Fingertip Joystick is

compactly designed, making it ideal for use in control panels and armrests.

»» Applications range from industrial trucks, agricultural and construc-

tion machinery to countless other heavy-duty applications

»» Allows simple "on top" installation in control panels

»» Enables parallel arrangement in the tightest installation spaces possible

»» Features angled and contoured activation handle

»» Color-coded actuator cap and

customized symbol imprints provide maximum user-friendliness

»» Delivers high reliability and long

lifetime due to contactless, shielded Hall Effect technology

»» Sealed to IP67 specifications



The ZF Cabin Air Leveling

Module (CALM) helps optimize operator comfort in heavyduty equipment. ZF

developed CALM together

LCD Hour Meter and Up Counter Fingertip Joystick

Cabin Air Leveling Module

LCD 6-digits hour

meter and up counter

instrument is ideal for any

application that requires recording both

with Wabco.

»» Contains integrated ride-

height control system for the cabin

»» Uses valve to regulate pressure in the

air spring depending on cabin height


»» Includes two displays which can

Docking Stations for Tablets

»» Compact and tamper-proof design

announces the

time measurement and event count for maintenance schedule.

operate independently or in parallel

»» Protected from environment to provide years of service

»» Accumulated time hours and

counts are stored on powerless, nonvolatile data backup using CMOS EEPROM technology

»» Offers high reliability

»» Completely sealed to IP67 rating »» Features low operating current

»» Includes wide operating voltage and temperature range

»» Polarity insensitive for DC power input »» ISO 9001:2000 certified


Gamber-Johnson release of two Vehicle Dock-

ing Stations for the Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1 and JT-B1 tablets. The G1 and

B1 docking stations are designed with driver safety, vehicle ergonomics and quality in mind.

»» Features small footprint for easy

installation close to the instrument panel

»» Ruggedly designed to ensure protec-

tion and secure hold of tablet, even in extreme conditions

»» Uses Panasonic certified electronics


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


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Tilt Display Mount

Southco Inc. has expanded its Tilt Display Mount product line (T Series) with the addition of the AV-D25 Tilt Display Mount. »» Provides reliability and proven tilt positioning

»» Offers a simple solution for moving and positioning heavy panels and displays

»» Counterbalanced version provides even lower operating efforts

»» Allows easy adjustment of a display’s tilt angle for optimal operator comfort »» Integrated positioning technology provides precise control and customization of operation

»» Eliminates need for constant maintenance and readjustment »» Enables effortless fingertip positioning

»» Features tested, repeatable cycle life that ensures reliable long-term use


2.5 mm height

»» Well suited for control panels, nomad

Switch Module (eSM).

»» Communicates with E31 keypad and E32 Rocker expansion modules

»» Compliant with J1939 CAN 2.0B messaging

»» Up to 24 switches per

@Grayhill_Inc @APEMInc @NIOSH @TeamEspar @KABSeating @PennyandGiles @Custom_Products @APEMINC

CAN node

»» IP68 protection in front and rear »» Immune to SAE J1455 and J1113 power distrurbances



be controlled automatically using a digital controller


The C-COM 3AD (CAN-Communicator the most recent addition to AMETEK

Vehicular Instrumentation Systems’ Next Generation Instrumentation system.

»» Color-coded actuators provide


any customer-defined

for additional CAN nodes

or heating

»» Heating and cooling functions can

switches within a single system

»» Can be configured with

be used without the need

»» Can be used selectively for cooling

easy identification for multiple


expansion modules can

agricultural and construction vehicles.

entry systems

requirements in severe

more than three switches,

and heat exchanger for use in

devices, remote controls and keyless

»» For high-density switch

»» For applications requiring

its HV 609 evaporator

3-inch Analog Gauge with Display) is

fully sealed E33 Rocker electronic

graphic and illumination

Systems presents

ries of microminiature SMT top-actuated »» Offers 4.2 x 3.2 mm footprint,

plexed line of switch products—the

Climate Control

CAN Communication Analog Gauge

switches, designated the PTS 810 Series.

Eaton offers the latest in the multi-


Microminiature TopActuated Switches

C&K Components has developed a se-

Rocker Electronic Switch Module

Evaporator and Heat Exchanger

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

»» Delivers operational life spans up to 150,000 cycles

»» Includes J-type terminals for

SMT use and a 0.15 mm to 0.20 mm +/- 0.1 mm travel

»» RoHS compliant

»» Halogen/lead free

»» Stand-alone gauge that can satisfy

the instrumentation requirements for a wide range of vehicle platforms

»» Features modular 3 in. design

»» Can be connected directly to an SAE J1939 (CAN) databus

»» Available with silver over

»» Accepts pulsed input or NMEA-0183

»» Features operating tempera-

»» Multi-function, backlit, 13-segment,

nickel plate terminals

ture of -40 to 85 C and a contact rating of 1mA at 16V DC

»» Four switch designs with varying operating forces available


GPS received on USB input

seven-digit alpha-numeric liquid crystal display provides vehicle informa-

tion including odometer, hour meter,

tachometer and coolant temperature

»» Decals can be customized or chosen

from a wide variety of standard decals

»» Adding optional external buttons expands menu system to include additional vehicle data





Visionaire Inc. is a leading manufacturer of cabin ventilation systems for off-highway equipment. Visionaire works closely with OEM engineering teams to design air conditioning and heating products which integrate seamlessly into the vehicle design. Visionaire’s hydraulically driven compressors are designed to provide air conditioning to cabs working in harsh environments or located far from an engine accessory drive. Reliable and quiet, their model 41-1310 features built in control valves. Various alternate control configurations, motor displacements, and compressor capacities are offered. When used in self-contained Visionaire air conditioners these compressor drives can save OEMs considerable assembly labor costs. Visionaire Inc. offers a full line of ventilation products for equipment cabs. They also design and manufacture proprietary systems to meet OEM requirements.


OP ER AT OR EN V IRONMEN T www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11080280 Visibility and comfort improvements bring productivity to the forest A desire to increase operator

productivity through comfort and visibility enhancements leads one forestry OEM to design a unique, eight-wheeled harvester.

Search: 11313877 FW Murphy and EControls officially change names to Enovation Controls

Compact Switch Joysticks

APEM Inc. introduces the NZ Series of

compact switch joysticks, designed for control of either machine functions or menu navigation.

»» Offers above panel options that

mimic the look of either a joystick or toggle switch

»» Provides IP67 panel sealed, two axes control in a compact below-panel housing

»» Two switch options available

»» Constructed with gold plated silver alloy contacts to provide reliable switching at low current levels


Designers of operator interfaces

look outside the vehicle industries to a rarely-referenced inspiration: The medical field.

Search: 11149898 I3 Series seat from Seats Inc. receives ISO 7096, EM9 for vibrational performance in European marketser Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Continental has developed an electronic solution which supplies precise information on work processes in the farming

industry. The Full Programmable Cluster (FPC) is one of the latest innovations.

»» Features high-definition color display and cutting-edge Human Machine Interface Software toolchain

»» Operators can monitor work

processes, query information on the driver, vehicle and working conditions, and intervene if necessary

»» Presents information in the form of

widgets, texts, 2D and 3D graphics,

Search: 11291090 Enginaire introduces intelligent pressure compensation for Cabaire Search: 11109412 From ultrasound to ultra rugged

Vehicle Display Cluster

animations and videos


Guidance System

The Matrix Pro GS Guidance System

Hydraulic Driven Cab Air Conditioner

guidance over video along with several

7060DD low-profile roof- or wall-

offers growers TeeJet exclusive RealView new productivity-enhancing features. »» Displays guidance and live video

simultaneously, improving accuracy and efficiency in field operations

»» Up to eight RealView cameras can be

Visionaire Inc. announces the Model mounted self-contained air condition-

ing system for heavy-duty off-highway equipment cabs.

»» Ships fully assembled, pre-charged with refrigerant

used to monitor multiple machine

»» Features a low overall height of

viewing guidance information

»» Rated output of 25,000 BTU/hr.

operations while at the same time

»» Advanced swath control capabilities allow for automatic boom section

control (ABSC) on dry spreaders and sprayers with offset booms

»» Supports droplet size monitoring


approximately 8 in. (205 mm)

»» Internal, hydraulic driven compressor requires minimal flow (6 to 10 gpm) to operate

»» Utilizes vibration damping pads and fail-safe mounts

»» Ideal for cabs where mounting a compressor on the engine is not feasible but hydraulic power is available



Faria and Beede Instruments Phone: 860.848.9271 | 603.753.6362 Email: sales@faria-instruments.com sales@beede.com

www.faria-instruments.com | www.beede.com

Faria Instruments designs, engineers, and manufactures standard

and custom, high-quality instrumentation for today’s modern engines. Products include CAN bus (SAE J1939), electric, and mechanical instruments, as well as sensors and senders. The recent acquisition of Beede Instruments

further strengthens Faria’s presence not only in the industrial, but also

military and recreational markets. Faria offers its customers solutions for

their instrumentation needs with quick turnarounds, responsive support,

and on-time delivery. Founded in 1956, Faria is an American-owned, ISO 9001 certified company manufacturing 100% of its products in the U.S.


