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Bridgetinesgather victoriesin MAPEHWeek


Todemonstratetheir'talented'and'athletic'sides,theJHS Bridgetinessharedtheirexcitementduringthe2023MAPEH


Week with the theme "AVATAR: Acknowledging Versatility and AthleticismThroughArtisticResurgence,"Feb 6-10

Each batch has their own designated teams starting with Grade 7 as the 'Water Tribe,' 8th Graders as the 'Air Benders,' Grade 9 as the 'EarthKingdom,ʼandGrade10as'FireNation.'

Combining both scores with cultural and sports events, Fire Nation came victorious as the overall champion for the S Y 20222023MAPEHWeek

The Fire Nation left no crumbs as they were also the overall championfortheweek'sculturalevents,whileHabagatfromtheAir Bendersacedtheoverallchampionforthesportscompetitions

As for the awards, in the Mobile Legends tournament junior edition, Amihan bagged 1st place, Barracuda Brigade bagged 2nd place, and both Water Mind Lake Hoopers and Habagat bagged 3rd place. For the senior edition, Siklab bagged 1st place, Underground Warriors bagged 2nd place, and Terra Empire and Lagablab bagged 3rd place As Amihan and Siklab competed for the final round, SiklabreignedastheOverallChampioninthistournament

IntheGamesoftheGeneraljunioredition,Buhawiwon1stplace, and Barracuda Brigade won 2nd place Lagablab won 1st place for the senior edition, and Underground Warriors won 2nd place LagablabwonthetitleoftheOverallChampioninthistournament.

In the Chess boys junior edition, Buhawi won 1st place; Barracuda Brigade won 2nd place, and Water Mind Lake Hoopers andAmihanwon3rdplace SunogKilaywon1stplaceforthesenior edition, Landlords and Ladies won 2nd place, and Terra Empire and Siklabwon3rdplace

In the Chess girls junior edition, Buhawi reigned as Champion, Barracuda Brigade won 2nd place, and Water Mind Lakehoopers and Habagat won 3rd place For the senior edition, Landlord and Ladies reigned as Champion, Sunog Kilay won 2nd place, and UndergroundWarriorsandSiklabwon3rdplace

In the Table Tennis boys' junior edition, Amihan bagged 1st place, Water Mind Lake Hoopers bagged 2nd place, and Habagat bagged 3rd place For the senior edition, Siklab bagged 1st place, Landlords and Ladies bagged 2nd place, and Sunog Kilay bagged 3rdplace AmihanwastheOverallChampioninthistournament

In the Table Tennis girls' junior edition, Buhawi bagged 1st place, Barracuda Brigade bagged 2nd place, and Water Mind Lake Hoopers and Amihan bagged 3rd place Sunog Kilay bagged 1st place for the senior edition, Landlords and Ladies bagged 2nd place, and Underground Warriors and Silaban bagged 3rd place SunogKilaywastheOverallChampioninthistournament

As for the Table Tennis Mixed Doubles junior edition, Buhawi bagged 1st place, Barracuda Brigade bagged 2nd place, and Amihan and H2o Awesome bagged 3rd place For the senior edition, Terra Empire bagged 1st place, Silaban bagged 2nd place, and Sunog Kilay bagged 3rd place Buhawi reigned as the Overall Championinthistournament

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