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VOLUME - 3 MAY 2012

A celebration

The new fragrance

CONTENTS EVENTS 4 - 10 PEOPLE 12 - 34 SHOW 38 - 43 IN PICTURES 44 - 49 ICONS 50 - 55 AUTOMOBILES 56 - 71 FOOD 72 - 75 ARCHITECTURE 76 - 81 TECHNOLOGY 82 - 87





Everything is a luxury in life, starting with being in this world. At Signature we have a lot to celebrate. And, sometimes, pictures in black and white can speak a thousand words too. For it’s the larger picture that really matters. They can be as vivid, striking and defining without different shades or hues. Black & White is all about


nostalgia, playful contrasts, resilience, symbols and strong characters. And


way we look at life…

PHOTOGRAPHY ZACH HOLZ BULB MEDIA GROUP PRODUCTION MANAGER GOVINDRAJ RAMESH SALES & MARKETING REGIONAL MANAGER - VINOD THANGOOR BUSINESS MANAGER - ROLAND KHOURY CORPORATE CHIEF EXECUTIVE - SANDEEP SEHGAL EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT - ALPANA ROY PRINTED BY UNION PRESS WLL (BAHRAIN) DISTRIBUTED BY MAIN DISTRIBUTOR: MEMO EXPRESS RETAIL DISTRIBUTOR: AL HILAL CORPORATION Signature is a United Media Services LLC presentation, published monthly and released in the first week of every month. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person or organisation acting or refraining as a result of material in this publication. Signature accepts no responsibility for advertising content.

that’s why this issue is a tribute to different aspects that have changed the

Prominent men and women celebrate the stunning and resilient bounty that is Bahrain and talk about what the land means to them. We have events that have shaped the course of the future, technology that will be the ‘present’ someday soon; buildings that have shaped the regional skyline, cultural icons who have defined the way we think… It’s all here. How can a celebration be complete without talking about the Spring of Culture and the Grand Prix? We bring you some out-of-these world images of both the events that are a triumph of the never-say-die spirit that is the Kingdom of Bahrain. These are the only pages in colour, for they stand out in the black and white of life. They denote the hues of a nation's soul. Join us in our celebrations of good and bad, Bahrain and life. Walk with us through this visual and literary canvas as we revel in extraordinary living in an amazingly magnificent life…..

Correspondence should be addressed to

Signature United Media Services

Suite 1, Area 340, Bldg 597, Road 4012, Kingdom Of Bahrain Tel : 00973 36616062 Copyright © 2012 United Media Services LLC

Team Signature Editor’s Note: Images in the magazine have been converted to black and white to add aesthetic value to our special edition.




WorldWideWeb is born

1991 Very few of us are really aware that at 2:56:20 pm, August 6, 1991, our world changed in a way that is still very difficult to quantify. It was at this moment in time that the computer of British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, logged onto the world’s first ever website (, beginning the process of evolution to where we find ourselves today. Berners-Lee created the possibility of a system where information was available for everyone, where we didn’t have to be scientists or programmers to get the rewards. Perhaps more than any invention in the history of mankind, the ‘world wide web’ gives something to everyone. It has gone onto change how we think, do business, entertain ourselves, and live. The Internet would likely not be the same entity we have today, were it not for Berners-Lee’s and other scientists work at CERN more than two decades ago.

9/11 Tragedy


These tragic attacks in September 2001 changed many things. In a literal sense, it wiped out nearly three thousand people at the World Trade Centre in New York, the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The iconic skyline of the great American city was similarly scarred. It was however what it spawned that affected us more as two horrific wars in Afghanistan and Iraq began; and terrorist attacks in Madrid, London, Mumbai, Bali and elsewhere shattered any illusion of safety and security. Civil liberties have been eroded, monitoring of citizens' communications and a Big Brother society have become commonplace. Words have been created to justify actions, such as ‘rendition’ and ‘black sites’, and two cultures who had spent centuries coming closer together since the middle ages, fell further apart.



Mapping of the Human Genome This massive project began in 1990, aimed at mapping out the human sequencing of human genes that make up our DNA. This is basically a formula, or schematic, of how we are made and potentially, a wealth of insights into how mankind might tackle a range of diseases that continue to afflict the species. By the end of 2003, scientists from around the world had determined that there were about 23,000 genes in human beings, which is around the same number as the total found in the common mouse. With specific genes now identified, doctors and medical researchers can now be much more specific in tackling degenerative conditions and diseases, often to the point of specifying exactly which gene the problem is in. Although very much in the early stages in compiling all the data, this medical breakthrough looks set to change our view of care for generations to come.


Credit Crunch

A great presumption befell most developed economies during the early stages of the 21st century, a paradigm of economic thought that says where there is a boom, there will be a bust. Perhaps caught up in superiority complex of fiscal gambling, people, banks, hedge funds and governments all played with fire, fully expectant that they would not be the ones to get burned. Then someone, somewhere, began to call in the debts, and everyone suddenly realized that they didn’t have the money to pay. This collapse in lending confidence brought about the Global Financial Crisis, a disaster with no parallel in its reach, thanks to the interconnected nature of the world’s markets. As we moved into 2012, many countries are still feeling the effects, with productivity down, high unemployment and austerity drives forcing living standards back to where they were a decade ago.



Japanese Tsunami

After the first anniversary of what is known as the Great Tohoku earthquake, but commonly referred to as the Japanese Tsunami, a few facts outside of the human suffering have the capacity to remind us exactly how small and vulnerable we are. Despite our advances, our first faltering steps into space, our great science and intellect, humans are still at the whim of nature. The earthquake shortened the day by 1.8 microseconds. It also shifted the Earth's axis by about 6.5 inches and appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8ft (2.4m).


Photography Exhibition from the book “BetweenTwoSeas” by

Andrew Weaver


CELEBRATING BAHRAIN With a positive attitude, you can weather any storm that life throws your way. What better example of this than our own Kingdom of Bahrain. No where have we seen an affirmation so strong of a positive attitude and we believe that Bahrain's future is on an upswing. Hence, we decided to Celebrate Bahrain in all its glory and quiz some residents of the Kingdom on all things favourite about their nation‌.


Bahrain through your eyes… Bahrain is the most beautiful country in the world. I would never choose to live anywhere else. What I love about Bahrain is the friendliness of the people, the easy life and leisure that can be enjoyed. When we visit other countries in the world we realise how lucky we are to be Bahrainis. The most striking architectural feature of the country Bahrain Fort and the museum next to it. We get to see Bahrain's old history and culture.



Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit The Formula 1 is the best project for Bahrain’s economy. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Café Italia Most endearing Bahraini symbol The Dilmun Seal Bahrain stands apart because…. It welcomes people and make foreigners feel at home. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … To be united under the national Bahraini flag.