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Droplet Size Monitor

Tilt and Swivel Display Mount

Illuminated Rocker Switch

Size Monitor from

its compact mount for

release of its R7 Series illumi-

The Sentry 6120 Droplet TeeJet Technologies helps

operators improve their spray applications by providing real-time, in-cab droplet

size information.

»» Helps manage drift or efficacy problems caused by applying droplets that are too large or too small

»» Easy-to-use stand-alone unit

»» Features image-based interface on

which operators select desired spray tip and capacity

»» While spraying, monitor measures boom operating pressure and displays corresponding droplet size category

Southco Inc. introduces smaller, lighter displays, the rugged AV-C20 Compact

Tilt and Swivel Display Mount which is

suitable for use indoors and out, and is compatible with a variety of devices. »» Constructed of lightweight,

corrosion-resistant materials

»» Works with devices such as tablets, in-vehicle GPS units and smaller man-machine interfaces (MMI)

»» Provides easy adjustment of

display’s tilt angle for optimal operator comfort

»» Features integrated positioning

technology for precise control and

maintain proper droplet size

power cable, sensor cable and pressure sensor


ing and boasts a tested, repeatable

cycle life that ensures reliable longterm use

»» Remains secure once positioned,

without additional need for tightening, loosening or service


maximatecc presents its CCpilot VC display product platform

with its ARM core, a powerful software platform and high read-

ability 5 in. display with optional touchscreen. The display makes

it possible to offer a premium user experience and enhanced operator

support functions in cost sensitive construction and agricultural vehicle applications. »» Based on ARM Cortex A8 core with Linux operating system »» Choose to run applications on the Linux system or utilize platform where applications are developed in Qt and/ or CoDeSys

»» Complementary software development services

can be deployed on advisory basis or for development of a complete system

»» TFT display with WVGA form factor and resolution

»» Two CAN interfaces support CANopen or SAE J1939

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

multiple functions and red, green and amber LED colors are available

»» IP67 rated to the front pane

»» Electrical lifespan is 10,000 cycles per UL61058

»» Contact resistance is 20 MΩ maximum

»» Insulation Resistance is 100 MΩ minimum at 500V DC AC for 1 minute

while storage temperature is -20 to 85 C

»» Panel thickness is 1.5 to 4.5 mm


Thumbstick with Threaded D-Flat Housing APEM Inc.’s TS Series Thumbstick may

coated brass threaded D-flat housing, making for simplified drop-in panel installation.

»» Threaded metal body provides full EMC protection, including

EMI, ESD, and is environmentally sealed up to IP69K

»» Mounting accessories

the LinX Software Suite, an open software application


»» Array of actuator styles,

now be specified with a black oxide

5-in. Touch Screen Display


faston termination options

»» Operating temperature 0 to 55 C,

»» Enables effortless fingertip position-

»» Includes console, RAM mount,

panel mount design

»» Offers solder, screw or

nance and readjustment

deviates from a predetermined

ground speed and system pressure to

»» Features ergonomic,

»» Features dielectric strength of 1,500V

»» Eliminates need for constant mainte-

range, enabling adjustment of

nated rocker switch.

customization of operation

»» Audible and visual alarms notify

operators when system pressure

E-Switch announces the

include a stainless steel

Don’t forget to... SEARCH for more product information online using the unique URL under each product!

lock washer and hex-nut

»» Can be specified with a Molex 2.00 mm (.079 in.) pitch

connector in the bottom of the housing




START HERE! OPERATOR PROTECTION EXPERTS 1-800-CABLINE (800-222-5463) www.CPcabs.com Design | Testing | Manufacturing

Design, Test and Manufacture Custom Cabs

With 55 years of experience and a full range of capabilities, Custom Products is a valuable resource for equipment manufacturers who need custom cabs, ROPS and other operator protection solutions. The company’s services include: DESIGN AND ENGINEERING. The Custom Products engineering team can take a project at any stage, from a napkin sketch to a proven design, and work through a proven launch process to bring it to reality quickly and cost effectively. SAFETY COMPLIANCE EXPERTISE. Custom Products’ expert staff can advise equipment manufacturers on which industry safety standards apply to their product and how to meet them.

STATE-OF-THE-ART OPERATOR PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE TESTING. The company’s ISO-IEC 17025:2005 accredited ROPS and occupant protection zero-degree test facility is capable of testing to any known standard for vehicles with certification weights up to 150,000 pounds. MANUFACTURING AND PROTOTYPING. As a vertically integrated ISO 9001:2008 registered manufacturer, Custom Products will support your project through every phase. Custom Products’ confidential prototype area can produce initial samples for evaluation, and our production facilities can make thousands of copies for your ongoing needs. oemoffhighway.com/10055257

No matter what services are required, Custom Products works to keep the project on time and on budget — while meeting the latest industry standards to ensure the equipment is safe and reliable. Protecting operators is the company’s ultimate goal, along with providing peace of mind.

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What you may have missed…

Search: 11226472 All OEMs are created equal Small volume OEMs can get the

short end of the stick when it comes to customized product selection, so

one custom cab supplier decided to reach out and provide an option.

Safe Load Indicator

Hirschmann Mobile Machine Control Solutions introduces qSCALE I2, an effective and safe

management solution for load moment devices that meets the application needs of mobile cranes.

»» Provides visualization and load moment indication in single device »» Configuration Tool eliminates need for programming

»» Configuration functions for applications are executed by system integrator »» Enables customized visualization with individual graphics

»» Configuration Tool is available in three versions depending on what is required: certain management functions, controlled calibration or complex crane diagnostics

»» Menu-driven calibration process helps reduces calibration time and complexity

Search: 11416604 AMETEK adds natural gas compatible instrumentation to its product lineup Search: 11198754 Curtiss-Wright acquires Arens Controls

»» Sensors can be chosen freely, depending on whether signal is transmitted through power, CANopen or wireless


Tablet Docking Station

Rotary Switch

F110 Rugged Tablet will help improve

tura Rotary Switch

Havis Inc.’s Docking Station for the Getac productivity by providing mobile

workers with a secure location for tablet

Search: 11080603 It's what you can't see that can kill you

Growing research and regulations regarding operator health have placed a greater emphasis on designing a proper cabin air

filtration and pressurization system.

Search: 10980428 Bergstrom partnering with eNow for development of no-idle climate systems powered by the sun Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

charging and connection to essential

peripherals, such as keyboards, printers and barcode scanners.

»» Strain relief and recessed port repli-

cation protects cable connections to essential peripherals and prevents accidental disconnects

»» Easy-to-use latch handle and barrel lock work together to securely


was designed for

maximum perfor-

mance and reliability

leveraging the features of

the V-Series Contura Rocker Switches.

»» Available in maintained and momentary circuit options

»» Features a sturdy knob construction and up to three separate LEDs

»» Fits in an industry standard

peace-of-mind theft deterrence

»» Uses internal mechanism that trans-

one-handed docking, as well as

»» Internal power supply connects to

vehicle’s lighter plug for convenient charging

»» Additional

models in-

panel opening

lates rotary to linear motion, allowing for common switch functionality and terminal connections with V-Series

rocker version and requires no harness change

clude triple

»» Includes secondary CAM which helps

antenna to

detent positions and prevents switch

high-gain improve

range and Lind

length and connector tip

»» Features durable yet lightweight design


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

from Carling

mount tablet and provide convenient

power supply with customized cord


The V-Series Con-

drive mechanism, providing definitive from stopping between positions, while improving tactile feel

»» Features PC board that supports LED and surface mount resistors

»» IP67 sealing protection above panel utilizes LED and actuator stem seals



Sealed Toggle Switch

3950G requirements for environmen-

Seat for Construction and Industrial Applications

Technologies’ ST-Series Sealed Toggle

from Concentric In-

Designed to comply with MIL-DTL-

tally sealed toggle switches, Carling

3D GPS Indicate Control System

Topcon Positioning Group announces

the release of the X-33 3D GPS indicate control system for excavator control.

»» Includes Topcon’s GX-30 control box and TS-i3 sensors

»» Utilizes GNSS satellite technology

»» MC-i3 GNSS receiver with Vanguard technology provides flexibility in satellite signal tracking

»» Establishes grade faster and ensures operator stays on grade


Switch features innovative design and performance principles that are sure to withstand the most demanding applications.

»» Toggle seal composed of dynamic sil-

icone material bonds to metal toggle,

The 780 Series seat

ternational features a

wide range of options to fit specific applica-

tion needs, and fits most construction and industrial equipment.

»» Features adjustable armrests

pin and bushing

and headrest

»» Seal provides

»» Includes backrest angle adjustment


»» Cushion extension/tilt controls en-

sealing and

(two directions)

against the

able operators to adjust seat to their


comfort needs

vibration and

»» Available with air or mechanical

withstands temperature variations

»» Lumbar support provides comfort

shock, and


heavy-duty suspension


Cab Suspension

The air-spring cab suspension from

ContiTech Air Spring Systems provides lower natural frequency compared to steel-spring suspensions, providing

enhanced riding comfort in commercial vehicles.

