Offshore Holland | 15 2017

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15 STEVSHARK®REX: redefining boundaries

Dutch knowledge is called in when the going gets tough

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Offshore Energy attracts a global audience of more than 12,000 offshore energy industry professionals. The three-day event, features an exhibition where over 650 companies will showcase their products and services. The accompanying conference addresses current and future issues in the offshore industry, covering developments in oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy. See you in Amsterdam!

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May | 2017 08 | Redefining boundaries

Offshore Holland is a high-quality magazine

Vryhof Anchors will be launching a revolutionary, new anchor. Following two years of development and global testing, the Dutch company is proud to announce the launch of its STEVSHARK®REX. Better, smarter and stronger, STEVSHARK®REX delivers holding power in extreme conditions unmatched by any other anchor.

with the objective to promote the interests and export opportunities of the Dutch supply- and service companies in the upstream oil and gas industry. Moreover technological developments will be highlighted in order to contribute to a positive representation and positioning of the Netherlands





partner country.


13 | Acquisition of Keppel Verolme Damen Shipyards Group has entered into an agreement with Keppel Offshore & Marine for the acquisition of the Keppel Verolme Shipyard in the Rotterdam Botlek area. With the acquisition Damen takes the next step in strengthening its repair and conversion activities within the regional ship repair and conversion market.



28 | Firm grip on pipelaying Supported by

When a customer needed to improve the capacity of its tensioners on one of its pipelaying vessels, it prompted an extensive R&D project at HIS SAS to find a solution. As a result, the company produced not one but three improvements to ensure an optimum grip, less downtime and safer pipelaying operations.

0 4 | Global oil and gas hub 06 | Full steam ahead! 1 1 | Wake up to regulatory limitations 1 2 | Maintenance and repair jobs 1 4 | New concept for marginal fields 1 8 | Subsea storage technology Advertising

1 9 | Rock installation vessel

Navingo BV, Jan van Galenstraat 56

20 | TCP jumper spool

3115 JG Schiedam The Netherlands

2 1 | Custom-designed tools

Contact: Jeroen Tresfon

22 | Another first for Tideway

T: +31 10 209 2600. E:

24 | Sustainable offshore industry


26 | ‘Pioneering Spirit’ ready for pipelay projects

Han Heilig - Managing Editor

3 1 | Cost-saving generator

T: +31 255 530577

32 | Offshore Energy Exhibition in Amsterdam


34 | Vryhof launches engineering unit


35 | Nord Stream 2

Practica Productions, IJmuiden:

36 | Third gripper delivered by Breman

Peter Ruiter

38 | Floorplan Dutch Pavilion

©All copyrights reserved by Offshore Holland

39 | Company profiles Dutch exhibitors 2017


Welcome to the IRO Holland Pavilion

The Netherlands is a global oil and gas hub I am honored to welcome you to the annual Offshore Technology Conference, one of the world’s premiere trade shows that brings together energy professionals who are dedicated to improving offshore resources while addressing environmental concerns.

When people think of the Netherlands, images of bicycles, tulips, clogs and windmills often come to mind first. But offshore technology in the oil and gas industry should also make their list because the Netherlands is a global oil and gas hub. Not only is the Netherlands the world’s second largest importer and exporter of refined oil products, up to 20 percent of the gas consumed in Europe comes from the Netherlands.

Houston’s oil and gas industry has experienced some challenging times, but we see improvements. Oil prices are a defining factor, and while it’s hard to predict, most people think the worst is behind us. OTC has always been a fixture when it comes to oil price, supply, and demand, and of course it is the place to be to network with clients on global oil and gas. Visitors from all over the world come to Houston for the OTC, making it a premiere venue to explore new opportunities.

medium-sized contractors, large manufacturers, suppliers, and more. I’m pleased this year is no different. You can meet with more than 45 Dutch stakeholders in our 1000-square-meter Holland Pavilion, or one of the many more companies that are presenting outside the pavilion. The Holland Pavilion has great diversity in oil and gas exploration and production, and a strong focus on cost efficiency, innovation and sustainability.

The Netherlands works with partners around the world, including here in the United States, to find innovative and sustainable solutions that will fuel the energy needs of an ever-growing global population.

New techniques and more efficient production methods will be discussed, and presented and a lot of innovative technology will be on display.

We look forward to meeting you and talking about opportunities to create new partnerships and strengthen those that already exist.

The challenge is real, whether it’s addressing the imminent effects of climate change or running a successful business venture in changing times.

The Dutch have always been loyal visitors to OTC. We traditionally have one of the biggest pavilions featuring a diversity of participants, including multinationals, small and

Henne Schuwer Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United States of America.



Exhibitions programme 2017 Date Activity



1 - 4 May

Offshore Technology Conference

Houston, USA

6 - 8 June

Offshore Wind Energy

London, UK

11 - 13 July


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

5 - 8 September

SPE Offshore Europe

Aberdeen, UK

9 - 11 October

Offshore Energy

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

13 - 16 November


Abu Dhabi, UAE

28 - 30 November


Amsterdam, the Netherlands &


Boompjes 40 (Willemswerf)


Postbus 390


+31 (0)79 341 19 81


13th floor 3011 XB Rotterdam

3000 AJ Rotterdam


+31 (0)79 341 97 64


The Netherlands

The Netherlands



Sander Vergroesen, Managing Director IRO

Dutch go full steam ahead!

If we would summarise the past year, since the last time our Holland pavilion was present at OTC Houston in 2016, one word says it all: Transition. It is clear that we are facing a time with a shifting energy mix, where we have to adapt to a different way of working, in ever changing and unpredictable geo-political circumstances. The Dutch have been hit hard by the downturn in the Oil & Gas industry and drastic measures were necessary to keep our heads above the water. With uncertain times behind us, now we are looking at a challenging and positive future ahead.

In this year of IRO’s 45th anniversary, shaping the Energy Transition has been top priority on the agenda. Sander Vergroesen, Managing Director of IRO, says: “To show the capabilities and involvement of our member companies in the developments that come with this energy transition, we changed the name of our Association. IRO continues its activities under the name of: The Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Oil and Gas Industry and Offshore Renewable Industry.



The sustaining low oil prices as well as depletion of conventional resources in our traditional home market, the North Sea, resulted in a diversification in portfolios of many of our member companies; an absolute must to address the transition and to be less vulnerable to the volatility of oil prices. In the past few years, an increasing number of IRO members have delivered impressive project results in the Offshore Wind market already and some promising developments are yet to come.”

Ground-breaking North Sea project With the North Sea in our front yard where many assets are nearing their end-of-life, the decommissioning market is one with great potential for the Dutch supply chain. A ground-breaking, unprecedented project executed by Allseas’ vessel Pioneering Spirit in 2016 has set a new mark in the decommissioning market. Sander Vergroesen: “It is important to be on top of market developments and to swiftly act on opportunities as they arise.

‘Despite the hard times that are behind us, the Dutch are ready to go full steam ahead!’

The Dutch offshore industry has built up an impressive track record in the upstream oil and gas sector. Decommissioning activities fit in very well within the core business of these IRO members. All the necessary elements to serve this market are available within the Dutch supply chain, varying from engineering, equipment supply and contracting.”

and raising industry responsibility and awareness. (read more on page 24) Full steam ahead

“It is obvious that, with the transition in progress, the Dutch supply chain is quickly adapting to new market conditions.” Sander concludes: “Whilst our IRO members will keep focusing on

cost-efficiency, sustainability and innovation in conventional oil and gas developments on a global scale, the energy transition presents us with vast opportunities to maintain our position as a frontrunner in the global energy industry.

Despite the hard times that are behind us, the Dutch are ready to go full steam ahead!”

Expediting energy transition

Sander Vergroesen continues: “The major challenge for the coming period is to maintain and reinforce our position in the Top 5 of global suppliers in the offshore energy industry, with a full integration of offshore renewables such as offshore wind, marine and tidal energy. In this respect, collaboration amongst industry stakeholders is vital.” An important step to search for sustainable and innovative synergies between conventional and renewable markets is the North Sea Energy Challenge, a collaboration between offshore oil and gas operators, offshore wind industry and NGO’s to support and expedite the energy transition. Another industry initiative, Our Ocean’s Challenge, is a massive open online innovation platform. This collaboration is aimed at connecting the offshore industry with practical, viable solutions by identifying industry-wide sustainability challenges,



STEVSHARK®REX: holding power in the most extreme conditions

Redefining boundaries Vryhof Anchors, world leaders in the market for innovative and customer-focused anchoring and mooring solutions, will be launching a revolutionary new anchor during the OTC 2017 event in Houston. Following two years of development and testing, the Dutch company is proud to announce the launch of its STEVSHARK®REX. Better, smarter and stronger, STEVSHARK®REX delivers holding power in extreme conditions unmatched by any other anchor. As a result, the application boundaries of drag-embedded anchors can now be expanded to the most remote and challenging territories on earth. Super-strong soils no longer represent an obstacle, thereby opening up economic opportunities for operators to develop new energy resources across a much larger area worldwide.

Evan Zimmerman, Vice President & CTO at Vryhof, is convinced that the new STEVSHARK®REX will be a game changer in creating a much more cost-effective solution for anchoring on substrates including calcarenite, a carbonite rock commonly found on Australia’s Northwestern Shelf.



“The STEVSHARK®REX is probably the most breath-taking development in the mooring industry over the last decade. I truly believe that the launch of this anchor will create huge excitement and that the market will view the STEVSHARK®REX as a game changer. Right now, the largest initial

market for the new anchor is the oil and gas sector. The drilling community is set to embrace the tool since it offers them a very cost-effective solution in a very tight market. The STEVSHARK®REX will offer a cost-effective drag-embedded anchor system in place of driven,

bored and grouted piles which are much more expensive and require long lead times for design, fabrication and installation. There is no other comparable cost-saving and efficient mooring solution available on the market, right now. This anchor will enable operators to develop fields and renewable projects which, until now, could not conventionally be economically developed. With its greater flexibility in vessel and timing options, unlike other anchors on the market, the STEVSHARK®REX can effectively penetrate even the hardest seafloors and perform predictably.” Innovative people

Senol Ozmutlu, Projects Director at Vryhof Anchors, explained the motivation behind developing the STEVSHARK®REX. “We are not your average hardware shop. At Vryhof Anchors, we offer anchoring knowledge based on long practical experience, as well as knowledge of the geotechnics, experimental research, modelling and testing. For almost half a century, we have continuously set benchmarks in offshore anchoring technology serving oil and gas, renewable energy and civil and construction sectors, among others. We continue to prove that innovation is more than just a buzzword. At the same time, we are able to strengthen our global leading position in the mooring world, while anticipating the needs of our customers with whom we work closely in order to understand their wishes and future mooring needs. We constantly strive to deliver improvements for the offshore industry, be it oil, gas or renewable energy, as well as the dredging industry by integrating ground-breaking technologies. Our latest offering is intended for anchoring under challenging and hard ground conditions, anywhere in the world. We are always focused on

making life easier for our customers, and contributing to their success. It is our conviction that the best way of doing this is to offer state-of-the-art, innovative technology and tailored solutions. For that reason, Vryhof Anchors operates its own R&D Centre and invests well above the industry

average on innovation. Thanks to our pioneering attitude we have already developed many cutting-edge mooring solutions for all kinds of floating structures, making everyday life more effective and more inspiring. This new STEVSHARK®REX is a perfect example of how we support our customers in

