Ohio City Incorporated 2016 Annual Report

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We lead the development of Ohio City by collaborating to address the needs of a diverse community of engaged people, driving new investments in and preserving the quality of a historic place, and promoting an inviting urban neighborhood for all.

We are Ohio City Incorporated.













Arts & Culture: Lillian Kuri - The Cleveland Foundation Presidential: Dr. Donald Malone Jr. Outstanding Small Business: La Borincana Foods Resident Leader: Mark Raymond Hospitality Leader: Crissy King Commercial Preservation: West 25th Street Lofts Residential Preservation: 3806 Clinton Ave Community Service: Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership Legacy: Miss Kathleen Williams






Dear Ohio City stakeholder, The continued success of our Ohio City community is a collective one, w ith ever yone play ing their part in making this Cleveland’s most complete neighborhood. The diverse group that has kept Ohio City mov ing for ward includes families who make Ohio City their home; entrepreneurs and employees of our grow ing number of businesses; students and educators of our schools; professionals and volunteers who help our many non-profits achieve their missions; the faithful who fill our houses of worship; and visitors who f lock to our dining and cultural establishments. Ohio City Incorporated plays its role in this stor y as a catalyst for grow th, a protector of histor y, an agent of equity, and a facilitator for the engaged conversations that move us all for ward. The past year prov ided many encouraging examples of this collective success. In 2016, our organization continued its commitment to engaging the people of Ohio City. Our collaborative Near West Recreation program grew to ser ve over 1,000 children on the Near West side, helping to provide healthy activities for youth and opportunities for families to meet and develop relationships. We facilitated breathtaking, inspiring public art installations by local and international artists through The Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion program, gathering community input along the way. The Ohio City Street Festival in September brought over 13,000 people to Ohio City, celebrating ever y thing the neighborhood has to offer. We have also focused on strengthening partnerships w ith neighboring communities and our institutional partners, creating a stronger fabric that benefits ever yone. The past year was also filled w ith smart grow th, as dense residential development continued along Ohio City’s corridors to create 161 new units of housing that complement our historic neighborhood. An additional 374 units currently are under construction, and the Ohio City Single Family Home Program is creating ownership opportunities at a variety of price points on vacant Land Bank lots in the neighborhood’s core. Finally, 17 new businesses w ith an estimated 125 new jobs joined the neighborhood in 2016.


While we want to celebrate our accomplishments as a community and an organization, it’s important to look for ward. This year, we are introducing Ohio City Incorporated’s new three-year strategic plan, which establishes the strategic aims of our organization and outlines the work of our board and staff on behalf of our stakeholders for the next three years. This plan is organized under the themes of “People”, “Place”, “Promotion”, and “Policy”, all aimed towards creating a v ibrant urban neighborhood that is inviting to people from all walks of life. To set the direction and develop the plan, we were honored to work w ith a Strategic Plan Adv isor y Committee of neighborhood residents, business, and non-profit leaders, and community planning experts. Under the committee’s leadership, we conducted a sur vey that received over 850 responses and also engaged in direct conversation w ith dozens of other community members and leaders through inter views and focus groups to gather input on our future vision. A ll of this work resulted in the published Strategic Plan that w ill be introduced at this year’s Annual Meeting. This annual report focuses on the accomplishments of 2016, shining a light on the projects and people that have strengthened our community and allowed us to build upon this great neighborhood. On behalf of the Board and staff, thank you to our members, residents, visitors, business owners, elected officials, block clubs, and supporters for your ongoing contributions to making Ohio City a success that keeps grow ing.


Christopher Schmitt

Thomas S. McNair

Board President

Executive Director




CLEAN & SAFE Ohio City Incorporated places safety and cleanliness as a top priority. In 2016, OCI expanded its investment in the successful Ohio City Safety Camera Initiative. These safety cameras serve as a crime deterrent and assist with police investigations. The organization also continues to promote Safety Audits throughout the neighborhood. Working with the Ohio City Incorporated Safety Committee, we accmomplished the following in 2016: • Worked with neighborhood groups to walk the entire neighborhood, developing a map that will create camera coverage for the entire neighborhood. • Raised $20,000 to pay for 70 cameras.