»» Features sleeve air spring design

»» Can be set up directly with the vibration damper as a one-piece spring

strut or alternatively installed in parallel arrangement to the dampers

»» Arranged as four-corner suspension between the driver’s cab and the chassis frame

»» Helps improve operator comfort


Continental Smart NOx Sensor: The intelligent solution for a friendlier environment. Advanced, stand-alone, multifunctional sensor helps manufacturers meet regulations for vehicle emissions and reduced fuel consumption. Measures exhaust gas NOx and the air/fuel-ratio in diesel and gas engines.

Features SAE J1939 CAN-Bus interface to transmit NOx, binary and linearλ output to ECU. Operates independently of catalyst, ECU and engine management – no adaptation necessary. Fully integrated electronics.

For more information: 800-564-5066


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


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Miniature Switching Joystick

APEM Inc. announces the release of the HS Series miniature switching joystick.

»» Measures roughly only 20 mm above panel

»» Provides two-way, four-way or five-way operation with superior tactile feedback

»» Applications include wireless remote controls, joystick and “gamepad” integration

»» Features up to four micro-switches fitted with either silver or gold plated contacts

»» Gold plated option provides up to 200,000 electrical operations at 10 mA and 30V DC

»» Silver plated option provides up to 100,000 operations at 100 mA and 30V DC

»» Provides two switching contacts when specified with a two-

Seat for Heavy-Duty Applications

The 470 Series seat from Concentric

International offers a superior ergonomic design compared to traditional seat designs, providing additional support

and exemplary comfort for most construction and industrial applications.

»» Features adjustable armrests, headrest and backrest »» Includes weight adjustment control

»» Air or mechanical heavy-duty suspensions »» Seat belt options available


way limiter plate

Operator Control Stations

ing contacts

extends beyond drivetrain controls.

»» Specifying with a four-way limiter plate provides four switch»» Electrical connections are provided through a six terminal Molex (501331-0607) connector


Arens By-Wire control technology

Its multi-function by-wire shift selectors

can be designed with a wide range of integrated vehicle function controls.

»» Operator consoles combine fully-integrated drive and secondary operational controls

»» Less-complex transmission controls with shifter mounted function control options

»» Control systems include electronic throttle controls,

multi-function control systems, and fully-integrated cockpit control consoles designed to reduce operator fatigue and consolidate control functions

»» Common functions include propulsion, electro-hydraulic con-

trols, electronic throttles, LCD displays and switches; all can be integrated into one ergonomically-designed control console


Compact 3.5-inch Display

The CCpilot VI is an easily configurable, full-color 3.5 in. display from maximatecc that enables appealing user interfaces in a compact form factor.

»» Designed especially for the off-

highway and industrial markets with all-weather performance

»» Suitable for both bracket mounting and integration in a dashboard

»» Four illuminated soft keys with tactile feel makes operator interaction easy, even when wearing gloves

»» Dual CANbuses for easy integration with ECUs



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



Two-Way Radio Remote Control

Pull Handle

function two-way radio remote control with high resolution

road applications allows power locking/

Eaton announces the release of the OMNEX TD3200 multi-

TriMark’s e-LOCKING pull handle for off-

color display.

unlocking via a switch, remote RF FOB

»» Provides smooth operation and precise control of concrete

transmitter or keypad.

pump trucks, skid steer loaders and other vehicle mounted equip-

»» Full gloved hand clearance and

ment and mobile industrial machinery

gas-assist molded handle provide

»» Incorporates state-of-the-art design, integral two-way communications and

industry-leading ergonomics into a robust and lightweight portable control unit

»» Features 3.5 in. transflective color LCD display that provides extensive status monitor-

ergonomic comfort and ease of

operation especially in high door seal load applications

ing, diagnostic information and controls capability

»» Provides ability to remotely lock

display’s graphics

»» Handle is rigid when locked

»» Two-way communication delivers useful machine status information to operator via »» Display is readable in day and night conditions for increased productivity

»» Safety features include an operator alert buzzer, drop/tilt detection, as well as sensing inactivity detection

»» Includes redundant signaling and emergency stop functionality

»» Accommodates wide variety of controls including two- and three-axis joysticks, paddles, toggle switches and potentiometers

»» OMNEX Trusted Wireless FHSS technology provides range and reliability


exterior pull handle

»» Enables glass mounting with only two holes

»» KeyOne Plus lock cylinder can be keyed alike with most single and reversible key systems

»» System kits are available with handles, latches, accessories and keyless entry


Wireless Reversing Camera System

Featuring quality and functionality

equal to existing wired systems, ECCO’s EC5605-WK wireless reversing camera

system dramatically decreases installation complexity and expense.

»» Includes 5.6 in. LCD high-resolution

touchscreen color monitor and CMOS color infrared camera

»» Provides picture quality even in lowlight conditions

»» Compact monitor allows for unobtrusive installation without compromising viewable screen area

»» Expandable up to four cameras

»» Features voltage of 12 to 24V DC

»» Includes IP69K, ECE R10, FCC, CE, RoHS and C-Tick approval ratings


90-21 144TH PLACE JAMAICA, NY 11435 TEL: 800.227.2095 FAX: 718.297.0323 WWW.ROSCOMIRRORS.COM oemoffhighway.com/10657065

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



ENGINEER ING & M A NUFAC T UR ING Br ough t to you b y

As an independent system partner, dSPACE has done pioneering work on tools for ECU development. dSPACE supports all development phases with its products, from architecture-based system design and block-diagrambased function prototyping to ECU autocoding and HIL testing. To learn more about its products and capabilities, as well as to find examples of dSPACE's work with the off-road community, see its website at www.dspace.com. Find out more about dSPACE on pages 110 and 111, as well as online at www.oemoffhighway.com/10055313.

ENGINEER ING & M A NUFAC T UR ING Design Software Hydraulics Library


Maplesoft announces the

latest addition to the MapleSim product family, the MapleSim

Hydraulics Library from Modelon. This component library is the result of a technology

partnership with Modelon, the renowned developer of high-quality Modelica libraries. »» Allows seamless incorporation of industry-tested hydraulics components while continuing to take full advantage of all the modeling, analysis and simulation abilities of MapleSim

»» Includes over 150 components for modeling pumps, motors, cylinders, restrictions, valves, hydraulic lines, lumped volumes and sensors

ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING PRODUCTS are online. Go to OEMOffHighway. com/Directory to start your search of DESIGN, TESTING and MANUFACTURING SERVICES including facilities for fabrication and moldings.

»» Enables production of very high-fidelity models by accounting for compressible oil and cavitation effects, resulting in an extremely accurate view of system dynamics


Low VOC Rust Blocker

Dri Touch Amber Low-VOC from Birch-

Portable Noise and Vibration Data Acquisition System

with low VOC (volatile organic content)

ware has

wood Technologies is a rust blocker and virtually no odor.

»» Provides high level of rust protection »» Rated for 96 to 120 hours salt spray

and 600+ hours humidity protection

»» Meets water displacement test

Mil-C-16173 and stain test Mil-C22235A

»» Features 248 F flash point

»» Allows application on raw materials

such as bar steel and castings prior to cutting and machining

»» Works as a corrosion preventive over black oxide or phosphate conversion coatings

»» Non-conductive

»» Produces film thickness of 0.15 mil

and provides effective coverage of

approximately 1,500 sq. ft. per gallon


Siemens PLM Soft-

its LMS

Configurator for Compact Hydraulics

a powerful

ware that allows the user to configure

launched SCADAS XS, and portable

noise and vibra-

tion data acquisi-

tion system which combines the

productivity and measurement quality typical of the LMS SCADAS family with

the autonomy and flexibility of a pocket-sized solution.

»» Measures 170 mm H x 114 mm W x 23 mm D

»» Records and conditions noise and vibration signals acquired from a variety of sensors

»» Can be used as a standalone recorder, with a tablet over Wi-Fi, or connected directly to a PC through USB

»» Battery autonomy and ample on-

board storage capacity allows testing engineers to stay unwired and on the go for a full day’s testing

»» Available in a standard six-channel version and an advanced 12-channel version



Bosch Rexroth offers CHoose, free softa unique hydraulic circuit and begin

design work on a Hydraulic Integrated

Circuit (HIC) manifold or Compact Directional Valve sectional assembly.

»» Operation is easy and intuitive: select Rexroth parts from component

library, drag-and-drop directly into

circuit, connect ports and valves to represent hydraulic functionality

»» Detailed specifications such as

pressure settings, solenoid coil

voltages, electrical connections

and porting can all be selected by user through menu

»» Once a design is completed, CHoose provides several 2D and 3D export

and print options so that its output

can be used in other CAD or modeling software

»» Project Parameters allow core data relevant to the technical and com-

mercial aspects of the project to be

stored, modified and reported easily


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014



One Integrated Tool Chain for Embedded Controls Development dSPACE offers you a complete and integrated development environment for embedded control software and systems. Our tools and systems save you valuable development time and money, whether you apply them throughout the entire process or just in individual project phases. Create high-quality embedded systems and products and meet your target deadlines, while saving costs, with dSPACE systems.

System Architecture

ECU Autocoding

Simplify and speed up the planning, implementation and integration of complex systems and software architectures with dSPACE SystemDesk®.