First order from CNGS Group Earlier this year the CNGS Group B.V., a leading offshore contractor executing EPC projects for the oil & gas and renewables industry, took delivery of the first four STEVSHARK®REX anchors. The Group has a long track record of successful installation of fixed offshore platforms (both support structures and topsides) with the help of floating cranes and crane barges using heavy lift and float-over techniques. CNGS Group is also active in the subsea pipelines and cable installation market. According to CNGS Group Construction Manager Ievgenii Ivankiv the results of the tests with the prototype of the STEVSHARK®REX anchors were so impressive that it did not take them long to decide to place this first order. “Formerly we used concrete anchors and the delta flipper anchor, but due to the big weight and size we decided to buy the new Vryhof anchor. The decisive reason being that this revolutionary anchor is easy to install, the light weight and the huge holding capacity in different types of soil. We are planning to use the new anchors on board of ‘Octopus-1’, a derrick barge with a 280 t lifting capacity, during several installation projects (to be executed between May and September 2017) in the Caspian Sea, where the seabottom is either sand or rock.” For the first project ‘Octopus-1’ will assist cable lay vessel ‘East River’with the installation of a submarine power cable and transmitter in the Yuri Korchagin Field, which was brought into development in 2010 by Lukoil. The field is located in the Russian waters of the North Caspian Sea at a sea depth of 11-13m. ‘Octopus-1’ will be positioned with the new Vryhof STEVSHARK®REX anchors in the field while handling the end sections of the cables and the CNGS Group in-house cable trenching machines for hard and soft soils. Also for the second project ‘Octopus-1’ will assist CLV ‘East River’ with the installation of a subsea power cable together with several sensors in the Vladimir Filanovsky oilfield, the largest post-soviet discovery in Russia also being operated by Lukoil. This field is located in the northern part of the Caspian Sea, 190 km off Astrakhan at depths between 7 and 11 meters. A third project concerns the installation of nine conductors for a conductor platform using in-house pilling equipment, being part of phase II of the Yuri Korchagin field development.



optimising production, minimising downtimes and speeding up their operations.” Vice President Zimmermann also underlined the essence of constant innovation. “If you want to be successful in developing the right products, you must first be able to identify trends as early as possible. Only then can you gain a full understanding of drivers behind future offshore projects. We at Vryhof develop technology that enables our clients to meet future challenges, even before they are recognised in their projects or by their customers. That ability makes our company unique and guarantees the sustainability of Vryhof as leaders in the business.” Worldwide testing

The main goal of developing the STEVSHARK®REX was to expand the suitability domain of drag embedment anchors in challenging geotechnical areas. One of those areas is the Arctic, with its hard soil conditions, subsea permafrost, complex gravelly soils and over-consolidated clays or tills. Other difficult areas in terms of sub-seabed types include Australia and the United Arab Emirates, typically with the complex cemented soils of carbonite origin or calcarenite to calcilutite to limestone rocks. The future floating wind farms or other renewable energy development areas are located in relatively complex geological settings where standard anchors may not work. Senol Ozmutlu added: “While developing the STEVSHARK®REX, we observed the penetration behaviour, stability and capacity of the ‘old’ STEVSHARK® anchors. Combining these observations with rock



excavations and cutting knowledge, we identified the critical features of this new anchor. But even before we start building scale models, we kind of need to solve the problem in our mind. What can we expect when you start to drag something in such hard soil or soft rock? What will happen to the material on the seabed? What should an anchor look like in order to penetrate into the seabed? Essentially, the first step is to develop a conceptual model in your mind, which can be passed on to the designers for further detailing on the drawing board.” The outcome of this passionate and iterative conceptual model development process has resulted in a totally new anchor with radically new fluke and shank geometries. The Projects Director continued: “After testing several fluke and shank models at laboratory scale, the best model is selected, produced in 7 kg size and extensively tested in our R&D Centre. The laboratory scale tests were conducted in different soils, such as sand, clay, gravel and in an industrial material conditioned to stiff properties. Only after satisfactory laboratory tests did we produce the model scale test anchor of 7 tons for field testing offshore. In 2016, the offshore tests were carried out at two oil fields with hard sub-seabed soil conditions. A total of 15 tests were carried out at three locations selected by a major Norwegian oil operator. The selected test locations are famed for their anchoring problems where the MODUs had to use piggy-back anchors to reach the required holding capacity. Each and every test proved successful, even exceeding our expectations.” Depending on the location, the holding power of the STEVSHARK®REX proved to be 22% to 47% higher than

the older STEVSHARK® version. A tremendous result. Production efficiency

Nonetheless, Vryhof Anchors continues to accumulate more test and experience data with the STEVSHARK®REX. For that purpose, two bigger anchors of 18 tons in size were built and shipped to the United Arab Emirates and Australia. The anchor in UAE is currently being used by a rock cutter suction dredger on cemented soils and calcarenite bedrock. The initial results received from the field are positive. The anchor in Australia shall be tested soon in areas with hard soils and carbonate rocks. The test sites are selected in collaboration with a major Australian oil operator. After these trials, the anchor is scheduled to be used by MODUs, which will set the anchor in different fields with challenging soil properties – a challenge STEVSHARK®REX can accept with ease. Scope of work

Vryhof Anchors designs and installs offshore foundations and mooring systems and components for permanent and temporary floating units. In the oil and gas sector, these include permanently moored FPSO, FSO, FPU, FSRU, SPM, CALM systems and temporary (mobile) systems, including drilling rigs, drill ships, pipe-laying vessels, construction barges, heavylift vessels, etc. In the renewable energy sector, applications include floating wind turbines, floating wave, tidal, and current devices. In the civil and construction sector, the units in question include floating platforms and barges for a variety of purposes (e.g. tunnel construction, barrier construction, pipe-pulling, etc.) and dredging applications.

InterDam warns the offshore market:

‘Wake up to regulatory limitations’ InterDam from Ridderkerk, the Dutch supplier of fire and blast resistant walls, doors and windows, is warning the upstream and downstream market that the current regulations covering these two areas while adequate, if viewed in isolation, do not consider the possible consequences of a blast followed by fire which recent studies have revealed happens in over 50% of cases.

Blast test of Generation V Blast Panel.

“Currently there are no regulations covering a fire outbreak in a post blast situation so manufacturers tend to supply products that can either withstand a blast or are resistant to fire but not both consecutively,” said Berend Groeneveld, MD of InterDam. First

“We are the first company to test our products to withstand not only the impact of a blast but also an immediate fire outbreak as it is important that employees are kept safe and have time to implement appropriate fire procedures like switching off vulnerable equipment. It is no good surviving a blast only to be burned alive in a fire caused by the explosion,” he added.

InterDam knows the major operators like Shell, BP and Chevron take safety extremely seriously and so is working hard to educate other operators, regulators and certification bodies about the importance of having architectural products capable of withstanding a blast and fire post an explosion.

A60 fire testing after 0.3 bar blast.

Similarly, its G21 Blast Door is now officially tested following a blast of up to 1.1 bar, followed by a fire, achieving a fire post blast rating of A60, EI60 and E240. Its G21 blast window can withstand a 0.3 bar blast followed by a post blast fire achieving a fire post blast rating of A60, EI60.


The company has already tested its G21 blast panel Generation V’s fire resistance following a 0.25 bar overpressure blast test. The panel achieved a fire post blast rating of H120 and EI240 (H240) following exposure to a hydrocarbon fire for 240 minutes without showing signs of deterioration in performance.

InterDam’s operating philosophy is ‘How Safe Can you be.’ and it uses this mantra when developing and designing its products showing its commitment to safeguarding people and equipment used in hazardous environments.



Keppel Verolme Rotterdam

Numerous maintenance and repair jobs Equipped with one of the largest dry docks in Europe and ideally located in Rotterdam, Keppel Verolme has been the yard of choice for floating offshore units in the region. In the first quarter of 2017 the yard has received numerous maintenance and repair jobs. A summary.

The heavy lift vessel ‘Svanen’ in the mammoth dry dock and in the background the FPSO ‘Armada Kraken’ moored at Keppel Verolme’s quay.


In January, FPSO ‘Armada Kraken’ was moored at Keppel Verolme’s quay for its final inspection and certification. It was delivered earlier by Keppel Shipyard in Singapore to Malaysian operator Bumi Armada, and left the Keppel Verolme yard a month later for its operational site in the North Sea’s Kraken field. Gripper

Meanwhile in the mammoth dry dock, an upgrade took place for the heavy lift vessel ‘Svanen’. Vessel owner Van Oord tasked Keppel Verolme to carry out the preparation work for the installation of a new pile gripper



system, which would allow the vessel to install the new generation XXL monopoles for state-of-the-art windmills at sea. The main scope of this project consisted of a major hull modification and other various modifications on top of the 110-meter high gantry. The skid track sections of the original gripper system were removed and replaced by heavier skid track sections. A part of the existing hull was replaced while other parts were stiffened to suit the requirements of the new gripper system. The old gantry crane, together with its

foundation, was removed from the top of the gantry using a large crawler crane, enabling the yard to reach the height required. A new crane pedestal and boom rest were installed in preparation of the new gantry crane. Furthermore, Keppel Verolme prefabricated and installed a new sea fastening construction which was required for the vessel’s main lifting hooks. The access stairs & platforms on the gantry were also upgraded to suit today’s modern requirements. The key challenge of the project was working at height to execute the modification of the hull within the short time period available.

The semi-submersible heavy lift vessel ‘Saipem 7000’ in Keppel

The ‘Svanen’ was delivered safely and on time at the beginning of March. The refurbished heavy lift vessel will see its gripper and crane installation carried out by Van Oord in another location. After the ‘Svanen’ left the dry dock, the yard prepared for the dry-docking of the semisubmersible heavy lift vessel ‘Saipem 7000’. Upon arrival, the ‘Saipem 7000’ was safely moored alongside Saipem’s pontoon ‘S 44’ for unloading of deck materials. The heavy lift vessel subsequently docked in Keppel Verolme’s mammoth dry dock. Keppel Verolme conducted inspection and maintenance works for the underwater system of ‘Saipem 7000’, and overhauled the vessel’s thrusters in the yard’s machine shop. The yard’s scope of work also consisted of the renewing of a major part of the piping system to prepare the vessel for a Ballast Water Treatment System, as well as providing a new coating system for the hull and floaters to protect the vessel against corrosion and give it a fresh look.


Verolme’s mammoth dry dock.

Acquisition of Keppel Verolme Damen Shipyards Group has entered into an agreement with Keppel Offshore & Marine for the acquisition of the Keppel Verolme shipyard in the Rotterdam Botlek area.

With the acquisition of the Verolme shipyard, Damen takes the next step in strengthening its repair and conversion activities within the regional ship repair and conversion market. Since 1957 the Verolme yard has been active in the Botlek area of the Port of Rotterdam with three graving docks, a quay capacity of over 1,800 metres and approximately 250 employees. Damen intends to continue activities in the Botlek area with the current employees of the yard.

With the Verolme yard, Damen will have four large repair yards within close proximity of the Port of Rotterdam. The two yards in Rotterdam, along with Damen’s yards in Vlissingen and Amsterdam, will closely cooperate to maximise the use of each other’s expertise, further developing synergy advantages and jointly marketing their capacity, with the objective to offer more efficient and competitive services.



New concept for marginal fields

Oranje-Nassau Energie starts production from P11-E satellite platform

Introducing an innovative platform design, Oranje-Nassau Energie (ONE) has started the production from the gas platform P11-E, located at the North Sea about 50 kilometres outside the Dutch coast. The new platform concept enables ONE to economically develop two marginal fields, despite current gas prices.



By developing these fields, ONE for the first time in its history has completely managed an offshore E&P asset from exploration discovery to production.

Installation of the 49 metres high jacket.

The production has started in October 2016 and is estimated to end in 2022. During that period 650 million Nm3 gas is expected to be recovered. The satellite operates emissions-free. Power is generated by a unique combination of solar and windmills, storing renewable energy in batteries.

