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The best things in life come in pairs... C l e a r d i a m o n d s & b l u e s a p p h i re s s e t i n 1 8 k w h i te g o l d . M a t c h i n g r i n g a n d n e c k l a c e a l s o ava i l a b l e.

Bareeq al Shatti - Al Bustan Hotel - Qurum City Centre - Showcases at Grand Hyatt Muscat - Opera Mall (Opening Soon)



SEPTEMBER 2012 VOL 10 NO. 113

FROM THE DESK EDITORIAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Salman Ibrahim Al Balushi GROUP EDITOR Mayank Singh EDITOR Rekha Balakrishnan SENIOR JOURNALIST Myssaa Said Al Hinai DESIGN SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Sandesh S. Rangnekar SENIOR DESIGNER Aliya Saif DESIGNER Yousuf Ismail SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER Rajesh Burman PHOTOGRAPHER Basim Al Maharbi PRODUCTION MANAGER Govindraj Ramesh ADVERTISING & MARKETING SENIOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Pooja Verma ADVERTISING MANAGER Fareeda Sulaiman Al Balushi SENIOR BUSINESS SUPPORT EXECUTIVE Radha Kumar CORPORATE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Sandeep Sehgal EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Alpana Roy DISTRIBUTION United Media Services LLC PUBLISHED BY United Press & Publishing LLC A Renaissance Services Company P.O. Box 3305, Ruwi, Postal Code 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Tel: 00 968 24700896 Fax: 00 968 24707939 e-mail: thewoman@umsoman.com website: www.almarathewoman.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express permission of the publishers. Copyright © 2012 United Press & Publishing LLC Printed in the Sultanate of Oman at Oman Printers & Stationers

SMILE! Our office is located in a building that has five floors. During the course of the day, we often move across floors and bump into people from other offices while waiting for the elevator. There are a few who make it a point to greet us with either an effusive ‘hello’ or a salaam-aleykum accompanied by huge smiles. In the morning, it sets a positive, cheerful tone for the day and if we are lucky enough to meet the same people again, the positivity only multiplies, sending good vibes all around. No one likes to be around grumpy people who have permanent frowns or scowls etched on their faces. Everyone loves to be around smiling people… it’s a universal fact. There’s nothing quite like a warm smile for perking you up, as well as those around you. And it’s better than chocolate! Researchers at the British Dental Health Foundation revealed that after participants were shown pictures of smiling people, their brain and heart activity was equivalent to being given the stimulation of 2,000 chocolate bars! A smile costs you nothing but gives you a lot in return. Here are a few scientific and psychological reasons as to why a smile works wonders. • A smile is a natural drug. Studies show that endorphins and serotonin are released when we smile. • Smiling and laughing regularly can lower your blood pressure. • Smiling and being cheerful in unpleasant situations and circumstances can help relieve the negative effects of stress. • Your body is more relaxed when you smile which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system. • Smile and get others to smile. Smiling is contagious and studies have proved that people find it difficult to frown when they receive a smile. • Scientists have also discovered that the body has to work hard and use more muscles to frown than it does to smile. • A smile puts you on your best behaviour. You cannot smile and scream, can you? • A research study by Orbit Complete discovered that a majority of people find a make-up free, smiling face more attractive than a make-up wearing, non-smiling one! So there you go! Enough reasons to smile and spread the cheer .

Keep smiling… look good… feel good and until next month, stay cool, people!

e-magazine – logon to www.almarathewoman.com or email us at thewoman@umsoman.com to get your personal e-magazine

CONTENTS 42 Autumn/Winter 2012 Collection from Givenchy MANE TALK 24 6 hairstyles to make you look younger SCENT TALK 28 How to choose the right scent BEAUTY ZONE 32 Hot product picks from top brands BEAUTY BUZZ 43 Fruits for a super skin LOOKBOOK 46 Autumn-Winter chic from Carolina Herrera and Desigual

COVER FEATURE 8 Five women tell us what beauty means to them… SLICE OF LIFE INSPIRATION 12 A true story of a woman who grappled with body image issues and emerged a survivor 14 WELL-BEING Find time to do things for oneself and others, says Dr. Prema Seshadri 16 PARENTING All about the joy of motherhood GLAM UP – BEAUTY SPECIAL 18 THE GUIDE 40 useful tips to look good and feel good GET THE LOOK 22 Make Up For Ever’s Black Tango Make-Up Collection for Fall 2012 26 Guerlain Fall Collection 2012 30 Autumn/Winter 2012 MakeUp Collection from Dior

R&R TRAVEL 54 Sri Lanka – A land of myriad pleasures and breath-taking beauty MIND & BODY 58 All about thalassa therapy… BUZZ SUPERSTARS 60 Stars and their iconic scents HEALTH HEALTH PLUS 67 Q&A with Dr. Smita Lulla PALATE 68 CUISINE Four simple recipes to satisfy different taste-buds PLUS: Top Drive, Event, About Town, Stargazing

Cover Design: Rakesh Radhakrishnan

Address your letters to: The Editor, The Woman, United Media Services P.O. Box: 3305, PC 112، Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman or fax us at 24707939 or e-mail us at thewoman@umsoman.com


FRIENDS ARE FOREVER I simply loved your special article for Friendship Day. I totally related to the different type of friends mentioned in the article. I have a friend who does not stay in the same city but is someone who I rely a lot on. She is the 2am kind of friend though we live in different time zones. But the point is, I can give her a call at any time of the day or night and she will always lend a patient ear. And I’m proud to say that I’m the same and always there whenever she needs me. She’s the best gal pal I’ve ever had and wish our friendship stays so for years to come.

Rahima Al Harthy Ghubra

knows? Somehow,

somewhere your paths


Sumaira Al Riyami Seeb FOOD FOR THOUGHT

tea with on the phone or Ànish When you get done but won’t have gone away Friend person your problems down. She is this to let you let yourself feel better about them! This friend refuses harsh. you will you think she is too harsh with you - sometimes being an tell you when you’re Wild Friend These kind of friends she have completely The does boy, you’re and when up being silly, Call this friend idiot, when you’re went scream it Bored? Pitt at a party she do they tell you! They for you! She saw Brad of in the wrong and boy, when you’re stories dances and acts and get angry at you - often night, she sings and at you, yell at you, all the time can handle to last This friend is all party you don’t think you course, never sleeps. down and out, when life is need this person listening to her. Your But the thing is you you feel envious just anymore criticism. making what they are and You spend your time person who knows compared to hers. tame in your life. This is the Áoor, even you bathroom on the is always honest with there’s no mould growing talking about and who in as small you know sure to have as much fun in the short run. And she spends hers trying if it hurts your feelings sometimes possible. And though you’re better for it. amount a time as the what? In the long run, g your life for hers, dream about exchangin her. of yours! She you living vicariously through listen to this friend truth is, you just enjoy So man up, and they are talking vicariously! talking about what Live she’s not? what why So knows seem like it it doesn’t always about and even though

The No-Nonsense

crossed and ed or

socially later you remember happens and it’s not something funny then separated. Sometime soul quite when You sent a message, This is the person ed you in passing. othing soothes the e to laugh out loud. can she remember it took to your closest appropriat this is the person you that’s it - that’s all like a long chat with sent one back, and shoulder you cry on, initially she she are feeling whose person isn’t around she’ll curse at you of friendship – this friends. When you at 4am and though say ignite the spark life or your friends, feeling jaded, call what you have to , doesn’t know your blue, when you are hang up without hearing has your you physically friends but you’re always you are just won’t her when or always, life even who her or maybe This is the person you don’t know an interest – there’s Àrst. best friend will the distance, to take you’re wrong. Your across to share the happiness try when to looking even – willing and happy sentence. despite having of people out back up all in the same lives; because somehow there (or a group off and boost you one in each other’s always a person out month we tell you you, you’re both operating so hold on to this what you need. This distance between best friend gets you, there) who know just we’re so much the different Your are one in a million, h. by highlighting all these kind of people on the same wavelengt celebrate friendship lives! rocks in our folks… one good one in our there! Here’s to the lucky even to Ànd ‘types’ of friends out not directly have someone who’s It’s also nice to lives – our friends! advice. Since she’s objective Friend you e give your life, The Long Distanc with this part of circle of friends, she you became friends from your close knit don’t know how The Best Friend random removed whole life You perspective on your a party, at some this person for your a different and invaluable you met once at You may have known across person Ànd someone to half-an-hour, offers to for rare connected spoke it’s ally You for telepathic in touch shop and hit it off. to – you were practically went life. So stay for a year, coffee having so many differences entire night and then have just known her connect with despite hour, maybe for the wombs – or you may in your heart. an you exchanged e-mail a very special place separate ways. Maybe move past. but she will hold incomplete your Facebook IDs. Who your life would be , phone numbers, This is the person looks with addresses person you exchange without. This is the

Yes, it’s me to press the pause bu on and take some much needed ‘me- me’. Dr. Prema Seshadri’s column in your last issue was indeed an eye-opener in many ways. In this rat-race called life, where mul -tasking is the norm, we o en overlook the simple li le things that give us profound joy. Taking me off for ourselves is really not a big deal if we put our minds to it. Ul mately, if we feel happy, we will be sending out posi ve vibes to the people who are part of our lives. As Dr. Prema points out, it will also ensure that we remain young in spirit and silent in our contentment.

Yourself Friend

The Despite friend’s their way into your This friend has clawed loud and at Àrst, they are too You didn’t like her But mind of those circle. the movies you like. need to take your d, and don’t like Feeling sad? Or just in your life The laundry opinionate has managed to stay that are worrying you? somehow this person tiny niggling things birthdays, need to be put been around for your up, the groceries despite all odds. She’s e needs to be picked for g somewher clamourin gossip and unwashed and are she knows all your away, the kids are and you the holidays, though you even forever that lasted has realised this day the way you food – it feels like that one along all the ways in which to calm down. Call about her and despite can’t wait for everything one that can complain miss her if she isn’t cheer you up, the with her, you’d actually friend that can always Ànally your you clash take *gasp* will you’re friend mean anything. This anymore. Does that make a joke out of of will (and a around through sheer force Yes! long, tiring day and situation. friends? it sound like a sit-com glib tongue!) make

– she does love you.

The Funny Friend

10 AUGUST 2012

I’m a resident of India. I got to know about your e-magazine through a cousin in Oman. As I was going through the magazine, I found some really great stuff along the way. The cover story about the mum-daughter relationship (July 2012) brought tears to my eyes. But what caught my attention was Dr. Prema Seshadri’s article, ‘The Ambitious Road’. I could relate to it vividly because I was going through the same process. As I began reading all her articles in the previous issues, I was mesmerised. Her columns are not merely words penned down just in order to complete the magazine. Saying that would be mean disrespect. Her words touched the core of my heart. They forced me to think beyond. It was as if those words made me look deep within. The big lesson I learnt from her writing was: “Never consider yourself inferior to anybody. You are not a mirror image of anyone. You are your own identity. Each one is different in their thoughts and that should be respected by the individual.” Thank you for making me think beyond… And kudos to The Woman.

Devika Gulati India



Sheena Khan Qurum

Reena Belda Darsait

I simply loved your Eid Shopping Special – loads and loads of delightful and interesting stuff to feast one’s eyes on. The fashion pages were a visual delight and so were the articles on different topics that also made interesting reading. Great to see more snippets of information on a wide variety of topics. Keep up the good work, team The Woman!