Generate highly efficient C code straight from Simulink® / Stateflow® with dSPACE TargetLink®.

Rapid Control Prototyping

HIL Testing

Develop and optimize your control designs without manual programming with dSPACE prototyping systems.

Test ECU functions quickly and automatically using dSPACE simulation systems.

Virtual Validation

Data Management

Validate ECU software at the early project phase with dSPACE VEOS® PC-based simulation.

Manage your data from model-based development and ECU testing with consistency and traceability using dSPACE SYNECT®.


Get a Grip on Your Data with dSPACE SYNECT Ž Your development data is your prime asset! So why accept compromises when handling all your data: models, parameters, variants, tests and test results? With SYNECT, the central data management tool from dSPACE, you can be sure that your data is consistent, traceable and easy to reuse throughout the entire model-based development process, from requirements to ECU tests. SYNECT — your solution for efficient data management!


ENGINEER ING & M A NUFAC T UR ING www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

Polyurea Protective Coatings


PPG Industries’ industrial coatings busi-

What you may have missed…

Search: 11354959 Greenkote receives ISO 9001:2008 certification

ness has added DragonHide heavy-duty coatings to its lineup of polyurea-based protective coatings for demanding

Simulation Software

DEM Solutions announces the release

Search: 11226478 Software streamlines customized vehicle manufacturing

Business management software

enables OEM users to combat ever increasing production costs and complex global manufacturing

processes with suites geared toward individual industry challenges.

Search: 10847804 PPG wins federal award to develop chemical-agentresistant powder coatings Search: 11175813 QR codes that last a lifetime An advertising and marketing tool is repurposed by OEMs to provide on-the-spot information about vehicles and components for owners and operators.

Search: 11360176 LeddarTech introduces sensor Software Development Kit for Linux Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!


OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

of EDEM 2.6 software with a program-

mable interface to enable bi-directional coupling with Multibody Dynamics (MBD) simulation.

»» Use of structural mechanics soft-

ware such as FEA and MBD ensures OEMs acheive effective design of their equipment

»» Allows coupling to structural FEA

software through sharing of common surface meshes, enabling simulation of the structural dynamics of equipment subject to transient loading


Vehicle Testing Chamber

T/CCI Manufacturing has acquired a

Climatic Vehicle Chamber for on-site testing of products and equipment.

»» Simulation testing includes climatic, wind, temperature, humidity and all possible road loads

»» Temperature control from -30 to 50 C »» Can create airflow up to 160 kph

»» Includes modern data acquisition

system for custom tests programmed for virtually any test cycle

»» Can test HVAC Systems in heavy

trucks, construction and agricultural equipment



»» Available in eight standard colors

with color matching as well as with non-slip aggregate

»» Elastomeric nature helps withstand impact, chip-

ping, abrasion and gouging

»» Nonflammable, free of VOCs

and HAPs due

to solvent-free composition

oemoffhighway. com/11063557

Who to FOLLOW @PARTsolutions @SOLIDWORKS @PPGIndustries

Equipment Management App

The SnapSite iPad tablet app, for use

with ZTR Control Systems’ telematics hardware, is available for download from iTunes.

»» Automatically finds assets close

together and groups them as a site, making it easier to view remote equipment information

»» Provides equipment health and utilization information

»» Quickly switch between health, maintenance and utilization views

»» Provides equipment health alerts,

and upcoming and overdue maintenance alerts


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ENGINEER ING & M A NUFAC T UR ING www.oemoffhighway.com/directory


What you may have missed…

Search: 11395991 DEM Solutions releases Version 2.6 of its EDEM software

Simulation and Design Optimization Software

Maplesoft announces the release of the

Search: 11151768 Software engineered for productivity and ease

Design software featuring more capabilities and easier-to-use

interfaces are bringing productivity

and efficiency enhancements to the design process.

Search: 11283668 T/CCI acquires Climatic Vehicle Chamber for testing HVAC systems in heavy equipment

Maple Global Optimization Toolbox, designed in partnership with Noesis

Solutions, for solving a wide variety of

optimization problems in mathematics, engineering and the sciences.

»» Utilizes Optimus platform from Noesis Solutions for simulation process integration and design optimization

»» Customers can select different

methods for locating new points in

the design space or control balance between computation speed and probability of success


PLUS+1 Programming Software

Danfoss Power Solutions, a segment of the Danfoss Group, introduces version

7.0 of PLUS+1 GUIDE (Graphical User In-

tegrated Development Environment), its graphical programming environment.

»» Enables import and export of entire

screens and screen library subsets in GUIDE screen editor, allowing faster development of screens

»» Support of scalable vector graphic

(SVG) graphic data format permits au-

tomatic re-scaling of available screens and easy reuse of available screens and graphics

»» Ability to reuse available screens and graphics reduces manual work by up to 80%


Search: 11104649 To saw and protect

Pneumatics Model Library

OEMs should stay educated and

dSPACE offers simulation models for

informed on both existing and

pneumatic brake and air suspension

developing safety standards which should be taken into consideration when designing new equipment.

Search: 11316361 Nett Technologies launches second EPA emissions compliant engine test cell Find all of these and more at


Just type in the article name or the provided 8-digit number into our search bar!

Model-Based Calibration Software

D2T Powertrain Engineering introduces

ICE2 Integrated Calibration Environment for Internal Combustion Engines, a

model-based calibration software that allows users to prepare, analyze and

follow up advanced powertrain calibra-

tion methodologies based on Design of Experiment techniques (DoE).

»» Simplifies calibration work and reduces amount of testing done at testbed and chassis dyno.

»» Analyzes cycles and identifies main calibration effort for emissions and consumption reduction with focus remaining on relevant tests



OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

systems. The ASM Pneumatics model

library will become part of the dSPACE Automotive Simulation Models (ASM) product family.

»» Well suited for developing and testing electronic brake systems (EBS), air

suspension electronic control units (ECUs), level control ECUs, etc.

»» Features click-to-select configura-

tions for simulating air brake and air suspension systems

»» Supports fallback functionality for

reverting to mechanical brake system



Tel: 1-800 521 4888 | 1-402 339 9300 email: info.us@conductix.com visit www.conductix.us

Conductix-Wampfler has been building safe, efficient, and reliable cable management and electric transfer equipment for off-road machines for over 65 years. Our slip rings, cable reels, and controls have been field-proven under the most demanding conditions. Manufactured to high standards and rigorously tested, we engineer to your specifications to withstand the harsh operating conditions found in mines, on construction sites, and in forestry operations. Offroad machines we power include mining shovels, blast hole drills, jumbos, roof bolters, truck cranes, log handlers, and aerial lifts. We also offer mobile electrification systems for overhead cranes in mine and construction maintenance areas, to include conductor bar systems, cable festoons, pendant stations, and radio controls. As mobile electrification specialists, we serve more than 80 countries from four global “Centers of Excellence”.

Construction, Agriculture, and Mining Equipment Energy Transmission Solutions Rugged | Safe | Efficient

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Keeping your Vital Business Moving 24/7/365 Tel: 1-800 521 4888 1-402 339 9300 email: info.us@conductix.com visit www.conductix.us


INDUS T RY DIR EC T ORY www.oemoffhighway.com/directory

ENGINES & COMPONENTS ACAT Global LLC. www.acatglobal.com

Evonik Oil Additives USA www.rohmax.com

Farymann North America www.farymann.com

AGCO Power www.agcopower.com

Alfa Laval www.alfalaval.us

American Honda Motor Co. www.honda.com BorgWarner, Inc. www.borgwarner.com

Briggs & Stratton Commercial Power www.vanguardengines. com

Caterpillar Inc. Industrial Engines & Power Systems www.cat.com/industrialoem

Cleanfix Reversible Fans www.cleanfix.org Cummins Filtration cumminsfiltration.com Cummins Inc. www.cummins.com

Cummins Westport Inc. www.cumminswestport. com CVT Corp www.cvtcorp.com

Detroit www.demanddetroit.com DEUTZ Corporation www.deutzamericas.com

Firwin Corp.



Removable insulation blankets and Hard Coat insulation for engines and exhaust systems. Designed to fit manifolds, turbos, exhaust piping, silencers, catalysts/purifiers, and SCRs.

Flambeau Fluid Systems www.flambeaufluids.com Flexxaire Inc. www.flexxaire.com

FPT Industrial www.fptindustrial.com

Fumoto Engineering of America www.fumotousa.com

General Engine Products www.amgeneral.com Global Sales Group www.ezoildrain.com

Groeneveld www.groeneveld-group. com Hatz Diesel of America www.hatzusa.com Honda Engines engines.honda.com

Horton Inc. www.hortonww.com

Isuzu Motors America (Powertrain Division) www.isuzuengines.com IVECO Motors North America www.ivecomotors.com

Doosan Infracore Co., LTD

+82 2 3398-8400

www.doosaninfracore.com For more than 50 years, Doosan Infracore has steadily leveraged its research and development capabilities and production technologies in order to supply diverse customers with durable and high quality diesel and compressed natural gas engines.