Alexander Berger, CEO ONE: “P11-E is the first offshore development completely managed by ONE from exploration discovery till production. Despite low gas prices, we have demonstrated that we can successfully develop offshore gas fields within time and budget. ONE shows again it is the operator of choice for marginal fields.”


Because remaining undeveloped gas prospects and fields on the Dutch Continental Shelf are relatively small, it is a challenge to create economically attractive new developments. Taking up this challenge, ONE has developed, together with EverSea, daughter-company of GeoSea N.V. (DEME Group), the Oranje-Nassau Standard Satellite (ONSS) that now is in use for the first time for the P11-11 and P11-12 gas fields. By developing these fields, ONE for the first time in its history has completely managed an offshore E&P asset from exploration discovery to production.

According to EBN, an Dutch undertaking that invests in the exploration, extraction and storage of gas and oil on behalf of the State, this is an excellent development, because it demonstrates the way forward for an industry under pressure. It has been safely executed and, cost effectively, will provide lower carbon energy to meet society’s needs while moving forward through the energy transition.

knock-out facility, has three well-slots, a tie-in for a subsea well, a tie-in from another ONSS, an export riser, with the provision for piggy-backline and a J-Tube for an umbilical. Beside the process facilities, the unmanned satellite is equipped with an emergency shelter for eight persons, a helicopter deck and a five-ton crane. Several wind turbines and solar panels generate power. The design of the topsides can be used without adjustments for a wide range of gas fields up to two million m3/day gas throughput. The modular jacket, by use of modular transition pieces is suitable for water depths up to 50 metres and can therefore be placed in the entire southern North Sea. The jacket design is certified for use in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

ONSS concept

The ONSS consists of a standard design for the topsides combined with a modular jacket. The topsides, though small, accommodates a free-water

Both the modular jacket and the topside have been constructed by Heerema. Ronald Wiebes of Heerema: “With the topsides and jacket having



Installation of the topside weighing 450t.

been built indoors at the Zwijndrecht yard of the Heerema Fabrication Group, we are proud to have contributed to the success of the P11-E development. Other operators should look at this development as an example for successful low cost new concept. Further standardisation can help industry to reduce costs.” The platform has been installed by the ‘Innovation’ of EverSea (DEME Group) and sister company of Tideway, the company which was responsible for the pre-sweeping of the 9 kilometres long route between the new P11-E platform and the P15-F platform as well as the precise rock dumping for the stabilisation and protection of the pipeline installed by Allseas. General Manager Niels van Berlaer: “We are very proud that we could participate in several development phases of the successful P11-E project. With the ONSS concept we are convinced ONE has the key to cost effective develop marginal fields in the future.”




ONE and its partners TAQA Offshore B.V. and EBN B.V discovered the P11-11 field in the spring of 2014. This typical marginal gas field contains an estimated 650 million Nm3 recoverable gas reserves. After P11-E was placed, a second well was drilled from the platform discovering the P11-12 field. This field is expected to contain some 200 million Nm3 recoverable gas reserves and production will commence shortly. Both wells have a high Gas-Condensate-Ratio and are drilled through a thin oil rim. Development of the oil rims is uneconomic at the current forward oil prices. The time between discovery and first gas from the P11-11 field lasted only 28 months and has been quoted in a publication of CGG as ‘the fastest ‘turn around’ in the Dutch offshore during the last 13 years’. ONE believes that the ONSS standard platform design significantly simplifies and

shortens the engineering process, making first gas within eighteen months an achievable target. From well to pipe

Water is separated from the produced gas and condensate at the ONSS. Gas and condensate are then exported via a new pipeline to the TAQA-operated P15-D processing facilities. The new pipeline has a length of 9 km and 8” diameter, with a 2” methanol injection line. The new pipeline is connected at the seabed with the existing pipeline from P15-F to P15-D. The total pipeline length from P11-E to P15-D is 18 km. The pipeline navigates through nine meter high sand dunes from P11-E to P15-F, crossing telecommunication cables and avoiding old pipelines and future wind turbines. The pipeline is installed by Allseas in 2015. Allseas was given a large installation window to select their best opportunity to install the pipeline.




Challenging conditions in Offshore industry demand a new appraoch on anchoring. Lorem dolor reperit incias vition cus ea deribusapit, ommoluptis nessi voluptature, nestori tature iscil magnimo loratemporro di de dolor. Lorem Dusapit, ommoluptis nessi voluptature, nestori tature iscil magnimo loratemporro di de dolor Anchor 20t Stevshark Mk5 (fluke angles

No anchor can deliver the holding were set based on the anchor analpower of the STEVSHARK®REXysis carried out by Vryhof);

The application of drag embeddedChain anchors 3can now84mm; be expanded to the most x 250m Wire x 180m 76mm;soils are no longer remote and challenging territories on earth. 1Super strong Buoy 7.5t Sub-Surface Buoyto (used as sur-new prohibitive, opening up the economic possibility for operators develop face buoy preventing the need energy resources in a much larger area globally.

Seatools successfully completes R&D program

Introduction of subsea storage technology In January 2017, Dutch subsea technology company Seatools completed an R&D program on a subsea liquid storage technology. During the program – a continuation of an earlier engineering study performed on behalf of Statoil Petroleum AS – the storage technology successfully passed a full product qualification test program. The technology will now be applied at a Pile Installation Frame operated by Seaway Heavy Lifting.

The oil & gas industry’s shift toward seabed positioning of (pressurebalanced) equipment like pumps, compressors, and related power grids that can compromise switch gear and power transformers, demands highly reliable, long-term subsea storage of (large volumes of) liquids. In addition to compensating for hydrostatic pressure, subsea storage is required to accommodate oil volume fluctuations caused by temperature changes, or may, for example, harbor control fluids. The subsea storage of liquids also is of interest to other types of equipment, such as large-volume subsea hydraulic systems with significant differential (oil) volumes caused by a large number of actuators, as with the Pile Installation Frame. Tests

One of the decisive design criteria for a long-term storage reservoir is the reliability of the barrier between fluid and seawater. During the recently



completed R&D program, ageing tests have been performed to facilitate a quantified prediction of the lifetime of the fluid barrier. In addition, a full-fledged product qualification program on a full-scale version of the reservoir, an extensive analysis of the dynamic behavior of the compensator, and a study of the pressure compensation performance under various conditions, have been performed. The successful completion of these qualification tests brought the technology to TRL 4, and will now see it applied in the field. Lifetime

The R&D program is a continuation of an earlier conceptual and feasibility study into the local storage of control fluids in a subsea production control system, which was executed on behalf of Statoil. The aim of this previous study was to develop a storage system capable of providing a continuous and reliable supply of control fluids. A design lifetime of 20 years was one of the most pressing design criteria. Moreover, the study analyzed the required controls and instrumentation, refilling strategies, and related economics, and included an FMECA analysis.

In addition to gaining field feedback and continuing the development of the system’s design, additional research will be performed about the chemical compatibility of various fluids with the barrier material. Potential findings in this area are expected to widen the scope of application.

Van Oord investment programme is ready for the future

New subsea rock installation vessel The fleet of international marine contractor Van Oord will be extended with a new subsea rock installation vessel named ‘Bravenes’. The vessel is currently being built at the Ningbo yard, China and will be operational in the first quarter of 2018. Van Oord is market leader in the seabed intervention technique subsea rock installation, a proven technique for the protection and stabilisation of offshore structures cables and pipelines.

To serve the oil, gas and wind market Bravenes is equipped to perform three different types of rock installation, namely the flexible fallpipe through the moon pool, a fallpipe over the side or a tremie pipe over the side. This third ship configuration allows the vessel to install rock very close

to offshore structures, like monopiles or jackets and makes it possible to install bigger and heavier rocks. Bravenes brings a new level of innovation to subsea rock installation. The vessel will strengthen Van Oord’s leading position in subsea rock

installation and is part of the Van Oord investment programme to keep our fleet ready for the future. Between 2013 and 2018 Van Oord is investing more than EUR 1 billion in building new vessels and modernising and replacing our fleet.



Qualification program for Airborne Oil & Gas

Deepwater subsea TCP jumper spool Airborne Oil & Gas, the world’s first and leading manufacturer of Thermoplastic Composite Pipe (TCP) has been awarded a qualification program from Shell for a high-pressure, Deepwater TCP jumper spool. Its first application is anticipated in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Tom Moroney, Shell’s Vice President Deepwater & Wells Technology comments: “Airborne Oil & Gas’ Flexible Composite Pipe is light weight and flexible, which could considerably help reduce the cost of subsea developments in deep waters. In addition, the high-pressure jumper spool represents a relevant step towards future deployment of Deepwater composite risers.” The TCP Jumper Spool will be manufactured using carbon fibre, and designed for application in depths greater than 2000 meters at pressures in excess of 10,000 psi. Gavin Leiper, Vice President Airborne Oil & Gas North America, comments: “This is a fantastic step forward in our qualification and product portfolio. We are very pleased that Shell have recognised the opportunity that our cost effective technology brings to the



full operational life-cycle of subsea field infrastructures. We are looking forward to working closely with the Shell Technology Centres in Houston and Amsterdam, as we deliver this exciting product to the market.”

The qualification program will be performed at the Airborne Oil & Gas manufacturing facility in IJmuiden, The Netherlands and be completed by summer 2017.

TWD: specialized in custom-designed tools and structures

Valuable during transport & installation projects Rotterdam-based Temporary Works Design (TWD) is specialized in creating custom-designed tools and structures that allow customers to perform their transport and installation projects safely and on time. In the past 10 years, TWD has created smart and functional solutions, no matter how complex the challenge was. Even projects with a limited time frame, are challenges we like to accept.

TWD designed, fabricated and mobilized the stinger within 3,5 weeks.

Furie Operating Alaska has built a new Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) production platform at Cook Inlet, Alaska. The existing onshore pipelines are connected to the platform through a subsea gas pipeline, installed by Heavy Lift at Sea. During the project, they suffered a setback, which resulted in the need of a stinger including fabrication and mobilization within 3,5 weeks.

in Rotterdam. Within a day, the kick-off meeting was set.

The Project Manager knew that TWD is always available and acts quickly, so he called our head office

In less than a month the complete stinger was test fitted on the Spartan 151 rig and ready for the operation.

Less than a month

In only one week, design drawings were completed and allowed the fabrication works to start. The project team at TWD did not only design the Stinger frame, but also went to Alaska to assist in the fabrication and mobilization works.

TWD’s goal is to reinforce your project team’s capabilities and complement them where required. Our designs reflect the high demands of the Offshore Oil & Gas industry: assuring safety and quality according to standards & certifications. In addition to our standard deliverables, including seafastening, mooring analysis, and deck layout designs, TWD also offers a wide variety of specialized equipment like cantilevers for workover operations or custom-designed motion compensation systems.



Tideway active in southernmost point of Argentina

‘Challenging project in unique place successfully completed’

Another first can be added to the list of achievements of Belgian company DEME and subsidiary Tideway, from Breda in the Netherlands. Near the southern tip of Argentina, a landfall was constructed where a 14-inch gas pipeline comes ashore from the sea.

The scope of works was, in principle, not shocking but also not without plenty of challenges that needed to be overcome. A desolate location, substantial tides, strong currents and powerful winds, to name a few. All these hurdles and more did not prevent the successful completion of this project. PIAM

Never before in history have DEME and Tideway carried out a project so far south in the world.



