People of God, June/July 2020

Page 20



june/july 2020

Questions and Answers on the Celebration of Confirmations, Scrutinies and the Holy Communions During Covid–19 and the Reopening of our Churches What are the directives for Confirmation during COVID-19? Note that, for validity of the sacrament, the confirmandi must be anointed with chrism by the celebrants hand/ thumb. A cotton swab or other instrument cannot be used.  You may want to have an alcohol - soaked cloth to wipe thumb onto after each confirmed for added safety and

assurance for both priest and confirmed/family (anoint-wipe-dip thumb/repeat).

 Sponsors can keep social distance from confirmandi as they come up to be confirmed if not of the same

household, omitting the hand on the shoulder. If you have a large number of confirmandi, you can divide them into smaller groups for several celebrations if necessary.

What about the catechumens and the scrutinies?

The scrutinies may be celebrated together prior to their reception, even if in the same day/celebration. Please remember that the 3rd scrutiny is required, though the first two have been dispensed by Archbishop Wester.

Can we celebrate the First Communions? Yes, First Communions can also be held, observing the same Mass restrictions and directives presently in place.

Recommendation: The First Communions can be divided into smaller celebrations where necessary, and actual Communion take place after the final blessing/ dismissal.

Can we continue with the group ongoing learning / prayer activities?

Yes, these activities should continue to be conducted via internet groups through Zoom or similar venues for the present.

Additional Information: Funeral homilies: 3–5 minutes; still communion as they depart after the mass/blessing after remains.

Collection counters: Use minimum number needed, and under 60 years old if possible. Masked and distance apart at least 6 feet. (preferably more), but still in view of one another (large room or parish hall). Wash hands well prior to and after counting.

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