3 minute read
TongaVolcano: UnleashesitsPower
(SCFAs are saturated aliphatic organic acids They produce reguatory T cells a type of white blood cell caled lymphocytes which play a crucial role in immune system regulation by suppressingneuroinflammation)
Bifidobacterium and Colinsella than PD and a higher concentration of Collinsella over PDD Ruminococcus torques and Collinsela increase gut permeabilty, allowing pesticides and herbicidesfromthedietaccesstounderlyinggutneurons causng inflammation oxdativestress andLBformation
The NUSM team discovered that the high Ruminococcus torques and Collinsella linked wth DLB also raised ursodeoxycholic acd (UDCA) a microbe-produced secondary bie acid by quantifying the fecal bile acids for each diagnostc group UDCA reduces inflammation in the substantia nigra a portion of the brain that controls movement The researchers beleve this may explain why BLD patients experience some symptoms later than PD patients thereby providing another distinguishingaspect
Oncecertaindiseasesdisplayasgnificantdeclineinbacterial counts compared to others the NUSM researchers presumed that administering microbes to restore equilbrium could be a therapeutic option This could therefore be beneficial in returning those microbes to a healthy baseline, as opposed to the excessvelyhighconcentrationseeninDLB
Therapeutic intervention to increase Bifidobacterium may delay the onset and progression of DLB and reduce cognitive dysfuncton” said Ohno Bifidobacterium administration has previousybeendisplayedtoenhanceneurogenesisinAlzheimers patients central and peripheral nerve systems (Beneficial Microbes, DOI 103920/BM20180170), implying that it coud also preventthedevelopmentofDLBandPDD
Improving the gut microbiota is a stepping stone in the treatment of dementia Our findings may pave the way for the discovery of new and completely different therapeutics” NUSMʼs Ohnoremarked
ThisisHarleneN Amu fromGrade9Loyaltystakeonthis:
It is quite overwhelming, with how many people suffer from dementia, but with the help of this research, I was able to acknowledge how the said disease works It is fascinating how researchers continue to do their job and learn more about dementiatohelpthevictimsofthesaiddiseaseandhopefullyfind acure Iwishfortheresearcherstobeabletoentirelyperceiveand to acquire much needed sources for the research to go wel This research was able to assist and help not just me but the others as well to be aware of the possibilities and capabilities this disease may do to people Having that in mnd, others mght not be able to fully accept that this is happenng worldwide Thankfuly, this articlewasabletofull-filltheuncertaintiesandunsurenessofeach and everyone of us dear readers pertaining to this kind of illness
As a student this may guide and alow me to deliver my ability to educatesevera peoplecirclingme
Volcanoes have always been an unstoppable force, dormant or active, they leave their effects in various areas of our planet. Volcanic eruptions remind us of their unpredictability and breathtaking power So to speak, the volcano of Tonga shook the world and became a global spectacle because of its recent eruption Tonga Volcano surpasses scientists' expectations as it savagely erupts, making it one of the largest atmospheric eruptions in history and triggering global tsunamis, January 15, 2022
Submarine volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai is part of the Tongan archipelago in the southern Pacific Ocean, 65 kilometers north of Tongatapu, the country's main island It lies around 100 km above a seismically active region and is part of the highly active KermadecTonga Subduction zone Since the base of this volcano sits on the seafloor, it is nearly entirely submerged apart from two small volcanic islands, Hunga Tonga and Hunga Ha'apai Its base has a diameter of about 20 kilometers and rises about 2,000 meters to the surface
Tonga Volcano's eruption began in December 2021 but reached an immense and powerful climax nearly four weeks later with a warning of aftershocks for the following several days This eruption is the largest recorded since the last century, surpassing the 1991 eruption at Mt Pinatubo and NASA confirmed that it was also a hundred times more powerful than the Hiroshima Bombing
It exploded about 2 3 cubic miles of rock and ashfall that covered an area of at least five square kilometers According to BBC Science Correspondent Jonathan Amos, it displaced some ten cubic km of rock, ash, and sediment, much of it exiting through the volcano's mouth, or caldera to shoot straight up into the sky like a "shotgun blast" as one geologist called it The pinnacle of its eruption released a booming blast so loud that it was heard in Alaska, 6,000 miles away
Furthermore, "This volcano even exceeded our maximum expectations about how far the effects of this eruption were on the seafloor " NIWA Marine Geologist Dr Kevin MacKay said "The more we study it, the bigger the event becomes " He added What made Tonga Volcano's eruption surpass scientists' expectations as well is that the damage and effects of this devastation across the planet remain a mystery
How Tonga Volcano was felt around the world is that its monstrous eruption created damaging tsunamis wherein five continents felt its waves and power The deviating high waves coming from this have reached the shores of New Zealand, Japan, The United States, The far east of Russia, Chile, and Peru Many of these countries are under a tsunami alert for the whole weekend, their ports and shores are flooded with waves, and their boats are harmed and damaged
Moreover the destruction caused by this explosion leaves a lasting impact on us and our environment The best we can do is to become aware and prepare to face these crisis events According to Jeanna Ricci M Melo from 8-Counsel "Certain ways to be prepared in these certain events are always being updated on the daily news, having extra consumable foods like canned goods and obtaining knowledge on our nearest evacuation centers " Although recovery and rebuilding of the harm caused by the eruption might take some time, we must pursue and do our best regardless
Lessons learned; we shouldn't underestimate the power mother nature holds Tonga Volcano's eruption alone has left scientists stunned with its power and extended damages across the world, leaving its mark