Your feature on rainforest destinations made me want to pack my bags and head to the interesting and mystical wild. I am a nature lover at heart and totally love the greens and the reds – nature appeals to my senses in different ways. And what would be more exciting than in being in a jungle? Well, visiting the Amazon has been on my bucket list for a long time. And I’m going there soon!



Making a positive difference “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,” say the wise. Every creation is beautiful in its own way and perfect in its uniqueness. Beauty has its own dimensions though – one can be not only physically beautiful but also intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Moreover, one’s inner beauty can be even more striking than outer beauty. Human beings are unique in having the power to reason, act and rise in awareness. As human beings, we have the ability to display the strength and kindness of the Creator. Man/woman becomes human when loving kindness overflows spontaneously and its expressions reach the society. And that is when real beauty is expressed – in making a positive difference in the world. There is a big difference between physical and inner beauty. Physical beauty is subject to change. People become old and die. But, the one who spontaneously and unconditionally expresses his/her beautiful heart will live forever, in the hearts of many, through time into eternity. This is the permanent beauty. This is the real beauty, which shines beyond space and time. This is the beauty of our Creator, reflected in His creation – perfect, complete and ever-new.”

Biba Mohan



Appreciate yourself “The beauty of a person is determined by how she portrays herself and the actions that follow. In effect, beauty is being confident enough to embrace your unique qualities. No two people are alike and it is only when you learn to appreciate yourself that you can be defined beautiful. Confidence in a person heightens their self-esteem and allows them to maintain a positive outlook in life, which exudes as external beauty. Furthermore, beauty is kindness; it’s doing that one small gesture to make someone else’s day better. We all know acts of kindness are often simple and spontaneous, which is what contributes to their beauty. Every day we have a choice. We can let others influence the way we see ourselves or we can see the beauty we intrinsically possess.”

Hana Syed

Inner beauty never ages “I couldn’t agree more with this quote from Khalil Gibran, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” Beauty comes in all shapes and forms - being the individuals we are, we each have our own definition of beauty. To me being beautiful goes well beyond the physical appearance, having a kind and caring soul defines beauty to me. Life has showed us that as we get older we tend to change physically but inner beauty never ages because love and compassion knows no age.”

Sayyida Mayya Al Said

Comes from within

"I know this may sound like a cliché, but I am a firm believer that true beauty comes from within. It is unique and is revealed in different forms, ranging from being kind and showing compassion, to how one behaves acts and the way one carries oneself. Remember all those times you met a person for the first time and thought to yourself ‘wow, that person was beautiful’, that is when you know you have been touched by true beauty."

Salma Al Hajri

It is skin deep “Some people say beauty is only skin deep and I concur! There’s another type of beauty that means much more to me - the inner beauty which stems all the way from the heart. Beauty is the way you talk and act. Beauty is how good you are as a person and how much good you give back to the world. Beauty can be found in everyone and everyone is beautiful in their own way. So never mind what people say about how tall or short you are, whether you’ve blue eyes or brown - these may define your outer appearance but nothing matters as much as your heart and soul. What comes from the heart reflects on your face and that’s what true beauty means.”

Nicole Bassit


And this is what our favourite celebrities have to say on beauty…

“My mother always told me that no matter how late it is, you take your make-up off. Take it off!”

“I look my best after an entire hair and make-up team has spent hours perfecting me. When do I feel my best? When I haven’t looked in a mirror for days, and I’m doing things that make me happy.”

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Anne Hathaway

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It’s nothing physical.”

“People often say ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’, and I say the most liberating thing about beauty is realising that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.”

Sophia Loren

Salma Hayek


“The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really.” Julia Roberts

“My mom always tells us that imperfections equals beauty. All of us are imperfect.” Miley Cyrus



“I don’t remember how old I was when I first started ‘not eating’. I wasn’t the skinniest of kids and being a South Asian in a predominantly Western community didn’t help my self-esteem issues either. If there was one single defining moment of my life – then I don’t remember that either. Maybe it all began the summer when I was 13. A trip to my dad’s birthplace followed meetings with random family members – all who thought it was appropriate to comment on my weight and make judgements on how much I eat. “You should stop eating so much junk food.” “That’s the problem with kids these days. Too much food and too much TV, not enough exercise.” “You need to control your diet.” And so it went on and on… I was 13 and had never once thought about how I looked. I went back home filled with self-loathing and decided I must stop eating. Easier said than done! I remember the first few weeks were a disaster. I would skip meals – eat sparingly all day and then when I’d get back home I’d gorge on anything I could get my hands on – cookies, doughnuts and I’d even easily down a pack of Pringles or Reese’s Bars. At night I’d cry myself to sleep. I hated how I looked; I thought I’d stay this way forever. After a year of deprivation and bingeing I had enough. I started waking up in the morning and running. And on the advice of a friend started phasing food out of my diet. By the third week people had started noticing my weight loss – including me – and I was over the moon. I was nearly 15, a 130lbs and pretty damn happy with myself. But I needed to see results faster. I started taking laxatives and before I knew it, began purging. Purging was the perfect way to eat whatever I wanted and still not gain anything. But I wasn’t that happy anymore. When I went back for another trip to my dad’s place everyone was gushing over how fantastic I looked. All I felt was empty. It was hard keeping my habits from my parents but they were too worried about my already dropping grades to notice anything else. Sometimes my eyes would be swollen and my skin would have tiny red spots from where the blood vessels had broken under the pressure of so much vomiting. But I just blamed it on lack of sleep and eye infections. Two summers later, I was at university and that’s when things really turned bad. I was out running – and then everything went black. I woke up in a hospital and the doctor was mumbling words like ‘eating disorder’ and ‘bulimia’ and explained that my heart would stop beating one day if I continued the same lifestyle. I was 5’3, weighed 100lbs and felt fat, ugly and was utterly disgusted with myself.

Representational images


Nonetheless, I decided to enter into a recovery programme. Unfortunately, the thing about eating disorders is though the physical manifestations might disappear (vomiting, using laxatives, restriction, etc.) – if the disordered thinking remains, then the disorder remains. I began lying to my therapist and did not stick to the ‘normal diet’ that she had prescribed for me. Within months I was back to bingeing and purging. Since I lived alone, hiding my erratic eating habits was easy. I remember, I finished classes one day, went straight to Sainsbury’s where I spent 35 quid only on food! Ben & Jerry’s, cookies, Pringles, frozen pizza, sausage rolls – anything I could get my hands on. I ate everything in a couple of hours and spent the whole night purging and crying. It was then I knew that I had to change. I couldn’t go on like this forever. I hated my life and what I was doing to myself. It’s been two years since that night. I found a really good therapist and I’m glad to say that I have been following a more or less ‘normal’ diet. I know what my triggers are and I have learnt why and how my body behaves the way it does around food. I don’t think I’ll ever be perfectly healthy – but I’m in a better place now. It’s hard for people to live in today’s world where we are being constantly bombarded with images of stick thin celebrities. And we are way too hard on ourselves. Stop trying to conform. Love the body you’ve been given and work with what you have. If you’re not happy with it, don’t do anything drastic. It’s not worth risking your life over.” (The author of this article wishes to remain anonymous.)





‘I don’t have the time’ feeling comes up only when we feel overburdened, says Dr. Prema Seshadri

f there is one thing I find hard to comprehend, it’s boredom. And since I don’t understand boredom I find it difficult to understand the oftused phrase, ‘I don’t have time!’ Boredom or the lack of it and the concept of having or not having time are both intrinsically linked. If a day or a week or a month or a lifetime is fully occupied, there could be no place there to experience boredom. And if there was no experience of boredom, there was obviously no opportunity or time available for that experience.

To understand this convoluted thinking, let’s look at a slightly unusual perspective to the understanding of time. If we really look at the issue of time, it is totally a man-made concept. The timepiece was invented by man and so the second, minute and hour hands. What is not man-made and has always existed is space. The planet Earth revolves around its own orbit and hence there is only a change in space. Since it is difficult to understand the passage and movement related to space, a measurable criterion had to be affixed. The invention of the clock fitted the bill. If the clock was man-made, then man himself could drop the clock and then had to just fill space! In layman terms, one had to be occupied. That’s the way I perceive life. To keep life occupied. However, one added an addendum to it: to keep life occupied in a way that it was productive and creative or made a positive change to the space that we occupied. The ‘I don’t have the time’ feeling comes up only when we feel over-burdened. In fact, we feel something is a burden when we don’t feel equipped to handle a

responsibility. While ‘feeling’ is most definitely a mental state and hence could be bound by subjective bias, there however is a factual element behind this feeling of being burdened. It is caused by something rather intangible but is the main cause of fatigue or feeling drained. It’s the lack of the subtle life force energy, which is the main ingredient that triggers off heightened energy, enthusiasm, and a passion for life. The human system thrives when its innate rhythm is left undisturbed. The moment this rhythm is disturbed by confrontations, trauma, illness, disease, etc., it reacts in the form of stress, tension, fatigue, tiredness, and boredom. The rhythm in our system is easily understood by something as simple as the breath. The breath is affected by our emotions and feelings. Just as we breathe fast and hard when agitated, it’s slow and like a heaved sigh when we feel low. A happy breath is so subtle and gentle that it’s barely noticeable. A little attention to the breath can re-establish the rhythm in us and truly provide the elixir of life. The ancient scriptures of yoga have expounded the importance and benefits of the breath and its exercises. It is probably the reason why yoga has become so universally appealing. It has the ability to eliminate stress, and open up inner doors that reveal our strength and enormous potential to have a full and fulfilling life. Life is given but needs to be nourished and nurtured to retain its vibrancy and value. Dream and follow your dreams. Fill life with things to do for oneself and for others who are less fortunate. Altruism goes a long way in keeping boredom at bay!


O’ MOTHER OF MINE A simple recipe to be a good mother is to be what you want your child to be, says occupational therapist P.S. Lakshmi Sarkar


Oh! Mother o’ mine Who ran to help me when I fell, And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well? My mother. ~ Ann Taylor


t’s said that you can’t see God but you can see his love and splendour with form, shape and size in a human called mother. So whatever one can offer to God may he do unto his mother and it will reach God. Hence being a mother means being worshipped. So when a woman becomes a mother she occupies a very significant place in her child’s heart. She is the child’s identity, strength and the reason for life. So the minute the woman becomes a mother, her heart physiologically and psychologically undergoes a transformation. Dear mother, do not be apprehensive as to whether you could be a good mother or not. Just remember you don’t need to be a perfect person to be a perfect mother. Your child doesn’t recognise you by your colour, shape or size, you are her mother - a complete package in yourself. You don’t need to surf through thousand websites or read parenting books and magazines stealing precious time, away from your child to be a good mother. Every time a baby is born, a baby mother is born. As the baby grows, the baby mother grows and as the child celebrates her birthday every year, the mother celebrates her motherhood day too. So why worry? No woman is a born mother. As you give your child opportunities to grow, your child gives you too. Just nourish your child with lots of love and care and if you get back every bit of it from your child, think you’ve passed the acid test. Being a mother is a big responsibility and only if you are ready for the deal you should plan to be one. It only sounds scary but once you become a mother your whole life takes a 180 degree turn. Motherhood brings in you all the patience you ever could have, all the love you ever could shower and all the softness you could ever touch anyone with. As a mother, in the initial days of your baby’s life, you should see whether your child has good eye contact when breastfed, smiles when full, cries appropriately for its needs like hunger, sleep, wet nappy, etc. As the child grows to become a few months old, you should watch if your child makes enough vocal sounds, expresses happiness when she sees you, and tries to

move lips and tongue as if trying to talk, when she sees adults talking. Your child should track when a toy is moved in front of her eyes and try to reach for it. By eight to 10 months of age, your child should ideally start playing with toys in lying or crawling positions. She should be saying words like ‘mama’ or ‘baba’ clearly. Being a mother is special, her child is special no matter what. But when it comes to being a mother of a child with physical or intellectual challenges, the whole array of responsibilities take a new turn. Simple things like sleep, self-care skills, expressing needs and even playing may need your special attention and extra efforts to get them trained. Some skills like pointing to objects or people, recognising kith and kin, playing well with other kids, imaginative play like boys with cars and girls with dolls and clear speech should definitely develop by the age of three. If parents find any deviation from this order, they should consult a developmental paediatrician or an occupational therapist without wasting much time. Oh! Mother, nevertheless, do not despair if your child doesn’t call you ‘mama’ when she is a year old though she has been calling ‘baba’ for a while already. In my 13 years of experience as an occupational therapist, 90 per cent of mothers in my initial assessments of their babies complain that their children don’t say 'mama' even though her child has recognised the mother first. I too experienced it and always wondered why it was so. Perhaps it may be because we were bearing them for nine long months, they perceive themselves and the mother as one entity and therefore the father is the first person they recognise in their early life. Slowly the perception changes into my ‘Mother and Me’. Oh! Mother O’ Mine, no matter what, You are Me and I am You. A simple recipe to be a good mother is to ‘be what you want your child to be’. Spend a good amount of time with your child if you want her to be influenced by your virtues. Remember what a mother can make of her child, no one can!


