CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION PREVIEW Register for your conference and exhibition badge Co-organised by:
In partnership with Interspill Ltd.
Energy & Marine
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WELCOME FROM THE INTERSPILL 2018 CHAIRMAN Richard Proctor, Interspill 2018 Chairman, Co-Chair, UK Spill Association
This will be the third time that the UK Spill Association has been host to the Interspill series, and after a record event in Amsterdam in 2015, we look forward to another successful conference & exhibition, at ExCeL London, again co-located with Oceanology International. It is also 20 years since the concept of Interspill was launched, and it has grown steadily, with the support of both European trade associations, European agencies, non-governmental organisations and other technical bodies. In 2018, we address the changes taking place in the world of marine spills, where success in dramatically reducing numbers of spills leads to new challenges, and recognition that on land spills need a spotlight. UKSpill is promoting Interspill+ to illustrate the changes and is holding an Inland Spill Seminar at Interspill. We all recognise the value that Interspill offers in combining both a traditional conference environment, a robust exhibition, and most importantly the networking opportunities. A strength of Interspill has always been its exhibition, and the support from our members. This provides the perfect partnership for the conference, and as in past events, Cedre and ITOPF are organising a series of Science Workshops, alongside the Spill Industry Seminars to highlight latest developments. I hope that you enjoy visiting Interspill 2018.
Welcome from the Chairman
Conference Sessions
What’s happening at Interspill 2018
Science Workshops
Exhibition – Free to Attend
Spill Industry Seminars
Get the most out of your visit
Poster Exhibition
Interspill Committee Members
Event Information
Educational Short Courses
Registration and Prices
WHAT’S HAPPENING AT INTERSPILL 2018 EXHIBITION The Exhibition is free to attend and will be the largest Interspill Exhibition to-date with over 80 international exhibitors expected. Companies from over 50 countries including four national pavilions will showcase state-of-the-art equipment and services to prevent and respond to oil spills.
CONFERENCE SESSIONS Organised by the Interspill Conference Committee, these 1.5 hour sessions will focus on topics ranging from; IMS & OOW and Surveillance Technologies, to Shipping & Salvage Risks and Making Training Work, plus much more.
Network with
1,300+ industry professionals
countries represented by 2018 attendees
SCIENCE WORKSHOPS Organised by Cedre and ITOPF, these 1-hour workshops are focused on the latest scientific and industry developments such as Shoreline Survey, HNS Pollution, Response in Cold Environments and Marine Pollution Impacts.
SPILL INDUSTRY SEMINARS Organised by the UK Spill Association and comprised of a series of presentations highlighting the latest industry developments and technology. These seminars allow delegates to engage with end users and manufacturers to display their latest developments.
EDUCATIONAL SHORT COURSES These short courses are specifically aimed at young professionals and those new to the spill preparedness and response community. These courses will also offer an excellent introduction to Oil Spill Fundamentals and Claims and Compensation.
of free content on the latest industry developments
of conference attendees agreed that the technical sessions succeeded in delivering relevant content on important industry issues
POSTER EXHIBITION A dedicated area on the exhibition floor where selected participants will present posters covering topics relating to oil spill preparedness and response.
NETWORKING RECEPTION All Conference Delegates and Exhibitors are invited to attend a drinks reception. This will provide the ideal opportunity to network with your industry peers and further facilitate discussions. When: 17:00–19:00, Tuesday 13 March Where: Exhibition floor
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EXHIBITION FREE TO ATTEND The 2018 free to attend exhibition will be the largest to-date with over 80 exhibitors expected and provides a platform for industry, academia and government to meet, discuss and network in a face-to-face environment.
Miros AS
AllMaritim AS
Foilex Framo AS
MOST Maritime & Enviromental Co.
Aptomar AS
Sajas Group
New Naval Ltd
Selwood Pumps
NorLense AS
Norwegian Coastal Administration
Cooley Group
International Group of P&I Clubs
Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association (NOSCA)
Corena Group
Interocean Systems
NPS Spilfyter
SRGH Holland Pavilion
Darcy Spillcare
TOTAL Fluides
DESMI Ro-Clean A/S
Kongsberg Satellite Services
Ocean Cleaner Technology
UK Spill Pavilion
Lamor Corporation
Laser Diagnostic Instruments AS
Vikoma International Ltd
Oil Spill Response Limited
Vogelsang Ltd
Le Floch Depollution
Mare Sea Cleaning Services
OSCT Indonesia
VSS-EPE Environmental Protection Services Ltd.
