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ODA House Delegates


Help advance dentistry in Ohio.

ODPAC, the Ohio Dental Political Action Committee, is dentistry’s voice in the political arena and has a proven history of protecting dentists, patients, and dental practices from unnecessary government interference. ODPAC is a federally registered political action committee that advocates on behalf of dentists in Ohio. The political arm of the ODA, ODPAC advocates for the dental profession by supporting the campaigns of pro-dentistry candidates for office. ODPAC is funded through voluntary contributions made by members of the Ohio Dental Association. ODPAC Cornerstone Members receive a ribbon to show their support during Annual Session. Your support helps us advocate for dentistry in Ohio. Contribute to ODPAC today.

The ODA Annual Session Committee needs your help!

Contribute to ODPAC Today!

Volunteers are needed to introduce speakers, help out as needed in the courses and complete an evaluation form. You will only be assigned to lectures you registered for, and the lecture fee(s) will be waived as a “thank you” for participating. For more information, please email annualsession@oda.org.


First meeting of the House of Delegates: Thursday, September 15, 9:00 a.m. Reference Committee Hearings: Thursday, September 15, 11:00 a.m. Final meeting of the House of Delegates: Friday, September 16, 9:00 a.m. Installation of ODA officers: Friday, September 16, 9:00 a.m.

As the governing body of the Ohio Dental Association, the ODA House of Delegates convenes each year during Annual Session. Guests may attend all meetings, but only seated delegates may address issues at the meetings. All ODA members may address issues during Reference Committee Hearings. The House of Delegates will take place at the Hilton Columbus Downtown Hotel.

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