2024 OHN May-June 2024

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Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association Volume 96 • Number 3

May/June 2024

Published 5 times per year in February, April, June, October and December by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com

Subscription price in the U.S. is $30.00 per year ($10 per year for Junior Members). The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue.

Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Email farm.writer@hotmail.com

Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd., Wooster, OH 44691


Executive Director Dallas Rynd 740-207-5005 • silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com

Office Secretary Diana Miley 330-466-2767 • oholstein@sssnet.com

Editor ............................................................ Melissa Hart cell 517-398-1957 • farm.writer@hotmail.com

Ad & Layout Designer ................................ Erin Robinstine cell 606-370-0311 • erin.robinstine@gmail.com


President: Ryan Welch, Polk 419-651-5281

Vice President: Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield 419-606-0527

Secretary: Erica Davis, Washington CH 614-371-8533

Treasurer: Danette Simpson, Belmont 740-391-1122


Chris Lahmers – Past President 614-306-7194

Paul Haskins, Butler 419-618-4028

Joe Cole, Bloomville 740-396-0454

Evan Kiko, Paris 330-205-9354

Ty Etgen, Harrod 567-204-6310


Steve Moff, Columbiana 330-482-9018


Dist. 1 David Klingensmith, Leavittsburg.... 330-979-7685

Dist. 2 Evan Kiko, Paris ................................ 330-205-9354

Dist. 3 Jared Harding, New Philadelphia ..... 330-339-5389

Dist. 4 Open

Dist. 5 Erica Davis, Wash. Court House ........ 614-371-8533

Dist. 7 Jason Miley, West Salem .................. 330-466-8509

Dist. 8 Ryan Welch, Polk ............................. 419-651-5281

Dist. 9 Joe Cole, Bloomville ......................... 740-396-0454

Dist. 10 Dan Morlock, Pemberville 419-265-5771

Dist. 11 Jay Ackley, East Liberty 937-935-8272

Dist. 12 Ty Etgen, Harrod 567-204-6310

Dist. 13 Chris Lahmers, Marysville 614-306-7194

Dist. 14 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta 419-953-3427

Dist. 15 Curtis Bickel, Wilmington 937-728-0174

Postmaster: Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691


“The mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”

On the Cover

Spring Dairy Expo was another fantastic show with great participation in the shows and sales. As we venture into summer we are thankful for the freedom that U.S. flag represents.

This is the membership issue and we want to say thank you to ADA-Mideast for supporting the magazine with their sponsorship and for their continued dedication to the dairy industry in Ohio. If you are picking this up at the National Holstein Convention, enjoy a taste of Ohio with the Brownhaven Farm story that boasts six decades of Registered Holsteins. We also have the spring show results and a peek into the daily life of Sarah Lehner, a dedicated young woman in agriculture.

The next issue of the Ohio Holstein News will be the September-October issue, a Mid-


issue, and will be going to World Dairy Expo. The ad deadline is August 23rd.


I always look forward to the month of May. The irises that are planted by our farm sign bloom sometime between May 15 and 25. This year they bloomed early. They are a key indicator that it is time to be in the field. Planting season is in high gear in our neck of the woods with corn and beans sprouting all around us. It will soon be time to think about making hay. We all enjoy the longer days and warmer weather.

It’s hard for me to believe that just two and a half months ago we were at spring show. There was fierce competition, as always. The week started with showmanship. What an outstanding group of young people we have here in Ohio! They did a great job and gave the judges a run for their money.

Congratulations to Lane Francis who took home grand champion banners in both the Holstein Show and the Red and White show. Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-RedET was grand of both the open and junior shows and went on to be Supreme Champion of the Junior Show.

On April 19, Holstein enthusiasts headed to Sidney for the Ohio Holstein Spring Sale. Eric Topp, chairman of the sale, had gathered a great group of animals. Seventy lots averaged $2351. Topping the sale was MS Redcarpet Ring Side-ET, a Sidekick out of a 94-point Doorman. Ring Side brought $4,700 and found a new home

with Phil Topp and Bill Bergman. She was consigned by Red Carpet Holsteins from Illinois.

Summer will soon be upon us. I wish everyone the best as they compete at the district shows and the state fair. Best of luck to our juniors who will be representing

Ohio at the National Convention in Utah. I hope that everyone stays safe during planting, hay making, and wheat harvest. Let the irises bloom!

Dallas Rynd 740-207-5005

RSVP Now for ODPA's Golf Outing

Register today for ODPA's 7th annual golf outing Friday, June 28 at the Pines Golf Club in Orrville to raise funds for ODPA's advocacy initiative and the ODP PAC.

Registration begins at 8:00 am with a light breakfast, and the opportunity to practice at the Driving Range and the Putting Green. Shotgun Start is at 9:00 am. Awards will be presented for the top three teams and contests such as Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and Hole in One!

Registration includes green fees, cart, breakfast, lunch and two beer tickets per person. Cost is just $100 per individual and $375 for a foursome. Please note there is a $25 discount for those who register as a foursome!

Last year's event was quite a success and fun for all! Our golf outing is an event you won't want to miss - we hope to see you there!


Greetings, Holstein Friends! Hopefully everyone has had a nice easy spring with no equipment breakdowns and beautiful weather for planting and making hay.

We have a lot of great events throughout the state for this coming summer. The district shows have already started and the Mid-East Summer National Show at the Ohio State Fair will be here before we know it. Also, the breed improvement committee has put together a great summer breeder tour scheduled for July 13th at Velvet View Farms in Big

Prairie. Hopefully everyone can come enjoy some fellowship with other Holstein breeders from around the state while getting to see some fantastic cows and the on-farm creamery. I'm predicting it will be a perfect day to have some of their incredible ice cream, and let's be honest, there’s never a bad day for ice cream!

I want to extend a big thanks to Steve Moff for representing our region on the national board the past six years. We all wish good luck to our two Ohio candidates running to fill his seat on the board, Paul Haskins and Matthew Steiner, Sr.

Looking forward to seeing you all this summer!


1. Coke or Energy Drink? Coke

No Idea!

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Jared Harding

2. If you could have free meals for life at one fast food chain, which one would you choose? Lee’s Chicken

3. Salsa or Queso? I'd say queso, but honestly I like to mix the two together.

4. If you could learn one skill instantly, what would it be? Be a better golfer to play in the pros.

5. If you could do anything and know that you could NOT fail, what would you do? Probably go back to the golf thing, but also have a love for basketball that would be great to not fail at.

6. What’s your favorite cow show of the year? Honestly love our county fair, just the atmosphere and being around all your family and friends.

7. What is the title of the last book you read?  Last of the Mohicans

8. What’s your favorite TV show from the early 2000s? South Park

9. If you could donate $100,000 to any philanthropic cause or charity organization, what would it be? St. Jude's

10. On a Saturday night in July we will find you… Watching the Cleveland Guardians!

BONUS: What is your favorite magazine? Ohio Holstein News!

Jared Harding

Brownhaven Boasts Over of Registered Holsteins 6 DECADES

Today, Brownhaven Farms — founded in 1959 in a two-stanchion barn with Holsteins and Guernseys in New Bremen, Ohio — is a 400-head completely Registered Holstein herd milking in a completely renovated double 20 parlor.

Lou Brown and his brother, Alan, are partners in the farm and recently renovated their double 10 Germania parlor to a double 20 Surge. “We were thinking we were going to have to milk on one side only while they completed the other side, and that never happened. We were able to prepare everything ahead of time and, for the first time, we were able to milk in a double 20 parlor with just two people,” explained Lou Brown.

“We are cutting off an hour of the morning milking and an hour off the evening milking, which makes a huge difference when we are working in the fields or pumping the lagoons.”

Prengers, Inc. installed the parlor that has made such a difference in milking efficiency. “We use all family help, and people don’t like to spend five hours in the parlor — three hours is about the limit — so that’s why we made the change.” Additionally, this cuts down on the time the cows are in the holding pen, which is beneficial to everyone.

“When we were in the double four parlor in 1972, we were milking 40 cows, and then in 2001 we put in the double 10 parlor with 160 cows, and today we have 413 cows in a double 20 parlor,” Brown said. “We like our numbers to stay in the low 400s. Our cow housing is full and our heifer barns are all full as well, so even though our parlor could handle it, we are not looking to expand.”

Currently they are milking 413 cows with a rolling herd average of 24,877 pounds of milk, 891 pounds of fat and 783 pounds of protein. They have a 250-cow drive-through barn and just recently finished an 80-stall calf barn. Their manure is kept in dry stacks for pen bedding and they have a 3 million-gallon holding tank with a comprehensive nutrient management plan that includes 900 acres.

They farm 400 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa and have been extruding the soybeans since 1974 to feed the herd. They recently added a second bulk tank to accommodate the spring flush and only use it when needed.

Brownhaven is run exclusively with family help. Lou and his wife, Deb, and son Tony, along with Alan and his wife, Ruth, and their son, Mitchell, have specific tasks on the farm and work together to keep all the wheels spinning. “We also have two sons who live nearby who can jump in when we need them. The grandkids also enjoy coming to the farm and being a part of all the activities,” Brown added.

Why Registered Holsteins? “It was embedded in me growing up that the best cows came from registered herds and the best records were kept at the registered herds, so I’ve always continued with it,” he explained.

The Brownhaven breeding philosophy includes an emphasis on udders, feet and legs and strength. “We want strength. I hate all these pedigrees that are supposed to be these highgenomic bulls and they are frail, frail, frail. That is no good. I want at least two points on type. I’m not looking for a three- or four-point type show bull, but I want at least a point and a half to two points on type, at least.”

Gregg Topp of Select Sires Member Cooperative handles the mating at Brownhaven, and they are extremely happy with the results. The list of sires they use include Hardin, Carl, Holy P, Luster P, Renegade, Anack, Dalton and Sundance. Brown also uses Owen, Highnote, Dropbox and Perific, as well as some Angus bulls — but not in the way other dairymen are using them. “I’m only using Angus semen on cows that have been serviced four or five times to a good Holstein bull but haven’t gotten pregnant., he said. “I’ve gotten over 30 pregnancies on a first service to an Angus bull, and I would like to know why that’s happening. It makes no sense.”

The cows are fed a TMR of homegrown feed. The Brownhaven cropping map incudes corn silage, wheatlage, triticale, alfalfa haylage and dry hay, earlage, dry shell corn and extruded soybeans. They buy soybean meal and hulls, and they also purchase a mineral mix from Kalmbach feeds.

The feedstuffs are loaded with a skidloader into a mixer from commodity bunkers. “We used feed bins, but it’s way too time-consuming to wait on augers. It’s much more efficient with a skidloader now,” Brown noted.

The heifers are fed a ration of corn silage, wheatlage and grass hay with a little bit of grain and mineral mix. The calves are fed a complete

feed, individually, in their new 80-stall calf barn. Conservation is Paramount

Land conservation is an integral part of Brownhaven. “Years ago, erosion was all that we really paid attention to. Then we became a distressed watershed and the lake residents were so mad that they wanted to sue every farmer in the watershed,” he explained.

Providentially, before the lawsuits materialized, the Brown family had worked with their local Soil and Water Conservation District to embrace a comprehensive conservation plan. “We put in wetlands, quail buffers, bluebird and Purple Martin boxes, filter strips along all of the creeks, road buffers, tile stops so that we could easily shut them off if we had a fuel spill on the farm and cover crops that garnered Canadian farm tours to see the benefits to the land.”

The lake residents wanted a blanket lawsuit against the farmers in the watershed and as the lawyers began to investigate, they found a few “bad actors.” But when they got to Brownhaven and saw the photos and videos on YouTube of their conservation practices, Brown said, “The lawyers said, ‘there is no way we would win in court against this one farmer and what he has

accomplished,’ and so they didn’t sue any of us. We had no idea they had been looking at our farm on YouTube.” The lawsuit was dropped.

“If I have any advice for farmers, it would be to adopt at least one conservation practice on your farm to help yourself if anything like this were to happen.”

Brownhaven also has a Monarch Butterfly preserve that is maintained by Lou’s and Alan’s 90-year-old father, Alvin. For eight years they have been collecting the caterpillars starting in late May, putting them in cages with milkweed, allowing them to hatch and then releasing them. Clover and milkweed are integral pieces of the preserve. “My dad drives his electric four-wheeler back by the wetlands and spends an hour every day looking for and collecting the caterpillars. He is very active and loves the woods and the wildlife,” Lou Brown said.

They averaged seven tours per year for the last 10 years for people wanting to see their wetlands, conservation practices, the monarch butterfly habitat, the bluebird boxes, the quail that were released last year and their cover crop management.

Farm Safety Close to Home

In 2021, neighbors of the Browns — Gary, Todd and Brad Wuebker — died trying to rescue each other in a manure pit on their farm. That hit close to home, and since the Browns have hosted a farm safety meeting with the local fire department.

“I have a nephew on the fire department and he asked if they could come to the farm to expose the fire department to the accident possibilities on the farm,” Brown explained. Three areas were set up to show rescuers the dangers of farm equipment and what they need to be aware of when they are called to a farm accident.


“Of all the stress that happened this spring, with the rain in April and all that extra water, then trying to get our crops in on time and then putting in a parlor, none of them compare to the tornado that went through a mile from our home farm and about 500 feet from our heifer farm,” he said of the mid-May twister.

At their heifer operation, five big barns were lost along with hay equipment, a drill and two combine heads. It also took out the main electric pole, leaving them with no options but to truck water to their heifers and to the neighbor’s cattle. Twenty-eight power poles were snapped off and five farms in the area were demolished.

“We are so thankful that it didn’t hit our main farm — if it had, no building would be here today.”

Benefits of the OHA

Brown has found involvement in the Ohio Holstein Association beneficial. “We have bought a lot of animals from the sales over the years, and I really like the online bidding,” he said. “While I can’t always get away from the

farm, I enjoy the farm tours and reading about them in the Ohio News.”

He enjoys working with the District 12 show every year and, when he can’t get to a show, he looks at them online to see how his district or county did. “Things happen on the other side of Ohio, and I don’t hear about them until I read it in the news, and that’s why I like getting the magazine.”

At the 2024 Ohio Holstein Convention, Brownhaven was chosen as a tour stop, and in 2019 the farm was honored with the Member of Distinction Award from Dairy Farmers of America.

Their new double 20 Surge parlor has cut two hours off daily milking time.

to the processor then right to their refrigerator. I anticipate going into various communities this summer to continue to promote the dairy industry.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the different shows this summer, including the state fair! See you soon!


1. How old are you? 16

2. How long have you been showing? 9 years

3. Favorite show ring moment? I was 12 years old, and it was my first time going to Madison with my cow, Trix (Southern-Hills Okalbr Trix). We ended up second in the Senior Three-Year-Old class and Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion. It felt amazing to shake the judge's hand.

4. Dream job? Early Childhood Education

5. Hobbies/clubs? Choir, marching and concert band, secretary of my FFA chapter, Mock Trial, Theater, Student Council, and 4-H

6. Favorite song, band or artist right now? Bailey Zimmerman - Where it Ends

7. Favorite restaurant? (chain or local) Chick-Fil-A

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? Italy - It is so beautiful and has such a rich history.

9. Favorite place to shop? American Eagle

10. Biggest fear? Falling or reptiles

11. What emoji do you use the most?

12. Biggest pet peeve? My brother, whistling

13. Do you have a hidden talent? I can spread my toes apart really far!

14. What’s your most unpopular opinion? Chipotle and Dr. Pepper are disgusting.

15. Favorite and least favorite barn chore? Favorite: Feeding the new babies. Least: Cleaning up stalls.

16. Who is your role model? My Uncle Matt. I love everything he does with his FFA chapter and how dedicated he is to them.

17. What was your favorite part of the 2023 National Holstein Convention? Getting to stay up late and hang out with people from all over!

18. If you could invent something to make your life easier, what would it be? Automatic room cleaner

19. Do you think other juniors should get involved with Ohio Junior Holstein Association? Yes! It's super fun and you get to meet really cool people!

20. Waffles or pancakes? WAFFLES!

No Idea!

21. Do you listen to music when you milk? If so, what is it? No, but we have a radio during football season and we listen to that.

22. What’s a food everyone else seems to like but you’re not a fan? I'm gonna get some hate for this, but I don't like steak or cheeseburgers.

23. Anything else you think would be random/funny/cool to know about you? My favorite movie is Tangled. I have two younger brothers. I want to go to Ohio State. We are one of the only dairy farms in Brown County. I'm going to Colorado this summer for an FFA trip.