Ayles Fernie Braemer Response Ltd. Castalia S.C.p.A. CEDRE
Elastec Empteezy® Environmental Protection Engineering Environmental Protection Engineering S.A European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) Fast Engineering Ltd
Harbo Technologies Hebo IOPC Funds IMO IPIECA
MEKE Marine Miko Marine A/S
REP– Recherche Exploitations Produits
Polyeco Group RCY – Reynaud – Cauvin Yvose
SpillConsult Limited SYCOPOL French Pavilion
Van Heck
Yellow&Finch Publishers
GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR VISIT ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THESE PRODUCTS? • Absorbents • Adsorbents • Aviation Services • Booms • Containment Systems • Decontamination Equipment • Dispersants • Diving Services • Environmental Modelling Systems • Field Monitoring Systems
• Leak Detection & Sealing • Oil Spill Counter- Measures • Oily Water Separators • Modelling and Simulation Systems • Pollution Control Vessels • Pollution Recovery Accessories • Pollution Risk Analysis • Pumps • Remote Sensors and Imaging • Skimmers
• Sorbents • Spill Containment Equipment • Spill Kits • Spill Training/Courses • Surveillance Systems & Equipment • Sweeping – Oil and Debris • Tracking Systems • Visualisation Systems • Waste Disposal & Treatment Systems • Workboats
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To make the most of your time at the show, register for the event in advance and you’ll be able to access our exclusive online planner. Browse the exhibitor and visitor directory, schedule meetings, receive tailored recommendations and favourite conference sessions and exhibitors to visit.
access with your Interspill badge
Reach a new, engaged audience via Oceanology International. Meet 8000+ professionals from across the global marine science and ocean technology community including 500+ exhibitors from over 79 countries displaying state-of-the-art marine technologies.
Register for your conference delegate and exhibition entry badge:
Richard Proctor, UK Spill Association
Stephane Doll, Cedre Colleen O’Hagan, IMO Frederic Hebert, EMSA
Richard Johnson, ITOPF Jean Charles Lavergne, SYCOPOL Thomas Liebert, IOPC Funds
Rob A James, OSRL
Richard Proctor, UK Spill Association
Mikael Rydberg, NOSCA Edwin Stolk, SRGH Roger Mabbott, Interspill Ltd
Oil Spill Fundamentals
Claims & Compensation
The Oil Spill Fundamentals Course jointly delivered by OSRL and ITOPF will introduce delegates to the first principles of responding to oil spills, including the key techniques in the responder toolkit and the principles and concepts that allow responders to determine the most appropriate strategy for a particular scenario. The concept of net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) will be used to explore how decision makers can select response strategies that work with natural processes, and avoid causing more harm to the environment. Case studies will be used to demonstrate how these concepts have been applied in real incidents, and the lessons learned as a result.
Oil spills from tankers may result in thousands of claimants and losses can run into the hundreds of millions. Clean-up and preventive measures, especially following a large oil spill, can be particularly difficult and costly, while extensive damage to property and significant economic loss are also known to occur. In the aftermath of an incident, it is not always clear where to go to claim compensation.
Presenters: Rhys Jenkins, Senior Spill Response Specialist, Oil Spill Response Ltd Dr Nicola Beer, Senior Technical Adviser, ITOPF Schedule: 10:30-11:00 | Registration 11:00-12:30 | Part 1 12:30-13:15 | Break 13:15-14:45 | Part 2
Organised by Oil Spill Response Ltd and ITOPF
This course is aimed at providing regulators and responders with background information on how to maximise legitimate cost recovery. It will follow what happens after a tanker spill and explain how claims are submitted and assessed under the international oil pollution liability and compensation regime. Case studies and practical examples will be included to help attendees get a better understanding of the claims process. Presenters: IOPC Funds Schedule: 15:00-16:30 | Part 1 16:30-17:00 | Break 17:00-18:30 | Part 2
Organised by IOPC Funds
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Tickets from
CONFERENCE SESSIONS Tuesday 13 March 2018 09:30-10:55
Opening Plenary Chairs: Rob James, Regional Director EMEA, Oil Spill Response Ltd and Rob Cox, Technical Director, IPIECA This opening plenary session, free to all attendees, will feature keynote speeches from the IMO, EMSA and NCA. The plenary session will conclude with a white paper from ITOPF on Environmental Damage. This is an opportunity to gain insight into the key issues and future challenges of oil spill preparedness and response. Presenters: Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, International Maritime Organization Markku Mylly, Executive Director, EMSA Johan Marius Ly, Director of Emergency Preparedness, Norwegian Coastal Administration
Conference Stream 1 13:30-15:00
Effective Exercising 1: Planning & Delivery
Effective Preparedness
Emergency response plans must be tested to ground-truth assumptions made therein. Well-designed and executed exercises are the best way to ensure that plans will withstand a robust challenge. An often overlooked element of any plan is the logistical considerations of deploying resources into field. This session will consider a number of examples of good practice in exercise design and delivery.
