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No 133

August 2011

EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief HH Sayyid Tarik Bin Shabib Group Editor Mayank Singh Assistant Editor Visvas Paul D Karra Sub Editor Muhammed Nafie DESIGN Senior Art Director Sandesh S. Rangnekar Senior Designer M. Balagopalan Senior Photographer Rajesh Burman Photographer Motasim Abdulla Al Balushi Cover concept Chanjeet Singh Production Manager Govindaraj Ramesh MARKETING Business Head Jacob George Senior Advertising Manager Avi Titus Advertising Manager Arif Abdul Bari Assistant Advertising Manager Sanjeev Rana CORPORATE Chief Executive Sandeep Sehgal Executive Vice President Alpana Roy Vice President Ravi Raman



ou are what you drive’ is an often heard refrain. A million dollar mansion may have more value but since it is stationary, chances are that lesser number of people are likely to see the occupant. The same holds true for bank accounts, shares or jewellery. With cars, you wear your status on the road. The brands are easily recognisable and everyone knows which ones are the most expensive. Call it vanity or human fallacy, the truth is that many people buy expensive cars to project an image of being wealthy or important. Apart from buying for status, people also buy cars for making a different statement. Driving an environment-friendly hybrid is a badge of your empathy with the green movement. It shows that you are committed to saving fuel and are a votary of sustainable development. Then there are others who pick cars for their comfort and driving pleasure. Whether you buy a car for status, fashion, comfort, or the environment, the fact remains that, what you drive, does reflect something about you. In Oman, Ramadan is a month when big ticket sales take place. The figures range from a third to almost half of annual sales at various outlets. Distributors throw in offers, packages and freebies to attract customers. The multiplicity of choice and available offers can make buying a car more difficult than it should be. To simplify things, OER has compiled a list of cars cutting across segments and price points to help prospective buyers identify a vehicle that fits their needs and budget. Happy shopping.

Senior Business Support Executive Radha Kumar Business Support Executive Zuwaina Said Al-Rashdi Distribution United Media Services LLC

Mayank Singh

OER Presentations

Published by United Press & Publishing LLC PO Box 3305, Ruwi, Postal Code - 112 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Tel: (968) 24700896, Fax: (968) 24707939 Email: publish@umsoman.com Website: www.umsoman.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person or organisation acting or refraining as a result of material in this publication. OER accepts no responsibility for advertising content. Copyright Š 2011 United Press & Publishing LLC Printed by Oman Printers Correspondence should be sent to: Oman Economic Review United Media Services PO Box 3305, Ruwi 112, Sultanate of Oman Fax: (968)24707939 Email: editor@oeronline.com Website: www.oeronline.com


August 2011

OER -magazine

To read, click on link at: www.oeronline.com


Progress 2011-2012 is on stands


and communication technology, real estate, manufacturing, power, infrastructure, tourism etc. Each of these sectors is covered in dedicated chapters highlighting the strides taken by the Sultanate in these areas.

nited Media Services (UMS) has published the 17th edition of its annual bilingual publication Progress 2011-2012 saluting His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said on the occasion of the 41st anniversary of Oman’s Blessed Renaissance.

Progress is the first annual country book that is available in a digital version on www.progressoman.com. The digital version offers readers online access to a more comprehensive range of articles than the print edition. It will serve as a one stop reference point for people seeking information on Oman’s remarkable journey over the last 41 years. Progress takes an in-depth look at the various sectors that have contributed to the Sultanate’s development and modernisation. The annual country book stands out for its exhaustive analysis of various sectors such as oil and gas, banking, finance and insurance, capital market, education and healthcare, agriculture, retailing, aviation, information

The opening article examines how Vision 2020 has become the country’s blueprint for creating a more selfsustaining, oil independent economy on a par with the rest of the world in all sectors of economy, commerce and trade. Other articles focus on the latest developments, key financial indicators and the future roadmap. They delve into how the Sultanate, guided by the vision and determination of His Majesty, has achieved remarkable progress and development in various fields and established a strong economy by harnessing its natural resources and encouraging private enterprise. The new edition of Progress surveys Oman’s march towards modernity assuming a position of eminence both at the regional and international levels.

Networked Readiness Index (NRI). This was endorsed by the recently released report of the World Economic Forum, one of the best evaluation mechanisms on the effect of communication and IT in economic progress and competition among 138 states. The government has taken e-governance very seriously by taking a number of eOman initiatives such as eGovernment Services Portal, Oman Government Network, ePayment Gateway and the e.oman awareness campaign. We cannot gloss over the fact that information communication technologies (ICT) offer immense opportunities for improving various services and facilitating contact between government institutions and people. Ambika Hemanth, CBD, Ruwi



Your cover story on Digital Oman was an excellent analysis of Oman’s IT industry. Oman is going through an IT revolution as exemplified by its 41st position in the

The decision of His Majesty Sultan to open Islamic banks in the country will help Oman tap into the demand for shari’ah-compliant products and banking


August 2011

services currently being met elsewhere in the Gulf region where Islamic finance thrives. This decision should also help in curtailing to a certain extent the outflow of Shari’ah-compliant investments from Oman. For the existing conventional banks, this should open up new revenue streams and present with opportunities for volume growth. Azim Basha, Al Aziaba

CORRIGENDUM In the May 2011 issue of OER (Beyond Boardrooms page 127), Suhail Ameer Mannapatt, Executive Director, Agnice International, was erroneously quoted as ‘He always advised me not to give priority to reputation instead of money’. The correct statement should be: ‘He always advised me to give priority to reputation instead of money’. The error is regretted. – Editor Write to us with your comments/ feedback at: editor@oeronline.com





OPEC, Brent Crude and oil shares North Sea Brent crude is expected to fall as Saudi Arabia boosts output and global industrial production softens



Stage set for Oman Debate 2011 The highly successful and much anticipated annual business forum organised by OER will be held in October

INTERVIEW Take off stage

HE Anil Wadhwa, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman shares his views on economic and commercial relations between the two countries


For breaking new grounds The eighth edition of OER CEO Golf will tee off at the Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club on January 12, 2012



Broadening horizons New Zealand is looking to explore new avenues of mutual cooperation with Oman and the entire GCC as a whole



Manfred Schweizer, CEO/ General Manager, Arabian Trails is exploring the possibility of giving visitors to the Sultanate an authentic Arabian experience 6



August 2011





A veritable mosaic Business Gateways International offers an innovative international framework to showcase SMEs, large corporate houses and ministries




Live smarter


58 62


By Kannan Murali



Towards nationalisation Successful nationalisation requires a significant commitment from managements to make it happen


Sustainable mobility The BMW Group has recognised that it is becoming increasingly important to have a balance between individual mobility and protecting the environment


Kuwait’s metro ambitions Kuwait’s planned metro project should strengthen Kuwait’s positioning as a key business hub in the region



How to be more than just better Rob Yeung’s ‘The Extra One Per Cent’chronicles the skills and behaviours that distinguish high achievers from their less successful counterparts



August 2011


Economy Watch


Business Briefs


Executive Movements




Market Watch






Credit concerns likely to persist in Gulf banks GCC Banks’ Funding Structure

GCC Bank Reported NPL Ratios

GCC Real Estate Sector Concentration

Bars in the above graph show the total loans to the real estate sector, divided by country (left-hand scale, in US$ millions). Line charts show year-on-year growth in loans to the real estate sector for each country (right-hand scale, in %) Sources: Moody’s Investors Service


August 2011



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Flight from Muscat via Abu Dhabi to Istanbul, Overnight in Istanbul Discover Istanbul – Sightseeingtour and Bosphorus Cruise, Overnight ŵďĂƌŬĂƟŽŶ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ DĞŐĂͲzĂĐŚƚ WĞŐĂƐƵƐ͕ At sea to Canakkale ĂŶĂŬŬĂůĞ͗ KƉƟŽŶĂů ĞdžŬƵƌƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ dƌŽLJĂ ͬ Assos – Overnight Assos: Early morning sailing to Dikili ŝŬŝůŝ͗ KƉƟŽŶĂů džĐƵƌƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ WĞƌŐĂŵŽŶ͕ At sea to Kusadasi <ƵƐĂĚĂƐŝ Žƌ ^ĂŵŽƐ /ƐůĂŶĚ͗ KƉƟŽŶĂů džĐƵƌƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ ƉŚĞƐƵƐ Kusadasi: Early morning sailing to Didim ŝĚŝŵ͗ KƉƟŽŶĂů ĞdžĐƵƌƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ DŝůĞƚƵƐ ŝĚŝŵ͗ ĂƌůLJ ŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ ƐĂŝůŝŶŐ ƚŽ WĂƚŵŽƐ͕ WĂƚŵŽƐ͗ KƉƟŽŶĂů ĞdžĐƵƌƐŝŽŶ Swim Stop in Angistri in the morning before sailing into Aegina for a visit of the Afea dĞŵƉůĞ͘ Morning sailing from Aegina to Athens – Zea DĂƌŝŶĂ͕ ŝƐĞŵďĂƌŬĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ dƌĂŶƐĨĞƌ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ĂŝƌƉŽƌƚ ĨŽƌ LJŽƵƌ ŇŝŐŚƚ ďĂĐŬ ǀŝĂ ďƵ ŚĂďŝ ƚŽ DƵƐĐĂƚ͘

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Nawras wins ‘Best IPO in Middle East’ GRAND HYATT’S IFTAR OFFERS Grand Hyatt Muscat offers traditional Iftar promotions in the Holy Month of Ramadan. The Mokha Café will have a selection of time-honoured favorites, prepared by Chef Marin Leuthard and his brigade. Dishes include those such as Harris, Lamb Ouzi, Omani Halwa, Um Ali and a selection of fresh breads, fresh juices and sweets. For a more intimate setting, live Oud music will be played in Sirj Tea Lounge, offering magical surroundings overlooking the Arabian Sea.

OMAN WINS 2ND PLACE IN IMAGINE CUP A team of university students from Oman has won the second place in the Digital Media category of Microsoft’s Imagine Cup USA 2011 worldwide competition. “Brothers Forever” consisting of Sultan Qaboos University’s Osama al Adawi and Salim Al Harbi, with Malik al Kindi as Team Mentor, was the only Arab team in the category. Competitors in the Digital Media segment were asked to create web videos to share their points of view and generate awareness of critical global issues. The ‘Brothers Forever’’ project team video, entitled ‘Clorofilter for a Green Life’ tells the story about a man, who shows us a better future with a great invention that can help reduce pollution.

ETIHAD DEAL WITH SNCF Etihad Airways continues to build its presence in France with the signing of a new commercial agreement with French Railways (SNCF). The deal – Etihad’s 32nd – will allow Etihad passengers to book flights beyond Paris Charles de Gaulle airport (CDG), by connecting onward to SNCF’s 2,000 kilometre high-speed TGV rail routes, and vice-versa. 12

August 2011

Nawras was named ‘Best IPO in the Middle East’ at a glittering achievement awards ceremony held recently in London. Nawras company secretary, Philippe Vogeleer accepted the prestigious award from EMEA Finance magazine, on behalf of the Nawras team. The judges described Nawras IPO as an outstanding deal for Oman, stating “not only was it the country’s first bookbuilt IPO, requiring joint issuers Morgan Stanley and BankMuscat to develop the process, it was also the biggest listing in the Arab-GCC region in

2010.” Ross Cormack, CEO Nawras, says, “Working on this IPO was an exciting and demanding project

which involved breaking new ground in Oman, at a time when the global economic situation was challenging.

BankMuscat wins Bank of the Year award BankMuscat has won the ‘Best Bank Award’ by Banker Middle East. This is the eighth year that the bank has been selected in the category of the ‘Bank of the Year’. At the Banker Middle East Industry Awards held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, the awards were presented to the best performing banks in each country based on

in-depth and unique research methodology. The fastest growing banks in each country were also recognised on the occasion. The award reflects the success and financial achievements of top banks from across the Middle East. According to The Banker Middle East, the criteria

for the assessment of the ‘Bank of the Year Award’ are built around detailed questionnaires provided by banks. The award for a single bank in each country is for the best overall performance in the previous period incorporating performance criteria, qualitative achievements and strategic initiatives.

Qaboos and the Private Sector launched HE Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Bakri, Minister of Manpower launched the book ‘Qaboos and the Private Sector: Insights into the Thoughts of The Leader’, published by Mazoon Press and Publishing, to mark four decades of the blessed Renaissance. This is the first documentary book that contains all the illuminations that came in

the speeches of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said during

the years of the blessed Renaissance about the private sector. His Majesty’s words have drawn the steps and principles of partnership between private and public sectors for the development and prosperity of the society. HE Bakri says that the book conveys the unity between the public and private sectors in executing the directives of His Majesty the Sultan.

Omantel launches ‘Give, Share and Care’ LA MER OPENS NEW WEBSITE La Mer, one of Muscat’s premier beachfront restaurants, recently launched its new website www. lamer-oman.com and Facebook page. The website and Facebook page will help La Mer to portray its refreshing dining experience, interact with customers, and create an online community of ‘foodie’s.

FIVE FROM OMAN IN CONSTRUCTION 100 LIST Galfar managing director Dr Mohammed Ali, Shoba Developers Chairman, PNC Menon, Al Hassan Group chairman Hassan bin Ali Salman, OHI Chairman, Maqbool Ali Saleh and Carillion Alawi board member Abdul Munim al Zawawi were featured in the 2011 Construction Week Power 100 List compiled by Construction Week Magazine.

MASAFI LAUNCHES HONEYDEW MELON FLAVOUR Masafi Juice announced the launch of Honeydew Melon flavour in Tetra Pak. With the new flavour, which offers a healthy option to discerning customers’ tastes and preferences, Masafi Juice comes in six original flavours and juice blends in Tetra Pak. The new flavour offers the unmatched taste and health benefits of Honeydew Melon in its purest form.

PLANET SUPRA LAUNCHED Sadolin Paints Oman Ltd launched its latest offering – Planet Supra at Intercontinental Hotel recently. A thermal barrier coating, ‘Planet Supra’ is the first carbon offset product in the Japanese Paints industry and is brought to Oman under a technical collaboration between Sci paint japan, Inc and Sadolin Paints (Oman) Ltd.


August 2011

Omantel has announced details of its third annual Ramadan charity campaign called “Give, Share and Care” that will help to deliver Ramadhan food boxes and supplies to more than 1800 needy families across the Sultanate during the holy month of Ramadan. The campaign is being run by Omantel in partnership with

Dar Al Atta and the Ministry of Social Development and will commence from July 25 when the distribution of food boxes will commence to families across the country. Omantel staff members will work with Dar Al Atta staff to distribute the boxes to families who have been identified as having the greatest need by

the ministry. Food distribution is the first of three elements of the “Give, Share and Care” campaign that will also encourage all Omantel staff to make cash donations that will take place until the mid of Ramadan. The third activity of the campaign will be the distribution of Eid clothes to deserving families all over the country.

Port of Salalah inks pact for distribution hub The Port of Salalah recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Spanishbased global logistics leader Algeposa Group for the construction and operation of a state-of-the-art distribution centre within the port.

The initiative promises to enhance Salalah’s preeminence as a hub not only for transshipment cargo and logistics, but distribution as well. Peter Ford, CEO, Port of Salalah, and Carlos Gonzales, general manager, Algeposa

Group Spain, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organisations. Also present at the signing was Jose Luis Rosello, Spanish Ambassador to Oman, among other senior representatives of Salalah Port and Algeposa Group.

OIC consortium wins RO127.5mn airport project A consortium consisting of Oman Investment Corporation (OIC) and Ultra Electronics Holdings plc from the United Kingdom, won a RO127.5mn contract for the Muscat and Salalah Airport IT and Systems Integration project. Oman Investment Corporation is a leading private equity investment company in Oman with investments in oil & gas,

petrochemicals, manufacturing and services industries. Ultra Electronics is an internationally successful defence, security, transport and energy company with a long, consistent track record of development and growth. The two companies will establish an Oman based company “ULTRA Middle East” to execute and manage this project. OIC will have

30 per cent shareholding in this company. Eng Kalat G. Al Bulooshi, CEO of Oman Investment Corporation says, “We are creating an Omani business which will enable the execution of the airport project and similar long term operations and maintenance support for this project as well as for projects in other GCC countries.”

TRA approves phase 1 of FTTH GULF AIR STARTS FLIGHTS TO COPENHAGEN Gulf Air, the national carrier of the Kingdom of Bahrain, commenced its services to Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. With the commencement of this service, Gulf Air seeks to open the doors for huge commercial and tourism opportunities in the whole of Scandinavia and the Baltic region, and the Middle East, North Africa and beyond.