Bullseye with the Juniors

- Bulls that we are currently using at Quietcove are Peve and Pazzle. We are really starting to like these two bulls a lot. We admire the health traits and high type. Another bull we like is Rompen-Red. It's been a while since we have found a good red bull that works right for us and milks well. We are very pleased with the positive traits that the calves give.

- The bull that we are wanting to try out is Harris. We have heard good things about the calves that are born and we are starting to get some heifers bred to him. Pumped to see how those calves turn out!

- Some exciting calves that we have right now include a beautiful, clean-cut Sidekick, a stylish and hearty Peve, and a Luster-P that gets better every day!

- Cows that we have bred that are working well right now all go back to the great Quietcove Valiant Fawn EX-95; she is the franchise of Quietcove and continues to produce outstanding progeny that we are proud to showcase!

Hannah Griffith
23 Things You Didn’t Know About Hannah Griffith, Southern Hills Holsteins, Mt. Orab

Ohio Holstein Spring Sale Report

The 2024 Ohio Holstein Spring Sale was held in Sydney, Ohio at the Shelby County Fairgrounds on Friday, April 19, 2024. Rudy and Randall Kiko paired up in the box to provide announcements and to cry the sale, respectively. Eric Topp chaired the sale for the Ohio Holstein Association sale committee and Chad Griffith handled bids from Cowbuyer. com.

The whole sale averaged $2351.41 with 70 lots of live animals and one embryo lot.

The single embryo lot of the sale was 5 #1 sexed IVF embryos out of Rosedale Worth Repeating-ET, EX-94 3E crossed with Hodglynn Maximum-Red, 799H80. They were consigned by Randall Schaeffer, Ohio and sold for $400 each to Jon Mortensen, Idaho.

Ms Redcarpet Ring Side-ET was the winter calf consignment from Red Carpet Holsteins, Ill. She is the December 2023 SIDEKICK daughter of Fraeland Doorman Bonnie 2E94 (CAN). Aubree, Alaina and Aiden Topp, Ohio, were the final bidders of this popular lot, who was struck off at $4700, making her the top selling lot of the sale.

Ross Russell of Kentucky was the buyer of the next two high selling lots. Lot 64Beekmans Hancock McKenna was a senior 2-year-old who was fresh, fancy and ready to show! Braylon & Brynnlee Beekman, Ind., consigned this HANCOCK daughter. Her final price was $4400.

Lot 74, a DELTA-LAMBDA junior 3-yearold, was an added lot from Springhill and Micheal & Cynthia Weimer, Ohio. Solid-Gold D-Lambda Dallas, VG-87 was sold for $4300 to Ross Russell, fresh a month with her second calf.

Over 30 buyers hailed from four different states, including Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, New Mexico, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Kale, Kley, Ryan and Logan Beer from Indiana were the high volume buyers of the day, taking home 14 head from the 2024 Ohio Holstein Spring Sale.


For current store hours, events and details, follow us on Facebook, email us or call the store nearest you:

2780 Richville Dr. SE Massillon, OH 44646


82,000 sq. ft. Warehouse and Offices massillon@pbsanimalhealth.com

23507 U.S.R. 23 South Circleville, OH 43113

740-474-7394 circleville@pbsanimalhealth.com

3188 Lincoln Way East Wooster, OH 44691

330-262-1596 wooster@pbsanimalhealth.com

2029 U.S.R. 127 St. Henry, OH 45883 419-925-8800 sthenry@pbsanimalhealth.com

2721 Progress Way Wilmington, OH 45177

937-382-4572 wilmington@pbsanimalhealth.com

The sale crew and high sellers from left: Ken Janes, Wyatt Schlauch, Austin Borchers, Amelia Sammetinger with lot 74 Solid-Gold D-Lambda Dallas, Madelyn Topp with lot 64 Beekmans Hancock McKenna, Rudy Kiko, Eric Topp, Jordan Stookey, Lilly Elsass with the high seller Ms Redcarpet Ring Side-ET, Dustin Kirkpatrick, Scott Young, Curtis Shellenberger.

Ohio Holstein Association CALENDAR


EASTERN OHIO ALL-BREEDS SHOW, Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds, Dover 24-27



ODPA'S 7TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING, Pines Golf Club, Orrville

29 DISTRICT 1 & 2 at Columbiana County Fairgrounds July



OHIO SUMMER BREEDER TOUR, Velvet View Farm, Big Prairie

DISTRICT 9 SHOW during the Crawford County Fair, Bucyrus

21 DISTRICT 14 SHOW during the Shelby County Fair, Sidney









OSF SKILL-A-THON, 9 am-noon, Voinovich Building Terrace








29 DISTRICT 12 SHOW during the Auglaize County Fair, Wapakoneta 7:30 pm August

20 DISTRICT 8 SHOW during the Lorain County Fair, Wellington

23 Ohio Holstein News AD DEADLINE for Sept.-Oct. issue September


DISTRICT 7 SHOW during the Wayne County Fair, Wooster 14-18

ALL-AMERICAN DAIRY SHOW, Harrisburg, PA Sept 30.-Oct. 4 WORLD DAIRY EXPO, Madison, WI

November 7-11



The bulls we have been using at Hemsteads Holsteins are as follows:

- Perky 200HO12546, PBJ 007HO16520, and Boatshow 250HO16420 are Gameday sons we currently use on our heifers and cows. We like to use these bulls because they are robot-ready bulls that show they will have tremendous wide rear udders and strong udder attachments.

- Parfect 007HO15085 - This bull is a Renegade son. We are seeing daughters of his freshen with strong udder attachments and great teat placement. They are well-balanced animals that have dairy strength and great feet and legs.

- Lionel 007HO14454 - This bull is a Frazzeled son. They are milk machines! They are some of our best producers in the herd. We find these daughters to be smaller but are very well-balanced. Open rib and great feet and legs on these daughters.

- Hindsight Red 200HO12532 - He is a Latenite son we use on Revere Red and Warrior Red daughters. We have a few daughters of his on the ground that show a fancy factor to them. They are long-legged and long-bodied calves. We are very excited to watch them grow.

- Hulu 250HO16498 - Using this bull on show heifers such as Analyst Red and Energy. He looks like a stylish bull with lots of depth and open rib. This bull also shows strength and could make fancy cows with great udders.

Dam: River Valley Excitation Flawless-ET EX 93

3X All-American in Milking Form! Sold for $169,000 to Misty Meadow, David Hogan

• 1st Sr 2-Yr-Old & HM Int. Champ 2018 World Dairy Expo

• 1st Sr 3-Yr-Old Int Champ & Res. Grand 2019 All American Jersey Show & World Dairy Expo

2nd Dam: Mi-San 2 Verbatim Effortless EX-93

• ABA and AJCA Unanimous All-American Jr 2-Yr-Old 2013

3rd Dam: PF Tequila Makes It Easy EX-93

4th Dam: Amlaird Counciller Emmy EX 95

1st Spring Yearling, Junior Champion & Supreme Champion Heifer Spring Dairy Expo 2nd Spring Calf Western Nat’l 2023

Maternal Sisters: MM Joel Flower EX 91, ABA HM AA Sr 2 2023 & MM Bontino Favor VG 88, Res All-Canadian Sr 2 2023


An Ohio Dairy Woman’s Journal

Sarah Lehner

I live in Delaware, Ohio, where I operate D.E.E. Lehner Farms alongside my parents, sister and brother-in-law Meghan and Matt Yarnell, and fiancé Clint Kitchen. We milk

25 Registered Holsteins and Brown Swiss and ship Grade A milk as members of Dairy Farmers of America. We also raise steers to sell freezer beef locally and farm 900 acres of row crops. I typically am at the farm by 5:15 every morning and back home to start my workday by 7am. I am employed as a Field Sales Representative for Channel Seed and enjoy working with our team of dealers across West Central Ohio.

Friday, April 19th

After morning chores I met up with a colleague for breakfast in Polaris to exchange some plot planting supplies. I then headed to Sidney for the Ohio Holstein Spring Sale. Most of my Holstein herd has been registered-up over the past ten years from the grade herd my family started with, so lot 49 was the first Holstein I had ever consigned to a public sale. It was a great day catching up with Holstein friends and I look forward to seeing how my consignment develops for her new owners.

Saturday, April 20th

Morning milking and chores were uneventful. I finished the morning by attending a memorial service for a family friend, then returned home to work on halter breaking some calves. I am also working on completing an online master’s degree and squeezed in a few of hours for homework before heading back out for evening milking.

Sunday, April 21st

After milking we stayed busy taking blood samples for pregnancy testing and changing inflations in the parlor. Clint and I still managed to make it to 11am church service and I did a bit more studying before evening milking. Once chores were finished up I cleaned out my truck, loaded my generator and cooler, and gathered supplies for what should be a busy week of planting across western Ohio.

Monday, April 22nd

I began chores extra early this morning to start a group of recip cows on double ovsync. I also had one cow to breed before finishing up chores and heading home to finish loading my truck with plot planting necessities. I had planned to be planting plots with a dealer in Darke county, but they decided to let things dry out for one more day. Instead, I went to Menards and purchased shop supplies to include in “Planting Season Survival Kits” for customers. I assembled the kits in coolers and buckets and then headed to the farm for evening chores. With rain forecasted for Tuesday there was not much planting across my territory today, but several people were spraying and working ground.

Tuesday, April 23rd

After chores I made one more trip to the store to get some finishing touches for my planting season kits. I returned home to get those loaded in the truck and spent some office time reviewing budgets and sales forecasts. Evening milking and chores went smoothly and a family came to pick up a Brown Swiss spring yearling I sold them as a 4-H project. It was windy today with rain beginning in the evening, so besides a bit of tillage, there was not much field work being done.

Wednesday, April 24th

After morning chores I drove to Darke county to distribute my planting season kits to customers. I teamed up with one of our local Channel dealers to visit customers in Darke and Mercer counties and drop off our appreciation gifts. Most of western Ohio got 0.1-0.2” of rain overnight, so customers were rained out but still in their shops making sure equipment is ready for when conditions are fit. Our employee Isabelle milked this evening, so I had some more time to study.

Thursday, April 25th

I started the morning giving sync shots to cows I’ll breed next week, then met up with a trainee on our Channel team to distribute some planting season gifts to seed dealers for other brands across Delaware, Union, Shelby, and Darke counties. Part of my job is building relationships with our competitors to help grow our Channel distribution team in the long term. Everyone seemed to be out and about getting things prepped, so tomorrow should be a big day of field work. Isabelle milked this evening and Matt started planting corn on our farm.

Friday, April 26th

After morning chores I was finally able to get out to plant my territory’s first Channel plot of the year. I drove to Union City where we planted a corn plot as well as XtendFlex and Enlist soybean plots. It was great to be out in the field and I’m excited to

see how our new corn hybrids and soybean varieties stack up against our current lineup this growing season. Matt continued planting at home and my parents and Clint covered evening milking since I didn’t get home until later in the evening.

Saturday, April 27th

Chores went smoothly and Clint and I spent the rest of the morning getting the barns ready for the warmer temperatures expected next week. Our free stall and box stall barns are both 60+ years old, so we take siding off, replace sliding doors with gates for increased airflow, and get fans placed wherever we can to minimize heat stress. We then moved a few springing heifers to the dry cow pen while my dad and sister planted our sweet corn patch. Matt was able to finish planting corn this evening.

Sunday, April 28th

After chores this morning I went out to run some errands before heading to Marysville to help plant an XtendFlex soybean plot. I made it home by 4pm to meet a family that came to pick up two Holstein heifers they had purchased for their son’s first 4-H project- a Parsly March calf out of a Luster-P heifer and a really stylish Homecoming January calf out of an 83 point Wipe Out that should be earning more points this summer. This spring I have sold more calves than ever, and it will be exciting to see how they all turn out for their new owners.

Monday, April 29th

I again started morning chores extra early to give sync shots to recip cows, then left by 7am to put in an XtendFlex soybean plot in Ansonia. After finishing up the plot I took a dealer and customer to lunch in Greenville before heading home. With heavy rain forecasted planting is slowing down across most of the state. Isabelle milked tonight so I had time to clip off two Brown Swiss December calves that I’m excited to get in a show ring this summer- a Collaps x 91pt Braiden x Wanda and a Deluxe x 85pt Famous.

Tuesday, April 30th

Fortunately, we dodged most of the rain in Delaware and Matt was able to get back in the field to plant soybeans this afternoon. Mercer county seemed to be hit the hardest with about 1.5”. They were already sitting wet and had not been able to make as much planting progress as other areas, so I am hoping they miss some of the rains forecasted for this weekend. Since most of my territory was rained out I spent the day in the office catching up on emails and reports.

Wednesday, May 1st

After chores this morning I had a team meeting over zoom before heading out to do some scouting in fields close to home. Corn and soybeans planted in the last 5 days are mostly germinated, but still a day or two to go to emergence. I also delivered a few more planting season kits to customers in Morrow, Delaware, and Union counties. The day took a turn around 3pm when a car drifted into my dad’s truck while he was delivering a load of straw. Fortunately, everyone was okay, but it was a good reminder to stay extra aware on the roads this spring.

Thursday, May 2nd

After morning chores I did some more scouting and emergence flagging on corn before delivering some Sorghum Sudangrass seed to customers in Hardin and Morrow counties. I headed home and spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the bedded pack in our dry cow and heifer pens. Clint and I milked and I walked and rinsed a few show heifers before heading home for the night.

Friday, May 3rd

Rain moved in quickly after morning chores, but seemed to miss parts of Hardin county where I delivered some plot seed to be included in a competitor’s silage plot that they were planting that morning. I’m very confident in our top silage hybrids and am looking forward to seeing how they compare to the best of another brand’s lineup.

Thank you for following along on my 2-Week Peek!


This is my last article as a National Director. As I write this the web site of National Holstein is down, it was hacked and had to be shut down. Programmers, along with outside law enforcement IT people, are going through everything bit by bit to make sure all is secure. I can say no information was lost and all member information, genetic information and herd book data is secure. While the HAUSA system is back online, it was a lengthy process, and took a long time to get the system up and running again. Registrations and transfers had to be processed via mail. Dates of transfers and registrations will be recorded as date received.

We had 65 participate in the conference at Jonathan and Alicia Lamb’s Oakfield Corners Dairy. The conference kicked off on Tuesday with the Linear evaluation session given by John Steinhoff followed by pizza, cheese and refreshments. Wednesday started with a classroom session on judging shows on a professional level presented by Molly Sloan. There was great input and questions from the group from several states and five countries. It was sunny and warm as we lined up three tremendous cow classes and one heifer class. I think the aged cow class were all 93pts and higher with at least two 95pt cows. Several sets of reasons were given on each class by the substantial number of first-time participants. Overall, having the conference at OCD was an IMMENSE success. The only problem will be following it up next year in Ohio. Yes, Ohio will be hosting it in 2025 and any farms that would like to volunteer should call me or Tim Ziemba. The schedule as of now is Ohio in 2025, West 2026, South 2027, East coast 2028, Wisconsin/Midwest 2029, and back to New York/East in 2030.

I would like to thank Ohio for the support from its members and the State Association. It has been a fast 7 years. I would also thank all those I have served with over those 7 years, we have been through a lot and have made decisions that will hopefully help guide Holstein USA into the future.

Thanks to all and support Ohio at the National Convention!

Steve Moff

Dairy Jeopardy is coming to Ohio State Fair! On Wednesday, July 24 (1:30 - 4:30 p.m.) and Wednesday, July 31 (9a.m.-noon) you can see how your dairy knowledge stacks up to your peers! There is no fee, but there is a registration form. Please register before June 21st if you would like an admission ticket. More can be found at Ohio 4-H Dairy Program or https://ohio4h.org/sta.../animal-sciences/dairy/dairyevents

Congrats to Jeff & Megan Brown (D12) on the birth of their son, Abbot Michael Brown, on April 19, 2024. He was 8lbs 13oz and 21¼ inches long.

Jason and Amy Miley (D7) welcomed their third child into the world on April 11, 2024. Austin William Miley will join his two older siblings, Samantha and Andrew, to keep the entire family on their toes! Congratulations to Miley Holsteins!

Don’t forget to RSVP for the Summer Breeder Tour on July 13th at Velvet-View Farms in Big Prairie, Ohio. Ice cream for everyone!

The ODPA Golf Outing is June 28th, if you like to golf, this event is for you! Find details on page 5

ADA Mideast is hosting a Columbus Clippers Baseball game on August 25th! Reserve your seats by August 1st by contacting Erin Brown @ 740-487-6816 or Madelyn Topp at 937-2037.



down from a challenge. Others RISE to it.