Personnel training and response planning need to add value for all stakeholders rather than just “tick a box”. With increasing pressure to demonstrate a full understanding of the environmental impacts of spills, relevant and credible scientific studies have never been more important. This session will look at the latest research techniques being employed and examine the findings of case studies and will also consider good practice in learning, development, assessment and planning that provides added value to all concerned.
Exercise SCOPE 2017 – Experience Gained from Organising of a Large-Scale Oil Spill and HNS Exercise Ole Kristian Bjerkemo, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Coastal Administration Cap & Contain (Flow) – Defining Success! Mark Cockram, Team Leader Deepwater Wells Process Safety, Shell; Ursula Dockerty, DPA Team, Shell Trading & Shipping & Billy Powell, Manager, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Shell Emergency Management The Golden Glue: How Logistics Holds Together the Tiered Preparedness and Response Model for a Global Tier 3 Oil Spill Response Provider Ian Midgley, Logistics Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd From Reactive to Proactive – A Novel Approach to Exercise Design Nai Ming Lee, Response People Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd
Conference Stream 2
A Screening Framework for Oil Spill Impact Assessment and Research Jon Moore, Marine Environmental Consultant, Coastal Assessment, Liaison & Monitoring Introducing Spill Impact Mitigation Assessment (SIMA) for Oil Spill Strategy Development Martin Cramer, Principal Emergency Response Consultant, ConocoPhillips Environmental Damage Compensation in China Following Ship-Sourced Oil Spills Dr Ann Zhang, Technical Adviser, ITOPF Optimization of Response Strategies in the Emergency Response Planning Process for Crude Oil Spills: Compilation of Lab Data, Pilot Scale Experiments, Drift Modelling and Sensitivity Mapping Julien Guyomarch, Chemical Engineer and Natalie Monvoisin, Manager of Studies and Training Department, Cedre
Surveillance in Practice
Offshore / E&P
Chair: Richard Hall, Principal Engineer, Statoil
Industry has made significant progress in the management of oil spill risks from offshore E&P activities over recent years. A range of intervention options are now in place in the event of a sub-sea well control incident. This session will review these new tools and techniques that are available to industry as it develops offshore fields
Droning On: A Review of UAV Use in Recent Spills Attended by ITOPF and Considerations for the Future Susannah Domaille, Technical Support Coordinator, ITOPF The Evolution of the CleanSeaNet Service of EMSA Representative from EMSA Recent Lessons Learned from UAS Field Activities for Shoreline Oiling Survey Applications Dr Ed Owens, President, Owens Coastal Consultants The Importance of a Strategy to Manage Surveillance Activities in an Oil Spill Response Dr Henk Renken, Oil Spill Technology Advisor, BP
Oil Dispersion from Blowouts in the Presence of Gas: Limited Scavenging of Dispersant Due to Gas Bubbles Prof Michel Boufadel, Director, New Jersey Institute of Technology Automatic Dosage of Dispersant during Subsea Dispersant Injection (SSDI): A New and Novel System Offering Improved Control of SSDI Effectiveness and Dispersant Dosage Prof Per Johan Brandvik, Senior Scientist, SINTEF Ocean
Intervention Technology for Subsea Well Incidents Garry Dickinson, SWIS Subsea Engineer, Oil Spill Response Ltd
Subsea Dispersant Injection as an Oil Spill Response Option on the Norwegian Continental Shelf Karina Heitnes Hofstad, Specialist Process Technology, Statoil
CONFERENCE PROGRAMME CONFERENCE SESSIONS Wednesday 14 March 2018 Conference Stream 1 09:30-11:00
Conference Stream 2
Surveillance Technologies
The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Based Services of EMSA Representative from EMSA
However limited the numbers, oiled wildlife always makes the headlines in the event of a spill. Industry is working more and more collaboratively with various wildlife NGOs to develop and apply good practice in oiled wildlife preparedness and response. This session will consider a number of recent initiatives that are improving our readiness in this important field.
