Offroading Online Magazine Issue 8

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Issue 8 August 2012

Australian 4x4 Muster Riverland Hi Tec Oils 300 Finke Quads Swann 24 Hour

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Alan Carmicha

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Alan Carmichael hails from the goldfields of Western Australia. A retired craft wood contractor, Alan was introduced to photography at an early age by his father and his trusted Brownie. Alan can be found right across Australia driving his tray back Landcriuser and towing his old covered in contracting trailer. An early riser, Alan loves the light of dawn, as well as dusk. Armed with two Canon 5D mk2s fitted with a Canon 24x70 L2.8 and a Canon 70x200 L2.8, Alan has made a huge name for himself throughout Australia and Internationally. Even with his growing reputation, Alan’s photographs still remain very affordable. Make sure you check out his galleries on Flickr.

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Alan Carmicha

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A word from the editor

“Open the bloody gates” It’s on again in Adelaide, some idiot has cut a lock off a gate, roared around the farmers paddock and 28 cows have gone for a walk amongst the cars on the freeway. Its all over the radio, with the farmer having a go, the greenies still winging, and the city mob calling for a ban on all 4WDs. Lets get one thing straight, I do not support the cutting of locks and any other illegal action. But with the huge increase of 4WD sales, especially utes, what are the owners supposed to do with them for recreation. Throw in the sales of motor bikes and quads and what do you have, a bloody big problem.

“South Australia is known nation wide as the state of locked gates.”

I’ve watched a number of shows on TV where 4WD clubs have arranged access to National

and State Parks. They work hand in hand with authorities caring for the environment and making improvements. It was interesting to hear after the Victorian bushfires a big thank you to the 4WD community for all their work maintaining and clearing fire access trails throughout the district. What have we got in Adelaide?. Nothing! A few enterprising business people have opened their properties to 4WDs, such as the Loveday 4x4 Adventure Park and a venue at Port Gawler. “However

the offroad community is looking for more and as long as we remain the state of locked gates we will have desperate mobs cutting the locks to gain access to properties in an attempt to use their vehicles.” Other states have looked outside of the square, an example being in NSW where authori-

ties have let shooters into a couple of parks to control feral animals. Shock, horror. Of course the greenies have lined up to have their say. Perhaps with the latest greenie bashing from the Labour Party, people may come to their senses and vote for a party that will allow a huge proportion of Australia’s population to get outdoors and enjoy their environment. The greenies can then go back to hugging the odd tree.

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Denis O’Dea: 0404839137

In this issue Alan Carmichael Photography - Page 2 A Word from the Editor - Page 6 Around the Traps - Page 10 Trophy Karts - Page 16 Australian 4x4 Muster - Page 22 The Great Australian Ride - Page 112 Riverland Hi Tec Oils 300 - Page 116 Finke Quads - Page 146 Swann 24 Hour - Page 164

Denis O’Dea: 0404839137


#1 Australian 4x4 Muster #2 Riverland Hi Tech Oils 300 #3 Finke Quads #4 Swann 24 Hour

Offroading Online Editor Danny Hanrahan Contributors Geordie Wright Sue Callow Darren Berryman Jasmine Brown The Cast Iron Boys P7 Offroad & P7 Comms DPChip Voyager 4x4 Adventures Website editor Danny Hanrahan Geordie Wright

Regular Features

Berrima Diesel - Page 18 Cast Iron Boys - Page 108 P7 Offroad Voyager 4x4 Adventures

Facebook editor Geordie Wright Tony Whateley Offroading Online No part of this magazine may be copied, broadcast or reproduced in any manner on any medium without the written consent of the copyright owner. Offroading Online

Around t



From 30 September 2012 the Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council (4 Wheel Drive Australia), will no longer issue travel permits for the Canning Stock Route (CSR), one of Australia’s iconic and most challenging four wheel drive route. “In future travellers will need to apply for permits through Kuju Wangka which represents native title areas along the CSR,” said Council President Eric Morey. The Council regrets the change which ends a successful collaboration with the Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation. Since 2007 the Council has helped the Martu people with a permit system to help manage access across their traditional lands. Permit funds were originally targeted for community improvements and potentially to employ Indigenous rangers responsible for preserving significant areas while educating travellers. “We are disappointed with Kuju Wangka’s change and think permit fees could rise in future.” “We are concerned the new managers have ignored our efforts to develop culturally sensitive information about travelling the CSR and co-opted our materials without acknowledgement.” The CSR is a major tourist attraction for all Australian citizens. In recent times many four wheel drive clubs and other groups have put a lot of effort into preserving significant areas and facilities along the CSR. “We hope they are not treated in a similarly dismissive manner.” Mr Morey said that in the past five years the Council has returned more than $56,000 in CSR permit fees to Native Title Holders but received no feedback on how the money was spent. The not for profit Council represents incorporated four wheel drive clubs throughout Australia. It covered the costs of developing and managing the CSR permit system and provided an around the clock online service for travellers including after-hours contacts. For more information visit Four Wheel Drive Australia