AXA TO HELP ‘PLANT A BOOK’ AXA Insurance Gulf has joined hands with like-minded corporates and establishments to leverage the power of books to support a noble social cause in the Sultanate. The ‘Plant A Book’ is a unique 100 per cent charity initiative supported by AXA Insurance Gulf as associate sponsor and offers everyone a chance to realise a humane goal in the Sultanate.

PORT OF SALALAH RECEIVES NEW WIRE ROPE GRABS Port of Salalah General Cargo Terminal (GCT) has received new bulk handling equipment to improve efficiency. The equipment, comprising of three heavy duty Wire Rope Grabs, is part of the port’s investment in the expansion of its general cargo operations equipment. The state-of-the-art Grabs cost $535,000 and will be used to handle dry bulk cargo such as Limestone, Gypsum, Iron Ore, Corn and Wheat. The Grabs will be able to handle up to 30 ton lifts and operate at 600 metric tonnes per hour significantly increasing productivity and shortening vessel turnaround times. It is expected that a bulk vessel of 55K deadweight tonnage that would have taken 3.5 days to load will have its loading time at the port reduced by up to 40 per cent. 16

August 2011

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) approved the Fiber-To-TheHome (FTTH) pilot project in

the Sultanate, which involves connecting high-speed Internet to homes in Ma’bailah North and Ma’bailah South,

along with other telecom services according to the selection of operators. This pilot project extends for a period of nine months from the start of the project and is implemented by the two licensed operators Omantel and Nawras. The aim of the pilot project is to test the technical feasibility of the fibre-optic infrastructure (FTTH), where the government has already allocated a budget for building a fibre-tothe-home network (FTTH) as part of Muscat Wastewater Project implemented by Haya Water Company.

BankDhofar launches motor insurance BankDhofar announced the launch of Tamini, the first of its series of Bancassurance products, offering customers the very best rates in motor insurance. Tamini features economical prices and is administered by Oman United Insurance Company (OUIC). Tamini offers many benefits including special premium

rates for customers with no accident claims; competitive premiums are available for comprehensive and thirdparty policies, providing two distinct levels of cover, the first, provide price sensitive

shoppers with third party car insurance cover. The second,provides customers with comprehensive cover. “Customer preference and demand is what drives us towards providing customers with innovative products to meet their needs,” says Faisal Hamad Al Wahaibi, AGM Retail Banking.

Oman Air’s offer on Muscat-Salalah flights 2011, the airline will be offering return flights at the special rate of just RO51 – a reduction of up to 20 per cent on the average market fare.

Oman Air has announced a superb new offer on flights from Muscat to Salalah. From July 1 to the end of September

Whilst Oman Air has taken steps to ensure that the maximum number of seats is available throughout the period of the offer, these fares are sure to prove extremely popular and customers are advised to book at the earliest opportunity. Abdul

Razaq Alraisi, Oman Air’s chief commercial officer, announced the offer, saying, “Our move to offer this special rate reflects the dedication of the national carrier towards the community, also meets the needs of its valued customers. We are sure many Omanis, as well as residents of the GCC region and tourists from far and wide, will visit Salalah over the coming months and enjoy the verdant beauty of the Dhofar region.

Haya Water to ensure a greener Ramadan

Residents in Muscat will be able to enjoy a “greener” experience in this Ramadan thanks to the efforts of Haya Water to supply treated water to ensure that the trees, grass

and plants of the parks in Muscat and public areas stay healthy. Omar Al Wahaibi, CEO, Haya Water says, “We are delighted that the benefits of our project are now helping

in a significant way to ensure that Muscat’s open spaces and parks stay green and healthy during Ramadan – a time when so many families will go out together in the evening and want to enjoy the cooler weather together at this very special time of the year.” Over 50 million litres of treated water is provided by Haya Water for irrigation purposes in the Muscat Municipality area – or the equivalent of enough water to fill 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Indian Embassy outsources services The Embassy of India, Muscat recently outsourced its entire passport and visa services to the Indian Passport and Visa Service centre run by M/s BLS International Services, Oman. With effect from July 25, 2011 all the passport

and visa applications will be accepted and delivered only at the centre located at Trade Center building near Sheraton Hotel, Ruwi. Accordingly, the process of collection of passport and visa applications, dissemination

of information and forms to clients, collection of fee, capturing and dissemination of data in electronic format to the mission and delivery of the serviced documents to the applicants would be done by the centre.

Oman, Bormes held the post of vice president and looked after Shangri-La hotels in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong from 2007 to 2011, during which he was also responsible for sourcing new hotel development opportunities for the Shangri-La group.

Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa has recently appointed seasoned hotelier Robert A Bormes as general manager. Before his recent transfer to

The Middle East is a new destination for Bormes, but his years of exemplary achievements and passion for innovation is expected to bring further success to Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa.

Harald A Hartung has been appointed as the new managing director of Doka Muscat succeeding Geir Gj Jensen who retired after 40 years of

NAWRAS BAGS PAN ARAB AWARDS Nawras picked up three awards at the seventh Pan Arab Web Awards held recently in Lebanon. Representing Oman’s customer friendly communications provider, Online Manager, Idris Al-Balushi was in Beirut to accept the accolades at an event attended by an audience of more than 450 of the region’s IT professionals.

AHEC-AUH WINS TWO HSE STANDARDS Al Hassan Engineering Co. Abu Dhabi (AHEC-AUH), subsidiary of Oman based Al Hassan Engineering Co. (AHEC), a leading EPC contractor has been awarded certification to ISO 14001: 2004 -Environment Management System Standard and OHSAS 18001: 2007 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard. In April 2010, AHEC-AUH was certified to ISO 9001:2008-certified Quality Management System (QMS).

professional life in the construction business. A civil engineer since 1979, Harald has gained extensive professional experience in sitemanagement in Germany as well as overseas. He joined Doka in 2001 as general manager of Doka Saudi-Arabia. In 2005 he took over various tasks in the Doka headquarter in Amstetten, leading his ways to Iran, India, Libya and other Maghreb countries, where in 2006-2007 he founded and managed several Doka companies and representations in Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Libya and Morocco. August 2011 17


OPEC, Brent Crude and oil shares North Sea Brent crude is expected to fall as Saudi Arabia boosts output and global industrial production softens

The author is a renowned investment banker based in Dubai


PEC has faced n u m e r o u s crises since its establishment in 1960 to extract greater royalties from the Seven Sister corporate colossi who once dominated the international oil market. The closure of the Suez Canal, the 1973 October war in the Golan and the Suez, the 1974 Arab embargo, the 1975 terrorist attack by Carlos the Jackal on the OPEC Vienna secretariat, the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979, the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, the Lockerbie tragedy and UN sanctions against Libya, the 1999 oil price collapse, the 2008 oil death spiral and the 2011 Arab uprisings. OPEC’s greatest achievement in the past half century has been sheer survival, a testament to the vision of its two founders, the late Saudi Sheikh Abdullah Al Tariki and the Venezuelan Juan Pablo Perez Alfonso.

OPEC’s swing producers Saudi Arabia plays a unique role in OPEC because it is the largest producer, and boasts the largest, lowest cost reserves. The kingdom has the ability to increase or decrease its output because it has 3MBD spare capacity. So 18

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Saudi Arabia acts as the swing producer and price discipline enforcer in OPEC. This is exactly what Sheikh Yamani did in 1986, when oil prices plunged down to seven dollars when the Saudis wanted to punish endemic quota cheating by Nigeria and Iran. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE have acted as a united bloc in OPEC since the 1970s, since their strategic interest is to stabilise oil prices and prevent ruinous price shocks that could mean recession in the world economy. Acting together, Riyadh, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi have acted as the swing producers of OPEC, the de facto central banks of black gold.

speculative spiral, such as the one that took prices to $148 in July 2008.

In June 2011, the three GCC oil producers will act in unison with Saudi oil minister Ali Al Naimi’s words, “deliver what is needed to the oil market”. This means another 1.5 MBD to compensate for loss of Libyan exports and the end of the Asian refinery maintenance season and winter heating oil demand.

Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, Algeria and Libya know that this scenario means lower prices and lower revenues since they do not have the spare capacity to boost production in any case. There is a supply shock in Dated Brent, the reason for its $20 spread against West Texas and the Brent/Dubai spread is at a record eight dollars. The conclusion is unmistakable, major fall in North Sea Brent crude is imminent. I believe Brent crude will fall at least $20 as the Saudis boost output, global industrial production softens and NATO takes out Colonel Gaddafi. The dismal June US job report only increases the soft patch/double dip recession risk, a negative for oil prices. Saudi Arabia’s oil production in 2011 will be the highest since 1979, the year the Shah lost his Peacock Throne, and the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. This time the wolf is here.

In essence, no 2008 style price spiral and boom-bust cycle is expected. This was the reason the IEA, led by the US Strategic Reserve Fund, sold 60 MBD to preempt a

A price war would be ominous for the future of OPEC. OPEC quotas are irrelevant to the world’s two crude oil superpowers – Saudi Arabia and Russia. Saudi Arabia and


THE PRICE OF BRENT, THE WORLD’S PREEMINENT LIGHT SWEET CRUDE BENCHMARK IS DESTINED TO FALL IN THE NEXT THREE MONTHS Iran have divergent economic and political interests in the oil market and across the Arab world. Under UN sanctions, without spare capacity, Iran cannot retaliate against Saudi interests in OPEC. The price of Brent, the world’s preeminent light sweet crude benchmark is destined to fall in the next three months.

Pressure on prices The global economic scenario suggests pressure on oil prices in the next three months. The ECB and the People’s Bank of China have both raised interest rates and the Eurozone debt

crisis could easily spread to Spain/Portugal while the UK Coalition government enacts the most draconian government spending cuts since Thatcher’s era in the 1980s. With 14 million jobless workers in the US, the prospects for US gasoline demand growth in the summer is not at all positive. The global economic soft patch is all too real. This means a price war and lower oil prices.The West Texas – Brent spread widened dramatically due to the loss of Libyan light sweet crude (priced off Brent), the North Sea maintenance season and

the oil cargo glut in Cushing, Oklahoma delivery point for NYMEX West Texas futures contract. The Brent – WTI spread is a buy at 15 for a $25 target. The world’s leading oil companies have now discounted a $80-85 price range for Brent crude, well below current traded levels. While I expect oil shares will fall in July and August as Brent drifts lower, this is an opportunity to target major oil companies that offer high production growth, long life reserves and modest valuation

metrics. Apache Petroleum (APA), whose shares were pressured by its exploration and production acreage in Egypt’s Western desert, trades at only nine times forward earnings even though it offers 16 per cent ROE, 15 per cent annual production growth and long life reserves in Texas/Alberta, Argentina and the North Sea. Apache is a potential takeover candidate for a Big Oil colossus interested in replenishing reserves in a world with declining production rates. This means Apache offers compelling value at $110 for a $180-200 target.


TAKE OFF STAGE As India gets ready to celebrate its Independence Day on August 15, 2011, HE Anil Wadhwa, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman shares his views on economic and commercial relations between the two countries. Excerpts from an interview with Mayank Singh

What have been the highlights of India-Oman bilateral relations in the last one year? Indo-Oman bilateral relations have seen a rapid stride during the last year. Some of the major highlights of the year were the signing of the final documents related to the India-Oman Joint Investment Fund in July 2010 and signing of the Final Report of the Higher Committee on Economic Cooperation between India and Oman. The former deals with discovering and exploring investment opportunities in both countries while the later has laid out a road map to enhance and intensify economic and commercial relations between the two countries by identifying nine areas of cooperation. These areas are: agriculture, healthcare, infrastructure, tourism, chemicals and fertilizers, education, oil & gas, power and mining. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cultural cooperation was also signed last year. The MoU will establish formal routes between the two countries to cultivate close cultural cooperation by exchange visits of artists, academicians and cultural troupes. The MoU also covers the exchange of historical manuscripts, identification of historical monuments, etc. Government of India has decided to export 40,000 tonnes of wheat and 10,000 tonnes of non-basmati rice to Oman. Earlier, Oman raised this issue during the visit of Indian Minister of Commerce & Industry Anand Sharma to Muscat at the 6th session of India-Oman Joint Commission Meeting in September 2010. Thus, India and Oman are cooperating to enhance food security. Overall, our bilateral relations are steady and moving ahead towards a strategic relationship. Bilateral trade between the two countries has witnessed fast paced growth in the last couple of years. What has contributed to this phenomenal growth over the years? Bilateral trade between the two countries crossed $4.5bn during the Indian financial year 2009-10 (April 2009 – March 2010). According to the latest figures from Oman, bilateral trade is around $3.5bn in 2010, but this does not include figures of oil & gas exports from Oman to India for the second half of 2010. India ranked as the fifth largest source of imports into Oman last year. In addition to this


August 2011

With Us, You are in the Safest Hands.

INTERVIEW India was the second biggest importer of Omani non-oil exports and third largest importer of Omani crude oil. Oman’s recent focus on non-oil exports has given a major thrust in increasing exports from Oman. A study by the then OCIPED for strategic marketing in India revealed that the total Omani exports to India have shown rapid growth from RO 133mn in 2005 to RO911mn in 2009. Studies indicate even better performance in the first half of 2010, with total Omani exports of RO779mn over the six months alone. OCIPED identified 21 goods of Omani origin for exports to India. On the other hand, Indian products are achieving a brand name across the globe and ensure entry in every possible market. Close cultural relations between the two countries are among other driving forces which are continuously increasing commercial engagements between them. India which earlier used to export mainly food items has also diversified its trade basket by exporting machinery, electronic goods and equipments, machinery, auto mobile, consultancy services, training, etc. Which are the sectors that hold promise for two way trade and why? Oman and India cooperation is to ensure overall development of the economies of the two countries and this will be done through enhanced bilateral cooperation in two way investment, technical assistance and identification of new areas of cooperation. The Higher Committee has already identified nine areas of cooperation which I have already mentioned. India’s move towards energy security is searching new markets to get additional supply of crude oil. Oman’s move to supply its crude to India resulted in export of 36.5 bbl crude oil to India in 2010. In coming years, the focus will be on expanding cooperation in developing medical facilities, food security, fertiliser plants and investments in infrastructure sector, etc. Higher education and vocational training are other areas where India and Oman are moving closer. India is already offering 50 slots annually for Omani personnel under its International Technical Training Programme. During the 6th session of JCM, the Omani side 22

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had shown keen interest in developing fertiliser plants in India. An impressive Indian presence, around 573,000 Indians working Oman, ensures close commercial engagement between the two countries. Your Excellency has been instrumental in initiating a number of measures (like the India-Oman Joint Investment Fund) that hold a lot of promise, can you share some of these initiatives and how these have shaped up? The foundation of India-Oman Joint Investment Fund was laid during the visit of Dr Manmohan Singh, prime minister of India to Oman in November 2008. During this visit, a MoU was signed between State Bank of India (SBI) and State General Reserve Fund of Oman (SGRF) to set up a Joint Investment Fund to make equity investments in various economic sectors

Recent highlights ¾ Trade between the two countries crossed $4.5bn during the Indian financial year April 2009 – March 2010 ¾ India-Oman Joint Investment Fund started operations in February 2011 with an investible corpus of $100mn ¾ India has decided to export 40,000 tonnes of wheat and 10,000 tonnes of non-basmati rice to Oman of both the countries. Final documents related to the establishment of the Fund, were inked in July 2010 during the visit of the then Omani Minister for National Economy HE Ahmed bin Abdulnabi Macki to India. The joint venture started operations in February 2011 with an investible corpus of $100mn (going up to $1.5bn) to be contributed equally by SGRF and SBI. The fund is being operated by a joint management company headquartered in Mumbai. The fund is exploring opportunities in all sectors without any specific preference. Foreign Direct Investment between Oman and India has been on the rise with Indian companies investing in the Sultanate and Oman’s public and private sector doing the same in India. Do you foresee bilateral FDI growing in future?