Aerial Surveillance Options in a Spill – What’s Available and When to Use Them Dr Henk Renken, Oil Spill Technology Advisor, BP & Sarah Hall, Response People Manager & Incident Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd Pushing the Envelope on SUAS Use in OSR Operations: The Rise of a Dedicated Service Tool? Charles-Henri Thouaille, Deputy Director, Operations & Legal, CEPPOL Operational Profile of Commercially Available RPA Systems in Nearshore Oil Spill Response Elias Altarriba, R&D Specialist, South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences
Taming Wild Data: An End to End Electronic Records System for Oiled Wildlife Response Curt Clumpner, Deputy Director Animal Care Operations, Oiled Wildlife Care Network, UC Davis Oiled Wildlife Response for Industry Richard Davi, Environmental Associate, ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences Implementing International Good Practice Standards at a Local Level: Preparing for Oiled Wildlife Response in England and Wales Adam Grogan, Head of Wildlife, RSPCA A Modular Approach to Exercising Tiered Wildlife Response as a Means to Developing Genuine Preparedness Paul Kelway, Global Preparedness Coordinator, Sea Alarm Foundation
Interspill & Oceanology International Joint Technical Session
Dispersants Expert Panel Session
Chair: Martin Cramer, Principal Emergency Response Consultant, ConocoPhillips
Chair: Dr Tom Coolbaugh, Oil Spill Response Advisor, Exxon Mobil Corporation
Application of Marine Autonomous Systems to Oil Spill Response and Monitoring Dr Andrew Gates, Scientist, National Oceanography Centre & Sarah Hall, Response People Manager & Incident Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd
No single tool in the responder’s toolbox is both so useful and so controversial as dispersants. Separating the scientific facts from fiction and being able to coherently explain the benefits and limitations of dispersants in combatting oil spills is crucial. This expert panel session will consider the management, application and justification for dispersants on a global basis.
Expanded Underwater Robotics Ready for Oil Spill Javier Gilabert, Technical University of Cartagena Proactive Satellite Monitoring for Enhanced Offshore Situational Awareness and Response David Hamersley, Remote Sensing Consultant, NPA Satellite Mapping (CGG) The Role of Satellite Images in the Information Toolbox Richard Hall, Principal Engineer, Statoil
Dispersant Inventory Management – The Case for a FitFor-Purpose Regimen of Effectiveness Testing Peter Taylor, Principal Consultant, Petronia Consulting Advancements to a Rapidly Deployable Fire Monitor Based Dispersant Application System Dr Erik DeMicco, Emergency Preparedness & Response Advisor, Exxon Mobil Corporation Dispersant Stockpiles – Managed and Response Ready Dave Redington, OSRL Global Dispersant Stockpile Lead, Oil Spill Response Ltd Dispersant Research - Recurring Themes of Concern Rob Cox, Technical Director, IPIECA The Value of Dispersant Use - Keeping Awareness Alive Since 2010 Geeva Varghese, Country Manager – Australia, Oil Spill Response Ltd Panellist: Alun Lewis, Independent Consultant
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CONFERENCE PROGRAMME CONFERENCE SESSIONS Wednesday 14 March 2018 Conference Stream 1 14:00-15:30
Conference Stream 2
Making Training Work
Government / Industry Partnerships
Chair: Arnaud Guéna, Deputy Director, Cedre
Effective preparedness and response is best achieved where governments and industry work in partnership towards shared goals. This session will include presentations on legislation, regulation and collaborative initiatives that further global readiness.