ARTIST AND HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCES AT ARAB BANKING CORPORATION (ABC) Bahrain through your eyes… I see Bahrain as a colourful abstract expressionist piece of art that needs some efforts and thoughts to understand and appreciate. The most striking architectural feature of the country I love the random architecture and plans of the old narrow streets of Manama. It has its own niche and uniqueness. The simplicity, the minimalism, and material from local environment give it an exceptional atmosphere. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited/want to visit My favourite thing to do is walking around in the old Manama Souq and eating in its popular hangouts. There are many old authentic restaurants and old cafés that I love to eat and drink from while visiting the souq, among them Aallo Basheer, Kabab Mandaly, Baqlawat Halwachi, Haji café and Saboosat Alawi. There are also some characters in the souq that I love to visit or chat with; like the famous shoemaker Yaddulla. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain My favourite dining spot is Al Riwaq Art Space Café in Adliya. I love to sit in this Café and have my meal or coffee while looking at all the artworks exhibited around me. The atmosphere of the place is very friendly, cozy and contemporary. Most endearing Bahraini symbol I love the Dilmun Bull’s Head. It’s a great bronze sculpture. Although it’s an ancient piece, it was designed in a very contemporary form of art. As an artist, I have been inspired by this antiquated work and have done many artworks reflecting the symbol. Bahrain stands apart because…. The island stands apart because of its kind, simple and generous people. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … I would like to see Bahrain with more urban public arts and sculptures. It’s my dream to see contemporary art sculptures in the old streets of Manama or Muharraq, blending tradition with modernisation.


ALIA ALMOAYED NUTRITIONAL THERAPIST, AUTHOR, HEALTH SPEAKER Bahrain through your eyes… Bahrain is home to me. I am from Bahrain; I was born and raised here and I'm now raising my own kids in this beautiful country. The most striking architectural feature of the country The wind towers in old Bahraini houses. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit Pearl diving experience (never tried it but would like to one day) Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Monsoon restaurant and Lanterns restaurant Most endearing Bahraini symbol The palm tree Bahrain stands apart because…. It is a melting pot of people from different backgrounds, nationalities, religious beliefs, and this adds richness to the culture. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … To see Bahrain rise up to the challenge and evolve for the better as it has always done.

ALI AL-KHALIFA MANAGING DIRECTOR, GOOD FOOD AND OWNER, ORGANIC FOODS AND CAFE - BAHRAIN Bahrain through your eyes… Bahrain is Home. The most striking architectural feature of the country I find myself less and less appreciative of architecture and more and more in love with nature, whether our current environment or what can be coaxed into growing here with a little gentle influence. I have to say, driving around in the Hamala area and seeing what man and nature can accomplish when we work together is much better than seeing what we can accomplish when we force nature to our will! Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit We have in Bahrain a huge "hotspot" for adventure in our sea. There is a lot to do at sea in Bahrain. We should protect our sea and treasure it for ourselves and for future generations. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain I am simply in love with the whole Adliya area, with its ability to always satisfy no matter what I am craving, and to provide an environment like no other. Most endearing Bahraini symbol The Palm tree. It is a tree that is perfectly happy to grow in the middle of the desert with just a little bit of water. To me, it symbolises perseverance. Bahrain stands apart because…. Bahrain stands apart because of its people. Bahrainis are defined by their extremely diverse collection of origins and religions, yet we all share a common culture of hospitality and kindness. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … I want Bahrain to remain our Home - To remain the place we feel safest and most secure.



Bahrain through your eyes… A beautiful and safe country. In spite of the recent difficulties it has been going through, it remains the best to me. The most striking architectural feature of the country Beit Al Quran, the Bahrain Financial Harbour, and the Formula 1/Bahrain International Circuit. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I’m not very adventurous! Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Coco’s in Adliya. Most endearing Bahraini symbol The country’s leadership; the King, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. Bahrain stands apart because…. Bahrain is small in size, which makes it easy to get around. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future My dream is for Bahrain to remain a safe country, and for it to continue to develop politically, culturally and in sports.



Your first impressions of Bahrain… Crowded, hot (I arrived mid August), smiles, majestic (the drive from the airport with the World Trade Centre and Financial Harbour Towers silhouetted against the setting sun), crazy drivers with their hands seemly permanently glued to the horn for no reason! The most striking architectural feature of the country The twin towers of the iconic World Trade Centre, with their wind turbines lazily rotating, as if not a care in the world. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I want to spend an hour or two on a Triumph Rocket III at the Bahrain International Circuit on their open day. I'll be passed by everything and everyone, including my mother on her 50cc scooter, but it'll be great fun! Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Loads of brilliant restaurants in Bahrain, but I really do like sitting outside Café Lilou with a ice-cream covered Brownie and a cup of Earl Grey – nothing like it! Most endearing Bahraini symbol The flag; everyone loves the Bahrain flag and it is positioned with pride on government buildings and private businesses, on cars, in houses and wrapped around its citizens in an endearing symbol of unification. Bahrain stands apart because…. The subtle, gentle beauty of the island. Its way of life and the friendliness and compassion, openness and warmth of its people. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … To recover from its current turmoil, and to return to being the country at it's heart it knows it really is... wonderful!



Bahrain through your eyes… At the moment, dusty with a chance of rain. But in general, I feel that Bahrain is a melting pot of culture and nationality. On each corner stands another interpretation of stories passed down from the days of old.


The most striking architectural feature of the country In my opinion the most striking features of Bahrain lay in its old towns and cities. Take a drive through old Muharraq, you begin to get a very realistic idea of Bahrain’s history, and how far we have come as a country in such a short time. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit My favourite adventure hotspots, as I feel may be the case with most Bahrainis, breaks down into two; summer hot spots and winter hotspots. In the summer, one need not look further than the country’s surroundings as the sea is home to many an activity. We fish, we ski, we wakeboard, we dive, and as the sun goes down, we BBQ our catch of the day. During the winter, we turn our eyes inland to the desert. A nice cup of “karak” by the fire is just what is needed after a day of motoring through the dunes on bikes and cars. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain As a child, my mother would pick my siblings and I up from school and drive to my father’s restaurant. We would sit as a family for lunch every day. I vaguely remember looking around and seeing other families doing the same. As time has passed I now see those same children that sat with their families now bringing their children and having their lunch. So this is where I eat every day and bear witness to the unfolding of generations in Bahrain. Most endearing Bahraini symbol The history of Bahrain has seen many different civilisations each blessed in their own times. It was seen through historical eyes as an island paradise, the closest place to heaven, blessed with natural springs and an abundance of greenery. Another civilisation was blessed with pearls and trade. This made Bahrain's streets a bustling hotspot of people from all over the world. I also feel that this point in time is where our national identity was created. Bahrain being a port and hub for trade made us a very welcoming culture, and this is something that has been passed down in the generations. To welcome all that come here. Bahrain stands apart because… In my opinion Bahrain stands apart because it's still, in some cases, in the growth and development stage. You still have the ability to leave your mark in the country’s framework or even foundations. There is still room for the establishment of new concepts and businesses. Yet we still have a grasp our traditions and values. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … My dreams for Bahrain's future... I may be biased, but since we are allowed to be dreamers, I would like to see more Bahrainis making films. The way to make Bahrain a film hub/hotspot in the Middle East is not through huge investment or international attention. It begins with the average Bahraini picking up a camera and looking for a place to show his footage. But then again, I, being a film maker am totally biased, and such are my dreams.