As a representative of the DEME Group, Marro Vreys (business unit manager at Tideway, from Breda) was involved in the so-called PIAM Project. PIAM stands for Projecto

Incremental Area Maggalanes. The project involves the expansion of an existing gas platform in Maggalanes Field, offshore Argentina. The platform belonging to the ENAP Sipetrol Argentina company and is situated at a distance of 19 kilometers from the shore. The Magellan Strait is located in the southernmost part of South America, between Patagonia in the north and Tierra del Fuego in the south. The international Sea Trucks Group, headquartered in Nigeria, was commissioned by ENAP Sipetrol in July 2016 to provide engineering and installation services for a total of

three pipelines, among other things, including landfall construction. DEME was subsequently awarded the contract for dredging the landfall, plus associated civil works. Marro Vreys said: “In short, what it came down to is that we had to carry out dredging and excavation works in order to create a channel in which the pipeline could be pulled and, upon completion of the shore pull works, we had to return the site to its original state. We also had to construct a winch platform in order to pull the pipe ashore.” Mini-village

Dirk Reynders was stationed in Argentina as project manager, and colleague Arjan Klein from Tideway operated from Europe as desk manager for the PIAM project, but lingered on location for a few weeks. “The landfall had to be constructed at the very tip of the Argentinian mainland,” Carbo Virgenes explained. “The total travel time from Europe, via Buenos Aires, was more than two days. The closest town is called Rio Gallegos; to get there, you first have to travel by roads made only of gravel for over two and a half hours through a steppe-like environment. Now and then you might see a patch of grass with some sheep. This was the only variation in the landscape. Accommodation for our people on site simply didn’t exist, therefore we created our own temporary living, working, sleeping spaces complete with plumbing and power out of containers and generators–our very own mini-village! We stayed there with a maximum of fifteen and a minimum of eight persons on site. The food and drinks we obtained from the nearby estancia. The conditions were not super luxurious, but at the same time it had a very adventurous feel to it and something special that you rarely or never get the chance to experience. The weather conditions

were also not ideal, even though it was ‘summer’ there. There were continuous heavy, strong winds measuring an average of 7 on the Beaufort scale; this ensured for a rather brisk, cold feel. In short, it was not exactly an exotic holiday destination. The most enjoyable thing you can experience there is watching the penguin population, which has a protected breeding ground in that region.” Dynamic

Logistically speaking, the PIAM Project was a demanding job. The transport of the impressive hydraulic excavator, a Cat 374 model with a type BI 300 linear winch accessories and all the necessary equipment, was controlled from Breda. After arrival in the port of Buenos Aires and declaration process came a further journey of some 3,000 kilometers by truck to the final destination on site. The trailing suction hopper dredger ‘Uilenspiegel’ was used for the dredging works; she arrived in the Magellan Strait near the beginning of December in order to carry out the offshore portion of the project. The hopper had come directly from Motevideo, Uruguay, and immediately began dredging the 3 meter wide by 2.75 meter deep trench. Marro Vreys: “The total length of the trench was 330 meters, of which 200 meters ran in the sea and 100 meters on shore. The seabed consisted of a solid mixture of sand and clay. On land it was sand and gravel with a large sized boulder here and there. The biggest challenge while digging the trench were the strong tidal ranges present; we’re talking about a tidal amplitude of at least eight meters. This meant that we had to make the dredging /excavation process very dynamic. The ‘Uilenspiegel’ could operate in shallow waters with a minimum of six meters depth at low

tide, and the raised excavator on land in up to two meters of water. It was therefore necessary to take full advantage of the tide with both the hopper and the excavator. At high tide, the hopper came as far up the beach as possible and had to head back out to sea when the tide went out again. Meanwhile, the excavator had to move as well, but in the opposite direction. In particular, the captain of the ‘Uilenspiegel’ had to keep a close eye on the speed of the waning tide in order to prevent his vessel from running aground because then they would have to wait for the next tide in order to get the hopper back on track. That was something which absolutely had to be avoided.” Pull

Thanks to meticulous planning by Dirk Reynders and his on-site team, the digging of the trench was pulled off without issue. In the meantime, a 300-ton linear winch was placed near the landfall in order to anchor two 10-ton Stevshark anchors. The wire lay was done using our survey vessel and Sea Trucks’ pipe-laying vessel, the ‘Jascon 34’. A net distance of 600 meters had to be crossed with an 83 mm diameter steel wire. On December 27th last year, the pull began. Due to the short distance, the operation was complete in a day and a half, including the welding of the pipe sections and the placing of the buoys. Vreys: “Once the pipeline was in position, the buoys were removed and the backfilling with the excavated material could begin. The backfilling process was also quickly done, as only about 7,000 cubic meters of material were required.” In early January, the dismantling of all the materials on site began and the temporary DEME-camp was demolished in the deep south of Argentina.



Online platform Our Oceans Challenge (OOC)

A sustainable offshore industry sooner than you expect The world is changing rapidly: we are in the midst of a major energy transition, supported by the Paris Agreement last year. This challenges oil and gas companies to think and act differently. To stay at the forefront of economic development, the industry has to come up with cost reductions and smarter solutions. In two words: embrace innovation. Our license to operate lies in being able to provide answers to climate change and not only mitigate the impact the industry has, but actively contribute to a cleaner world.

In this ‘new world’ the offshore industry - our industry - is reflecting on its core business, our impact on society and the environment. Although the offshore industry is becoming more aware of its footprint, a collaborative effort on improvement is missing. Companies are no longer able to just focus on their own



business. We have to get our head around environmental issues, such as offshore noise production or waste management. Our challenges will be solved when approached globally. But how, as a company working in this challenging environment, can you contribute to a more sustainable industry without outcompeting

yourself and staying ahead of the competition? Solving challenges

Opportunities are there to balance ocean protection with the responsible use and exploitation of ocean space and resources, however these are not quick wins. In difficult times like

these that makes it difficult to solve issues there are not – yet – linked to the core process of companies. Many industry parties however have addressed the wish make a difference and combine business opportunities with a sustainable future for the industry. These partners come together in Our Oceans Challenge (OOC) an online platform based on open innovation. This initiative acknowledges the difficult times that the industry is facing and is bringing all industry partners together. By inviting ‘outsiders’ – the platform is open to everybody -, creative solutions can be developed and ocean experts from the OOC partner network are around to enrich these ideas. Five challenges have been formulated

to create a context for people to share their knowledge. These issues are faced by most if not all players offshore and range from general subjects such as ‘How to reuse existing offshore infrastructure’ to a more specific challenge as ‘How can you minimize noise impact of operations at sea’. Open Innovation for a Sustainable Future

Over 750 participants have shared and contributed a total of over 150 unique, creative solutions that connect the industry with knowledge centers, entrepreneurs and other sustainability initiatives. The recently selected top 20 of most promising ideas, will further be developed and individually coached until June 15th into real, tangible business ready

solutions that will contribute to our sustainability goals. In June the winning ideas are presented together with all partners of the OOC community in the Maritime Museum in Rotterdam. Here, companies and investors will have the opportunity to contribute in-kind or financial aid to these sustainable business solutions. Are you interested in joining an ever growing network of industry partners, knowledge centers and entrepreneurs and willing to contribute to a sustainable offshore industry for near zero marginal costs? Or would you like to attend the Grande Finale the 15th of June? Check out our website: Together, we can make a difference.

Installation stinger and transition frame (STF)

‘Pioneering Spirit’ ready for pipelay projects The pipelay stinger and stinger transition frame (STF) have been installed in the bow slot of ‘Pioneering Spirit’ for the first time as pipeline production trials commence on board. In transit mode, the combination of stinger and STF increase the vessel’s overall length to almost 450 m (1475 ft). Pipelay equipment and systems in the double-joint factory and main firing line will be tested, after which the stinger and STF will be removed and stored on the stinger barge ‘Bumblebee’.





IHC SAS produced three improvements

Firm grip on pipelaying When a customer needed to improve the capacity of its tensioners on one of its pipelaying vessels, it prompted an extensive R&D project at IHC SAS to find a solution. As a result, the company produced not one but three improvements to ensure an optimum grip, less downtime and safer pipelaying operations.

Working with different types of pipe presents various challenges for offshore pipelaying vessels. When using concrete weight coating (CWC), too much clamping force on the pipe can cause longitudinal cracks. Alternatively, with plastic/ polymer coating such as 3LPE/PP, there are issues with low friction – the smoothness of the material makes it harder to grip the pipe, and clamping too hard can cause damage to the coating. To resolve these issues, IHC SAS carried out an extensive research project that led to the development of three improvements to its tensioners: a new pad material, a revised pad design and an improved cross tie design. Each of these elements helps to prevent cracking or friction issues, and when combined, they offer the optimum grip and secure handling for a safe pipelaying operation. Cross tie design

In order to solve the cracking of CWC, IHC SAS designed a cross tie with an



optimised pad angle. By providing a better contact angle with the pipe, the pressure is more evenly distributed, keeping the pipe as round as possible and preventing deformation that can lead to cracks.

not necessarily increase friction and result in a higher holding capacity. R&D Engineer Lars Kristiansen explains: “We needed to come up with new ways to create higher levels of friction.”

The revised cross tie design is flexible to meet a wide range of product diameters, and pads can be exchanged and adjusted quickly and easily without the use of tools, reducing downtime. “Our competitors still require tools for this, so it’s a significant advantage,” says R&D Design Engineer Jasper van Vliet.

“We started to investigate in two different directions,” adds System Engineer Marco Lock. “We needed to optimise the pad design to improve friction characteristics by looking at different shapes of the pad, and we also started assessing pad materials that could give high friction.”

Ideal pad material

To address the issue of low friction pipe coatings, IHC recognised that intensifying the clamping force would

IHC tested a multitude of materials in various conditions: wet, dry, high temperatures, and different contact pressures, for example. “We tested at least 20 to 25 samples of pad

materials against the 3LPE pipe coating using our own test rig, to find the best formulation that would give optimal grip,” says Lars. Eventually, IHC SAS developed a unique pad material, which has almost double the holding capacity for 3LPP/PE&FBE type coatings than pads currently in the market, in both dry and wet states. “This has the highest friction against the challenging pipe coating materials presently used and is exclusively produced by IHC SAS,” confirms Marco. Optimised pad design

While developing the most advantageous pad material, IHC was simultaneously investigating the optimum pad shape to provide



Sample of curved pad.

Curved pads for optimum grip.



New cross-ties.

maximum holding capacity. The newly developed pads can be curved, grooved and on a swivelling base. “In our tests, we reached an increase of friction factor 1.5 with the new pad design,” says Jasper. This is in addition to the increase of friction due to the new pad material. Optimising the design has enabled IHC to provide a variety of solutions to its customers. “By adding different pad types and shapes, we can provide cross ties for general to specialised use. For example, if a customer is bidding for a certain project, we could provide pad shapes dedicated to a small diameter range or dedicated product diameter. Working together with the customer, we can provide the optimum solution,” says Marco. Upgrade possibilities

While the new cross tie design has already been introduced on two recent



Close-up of new cross-tie.

projects, older tensioners delivered up to 2015 can also be upgraded by IHC Services. As a first step, the pad material can be upgraded, or for a specific pipe and to maximise holding capacity, the full dedicated pad solution can be fitted. Both existing and new customers are

therefore set to benefit from this successful R&D project. IHC SAS has also strengthened its position in the market, offering user-friendly components that reduce downtime, improving the overall holding capacity of its tensioners, and ultimately improving the safety of pipelaying operations.

Bakker Repair + Services finished repairs in ten days

Cost-saving generator repair on board offshore platform The F3-FB-1 is an offshore platform from Engie E&P Nederland that is located in the North Sea. The platform, located 210 kilometres from the Dutch shore, produces oil and gas that is transported to Den Helder.

Cost-saving repair of generator on board Engie E&P offshore platform.

A routine inspection of the platform’s generators, performed by Bakker Repair + Services, showed that two generators needed repairing. This was necessary to fixate the V- blocks, a key component of a generator, and to restore the balance of the rotors to meet the required vibration levels. The inspections proved their worth as potential damage was discovered in an early stage, enabling Engie E&P to take action timely. Repair on board

Normally, the required repairs are performed onshore, causing high

costs of transporting the generator between the platform and shore. Bakker Repair + Services proposed a brand new option; repair both generators on board the platform to save costs and time. The HUET certified engineers of Bakker Repair + Services drew up a plan to repair the generators according to all regulations. Ten days

The repairs were finished in just ten days. The final load test showed that both generators operated perfectly and that the vibrations decreased significantly to the required level.