A good preparation is the guarantee of a rapid and effective response. Decision-makers, operational personnel and volunteers, each at their own level, must undergo appropriate training sessions. For this purpose, many options exist or are under development: tailor-made programmes, practical exercises, simulators, e-learning and so on. This session will focus on feedback from various initiatives in Europe. The MARINER Project: Enhancing HNS Preparedness through Training and Exercising Dr Marisa Fernández Cañamero, Head of Department of Control and Management of Marine Environment & Resources, Centro Tecnologico del Mar-Fundación (CETMAR) Volunteers and Unskilled Mass Labour Management: An OSRO’s View Daniela Barreras Biesot, Senior Spill Response Specialist & Consultant, Oil Spill Response Ltd Oil Spill Response Simulator Training – Realistic Enough to Improve Response Capability? Lessons Learnt from Pilot Courses Emmi Rantavuo, Project Manager, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences and Henna Malinen, Researcher, Finnish Environment Institute
South Africa’s Approach to Improving Its Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Capability through Operation Phakisa Feroza Albertus, Control Environmental Officer, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa Public-Private Partnership in Oil Spill Response in Malaysia: A Review Mohd Nizam Basiron, Head, Natural Resource Management, PETRONAS Governmental Takeover of the Incident Command from the Oil Operator in Extreme Situations Ole Kristian Bjerkemo, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Coastal Administration Getting Ready for the Spill and Other Environmental Issues: The Case of the Environmental Sector Working Group Approach Daniel Tarr, Director for Marine Environmental Protection, Liberia Maritime Authority
Development of Fit-For-Purpose Training Programmes Peter Taylor, Principal Consultant, Petronia Consulting
Inland Spill Issues
Oil / HNS transport by inland waterways presents its own risks whilst inland pipeline and oilfields across both arid and temperate climates require different plans to those offshore. Flooding events seem to be ever more common and bring with them associated oil spill risks. Meanwhile major inland storage locations represent significant accumulations of liquids at risk. This session will examine the unique challenges of preparedness and response in these environments.
Aerial Surveillance and Ground-Truth Monitoring of Light Crude Oil Slicks during Full-scale Field Experiments – Behaviour and Effect of Response Options Per Daling, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF
Oil Spill Response Planning on Lake Saimaa – Special Features and Comprehensive Preparedness Elias Altarriba, R&D-Specialist, South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences
Developing Effective Global Incident Management Teams Thomas Smith, Shell and Agneta Dahl, Director, Exercises & Preparedness, NJ Resources
Literature Review of Oil Spill Trajectory and Weathering Models for Inland Waters Dr Eric Comerma, Director International Services, RPS Ocean Science HAZRUNOFF: Towards an Earlier and More Effective Detection and Response to Oil and Chemical Pollution in Rivers and Transitional Waters Rodrigo Fernandes, Senior Consultant, Bentley Systems OSRL Inland Spills: Case Studies from the Past 10 Years Rhys Jenkins, Senior Spill Response Specialist, Oil Spill Response Ltd
Implementation of IPIECA/IOGP Good Practice Guides in Statoil – Contribution to Industry Standardisation and Collaboration Anne-Lise Heggø, Leading Advisor, Statoil
UK Real Oil-On-Water Exercise – The Remote Sensing Technology Tested and the Results Sarah Hall, Response People Manager & Incident Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd
CONFERENCE PROGRAMME CONFERENCE SESSIONS Thursday 15 March 2018 Conference Stream 1 09:30-11:00
Effective Exercising 2: Working with Governments Shipping & Salvage Risks Chair: José Maura, Director, IOPC Funds Regular, effective exercises establish important lines of communication and cooperation between key players in the pollution response field which can prove invaluable when an oil spill occurs. This session will use specific experiences of governments and industry working together to highlight the key aspects of planning a major exercise and the specific achievements and lessons learned from some of the most effective drills in recent years. Sustaining Black Sea Regional Preparedness through an Exercise Programme Dinara Amanzholova, OSPRI Coordinator, OSPRI Partnering with the Other Side: Trust and Logistics Barbara Parker, Emergency Management Science and Advocacy Manager, Shell and Agneta Dahl, Director, Exercises & Preparedness, NJ Resources Government and Local Stakeholders Working Together In Oil Spill Preparedness Dennis van der Veen, Crisis Manager, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu Rijkswaterstaat Noord-Nederland In-Situ Burning Field Tests in Greenland – A MultiOrganization Collaboration Lonnie Wilms, Managing Director, Greenland Oil Spill Response