The State Government has opened 79 of the 799 national park properties for recreational shooting. The stated purpose of this move is to increase control of feral animals in the park system. It has been done to gain the votes of the Shooters and Fishers Party in the Legislative Council in order to pass the Government's proposed sale of the State's power stations. The move to allow shooting has outraged green groups and protests have begun. The state's park rangers are organising a rally and industrial action against the move. Club trip leaders doing risk assessments prior to their trips should factor in checks on shooting activities with local parks managers. A list of the 79 state properties should be obtained by trip committees planing on visiting any of these parks. Four Wheel Drive Australia

the Traps 4WD Club Supports Camp Quality

Four wheel drive clubs from the Hunter region ran their 10th Annual Camp Quality Family Fun Day on 6th May. Kids & carers were transported from the Wallsend Plaza Shopping Centre to Stockton Beach where they enjoyed a ride across the dunes to see the wreck of the Sygna. Some 60 Drivers joined the kids and carers for a photo shoot, before driving along the beach and through the dunes to the Worimi Lagoon Base Camp for more fun and a BBQ lunch The lagoon site is a special area for the native title holders, who supported the clubs' effort by allowing access to this restricted area. After the BBQ, the kids were driven to the top of the closest dune for sandboarding fun hosted by Port Stephens Tours until it was time to return to base camp prior to loading up and returning to Wallsend. Two clubs made donations and organised an on site raffle. The proceeds totalled $2,489 which was donated to Camp Quality Newcastle. Four Wheel Drive Australia

OUR National and State Parks are being closed at an alarming rate and its only a matter of time before “your” favourite place has a locked gate blocking the trail. Help us keep the gates open and FREE OUR BUSH! We are petitioning a wide range of MP’s we feel will be able to help us make a difference. This website started to give the 4wding, camping, fishing, motorbike and mountain bike communities a common place to sign a petition and become active in an ongoing campaign to FREE OUR BUSH. OUR National and State Parks are being closed at an alarming rate and its only a matter of time before “your” favourite place has a locked gate blocking the trail. The place you and your friends go for an annual get together, the place you take the kids for a quick overnight getaway, the place that makes for a great picnic spot during a days touring. All of these places are at the mercy of a government who thinks it is easier to just lock the gates rather than deal with the maintenance or any “sensitive environmental” issues. Based on recent form they will be closed unless WE do something about it NOW. Sign this petition, send a letter (copy the petition if you like) to your local MP, keep being a responsible user of the places we can still access and hopefully with weight of numbers and a prolonged campaign maybe we can change things into our favour once again. Spread the word and please paste a link on all forums to which you belong and hopefully people will take some notice. Now is the time to stand up and be heard. We are a democratic country and weight of numbers is the only way to make the powers that be stand up and listen to us.

Denis O’Dea: 0404839137



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Renee Lush is a 20 year old model from South Australia. Only modelling for 12 months Renee is making a huge impact on the modelling scene, with invitations to the 2012 Masterpiece Photoshoot, wearing an Alexis George Gown and a Runway Show wearing a Red Pearl Wedding Dress. Renee also recently made it through to the S emi Finals of the Miss AustraliaChina Pageant!

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Trophy Karts to make Au

“We have been designing a brand new, spectator friendly track for the weekends racing. The track will be at the eastern side of the park with spectators able to look down from specially designed viewing areas”.

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ustralian debut at Loveday Keep October 20th and 21st clear on your calendar as Trophy Karts are scheduled to make their racing debut in Australia. TonyWhateley of the Loveday 4x4 Adventure Park said “ We are very excited to debut Trophy Karts at the Park”. He added”Rick Brambley has spent a huge amount of time getting this off the ground and we have been designing a brand new, spectator friendly track for the weekends racing. The track will be at the eastern side of the park with spectators able to look down from specially designed viewing areas”. TrophyKart Australia will organise and run the weekends racing with the Park offering catering, camping and of course the Tavern will be open for the weekend. Although yet to be finalised it is also hoped to race quads over the weekend. Stay tuned for more news.