Duraflex, Inc. www.duraflexinc.com ebm-papst Inc. www.ebmpapst.us

JCB Power Systems Ltd. www.jcbpowersystems. com

John Deere Power Systems www.johndeere.com/ jdpower Kawasaki Engines/Power Products (Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.) www.kawpower.com

Kaydon Filtration www.kaydonfiltration.com Kohler Co. www.kohler.com

Emitec Inc. www.emitec.com

EMP www.emp-corp.com Enginaire Clean Air Systems www.enginaire.com

Evans Cooling Systems www.evanscooling.com


Lombardini www.lombardinigroup.it MAHLE Powertrain www.mahle-powertrain. com

Active Exhaust Corp. www.activexhaust.com

AirFlow Catalyst Systems www.airflowcatalyst.com

Liebherr-Component Technologies AG www.liebherr.com

Kubota Engine America Corp.



Kubota is a world-leading manufacturer of compact multicylinder liquid cooled diesel engines up to 100 hp.

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Mann + Hummel USA, Inc. www.mann-hummel.com Mitsubishi Engine North America Inc. www.mitsubishi-engine. com

MTU America



MTU America markets engines with outputs ranging from 100 to 13,410 hp (30 kW to 10,000 kW) to meet OEM needs for power, efficiency and service life in demanding operating environments.

Multi-Wing www.multi-wing.net

Navistar International www.navistar.com

Oil Filtration Systems www.oilfiltrationsystems. com Parker Hannifin Corp., Racor Div. www.parker.com/racor

Parker Hannifin Corp. Velcon Filtration Division



With product applications for bulk fuel filtration from 5 gpm to 5,000 gpm designed to remove water and contaminant from fuel, Parker Velcon remains an industry leader in fuel conditioning applications.

Perkins Engines Co. Ltd. www.perkins.com

Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. lubricants.petro-canada.ca Power Solutions International Inc. (PSI) www.psiengines.com

Precision Cooling Systems www. parkerprecisioncooling. com Puradyn Filter Technologies Inc. www.puradyn.com

Scania USA

Zinga Industries




Scania is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks and buses, as well as industrial and marine engines. Any Scania engine of your choice will contribute to strengthening your brand, profitability and enduser satisfaction.

Scuderi Group LLC www.scuderiengine.com

Separ of the Americas LLC www.separfilter.com Shell www.shell.com

Simrit www.simritna.com SPAL USA www.spalusa.com

Subaru Industrial Power Products www.subarupower.com Sy-Klone International www.sy-klone.com Tenneco Inc. www.tenneco.com

Zinga Industries is a leading manufacturer of mobile hydraulic oil filters, tank accessories and hydraulic manifolds. From low-pressure, medium-pressure, to high- pressure filters, Zinga Industries has products to meet and exceed your hydraulic filtration requirements.

DRIVETRAINS & COMPONENTS Accuride Corp. www.accuridecorp.com

Alliance Tire Group (ATG) www.atgtire.com

Allison Transmission www.allisontransmission. com

Ameridrives Couplings and Power Transmissions www.ameridrives.com Arnco www.arnconet.com

Auburn Gear www.auburngear.com

Ausco Products, Inc. www.auscoproducts.com Thermal Structures


AxleTech International www.axletech.com

www.thermalstructures. com

Bedelco www.bedelco.com

Thermal Transfer Products www.thermaltransfer.com

Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC www.foundationbrakes. com

A leading supplier of Custom Designed Insulation and Composite Product to Aerospace, Automotive, Mass Transit & Power Generation Industries.

Torsion Control Products www.torsioncontrol.com Trombetta Corp. www.trombetta.com

Universal Lubricants www.universallubes.com Valvoline Oil Company www.valvoline.com VMAC www.vmacair.com

Volvo Penta of America www.volvopenta.com Walbro Engine Management Corp. www.walbro.com

Westport Innovations Inc. www.westport.com

Reach Cooling Group www.reachcooling.com

Yanmar America Corp. www.yanmar.com

Richardson Cooling Packages, LLC (RCP) www.coolingpackages.com

Zenith Fuel Systems Inc. www.zenithfuelsystems. com

Ricardo, Inc. www.ricardo.com


Yara North America www.air1def.com

Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC www.bendix.com

Berco of America, Inc www.bercoamerica.com BKT Tires (USA) Inc. www.bkt-tires.com

Bloom Manufacturing Inc. www.bloommfg.com

Bonfiglioli USA


bonfiglioliusa.com/mobile Bonfiglioli is a worldwide leader in integrated solutions for power transmission and control. Our rugged and 100% reliable gearboxes meet the toughest, most sophisticated requirements of off-highway and mobile equipment.

BorgWarner, Inc. www.borgwarner.com

Brake Systems Inc. www.brakesystemsinc.com Brevini Power Transmission www.breviniusa.com

Bridgestone Americas Tire


Operations, LLC www.bridgestonefirestone.com

Bridgestone Commercial Solutions www.bfor.com Camoplast Solideal www.camoplastsolideal. com

Carlisle Brake & Friction www.carlislecbf.com

Comer Industries S.p.A. www.comerindustries.com Continental Tire the Americas, LLC www.conti-online.com

ContiTech Air Spring Systems www.contitech-usa.com Cotta Transmission Co. www.cotta.com CVT Corp www.cvtcorp.com

Meritor, Inc. www.meritor.com GMP Friction Products

330-633-1226 ext. 313 www.gmpfriction.com

Since 1929, GMP Friction Products provide friction material products to non-automotive industrial manufacturers. A world leader in sintered metallic friction materials, they engineer and manufacture brakes and clutches for controlling, stopping, or transmitting power.

Goodyear www.goodyear.com

Goodyear Commercial Tire Systems www.goodyeartrucktires. com Goodyear Farm Tires www.goodyearag.com

The Hilliard Corporation www.hilliardcorp.com

Ingersoll Axles (IMT Corp.) www.ingersollaxles.com

Intertractor America Corp. www.intertractoramerica. com Dana Holding Corp.


Knott Brake Company www.knottbrake.com


Dana delivers global expertise at the local level with customized drivetrain technology solutions. Our broad portfolio of options for the off-highway market range from individual products to fully optimized systems.

Dana Rexroth Transmission Systems www.danarexroth.com Durst www.durstdrives.com

Emerson Power Transmission www.emerson-ept.com Firestone Agricultural Tire, a Bridgestone division www.firestoneag.com

FPT Industrial www.fptindustrial.com Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp. freightlinerchassis.com General Tire www.generaltire.com GKN Land Systems

+44 1527 517 715


GKN Land Systems is a leading supplier of power management solutions & services. Our product technology delivers the power to harvest crops, move earth, mine resources, handle material & capture natural energy. We design, test & manufacture powertrain products for the off-highway industry and supply global OEMs with efficient, reliable & safe products.

Kongsberg Automotive Driver Control Systems


www. kongsbergautomotive.com

Kongsberg Automotive’s Driver Control Systems is a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of vehicle control systems, providing quality engineered solutions to the world’s foremost manufacturers of commercial, industrial, agricultural and construction vehicles.

KTR Corporation www.ktr.com

Liebherr-Component Technologies AG www.liebherr.com

Michelin North America www.michelinman.com

Torsion Control Products MICO, Inc.



MICO, Inc. designs and manufactures hydraulic components, controls and brake systems primarily for off-road markets. We are a solution-minded company capable of developing a concept, creating the design and manufacturing a quality product.

Mitas Tires www.mitas-tyres.com Morey Corporation www.moreycorp.com Morrell www.morrellinc.com



Family owned and operated since 1975, Logan offers a complete line of hydraulically or pneumatically actuated industrial clutches and brakes for a variety of wet and dry clutch applications. Markets include: Marine, Oil Field, Machine Tool, Mining, Construction and more.

LTi DRiVES GmbH drives.lt-i.com



Torsion Control Products produces helical spring Torsional couplings for agriculture, construction, mining, marine, industrial & hybrid equipment applications. Our couplings are tuned for the application and the intended use. Let TCP build one for you.

Trelleborg Wheel Systems America Inc. www.trelleborg.com Twin Disc, Inc. www.twindisc.com Voith Turbo voith.com


www.oerlikon.com/ drivesystems

Oerlikon Drive Systems is the preferred choice worldwide for high power density, engineered drive solutions. Our broad portfolio of products for the OEM market range from gearing solutions and transmission components to complete drive systems.

Orscheln Products, LLC www.orschelnproducts. com

OTR Wheel Engineering www.otrwheel.com

PT Tech, Inc.



PT Tech is a leading manufacturer of Friction Torque Limiters, Diesel Engine Clutches, Brakes, Gearboxes, Electronic Microprocessor Controls, Custom Engineering Services for Extreme Machines in the toughest of environments.

RUD-Erlau AG www.rud.com

SAKOR Technologies Inc. www.sakor.com Solideal International www.solideal.com

Stafford Manufacturing Corp. www.staffordmfg.com

Stiebel Drive Technology www.stiebel-drives.com Superior Tire & Rubber Corp. www.superiortire.com Terra Drive Systems www.tdsdrive.com

Bondioli & Pavesi, Inc. www.bondioli-pavesi.us

Bonfiglioli USA bonfiglioliusa.com/mobile

Bosch Rexroth Corp. www.boschrexroth-us.com Brand Hydraulics www.brand-hyd.com

Brennan Industries, Inc.