The new generation of cargo vessels can carry 20,000 boxes and hold 50,000 te of fuel. Whilst the oil industry may be experiencing a downturn, shipping is buoyant and the risk of congested shipping channels and new routes such as the arctic passage offer new spill preparedness and response challenges. This session, which will coincide with the ISU annual meeting in London, will cover oil and HNS risks in the context of casualty handling. The Range of Pollution and Other Environmental Considerations in Shipwreck Removal Alternatives Analysis Greg Challenger, President, Marine Scientist, Polaris Applied Sciences Laboratory Characterisation of Weathering Properties and Behaviour of “New Generation” Low Sulphur Marine Fuel Oils, and the Effectiveness of Possible Response Operations Kaja Cecilie Hellstrøm, Master of Science, SINTEF Ocean The Environmental Risk Assessment of Potentially Polluting Wrecks: From Desk to the Field Mark Kirby, Programme Director, Cefas An Operational Guide to Improve Preparedness and Response to HNS Spills Josée Lamoureux, Senior Advisor, Hazard and Noxious Substance, Transport Canada - Marine Safety The Investigation of Shoreline Waxy Deposits on UK Coastlines Jan Brant, Senior Environmental Scientist, Cefas
Strategic Aspects of Preparedness
Case Studies
Chair: Frédéric Hébert, Head of Unit Pollution Response Service, EMSA Effective preparedness aims at ensuring that adequate response resources are available at all time at a sustainable cost. This session will address key questions regarding defining the appropriate level of response resources taking into account the lessons learnt from past incidents. In particular modelling tools could allow encompassing the efficiency of response techniques, assess their respective environmental and socio economic impacts and assist in defining the level of resources commensurate with the risk.
Chair: Martin Cramer, Principal Emergency Response Consultant, ConocoPhillips
How Much is Enough? Planning Standards, Preparedness Research, and New Planning Tools for Measuring Response Equipment Capabilities John Caplis, Emergency Oil Spill Response Coordinator, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Developing a Robust Approach for the Quantification of Financial Responsibility for the Oil and Gas Industry Dr Claire Hinton, Principal Consultant, BMT Advancing Oil Spill Research Under Canada’s Ocean Protection Plan Dr Kenneth Lee, National Senior Science Advisor for Oil Spill Research, Preparedness and Response, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Defining Response Capability: Effectiveness, Limitations and Determining ALARP Alexander Spence, Managing Director, REM Associates
Conference Stream 2
Although we never wish for them, real oil spills offer excellent opportunities to learn and to improve spill preparedness and response. This session will discuss a number of real-world case studies to share learning points that will be useful across industry. A Study of Case Studies Mark Dix, Deputy Chief, Emergency Response Division, NOAA Case History: Spill Response for the 2014 Somerset Level Floods Hannah Goddard, Senior Spill Response Specialist, Oil Spill Response Ltd Analysing Shoreline Oil Spill Response in South Africa: The Case Study of “Mv Kiani Satu”, Knysna, 2013 Phindile Sabela-Rikhotso, Specialised Environmental Officer, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa Recent Marine Ship Source Spills Technical Advisor, ITOPF
Closing Plenary Chairs: Rob James, Regional Director EMEA, Oil Spill Response Ltd and Rob Cox, Technical Director, IPIECA Our closing plenary session, which is open to all delegates, looks back at the lessons learnt from spill responses. Firstly the retiring Secretary of State’s Representative for Maritime Salvage & Intervention will share insights gained from his years ‘in the hot seat’ as the UK’s focal point to oversee all maritime incidents. Then we will hear an alternative view of oil spills based on social histories gleaned from interviews with the local communities impacted by oil spill events before we close the Conference and formally hand over to the next triennial conference lead.
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h it
r r fo sito ss vi ce ur Ac yo
Organised by Cedre and ITOPF
SCIENCE WORKSHOPS Join your peers in one-hour workshops focused on the latest industry developments taking place on the Exhibition Floor. The Science Workshops will begin with an introductory presentation by the workshop chairman, setting the scene and giving a broad overview of the subject and key issues to be addressed. This will be followed by three 10 minute presentations, addressing questions of particular interest. The workshops will conclude by opening up into a 30 minute panel discussion and audience Q&A.