5th 4-Yr-Old Mid-East Fall N’tl R&W Show

1st 4-Yr-Old, Res. Sr. Champion & HM Grand Champion Ohio State Fair R&W Show

1st 4-Yr-Old, Senior & Grand Champion Ohio District 3 Show

Supreme Champion Eastern Ohio All-Breeds Show

5th 4-Yr-Old Northeast Spring National Holstein Show

We are excited about her red daughter by Rompen and her black daughter by Has it All! Look for all our ladies on the tanbark trail with the Oh-Mi Partners.

Ohio Holstein Association


ACKER, MARK, D-07, Acker Dairy Farms LTD., 13280 Blough Rd., Sterling, OH 44276; Phone: 330-317-6655

ACKERMAN, BEN, D-09, Ackerman Farms, 5554 Cook Rd., New Washington, OH 44854; Email: ackerman5554@gmail.com; Cell: 567224-8388

ACK-LEE HOLSTEINS, D-11, Jay & Kyle Ackley, 9256 Rd. 141, East Liberty, OH 43319; Email: jkackley95@gmail.com; Phone: 937666-2122

ACKLEY, KRISTOPHER, D-11, Ack-Lee Holsteins, 9256 TR 141, East Liberty, OH 43319

ADAMS, JEREMY, D-13, Express Show Cattle, 5077 S. Kennard Rd., Urbana, OH 43078; Email: expressholsteins@gmail.com; Phone: 937-206-9890

ALDEN, NOEL & KATE, D-04, Alden Farms, 24499 Colopy Rd., Danville, OH 43014; Email: nalden13@msn.com; Phone: 740-5018451

AMSTUTZ, ARTHUR, D-07, Arlo-Acres, 8536 McQuaid Rd., Orrville, OH 44667; Phone: 330-682-4131; Cell: 330-464-0221

AMSTUTZ, J. LOUIS, D-07, Blue Crest Dairy, 14710 Church Rd., Orrville, OH 44667; Email: thecrew@bluecrestdairy.com; Phone: 330-317-1222

ANDREWS, MATT, D-14, Dreamland Dairy, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood Rd., Sidney, OH 45365; Email: manddand30@gmail.com; Phone: 937-538-6879 (Diane); Cell: 937-5386811

MATT ANDREWS, STEVE, D-07, Andrews Auctioneer, 5107 S. Jefferson Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: steveandrews@sssnet.com; Phone: 330-262-9186; Cell: 330-465-8498

AYARS, JOHN & BONNIE, D-13, Ayars Family Farm, 12108 Rosedale Rd., Mechanicsburg, OH 43044; Phone: 937-609-3541

BAIRD, MERVIN W., D-03, Baird Farm, 63229 Salem Rd., Salesville, OH 43778; Phone: 740541-1927

BANKEY, DEREK, D-09, 7411 Milton Rd., Custar, OH 43511; Cell: 419-308-8627

BARKMAN, MAHLON, D-03, 2711 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681; Phone: 330-852-0082

BAUMER, DERIK, D-14, Happy-Hour Genetics, 15875 SR 29, Anna, OH 45302; Email: Baumer8907@gmail.com; Phone: 937-7269637

BEACHY, JACOB, D-04, Farmstead Dairy, 43935 TR 50, Coshocton, OH 43812; Phone: 740-824-4882


President: Ryan Welch - 419-651-5281

Vice President: Lisa Kerr - 419-606-0527

Secretary: Erica Davis - 614-371-8533

Treasurer: Danette Simpson - 740-391-1122

District 1 David Klingensmith 330-979-7685

District 2 Evan Kiko 330-205-9354

District 3 Jared Harding 330-339-5389

District 4 Open

District 5 Erica Davis 614-371-8533

District 7 Jason Miley 330-466-8509

District 8 Ryan Welch 419-651-5281

BEACHY, JR, JACOB, D-07, Beach-Vale Holsteins, 1977 TR 80, Millersburg, OH 44654

BEARDSLEY, LINDA L, D-08, Franmar Farms Inc., 6395 Branch Rd., Medina, OH 44256; Phone: 330-618-0995

BECK, BRIAN, D-02, Cornerstone Ag, 1450 Manor Dr., Salem, OH 44460; Phone: 330332-0188; Cell: 330-692-6922

BEDNARSKI, ANDREA & KATE KUTSCHER, D-22, Bednarski Farms, 103 Buffalo Rd. S, Avella, PA 15312; Email: katielBednarski@gmail.com; Cell: 724-825-9856

BEEKMAN, JAY, D-22, 11902 N. Meridian Rd., Huntington, IN 46750; Cell: 260-450-7568

BEERY, ADRIAN S, D-07, Heritage Dairy LLC, 11154 Steiner Rd., Rittman, OH 44270; Email: abeery07@gmail.com; Cell: 330-464-2448

BENNETT, TODD, D-02, 24192 Georgetown Rd., Homeworth, OH 44634

BERG FARMS LTD, D-08, 3114 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813; Email: bewaregeno@aol. com; Phone: 419-571-4983

BERG, AARON, D-08, Berg Farms Ltd., 3056 Parsons Rd., Bellville, OH 44813; Email: bewaregeno@aol.com; Phone: 419-571-4983

BERG, COLLIN J, D-08, Berg Farms Ltd., 7200 Wrick Rd., Bellville, OH 44813; Email: bewaregeno@aol.com; Phone: 419-571-9940

BERGMAN, WILFRED V., D-12, 1008 Kremer Rd., Maria Stein, OH 45860; Phone: 419-7908702

BERTKE, DAMON, D-12, Bertke Dairy, 6332 Ft. Recovery-Minster Rd., Maria Stein, OH 45860; Email: damon.bertke07@yahoo.com; Cell: 419-953-8818

BESANCON, BILL & SANDY, D-07, Wil-San Registered Holsteins, 5693 Back Orrville Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: wilsan5693@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-317-3362

BICKEL, CURTIS, D-15, 529 S. Walnut, Wilmington, OH 45177; Email: cjbickel7@gmail. com; Phone: 937-728-0174

BICKEL, DONALD, D-15, New Horizon Farm, 1506 Hodson Rd., New Vienna, OH 45159; Email: moocows@fuse.net; Phone: 937-2182697

District 9 Joe Cole 740-396-0454

District 10 Dan Morlock 419-265-5771

District 11 Jay Ackley 937-935-8272

District 12 Ty Etgen 567-204-6310

District 13 Chris Lahmers 614-306-7194

District 14 Eric Topp 419-953-3427

District 15 Curtis Bickel 937-728-0174

BLUE, TOM, D-05, Blue-Moon Guernseys, 16526 Turney Caldwell, Circleville, OH 43113; Cell: 740-207-6235

BODEY, MICHAEL W, D-13, Mi-Kar Farm, 4409 Dog Leg Rd., Urbana, OH 43078; Phone: 937-869-3345

BOGGS FARM LLC, D-01, 4012 Belden Rd., Andover, OH 44003; Email: boggsrobin@ yahoo.com; Phone: 440-293-6165; Cell: 440645-6928

NICKI BOSS FARM LLC, D-07, 13655 Gearhart Rd., Burbank, OH 44214; Cell: 330-4640373

BOUIC, FRANK ALLEN, D-11, 9404 Hinton Mill Rd., Ostrander, OH 43061; Email: fabouic@midohio.net; Phone: 740-666-2161; Cell: 740-666-2516

BOUIC, ROB, D-11, Arlosy Inc., 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045; Email: robbouic@ gmail.com; Cell: 937-243-0315

BRIGHTBILL-GEM HILL FARMS, D-08, 511 TR 3050, Loudonville, OH 44842; Phone: 419-651-8247

BRILL, RICHARD, D-08, Brill-View Farms Inc., 47074 Whitney Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: bvf0620@gmailcom; Cell: 440773-4203

BRILL, ROBERT, D-08, 49031 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090; Phone: 440-309-8440

BROSHES, TONY, D-13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 3516 Flatfoot Rd., Urbana, OH 43078

BROWN, ALAN, D-12, Brownhaven Farms, 08713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869; Email: alanruth@hometowncable.net; Phone: 419-629-2146; Cell: 567-279-4670

BROWN, JEFF, D-12, Koneta Farms LLC, 14391 Brown Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: jbrown@cobaselect.com; Phone: 419295-5088

BROWN, KENNETH W., D-07, 4032 E. Easton Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Phone: 330-4354130

BROWN, LOU, D-12, Brownhaven Farm, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869; Email: dbrown7@towncable.net; Cell: 567644-5448

Ohio Holstein Association


BROWN, MARVIN D., D-03, OK Haven Farm, 3386 Henderson School Rd., New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Email: okhavenfarm@ yahoo.com; Phone: 330-343-8407

BROWN, MITCHELL, D-12, Brownhaven Farms, 08713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869

BROWN, TONY, D-12, Brownhaven Farms, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869; Phone: 419-953-6414

BRUGLER, GLENN R., D-01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, LLC, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd., Burghill, OH 44404; Email: gbrugler@aol. com; Cell: 330-306-8306

BUCKEYE CAREER CENTER, D-03, 545 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663

BUCKS PRIDE DAIRY, D-09, Bucks Pride Dairy LLC, 6249 Ross Rd., Bloomville, OH 44818; Cell: 419-563-6100

BURKE, VICTORIA, D-03, 200 Betscher Ave., Dover, OH 44622; Cell: 330-401-5433

BURKHOLDER, ELI J, D-07, 2699 TR 406, Sugarcreek, OH 44681; Phone: 330-275-5295

BUSCHUR, STEVE, D-14, Buschur Dairy Farms, Inc., 14393 Johnson Rd., New Weston, OH 45348; Email: buschurdairy@gmail.com; Phone: 937-423-7108

BUTLER, ANDY, D-01, 6766 Stoddard Hayes Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417

CALDWELL, ALBERT D, D-03, Caldwell Dairy, 90208 Blue Ridge Rd., Bloomingdale, OH 43910; Email: doug.caldwell73@icloud. com; Cell: 740-381-9730

CALFO, JENNA, D-08, 22560 Hawley Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: jcalfo04@ gmail.com; Cell: 440-387-6355

CAMPBELL BROS., INC., D-02, 3821 Union Ave. NE, Homeworth, OH 44634; Phone: 330-821-5696

CAMPBELL, RODNEY & CINDY, D-02, Campbell Bros., Inc., 3399 Union Ave. NE, Minerva, OH 44657

CARLE, AARON, D-02, J-Car Farms, 9157 Rochester Rd., East Rochester, OH 44625; Email: a130carle@gmail.com; Cell: 330-7714122

CARLE, SCOTT, D-02, J-Car Farms, 9157 Rochester Rd., East Rochester, OH 44625; Email: scott.carle63@gmail.com; Phone: 330428-3576

CARLENE FARMS, D-03, 1436 Stonecreek Rd. SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Phone: 330-340-2193; Cell: 330-340-2243

CARROLLTON FFA, D-03, 205 Scio Rd., Carrollton, OH 44615

CHERI OECHSLE FAMILY, D-12, Jacher Genetics, 11247 Wren Landeck, Van Wert, OH 45891; Email: cheri.oechsle@gmail.com; Phone: 419-605-2838 (Cheri); Cell: 419-6052810

MATT CLARK, SETH, D-07, Merck Animal Health, 18161 Hackett Rd., Dalton, OH 44618; Email: seth.clark9@merck.com; Cell: 330-465-2728

CLARKE, ROBERT D., D-03, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd., Uhrichsville, OH 44683; Phone: 740-922-1283

CLINE, MARK, D-09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830; Phone: 419-619-4559

CLINE, NICHOLAS, D-09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830; Phone: 419-619-6980

CLINE, PHILLIP, D-09, 5475 McCutchenville Rd., Fostoria, OH 44830; Phone: 419-6193561

COFFMAN, MIKE, D-03, Coffman Farms Inc., 960 Coffman Rd., Marietta, OH 45750; Email: hdcoffman@yahoo.com; Phone: 740-3743116; Cell: 740-516-6769

COLE, DUANE T, D-01, 8105 SR 609, Burghill, OH 44404; Email: dtccow@yahoo.com; Cell: 440-724-1587

COLE, JOE & ANNE, D-09, Longacre Farms Inc. & Bucks Pride, LLC, PO Box 621, Bucyrus, OH 44820; Cell: 419-561-2902

COLLETT, ROBERT & SUSAN, D-07, Sand Run Farm, 7629 CR 68, Millersburg, OH 44654; Email: sandrun@roadrunner.com; Cell: 330-763-3002

CONRAD, DONALD L., D-05, Conrad Farm, 13205 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145; Cell: 740-485-5124

CONRAD, GREGORY A., D-05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145; Email: gconrad67@msn.com; Cell: 740-572-1058

CONRAD, RICK & DAVE, D-08, Conrad Farms, 19900 Indian Hollow Rd., Grafton, OH 44044

COPE, GRANT, D-02, Breezy-Knoll Farm, 4675 Depot Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: breezyknoll34@gmail.com; Cell: 330-4232323

CORNISH, GREG, D-08, 2572 Edwards Rd., North Fairfield, OH 44855; Email: greg.cornish@whfeeds.com; Cell: 419-681-7472

CRIST, STEVE, D-02, Crist Dairy Farm, 5200 Rochester Rd., Homeworth, OH 44634; Phone: 330-525-7747; Cell: 330-257-1206

CROSSEN, ANNA, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 7500 Congress Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Cell: 330-749-1736

CROSSGROVE, JODI, D-10, Roma J’s Dairy, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502; Email: jrcrossgrove@yahoo.com; Cell: 419-551-2990

CROSSGROVE, ROGER D., D-10, 5J Acres, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502; Email: 5jacres@bright.net; Cell: 419-906-1201

CULLER, JAKE, D-08, Culler Farms LLC, 3271 SR 39, Lucas, OH 44843; Email: slculler@live. com; Phone: 419-571-4720; Cell: 419-5714720

CUMMINGS, TIM, D-14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd., Sidney, OH 45365

DAVIES, KRISTEN, D-07, 4142 Salineville Rd. NE, Carrollton, OH 44615; Email: davies.312@gmail.com; Cell: 330-466-2500

DAVIS, ERICA, D-05, Blue Spruce Farm, 701 Blackstone St., Washington Court House, OH 43160; Email: cowladydesigns@gmail.com; Cell: 614-371-8533

DEAM, NEIL, D-03, Deam’s Hoof Care, 5254 Stucky Valley Rd. SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840; Email: hoofneil@gmail.com; Cell: 330767-1405

DEAM, STEVE, D-13, Select Sires Member Coop, 5644 Jennybrook Ln., Hilliard, OH 43026; Email: steve@cobaselect.com; Cell: 937-477-6616

DEETZ, BILL, D-03, Four Pines Farm Ltd., 8115 Roy Andrews Rd. NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681; Cell: 330-432-0694

DELAVERGNE, JULIA, D-05, 15086 Long Run Rd., Laurelville, OH 43135; Phone: 740332-2018; Cell: 614-284-9614

DENMAN, DAVIS, D-01, Denmandale Farms LLC, 3155 Irishtown Southworth, Cortland, OH 44410

DICKE, DARBY & AMY, D-13, Hilltop Farms Inc., 1613 Hilltop Rd., Xenia, OH 45385; Email: darb1611@aol.com; Cell: 937-3078409

DORIA, LESLEY, D-13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 1351 Doncogan Ct., Perrysburg, OH 43551

DOTTERER, MARK, RICHARD & MATTHEW, D-07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd., 10052 Easton Rd., Rittman, OH 44270; Email: markdotterer@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-414-7901

DOUGLASS, JOHN, D-07, Catalpadale Dairy, 14981 Fox Lake Rd., Marshallville, OH 44645; Email: catdairy@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-8552623; Cell: 330-465-5334

DUYM, ANNIE SPECHT, D-03, Trealayne Holsteins, 2601 Westmont Blvd., Columbus, OH 43221

EBERHARD, RON & BRUCE, D-11, Business & Estate Planning Services Unlimited, P.O. Box 458, 1531 Eber-Lea Vista, Grove City, OH 43123; Email: bepsu@dreamweaving.net; Cell: 614-561-6632

EBY, JORDAN, D-22, 30308 Jaxon Dr., Elkhart, IN 46517

ELSHOFF, KIRKE, D-12, Golden Hills Farm LLC, 13110 Elshoff Dr., St. Marys, OH 45885; Email: agbag@nktelco.net; Phone: 419-7532323; Cell: 419-305-6071

EPPERLY, KELLY A, D-14, 501 W. Main, Box 131, Anna, OH 45302; Cell: 937-658-3896

ERBSEN, JOHN, D-22, 10974 Benson Rd., Lanark, IL 61046

Ohio Holstein Association


ETGEN, TY, D-12, Etgen-Way Holsteins, 9410 Sugar Creek Rd., Harrod, OH 45850; Email: etgen.11@live.com; Phone: 567-204-6310