special THE GUIDE

Look good Feel good

The first thing you should do in the morning when you wake up is to drink a glass or many glasses of water. This flushes out the toxins from your system and starts the process of hydration.

Your journey to a ‘beautiful’ world begins with a little understanding and a lot of care… Here are 40 useful tips that will help you along the way…

Drink a glass of milk every day. Apart from supplying your body with sufficient amounts of calcium and essential nutrients, it also helps skin look younger and makes your eyes sparkle.

Apply generous amounts of coconut oil to your hair at least twice a week. Allow it to seep into your hair roots and then wash off with a mild shampoo.

Looking after your hair is not enough. Have you cleaned your hairbrushes lately? You’d be surprised at the amount of dirt or dust they can accumulate.

Avoid shampooing your hair everyday as it’s not good for your scalp. Frequent shampooing and washing can actually lead to dry hair.

Clean your skin regularly. Use a good cleanser free of chemicals. Don’t use one that dries your skin.

Take a good look at the hair care products you use on a daily basis. Use them sparingly. Gel, hairspray and mousse may irritate your scalp. Keep away from harsh and direct sunlight. If you must go out in the sun use a good quality sunblock. Avoid foods that are oily or rich in fat. These can cause an acne outbreak and also put you at risk to a number of diseases, apart from the unwanted weight gain, of course! 18 SEPTEMBER 2012

Give yourself a hair makeover from time to time. It gives you a whole new look and a new personality and compliments too!

Visit your dentist regularly to maintain the health of your teeth. This goes a long way in having that ‘great’ smile!

Check with your doctor about the right vitamin supplements to enhance your health and beauty.

Herbal or organic beauty products do very little harm to your skin. So make these an option and must-have in your beauty regimen

Keep track of what you are using in your make-up kit. Throw out old and out-of-date products. Trim your hair as often as once in 45 days. Trimming ensures an even hair growth, enhancing shine and preventing split ends.

Keep stress to the minimum. Stress can make you feel much older than you are as it shows on your eyes, face and skin.

Use a good moisturiser every day.It provides you with the moisture much needed for skin. Use after you wash your face or a bath .

Wearing the right kind of clothes add to your overall beauty. Choose them according to the time and occasion.

Trim your fingernails and cut your toenails on a regular basis. If you wish to grow your fingernails long, trim them in consistent lengths.

If you use hair colour regularly, use the right shampoo and conditioner to make the shine last.

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Keep your make-up to the minimum during summer. This way, your skin is less irritated.

Using a concealer to hide blemishes is a great beauty tip. But use one that comes from a reputed company otherwise you’d just add to the blemishes that are already on your face. Don’t forget the ears! Clean them regularly especially the area around them. Do not substitute conditioner for shampoo. It’s not an alternative but to be used together. Don’t keep changing brands or try every beauty product on the shelf. Try one product at a time. This is beneficial especially when you are trying to tackle beauty problems like acne or other skin disorders.

The right foundation is the perfect base for your make-up. Choose one by applying a little to your jaw-line and compare to the colour of your neck. Otherwise, simply choose a shade that is nearest to your complexion.


special THE GUIDE

There’s a slew of anti-ageing products in the market but make sure you use quality products that are effective as well as safe.

A beautiful body is

Get atleast eight hours of sleep each night. Go to bed on time and try to wake up early. This way, there is no way any sense of lethargy will creep in.

possible only if you are healthy. Follow a healthy diet that is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Maintain the correct posture. Keep your chin up and your head balanced atop your shoulders. Do not use a flat iron often. Remember that it uses heat to straighten your hair and the longer you use it, the more damage it can cause. It is better to air dry your hair first before you make use of the flat iron.

Change your beauty routine according to the season. Which means different make-up and clothes for summer, winter and spring. Get your eyebrows shaped to open up your eyes and look beautiful.

Take long walks, the weather permitting. The fresh air will bring the freshness back to your cheeks and do a whole lot of good to your body as well.

Your feet are as important as the rest of your body. Wash your feet on a regular basis and make sure they are dry before you put on your footwear

Take proper care while washing clothes. Use the right soap and softener otherwise you may end up with clothes that are clean but out of shape 20 SEPTEMBER 2012

Get rid of blackheads with the use of nose strips.

Use clothes that suit your body type. Which means either too tight or too loose can make you feel uncomfortable. Wear something that fits your perfectly and shows off your personality

Try meditation to keep calm during tense moments. Also remember to take a few deep breaths when you feel stressed out.

Remember, beauty is not about how you look on the outside, it is, as the cliché goes, skin-deep. Being confident and wearing a smile always will add that extra shine and sparkle to your look. So, get set to rock the world, beautifully, may we add!


do the tango!

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nspired by Tango dancers who are known for their femininity and artistic elegance, MAKE UP FOR EVER launches its new Black Tango collection for Fall and puts sophistication and confidence in the spotlight. Coinciding with the trend for Fall 2012, this must-have collection entails incredibly long-lasting products in ultra-chic shades to offer women that elegant Tango look. With four new Aqua Creams in a stylish and feminine limited edition palette, three limited edition matching sensual nail polishes and a waterproof lipstick with an incredible and glamorous shine, every woman can now give herself that sophisticated and classy look of the season.

Here’s how you can get the look…



• Prepare the skin by applying HD Primer #0

• Apply the black shade with red highlights from

-neutral- all over the face with Nylon Brush #30N. • Apply HD Foundation all over the face using Nylon Brush #35N or the HD Sponge. • To correct dark circles and brighten the eyes, apply HD Concealer from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eyes. Smoothen it by using Nylon Brush #20N or by tapping with your fingertips. • Apply Super Matte Loose Powder #12 on the entire face to fix the make-up and matify complexion. • Apply Sculpting Blush #12 in matte rosewood shade to sculpt the cheekbones.

the Black Tango Palette, onto the eyelid and blend with the appropriate brush from the palette. • Then, apply the same shade at the lower eyelid and blend with the tip of the brush. • Apply the ivory shade from the Black Tango Palette on the brow bone under the eyebrows to highlight. • For a more glamorous look, apply False Eyelashes #156. Apply Eyeliner along the lash line to intensify the result and to camouflage the False Eyelashes. • Apply the black Smoky Lash Mascara to mix the natural lashes with the false eyelashes and achieve a more natural result. • Apply the black Kohl Pencil in the water line of the eyes to give depth to the eyes.

Lips • Contour the lips with Aqua Lip #11C, waterproof lipliner pencil in dark raspberry shade. • Apply the Aqua Rouge #11 in dark raspberry shade with the integrated foam applicator. Then, add the top coat with the integrated brush applicator for a glossy finish.


Get the Tango Look of the season with these must-haves from ‘Black Tango’ Collection: BLACK TANGO PALETTE The Black Tango Palette features four limited edition shades of Aqua Cream created around a harmony of blacks with red, green and blue reflections as well as an ivory colour. Combining high concentration of pigments with long-lasting hold, Aqua Cream offers intense and luminous colour in one easy application. Its soft silky texture glides effortlessly onto the eyelids and offers an intense and alluring gaze. This chic palette also entails a double-ended Nylon brush which is perfect for simple and quick application of creamy eyeshadows.

AQUA ROUGE Aqua Rouge #11 in Dark Raspberry beautifully enhances the utterly desirable smile and offers women those igniting lips. This very long-lasting waterproof lipstick with a dazzling colour result combines two applications in one: Step 1: The liquid lipstick delivers intense, high-coverage and matte colour Step 2: The top coat acts as an ultrashiny gloss which protects the colour for an even longer-lasting hold.

BLACK TANGO NAIL POLISH As polished nails beautifully enhance the overall look, three limited edition nail polish shades matching the shades of the Black Tango Aqua Cream Palette are included in the Black Tango collection for an incredibly feminine appeal, adding the final touch for women with outstanding allure.


special MANE TALK

CUT ‘EM YOUNG! Six hairstyles that could turn the clock back… and make you look younger. Take your pick



If you are wondering what’s the difference between a bang and a fringe, let’s educate you. Bangs are generally straight cut above the eyebrows but can also be irregular for a more edgy look. A fringe often flows down your left or right side of the face and are usually wispy or solid. But yes, bangs make you look younger and if you don’t mind the high maintenance, go for it!


Bangs work like wonders in disguising those disgusting wrinkles on your forehead that come with age. If you have a heart-shaped or oval face, bangs will frame the face and bring out your best features, i.e., your eyes and lips. If you want to emphasise your eyes, cut your bangs to brow-level. If you want to accentuate your lips, keep them down to cheekbone level. Bangs will make you look younger by covering lines and giving a soft look to the whole face.


You can show off your best facial features if you wear your hair in layers. They also tend to draw attention to the eyes. If your hair is thin or is long and straight, layers can help give it some volume. They also make lines and wrinkles less noticeable around the face.


Pixie cuts are gaining in popularity and though any face shape can pull off a pixie, it takes some confidence to actually do it. If you have an oval face, you are lucky as you can sport any version of the pixie cut. Girls with heart-shaped faces need to keep the curved ‘heart’ part of their face short, as it will balance out their face. If you have a round face, keep the sides and back shorter than the top.


Glossy hair makes you look younger and beautiful. There’s simply no doubt about it. Use a glaze that restores sheen with nourishing oils. If you apply it occasionally to freshly shampooed hair and then rinse with conditioner, your hair will look fresh and youthful again.


A ponytail can be both sophisticated and girlish at the same time. Tie it up snugly and feel younger. Stylists say that a ponytail helps smooth the skin around the eyes and forehead and helps accentuate the cheekbones.