Martin Dronrijp, Maintenance Support Engineer at Engie E&P:� We are very satisfied with the way Bakker Repair + Services handled this project. Their engineers showed real skill and expertise as they created the solution to perform this repair on-site for us.� Cost-saving solution

This repair proves that repairing generators on board an offshore platform is a cost-saving solution to keep rotating equipment in best condition. Compared with traditional offshore repairs, customers can save up to 40% without compromising on quality.



Transformation through collaboration

Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2017 This year’s theme is ‘Transformation through collaboration’ which will focus on the transformation happening both in oil, gas and in renewables as a consequence of a lower for longer price environment. Both the lower price of oil and gas and the lower price per kWh for offshore wind power present challenges for the industry – albeit for very different reasons – and are leading to intensified collaboration. Add to this the industry’s efforts in making the energy transition happen and you have a very topical mix of themes which will feature prominently in the conference program, but can also be experienced on the exhibition floor where exhibitors will offer their own solutions for tomorrow’s energy mix. This year’s conference program features keynotes, Master Classes, the Offshore WIND conference (9 & 10 October), the Marine Energy Event (11 October) and eight Technical Sessions. The Technical sessions, covering subjects ranging from Decommissioning to Asset Integrity and from Global Business Opportunities in E&P to The Rise of Renewables will be offered in breakfast or lunch session format, allowing for ample networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities. Last year’s conference attracted over 1,200 conference delegates and a diverse speaker faculty of over 80 speakers including BP, ENGIE, Heerema Marine Contractors, Subsea7, Ampelmann and DNV GL.



Preparations for the tenth Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) are underway and now is the time to join the largest European event covering the whole offshore energy mix. With oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy all assembling at this event, which creates the ideal place to display your products and services to the world. Based on its track record, OEEC expects to attract over 12,000 offshore professionals representing around 100 nationalities and over 650 key players from the offshore industry exhibiting at the show.

The OEEC provides the platform to meet new prospects and strengthen relationships with other leading industry players. With 65 per cent of stand already sold, this edition is gearing up nicely. OEEC will also be welcoming the following international pavilions: Iran, Italy, Scotland, Norway, the United Kingdom, China and the Netherlands. Community Square – be there

Launched in 2016, Community Square on the Offshore Energy exhibition floor will offer an exciting free to attend program of ON AIR talk-shows and Community Café meetings on industry transformation. Think of climate change, decommissioning and reuse, renewable energy uptake, digitalization – developments that are

reshaping the energy industry as we know it, perhaps even creating an integrated energy industry. A wide range of stakeholders of E&P companies and utilities, supply chain companies, NGOs, academia and government will share and discuss new ideas and solutions on energy transition, the future of the North Sea and new forms of collaboration transforming our industry and our economy. At Community Square you can hear what high level developments of goals, roadmaps and milestones really mean for your business, and for you. Leading the way

For the fifth time OEEC features the dedicated Offshore WIND Conference. The 2017 conference theme is:

Leading the way! This theme was chosen to show the continuing progress of one of the leading forms of renewable power generation: offshore wind. OWC 2017 will focus on the opportunities for the offshore wind sector over the next ten years and beyond. What will upcoming tenders offer the supply chain (short term)? What are the trends and opportunities after 2023? While also tackling subtopics such as cost reduction, innovations, subsidy and cooperation with the oil and gas industries. During the Offshore WIND Conference, more than 15 expert speakers and over 250 industry professionals will discuss short and long term issues in the industry. On both days the plenary sessions will be alternated with networking opportunities. The organization will again work together with Chris Westra, a real pioneer in the field of wind energy, in forming the conference program. Chris has been promoting wind energy since 1972. Last year, Offshore WIND Conference 2016 took place with speakers from, among others, Dong, Siemens, The Carbon Trust and Vattenfall. Conditions for commercial success

And the award goes to‌..

The marine energy industry has a role to play in the EU electricity supply by 2050. This requires advancement in the certification and verification of technologies in order to access commercial funding. The Marine Energy Event 2017, organized in cooperation with the Dutch Energy from Water Association (EWA), offers delegates an insight in the latest developments in marine energy in the field of tidal and wave energy, salinity power and OTEC with a focus on bankable projects. MEE will take place on 11 October and is organized as part of OEEC.

The second edition of the Offshore Energy Opening Gala Dinner and Awards show will take place on October 9, 2017, at a new and beautiful location: the National Maritime Museum (het Scheepvaartmuseum) in Amsterdam. This black-tie event is held the night before OEEC kicks-off. The Offshore Energy Opening Gala Dinner and Awards show brings the industry together to celebrate successes by presenting three industry awards: Offshore Energy Young Engineer Award, Offshore Energy Public Outreach Award, Best Innovation

in Offshore Energy Award and this year another industry award will be added to the list. Despite challenging times in the industry, there are impressive achievements and innovations that require celebration. Nominees gain broad international recognition and significant market visibility through global media coverage. An expert jury will carefully evaluate all submissions and determine three final nominees per award.

Visit our website:



To support oil, gas and renewable operations

Vryhof launches engineering unit Vryhof, a trusted partner to many of the offshore industry’s leading players, and its business unit Deep Sea Mooring (DSM), a leading provider of offshore mooring services, have launched a new engineering unit to support the company’s offshore oil & gas, renewables and aquaculture operations across the globe.

Analysis model for time domain simulations where a flotel on DP is connected to a Moored production unit.

The new unit, which is just one element of Vryhof that also includes anchoring technology specialists Vryhof Anchors and Moorlink, a provider of mobile and permanent mooring solutions, will be home to some of the industry’s leading engineers with previous experience as oil & gas operators, rig owners and vessel designers. The unit will provide expertise in hydrodynamic and vessel motion analysis; advanced mooring analysis (including for offshore wind turbines and offshore fish farms); dynamic positioning (DP) analysis; flexible and rigid riser analysis; complex marine operations (including offshore crane operations and subsea operations); and probabilistic and deterministic stability analysis for all ship types and floating structures. A main element of the new unit’s activities and a key differentiator in the marketplace will be one of the industry’s largest servers with parallel



processing capabilities. This will enable Vryhof and DSM to carry out 120 simultaneous engineering simulations, thereby shortening computational times, reducing assumptions and simplifications, and delivering highly accurate and less conservative engineering analysis for customers. Wolfgang Wandl, Vryhof CEO, continued: “When is it safe to drill? What are my optimal mooring line arrangements? How does my vessel react to different seastates? How can I ensure safe connections between accommodation platforms and the main rig? What issues should I be aware of when installing my flexible riser? Our engineering team can provide answers to these questions and more...” He continues: “At a time when engineering innovation is so important to operators as a means of increasing efficiencies and managing costs, access to many of the foremost technical and engineering minds in

the mooring industry is a definite value-add for our customers. The result will be viable engineering solutions and highly accurate information and analysis for real-life challenges.” One recent engineering project and a key area of innovation at Vryhof and DSM is availability and forecast response analysis to facilitate the link-up of floating offshore accommodation platforms (known as ‘flotels’) to their main rigs. In one North Sea application, availability analysis provided by DSM saw the input of hindcast data - over 50 years of historical weather data - in order to estimate the expected availability of the flotel at a specific location. Working with Storm Geo, a global provider of decision support for weather sensitive operations, DSM combined state-of-the art hydrodynamic software and weather forecasts to forecast gangway motion, maximize availability, reduce risk, and optimize operations.

Allseas will use three vessels

Nord Stream 2 awards pipelay contract Following an international tender process, Nord Stream 2 AG have awarded a contract for offshore pipelay of the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea to Allseas.

The company will undertake offshore pipelay works for both lines in 2018 and 2019. Allseas will use three pipelaying vessels: ‘Pioneering Spirit’, ‘Solitaire’ and ‘Audacia’. The utilisation of the dynamicallypositioned pipelay vessels, which are able to carry out precise manoeuvring without anchors, should ensure additional environmental protection and safety in the congested Baltic Sea. Allseas’ ‘Solitaire’ previously laid parts of the Nord Stream pipeline in the Gulf of Finland. The contract to be signed within the next days follows the letter of intent agreed between both parties last

December. Other tenders including the near-shore pipelay tenders in Russia and Germany are ongoing. Henning Kothe, Chief Project Officer of Nord Stream 2 AG said: “This is another key milestone for Nord Stream 2. I am pleased that we have secured the necessary pipelay capacity for the project in the highly specialised offshore pipelay market. Following the award decisions in 2016 for pipe supply and for coating & logistics, we now have the major contracts in place to complete the project on schedule.” The Nord Stream 2 project is proceeding as planned, including

engineering, procurement, surveys, environmental impact assessments and permitting. Pipe production at three pipemills is ongoing, with a total of 480 km of pipes to be produced by the end of Q1 2017. Some 45,000 km of seabed have been covered by various survey vessels along the route corridor to ensure the safe installation and operation of the pipeline, with minimum environmental impacts. Altogether around 200 companies from 20 countries are involved in implementation of the Nord Stream 2 project for Europe’s long-term security of supply.

Allseas’ ‘Solitaire’ previously laid parts of the Nord Stream pipeline in the Gulf of Finland.



Breman Machinery delivers third gripper frame to Van Oord

Time constraints and heavy weights formed the greatest challenges

The moment finally arrived at the start of April this year. In the port of IJmuiden, maritime contractor Van Oord officially took delivery of its third Monopile Gripper Frame fabricated by Breman Machinery, based in Genemuiden. The frame, which including a separately fabricated hammer platform, measures 23 x 12 x 14 metres, and weighs in at a total of 900 tonnes, will be used for the offshore installation of wind turbine foundations.



Just like its two predecessors, this version of the gripper was designed by the Rotterdam engineering firm Temporary Works Design (TWD). Gijsbert Kamp, Project Manager at Breman, explained. “The first two grippers fabricated by Breman on

behalf of Van Oord were both identical, albeit that they were built as a mirror image of one another. The most important difference between the first two grippers and this third model is that the new version is capable of handling far larger monopiles, up to a maximum diameter of 11 metres. Despite this increased capability, the external dimensions of the new gripper are no larger than the previous pair. This new version is in fact slightly smaller, but far heavier, weighing 640 tonnes. This extra weight is due to the fact that the materials used on this occasion, including the type of steel and the cylinder, are also heavier.” Challenge

The purpose of a Monopile Gripper Frame is to keep the foundation piles in the correct position and at the required inclination, while they are driven into the seabed. What makes this third gripper supplied to Van Oord unique is the fact that it consists of

two components: a hammer and the gripper itself. The gripper uses guide rollers to hold the foundation pile in the required position during pile driving. A special hammer platform has been built to store the hammer, which will eventually be installed in its definitive position on top of the gripper. This then is a gripper with its own storage capacity. To reduce the noise created during pile driving, the frame is also equipped with a noise attenuation box, which is wrapped around the foundation pile, during the driving process. “Time constraints and the heavy weights involved were our greatest challenge in this project,” explained Kamp. “However,” he added, “our long-term relationship with Van Oord meant that we were able to contribute ideas during the design process for the gripper to ensure the technical feasibility of the various elements, during production. Our involvement in the lead-up certainly made a

contribution to ensuring that production was completed within the tight schedule available. Breman was awarded the order at the start of September last year and actual fabrication was started in early October. Because of the heavy weights involved, much of the work on this project had to be carried out assembled. In other words, fabrication, machining, assembly and welding took part in several stages. The challenge of any such process is to keep the components correctly aligned and within the tolerances, during the welding process. Once welding is completed, there is no further possibility for (re)machining. In that sense, Breman’s greatest advantage is that we are able to carry out fabrication, welding and conservation all under one roof, in Genemuiden. For assembly and testing, we also have access to a modern facility in IJmuiden, with its own dockside, with mooring space for barges and seagoing vessels. In the case of this gripper project, everything was fabricated in Genemuiden and assembled and tested in IJmuiden, with the exception of the 260-tonne hammer platform. Because that particular component required relatively little assembly, and the testing was limited to just a single cylinder, it was fully fabricated in Genemuiden.” Transport

The big day came on Tuesday 3 April. Early in the morning, the hammer platform was rolled out in Genemuiden by Wagenborg and placed on a barge. The barge was then towed to IJmuiden, where the gripper unit was also placed on board. Later that week, the complete assembly departed from IJmuiden in the direction of Flushing, where the gripper frame was mounted on board the jack-up installation vessel ‘Svanen’.