Your first impressions of Bahrain I arrived in August nearly five years ago and my first impression was the intense heat and the bright sunshine and the freezing cold A/C inside the buildings.


The most striking architectural feature of the country The area where all the market gardens are around the Fort and the Museum near Seef – I love the architecture of the Museum and the terrace that overlooks the sea. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I want to venture out to the clubs I hear about and for someone who knows their way around the various clubs to recommend the best DJs. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain There are so many to choose from – I love to hang out at Al Riwaq Gallery in Adliya – to have coffee, read the papers and resist the cakes. I also love a trip to Café Italia –I think the staff are lovely and the food is always good. Most endearing Bahraini symbol This truly is the Island of smiles – even during these difficult times. I think that the way people greet each other, the handshakes, the willingness to learn your story and to tell theirs – this warmth, connection and curiosity is what keeps me here. Bahrain stands apart because…. It is both traditional and open to new ideas. It is somewhere where people are willing to hear your ideas, to help you to be successful. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … That the young people here are able to reach their potential – education is valued here and both young men and women have extraordinary opportunities. They have the energy, the tenacity and the confidence to do this – they now need the opportunity to shine and contribute their gifts in building their future together.


YAGNA DAMANI OPERATIONS MANAGER, TRENDS HAUS Bahrain through your eyes… Poignant, politicised, promising and inexplicably forever protected. The most striking architectural feature of the country La Fontaine. It perfectly encapsulates the Bahrain that was, the Bahrain that is, and the Bahrain we want to be. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit: I’ve been meaning to take my car out to the BIC track to really put it to the test. It’s on the agenda so it’s just a matter of when. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Would have to be Mirai! I’m a huge fan of Japanese cuisine and Mirai always seems to do it right. Even when I’m abroad, I crave their Hamour Usuzukuri! Most endearing Bahraini symbol I love the crest/coat of arms. It’s just so chic and menacing! Bahrain stands apart because… It’s home. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future Greenery. I would love to see an open expansive space that you can truly get lost in.


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GROUP MARKETING & COMMUNICATION MANAGER , EBRAHIM K. KANOO B.S.C. Bahrain through your eyes... Land of Great potential and opportunities. The most striking architectural feature of the country The World Trade Center is quite an interesting structure. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I must say the BIC. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Trader Vic’s Most endearing Bahraini symbol I would say the UNIF1ED tagline used for the F1 promotion. That was brilliant. Bahrain stands apart because…. Of the warm welcome of its people and the sense of belonging you get when you blend in the culture. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future A prosperous Bahrain, unified and strong.


Your first impressions of Bahrain Strangely, I felt like I was coming home. As a kid growing up I had a natural feeling for the Gulf so it was no surprise I ended up in the best of the Gulf countries, Bahrain. Instantly I felt at home. So I can only surmise I was here in my last life.


The most striking architectural feature of the country In Turkey, the most striking architectural feature for me was the Blue Mosque and remains for me one of the world’s most endearing architectural feats. So it’s by no means of a surprise that my most striking architectural feature here in Bahrain is the Al – Fateh Mosque also known as the Al – Fateh Islamic Center and the Grand Mosque which is one of the largest mosques in the world, capable of accommodating over 7,000 worshippers at a time, lit up, the mosque is a place of beauty and spirituality. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit It’s got to be Amwaj, it’s a floating miracle and the vision behind Saud Kanoo’s island is what makes Bahrain a Disneyland for adults and children with eclectic tastes, and he hasn’t finished. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Luigi’s Pizza and Organic Foods and Cafe in Seef Mall are just a few, but because of my hectic lifestyle I like to pull up to one of those villages to watch them bake me bread in those oval cement ovens at over 100 degrees with these guys baking in that searing heat and hand me a perfect appetizer. Awesome! Most endearing Bahraini symbol For me, my most endearing Bahraini symbol is when everybody packs their tents and heads into the desert. Families, friends and colleagues share a togetherness I’ve never witnessed before, one that’s filled with music, food and genuine friendships. Bahrain stands apart because…. Recently I have been tuning into Bahrain TV and begun watching its historical series, which I have to say has been amazing. From thousands of ships descending to the seas like an armada to catch pearls to proving to the world the construction of the F1 track, which was brought forward six months to the horror of all those involved and still built on time. Also, the artistry of Abbas Almosawi's Arabic art to the building of Bahrain’s financial district as the hub of the banking world in the Gulf. There is so much more I could write but the reason I think Bahrain stands apart is because I feel the country is one big extended family where friendship is at its very core. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … Seriously, to travel in an open Double Decker bus along the streets of all Bahrain so that 1,360,000 Bahraini people can cheer their very own Wimbledon Champion in my lifetime. Also, to empower more women to take up the sport of tennis.


Bahrain through your eyes… I see Bahrain as my home, a mother who nurtures me, encourages my dreams and a sweetheart who showers me with love. Bahrain is the breath I cannot live without. I get homesick for Bahrain when I travel – it is my base and it gives me a strong sense of identity and purpose. Bahrain has liberal values and a mature and progressive outlook which lets every citizen, regardless of gender, follow their dreams. These achievements are recognised and celebrated. We are a small community so we take pride in each other’s success. The most striking architectural feature of the country Beit Al Qura’an, Bahrain National Museum, Arad Fort, Bahrain Financial Harbour, The Formula One Race track in Sakhir which was carved out of the desert, the King Faisal Bahrain-Saudi Causeway…and I’m really looking forward to the state-of-theart National Theatre in the museum complex which is nearing completion. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I think I would love to go go-karting at BIC or maybe snorkeling off Bahrain’s coastline Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Most restaurants in block 338 especially Café Lilou Most endearing Bahraini symbol There are two: the flag and the Bahraini pearl. Bahrain stands apart because…. We stand apart because we are a country that has a heart for humanity and a mind that is open enough to listen to the world. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … A Bahrain that will be prosperous, united and where every heart will beat as one for love of the nation!


HUSSAIN KADHEM CO-FOUNDER OF BAHRAIN BASED JC’S TENNIS ACADEMY AND CAFES, THE WORLD’S FIRST THEMED TENNIS ACADEMIES. Bahrain through your eyes... In a nutshell, it’s a developing nation in all aspects. However, what I love the most about this place is that it's unique in its very own way. A very laid-back and friendly island with a deeprooted culture of love and togetherness. The most striking architectural feature of the country There are many extraordinary sites in Bahrain due to its 4,000 years of settlement. My favourite though, has to be the traditional houses in Muharraq. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit My favourite spot on this island has to be Fasht Al Khour off the coast of Manama. A strip of golden sand no bigger than a tennis court in size, and only visible when it's low tide. Surrounded by beautiful clear blue waters and its only inhabitants, seagulls. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain As a Bahraini, I have to admit, there's nothing like home-made traditional food. So my favourite dining spot would be at my grandmother's house in the village. Most endearing Bahraini symbol The most endearing Bahraini symbol to me is how Bahraini's make time to be with and around their family and friends. There aren’t many places where family and friends get together the way we do here in Bahrain. It’s a wonderful tradition that is probably lost in many countries around the world. Bahrain stands apart because…. Bahrain's tradition and its people. It’s amazing how, if you look around, there are still many of its traditions alive today, and it’s no coincidence that Bahrain's people are ranked first as the world's friendliest people. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … I share my partner's dream, which is to in the very near future, celebrate our very own Bahraini Tennis Champion. He put it this way: To travel in an open Double Decker bus along the streets of all Bahrain so that 1,360,000 Bahraini people can cheer their very own Wimbledon Champion in my lifetime. Furthermore, I'd like to see the country produce more tennis players to compete on the world's stage.