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FOR THE SKIN • Blanc De perle SkinCare • FOR THE FACE • Meteorites Perles Make-up Base • Lingerie De Peau Compact Foundation No. 03 • Beige Claire Parure gold powder foundation no 02 • Meteorites Perle lluminating powder • Precious Light 02


FOR THE EYES • Ecrin 4 colour eyeshadow no 14 Les Fauves • Eye liner khol me jungle no 40 • Eye brow definition pencil Chatain 02 • Noir G mascara black • Aux joues Duo Blush 02 FOR THE LIPS • Rouge G L’ Extrait no 65 • Lip liner bois de Sandal no 44

FOR THE SKIN • Blanc De perle SkinCare FOR THE FACE • Meteorites Perles Make-up Base • Lingerie De Peau Compact Foundation No. 03 • Beige Claire Parure gold powder foundation no 02 • Meteorites Perle lluminating powder • Precious light 02

FOR THE EYES • Ecrin 4 colour eyeshadow no 14 Les Fauves • Eye liner khol me jungle no 40 • Eye brow definition pencil Chatain 02 • Noir G mascara black • Aux joues Duo Blush 02 FOR THE LIPS • Rouge G L’ Extrait Lipstick no M25 • Lip Liner Pivoine Magnifica No 64 • Rose Aux joues 06 Red Hot Duo Blush


special SCENT TALK




The scent you get immediately on applying a perfume is the top note. They consist of small, light molecules that evaporate quickly. They are fresh and assertive and attract you immediately.

Just a small dab of your favourite fragrance keeps you smelling great for hours. There are scents that are enticing, others that are soothing and yet others that echo your personality. Wearing a floral scent would mean that you are a soft, feminine person in tune with nature. If you prefer the heady scents, power is your point… and so the list goes on.

Contrary to what most people think, it is not easy to choose a fragrance that is right for you. What is attractive and rejuvenating for one may be overpowering for the other… So it makes sense to choose your scents properly… It is not a simple over-the-counter transaction… It is a long-drawn out deal… It is an understanding of your tastes and what scent best defines you. Before we delve into the intricacies of buying a fragrance, let us first understand the different categories perfumes can be categorised into.


These scents have flowers as the dominant themes. People with feminine and romantic traits are attracted to them.


As the name suggests, this scent is made with fruits as part of the formula.


This scent has a strong flavour of synthetic elements.


The flavours come straight from nature and the feeling you get is of the fresh, green relaxing outdoors.


This is for those who prefer ‘heavy smelling’ scents. Ingredients used are musk, vanilla, spices and exotic flowers.


Bark, moss and other substances from the forest form the essence of woody smells. Did you know that every perfume has three sets of notes, making it the harmonious chord of the scent? These notes are:


When the top notes dissipate, the middle notes emerge. This is the main part of the perfume and is mellower than the top notes. They appear from two minutes to one hour after the application of a perfume.


After the middle notes disappear, the base notes emerge. They bring depth to the perfume and hold up the lighter top and middle notes. They are usually perceived at least half-an-hour after the application of a perfume. Now that you have understood the power behind each scent, let’s go shopping… • Look for a perfume that matches your personality not a scent that overpowers it. Think aloud… What kind of message would you like to give people? Feminine, fresh, sweet, etc. • Spray some perfume onto the wrist at the pulse. Wait for about 10 minutes to get the right scent. • Sniff the tested point again. If you feel that the scent is still captivating, you have made the right choice. • Do not choose a perfume because it smelt great on your friend. Each skin reacts differently to a perfume.

• Keep the spray away from face, eyes and nostrils. They contain chemicals that may be harmful • Do not try to test more than two to three fragrances at one time. This causes confusion in your sense of smell. • Do speak to a skilled salesperson at the perfume counter. He will guide you to what best suits your personality and your pocket. • If you are a choosy but regular buyer, you can ask the salesperson to give you a few samples of the perfume to test at home before you make your decision (especially if you are buying an expensive brand). Otherwise, spray a little perfume on a cotton ball and keep in your purse for a day or two till you get used to the scent and decide to go for it.


• Perfume is best applied to pulse points: the inner wrists, behind the ears and lower neck. Some spray a bit on their hair (though from a distance) to leave behind a fresh lingering smell. • Do not rub your wrists together after applying perfume. This reduces the effect of the top notes. • Never splash perfume on your clothes. You will only get stains that are difficult to wash away. • A party demands a sophisticated scent. For everyday use, a subtle scent is more than enough. • Fruity and floral scents are more suited to summer. The heavier scents can be used during winter. • Reapply perfume throughout the day as sometimes the scent may fade within four to five hours.


special GET THE LOOK



n February 1947, in the Christian Dior salons on the Avenue Montaigne, Monsieur Christian Dior presented his first collection to the international press. Along with the Huit and Corolle lines that would inaugurate the era of the new look, the couturier revealed another of his favourite themes: leopard print. Fashion editors were smitten, the room burst into applause and women rediscovered the pleasure of seduction. Avant-garde, sophisticated and sensual, the jungle motif has been one of the trademark signatures of the House of Dior from its debut. Actress Marlene Dietrich and the muse and friend of Monsieur Dior, Mitzah Bricard, were its first fervent ambassadresses. With each decade and runway show, variations of leopard print, in dots or allover patterns, continue to be cleverly reinterpreted by Dior Couture. In the Dior Autumn/Winter 2012 make-up collection, the jungle motif is revamped with a passionate touch. Infused with gold, this ultrachic animal print becomes even more sophisticated. Incredibly feline and a tad wild… the golden jungle look embodies the luxury of the urban jungle, pushed to the extreme. Go, get glamorous, the wild jungle way!


FOR THE LIPS DIOR ADDICT An incredible wardrobe of lip shades completes the Golden Jungle look. With Dior Addict Lipstick, the smile is lit with addictive shine in rosewood, copper brown, flamboyant red or deep burgundy shades.

FOR THE COMPLEXION BLUSH Two Diorblush harmonies emphasise the structure of the face. In Sugar & Spice or Sunkissed, the skin is subtly warmed up. Cheekbones stand out and light glows on the skin, all set to the theme of extreme femininity.

FOR THE NAILS Two 'it' polishes by Dior become new style statements and the ultimate accessories: the exquisite elegance and mystery of earthy brown and the unconventionality of khaki green. Two impeccable creations for the same modern interpretation of chic style.

FOR THE EYES THE GOLDEN JUNGLE PALETTE It captures the essence of the modern jungle. The trio of matt, pearly and iridescent eyeshadows sculpt the eyelid, and feature a leopard motif. For the gloss, nude sheerness and shine accentuate the natural radiance of the lips. Sensuality is taken up a notch. 5 COULEURS EYES Khaki Reflections structure the eyes with the new 5 Couleurs Designer. Meanwhile, the legendary 5 Couleurs explores rays of sunlight smouldering over the savannah with golds, copper and browns. The attitude is feline and more captivating than ever. Simply dazzling. 3 COULEURS EYES 3 Couleurs comes in a new version to create trendy eyes with a naturally graphic glow, as seen during the last runway shows.





Sensibio H2O Specially formulated for sensitive, normal to dry skins, the Sensibio H2O micelle solution gently cleanses face and eyes. It removes waterresistant make-up.

Photoderm BRONZ Spray High sun protection for all skin types, aimed at activating and intensifying a tan.

Atoderm Gel Moussant A cleansing foaming gel with the content of vegetable oils. Intended for everyday hygiene of dry skin. It is used as facial washing gel or as shower gel for the whole body. It does not contain perfume nor parabens.

Photoderm MAX Spray MAXimum photoprotection for all skin types.

Bioderma Travel Kit Skincare protection on the move.


Ombre Minerale Make-Up Collection This autumn, Clarins highlights beautiful eyes with a new mineral powder eye shadow and a revolutionary eyeliner. The Ombre Minérale collection makes all of your make-up wishes come true. Go ahead, make a wish!

Plant Gold Clarins Face Treatment Oils – Blue Orchid, Santal and Lotus – have established themselves as beauty essentials. Clarins Plant Gold is a luxury within the reach of all women who, regardless of their age, want to be simply and naturally beautiful.

Clarins Instant Light This range will change your life! The products are so quick and easy to apply. Your new half make-up, half-skin care essentials which will reveal your full beauty. Making you, instantly more beautiful!


Extra-firming Range Did you know that the Clarins Extra Firming range completes 34 years of meeting the specific needs of women’s skin over the age of 40? Now, they have been enriched with two major scientific breakthroughs by Clarins Research to offer women over age 40 the firmest promise of firmer skin with Extra-Firming Day and Extra-Firming Night. What’s that they say? Life begins at 40?


Even Better Dark Spot Correcting Hand Cream It effectively diminishes the appearance of dark spots, sun spots and brown spots on hands while defending skin against environmental aggressors.

Age Defense BB Cream SPF30 This multi-tasking BB Cream helps prevent the premature signs of ageing with UVA/UVB and environmental protection while immediately concealing imperfections.

Stay-Matte Oil Free Makeup It is a light-weight formula with patented technology to control oil and shine and resist sweat so make-up can look flawless and feel comfortable on the skin all day.

Bottom Lash Mascara It is specially designed to reach those hardto-find bottom lashes and lasts for 24-hours with a special long-wearing formula.

Even Better Dark Spot Corrector & Even Better Makeup SPF 15 Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector is a serum that helps fade the appearance of dark spots, age spots and discolourations due to ageing, years of accumulated sun damage, environmental assaults, and past acne scarring, to reveal a more uniformly radiant complexion. Even Better Makeup SPF 15, a light-weight, oil-free liquid foundation, is Clinique’s dermatologist developed make-up that helps restore uneven skin tone and diminish the look of discolouration with continued use. 3-Step Skincare System Clinique makes great skin easy as one, two, three with the 3-Step Skin Care System – a quick, affordable, effective programme for all skin types.


Pure Color Violet Underground The make-up in Pure Color Violet Underground takes glam rock to a new dimension with a fantastical aesthetic revolution of deep, vibrant violet and fuchsia tones.


Invisible Fluid Makeup This new generation of foundation guarantees your true-to-life shade match by working with your natural undertones, so skin appears fresh, flawless and radiantly perfected in every light.


From the Silky Purifying Line Silky Purifying Creamy soap with a rich lather containing a plentiful supply of luxurious ingredients. Silky Purifying Cleansing Oil with a rich and luxurious sensation suitable for all skin types.

Total Finish A new and improved powder-type foundation that glides easily but firmly onto the skin, leaving a dewy, flawless, long-lasting silky finish.

Fluid Finish Lasting Velvet The new foundation from Sensai, Fluid Finish Lasting Velvet has been created to get a beautifully moisturised skin with a semi-matte finish, instantly.

Soothing Water Make-Up Base Innovative product that spreads quickly and lightly over the skin, creating a taut, invisible veil that leaves the skin firmer, smoother and ideally primed for subsequent make-up.

Haircare Line Sensai's renewed Hair Care Line launches a comprehensive battle against hair’s many signs of damage, and restores hair’s natural moisture, strength and shine. unmanageable, ageing hair can quickly lose both its definition and its gloss.


Prime Solution Formulated with Sensai’s newest signature ingredient koishimaru silk ex and empowered by breakthrough cell communication technology, Prime Solution optimises the daily skincare ritual, promising enhanced skin cell receptivity and increased moisture retention.

Miss Dior Exhilarating and sensual, Miss Dior Le Parfum is an elegant invitation to an evening of fun; a Parfum that exalts extreme femininity, by highlighting its chypre accords.


Dior Addict Dior Addict is a universe composed of three fragrances with contrasting scent compositions. Every shade of the palette asserts the audacious and complex personality of the Dior Addict woman.

The New Nude- Diorskin Nude Foundation Diorskin Nude continues its research into perfect nude skin with a formula more natural than ever, using ingredients that imitate the natural composition of the skin and create a new glowing performance in any light.