Given the geographical proximity, India and Oman are close partners in economic activities. Many large Indian companies have already established themselves in Oman, and some, for example, L&T Modular Fabrication Yard and Jindal Shadeed Iron & Steel in Sohar and OMIFCO – a fertiliser joint venture in Sur- have large commercial operations. The recent commissioning of six mmtp Bharat Oman Refinery Limited in Bina, India is an example of a successful Omani investment into India. Besides, there are many examples which reflect the gradual increase in two way investments. After the 6th JCM, there are many projects under examination which will result in further big ticket investments. Since Oman is a member of the GCC and has an FTA with the US, setting up Indian manufacturing units in Oman is attractive for Indian industries. GCC has emerged as a largest trading partner for India and India is trying to diversify its trade basket with the GCC countries. If Oman could invite more investment from India it will be a win-win situation for both countries as it will provide them more items for exports in order to move away from a hydrocarbon based economy and on the other hand Indian industry will get a new market in the GCC region. A lot of potential is yet unexplored in the field of manufacturing between the two countries and we need to develop cooperation in setting up joint manufacturing units which could in turn provide a better and profitable market for industries of the both countries. As of July 2010, there more than 1,500 Indo-Oman joint ventures in Oman. Besides this, there are 140 large Indian companies present in Oman and around 30 Omani companies that have operations in India. India and Oman have lot to offer to each other especially sharing each other’s experience in various sectors such as food security, medical tourism, agriculture, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and science and technology. India and Oman could also work to accelerate cooperation between SME sectors of the two countries. Therefore, I am confident that bilateral investment is set for a boom in years to come.


DREAM ON WHEELS There’s nothing like pulling up in a sports or luxury car in front of a hotel or a hypermarket to attract those wide-eyed looks. A car has long been an epitome of luxury and status world over, and things are no different in Oman. Car aficionados, exuding an unmatched passion can be found in every part of the Sultanate. The month of Ramadan sees buyers checking out their favourite models in hordes. The holy month accounts for a major portion of car sales for distributors with the figures ranging from a third to almost half of annual sales. Offers, packages, freebies are the order of the day as distributors pull out all the stops to attract customers. OER has compiled a list of cars cutting across segments and price points to help prospective buyers identify a vehicle that fits their needs and budget. So read on‌

23 August A Au Aug ustt 2011 us 20 2011 11 23


ASTON MARTIN RAPIDE* The elegant Rapide, functional yet luxurious, provides space for up to four adults combined with an engaging driving experience synonymous with all Aston Martins. As the marque’s first production four-door sports car, Rapide encapsulates core values of power, beauty and soul; four ‘swan wing’ doors provide access to cosseting sports seats both front and rear bestowing occupants with ample accommodation. A 317 litre luggage compartment affords generous space for belongings whether they be sports bags or indeed, sets of skis, creating an Aston Martin which can be enjoyed on any occasion, anytime, anywhere. Rapide’s rear environment has been intelligently packaged to create a space where passengers feel a part of the driving experience with clear views to the front and sides. Comfort and support is supplied in the form of two hand-trimmed individual seats and a personal face-level heating and air conditioning system. Aiding the practicalities of everyday use, the luggage compartment features a movable bulkhead to permit access from the rear cabin.

ASTON MARTIN V8 VANTAGE S The Aston Martin Vantage range comes of age with the new V8 Vantage S characterised by a host of new driver-focussed features all designed to push the honed dynamics of the standard Vantage to a new benchmark. Aston Martin’s own 4.7 ltr V8 engine has been engineered to deliver peak power of 430 bhp at 7,300 rpm and torque of 490 Nm at 5,000 rpm. It is coupled with a new ground-up developed Sportshift™ II transmission specifically designed for the Vantage S with seven short ratio gears to deliver the most engaging and intense driver involvement. Dynamic revisions are central to the Vantage S, with a quickened steering rack ratio of 15:1 compared to 17:1 on the standard car and a larger diametre front brake disc with new six-piston front brake callipers. As with every Aston Martin, the Vantage S benefits from its own unique sound with a new exhaust muffler and bypass valve map, creating a very distinctive and highly vocal exhaust note. * Models are placed in alphabetical order


August 2011

BMW 5 SERIES The new BMW 5 Series Sedan marks the epitome of aesthetic design and driving pleasure in the upper midrange segment. With its sporting and elegant design, excellent comfort and the highest standard in efficiency in its class, the sixth generation of this immensely successful executive sedan is expected to continue the success story. The new BMW 5 Series has been designed around BMW’s successful Efficient Dynamics strategy encompassing many technology innovations to minimise fuel consumption and CO2 emissions while maximising power and dynamic performance. The new BMW 5 Series is offered with one eight-cylinder and three six-cylinder petrol engines. The top model is the BMW 550i powered by a V8 with BMW TwinPower Turbo featuring High Precision Injection (407 hp). The straight-six with BMW TwinPower Turbo, High Precision Injection and valvetronic in the BMW 535i delivers maximum output of 306 hp; while the two straightsix power deliver 258 hp in the BMW 528i and 204 hp in the BMW 523i.

BMW X6 The BMW X6 offers a brand-new, innovative interpretation of the features and design qualities typical of a large BMW Coupé. And at the same time it is the most sporting and dynamic rendition of a BMW X model. Through its design alone, the BMW X6 authentically visualises superior driving dynamics and outstanding supremacy. The X6 Sports Activity Coupé once again proves the company’s competence in the development of innovative vehicles. As the first-ever Sports Activity Coupé in the world, the BMW X6 interprets the sporting character of the brand in a new fashion. The BMW X6 xDrive50i comes equipped as standard with BMW’s intelligent xDrive all-wheel drive technology and dynamic performance control for stability and precision in any driving situation. The new X6 xDrive50i model is the world’s first eight-cylinder engine with the turbocharger and catalytic converters housed in the V-section between the two rows of cylinders, giving a maximum output of 407 hp and 442 lb-ft of torque. August 2011 25


CHEVROLET MALIBU The Chevrolet Malibu has a profile that is impossible to ignore. Its tailored contemporary appearance is clean and pure. With wheels pushed to the corners, a visually lower, yet longer, greenhouse and a shorter deck Malibu suggests motion, agility and attitude. The Malibu is available in three trims— 1LT, 2LT and LTZ. 1Lt comes with an Ecotec 2.4 ltr 4-cylinder VVT engine and 2LT comes with a choice of an Ecotec 2.4 ltr, 4-cylinder VVT engine or an awardwinning 3.6 ltr V-6 VVT engine. The 3.6 ltr V-6VVT engine is standard on the LTZ edition. Both engines are mated to automatic six-speed transmissions with manual shift control. A family of 18-inch aluminum wheels is offered with the Malibu, all tailored with a tight wheelto-body relationship. Interior attention to detail matches the quality of the exterior. It is styled ergonomically using premium materials, including leather and Ultralux trim, which together convey luxury.

CHEVROLET TRAVERSE Chevrolet has a strong heritage stretching back around eight decades. The Chevrolet Traverse is particularly well suited to the Middle East, where large families can travel long distances in comfort along with their entire luggage. Complementing the Traverse’s overall design, and marking it as a vehicle far ahead of its


August 2011

competitors, is a comprehensive roster of standard and available features for driver and passengers. They include a panoramic, power-operated sunroof, power-folding outside mirrors, a power liftgate, as well as heated and cooled front seats. The Traverse is powered by a 3.6 ltr, V6 engine with direct injection, which

offers a balance of great performance and fuel efficiency. This unit generates a segment-leading 288 hp at 6,300 rpm and produces 366 Nm of torque at 3,400 rpm. The engine is mated to the HydraMatic 6T75, six-speed automatic gearbox, an advanced transmission with clutch-toclutch shifting.


DODGE CHARGER America’s iconic new-look muscle car the Dodge Charger, launched in May 2011, delivers a truly thrilling driving experience that will delight drivers in Oman. An established favourite among men and women drivers in the Sultanate the Charger has an iconic character, contemporary fastback four-door coupe proportions, world-class performance, craftsmanship and refinement, and state-of-the-art connectivity features coupled with no less than 65 separate safety features on the Dodge brand’s flagship, proudly delivering premium, world-class E-segment sedan precision and performance at an incredible value. Engineered to perform against the best E-segment sport sedans, the all-new 2011 Dodge Charger is available with the new 3.6 ltr Pentastar V6 engine for world-class levels of power, refinement, technology and fuel efficiency. The new Dodge Charger lineup also includes the legendary 5.7-litre HEMI V8 engine with four-cylinder mode FuelSaver Technology. A 6.4-litre HEMI® V8 powered model will also join the line-up in 2012.

FERRARI FF The FF – an acronym for Ferrari Four (four seats and four-wheel drive) – ushers in an entirely new GT sports car concept. This new V12 melds to an unprecedented level a sporty, high-performance character with versatility, superb comfort and sophisticated elegance, guaranteeing both driver and passengers an absolutely unique driving experience. The FF features the company’s first ever four-wheel drive system. Ferrari’s exclusive, patented 4RM (four-wheel drive) weighs 50 per cent less than a conventional four-wheel drive system, maintaining perfect weight distribution (53 per cent over the rear axle). The FF is also equipped with the latest magnetorheological damping system (SCM3). Exceptional performance levels come courtesy of the new 6,262 cc direct injection engine which develops 660 CV at 8,000 rpm. In tandem with its transaxle dual-clutch F1 gearbox, stunning acceleration figures (0-100 km/h in 3.7 sec.) are guaranteed. 28

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FERRARI 458 ITALIA While it’s true that every Ferrari is innovative by definition, it’s equally true that in the course of the Prancing Horse’s history, certain cars have marked a genuine departure from the current range. This is very much the case with the Ferrari 458 Italia, which is a massive leap forward from the company’s previous midrear engined sports cars. The new model is a synthesis of style, creative flair, passion and cutting-edge technology, characteristics for which Italy as a nation is well-known. For this reason Ferrari chose to add the name of its homeland to the traditional figure representing the displacement and number of cylinders. The Ferrari 458 Italia is a completely new car from every point of view: engine, design aerodynamics, handling, instrumentation and ergonomics, just to name a few. A two-seater berlinetta, the Ferrari 458 Italia, as is now traditional for all Ferrari’s roadgoing cars, benefits hugely from the company’s Formula 1 experience.

FORD EXPEDITION Propelled by a 5.4-ltr V8 featuring three valves per cylinder and variable valve timing producing 335 horsepower and 365 pound-feet of torque, the Ford Expedition remains the established benchmark in the full-size 4WDs. On the highway, the Expedition inspires confidence. It’s stable at high speeds. When the road is windy, the Expedition offers sharp steering response. Small inputs to the steering wheel are answered immediately by its car-like rack-and-pinion steering. The four-wheel disc brakes are smooth and responsive. Brake Assist is designed to recognise a panic-braking situation and maintain full braking force even if the driver mistakenly relaxes pressure on the brake pedal. The Expedition benefits from a four-wheel-independent suspension, which gives it its characteristic smoothness and responsive handling. A new feature added to the Expedition is the MyKey technology that helps youngsters drive more responsibly – and safely. Safety features include the Safety Canopy curtain system designed to offer

head protection for first- and secondrow passengers in the event of a rollover or side impact. AdvanceTrac with Roll Stability Control, Ford’s electronic stability control system, monitors traction at all wheels, plus the rate of change of body lean, and automatically cuts power or selectively applies one

or more wheel brakes to correct a skid or prevent a rollover. Other features of safety and comfort include rear view mirror, rain sensing wipers, keyless entry remote with securiCode keypad, 10-way power driver and much more. Ford Expedition is available in XL, XLT and limited grades.

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FORD MUSTANG More than nine million Mustangs have been sold since Ford first introduced the iconic Mustang in 1964. After four and a half decades on the market, the Ford Mustang continues to captivate car buyers throughout the world. The Ford Mustang GT powered by a modern

GMC YUKON The GMC Yukon and Yukon XL offer distinctive styling, spacious and refined interiors, exceptional driving characteristics and segment-leading safety features that include standard head curtain side air bags for all seating rows. Yukon Denali and Yukon XL Denali are equipped with additional style, technologies and luxury features that have contributed to the popularity of these models. Yukon Denali not only provides customers with the ultimate in SUV luxury, but is also highly fuel efficient. Yukon provides a smooth, confident and secure driving experience, thanks to its 2,946mm wheelbase, overall length of 5,130mm and wide track that complements the long wheelbase. For improved fuel economy, Yukon and Yukon XL models feature a 5.3L V-8 with GM’s fuel-saving Active Fuel Management technology. The 5.3L and 6.2L engines are capable of running on E85; in fact, all Yukon 4WD and Yukon XL half-tonne models come standard with the E85-capable version of the 5.3L V-8. GM vehicles with E85 capability can run on 100 per cent gasoline, E85 or any combination of the two. 30

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5.0 ltr four-valve Twin Independent Variable Camshaft Timing (Ti-VCT) V-8 engine churns out mind-numbing 412 horsepower. One of the new active safety features added in 2011 Mustang is Electronic Power Assist Steering (EPAS) system which made a dramatic

contribution to Mustang GT driving dynamics, delivering quicker on-centre steering response and increased effort at highway speeds. Recently, Mustang took highest honours in the J. D. Power associates 2010 Initial Quality study among mid-size Sporty cars.


HYUNDAI SONATA The well crafted stylish looking Hyundai Sonata has won more than 30 international awards so far and the number keeps increasing. This is in recognition of its emotionally-driven design, state-of-art technology and superior build quality. The Sonata is packed with loads of safety, comfort and luxury features. The interior is dynamic, echoing the stylish tone set by the outer shell with a generous flair of comfort and high levels of exclusivity. Each of the features of Sonata first surprise then delights, time after time. Whether you choose the 200horsepower 2.4L GDI engine or the 274-horsepower 2.0T twin-scroll turbo, you get the power you want, with the fuel efficiency you didn’t expect. The Sonata’s 2.4L Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engine is the most powerful naturally aspirated 4-cylinder in its class delivering up to 200 horsepower and 186 lb ft of torque while the 4-cylinder twin-scroll turbo pumps out 274 horsepower and 269 lb.-ft. of torque. Endless tweaking transformed

the Sonata into the sport-tuned SE with modified suspension and steering deliver a sportier ride and increased steering response. Larger stabiliser bars reduce body roll and improve handling

on curves. Safety features include multiple airbags, reinforced unibody design, electronic stability control, traction control system and advanced braking systems which are all standard.

INFINITI M Infiniti continues to disrupt the status of luxury brands with yet another vehicle, the Infiniti M. The all-new M has an unprecedented mix of engaging luxury and performance. The M will be an exceptional addition to the Infiniti line-up of dynamic luxury performance vehicles. The 2011 Infiniti M is being offered in M37 and M56 model designations. The M37 features a refined 328hp 3.7-ltr V6 engine with increased power and fuel economy (versus the previous generation M35’s 3.5- ltr V6). The M56 also offers more power and better fuel economy from an all-new 402hp 5.6- ltr V8 (versus the previous generation M45’s 4.5- ltr V8). Both the M37 and M56 engines feature Infiniti’s advanced VVEL (Variable Valve Event & Lift) system and all models are equipped with a standard 7-speed automatic transmission. The M56 engine also utilises Direct Injection Gasoline (DIG) technology. The M37 and M56 sedans come in rear-wheel drive configuration and in a choice of grade levels. 32

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JAGUAR XF The Jaguar XF fuses sports car styling and performance with the refinement, features and space of a luxury saloon. The XF embodies the Jaguar philosophy of creating beautiful, fast cars and defines a new driving experience: Sporting luxury. The XF is the first sporting saloon to deliver Jaguar´s stunning new design language. The profile is unique – athletic and assertive. And the visual excitement is underpinned by the acknowledged strengths of Jaguar engineering and the latent power of XF´s dynamic character. Its looks will engage you emotionally, and its driver-focused flavour will do the rest. The XF epitomises Jaguar´s philosophy that good design does not have to be complicated. Compact design creates room for more creature comforts than ever before. Coupe-like lines belie the amount of space. There is room for five adults in comfort, generous interior stowage and a boot capacity up to 540 litres. With a starting price of RO14,950 the XF is admirably suited for those who want to flaunt their success in life.