PU B LI C E N GAG E M E NT Ohio City Incorporated is dedicated to engaging the community around issues of importance. In 2016, we: • Completed a community-wide survey with 850 returned, an increase of over 300 from the previous survey. • Attended and participated in over 80 resident block club meetings. • Conducted 9 focus groups with 50 community stakeholders. • Organized 10 volunteer opportunities and managed over 350 volunteers, committing over 1,100 hours to the community. • Participated in and helped organize the Nonprofit Dialogues group which meets monthly, featuring 8 speakers related to improving the human service delivery in Ohio City. The broader Ohio City Nonprofit Dialogues is open to all nonprofit organizations in Ohio City and hosted 3 happy hours and one annual meeting featuring a speaker related to nonprofit operations and collaborations.


PEOPLE N E A R W E S T R E C R E AT I O N Near West Recreation, now in its fifth year, continues to grow as a community amenity, serving residents of all backgrounds. Near West Recreation serves not only the Ohio City neighborhood, but includes all six neighborhoods of the Near West side including Tremont, Detroit Shoreway, Stockyards, Brooklyn Centre and Clark-Fulton. This past year, Near West Recreation continued to grow its participation numbers, but the biggest growth was the addition of new sports programs. In 2016, Near West Recreation added a basketball league, volleyball league, boxing courses, rowing camp and Girls Grow - a girls only sports empowerment program. Near West Recreation recruited 988 youth and approximately 125 volunteers as team coaches. In addition to the new programs, the league still provides programming for youth up to age 14 with bowling, baseball, soccer, creative writing, and Lego League. Even with the league’s growth, Near West Recreation maintains affordable registration fees. Financial assistance is provided for low-income families. This year over 53% of registration fees were covered by financial assistance. Near West Recreation also continues to provide free baseball gloves, soccer shin guards and volleyball knee pads to kids in need. Near West Recreation is supported by small businesses and corporate sponsorships including a presenting sponsorship from Ohio Savings Bank. In addition, Near West Recreation was able to secure a $10,000 grant from the Cleveland Indians, a Tremont Trek grant and was named one of Junior NBA’s programs of the week in 2016.



With support from small businesses, corporate sponsorships, foundations, an online fundraiser and league participants, the Near West Recreation league was able to provide the following for the 2016 season:







figure #1 The map below indicates where our participants come from.




47 195





77 71 37



PLACE IRISHTOWN BEND: The Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority has worked to engage partners, for the past several years, working towards solutions to stabilize the Irishtown Bend hillside, representing roughly 17 acres connecting the Ohio City neighborhood down to the Cuyahoga River. During that timeframe, Ohio City Incorporated has worked with the Port, the City of Cleveland and other partners to advance the idea that addressing this challenge also gave us the unique opportunity to create a civic asset that could connect the neighborhood to the waterfront and the region. Along with the Ohio City Farm, Irishtown Bend brings together the potential for creating a 23 acre waterfront park. In 2016, the Cleveland-Cuyahoga Port Authority secured $2.3m in state capital funding to begin addressing the needs of deteriorating bulk heading along the riverfront, the first major funding to f low into the project after years of discussions. Simultaneously, the Port and OCI, along with LAND Studio, applied for and secured a Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) grant from NOACA to lead a $125,000 planning process to refine our vision, which will launch this spring. MARKET SQUARE PARK: In partnership with Destination Cleveland, Ohio City Incorporated invested $20,000 into new landscaping through the Scotts MiracleGro GRO1000 Grant Program. During a city-wide beautification day, with the help of more than 50 volunteers, Ohio City Incorporated planted 2,300 new plants in the park. In addition to the new plantings, Ohio City Incorporated launched free public wi-fi in the park with support from NetX (a $12,000 value). Ohio City Incorporated also worked with Western Reserve Land Conservancy to replace the unhealthy trees in the park with new trees that align with the City of Cleveland’s Tree Plan. The trees were donated by WRLC and planted with the help of neighborhood residents and business owners. LORAIN AVENUE STREETSCAPE: The planned Lorain Avenue streetscape, a raised protected bikeway spanning the Lorain Carnegie Bridge to West 65th Street, took a big step forward in 2016. $2.3 million has been secured from the City of Cleveland to leverage for the $15 million project and Ohio City Incorporated is working with NOACA and other partners to make this a reality. Lorain Avenue will provide a vital link, connecting neighborhood residents to a new trail network expected to be completed in 2020.