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Alternative Diesel

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“Run it on Cooking Oil......Go Squeeze some

Some considerations to think about and to ask

Coconuts”..... There’s always the ‘other view’ and about before using any alternative to Diesel Fuel in this is the ‘conservatives view’. When it comes to your vehicle could be: choosing a good Diesel Engine oil there is generally

What sort of guarantee or support help is

‘no questions asked’. I mean we just don’t ‘scrimp’ available if this fuel damages the injection system? on the correct oil to lubricate our long lasting

Is this Fuel compatible with my vehicle

Diesels. If this is the case then why don’t we ques- Diesel system? tion “Alternatives to Diesel Fuel”?

Can I travel to colder climates with this

Certainly Diesels running older injector pumps Alternative Fuel in my tank? seem to survive various forms of ‘Alternative Diesel

Liability for damage is a big consideration, so is

Fuels’. Taking a look at the ‘good old’ In-line injec- compatibility (remember it may be safe in your old tion pump on a Toyota LC60 with the 2H Diesel ‘cruiser but maybe not in your CRD engine) and would show you that the majority of that pumps then there’s the cold climate issue. Most Alternative moving parts are engine oil lubricated. Get Good or Diesel Fuels have poor pour rates at low temperaBad Fuel and in a lot of ways it doesn’t really matter. tures.....probably comparing Normal Diesel to But please be careful with anything that has “EFI an Alternative might be like comparing a 0W15 Diesel” or “CRD” attached to it. EFI Diesel injec- Engine Oil with an older 20W50 when temperation systems cost a very large packet of money when tures get cold. they go wrong and the last few articles had much

Please be even more careful if you new Diesel

time spent on how to stop those repair costs. The vehicle is a model fitted with a Diesel Particulate latest Common Rail injection systems have such Filter. I have seen these exhaust filters completely fine tolerances, down to millionth of an inch if you blocked and in need of replacement due to even could measure it. Generally when things go wrong the wrong engine oil being used let alone a non with them it’s; ‘out with the old and in with the compatible Alternative Diesel Fuel. Again ‘Caution’ new’. This ‘throwaway’ idea that we now see means is the best approach when considering Alternative injection system repair costs leaving our workshops Diesel in ANY modern electronically controlled are now in the vicinity of $8,000+ if they are EFI Diesel vehicle. controlled.

So next time you are thinking of “Squeezing some Coconuts” Please remember the ramifications of getting a potentially ‘poor alternative’ to Diesel.

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Words by Andrew Leimroth

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The FOURPLAY PARK Challenge is an event open to all registered vehicles (or vehicles with permits) and will be run in 2 separate classes : Standard and Challenge . The event will be run over 2 days from 10.00am Saturday to midday Sunday. Saturday: Registration and scrutineering 8.30-9.30 am Competitors and spectators are encouraged to stay overnight as the event will be held on private property with camping facilities, IE Toilets and Light meals available. Hot food and drinks will be available to purchase at the campsite. The event will consist of various sections throughout the days plus a special night section so make sure you have some decent lighting. You will require seat belts, window nets if you dont have windows wound up, helmets and vehicles will be required to be registered or have permit for 3rd party insurance purposes. Rollbars (cargo barriers etc) are not essential but are advisable . The terrain will be mainly steep hills with rocky obsticles, it is not a “speed event” and is designed to reward good driving techniques aided by your navigator There will be sections which we anticipate will not be driven ,IE you will require winching or snatching The event is not designed to be a car breaker, but it will have challenging 4x4 sections and you may scratch your vehicle . All sections will be pre-driven in a standard 90 model all Nissans, Toyotas etc should be able to complete easily.


FOURPLAY 4X4 PARK, 12 KILOMETRES FROM MT PLEASANT,S.A. $150 PER CAR, INCLUDES ENTRY & CAMPING FEE (driver/nav) $10 PER PERSON, INCLUDES CAMPING FEE JULY30, 2011 Contact Fourplay 4x4 for entry forms. 08 8266 4144 email Tim 0418 811 312

Trophies for 1st,2nd and 3rd will be awarded in each class. Maps , Indemnity forms and further information will be forwarded upon receipt of entry. FOURPLAY 4X4 590 NORTH EAST RD Holden Hill SA 5088 PH: 8266 4144 Email:


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2012 Australia

an 4x4 Muster

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Congratulations to Hubert O’Halloran la grande

Hubert was the lucky winner of the 62 Series Landcriuser.

Hubert was on his way home to Mount Gambier when he got the phone call and to say he was excited is a big understatement.

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Saturday Morning Exhib

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Major Park sponsors Adelaide City Great Wall have donated this excellent 1996 Mitsubishi Triton V6 as the 2013 Australian 4x4 Muster raffle prize. Everyone who pays the entry fee will go into the raffle. See you there.