EVANS, DAVID J & MICHAEL D., D-03, Klami Reg Holsteins, 7163 Macaw Rd. NW, Minerva, OH 44657; Phone: 330-895-2250; Cell: 330-313-2545

FISHER, JENNIFER, D-03, 8098 Kensington Rd. NE, Mechanicstown, OH 44651; Cell: 330-324-5135

FISHER, PHILIP E., D-12, Diamond-Oak Farm, 20835 SR 189, Ft. Jennings, OH 45844; Cell: 419-302-3148

FISHER, SETH B, D-13, Brookston Acres, 5435 W. Farrington Rd., Covington, OH 45318

FLEDDERJOHANN, MARK, D-12, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822; Cell: 419-305-8076

FRASER, ANNE MARIE, D-02, Buckeye-View Farm LLC, 632 S. 12th St., Beloit, OH 44609; Email: buckeyeview78@gmail.com; Cell: 330277-6660

FULLENKAMP, DANIEL, D-14, 707 St. Joe Rd., Fort Recovery, OH 45846

GASSER, KRAIG, D-07, Canaan Farms LLC, 2556 E. Easton Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Email: 92gass@gmail.com; Phone: 330-3177688

GEHRIG, DOUG AND SARA, D-03, 50105 Minder Rd., Jerusalem, OH 43747; Email: paquettequarterhorse@gmail.com; Cell: 740381-1008

GIBBS, MIKAYLA, D-05, Conrad Farm, 3687 Bogus Rd. SE, Washington Court House, OH 43160; Email: mconrad94@outlook.com; Phone: 740-505-8911

GILBERT, STEVE, D-07, Broad-Vue Holsteins, 11200 Hiner Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: stevegilbert11200hiner@gmail.com; Cell: 330-231-8039

GILL, RALPH, D-07, Golden Briar Farm, 4059 Schellin Rd., Smithville, OH 44677; Email: gillralph69@gmail.com; Cell: 330-466-0498

GLEISNER, BUD, D-08, 144 CR 681, Sullivan, OH 44880; Cell: 419-651-9388

GLEISNER, CHARLIE, D-08, Shadeline Holsteins/Golden Link Microbials, 1540 Rome Greenwich Rd., Greenwich, OH 44837; Email: cgleisner@hotmail.com; Cell: 419-606-5143

GOSS, MORGAN, D-08, K-Bec Holsteins, 28333 SR 511, New London, OH 44851; Email: mgoss2020@gmail.com; Phone: 440897-4255

GOWANLOCK, HEATHER, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 2135 Odema, Lima, OH 45806

GRAVES, KENNETH & TONIA, D-13, KayeBrook Farm, 3645 Church Rd., Urbana, OH 43078; Phone: 937-652-3350

GRIFFITH, LARRY & CHAD, D-15, Southern Hills Holsteins, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106; Email: griffith.larry@yahoo.com; Phone: 513-543-5899

GROVE, JULI A, D-03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 2213 Crooked Run Rd., New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Phone: 330-339-5389

GUGGENBILLER, ZACHARY, D-12, Glacier-Hill Farm LLC, 560 Meiring Rd., Ft. Recovery, OH 45846; Email: guggenbiller93@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-852-5559

GUNKELMAN, DAVE, D-07, TaG Holsteins, 2021 W. Steiner Rd., Burbank, OH 44214; Email: drgunkelman@yahoo.com; Cell: 330464-3259

HARDING, EDNA, D-03, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd. NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Email: ednaharding4@gmail.com; Phone: 330-2434728

HARDING, LARRY & JARED, D-03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd. NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Phone: 330339-5389

HARDING, LOUISE, D-03, Lou Har Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd. NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Email: hardingl912@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-339-5490; Cell: 330432-7430

HAROLD’S EQUIPMENT, INC., D-07, 2120 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624; Email: haroldn@haroldsequipment.com; Phone: 330893-2348

HARPSTER ENTERPRISES LTD., D-08, 316 B US 250 E, Jeromesville, OH 44840; Cell: 419-651-2343

HARRIS, PAUL, D-01, 9554 Bainbridge Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023

HART, BOBBY & MELISSA, D-22, 4520 Holcomb Rd., North Adams, MI 49262; Email: farm.writer@hotmail.com; Cell: 517-3981957

HART, SARAH, D-22, 406 1/2 High Park Ave., Goshen, IN 46526

HARTLINE, ROBERT/GALE/JOHN, D-03, Hartline Valley Farms, Inc., 735 Wagner Rd., Marietta, OH 45750; Phone: 740-373-6820

HARTMAN, WAYNE E., D-07, Hartman Dairy Farm Inc., 3918 Ogden Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: hartmandairy@hotmail. com; Cell: 330-465-7536

HARTSCHUH, ALLEN & DIANE, D-09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 1401 New Washington Rd., Bloomville, OH 44818; Cell: 419561-0024

HARTSCHUH, DVM, BRIAN, D-09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 7875 Miller Rd., Bloomville, OH 44818; Email: brian.hartschuh@gmail.com; Cell: 419-834-3217

HARTSCHUH, GREGORY S, D-09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 6348 Parks Rd., Sycamore, OH 44882; Phone: 419-561-1364

HARTSCHUH, JASON, D-09, Hartschuh Dairy Farm LLC, 7110 Marion Melmore Rd., Sycamore, OH 44882; Cell: 419-561-1216

HASKINS, PAUL R, D-07, Rohaven Holsteins, 16998 Mishey Rd., Butler, OH 44822; Email: phaskins17199@gmail.com; Cell: 419-6184028

HASKINS, ROBERT W., D-04, Haskins Farm, 17219 Mishey Rd., Butler, OH 44822; Phone: 740-694-0122; Cell: 440-543-4539

HASSEMAN JR, RUSSELL, D-07, Marlu-Rusken Farm LLC, 930 Dalton Fox Lake Rd., Dalton, OH 44618; Cell: 330-234-2929

HASTINGS, DUANE, D-08, 107 CR 1100, West Salem, OH 44287

HASTINGS, GARRETT, D-01, 13270 Stoney Springs Dr., Chardon, OH 44024; Email: ghastings50@gmail.com; Cell: 440-321-6555

HASTINGS, LAD & BRENDA, D-01, Hastings Dairy, 13270 Stoney Springs Dr., Chardon, OH 44021; Email: hastings97@gmail.com; Cell: 440-313-5188

HAVENS, ERIC, D-09, Brookview Farms, 4293 Tiffin Rd., Fremont, OH 43420; Email: ehbrookviewfarms@yahoo.com; Cell: 419-3073758

HEGER, CURT & COLE, D-15, Future Manor Farm, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311; Phone: 937-452-3606

HEINSOHN, JONATHAN, D-22, Red Carpet Holsteins, 34695 Kirkland Rd., Kirkland, IN 60146

HEMPFLING, CHARLES J, D-12, Hemsteads Holsteins LLC, 22161 Lincoln Hwy., Delphos, OH 45833; Email: chempfling@woh.rr.com; Phone: 419-236-6467

HENRY, ANTON, D-14, Indian Stone Farms LLC, 10725 Wolf Rd., Versailles, OH 45380; Email: indianstone@me.com; Cell: 937-2384960

HENRY, CHARLIE, D-14, Indian Stone Farms LLC, 7581 Old ST 242, Versailles, OH 45380; Email: bethhenry1081@gmail.com; Cell: 937423-5293

HENRY, JOE, D-14, Indian Stone Farms LLC, 10695 Wolf Rd., Versailles, OH 45380; Phone: 937-238-4954

HENRY, MARK & JERROD, D-11, Henry Farms, 9046 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357; Email: henrydairy@gmail.com; Cell: 937539-0068

HERSHBERGER, CLAY, D-03, CL-Hersh Genetics, 9668 Golf Course Rd. NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681; Email: hersh.dairyman@gmail. com; Cell: 330-407-4461

HERSHBERGER, JEFF, D-07, Tender-Heart Holsteins, 2051 SR 557, Baltic, OH 43804; Cell: 330-897-0686

HERSHBERGER, LAMAR D, D-07, 3765 SR 39, Millersburg, OH 44654; Cell: 330-6008557

HINDS, KEVIN C., D-03, 6443 Everhart Rd., Newcomerstown, OH 43832; Phone: 614205-7173

Ohio Holstein Association


HIPPELY, ROBERT & LINDA, D-02, Hippely Holsteins, 23675 Buck Rd., Alliance, OH 44601

HOHMAN, MICHAEL, D-02, Strouble Farms LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd., North Canton, OH 44721; Cell: 330-575-7007

HOLLER, JULIANNE, D-01, Holler-Way, 3436 Fox Creek Ln., Sharpsville, PA 16150; Email: jholler28542@roadrunner.com; Cell: 724846-9459

HOLTER, EDWARD, D-06, Holter’s Holstein Farms, 34425 Dairy Lane, Pomeroy, OH 45769; Cell: 740-416-1478

HORNING, ALAN, D-08, Cedar Wood Farm, 1011 Crum Rd., Shiloh, OH 44878; Phone: 419-895-1127

HORNING, ELVIN, D-08, EK Sunrise Farm, 573 SR 511 N, Ashland, OH 44805; Phone: 419-962-1535

HUDSON, CRAIG, D-09, Hudson Farms LLC, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820; Email: karenhudson0814@gmail.com, ckhud909@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-834-0207

HUFF, BRENT, D-03, Rocky Point Farms LLC, 26714 TR 247, Newcomerstown, OH 43832; Cell: 740-502-1036

HUNSBERGER, MIKE, D-07, Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 8257 Aylsworth Rd., Shreve, OH 44676; Email: mikehunsberger73@gmail. com; Cell: 330-317-3663

HUNSBERGER, ROD, D-07, Gate-Way Holsteins LTD, 11250 CR 1, Shreve, OH 44676; Email: gatewayholsteins@gmail.com; Cell: 330-317-4777

INDOE, RICHARD K, D-08, Richman Farms, 7833 Richman Rd., Lodi, OH 44254; Email: richmanfarms@aol.com; Phone: 330-6088685

INDOE, TOM, D-08, Richman Farms, 7833 Richman Rd., Lodi, OH 44254; Email: tom. indoe@plantpioneer.com; Phone: 330-5714670

INDOE, TYLER, D-08, 9296 Towpath Trail, Seville, OH 44273

INDOE, WILLIAM, D-08, Richman Farms, 8018 Richman Rd., Lodi, OH 44254

JACKSON, JUSTIN M, D-08, Oakson Farms, 23834 SR 301, Wellington, OH 44090; Email: oaksonfarms@gmail.com; Cell: 330-421-6838

JANES, KEN, KAYE, D-07, 2519 S. Jefferson Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Cell: 330-464-4134

JAYNES, ALLISON, D-03, Trealayne Holsteins, 7511 Feder Rd., Galloway, OH 43119

JENTES, ROBERT & JANICE, D-07, Blue Ridge Farms LLC, 1784 Jentes Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Phone: 330-345-7840; Cell: 330317-5471

JOHNSON, ALLEN, D-07, Purina Animal Nutrition, 1191 Wenger Rd. S, Dalton, OH 44618; Email: afjohnson@landolakes.com; Cell: 330-466-0708

JOHNSON, JOHN, D-05, 8445 Fosnaugh School Rd., Stoutsville, OH 43154; Email: jonjohnson1066@gmail.com; Cell: 614-357-3685

KAMPFER FARMS, D-02, 14155 Benton Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Phone: 330-357-3584; Cell: 330-277-6069

KAPPER, LUKE, D-02, Blue Spring Farm LLC, 14277 Marlboro Ave., Alliance, OH 44601; Email: skay1953@gmail.com; Phone: 330935-2829

KARASIEWICZ, ROGER L (BUTCH), D-01, Karalot Dairy, 2005 Kinsman Rd. NE, North Bloomfield, OH 44450; Phone: 440-636-2313

KAVERMAN, JR & ANGI, D-13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11142 Huntingon Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368; Email: jkaverman1@gmail. com; Cell: 614-203-2942

KEENER, PAUL, D-07, Rosedale Farms LLC, 2039 TR 405, Jeromesville, OH 44840; Email: rosedalefarms@gmail.com; Cell: 330-9880139

KEMP, JAMES & NANCY, D-07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Phone: 330-263-1756

KEMP, JOSH, D-03, Lofty Meadow Farm LLC, 43828 Belmont-Centerville Rd., Belmont, OH 43718; Email: kempper04@yahoo.com; Phone: 740-359-9806

KERR, LISA, D-08, Wil-O-Rae, 35 Burras Rd., North Fairfield, OH 44855; Email: wilorae@ yahoo.com; Cell: 419-606-0527

KIBLER DAIRY FARMS INC, D-01, Kibler Dairy Farms Inc., 5163 Highland Ave., Warren, OH 44481; Email: kiblerfarm@aol.com; Phone: 330-399-5797; Cell: 330-770-8014

KIDRON AUCTION INC, D-07, PO Box 39, Kidron, OH 44636; Email: ka@kidronauction.com; Phone: 330-857-2641

KIKO JR, JAMES R & EVAN, D-02, Kiko Farms PLL, 813 Fox Ave. SE, Paris, OH 44669

KIKO, RANDALL, D-02, 4729 Butler Grange Rd., Salem, OH 44460

KIKO, RUDY, D-02, R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd., 2850 McCann Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: kikofarms@gmail.com; Phone: 330853-0401

KLINGENSMITH, DAVID, D-01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd., Leavittsburg, OH 44430; Phone: 330-898-4436; Cell: 330979-7685

KLINGENSMITH, JOHN, D-01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd., Leavittsburg, OH 44430; Cell: 330-207-0696

KNAPP, STEVE, D-08, Knappway Holsteins, 24228 West Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: knappsljg@gmail.com; Phone: 440647-6104; Cell: 440-669-6686

KNOLL, SCOTT, D-08, Wil-O-Knoll Farm, 35 Burras Rd., North Fairfield, OH 44855; Email: wilorae@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-685-3979

KNOOP, JEFFERY A., D-14, Futurama Holsteins, 6750 Burr Oak New Hope Rd., Fletcher, OH 45326; Email: jaksknoop@yahoo.com; Cell: 937-214-2321

KNOOP, JOSH, D-14, Futurama Holsteins, 6195 N. Bollinger Rd., Conover, OH 45317; Email: jaknoop07@gmail.com; Cell: 937-2142322

KNOOP, KATHY, D-14, Futurama Holsteins, 6750 Burr Oak New Hope Rd., Fletcher, OH 45326; Email: jaksknoop@yahoo.com; Phone: 937-214-2320

KRANZ, TODD, D-11, 7991 Tartan Fields Dr., Dublin, OH 43017; Email: tkranz@selectsires. com; Phone: 614-530-5089

KRIEG, DIETER, D-03, Farmshine, 39 Briar Crest Manor, Lititz, PA 17543; Phone: 717656-8050

KRIEG, MARVIN L., D-12, 07389 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869; Email: mkrieg@watchtv. net; Phone: 419-629-2374; Cell: 419-733-4268

KRILL, FRANK, D-10, Twin Lake Farm Inc., 02578 Lake Rd., Edgerton, OH 43517; Email: rkrill@bright.net; Cell: 419-212-1986

KUKELHAN, SCOUT & CAROLINE, D-22, 8078 N. 200 E, Decatur, IN 46733

LAHMERS, CHRISTOPHER & ELIZABETH, D-13, Lah-Dale, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd., Marysville, OH 43040

LAMB, JONATHAN, D-12, Convoy Dairy LLC, 3242 Mentzer Church Rd., Convoy, OH 45832; Phone: 585-948-5777

L’AMOREAUX, LINDSAY, D-02, LindLaur Holstein, 7261 Paris Ave., Louisville, OH 44641; Email: ldlamoreaux1@icloud.com; Cell: 330-309-8328

L’AMOREAUX, NEVIN & BRENDA, D-02, LindLaur Holstein, 7261 Paris Ave., Louisville, OH 44641; Email: blamoreaux@neo. rr.com; Phone: 330-309-0875

LANDIS, GARY, D-08, Landis Farms, 52152 New London Eastern Rd., Nova, OH 44859; Cell: 440-822-4844

LANE, ALEXIS, D-03, Coffman Farms Inc., 9391 Veto Rd., Belpre, OH 45714; Email: alane8349@gmail.com; Cell: 740-885-8349

LEHNER, SARAH, D-11, 709 Radnor Rd., Delaware, OH 43015

LEIBY, ELIZABETH, D-08, 223 Grand Ave., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: rbleiby@ymail. com; Phone: 440-371-9388