Your Impressions of Bahrain... Bahrain is an amalgam of tradition and modernity. A country which welcomes all with open arms. The most striking architectural feature of the country Contemporary: Bahrain International Circuit; Cultural: Bait AlQur’an; Religious: Al Fateh Mosque; Historic: Bahrain Fort Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit Pearl diving is something I would love to experience. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Trader Vic’s Most endearing Bahraini symbol World Trade Centre Bahrain stands apart because…. Of the warmth and hospitality of Bahrainis, the fact that Bahrain embraces an open and friendly culture. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … A country on a path of rapid economic development, a regional / global hub for various business houses.


Bahrain through your eyes… The perfect shade of black and white, and everyone in between. The most striking architectural feature of the country Manama Souq, although it is being restructured much to my dismay. Also, the old homes with their charming wind towers that our Culture Minister, Sheikha Mai, has brought back to life. Hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit Block 338 in Adliya where rising contemporary local artists share their vision...I especially appreciate the "Grafitti Wall". Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Deliciously different is The Fish Market at The Bandar Resort; definitely worth the trek. For a BD and a half, one can indulge in some Abul Tikka...but to top all lists my favourite is still some home cooked food... Most endearing Bahraini symbol Without a doubt... the Pearl. Bahrain stands apart because…. Of its people and its layers of different civilisations. After all, it's been claimed to have been The Garden of Eden. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … Unification above all, we are as rare and precious as our unique pearls and we can't take that for granted.


Your first impressions of Bahrain... I remember the day I landed in Bahrain and driving from the airport to our residence. It was love at first sight! Here was a lovely, small place, so cosy, so unassuming with warm, friendly people. Within days I felt very much at home. Also, the fantastic welcome by the vast Indian community truly overwhelmed me.


The most striking architectural feature of the country Some of my favourite spots in Bahrain are the fortsboth Arad Fort and the Bahrain Fort with its museum. I also like wandering around the old houses in Muharraq which speak volumes about the history and people of Bahrain. Another favourite is La Fontaine. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I would like to do the Al Dar and Hawar islands for some Dolphin watching and go camping in the desert. I hope to do them in good weather and soon. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain For a tiny island, Bahrain is flooded with restaurants catering to all cuisines and tastes. Being a vegetarian limits my choices to a certain extent but I enjoy going to the Italian restaurants here like Bice, Trader Vic’s or Bushido for its ambience and the cafes like Cafe Lilou or the small places in the malls. Most endearing Bahraini symbol I don’t know if I can talk about Formula 1 as an endearing symbol, but Bahrain has been associated with the Grand Prix and I was quite excited about watching my first race. The other symbol that is very close to my heart is the recentlyconcluded Spring of Culture. It is an amazing venture to expose Bahrainis and others to art, music and dance from other cultures and I always look forward to the various shows and concerts. Bahrain stands apart because… Of its people - warm, hospitable and open minded. The country’s tolerance, recognition and appreciation of other religions and cultures is indeed remarkable. For a small island, there is a lot happening in terms of cultural events from across the world. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … I hope one day Bahrain is recognised as a real pearl in the ocean which it is due to the qualities I mentioned above. It has great potential and will hopefully get the recognition it deserves. I dream of a Bahrain free from all the problems it is facing right now, emerge as the peaceful island it was once known as.



Bahrain through your eyes... An oasis famous for its legendary hospitality The most striking architectural feature of the country Our hotel and the BIC Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I would like to go pearl diving one day. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain La Mer in Sofitel Bahrain Most endearing Bahraini symbol The pearl Bahrain stands apart because…. Of the great people of Bahrain, famous for their friendliness and hospitality. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … A peaceful and prosperous nation where all nationalities live together.



Bahrain through your eyes… Bahrain is its people. We are kind and we are friendly. I will always have that outlook on Bahrain. That and good Safi. The most striking architectural feature of the country Albareh Gallery is a haven for me, to meet and greet artists and I enjoy the positive atmosphere of the space. Recently opened is the Abbas Al Mosawi gallery in Qarraya. It is a contemporary independently run gallery with a huge garden space for outdoor events and sculpture pieces, the art work changes on a daily basis, and it has a roof with stunning views of the different deconstructed layers of the space. I also like my office space at the Bahrain Financial Harbour and consider it to have cool furniture and a modern sleek vibe. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit Middle of the sea on a boat with friends, it is the best spot to enjoy the weather and have access to the sea. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Organic Food and Cafe for lunch, Al Riwaq cafe for weekends! Most endearing Bahraini symbol The sea Bahrain stands apart because…. We are known to be one of the kindest nations on earth. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … Global and established companies should develop local talent. More investment in art and design industry in Bahrain. A space where the youth can gather, meet, work, network, and showcase their art work.



Bahrain through your eyes... A juxtaposition of old and new. The most striking architectural feature of the country The Yateem mosque in the the souq that is reflected in the mirrored Batelco building. I feel it is a wonderful representation of east meets west. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit The desert because it is a part of our natural habitat. Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Masso Most endearing Bahraini symbol Bab Al Bahrain Bahrain stands apart because‌ Of the kindness of its people. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future A society that promotes tolerances and respect. A day when all children will have access to quality education.


Bahrain through your eyes... Bahrain is home. It's the lap of a mother. I can be enchanted by many a countries but my heart is buried deep into its soil. Bahrain is a beautiful woman in her thirties. She's mature enough but she kept her soul, she hasn't had any plastic surgeries yet! The most striking architectural feature of the country The skyline of the diplomatic area at nighttime. It looks stunning across the sea. Adventure hotspot in Bahrain you have visited or want to visit I know Bahrain is amazing for scuba diving, but I still need to work through my fears! Your favourite dining spot in Bahrain Coco's. I've been going there for about 14 years now. The food is great, it's real, hearty yet healthy. I can't get enough.


Most endearing Bahraini symbol The Dalla (coffee pot), to me it's a symbol of welcoming, hospitality and warmth of the Bahraini people. Bahrain stands apart because…. It's small, yet big. It has everything you need, it's abundant. Yet it's not overwhelming, it's very easy to live in. Your dreams for Bahrain’s future … I dream of a Bahrain where the youth would go outside the norm, step out of the box and follow their dreams. I see many entrepreneurs today and I wish for that to continue. I dream of the day where there are experts of the Bahraini national in every field.



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Culture springs anew!