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Voyager 4x4 Adventures T: 02 9907 1683 F: 02 8014 8894 FREE CALL: 1800 063 363 E:

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Have your 4 x 4 jumping for joy.

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Made in Australia

Obst Design Fuel Saver in your vehicle will out perform other 4 x 4s and pays for itself at the same time.

Recommended by qualified motor mechanics and dyno tested to show 10 -30% improvement in fuel consumption. No modifications are required to your vehicle and the manufacturer's computer settings are not changed, suits vehicles from the year 2000 on. The reliability of the vehicle is not compromised. There is a website at with testimonials and a list of workshops that can fit the Obst Design Fuel Saver for you. Any questions email: or 0410 606 895. la grande    OOM115

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Words from Stuart about the first ride in 2011 For years I have often thought to myself, “I wonder what's really out there”! Then that day came, you know the one! The one when you can take no more, where you question your own value and purpose in the world. When the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same. For me it was like a light switch and I could resist no more, consumed with stories of distant Outback Adventures my inquisitive nature needed to be relinquished, set free and escape this suburban chaos. The KTM 990 was a solid choice for the job and so I set about planning and setting up the bike for the trip of a lifetime. During which I was probably 90% positive that I could actually do it! When the time came to tell family and friends there was a certain amount of concern for my wellbeing, this was to be a solo and unassisted charity ride from east to west and back. I approached The Royal Children's Foundation in Brisbane, Australia (now known as Children's Health Foundation). Who were able to help me set up a detailed donation website that meant anyone in the world could donate to the cause via the Internet. Next the date was set, 1st October to watch the sun rise at Cape Byron, most eastern point of Australia and ride west through the Simpson and Gibson desert. Finally to watch the sun set at Steep Point, most western point of Australia. The lead up to the start was intense! Finally the bike was set up correctly and I was confident to set off into The Outback, my planned route through was carefully scripted to optimize fuel stops, roadhouse, camping and phone coverage areas. I was now on my own and eager to get of the tarmac and onto the red dust. Make no mistake the outback is harsh! The vast remote areas between towns and cattle stations are awe inspiring. Nothing could of prepared me for what was about I was about to ride through. Town such as Windorah, Birdsville, Alice Springs and Laverton are true Oasis after riding hundreds of kilometres in the desert. What amazed me the most was the abundance of wildlife close to any water sources. Thousands of wedge tailed eagles, pelicans, red kangaroos, emus, 80kg hogs, cattle, deadly snakes and huge monitor lizards. It was a hard enough job to keep the bike upright through the thick bull dust as well as dodge whatever decided the run across my path. Intense concentration is required 100% on the tracks, a moment lapse would end up with bike going its own way and a sure stack. Of which was my worst nightmare! A broken limb or damaged bike out here could be deadly. My only life line out here is my Satellite phone that I carried in my backpack, of which I would need to be conscious to use of course. The Outback forces you to think survival, there is no other way. October is the end of the dry season, temperature reaches 35 degrees and there is very little shade to shelter in. In the wet season between November to March these areas are closed, dried out creek beds become raging rivers impassable to 4x4 vehicles. If a medical emergence is needed in a remote community the Flying Doctors are called and they fly in and assist if possible. Animal Carcases litter the tracks, it's really does make you think about your own life and what is and isn't important. Water, fuel and food is a big issue out here and it vital to carry as much as you possibly can. Low Octane Opal fuel is sold in the remote outstation, and it is wise to filter the fuel in case of any sediment.

OOM116    laareas grande Crossing vast remote is a mind game, the heat is relentless and at time it's can be difficult to motivate yourself. You have to push doubt and fear from your mind, fix your sight on a distant point and proceed. Riding the Simpson is an extremely rewarding experience.