JAGUAR XJ The original XJ was the last car designed by Jaguar founder Sir William Lyons and the latest car to wear the nameplate is as innovative, beautiful and desirable as its famous forebear. The unique full-length panoramic glass roof that floods the cabin with natural light allows the XJ to offer an unrivalled sense of spaciousness and occasion for driver and passengers and at the same time retain the sleek coupé-like profile and lithe stance for which Jaguars are famous. The cabin of the XJ blends elegant, contemporary design with the comfort, luxury and unmistakable sporting style of a Jaguar and is more akin to a state-of-the-art living space. Chrome and piano black detailing provides an eye-catching contrast to the beautifully-crafted leather and wood veneer surfaces. Stunning 12.3-inch high-definition virtual instruments complement an innovative dual-view 8-inch touchscreen that provides the driver with vehicle functions or satellitenavigation directions. August 2011 33


JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE The new Jeep Grand Cherokee comes in four models including the all new Pentastar 3.6 ltr Larido and LTD DOHC V6 which will provide drivers with 40 per cent more power than its predecessor and the 5.7 ltr Overland and LTD HEMI MDS ltr V8. Reflecting the premium brand characteristics of Jeep, the new Grand Cherokee comes complete with a five year or 100,000km “bumper to bumper” warranty package that covers all servicing costs, parts and repairs during this period. The new Jeep Grand Cherokee has been reinvented to provide the ideal balance of real world capability and on-road refinement and has been redesigned using an improved formula. The new model enables drivers and passengers to experience a premium onroad performance whilst maintaining the Jeep brand’s legendary four-wheel drive, torque on demand two speed transfer case and unsurpassed towing capability. It also offers improved fuel consumption and a world class interior cabin.

KIA CERATO VIVA The Kia Cerato boasts of a sophisticated design with fluid lines and proportions. It is available in two variants i.e. the 1.6 ltr version with dual CVVT engine producing 123 hp@ 6300 rpm and 15.9 kg-m torque. The models feature top of the line safety with airbags, active


August 2011

headrests, auto light control and antilock brake system (ABS). Cerato Viva is truly a boon for youth and new car buyers who have a higher disposable income in their hands as it offers them not only a great style vehicle to make a statement but also to have a safe and comfortable

drive. Some of the features include daytime running Lights (DRL); rear view camera with ease of reversing even during night; rear parking sensors; floor Illumination; 1.6 ltr engine with dual CVVT engine with silent timing chain; USB/ I-Pod connectivity etc.

Al Khamis Plaza – Tel: 24560992, Muscat City Center – Tel: 24558148 Al Khamis Shoes, Sohar – Tel: 26841178


KIA SPORTAGE The new Sportage won the International Truck (SUV) of the Year 2011 at the Detroit Motor Show. It was also presented with the 2011 iF Product Design Award and the car also recently received the top safety rating award from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, reflecting its EuroNCAP 5-star rating. The new Sportage is available in front and all-wheel-drive options and comes with a six-speed automatic transmission as standard with two with 2.0 ltr and 2.4 ltr dual CVVT engines with a power of 164 hp/6200 rpm and torque of 20.1Kg.M/4600 rpm. Other features include 18” alloy wheels; rear view camera; dual airbags and active headrests; electro chromic inside mirror and glove box cooler. The Sportage has safety features like dual front airbags, driver side safety window, child safety rear door locks with key activation, remote keyless entry etc.

LAMBORGHINI AVENTADOR LP 700-4 According to its tradition, Lamborghini’s new flagship bears the name of a bull – Aventador, the bull that entered into battle in October 1993 at the Saragossa Arena, earning the “Trofeo de la Peña La Madroñera” for its outstanding courage. For the Aventador LP 700-4, the engineers in Lamborghini’s R&D Department


August 2011

have developed a completely new high-performance power unit – an extremely powerful and high-revving, but very compact power unit. At 235 kgs, it is also extremely lightweight. A V12 with 515 kW (700 hp) at 8,250 rpm sets a whole new benchmark, even in the world of super sports cars. The maximum torque output is 690 Newton

meters (509 lb-ft) at 5,500 rpm. The extremely well-rounded torque curve, the bull-like pulling power in every situation, the spontaneous responsiveness and, last but not least, the finely modulated but always highly emotional acoustics are what make this engine a stunning power plant of the highest order.


LAMBORGHINI GALLARDO LP 560-4 The Gallardo LP 560-4 Bicolore, a special edition supersports car will be produced for the European and Asian-Pacific markets, while for the American market it will be only available lable in the version LP 550-2. As its name implies, this special series features an exclusive two-tone finish with matching interior, and offers a full range of standard tandard equipment. A refined contrast between the black roof and d the colour of the rest of the body further emphasises the he sharp, dynamic lines of the Gallardo LP 560-4, while simultaneously enhancing its sportiness and nd adding a touch of elegance. The most successful cessful super sports car in Lamborghini’s ’s history captures the imagination with the brutal power of its 560 hp V10 engine, the absolute grip of its permanent all-wheel drive and the razor-sharp precision of its chassis. Every kilometre in the Lamborghini Gallardo is an intense experience of explosive dynamics and absolute control. Its breathtaking performance is indicated by the 3.7 seconds ds it takes to reach 100 km/hr and its top speed of 325 km/hr.

LR4 The LR4 is bold, flexible and astonishingly luxurious and is instantly recognisable as a Land Rover with a progressive and contemporary exterior. It is an attitude that gives the LR4 a refined modern presence on-road and off-road. The LR4 features striking headlamp styling, incorporating the unique Land Rover ‘night time’


August 2011

signature, a distinct two bar lattice grille and an aerodynamically-profiled front bumper. With its distinctive profile the LR4 has always been original. There are body coloured painted door mirrors, as well as an Oberon finish for door handles. And jewel-like rear lamps, plus stylish light weight alloy wheels. The LR4’s bold,

innovative design and upright side profile, head and shoulder room are amongst the best in class. The view is amazing from the LR4 and it is as good for the passengers as it is for the driver. A priority is given to refinement, including the reduction of noise intrusion and the inclusion of high quality materials.


MAZDA2 The Mazda2 is the perfect blend of ergonomics and fantastic features at a budget friendly price. Not only that, it is also the only Japanese car to win the prestigious “World Car of the Year” overall award, making it one of the most popular cars in its segment. Offering drivers good visibility and spaciousness coupled with convenient equipment that makes driving easy, the Mazda2 is available in 1.5ltr engine. It comes equipped with a host of advanced features as standard such as 1500 cc/ 4 Cylinder / 113HP, 4 speed automatic transmission, central locking (also available with keyless entry), power windows and mirrors. The Mazda2 is also equipped with ABS, EBD, dual air-bags, CD-MP3, AM/FM Radio with 4 Speakers, 14” steel rims with flush wheel-caps (also available in 15” alloy), auxiliary audio input, which are not currently being offered by other competitive models in its class. Mazda2 is available in hatchback and sedan versions in the Sultanate.

MAZDA CX-9 Touted as a complete family vehicle, the Mazda CX-9 provides the space of a large SUV, respectable fuel economy and handling, coupled with excellent exterior styling. It blends a sporty driving spirit with passenger sport-utility, vehicle (SUV) practicality, and is powered by a 275-horsepower 3.7ltr V6 engine that enhances the driving experience of the passengers and driver, and also offers cutting-edge safety technology. Seven-passenger seating is standard on all CX-9s. The prospect of hauling around seven people can be daunting, but the CX-9’s roomy third row can hold adults. Even safety features are well represented on the CX-9 with nearly every desirable technology standard, including antilock brakes, traction control, and stability control and side curtain airbags with rollover sensors. All in all, the CX-9 is perfect for families who pursue an active lifestyle, and makes complex pursuits as easy and as pleasurable as possible. 40

August 2011

MERCEDES-BENZ C-CLASS 200 AMG The C-Class 200 with AMG Sports Package is a real pleasure to behold as it builds on the comprehensive modernisation of the Mercedes-Benz C-Class, incorporating new striking design at both front and rear. A combination of a stunning interior featuring an optional high-resolution

colour display at the instrument cluster and new dashboard with its prominent decorative trim with reduced fuel consumption and improved 7G-Tronic PluS automatic transmission add up to the C200’s appeal. Building on the strong, refined stature of the universally popular C-Class, the C200 with AMG

Sports Package adds to the allure of Mercedes-Benz’ compact saloon. The C200 features the full AMG evolution package incorporating AMG 18 inch twin spoke light alloy wheels, AMG front apron, AMG side skirts, AMG rear apron, sports seats and perforated brake discs with aluminium brake callipers.

MERCEDES-BENZ E-CLASS 300 AMG When it comes to executive motoring with the touch of luxurious refinement, few should look further than the Mercedes-Benz E-Class. It brings the very best from the worlds of efficiency, safety and economy. Building on this strong platform, Mercedes-Benz brings sportiness and enhanced luxury to

the E-Class, through the introduction of the E-Class 300 Avantgarde with Sports Package. On the inside, the Avantgarde interior is enhanced through black leather upholstery, AMG three-spoke sports steering wheel in nappa leather, nappa leather shift/ selector lever with chrome insert,

direct select shift paddles, brushed stainless steel sports pedals with rubber studs and roof liner in black fabric. Along with this, the black floor mats with AMG lettering leave the driver in no doubt that the vehicle they are driving is one of poise and purpose.

August 2011 41


MINI COOPER HATCH The MINI Cooper Hatch 2011 enjoys a host of new features demonstrating even more power, high quality driving fun and exceptional efficiency. These changes include targeted updates that further increase performance and considerably reduce CO2 emissions. With direct petrol injection and a twin-scroll turbocharger, the new engines represent the world’s most efficient units in their class. The MINI Cooper S, for example, has an 184 hp engine that accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in a speedy 7.2 seconds yet burns just 6.4 litres of petrol per 100 km. Features on the new MINI range include newly designed LED rear lights and dynamic brake lights which show off elegance. The new geometry of the front bumper and lighting technology allows MINI to meet increasingly stringent pedestrian protection requirements effectively. The audio, navigation systems and integration devices have been upgraded for top-class entertainment and communications capabilities.

MINI COUNTRYMAN MINI Countryman was officially unveiled in Muscat earlier this year. The MINI crossover model is a car to bridge the gap between the classic MINI and a contemporary Sports Activity Vehicle. Larger and taller than its hatchback sibling, the new MINI Countryman is the first MINI model to feature four doors, four individual seats (a three-seat bench is available at no additional cost) and an optional all-wheel drive. The MINI Countryman also comes in 11 brand new exterior colours, previously unavailable in other MINI models. Its increased length and the option of all-wheel drive offers the perfect solution for getting around town during the week as well as providing enough room for weekend getaway trips. In fact, the MINI Countryman has claimed the top 5-star score in the latest Euro NCAP crash test results, making it one of the safest cars on the road. The car has been designed to ensure highly effective occupant protection in various types of collision. 42

August 2011

NISSAN MAXIMA The Nissan Maxima has been a long-time flagship sedan. The latest Maxima is a vehicle that’s unique in both appearance and driving feel, with renewed relevance for today’s active and ambitious sedan buyers. The Maxima’s rich 4-door sports car heritage is back, with an infusion of emotional design, driving excitement and advanced technology. There are many people in Oman, particularly youngsters, who have ‘truly enjoyed’ Maxima’s unique fusion of sedan practicality with the soul of a sports car. The true “4-door sports car” premium-performance sedan has an aggressive design that adds a “wow” factor. The designers of the new Maxima’s exterior wanted to re-assert Maxima’s breakthrough personality – establishing a remarkable level of style that would clearly distinguish it from segment competitors. In true Maxima language, it meant creating a simple, yet-strong presence. Maxima’s dynamic performance stance is accented by 18-inch and available 19-inch aluminium-alloy wheels with low-profile high-performance tyres.

NISSAN PATHFINDER Some sport-utility vehicles appeal to people who think big and powerful, while others appeal to car people. The Nissan Pathfinder is one of the few sport-utility vehicles that actually appeals to both. Nissan built in up to 9.1 inches of ground clearance in the Pathfinder, a practical trait that improves the off-roading credentials of the Nissan Pathfinder. Its four-wheel-drive system has an electronically controlled transfer case with a separate low range and auto mode that switches to four-wheel mode once slip occurs. The system is aided by electronics such as hill descent control and hill start assist, which help maintain traction in tricky situations. The Pathfinder is both more civilised and more rugged than ever. For everyday driving ease and fuel economy, this SUV trails many crossover rivals. Body-on-frame architecture provides a sturdy platform for the Pathfinder, helpful while towing a 2.75 tonne trailer or twisting across a dry riverbed. The standard engine is a 4.0-ltr V6 producing 270 horsepower and 395 nM of torque. August 2011 43


PORSCHE CAYENNE The second generation Porsche Cayenne represents the perfect balance between elegant design, powerful driving dynamics and high levels of comfort, making this model an outstanding trendsetter in its segment. Based on the manufacturer’s principle of “Porsche Intelligent Performance”, all Cayenne vehicles deliver more power on less fuel, greater efficiency and lower CO2 emissions. The Porsche Cayenne offers even more driving pleasure both on-road and off-road, combined with even greater everyday driving qualities. The range starts with the 3.6-litre V6 Cayenne with an increased engine power to 300 bhp. With its eight-speed Tiptronic S transmission, fuel consumption is down from the former model by no less than 20 per cent to 9.9 ltr/100 km.

PORSCHE PANAMERA Never before in the history of Porsche has the Stuttgart carmaker boasted a model range as attractive, powerful and competitive as it is today. A carefully conceived variant strategy and a wide range of customisation options combine to fill every customer’s requirements, no matter how unusual. Packed with true Porsche DNA and a wide range of innovative technologies including five world firsts in motoring, the Panamera combines the looks of a coupé, the opulence of a luxury car, four-seater space and Porsche’s distinctive driving dynamics. Moreover, Porsche offers best-in-class performance with maximum fuel efficiency to make the Panamera a uniquely engineered sports car. The Panamera fits alongside the 911, Cayenne, Boxster and Cayman ranges as Porsche’s fourth nameplate. It is available in three versions — the S, the 4S and the top-of-the-range Turbo. 44

August 2011

PROTON PERSONA Malaysia’s leading Car brand PROTON has recently launched the new improved version of its top end Sedan model Persona. The 1.6 ltr engine power packed in a Campro engine delivers enhanced performance, mileage and comfort. This show stealer which has engulfed Malaysia and other countries has now started its winning streak in Oman. The model comes in two variants, both with automatic transmission. The attractively priced models have found immediate takers because of the fantastic accessorisation. No doubt, at the price and features Persona is the ideal buy in its category. From head to tail, the new Persona exudes elegance. It comes with a full body kit, near rear LED combi, alloy rim design, turning lamps on each side mirror – plus an interior that maximises space and comfort. The latest audio system comes with MP3 compatibility, AUX and USB port. The passenger cabin promises a spacious cocoon of sheer comfort and luxury. The quiet cabin promises peace of mind and a very comfortable ride.

RANGE ROVER The Range Rover has more than 40 years expertise, creating outstanding all-terrain vehicles each one with its own unique characteristics and an extraordinary ability to take on some of the toughest conditions - on or off road. The Range Rover is ready to travel almost anywhere and to take on practically anything. The vehicle stands alone, above all others as the flagship, as the supreme luxury four-wheel drive vehicle with a design that is truly masterful. Renowned for the world’s finest luxury interior, the Range Rover reaches even higher levels of luxury and elegance. A front grille and front headlamps featuring the Range Rover signature ‘concentric circle’ design. A pure design for the front bumpers creating a wideassured stance complemented with a Jupiter finish to the front grille and side vents, as well as a unique noble plated finish on supercharged and autobiography derivatives. The Range Rover can be personalised to your exacting tastes. August 2011 45


RENAULT SAFRANE The new Renault Safrane, a distinctive, user-friendly and reliable sedan is very much the embodiment of Renault’s new tagline, “Drive the Change”, where Renault has strived to maximise the experience the car delivers to its occupants. Demonstrating the dedication to bringing something new to buyers, is the segment topping knee-room for rear passengers; spaciousness and a roomy cabin are inherent to the Safrane’s elegant design. Development work also focused on delivering superior safety performance for its different markets thanks to Renault’s unique experience in the fields of active and passive safety. An efficient new chassis including the Nissan multi-link rear suspension arrangement for enhanced ride comfort along with a choice of three enjoyable, fuel-efficient petrol powertrains has been incorporated into the Renault Safrane.