PH YS I C AL D E VE LO PM E NT Over the past year, Ohio City Incorporated continued its mission to improve the neighborhood by guiding appropriate physical development. In 2016, Ohio City Incorporated continued to strengthen its commercial corridors and create an environment where businesses thrive by:

• Assisting 17 new businesses to open throughout the neighborhood, creating an estimated 125 jobs.

• Completing four storefront renovation projects, with four more under construction at the end of the 2016.

• Investing $19,000 in five businesses through Ohio City’s Small Business Development Fund. Since its inception in 2011, the program has provided funding to 64 businesses, leveraging nearly $200,000 from the City of Cleveland and $325,000 in private investment, spurring $650,000 in neighborhood investment.

• Launching the Female-Owned Business Scholarship program, which provided

one female business owner a full scholarship to Bad Girl Ventures LAUNCH

program. This partnership resulted in BGV awarding two Ohio City business owners

low interest loans that would allow the women to grow their businesses.

A 2013 housing study conducted by Ohio City Incorporated showed an immediate demand for over 1,800 units of new housing. As of December 2016, the neighborhood has over 300 units of for-sale and rental housing completed and nearly 1,000 units under construction or development, resulting in an investment of $230 million. See figure #2 on page 15

M A R K E T D I S T R I C T I M P R O V E M E N T C O R P O R AT I O N Ohio City’s special improvement district, the Market District Improvement Corporation, envisions a clean, safe and welcoming neighborhood. In 2016, Ohio City Incorporated renewed the special improvement district for three years with expanded boundaries and services. The 2017-2019 SID boundaries will nearly double in size expanding north towards Detroit Avenue. New services include district-wide sidewalk snow removal, a late-night safety program, and public realm enhancements. See figure #3 on page 15 In 2016, Market District Ambassadors removed 68,450 pounds of trash and 1,151 instances of graffiti. They interacted with businesses, visitors, and residents 5,331 times, addressed 888 public disturbances, provided 337 safety escorts, and assisted 19 motorists.


PLACE figure #2 Of the 1,800 housing units currently in demand in Ohio City, over 300 units have been completed and nearly 1,000 are currently under development.



figure #3 The map below indicates the existing and expanded boundaries of the Special Improvement District.




PL ACE The Cleveland Foundation’s international artist residency program, Creative Fusion, launched in 2008 to bring rising artists here to live and work for three months. In the fall of 2016, for the first time ever, the Creative Fusion residencies focused on one community and one theme – street art in Ohio City. Most of the international artists lived in Ohio City’s Hingetown and engaged with community groups in addition to creating large scale public art installations.

COLLABORATION: Ohio City’s Creative Fusion project was truly a collaborative effort. Host organizations Ohio City Incorporated, Hingetown, Transformer Station, Cleveland Public Theatre, SPACES, Cleveland Print Room, and Ingenuity Cleveland formed the Hingetown Creative Fusion Cohort, working closely for over a year to plan and implement the artist residency. Because of this collaboration, the Cohort was able to leverage a more than $260,000 investment into public art and community engagement in Ohio City.

THE ARTISTS: Each organization hosted both local and international artists. International artists included David Shillinglaw (London, England), Michela Picchi (Berlin, Germany), Ananda Nahu (Rio de Janiero, Brazil), Rainer Prohaska (Vienna, Austria), Loreto Greve (Santiago, Chile), and Luis Ituarte (Tijuana, Mexico). The Cleveland artists included Glen Infante, Ryan Jaenke, Gary Williams, Robin Robinson, Donald Black Jr., Amber Ford, and Leila Khoury as well as Joe Lanzilotta, Mike Sobeck and Erin Guido who painted murals as part of the launch event.

PUBLIC ART: During the three-month residency, artists created 12 public art installations – one temporary sculptural installation and 11 large scale murals throughout the neighborhood. The mural sites were selected strategically to encourage walking and to create safer, more welcoming connections along the Detroit Avenue corridor.

COMMUNITY: To engage Ohio City’s youth, each artist and host organization worked with community groups including CPT ’s Brick City Theatre Program at Lakeview Estates, Malachi Center’s after school program, and St. Ignatius’s Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership. These groups hosted artist workshops with the children to ensure the public art was ref lective of the community.