I crossed area devastated by bush fires in the distance huge smoke plumes filled the skies. Coming to the Qld/NT boarder the track is littered with shredded tyres and dead animals, taking extreme care it was slow progress to ensure a safe passage through to Alice la grande Springs. Riding past Uluru (Ayres Rock) is the half way marker and a motivating sight, now reaching the Tjukaruru track and heading west past the Petermann Ranges onto Docker River, spurred on and feeling an abundance of confidence. I found I was consumed by it all, a real remote feeling takes over and the senses kick in, everything become super alert and the adrenaline flows. Some 1,200km passing through the Central Aboriginal Reserve heading south/west to Warburton. Awesome desert ranges, colours are amazing. Beautiful white ghost gum trees, orange desert floor and brilliant blue open skies. I will never forget!! After 2 days of riding and a sigh of pure relief I pulled into the mining town of Laverton, the stars out here are breathtaking, like pin holes in the curtain of night. Totally exhausted I slept that night in the tent still wearing my leathers and jacket on the hard floor, the thought of blowing the air bed up was just too much, I was passed caring! Now day 13 and I made an early start out towards Mt Magnet. Now I thought I had managed near misses with every known animal in Australia! When out of the bushes a huge Emu came on a mission of shock and awe, now I am not afraid to say this, but I almost laid an egg! and if it wasn't for the bike ABS and lighting reflexes I'd be dead. I must have missed this thing within an inch of its feathered life! I stopped, remembered to breath, and reflected on what had just happen. Why would an Emu run at me when he's got a zillion square miles to play in, surely must have a few palings loose in the top paddock! My focus now was purely on the last push to Steep Point, but fate had other plans for me! I think that's the beauty of Adventure riding, anything can and probably will happen.... Solo adventures are really about pushing your own abilities, to feed from your own inner strength. When faced with a bad situation, to say to yourself that is it is ok, when it is clearly not! To remain calm and optimistic and allow the opportunities to present themselves in order to decide on the right step or direction to take. These times are rich with experiences to learn and grow, to push the boundaries and to believe in yourself. That's why I live for adventure. Pulled into Geraldton at Midnight, tired and looking for somewhere to pitch my tent, todays 1040 km had taken their toll and I saw a sign north of the city for Coronation Beach and camped up listening to the waves of the Indian Ocean. Next morning no time was wasted and I set off eager, Steep point was so close I could taste it! Then it happened, just 12 clicks north of the Billabong Roadhouse, that sickening gut wrenching feeling you get when there is something seriously wrong with the bike. So there I was coasting to a halt, hottest part of the day in the most fly infested part of Australia. Luck had it that this was also a busy main road between Geraldton and Carnarvon, after much consideration, tinkering and swearing I turned her south and started pushing 220kg in the hot sun. Within 5 km down the road a big white removal truck pulled up in front of me and offered to give me a lift as they were empty and heading back down to Perth. I couldn't believe my luck and thanked them and the heavens too. So there I was sweating like a bush pig, sitting pretty in the front of a removal truck, KTM strapped up in the back and heading the same way I came up! Life can just be extraordinary sometimes and I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't still dreaming on Coronation Beach. We fuled up in Geraldton, which by now I was getting to know quite well! My driver was yawning with blood shoot eyes so I offered to drive the remainder to Perth as I had a HR licence, and he gladly accepted. So off we went, me at the wheel heading south 400km down to Perth. That's the beauty of Australian people, their trust and help is truly unmeasurable and I owe a lot to those guys. My time in Perth was short as KTM Australia and KTM Wanneroo responded quickly to the problem and fixed under warranty. Thinking about it all now, I figured it was a definite highlight of the adventure as I meet some great people because of it. I met a guy some time ago and he said, 'It's not what happens to you, it's how you react to it.' It was a statement that blew me away and I found that afterwards I could deal with life's little dramas more easily. Now just to put this into prospective, this slight detour was the entire length of the United Kingdom! Feeling relieved and refreshed I rode north with vengeance, I was determined to finish this adventure, for those who had donated and believed in me I felt a huge obligation to complete my task and I did not want to fail them. The last stretch to Steep Point was undoubtedly the most difficult of the whole journey, remote sand dunes cover the peninsular. If there was a time for real doubt to complete this journey it was there! I asked myself a lot of question on that stretch, riding fully loaded with wore knobbies was pushing the limits. But with perseverance and careful map reading the 990 Adventure finally pushed me over the last dune to see the end of Australia. I stopped on the brow and switched the over-heated engine off and just took the sight in, the satisfaction at that moment was truly incredible and undoubtedly unmeasurable to anything else I have ever experienced. Impossible to put into words and I can only encourage others who are thinking about such an Adventure to just do it! If you do survive, it will change your life forever I guarantee it. The most outstanding part of this whole experience has been the people of Australia, the true salt of the earth characters that I had the pleasure of meeting along this journey; everyone’s response has been positive and helpful. For years I felt that the city was draining my soul, that I was becoming an automated mortgage slave that others around me were losing sight of what this country is really about. Thankfully my doubts have been squashed, I am proud to say that the true blue Aussie spirit is strong and very much alive! I believe that our freedom is priceless and I invite other riders to come and join in on the next run, or a section of it, from East to West, there is no cost or fee to ride with Stuart, this is a non-profit cause and all donation raised with go to, Children's Health Foundation (formally The Royal Children's Foundation). I look forward to the next GREAT AUSTRALIAN RIDE in August 2012 Special thanks to...... Family, friends and businesses who have helped me to turn this dream into reality. Happy travels Stuart Ball

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Stuart reaching Steep Point WA 2011