Croisette Between warm shades with incandescent radiance, and aquatic blue colour blocks, eye shadows flash on the skin and embody the contrast between sunbathing and a dip in the ocean. Make way for a chic approach and a French touch.

Capture Totale- Intensive Night Restorative Crème For the first time, Dior Science allows stem cells to activate their potential throughout the entire night, in order to recreate perfect beauty: in the morning, skin is seen in a new light, indifferent to the passage of time.


Smile ‘n’ Repair This Perfecting Wrinkle Correction Cream SPF15 – PA++ from the range combines wrinkle correction and UVA-UVB protection with the perfecting action of corrective pearlescent particles that subtly blur the complexion to give it a velvety finish.

Eudemoiselle bois de oud Included for the first time in the family of Givenchy fragrances, rare, precious agarwood burgeons forth in an ultra-luxurious emanation.

Noir Couture A four-in-one eye enhancing product, Noir Couture defies extremes to bring lashes the promise of an astounding silhouette. An essential, multi-faceted mascara, like all the women to whom it is dedicated.

Eclat Matissime It is a high-performance make-up tool, ultra-modern and 100 per cent clean. One drop is enough for the fluid texture to blend smoothly onto skin and it’s time to shine!


Le Soin Noir Serum It offers a complete beauty-renewal skincare regimen, heralding a revolution for the youthfulness and radiance of the skin.


CORRECTING CONCEALER STICK To complement the 123 Perfect liquid foundation, Bourjois introduces the Correcting Concealer Stick. As a highly efficient product, it allows you to perfectly target, correct, and diminish shadows.

GLOSS EFFET 3D MAX 8H Pomegranate is making its debut in a Bourjois lip gloss. With Gloss Effet 3D Max 8H, your lips get the fruity goodness of long-lasting formulae in an instant.

SO LAQUE PARIS BUBBLE CHIC! With five new high fashion shades, directly inspired by the most beautiful catwalks, Paris Bubble Chic elegantly and cheerfully combines the softest pastels with the brightest colours for a daring and contrasting collection.


1 SECONDE NAIL POLISH Get a salon manicure in just a few seconds and in your own home. Bourjois makes it possible with1 Seconde Nail Enamel, with its new formula, new colours and speedy result. The secret of this extraordinary result is a new gel texture combined with an ultra-precise fan-effect brush with ultra-precise neat finish.

Lasting Finish 1000 Kisses Lip Tint Lips are given a royal flush of intense, vibrant colour that stays on duty for hours, leaving no trace.

Scandaleyes Waterproof Gel Eyeliner Love a flirty flick? Wild for the winged-out look? Crazy about cats’ eyes? Whatever your favourite eyeliner style, you can now achieve a long-lasting flawless finish with new Scandaleyes Waterproof Gel Eyeliner from Rimmel.


GUERLAIN Abeille Royale To accompany the Abeille Royale beauty ritual, Guerlain now infuses the eye contour with the infinite life source, already featured in the serum and day and night creams. This gives rise to a skincare creation with an ultra-lifting effect to reveal the youthfulness of the eyes.

La Petite Robe Noire It opens with playful and sparkling aromas of black cherry, bergamot, red berries and almond. Bulgarian and Turkish roses rule the heart, further developing with notes of licorice and smoked black tea. Aniseed, tonka bean, vanilla, iris and patchouli form the base.

Shalimar Parfum Initial L’Eau It’s a sensual and fresher sequel that highlights an unexpected concentration of citrus notes, notably bergamot, which is a touch greener and zestier, derived from a communelle specially chosen by perfumer Thierry Wasser.

Super Aqua Serum An inimitable symbiosis between the fluidity and effectiveness of a serum and the extreme comfort of a cream, the Super AquaSerum continues to offer skin high-tech protection of double anti-dehydration and anti-ageing barrier too!

Shine Automatique From the Shine Automatique Collection, a second-skin lipstick that adds a dazzling touch to the figure, dressing up lips in sparkling colour and generously moisturising them.


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BANANAS Rich in potassium and Vitamins A, C and E, bananas are great for your hair. They are said to restore dull and damaged hair. While vitamin A helps in restoring natural oils, Vitamin E repairs damaged skin and lightens age spots. Vitamin C as is common knowledge prevents cell oxidation and wrinkles.


Papaya is packed with the wealth of Vitamins A, E and K. Vitamin K is essential in haemoglobin that carries oxygen to our cells. Without oxygen, cells wither and we lose our natural healthy appearance. It’s also full of folate that’s vital for skin cell development.


Fruits are nature’s valuable skin enhancers! And it’s a proven fact. They have a load of benefits that will keep your skin glowing and healthy. They are chemical-free (if you choose those grown organically) and therefore good to use. Eat them or use them in facials and the difference is there for all to see. Here are six fruits that are ‘beautiful’ must-haves.


Daily intake of citrus fruits helps a lot in looking and feeling younger. The Vitamin C produces and protects collagen in our body which helps in elasticity of skin, preventing age lines and wrinkles.


Apples are packed with enough goodness to keep your skin healthy at all times. Anti-oxidant compounds in apple skin called phenols are said to provide UV-B protection, making your skin more resistant to damage from the sun. Eating raw apples regularly can help your body introduce anti-oxidants, which prevent cell and tissue damage, preventing wrinkles and ageing, and promoting healthy hair growth.

AVOCADO An avocado is one of the best fruits you can eat if you want to have healthy skin. It is the fruit with the highest vitamin E content. One average-sized avocado contains nearly 3mg of Vitamin E. It is actually a group of robust anti-oxidants that are charged with repairing your skin cells from environmental damage. When you consume unhealthy foods and alcohol, they stimulate the production of harmful free radicals in your body. A diet that contains lots of powerful Vitamin E (as found in avocados) will keep your skin looking fresh by destroying those free radicals.


Cantaloupe abounds in Vitamin A which comes with its own set of benefits. It keeps your skin tissue healthy. It also contains lycopene and Vitamin C, which help your body fight the free radicals that cause cell damage, and ultimately, the signs of ageing.












s soon as you step into Sri Lanka, the phrase that greets you and resonates throughout your stay in the beautiful country is ayubowan. The greeting rendered in soft voices with the palms folded, much like the Indian namaste, goes much beyond the normal ‘Hello’ or ‘Welcome’… ayubowan in Sinhalese is actually a blessing, ‘May you live long’. And that’s what you feel as you traverse through the island country… blessed to be in a land which celebrates contrasts, diversities and breath-taking natural beauty.

Immigration formalities at Bandaranaike International Airport are a breeze as residents of most countries are offered a visa on arrival and the process takes only a few minutes. Since we had a packed itinerary over a week, we were soon on the road towards our first destination for some sun, sand and the sea! Bentota, around 94 km away from the airport is located on the southern tip of the Galle District of the Southern Province. Facing the Indian Ocean, a tropical lagoon and a major river, Bentota offers water sports of every kind. Swim, body surf, jet ski, windsurf, parasail or enjoy a river safari on the river and the lagoon. The late afternoon river ride is almost magical as the adventurous boat rider takes you in and out of mangroves, pointing out water birds and sometimes even crocodiles. And as the sun sets over the Bentota River, you can’t help but soak in that ‘far away from the madding crowd’ feeling. Our much-needed dose of R&R began here.

After a good night’s sleep at Bentota, we were all set for the long drive to Yala National Park more than five hours away. The coastal road offers spectacular views of pristine beaches, windswept waves and quaint towns where you can stop for a tea break if you wish. Once you get inside Yala National Park, it’s jungle country calling to those who are ‘wild at heart’. Here the landscape undergoes a transformation giving way to a blend of the browns and the greens dotted with little watering holes, with a few sandy beaches as well. A four-hour jeep ride with a guide as excited as us made animal and bird spotting immensely enjoyable. Peacocks strut through the various clearings, shy sambar deer leap out of your way and water buffaloes laze in the reservoirs with only their heads bobbing above the water. In the Park, you can also see sloth bears, hornbills and plenty of crocodiles. But the star attraction is of course the leopard. We were lucky enough to spot one lying on a hill-top, oblivious to all the excitement below.

playfully and exotic birds made cooing sounds. This, we realised, was how it felt to be literally in nature’s lap, marvelling at her bounties.

A night at Chaaya Wild, a resort in the middle of the jungle was an experience in itself. As we drew the curtains of our chalet at six in the morning, we were greeted by a wild elephant that had come visiting. Outside, monkeys darted up and down the many trees

The next on our itinerary was Kandy, the cultural hotspot and we were fortunate to be in time for the Esala Perahera or the Kandy Festival, an annual celebration of the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. The first night of the festival saw us huddled with other


Though we would have happily spent another night at Yala, it was time to make a visit to Hill Country, Nuwara Eliya. Rain accompanied us on our journey but this did not deter us from making different stops for some splendid views of valleys, meadows and mountains swathed in green. Splashing in the waters of the Rowana waterfalls by the highway is a must even for those ‘pretending-to-be-stoic’ adults. Ah! to be a child once again without a care in the world… that’s what Sri Lanka does to you! The mountain station is also home to tea plantations and if you are curious to know the different types of tea and how they are processed, a visit to a tea factory is a must. Nuwara Eliya has a colonial feel to it and like most places in Sri Lanka is enveloped in peace and tranquillity.

tourists in a make-shift gallery on the road through which the parade passed. At US$62 per person, the fee may be a bit steep but the experience is definitely worth it. It’s a grand spectacle, seen by torchlight and includes elephant processions and in between them, participants performed different acts to the boom of the drums. Kandy is also famous for its Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, the Botanical Gardens at Peradeniya, batik and gem factories. The ‘capital idea’ came at the fag end of our trip. Colombo beckoned but not before an ‘elephant stop’ at the elephant orphanage at Pinnawala. It houses orphaned baby and adult elephants lost in the wilderness. When we arrived, elephants were frolicking in the nearby river enjoying a late afternoon bath. A perfect opportunity to see the pachyderms indulging in some fun! Colombo is much like any other capital city with wide and clean roads and many tourist attractions. Make sure you pick a hotel near the Galle Face beach like we did. You can take a long walk on the promenade or step onto the grass for some kite flying or simply stroll over to the small bridge to watch the sun come down. A visit to Independence Square and Gangaramaya Temple,

a ride on the lake and bargain hunting at Pettah are the other must-do touristy things! In Sri Lanka, it’s not just the sights that enthrall you. The food is delicious, the people are warm and friendly and you do not need to stick to the itinerary your travel agent gives you. It’s also less crowded which means you don’t have to jostle with hundreds of other tourists at any place. Well, that’s close to ‘travel nirvana’ as you can get. Each journey also throws up many possibilities to discover something new, whether it’s a turtle farm on the coastal road or a food-stop where we sampled some fresh yoghurt with honey, slices of pink jackfruit and rambutan, the fruits of the season. And if you are a cricket lover, then you need not think hard about a conversation starter; the game is almost like a religion here like it’s in the Indian sub-continent!

