Why this African Briton will support Theresa May

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Ben omoakin oguntala's view on Theresa May

Why this African Briton will support Theresa May Ben Omoakin Oguntala African­in­Chief: Africantourismmarket.net

We are back again in the business of Politics and ask the question again, what have they done for you lately? Firstly, I am nobody to tell African Britons what to do or how to vote, I am only expressing my views based on my assessment of the Prime Minister, Theresa May. Labour is dead and will not rise again, I admire many that are still hanging on to the Labour Party but it is clear, Labour has done nothing but talk about making changes to Black Britons with little to show for it. Jeremy Corbyn or the Labour Party are at their weakest for decades and rightly so. Politics is not about theories but practical actions. For this election, Labour would be Turkeys voting for Christmas.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39630899 Many will sayTheresa May has not reached out to Africa, I would say, this is a good thing, former PMs that have reached out to Africa have fallen for the corruption rings in Africa. Many of the African leaders are afraid to engage her and this is good news, the hesitation shows there is incompatibility between their corrupt ways and Mrs May's strategy. This is brilliant news for Africa.

Many also say, she said the migrants should be sent back to Africa, I fully support that statement, African migrants may be running away from troubled Africa, creating a separate problem in Europe is not the solution, fixing Africa is the solution. Fixing the African problem permanently resolves the issue that we have been trying to address for the last 60 years. So finally, here is a British PM not sitting on the fence but making a decision, even though on the face of it, may seem

unpopular. This is mainly because, popular opinion is not based on fake news. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/sep/20/100m-uk-aidbudget-returning-north-african-refugees

The shock announcement is one of the smartest move by this Prime Minister, she has been plagued by Westminster powers have been trying to pin her down and reduce her to male versus female sexist arguments. Here, she strikes when the iron is hot indeed and it could not be hotter. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-39628713 The shock announcement effectively demonstrates Mrs May is outsmarting her opponents and again shows that she is several classes above Jeremy Corbyn and as the 7up advert goes, the difference is clear.

Brexit will offer a better deal to Africa than the EU - Only if Africa wakes up to smell the coffee. Africa still expects money to be placed on their laps and not to work for it. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/790480/Theresa-May-betterdeal-EU-Africa-open-trade-UN-boss-Brexit The EU has been detrimental to African trade and the evidence is clear the EU does not want to be fair to Africa even though they created 60% of Africa's problems and I hasten to add the other 40% was created by African corrupt leaders. https://capx.co/how-the-eu-starves-africa-into-submission/ The EU sounds like a good idea but its protectionism measures are disastrous for African businesses seeking to grow their sectors or businesses.

As a Black Briton, I am neither conservative nor Labour, I am all about what have you done for me lately. we need to use our heads and not our hearts, Brexit is the best chance Africa and Black Britons to renegotiate a better deal.

Conservatives will win, partly because of the brilliant work the Prime Minister has done so far on Brexit and also because the opposition has been unremarkable and unimaginative. So I say, let the best woman win.

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