The 2012 support vehicle

First meet & greet trail ride 2012

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Riders about to take on the challenge to raise funds for Sids and Kids

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STAGE 1 Stage one will leave Byron Bay and wind its way through northern NSW towns such as Lismore and Tenterfield. We will cross the border back into QLD and head towards Goondiwindi, Cunnamulla, St George, and Thargomindah taking in Cameron’s Corner before heading north to Birdsville. It is expected this will take approximately 5-6 days and be a mixture of on and off road surfaces. Stage one will take in a wide range of Australian diversity and through some of QLD’s iconic towns, past (and inside) some historic outback pubs and through the outback with a real sense of leaving the busy world behind. STAGE 2 Stage two, from Birdsville, will see us spend 2 – 3 days crossing over into the Northern Territory, through the Simpson Desert and traversing the challenging Donohue and Plenty Tracks. This is mostly off road now and will require a certain amount of skill and a sense of humour to reach Alice Springs. STAGE 3 Stage three, taking approximately 3 – 4 days and crossing the red centre of Australia, will take in Ayers Rock, Kings Canyon and the Olgas. The red dust, white ghost gums and vast blue skies will be a truly incredible riding experience and you will be blown away by nature’s sheer beauty. Through Docker River, Warburton and finally to Laverton where stage three will end and we will be gearing up for the fourth and final stage. STAGE 4 The fourth and final stage will take us through the goldfields of Western Australia and some beautiful historic outback townships featuring classic stone architecture. This section, including some glorious tarmac, is well deserved after the Gibson Desert. Colourful plains and 50 metre long road trains will guide us through the most difficult section of the ride - toward Steep Point – and its endless sand dunes towards the biggest reward of all – The Indian Ocean. From here we will head down into Perth and fly home after a celebratory drink quietly reminiscing about our great achievement – the bikes will be getting some well-deserved rest on a truck home. This ride will change your life forever – I guarantee it..!! For more details on our adventure and to donate to Sids and Kids please head to our website -

Mark on his Honda c50 cruiser to take on the challenge Currently (11/08/2012) the TGAR crew are somewhere in the Simpson Desert…. Must check their spot tracker to see exactly where…. We take this opportunity to wish them all the best for their cause and their adventure. ….Stay safe and keep riding! Cheers, Offroading Online.

Please stay posted for the full report in the next issue of Offroading Online!

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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The highlight for many of the spectators at the High Tec Oils Riverland 300 would have to be the Prologue followed by the Top Ten Shootout. Waikerie is perfectly setup for the large crowd to view the Prologue and the shortened Top Ten Shootout with action a plenty right in front of the canteen. Speaking of the canteen I cannot mention Waikerie without again complimenting the huge roast meat and veg feed that the APEX Club provide. Fantastic and again well done. Aaron Habey continued his winning form and seems unstoppable coming home five minutes ahead of Jack Rhodes in second and 13 minutes ahead of Trevor Copeland in third.

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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First Place #57 Aaron Habey Lap 1- 0:40:05:00 Lap 2- 0:40:12.40 Lap 3- 0:40:14.61 Lap 4- 0:42:04.25 Lap 5- 0:43:27.60 Total Time- 3:23:15.42 la grande    OOM123

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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Second Place #91 Jack Rhodes/Greg Rhodes Lap 1- 0:41:33.95 Lap 2- 0:41:15.53 Lap 3- 0:40:31.91 Lap 4- 0:41:39.40 Lap 5- 0:43:27.63 Total Time- 3:28:28.42

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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Third Place #97 Trevor Copeland/Annie Galliford Lap 1- 0:42:48.64 Lap 2- 0:42:32.59 Lap 3- 0:42:47.25 Lap 4 -0:44:11.45 Lap 5 -0:43:58.72 Total Time- 3:36:18.65 la grande    OOM127

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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Hi-Tec Oils Riverland 300

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Importer of solar panel fitting

caravans, camper trailers, moto

No More Hole

Designed to be glued to th

Check out www.daydreamimpo Combo sets available for small, medium

OOM142    la grande

m Imports

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gs designed to fit solar panels to

or homes, house boats and boats

es in Your Roof

he roof with SikaFlex-252 for details and prices and large panels in both black and white.

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A Golfer accidentally overturned his cart. Elizabeth, a real golfer who lived in a villa on the golf course heard the noise and yelled over to him. “Hey, are you okay, what’s your name?” “Willis,” he replied. “Willis forget your troubles. Come to my villa, rest up and I’ll help you get the cart up later.” “That’s mighty nice of you,” Willis answered, “but I don’t think my wife would like it.” “Aw come on,” Elizabeth insisted. She was very pretty and persuasive.