After a week in Sri Lanka, we realised that it never could be a ‘one-trip’ country. It has a magic that will soon pull us back… for we know, more wonders are in store. And more blessings essings too… For, as Hillaire rree Belloc says, “We W We wander for distraction, but we travel vel ve el ffor o fulfilment.” Sri Lanka takes kes you on the path, in different fe n ways ferent ways!




ur amazing world is often referred to by the evocative sounding appellation, the ‘Blue Planet’. And for very good reason. Did you know that 70 per cent of the earth is covered by oceans? And that 97 per cent of the planet’s water can be found in the oceans? Over millions of years, the earth’s rocks have slowly dissolved, releasing their enduring minerals and accompanying life-giving properties into the oceans, making the sea the world’s most powerful and complete mineral water. No wonder then that seawater, seaweed and even sea air have long been known to possess remarkable curative powers. Harnessing these powers in order to promote health and wellness is thalassa therapy whose name derives from the ancient Greek word meaning ‘sea’. Thalassa therapy provides the key to health, beauty and relaxation and contains all the minerals necessary for life and harmonious body balance. Its very nature empowers the response to man’s need to find harmony between his body and natural environment. Surprisingly, the secrets of thalassa therapy were the sole preserve of the medical profession and could only be discovered in hospital environments until approximately 20 years ago. Since then, it has become more accessible to the wider public and its capacity to invigorate, stimulate, soothe and detoxify the human body utilising only natural ingredients is attracting waves of dedicated followers who rigorously extol its magical virtues.


Thalassa therapy is now a globally recognised and recommended treatment for a wide spectrum of ailments ranging from back pain, rheumatism, arthritis, cellulite, obesity, stress problems, ageing of the skin, water retention, skin conditions and tiredness. It is unique in its ability to replenish essential revitalising natural elements and mineral salts. It will also improve your blood circulation and offer total relaxation of your body, mind and soul. It is difficult to monitor exact results as each client has varying needs and individual responses to thalassa therapy treatment. But users often report feeling the extensive benefits of treatment long after they have enjoyed the thalassa therapy experience, often up to six months after the completion of a course of treatment. The Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa is the only hotel in the GCC that currently offers the joys of thalassa therapy and its location was only finalised once the seawater had been thoroughly tested and analysed to assess its mineral content and purity. In fact, the water off the coast of Bahrain was found to be exceptionally clear, clean, pure and rich in minerals making it the ideal location for a state of the art spa. The Sofitel’s Thalassa Spa is an immaculate purpose built 2000m2 complex. Two floors cater specifically to both male and female client requirements and offer six comfortable and fully equipped dry treatment rooms and eight wet treatment rooms. After treatment, clients have access to an opulent relaxation and pool area offering a stunning

hydropool constantly flowing with gently heated 31° seawater and an equally impressive freshwater pool. The Thalassa Spa uses clinically-proven Aquascience products manufactured by world renowned thalassa therapy experts Science et Mer. Science et Mer have a long and well respected history of using sustainably harvested seaweed fields which yield 62 tonnes of nutrient enriched seaweed every year. Their products are free of mineral oil, have no animal origin ingredients and are not tested on animals. And crucially, they do not contain the chemical preservative Paraben. The products are non-greasy, subtly scented with soothing fragrances and seem to glide pleasantly onto the skin where their mineral content is gently absorbed. So what can you expect from a thalassa therapy treatment? Thalassa therapy products will moisturise, nourish, soothe, exfoliate and remineralise the skin leaving you feeling fresh and energised. They are also highly effective in fighting the signs of ageing and are used extensively in the process of beauty slimming. A luxurious week long course of treatment is generally recommended in order to maximise stimulation of the body and promote long lasting effects. And let’s not forget the medicinal benefits which combat the range of previously mentioned ailments. The benefits and pleasures of the thalassa therapy experience are just waiting to be explored. This exciting experience can improve our health, vitality and wellness in today’s busy and stressful world.

The Sofitel Hotel can be contacted on (+973) 17636363 and Thalassa Sea & Spa can be contacted on (+973) 17636391. Spa opening times are 10am to 8pm daily



he’s a singer, an actor, a dancer, a mother, a wife and now… chemist? Pulse is the third perfume Beyoncé’s released so far and comes in an upside down chrome-blue bottle. It boasts a heady, sensual scent comprising pear blossom, peony, bluebird orchid and jasmine. The flowery fragrance attempts to present to the public, in liquid, glorious scented form bottled sensuality. Beyonce revealed in an interview, “Women always tell me that my music makes them feel strong and confident, and Pulse is about finding that inner power. Pulse represents the woman I am on stage. When I think about excitement, it makes me think about my heart racing and a pulsating beat - it’s my stage persona... Figuring out the ingredients in a fragrance that complement each other is no different than trying to figure out the combination of melody and lyrics for a song - it’s just as difficult. Both are something that takes a lot of hard work. You need to have a strong opinion and know exactly what you want. I use my instincts from writing songs and coming up with videos - all of the things that have developed my taste level - and apply them toward making a fragrance.” Since everything Beyoncé touches turns to beautiful, beautiful gold, we’re betting that the fragrance is a sure-fire hit with the ladies!

é Beyonc Pulse



Jenn ife Jenn r Anisto n’ ifer A nisto s n 60 SEPTEMBER 2012

till our most favourite F.R.I.E.N.D and a style icon to boot, Jen Aniston has been a busy, busy lady lately. 2010 saw her releasing a fragrance (originally called Lolavie) Jennifer Aniston. This is her first foray into creating a product and she simply wants people to notice; “I want people to go, ‘What is that? You smell great!’ But most of all I wanted it to smell natural.” The perfume was a year-and-a-half in the making, “I’d been asked to do things before, and it never felt organic. But when Leon (President of the Falic Fashion Group) approached me to be involved with the process from inception to fruition, I thought, ‘This could be a creative expression.’ And it’s turned out to be an extension of myself as opposed to slapping my name on something.” Like its namesake Jennifer Aniston evokes a feeling of natural beauty for the wearer. It comprises light blooming floral notes set against the backdrop of a more natural musky scent. Way to go, Jen!


his spunky, young country singer is the youngest on our list to unveil plans to introduce a sequel to her bestselling perfume Wonderstruck. It is set to be on sale in stores this month alongside matching scented tattoos and locker fresheners. Adorable? Keep listening… err reading! Taylor says of her latest fragrance, “Wonderstruck Enchanted is the next chapter in the story of my Wonderstruck fragrance. Wonderstruck is about that moment when you instantly feel a connection to someone, but then there’s that feeling of being completely enamoured - enchanted - when you know a little more about that someone and still feel that strong connection.” Awww! said like a true romantic!

t Taylor Swif truck s r e d n o W d Enchante


eb’l Fleur is Rihanna’s first fragrance. Notes of berries and peaches complemented by warm florals and warm base scents make for a defiantly sensual fragrance that is enchanting women world over. The fragrance has been praised for its bottle as well, which comes in the shape of a heeled shoe. Its tag line, ‘good feels so bad, bad feels so good’ is said to speak to all sides of Rihanna’s personality, “Over the years, I layered many different scents to get something that was truly my own, but I wanted something that said ‘Rihanna was here’. Something delicious and special, a fragrance with subtle hints that linger and leave an attractive memory.” Truly Rihannaesque eh? Va, va, va Voom!

Riha Reb’ nna l Fleu r


lthough you might have issues believing that action star and all round 'hunkthrough-the-ages' Bruce Willis could stand next to a fragrance bottle, believe it! One of Hollywood’s toughest men unveils his sweet side by introducing to the world Lovingly by Bruce Willis a new fragrance for women inspired by none other than his wife Emma-Hemming Willis. A testament to love, the fragrance boasts citrus, white flowers, sandalwood and musk notes – a veritable bouquet of love. We said it for Taylor Swift, we’ll say it for you Bruce – Awwwww! Demi Moore eat your heart out!

Bruce Willis illis Lovingly by Bruce W


er Secret is the latest fragrance to be released by actor and most gorgeous man in the world Antonio Banderas. We’d pretty much buy anything off him but Her Secret is a delicious white floral scent accentuated by an exotic red fruit touch. Pepper notes also abound in this 'as-mysterious-as-the-man fragrance'. The perfume release is also accompanied by a short film competition open to filmmakers and themes revolve around the mysteries that surround women. Swooning? So are we!


nio B Her S anderas ecret


et to release this month worldwide, Lady Gaga Fame is the quirky singer’s first fragrance and there’s a lot of hype surrounding it. Early reports describe the perfume as ‘eccentric’ (big surprise there!). It’s supposed to consist of notes of honey, saffron, tiger orchid, incense and apricot. Lady Gaga herself hopes that scent will create ‘sense of having me on your skin’. Errr… we’re not sure how we feel about that, but we’re so, so excited to see what the hype is all about! Will Lady Gaga produce the world’s strangest perfume? Wouldn’t bet against it!

Lady Gaga Fame Lady Gaga 62 SEPTEMBER 2012





he most frequent headache in seven to 10 per cent children is migraine. For diagnosis and even treatment parents are more a hindrance then help.

Their perception of a child’s illness may vary between denial and panic. As migraine runs in families (6080 per cent) parents’ views are influenced by their own experience with migraine. The common refrain is: “Children do not get migraine.”, “My migraine is different,” or “There is no treatment for migraine.” Consequently, they also believe treatment is not effective as ‘nothing works for me’. In addition parents may over-interpret causes of childhood headache and classify it as an excuse to avoid school, problems with eyesight or sinuses; anything but migraine. There are variable features why migraine is under-diagnosed in childhood: around 60 per cent of children cannot describe pain, especially those under eight years. The severity of pain as well as light and noise intolerance can only indirectly be assessed based on children’s behaviour: accordingly, a very reliable sign of migraine in a given child is when she stops her usual activities. Unilateral headaches are less common than in adults but there is a higher frequency of nausea in 90 per cent of attacks and vomiting in about 60 per cent (early features). Trigger factors are less clear and the impact of migraine by assessment of school attendance and participation in social and family activities is highly underestimated.

In general, in children, attacks may last one to 72 hours, are mostly bilateral and in young children sensitivity to noise and light may be inferred from their behaviour. There are changes in character with increasing age: the older the child gets the more the migraine shows the typical features of ‘adult migraine’. There is an increase in various factors that include duration, preference of both or right temple, severity, light-headedness and nausea. Definitely rare among physicians is the awareness of migraine variants and syndromes like the ‘Alice in Wonderland Phenomenon’ (distortion of images) the cyclic vomiting syndrome as well as benign paroxsysmal vertigo and torticollis. One example is abdominal migraine with attacks of abdominal pain lasting one to 72 hours with midline location or poorly localised, of dull or ‘just sore’ quality and moderate or severe intensity. During abdominal pain there is anorexia, nausea, vomiting and pallor. Treatment of childhood migraine should concentrate on: trigger factors (family or school stress, skipping meals, irregular sleep rhythm ) lifestyle with abrupt changes of busy days with days of rest and non- medication procedures. A nap or going to bed early is recommended for young children. In attack treatment, an antiemetic like domperidone is usually combined with painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol. Medication should start as early as possible. In case of frequent attacks preventive treatment for example with a beta blocker can be started. There should be a strong focus on the concerns and anxiety of the parents. Counselling takes top priority here. Careful neurological investigation should also be undertaken. Also psycho-social factors should be taken into mind while treating this problem.




tarcare Hospital, part of the UK based Starcare Health Systems bolsters its capabilities in the Departments of Cardiology with the services of Dr. Anoop Soman, an expert professional in his respective field. The hospital accredited by JCI (USA) within the first year of operation, a rare feat and an achievement unprecedented in the history of the Sultanate has been widely acclaimed for the quality clinical care and excellent support facilities offered. Staffed by western trained and educated physicians, multi-lingual nursing and paramedical staff, state-of the-art operation theatres and world class inpatient facilities, Starcare has redefined the standards of healthcare in the private sector.

cardiac situations. Elaborating on the need to keeps the heart healthy, Dr. Anoop stressed on the importance of regular exercises and healthy eating. The hospital will be organising educative seminars to identify early symptoms of coronary problems, methods and ways to keep the heart healthy and basic protocols to be followed in case of a heart attack. Considering the hectic work schedules and modern lifestyle, it is in the interest of everyone to devote attention to any warning signs like arm, chest pains, reduced exercise endurance, blackouts or irregular heartbeats.

