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No. 02 路 July 2006

Win the energy efficiency revolution with . Prompt action needed.


Creating Textile Values. The world is undergoing a complete change.

e-save ® is the key to success to offer you and

More and more markets are shifting, production

your companies even more options for an

and the networking of company structures

efficient textile production.






Intelligent solutions in view of economic and

Another focal point is the intensification of

ecological challenges are playing an increasingly

our Customer Support services for you. With

important role.

"SUN – Service Unlimited" a new Service Initiative starts in the following days that will bring you

We are facing these new challenges with

even more service and quality.

numerous innovations, some of which Saurer will officially unveil at ITM in Istanbul. Saurer places

Creating Textile Values – we have made that our

emphasis on energy-saving new developments

aim at Saurer, to support you in your success.

with its companies Allma, Barmag, Melco, Neumag, Schlafhorst, Volkmann and Zinser.

Your Saurer magazine Team

C ontent . Company. “Our strategy is the investment in new products in order to expand our technological leadership”.. .... 3 Win-Win situation for a long-term cooperation......................................................................... 29 Economics. Win the energy efficiency revolution with e-save ®....................................................................... 4 Increased economic efficiency thanks to Ecopack FX.................................................................. 27 Respect. SUN – Service Unlimited.......................................................................................................... 10 Technology Partnership with the world’s largest polyester producer.. .......................................... 28 Innovation. 3 world premieres on the Bosporus.. ..........................................................................................14 COCOON – A new quality is born..............................................................................................14 Plug and Profit with VarioFil.. ....................................................................................................15 The wild card for semi-automatic rotor spinning.........................................................................16 Saurer at ITM at a glance..........................................................................................................17 WINPRO knitting yarns – long staple spinning at the highest level...............................................18 Reduced investment costs with the new Fehrer NL11 / Twin-SE Carpet Star ®. ................................19 The keys to nonwovens.. .......................................................................................................... 22 Comeback in Red.................................................................................................................... 23 New state-of-the-art colour pop adjustment............................................................................. 24 Great future for technical yarns and TechnoCorder TC-S............................................................. 25 Quality down to the last detail................................................................................................. 26 The world of fancy yarns.. ........................................................................................................ 26 Markets. A challenging year.. ................................................................................................................. 20 News. Technology Expresses – especially for you................................................................................. 30

S. aurer : G lobal growth in different segments .

“Our strategy is the investment in new products in order to expand our technological leadership.” Saurer is continuing its path of market consolidation. Over the last 18 months, Saurer has acquired several companies and integrated them into its network for R&D, Purchase, Fulfillment, Marketing, Sales and Customer Support. CEO Heinrich Fischer shared his thoughts about the company growth with two journalists* a few weeks ago.

Although global mill consumption of textile

Focus on Nonwovens.

fibers continues to increase by 2.5-3.5% a year,

Where did Saurer grow over the last months?

the market for textile machinery is declin-

And where is the focus? Seven companies were

ing slightly due to improved efficiency. As a

acquired in 2005, including Fehrer (Austria),

result, growth for machine manufacturers

Fincarde (Italy) and a 60% stake in Autefa and

must come from consolidation, gaining market

Kortec (Germany). These four companies will

share, developing better solutions and entering

strengthen Neumag’s Nonwoven Technology

new market segments, such as nonwovens or

business. They complement Neumag’s Nonwo-


vens portfolio that already consisted of spunbond and M&J airlaid technology. Now Neumag

“The textile world has changed compared with

provides complete solutions for all modern non-

10 years ago,” Heinrich Fischer said. “Today,

woven manufacturing methods. Carded and

many smaller machinery and equipment sup-

spunbond production together account for

pliers do not have the production facilities, man-

around 88% of global nonwovens capacity,

agement skills or capital required to invest in a

which in 2004 was an estimated 4.43 million

global market, where production is now largely

tons, with future growth forecasted at between

based in Asia. A major strength of our company

5-7% per year. “In the nonwovens field in the

is that we have learned how to integrate people

past, bigger companies like P&G and BBA de-

and create a team culture worldwide, including

veloped their own technologies and kept their

Asia, which accounts for around 70% of our to-

know-how private, but nowadays these compa-

tal group sales,” he pointed out. “Issues such as

nies want complete lines,” Fischer said. “And

how to run a cyclical business and how to inte-

today P&G doesn’t want to concentrate on mak-

grate in a multicultural world are paramount,

ing the Pampers, it wants to sell them.”

and that’s what we can contribute – how to manage cycles and how to succeed worldwide.

New opportunities with recycling.

We have also done our homework in studying

The other acquisitions in 2005 were of plastics

the markets, not just for machinery, but also for

recycling business Ermafa, textile machinery

end-products. As a large company, we can offer

components makers Heberlein and Temco,

a platform of customer contact, as well as sales,

and Chinese staple fibre spinning operation

service and purchasing networks.“


With a view on the productions capacity he went

Ermafa, which will be integrated into Barmag,

on: “In my opinion, the relocation of produc-

has been active in the plastics and rubber

“Ermafa is an interesting company in that it

tion capacity away from the USA and the EU

processing machinery business for 50 years.

has been involved in the construction of a large

is coming to an end. And in China, differen-

The company has extensive know-how and a

range of ‘one-off’ plants in many completely

tiation in apparel textiles has started. A wider

broad installed capacity base, with a key seg-

different sectors,” said Fischer. “As a result,

range of qualities requires greater production

ment of its product portfolio being polyester

the company has considerable know-how and

f lexibility. And for sure China will develop its

and polyolefin recycling plants. Its expertise

we are looking at how to do repeat business in

own brands for local consumption.”

in tyre recycling will also be complementary to

these fields. Recycling is becoming an increas-

Barmag’s tyre cord business.

ingly attractive business, especially with the

Heinrich Fischer has been the CEO of Saurer for over ten years now.

Creating Textile Values.

C O M P A N Y.

escalating cost of raw materials.”

Components open new markets.

spinning machinery. They are a decisive factor

so many things that have to be provided when

With the acquisition of the fibre technology

for the final yarn quality since these compo-

a sale is made and this is where we can provide

business of Gurit-Heberlein, Saurer added

nents are in direct contact with the fibres. Cots

confidence for them, because they immediately

three leading brands of components for syn-

and Aprons are marketed under the Accotex® and

have a sales, service and purchasing network,

thetic yarn production – Heberlein, Enka Tec-


in addition to access to internal technology.”

nica and Electrotex – which will join TEXParts,

one brands.


trademarks, the industries number

the existing Saurer components manufacturer

Differentiation from the competition is another

for the cotton spinning sector. Key products

Joint Venture in China.

critical factor in the continued success of Sau-

are spinnerets, air texturing jets and sensors to

Saurer will hold a 70% stake in the recently an-

rer Textile Solutions as a whole, the CEO of

monitor the spinning and texturing processes.

nounced joint venture with Jinsheng in China

Saurer added.

“We think the components business should

for the manufacture of programme units for

stand alone, that is separate from the equip-

staple fibre equipment and components. This

“Without this, it comes down to price, and price

ment business,” said Heinrich Fischer. “This

will allow it to further accelerate the develop-

battles lead to nil margin,” he says. “A key part

is the reason TEXParts has been so successful,

ment of ring spinning machines for the mid

of our strategy is in investment in new products

in supplying components not just for Saurer

and low-end segments in Asia. “We are now

and we spend a significant amount each year in

machines but both inside and outside the com-

producing in a network of factories worldwide

R&D to bring innovations to the market.”

pany. TEXParts has been a very good business

and using the best combination of manufactur-

for us and has now doubled its capacity, with an

ing from them for each market sector,” Hein-

excellent factory in Singapore.”

rich Fischer observed.

At the beginning of May, Saurer has signed a

Differentiation from the competition.

* Thanks to Adrian Wilson from Textile Month and

purchase contract to acquire 100% of the Tex-

Each one of these above mentioned acquired

Geoff Fischer from International Fiber Journal.

tile Products Group from Day International

companies, he pointed out, was relatively small

Inc. It is the world’s largest supplier of consum-

– with annual turnovers ranging from s 3-30

able, precision engineered rubber cots (rollers),

million – but with proven technologies.

aprons (f lexible belts), compressive shrinkage belts and other fabricated rubber products for

“In many cases, their problem has been how

the yarn spinning and glass fiber forming in-

to bring these technologies to the world mar-

dustries. Its most important products, cots and

kets. When you are a medium-sized company

aprons, are used in the drafting process of ring

it is not so easy to sell everywhere. There are

More information in the Annual Report 2005; download under

S aurer : P rompt action needed in response to the global rise in energy costs .

Win the energy efficiency revolution with . As a forward-looking enterprise, which adopts a responsible attitude and behaves respectfully towards nature and natural resources, Saurer focuses its research and development on energy-saving measures. Machines and installations whose energy consumption is significantly below the habitual market standard are rewarded with the Saurer e-save® certification. In view of the steady rise in energy costs, this represents an increasingly important


profit factor for our customers.

Over the past few months, high oil and gas prices

and the European Council, constitute a further

and enhanced climate protection measures

incentive for industrial operations in Europe to

have significantly increased the importance of

tackle the topic more intensively. However, leg-

the use of renewable energies and the imple-

islation in many other countries also demands

mentation of measures aimed at improving

increasingly greater improvements in efficien-

energy efficiency at a global level. Energy effi-

cy. Cost pressures and statutory requirements

ciency is gradually becoming a major topic in

also compel companies to confront the need to

industry. The new statutory requirements, such

save energy in order to remain competitive and

as the Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy

consequently to retain jobs.