When people ask what you learned today ..... Manure : In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common. It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, not only did it become heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas of course. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM! Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the instruction ' Stow high in transit ' on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane. Thus evolved the term ' S.H.I.T ‘, (Stow High In Transit) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day.

“Well okay,” Willis finally agreed, And added, “but my wife won’t like it.” After a hearty drink AND sexy driving and putting lessons, Willis thanked his host. “I feel a lot better now, but I know my wife is going to be real upset.”

The wife left a note on the fridge.... “It’s not working!! I can’t take it anymore, I’ve gone to stay at my Mums!!”

“Don’t be foolish!” Elizabeth said with a smile ,

I opened the fridge, the light came on &

she wont know any thing. By the way, where is she?”

the beer was cold... Stuff knows what she was on about!!

“Under the cart!”

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12 Quads

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944 Lancaster, Ryan Bullsbrook, WA Y

Yamaha YFZ450R 02:32:16 02:33:44

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915 Sheridan, Clinton Devonport, TAS Can-Am d


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992 Van Vliet, Mitchell

Narre warren north, VIC


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Yamaha yfz450



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Y10 Lloyd, David Casuarina, NT Honda TRX450 Offroading Online Magazine hopes Dave ended up OK after getting loose during the Prologue and literally rolling his quad over the top of himself. Dave was unable to start on Sunday and we wish him the best of luck for next year.

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Orr, Willie Alice springs , NT K

KTM 505 03:16:30

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Knight, Darrell

Goolwa, SA Can-Am Rene

egade 800R

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Tattingham, Eddie Leanyer, NT KTM 525xc 03:16:15

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Position Number 1 944 2 915 3 992 4 999 5 927 6 984 7 907 8 961 9 938 10 905

Class 9 Quads U40

Name State Lancaster, Ryan Bullsbrook, WA Sheridan, Clinton Devonport, TAS Van Vliet, Mitchell Narre warren north, VIC Smith, Paul Mepunga, VIC Clissold, Brett Pirron Yallock, VIC Brown, Steve Kalgoorlie, WA Patterson, James Evanston Park, SA McKay, Josh North Yunderup, WA Deboo, Chelsea Willunga, SA Nicol, Steve Palmerston, NT

Position Number Name 1 Y97 Orr, Willie 2 Y12 Knight, Darrell 3 Y77 Tattingham, Eddie 4 Y99 Totani, David 5 Y43 Malt, Paul 6 Y62 Van der merwe, Londt 7 Y14 Hodge, Steven 8 Y50 Fuller, Wayne 9 Y44 Flavell, Jason 10 Y02 Trayner, Michael

Quad Yamaha YFZ450R Can-Am ds450xmx Yamaha yfz450 Honda TRX700XX Honda trx 700 xx Suzuki LTR450 KTM 450 sx Suzuki LTR 450 Can-Am DS450 XMX Polaris Outlaw IRS

Alice to Finke 2:32:16 3:00:31 3:03:23 3:00:47 3:11:42 3:14:59 3:19:39 3:00:38 3:29:58 3:45:23

Finke to Alice 2:33:44 2:54:23 2:55:04 3:05:02 3:06:30 3:14:43 3:12:55 3:48:31 3:25:29 3:35:43

Total 5:06:00 5:54:54 5:58:28 6:05:50 6:18:13 6:29:43 6:32:34 6:49:10 6:55:27 7:21:06

Quad Alice to Finke KTM 505 3:16:30 Can-Am Renegade 800R 3:20:21 KTM 525xc 3:16:15 KTM FX450 3:31:29 Can-Am DS450 3:32:36 Yamaha YFZ450 3:37:24 Yamaha YFZ450 3:40:17 Suzuki Ltr450 3:43:27 KTM 505 SX 3:49:07 Suzuki ltr450 3:44:33

Finke to Alice 3:14:01 3:11:16 3:25:51 3:18:25 3:24:17 3:38:04 3:43:17 3:41:55 3:36:44 3:44:23

Total 6:30:31 6:31:37 6:42:07 6:49:55 6:56:54 7:15:29 7:23:34 7:25:23 7:25:51 7:28:57

Class 10 Quads Over 40

State Alice springs , NT Goolwa, SA Leanyer, NT Alice Springs, NT Taringa, QLD Roxby downs, SA Ballarat, VIC Alice Springs, NT Alice Springs, NT Adelaide, SA

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Gallery # 4 Swann 24 Hour

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Gallery # 4 Swann 24 Hour

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While a lot is made of the solo riders and the outright winner of the Swannn Insurance 24 hour, the real heart and soul, and the true winners of the Ultimate Reliability Test are the Sidecar teams. Most, if not all of the sidecars in the modern Swann 24 hour are factory frames sourced from Europe. A big bore engine is then transplanted into these weapons, with teams usually having to fabricate custom cooling, air intake and exhaust systems to fit the frame.