Offshore Technology Conference 2017

Dutch Pavilion during OTC 2017 Netherlands Pavilion OTC 2017

Biglift Vryhof

Van Aalst Group


IMT Tideland

1331 Navingo Breman



OSD Tideway Barge Master


Seaway Heavy Bayards Lifting Kenz Figee







Pipelife Soluforce







Damen IHC

Van Oord

1525 Seatools

SPT Heerema



Interdam JBSystems Allseas Mammoet


Company Booth Number Airborne Oil & Gas B.V. 1525 Allseas Group S.A. 1715 Ampelmann Operations B.V. 1615 Bakker Sliedrecht Electro Industrie B.V. 1629 Barge Master 1425 Bayards Aluminium Constructies B.V. 1629 BigLift Shipping B.V. 1525 Bolidt Synthetic Products & Systems 1629 Breman Machinery B.V. 1425 Damen Shipyards Group 1723 EMCE Winches 1525 Hatenboer-Water B.V. 1629 Heerema Group Services S.A. 1415 Huisman 1425 InterDam B.V. 1615 IRO Lounge (*) 1629 JB Systems B.V. 1615 Jumbo Offshore 1723 Kenz (part of Kenz Figee Group) 1629 Keppel Verolme B.V. 1723 Mammoet 1615 Marin 1525 OFFCO 1629 Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 1425 Offshore Ship Designers 1425 38




Company Booth Number Red Box Energy Services 1629 Resato International B.V. 1629 Royal IHC 1723 Seatools B.V. 1615 Seaway Heavy Lifting 1629 Siri Marine 1525 Pipelife Nederland B.V. (Soluforce) 1629 SPT Offshore 1615 Temporary Works Design 1629 Tideland Signal / IMT B.V. 1525 Tideway BV 1525 Van Aalst Group B.V. 1525 Van Oord Offshore B.V. 1723 Vryhof 1331 (*) Participants in IRO lounge (booth number 1629) Aegex Technologies Heating Group International B.V. NV Port of Den Helder Techno Fysica B.V. Teijin Aramid TrustLube B.V. Van Heck WestHolland Foreign Investment Agency Yellow & Finch Publishers

Aegex Technologies Unit A4.002 Stationsplein 45 3013 AK Rotterdam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 808 1090 mail

Aegex Technologies, a U.S.-based company with European headquarters in the Netherlands, designs and manufactures globally certified, intrinsically safe Windows 10 tablets and IoT sensors on a single platform that provides real-time data and communications for oil & gas enterprises worldwide.

Stand 1629 Real-time connectivity made possible by Aegex helps transform oil & gas projects into smart manufacturing or Industrie 4.0 operations that improve efficiency, safety and productivity. Airborne Oil & Gas, manufacturer of fully bonded, TCP for the most demanding offshore and subsea applications. TCP is a fully bonded solid wall pipe with glass or carbon fibre reinforcements, completely embedded within the thermoplastic material. Airborne Oil & Gas B.V. Monnickendamkade 1 1976 EC IJmuiden The Netherlands phone +31 (0)25 5763500 mail

Stand 1525 The result is a strong and robust spoolable pipe, manufactured in continuous lengths, completely impervious to corrosion and with unsurpassed toughness, impact resistance and residual strength.

The pipe’s inner liner, composite laminate and external coating are all melt-fused, ensuring a bond between the layers, strong as the base materials.

Allseas Group S.A. Route de Pra de Plan 18 Case Postale 411 1618 Châtel-Saint-Denis Switzerland phone +41 21 948 3500 mail

Allseas is a world leader in offshore pipeline installation, heavy lift and subsea construction. We provide support to clients in the conceptual design stage, and offer services for project management, engineering, fabrication, installation and commissioning. We have executed over 275 projects and installed more than 20,000 km of pipeline.

Stand 1715 Our heavy lift and pipelay vessel ‘Pioneering Spirit’ removes and installs oil and gas platform topsides up to 48,000 t and jackets up to 25,000 t in a single lift. In August 2016 the vessel removed the 13,500 t Yme platform, setting a new record for an offshore lift. Ampelmann is the Global Leader in Walk to Work solutions by operating motion compensated offshore access systems and services all over the world.

Ampelmann Operations B.V. Oostsingel 209 2612 HL Delft The Netherlands phone +31 (0)20 2400 121 mail

Stand 1615 More than 3 million people have already walked to work safely on more than 200 projects worldwide.

The unique Ampelmann systems enable safe, efficient and reliable transfers of personnel and cargo from vessels to offshore oil & gas platforms, turbines, FPSOs and all other fixed and floating structures at sea. Ampelmann has offices in Delft, Singapore, Qatar, Brazil, Aberdeen, Brunei and Houston.


39 Bakker Sliedrecht designs, assembles, installs and maintains complex electrical installations. In the marine sector we focus on offshore, dredging, oil & gas and wind applications. Bakker Sliedrecht Electro Industrie B.V. P.O. Box 25 3360 AA Sliedrecht The Netherlands phone +31 (0)18 443 6666 mail

Bakker Sliedrecht is your partner for electrical solutions throughout the entire life of your assets. From the new build stage, through operations, and extending the lifetime, we offer tailor made consulting, engineering, installation and maintenance services.

Barge Master Rotterdam Science Tower Marconistraat 16 3029 AK Rotterdam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 409 0060 mail

Barge Master is a leading company in the field of motion compensation systems for the offshore industry. Its systems increase the safety and workability of offshore lifting, construction and crew transfer operations by eliminating vessel motions. This enables to work with floating vessels in larger wave heights, solving the offshore industry’s biggest problem: waiting on weather. Project lead times are reduced and planning becomes more reliable, this reduces project costs by a factor 200-300%. Bayards has been designing, engineering, manufacturing and installing complex aluminium struc-tures for over 50 years.

Bayards Aluminium Constructies B.V. Veerweg 2, P.O. Box 9 2957 CP Nieuw-Lekkerland The Netherlands phone +31 (0)184 683 000 mail

With our accumulated experience and extensive knowledge of the material, we have contributed to prestigious Offshore projects worldwide for clients like BP, Statoil, Shell and ExxonMobil. BigLift Shipping, member of Spliethoff Group, is one of the world’s leading heavy lift shipping companies, specialised in worldwide ocean transportation of heavy lift and project cargoes, with a history dating back to 1973. A great variety of heavy and over-sized cargoes is carried worldwide by a modern fleet of 15 specialised heavy lift vessels. In 2018 we expect to welcome our third Happy S-Type vessel; “Happy Sun” in our fleet.

BigLift Shipping B.V. Radarweg 36 1042 AA Amsterdam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)20 448 8300 mail



Stand 1629 We develop suitable and reliable solutions in line with your requirements, f.e. replacing obsolete systems and reducing your total cost of ownership by modifying your electrical installation. We support your projects 24/7 around the world. We take care of it.

Stand 1425 Barge Master develops, supplies and operates motion compensated cranes, platforms, gangways and custom built solutions, which are deployed worldwide in all offshore fields.

Stand 1629 Amongst these Offshore structures are helidecks, living quarter structures, stair towers, wind and heat shields, safety gates, flex-barriers, swing load protection barriers, antenna towers and telescopic gangways. We are always pioneering the development of aluminium and provide innova-tive solutions that meet the highest quality standards (ISO9001), international safety (OHSAS18001) regulations and environmental (ISO14001) requirements.

Stand 1525 All our vessels are equipped with their own gear with lifting capacities up to 1,800 mt and some have a ro-ro capability for loads as high as 2,500 mt.

Bolidt Synthetic Products & Systems P.O. Box 131 3340 AC H.I. Ambacht The Netherlands phone +31 (0)78 684 54 44 mail

For more than 50 years already, Bolidt is a highly experienced, reliable partner of the shipbuilding industry in widely divergent areas. Delivering thousands of square meters of on board flooring and deck covering systems while focusing on constant innovation, Bolidt knows best how to make the future available today.

Stand 1629 Bolidt aims at development, production and application followed by worldwide distribution. The versatile range of flooring systems meets all sorts of requirements. From seamless, anti-skid, temperature resistant, hygienic floor finishes to lightweight, fire-insulating, water impermeable and shock-absorbing deck covering systems. Many of Bolidt’s shipbuilding activities concern offshore projects.

Breman Machinery B.V. Sasdijk 20 8281 BM Genemuiden The Netherlands phone +31 (0)38 385 53 73 mail

Breman Machinery makes components for builders of machinery, engineering bureaus and industrial end users, such as; offshore companies, the military, aerospace companies and other industrial firms. From simple structures to complex mechanical components. Work-pieces of high precision, often with extreme dimensions and weights. Work-pieces that weigh tens or even hundreds of tonnes and are made to a precision of a hundredth of a millimeter. They have the people, machines and facilities under their own roof.

Stand 1425 All machining and non-machining processing of (heavy) materials • welding and structures • assembly and fitting • corrosion protection ISO9001, ISO3834, NEN-EN 1090-1 and VCA**-certified. Extreme precision! Breman Machinery Plaatwalserij Purmerend Breman Offshore

Damen Shipyards Group Jan van Hogerwou 31 (0)2 819 74 10 45 mail Damen Shiprepair & Conversion Ruud Haneveer 31 (0)2 81 795 28 08 mail

Damen Shipyards Group offers a comprehensive range of vessels for the offshore industries – both renewable and non-renewable. Modern designs and a high degree of standardisation result in reliable vessels with a low Total Cost of Ownership. Damen Offshore serves a wide customer base, including support, construction, geotechnical and survey companies and coast guards.

Stand 1723 All our designs are based on thorough research and client feedback. We work closely together with universities and scientific research institutions to remain at the cutting edge of developments. Emcé every Winch a Winner

EMCE Winches ‘s Gravendamseweg 53 2215 TC Voorhout The Netherlands phone +31 (0)252 214080 mail

Founded on over 75 years of manufacturing excellence, Emcé has grown to become one of the world’s most respected producers of high quality, high performance winches, capstans and hoisting equipment.

Stand 1525 Although we continue to design a wide variety of products for the fishing, shipbuilding and civil engineering industries, our output has expanded to include bespoke solution for the offshore oil and gas industry. Emcé Winches are now found on vessels installations and drilling rigs the world over.


41 Hatenboer-Water knows all about water. Due to many years of experience and our innovative know-how, we are versatile partners in the field of water technology. Our versatility enables us to provide made-to-measure solutions for different applications. Hatenboer-Water B.V. Mercuriusweg 8 3113 AR Schiedam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 409 12 00 mail Heating Group International b.v. is a leading Dutch supplier of industrial electric (process) heating systems. Our key segments are Oil & Gas, Industrial, Ship Building and Commercial Building. Heating Group International designs bespoke heating solutions. This goes further than the mere realization of the desired temperature within all constraints.

