CONTENTS Foreword / vii Preface / xi Acknowledgments / xv Introduction / xvii PART I: Things to Consider Before Taking the Leap 1 What’s So Special about Farmstead Cheese? / 1 2 Making It Official / 16 PART II: Getting Down to Business 3 Sizing Up the Market / 25 4 Your Business Plan and Company Structure / 37 5 Production Costs and Issues / 47 6 Creative Financing / 59 PART III: Designing the Farmstead Creamery 7 Infrastructure and Efficiency / 67 8 The Milking Parlor and Milkhouse / 82 9 Cheese Central: The Make Room / 104 10 Aging Rooms, Cellars, and Caves / 125 11 Accessory Rooms / 153 PART IV: Long-Term Survival Guide 12 Safety: Why “It Hasn’t Killed Anyone Yet” Isn’t Good Enough! / 161 13 Increasing Your Bottom Line: Classes, Agri-tourism, Additional Products / 172 14 Keeping the Romance Alive: Tips for Re-Energizing / 188 Appendices A. Resources / 195 B. Floor Plans / 203 C. Milk and Cheese Quality Tests and Parameters / 207 D. Sample Milk Purchase Agreement / 213
Notes/References / 215 Photography Credits / 218 Index / 219
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