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AWordFromTodayʼs Sponsor: ChatGPT
Evolution is no foreign topic when it comes to the development of society Since the dawn of time, man has always been finding ways to make their lifestyle easier and more comfortable to endure From creating weapons to make hunting less of a hassle to building machines to do the heavy lifting for them, man has always found ways in order to push society into improvement
Indeed, there have been many great accomplishments and breakthroughs made throughout the years to simply make life smooth sailing but recently, there has been some uproar about an AI chatbot that seemingly writes all kinds of mediums with only a few simple instructions Whatʼs it called you ask? Well, itʼs ChatGPT
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
With its rising popularity, it would be foolish to think that ChatGPT wouldn t have reached students by now And while it is true that ChatGPT can provide a great assistance and be a source of entertainment for many, it must also be brought to light how some students take advantage of this AI chatbot to write their essays and finish their school work to pass with flying colors
“It's cheating and I don't want to be involved with that part of the situation I can understand students using it when it's only for projects in high school but for students who actually need this for their futures and jobs need to straighten up “ said Randell Alon, from 10 - Perseverance
“There are some however who use it for paraphrasing only and I can get behind that “ He added
However when asked about his thoughts on the AI itself, he stated that “ I have used ChatGPT and my honest opinion on it is that it's very impressive I could already tell that it has a massive database and a lot of programming to make it work like how it works “
He went on to say that “I've had good conversations with AI and from what I've seen from other people and social media, it can spit out A LOT of high quality texts would learn lessons get from their failures if this happens There is a danger that comes with relying too much on AI rather than living life for yourself Which is why it must be kept in the back of our minds that with great power, comes great responsibility, because without this discipline, our society might as well fall instead of rise to greatness
So while it is true that ChatGPT can work wonders for the development of society and help ease the everyday struggles of man, it should be remembered that this asset should not be abused Not everything in life can be handed to you on a silver platter and if it were, then what would happen to the members of society?