COMPREHENSIVE CARDIAC CARE WITH ICU SUPPORT The Cardiology Department at Starcare integrates a whole array of noninvasive cardiology services supported by diagnostic facilities like TMT, echo cardiogram. The department offers Lifestyle Clinics and Wellness Programmes detailing exercise patterns and comprehensive cardiac checkup. Dr. Anoop Soman has completed his MD and DNB in cardiology from highly reputed institutes and is vastly experienced in dealing with cardiac cases of varying intensity. He has also completed a Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology at the renowned Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences. Welcoming Dr. Anoop Soman on board along with Dr. T Sivakumar, Neurologist, K. Jayan, GM, Starcare Hospital remarked: “We are committed to offering world class healthcare facilities to the people of Oman and the will benefit from the expertise and knowledge of our doctors.” Over the years, Dr. Anoop has completed more than 7000 echocardiograms including paediatric cases, 5000 TMT and more than 500 coronary angiograms. He is an expert in treating coronary artery diseases, systemic hypertension, congenital heart diseases and heartbeat abnormalities. Starcare has a High Dependency Unit (HDU) equipped with the most modern life support mechanisms and monitoring devices to handle any emergency


Dr. Anoop Soman

KEEP CARING Strategically located at Seeb, Starcare Hospital is a 50-bed premium hospital with full-fledged accident and trauma care facilities, rated as the best in the private sector in Oman. Inspired by the trust and confidence of its patients, the hospital strives to exceed expectations of quality healthcare. In less than a year since its inception, the hospital has redefined the benchmarks of patient care, treatment and safety in Oman’s private sector by introducing the latest technologies and surgical facilities like complex joint replacements, key-hole surgery on joints including shoulder, total body reconstruction, key-hole bowel surgeries, laser varicose vein surgeries and snoring surgery – all in a pleasant and warm environment. Starcare group has also embarked on an ambitious project to commission a 200 bed Referral Specialty hospital in Muscat offering multiple centres of excellence.



Q. I am 39 years old, 5.4” tall and weigh 65kg.

I am planning to have a baby. I have an uterine fibroid (not distorting) and cervical nabothian cysts too. Though my menstrual cycle is regular (26-27 days) my doctor has advised Ubiphene 50mg for five days, i.e., from the third day to seventh day of my period and Duphaston for 10 days from day 16. I had an ultrasound on the ninth day and the result showed two follicles on the right ovary measuring 1.19cm x 1.57cm & 1.52cm x 6.88cm and another follicle on the left ovary with 1.26cm x 1.46cm. I have heard that that one of the side effects of the fertility drug is pregnancy with more than one foetus! I would appreciate if you would let me know whether all the three follicles/ how many follicles of the three, will become dominant by the time I reach the fertile period? I am scared to have multiples! Can the numbers be reduced? And is it true that fertility drugs can cause ovarian cysts, fetal abnormalities, etc? What should I do to prevent these? I am also taking Cheri-Fol. A. First of all, the second follicle, I presume, is 1.52 x .688 cm and not 6.88 cm (as that would be a cyst). It is not possible to presume how many follicles will be 18 mm and by when. It is, therefore necessary to repeat the scan after two days. If there are more than two follicles which are 18 mm, you should avoid conception during that cycle to prevent multiple pregnancies. In the next cycle, avoid Ubiphene and observe how many follicles develop. Fertility drugs can cause ovarian cysts, especially if higher doses are used. The incidence of foetal anomalies with Ubiphene is within the range of the normal population.

Q. I got my follicular study done three times

and I ovulated and got regular periods. On day 10, I have 7-8 eggs on each ovary but this month I have 12 small follicles on left ovary biggest 7mm, and right ovary 7-8 and a growing

follicle of 15mm. Am I suffering from PCOD? A. The follicle should reach 18 mm. When it reaches 18 or 20 mm, take injection Pregnyl (chorionic gonadotrophin) 5000 units for the follicle to rupture. Repeat the scan after four days to ensure that you did rupture. You have to be careful that you do not have many eggs growing as, in PCO, there might be hyperstimulation of the ovaries (very enlarged ovaries). Hope your husband’s semen and your fallopian tubes are fine.

Q. Last month my periods were 12 days late.

I went to my gynaecologist on the fourth day of my period and she prescribed Fertyl 50mg for five days, and advised follicle study from 11th day. She did internal sonography on the 11th and 13th day and told me I am ovulating and prescribed Duphaston tablets for 20 days. What are my chances of getting pregnant? A. Since your follicles are growing well, you should get pregnant. Hope your husband's semen tests and your fallopian tubes are fine. If you do not conceive in another one to two months, you can try IUI (intrauterine insemination).

Q. I am 31 years old, weigh 66kg and my

height is 5.3’. I have been having slight pain in the lower abdomen for a few months with slight irregularity in periods. In April my periods were on the 11th, in May they were on the 18th and in June on the 16th. I went for a check-up where a hormonal blood test and vaginal scan was done on the third day of my cycle. I have PCOS in both ovaries with few small follicles and thick endometrium which is 6.0mm. Also it is mentioned as anovulation in the report. Blood test report shows FSH=4.90, LH=4.50 and Prolactin=28.0 (these were tick marked as high). I have been asked to reduce weight for these problems to be normal. Could you please

suggest if I need to go in for any medication along with weight reduction? A. PCO is associated with irregular periods, infrequent ovulation, obesity and excessive body hair. Weight loss will help. You can discuss with your doctor and take Clomid tablets in the next cycle to induce ovulation since your follicles are small. You must monitor the ovaries by ultrasound when you have taken Clomid to determine the most fertile period and also that the ovaries are not getting unduly enlarged. FSH and LH seem normal, but prolactin may be high as the normal range in some labs is upto 23. You need to let me know the range in your lab. If prolactin is high, you need to take medication for that.

Q. I am 24 years old and got married a year

back. I have PCOD and so took Krimson35 for two cycles. After I stopped taking them, my periods have become irregular again. I am now trying to conceive. A. PCOD is present in 10-20 per cent of women and is associated with irregular periods, infrequent ovulation, obesity and excessive body hair. Thus, you had irregular periods again after stopping Krimson. Since you wish to conceive, discuss with your doctor regarding Clomid tablets to help you ovulate. It is necessary to monitor the ovaries by ultrasound when you have taken Clomid to determine the most fertile period and also that the ovaries are not getting unduly enlarged.

Q. Is it safe to use Cefutil 500mg and Betazole

cream during 35 weeks pregnancy? A. Cefutil is a Category B drug. These drugs are frequently used during pregnancy and do not appear to cause major birth defects or other problems, so safe to use during pregnancy. Betazole cream is safe when used for a short period. (The information provided here should only be used as a guideline and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.)

Find more questions and answers fielded by Dr. Smita Lulla at www.omanaccess.com


Food for all Vegetable Wraps


VEGETABLE WRAPS Serves: 2 1/2 cup carrot, sliced 1/2 cup red or yellow bell pepper, sliced 1/2 cup corn, sliced 1 jalapeño, chopped 3/4 cup shredded cheese 3 tbsp readymade salsa 2 flour tortillas, non-fat Combine carrot, bell pepper, corn and jalapeño pepper in small bowl. Stir in cheese and salsa and mix well. Soften tortillas on a heated pan. Spoon vegetable mixture at the center of tortillas and roll them and grill on a pan. Serve hot. (You can use any other vegetables of your choice.)


STIR-FRIED TOFU Serves: 4 1 pack regular tofu 1 1/2 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp fresh lime juice 1 tbsp sugar 1 tsp Thai red curry paste 1/2 cup coconut milk 2 tbsp peanut or canola oil 1 bunch Chinese broccoli 1 small red bell pepper, julienned 1/4 cup each whole basil, cilantro, and mint leaves 1/4 cup unsalted roasted peanuts, coarsely chopped Salt to taste Gently dice the tofu and keep aside. In a small bowl, whisk together fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, curry paste, and coconut milk until blended. In a large pan, heat one tablespoon oil and add the tofu and fry until the cubes have browned on each side. Drain the tofu off excess oil and set aside. Add the remaining oil in the same pan and add broccoli, red pepper, three tablespoons of water, and salt to taste and cook stirring frequently, until vegetables are almost tender. Add the tofu and stir in the sauce. Serve immediately, garnishing with basil, cilantro, mint, and chopped peanuts.

Stir-Fried Tofu

Baked Salmon BAKED SALMON Serves: 2 2 garlic cloves, minced 6 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp dried basil 1 tsp salt 1 tsp ground black pepper 1 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped 2 salmon fillets In a bowl, prepare marinade by mixing garlic, light olive oil, basil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and parsley. Place salmon fillets in a baking dish, and cover with the marinade and refrigerate for an hour, turning occasionally. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).Place fillets in aluminum foil, cover with marinade, and seal. Place sealed salmon in the dish, and bake 35 to 45 minutes, until easily flaked with a fork. Serve immediately


CHOCOLATE WALNUT BROWNIE Serves: 6 3/4 cup butter 3/4 cup chocolate chips 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 1/2 cups 0 calorie sugar 1 cup flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 4 eggs 3/4 cup chopped walnuts Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a double boiler melt butter and chocolate chips together and remove from heat. In a separate bowl, combine all dry ingredients. When the chocolate/butter mixture has cooled whisk in the eggs and vanilla. Add the dry ingredients and whisk to combine. Stir in the chopped walnuts. Pour batter into buttered baking pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a knife inserted into centre comes out clean. Cut into square shaped slabs and serve warm.




he new A5 family sets standards for sportiness and efficiency. Audi has expanded the engine portfolio for the A5 range in the Middle East and now offers a new entry-level 1.8 TFSI multitronic, a 2.0 TFSI quattro S tronic and a 3.0 TFSI quattro S tronic for all body variants. The 3.0 TFSI generates 272 hp and represents the first time Audi offers a supercharged V6 in the A5 Sportback and Cabriolet. The 2.0 TFSI A5 Cabriolet now features quattro four-wheel drive as a standard. All the engines are turbocharged direct-injection units which provide plenty of torque; even the entry-level engine delivers 320 Nm of torque. The start-stop system and the recuperation system are standard in every version. Their CO2 emissions have been reduced by up to 18 per cent. The A5 Coupé sips a mere 5.8 l/100 km – which equates to 134 grams of CO2 per km – the best of any vehicle in its class. The revised design gives clear visual expression to their revitalised character. On the outside the new Audi A5 features a new high-gloss, black single-frame grille and bumper, sleek fog lights as well as xenon plus headlights, LED daytime running lights and rear lights. Crisply rendered edges give the Audi A5 a broader, flatter appearance while maintaining outstanding


crash-safety. The A5 models’ interiors have become even more elegant. Audi equips the interior with new steering wheels, upholstery, inlays and colours, a new automatic selector lever, understated chrome braces on the controls as well as overhauled buttons, instrument cluster and center console. The assistance systems on the A5 have been upgraded with new functions, including the break recommendation which monitors the driver for signs of tiredness, and the enhanced adaptive cruise control. Audi active lane assist and side assist support the driver in remaining in lane and during lane changes. The infotainment systems in the new A5 range have been fundamentally advanced. The latest generation of the optional MMI navigation plus, the top-of-the-range version, features a large harddisk drive, a DVD player and a seven-inch colour monitor with 3D navigation mapping. The Bluetooth online car phone (option) offers navigation via Google Earth images and a WLAN hotspot.