Brennan Industries offers more than 30,000 standard and special hydraulic fittings and adapters, as well as valves, clamps and swivels, available in carbon steel, stainless steel and brass.

Brevini USA, Inc. www.breviniusa.com

Webb Wheel Products, Inc. www.webbwheel.com

Bucher Hydraulics www.bucherhydraulics. com

WPT Power Corporation

Casappa S.p.A. www.casappa.com

Oerlikon Drive Systems

SAF-Holland www.safholland.com

Logan Clutch Corp.

Titan Tire Corp. www.titan-intl.com



WPT manufactures high horsepower power take-offs for rock crushers, pumps, shredders, chippers and other demanding applications. Our versatile Power Pump Drive mounts between the PTO and the engine providing live or clutched multiple pumps.

Yokohama Tire Corp. www.yokohamatire.com Zero-Max, Inc. www.zero-max.com

Canadian Tool & Die, Ltd. www.ctd.mb.ca

CEJN Industrial Corp. cejn.us

Certified Power Inc. www.certifiedpower.com Comatrol www.comatrol.com

Concentric AB www.concentricab.com

Continental Hydraulics www. continentalhydraulics.com

ZF Friedrichshafen AG www.zf.com


Ace Pump Corporation


ContiTech Fluid Technology



ContiTech Fluid Technology is a global development partner for the automotive industry and many other major industries. The company has comprehensive materials and process skills in plastics and rubber technology.


Ace manufactures a complete line of pumps for mobile equipment. Our variety of materials and configuration options allow customization for virtually any application.

Aggressive Hydraulics Inc. www.aggressivehydraulics. com Almo Manifold & Tool www.almomanifold.com ARGO-HYTOS Inc. argo-hytos.de

Bee Valve Inc. www.beevalve.com

Cross Mfg., Inc.



Manufacturer of hydraulic components: welded and tie rod cylinders; directional, flow and pressure control valves, gear pumps and motors, etc.

Danfoss Power Solutions powersolutions.danfoss. com

Donaldson Company Inc. www.donaldson.com

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


INDUS T RY DIR EC T ORY www.oemoffhighway.com/directory Eaton Corporation www.eaton.com

Faster, Inc. www.fasterinc.com

Flodraulic Group www.flodraulic.com

Flow Technology, Inc. www.ftimeters.com Fluid Line Products www.fluidline.com

FluiDyne Fluid Power www.fluidynefp.com

FORCE America www.forceamerica.com

Gates Corporation www.gates.com/hydraulics

KVT Koenig, LLC kvtkoenig.com

Leading Edge Hydraulics www.lehydraulics.com The Lee Company www.theleeco.com

Lynch Fluid Controls Inc. www.lynch.ca Manuli Hydraulics www.manuli-hydraulics. com

Marzocchi Pumps USA www.marzocchipumpsusa. com MICO, Inc. www.mico.com

Nachi America Inc. www.nachihydraulics.com


HAWE Hydraulics offers sales and application engineering services for the custom design of modular hydraulic solutions, an extensive local inventory, and after-sales support, including product training, troubleshooting, and on-site service.

Holmbury Inc. www.holmburyusa.com

HUSCO International Inc. www.huscointl.com

HYDAC International



HYDAC is a global leader in fluid technology, hydraulics and electronics. Our 7,000+ employees, 50+ subsidiaries and 500+ sales and service partners are ready to assist you with your next project – however diverse or demanding. HYDAC – global presence, local expertise.

HydraForce Inc. www.hydraforce.com The IFH Group www.ifhgroup.com

North American Hydraulics, LLC



Founded in 1975, North American Hydraulics, LLC is a marketing and service arm for leading hydraulic components and gearbox manufacturers throughout the world. NAHI is known for supplying the most compact, power dense products.

Ohio Power Systems www.ohiopowersys.com Parker Hannifin Corp. www.parker.com

Poclain Hydraulics Inc. www.poclain-hydraulics. com

Polygon Company www.polygoncomposites. com Power-Packer www.powerpackerus.com

Price Engineering Co, Inc. www.priceeng.com Prince Manufacturing www.princehyd.com



Kawasaki is a leading manufacturer of hydraulic systems and components, designed for rigorous operating conditions and built with incredible precision. Serving the Mobile, Marine, and Industrial markets, Kawasaki components deliver excellence.

Kurt Hydraulics www.kurthydraulics.com

KYB America LLC www.kybfluidpower.com



Roquet is a family owned hydraulic component manufacturer based near Barcelona, Spain, focused on hydraulic gear pumps and motors, control valves, cylinders and castings for the agricultural, construction and trucking vehicle markets.

Salami Hydraulics www.salami.it

Advanced Fluid Conditioning Solutions ®

Schroeder Industries www.schroederindustries. com Schroeder Industries, an ISO 9001: 2008 certified company, has designed, manufactured and marketed a complete range of filtration products for the hydraulic and lubrication, filter systems, process and fuel industries.

Scott Rotary Seals www.scottrotaryseals.com Source Fluid Power www.sourcefp.com

STW Technic, LP www.stw-technic.com

Texas Hydraulics www.texashydraulics.com

Thermal Transfer Products



We are a recognized industry leader in manufacturing of standard oil coolers, with extensive experience engineering to applications in the mobile and industrial fluid power, compressor, and process industries.

Tobul Accumulator Inc. www.tobul.com RAM Industries Inc.



estimating@ramindustries.com RAM Industries specializes in custom and standard OEM Cylinders for a wide range of industries and applications worldwide. RAM is ISO 9001 certified for cylinder manufacturing and CNC machining.

RB Royal Industries www.rbroyal.com Rineer Hydraulics www.rineer.com

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014

Viking Pump Inc. www.vikingpump.com Vonberg Valve www.vonberg.com

Wandfluh of America, Inc. www.wandfluh-us.com Webster Instruments www.webster-inst.com

White Drive Products www.whitedriveproducts. com World Wide Metric worldwidemetric.com Zinga Industries www.zinga.com

Carling Technologies



+34 93 812 46 64

Thompson Pump www.thompsonpump.com

Kaman Industrial Technologies Corp. www.kaman.com

Kawasaki Precision Machinery (U.S.A.), Inc.



HAWE Hydraulics



ABL Lights Group



ABL Lights Group is a leading designer and manufacturer of heavy duty work lights for harsh environment construction, forestry, mining, material handling, agriculture, and railway market. Globally positioned to deliver premium quality and innovative lighting solutions.

ACRO Lights www.acrolights.com ACTIA Corp. www.actiaus.com

American Sensor Technologies, Inc. (AST) www.astsensors.com

ams, formerly austriamicrosystems AG www.ams.com

Anfield Sensors Inc. www.anfieldsensors.com Ashcroft, Inc. www.ashcroft.com

ASM Sensors www.asm-sensor.com

Automated Positioning Systems (APS) www.apsmining.com

Axiomatic Technologies Corp. www.axiomatic.com Beede Instruments www.beede.com

BEI Sensors



BEI Sensors designs and manufactures reliable speed and position sensors for extreme off-highway applications. Products include industrial encoders, Hall effect sensors, potentiometers, inclinometers and accessories. Custom product adaptations are available.

Bosch Rexroth Corp. www.boschrexroth-us.com

C.E. Niehoff & Co.



C.E. Niehoff & Co. is an employee owned U.S. manufacturer and a leader in the design and manufacture of heavy duty brushless alternators. Our alternators are designed for the most demanding applications.

Founded in 1920, Carling Technologies is a leading manufacturer of electrical and electronic switches and assemblies, circuit breakers, electronic controls, power distribution units, and multiplexed power distribution systems.

CHERRY www.cherrycorp.com

Cole Hersee Company www.colehersee.com

CST - Custom Sensors & Technology www.cstsensors.com

Danfoss Power Solutions powersolutions.danfoss. com Delphi Automotive PLC



Delphi Automotive PLC is a leading global supplier of technologies for the automotive and commercial vehicle markets. Delphi makes cars and trucks safer, more powerful, efficient and connected.

Deutsch Industrial Connectors www.laddinc.com DMK USA, Inc. www.dmkinc.com

Dynapar www.dynapar.com Eaton Corp. www.eaton.com

Electro Switch Corp. www.electroswitch.com Elobau Sensor Technology, Inc. www.elobau-st.com

EnerSys Inc. www.enersysinc.com

Enovation Controls www.enovationcontrols. com Federal Signal Corp. www.federalsignal.com FRABA Inc. www.fraba.com

Gems Sensors & Controls www.gemssensors.com Golight, Inc. www.golight.com Grote Industries www.grote.com

Harting USA www.harting-usa.com HBM www.hbm.com

Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG www.heinzmann.com


Hella Inc. www.hellausa.com

Hemisphere GPS www.hemispheregps.com Hetronic USA www.hetronic.com

High Country Tek, Inc. www.hctcontrols.com

Hirschmann Automation and Control



Hirschmann manufactures control systems and load moment indicators for mobile equipment. Marketed under the Hirschmann, PAT, and Krueger brands, Hirschmann provides application specific solutions tailored to meet the requirements of OEMs.

