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A High for Legalization
A question youre probably wondering now is, Wouldnt this start an addiction? It's like a gateway drug; it'll do more harm than good! theanswertothatisaddictionvariesfrompersontoperson Some have biologies that let them handle cannabis easier than others The mental state of an individual also influences this Trauma has been shown to be the underlying issue in a very significant amount of drug cases This can be seen with Portugals DecriminalizationofDrugs
The country in question had a very severe HIV and AIDS issue back in 1999 and after conducting numerous studies they found that drug use was the reason STD cases were skyrocketing In response the government decriminalized the possession and use ofdrugspairedwithhealthrehabilitation Theplanwastotreatthe victimsbetterwithmorerespectwhilesettingthemonthepathto recovery, and the program was a success This led the police force toshifttheirfocustothelowlevelsandchasethebigbossesorthe kingpins in the drug industry The nation's prison population consisted of fewer drug users and the whole population had significantly more people in treatment With the states rising population drugs were lessening little by little Seeing all that its nowonderauthoritiesmarkedthisprojectasahugesuccess
An argument that people propose is how cannabis can easily lead to death This can be countered with the fact that cannabis deaths are mainly caused by the smoking of said drug, which can and should be replaced by other consumption methods like capsules and edibles Another argument is that there arent enough studies and evidence to put cannabis in a good light While that may be true, the legalization of cannabis can really help with that issue If citizens are to be believed the risk isnt as high if peoplehandlethisdrugwiththecareandresponsibilityitrequires
The main takeaway from this is to treat cannabis just like a medicine Yes it can lead to addiction and hinder adolescents' growth, so just dont give it away easily Make tests, provide the proper education and have professionals handle it If the euphoric effects are the problem, then just opt for cannabis with CBD as it provides similar help as THC products without having the psychoactivity The medicinal world is growing fast, and treating cannabis as a possible treatment would really help with that Caffeine used to be in a similar predicament as cannabis many years ago and look where it is now; just like what the stoics always say,changinghowyoureactcanbringaboutthebestchanges