SUBARU FORESTER Subaru is one of the few automobiles in Oman which can boast of being 100 per cent Japanese origin, since all parts and components are made by Subaru in Japan. The Subaru Forester comes in 2.5 ltr engine options along with Subaru’s legendary all wheel drive and boxer engine technology, which ensures great handling, stability, control and sporty performance in all driving conditions. Special engineering efforts were made in areas such as design, technology, ergonomics, materials and manufacturing process, so that the Forester offers excellent performance and passenger comfort. Some of the key exterior features include symmetrical all-wheel drive, 4-cylinder and turbocharged 4-cylinder Subaru Boxer® engines, 8.9 inches of ground clearance, vehicle dynamics control, and available HID headlights. As for the interior features, the Forester has large rear hatch and cargo area, underfloor rear cargo area storage, 60/40split fold-down rear seats, bluetooth connectivity, GPS navigation system and six airbags and rollover sensor standard. 46

August 2011

SUZUKI ‘KIZASHI’ The Suzuki Kizashi is powered by a class leading engine (195- bhp/gross) equipped with loads of safety features such as six airbags, ABS+EBD+BA, hill hold control and ESP. For convenience, there is keyless push start system, triptronic/ CVT, dual zone auto air-conditioning system with rear vents in addition to 17-inch sport alloy wheels, modern audio systems with dash-board centre speaker, USB/i-pod, MP3 and WMA compatibility. Made in Japan, the mid-size “Kizashi” is packed with a high level of standard equipment. Kizashi ‘Premium’ model is an absolute delight for retail segment customers with add-on features such as electric sunroof, cruise control system, leather upholstery with 18-inch sport alloy wheels and 10-way power seats with three-position memory system, four-way co-passenger power seat, parking sensors (front + rear) etc. Other features include fog lamps, rockford fosgate audio system with additional sub-woofer, boot-lid spoiler, auto levelling hid headlamps with washers, auto rain sensor wipers, sport front bumper and side-sill, to name a few.

TOYOTA CAMRY ‘EXECUTIVE’ With its exhilarating performance, smart design, top-notch safety and long-term durability, Camry remains one of the preferred choices in a competitive segment. The new Camry ‘Executive’ comes with a host of features like the 17’ alloy wheels, front bold chrome grille, turn signal on outer mirror, 4-spoke

leather steering, leather gear shift knob, muffler cutter, chrome pedals, bluetooth kit, rear spoiler (lip type), chrome inner door handle and metallic door trim ornament. The Camry is equipped with a high integrity cabin with impact absorbing structure and advanced SRS airbags for driver and front passenger

is also a standard on all Camry models. Also, the anti-lock brake system (ABS) with brake assist (BA), senses an emergency stop and applies increased braking power once the driver touches the brake pedal. The 2.4 ltr four-cylinder EFI, VVTi engine is standard across the Camry grade lineup.

August 2011 47



The highly successful and much anticipated annual business forum brought to you by OER will be held in October


views and incisive questions about how Oman’s corporate world should shoulder the responsibility of complementing the government’s efforts to take the country forward on its growth path.

ver the past two years, the annual OER Debate has evolved into an integrated business symposium that encompasses key themes from the business environment of today and tomorrow in the Sultanate of Oman. The last two editions of OER Debate had witnessed packed audiences totalling over 400 movers and shakers from Oman’s corporate world, all innovators in their profession converging to witness the intense indepth discussions on the state of the economy.

Featuring key panelists from various business sectors cutting across the industry, the OER Debate had rivetting

A packed audience of top corporate captains witnessed the OER Debate 2010 48

August 2011

To give this annual forum a truly national platform, the third edition of OER Debate has now been re-christened as ‘Oman Debate 2011’. This transformation was but inevitable due to the feedback received from audiences of the earlier two editions who had wanted the debate to have a wider and broader ambit. Fundamentally,




Nima Abu Wardeh, BBC’s Middle East Presenter, moderated the OER Debate 2010 which consisted of eminent panelists from a cross section of industry brought to you by Oman Economic Review (OER) in association with the Capital Market Authority (CMA) will continue to maintain its status as an unique platform where influential individuals will share stories of best practices, effective business case-studies and, most importantly, attributes of true leadership. The event will cover globalisation and economics, human capital, motivation and diplomacy with a strong focus on the future of Oman through the idea of a new age of leadership in a changing business landscape and economic trends. For Oman Debate 2011, the hot topic of discussion is how to cope up with the developments of the Arab Spring, which has had its repercussions on the

Sultanate of Oman. The pro-reforms movement has forced a rethink about government priorities and policies. This has taken the leadership of this country back to the drawing board to re-chart its future course of action. However, the measures taken to address various issues have led to various questions/ concerns in its trail. OER Debate raises a few of these: 1. Job creation Is creating 50,000 jobs in one year the solution to the unemployment problem or are there structural issues like changes in the education system, making people employable, training etc that need to be looked at. 2. Raising benefits:

salaries, sops and Can the corporate

sector foot the bill? Is the private sector being made to foot an unsustainable bill or has the corporate sector failed to do its part in the development process? 3. Omanisation: Are these realisable goals or unrealistic expectations? The government has set Omanisation targets for various sectors but the private sector is struggling to find suitable/employable Omanis to fill those positions. 4. Oman: At the crossroads Is this a watershed moment in Oman’s socio-economic history where everything that was held as sacred needs to be questioned and redefined? August 2011 49


FOR BREAKING NEW GROUNDS The Eighth edition of OER CEO Golf will tee off at the

Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club on January 12, 2012


community. It is, as always, a glittering affair with high profile entertainment, a sumptuous dinner spread, and more!

all it what you may, the biggest corporate networking event of the year, a CEO’s day out, an exclusive club, a serious club and ball sport, an evening of gaiety and more – whatever your take on it is, what finds consensus is the power and glory of the OER CEO Golf 2012. The Eighth edition of OER CEO Golf will take place at Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club, Oman’s leading golf course on January 12, 2011. Presented by Nawras Business Solutions, the event promises to be bigger, better and grander this time around. So if your clubs and golf balls have been lying idle it’s time to get onto the greens and tee off, practice your drives and putts, negotiate the fairway and other hazards. On D-day it’s going to be each CEO for himself, a time when business partners turn adversaries and friends vie with each other for top honours on the golf course.

Surprises galore And all this bloodletting will happen in 50

August 2011

OER CEO Golf is a unique opportunity for the leaders of Oman’s corporate community to link up over an 18-hole game of golf at the country’s finest, and one of the Middle East’s most exciting PGA-standard courses. For those new to the game it is a good chance to get acquainted with the CEO sport. Golfersto-be will get an opportunity to get a quick induction to the game with tips and tricks from an expert, followed by a trial game over a few holes.

an atmosphere of conviviality, revelry and fun. Exciting elements have been planned for both the golfers and non-golfers. The grand finale in the evening is a climax befitting this by-invitation-only event for the who’s who of Oman’s corporate

The previous editions of OER CEO Golf have been a resounding success in terms of the profile of the attendees, engaging activities, sophisticated ambience and the strong partnerships forged during the day. The event has broken new ground every year with formats, activities and entertainment. OER CEO Golf is an annual event organised by Oman Economic Review, the Sultanate’s premier business magazine.


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Speaker line-up:

Why attend:

• H.E. Said Bin Hamdoon Al Harthy, Undersecretary for Ports and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications • Eng. Hanan Salim Saif Al-Rahbi, Director of Land Transport, Ministry of Transport and Communications • Said Bin Khalfan Al Maskary, Director of Projects, Civil Aviation Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications • Dr. Mohammed bin Nasser bin Ali Al Zaa’bi, Head of Technical Affairs and Quality Management, MODES - Ministry of Defence Engineering Services • Prof. Dr. Kim Jraiw, Technical Director, UN-Kuwait National Transport Strategy 2010-2020

Gold sponsors:

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Media partners:

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Panel sponsor:


A VERITABLE MOSAIC Business Gateways International offers an innovative international framework that provides SMEs, large corporate houses and ministries with a robust platform to showcase their business to the world. Muhammed Nafie reports


hough cross-border networking of businesses was made easy by globalisation which triggered free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital across the world, small and medium scale industries (SMEs) were not able to utilise this bonanza successfully. They tended to stay put, hardly foraying into the areas and opportunities beyond their precincts. Apparently, they were not able to do so, without an effective mechanism to showcase their strength and explore new avenues of expansion for them. A common platform for connecting businesses and promoting partnership both at national and international level can bring about a lot of changes in this area. It was from the quest for such a framework that the idea of Business Gateways International (BGI) was born.

providers in Oman on a common business platform. “We treat ourselves as national ambassadors as we seek to showcase the economic strength of Oman internationally,” says Murkoth. Explaining the national framework of the company, he adds, “We have a specific membership system; the service is targeted at the entire spectrum of the national business community with special emphasis on SMEs. At the national level, we would help the companies to be visible, discover

The concept of Business Gateways evolved after several brainstorming, analysis and study sessions which lasted for almost two years. Says Hemant Murkoth, CEO of BGI, “When we tried to understand and look at various markets and territories in the country, we noticed a lot of gaps with regards to addressing some of the core business services that are needed in the Sultanate. The concept which had a very humble beginning has now expanded to a global framework.” Identifying a massive gap in connecting a number of credible companies within the Sultanate, Business Gateways International, headquartered at Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM), is in the process of developing an Omani National Business Framework connecting all organisations and service 52

August 2011

Hemant Murkoth, CEO, BGI

existing business potential and partner with likeminded organisations within the country. We have already established our regional operations in Salalah”. Business Gateways International is also working very closely with various investment and trade development authorities in the country to brand Oman. “We want to integrate with all these bodies, because at the end of the day, it is not just our effort, but rather a

CORPORATEPROFILE collective effort to showcase Oman to the world” explains Murkoth.

Enhance, Expand, Excel The advantages an organisation can expect from BGI can be summed up in its catchword: Enhance, Expand, Excel. ‘Enhance’ addresses an organisation’s main challenge of visibility to the national and international business community. “We try to showcase them or make them more visible at the national and international levels so they can attract better partners, products and best practices from around the world. This will enhance their existing business offerings and enhance customer efficiency,” says Hemant. ‘Expand’ relates to the expansion and development of a company both nationally and internationally. It helps a company based in Muscat expand to Salalah or Nizwa or vice versa. Besides, it assists the companies to explore the opportunities to expand internationally and find foreign partners. ‘Excel’ means the continuous support services BGI offers to its members for business stimulation which includes free tender feeds, projects information, events, forums, supply chain network etc. which help them govern their business better in the country.

Business stimulation centres A purely Omani concept, Business Gateways has gone global by setting up its stimulation centres across the world. “The idea is to set up business stimulation centres all over the world. Once we set up these particular gateways, it is like creating one seamless layer which will integrate all international companies on a common platform. That is the core identity of Business Gateways. We encourage companies to become members through our national systems,” avers Murkoth. Increasing exports and bringing in investment are the two priority areas of all countries. BGI exactly seeks to do the same. “We concentrate a lot on SMEs because we feel that SMEs need more thrust and push. Governments are doing it in their own way while we have created our own business model globally in the countries where we are placed. Therefore, Business Gateways can fit in perfectly, be it Oman, or any other country,” he adds. Outside Oman, BGI has already opened its stimulation centre in Tanzania aiming 54

August 2011

Said Hilal al Ismaily, Director, BGI to tap into the entire East African market. Tanzania will be the hub of Business Gateways’ East African operations. BGI is also eagerly looking forward to foraying into other GCC countries and Asia pacific regions. It is ambitiously planning to set up offices in the GCC, Asia Pacific and European regions.

gateway services is a powerful web portal www.businessgateways.com that would help member organisations to exhaustively showcase their business profile information, tap into potential national business opportunities and internationally expand their reach into target countries.

Besides, whenever it goes to new countries it chooses to piggyback on some of the existing trade frameworks in those countries and work closely with various government bodies. Says Said Hilal al Ismaily, director, BGI, “In order to deliver the relevant services we want a lot of government support. We work closely with the trade bodies in those countries. In Tanzania, we have already signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Tanzanian Trade Development Authority (TANTRADE), government of Tanzania. Together with TANTRADE we will work for attracting investors from Oman to tap into the huge potential in Tanzania. Omani companies coming to Tanzania needs a lot of government support. With the MoU we can ensure that all the supports and services can be provided.

“A company, who is looking for a potential partner, has to update its website and make its portal known to all. Our portal is providing a uniform structured visibility system; each company is given pages to profile themselves which also includes videos and multimedia presentations. Each company whether it is from Oman or Singapore are presented in the same way,” explains Murkoth.

Web Portal The






Coupled with this portal is a host of business advisory services that are delivered from the gateway offices across the globe which offers to all organisations virtual offices in the country of their interest. Business Gateways is very upbeat on this unique concept and is confident that it can contribute a lot to Oman’s business world and slowly but steadily grow into an international framework connecting countries on a single business platform.

Supported by

25 - 26 September 2011 Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel r R e g i s t et J u l y 31s b e fo re 20% the t o a v a ild d is c o u n t ir e a r ly b


Exclusive access to more than 250 key Omani players in major sectors (banking, ďŹ nance, investment, construction, manufacturing, real estate)

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Business Dev. Managers/ Marketing Managers 14%

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Brokers/Asset Management Companies 31%

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espite being down under, New Zealand has never been far away for Omanis as they enjoy a visa on arrival whenever they want to fly to the land of ‘the long white cloud’, since 1999. Moreover, over 300 Omani students pursue their higher education in various universities in the island nation. HE Rodney Harris, non-resident ambassador of New Zealand to Oman, considers this as a gesture of the deep and friendly relationship between the two countries. He describes Omanis and New Zealanders as likeminded people having much in common regardless of the geographical distance separating the two countries.

New Zealand is looking to explore new avenues of mutual cooperation with Oman and the entire GCC as a whole, says HE Rodney Harris, Nonresident Ambassador of New Zealand to Oman in an interview with Muhammed Nafie


August 2011

“One important aspect of our friendly relationship is that New Zealand does not require a Visa from Omani nationals travelling to New Zealand for 90 days,” says HE Harris. “It is just a symbol of how much we respect Omanis and the warm welcome they are getting in our country. We are very selective about the countries that we give the visa-free status to and Oman is one of them. And I am happy that Oman has been able to reciprocate by extending the same status to New Zealanders travelling to Oman. It speaks a lot about the mutual trust and friendly and open relationship between the two countries.”

played a significant role in the negotiation and helped greatly in bringing it into a peaceful conclusion. “The negotiation was concluded in 2009 and I am happy that we have come out with a good agreement. It has not been signed yet as it takes time for an FTA in which seven countries are involved to come into force. But I am optimistic it will be signed very soon.” He also adds that the FTA will be greatly instrumental in removing trade barriers between the New Zealand and the six-nation GCC to the benefit of all seven economies which have a joint trade volume of $ 2.5bn.

HE Harris who has recently visited Muscat to explore new opportunities in all spheres to build on and deepen this relationship feels that the relationship between New Zealand and the GCC countries, and Oman in particular, has become closer and friendlier over time. He says the tenor of such a positive change is noticeable in a number of recent initiatives whether it be the moves to increase economic cooperation and create more investment opportunities between the two sides on one hand or several high-level contacts at various ministerial levels. He thinks that the recent four-day visit to Saudi Arabia by New Zealand foreign Minister Murray McCully was a significant step towards augmenting these relations. “It is time to look out for deeper cooperation between New Zealand and the GCC as an institution,” he says. “There is a lot more things we can do to improve the bilateral relations at economic, social and political spheres. The embassy in Riyadh is looking at each gulf country to understand what they are trying to achieve socially, economically and politically and what New Zealand can do to help them; and what they can offer to us as well”.

New Zealand eyes a lot of opportunity in the constant drive by the Omani government to improve the education sector by creating more educational opportunities for Omani nationals and in similar initiatives by other GCC countries. “In this regard, there isa lot we can do, have done and will do in Oman and other GCC countries,” he avers. There are around 300 Omani students studying on Omani scholarship in various Universities in New Zealand. They have a very good reputation for coping very well with a tough curriculum and course, studying hard and making good friends with the New Zealanders.

Free Trade Agreement Although HE Harris took up the current assignment only in August 2010, his relationship with Oman and the region as a whole begins even before that. He was part of the New Zealand team for negotiating a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the entire GCC. New Zealand was one of a very few countries that have finalised negotiations for FTA with the GCC as a region. Harris says Oman has

Educational relationship

Elaborating further on the relationship between the two sides on education, HE Harris says, “There are roughly 8,000 students in New Zealand coming from various GCC countries. Almost 7,000 of them are from Saudi Arabia. Besides, there are a lot of students from Egypt and various other Middle East countries opting for New Zealand as their favourite destination for higher studies. This provides Omani students travelling to New Zealand for higher education a homely feeling as they can find a lot of Arab students hailing from their cultural and religious backgrounds and can form their own communities there. They are more welcome to New Zealand.” He is of the opinion that Omani students coming back from New Zealand stand a better chance of being considered for various responsible posts both at government and private sectors. Besides,




institutions and experts have a good track record in Oman and other GCC countries as they work closely with governments and various institutions in the region to improve the education system as well.