LEID, HAROLD M, D-08, Windy Ridge Farm, 6810 Olivesburg Fitchville Rd., Greenwich, OH 44837; Phone: 419-895-2324

LEWIS, RICHARD C. & SALLY, D-05, Shanghigh Holsteins, 9510 Keplar Ford Rd., Orient, OH 43146; Email: shanghigh43146@gmail. com; Cell: 614-214-6365

Ohio Holstein Association 2024 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY

LIMING, LAMAR L., D-01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd., Mineral Ridge, OH 44440; Email: louidafarms@aol.com; Phone: 330-770-6206

LIMING, LOUIS, D-01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd., Mineral Ridge, OH 44440

LIMING, MARY Y., D-01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd., Mineral Ridge, OH 44440; Email: myl3840@aol.com; Phone: 330-652-9092

LOGAN, STEVEN, D-01, Logan Acres Farm, 9506 Youngstown Kingsville Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417

LONG, JOHN, D-08, Redview Farm LLC, 2619 Reimer Rd., Wadsworth, OH 44281; Phone: 330-335-6198

LONG, KEN, D-08, Redview Farm LLC, 2619 Reimer Rd., Wadsworth, OH 42281; Cell: 330-524-0078

LONG, RONALD, D-11, 17981 Boerger Rd., Marysville, OH 43040; Email: ronkarenlong@ gmail.com; Cell: 937-645-5731

LORA, JOHN S, D-02, Lorawae Holsteins LLC, 14094 Garfield Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: lorawae@embarqmail.com; Cell: 234-5677414

LORA, KATEY A, D-02, Lorawae Holsteins LLC, 14415 S. Duck Creek Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: kalora3584@yahoo.com; Cell: 330-692-2223

LORAWAE HOLSTEINS LLC, D-02, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460; Email: lorawae@embarqmail.com; Phone: 330-6922220

LOUIS DAVIDSON & SON, D-15, Ladson View, 504 Carlisle St., Quincy, OH 43343; Phone: 937-585-6014; Cell: 937-974-2900

LOWMILLER FARMS, D-02, Lowmiller Farms LLC, 23980 SR 172, Minerva, OH 44657; Email: lowmiller172@gmail.com; Phone: 330-894-2657; Cell: 330-205-1312

LUMLEY, BARBARA R., D-03, Lumley Holsteins, 5192 Alamo Rd. SE, Carrollton, OH 44615; Email: blumleybarbwire@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-739-2038; Cell: 330-806-1844

LUMLEY, MARK A., D-03, Lumley Farms, LLC, 5176 Alamo Rd. SE, Carrollton, OH 44615; Cell: 330-205-3925

LUMLEY, STEVEN W, D-03, Lumley Farms, LLC, 3059 Mahogany Circle, North Canton, OH 44720; Cell: 330-206-4585

LUND, CARL, D-08, Lund View, 1555 New State Rd., Norwalk, OH 44857; Phone: 413564-1976

LUND, COURTNEY & MATTHEW, D-08, Lund View, 1577 New State Rd., Norwalk, OH 44857; Phone: 419-681-2853; Cell: 419681-3800

LUND, WILLIAM J, D-08, Lund View, 1199 Prairie Drive, Norwalk, OH 44857; Email: wlund@neo.rr.com; Phone: 419-668-6393; Cell: 419-706-6393

MAKI, MACY, D-05, Conrad Farm, 7 Residence Drive, Washington Court House, OH 43160; Email: conrad.m.96@outlook.com; Phone: 740-505-8914

MANGUN, ROY W & LISA, D-07, Ben-Alli Holsteins, 13693 Friendsville Rd., Burbank, OH 44214; Cell: 330-466-3729

MARTIG, CRIST, D-02, M&M Dairy Farms LLC, 14816 Benton Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: cristmartig@yahoo.com; Cell: 330501-7176

MARTY, JAMES, D-07, Sky-Home Farm, 9611 Steiner Rd., Rittman, OH 44270; Phone: 330201-3114

MASON FARMS LTD., D-04, 1791 SR 61, Marengo, OH 43334

MATHEWS, EMMA, D-15, New Horizon Farm, 1506 Hodson Rd., New Vienna, OH 45159; Email: emmalou22@gmail.com; Phone: 513-535-8001

MATTOX, LYNETTE & KAITLYN, D-05, Ash-Lyn Farms, 1473 Pleasantville Rd. NE, Pleasantville, OH 43148; Email: lynettemattox@yahoo.com; Phone: 740-503-8106

MCCOMBS, TOM, D-03, United Dairy, 124 Sorghum Ridge Rd., Wheeling, WV 26003; Email: tmccombs@uniteddairy.com

MCCOY, DENNIS, D-12, Macabob Farm, 3827 Tully-Harrison Rd., Convoy, OH 45832; Phone: 419-708-3972

MCCOY, MEGAN, D-09, Silvervue Farm, 6033 E. TR 58, Bloomville, OH 44818; Email: mcmccoy2@frontier.com; Cell: 567-938-1974

MCDONNELL, KYLE, D-08, K-Bec Holsteins, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090; Email: blmktm1990@gmail.com; Cell: 216-347-9574

MCDONNELL, MIRANDA, D-08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090

MCGUIRE FAMILY, D-11, Nic-Nan Holsteins, 4149 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357; Email: aredg6@gmail.com; Phone: 937-465-7428

MCGUIRE, MOLLY, D-11, McGuire Holsteins & Jerseys, 4149 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357; Phone: 937-605-5323

MCKARNS, WILLIAM T., D-02, 29950 Campbell Rd., Hanoverton, OH 44423; Phone: 330223-2180

MCKAY, SAM, D-05, 2184 E. Possum Rd., Springfield, OH 45502

MCMAHAN, SCOTT, D-11, Macs AgVenture LLC, 27480 SR 31, Raymond, OH 43047; Email: scottmcmahan61@gmail.com; Phone: 937-243-1515; Cell: 937-243-1514

MELLER, KEVIN L, D-10, Meller Holsteins, V882 Rd. 18, Wauseon, OH 43567; Email: buckskm88@gmail.com; Cell: 419-601-5183

MELVIN, ALLISON, D-07, 8330 TR 110, Rushsylvania, OH 43347; Phone: 330-7499036

MENNELL, ROY, D-08, Mennell Acres LLC, 10532 Smith Rd., Litchfield, OH 44253; Email: rmennellacres@hotmail.com; Phone: 330-604-6504

MERCER, JOHN, D-02, 15979 Freed St., Minerva, OH 44657

MEYER,STEVEN J, D-07, Mey-Aire, 300 Buckeye Ct., Apt. 6, Dalton, OH 44618; Email: smeyer@sssnet.com; Cell: 330-234-2283

MILEY, ADAM & KARI, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 8108 Martin Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Cell: 330-988-0322

MILEY, DAVID, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 6856 Bates Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Cell: 330-621-8061

MILEY, JASON C, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 6382 Bates Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: jasonmiley11@gmail.com; Cell: 330466-8509

MILEY, JON, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 7234 Bates Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: mileyja@frontier.com; Cell: 330-988-3588

MILEY, JOSEPH, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 6745 Matty Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: jdjamiley@aol.com; Phone: 330-4667223 - Joe; Cell: 330-466-2767 - Diana Miller, Edward J., D-02, 800 S. 15th St., Unit 1617, Sebring, OH 44672; Phone: 330-938-7646; Cell: Miller, Eric, D-02, 18360 South Range Rd., Beloit, OH 44609; Email: miller03WB@ yahoo.com; Phone: 330-257-0710; Cell: Miller, Jay A., D-02, 19115 Courtney Rd., Beloit, OH 44609; Phone: 330-581-1995

MILLER, JONATHAN H, D-02, 25320 Bowman Rd., Homeworth, OH 44634; Phone: 330-525-7092; Cell: 330-341-0333

MILLER, JULIE, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 16485 E. TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811; Cell: 419-271-3530

MILLER, KEVIN L. & TONI, D-10, Millacres Holsteins, 20394 CR S, Defiance, OH 435129506; Email: millacres@bright.net; Phone: 419-267-5545

MILLER, MARION A, D-07, 2701 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681; Phone: 330-852-7094

MILLER, MARK, D-02, 10061 Duck Creek Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: markmiller533@yahoo.com; Cell: 330-429-0061

MILLER, MICHAEL R, D-02, Mill-Ka Dairy Farm, 1429 Johnson Ave., Salem, OH 44460; Phone: 330-259-5704

MILLER, RICHARD M., D-02, Mill Ka Dairy, 11893 Stratton Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Phone: 330-332-9429

MILLER, ROGER L, D-02, Miller-Hy Holsteins, 18856 Courtney Rd., Beloit, OH 44609; Phone: 330-938-3276; Cell: 330-771-2759

Ohio Holstein Association 2024 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY

MILLER, TIM, D-07, Doughty Valley Holsteins, 5547 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654

MILLER, VERNON, D-07, Su-Win Holsteins, 9021 CR 186, Dundee, OH 44624; Phone: 330-768-1443

MIZER, CAMERON, D-03, Cornerstone Registered Holsteins, 7075 Troendly Rd. SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840; Email: mizerfarms1832@gmail.com; Cell: 330-340-4543

MOFF, BARBARA, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd., Canfield, OH 44406

MOFF, BRIAN, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 806 Westville Lake Rd., Beloit, OH 44609; Phone: 330-501-1351

MOFF, ELIZABETH, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 325 Sloan, Ashland, OH 44805

MOFF, GREG, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd., Canfield, OH 44406

MOFF, HOWARD, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd., Canfield, OH 44406

MOFF, NEIL, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 300 E. High St., Fulton, OH 43321; Cell: 330-5011860

MOFF, STEVE, D-02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd., Columbiana, OH 44408; Email: smouric@aol.com; Phone: 330-4829018; Cell: 614-205-7179

MOHLER, DALE, D-07, Mohler View Farm, Ltd., 5395 CR 314, Millersburg, OH 44654; Email: damoh1.dm@gmail.com; Cell: 330231-0477

MONTGOMERY, SUSAN, D-01, Montgomery Dairy Farms, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444; Email: susan.montgomeryfarms@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-716-3712

MOONSHADOW CATTLE LLC, D-11, Melanie Howell, 969 Newmans Cardinton Rd. W, Prospect, OH 43342; Phone: 614-849-8018

MORLOCK, DAN, D-10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd., Pemberville, OH 43450; Cell: 419-265-5771

MORLOCK, JOHN E, D-07, Morlock Farm, 9946 Spencer Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Cell: 330-464-3732

MORLOCK, MADISEN, D-10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd., Pemberville, OH 43450; Cell: 419-308-6027

MORLOCK, SHELLI, D-10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd., Pemberville, OH 43450; Cell: 419-308-7990

MUTTI DAIRY FARM LLC, D-03, 3326 Stonecreek Rd. SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840; Email: muttidairyfarmsllc@gmail.com

N RAMSIER DAIRY LTD, D-07, Curt & David Ramsier, 9561 Krabill Rd., Sterling, OH 44276; Cell: 330-466-9610

NEIDER, JOHN, D-03, Neider Family Farms LLC, 2005 Montero Rd. NE, Carrollton, OH 44615; Email: neiderj@hughes.net; Phone: 330-627-5157; Cell: 330-323-8484

NEILL, PATRICIA M, D-08, Neill Farms, 10614 Billings Rd., Bellevue, OH 44811; Email: nf@ onebellevue.com; Phone: 419-217-3020

NEUENSCHWANDER, GORDON, D-07, 2220 Good Rd., Orrville, OH 44667; Phone: 517-438-2211

NEVILLE, ROBERT & MEGAN, D-02, Neville Dairy Farm, Inc., 7191 Fairfield School Rd., Lisbon, OH 44432; Email: meganwork10@ gmail.com; Cell: 330-853-1041

NEW PITTSBURG VET CLINIC, D-07, 1436 W. Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691; Phone: 330-264-7787

NOLT, KERVIN Z, D-08, West Delphi Dairy, 1015 US 224 W, Willard, OH 44890; Phone: 419-935-1723

NORTON, CHARLES, D-08, 17704 Quarry Rd., Wellington, OH 44090

OBERHOLTZER, CLAIR, D-08, Clai-Mar Farm, 6790 Amstutz Rd., Shiloh, OH 44878; Phone: 419-896-3131

OBERHOLTZER, PAM, D-08, Homerville Holstein Farms, 8429 Spencer Rd., Homerville, OH 44235; Email: poberho@gmail.com; Cell: 330-242-4056

PATTERSON, JAMES W., D-14, 3580 Center Dr., Greenville, OH 45331; Email: jpatterson004@outlook.com; Phone: 937-548-4221

PAYNE, MARK, D-09, 4030 CR 223, Clyde, OH 43410; Email: mpayne1086@gmail.com; Cell: 419-355-4180

PHILLIPS, CHRISTOPHER W, D-04, Fawnacres Farm Ltd., 8158 Sparta Rd., Fredericktown, OH 43019; Email: fawnacresltd@gmail. com; Phone: 740-507-2539

PHILLIS, HAROLD J., D-02, Phillis Farms LLC, 14704 W. Middletown Rd., Beloit, OH 44609; Phone: 234-456-6741

PHILSON, DVM, VANESSA, D-01, Lady Luck Farm, 5015 Greenville Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417; Email: vphilson411@outlook.com; Cell: 724-977-3780

POLCHIN, ANTHONY J., D-01, Polchin Holsteins, 2276 Sentinel Rd., Dorset, OH 44032; Cell: 440-536-1673

POLCHIN, JOHN T. & RUTH V, D-01, Polchin Holsteins, 2411 Sentinel Rd., Dorset, OH 44032; Phone: 440-293-7955

POND, COLE, D-13, Pond Ridge Dairy, 1319 N. Parkview Rd,. Woodstock, OH 43084; Email: cjpuddles2@gmail.com; Cell: 614-8005137

POND, JAMES & ROBIN, D-13, Pond Ridge Dairy, 1319 N. Parkview Rd., Woodstock, OH 43084; Email: rdpond@landolakes.com, jpond@selectsires.com; Phone: 937-8342431; Cell: 614-403-7367

JIM QUIETCOVE FARM, D-12, Jeremy Elsass, 17930 Freyburg-East Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: quietcoveholsteins@gmail. com; Cell: 419-552-0355

R&P KIKO FAMILY FARMS LTD, D-02, 4245 McCann Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Phone: 330853-0401

RABER, LEON R, D-07, Raber-View Holsteins, 7031 CR 201, Millersburg, OH 44654; Phone: 330-600-2432

RABER, MICHAEL, D-07, 8399 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627; Phone: 330-674-0494

RAIFSNIDER, ESTHER, D-07, 8573 Canaan Center Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: estherraifsnider@yahoo.com; Cell: 330-4217397

RAMSIER’S WILLOW SPRING FARM LLC, D-07, 2477 Eastern Rd., Rittman, OH 44270; Email: ramsierfamily@gmail.com; Cell: 330925-1248

RANDLE, NICK, D-22, Starlight Genetics, 5880 S. SR 287, Lebanon, IN 46052

RAUSCH, BRIAN, D-04, R-Style LLC, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320; Email: rstyle2000@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-560-2206

RAUSCH, MARK R, D-11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 11731 Crottinger Rd., Plain City, OH 43064; Cell: 614-981-3372

RAUSCH, NICHOLAS, D-11, Raunic Holsteins, 12331 Industrial Pkwy., Marysville, OH 43040; Email: nicholasrausch@yahoo. com; Cell: 614-989-0560

RAUSCH, RANDY, D-11, Hickory Plains Farm, 8657 Axe Handle Rd., Milford Center, OH 43045; Email: themaizeohio@gmail.com; Phone: 937-349-4781; Cell: 937-604-1609

RAUSCH, WILLIAM E. & JOYCE, D-04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320

RAY, JIM, D-02, Select Sires Member Coop, 32643 Coffee School Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: jray@ssmcoop.com; Cell: 614-2057176

REIDMAN, JEFF, D-11, 15433 Hagenderfer Rd., Plain City, OH 43064; Email: agrox98@ gmail.com; Phone: 714-315-9110 Laurie; Cell: 951-218-7982 Jeff

RENNER, TED S, D-07, Renwind Farm, 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618; Cell: 330-466-1196

RENNER-AEGERTER, JULIE, D-07, Renwind Farm, 6740 SR 9, Hanoverton, OH 44423; Email: buckeye-jules@yahoo.com; Cell: 330466-0338

RICE, DAVID, D-01, Riceton Farm, 4473 Wakefield Creek Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417; Cell: 330-876-0443

RICE, GARY, D-01, Riceton Farm, 4488 Wakefield Creek Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417; Cell: 330-876-1078