Services Directive of the European Parliament

Creating Textile Values

1. Past and prospective global energy requirements.

fossil fuel reserves and resources are limited, and secondly the principal

The 20th Century will go down in history as the “oil era”. Global energy

oil fields are located in politically unstable regions. The volumes that can

requirements gradually increased and were increasingly met through the

be extracted using traditional means (around 140 billion tonnes) will last

use of oil and natural gas. Whereas at the start of the century, barely 5

around 50 years, based on the assumption that demand remains con-

PWh (= 5 x 1012 kWh) of primary energy was required, this figure had

stant. Taking growth rates into account, experts anticipate that oil stocks

risen to 20 PWh by 1950 and to 110 PWh by 2000. At the start of the

capable of ecologically viable development will run out in around 2030.

century, 90% of requirements were met by coal, but this percentage had

A further 100 to 200 billion tonnes of crude oil can also be extracted

fallen by 1950 to 55% coal, plus 30% oil and the remainder natural gas

from oil sands and oil shale, but such extraction would be technically

and other energy sources. By 2000, the proportion of coal had fallen to

extremely difficult and very costly. Furthermore, maximum extraction

20%, and that of oil had risen to 40% and natural gas to 20%. Hydroelec-

rates have already been reached at most oil fields.

tric power has gained in significance (15%), whereas nuclear power plays a subordinate role in global terms (5%).

Natural gas resources will last 60 years provided consumption remains constant. However, over the next few years, demand for natural gas is

Increase by a factor of 100.

expected to increase even more quickly than demand for oil. Aspiring

During the 21st Century, a similar increase in energy requirements (3%

industrial nations such as India and China are constantly seeking new

to 5% per annum) to that during the last century is forecast. The highly

ways of meeting their rising energy requirements (e.g. pipeline project

populated regions such as Asia (and in particular China and India) and

with Russia). Furthermore, there is also likely to be a considerable in-

South America have a good deal of ground to make up. Although Chi-

crease in energy requirements in the present developing countries.

na’s per capita consumption (25 kWh per capita per diem) is only one tenth of that of the USA (240 kWh per capita per diem), China has al-

The largest reserves and resources are believed to be those of the natural

ready reached second place in the list of global overall energy consumers

resources black and brown coal. Dependent upon the source consulted,

(annual energy consumption: USA: 91.5 terajoule, People’s Republic of

black and brown coal together are expected to last at least 200 years, and

China: 35.4 terajoule, by comparison, Germany: 13.7 terajoule). If China’s

very probably as long as 400 years, but in Europe at least, coal extraction

per capita consumption should reach that of the USA, this would repre-

has become increasingly unattractive, since the seams not yet mined are

sent an increase in energy consumption of a factor of 100, given China’s

both smaller and deeper.

huge population. Africa is frequently forgotten when discussing energy

The future lies in alternative energy sources.

(e.g. only 5% of the Ugandan population have electricity), and is likely to

Nor does nuclear power represent a long-term alternative. Although mod-

join the competition for fossil fuels in the near future.

ern methods of enrichment have brought a reduction in mined natural uranium over the past 20 years, rising demand (in China, India and Rus-

In the future, it will not be as easy as it was during the last century to

sia alone, around 110 new nuclear power plants are in the planning stage,

meet the huge global demand for energy described above. First of all,

15 of which are already under construction) is already being ref lected

Creating Textile Values.

E CO N O M I C S .

consumption. Africa is still well below the “Western energy standard”

in the rise in the NUKEM spot price. Natural uranium reserves will last a maximum of 200 years, but in view of rising demand, this period is more likely to be only 100 years. This all points to the fact that there is likely to be increasing demand for alternative energy sources and increased energy efficiency in the future. The German BINE energy efficiency and renewable energy information service works on the assumption that in 2050 barely one third of all energy will come from fos-

Global energy trends: China’s and India’s share of world energy requirements stood at around 17 % in 2004.

sil fuels. In this scenario, nuclear energy will

Their 40 % share of the growth in global energy requirements between 1994 and 2004 highlights the dynamic

scarcely play a role in 2050. By contrast, both

growth of these nations.

regenerative energies and energy savings meas-

(source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2005.)

ures at all levels, are likely to become far more important in the future.

2. Energy prices and energy policy.

increased sevenfold over a period of only eight

electricity generation by 2020. Targeted en-

Over recent years it has become abundantly

years. Price projections envisage further price

ergy taxes seek to accelerate structural change.

clear how shortages of energy sources affect

rises in the long term, despite some possible

Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, which

price. To illustrate this, let us consider the ex-

relief in the short term.

seeks to achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions,

ample of oil price trends. Between 1987 and

is a firm constituent of energy policy plans

1997, a barrel of oil on the world market cost


(transposed for example in the German Green-

between US$ 13 and 20, and actually fell to

There is of course a close link between a short-

house Gases Emissions Trading Act TEHG).

US$ 10 at the end of 1998. Since then, the price

age of resources and prices, but policy has a de-

The proposals made in EU Directives, on the

has risen sharply, to US$ 55 per barrel in 2005.

cisive effect on the price: for example, European

topic of energy efficiency and energy services

In April of this year, the price broke through

and German energy policy aims to increase

are aimed at more efficient energy use by end

the US$ 70 barrier. Thus the price of oil has

the share of renewal energies to 20 % of total

consumers via a mix of measures, ranging from the implementation of energy efficiency funds right up to the introduction of pricing systems which promote energy saving. In addition to requirements laid down within the EU, a number of international conventions seek to increase energy efficiency or to expand the use of renewable energies. This clearly demonstrates that the problem of the energy supply bottleneck is one which is glob-


ally acknowledged. The conventions in ques-

Energy consumption by world regions 1971 - 2030 (source: IEA International Energy Agency and Interatom, 2004, and EUtech).

Creating Textile Values

e-save® in the filament sector. The Power Management System, a software package developed and patented by Barmag | Saurer, enables the selective shutdown of production processes in order to optimise the energy consumption of installations during production. Energy-conscious components such as the HF Multizone galette concept, the i-QOON winder, the SPx series spinning system etc. help to achieve this. Dependent on the region involved, annual savings of between USD 1,500 and 2,000 in energy costs are possible per site at an FDY plant. A Barmag Industrial Yarn plant consumes around 37% less energy than comparable competitor plants. The energy-saving potential of the PMS and the Cocoon texturing plant is over 20% greater than that of comparable models. In addition, the significantly reduced energy consumption brings associated “consequential cost savings”: the average savings in installation costs are around USD 50,000, and the reduction in waste heat requires the installation of a far smaller air conditioning system, bringing a reduction in both investment and energy costs.

tion equally tackle the topics of economic efficiency, security of supply,

3. Energy consumption in the textile industry.

environmental protection and energy efficiency. The industrial nations

International developments in the textile industry over the past 10 years

have acknowledged that they are jointly responsible for ensuring that the

indicate that China has overtaken the CIS states, who were formerly the

development of Third World nations does not take place at the expense

front runners in energy consumption within the industry. Europe, with

of natural resources. However, the energy policies of the individual coun-

constant energy requirements, and the USA, whose energy requirements

tries still differ considerably.

have halved, lag well behind.


The trend in absolute energy use in the textile industry correlates with

In Russia for example, prices are relatively low as a result of Government

the shift in the production sites. This shift in sites from Europe and the

regulation, but there is a need for action on energy efficiency here too,

USA towards the emerging countries is clearly evident from the market

owing to rising global market prices. The Russian energy sector was

price correction value, which fell by 4.1 % for developed industrial na-

the subject of major reform in 2001. Although the Russian energy strat-

tions between 1998 and 2003, whereas it rose by 5.3 % during the same

egy needs investments of up to US$ 70 billion by the year 2020, lack of

period in the emerging countries, including China and India. It also rose

competition and uncertain investment conditions represent barriers to

by 1.0 % in the developing countries.


Where does the energy go? China.

Where does the energy used in the industry actually go? Electrical energy

China has moved one stage further in this respect, and is aiming for an

is used to meet power requirements and some is used in thermal pro-

efficiency revolution. It is hoping to quadruple GDP by 2020, whilst only

cesses. Electrical energy is also needed to transport merchandise. Com-

doubling energy consumption over the same period. However, according

mon technologies having high electrical energy requirements include

to China’s Minister for the Environment, Pan Yue, national energy prices

compressed air production, vacuum production, production shop ventila-

remain “irrational”. Both a price increase and environmental levies are

tion and air conditioning and also, to a lesser extent, lighting. Thermal


processes are used in particular in textile finishing. Most dyeing and finishing processes use heat. In addition, drying processes in textile finishing facilities trigger high demand for energy. In facilities using mainly

In the USA, the focus of energy policy is on security of supply rather than

mechanical processes, e.g. spinning or weaving mills, fossil fuels are as

on efficiency and energy saving. Prices for light heating oil for industry

a rule only used to heat buildings and for hot water production, and to a

are on average 30 % below those in Germany. Petrol prices are only 40 %

lesser extent also for peripheral processes such as steam heat-treatment

of pump prices in Germany. However, here too attitudes are changing.

of plied yarn or heating process water.

Creating Textile Values.

E CO N O M I C S .


Significant cost-savings through the use of

4. Saurer energy management.

modern textile machinery.

The political, economic and ecological changes described above make it

Overall, energy costs account for an average 2-4% of the total turnover

necessary for every textile operation to actively confront the topic of en-

of a textile operation, although in some cases this percentage may be

ergy and to introduce energy management. A major constituent of energy

as high as 10% or more. Saurer’s modern machines and installations

management is energy-orientated operational analysis, which is normally

with e-save® certification significantly reduce these costs, increase our

divided into two work packages:

customers’ profits and release cash for other investments, enabling them to stay one step ahead of the competition in the hard-fought textile market.

1. Reviewing the situation. Savings within the operation can be identified and evaluated through

A simple calculation demonstrates the huge energy savings potentials:

systematic recording and assessment of energy f lows and energy con-

according to the German General Textiles and Fashion Association, the

sumers. The analysis is not restricted solely to energy conversion and

textile industry generated turnover of s 923 million in 2005. If we as-

distribution, but also examines production facilities and production

sume that the share of energy costs is 3 % on average, this corresponds

processes. Widely used evaluation tools include Sankey diagrams,

to around EUR 28 million. Thus an energy saving of 20 % for example

ABC analyses and load profile analyses.

would mean a cost saving of s 5.6 million in the textile industry in Germany alone.