Spring of Culture Festival 2012 was a cultural canvas of various artistic hues says Kala Namboodri



hey came, sang, danced and performed their way into people's hearts and the culture vultures were left craving for more. For two months, starting in March, Bahrain was where you had to be, as the country played host to some of the best musicians, singers, dancers, theatre actors, puppeteers, poets, artists and intellectuals. It was the Spring of Culture Festival 2012 and judging by the standards,



worldwide appeal, sheer professionalism and variation of the performing arts, this was by far the very best 'Spring of Culture' festival... AMAZING ARRAY If you have Latin music legend Julio Iglesias kicking off the extravaganza and 'the man with the guitar' George Benson bringing the curtain down on the two-month long celebration, with opera legend Andrea Bocelli, Angelique Kidjo, Nigerian songstress Asa, Osiris, Knuffle Bunny, Dan Zanes and Friends, Japanese Taiko Legend Eitetsu Hayashi, Princess Bari from Korea, The

Greatest Street from Egypt, Shaolin Temple from China, Jody Sperling, Riham Abdul Hakim, Ghada Ghanem, Imane Homsy, Susana Baca, Souad Massi, Samih Al Qassim, Mustafa AlFiqi, Mohammad Ali Farahat and Ibrahim Jaber keeping the entertainment alive along the way, what you have is a matchless range and variety of performing arts! ODE TO BAHRAIN It truly was a celebration of Bahrain - its unique cosmopolitan culture that makes everyone feel at home instantly and 'lets a thousand flowers

bloom' to borrow a quote from Chairman Mao. This was not the first time Bahrain acted as a platform for intercultural communications, every year the Island hosts annual cultural festvities with a wide range of colourful performances, but after last year, it was important to affirm that culture springs eternal. Bahrain is recovering and moving on at full speed and what could be better than shared cultural experiences to show that. CULTURE FEST The Kingdom is the Arab Capital of Culture this

year, culture as seen through the families, the people as much as through the magic of poetry, music, theatre, and more; this is what unites us and also makes us different. A powerful human tool for survival, it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds. This was a wonderful way of showing how important it is to preserve it. More importantly, culture can also be a very effective force of economic change! Dan Zanes and Friends (a bit of personal bias here) came all the way from New York with their wild sounds of electric guitar, fiddle, drums

and trumpet. A little bit of hip-hop with lots of acrobats in an astounding mash-up of gravitydefying manoeuvres. UNFORGETTABLE EVENINGS For the the first time in the Gulf, Julio Iglesias brought romance to Arad Fort in two unforgettable evenings, there was a wonderful tribute performance to the Arab world's legendary singer Umm Kulthum, by Egyptian diva Riham Abdul Hakim accompanied by maestro Selim Sahab and the Arab Music Ensemble. The MozART Group blended classical


music and comedy in a manner that was a refreshing change from the stuffy formality of great concert halls. In their own words, "We exist despite the boredom of classical musicians' life, despite fanatic lovers of classical music, despite fans of rock, rap or pop who are afraid of classical music. We treat our Muse with a humorous irony and we're sure, she will have nothing against it!" LIGHT PLAY Jody Sperling mesmerised the audience with a unique fabric-and-light dance spectacle after the style of Loie Fuller (1862-1928). In an homage to Ms. Fuller, as the year marks her


150th birthday, Ms. Sperling's Time Lapse Dance was both reverential and interpretive. One of the acts, 'Turbulence', finessed gusts of wind into hypnotic rhythmic patterns and another "Roman Skeches" kaleidoscopically reflected the iridescent rippling costumes of the dancers. FOR EVERYONE With more than 35 events, over one-third of which were aimed at families, there was something for toddlers, teenagers, mothers and yuppies. Tap Dogs, one of the hottest tap dancing troupes, rocked Arad Fort turning it into a construction site. Tom Tom Crew from Australia had the hearts of teens pumping with their high energy hiphop moves. The Kennedy

Center's Knuffle Bunny brought laughter and fun to the little ones. Walls and Bridges puppetry provided many-a thrill to the young audiences and Play_Please! gave kids an ultimate multimedia experience. In an amazing, opulent production with embroidered and colourful costumes, skilled dancers and musicians, led by Korea's most exciting contemporary choreographer, Eun-Me Ahn, Princess Bari was finally told the truth of her identity. As I never tire of saying, Japanese drumming legend Eitetsu Hayashi gave a truly uplifting performance. For the Martial Arts afficionados, the Chan

Shaolin Temple Group which has performed many shows around the world, combined KungFu, Wushu and Chan Zen in a harmonious way for a grand spectacle. The energetic yet serene monks demonstrated a series of unique styles of Kung Fu that all encapsulate the essence of Shaolin Kung Fu. The group's members are masters of traditional Chinese medicine, no injury worries for them! HERITAGE WALK Arad Fort, Bahrain National Museum, Cultural Hall, Al Zayed House, Shaikh Ebrahim Centre, House of Poetry, Bin Matar House in Muharraq, Albareh Art Gallery, The Park and Al Riwaq Art Space - the venues for the events were all

chosen as much for their heritage value as for convenience. All in all, the event was a rich and diverse platform for experiences, both cultural and otherwise. The one word that can sum up the festival well is joy. The pure joy it brought to thousands of Bahrainis and Arabs, not to mention the great artistes. We are sure the entire nation feels the same! The Spring of Culture 2012 was organised by the Bahrain Economic Development Board, with the participation of Shaikh Ebrahim bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Center for Culture and Research, Ministry of Culture, Albareh Art Gallery, and Al Riwaq Art Gallery.



Racing Times

The 2012 Gulf Air Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix lived upto its reputation as one of the most entertaining races; both on and off track. We bring you glimpses of a thrilling event‌


THE RACE Defending champions Red Bull reaffirmed their supremacy – thanks to a thundering drive by double World Champion Sebastian Vettel that marked the return of Formula One racing to Bahrain International Circuit ‘the home of motorsport in the middle east’. Beginning in pole position, he was not troubled at all by Lewis Hamilton who started on the grid beside him. The McLaren Mercedes star finished a disappointing eighth after two disastrous pitstops in which he lost vital seconds.Vettel came home ahead of Kimi Raikkonen, the 2007 champion, and the Finn's Lotus team-mate Romain Grosjean. Coming home fourth was Red Bull driver Mark Webber with Nico Rosberg (Mercedes) rounding out the top five finishers.

SUPPORT ACTION The support races also kept the crowd on their toes, as a build up to the F1 finale. Davide Valsecchi won a dramatic race in GP2 Series while Ramez Azzam won race two of the WGA Supercars Middle East Championship. Norbert Siedler sealed victory in the 2nd event of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup. All three series were being held in support of this year’s Bahrain Grand Prix. The crowd (which numbered around 80,000 over the race weekend) was treated to a variety of entertainment in the F1 Village vending area. The public were given access to their F1 favourite stars like Michael Schumacher, Sebastian Vettel, Nico Rosberg and Mark Webber among others at the autograph signing



A TASTE OF FUN The whole place bore a festive atmosphere with plenty of entertainment activities for the whole family. The crowds swayed to the beats of several music bands including the Michael Jackson Tribute group which proved to be a crowd favourite. Different tents had been setup – just like a buffet meal - with their own unique attractions to cater to people having different tastes; they included Kid's circus tent, Arts and Craft tent and Kid's theatre tent. There was something for everyone and shopo-holics were not left out. They had plenty of F1 accessories and memoriblia to buy from the Welcome Centre as well as the individual tents set up in the vendor area. Last but not the least, the roaming acts prepped up everyone's mood with an amazing doze of humour and entertainment. They included comedians, special performers, Bombay Baja Brass Band and the roaming magician Ian Kendall. With the successful hosting of the 2012 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix, the country has again proved to the world that ‘Bahrain is the place to be, whether it be motorsport, business or pure pleasure.’