RICE, JAYME, D-01, Riceton Farm, 4488 Wakefield Creek Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417; Email: jaymerice@aol.com; Cell: 330-240-9275

Ohio Holstein Association 2024 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY

RICHARD, JAMES A, D-07, Coffee-Cream Dairy LLC, 3917 Ogden Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: marybethrichard94@gmail. com; Phone: 567-224-0413

RIDGE-DELL HOLSTEINS, LLC, D-01, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd. NE, Burghill, OH 44404; Email: gbrugler@aol.com; Cell: 330306-8306

RIGGENBACH, BOB & LORIE, D-07, RiggJune Holsteins, 9377 Blough Rd., Sterling, OH 44276; Email: bobbyriggenbach13@jobnet1925.org; Cell: 330-464-7111

ROBINSON, JASON, D-05, Blue Spruce Farm, 701 Blackstone St., Washington Court House, OH 43160; Email: orioncattleservices@yahoo.com; Cell: 740-463-1180

ROSEBROOK, JERRY, D-10, Sunnyville, 5205 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Cell: 419-783-1394

ROSEBROOK, KEITH, D-10, Pioneer, 4668 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Cell: 419-722-8507

ROTHLISBERGER, LYNN, D-09, Rothlisberger Dairy, 7297 CH 124, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351; Email: rothlisbergerdairy@gmail. com; Phone: 419-310-1005

ROWE, JAMES, D-03, Jimita Holsteins, 9877 Strasburg Bolivar Rd., Strasburg, OH 44680; Email: jarowe0215@gmail.com; Phone: 330243-5683

ROY, RIAN, D-09, 6076 CR 97, McComb, OH 45858; Phone: 419-722-3889

ROYER, DAN, TIM & JOEL, D-02, Royer Farms Inc., 11617 Ravenna Ave., Louisville, OH 44641; Email: royerfarmsinc@msn.com; Cell: 330-323-4698

RUFENER, KENNETH, D-02, Congress Lake Farms, 372 Congress Lake Rd., Mogadore, OH 44260; Email: linkenruf@msn.com; Cell: 330-353-2027

RUFENER, KENNETH II, D-02, Congress Lake Farms, 680 Congress Lake Rd., Mogadore, OH 44260; Cell: 330-353-2028

RUFENER, MICHAEL, D-02, Congress Lake Farms, 1894 Swartz Rd., Mogadore, OH 44260; Cell: 330-353-2029

RUPP-VUE FARMS LLC, D-07, 14636 Seville Rd., Sterling, OH 44276

RUPP, MATTHEW & MELISSA, D-07, 13955 Cleveland Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Email: ihfan5488@aol.com; Phone: 330-317-3378

RUPRECHT, LYLE, D-04, 20009 Mishey Rd., Butler, OH 44822; Email: lyleruprecht@gmail. com; Phone: 330-466-1382

RUSSELL, JACKIE, D-07, Miley Holstein Farms Ltd., 1237 Shawville Rd., Sheldon, VT 05483

RUTHRAUFF, GENNA, D-02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 W. Middletown, Salem, OH 44460; Email: ruthrauffdairy@gmail.com; Phone: 330-332-5641; Cell: 330-692-8358

RYND, BROOKS, D-05, Rynd-Home Farm, 3061 Rynd Rd., Cochranton, PA 16314; Phone: 814-425-7795; Cell: 814-720-4687

RYND, DALLAS R, D-05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd., Ashville, OH 43103; Email: silvermistholsteins@yahoo. com; Phone: 740-207-5005

RYND, JIM, D-05, 2899 Old Hwy 322, Cochranton, PA 16314

SAILOR, RANDY, D-14, Dell Delight Farms, 7945 Johnston Slagle Rd., Sidney, OH 45365; Phone: 937-492-7713; Cell: 937-726-7606

SANOR, BRYCE, D-02, Maple Valley Farm, 5271 Rochester Rd., Homeworth, OH 44634; Email: bsanor39@yahoo.com; Cell: 330-2574171

SAYERS, CHRIS & MARK, D-11, 16591 County Home Rd., Marysville, OH 43040; Email: csayers@selectsires.com; Cell: 937-243-7477

SCHAEFER, ERIC, D-15, 4459 Anderson Rd., Hillsboro, OH 45133; Email: eschaefer1993@ gmail.com; Phone: 937-581-0950

SCHAEFFER, E RANDALL, D-08, 11005 Huron-Avery Rd., Milan, OH 44846; Cell: 419366-1239

SCHAFER, ETHAN, D-14, Schafer Dairy Farms, 2400 Redmond Rd., Russia, OH 45363; Email: e21schafer@yahoo.com; Cell: 937-726-4152

SCHEIBE, RODNEY A, D-07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy LLC, 3167 Maple Grove Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Cell: 330-464-3808

SCHIRM, LARRY, D-05, 15086 Long Run Rd., Laurelville, OH 43135; Phone: 740-332-2018; Cell: 614-906-0520

SCHLABACH, ROBERT J, D-07, 2904 Durstine Rd., Dundee, OH 44624; Phone: 330600-8097

SCHLATTER, DVM, CARLTON, D-07, Tri-County Animal Clinic, PO Box 243, West Salem, OH 44287

SCHLAUCH, AARON, D-07, Velvet-View Farms, 6887 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611; Email: vvf48@earthlink.net; Cell: 330-2312111

SCHLAUCH, LOGAN, D-07, Velvet-View Farms, 6828 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44676; Email: lschlauch8@gmail.com; Phone: 330275-2024

SCHLEGEL DAIRY FARMS INC, D-07, Kurt & Pam Schlegel, 10720 TR 526, Shreve, OH 44676; Email: kpschlegal@gmail.com; Phone: 330-465-5314

SCHMUCKI, MICHAEL O, D-02, 8144 Stone Ave. SW, Navarre, OH 44662; Phone: 330767-4232

SEEDORF, MARK, D-10, Sunyville Partners, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Email: seedorfmj@aol.com; Phone: 419-966-7480

SELECT SIRES, INC, D-11, 11740 US 42 N, Plain City, OH 43064

SHEETS, PRESTON, D-01, 4034 Lakeshore Dr., Cortland, OH 44410; Email: preston. sheets115@gmail.com; Cell: 330-117-0566

SHEFFIELD, DAREN M, D-08, Jaloda Farm LLC, 6 Hickory Hollow Rd., Vernon, VT 05354; Cell: 614-309-0132

SHEFFIELD, JAMES H, D-08, Jaloda Farm LLC, 45555 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090; Email: jalodafarm@yahoo.com; Phone: 440775-7147; Cell: 440-935-6378

SHIPLEY, ADAM, D-04, Shipley Farms, 9309 Reynolds Rd., Newark, OH 43055; Email: stacey.atherton@gmail.com; Phone: 740-4048838

SHOCKEY DVM, PAUL E., D-06, Bridgewater Farms, 714 Crooked Run Rd., Ravenswood, WV 26164; Email: pesdvm@gmail.com; Phone: 304-532-5955; Cell: 304-372-5709

SHOEMAKER, AUSTEN, D-02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 13702 Garfield Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: ashoemaker@heritagecooperative.com; Phone: 330-303-9038

SHOEMAKER, STEVE, D-02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 14308 Garfield Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: shoemoo2@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-207-5607

SHOOP, DAN, D-09, Sugar-Ridge, 7990 SR 613, McComb, OH 45858; Cell: 419-348-7118

SHOWALTER, BLAINE, D-02, Frosty-Vale Holstein, 40588 Cherry Fork Rd., Leetonia, OH 44431; Email: blainedarla@showalterfarms.com; Cell: 330-831-5832

SHOWALTER, WARD, D-02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd., Leetonia, OH 44431; Phone: 330-482-2572; Cell: 330-8315070

SHOWALTER, WENDELL, D-02, Showalter Farms, 41093 SR 14, Columbiana, OH 44408; Cell: 330-831-8071

SIEGRIST, EMILY, D-14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4762 Fleetfoot Rd., Coldwater, OH 45828; Email: ersiegrist@landolakes.com; Cell: 937-417-0183

SIMPSON, BEN & HANNAH, D-02, Prelude-OH Genetics, 27848 Winona Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: hannahdye61@gmail.com; Phone: 740-312-5865 (Ben); Cell: 330-5813930 (Hannah)

SIMPSON, DON, D-03, Plainfield Farms, 65030 Plainfield Rd., Belmont, OH 43718; Phone: 740-484-1444; Cell: 740-391-3301

SKIDMORE DVM, DWIGHT, D-11, Drifty Hollow Holsteins, 12243 CR 2, West Mansfield, OH 43358; Cell: 937-935-3137

SLOAN, ANGELA, D-07, Hartland Dairy Farms, 3777 N Elyria Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: angelasloan71@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-466-4560

Ohio Holstein Association


SOOY, BRAD, D-08, 12143 Greenwich, Homerville, OH 44235; Email: sooyfarm@ gmail.com; Cell: 330-635-3326

SPECHT, ADAM, D-03, Trealayne Holsteins, 1775 Northwest Ct., Unit 1, Columbus, OH 43212

SPECHT, STEVEN L AND MICHELE, D-03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3727 Bair Rd. NW, Dover, OH 44622; Email: trealayne@gmail.com; Cell: 330-204-9831

SPECHT, TIM, D-03, Specht Farms Ltd., 1828 Ragersville Rd. SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681; Email: spechtfarms@gmail.com; Cell: 330447-7556

SPIKE, JEAN E, D-04, Ten-Penny Holsteins, 4380 Byers Rd., Delaware, OH 43015; Email: spikejean@yahoo.com; Phone: 740-363-2184; Cell: 614-832-1204

SPRENG, JAMES, D-09, Spreng Capital Management, Inc., Box 487, Bucyrus, OH 44820; Email: jspreng@sprengcapital.com; Phone: 419-563-0084

SPRENG, KEVIN, D-07, 6060 Snoddy Rd., Shreve, OH 44676

SPRINGHILL, D-07, Chris Lang, 7305 SR 514, Big Prairie, OH 44611; Email: springhill. chris@gmail.com; Cell: 330-473-9660

SPRINGWAY FARMS, D-03, 8086 Bachelor Rd. NW, Magnolia, OH 44643

ST GENETICS, D-13, Paul Detwiler, 11000 Huntington Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368; Email: paul.detwiler@stgen.com; Phone: 937-462-8950; Cell: 614-929-8211

STAMMEN, TERRENCE L., D-14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4965 SR 705, New Weston, OH 45348; Email: wabashway@embarqmail.com; Cell: 937-621-0107

STEEL, JOHN, D-03, Steam Valley Farms, 2705 Steel Rd. NW, Dover, OH 44622; Email: jpcsteel@aol.com; Cell: 220-987-4590

STEEL, NATHAN, D-03, Steel-Lane Holsteins & Jerseys, 2899 Steel Rd. NW, Dover, OH 44622; Email: nathansteel08@gmail.com; Phone: 330-260-0626

STEINER & SONS, MATTHEW, D-07, PineTree Dairy Ltd., 8586 Benner Rd., Marshallville, OH 44645; Email: pinetreedairy@gmail. com; Phone: 330-466-8916; Cell: 330-4669137

STEINER, AARON, D-07, AHS Dairy, 14665 Mt. Eaton Rd., Rittman, OH 44270; Cell: 330464-7272

STEINER, CARL, D-07, Steiner Farm, 12357 Seville Rd., Sterling, OH 44276; Phone: 330939-2716

STEINER, ELMER, D-07, 4548 S. Wenger Rd., Dalton, OH 44618; Phone: 330-857-5672; Cell: 330-605-1996

STEINER, NATHAN, D-07, Fulton Road Genetics, 10369 Fulton Rd., Marshallville, OH 44645; Cell: 330-465-5825

STEINER, ROGER, D-07, Chet-Len Holsteins, PO Box 84, Kidron, OH 44636; Phone: 330857-8181; Cell: 330-464-4446

STEINHURST FARMS, D-07, Kurt Steiner, 13939 Eby Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Cell: 330-464-1219

STEINKE, MARVIN L., D-12, Maple Tree Holsteins, 13505 Kettlersville Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: matmapletree@bright.net; Phone: 419-738-7174; Cell: 567-356-9039

STEINKE, RICHARD, D-12, Mapl-Valle Farms, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Phone: 419-738-7136

STEINKE, STEVEN M., D-14, Marste Holstein Farms, 13915 Fey Rd., Anna, OH 45302; Email: mk_steinke@outlook.com; Phone: 937-726-5512

STEWART, ROBERT, D-03, Sunnydale Farms, 88740 Fairview Rd., Jewett, OH 43986

STOCKERT, CAROLYN, D-02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc., 15274 Warwick Dr. NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614; Email: carolynstockert@ att.net; Cell: 330-418-3351

STOCKERT, JAMES P & MARY, D-02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc., 15240 Warwick Dr. NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614; Email: jimandmarystockert@att.net; Cell: 330-607-2003

STOCKSDALE, TOM, D-07, Stocksdale Farms LLC, 1989 Blachleyville Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: stocks1977@hotmail.com; Phone: 330-264-8482; Cell: 330-464-7596

STRASBURG, THOMAS, D-12, Wakefield Farm, 15377 Townline Kossuth Rd., St. Marys, OH 45885; Email: tbstras@gmail.com; Phone: 419-733-6939

STRICKLAND, COLE, D-03, C Squared Show Cattle, 7740 Edwards Rd., Castalia, NC 27816; Email: bigcstrickland22@gmail.com; Phone: 252-908-2071

STROUBLE FARM LTD, D-02, 5466 Werner Church Rd., North Canton, OH 44721; Cell: 330-575-7007

STRUNA, ANDREA, D-01, Maplewood Farms, 7580 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd., Williamsfield, OH 44093; Cell: 440-645-9195

STRUNA, JOHN & BEVERLY, D-01, Maplewood Farms, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd., Williamsfield, OH 44093; Email: jstruna80@gmail.com; Phone: 440-645-8630

SUGAR KNOLL HOLSTEINS LLC, D-11, Alan & Greg Borchers, 5975 TR 23, Lewistown, OH 43333; Email: gregborchers@ hotmail.com; Phone: 937-596-6772; Cell: 937-726-1805

TEBBE, ALEX, D-07, 7311 Denise Dr., Fort Wayne, IN 46835; Email: atebbe@landolakes. com; Phone: 618-910-3014

THOMAS, JAY, ANGIE, D-11, T-Triple-T Holsteins, 5548 CR 168, West Liberty, OH 43357; Email: jathomas1@embarqmail.com; Phone: 937-465-0825; Cell: 937-935-2244

THOMAS, SARAH, D-11, Thomas Farms, 5430 Cross River Falls Blvd., Dublin, OH 43016; Email: saraht17@vt.edu; Cell: 919548-5531

THORBAHN, ASHLEY, D-09, Crimson Lane Farm, 6740 Vista Del Lago Ave., Land O’Lakes, FL 34637; Email: ashleythorbahn@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-603-8629

THORBAHN, DAVID C, D-11, Select Sires Inc., 11740 SR 42N, Plain City, OH 43064; Email: dcthorbahn@selectsires.com; Phone: 614-264-6332

THORBAHN, THOMAS L., D-09, Crimson-Lane Ltd., 4428 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464; Email: crimsonswissrus@aol.com; Phone: 419-547-0795; Cell: 419-366-8135

THORNTON, ROYCE, D-07, OSU-ATI, 1328 Dover Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: thornton.5@osu.edu

TIMMONS, WILLIAM C, D-01, Timmons Farm LTD, 16429 Munn Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023

TOPP, GREGG, D-12, Toppglen Farms, 05158 Kettler Rd., Minster, OH 45865; Email: greggtopp@gmail.com; Cell: 419-852-0164

TOPP, KURT & RACHEL, D-07, Toppglen Farms, 9846 Lattasburg Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: kurtandfam@aol.com; Phone: 330-464-4960

TOPP, PHILLIP, D-14, Topp-View PC, 9477 Botkins Rd., Botkins, OH 45306; Email: flipdog77@yahoo.com; Phone: 937-538-7423

TOPP, TANNER, D-07, 1216 TR 13, West Salem, OH 44287; Email: ttopp@cobaselect. com; Cell: 330-466-7184

TOPP, TYLER, D-07, 12469 Miller Rd., Sterling, OH 44276; Email: tylertopp@cobaselect. com; Cell: 330-317-9059

TOPP-VIEW FARMS, D-14, Mary & Eric Topp, 10356 Kohler Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: metopp@watchtv.net/etopp@ semex.com; Phone: 419-953-6448; Cell: 419753-3177