Diversifying cooperation HE Harris who had a series of conversation with various senior government officials and representatives of the private sector during his visit to Oman finds that there are a lot of opportunities of mutual cooperation. He believes that New Zealand can significantly contribute to the development Oman’s fisheries industry. “It is not New Zealand telling Oman that you should do this or that. As Oman’s aquaculture industry has a huge potential for growth, Oman can find a good partner for this sector’s development in New Zealand which has a lot of expertise in this area. With Oman poised to diversify its economy, create more job opportunities and increase its nominal export, aquaculture is an obvious place to start with. We already have a consultant who is working closely with the government and the business sector in this regard.” HE Harris who made his fourth visit to Oman says that the more he visits Oman the more opportunities for mutual cooperation he could realise. During this visit he explored the prospect of New Zealand’s manufacturers basing themselves in Oman as a gateway not only to the GCC but other countries such as India. He also suggest that New Zealand’s expertise in construction sector can be used for building factories in Oman thereby giving employment opportunities for Omanis. He also informs that the newly formed New Zealand-Middle East Business Council comprising 50 New Zealand companies from all sectors seeks to strengthen the cooperation and open up new areas for diversifying the export to the region away from agriculture and food products. A little known fact is that New Zealand, which has a very large mining industry, is also a net exporter of oil; it exports crude oil and imports refined oil. HE Harris suggests that since it is very hard to extract oil from New Zealand, it can make best use of Oman’s expertise in enhanced oil recovery. August 2011 57


TOWARDS NATIONALISATION Successful nationalisation requires a significant commitment from managements to make it happen, according to a case study by Celerant


or all companies looking to build successful joint ventures with developing countries, particularly in the Middle East and Africa, a smooth transition to a nationally manned, sustainable operation is vital if good relations are to be maintained. The dilemma for private companies is that although sustainability is the objective, the challenges vary from region to region and country-to-country. This has never been truer than in Oman today. Well-educated, hard working, skilled

nationals are a rare commodity in high demand. Simple economics determine that there is a premium to pay for this scarce resource especially in view of the recent pay hikes and a local workforce who wants to work increasingly in public sector government bodies. The private sector is set nationalisation targets in an environment which does not compete on level terms. This is a particular challenge with the recent rise in the cost of employment; and private companies have to step up their game to attract and retain local talent.

A bigger challenge for private enterprise is cost versus productivity, which the public sector is also seeking to tackle. All companies would be happy to absorb the cost if there was a commensurate increase in output and profitability. This is not yet the case and it remains an important policy area for the authorities to support the ambition of the Sultanate competing effectively in a global market place. The population of the country is only 3.1 million, of which nearly 600,000 are nonnationals. In addition, 43 per cent of the population is under the age of 14. This

Source: Celerant

Omanisation – On Target


August 2011

Tools and techniques: Moving experience locals into management positions Design and develop leadership development programme Identify criteria for leadership selection current and future needs. Roles and responsibility defined and agreed aligned to new processes and integrated business systems. Define new job spec aligned to the new way of working / new organisation structure.

Install a performance and reward management system to ensure continuous operational learning. leaves an available working population of only 900,000 people (nationals). We working with a company which had a target, set by the government, of a 95 per cent national workforce. The company developed an approach that has been used here with an independent oil company to help meet and maintain that target and also increase productivity and output.

Challenges ahead The demographic factors outlined previously make 95 per cent localisation a particularly challenging target. Not only are there the usual educational and skills challenges so prevalent in emerging economies, but 15 per cent of the working population is unemployed. Paradoxically, a native technician-level employee can command a 20 per cent salary premium over migrant workers. This has a profound impact on the approach that must be adopted from the outset: 1) Oman does not have limitless resources of manpower; so it is important to maximise output from existing national staff. 2) If nationals are going to cost more to

employ than migrant/non-nationals they have to be at least equivalent to, and preferably higher, in productivity terms than those they replace. 3) If localisation is going to be sustainable, the business has to make it attractive for non-nationals to train their replacement and then leave, especially in the managerial positions. 4) A comprehensive training and mentoring programme is needed; operated for nationals by nationals if objectives are to be met. 5) If a culture of continuous improvement is to be achieved, management needs to win the hearts and minds of the national workforce - otherwise profitability and productivity will suffer. The case study is typically an approach at a high level that follows the classic ‘topdown, bottom-up’ approach. Taking the above approach at face value would be to miss some small but very significant details and groundwork that were pivotal to success. The first step was to capture comprehensively, the job specification, role and responsibilities for every one of the major roles in the company and

understand how each of these roles impacted the broader company objectives. These company objectives were then reflected in the annual employee development plans and individual goals. This had previously been conducted only sporadically for certain roles but not in a systematic and consistent way. By the end of the project the team had captured a detailed job specification for 26 roles. Next, each national employee was evaluated, based on their skills and performance to date and if found appropriate, a training programme was organised in order to fill the skills shortage needed to get them to the next level. The general manager of the company was quoted as saying: “If you were to pick any group of workers in the company, it would be impossible to distinguish the Celerant consultants from the employees.” Furthermore, by breaking each job role down to its constituent parts, the supervisory roles historically taken on by non-nationals were demystified and the skills required to do the job were clearly exposed. This enabled a clear and comprehensive skills matrix to be drawn August 2011 59

Source: Celerant

Design and install a practical organisation training and development system.


Source: Celerant

Defining the localisation strategy: Areas of focus

up for each individual as well as one for the trainers to ensure that all the required skills could be delivered by the national workforce themselves. In the example that follows the transformation in the workforce overall added up to more than the sum of the parts. The principal reasons for this were: ¡ By establishing clear roles, skills and responsibilities for each of the key roles, nationals felt confident in taking on those roles. ¡ The adaptable and sensitive approach to training and evaluation linked to the annual development plans and individual goals that related to the companies objectives ensured new working practices were not merely adopted but actively embraced. The workforce had ownership and pride in their work and felt empowered to drive improvement.

The situation Additional achievements gained by the end of the 40-week project included: ¡ Offsite leadership training for 55 people. 60

August 2011

¡ 48 people trained in leadership skills and technical problem solving, including loss accounting. ¡ A cross-discipline, multi-skills training programme was installed to fast track potential managers. ¡ All training was developed so that by the end of the project, all training was carried out for nationals by nationals. ¡ A Supply Chain Training module was developed and 14 nationals were successfully trained in key skills. ¡ A ‘train the trainer’ matrix was developed and installed to identify skills gaps. Whilst the bulk of the attention and effort were focussed on the national employees, the ‘non-national’ community was an important consideration. Localisation could not happen if non-nationals were reluctant to move on. This would result in a ‘bottleneck’ where ‘non-nationals’ would be reluctant to hand over to nationals – potentially leading to bad feeling, recriminations and lack of co-operation. As a consequence, non-nationals were given incentives to meet deadlines early;

those people who actively mentored nationals would be considered a greater asset and would be more likely to be employed with the company elsewhere. Those who did not, would have a short future. This had the effect of ensuring that the knowledge transfer to the national was as thorough and rapid as possible. In addition, efforts were made to ensure selected non-nationals in key positions had a clear picture of their next job, either in another region or different part of the company.

Summary Successful nationalisation requires a significant commitment from management to make it happen. Companies should not underestimate the time and commitment required to ensure management positions are successfully localised and productivity increases. Nationals at management level should also be aware that a return on investment is expected and they should be helped, coached, supported and trained to deliver that return. It really is an investment worth making.

contact 99269148 or email at: jacob@umsoman.com



The BMW Group has recognised that it is becoming increasingly important to have a balance between individual mobility and protecting the environment


As part of this philosophy, the target is to reduce resource consumption of energy, water, sewage and solvent emission levels per vehicle by 30 per cent by 2012 compared to 2006. The environmental efficiency figure for 2010 improved by 6 per cent during the period under report and the improvement since 2006 is 26 per cent, surpassing the original target of 20 per cent for 2010.

or the BMW Group, one definition of premium is leadership in the development of sustainable mobility. The manufacturer that offers the most efficient resource-friendly production and the most visionary solutions for eco-friendly individual mobility will have the edge. BMW Group has understood this change early on and has been able to act accordingly. The BMW Group has come up with a road map that ensures the company attains growth and profitability, shapes its future and introduces new technologies to achieve its goal of zero-emission vehicles that reduce the impact on the environment. In terms of BMW Group products, one of the main environmental aspects it focuses on is reducing fuel consumption and CO² emissions. In addition, the careful use of resources has always been a strong element in BMW’s corporate philosophy – it is a concept that is lived and implemented not only in its cars but also in the way that they are built.

Mobility Solutions In February 2011, the BMW Group launched its new sub-brand focused solely on developing sustainable mobility solutions – the BMW i. Representing a new movement in premium mobility, the introduction of this new sub-brand is affirmation of the group’s leadership as the most innovative and sustainable


August 2011

premium automotive company. The products and services have been conceived around a revolutionary approach: purpose designed and purpose built for sustainable, premium mobility. From 2013, the BMW i3 and BMW i8 from the new BMW i sub-brand will be launched. The BMW i3 will be the BMW Group’s first all-electric car designed for use in major cities while the BMW i8 is an extremely fuel efficient plug-in, high performance sports car with the fuel consumption and emissions of a small vehicle. Both of these cars will be produced with a passenger cell made from carbon – a first in the automotive industry.

Production process The BMW Group has also anchored sustainability in its production process through a “Clean Production” philosophy.

The German Steyr plant, which produces around 60 per cent of all BMW engines, recycles all the water used in the production process, saving around 30 million litres of water each year – the equivalent of 12 Olympic size swimming pools. In Spartanburg, where the BMW X3, X5 and X6 models are produced, the production plant obtains half its energy from methane gas generated from a nearby landfill. The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last six years, making it the world’s most sustainable automobile manufacturer.




Office interiors are being renovated to accommodate the demands of advanced communication technology, keeping aesthetics and space management as top priority


t the beginning of the 19th century, Charles Fourrier observed that citizens’ lives were marked not by the home but by the office; 200 years later, this somewhat eccentric statement expresses the reality of postindustrial society: In Western countries, one of the consequences of the globalisation of the economy has been

the concentration of workers in the tertiary sector; more than half of the population works in offices. Offices have become domestic, the relationship between workmates has become closer and their workplace seems increasingly like a club or house in which they spend the greater part of the day. All presented projects feature inspiring ideas of designing more efficient, modern and more pleasant

working environments. The modern office is a smart office which makes use of things designed and made in such a way that these are practical and aesthetically appealing. Smart technology at the office place is revolutionising the way people, process and technology integrate. Conference calling, web conferencing, unified messaging, voice mail, replay line, fax-on-demand, virtual office, software August 2011 63



Timeless values Over the last four decades, Khimji Ramdas (KR) Office furniture has carved a niche for itself as the most preferred supplier in its field


himji Ramdas (KR) Office furniture is one the leading furniture houses in the Sultanate delivering the best-in-class solutions for Office Furnishing, Interiors, Special Seating’s & Storage solutions. As the flagship division under the Infrastructure Group of Khimji Ramdas, KR Office Furniture division over the last four decades has carved a niche for itself in the minds of its discerning customers offering a comprehensive range of Office Furniture, Interior solutions, Turnkey projects, Security products and Warehousing solutions from the world’s leading manufacturers. Professional Interior designers with

solutions are some areas where cuttingedge technology is required to make an office look smart. Today, research on smart environments represents some of the most innovative work being done in computer science, electrical engineering, and information systems. The interdisciplinary scope of the field integrates aspects of machine learning, human-machine interfacing, wireless networking, mobile communications, sensor networks, and pervasive computing. As research efforts devise intelligent environments for use in homes, offices, classrooms, hospitals, and automobiles, far-reaching applications–from design and architecture to health care issues and software engineering–become increasingly evident. Electronic systems used in an office environment are comprised of hardware and software components. When used together, these components are capable of storing, retrieving, manipulating, transferring, computing, and printing information. Hardware components include, but are not limited to, electronic typewriters, word processors, personal computers, work stations (keyboards 64

August 2011

decades of experience in their field offer innovative tailor-made-solutions that encompass corporate interior designs, facility planning, architecture, project management, 3D-visualization, computer-aided design (CAD) and graphics, giving both value from the product as well as the best aesthetic look that suits their business needs. Dedication to quality and commitment to timelines has been a key factor for Khimji’s Office Furniture division to become the most preferred supplier in its field. Spread across 1000 sq mtrs, Khimji’s Office furniture showroom’s layout and its new state- of- theart displays have been strategically designed to facilitate comfortable and

and visual displays) linked to a computer, and associated equipment such as printers, optical scanners, and modems. Typical types of software used in office automation work include word processing, electronic mail, calendar, project management, database management, desk-top publishing, graphics and spreadsheet. Nowadays, office interiors are being renovated to accommodate the demands of such communication, keeping aesthetics and space management as top priority. Overhead projectors, plasma screens, surround sound systems, sleek microphones, video cameras and other gizmos find discreet space.

Automation Office automation refers to the varied computer machinery and software used to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate and relay office information needed for accomplishing basic tasks and goals. Office automation helps in optimising or automating existing office procedures. The backbone of office automation is a Local Area Network (LAN), which

convenient shopping experience for its clients. The showroom exhibits a wide range of modern desks & seating’s. The division also keeps enough inventories to meet the immediate requirement of its clients. Customer listening and continuous interaction has resulted in better understanding of market needs and thereby meeting individual client requirements. With its mission to make customer work environment inspiring and motivating Khimji’s Office furniture has today witnessed steady growth and foresees greater opportunities and success in the years to come.

allows users to transmit data, mail and even voice across the network. All office functions, including dictation, typing, filing, copying, fax, telex, microfilm and records management, telephone and telephone switchboard operations, fall into this category. Office automation was a popular term in the 1970s and 1980s as the desktop computer exploded onto the scene. A universal truth is dawning on the multinational brand names the world over that brands are incidental and the solution is the driver. Decision makers today treat information technology (IT) as their basic need for any business. Recovery cost depends on the customer. The earlier the customer decides to put implement IT solutions, the faster the returns. Spiralling costs can be handled in many ways. And one of them is to optimise on the functions of the gadgets like printers, fax machines, printers, notebooks and laptops, scanners etc.

Staying connected It has been found that when employers give employees an environment they feel comfortable and good in, they become more productive and satisfied in the

RedeÀning OfÀce Concept


OfÀce Furniture Division P.O. Box 19, P.C. 100. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24852800/2890 • Fax: 24852899 • Toll Free No: 80075000 E-MAIL : kfdsales@kr.om • Website: www.khimjiramdas.com



Office Automation solutions from MHD


ohsin Haider Darwish (MHD), is an ISO 9001:2000 certified corporate business group in Oman. The origin of MHD dates back to over half a century. Over the decades, the company has witnessed phenomenal progress, helped by strategic planning and professional management. The growth of the company has kept pace with the tremendous progress the Sultanate has achieved under the wise and able leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

PRO production printing systems; magicolor® colour printers; and pagepro® monochrome printers. Konica Minolta also offers advanced software solutions, microform digital imaging systems, and scanning systems for specialized applications.

Computers, Office Automation and Telecommunications Division of MHD primarily deals in Office Automation, Telecommunication, Office Furniture, Security solutions and IT products. Dr Manmohan Singh Rehsi, general manager of the division is focussed on providing world-class products and services to the customers in the Sultanate of Oman.

• Konica Minolta Digital B/W MFP’s with Colour Scanning, the Bizhub 423 / 363 / 283 series with print speeds of 42, 36 & 28 pints per minute. Bizhub Monochrome series is designed to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership. It uses high quality Simitri HD Toner with 100% Toner re-cycling process, which makes this series the best in its class. • Konica Minolta Digital Full Color MFP Bizhub C360 / C280 / C220 provide outstanding productivity in colour with print speeds of 36, 28 & 22 prints per minute. The color series of Konica Minolta makes color print / copy affordable to its customers without compromising on quality. • Konica Minolta Bizhub Production Printing series has high-speeds of up to 120 PPM, which meets the Centralized Print-on-Demand requirements of the customers. It also offers its users a wide range of finishing options like Perfect Binding, Stapling, Folding, Bookletmaking, etc.