He is a beloved and admired figure around the world. He has received the Nobel Peace prize, is a powerful orator, a published author, a professor and a humanitarian. To exclude Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama from out list of cultural icons would be a crime. He is known for his lifelong advocacy for Tibetans and his speeches on peace, environment, religious harmony and women’s rights. Like so many before him, The Dalai Lama will surely be remembered for his dedication towards making the world a better place.

The Dalai Lama

Considered by many as the best-selling Arab recording artist of all time, Amr Diab is continuously breaking new ground with his fresh beats. In fact, he has completely revolutionised Arab music by popularising ‘Mediterranean music’ - a combination of Western and Egyptian beats! We would take a chance and say that Diab can be considered as the face of Arab music.

Amr Diab

He’s directed crime films, horror films, war films and incredible action thrillers. In fact the only thing his films have in common at all is that all of them are completely out of the ordinary! With his unique individual style coupled with his curiosity and willingness to experiment, Tarantino has a gift when it comes to depicting pop culture in USA. His ability to write captivating scripts and create even better movies is definitely enough to make him one of the most iconic American film directors of modern times.

Quentin Tarantino

This magical author is known for singlehandedly bringing the art of fantasy fiction writing into modern mainstream culture. Her brilliant magical saga, filled as it is with witches and wizards, spells and enchantments, transports the reader into another world. What’s amazing is that with only 7 books, J K Rowling has become a household name; creating an entire generation of 'Harry Potters' everywhere!

J K Rowling 52

Popularly considered the ‘Picasso of India’ MF Husain was a revolutionary figure when it came to art. His paintings were unique – sometimes funny and sometimes sombre. Topics ranged from Mother Teresa to the Mahabharata. His works, like him, were brilliant, creative and sadly misunderstood. Although he may be a highly unappreciated artist of his time, Husain continues to live on though his thoughtprovoking, vivid art.

MF Husain

Alexander McQueen was one of the few designers who managed to create real emotions though his collection - his ability to represent strength or vulnerability though his fashion shows are legendary. He founded the Alexander McQueen luxury brand that recently created the breathtaking gown for Kate Middleton (a pity he was not alive to revel in the glory). McQueen had a certain je nes se quoi that will always put him in a class apart, as designer who brought drama and extravagance to the catwalk.

Alexander McQueen

She’s worn wreaths and horns, wigs and dresses made of meat. Is there any wonder why Lady Gaga’s fashion sense always leaves the world stunned? This is one singer who has made strange and impossible outfits look like the next big fashion trend. Whether she has us in awe or shell shocked this style icon has definitely revolutionised the way we see fashion! Think about the craziest outfit you can imagine and who knows - she might be wearing it soon!

Lady Gaga

Leonard Cohen is often considered an icon when it comes to music. A poet, musician, novelist, monk, and actor all rolled into one, Cohen has impressed generations with his talent. But it’s really his deep soulful music that sets him apart. His songs like ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Suzanne’ are considered instant classics - songs that will truly be remembered forever.

Leonard Cohen 54

One of the most beloved cartoon characters of all time, Homer Simpson has been a favourite amongst children and adults alike. His love for food (did someone say donuts?), bright yellow skin, short attention span and tempestuous relationship with his skateboarding son Bart will always leave audiences well entertained. Be it his no brainer dialogues or his rare thought provoking one liners, Homer Simpson is one of the most talked about cartoon characters.

Homer Simpson

It’s absolutely impossible to imagine a world without the Oprah Winfrey show. Her bold and comfortable style of talking has helped housewives and husbands, teenagers and children alike. What’s more, Oprah became the first woman in history to produce her own talk show, making her the richest African American woman in the world. With her open curiosity, robust humour and empathy, this influential woman has changed the way the world views television and more.

Oprah Winfrey




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Audi A8 Now in its third generation, Audi A8 is an impressive combination of high performance and high technology with trademark quattro all-wheel drive. High technology in the forms of onboard navigation and voice commands or by a laptop computer-like touch pad are embedded in the centre console next to a shift lever modeled after the throttle control for high-end yachts. The limousine-like A8L features spacious reclining rear seats a powered footrest, real leather trim and upholstery, a Bang & Olufsen surround system with 19 speakers and a 1,400-watt amplifier, ventilatedmassaging seats, rearview camera, sports suspension, heated steering wheel and a rear seat entertainment centre with a pair of 10-inch LCD screens and individual audio controls. High performance in the form of a luxury sedan powered by a 372 horsepower, the 4.2-litre V8 is capable of hitting 0-100km/h from a dead stop under six seconds or comfortably cruising for hours on end at speeds well in excess of 160km/h. Audi range available with Behbehani Brothers. For more details log on to


Bentley CGT This remarkable line-up from Bentley Motors gets a performance upgrade in the form of downsizing without compromise in performance. The latest addition is the V8 engine in the model series which delivers 500bhp at 6000 rpm and peak torque of 660Nm across virtually the entire rev range from 1,700 to 5,000. With a new close-ratio 8-speed automatic transmission it translates into a sub-5 second acceleration time for the 0-100 km/h sprint and a top speed of over 290 km/h. That’s not all -- the new V8 engine features variable displacement ensuring a seamless and imperceptible transition from V8 to V4 mode under light throttle load. The arrival of the new V8 Continental models fulfils Bentley's environmental commitment to car as it delivers a 40 per cent improvement in fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions. The V8 car is now capable of travelling 800km on one tank of fuel. Bentley range available with Ahmed Zayani & Sons. For more details log on to

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Jaguar XJ

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Infiniti M The Infiniti M is a showcase for Infiniti's advanced, user-focused technologies, carrying on the tradition of the previous generation M. Technologies include: Infiniti Drive Mode Selector, Active Noise Control, Blind Spot Warning and Blind Spot Intervention™ (BSI), a world first; Forest Air™ system, Enhanced Intelligent Key among many other features. The Infiniti M is offered in M37 and M56 (featured here) model designations. The Infiniti M37 features a refined, powerful and efficient 328hp 3.7L V6 engine and a range-topping 402hp 5.6L V8. Both the Infiniti M37 and M56 engines feature Infiniti's advanced VVEL (Variable Valve Event & Lift) system and all models are equipped with a standard 7-speed automatic transmission. The M56 engine also utilises Direct Injection Gasoline (DIG™) technology. The Infiniti M37 and M56 sedans come in rear-wheel drive configuration and in a choice of grade levels. The Infiniti M37 can be specified in three different grades - Excellence, Luxury and Sport - while the M56 is available in two grades - Luxury and Sport. Infiniti range available with Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons. For more details log on to