Heating Group International B.V. Bijsterhuizen 5118 6604 LX Wijchen The Netherlands phone +31 (0)24 34 34 222 mail The Heerema Group designs, constructs, transports, installs and removes offshore facilities for the global oil & gas industry and consists of 2 divisions: Heerema Fabrication Group (HFG) specializes in engineering and fabrication of large, complex structures for the offshore oil, gas and energyrelated industries. HFG offers a comprehensive range of services, including initial conception, front-end engineering, detailed fabrication design, procurement, construction and commissioning.

Heerema Group Services S.A. Vondellaan 47 2332 AA Leiden The Netherlands phone +31 (0)71 535 1730 mail Huisman, founded in 1929, is a worldwide operating company with extensive experience in the design and manufacturing of heavy construction equipment. Our product range can be subdivided into six main categories: Cranes, Pipelay Equipment, Drilling Equipment, Winches, Vessel Designs and Special Projects. Products vary from stand-alone components to highly engineered integrated systems, from concept to installation and life time support.

Huisman Admiraal Trompstraat 2 3115 HH Schiedam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)88 070 22 22 mail



Stand 1629 From the supply of simple, standard products such as a pump or filter, carrying out risk analyses or sampling, right through to the supply of completely inte-grated custom-made systems. Fully commissioned, if required. With our workforce of over 100 professionals in Schiedam and Singapore, we continually work on innovative solutions for your water issues - with you as a satisfied customer as our major objective.

Stand 1629 In order to really be able to optimize your processes, we think in integrated solutions; heaters and the control of those. That is unique. We do the design, but we also manufacture and we build the control panels. We supply and build heaters, but we also integrate these into your installation.

Stand 1415 Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) excels at transporting, installing and removing offshore facilities. These include fixed and floating structures, subsea pipelines and infrastructures in shallow waters and (ultra-)deep waters. HMC is proud of its excellence in project management and engineering, its passionate workforce and its heavy lift and deepwater construction vessels.

Stand 1425 As we have extensive operational experience with a wide variety of heavy construction equipment, we are able to use the best solutions for new products and projects.

InterDam B.V. Benedenrijweg 186 2987 VB Ridderkerk The Netherlands phone +31 (0)180 470030 mail

InterDam protects people and equipment in hazardous environments by providing standard and customized architectural items for passive fire and blast protection like doors, wall/ cladding systems and windows. Light-weight and durable heavy duty solutions for newbuilds and refurbishments in the on- and offshore oil, gas and wind industry.

Stand 1615 All heavy duty products are available in fire ratings from A0 to H120 including Jetfire ratings and blast resistance up to 2.5 bar. The brand-new innovation is G21 Blast Panel, blast resistant sandwich panels which are light-weight, easy-to-install and even fire-post-blast tested. IRO - The association of dutch suppliers in the oil and gas industry and offshore renewable industry

IRO Boompjes 40 3011 XB Rotterdam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)793 411 981 mail

Established nearly half a century ago, the association IRO is an independent non-profit organisation that supports and promotes the interests of its nearly 450 member companies.

Stand 1629 The IRO members consist of a wide variety of both multinationals and SMEs. They represent the entire supply chain within the Oil, Gas and Offshore Renewable industry, with activities covering: Engineering & Consultancy, Construction & Fabrication, Plant & Equipment Supply, Contracting & Installation, Exploration & Production and Personnel & HSE, both for offshore upstream oil & gas and offshore renewables.

JB Systems B.V. Westlandseweg 190 3131 HX Vlaardingen The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 460 8060 mail

JB Systems supplies industrial automation solutions around the world to clients in machine building, offshore and process industries. With more than twenty years of experience and a permanent core of 70 experienced engineers, our partners profit from an enormous amount of knowledge and experience.

Stand 1615 Within the offshore industry we are the specialists for the electrical controls of offshore equipment. Offshore installation contracting

Jumbo Offshore Havenstraat 23 3115 HC Schiedam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 7900 300 mail

Jumbo Offshore is a privately owned company with five decades of maritime industry experience. We own a state-of-the-art and versatile fleet of specialized offshore transportation and installation vessels which we operate worldwide in the Oil & Gas and Renewable Industry. With our track record and technical expertise, we have built a solid reputation as a reliable and efficient provider of cost effective transport and installation solutions.

Stand 1723 Offshore Heavy Lifting: In relative shallow water environments, we are experts in the installation of fixed facilities such as piled foundations, templates, conductors, jackets and topsides. This also includes wind turbine foundations. Subsea Lifting Operations: In more challenging deep water and ultra deep water, we excel in Subsea Lifting of large and complex structures and foundations. This also includes the provision of complete FPSO Mooring System installations.


43 With over 300 offshore cranes and hoisting systems installed on various types of offshore installations, Kenz Cranes can be considered one of the leading suppliers in the industry.

Kenz (part of Kenz Figee Group) PO Box 235 1500 EE Zaandam, The Netherlands phone +31 (0)75 6810420 mail

Globally, our offshore equipment like ram luffing-, lattice boom-, knuckle boom cranes and walk to work gangways operate in some of the harshest environments. Keppel Verolme operates a comprehensive yard in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which is in close proximity to the gas and oil fields of the Netherlands, UK, and Norway, and has direct access to the North Sea. Capabilities • Dry-docking, repair and maintenance, modification, conversion and construction of various vessel types and offshore units • Serve the decommissioning market in dismantling and recycling any offshore structure

Keppel Verolme B.V. Prof. Gerbrandyweg 25 3197 KK Rotterdam-Botlek The Netherlands phone +31 (0)181 234300 mail At Mammoet, we provide solutions for lifting, transporting, installing and decommissioning large and heavy structures.

Mammoet 20525 FM 521 Rosharon, Texas 77583 USA phone +1 281 369 2200 mail

Our sophisticated and powerful equipment means nothing without a plan. Our business isn’t about size. It’s about: time.


Stand 1723 • Support European offshore wind energy sector with value-added services and solutions Key Equipment & Facilities • Three graving drydocks with the largest drydock measuring 405 m x 90 m, with water depth of 11.6 m • 2,000 m of quay side with a water depth of up to 12 m

Stand 1615 daily effort shared by everyone at Mammoet. That’s how we move time for our customers. So time isn’t set in concrete. Or forged in steel. It’s not even all that heavy. And yet, it’s the biggest thing we can move for you. Discover more on

MARIN As an independent research facility, MARIN conducts research for the maritime and offshore industries and for governments. We help to find innovative solutions from design through to operation and so serve to bridge the gap between academic research and market demand.


In order to maintain the large number of offshore cranes delivered by Kenz Cranes over the years, a specialized services division is serving clients all over the globe. Kenz Crane Services can offer extensive maintenance, refurbishment and modification services that ensure a longer lifetime.

Uptime. Turnaround time. Time to market. To our customers, time is the currency that matters most. That’s why we strive to bring their deadlines forward. It’s an integrated,

Marin P.O. Box 28 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands phone +31 (0)317 493 911 mail

Stand 1629

Stand 1525

Our aim: to develop cleaner, safer and smarter ships and maritime constructions. In this we work together with an extensive innovation and research network of customers and partners, using the latest calculation and test facilities, full-scale measurement and simulators. OFFCO works as an agent that help European companies sell high-end equipment or technology to the Chinese market, while providing commissioning and after-sale service to the equipment or technology sold. Focus on the Oil & Gas market and Renewable Industry.

Stand 1629 OFFCO also helps European companies and Chinese ones form mutually-beneficial partnership to expand their market share worldwide. With Chinese partners and offices in China and Holland many contracts have been signed and executed.

OFFCO De Aaldor 6b 4191 PC Geldermalsen The Netherlands phone +31 (0)61 299 0651 mail

Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference Amsterdam RAI, the Netherlands Europaplein 22, 1078 GZ Amsterdam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 209 2600 mail

Offshore Ship Designers Sluisplein 42 1975 AG IJmuiden The Netherlands phone +31 (0)255 54 50 70 mail

Stand 1425

Offshore Energy attracts a global audience of more than 12,000 offshore energy industry professionals. The three-day event, features an exhibition where over 650 companies will showcase their products and services. The accompanying conference addresses current and future issues in the offshore industry, covering developments in oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy.

This year will mark the tenth edition of Offshore Energy. We are very proud to reach this milestone and will celebrate this before and during Offshore Energy.

Stand 1425

Offshore Ship Designers is an integrated design company with solid engineering capacity.

OSD’s best known offshore brand is the IMT900 series.

OSD has the skills, capacity and ideas to tackle innovative projects and, most importantly, it can bring true independence to the table. OSD’s strategy is to build on its reputation and expertise with good, solid, practical and cost-effective OSV’s, Cable Layers, ERRV’s etc. Ship conversion and upgrade projects are also keeping OSD busy.

Offshore Ship Designers consists of design teams in the head office in IJmuiden, the Netherlands and in the UK and Singapore.

Exhibition: 10 & 11 October Conference: 9, 10 & 11 October For more information visit our website Port of Den Helder and the North Sea Energy Gateway region is the centre of the Southern North Sea. Our unique ecosystem of seaport, heliport, maritime knowledge centres and companies provides a powerful gateway.

NV Port of Den Helder P.O. Box 4058 1780 HB Den Helder The Netherlands phone +31 (0)22 361 8481 mail

Stand 1629 With Amsterdam Airport located around the corner we are easily accessible from all over the world. It is on these grounds that we are a strategic hub for all maintenance and operations related services within the Southern North Sea.

Due to its direct entry to the North Sea, Den Helder has been the Dutch naval base since early 18th century.


45 SoluForce® is the originator and technological leader in the research, development, manufacture, supply and installation of Flexible Composite Pipes. The SoluForce® pipe system is completely non-metallic and are completely corrosion resistant. Pipelife Nederland B.V. Flevolann 7 1601 MA Enkhuizen The Netherlands phone +31 (0)228 355 555 mail

Stand 1629 When it comes to making marginal offshore oil and gas fields economically viable, SoluForce pipeline solutions offer a number of advantages over steel and other flexible options. Light, strong, durable and reliable – and with shorter lead times – easy to install. Come find out more, Have you got flexible thinking…? RED BOX ENERGY SERVICES provides transportation solutions for energy infrastructure projects of leading Energy & EPC Companies with our modern fleet of heavy transport vessels.

Stand 1629 Our fleet consists of two 50,000 deadweight semi-submersible marine heavy transport vessels named RED ZED I and RED ZED II and 2 Polar Class (PC-3) Heavy Transport Module Carriers named AUDAX and PUGNAX.

Red Box Energy Services Hofpoort Building, Hofplein 20, 14th Floor 3032 AC Rotterdam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 268 0200 mail Resato is a Dutch provider of smart high pressure solutions with the aim to increase the productivity of its worldwide customers. They develop and manufacture components and systems for testing, injection, and controlling up to 14,000 bars with the mission to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers.

Resato International B.V. Duitslandlaan 1 9400 AZ Assen The Netherlands phone +31 (0)505 016 877 mail Royal IHC: innovative solutions for maritime service providers Royal IHC enables its customers to execute complex projects from sea level to ocean floor in the most challenging of maritime environments. We are a reliable supplier of innovative and efficient equipment, vessels and services for the offshore, dredging and wet mining markets.

Royal IHC Smitweg 6 2961 AW Kinderdijk The Netherlands phone +31 (0)880 15 25 35 mail


Stand 1629 With 25 years of experience in the industry, Resato has the knowledge to provide reliable and safe solutions for our oil & gas customers. Meet us at the OTC on the Dutch Pavilion at Booth #1629-8

Stand 1723 With a history steeped in Dutch shipbuilding since the mid-17th Century, we have in-depth knowledge and expertise of engineering and manufacturing high-performance integrated vessels and equipment, and providing sustainable services. With our commitment to technological innovation we strive to continuously meet the specific needs of each customer in a rapidly evolving world. Royal IHC. The technology innovator.