Office Automation Department represents industry leading products in its portfolio with KONICA MINOLTA as its flagship brand. Konica Minolta Business Technologies Inc, a leading Japanese Company in advanced imaging and networking technologies from the desktop to the print shop, brings together unparalleled advances in security, print quality and network integration via its award-winning line of bizhub® range of colour and monochrome multifunction products (MFPs); bizhub PRESS and

workplace. Staying connected is also critical in a company’s ability to respond to a customer’s changing needs, with the latest technology to work around. The Smart Office equipments now come in portable sizes too, so that the user may even cart it along to another part of the continent – and never have to miss out on an important meeting. Researchers who studied teams of software programmers working on a 66

August 2011

MHD & Konica Minolta have together achieved enormous growth in Oman. MHD is now the leading Office Automation Solutions Provider in Oman with the highest MFP installation base in the industry.

project and huddled in one room for four months revealed that they (software developers) spent less than half their time at tasks like programming and coding; the remainder of their day was spent on meetings, problem resolution with team members or clients, product testing, etc. Isolated in cubicles, communication between programmers was impaired; researchers found that the further apart team members were, the less they

• Colour Laser Printer is getting synonymous with Konica Minolta’s magicolor series of Colour Printers. One of its ranges, designed for small workgroup users, Konica Minolta magicolor 1650EN, with speed of 5ppm color & 20ppm mono, impresses, not only with high quality printouts but also by running extra ordinarily quietly. Offered at a very reasonable price, it comes in three flexible configurations with full network compatibility Complimenting the range of Konica Minolta MFPs, MHD offers a complete range of integrated solutions from YSoft / Papercut to meet the centralized print and copy management requirements of the customers. MHD also offers Electronic Document Management and Enterprise Content Management solutions from Laserfiche / Solusoft. Other products include OCE range of wide format Printers and Multifunction’s, Kodak Document & Production scanners, Sony video conferencing solutions, RISO duplicators, LCD & DLP Projectors and Interactive presentation devices. After-sales support: MHD has a wide network of fully equipped & state-ofthe-art Service Centers across Oman. The technical support team is fully trained and certified by the Principal Partners in the respective products in order to provide fast, efficient and reliable services to the customers at their doorstep.

talked to each other. The net effect of ineffective communication was that projects habitually came in overtime and exceeded their budgets. This research confirmed the positive effect of locating employees in a more flexible, open space. Time-to-market, or cycle time for the software programmes developed by the teams dropped by one-third as compared to a company baseline. Communication and problem resolution were enhanced by close proximity to others on the team.

Change the way you do business

Reduced TCO Stylish design Smart performance Monochrome A3/A4 MFP with color scanning

Full color A3/A4 Copy/Print/Scan/Fax

Touch the ideal document solution

Magicolor 1650EN Color network printer 5 ppm colour / 20 ppm monochrome Production printing solutions that works for your business

The essentials of imaging

P.O. Box 880, Ruwi, PC 112, Sultanate of Oman. Tel: 24835500 – Extn. 203; Fax: 24830946 E-mail: jayakrishnank@mhd.co.om, Website: www.mhdoman.com Branches: Ibri: 25689940, Nizwa: 25412213, Salalah: 23298921, Sohar: 26841393, Sur: 25543922



Maximising profits with office solutions from OMEC/SBNAH


ustomer satisfaction along with technology has always been the founding belief of Al Hashar Group and of OMEC-SBNAH the division of Al Hashar specialising in various office automation solutions for its clients in Sultanate of Oman.

Office automation division of OMEC -SBNAH handles various world class brands such as SHARP and KARDEX as a sole distributor in Oman. Apart from these the division also handles many other brands Lexmark – Printers, LifeSize Video conferencing system and various other products for office requirements. SHARP offers a strong line up of products in office solution through its sole distributor “Oman Modern Electronics Co.” in Oman. Apart from its main product category digital copiers, the brand also offers a wide range of products such as DLP Multimedia Projector/ 3D Projector, Information professional display panel with touch screen applications, cash register, calculator, ion generator to fulfill the requirements of the corporate customers under one brand. Sharp has launched an array of smart solutions that help integrate its printers into an organisation’s operations and processes, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency and resulting in substantial savings. Solutions like Sharp’s Open Systems Architecture (OSA) software which help with Fleet Management and also help Manage

Once upon a time, every employee was housed in a cubicle or individual office. These days, there are fewer permanent addresses; not every employee needs a personal work station in a digital workplace. The average office space used to be 70 per cent cubicles and 30 per cent collaborative or shared space. Today, 68

August 2011

Print Services (MPS), says Jaydev Nair, general manager, OMEC. SHARP copiers incorporating the latest in technology, are fully configured to meet the demanding needs of today’s offices in terms of multilayered security, high speed and are user friendly. SHARP desk software comes in-built with copiers and network connectivity and many more with a wide range available from speed of 12cpm to 110cpm to cater different market segments and its users. To keep pace with current and future trend of the industry, OMEC offers solution based products in the copier segments and hence provides and assists the corporate and government organisations to implement the document management and print control solutions to reduce unwanted printing costs and thus maximise the profits for their establishments, says Bibhash Kumar, divisional manager, OMEC. On the product quality and its wide range, SHARP remains on course for success with its current powerful MFP lineup. For no less than the third time, the brand has won the coveted “Line of the Year” award from Buyers Laboratory Inc. (BLI). Moreover, 13 individual commendations from BLI and the renowned Business Equipment Research & Test Laboratories (BERTL) have now been added to Sharp’s already extensive collection of accolades. KARDEX is one of the world’s leading

that equation is 55 per cent cubicles and 45 per cent shared space. In the agile office, a hybrid solution often works best: small private rooms for concentrated work, personal work stations in open office settings for team work, and a variety of formal and informal meeting spaces. Work spaces are simultaneously shrinking: from a standard unit of 8 by 10 feet to one as small as 6 by 6 feet in

manufacturers of automated storage, retrieval and materials handling solutions. The brand has become synonymous for storage solutions worldwide and it offers the entire range of products through its sole distributor “Saeed Bin Nasser Al Hashar” in Oman. • Kardex Lektriever - for box and hanging file applications. • Kardex Pharmatriever - for storing various medicine / clinical products. • Kardex Industriever -for storing various engineering / industrial parts and tools. • Kardex Mobile shelving - for keeping the archive files. • KARDEX-Shuttle which brings the ultimate storage solution for large organisations to save their warehousing space cost and increase the efficiency for their work flow. OMEC-SBNAH boasts of providing the most cost-effective, reliable and efficient business solutions for all corporate needs. Highly skilled sales and service hands are employed and trained by brands to provide unmatched after sales experience to customers. All the products are marketed and available through its wide sales network – OMEC-SBNAH showrooms, dealer network, hypermarkets and a dedicated institutional and projects team. The corporate, individual and projects clients can be contacted on email id: oadiv@ alhashargroup.com or, 24781655.

an open office plan. Work station walls are coming down, to open up views and allow occupants to enjoy natural light.

Healthy workplace Further, as health and safety of employees becomes paramount for companies, most corporate offices are switching to ergonomic and functional furniture. These areas are designed to



Elite – the office in future


lite is one of Muscat’s specialist outlets for office furniture and office interiors. On offer here is a diverse range of attractive and cost-effective office furniture – backed up by professional advice and support. The services provided include space planning and interior refurbishment proposals. Elite offers the latest and most upto-date designs and innovations. On display at the newly opened showroom of over 300 sq m in Al Khuwair is a superb and diverse range of office furniture. These products are geared to meet the rising demands for efficient office spaces – giving due consideration to the people who use them. With Elite office furniture and interiors the choice is yours. We offer the following: • Office Furniture and Interior Solutions: a complete turnkey service for you and your business

break the monotony of workplaces and create a healthy working atmosphere where employees feel relaxed. The trend is to create a friendly ambience for both management and employees like a community, where everyone is familiar with another, a place where all needs are met, physical as well as psychological. Therefore a smart office will strive to create an environment that has a smart, attractive, friendly design and can form an office ambience which is flexible, effective and welcoming for employees, which makes them feel like coming to work, and motivates them to increase productivity. Creating a non- or low-toxic workplace would be a plus point for a smart office. For example: Use low-VOC paints along with 100 per cent virgin wool carpets made without chemicals or dyes (wool carpet lasts much longer than does synthetic carpet, so the carpeting will not need to be replaced as quickly). Natural carpet padding (made of jute fibres encased in recycled paper) when tacked to the floor help avoid 70

August 2011

• Interior Design and Space planning Service: to make the most of your office space - however large or small • Extensive Furniture Ranges from Spain, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Thailand to choose from the widest range of styles, budgets, colours under one roof • Partitioning, Ceilings, Electricals, Flooring, AV and more: we can provide everything you need to complete your project • Full Project Management: to take away the stress of your project while you take care of your business • Retail: An individual customer can also enjoy a retail experience. The Elite showroom at Al Khuwair operates from 9 am to 7 pm from Saturday to Thursday. PRODUCT RANGE: Office Furniture: The range of office furniture covers a variety of executive and junior level desks, work stations

the chemical offgassing that would have occurred had they been glued. Several practical steps can help you to create a healthier workplace. The key to a healthier office is prevention – in other words, use healthy and efficient building, lighting, and HVAC design, and use nontoxic building materials, furnishings, and office supplies. The best way to create a green and healthy environment is to begin by carrying out an environmental audit to study the duct system, building and lighting design, and office furnishings and to survey employees. The company can create corporate policies that encourage healthier purchasing decisions and production methods and support employee health.

Designer office Utilities such as mobile phones, computers or laptops, telephone network, printers, scanners, fax machines and photocopiers use or share computer based data and software applications for higher productivity, saving on time. Creative and insightful planning and

and seating products. Elite can cater to the needs of all customer segments – Omanis and expatriates, Western and Asian, individuals or corporate, local or multinational organisations. Quality furniture is imported from around the world along with professional services. Wherever the customer or whatever the business, we strive to create and provide a perfect work environment. Index Home Furniture Centre Index provides a range of designs of all forms of living, dining, bedroom and outdoor furniture that can be made available on Retail Purchase or the Easy Finance Scheme (to be launched shortly) along with swift delivery, installations and with interior design services. Index provides a hassle free, unique and competitive service that allows the individual to furnish conveniently.

refurnishing of work environments are essential to remaining in the race. Design is no longer an expense; it is an investment. This means investing heavily at the front end to ensure productivity and higher staff retention. Innovative design trends are becoming prevalent and attention is being paid to creative and strategic thinking and interactive idea exchanges. Some of the facets of new work environments include: attractive and inviting private and group work spaces; tree-lined interiors and an emphasis on views; creative thinking areas with drawable walls and surfaces; and even whimsical props such as stuffed animals for inspiration. Traditionally conservative firms are moving away from the oldfashioned look and designing in terms of flexibility, technology and service to create smart office environments for their employees. Cardinal zones in different colours, diffuse, luminous lighting, and an atmosphere that feels more like home as well as systems that include retractable drawable surfaces, spatial dividers of wire mesh, luminescent plastic panels for privacy, and trees.


Kuwait’s metro ambitions Kuwait’s planned metro project should strengthen Kuwait’s positioning as a key business hub in the region and entice foreign direct investments to the country

The author is an eminent economist and Member of Parliament, Bahrain (jasim.husain@gmail.com)


uwait’s planned metro project could help the country strengthen its regional competitive position. Once completed, this project is expected to add a new dimension to Kuwait’s infrastructure and the competitiveness of its economy. Kuwait can afford the planned metro project, as evidenced by repetitive budgetary surpluses. The total direct and indirect cost of the planned project is estimated at $10bn (Dh36.7bn). The country posted a surplus of $30bn in fiscal year 2010-2011, which ended in March. An ambitious plan calls for the implementation of the project in the first quarter of 2013. As such, the tendering process is due to take place in 2012 after the consultants prepare the necessary materials. One such sign of the seriousness relates to the selection of two international firms to serve as consultants for the scheme.

Major challenges Kuwait lags behind all other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries except for Bahrain at the Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011. Published by the 72

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World Economic Forum, the report’s index, known as Global Competitiveness Index or GCI, is noted for taking a holistic approach vis-à-vis the performance of the economies it reviews.

nology Report, specifically in its Network Readiness Index (NRI). The report ranks countries on the basis of their appreciation of information and communication technologies (ICT).

The index ranks economies on the basis of their achievements in three broad categories: basic requirements, efficiency enhancers and innovation and sophistication factors. The basic requirements category is divided into institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, health and primary education.

The annual report is a joint effort by the World Economic Forum and INSEAD, a renowned international graduate business school and research institution, with campuses in France, Singapore and the UAE.

The efficiency enhancers category comprises higher education and training, goods and market efficiency, labour market efficiency, financial market sophistication, technological readiness and market size. The innovation and sophistication factors category is made up of business sophistication and innovation. The three categories of basic requirements, efficiency enhancers and innovation and sophistication are brought together in the formation of GNI. Kuwait is ranked last amongst the GCC countries in 20102011 Global Information Tech-

In order to arrive at NRI, the comprehensive study relies on 68 variables which are classified into three broad categories: (1) market, political, regulatory and infrastructure environment (2) individual, business and government readiness for ICT and (3) individual, business and government use of ICT services. Countries are ranked according to their performance on NRI. The UAE leads the GCC and Arab World positioning itself at number 24 amongst 138 countries ranked in the latest report. Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Oman stood at number 25, 30, 33, and 41, respectively. But Kuwait was ranked 75 globally in the report.


KUWAIT’S METRO COULD STREAMLINE BUSINESS AND WORKING CONDITIONS IN THE COUNTRY Kuwait trails fellow Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries when it comes to foreign direct investment (FDI), as indicated by the World Investment Report 2010, issued by the World Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad). Total inward FDI in Kuwait was only $145mn in 2009, the last year for which comprehensive figures are available. Conversely, Saudi Arabia attracted a hefty $35.5bn in the same year, the highest for any country in the West Asia region. Logistical complexity is partly blamed for Kuwait’s inability to entice foreign investments. Hence, the Kuwait Metro project should help strengthen the country’s business prospects.

Legal hassles One can only hope the country’s extraordinary legislative branch would not derail the project on any ground. The country’s parliament has a history of putting the brakes on ambitious projects. Also, successive parliaments failed to endorse Project Kuwait, in turn aiming at generating an additional 450,000 barrels per day from four fields located in the north and west of the country. The development

LAGGING BEHIND ¡ Total inward FDI in Kuwait was $145mn in 2009 ¡ Saudi Arabia attracted a hefty $35.5bn in 2009 ¡ Kuwait ranked last amongst the GCC countries in Network Readiness Index

requires an investment of $8bn over a 20-year period. International oil firms have the means including the technology and know-how to carry out such an ambitious scheme. However, on several occasions, ultra conservative MPs have managed to block the project citing a clause within the Kuwaiti constitution that bars foreign ownership of the country’s hydrocarbon resources. However, on several occasions, ultra conservative MPs have managed to block the project citing a clause within the Kuwaiti constitution that bars foreign ownership of the country’s hydrocarbon resources. In addition, in 2008 the parliament forced the authorities to cancel a 417.4bn project with Dow

Chemical of the US to create the world’s largest maker of polyethylene. The move reflected assertions, of some legislators, of the presence of kickbacks in the project, hence the relatively high cost. Eventually, the two sides had to avert to a legal system to settle the dispute, requiring Kuwait to offer a large amount of money to end the case. Undoubtedly, the ambitious project should strengthen Kuwait’s positioning as a key business hub in the region, and thereby entice foreign direct investments. Kuwait has notable attractive qualities including a relatively high per capita income of $46,000, the third highest of its kind in GCC after Qatar and the UAE. In reality, Kuwaiti nationals are noted

for their willingness to spend and invest their resources.

Investing at home At the same time, development of a local rail network could press Kuwaitis to invest at home. Of all GCC investors, Kuwaiti nationals are noted for their international outlook. Certainly, this is a notable quality but investment at home cannot be overlooked. Among others, the metro should ease commuting for expatriates, who form most of the country’s work force. Kuwait is notorious for swirling sand during the winter, which makes commuting by road risky. All told, the Kuwait Metro should streamline business and working conditions in the country, thereby helping different stakeholders including investors and workers. August 2011 73

Shell Oman marks Safety Day

Recently Shell Oman Marketing Company and Shell Development Oman celebrated Shell Safety Day, an annual event where all Shell employees and contractors get together to focus on safety and make plans for the next steps on the journey towards achieving Zero incidents. Peter Voser, CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc, attended the event as part of the Shell leadership engagement plan. While this year’s Safety Day theme is “Do the Right Thing”, Shell in

Oman gave a higher focus on road safety following the directions of His Majesty the Sultan to improve road safety in Oman. This is the fifth year that Shell conducts its Safety Day, as every year the learning journey continues to build a proactive safety culture across all the organisations. The main event was held in Crown Plaza hotel where several engagement activities and presentations were planned for shell staff, dealers, contractors and other stakeholders who participated in the day.

