2 minute read

BFP Mall Exhibit: How Education Can Save Lives

irepreventionisanimportantissuethateveryoneshould take seriously Every year, multiple disastrous flames erupt, resulting in considerable property loss, injuries, and even death Fire prevention awareness is critical to ensuring that everyone understands the hazards and takes actions to avoid fires Fortunately, public awareness campaigns were recently launchedtoraiseknowledgeoffireprevention use fire extinguishers, and knowing how toescapeaburningbuilding

BLAZING LESSONS The BISA EXE-COM, GSP, and BSP officers learned First-aid and Fire-fighting techniques from the Bureau of Fire



In celebration of this years Fire Prevention Month the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)-10 held its one day Fire Prevention Mall Show and Exhibit to raise awareness on the importance of fire prevention and mitigation among households and establishmentsatAyalaCentrioMall March14

Martyr or Murderer: A Battle of Perspective

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Raistlin Cristof C Magalong

Asthetheatersopenandweseethemovietrailers,weare intriguedbywhatthemoviecandelivertothefans Afilm thatcanbringourbrowshighbyjustthefascinationcanputthe audiencesofftheirseats MartyrorMurdererhasbeenthetalkof the town for quite some time now After the filmʼs screening time reliving how the film got on track can provide what makes itdifferentfromotherlocalfilmsandhistoricalbooks

Darryl Yap: My Marcos Films are ‘Historical Rectification’

MartyrorMurdererisanamelioratedretellingoftheevents beforeandafterthe1stEDSAPeoplePowerRevolution It also presents a whole new perspective on the infamous assassination of Ninoy Aquino Yaps controversial direction had theviewersenthralledandmadethefilmthought-provokingfor the viewers and the critics Whatʼs to say, he has come up with provocativeandiconoclasticideasforhisfilmstobealocalhit

“Tama Sila! Talagang Mamamatay-tao Ako!”

This is an open house to everyone in the region; this is to show and inform them that a firefighter does not only cater to firefighting What we want to instill in our audience today is to correctthewrongnotionthatfirefightersonlyfightfires Wealso respond to emergency medical services and calls conduct rescue operations, investigations, and more, BFP-10 Chief InformationOfficerNoliDelaRitashared

While we cannot foresee when a fire will occur we can take precautions to reduce the likelihood of it occurring and prepare fortheworst-casesituation Wecanworktogethertoreducethe danger of fires and safeguard our families and communities by educating people, providing smoke detectors, holding fire drills, andengagingthecommunity

ThestoryexpressedbytheMartyrorMurdererfilmputsusinapremisewhereFerdinandMarcosSr is innocent, maybe even a martyr Contrary to textbooks and historians, the film presented Ninoy Aquino Sr as an arrogant and dogmatic senator As the film takes on the family and political dilemma of the Marcos family it showsusthatitishardforonetomusterthroughtheallegationstheyface

“History is Written by The Victors” heeventsof1986sPeoplePowerRevolution catapulted the Aquinos to power

TThe story was told numerous times in textbooks and it is included in the educational curriculum


Last March 1 2023 Darryl Yap released his latest film called “Martyr or Murderer” which is in reference to the hypothetical story of how Ferdinand Marcos had something to do with the assassination of Ninoy Aquino backinthe1980ʼs |KirstenMagpantay

As of today the Marcoses regained power by being in key government positions nationwide Somehow, the Marcoses regained the peopleʼs trust As of now, there are many discussions online that indicate the polar opposite of what is presented in the textbooks during the shift of power way back in 1986 In this age, where the peopleʼs opinion can be easily swayed by stories filled with sensationalism people sometimes forget to check the facts These factors are what story-tellersarebankingonnowadays

Tying it all up with the cool breeze in the air makes it a very merry Christmas.


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