TRAMMELL, JEFF, D-08, 27679 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station, OH 44028; Phone: 440236-8286; Cell: 440-334-4541

TRBO-LAND FARMS, D-03, Austin & Logan Trbovich, 7310 Waynesburg Rd., Waynesburg, OH 44688; Phone: 330-705-4540; Cell: TRENT, PAUL, D-07, Trent Insurance Group, 328 W. High St., Orrville, OH 44667; Email: paul@tigohio.com; Cell: 330-683-0855

TRIPLE-HIL SIRES, D-03, 22046 Old Forge Rd., Smithsburg, MD 21783

TULLIS, KEVIN & KRISTY, D-03, Shaland Holsteins LLC, 2039 Aster Rd. SE, Scio, OH 43988; Email: kristytullis1595@gmail.com; Phone: 330-312-3287; Cell: 330-312-3288

Ohio Holstein Association 2024 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY

TURON, JOE & MEG, D-01, Jam-Tu Dairy, 5432 Greenville Rd., West Farmington, OH 44491; Email: gotmilk1013@yahoo.com; Phone: 440-548-8979; Cell: 440-487-2330

TWINING, PATRICK, D-08, Twining Farm LLC, 109 Main St., Rochester, OH 44090; Email: ptwining811.gmail.com; Phone: 440429-7273

TWINING, RAYMOND, D-08, Twining Farm LLC, 47140 Griggs Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: twiningfarm.llc@gmail.com; Phone: 440-647-2795

UBER, TOM, D-02, 3431 Rocky Glen Rd., Adamsville, PA 16110; Cell: 330-853-9297

UNION LOCAL FFA, D-03, 66859 Belmont Morristown Rd., Belmont, OH 43718

WG DAIRY SUPPLY INC, D-07, 12993 Cleveland Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Email: amorlock@wgdairysupply.com; Phone: 330-4356522, ext 115

WACHTEL, WILLIAM, D-07, Spring Walk Farm, 13079 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611; Email: bwachtel@embarqmail.com; Cell: 330-763-0323

WATSON, BOB, D-09, 11944 E TR 122, Republic, OH 44867; Cell: 419-618-1136

WATTS, STEVEN D & CAROL, D-07, OpenRoad Farm, PO Box 264, Glenmont, OH 44628; Phone: 330-377-4987; Cell: 330-2313314

WAY-MILE HOLSTEINS, D-15, Marvin & Joel Metzger, 4691 Wayne Trace Rd., Eaton, OH 45320

WEAVER, DEREK, D-07, 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627; Phone: 330-674-2069

WEAVER, DOUGLAS, D-02, 12983 Green Beaver Rd., Columbiana, OH 44408; Phone: 330-482-9230; Cell: 330-831-6184

WEAVER, JOHN MARK, D-07, 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627; Phone: 330-6742069

WEAVER, MIGUEL, D-03, 67841 Wintergreen Rd., Lore City, OH 43755

WEBB, D. SCOTT, D-11, Vangogh Farm, 34565 Longberry Rd., Richwood, OH 43344; Email: dswebb1@columbus.rr.com; Phone: 614-653-9987

WEIKER, TERRY, D-09, Weikland Farms, 661 Mystic Pointe Dr., Lewis Center, OH 43035; Email: tweiker0952@gmail.com; Phone: 419618-0834

WEITZEL, KATIE STRUNA, D-01, Maplewood Farms, 5206 Slater Rd., Williamsfield, OH 44093; Phone: 440-645-8801

WELCH, MICHAEL E, D-08, U-Dean Farms, 456 TR 700, Polk, OH 44866; Phone: 419945-2411

WELCH, ESTHER, KAREN & SCOTT E, D-08, U-Dean Farms, 669 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866; Phone: 419-945-2250

WELCH, RYAN A, D-08, U-Dean Farms, 445 CR 700, Polk, OH 44866; Email: rwelch1086@ hotmail.com; Cell: 419-651-5281

WENGER, CLAIR, D-07, 439 Overlook Circle, Dalton, OH 44618

WHINNERY, BRYAN, D-02, Whin-Way Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd., Beloit, OH 44609; Email: bryanwhinnery@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-831-3989

WHITELEATHER FARMS, D-02, 8208 Bayard Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Phone: 330868-5250

WHITELEATHER, ADAM, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 29468 Tower Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: jessicawhiteleather@me.com; Phone: 330-205-1735

WHITELEATHER, ALEX, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Cell: 330-868-5250

WHITELEATHER, ANDREW, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 10310 Stump Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Cell: 330-205-1350

WHITELEATHER, BETTY, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 E. Milton St., Alliance, OH 44460; Phone: 330-821-6916; Cell: 330-7043911

WHITELEATHER, ESTHER, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S. Union Ave., Alliance, OH 44601; Phone: 330-823-0605; Cell: 330206-3288

WHITELEATHER, GLENN, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Phone: 330-868-5250

WHITELEATHER, HAGAN, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 East Milton St., Alliance, OH 44601; Phone: 330-868-5250

WHITELEATHER, JASON & GRETL, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 22499 Bates Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Email: gwhiteleather@gmail. com; Phone: 330-868-5175; Cell: 330-2051535

WHITELEATHER, LAUREN, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Cell: 330-894-2421

WHITELEATHER, LAWRENCE, D-02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Phone: 330-894-2421; Cell: 330-904-1806

WHITELIGHT HOLSTEINS, D-10, Tony & Laurie Menzie, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534; Email: whitelightholsteins@gmail. com; Phone: 419-278-0030; Cell: 740-6246003

WILLIAM MOORE FARMS INC, D-07, Will & Brad Moore, 4007 McKee Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: wmoo@sssnet.com; Phone: 330-263-0478; Cell: 330-466-4285

WINCHELL, DAVID, D-01, Winchell Farm, 7507 Hankee Rd., Garrettsville, OH 44231; Email: daywin@frontier.com; Phone: 330527-5296; Cell: 330-931-7647

WINKLER, JEFFREY A, D-07, Winkler Dairy, 13515 Kauffman Ave., Sterling, OH 44276; Phone: 330-939-9970

WOLBOLDT, DEAN, D-07, 9157 CR 245, Holmesville, OH 44633; Email: deandeb1@ gmail.com; Cell: 330-473-3203

WOLF, KURT, D-10, Shadow-W Holsteins, B602 CR 17B, New Bavaria, OH 43548; Email: shawdowwcows@gmail.com; Phone: 419980-8712

WOLFE, JOHN A. & ANN, D-02, Wolfe Farms, 6508 Bentler Ave. NE, Louisville, OH 44641; Email: awolfepak@gmail.com; Phone: 330-492-5254; Cell: 330-904-7729 (J) 330904-7728 (A)

WOLFORD, JUDY C., D-05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd., Ashville, OH 43103; Email: silvermistholsteins@yahoo. com; Phone: 740-983-6690

WOOD, KENNETH & LAURA, D-07, 8575 Finley Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: ken@ crwfirst.com; Phone: 330-201-5579

YEAZEL, MARK, D-15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 1495 Wolverton Rd., Eaton, OH 45320; Email: y2kows@gmail.com; Cell: 937-533-0557

YEAZEL, ROBERT, D-15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 6792 S. Stateline Rd., Richmond, IN 47374; Phone: 765-965-5246

YODER, AMY MIZER, D-03, Mizer Farms, 5941 Saint Jacobs Ridge Rd. SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840; Email: amyyoder1030@gmail. com; Phone: 331-897-6901

YODER, BRIAN E, D-03, 7097 SR 515, Dundee, OH 44624; Email: BY91ER@gmail. com; Phone: 330-275-0136

YODER, DELBERT & HEATHER OROS, D-07, Brook Hollow Farm, 8820 Camp Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: brookhollowfarms@aol.com

YODER, OWEN C, D-07, Mead-Val Farm, 2079 TR 180, Baltic, OH 43804; Phone: 330897-5059

ZAEBST, CINDY & FAMILIES, D-01, Bossy’s Way Inc., 4586 Rt 46 S, Jefferson, OH 44047; Email: bossysway94@centurylink.net; Phone: 440-294-3614

ZIEGLER, JEFF & MELANIE, D-11, 10365 Long Rd., Ostrander, OH 43061; Email: jhzieg@selectsires.com; Phone: 614-203-2813

ZIMMERMAN, BENJAMIN R, D-07, 5075 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Phone: 330-345-6748

ZIMMERMAN, HARLAN, D-08, Hickory Ridge Holsteins, 328 Eby Rd., Shiloh, OH 44878; Phone:567-241-4155;

ZIMMERMAN, RALPH W, D-08, Sunrise Farm, 251 Adario W Rd., Shiloh, OH 44878; Phone: 419-896-2795

ZIMMERMAN, WALTER, D-08, Harmony Echo Holstein, 2741 SR 60, Loudonville, OH 44842; Phone: 419-994-3491

Ohio Junior Holstein Association 2024 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY

ADAMS, GABRIELLA, D-8, 14384 SR 61 E, Norwalk, OH 44857; Phone: 419-271-8912

ADAMS, GENEVIEVE, D-8, 14384 SR 61 E, Norwalk, OH 44857; Phone: 419-271-8912

ANDERSON, DANIKA, D-1, 32471 TeegaRd. en Rd., Hanorverton, OH 44423; Email: vains_ julieanderson@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-360-1322

ANDERSON, REECE, D-7, 6136 SR 514, Lakeville, OH 44638; Email: rockstargenetics@live.com; Phone: 320-260-7299

ARNETT, KANNON, D-15, 529 S Walnut St, Wilmington, OH 45177; Phone: 937-728-0174

BAMBAUER, RUTH, D-12, 10352 CR 66A, St Marys, OH 45885; Phone: 419-203-1094

BANKEY, KYLEE, D-9, 7411 Milton Rd., Custar, OH 43511; Phone: 419-575-4180

BANKEY, LANDON, D-9, 7411 Milton Rd., Custar, OH 43511; Phone: 419-575-4180

BARNES, KIERSTEN, D-7, 7033 Rohrer Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Phone: 330-317-3361

BARTON, TAYLOR, D-15, 787 Powers Rd., Sabina, OH 45169; Email: alexfanderson@gmail.com; Phone: 937-302-7710

BAUER, LANE, D-9, 126 E Mansfield St, PO Box 142, New Washington, OH 44854; Phone: 419689-2749

BAUMANN, CAILI, D-15, 3056 Schefsky Rd., Blanchester, OH 45107; Email: cbaumann0608@ icloud.com; Phone: 513-239-9297

BAUMER, ABIGAIL, D-14, 15875 SR 29, Anna, OH 45302; Email: Baumer8907@gmail.com; Phone: 937-726-9637

BAUMER, AMELIA, D-14, 15875 SR 29, Anna, OH 45302; Email: Baumer8907@gmail.com; Phone: 937-726-9637

BAUMER, LEVI, D-14, 15875 SR 29, Anna, OH 45302; Baumer8907@gmail.com; Phone: 937726-9637

BEARD, ARIA, D-8, 1606 Prairie Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870; Email: sarahbeard5811@gmail.com; Phone: 419-504-1728

BEARD, JOSEPH, D-8, 1606 Prairie Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870; sarahbeard5811@gmail.com; Phone: 419-504-1728

BEARD, SOPHIA, D-8, 1606 Prairie Rd., Sandusky, OH 44870; sarahbeard5811@gmail.com; Phone: 419-504-1728

BEER, KALE, D-14, 2636 S 200 W, Berne, IN 46711; keith@beercattle.com; Phone: 260-341-9166

BEER, KLEY, D-14, 2636 S 200 W, Berne, IN 46711; keith@beercattle.com; Phone: 260-341-9166

BEER, LOGAN, D-14, 2636 S 200 W, Berne, IN 46711; keith@beercattle.com; Phone: 260-3419166

BEER, RYAN, D-14, 2636 S 200 W, Berne, IN 46711; keith@beercattle.com; Phone: 260-341-9166

BERTKE, HANNAH, D-12, 6332 Ft Recovery Minster Rd., Maria Stein, OH 45860; dbertke@ cobaselect.com; Phone: 419-953-8818

BERTKE, MADISON, D-12, 6332 Ft Recovery Minster Rd., Maria Stein, OH 45860; Email: dbertke@cobaselect.com; Phone: 419-953-8818

BERTKE, PAIGE, D-12, 6332 Ft Recovery Minster Rd., Maria Stein, OH 45860; Email: dbertke@ cobaselect.com; Phone: 419-953-8818

BOOTH, BRYCE, D-3, 6254 Pronto Rd. SE, AmsteRd.am, OH 43903; Email: roseywr4703@ yahoo.com; Phone: 330-418-0814

BOOTH, KARSON, D-3, 6254 Pronto Rd. SE, AmsteRd.am, OH 43903; Email: roseywr4703@ yahoo.com; Phone: 330-418-0814

BORCHERS, JACOB, D-11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334; Email: gregborchers@hotmail. com; Phone: Phone: 937-596-6772

BOUTON, AUDREY, D-4, 12138 Green Valley Rd., Mt Vernon, OH 43050; kokosingfarms@gmail. com; 740-507-8271

BOUTON, ELLA, D-4, 12138 Green Valley Rd., Mt Vernon, OH 43050; Email: kokosingfarms@ gmail.com; Phone: 740-507-8271

BOUTON, JILLIAN, D-4, 12138 Green Valley Rd., Mt Vernon, OH 43050; Email: kokosingfarms@ gmail.com; Phone: 740-507-8271

BROWN, ELLA, D-12, 14331 Brown Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: justin@ VTFsunrise.com; Phone: 419-236-7982

CALFO, NATALIE, D-8, 22560 Hawley Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Phone: 440-822-9624

CALL, CHASE, D-13, 11050 Huntington Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368; Email: bcall@sels. us; Phone: 937-206-1398

CALL, COOPER, D-13, 11050 Huntington Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368; Email: bcall@sels. us; Phone: Phone: 937-206-1398

CLOSE, EMORY, D-2, 10724 Western Reserve Rd., North Benton, OH 44449; Email: BM.metts@ gmail.com; 330-509-5205

COLE, BENTLEY, D-9, 6387 E CR 12, Bloomville, OH 44818; Email: kellymcole@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-722-9524

COLE, BRADY, D-9, 6387 E CR 12, Bloomville, OH 44818; Email: kellymcole@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-722-9524

COLE, WILLIAM SPRENG, D-9, PO Box 621, Bucyrus, OH 44820; Phone: 419-561-0902

CORSON, GRANT, D-1, 4339 Wakefield Creek Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417; Email: jessica.corson@ yahoo.com

CRAWFORD, JESSIE, D-15, 1506 Hodson Rd., New Vienna, OH 45159; Phone: 937-987-2887

CRING, ELIJAH, D-8, 199 Benedict Ave, Norwalk, OH 44857; Email: scottcring@gmail.com; Phone: 419-680-0454

CROSKEY, LAINA, D-7, 4830 CR 22, Glenmont, OH 44628

CROSSGROVE, ANGEL, D-10, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502; Email: jrcrossgrove@yahoo. com; Phone: 419-551-2990

CROSSGROVE, ELDON, D-10, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502; Email: jrcrossgrove@yahoo. com; Phone: 419-551-2990

CROSSGROVE, ELIJAH, D-10, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502; Email: jrcrossgrove@yahoo. com; Phone: 419-551-2990

CROSSGROVE, EVE ANA, D-10, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502; Email: jrcrossgrove@yahoo. com; Phone: Phone: 419-551-2990

CROWDER, KIPTON, D-13, 7340 East SR 245, North Lewisburg, OH 43060; Email: jakkscrowder@icloud.com; 937-869-7037

DANKU, EMMIE, D-15, 53 Ireland Rd., Wilmington, OH 45177; Phone: 937-728-6894

DANKU, IAN, D-15, 53 Ireland Rd., Wilmington, OH 45177; Phone: 937-728-1128

DEAM, BRYSON, D-13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026; Email: steve@cobaselect.com; Phone: 937-477-6616

DORIA, PARKER, D-13, 1351 Doncogan Ct, Perrysburg, OH 43551; Phone: 937-652-3840

DORIA, RILEY, D-13, 1351 Doncogan Ct, Perrysburg, OH 43551; Phone: 937-652-3840

DUDTE, LANEY, D-7, 5801 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Phone: 330-466-8380

DUDTE, LUCAS, D-7, 5801 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Phone: 330-466-8380

EHRMAN, MEA, D-8, 6395 Branch Rd., Medina, OH 44256

ELSASS, LILLY, D-12, 17932 Freyburg East Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45885; Email: quietcoveholsteins@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-552-0355

ELSASS, TRAPPER, D-12, 17932 Freyburg East Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45885; Email: quietcoveholsteins@gmail.com; Phone: 419-5520355