Every industrial sector and individual operation should know the details of its energy f lows and consequently its cost distribution. Energy consumption is distributed as follows in a typical yarn production plant: 65% production, 25% air conditioning equipment, 10% lighting and compressed air. Short-term savings in annual energy costs in the order of 10% to 20% are not infrequent, in particular in medium-sized enterprises. Initial savings are frequently possible simply through organisational measures. 2. Compiling packages of measures. The technical and commercial feasibility of the potentials identified during the initial stage is examined. The company receives a list of measures that are capable of implementation in the short, medium or long term. In addition to possible savings and a description of the individual measures in question, this list also includes the necessary investment amounts.

(source: BMWA, Germany.)

e-save® in staple fibre production. Optimum use of energy has always been an important consideration during many of the product innovations of the Saurer companies such as Schlafhorst, Zinser and Volkmann. As an example, outstanding results were achieved in the rotor spinning sector with the Autocoro 360, through the introduction of the new Electronic Vacuum Adjustment EVA and the Magnetic Rotor Positioning System MRPS. The latest energy-saving technologies for use in ring spinning are currently being tested. In package winding, the sensor-controlled pressurised delivery to the Autoconer 338 is causing a sensation. The Saurer WinPro spinning machine is also showing

E CO N O M I C S .

considerable potential (see also page 18).

Creating Textile Values.

Low investments, high profit potential. Many of these measures permit high energy savings, and consequently reductions in CO2 emissions and cost savings in return for low investments. Many operations are not aware of this. The operation also needs to be aware of the energy used for new developments, such as emissions trading. The establishment of an energy control system is therefore helpful, since a properly functioning energy control system enables energy costs to be maintained at a low level. Under such a system, the data f lagged as relevant during the review is entered in a database and assessed regularly. Such an assessment serves both to verify the successes of the measures already taken, and also to highlight

Primary energy consumption by the textile and leather industries between 1995 and 2030.

changes and consequently new potentials.

(source: International Energy Agency IEA and EUTech).

The key to success lies in discouraging the re-

to introduce energy management. Energy-ori-

placement of installations (e.g. also using the

luctance to tackle the topic and to break new

entated operational analyses highlight precise

Saurer e-saveÂŽ certificate), and their optimum

ground, and in increasing the awareness of

technically and commercially meaningful im-

sizing and regulation. However the produc-

every employee in relation to the rational han-

provements. Many of these measures permit

tion field (drive mechanisms, furnaces, dryers)

dling of energy within the operation. Precon-

high energy savings, and consequently reduc-

must not be ignored during such an analysis.

ceived ideas such as “production comes first,

tions in CO2 emissions and cost savings in re-

Furthermore, even nowadays the process and

quality must be upheld� need to be dispelled:

turn for low investments. Many operations are

procurement costs of energy supplies can be

the rational use of energy within the operation

not aware of this. The operation also needs to

significantly reduced through the timely use

helps to improve quality.

be aware of the energy used for new develop-

of services.

ments, such as emissions trading.

Political, economic and ecological changes

There is frequently huge potential for savings

make it necessary for every industrial opera-

in the field of energy conversion and distri-

tion to actively confront the topic of energy and

bution, which can be utilised through the re-

Creating Textile Values.

E CO N O M I C S .



SUN – Service Unlimited. What are your expectations when you are deciding on new product ranges and equipment for your textile business? Do you really want to have several different providers manage the complex manufacturing processes you need to control? And can you risk facing the situation that a few years later your investment is virtually worthless?

We at Saurer are convinced you should not accept any such limitations.

Wherever you need us.

That is why we have devised “SUN – Service Unlimited“ – the new ser-

We at Saurer think that speaking your language is the best way to under-

vice initiative that Saurer Customer Support offers with its brands Allma,

stand your needs. Thus our Customer Support team operates worldwide,

Barmag, Melco, Neumag, Schlaf horst, Volkmann and Zinser to all its

providing immediate assistance to customers and engaging in informa-

clients who require more than just service. SUN is a bundle of differenti-

tive dialogue. For instance, our specially-trained Customer Support

ated services that add real value to your Saurer hardware and your daily

personnel are not only technically focused, they also understand and ap-

business in a f lexible way.

preciate the culture and special local customs of our partners.

Going that little bit further.

Confidence through competence.

Our expertise means we can offer valuable assistance on two levels: by

Every member of the Saurer Customer Support team is highly educated

taking an overview of all the essential parameters that define your busi-

in the numerous techniques and machines we offer. Our people have the

ness; and through a deep knowledge of both your specific needs and the

skill to keep your business running, whether you are using the newest

technological options available. With this basic approach, Saurer can as-

and most complex state-of-the-art machinery or you still trust in earlier

sure you of the best conditions for your economic success, backed by our

quality products from one of our brands. With their profound knowledge

commitment to total customer satisfaction.

of your product-ranges and markets and the experience of many years dedicated to technical support, our team provide the helping hands that

R E S P E C T.

you can rely on, around-the-clock, now and in future.


Creating Textile Values.


– our service consultants always endeavour to


optimise your business, in every case. From

Planning your success.

before the project start-up, to the maintenance

Installing Leading Equipment.

Three of the most decisive factors for an excel-

and optimisation of the processes, and through

If you have decided to invest in new technology

lent consulting are:

to subsequent expansion of productivity, we

and equipment, Saurer engineers and techni-

work alongside our partners with reliable and

cians make sure that everything is in place and

unwavering support.

on time. Whether you need a simple machine

Deep knowledge of market needs.

Excellent know-how of the entire process

installation customised to your individual

that makes your product unique and

Your goals are our yardstick.

needs or existing infrastructure or whether you


The most important aspect of consultancy is

want to build a complete new textile plant – for

listening to the clients’ wishes. That is what our

Saurer there are no problems, there are only

to a secure and rapid creation of value and

specialists do. And they do it well. Equipped


guarantees a short-term ROI (Return On

with an excellent knowledge of mill practice as


well as markets trends, they are often able to

Knowing what to do – and doing it.

suggest more than one solution that fits your

Machine and plant installations by Saurer are

Our Customer Support team can continuously

particular needs, right through to the finished

based on applied know-how along the entire

manage these success factors and share them

textile product. Within the bounds of possibil-

textile process. They are innovative because

in a close and confidential relationship with

ity, our experts consider not only the key com-

state-of-the-art technology is used. They are

our partners. Taking advantage of the benefits

petencies of Saurer’s own Leading Equipment.

economic because they are ergonomic. They

of our Consulting Service is not dependent

They can also call on their detailed knowledge

are smart because they fit in with every aspect

on the status that your company has achieved

of equipment from third party suppliers.

of the existing infrastructure.

The competence that leads your investment



R E S P E C T.

Creating Textile Values.


Software: Stepping up your satisfaction. Textile production processes and the machines that are used to create the miscellaneous wares that the global market is asking for depend more than ever not only on perfectly working hardware but on tailor-made software. In fact, it is the software that equips your machinery to be a reliable supplier of whatever your customers want. And it is the further development of software that keeps your Saurer machinery competitive beyond generations of competitors’ equipment. Saurer software enables and ensures: ■

Economically-optimised use of your

equipment. ■

Enhanced variety of products from one





Future-proof hardware investments.

Integration of single machines within

cross-linked systems.


you guarantee the high quality and productiv-

Nearly all our software products have Graphical

ity standards which are permanently delivered

User Interfaces in our customers‘ languages.

Sharing our expertise.

by Saurer’s Leading Equipment. With Saurer

This makes the operator‘s task much simpler,

Even the world’s best equipment is profitless if

Original Parts your advantages are clear:

safer and more comfortable, even with complex

you cannot handle it correctly. With differenti-


ated and individualised education and training,

Stable productivity at a high level.

Saurer helps you and your employees to profit

High performance.

Upgrade your profit.

in many ways. Keeping your staff well-trained

Guaranteed maximum effective machine

Saurer software can be upgraded depending on

avoids malfunction and waste. It motivates them

running time.

because they feel much more tied to your enter-

prise, as important partners in its prosperity.

and 24/7.

Comprehensive and specialised.

Immediate availability of parts, worldwide

advances in research and development to give our customers and their clients the best. But

Guaranteed component quality.

the benefits of our high-tech developments

Assurance of machine warranty.

are available not only to those who already

Participants in Saurer training programs ben-

own software. In many cases it is possible to

efit from both specialised and wide-ranging

It is worth the money.

upgrade existing platforms with added value to

knowledge. They become totally familiar with

You may find out that it is cheaper to purchase

satisfy our customers’ special needs.

all the possibilities our equipment opens up

your spares and replacement parts from other

for you, broadening the horizons for new tech-

suppliers. Before you do, we urge you to con-

niques and advanced products. Well-trained

sider the real costs: more frequent downtimes;

staff maximise the value of your investment in

the loss of free guarantee services; reduced

new equipment – and make a real difference in

machine output; and a shorter life-cycle for

the downstream performance of the products

your equipment. We are confident that you

they help to create.

will conclude that the use of Saurer Original Parts is the safest way to optimise your investment and your earnings from it. You will be

Original Parts:

sure that the quality of components supplied is at the highest level, while the availability of

R E S P E C T.

the requirements of the markets and the latest

Nothing compares to you.

special ’Smart Bundles‘ of both Original Parts

Constantly targeting excellence in your prod-

and service options make it even more profit-

ucts requires the best-equipped machines –

able for you.

and only by using genuine, Original Parts can


Creating Textile Values.

Maintenance and Repair:


Keeping your business in great shape.

Refreshing your machinery.