EVENTS: During the three-month residency, Ohio City Incorporated worked with the Cohort to host three events celebrating the project with the neighborhood. To kick off the project, the Creative Fusion Launch Day featured live mural painting and walking tours of the future public art sites. To wrap up the residency, the artists collaborated on a group gallery exhibition at the Cleveland Collection Gallery, featuring work by all of the Creative Fusion artists. The Creative Fusion Spectacular, a culmination event to showcase the artists’ work included a family-friendly party at St. Johns with trolley tours of the art installations.





PROMOTION In 2016, Ohio City continued to strengthen its brand and offer neighborhood events that serve as amenities for community residents and attract a regional audience. OHIO CITY INCORPORATED EVENTS: In the third year of the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan, Ohio City Incorporated focused on producing two major events: Evening in Ohio City, and the Ohio City Street Festival. Evening in Ohio City, the organization’s annual fundraiser, raised more than $35k. The second annual Ohio City Street Festival brought in over 13,000 attendees and featured live music, arts entertainment, and neighborhood vendors. New this year was the KeyBank Kid Zone, which offered family oriented activities and programming throughout the day, and an arts partnership with Cleveland Public Theatre. PARTNERS FOR PROGRAMMING: In line with the goals outlined in the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan, the organization utilized partnerships to bring major events to Ohio City including: Cleveland Public Theatre’s Station Hope, the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Ohio City Stages, Cleveland Bazaar’s Open Air in Market Square, Hermes’ Ohio City Run & Crawl, Hingetown Hoedown, the Ohio City Merchants Association’s Wednesdays on the Square, and the Ohio City Holiday Hop. ONLINE REACH: Ohio City Incorporated has earned over 37,300 Twitter followers, 6,000 Facebook likes, 4,500 Instagram followers, and continues to build these audiences. Ohio City Incorporated also manages accounts for the West Side Market which include over 101,700 Facebook likes, 27,200 Twitter followers and over 30,100 Instagram followers. Ohio City and West Side Market e-newsletters go out to a combined audience of over 10,000 subscibers.



Arts & Culture Award: Lillian Kuri & The Cleveland Foundation The Cleveland Foundation’s international artist residency program has brought more than 70 foreign artists to Cleveland since its inception in 2008. Each year, Creative Fusion brings accomplished or rapidly rising artists from around the world, some accomplished, some up and coming or from underrepresented cultures, here to immerse themselves in the communities where they live and work during the three-month residency. The theme of the 2016 fall residency was street art in Ohio City. This was the first time The Cleveland Foundation selected a community development corporation to host artists in residence, which allowed the program to take a more place-based approach. This year, Ohio City Incorporated and Hingetown were jointly awarded a Creative Fusion grant alongside community arts organizations Cleveland Print Room, Cleveland Public Theatre, Ingenuity Cleveland, SPACES and Transformer Station. The group worked collaboratively with six international artists, and ten local artists to install twelve large-scale public art installations throughout Ohio City. Host organizations also supported the artists in creating new and innovative work in their discipline, making strong connections and exchanges with local artists, and working with Ohio City’s youth. The Creative Fusion residency used art as a means of community engagement to create meaningful dialogue surrounding issues that impact the neighborhood. Because the artists lived in Ohio City during the residency, they were able to meet their neighbors, engage with residents every day; hear about issues firsthand; form relationships; and understand the community. The public art that was created is ref lective of this experience. “Creative fusion has always been about the world coming to Cleveland,” said Lillian Kuri, Vice President of Strategic Grantmaking, Arts and Urban Design Initiatives for The Cleveland Foundation. “ This is the first time in many years that Clevelanders can see themselves in Creative Fusion.”


Presidential Award: Donald Malone Access to health and wellness services is crucial to creating a vibrant and thriving community. Dr. Donald Malone, who was named President of Lutheran Hospital in the fall of 2013, has been a leader in bringing world-class health care and wellness programs to Ohio City. “People come from all over the world to have surgeries at Lutheran,” says Dr. Malone. “We provide the same, quality care for someone with no insurance coming to the emergency room as someone f lying in from another country for surgery. “ Dr. Malone wasted no time getting involved on a community level. “I could immediately see that Ohio City Inc. was very invested and very involved,” says Dr. Malone. “ Taking a seat on their Board was a great opportunity to get Lutheran involved in the neighborhood.” Over the past three and a half years, Dr. Malone has been a great supporter of expanding neighborhood clean and safe services to include Lutheran’s properties, and has worked to better serve Ohio City’s diverse community by bringing in bi-lingual specialists, nurses and financial counselors. Dr. Malone has also worked to expand the hospital’s Healthy Strides program, which brings community members together for health care education and a walk through the neighborhood. “We’ve had people who’ve come for all three years,” says Dr. Malone. “What’s been so wonderful is to see those people who couldn’t walk a block three years ago, now walk the whole 50 minutes.” One participant even began teaching fitness classes to residents at Lakeview Terrace and Riverview Tower, which showcases how this type of leadership can truly have a rippling effect. “Hospitals help people when they are sick. To really be of a community benefit, we have to help people stay well.”


