QEM - definitions & formulas

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Quartery EPCAS Monitor Definitions and Formulas F&B related turnover

All sales due to selling food and beverages, e.g. table cover, staff index, rental kitchen equipment – exclude the rental of tents and non-food decoration.

Food related turnover

Food turnover is all sales due to selling food and beverages, e.g. table cover, staff index, rental kitchen equipment – exclude the rental of tents and non-food decoration.


Promotion in total is all out of pocket expenses you spend on promotion.

Average working hours

This is not the legal figure but the actual amount the employees clock in for.

Flex worker

A flex worker is any kind of operational man-power that is not permanently employed by the company.

Ratio of Flex worker cost in proportion to turnover

Answer = (total cost of flex-workers ÷ total turnover) x 100

Average wage per hour for an FTE working in the kitchen?

= Total FTE personnel cost of Kitchen ÷ (number of FTEs in the kitchen x average hours worked by Kitchen personnel) Average hours worked by Kitchen personnel is not the legal figure but the actual amount they clock in for. The amount is the total amount of hours worked on average by an FTE in a year.

Average wage per hour for a flex worker hired for in the kitchen

= Total cost of flex workers hired for in the kitchen ÷ number of hours flex hired for in the kitchen

Average wage per hour for an FTE working in the service?

= Total FTE personnel cost of service ÷ (number of FTEs in service x average hours worked by service personnel) Average hours worked by service personnel is not the legal figure but the actual amount they clock in for. The amount is the total amount of hours worked on average by an FTE in a year. Service personnel are all staff members hired to provide the service on the night. This includes party managers and excludes operational managers, sales staff etc.

Average wage per hour for a flex worker hired for service

= Total cost of flex workers hired for service ÷ number of hours flex hired for service

Amount invested in training & development

Amount invested = (Amount spent on training out of pocket + real cost of labour hours spent in training) x 100

Productivity level of the staff

Productivity level = Total F&B turnover ÷ Total man hours Total man hours = Actual worked FTE hours + hours of hired Flex workers of all operational personnel including project management. This does not include the hours of the sales/board/HR/IT. The company you hire your flex workers from keeps track of the number of hours

Average turnover per event

= Total turnover ÷ number of events An event is every activity with an own project number/invoice number which took or is expected to take place in the year related to the question.

Average F&B turnover per event

= Total F&B related turnover ÷ number of events An event is every activity with an own project number/invoice number which took or is expected to take place in the year related to the question.

Amount of garbage do you dispose in tonnes compared to total turnover

= tonnes disposed ÷ total turnover Tonnes = 1000kgs and not 907kgs (which is a ton – imperial system) Total garbage = paper/carton, glass, chemical, residual AND food waste (sometimes called “swill”) (f.y.i.: measured in weighing of all garbage bins) omitted

Total amount of food wasted in kg is wasted per € 1000 of F&B turnover

= (Total food waste in kg ÷ (F&B turnover ÷ 1000)) x 100

Food purchased

Total food purchased is the total amount of raw food purchased in kg (e.g. contents of the tins, weight of produce in the crates)

Total food waste = total weight of any food substance, raw or cooked, which is discarded (f.y.i.: measured in weighing of food garbage bins

Amount of food wasted = (Total food waste in kg ÷ total food purchased in kg) x 100 in kg is wasted per kg of food purchased

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