Saurer is committed to ongoing developing of Leading Equipment for

An investment made some years ago can often be overtaken, as the speed

continuous, high-level performance. To keep up the productivity stand-

of technological development multiplies the benefits for competitors who

ards you will come to expect from this equipment, it is sometimes nec-

made their machine purchases later or more frequently.

essary to check, and where necessary replace, machine parts that can inf luence the perfect performance.

Thanks to its systematic, modular engineering concept, Saurer machinery can be re-equipped and upgraded in many ways – many times.

To ensure minimum disruption to your production processes, our technicians have the detailed knowledge and skills to fit out your equipment

We provide a full range of upgrade services to help those customers who

with the Original Parts needed for sustained operation, with reduced

may be using discontinued and earlier-generation models to remain com-

downtime and low maintenance requirements. And remember, you can

petitive. This makes your decision to choose the Saurer combination of

reach us around the world – and around the clock.

Leading Equipment and top-value service a sensible investment – not only now but also for the future.

When you need it most. Problems always happen at the worst possible time. You have kept your

Keep the best – improve the rest.

machine in a good condition, you have taken advantage of regular ’health

The enormous variety of equipment we supply means the spectrum of

checks‘ and maintenance service – but it is a fact of life that unexpected

possibilities offered by Saurer is virtually unlimited. But we are also com-

stops can still happen. And when they do, your customers wait for de-

mitted to a policy of economic, ergonomic and ecological optimisation, so

liveries, while your employees still have to be paid without producing

we will always strive to keep as much as possible of the existing and to


replace as little as necessary to achieve this aim.

At such times, what you need is a rapid response, and that is precisely

what we can provide: a resourceful, well-equipped and reliable expert from our team of technicians and engineers, who will solve your problem, instantly, without fuss. Saurer Customer Support is where you need it – on your side and at your side.



S aurer : I T M H ighlights .

3 world premieres on the Bosporus. For over 3,000 years the world has been looking at one of the oldest cities on the earth still in existence. And during ITM from 27th June to 2nd July 2006, Istanbul will once again be the focus of attention. This is the ideal platform for Saurer to celebrate 3 world premieres. In addition, Saurer will present many more innovations on an area of more than 1,100 m² in hall 8, booth 2. The two Turkish representatives, Messrs. Erler and Messrs. Tekstil Servis, will also be in the immediate vicinity of the booth. Saurer already wants to say to all visitors: “Welcome!”.

B armag : world premiere N o . 1 .

COCOON – A new quality is born. Barmag is presenting its new manual texturing concept: more freedom in influencing the DTY process, significantly lower energy consumption, premium yarn qualities. As the manual “sibling“ of the MPS, COCOON combines sturdy technology with groundbreaking high tech.

The machine’s highlights include the new feeding system, which is convincing in its lower energy consumption, higher quality of the produced yarns and lower production costs. Furthermore ATT (Advanced Take Up Technology) is one of COCOON’s inherent components. Upon manufacturing conventional DTY packages, ATT provides lasting advantages in texturing operations and in the produced goods. In addition to this, ATT increasingly allows for special solutions, which have not been attainable with mechanical take-up so far. The optimized design of this machine also allows for the easy replacement of old ones with new ones. A 240-position machine can now be installed in place of a 216-position machine. Modern electronics and an optimized machine arrangement round off the COCOON concept. As a responsible provider of overall solution concepts, Barmag places special


emphasis on energy consumption in the development of machines and components. With energy savings comparable to the possibilities offered by MPS, COCOON has been awarded the e-save® title.


Creating Textile Values

B armag : world premiere N o . 2 .

Plug and Profit with VarioFil. Monday: red POY, Tuesday: green FDY, Wednesday: high-count yarn, Thursday: …, Friday: how about high-tenacity yarn? And all in small batch sizes. No problem with VarioFil, a “one for all“ concept from Barmag.

The VarioFil compact spinning line has been designed for the greatest level of f lexibility. VarioFil is a stand-alone turnkey system for which all auxiliary units required for operation are integrated within the system. Hence, VarioFil is the ideal production tool for those yarn manufacturers who – in addition to large orders – have to cope with a broad range of products in small lots and be able to react quickly to a dynamic market. Regardless of quantity, polymer, yarn type, whether spun-dyed or raw white, VarioFil products are consistently high-grade and economical. The compact manufacturing line makes use of top-quality Barmag components. The extruder and colour adding ensure optimized processing of fused material. The spinning head, spinning package, pumps and quenching units – all forming part of Barmag’s product range – guarantee homogeneous spin-out. The energy-saving, high-frequency heated godets used on all Barmag spinning facilities are characterised by extremely uniform thermal





the spun yarn. The finished yarn is taken up by tried-and-tested, low maintenance Barmag winders that enjoy an excellent reputation among experts. The excellent package building and outstanding operation characteristics make high haul-off speeds possible in further processing. The entire facility and its key components meet

Innovation and economics have a name. With VarioFil, Barmag is once again setting

the e-save

benchmarks and creating value.


standard: With an energy con-

sumption at least 20% lower than that of common commercial equipment, VarioFil proves a sound investment in the future. The downstream process can be implemented using the entire range of Barmag texturing and airtexturing equipment. Yarns spun on VarioFil can be textured on any system. The textured


yarns are twisted on appropriate Volkmann machines.

Creating Textile Values.


S chlafhorst : world premiere no . 3 .

The wild card for semi-automatic rotor spinning. In time for ITM 2006, Schlafhorst surprises the market with a new semi-automatic rotor spinning machine, the BD 380. With rotor speeds up to 110,000 rpm, take-up speeds up to 180 m/min and up to 352 spinning units, the new BD 380 generation stands for productivity, quality, and flexibility.

The new efficiency is based upon an integral

aerodynamic f low inside the spinbox. Special

easy-to-maintain rotor bearing TexParts is also

concept that integrates the whole yarn pro-

spinbox inserts, designed according to the ap-

a reference point for the high level of efficiency

duction process from sliver intake through to

plication, and new sealing technologies ensure

of the BD 380. The bearing is optimally adapt-

winding the yarn onto the package.

an even air f low, optimized fibre orientation

ed to high rotor speeds of more than 100,000


and incorporation in the yarn. Dirt particles

rpm. With conventional semi-automatic rotor

Top guarantor for quality and

are cleared very efficiently, so that they cannot

spinning technology, the piecing technology

productivity: the new spinbox NSB 38.

affect the yarn formation process or the un-

limits the machine productivity.

In combination with the new spinning compo-

winding behaviour of the yarn in downstream

nent range “Value Line“, the spinbox NSB 38


improves decisive yarn quality parameters. For

Manual inf luences reduce piecing reliability and piecing strength and increase the variation

With this new technology it is even possible for

between the piecings. The consequences are

than for yarns spun with the conventional semi-

spinning mills to use inferior raw materials

more yarn breaks during spinning, productiv-

automatic rotor spinning technology. Thus the

without quality or productivity losses in the

ity losses and an increased manual effort for

BD 380 opens up new applications, particularly

yarn and thus to considerably increase their

rectifying yarn breaks, both in the spinning

in the field of weaving yarns. This increase is

economic efficiency by means of clever raw

mill and in the weaving mill. This, however,

reached amongst other things, by an optimized

material selection. The reliable, long-life and

does not apply for the BD 380 packages. Using


example, yarn strength is up to 20 % higher


Creating Textile Values

Burmaster BM2, Schlaf horst combines higher

Saurer at ITM at a glance.

rotor speeds with an optimized piecing procedure that also meets high requirements in terms of piecing quality.

Quality packages for more added value in downstream processing. The package quality of the BD 380 guarantees the quality advantage of the yarns. The new winding head excels through an optimized drive technology and yarn guide. The packages have a neat f lank structure and an even density, even with large diameters of 320 mm. The increased winding precision particularly pays off in downstream processing, where the packages of the BD 380 establish themselves as quality and efficiency factors. Another benefit is the high packing density of the packages which contain up to 15 % more yarn than conventional

The Saurer booth at the ITM 2006.

packages. The higher density reduces transport costs and handling in the knitting and weaving mills. Furthermore the BD 380 is particularly f lexible. The fancy yarn device Fancynation can be integrated for all spinning units as well as for some machine sections only. waltraud.jansen@schlaf


Creating Textile Values



WINPRO knitting yarns – long staple spinning at the highest level. Producers of long staple yarns for the flat knitting sector do not just face the challenge of producing cost-effectively and fast, but have to be constantly developing new articles. With WinPro four-fold yarns, you will hold a trump card for variety, cost-efficiency and top quality.

WinPro supports manufacturers according to the motto “Creative spin-

WinPro is cost-efficient.

ning for new knitting articles”. Four-fold yarns are spun from four rov-

During spinning, cops are not produced, but f langed bobbins with a

ings in a first step with WinSpin, and in a second step twisted with

package size of up to 1.9 kg which are fed directly to the twisting ma-

WinTwist. If so desired, elastic and nonelastic filaments can be added

chine. The connection of cop ends required in the ring spinning process

with or without draft during the spinning process. So unique new arti-

by splicing and winding is eliminated. The result is much less work in

cles can be created which offer spinners and knitters the opportunity to

progress. But that’s not all. Cost reductions are very important in the

outdo competitors, without additional process steps and costs.

hard-fought market. It’s not just that spinning costs up to and including twisting costs in the ring spinning process are 55% higher than with the

Advantages in every way.

WinPro, the manufacturer also receives a four-fold yarn with all its ad-

WinPro was developed for innovative market leaders. A clear stitch struc-


ture and pilling values which are one point better than commercial twofold yarns are what distinguishes WinPro knitting articles. The acrylic sector, for instance, demands fast, inexpensive production. WinPro can offer this to manufacturers at high speed. This means spinning speeds of up to 250 m/min and twisting speeds of up to 120 m/min, resulting in a production time of just 2.5 hours/kg for each spinning / twisting position from the roving through to the twisting bobbin. The can insert is of particular advantage here. Two cans with two rovings


or one can with four rovings can be fed and processed. With can fillings of 10 to 12 kg, changeover times at the feed can be reduced three-fold to six-fold. What’s more, the doffing tension from the can is lower than that of a finishing bobbin, so that wrong drafts are practically excluded.


