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SBC Canteen: Health is on the Menu!
can also be bought here such as t-shirts and jackets that compliments the style of SBCs uniform If you need a certain school supply, instead of going outside the campus, SBC Edu Hubisamucheasieraccessthatwillsatisfyyourneeds
Moreover in this new project of SBC its core values mission and vision are still remarked Itisnottheiraimtoprofitabigamountandkeepitfortheirpleasure Whatthey want to achieve through this is to provide the best experience for its students To provide the best learning environment for them where anything they need can be easily accessed and every student who supports this new hub contributes to the ongoing growth of the school and its charitable activities Thats why make sure to show your full support in this newfacilityinordertofulfillthegoalsoftheschoolinbuildingthisEdu Hub
“Hitting two birds with one stone” thatʼs a suitable phrase to describe this hub Its majorfocusistoprovideconvenienceforeveryoneinsidethecampusandtocontinuethe schools outreach activities with its funds in order to help the society in general This is surely an innovative solution that could help the students and community So, if you are in needofsomeresources,youknowwheretogoright?ItʼsnootherthantheSBCEdu Hub
Iline up foradoctorʼsappointment
Other than serving good food for students the purpose of a school canteen is to promote the proper selection of healthy foods So selling foods with low nutritionalvalue
Album must be regulated And, of course, St Bridget College is not one to miss out on providing whatʼs best for its students It has been declared in SBC that starting February 20 2023 foods under the red food category (food and drinks with high amounts of saturated fat, sugar, or salt not recommended in the canteen menu) shall be regulated and banned in accordance with DepEd Order No 13s 2017 Policy and Guidelines on Healthy Food and Beverage Choices in Schools And since the said date, products like sausages and hotdogs, noodles, candies, and fries are only made available every Monday and Thursday, while soft drinks and chips have been off theshelves
Every Tuesday or Friday, the stalls that sell regulated productshavetheirwayofkeepingtheirbusiness
• 21 songs, 1 hr 39 min
• 2023
EAT booming while following the protocol For instance the Foodprintz extension located outside the canteen, known for selling its cheese-flavored fries in rectangular containers, sells potato wedges to substitute for their fries every Tuesday and Friday And inside the canteen we have Gians buko shake booth known for its buko shake fries, and corndogs, which has also added a new item to its menu, takoyaki The food stall named Palamig ni Hapon also sells banana cues and camote cues to make up for the restriction of hotdogs for days other than MondayandThursday
Aside from regulating red-category foods, the school also observes differences in schedules Some grade levels have a different recess schedule to help minimize the number of students occupying the canteen, which can helpavoid stampedes or crowding and promote social distancing Similarly, there are outdoor stalls that serve the same purpose; to lessen the number of people taking up the space inside the canteen With those in mind, it is clear that the school takes healthy living seriously especially whenitcomestooneofitsmostessentialestablishments thecanteen
But of course, in the same way that a car needs the appropriate fuel to run our bodies need food to function Food, being one of humanʼsʼ basic necessities, is definitely better when itʼs good And as the saying goes, “food may be essential as fuel for the body, but good food is fuel for the soul we always prefer to order what looks presentable But keep in mind; health should always be onthemenu!
Needtimetorelax,enjoy,andsootheyourself?MostBridgetinesfindcomfortinplaceslikethebluebenches,thetreesinfrontofthe canteen theFaithTree etc TheBridgetinehangoutspotsarewherewespendtimewithourfriendsandclassmatestounwindfrom theday'stension ForBridgetines thislocationisfilledwithmanyfondmemoriesthatarealwaystreasured Itisanenvironmentwhereyou canfeelrelaxationandease Itisaplaceforcomfort asidefromthewallsofourclassrooms itsasanctuaryofcalmnessandwell-being
It is where students of all grades want to hang out We all laugh play and have fun We participate in study groups have in-depth discussions, and allow our inner children to run free Also we connect with teachers and establish friendships With the breath of fresh air, thewidespace andthecarefreeenvironment itremainsafavoritespotforBridgetines
They have always been a welcoming location for many years The allure of all these places was loved by both new and old Bridgetines Wegrowandlearnintheseenvironments Everysecond,everyminute everymomentischerished,anditisafavorableplace Theseplaces strengthenourbondsandtrust Thedailychatterandbondingremainapositiveaffectionforalltheselocations
Like trees our ties with friends classmates and mentors develop over time Our lives can be correlated with the faith tree and the trees outside the canteen Its many branches each of which is tied to one of our tales They render grow, and nourish but also inevitably fall, creating a stunning scene and a haven of shade and comfort Every lunch and recess friends gather on the blue benches to have endless conversations that relieve stress The hallway is also a hangout spot for some You can talk with your friends from the other sections or grades Friendslinkarmstotellyoutheireverydaygossip
Thisto-gospotinthecampuswonʼtmakeyoufeel outoftheblueafteralong,chalengingdayinside thecassrooms havngyourownspacetosit relax andhavesmallchitchatswithfrendsduringyour freetime |KirstenMagpantay