Mercedes M-Class The third generation of the Mercedes-Benz M-Class sets new benchmarks in the SUV world with its leading-edge automotive technology. The new M-Class boasts optimum energy efficiency burning 25 per cent less fuel than its predecessor; leading standards of both passive and active safety features and assistance systems including lane keeping assist and blind spot assist which once a driver experiences these features they will wonder how they ever drove a car without them! The new M Class will be offered in three variants, the ML350 and the ML500 with the ML63 AMG following shortly. There are high expectations for the car in Oman as early reactions have been incredibly positive, in particular to the spacious redesigned cabin, the use of top quality materials and its bold styling. Mercedes range is available with Al Haddad Motors. For more details log on to

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Ferrari F12berlinetta The F12berlinetta ushers in a new generation of Ferrari 12-cylinders in the form of a car that delivers unprecedented performance from an exceptional new engine, combined with innovative design that redefines classic themes along with extreme aerodynamics. Ferrari’s traditional transaxle layout has been revolutionised to match the more extreme performance of the car. The wheelbase has been shortened and the engine, dashboard and seats have been lowered in the chassis while the new layout of the rear suspension and gearbox enabled Ferrari’s engineers to make the rear volume of the car smaller. The overall result is a very compact car with a lower centre of gravity that is further back in the chassis, and a level of aerodynamic efficiency that sets new standards. The F12berlinetta’s 6262cc 65° V12 engine delivers unprecedented performance. Its maximum power output is 740 CV which translates to a specific output of 118 CV/l. Torque reaches a peak of 690 Nm, 80 per cent of which is already available at just 2,500 rpm, and which provides an unrelenting surge of acceleration all the way to the 8,700 rpm limit. Ferrari range is available with Euro Motors Bahrain. For more details log on to

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CADILLAC CTS Reminiscent of Cadillac’s Sixteen concept car, the CTS is characterised by sculpted fenders and signature external attributes such as horizontal split lines, oriented light pipes and dihedral-shaped hood. The interiors emphasise technical precision with elegant, handcrafted details. Technologically, the CTS comes with the latest high-tech assortments, including rear-vision camera system, integrated iPod/MP3 capability, 40 GB hard drive-based audio system, navigation system, adaptive forward lighting system, ultrasonic park assist, keyless access and smart remote start and a state of the art Bose 5.1 Cabin Surround™ audio system. A 3.0L SIDI V-6 direct injection engine delivering 270 horsepower @ 7000 rpm and 302 Nm of torque is the CTS’s standard engine. Also available is a 3.6L DI V-6 engine that produces 354 horsepower @6600 rpm and 369 Nm of torque with a six-speed automatic transmission backing both engines. CTS – V comes with a 6.2L VVT V8 Supercharged engine with 556 (net) hp @ 6100 rpm & torque of 793Nm. CTS & CTS-V are also available as a Coupe with 3.6L & 6.2L engines respectively. Cadillac range is available with National Motor Company. For more details log on to



Paul Mercer is a long time Bahrain resident, international lawyer and food critic. Paul has travelled the globe and has sampled some of the world's best cuisines. Paul will be combining his two great passions, writing and food, to provide us with his view on Bahrain's best restaurants.


Soie – Sheraton Bahrain Hotel For good quality Chinese cuisine set in a relaxing and cozy surroundings my suggestion would be Soie Chinese restaurant located in the Sheraton Bahrain Hotel. With subtle lighting, a red colour scheme against dark wooden floors and fixtures and fittings together with a centre canopy and flowing red drapes, a warm and comfortable ambience is created. The service is fabulous and is only bettered by the delectable dishes. The menu offers a typical range of classic traditional Chinese dishes and my stand out items are the tom yum prawn soup, the butterfly prawns with sweet chilli sauce, the lobster cooked in two styles and the sizzling beef. Whenever I have visited Soie each dish I have sampled has been cooked to perfection. Highly recommended and I will certainly be visiting again soon.

Primavera – Ritz Carlton Bahrain Hotel & Spa Primavera is probably my favourite restaurant in Bahrain and is certainly the one I visit the most. Located in the Ritz Carlton Bahrain Hotel & Spa with a stylish and fresh décor overlooking the Arabian Gulf, this ever popular restaurant offers a fresh and exciting menu of contemporary Italian cuisine. I have probably tried every item on the menu and would like to share with you my favourites. For starters, I would recommend the Angus beef carpaccio with rucola, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and parmesan cheese and for the main course, I would choose either the Filetto Di Manzo (pan fried beef tenderloin in balsamic sauce with potatoes and sautéed spinach) or the Filetto Di Vitello Da Latte In Padella, Mascarpone, (pan fried US milk fed veal tenderloin, mascarpone & truffle sauce with tomatoes and sautéed potatoes) or the Risotto All Astice (Omani lobster risotto). Each dish is exquisite and will not disappoint. For dessert you cannot go wrong with the Tortino Al Cioccolato, Gelato Alla Vaniglia, (warm chocolate, molten cake, vanilla bean ice cream, raspberry ginger compote). The perfect location for fine dining with friends, business acquaintances or that special someone in your life.

Badawi, Al Hoora

Located in Al Hoora behind Exhibition Avenue, the restaurant is cozy and gives a homely feel. The waiting staff are extremely friendly, helpful and responsive. When you visit expect a warm welcome. Each day Badawi serve three special dishes for the day – the special dishes are decided on the day depending on the availability of local produce that morning. When I last visited the specials were fasooliya (white beans) with meat and rice, freekeh (green wheat) chicken and mudardura (lentils and rice). Each special dish comes with soup and a salad and for BD3 all in this represents exceptional value. My favourite dish is fasooliya. Fresh succulent pieces of meat that melted in your mouth with a rich and flavoursome sauce. The mudaradura was also a hit. We also tried the restaurant’s signature dish, chicken liver with fresh bread and houmous – wonderful – washed down with fresh lemon juice with mint. Each of my experiences at Badawi was first class and I would strongly recommend anyone who likes Lebanese cuisine to try this wonderful little restaurant. Great food, great service and great value.


Café Lilou, Adliya If you are looking for a trendy location but also want top quality dining with a casual and relaxed ambience then you must pay a visit to Café Lilou. With a French inspired décor, highly efficient waiting staff and fantastic cuisine your visit to Café Lilou should be a good one. The menu offers a variety of milkshakes, fresh fruit juices, soups, sandwiches, salads, main courses and desserts and I can promise you that each item has been designed to tantalise your taste buds. My favourites include onion soup, prawn risotto (heavenly) and the melt in your mouth mini burgers with crisp and tasty curly fries. When you leave Café Lilou your final (pleasant) surprise will be the bill – tremendous value!