Creating Textile Values.

N eumag A T I T M : N ow offering F ehrer N eedle punching T echnology .

Reduced investment costs with the new Fehrer NL11 / Twin-SE Carpet Star ®. Reduced investment costs due to increased needle penetrations in a single machine. Two machines are no longer required to achieve outstanding quality.

Fehrer needle punching Technology offers a whole range of needle punching

is fitted with PLC controls, which incorporate an operating surface de-

machines. The Fehrer NL11/Twin-SE Carpet Star® a structuring needle

signed on industrial PC principles and Windows-based visualisation. The

punching machine for the production of high-quality rib and velour prod-

patterning software can also be employed on an office PC, independent

ucts using two independently operating needle zones. With this technol-

of the machine control system, and supports the designer during every

ogy, Neumag offers its customers the possibility for creation of a totally

phase of the design process.

new range of largescale repeats at previously unattainable speeds, as well as patterned carpets with surround or borders on all sides.

Technical Data: ■

Max. continuous stroke frequency (strokes/minute): 1,500.

Moreover, the Carpet Star® can also produce rib products, depending on

Working widths (m): 2.4 – 5.6.

required surface quality, at up to three times the production speed of a

Standard stroke amplitudes (mm): 30.

single board machine and a combination of rib and velour patterns in one

Number of needles per linear metre (approx.): up to 14,000.

carpet and in a single pass.

Graduated lamella pitches in steps between (mm): 3-7.

The Carpet Star® is characterized by a precision drive system, which fa-


cilitates high production speeds even with short repeats. The two needle

zones are adjusted to one another electronically in accordance with the

previously unattainable speeds.

Large-scale repeats and maximum pattern design f lexibility at

prescribed pattern. As a result, maximum design f lexibility is guaran-


the carpet.

Visitors to the ITM will be able to see an operational NL11/Twin-SE

single pass.

Differing patterns in the body, and in the surround or border of The combination of rib and velour patterns in one carpet and in a

Carpet Star® with a working width of 2.4 m and a 3.5 mm lamella pitch.

The machine, which has a continuous operating speed of 1,500 rpm,

board machine.

Rib products at up to three times the production speed of a single


Creating Textile Values


S aurer : F iber Y ear 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 6 .

A challenging year. The year 2005 certainly was a challenging year for the textile and apparel industry. Most people in the industry have experienced a turbulent roller-coaster ride in the first year of quota abolition.

Chinese companies have spent billions of dol-

Kapok, ramie, f lax, hemp, jute, sisal and coir is

all manmade fibers contributing to this favo-

lars to upgrade and expand their industry to

forecast to have stagnated at 5.7 million tonnes.

rable performance. The nonwovens industry

take full advantage of increased trade volumes.

For the second time in a row, staple fibers have

witnessed continued growth through 2005,

This has resulted in surging imports into the

outperformed filament yarns. While staple fib-

thanks to a strong build-up of new capacity

EU and the United States, allowing PR China

ers, the raw material for spun yarn and non-

and continued global penetration. Developing

breathtaking gains in exports. The EU and the

wovens, rose by 4.9% to 44.4 million tonnes,

regions such as Latin America and Asia-Pacific

filament yarns increased by 1.3% to 20.4 mil-

were successful in attracting investments, but

lion tonnes.

the developed industry in North America and in Western Europe once more has given proof of

Output in Yarns and Nonwovens.

its growth potential. The scope of investments

The global amount of short and long staple

comprises mainly applications for carded and

spun yarns produced in 2005 accounted for

spunlaid nonwovens. The entire segment has

56.6 million tonnes, representing a 3.6% in-

shown a 6.8% increase over 2004, accounting

crease over 2004. This accounts for nearly

for 6.1 million tonnes.


double the long-term growth rate, probably supported by almost stable raw material costs.

PR China and the United States

Contrary, surging crude oil prices have put a

Dominating World Textile Industry.

strain on the manmade fiber business. Fila-

The US consumer market has grown continu-

ment yarns just managed to increase by 1.3%

ously, but supply from local production has

to 20.4 million tonnes. In the textile filament

declined steadily. Last year’s imports of textiles

business, we have only seen polyester lifting

and clothing amounted to US $ 89.2 billion.

United States both reimposed quotas on textiles

output, while all the others polymers sharply

Strong investments in PR China, India, Paki-

and clothing imports from PR China. However,

dropped. For the Americas and Europe, the

stan and Bangladesh over the recent years have

Western industry did not benefit from those

hit overall was hardest in this industry. Mean-

resulted in high growth rates ranging from

restrictions. Orders went to other low-income

while in the carpet yarn segment, still 85% of

14% (Pakistan) to 54% (PR China). The share of

countries in Asia instead. World fiber market

the output comes from the United States and

PR China in total imports accounted for 25%.

has witnessed a mixed performance in 2005.

Western Europe, as carpet is still the f looring

However, the United States still is significantly

While the usage of cotton, wool and silk in-

of choice for many home-owners in those re-

involved in the global textile industry as it is the

creased by 7.0% to 26.8 million tonnes, man-

gions. The industrial filament yarn business

largest exporter of cotton and the biggest tex-

made fibers rose by 1.6% to 38.1 million tonnes.

has enjoyed the strongest growth rate with

tile and apparel consuming country with 36 kg


Creating Textile Values.

per capita. On the other hand, PR China’s textile sales reached US $ 408

The further erosion of the textile industry in the United States and the EU

billion and apparel exports achieved US $ 117.5 billion in 2005. Chinese

seems inevitable as a result of low-cost imports. The impact is far-reach-

industry is clearly taking the lead in yarn production with a 40% world

ing and is resulting in significant relocation of textile operations. The

share. Nevertheless, the growth of yarn output will slow down after re-

Chinese textile industry will remain its pole position by moving facili-

introducing quotas in textile trade with EU and the United States. The

ties West to support the development of the rural economy. Bangladesh,

textile industry occupies an irreplaceable position in China’s economy

although short of input materials, India, driven by large-scale producers

and plays an essential role in balancing international trade, offering jobs

in the filament and spun yarn business, and Pakistan, although lacking

and supporting the development of rural economy. Last year, the textile

filament yarns, will continue to benefit from the widening gap in the

industry offered employment to 19.6 million workers and at the same

developed nations’ balance between consumption and production.

time, there were nearly 100 million farmers who supplied raw materials to the textile industry.

However, there is still a lot of potential for small-scale countries to grow, like e.g. Vietnam and Egypt. Vinatex plans to invest over US $ 1 billion in

World Textile Industry in 2010.

24 key expansion projects until 2010. Furthermore, it has been benefit-

The amount of fiber-related products consumed will account for about 80

ing from relocation of Taiwanese producers. Egypt, still in the challeng-

million tonnes (2000: 53 million), coming to an average annual growth

ing process of privatization, has a lot of special gifts like proximity to the

rate of 4.2%. This is higher than the average annual 2.6% increase in

European consumer markets, unlimited duty-free access to the United

the Nineties.

States following the signing of the Qualified Industrial Zone Agreement, high-quality long staple cotton and even lower labor costs than in

The reason for this accelerated growth results from the quota-free trade.

PR China. In general, the textile and clothing sector in the Middle East

This has led to a surge in supplies of textiles and clothing and further

and North African region is of paramount importance to the economies

falling prices. Additionally, the phase-out of quotas has lowered the barri-

of these countries, although their share in world trade is relatively small.

ers to entry of new exporters. Lower prices may also encourage consum-

This industry is the largest employer, providing about 30% of jobs in

ers to buy even more. Apparel end-uses are clearly dominating the world


textile market. Until 2010, it is forecast to show the strongest growth to 45 million tonnes. It is not only explainable with the new 500 million

Finally, retailers have become more prominent in the low to middle

consumers, but to a greater extent with the rising living standards in

priced market. They managed to establish and steadily improve their

PR China and India, resulting from higher disposable incomes. Any in-

own supply chain. They have developed their own brand and source their

crease in demand for apparel will result principally from demographic

clothing directly from the suppliers. This in combination with a further

shifts. Rich countries’ disposable incomes will not be growing as fast as

concentration in the retailers sector has led to a dominant market power

world’s low income countries, especially PR China and India. And there

of multinational retailers.

is the fact that western markets are both mature and saturated, thus preventing significant further growth. The demand for better quality yarns

Although sourcing in today’s low cost countries may prove sustainable,

and fabrics will mainly come from the growing middle classes which rep-

it will also offer other countries a fair opportunity to gain attractiveness.

resent roughly 15-20% of the population. In India this represents a mar-

Growth in today’s booming markets will not be endless, but constrained

ket size of some 50 million consumers, comparable to the size of some

by shortages in energy and raw materials. Economic growth will result in

European countries.

greater domestic demand for textiles and apparel as well as higher labor costs in the long run. Secondly, retailers already strongly interfering into

Western styles are increasingly popular, particularly amongst the youth

the manufacturing and distribution f low, will avoid a single-region de-

in emerging countries. This trend is being fuelled by powerful advertis-

pendency, and search for alternatives.

ing by the major international brands and retailers who are omnipresent in all markets – a trend that sees no abating. Youth fashion will mainly

This will make areas like the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, the

follow the shift to casual trends as it emerges in the US being as it is the

former Soviet Union and Latin America more attractive in the years to

principle source of most of the major brands/retailers that inf luence the

come. The issue of rapid access to the market is critical here, as a fast re-

fashion scene globally.

sponse to consumer’s needs means more cash to retailers. Cautious signs in a couple of those countries are already visible. Today’s dynamics force everybody to be part of the right supply chain for tomorrow’s success. It is becoming even more crucial to have the right partners, full market knowledge, state-of-the-art equipment and the willingness to make things happen.