Outstanding Small Business Award: La Borincana Foods Ohio City is a destination for people of all cultures, and not just because of the West Side Market. La Borincana Foods, who opened their doors at 2127 Fulton Road in 1994, have attracted customers from near and far with their selection of foods and imported goods from 22 countries around the world. Some shoppers visit the store to find rare ingredients for old family recipes, or comfort foods from their native countries; while others stop in to sample ingredients that they’ve never tried before. The aisles are lined with produce, sauces, drinks and dry goods, and are categorized by country so that walking through the store feels a bit like traveling around the world. Guests are greeted by the store’s owner, Ricky Muniz Jr., who happily and proudly offers a tour to those visiting for the first time. The mission of La Borincana Foods extends beyond bringing the foods and traditions of different cultures to Cleveland. Upon opening the store 23 years ago, Ricky worked with St. Patrick’s Church to staff his store with refugees who were being aided by the church and were seeking employment. “We try to fit the image of the store, the mission of the store,” says Muniz. “We hire refugees because they had a hard time getting here. They are very honest, hard-working people, and many of them have worked here for over 10 years. They have families and kids now, and the opportunity to study.” His staff ’s diversity allows them to speak to customers in many different languages, which helps people feel more comfortable shopping at the store. “It makes you feel good when people are shopping and they shake your hand and thank you for being here,” says Muniz. “If the world was like ours, I think it would be a better place to live. It’s a peaceful thing, here. People try things from other countries,” he says, “they talk to each other.”


Resident Leader Award: Mark Raymond Ohio City is rich with engaged residents, creating a strong and deep-seated sense of community that is contagious to neighborhood newcomers. Neighborhood resident Mark Raymond became attuned to this when he decided to make Ohio City the home for his business, the Cleveland Hostel, in 2010. Mark was initially attracted to the neighborhood for its walkability, access to public transportation, and its historic anchor, the West Side Market, but was quick to realize that Ohio City had much more to offer. In 2011, he decided to make the neighborhood his home as well. He became involved in neighborhood block clubs and the Merchants Association, and easily found companionship and support from these groups. Seven years later, Mark is one of the most recognized faces around town. He never misses a volunteer day, and is always the first person to arrive and the last to leave. “Ohio City is great, but there are always things that can be improved on to keep the neighborhood going on the right path,” says Raymond. “Being part of that is important. Not just enjoying the benefits, but being there to help them happen. Seeing something that needs help or needs an extra hand, it helps everybody, not just one person. It helps the whole neighborhood.” Through his business, Mark brings people from all over the world to this city and is a strong ambassador for the neighborhood and the City of Cleveland as a whole. “People love to comment on all of the different, great things about this place,” Raymond says with a smile. “ It makes me proud to support it.”


Hospitality Leader Award: Crissy King The employee name tag pinned to the chest of her shirt is etched with the phrase “I can make the difference.” For the past 23 years, Crissy King has lived up to this motto. Crissy and her infectious smile have been part of the Dave’s Supermarket team since 1994, and she has spent the last 11 of those years at their Ohio City location. The supermarket itself offers a sense of community to the neighborhood. It’s a gathering place for residents from all corners of Ohio City, with all walks of life passing by each other in its aisles. Over the past decade, Crissy has become an icon of the store. Regular shoppers are excited to see her smiling face, and will roll their cart to her line, even if it’s by far the longest one. “I’m always smiling no matter what kind of day I have,” says King, “but sometimes the customers make me feel good, too.” With all of the recent renovations to the store, it has been busier than ever, but making meaningful engagements with the customers is still a high priority to Crissy. “It just makes me happy to talk to people. I always make time to do that.” It is part of the core mission of Ohio City to be a neighborhood that is welcoming to all people, and it’s people like Crissy that help make that mission a reality.