Drive into the Audi Autozone… For an outof-the-world driving experience!





he Al Mar’a Excellence Awards – a true platform to honour, felicitate and commend Omani women from different walks of life got off to a glittering start last year. Exemplifying what the No. 1 women’s magazine in the Sultanate stands for – different shades of a woman – the Awards were successful in bringing to the limelight the efforts of Omani women and recognising them for their achievements. The Al Mar’a Excellence Awards 2012 will continue in the same style, though in a wider and bigger format. It’s once again time for us to celebrate the women who have not only dared to dream but gone that extra mile to prove their commitment towards serving and enriching their communities and the nation at large. The Awards once again celebrates the ‘different shades’ and ranges across 12 categories, namely: Corporate Leadership, Fashion Design, Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Educational Services, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Health Services, Science and Industry, Technology, Sports, Petroleum Services and Social Responsibility. Apart from these, two women will also be the recipients of the prestigious Woman of the Year and Most Promising Woman of the Year Awards. The Awards will judge women on the basis of criteria like innovation and creativity, the impact their contributions have had in society, their leadership abilities, the goals achieved and the final ranking

process with be appraised by our official auditing partners, Ernst & Young. If you wish to nominate yourself or someone who you think are powerful examples of change in society, please fill up the nomination forms available online at www.almaraonline.com Winners will be announced at a red-carpet event scheduled for Sunday, October 7 at Crowne Plaza Muscat Gardens. “The first edition of the Al Mar’a Excellence Awards was the first-of-its-kind and a huge success. With more and more Omani women blazing trails in the fields of their choice, the second edition, we are sure, will bring to the forefront new names that need to be recognised, honoured and awarded. We are looking at some intense competition in all the categories and may the best women win,” said Alpana Roy, Executive Vice-President, United Media Services – Publishers of Al Mar’a magazine. The Al Mar’a Excellence Awards… it’s all about honouring the women who continue to make a difference…

The Al Mar’a Excellence Awards is an Al Mar’a Initiative. Official Auditing Partners: Ernst & Young. Strategic Partner: Audi. Support Partner: Jotun Paints. Media Partners: Times of Oman & Al Shabiba.


hot fashion

go easy

Fashion gets rewarding as high-street major Splash is wooing its customers with an exclusive promotion, ‘Fashion served Hot’. On offer are an exciting collection of branded and Splash designer mugs available in 31 styles of contemporary designs and funky shapes. Designed for the fashion savvy audience, the assortment is made available on a minimum purchase of 15 rials, across all Splash stores in Oman. Have you been there, yet?

Nokia is set to save its customers up to 90 per cent on mobile data costs with the Nokia Asha 311 from its affordable Asha Touch range. The new Asha 311 takes full advantage of the Nokia Browser 2.0, a major recent update which uses Nokia’s cloud technology to reduce data consumption by up to 90 per cent, meaning that consumers can enjoy faster and cheaper internet access. Mobile fun, anyone?

taste of the town A sumptuous new carvery buffet menu featuring the ‘Sunday favourite’ of a full roast with all the trimmings was launched at the Almouj Golf Academy restaurant, adding to the wide range of offers at the oasis on the course. Available every Friday from noon to 4pm, the new menu adds the perfect taste to the weekend for both golfers looking to fuel up with a hearty meal after a round and non-golfers spending time within the relaxing surroundings of the Almouj Golf course. Yummy!

style icon Get ready for another MINI exclusive. Created especially for and inspired by the Middle East, the MINI Cooper S Avenue Edition is stylish, daring and on sale now in Oman. From exclusive body colours to Arabesque designed exterior and interior features, this special edition of the three-door MINI is the ultimate embodiment of beauty and style – oozing Middle Eastern flare and standing out in every detail. Check it out!

heady whiff Interlude Woman from Amouage is a floral chypre that reveals an interlude moment of unity and serenity. The sweetness of bergamot and bitterness of grapefruit in the top notes create turbulent tensions while rose, frankincense and sandalwood in the intricate heart are masqueraded with an unconventional combination of nut, coffee, kiwi, honey and agarwood. An opulent base of sumptuous amber and vanilla inject warmth to the fragrance’s contradicting accords.


fashion forward REDTAG, the region’s popular value fashion, lifestyle and homeware retailer opened its first store in Oman last month amid fun and excitement. Strategically located in Al Khuwair, allowing easy access to its customers, the new store spread over an area of 2,200 sq m, is attractive and so are the items on display, adding to the all-round appearance. Large aisles and a bright and spacious setting accentuate the feel-good factor. Shoppers can look forward to a wide array of trendy clothes and accessories under one roof, which make it truly a one-stop shop for all their shopping requirements.

safety first bank muscat, the flagship financial services provider in the sultanate, hosted the ‘Safety First’ awareness campaign at its head office recently. The Omani motor rally champion and co-founder of ‘Safety First’ Hamed Al Wahaibi and tennis player Fatma Al Nabhani were present for the event that was hosted as part of the Layali Al Khair (Ramadhan evenings) of bank muscat. The ‘Safety First’ campaign received an excellent response at bank muscat. Fans got an opportunity to click pictures with Hamed and Fatma and get their autographs. A really good initiative!

brand star Omega welcomed Winter Olympic hopeful Vanessa-Mae and Sochi 2014 Organising Committee Vice-President Igor Stolyarov to the OMEGA House recently to celebrate the next Winter Olympic Games and the Swiss watchmaker’s role as Official Timekeeper. World-renowned musician Vanessa-Mae was warmly introduced to the Omega brand ambassador family and shared her excitement for representing Thailand at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games in the downhill skiing event. “Sporty, dependable, classy: Those are the words I associate with my Omega”, Vanessa-Mae said. “I’m delighted and honoured that Omega, who plays such an important and historical role in the Olympics, embraced my originality, my integrity and my challenge.”

skin first Want a solution for visible pores? From The Body Shop comes the Teatree Pore Minimiser, a silky smooth primer that glides over skin without grease or clogging. Say goodbye to enlarged, congested pores. Say hello to make-up ready, matte skin shine. Containing organic tea tree oil, one of Mother Nature’s potent anti-bacterial ingredients, pore size is clinically proven to be reduced, texture is refined and skin is mattified from the first use. Go ahead, try it.

essence of oud Did you know that Araimi Complex’s ground floor houses six stores that have an enviable range of Oud and perfumes - Arabian Oud; Abdul Samaed Al Qurashi House of Oud, Amber and Perfumes; Syed Junaid Alam Oud and Perfumes; Ajmal International LLC; Riyam Invesment and Trading LLC perfumes, and Modern Profile Perfumes. The stores have an exquisite range of Oud, perfumes and other fragrances that are on special offers and prices exclusively for the festive season. That’s one-stop shopping place for you!

winners All The Sultanate of Oman is a land of amazing natural beauty, rich history and culture and above all, a friendly society with people of great talent. Today, there’s an entire generation of Omanis for whom the word ‘impossible’ simply does not exist. They are the ‘Jewels’ – a cut above the rest – who’ve gone the distance to achieve their dreams and ambitions. Last year, Jawharat Oman profiled 40 'super achievers' who have been front-runners in their respective domains; whether they were scientists with ground-breaking research or sports persons who reached the pinnacle of success. This year again, we went in search for the most inspiring stories and compiled a new edition with 41 'super achievers'. Sports, science, arts, fashion, technology – there are super achievers in every possible sphere and JO has brought the stories of these people at the forefront. The edition tracks the success journey of each of these achievers, the efforts they have taken to reach the pinnacle of success, the difficulties they faced and the vision to shape their laurels. It explores the qualities they possess which have made them stand out from the crowd. The 2012 edition of Jawharat Oman is published by United Media Services. According to Alpana Roy, Executive Vice-President, United Media Services, “Jawharat Oman is truly a one-of-a-kind publication and with the second edition I hope that it continues to serve as an inspiration to all Omanis and drives them to work towards their goals. In a world of triumphs, the ones that are shared with others hold much meaning and I have no doubt that each personal story will serve to further strengthen readers’ resolves and foster more inspiration in them.” “It is also pertinent to bring to the fore the organisations who have been a part of this unique and compelling publication. Their unwavering support, right from the start, truly demonstrates their encouragement to these Jewels of Oman.”






Matters of the heart come into focus this month as you will guided more by your sentiments than your head. Which again means that family matters take precedence over everything else. While enjoyment is on the cards, everything is not likely to go as planned, so don’t be disappointed if things don’t work the way you want them to.

This is a social and active month, dear Taurus which means partying and engagements that keep you busy throughout. You are a romantic at heart, but maybe you don’t always find the words to express your feelings. But this is a relationship-centred month and therefore you must make the right moves. Good luck!

After some much need R&R, it’s time to get back to work. But a word of advice here! Don’t begin too many things that you may find difficult to cope with later on. When reality sets in, so will panic. So take things slow and steady. Communication problems will clear up on their own.

You will be swept away by the pace of life this month. It won’t be until the third week that you come out of your shell and begin pursuing what you like more intensively. This is also the time to meet long-lost friends that will make your spirits soar. Enjoy the good time while it lasts.





The first three weeks of September bring you a lot of attention, dear Leo, after which things quieten down considerably. The extra energy will bolster things on all fronts, especially at the workplace. Towards the end of the month, the pace will slacken; nevertheless you will continue to meet daily responsibilities with gusto.

September is the time for closure… in different ways and meanings. You will be busy tying up loose ends, closing projects, attitudes or goals. Which means that this month is going to see an increase in activity. You will witness some drama at home, the kind that may rattle you but do try and keep your cool.

Your life is going to be busier than usual this month. But friends can be wonderfully helpful when they might offer pleasant distractions and be encouraging. Money matters come into strong focus and you will find a desire to take charge of your income. For a change, learn to be practical and as the cliché goes, ‘you do need to save for a rainy day’.

When opportunity comes knocking, open the door! This is what you need to do this September, Scorpio as things at the workplace get exciting by the day. While you learn to keep up with the opportunities, also try not to push yourself too far. Your home and family also need your attention and so does your health. If your body is asking you to slow down, please listen.





September is likely to bring your fair share of adventure, dear Sagittarius. Delays related to education or travel clear up, and you have a better idea where you stand. This is true for personal and business partnerships as well. It’s a strong month for relationship and intimacy ‘repair’, if necessary.

This month, dear Capricorn, you will be introspective and a little self-protective, also guarded against unusual reactions. Your goal however, remains the same; to be self-reliant so that you have better chances of achieving what you set out to do. Challenges are likely but your resolutions will make them rewarding.

Breaks from the usual routine are foreseen this month and a quick getaway will do wonders to your mood. Your attention is divided in different directions but social life continues to take top priority. The month is also excellent for money matters, especially new ideas. Take care not to speculate as the consequences could be disastrous during the coming months.

This is a strong time for personal appeal and charisma so romance and entertainment are where your life is. You will truly come out of your shell and become more actively involved with issues and embrace new experiences. Work matters also assume top priority. So in all, life’s busy and you must definitely revel in it.

What the stars foretell... 76 SEPTEMBER 2012

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