Fiber Year download under

Creating Textile Values.


N eumag : F ehrer , A utefa , F O R , M & J and K ortec now fully integrate D .

The keys to nonwovens. By bringing together the brands of Neumag, Fehrer, Fincarde / FOR, Kortec, M&J and Autefa, Neumag has created a unique portfolio of key technologies and is now the industry’s leading supplier for the key airlaid, carding, and spunbond processes.

As Neumag offers complete spunbond and airlaid solutions, it was logical that one top development project would involve the supply

Looking for a turnkey solution in nonwoven?

of the successful FOR, Autefa and Fehrer technologies in a combined overall concept for the production of carded nonwovens. With FOR fibre preparation and carding, Autefa crosslapping and Fehrer needle punching, Neumag now offers a production line from bale opening to the finished roll on a one-stop shopping basis for diverse applications such as geotextiles, automotive fabrics and papermaker felts. Moreover, the addition of Neumag’s sta-

Choose one.

ple fiber technology also makes fully integrated carded nonwoven lines, starting with the polymer resin, feasible and provides a unique cost

Airlaid. Carding. Spunbond. The keys to nonwovens.

structure for nonwoven producers. An initial order for such a fully integrated plant has already been received. Fehrer. The Carding Competence Center, which

Spunlace – co-operation with Fleissner.

Opening of the Carding

will open officially in July, will be available for

A recently signed co-operation agreement

Competence Center Austria.

both customer presentations and product trials,

means that Neumag has now extended its

In order to demonstrate the advantages of the

as well as in-house R&D. In future, the Center

performance range in the complete line area

new lines for carded nonwovens, a new Card-

is to be supplemented with individual needle

to include the spunlace segment. The use of a

ing Competence Center has been created at

punching solutions, an aerodynamic carding

leading spunlace system will open the way to

Neumag Austria in Linz, which contains a

line (airlay) and a Fleissner Leanjet Spunlace

new and expanding areas of application, not

complete nonwoven pilot line with the ap-

System, a process for which a FOR card has

only in the card sector, but also with regard to

propriate technologies from FOR, Autefa and

been specially developed.

airlaid and spunbonds.

Fehrer, Autefa, Fincarde, M&J and Kortec become Neumag. In order to also demonstrate the claim to be a supplier of complete solutions for the entire industry, Fincarde has become Neumag Italy, M&J Fibretech, Neumag Denmark and Fehrer, Neumag Saurer Austria. Only the Autefa company name will remain unaltered due to its activities in other business fields. And Kortec had been fully integrated into Neumag in Neumünster last year. In purely optical terms, all the brands have renounced their separate Corporate Designs and have adopted Saurer’s corpo-


rate communications image, which is familiar throughout the textile world. As a result, business correspondence bears the Neumag/Saurer logo and in future all equipment and lines will be supplied in Saurer machine design and livery.


Creating Textile Values.

Information concerning the topic of nonwovens is now available on the Inter-

Cross-technologies on a one-stop shopping basis.

net under The complete brand range (without

Neumag not only offers its customers comprehensive solution compe-

FOR) was presented under the same umbrella for the first time at last

tence within the framework of various production processes, but also

year’s ITMA Asia in Singapore, in a move that prompted an extremely

allows the adoption of new approaches to nonwoven production and de-

positive response. In future, all the technology brands will be located on

velopment through the combination of individual technologies. In the

the Saurer or Neumag/Saurer stands at textile machinery and nonwoven

past, nonwoven producers had to combine individual technologies from

fairs, as currently exemplified by the ITM in Istanbul.

differing suppliers into an overall process and assume the risks related to combined line functionality. Today, Neumag makes it possible to obtain

However, it should be added that brands such as Fehrer, Fincarde/FOR,

combined technological solutions in a complete line on a one-stop shop-

M&J and Kortec which enjoy an outstanding market reputation and a

ping basis, from engineering to production, and including product and

corresponding brand value, will be retained as technology brands. Thus

plant performance guarantees.

the individual company locations will continue to be represented by their technologies and products. Neumag Austria with Fehrer needle loom and


aerodynamic carding technology, Neumag Italy with FOR technology for fibre preparation and carding, Neumag Denmark with M&J for airlaid lines, and Neumag headquarters with Kortec for festooning systems.

N eumag : A utefa B aling T echnology .

Comeback in Red. Since the beginning of 2005 Saurer has been the majority shareholder of Autefa automation GmbH. And following Autefa Nonwoven, now Baling Technology also presents itself as an integral part of the technological solutions offered by Neumag | Saurer.

Thus Autefa Baling Technology not only adopts

Depending on the number of bales per hour,

also be combined with tow delivery units to of-

the well-known Saurer design, but the business

the press type and corresponding additional

fer the possibility of pressing tow to bales.

unit “baling presses“ will in future also be at

equipment required are determined. For ca-

home at the Saurer exhibition stands. The in-

pacities of up to 36 tonnes per day, the NON-

Particularly if higher outputs are required, ful-

ternet appearance, too, has been extended and

STOP baling press is used. This machine is a

ly-automated systems for wrapping and strap-

newly designed. You will now find all informa-

single-box baling press, where wrapping and

ping are applicable. Both the LIFT-BOX and the

tion and news around the world of Baling Tech-

strapping can be executed manually.

UNI-BOX baling presses can be equipped with

nology under

a corresponding automation system. Up to 40 For higher capacities, the rotary press LIFT-

bales per hour can be wrapped and strapped

The Autefa baling presses are an ideal comple-

BOX C is applied. Used as a stand-alone press,


ment to the Neumag product range, as packing

this press type can be utilized for processing

machines are an essential part of any staple

the daily production of a 200 tonne fibre line.

Apart from stand-alone machines, complete

fibre production process. In the wake of inte-

Baling presses of the UNI-BOX type are the

solutions are on offer as well, comprising wrap-

gration into Saurer, Autefa customers have not

ideal solution if the customer runs several

ping, weighing, moisture determination, and,

only profited from access to a global sales and

small fibre lines. The fibres are then pressed

of course, labeling and fully-automatic trans-

service network, but also from intensive, in-

via several pre-presses (per fibre line) and one

port as well as the corresponding storage tech-

ter-company development projects. Moreover,

main press. Thus different materials can be

nology through to loading the lorry.

all procedures have been optimized, in order

processed without any mixing-up of the fibre

to better match with customer needs. Autefa

types. Baling presses of the UNI-BOX type can


Baling Technology offers baling presses that cover the complete performance range of stateof-the-art fiber lines. Products include baling presses with 25 - 600 tonnes and an output of up to 40 fully wrapped and strapped bales per hour having bale weights of 200 - 500 kg for


fiber and up to 1,000 kg for tow.

Creating Textile Values


N eumag : C arpet S olutions .

New state-of-the-art colour pop adjustment. A considerable portion of carpet yarn produced is multicolour – primarily tricolour. The colour appearance of the yarn is decisive for the visual impression left by the carpet itself. Colour separation, i.e. the vibrancy with which the individual colours are visible and their distribution frequency, essentially determine the appearance of the final product.

The spectrum of colour separations sought var-

must be tangled, i.e. be knotted at certain points

sion in the field of application and the f lexibility

ies widely from one customer to the next and

along its segmented length. Where these knots

of its Neumag BCF three-colour plants.

is a function of the fashion of the moment. It

occur, any mixture of colours is impossible, and

should be possible to produce yarns ranging

the individual colours are clearly visible. For the

from very heavily mixed-colour to very clearly

reasons indicated above, pre-tangling cannot ac-

colour-separated varieties. Therefore, in the

complish this. Tangling must take place follow-

case of mélange yarns, for instance, the col-

ing drawing and prior to texturing. This is why

ours do not appear as individual colours but

a tangling unit has now been developed which

are extremely well mixed, creating carpets of a

is positioned along the yarn path, upstream of

subdued character. The other extreme is rep-

texturing. This is how CPC – the colour pop

resented by what is referred to as colour pop

compacting device – was born.

yarns. Where these are used, the individual colours emerge in full clarity, giving the carpeting

With the development of the CPC process, Neu-

a loud, colourful effect.

mag has succeeded in making a decisive expan-

Until now, all of the processes in use for the single-step production of colour pop yarns have faced the same basic problem: every point at which the yarn is treated with air and the various colours are treated together has automatically meant a more or less pronounced mixing

In the righthand part of the picture, a colour pop yarn

of colours.

can be seen, its colours emerging distinctly – produced using the new CPC process. The left-hand part of the

To date, this problem has primarily been cir-

picture shows a mélange yarn in which, thanks to good

cumvented by the following process: The

mixture, distinct clear colours are no longer visible. The

colours are individually textured and cooled

same basic colours and colour batch ratios were used for

before each colour is then separately tangled.

the yarn production. The only difference was that the

The colours are then tangled together after-

machine parameters and configurations were changed.

wards. The drawbacks of this process are the very high expenditure of mechanical resources, the high operating costs and a relatively high tendency to breakdowns. Accordingly the godets, the texturing, the cooling and post compacting should be designed for 6 ends and the main compacting for 2 ends. This increases the investment price. Based on this situation, Neumag has developed a new colour-separation system – the colour pop


compacting device. The following idea was considered: To avoid unnecessary texturing points, the individual colours should run through a texturing point together without mixing the colours. To prevent colour mixtures, the yarn


Creating Textile Values.

A llma : T echno C order T C - S .

Great future for technical yarns and TechnoCorder TC-S. The product mix in the technical yarn market sector ranges from safety belts to artificial lawns. The future will be even more complex, diversified and interesting. This means an endless number of possibilities for Allma’s TechnoCorder TC-S, and a wide range of new products for the customers.

Market and machine in evolution.

Precision winding improves quality.