Seatools B.V. P.O. Box 7433 3280 AE Numansdorp The Netherlands phone +31 (0)186 680 000 mail

Seatools B.V. provides complete solutions for almost any underwater challenge. Seatools’ success is proven by its extensive track record, supplying high-quality tailor-made underwater equipment to clients worldwide in the offshore industry, dredging and civil construction.

Stand 1615 to complex problems in-house, including the mechanical, hydraulic, electrical/electronic and software design and implementation. With all the required skills in-house to design and build complete systems, Seatools’ compact organization guarantees a rapid response and a solution that matches the clients requirements.

The success of Seatools is due to the ‘all in one company’ concept. Seatools’ staffing is such that it can provide a complete solution

Stand 1629

Seaway Heavy Lifting

Seaway Heavy Lifting Albert Einsteinlaan 50 2719 ER Zoetermeer The Netherlands phone +31 (0)79 363 7700 mail

Seaway Heavy Lifting, founded in 1991, is a leading offshore contractor in the global Oil & Gas and Renewables industry, offering tailored T&I and EPCI solutions. By utilizing our highly skilled and motivated workforce, quality assets and continuous focus on new technologies we provide our clients with safe, effective and added value solutions.

We own and operate crane vessels Stanislav Yudin and Oleg Strashnov (revolving lift capacity of 2,500mt and 5,000mt respectively). We have installed > 250 Oil & Gas platforms and substations and > 600 WTG foundations. Siri Marine, based in the Netherlands, is one of the leading providers of motion/condition monitoring services and equipment. We use both our own in house developed and produced MRU’s, data loggers and software, as well as third party equipment. Siri Marine Stationsweg 1 9901 CP Appingedam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)596 620 997 mail

Stand 1525 Other area’s of expertise include salvage, weather dependant lashing and general monitoring of and consultancy on ship motions and their causes.

Within the Oil&Gas industry we specialize in long term condition monitoring on rigs and platforms, remote monitoring of abandoned rigs and platforms, as well as tow monitoring.

Courtesy of DONG Energy.

SPT Offshore Pelmolenlaan 1A 3447 GW Woerden The Netherlands phone +31 (0)88 2202121 mail

SPT Offshore is the world leading offshore (EPCI) contractor and design consultant specialised in suction pile foundations and Self Installing Platforms (SIP). SIPs are independent of heavy lift crane barges and offer scheduling flexibility for the development of oil and gas fields and offshore wind farms.

Stand 1615 SPT Offshore also provides design, manufacture and installation of suction piles, Suction Pile Clusters (SPC) and Suction Embedded Anchors (SEA) for the mooring of floating units, subsea structures and pipelines. Contact: Mark Riemers, Managing Director


47 Techno Monitoring, specializes in custom design of state-of-the-art load sensors, monitoring systems and software by combining its long-standing experience and advanced engineering technologies. Solution provider for: • Control and Logging systems for forces, torque/thrust, inclination/ displacement, vibration. • Client specific: static/ dynamic response, telemetry, load links, deep-sea load sensors. • Structural stress measurement and strain gauge applications. • Troubleshooting and system failure analysis. • Reconditioning of load

Techno Fysica B.V. Aalborg 5 2993 LP Barendrecht The Netherlands phone +31 (0)180 620 211 mail Teijin Aramid

Teijin Aramid Head Office P.O. Box 5153 6802 ED Arnhem The Netherlands phone +31 (0)88 268 88 88 mail

We are the global leader in aramid technology. Our technology – which includes our aramid materials Twaron, Sulfron, Teijinconex, and Technora – is used by manufacturers worldwide for its high-performance properties, and to improve the strength, durability and weight of their products.

Temporary Works Design Rotterdam Science Tower Marconistraat 16 3029 AK Rotterdam The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 294 03 74 mail

Temporary Works Design is specialized in creating custom-designed tools and structures that allow you to perform your transport and installation projects safely and on time. In the past 10 years, we have created smart and functional solutions, no matter how complex the challenge was. Tideland-IMT is a world leader in Helideck lighting systems and Navigational Aids for the offshore industry. Our systems can be customized to suit local requirements, are in full compliance with international regulations and follow best practice industry standards. Tideland Signal / IMT B.V. Pascalweg 10a 4104 BG Culemborg The Netherlands phone +31 (0)88 12 69 100 mail



Stand 1629 cells (repair, proofloading, calibration/certification, all makes). • Product development and mechanical engineering (FEM calculations). • Software development (condition, overload protection, weighing) • Global 24/7 services for permanent/ temporary systems for control & process value data recording under rotating, marine, dredging and offshore usage conditions. Monitoring Department: Ronald Jansen tel. +31 (0)6 53712379

Stand 1629 Because of its versatility, our aramid technology is used in a wide range of application areas, including oil & gas, marine, automotive, ballistic protection, civil engineering, protective clothing and optical fiber cables. Research & Development is at the heart of what we do, and we are always looking for innovative solutions that address market demands.

Stand 1629 Our goal is to reinforce your project team’s capabilities and complement them where required, so we can together achieve a successful project execution. TWD’s designs reflect the high demands of the Offshore Oil & Gas industry: assuring safety and quality according to standards & certifications.

Stand 1525 Through robust design, the use of the most durable materials and smart redundancies IMT-Tideland signalization lighting systems save money on maintenance and system testing while at the same time improving operational safety. Tideland-IMT offices in all major oil & gas hubs, including Houston, Dubai and Singapore offer local expertise and after sales service. Tideway is all about successful offshore energy projects, be it oil, gas, wind, wave, or tidal. We know the business from inside out. We offer marine engineering, we solve challenges, invent innovative solutions and get the job done. Tideway B.V. Minervum 7442 4817 ZG Breda The Netherlands phone +31 (0)76 520 4140 mail

Our specialized activities include: • Rock placement • Landfall construction • Dredging shore approaches, trenching and backfilling • Offshore platform ballasting by rock placement • Preparing, connecting, protecting and stabilising pipelines • Power cable installation including pipe-pulls

Stand 1525 • Commissioning & decommissioning • Deepsea harvesting • Subsea installation • Seabed improvement and ballasting services Tideway provides total offshore solutions for the renewables market, the interconnector as well as the oil & gas markets. Specifically in the field of offshore windfarms our engineering services have become the cutting edge of operations. We engineer, we install, we protect. Uptime Starts here TrustLube designs, manufactures, assembles and installs automatic lubrication systems and monitoring systems for the maritime, dredging, offshore and oil & gas industry. TrustLube B.V. Neon 7 4751 XA Oud Gastel The Netherlands phone +31 (0)88 87 87 700 mail

Stand 1629 lubricant savings. Our sustainable TrustLube systems continually prove themselves in the most extreme conditions. TrustLube can save on your lubricant consumption, extend the lifetime of your equipment and increase your uptime.

Our skill lies in choosing the exact dosage required for the installation to achieve a sound performance. The method of TrustLube takes care of the continuity of the industrial process and enables installations to achieve significant

Van Aalst Group B.V. Baanhoekweg 16 3313 LA Dordrecht The Netherlands phone +31 (0)78 622 1304 mail

Stand 1525

Van Aalst Group is specialized in specific fields of cargo handling to transport and distribute dry bulk and liquids to and from platforms and in motion compensated gangway bridges, which has a higher workability allowing transfers in larger weather windows, increased safety and thus an improved overall efficiency in executing W2W operations.

Van Heck P.O. Box 14 8390 AA Noordwolde The Netherlands phone +31 (0)561 431739 mail

Van Heck is an internationally operating company with 50 years’ experience in the field of water control and management. Van Heck’s speciality is often called upon to manage floods. Van Heck’s expertise includes providing tailor-made solutions for dredging, civil and industrial projects, government and water boards. Van Heck is also active in the offshore industry with ballast services for load-out and float-over operations.

Stand 1629 Van Heck’s newest innovation is the Sea Trophy. The first complete mobile pump system that enables the controlled, contained, fast oil recovery after incorrect or off-spec fuelling and in the event of grounding or calamity at sea.



Van Oord Offshore B.V. P.O. Box 458 4200 AL Gorinchem The Netherlands phone +31 (0)88 826 0000 mail

Van Oord Offshore The growth of the global economy and the expanding world population are generating an increasing demand for energy worldwide. To meet this demand for energy Van Oord Offshore delivers offshore installation projects.

Van Oord Offshore is a niche specialist in two services.

We provide integrated solutions with a focus on the installation, stabilisation and protection for the offshore oil, gas and wind infrastructure.

Offshore pipeline installation We provide integrated solutions for the installation of nearshore pipelines, cables and offshore constructions.

Vryhof P.O. Box 109 2900 AC Capelle aan den Yssel The Netherlands phone +31 (0)10 266 8900 mail

Subsea rock installation We are market leader in the seabed intervention technique Subsea Rock Installation (SRI).

Stand 1331

Vryhof is the trusted partner to many of the offshore industry’s leading companies, delivering innovative and customer-focused anchoring and mooring solutions. We are committed to the highest standards of safety and integrity.

optimum quality mooring solutions.

Vryhof consists of: Deep Sea Mooring, MoorLink and Vryhof Anchors.

Vryhof Anchors designs and provides drag embedment anchors and related mooring equipment for larger floating structures in the offshore energy industries as well as for offshore civil applications.

Deep Sea Mooring is the trusted choice for E&P companies and drilling operators that demand the best in safe, innovative and WestHolland has a large track record in the Oil & Gas industry. This stems not only from the proximity of the Port of Rotterdam and its petrochemical industry. The Hague is also home of the headquarters of Royal Dutch Shell. WestHolland Foreign Investment Agency P.O. Box 16067 2500 BB The Hague The Netherlands phone +31 (0)70 311 55 55 mail

Stand 1723

MoorLink’s mooring solutions meet the most extreme needs of the demanding offshore industry. Swivel links, connections and wire clamps.

Stand 1629 We offer you a jump start into WestHolland, a key strategic location in Europe. We guide you through the regulations, make you feel at home. Free of charge.

This is one of the large players that have chosen to be in the proximity of the Dutch government, which plays a major role in licensing for the Dutch North Sea Shelf.

Stand 1629

i n d u s t r y

Offshore Industry (OSI) magazine is one of the leading publications for the international offshore industry. OSI has built a strong reputation for providing the latest news, informative editorials, rich photography and high-quality production, and has broad readership including operators, contractors, engineers and managers.

Yellow & Finch Publishers President Rooseveltlaan 739 4383 NG Vlissingen The Netherlands phone +31 (0)118 473 398 mail



For anyone active in the offshore industry worldwide, OSI is a must-read! In addition to the magazine, OSI also offers wider coverage via Offshore Industry’s digital edition, which can be accessed via its dedicated website If you would like more information about communication opportunities, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss a turn-key solution for your company.

Extreme precision

Great challenges need sophisticated solutions. This is the work of specialists. Machines which produce components with exceptional proportions and extreme accuracy. Welcome to Breman Machinery B.V. We are situated in Genemuiden (the Netherlands), beside open water, which means we have a direct connection to the international ports, including Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Antwerp.

For over 150 years, we have offered customized solutions for our relations all around the world. We build components which weigh tens or even hundreds of tonnes, yet are within a tolerance of a few hundredth of a millimeter. The extreme precision you are looking for. Let’s meet in person! Call +31 (0)38 385 53 73 or go to

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The award-winning Hi-Traq features a unique self-levelling suspension system for the installation and burial of power cable or pipelines, flowlines or umbilicals. • four independent tracks ensure smooth break-over points • 10m radius trenching capability • self-levelling system maintains stable operations and consistent depth • traversing, steering and trenching on slopes of up to 20⁰.


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