3 minute read
Women: Gracing Through the Years
Itwasntuntilafewdecadesagothatwomenwereallowedtovote Formanymanycenturies,mendominatedtheindustry, taking pride in the patriarchal system that they had created for society Of course it is not bad to feel good about oneself unless you are overstepping someone elses rights It is common knowledge that men were expected to work and provide financialstabilityfortheirfamiliesinordertohavefoodonthetableandtoprotecttheirfamilyfromthedangersoftheoutside world Surely you have noticed that usually the Padre de Pamilya has to sit at the head of the table, ensuring their role as the leaderandproviderofthehouse Women,however,playaratherdifferentrole Theyweresettoserve,cook,clean,babysit,and beobedienttotheirspouse,mostofthetimewithouthavingasayinthings Buttimeshavechanged,andlawshaveaswell On September 17, 1937, Manuel L Quezon signed the Womenʼs Suffrage Plebiscite Bill legalizing a womanʼs right to vote and to run for political office The Philippines was one of the very first Asian countries to enable this choice for women Many Filipino men were opposed to the idea as they claimed that women should just be in their 'place' But if you go back in time, many womencontributedtohistorynotjustinthePhilippinesbuttothewholeworldingeneral Withthatbeingsaid herearesome ofthecountry'sandtheworldʼsmostremarkablewomen!
Women: GTY 1986 32 songs 2 hr 8 min
Every 6 years the country's newsandmediaoutletsbecomefloodedbydifferentpoliticalcoloursasthefaranticipatedelections happen again Just to take you to a trip down the memory lane, the Philippines once turned red, literally as the lives of its countrymen consisting of activists, journalists men, women, children, and more were taken for granted as the implementation of the Martial Law abused their human rights with unjust, inhumane, and vile procedures, all of this, under the 10th president of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos But soon enough it was too much to bare as thousands of people lay lifeless due to the excessive violation of human rights On the 22nd of February year 1986 Millions of Filipinos marched down Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue carrying the memories of all the lives lost, as they fought for democracy, and finally ousted Marcos This led to the accession of the countrys First female president Corazon Cojuangco Aquino, who played a big role in restoring autonomy and freedom of speech Demolishing the dictatorial system structured by the previous administration, Cory established a Bicameral congress, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives Together these two chambers worked to create laws establishing a new regime far from the brutal and bloody years behind During her time as president she encountered countless obstacles but her intelligence andperseverancehelpedovercomeeverything Still,goodthingsmustcometoanend YearsafterherdemotionasPresidentofthe Philippines, Cory was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2008 and died on August 1, 2009 She was regarded as the Mother of Democracy, proving that, as I quote, there is much more that women can bring into politics that would make our world a kinder, gentlerplaceforhumanitytothrivein
Hedy Lamarr
The New Mabini Plaza
2023 Single
Hub of Innovation 2023 EP
Women: GTY 1898 3 songs 10 min 55 sec
TEP hree golden stars and a sun are known to be the symbols of the Philippine flag But, have you ever wondered who put togetherthisNationaltreasureintolife?Itallstartedwayback1897 whereinawomannamed,MarcelaAgoncillo wasveryfondof sewing and embroidery The Philippines that time being a Spanish colony had very strict rules implemented constitutional-wise and religion-wise Unfortunately Marcela's husband Felipe Agoncillo was accused of being a filibusteroʼ or 'enemy of the State and Church, forcing him to escape the Philippines to Yokohama via a Japanese vessel, later transferring to Hong Kong, then a British colony After almost 2 years, Marcela, along with her daughters, followed Felipe She showed unconditional love for her family, and showedgreatsacrificebysellingtheirjewelleryandlongpreservedheirlooms,forthesakeofprovidingfoodandshelter Butevenina time of suppression and low lying good news came to the Agoncillo residence Felipe met Emilio Aguinaldo in Hong Kong and as they bonded Emilio was informed that Felipeʼs wife loves stitching and embroidery so he offered his wife the honour of making the Philippines first flag Marcela accepted the offer and of course, she couldnt have done it on her own Her eldest daughter Lorenza Agoncillo andJosefinaNatividad,Rizalsniece,alsotookpartinmakingthecountrysfirsteverflag MarcelaAgoncillousedanantique thimble to sew the original flag, which is now in the protection of the Malacanang Museum After five days, the trio finally finished making the flag The flag however has its distinction from the one that we see today The sun that was used prior to our current one wasananthropomorphicsun TheflagwasfinallywavedwhenEmilioAguinaldodeclaredPhilippineIndependenceonJune12 1898 Surely,wecannotquestionthepassionofawomanwithastoundingtalentandanationalisticheart Marcela,Lorenza,andJosefinawill berememberedbythisforever
Women:GTY 1914 2 songs 6 min 38 sec Single nHollywoodshonethebrighteststarsthattheworldhaseverseenandtheworldhasyettosee,someonethatisworthdiscoveringandabsolutelystunning!OneofthedashingwomenwhoglamouredtheGolden Age of Hollywood was Hedy Lamarr, an Austrian-born Austro-Hungarian-American film actress and inventor Known for participating in hit films, some of them being Samson and Delilah (1949), Algiers (1938), and ZiegfeldGirl(1941),Lamarrwasdeemedcreative,strategic,andbrilliant butherwittranscendsthroughthestageandthecameras TogetherwithAmericancomposerandinventorGeorgeAntheil,whomshemetat a dinner party in 1940, she came up with an idea During World War II, Lamarr and Antheil worked on a system that would direct tornadoes to their targets It involved the use of "frequency hopping", which prevents interference from outside forces This technology is widely used in military settings and will soon be the foundation of wireless connections around the world Thus, Lamarr was dubbed the "Mother of Wifi', and other wirelessconveyorslikeBluetoothandGPS