Tuesday 13 March 14:00-15:00 Shoreline Survey Chair: Dr Elliott Taylor, Principal, Polaris Applied Sciences Use of UAVS for Tactical Response Support Sarah Hall, Response People Manager & Incident Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd Sarah Hall (OSRL) and Dr Ed Owens, President, Owens Coastal Consultants ArcGis SCAT Data Collection Tool Exxon Mobil Representative Use of Dogs for the Detection and Delineation of Subsurface Oil and for Shoreline Surveys Support Dr Ed Owens, President, Owens Coastal Consultants
Wednesday 14 March 09:30-10:30 HNS Pollution Chair: Stéphane Le Floch, Manager Research Department, Cedre Contributions of GESAMP Patricia Charlebois, Deputy Director, Subdivision for Implementation, International Maritime Organization Experimentation at Sea Sophie Chataing-Pariaud, Chemical Engineer, Cedre Case Study Annabelle Nicolas-Kopec, Senior Technical Adviser, ITOPF
Wednesday 14 March 14:00-15:00 Response in Cold Environments Chair: Per Daling, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Mechanical Recovery Jorma Rytkönen, Human Resource Development Manager, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) The Oil in Ice JIP – Advancing Oil Spill Modelling in Ice Covered Waters CJ Beegle-Krause, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Dispersion of Oil Spills Dr Kenneth Lee, National Senior Science Advisor for Oil Spill Research, Preparedness and Response, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Thursday 15 March 09:30-10:30 Marine Pollution Impacts Chair: Ivan Calvez, Cedre Environmental Impacts at a Molecular Level Tamara Galloway, Professor of Ecotoxicology, University of Exeter Response of Microbial Populations to Oil Spill Kate Boccadoro, Research Director, IRIS FishHealth Project Guy Claireaux, Professor, University of Western Brittany
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Organised by UK Spill
SPILL INDUSTRY SEMINARS The Spill Industry Seminars will feature a series of presentations from major industry players highlighting developments in the industry. The full programme will be available on the Interspill website:
These workshops and seminars will take place on the exhibition floor throughout Interspill 2018 and are free to attend for visitors.
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The Poster Exhibition will take place on the exhibition floor across all three days of the event and cover a variety of topics relating to oil spill preparedness and response. New Developments in the NOAA Oil Spill Modelling Suite (GNOME) Dr Christopher Barker, Oceanographer, NOAA Emergency Response Division
Multispectral Polarimetry for Oil Slick Detection and Characterization Andreas Hayden, Research Scientist, Radiant Solutions
Mapping the Potential of Subsea Dispersant Injection (SSDI): A Simplified Visualisation Indicating When to Use, and When Not to Use SSDI Prof Per Johan Brandvik, Senior Scientist, SINTEF Ocean
Application of Radar and Optical Satellite Imagery in Oil Spill Response Marta Januszewska, Regional Preparedness Advisor, Oil Spill Response Ltd
Infrared Polarimetric Sensing of Oil on Water Dr David Chenault, President, Polaris Sensor Technologies Regional Industry Technical Advisory Group Arti Chopra, Senior Response Specialist, Oil Spill Response Ltd Rapid Assessment Toolkit for Assessing the Ecological Impacts of Spilled Oil Katherine Colvin, PhD Student, University of Exeter Dispersant Technical Information Sheets – Conveying Multifaceted Toxicity and Effectiveness Data Dr Tom Coolbaugh, Oil Spill Response Advisor, Exxon Mobil Corporation The Marine Pollution Response Services of EMSA Representative from EMSA EMSA’s Integrated Maritime Services: Enhancing Operational Maritime Awareness at EU Level Representative from EMSA Advantages Realized in the SCAT Data Workflow Using Recent Technologies Andrew Graham, Marine Scientist, Polaris Applied Sciences
Improved Prediction of the Obtainable Range for Oil Spill Detection Using Radars Sicco Kamminga, Director, Nortek The Premiam Initiative: New Scientific Guidelines for Post-Spill Environmental Monitoring Mark Kirby, Programme Director, Cefas Analysis of Dispersant to Oil Ratio for Application at Wellhead Wolfgang Konkel, Environmental Scientist, ExxonMobil Vulnerability of Developing Countries against Marine Pollution Bope Bope Lapwong Jean Marie, Head Officer and National Coordinator, Centre de Controle et Surveillance de la Pollution Marine Impact of Gas Releases on the Sea Surface Level Stéphane Le Floch, Manager Research Department, Cedre Is E-Learning the Future? Stephanie Miller, Office Team Lead, SpillConsult Ensemble Simulations for Oil Spill Environmental Risk Assessment Dr Tor Nordam, Research Scientist, SINTEF Ocean Cycling of PAHs in Vegetation: a New Paradigm for Response and Recovery for Oil Spills in Marshes Prof John Pardue, Professor and Director, Louisiana State University