To give the swinger room to work the sidecar, the outfits have done away with any comfortable sitting position the passenger may have had in the past, making for a long, and often agonising race for the swinger. These 3 wheel machines are a work of art, whose engine and frame suffer huge stresses during the course of the event, but not nearly as much as those who ride them. To win the sidecar class requires fitness, dedication and teamwork from the two pilots on board, and fastidious preparation of the machine in the weeks leading up to the event. These teams must have an almost telepathic understanding of what the other will do while guiding the bike through the often tight 24 hour circuit.

The swinger will spend virtually the entire race on their feet putting a lot of trust in their hands, often hanging completely off of the frame. The rider has his or her own challenges having to push repeatedly on the bars and hang off either side of the seat, while maintaining perfect control of the accelerator and brakes. Swann 24 Hour

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Back once again for the 2 stroke lovers were the crowd favourites and always spectacular Shane Schiller and Steve Doecke on their Kawasaki KX 500 outfit. The 1988 champions, known as ‘Crash and Stiff ’, have been a long standing team and are always a threat to the top step as long as their machine is still running. Another Dark Horse in the category were Hector Evans on his black and green machine. Hec keeps coming back, and is still as fast as he ever was back in his first 24. Hector first won the 24 back in 2001 and won it again in 2006. After a third place last year, Evans may be ready for win number three. One of the true legends of the 3 wheeled discipline, Fred Weckert just keeps on keeping on. ‘Fast Freddy’ first won the 24 back in 1984, and again 1989. Time has not slowed Fred, as he finished last year in 5th place, proving bike preparation and natural talent can lead to a long and celebrated career. At the end of the day any one can win the side car class in the Swann 24 Hour, as attrition rates head toward 70%, as opposed to the 50% in the solo class. Swann 24 Hour

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Importer of solar panel fitting

caravans, camper trailers, moto

No More Hole

Designed to be glued to th

Check out www.daydreamimpo Combo sets available for small, medium

m Imports

gs designed to fit solar panels to

or homes, house boats and boats

es in Your Roof

he roof with SikaFlex-252 for details and prices and large panels in both black and white.

2012 Media Kit Spirited by the call of the many roads that cross this Great Southern Land, Offroading Online Magazine showcases events, destinations and road trips for the camping, caravanning and off-roading enthusiast.

Adventure Recreation Leisure To discuss an advertising package please contact us on: Mobile: 0416042682 Email:

Offroading Online Magazine is an online magazine available to download or read online free from The magazine contains editorial, high resolution digital photographs and video links from an ever expanding group of professional journalists and hobby writers alike. Offroading Online Magazine’s strength and ever growing popularity is based on its quality and diverse content. The magazine is entertaining and newsworthy and appeals to a broad readership.

Offroading Online Magazine is at the forefront of digital technology with a rapidly growing presence on a number of social media sites including Facebook

Statistics show there are about 80,000 recreational vehicles travelling Australia at any given time. In combination with our interactive web site and social media Offroading Online Magazine guarantees your business or service will reach a wide national audiance at a very affordable price.

To discuss an advertising package please contact us on: Mobile: 0416042682 Email:

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Adventure Recreation Leisure To discuss an advertising package please contact us on: Mobile: 0416042682 Email: OOM186    la grande

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Adventure Recreation Leisure

To discuss an advertising package please contact us on: Mobile: 0416042682 Email: la grande    OOM187

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4X4 Camping Caravanning Camper Trailers Loveday 4x4 Adventure Park 4x4 Forum Meets Offroad Racing Bikes Interviews Destinations New Products &Lots More

To discuss an advertising package please contact us on: Mobile: 0416042682 Email: OOM188    la grande

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2012 Advertising Rates One full page in one issue - $40.00 Two full pages in one issue - $70.00 One full page in six issues (2013) - $200.00 Two full pages in six issues (2013) - $400.00 SPECIAL OFFER One full page in next nine issues (2012 - 2013) - $250.00 Two full pages in nine issues (2012 - 2013) - $500.00

With projected downloads of over 15,000 in 2012 these advertising rates offer an excellent opportunity to promote your business at a very economical rate.

To discuss an advertising package please contact us on: Mobile: 0416042682 Email: la grande    OOM189

Next Issue Due out in October 2012 Australian Offroad Championships FourPlay Park Challenge Trophy Karts Riverland 4x4 Challenge and a lot more

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