Honeywell Sensing and Control sensing.honeywell.com

Hydro Electronic Devices Inc. (HED Inc.) www.hedonline.com IFM Efector Inc. www.ifm.com

J.W. Speaker Corp. www.jwspeaker.com

John Deere Electronic Solutions Inc. www.deere.com

LADD Distribution LLC www.laddinc.com LINAK U.S. Inc. www.linak-us.com

LORD MicroStrain Sensing Systems www.microstrain.com LORD MicroStrain produces award-winning miniature sensors and systems that are used in a wide range of applications, including advanced manufacturing, off-highway vehicles, commercial and military manned and unmanned vehicles, civil structures, and down-hole tools.

LTi DRiVES GmbH drives.lt-i.com

maximatecc www.maximatecc.com

Meggitt Sensing Systems www.meggitt.com Morey Corporation www.moreycorp.com

MTS Sensors www.mtssensors.com

Nook Industries Inc. www.nookindustries.com Nordic Lights www.nordiclights.com

Novotechnik www.novotechnik.com

Ohio Power Systems www.ohiopowersys.com

Parker Hannifin Corp. Electronic Controls Div.



Parker Hannifin’s Electronic Controls Division provides a full spectrum of mobile electronic systems and products comprised of CANbus Controllers, Displays, Instrument Clusters, Sensors and Joysticks for heavy off-road equipment.

Peerless Electronics Inc. www.peerlesselectronics. com Pepperl+Fuchs www.pepperl-fuchs.us Peterson Mfg. Co. www.pmlights.com

Truck-Lite Co., LLC www.truck-lite.com

TT electronics IRC Inc. www.irctt.com TTControl www.ttcontrol.com TTI Inc. www.ttiinc.com

TURCK Inc. www.turck-usa.com TYRI Lights www.tyrilights.com

Wachendorff Electronics USA, Inc. www.wachendorffelektronik.com/usa Waytek, Inc www.waytekwire.com

Webster Instruments www.webster-inst.com ZTR Control Systems www.ztr.com

HARDWARE Power & Signal Group


www.powerandsignal.com The Power & Signal Group has been a global leader in distributing electrical connectors and providing world class service to the transportation industry for over 30 years.

PreCise MRM, a subsidiary of FORCE America, Inc. www.precisemrm.com Rota Engineering Ltd. www.rota-eng.com Sensors Inc. www.sensors-inc.com Sonceboz SA www.sonceboz.com

Spectrum Sensors and Controls www.specsensors.com

SSI Technologies www.ssitechnologies.com STW Technic, LP www.stw-technic.com

Super Bright LEDs Inc. www.superbrightleds.com. Superior Signals www.superiorsignals.com TE Connectivity www.te.com

Texas Instruments www.ti.com

Thomas Magnete USA www.thomas-magnete. com

Thomson Industries Inc. www.thomsonlinear.com Topcon Positioning Systems www.topconpositioning. com Trimble ww2.trimble.com

Able Manufacturing &

Action Bearing www.actionbearing.com

Alcoa Fastening Systems

Amerex Corp. amerex-fire.com Grand Bending Div. of Morris Coupling



Look to Morris Coupling – Grand Bending for all your high-quality, custom short-radius bends and components featuring compound bends, welded fabrications, expansions, swaging, and beading for off-road vehicles.

AST Bearings www.astbearings.com

Aurora Bearing Company www.aurorabearing.com Boston Gear www.bostongear.com Century 3/Plus LLC www.centinc.com

Clampco www.clampco.com Dirak Inc. www.dirak.us

Dura-Bar www.dura-bar.com

Elgin Fastener Group www.elginfasteners.com

Emerson Bearing www.emersonbearing.com Flaretite www.flaretite.com

Forest City Gear Inc. www.forestcitygear.com

GGB Bearing Technology www.ggbearings.com

APEM www.apem.com

Arens Controls Company www.arens.com ASA Electronics www.asaelectronics.com

J.W. Winco www.jwwinco.com

Bostrom Seating www.bostromseating.com

Lord Corp. www.lord.com

Carling Technologies www.carlingtech.com

igus Inc. www.igus.com

Bergstrom Inc. www.bergstrominc.com

Kaydon Corp. www.kaydonbearings.com

C&K Components www.ck-components.com

Master Bond Inc. www.masterbond.com

COBO International www.cobointernational. com

Ohio Rod Products www.ohiorod.com

PEER Bearing Company www.peerbearing.com Pivot Point Inc. www.pivotpins.com Protex Fasteners www.protex.com


Allis Roller LLC www.allis-roller.com

Ansul, a Tyco Company www.ansul.com

Grede Holdings LLC www.grede.com


As part of Alcoa Fastening Systems, Huck provides precision-engineered lock bolts (HuckBolts®) and structural blind fasteners designed to deliver permanent, vibration-resistant joining solutions that result in consistent installations.

AMETEK Vehicular Instrumentation Systems www.ametekvis.com




QA1 is a global provider of rod ends, spherical bearings, custom linkages and assemblies, and more. With over 6,500 part numbers QA1 offers immediate delivery and a commitment to quality.

Continental VDO



A leader in instrumentation and monitoring solutions development for commercial, off-highway and agricultural vehicles & equipment - analog gauges, flexible CAN-based instrumentation /intelligent information displays, camera systems, sensors & senders.

Curtis Instruments Inc. curtisinstruments.com

Sealeze www.sealeze.com SKF USA Inc. www.skfusa.com

Southco, Inc. www.southco.com

Spiralock www.spiralock.com

The Timken Company www.timken.com Trelleborg Ab www.trelleborg.com

TriMark Corp. www.trimarkcorp.com World Wide Metric worldwidemetric.com

OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT Able Mfg. & Assembly LLC www.ablemfg.com AMA USA Inc. www.amausainc.com

Custom Products Of Litchfield



A leading manufacturer of rollover protective structures (ROPS), FOPS, OPS, cab enclosures and sunshades for all types of off-highway vehicles. Complete design and testing services. ROPS certification tests to SAE, OSHA, ISO, ANSI, and ASABE standards.

EAO Switch Corporation www.eaoswitch.com Enginaire Clean Air Systems www.enginaire.com

Enovation Controls www.enovationcontrols. com Espar Heater Systems www.espar.com

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014


INDUS T RY DIR EC T ORY www.oemoffhighway.com/directory Orscheln Products, LLC www.orschelnproducts. com

Allis Roller LLC www.allis-roller.com

OTTO Engineering Inc. www.ottoexcellence.com

Penny + Giles Controls Ltd www.pennyandgiles.com Faria and Beede Instruments

860-848-9271 603-753-6362

www.faria-instruments. com www.beede.com

Founded in 1956, Faria is an American-owned, ISO 9001 certified company manufacturing 100% of its products in the U.S. Faria Instruments designs, engineers, and manufactures standard and custom, high-quality instrumentation for today’s modern engines.

Federal Signal Corp. www.federalsignal.com FLIR Systems Inc. www.flir.com/us

Floyd Bell, Inc www.floydbell.com Grayhill Inc. www.grayhill.com

Hirschmann Automation and Control www.hirschmann-usa. com/mcs

Hydro Electronic Devices Inc. (HED Inc.) www.hedonline.com/.htm Intec Video Systems www.intecvideo.com J.R. Merritt Controls www.jrmerritt.com

Jewell Instruments www.jewellinstruments. com KAB Seating North America www.kabseating.com Lofa Industries, Inc. www.lofa.net LoJack Corp. www.lojack.com

maximatecc (formerly Maxima Technologies) www.maximatecc.com

Mobile Awareness, LLC www.mobileawareness. com

Preco Electronics, Inc. www.previewradar.com Preco Safety Products www.precosafety.com

PRO-VISION Video Systems www.provsnusa.com Red Dot Corporation reddotcorp.com

Rosco Inc. www.roscovision.com

Sears Manufacturing www.searsseating.com

Sy-Klone International www.sy-klone.com

Visionaire Inc.




For nearly 50 years, OEM Controls has specialized in providing custom-configured controllers - with capabilities to custom design handles and electronic modules.




Applied Process is the leader in Austempering – a high performance heat treatment for iron and steel improving toughness, wear resistance and fatigue strength as well as boosting product performance and reducing manufacturing costs.

Automotive Enviro Testing www.aettesting.com AVL www.avl.com

Brooks Stevens Inc. www. bsiproductdevelopment. com Century 3/Plus LLC www.centinc.com


Since 1994, Visionaire Inc. has been a leading manufacturer and supplier of air conditioning & heating products for heavy duty, off-highway equipment cabs. Visionaire works closely with OEMs to design a system that integrates seamlessly into the vehicle’s design.

Wachendorff Electronics USA, Inc. www.wachendorffelektronik.com/usa WIKA Instrument Corp. www.wika.us Williams Controls www.wmco.com

ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING 300 Below Inc. www.300below.com

A&D Technology, Inc. www.aanddtech.com

Able Manufacturing & Assembly LLC www.ablemfg.com

ADC Custom Products adccustomproducts.com

Advanced Heat Treat Corp. www.ahtweb.com Advanced Machine & Engineering Co. www.ame.com

OEM Controls, Inc.