Maki, Bahrain World Trade Centre For great fusion Japanse cuisine I would strongly recommend Maki, located in the heart of Manama in the Bahrain World Trade Centre. Set in stylish and elegant surroundings, Maki is ideal for a fine dining experience in downtown Manama. With an extensive menu which fuses Japanese ingredients and cooking methods with French, Italian and Mediterranean styles, you are spoilt for choice with a vast range of Japanese dishes such as sashimi, sushi, tepanyaki and tempura dishes (just to name a few), each with a contemporary twist. The service is top notch and I would suggest that you seek the assistance of your waiter when you make your order so that your combination of dishes complements each other. In terms of value, I would say that Maki is reasonable considering that they offer dishes of the highest quality but you should also be aware of the 'Executive Lunch Special' which offers a variety of fabulous Bento boxes ranging from BD8 to BD5 – truly fantastic value for exquisite food. Definitely worth a visit.


SHAPING SKYLINES Andre C Meyerhans picks his favourites among the iconic structures that have shaped the skyline of the Middle East…

The other day, I was asked which five buildings changed the skyline of the Middle East in modern times? In an instant, I had numerous buildings in my mind which seemed to deserve to top this list. In the following discussion the question turned out to be much more complex. What does it mean to change the skyline? Is it just a building that visually dominates the urban ensemble or is it a building powerful enough to convey a cultural statement to others? We had this conversation in Dubai and debated about whether Burj Al Arab or Burj Khalifa influenced the skyline of Dubai more. Undoubtedly, the world’s tallest building peaks much further into the clouds than any other building in town, and yes, it hosts the most elevated restaurant and viewing platform in the world. Yet, I am not convinced to attest it to have changed the skyline of Dubai the most. In a nutshell, it is because A) Any superlative today is average tomorrow – or do any of the readers know the currently third tallest building in the world? B) The architectural design bears little information about the Middle East. The desert flower “hymenocallis” (according to the Internet, endemic in South America!) supposedly inspired the layout of the tower, yet only few visitors will be able to see that or any other connection to the region and C) The name – and especially to those who know the tower’s original name – unveils a different story about Dubai than the structure itself would like to tell...

André C. Meyerhans is a Swiss architect who lives and works in Dubai, UAE. His creations range from 250’000m2-urban plans and onebillion-US-dollar mixed use developments to furniture-like objects, art and jewellery. André has also written for various trade magazines and held lectures in numerous institutions on architecture and design. He is also a regular guest critique at the Architectural Department of the American University in Sharjah. For more details you can visit


Burj Al Arab, on the other hand, A) Defines itself over class or quality rather than over superlative and quantity and is therefore less vulnerable to the ravages of time B) Affiliates with the region in terms of design: the building looks like a sail of an old dhow filled with wind and the opulent interior with its vibrant colours reflects the taste of the local culture and C) (which is the most important point) it represents, in an iconographic way, all what Dubai wanted to stand for: superior technology, luxury, vision and invention, … Burj Al Arab was a visual synonym for Dubai. The building served efficiently as a marketing tool to promote Dubai in the world. While the bellied tower might not receive as much attention these days as it did in earlier years, it surely had the most significant impact for Dubai in most recent history. Of course, having said that, my personal favourite to top the list of buildings that shaped Dubai is Dubai World Trade Center. And here are the buildings that top the list of other Middle Eastern countries according to my judgment...


The Chedi Muscat: It successfully merges the charm of Omani architecture with the elegance of international styles on a top level.


The Bahrain World Trade Center: It visually addresses sustainable architecture in a visionary way. 78


Kingdom Center in Riyadh: It visually dominates as an urban structure and indicates the country's aspirations.


The Museum of Islamic Art: It uses a contemporary, Islamic design language that plays with light and the geometry of regional patterns in three dimensions. 80


Milad Tower, Tehran: It reaches to the stars like so many young people there.




Augmented Reality Augmented reality is already in its infancy and is making a appearance in many aspects of our lives. Many GPS apps, game consoles, mobiles and more take advantage of the tech to augment their already impressive features and to better integrate themselves into the daily lives of their users. But the true potential of augmented reality has only just been truly explored with the advent of ‘Project Glass‘. It is programme developed by Google to prototype and build an augmented reality head-mounted display that will perfectly integrate itself with your daily life. There is even an impressive video of what life would be like with these glasses equipped. As dorky as it may look, if it is any indication of what the final product will be capable off, it could quite possibly be the next evolution of our ‘clunky’ smartphones.

RFID Most, if not all, of us are familiar with the barcode system currently in use to identify products. RFID, radio frequency identification, is to be its replacement and is already in use at a number of locations. It has one primary purpose, that is to identify products wirelessly, but its actual uses are innumerable. Just imagine going to the grocery store, filling up your cart and walking right out the door. Once in place, it will rid the pains of staying in long lines at grocery stores and that is just the start. Once you pass the checkout, the RFID tags will be used to detect every item in the cart almost instantly and will then send information on your products to the retailer and product manufacturers for inventory and marketing purposes. Furthermore, the amount of the bill will be instantly deducted from your account. And this is just the start of what the technology is capable of.


Flying cars Some time ago this seemed like a far-fetched idea but it seems that soon this could actually be a reality. A lot of independent developers and companies have already tried their hand at making this dream a reality, but only one has truly come close to production – Terrafugia. To be perfectly honest; their vehicle, named ‘Transition’, is more of a street-legal light aircraft than an actual flying car. It even looks more like a squashed aeroplane than an actual car. But then again the Wright Brothers Flyer 1 didn’t exactly look like the Concorde, but look where commercial aviation has reached today. Moreover, taking into account that there are 100 pre-orders already placed for the vehicle and the fact that it has completed its first successful test flight on March 23, 2012; it definitely looks like we are witnessing advent of the personal flying car.

Death of desktop computing As the world of personal computing gets smaller and more efficient, we could soon see a world where no desktop computers actually exist. A lot of what makes a desktop computer worthwhile is being taken over by other devices. Laptops and tablet PCs are becoming increasingly popular, cost effective and powerful; personal handsets are getting smarter and also more powerful; touch interfaces everywhere will soon eliminate keyboards and maybe even mice; hard disk drives and optical media are on the verge of extinction due to the advent of solid state media; and furthermore current game consoles have pretty much endangered PC gaming as we know it. We can’t even imagine what the Next Gen systems (which are due out as early as 2013) will do to the PC gaming industry. Regardless, it isn’t one single piece but rather a collection of new tech that may eventually bring about the end of desktop computing as we know it.


Future Flight The race to make commercial travel more efficient and cost effective is an on-going struggle, especially so with the constantly rising costs of fuel. One of the leading projects in next-gen commercial aviation is the D8 concept. It is a "double-bubble" configuration concept, currently being developed by a research team at MIT in conjunction with NASA and is designed to maximise fuel efficiency. The MIT-led team developed the twin-aisle "double-bubble" D8 configuration during the NASA-funded N+3 studies completed in 2010. The D8 could reduce fuel burn by as much as 70 per cent relative to today's 737-800. And of that saving, 49 per cent comes from the configuration alone with its wide lifting-body fuselage, almost-unswept wing and reduced cruise Mach number, and rear-mounted engines. If all goes well, the D8 could be your flight of choice in and around 2035.

All-Road Drive

Comfortable Ride

Stylish Look



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