Hydrocarbon Transport in Marine Sediments and the Influence of Chemical Dispersant Application – Potential Implications for Clean-Up Operations Luis Perez Calderon, PhD Student, University of Aberdeen Monitoring the Deep Sea – Lessons in Seabed Microbial Responses, Oil Degradation Ability and Effects of Dispersant Application Lloyd Potts, Postgraduate Researcher, University of Aberdeen OSRL’s UKCS Aerial Surveillance Capability James Pringle, Senior Oil Spill Response Specialist, Oil Spill Response Ltd Assessment of Field Sensors for Dispersant Efficacy Monitoring Dr Xiubin Qi, Research Scientist, CSIRO Source Term Analysis of Marine Oil Spill and HNS Release Risk in Chinese Coastal Waters Prof Bing Qiao, Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, China Experimental Approach to Oil Slick Behaviour in the Waddensea Sanne Steenbrink, Researcher & Lecturer, NHL Stenden University The Development, Testing and Integration of a Geo-Stabilised Turret for Oil Spill Detection Daniel White, Response Aviation Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd Optimization of Trehalose LipidBased Biodispersants Production for Oil Spill Response Dr Baiyu Zhang, Associate Professor, Northern Region Persistent Organic Pollution Control (NRPOP) Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University
Held on the Exhibition Floor
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OPENING TIMES Exhibition Hall Tuesday 13 March 2018
Wednesday 14 March 2018
Thursday 15 March 2018
Conference Tuesday 13 March 2018
Wednesday 14 March 2018
Thursday 15 March 2018
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Central London
Ibis Styles
Victoria Dock Road
Royal Victoria DLR
Prince Regent DLR
Bus Station
ExCeL London
Grainstore Apartments Emirates Royal Docks
North Event Halls Crowne Plaza Boulevard Novotel
Sunborne Yacht
South Event Halls
Aloft Excel
Connaught House Travelodge Lonon Excel
Premier Inn Taxi drop off
Static display Ramada Hotel & Suites
To North Greenwich
Royal Victoria Dock
Crowne Plaza
London City Airport
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Educational Short Courses
£100 +VAT
Series of short courses taking place the day before the event opens.
FREE TO ATTEND Simply register online at registration and select the Exhibition option. Includes access to Spill Industry Seminars and Science Workshops. Exhibition entry is also free for Conference Delegates
CONFERENCE Attend the conference on one or all three days of the event and choose from over 20 sessions by leading industry companies.
* Qualifying Organisations for the lower Conference rate include Member Associations/Organisations supporting Interspill, (see list below), and official Governmental bodies, NGOs and Conference/Poster/Workshop and Seminar speakers. Member associations eligible for the Member rate: CEDRE, EMSA, Eurospill, IMO, IOPC Funds, IPIECA, ITOPF, NOSCA, OSRL, SRGH, SYCOPOL, UKSpill Please note: VAT is at 20%
CONFERENCE PRICING 3 Day Delegate – Member*/Govt/NGO/Speaker Access to all conference sessions across 3 days; entry into the exhibition; one conference proceedings; daily lunch voucher; one delegate pack
£525 +VAT
3 Day Delegate – Non member Access to all conference sessions across 3 days; entry into the exhibition; one conference proceedings; daily lunch voucher; one delegate pack
£745 +VAT 1 Day Delegate – Member*/Govt/NGO/Speaker Access to all conference sessions on day of attendance; entry into the exhibition; lunch voucher
£265 +VAT 1 Day Delegate – Non member Access to all conference sessions on day of attendance; entry into the exhibition; lunch voucher
Online registration is available now and throughout the show at
At the Event Registration at the main entrance of the event will be possible throughout the duration, for both the exhibition and the conference.
Payment Methods Registrants may pay using the following Credit Cards: Visa, Amex and MasterCard. Registrants may also pay with the following Debit Cards: Maestro, Visa Debit, Solo and Visa Electron. It is also possible to arrange payment by invoice when you are registering.
£395 +VAT
Co-organised by:
Energy & Marine
In partnership with Interspill Ltd.