Commercial Preservation Award: West 25 th Street Lofts As Ohio City continues to grow and change, there are some who are working to preserve a bit of its past. West 25th Street Lofts, developed by Rick Foran and Christopher Smythe, located at W. 25th Street & Church Ave, began as a project to meet the growing housing demands of the neighborhood, but became a labor of love for both men. Rick Foran is no stranger to Ohio City. Growing up, Rick spent time in Ohio City while his father worked at the West Side Market. It was the diversity of the neighborhood and the communal feeling he felt that drew him back in. Seeing that the experience in Ohio City was much different than the isolation one can feel in the suburbs, Foran and Smythe decided to create something new in Ohio City, while sticking to the original charm that attracted them to the neighborhood in the first place. The project consists of the redevelopment of three buildings, all with a rich history and intruiging past. One portion started as a brewery in 1873 and went through several iterations before becoming a sheet metal fabricator until the 1970s. The other portion of the building was the original home to the International Order of Oddfellows before becoming home to the Masons before they moved to Franklin Ave in 1935. What had been a building owned by CMHA was originally the Phoenix Ice Machine Company built in 1906. “What we’ve tried to do is retain as much of the original structure and try to celebrate the beams and columns and structural steel of the building.” says Foran. Construction began in 2015. The finished project now has 83 apartments, 9500 square feet of commercial


space, a 54 car parking garage, and 70 outdoor parking spaces.

Residential Preservation Award: 3806 Clinton Avenue Not everyone can walk through a dark, dingy, fire-damaged house and think that they want to spend the next year and a half of their life there. This was, however, the case for Bob and Kathy Strickland. The couple has made a life out of renovating old homes on Cleveland’s Near West side, and found this house while searching for their next project. Kathy, who first toured the home in May of 2015, described its state as “a house the Addams family would live in,” but knew immediately that this would be their next project, and one of the couple’s favorites to date. “It was a very emotional experience, we walked through the house and we just knew,” says Kathy. The fire damage was severe, but couldn’t detract from the beauty of the original fireplaces, high ceilings, and lake views. The house, which was originally a single family home, had been converted to a duplex prior to the fire. The Stricklands’ transformed the home back into a single-family space, and did everything that they could to restore its original character. Bob even sourced original wood from the rafters of the master bedroom ceiling to recreate the exterior architectural details that had been ruined in the fire. Midway through the renovation process, a couple that had purchased a lot down the street with hopes to build a home of their own took interest in the house and purchased it before it was even finished. “We loved the house so much we even thought about moving into it ourselves,” says Kathy, “but as soon as we met this couple, it felt like we were building it for them. The house now blends in beautifully with the other historic homes on the block, welcoming guests with its distinctive orange front door.


Community Service Award: Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership Saint Ignatius High School has been a part of Cleveland for nearly as long as the Ohio City neighborhood itself. The school was established with the motto “Men for Others,” and it has always been one of the core missions of the institution to service those in need and to be agents of change in society. In 1991, the Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership was formed in response to the community’s call for support. At this time, Ohio City was in a developmental stage, and the primary need that many residents presented was help fixing their homes up to a livable condition. Over the years, the program has taken on many different forms, constantly adapting to meet the changing needs of the evolving neighborhood. Today, the partnership consists of a summer camp and nine different after school programs specializing in areas such as tutoring, sports, robotics, the arts, career exploration, and community service. The summer camp serves 150 kids, and the after school programs serve over 100 kids each week, combined. The programs are staffed entirely by student volunteers from Saint Ignatius, and have become a staple to the school. “We’re engaged in relationships,” says John Gill, Executive Director of Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership. “We’re opening doors of opportunity for Ignatius students to see the real world and value the neighborhood, and see themselves as a neighbor.” As Ohio City grows, the program will continue to evolve. But one thing is for certain; the neighborhood partnership will remain a high priority for Saint Ignatius’ staff and students, and they will continue to support the Ohio City community and help where is needed.