Boeing sponsors Start Early programme The Boeing Company recently sponsored an eight-day programme to train teachers and school supervisors in Muscat in techniques designed to maximise early learning. The ‘Start Early’ programme, which was organised by Action Care in association with the Omani Women’s Association, was attended by a number of teachers from both government and private schools. The Start Early programme focuses on the needs of young children up to six years of age and imparts best practices that can be used 74

August 2011

at school or at home. Participants were trained in techniques such as learning through play, early learning, character development and behaviour management and communications skills. Boeing has supported Action Care’s efforts to take the Start Early seminars to a number of other GCC countries such as Kuwait and Qatar.

Samsung launches GALAXY S II Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has launched its revolutionary Smartphone, the GALAXY S II in Oman at ShangriLa’s Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa. The widely anticipated smartphone has the speed and power to provide an unrivalled mobile performance. Building on the phenomenal success of the original Samsung GALAXY S, the GALAXY S II is a natural and powerful evolution of its predecessor and allows users to design their own smart lives. It uses Android™ 2.3 Gingerbread, the latest version of the world’s fastest-growing mobile operating system. “The new Galaxy S II smartphone is a revolutionary device

that reinforces Samsung’s dedication to innovation and technological excellence,” says Ashraf Fawakherji, general manager of Samsung Gulf Electronics Telecommunication Group. “Combined with sleek design, powerful performance and advanced applications, the new device provides immersive, intelligent and integrated experiences that enrich people’s lives.”

Danube’s new retail facility in Sharjah Danube Building Materials opened recently its newest Danube Building Materials Showroom in Sharjah, UAE. The AED10mn showroom is the latest addition to the company’s growing number of retail facilities in the UAE and was inaugurated by Abdullah AL Qayedi, director of Sharjah Municipality and Khalid Saif Almuaini, director of Economic Department. The ceremony was

chaired by Anis Sajan, managing director; Adel Sajan, director, Danube Building Materials and several senior government officials. Danube’s 28th retail facility in the region reflects the company’s strategic initiative towards strengthening its market presence in the Middle East region. The new retail facility is spread over 5,000 square feet.

Black&Decker’s steam mop launched Black&Decker, represented in Oman by Oman Marketing and Service Co, recently launched its steam mop in the sultanate. According to a company release, the steam mop, with AutoSelect technology, removes germs and bacteria with minimal effort. “Equipped with an on/off button, the environment-friendly steam mop kills 99.99 per cent germs by operating with water and heat alone,” said Rajesh Kannan,

senior executive of Black and Decker. “It is faster compared to other products available in the market,” he claimed. The mop uses microfibre pads that are washable and reusable (up to 100 wash cycles) and can be used on stone, marble, tile, vinyl, wooden or laminate flooring thanks to the Black and Decker’s autoselect technology. The steam mop can also be used to steam clean carpets with the special carpet glider attachment.

Bank Sohar, AQAR sign agreement

Bank Sohar has signed an agreement with Al Khonji Real Estate & Development for financing the purchase of residential units at the Rimal Residential Housing Project in the Wilayat of Bousher. Dr Mohamed Abdulaziz Kalmoor, CEO, Bank Sohar and Mohamed Al Khonji, Chairman/ CEO, Al Khonji Real Estate and Development (AQAR) signed the agreement at the bank’s headquarters.

The name ‘Rimal’ meaning sand dune in Arabic refers to the project location next to the famous Bousher sand dunes. The Rimal Project will be one of the largest of its kind in Muscat covering 50,000 square metres. The Project consists of 254 apartments with a range of one, two and three bedroom single story homes as well as three and four bedroom duplex apartments together with service quarters.

Omantel’s Salalah Festival offers Omantel has announced details of two offers for two of its most popular Hayyak pre-paid and Mada post-paid services that are launched to celebrate the Salalah Tourism Festival and will then be valid for three more months. The first offer is for postpaid customers. Anyone who signs up to the many and varied Mada postpaid payment options will automatically be provided with 500 free SMS messages every month for a three month period. The

free SMS messages will apply to any phone network the Mada user wishes to contact – but all 500 messages must be used up within three months and are only valid for messages within Oman itself. The second promotion will offer the Hayyak Starter Kit at RO2 but subscribers will get an additional 50 per cent – RO1 – of bonus credit that can be used for national or international Calls, SMS, MMS, Data and other services.

Spicy Village dresses up for Ramadan The Spicy Village chain of restaurants has geared up for Ramadan with delicious Iftar and Suhoor options which both expats and Omani nationals will enjoy.“As an Islamic restaurant, serving authentic Indian, Chinese and continental food using Halal meat, Ramadan has always been the highlight of our year. Our restaurants

are the first choice for Iftar and Suhoor parties all across Oman,” says Dayaparan, general manager, Spicy Village. Spicy Village which uses at all its restaurants only A’Saffa chicken which is hand slaughtered as per Islamic shariya law now has a new, fully-equipped party hall at Darsait, which can comfortably accommodate over 250 people.

Berger Paints celebrates achievements LG launches new ranges of TVs Berger Paints Oman recently celebrated its excellent results and achievements for the year 2010-11 with a business enclave for key channel partners in Istanbul, Turkey. The week -long event featured discussions and presentations on company’s business plans for the future along with excursions to various places in and around Istanbul.

During a gala dinner with the channel partners, P K Raj, general manager, Berger Paints Oman honoured all participating channel partners who achieved their targets with certificates and trophies as a token of appreciation. He also encouraged all the channel partners to contribute and continue to support the company.

HSBC funds autism rehabilitation centre HSBC Oman has donated RO2,500 to fund the construction of a new rehabilitation and recreational hall in the Muscat Autism Centre that will facilitate the learning experience of autistic children in a tactile environment. With an estimated 4,000 Omani children diagnosed with this neurodevelopmental disorder,

the bank’s latest philanthropic initiative reflects its commitment to promoting awareness, rehabilitation and education for children with special needs. Staff volunteers will also work hand in hand with Muscat Autism Center to educate the public and advocate for improved quality of standards for autism care.

LG Electronics has launched its range of Cinema 3D TVs, Smart TVs and Pen Touch Plasma TVs that incorporate the very latest technology in Oman. The technology behind the CINEMA 3D TV is LG’s patented Film Patterned Retarder (FPR) technology. FPR provides a crisp and sharp arp 3D image when viewed through ugh lightweight polarised glasses, s, allowing viewers to watch TV for longer, and in greaterr comfort. Further improving the picture quality is LG’s 3D Light Boost, a thin film covering the screen that ensures images are shown at full brightness. “LG is opening a new chapter in the quality of home entertainment by bringing CINEMA 3D TV to consumers in the region.

It is the absolute pinnacle of 3D TV entertainment and incorporates the latest breakthrough technologies from LG. The end result is a superior product that is sure to place LG at the very forefront of markets around the world.” says H S Paik, President of LG Electronics, Gulf FZE.

August 2011 75

VERSATILE AND TRENDY Panasonic launched its new Range of LUMIX G Series professional Digital SLR cameras as well as the compact pointand-shoot cameras, with new release models ranging from the newly-created S Series up to the high end and extremely successful, travel zoom TZ range. The new line up boasts of the best in the industry picture quality coupled with better zoom capabilities, wider angle lenses and professional consumer features, such as GPS and a touch screen with shutter activation. The new line up of LUMIX cameras with their unique functionality will definitely meet customer demands, are versatile, trendy and the image quality is of the highest calibre, be it still or videos

ULTRA-THIN PIAGET MODELS Manufacture de Haute Horlogerie Piaget has consistently broken new ground in the highly technical sphere of ultra-thin watchmaking. Out of a total of 29 movements developed by Piaget, 17 are ultra-thin. Of this long and prestigious lineage, two of the most outstanding recent calibres are the 430P (2.1 mm thick) created in 1998 and the 830P (2.5 mm) created in 2007. This expertise in ultra-thin movements has also given rise to complicated calibres, including the world’s thinnest shaped tourbillon, 600P, as well as the 880P chronograph, 885P perpetual calendar and 1270P automatic tourbillon movements. In 2010, Piaget celebrated the 50th anniversary of the launch of its legendary 12P calibre by presenting the 1200P (hours and minutes) and 1208P (hours, minutes and small seconds), the world’s thinnest mechanical automatic movements at just 2.35 mm thick.

MEN’S SKIN TOO NEEDS HYDRATION As thicker skin that needs gentleness every day, men’s skin is subjected d to aggression from pollution, air-conditioning and regular shaving that dehydrate ydrate skin. The result is irritated, uncomfortable skin that shows signs of premature ageing. Thanks to Clarins research expertise in “multi-level” hydration, ClarinsMen en Super Moisture Gel and Balm now go even further. Two new formulas combine e the very latest “superstar” ingredient – calcium hyaluronate and a selection of highperformance plant extracts. Never before has men’s skin been so hydrated ated and protected without the slightest oily residue in sight! Calcium hyaluronate is a high performance ingredient used for the first time in men’s skin care. 76

August 2011

WORLD’S BRIGHTEST DISPLAY The LG Optimus Black, the stylishly slim and lightweight Android smartphone equipped with the world’s brightest display, has made its debut in Oman and is now available at all the leading outlets across Oman. The LG Optimus Black comes equipped with the world’s brightest display at 700-nits greatly enhancing visibility under direct sunlight and providing higher levels of true blacks and whites. The highly efficient NOVA display also allows the LG Optimus Black’s large 4-inch screen to consume up to 50 per cent less power indoors, compared to competitors’ 3.5 inch LCD displays. Overall, the NOVA display’s brightness and natural colours provide users with an enhanced experience when browsing the web, writing emails and reading documents.

UNRIVALLED CHOICE Nokia recently hosted an event in Oman to share its overall business and product strategy for the coming 12 months, as well as showcasing some of its latest handsets including N9, E6 and C2 series and discussing their individual features and relevance to Nokia’s differing customers types. Tom Farrell, General Manager, Nokia Lower Gulf who spoke at the event, says; “The purpose of the event is to underline our commitment and dedication to the Omani market.” The N9, Nokia’s latest smartphone announced in Singapore late last month, introduces an innovative new design where the home key is replaced by a simple gesture: a swipe. Nokia has developed the E6 to become the essential smart device for anyone looking for seamless on the go social connectivity and engagement. Nokia C2-02, Nokia C2-03 and Nokia C2-06 offer a web, maps and messaging experience second to none in the market.

A COMPACT PRINTER Canon Middle East recently launched the most compact A3+ printer in its PIXMA range. With increased speed and advanced software, the affordable PIXMA iX6540 is approximately 30 per cent smaller than its predecessor, and features a stylish design requiring minimum desk space. Replacing the PIXMA iX4000, the PIXMA iX6540 is ideal for advanced home and office users looking for superb quality when producing photos or documents; offering complete functionality for everyday business tasks including printing large spread sheets, newsletters and schedules. The PIXMA iX6540 includes 5 Single Inks which are individually replaceable to optimise ink usage and features a pigment black ink for crisp, sharp text. August 2011 77



illiam Chalk and Jasper Ahliquist are key account managers working for a European information technology company. Having obtained degrees from good universities and enjoying track records of career progression, both men have passed a grueling selection process that involved multiple rounds of interviews with senior managers from across the organisation. But last year, one of these men was in the top 10 per cent of the sale force, by virtue of selling more hardware, software and services than 90 per cent of the other key account managers, while the other one was in the bottom 10 per cent of the sales team, being outsold by 9 in 10 of his colleagues. One of them earned $482,520 in salary and bonuses, putting him in the top 10 per cent of the company while the other one earned $107,950, putting him in the bootom 10 per cent. Why did they score at opposite ends of the scale, with one emerging more vibrantly successful than the other? Why are some people so much more successful than others? It was to unravel this subtle yet crucial difference that distinguishes exceptional people from everyone else, that Rob Yeung has interviewed hundreds of high achievers in business, sports and entertainment. By gaining insight into the minds of these exceptionally

The publication featured in Browsing Corner is provided by WHSmith Bookstore


successful ul people, and combining this information with a wealth of scientific research, Rob could easily find out the extra one per cent that helps them rise above the crowd and be extraordinary. Thus was born Rob’s The

Extra One Per Cent: How Small Changes Make Exceptional People, which was hailed as nothing short of a guide to high achievers. By combining scientific research into the secrets of success, the psychologist in

Rob tackles this much talked about subject - the formula of success - from a researchoriented perspective. The book treads a nice line between being enjoyable and being informative. Imagination, cherishing, authenticity, centeredness, connectedness, daring, integration and vision are the eight characteristics that were discussed in detail, each in a dedicated chapter. Those who are gifted with this extra one per cent may necessarily not be more intelligent; nor do they come from either better or worse background or benefit from extraordinary educations. One of the biggest differences, he has seen between high achievers and their less successful counterparts is that the exceptional ones are out there doing things. “They take actions. They take notes. They make plans. The initiate conversations and meetings and take steps every day to edge them closer towards their goals and visions. They consciously commit to selfimprovement and make it a priority. Rather than just talking about what they could or might do, they get on with it,” writes Rob in the concluding chapter. In chronicling their journeys, Rob must have told only fragments of their stories; but he has marvellously illustrated the relevant capabilities – the skills and behaviours – that everyone who wants to be successful in life and profession will be able to learn and emulate.

Cut out this coupon from OER and present it at the WHSmith’s bookstore in Jawarat Al Shatti to claim a 10% discount on the book featured in the August 2011 issue, or 5% discount on all other books.

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Blazing a trail Backed by 30 years of experience in tourism industry in Germany, Switzerland and the US, Manfred Schweizer, CEO/ general manager, Arabian Trails is exploring the possibility of giving visitors to the Sultanate of Oman an authentic Arabian experience. Muahmmed Nafie reports


anfred Schweizer fell in love with Oman during his first visit to the country two years ago. He was so impressed by the Sultanate and its people that he kind of joked that he should come back to work and build up something here. After a couple of months, when his partner- to-be Yahya Al Abrawi called up him to discuss some new business opportunities, Manfred, who was then working with Switzerland-based TUI, did not take it seriously. But the opportune time came in the beginning of 2010 when Manfred decided to quit TUI as a result of some structural changes in the company. The idea of Arabian Trails as a Destination Management Company (DMC) for the Gulf region and the Middle East came to fruition in September 2010 after a few brainstorming sessions between the two in the Sultanate and Switzerland. Arabian Trials, the DMC division of Gulf Sindbad Travel & Tourism, focuses mainly on presenting an authentic Arabian experience for tourists to Oman. “It is kind of a new way of tourism here. We provide our clients with an authentic Arabian experience by bringing them together with the locals and give them a better understanding of their life, culture and tradition,” says Manfred.

Within a short span of time, the idea has attracted a lot of interest. Apart from leisure tourism, Arabian Trials has also specialised in meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) tourism. Manfred believes that in the coming two to four years, Oman has huge tourism potential mainly on MICE business especially when Omran’s new conventional centre becomes operational. He is also of the opinion that Oman’s national carrier Oman Air’s recent foray into various international destinations will give a fillip to the tourism sector and add to the inflow of foreign tourists to the country. Manfred who is now deeply involved in building up the new company and aspires to make Arabian Trails an industry leader in the region. It has already set up its office in Dubai and eyes expansion to the entire gulf region and other Arabian countries. He also revealed that the company is planning to open its office in Salalah in a few months to tap

the potential of the Sultanate’s celebrated tourism hub. The second brand of Gulf Sindbad Travel & Tourism is Sindbad Trails which is meant for the local market. With this brand, the company is looking to introduce itself as a new tour operator offering some unique products such as holiday packages and round trips.

Passionate traveller Manfred who had studied tourism in Germany and started his carrier in 1972, worked for some internationally reputed tour operating companies including Kuoni international, the biggest international operator in Switzerland. Visiting new countries has always been a passion for him; he has travelled extensively and made a wide network world over. Brazil is one of his favourite travel destinations. He also loves swimming, biking and walking. An avid reader and a lover of classical Music, Manfred is a fan of Paulo Coelho, the Brazilian novelist. August 2011 79

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