EECA - Presentation Stenden Hotel Management School

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Process Thinking

Is it Luck that You are Good?


Quality › Philosophical

› Perceived

› Operational


Operational Quality › Specifications

› Measurable

› Consistency


You cannot inspect quality into the product



› If you want quality, you design a system


Input output model


› A set of activities, which transforms an input into an output


Flow charting

› Technique to make processes visible


Charting symbols

Flow charting

› Descriptive

› Prescriptive

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Flow charting: advantages Understanding of the work for everyone involved

Creating standardization, thus giving a higher consistency of products and services with less errors Possibility to locate problems and their causes. Creating opportunities for improvement

Possibility to define where value is created 12 |

Flow charting: alternatives

Check lists

Service scripts

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Nested processes

› Larger processes are often made up of sub processes

› This is called Nesting

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Nested processes


› Some processes are executed by more departments

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Swimming lane model

Process Management

› Adequate Resourcing › Adequate Capacity › Adequately skilled staffing › (Process improvement) 18 |


› Monitoring

› Analyzing

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Process Leadership

› Process is the responsibility of management

› Put a good employee against a bad process, and the process will win

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