Legacy Award: Miss Kathleen Williams Kathleen Williams has dedicated over three decades of her life to work with the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority. She began as a secretary at Lakeview Tower, and has worn a multitude of hats over the years. Her favorite role, however, was the time she spent at the Lakeview Community Center planning programs and working with the youth and their families living in Lakeview Terrace as the Volunteer Manager. Lakeview Terrace was the first public housing project to include a community center. It was also innovative in its use of decorative arts, a tradition that was carried on through the recent installation of the largest mural in Ohio on the Main Avenue Bridge that depicts the same youth that Ms. Williams worked with at the community center. Ms. Williams helped plan programs and field trips for youth as well as job readiness programs for adults, like the Sherwin-Williams Homework Paint Program. The work was easy to do when she could see how much joy the programs brought to the children visiting the community center. “It was wonderful,” said Williams. “Everybody was just happy. We had good times. Didn’t have to think of anything else.” Of the variety of activities she helped to coordinate for the youth, she most fondly remembers the field trips. Every year, she would take the drill team to perform at the Cuyahoga County Fair. They would also put on an annual talent show “Show Wagon” for the residents and that would fill every seat in the house.







O H I O C I T Y G UA R D I A N S The Ohio City Guardians program launched in 2016 to ensure the safety and security of the neighborhood. We recognize this inaugural group of neighborhood stakeholders who have supported the program and made a signigicant donation to Ohio City safety initiatives.


Thank you to the following people and organizations for making the work of Ohio City Incorporated possible through financial donations and ongoing support. This list represents gifts received between January 1 to December 31, 2016. ABC Tavern

Brad Michael Fellows

Hattie Kotz

Alan Szarek

Christine Filmer

Alex Lackey

Agnes Akite

Alan Fodor

Lamar Advertising

Jessica Allen

Daniel Freson

Mark Lastition

Robert Ball

Paul & Maxine

Le Petit Triangle Cafe

Virginia D. Benjamin

Char Ligo

Alex Frondorf

Stephanie Lingle

Alex Budin

Gregory Gacka

Jerry Lischak

Thomas C. Buford

Leslie Gentile

Market Garden Brewery

Karen Cahill

Michael Gersper

Erika McLaughlin

Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP

Cathy J. Gillmore

Nick McCarty

Frank Camardo

Grant Goodrich

Thomas S. McNair

Megan K. Canfield

Great Lakes Brewing Company

Anjali Mehta

Case Development LLC

Debbie Hanzel

Bill Merriman

City of Cleveland

Harness Cycle

Miami University

Cleveland Foundation

Joy Heldt

Mitchell’s Ice Cream

Cleveland Neighborhood Progress

Lori Henry

Karen Morell

CLV Lofts, LLC

Lesa Hess

Susan Muglich

Bob Colacarro

James & Christine Hicks

Bonita Mytnick

Judy Comeau-Hart

Christine Hoffmann

Emilia Nagy

Consolidated Solutions

Terri Hotz

Jennifer Noble

Gary Cooper

David B. Hovis

John Nosek

Mary Z. Cornely

Tammy Jacobson

Maria C. Nosse

Councilman Joe Cimperman

Kara Jakubec

Richard Nosse

Councilman Kerry McCormack

Jeanne Jenks

Karl Odenweller

Councilman Matt Zone

John Jenks

Ohio Savings Bank

Rachelle Coyne

Mike Jeric

Ron O’Leary

Cross Country Mortgage


Mary Oliver-Lidgey

Leighan Croxen

Michael Kaplan

Orale! Kitchen

Cuyahoga Arts & Culture

James Keating

Mary Osburn

Robin Davenport

Patti Keenan

Mark Owens

Tim DelPapa


Rebecca Palma

Dimit Architects

Bryan E. Kilbane

Gail Palmer

Duane Drotar

Knight Chisholm Insurance

Doug Parker

Patrick Egan


Frohring Foundation

Carla Brant


Greg Peckham

Joel Elvery

Thomas & Kathleen Knittel

Scott Peters

John Evans

Arthur Korkosz

Judge Raymond Pianka

Katherine Pickard

Donna Taylor


Troy Piper

Touch Supper Club

Incredible Kids

Phoenix Coffee


Knez Homes

Norma Polanco-Boyd

Andrew Trares

Kowalski Heat Treating Co.