The market for technical yarns is very versatile. Guard wire, single yarns

Winding of the twisting bobbins via a friction drive was random up to

or multiple constructions, the range is vast and the spectrum continues to

now. The newly developed precision winding means that now also a sales

grow. New areas of application for innovative products are opening up and

twister has twisting bobbins of an excellent quality at his disposal. This

the demands made on yarns become more exacting. A lot is to be expected

method of winding via a forced drive mechanism of the twisting bob-

in the market for special applications, examples being high-performance

bin, where the thread layers lie parallel to one another, gives a compact

yarns or PE-/PP-ribbons. Top quality is required for producing cap-ply

twisting bobbin of excellent quality with firm density and an exact edge

yarns for the particular demands of the tire cord industry. A high rate of

construction. Strength and quality are in one unit, and for the manu-

productivity is a must with PE-/PP-ribbons. Typical examples of use here

facturers of technical yarns there is a further incentive to choose the

are artificial lawns and carpets. And this is why the TechnoCorder TC-S

TechnoCorder TC-S.

is just as versatile as the market’s demands. With a wide yarn count range and a high rate of productivity, customers have fast, flexible machines equipped to fulfil market requirements. The TechnoCorder TC-S sets standards in economic efficiency, quality, safety and user-friendliness. Fitted with individual drives and individual converters for winding and traversing, it achieves delivery speeds of up to 350 m/min, but still runs smoothly, has excellent package construction as well as machine sides that work independently. The production spectrum is particularly versatile. The yarn count range is between 235 and 6,600 dtex for processing PA, PES, CV and AR, and between 2200 and 13,000 dtex for PP-ribbons. Besides covering the entire fiber program, the most varied spindle sizes can be used thanks to the pitch of 670 mm. Thus, fine counts from 235 to 15,000 dtex can be processed, depending on the machine model.

Fast assembly and safe operation.

The excellent quality of the twisting bobbins is one of the advantages of

The TechnoCorder TC-S is assembled as a modular construction. This

the TechnoCorder TC-S. The following contribute to this high standard:

concept means assembly on site is amazingly fast. The machine can also

individual winding and traversing on each production unit, electronically

be fitted with an operating data registration system and remote diagnosis

controlled crossing angles to suppress anti-patterning and the pneumati-

by modem so that, in a case of emergency, error remedying is extremely

cally controlled pressure when winding. The twisting bobbins, which can

rapid. In practical operation, various devices such as the secure deposit-

weigh up to 16 kg – and this is another great production plus – have excel-

station for tubes and bobbin pots on the machine, the conveyor belt for

lent unwinding characteristics, the effect of which can be clearly felt in

optimal material f low and the bridge-over in the case of power failure

subsequent further processing.

ensure maximum production safety.

New technology features AiroMat and precision winding.

Top choice for flexibility.

AiroMat is the newly developed pneumatic threading system, offering

The TechnoCorder TC-S will continue to set standards in the future with

TechnoCorder users a host of advantages for improved twisting bob-

its qualities and abilities. Its f lexibility means it can successfully produce,

bin quality. The threading times are shorter and operating is very easy.

for instance, technical fabrics, string, conveyor belts, geo-textiles, artifi-

AiroMat can be used for 10" and 12" bobbins. The machine‘s efficiency

cial lawns, indeed even sewing threads for fishing nets, in the most var-

increases, in particular with coarse counts with frequent feed change.

ied markets. The list goes on and on, and new applications are constantly

The compressed air consumption is very low per threading procedure

being added. To keep it this way, we make sure our machine technology

and the compressed air can be gauged very exactly, meaning substan-

remains state-of-the-art for future successful twisting products. Our cus-

tial energy-savings. The air-threading thread brake – which can be set in

tomers can count on it.

steps – also contributes to the user-friendliness. Another plus is the very low maintenance requirement.

wolfgang.schoef f

Creating Textile Values.



Quality thanks to state-of-the-art technology.

Z inser : B ottom R ollers .

Quality down to the last detail. Zinser products are known on the market as being powerful and durable and of superior quality. Besides the production of machines Zinser has also specialised in the production of know-how parts for the textile machinery industry. E.g. spindles and drafting system bottom rollers for ring spinning machines and roving frames. Apart from the spindles, the drafting system bottom rollers of ring spinning machines and roving frames are essential components for producing ideal quality ring yarns. Therefore bottom rollers are a decisive factor for the economic efficiency of any spinning mill worldwide.

Decades of experience and Zinser’s close cus-

Convincing properties:

tomer relationships have been a substantial

inf luence on the development of the Zinser Bot-

Tolerances within thousandth part of a millimetre.

tom Rollers. Zinser’s presence on the market

and the intensive cooperation with customers

gentle yarn guidance.

Optimum f luted and knurled profiles for

result in continuous improvement and further

Precision surface properties and coating.

development of the bottom rollers. Zinser uses

Optimum concentricity.

raw material of superior quality only, identified

Ideal hardness.

through decades of experience. Only selected

Highest durability.

suppliers are accepted – Zinser applys a strict supplier quality rating system. At all Zinser

Product range:

bottom roller production facilities worldwide,

the company uses the same superior quality

spinning machines (Zinser brand and

raw material. Applying most modern produc-

machines from other manufacturers).

Bottom rollers for cotton and worsted ring

tion philosophy, a skilled and highly motivated

staff produces the bottom rollers using most

(Zinser brand and machines from other

Bottom rollers for roving frames Zinser Bottom Rollers lead to an optimum

up-to-date production centers ensuring high-


quality performance in ring spinning – quality

est precision. The tooling machinery in use for

Diameters from 25 mm to 38 mm.

remains constant over a long period of time. In

production is specially designed with Zinser

Lengths of 400 to 700 mm.

addition to that the superior quality of the Zin-

know-how by leading German tooling machin-

Bearings from leading manufacturers

ser Bottom Rollers guarantees a lifetime that

ery manufacturers. The production process

(e.g. TEXParts).

surpasses the lifetime of competitors products

is continuously monitored and optimised – a

in manifold.

100% quality inspection ensures superior quality of every single bottom roller produced.

Z inser : F ancy D raft – new options available .

The world of fancy yarns. FancyDraft – the optional device for the production of ring effect yarns and for worsted yarn ring spinning machines now has new options: With FancyDraft extended the user gains advanced possibilities for the production of innovative fancy yarns. The Zinser MemoryCard and the so-called


FancyDesigner are available as optional accessories.

On the one hand, the Zinser MemoryCard serves as a memory expansion.

An interface for 3-D simulations (e.g. Zweigle) is available. With Fan-

On the other hand, it is also a medium for data transfer from machine

cyDesigner, statistical evaluations and reports can be generated and data

to machine or to the FancyDesigner. The optional computer programme

can be filed. FancyDraft by Zinser allows a simple and economic access

FancyDesigner makes it possible to work with fancy yarns independent of

to the world of fancy yarns without costly and technically expensive ad-

the ring spinning machine. In addition to the comfortable input of fancy

ditional equipment. Field reports of customers show that it is particularly

yarn parameters, all article, machine, and fancy yarn parameters can be

the comfortable operation of FancyDraft via the EasySpin user interface

monitored. The function 2-D view, which is integrated in FancyDesigner,

which is very much appreciated by the customers.

supports the operator when developing fancy yarns.


Creating Textile Values.

S chlafhorst : A utoconer 3 3 8 .

Increased economic efficiency thanks to Ecopack FX. Ecopack FX, the high-precision length measuring system from Schlafhorst, once again proves how winding technology of highest functionality can be successfully integrated into the Autoconer. Using Ecopack FX, waste in downstream processing is significantly reduced. Since its introduction on the market in 2004, more than 10,000 units have been installed. We asked two Pakistani customers about their experiences using Ecopack FX.

The Quetta Group is one of the most important

result. We can definitely say that our packages

“We are highly satisfied with the package qual-

Pakistani textile enterprises. Both the manu-

have undergone an increase in value thanks

ity. Due to the optimum package build we

facture and downstream processing of yarns

to Ecopack FX. With an annual production of

could increase our warping speed by 100 m/

are incorporated in the company’s fully inte-

approx. 40,000 tonnes of yarn and daily fabric

min to 900 m/min, still with the lowest yarn

grated structure. There are almost 80,000 ring

production of approx. 100,000 m2 on 228 air-

break rates and optimum package unwinding,”

spindles in operation in the 5 spinning mills,

jet weaving machines, it is soon apparent that

explains Mr. Saqib Salim, Director of Mill No.

20% of which are based on compact spinning

the savings through Ecopack FX offer huge po-

3. “With the Schlaf horst packages we are set-

technology. 60% of the yarns are exported

tential for substantial cost savings”

ting the benchmark for productivity for the

thanks to their excellent quality.

Pakistani market. The efficiency of Ecopack FX is clearly demonstrated on the basis of the residues after warping: With Ecopack FX average residues only amount to approx. 170 m per package, without Ecopack FX, however, approx. 845 m per package, i.e. they were previously 5 times as high.” The introduction of Ecopack FX at Blessed Textile was such a great success that the production capacities in Mill No. 3 will be further

Owner Mr. Tariq Iqbal (left) and General Manager

extended. For this, the company acquires an-

Mr. Shoaib Asghar (right), Quetta Textile Mills gave

other 7 Autoconer 338, which of course will

information about Ecopack FX.

then be directly equipped with Ecopack FX, so the Managers explain.

For quite some time now, the new length measuring system Ecopack FX has been used there

Reducing yarn waste after warping thanks to

for winding different yarn count ranges; the re-

Ecopack FX (source: Quetta Textiles)


sults have convinced the company’s owner Tariq Iqbal and General Manager Shoaib Asghar:

Blessed Textiles Ltd., a spinning mill belong-

“We can only recommend other customers to

ing to the Umar Group of Companies, is one of

invest in the length measuring system Eco-

the top producers of PES/CO yarns in Pakistan.

pack FX. Up until now we have had a positive

Here too, the feedback concerning the use of Ecopack FX was positive. The entire Group has a spinning capacity of over 150,000 ring spindles that produce approx. 75 tonnes of yarn per day, the majority of which is processed on Autoconer winding machines. 65% of the yarns are exported. The Umer Group of Companies also has a fully integrated structure. Approx. 20% of the yarns are processed directly in the 5 weaving mills belonging to the Group. Over

E CO N O M I C S .

