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Dementia with Lewy Bodies exhibits GutBacterialGrowth
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a disease thatcan develop on its own oralongwithother brain illnesses. Its symptoms are frequently mistaken for thosefoundinotherbraindiseasesorpsychiatricdisorders.
Given that it is a progressive disease, symptoms appear gradually and worsen over time Just recently, three intestinal bacteria were found in DLB by a group of researchers from Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (NUSM) in Japan Their findings offer new approachesforbothdiagnosisandtherapy
The research was led by Assocate Professor Masaaki Hirayama (Omics Medicine) Professor Kinji Ohno (Neurogenetics) and Assistant Professor Hiroshi Nishiwaki (Neurogenetics) of Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, in colaboration with Okayama Neurology Clinic, Iwate Medical University, and Fukuoka University The researchersexaminedthegutmicrobiotaandfecalbleacidsof 278patientswithapha-synucleinopathies(neurodegeneration caused by alpha-synuclein protein buidup) The group consstedof28patientswithDLB 193withParkinsonsDisease (PD) 31 with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and 26 with idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior dsorder (iRBD) They discovered that three intestina bacteria Collnsella Ruminococcus and Bifidobacterium were associatedwithpatientswithDLB
Lewy bodies have been linked to various neurodegenerativedisorders,which ncludeParlinsonsDisease a brain disorder that causes unntended or uncontrolable movements and iRBD a condition characterzed by nightmares and dream-enacting behaviors Therefore physicians struggle to anticipate which PD patients will develop cognitve decline and become DLB patients within a year,sotheycanonlyhopetobeabletotreatthemproactively
IfapatientwithParkinsonsdiseasedevelopsdementiain one year after the onset of motor symptoms they are diagnosed with DLB explained NUSM Professor of Neurogenetics Kinj Ohno in a press release However we cannot currenty predict whether a patent with Parkinsonʼs disease will become a DLB patent The gut microbiome will helptoidentifysuchpatients”
Using a series of different analyses, the team examined each groups taxonomic dfferences along with the overall gut microbotacompositionacross18generaandfivefamilies DLB patients had a substantial drop in seven genera Decreases in SCFA-producing bacteria have been repeatedly reported in Parkinson'sdisease Alzheimersdisease andALS(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)” explained Ohno “This suggests that it is a common feature of neurodegenerative dseases” (SCFAs are saturated aliphatic organic acids hey produce regulatory T cells a type of whte blood cell called lymphocytes whch playacrucialrole nimmunesystemregulationbysuppressing neuroinflammation) explained Ohno This suggests that it is a commonfeatureofneurodegeneratvediseases
A Good Reputation
Biofertilizersʼ positive effects on plants have been promoted over the past years, even though the Philippines is highly dependent on other countries for fertilizers One example is the bioN biofertilizer produced by Dr Mercedes Umali-Garcia of UPLB-BIOTECH almost 40 years ago
Farmers of rice corn and vegetables have benefited from BioN's ability to improve productivity while preserving the health of the soil It strengthens the plantʼs roots, increases nutrient uptake, confers resistance to pests and diseases, and improves soil conditions Users of BioN claim higher grain quality and higher yields Utilizing BioN lowers the cost of manufacturing
The Marcos Administration plans to expand biofertilizers in the country as well as the knowledge of local farmers about biofertilizers, like BioN Teaching local farmers would be their utmost priority, other than biofertilizer itself
“I believe that fertilizer is essential for plants to develop optimally and for the agriculture industry, so as a student that has seen the dangers of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, especially to the environment, I am looking forward to this kind of fertilizer because we can utilize this fertilizer to benefit more from agriculture while also protecting our environment from the adverse impacts of chemical fertilizers,” Angelie C Sarmiento, a student of 10 - Obedience commented
No To Scams
Though the biofertilizer is in the works, some opposed it and found a loophole in the newest Department of Agriculture Memorandum Order The agricultural group Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura (SINAG) laid out facts showing that this would turn into another fertilizer scam
One fact found is that Memorandum Order No 32 states that inorganic fertilizers do not cost the amount the MO claims SINAG chairperson Rosendo So also noted that the use of biofertilizers is yet to be proven to result in higher yield and cost efficiency
“We are worried that another scandal that could approximate the fertilizer scam of the previous years may resurface, he added
To explain the controversial Memorandum Order No 32, Agriculture Undersecretary Leocadio Sebastian clarifies that the said MO was created in April when the prices of fertilizers were high He reassured everyone that no fertilizer scam is happening in MO 32, meaning Operation: Welcome Biofertilizers is back on track