Deborah Prech

Urban Orchid

Legends Sports Photography

Progressive Urban Real Estate

Achim Van Klaveren

Lutheran Hospital

Jennifer Prugh

Angela Vannucci

Medical Mutual of Ohio

Helen Qin

Carina Vanvliet

Merrick House

Justin Raymond

Vintage Development Group

MetroHealth Hospital

Mark Raymond

Vision Yoga & Wellness

Metro Mini Storage

Patricia Roberts

Jane Vogel

Brenda Rosala

Voss Industries

Metro West

Debra Rosala

Pamela Walker

Thomas Scanlon

Walter Haverfield

Roger Scheve

Randi Weaver

Christopher & Melissa Schmitt

Denise Wehe

Beverly J. Schneider

Mary Wehrle

Edmund Schneider

Whiskey Grade

Anthony J. Schuerger

Phillip Woodcock

Scotts Miracle Grow

Beth Zellers

Todd Senn

Zen Metro Spa

Jeanette Shemo

Robert Ziebarth

Celine Shenk Ryan Sheppard Dale Shirer Seth Simons Helen K. Smith Robert Solich Allyn Soper Tammy L Stefan Laura Starnik Studio Graphique Melissa Sullivan Pat Sullivan David Szamborski Alan Szarek Damon Taseff

RECREATION PARTNERS BNR, Medical Case Development, LLC Constellations Schools Conveyer & Caster Corner Alley Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization Dickey Lanes Duck Island Development Esperanza First Federal of Lakewood

Community Development Mitchell’s Ice Cream Momocho MVP Valet Near West Intergenerational School Neighborhood Family Practice Ohio City Burrito Ohio City Provisions Ohio Savings Bank Old Angle Boxing Pilgrim Congregational Church Progressive Urban Real Estate Saint Ignatius High School S.I.S Home Care Snavely Group Starting Point Tremont West Development Corporation Tremont Trek Vision Yoga & Wellness Urban Community School Westown Tire

Future Beauty Supplies


T H A N K YO U T O O U R CO M M U N I T Y PA R T N E R S Our community partners help us to advance the mission of our organization and broaden the programs and resources that we are able to offer to our residents.

AZA Events

Ohio CDC Association

Bike Cleveland

Ohio State University Extension

Brite Winter

Port of Cleveland

Cleveland Housing Court

Providence House

Cleveland Metroparks

Refugee Response

Cleveland Museum of Art

Third Federal Savings & Loan

Cleveland Police Second District

Thomas C. & Sandra S. Sullivan Foundation

Cleveland Public Theatre

Transformer Station

Cleveland Transformation Alliance

Tremont West Development Corporation

Court Community Service

Urban Community School

Cuyahoga County Land

West Side Market

Reutilization Corporation Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization Downtown Cleveland Alliance Economic & Community Development Institute Enterprise Community Partners Greater Cleveland RTA LAND Studio Metro West Development Corporation Miami University Moore Yourkvitch, & Dibo Ltd. MVP Valet Parking Neighborhood Housing Services Northeastern Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency



REVENUES AND SUPPORT 47% $672,685 Grants

100% 100%

34% $494,563 Property Income 9% $132,185 Events


5% $74,208 Contributions


5% $68,304



total revenue


EXPENSES total expenditures


$31,684 Overhead



Operational Expenses

$469,846 $652,369

$91,073 Other

Professional Services

Program Expenses

Salaries & Benefits



BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chris Schmitt, President

Brendan Doyle

Roger Scheve




Natalie Leek-Nelson, Vice President

Father Raymond P. Guiao

Ryan Sheppard

Providence House

Saint Ignatius High School

West Side Market

Maria Nosse, Treasurer

Kathleen Knittel

Helen K. Smith




Alex Frondorf, Secretary

Dr. Donald Malone

Andy Trares


Lutheran Hospital


Alex Budin

Alan Mancuso

Joel Wimbiscus




Cortney Crockett

Mark Owens

Cuyahoga Metropolitan

Skylight Financial Group

Housing Authority Jade Davis

Helen Qin Resident

Port of Cleveland

OHIO CITY INCORPORATED STAFF Agnes Akite, Community Planning Aid Hattie Kotz, Marketing & Events Manager Thomas McNair, Executive Director Carrie Miller, Director of Neighborhood Services Keri Palma, Near West Recreation Manager Natajah Roberts, Community Outreach Coordinator Ashley Shaw, Economic Development & Planning Manager Ben Trimble, Senior Director of Real Estate & Planning Carrie Walker, Ohio City Farm Ambassador







2525 Market Avenue, Suite A Cleveland, Ohio 44113



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