Applied Process

AFCO Precision Mfg. Co. www.afcoprecision.com AJAX Rolled Ring & Machine ajaxring.com

Allen Extruders LLC www.allenx.com

Alliance Plastics www.allianceplastics.com

OEM Off-Highway MAY/JUNE 2014




Conductix-Wampfler is a global leader in Energy & Data Transmission systems. With over 70 years’ experience, custom engineering, and top notch sales and services we are your Mobile Electrification Solution.

CSZ Testing Services Inc. www.csztesting.com D&S Manufacturing www.dsmfg.com D2T Powertrain Engineering www.d2t.com

Dassault Systemes www.3ds.com

Design Simulation Technologies Inc. www.design-simulation. com




dSPACE is the leading provider of hardware and software tools for developing and testing electronic control systems. dSPACE tools empower engineers to design and innovate, while reducing development times and cost.

DISTek Integration Inc. ww2.distek.com Dura-Bar www.dura-bar.com E-A-R Specialty Composites www.earsc.com

Muir Omni Graphics www.muirgraphics.com National Instruments www.ni.com


Northern Iron and Machine www.northernim.com

If you can imagine the possibility, we can rotomold it. While our specialties are custom DEF and diesel tanks, we also offer proprietary DEF tanks for a variety of industries.

Nylacast Engineering Plastic Solutions www.nylacast.com

Elkhart Plastics, Inc. www.epi-roto.com

NuSil Technology LLC www.nusil.com

ESAB Welding and Cutting Products www.esabna.com

Polaris Laboratories polarislabs.com

Fabrico www.fabrico.com

Prairie Engineering, Inc www.prairieengineering. com

Exa Corp. www.exa.com

Famic Technologies Inc. www.famictech.com Five Star Die Casting www.fivestardiecasting. com Grede Holdings LLC www.grede.com Greenkote PLC greenkote.com

GS Engineering Inc. www.gsengineering.com IDI Composites International www.idicomposites.com Jroberts Manufacturing Inc. www.jrobertsmfg.com LMS International www.lmsintl.com

Material Sciences Corporation (MSC) www.matsci.com

Matrix Metalcraft Inc. www.matrixmetalcraft. com

Meese Orbitron Dunne Company (MOD) www.meeseinc.com

Metalphoto of Cincinnati www.mpofcinci.com MetoKote Corporation www.metokote.com/ english.asp

Michigan Manufacturing International Inc. (MMI) www.michmfg.com Midwest Plastic Fabricators www.midwest plasticfabricators.com

Minnesota Flexible www.minnesotaflexible. com MIRA Ltd. www.mira.co.uk

Monash University www.monash.edu

Morey Corporation www.moreycorp.com

PPG Industrial Coatings www. ppgindustrialcoatings.com

Preferred Rubber Compounding www.preferredrubber.com Price Engineering Co, Inc. www.priceeng.com

Rubber Industries, Inc. www.rubberindustries.com SABIC Innovative Plastics www.sabic-ip.com

Saint-Gobain Performance Plas. www.plastics.saint-gobain. com SAKOR Technologies Inc. www.sakor.com Sapa Extrusions www.sapagroup.com/na Sharon Tube sharontube.com

Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes www.sherwin-automotive. com Sherwood Advanced Composite Technologies www.sherwoodcorp.com SigmaTEK Systems, LLC www.sigmanest.com

Solvay Specialty Polymers www.solvayplastics.com Spauldng Composites Inc. www.spauldingcom.com SSAB www.ssab.com

SW Fabrication www.fabricationsw.com Tube Fab/Roman Engineering Co., Inc. www.tubefab.org Vector CANtech,Inc. vector.com Vest Inc. www.vestusa.com

Warner Bodies www.warnerbodies.com

Waupaca Foundry www.waupacafoundry.com Wausaukee Composites www.wauscomp.com

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dSPACE.................................. 110-111

Kongsberg Automotive...........46

Power & Signal Group...............83

Elkhart Plastics..............................93

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Power Packer.................................66

ENM Company.......................... 122

Kubota Engine America Corp........................... 3, 21

PT Tech, Inc.............................42-43

Doosan Infracore Engine....................16-17

EZ Oil Drain..................................121 Faria Corp..................................... 101 Firwin Corp.....................................13

C.E. Niehoff & Co...................27, 84

Fumoto Engineering of America....................................121

Carling Technologies................77

GKN Land Systems.....................39

CLEANFIX North America Ltd....................121

GMP Friction Products.............47

Conductix-Wampfler..............115 Continental Corp...................... 105 ContiTech Fluid Technology........................59 Cross Mfg., Inc...............................58 Custom Prods. Of Litchfield................................ 103 Dana Corporation..................2, 35

Harting USA...................................79 Hatz Diesel Of America, Inc...........................124

Kawasaki Precision Machinery . ...............69

Logan Clutch Corporation...................................33 LORD MicroStrain Sensing Systems..........................85

SuperBrightLEDs.com...............73 Thermal Structures....................15



Oerlikon Fairfield.........................45

HydraForce, Inc............................55

Parker Hannifin/Electronic Controls Division.........................75

Resource Library on Adhesives • White papers • Videos • eNewsletters • Technical tips

Thermal Transfer Products, Ltd.................................65 Torsion Control Products........48 Visionaire, Inc................................99 WPT Power Corporation..........49 Zinga Industries...........................19

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HYDRAULIC SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION REVIEW Milwaukee School of Engineering July 8-11, 2014 | Milwaukee, WI www.msoe.edu/

MILITARY VEHICLES EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center July 29-30, 2014 | Detroit, MI



Visit us!

Scania USA.....................................29

Morris CouplingGrand Bending.............................91

OEM Controls............................. 106


Rosco Inc...................................... 107





Schroeder Industries.................63

North American Hydraulics Inc...............................68

something to

QA1 Precision Products............94

Master Bond Inc........................ 122

HAWE Hydraulics........................57

J.R. Merritt Controls.................121

Parker Hannifin/Velcon Filtration Division........................23



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Barb Levin

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OF F - HIGH WAY HEROE S www.oemoffhighway.com/11429429


from a small footprint with the ability to navigate the most severe terrain. Sidebooms were originally

mounted on stock tractors that were

Ideal for pipeline construction, sideboom tractors combined robust lifting capacity with easy navigation on difficult terrain.

not modified to accept the strains

by Thomas Berry, Archivist, Historical Construction Equipment Assn.

next couple of decades; these includ-

When the modern long-distance

track gauge and shoes.

The exact origin of the trac-

imposed by the attachment. Various

modifications to increase lift capacity and reach through improved safety

and stability were developed over the ed frame reinforcements and wider In 1955, Caterpillar introduced

pipeline was developed in the late

tor-mounted crane is unknown,

the first machine purpose-built as a

safely and efficiently laying pipe in

developing and marketing sidebooms

torque converter-equipped 15A Series

1800s, so too did the challenge of

the trenches. Cranes could do the work but they were inefficient for

placing long strands of pipe, especially on rough terrain.

but several manufacturers began

for tractor mounting in the 1920s and

early 1930s. Such machines were ideal for pipeline construction because

they combined robust lifting capacity

pipelayer. The 583C was based on the D8D that was also introduced in 1955 and had a 55% increase in capacity

over its predecessor, the MD8 (a D8 with a Trackson sideboom).

All conventional sidebooms and

pipelayers feature the boom on the

left side of the tractor (looking forward from the seat), and the hoist works

and counterweight opposite it. Boom

angle and the hoist line are controlled

from a pair of independently-operated drums that are powered from the tractor’s power take-off (PTO). The load

line is reeved over the tip of the boom and into a multiple-part hoist block.

Counterweights were either static

and unmoving, made of individual sections that could be added or

removed as needed; or hydraulically adjustable and raised to vertical for

The ability of sidebooms and pipelayers to walk with a long strand of pipe makes possible a project like this. Bechtel Corporation is walking a 600-foot strand of pipe into the Niagara River for the Tennessee Gas Transmission Company on September 11, 1954. This was the first pipeline to cross the Niagara, and a fleet of Cat MD7s, equipped with extra counterweights, is doing the honors. The MD7 was a very popular sideboom; fleets of them still turned up in pipeline auctions into the early 2000s. BECHTEL CORPORATION PHOTOGRAPH, DUNBAR & SULLIVAN DREDGING COMPANY COLLECTION, HCEA ARCHIVES

transport and storage, or pivoted

away from the tractor for lifting. Most

counterweights swung down to lower the pipelayer’s overall center of gravity, thereby increasing stability; yet

the higher the counterweight’s pivot

point, the better the machine’s ground clearance.

The Historical Construction Equipment Association (HCEA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the history of the construction, dredging and surface mining equipment industries. With over 4,000 members in 25 countries, activities include publication of a quarterly educational magazine, Equipment Echoes; operation of National Construction Equipment Museum and archives in Bowling Green, OH; and hosting an annual working exhibition of restored construction equipment. Individual memberships are $32.00 within the USA and Canada, and $40.00 US elsewhere. HCEA seeks to develop relationships in the equipment manufacturing industry, and offers a college scholarship for engineering students. Information is available at www.hcea.net, by calling 419-352-5616 or e-mailing info@hcea.net.

OEM Off-Highway




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