500 air-jet weaving machines ensure a daily Mr. Khalid Mahboob, General Manager Spinning

production of 155,000 m2 fabric.

Example of savings potentials with Ecopack FX.

(right) and Mr. Saqib Salim, Director (left) in the Autoconer plant of Blessed Textile Mills No. 3.

Creating Textile Values.


S aurer : B armag and R eliance I ndustries in I ndia .

Technology Partnership with the world’s largest polyester producer. Barmag is currently implementing one of its largest orders by installing the state-of-the-art POY machines for the manufacture of Polyester Filament Yarn at Reliance Industries Limited, India. This new capacity addition of 300,000 tons per annum makes Reliance Industries the largest producer of polyester in the world.

At the invitation of Nikhil Meswani, Executive

The Hazira plant is India’s only world scale

The guests were invited to lunch with H. S.



integrated petrochemical complex with over

Kohli, Executive Director and other senior man-

CEO Heinrich Fischer accompanied by Jan

US$ 4 billion investment and employing 3,000

agers. After that the helicopter took off from

Röttgering (CCO), Claus Mai (CFO) and K. M.

personnel. It receives Naptha and Pericylin by

the Hazira site and what at first looked like a

Thanawalla of Saurer India visited the Hazira

boat from the Reliance Jamnagar Refinery and

maze of pipes could now be seen as a huge pet-

plant in Spring 2006. The Reliance helicopter

manufactures the full range of polyolefines, fi-

rochemical complex with raw materials coming

took the guests from Mumbai airport and

bres and chemicals. The site also has a captive

in from the sea through feeder boats on one side

descended at the Hazira site which looked like

power generation capacity of 200 MW and is

and rows of trucks being loaded with yarns and

a maze of pipes from the air. The guests were

the largest polyester producing site with a ca-

fibre on the other side with the cracker; PTA,

received at the Helipad by Sudhir Singh, Senior

pacity of 451 KTA per annum of polyesters. The

MEG, PET, PSF and POY plants in between.

Vice President (POY) and S. C. Kadam, Vice

Saurer visitors spent some time at the new CP

The Saurer visitors were highly impressed not

President (PSF) and given a f loral welcome. As

11 site and met the Barmag and Reliance im-

only with the Hazira plant, but with the excel-

an honoured guest, Heinrich Fischer planted a

plementation teams. They walked around the

lent quality, productivity and commitment of

sapling to mark his visit to the plant.

POY plant with Barmag technology and talked

all who worked there. Most of all, they were

to the people. While visiting the PSF plant, the

happy to meet a satisfied customer.




group took keen interest in the bailing presses supplied by Autefa.

Reliance – India’s Largest Business House. The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932-2002), is India’s largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group revenues add up to US$ 20 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company. The Group’s activities span exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing, petrochemicals (polyester, fibre intermediates, plastics and chemicals) and textiles. Reliance enjoys global leadership in its businesses, being the largest polyester yarn and fibre producer in the world and among the top five to ten producers in the world in major petrochemical products. The Group exports products worth US$ 5 billion to more than 100 countries in the world. There are 25,000 employees on the rolls of Group Companies. Major Group Companies are Reliance Industries Limited and Indian Pet-

R E S P E C T.

rochemicals Corporation Ltd.


Creating Textile Values.

S aurer ( C hina ) T echnology C o . L td : G rand O pening C eremony .

Win-Win situation for a long-term cooperation. Covering an area of 180,000 square meters, Saurer (China) technology Co. Ltd, the largest of its scale in the world, has been declared officially open at Suzhou Industrial Park in China on April 19, 2006.

About 400 guests including Du Yuzhou, the

and Stefan Kross, the president of Saurer (Chi-

machinery and cooperative spirit plays an

president of CNTIC (China National Textile In-

na) technology Co. Ltd, gave full support to the

important part in the continual development

dustry Council), Cao Fulong, standing deputy

ceremony. Heinrich Fischer on behalf of Sau-

and great progress of China’s Textile Industry.

mayor of Suzhou, Hans J. Roth, consul general

rer, made a speech to the distinguished guests.

Technical equipment supplied by Saurer low-

of Consulate General of Switzerland, Shang-

Firstly, he expressed great gratitude for their

ers the cost of the technical equipment of Chi-

hai, Yang Jizhao, deputy secretary-general

presence at the ceremony. Then he announced

na’s textile enterprises and promotes domestic

of CNTIC, other leaders from CTMA (China

that Saurer (China) technology Co. Ltd with

textiles to a new level. The increasing varieties

Textile Machinery Association), CCTA (China

the construction space of 80,000 square me-

produced by Saurer in China and its enlarging

Cotton Textile Association) and CCFA (China

ters would be Saurer’s largest high-tech factory

scale led approximately 200 textile machinery

Chemical Fibers Association) and Dr. Giorgio

in the world in the next two years which could

equipment enterprises in China to develop and

Behr, the chairman of the Board of Directors of

provide the most advanced textile machinery.

make progress. The opening of Saurer (China)

Saurer and Heinrich Fischer, CEO of Saurer, as

He speculated that this factory would seem

technology Co. Ltd will create a win-win situa-

well as Saurer’s important customers attended

too small again in the next two or three years,

tion for long-term cooperation between Saurer

the opening ceremony.

which indicated that more and more textile en-

and China’s textile industry.

terprises were willing to cooperate with Saurer. Wang Jun, chief representative of Saurer China

It’s his sincere hope that Saurer (China) tech-

The opening ceremony came to an end after the

nology Co. Ltd will have a bright future.

grand and warm ribbon-cutting. Subsequently, all the guests were divided into different groups and cheerfully visited the factory and

formance. In his speech, he said, “the opening

the showroom. At the celebratory banquet, Dr.

shows that the cooperation between Saurer and

Giorgio Behr delivered a speech. He expressed

numerous Chinese textile enterprises has de-

appreciation to all the staff for their hard work

veloped into a new stage. With a 150-year his-

and wished Saurer (China) technology Co. Ltd

tory of development, Saurer plays a leading role

tremendous success.

of the global market in the textile machinery field. Saurer’s advanced technology of textile

Creating Textile Values.


C O M P A N Y.

Du Yuzhou much appreciated Saurer’s per-

S aurer : N ew publications present textile technological know - how .

Technology Expresses – especially for you. You can read information about Saurer’s latest technological developments and innovative machine concepts, user experiences, customer reports and the performance spectrum of Customer Support at any time in the Technology Expresses specially for your area of interest. A service that Saurer also offers in up to eight different languages.

The latest issues of the Autoconer, Twisting

can find out more about the Indian Vardhman

tions for the Autocoro 360, Schlaf horst again

and Embroidery Expresses were published just

Group. Furthermore, the April issue provides

surprises its customers and sets benchmarks

a few weeks ago. Soon the brand new Openend

insights into the current engagement of Zhe-

in the rotor spinning sector. The latest issue

Express, the successor of Autocoro Express

jiang Hailide New Material Co. Ltd. and the

can be ordered (planned publishing date July

that will cover the entire spectrum of Openend

Jiangsu Jumma Group from China. The intro-

2006) via info@schlaf

Spinning, will follow.

duction of the new VTS-10 high-speed spindle, the CarpetTwister/Cabler and the TechnoCord-

This and all other Saurer publications are avail-

The May issue of Autoconer Express focuses

er TC-S as well as further information about

able as downloads under or

this time on the various possibilities of the Au-

the twisting and cabling of yarns, round off the

can be ordered giving details of your full ad-

toconer 338 and its globally recognised wind-

new Twisting Express. Available to order under:

dress under

ing technology on the market. The main focus

point is the production of dye packages and the

economic use of the length measuring system

Laser opens up new applications.

Ecopack FX. In addition, the two companies

Embroidery Express No. 5 from May this year

Setcore Spinning A.E. from Egypt and Hellenic

introduces the new laser technology for shut-

Fabrics S.A. from Greece are portrayed. You

tle embroidery. A technology that opens up

can order the latest issue under: info@schlaf-

completely new possibilities in embroidery. In

addition, there are reports about the use of EMStudio software and the embroidery machine

Glimpse into the markets.

AMAYA from Melco. Available to order under:

The April issue of Twisting Express provides an

indepth insight into the different markets and customer projects from Allma and Volkmann

The reports of the new Openend Express were

in the twisting sector. In a report about the

not all available at the time of copy deadline,

award of the “Golden Spindle” for example, you

but here’s a tip: With the BD 380 and new op-

IMPRINT. Saurer GmbH  &  Co. KG Corporate Communications Textile Landgrafenstraße 45 D-41069 Mönchengladbach Phone: +49 2161 28-0 Fax.

+49 2161 28-3236 Responsible for content: André Wissenberg Editors: Susanne Beyer, Andreas Engelhardt, Waltraud Jansen, Stefan Kalies, James Li, Ute Probst, Martin Rademacher, Heike Scheibe, Wolfgang Schöffl, Mathias Stündl, Khurshed Thanawalla, Michael Tuschak, André Wissenberg Special thanks to Dr. Jörg Meyer, Andreas Trautmann and Angela Riks, EUtech Energie & Management GmbH, Aachen, for the research-support for the e-save® article. Photography: Ralf Buchholz, Achim Krug, Friedemann Rieker, mo' advertising


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Creating Textile Values.

Karten Druck & Medien GmbH & Co. KG,

Creating Textile Values. Saurer is the world market leader for full-service solutions in textile machinery, and constantly sets new benchmarks for efficient textile production.


Setting Benchmarks.


Creating Value.


Partnering Progress.

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