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Council Highlight
Hello Warranty Professionals!
Do you spearhead your company's warranty efforts? Are you looking to better understand FCA’s SAWRP+ efforts? Or would you like to understand what makes for a successful warranty workforce?
If you answered "yes" or are interested in any of these topics, we invite you to attend in OESA’s Warranty Management Council (WMC) meeting on March 25, 2021.
A highlight of the March 25th meeting is a review of a new competencies document created by the WMC Board of Governors. The e-document, targeted to automotive suppliers, provides recommendations and high-level guidance on the skills and competencies needed for successful warranty professionals and warranty departments.
The full agenda features: • Skills and Competencies for a Successful Warranty Workforce • CQI-14 Update • FCA SAWRP+ • Member roundtable – dedicated conversation time with your peers
If you are already a member, we look forward to seeing you there.If you are not yet a member, we welcome you to be our guest. Please reach out to me so to get you registered for the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Ginger Juncker Executive Director, Councils and Member Services gjuncker@oesa.org or 248.430.5953
Council membership is available to the senior executives or functional managers responsible for warranty or the warranty process of OESA supplier member companies. Cost of membership is $1,000 per year.
2021 WMC Meeting Dates March 25th June 24th September 23rd December 14th
OESA Young Leadership Council Thrives in a Virtual Enviroment - Welcome YLC9 Cohort
OESA had to pivot the YLC 9 kickoff meeting to a virtual interactive leadership development program. The two-year leadership development program is designed to equip future leaders with the skills, tools, and best practices they need to confidently lead their team and drive performance within their organizations. Council members hear from subject matter experts on leadership, personal development and industry topics and trends.
Members of OESA’s YLC cohorts are identified as future leaders of their company and are nominated by senior executives. The council is open to all member companies and provides a forum to help develop and retain future leaders. Participants come from all functional areas including finance, sales, marketing, manufacturing, human resources, purchasing, logistics, communications, and engineering.
OESA welcomed 41 enthusiastic members to the YLC 9 cohort and had an engaging day that included: • Buildinging new relationships with automotive industry peers. • Learning about OESA, MEMA, and the purpose of the YLC Program. • Conversing with YLC Alumni Members Rachel Welch, Senior Controlling Analyst, MAHLE Industries, Inc. and Henrique Baratz, Sales Director, SEG Automotive North America, LLC. • Connecting with executive leader, Carrie Uhl, Chief Procurement Officer, GE Healthcare, shared her leadership perspective and actionable takeaways to include in attendees leadership toolbox. • Sharing ideas in breakout rooms to develop council programming content.
Throughout the meeting, members of the council participated in Word Cloud activities to keep the engagement alive and interactive. (See figure 1 results.)
As a closing piece, members narrowed down their goals and desired themes. This will guide the programming for the remainder of their council membership. They also evaluated their kick-off meeting. (See figure 2 for results.)
Could your future leaders benefit from an experience like this? YLC10 will be accepting nominations in September of 2021. For further information, contact Keiyania Mann,