ETGEN, CASH, D-12, 9410 Sugar Creek Rd., Harrod, OH 45850; Email: etgenh@adabulldogs.org; Phone: 419-303-6964

ETGEN, HENRY, D-12, 9410 Sugar Creek Rd., Harrod, OH 45850; Email: etgenh@adabulldogs. org; Phone: 419-303-6964


FINKE, LILLIAN, D-13, 1285 SR 29 NE, London, OH 43140; Phone: 614-402-8364

FINKE, OLIVIA, D-13, 1285 SR 29 NE, London, OH 43140; Phone: 614-402-8364

FLEDDERJOHANN, EMMA, D-12, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822; Phone: 419-305-8076

FOSTER, DEVAN, D-12, 10465 Clum Rd., Harrod, OH 45850; Email: zellerstephanie17@gmail.com; Phone: 419-303-3228

FRANCIS, ALLISON, D-14, 8483 Arcanum Bearsmill Rd., Greenville, OH 45331; Email: trfran_17@yahoo.com; Phone: 937-489-9478

FRANCIS, CALLUM, D-14, 8483 Arcanum Bearsmill Rd., Greenville, OH 45331; Email: trfran_17@yahoo.com; Phone: 937-489-9478

FRANCIS, LANE, D-14, 8483 Arcanum Bearsmill Rd., Greenville, OH 45331; Email: trfran_17@ yahoo.com; Phone: 937-489-9478

FROELICH, COOPER, D-7, 10300 Jeffrey Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: monica.froelich@gmail. com; Phone: 330-472-1020

FROELICH, HANNAH, D-7, 10300 Jeffrey Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: monica.froelich@gmail. com; Phone: 330-472-1020

GEHRIG, DALEYN, D-3, 50105 Minder Rd., Jerusalem, OH 43747; Email: paquettequarterhorse@gmail.com; Phone: 740387-1005

GILBERT, JACOBY, D-7, 11200 Hiner Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: stevegilbert11200hiner@gmail. com; Phone: 330-473-8971

GILBERT, JAMISON, D-7, 11200 Hiner Rd., Wooster, OH 45368; Email: stevegilbert11200hiner@gmail. com; Phone: 330-473-8971

Ohio Junior Holstein Association 2024 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY

GLEISNER, BRIGGS, D-8, 1540 Rome Greenwich Rd., Greenwich, OH 44037; Email: cgleisner@ hotmail.com; Phone: 419-606-5143

GLEISNER, CARTER, D-8, 1540 Rome Greenwich Rd., Greenwich, OH 44037; cgleisner@hotmail. com; Phone: 419-616-5143

GOECKE, CLAIRE, D-12, 405 W Bremen St, New Knoxville, OH 45871; Email: jgoecke@nktelco. net; Phone: 419-234-8312

GOECKE, KARLI, D-12, 405 W. Bremen St., New Knoxville, OH 45871; Email: jgoecke@nktelco. net; Phone: 419-234-8312

GORDON, WYATT, D-11, 3778 TR 147, Zanesfield, OH 43360; Email: gordon.46@osu. edu; Phone: 937-243-4356

GREENE, AMY, D-8, 19601 Vermont St., Grafton, OH 44044; Email: greenemachine2003@gmail. com; Phone: 330-410-6481

GRIFFITH, CALEB, D-15, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106; Email: xavier12146@yahoo. com; Phone: 513-543-2315

GRIFFITH, HANNAH, D-15, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106; Email: xavier12146@yahoo. com; Phone: 513-543-2315

GRIFFITH, RYAN, D-15, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106; Email: xavier12146@yahoo. com; Phone: 513-543-2315

GROVE, AUBREY, D-3, 2213 Crooked Run Rd., New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Phone: 330-4072452

GROVE, KENNEDY S., D-3, 2213 Crooked Run Rd., New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Email: jaharding12@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-407-2452

GUGGENBILLER, DAWSON, D-12, 560 Meiring Rd., Ft. Recovery, OH 45846; Email: guggenbiller93@gmail.com; Phone: 419-852-5559

GUNKELMAN, CARLIE, D-8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd., Medina, OH 44256; Phone: 330-350-2047

GUNKELMAN, CORA, D-8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd., Medina, OH 44256; Phone: 330-350-2047

GUNKELMAN, CURTIS, D-8, 3411 Abbeyville Rd., Medina, OH 44256; Phone: 330-350-2047

GUNKELMAN, GRACE, D-7, 2021 W. Steiner Rd., Burbank, OH 44214; Email: drgunkelman@ yahoo.com; Phone: 330-464-3259

HAMKER, KALE, D-8, 12264 West Ridge Rd., Oberlin, OH 44074; Phone: 440-667-9155

HARTING, CHLOE, D-14, 3818 Philother Rd., Coldwater, OH 45828; Phone: 567-644-8787

HARTLINE, CALEB, D-3, 303 1/2 Ingleside Ave., Marietta, OH 45750; Email: Mom23kidzz@gmail. com; Phone: 740-706-0585

HARTMAN, GRACE, D-8, 2141 Fitchville River Rd., Wakeman, OH 44889; Email: jghartman04@ icloud.com; Phone: 440-574-4223

HASTINGS, JACK, D-1, 13270 Stoney Springs Drive, Chardon, OH 44024; Email: hastings97@ gmail.com; Phone: 440-635-0313

HAVENS, ANISTON, D-9, 4293 Tiffin Rd., Fremont, OH 43420; Email: ehbrookviewfarms@ yahoo.com; Phone: 419-307-3758

HAVENS, GRANT, D-9, 4293 Tiffin Rd., Fremont, OH 43420; Email: ehbrookviewfarms@yahoo. com; Phone: 419-307-3758

HAVENS, J. GARRETT, D-9, 4293 Tiffin Rd., Fremont, OH 43420; Email: ehbrookviewfarms@ yahoo.com; Phone: 419-307-3758

HAWVERMALE, KELLY, D-7, 703 Barnard Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: hawver21294@gmail. com; Phone: 330-621-3638

HEGER, BLAKE, D-15, 5604 Cantawood Ln., Liberty Twp, OH 45044

HEMPFLING, LILLIAN, D-12, 22161 Lincoln Hwy., Delphos, OH 45833; Email: chempfling@ woh.rr.com; Phone: 419-236-6467

HENRY, BRYNN, D-14, 10725 Wolf Rd., Versailles, OH 45380; Email: indianstone@me.com; Phone: 937-238-4960

HENRY, CALE, D-14, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380

HENRY, MAX, D-14, 10725 Wolf Rd., Versailles, OH 45380; Email: indianstone@me.com; Phone: 937-238-4960

HENRY, PEYTON, D-14, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380

HOLLENBACHER, ABIGAIL, D-14, 19491 Deweese Rd., Sidney, OH 45365; Phone: 937-6220057

HOLLENBACHER, ETHAN, D-14, 19491 Deweese Rd., Sidney, OH 45365; Phone: 937-6220057

HOLLENBACHER, LOGAN, D-14, 19491 Deweese Rd., Sidney, OH 45365; Phone: 937-6220057

HUDSON, COLE, D-9, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820; Email: karenhudson08@gmail.com; Phone: 419-834-0207

JACKSON, CANNON, D-8, 23834 SR 301, Wellington, OH 44070; Email: oaksonfarms@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-421-6838

JACKSON, JETT, D-8, 23834 SR 301, Wellington, OH 44070; Email: oaksonfarms@gmail.com; Phone: 330-421-6838

JORDAN, ALINA, D-8, 2276 Rome Greenwich Rd., Greenwich, OH 44837; Email: wlund@neo. rr.com; Phone: 440-822-9380

KAVERMAN, KORBIN J, D-13, 11142 Huntington Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368; Email: jkaverman1@gmail.com; Phone: 614-203-2942

KAVERMAN, LYDIA M, D-13, 11142 Huntington Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368; Email: jkaverman1@gmail.com; Phone: 614-203-2942

KEMP, PAIGE, D-3, 43828 Belmont-Centerville Rd., Belmont, OH 43718; Email: kempper04@ yahoo.com; Phone: 740-359-9806

KIBLER, CARTER F, D-1, 700 Brunstetter Rd., Warren, OH 44481; Email: janosko1@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-980-0644

KIKO, ELAINA, D-2, 28173 Winona Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: kjodilynne@aol.com; Phone: 330-853-0401

KIKO, ELIZABETH, D-2, 28173 Winona Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: kjodilynne@aol.com; Phone: 330-853-0401

KIKO, JR. RUDY, D-2, 2850 McCann Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: rudykiko@kikocompany.com; Phone: 330-540-2416

KIKO, ROSS, D-2, 2850 McCann Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: rudykiko@kikocompany.com; Phone: 330-540-2416

KIKO, WARD, D-2, 28173 Winona Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: kjodilynne@aol.com; Phone: 330853-0401

KIKO, WAYDEN, D-2, 28173 Winona Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: kjodilynne@aol.com; Phone: 330-853-0401

KING, SAMANTHA, D-13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd., West Liberty, OH 43357; Email: tcking7@gmail.com; Phone: 937-869-0672

KING, SILAS, D-13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd., West Liberty, OH 43357; Email: tcking7@gmail. com; Phone: 937-869-0672

KLEINTOP, KEELY, D-3, 117 Acme St, Marietta, OH 45750; Phone: 740-336-7210

KLEINTOP, QUINLIN, D-3, 117 Acme St., Marietta, OH 45750; Phone: 740-336-7210

KLIER, CHARLES, D-8, 18358 Pitts Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: jhklier@yahoo. com; Phone: 440-935-7133

KLIER, HENRY, D-8, 18358 Pitts Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: jhklier@yahoo.com; Phone: 440-935-7133

KLIER, OLIVIA, D-8, 18358 Pitts Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: jhklier@yahoo.com; Phone: 440-935-7133

KLIER, SOPHIA, D-8, 18358 Pitts Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: jhklier@yahoo.com; Phone: 440-935-7133

KLOPFENSTEIN, JACE, D-12, 15377 TownlineKossuth Rd., St. Marys, OH 45885; Email: tbstras@gmail.com; Phone: 419-733-6939

KLOPFENSTEIN, REID, D-12, 15176 TownlineKossuth Rd., St. Marys, OH 45885; Email: tbstras@gmail.com; Phone: 419-733-6939

KLOPFENSTEIN, TAYLOR, D-12, 15176 Townline-Kossuth Rd., St. Marys, OH 45885; Email: tbstras@gmail.com; Phone: 419-733-6939

KNAPP, GRACE, D-8, 24228 West Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: knappsljg@gmail.com; Phone: 440-669-6686

KNAPP, JACOB, D-8, 24228 West Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: knappsljg@gmail.com; Phone: 440-669-6686

KNOLL, DALTON, D-8, 415 Old State Rd., North Fairfield, OH 44855; Email: knolltroy@yahoo. com; Phone: 419-681-0751

KNOLL, DYLLAN, D-8, 415 Old State Rd., North Fairfield, OH 44855; Email: knolltroy@yahoo. com; Phone: 419-681-0751

KNOLL, NASH, D-8, 3186 Rome Greenwich Rd., Greenwich, OH 44837; Email: nknoll@gmail. com; Phone: 419-706-2124

KNOLL, PRICE, D-8, 3186 Rome Greenwich Rd., Greenwich, OH 44837; Email: nknoll@gmail. com; Phone: 419-706-2124

KNOLL, TREY, D-8, 3186 Rome Greenwich Rd., Greenwich, OH 44837; Email: nknoll@gmail. com; Phone: 419-706-2124

KNOOP, LUKE, D-14, 6195 N. Bollonger Rd., Conover, OH 45317; Email: jaknoop07@gmail. com; Phone: 937-214-2322

Ohio Junior Holstein Association


LAHMERS, AUDREY, D-13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd., Marysville, OH 43040; Email: clahmers@ cobaselect.com; Phone: 614-306-7194

LAHMERS, AVA, D-13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd., Marysville, OH 43040; Email: clahmers@ cobaselect.com; Phone: 614-306-7194

LAHMERS, ELAINA, D-13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd., Marysville, OH 43040; Email: clahmers@ cobaselect.com; Phone: 614-603-7194

LAKE, CONNER, D-8, 47393 Merriam Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: designerames@ gmail.com; Phone: 440-328-7615

LAKE, DECLAN, D-8, 47393 Merriam Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: designerames@ gmail.com; Phone: 440-328-7615

LAMB, JOAN, D-8, 44381 New London East Rd., Sullivan, OH 44880; Email: TLamb03@gmail. com; Phone: 440-213-3769

LAMB, ROY, D-8, 44381 New London East Rd., Sullivan, OH 44880; Email: TLamb03@gmail. com; Phone: 440-213-3769

L’AMOREAUX, LAUREN, D-2, 7261 Paris Ave., Louisville, OH 44641; Email: blamoreaux@neo. rr.com; Phone: 330-875-4157

LANDES, JOSH, D-2, 2398 Ravenna Ave. NE, East Canton, OH 44730; Email: jlandes557@gmail. com; Phone: 330-933-0108

LANDES, JUSTIN, D-2, 2398 Ravenna Ave. NE, East Canton, OH 44730; Email: jlandes557@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-933-0108

LANEY, ELIZABETH, D-7, 10436 Jeffrey Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: margielaney10@aol. com; Phone: 330-466-5327

LATECKI, GABRIELLE, D-8, 967 Oakwood Dr., Elyria, OH 44035; Email: babyscottaustin@ hotmail.com; Phone: 440-537-3854

LEIBY, JOSEPHINE, D-8, 223 Grand Ave., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: rbleiby@ymail. com; Phone: 440-371-9388

LEIBY, REECE D, D-8, 223 Grand Ave, Wellington, OH 44090; Email: rbleiby@ymail.com; Phone: 440-371-9388

LIETTE, CAITLIN, D-12, 2141 Glynwood Rd., St. Marys, OH 45885; Phone: 419-394-4343

LINDEN, CLAIRE, D-8, 39080 Sugar Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville, OH 44039; Email: lindenfamily5@gmail.com; Phone: 440-315-0384

LOGAN, JEFFERY, D-1, 4339 Wakefield Creek Rd., Farmdale, OH 44417; Email: jdlogan4955@yahoo. com; Phone: 330-240-4450

MALONEY, JOHN, D-7, 13845 SR 520, Glenmont, OH 44628; Email: johnwmaloney74@gmail.com; Phone: 330-231-2667

MANGUN, BRODY, D-7, 13696 Friendsville Rd., Burbank, OH 44214; Phone: 330-466-6363

MARSH, COOPER, D-8, 1566 Derussey Rd., Collins, OH 44826; Email: derrickmarsh@msn. com; Phone: 419-668-9672

MARSH, KENDALL, D-8, 1566 Derussey Rd., Collins, OH 44826; Email: derrickmarsh@msn. com; Phone: 419-668-9672

MATHEWS, MAGGIE, D-15, 1506 Hodson Rd., New Vienna, OH 45159; Email: moocows@fuse. net; Phone: 513-300-7291

MATHEWS, WILL, D-15, 4976 SR 132, Batavia, OH 45103; Email: beefcake724@hotmail.com; Phone: 513-732-1494

MAURICE, LINCOLN, D-13, 4384 Ford Rd., St. Paris, OH 43072; Email: lmaurice@selectsires. com; Phone: 614-595-0945

MAZZARO, MATTHEW, D-1, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville, Williamsfield, OH 44093; Email: mazzaradi@aol.com; Phone: 440-667-1765

MCLEAN, MACI, D-2, 1104 Terrano Dr., Salem, OH 44460; Email: macimclean0@gmail.com; Phone: 234-564-1889

MEEKER, HUNTER, D-15, 18788 Gauche Rd., Fayetteville, OH 45118; Email: rmeeker2000@ yahoo.com; Phone: 513-260-2331

MEEKER, WYATT, D-15, 18788 Gauche Rd., Fayetteville, OH 45118; Email: rmeeker2000@ yahoo.com; Phone: 513-260-2331

MENZIE, AVA, D-10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534; Email: whitelightholsteins@gmail.com; Phone: 419-278-0030

MENZIE, LEAH, D-10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534; Email: whitelightholsteins@gmail.com; Phone: 419-278-0030

MENZIE, NORA, D-10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534; Email: whitelightholsteins@gmail.com; Phone: 419-278-0030

MILEY, SAMANTHA JANE, D-7, 6382 Bates Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: jasonmiley11@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-466-8509

MILLER, DANIELLE, D-5, 6570 McCleary Rd., Baltimore, OH 43105; Phone: 614-915-6373

MORITZ, WILLIAM, D-13, 6672 E US 36, Cable, OH 43009; Email: bestillcrossing@gmail.com; Phone: 937-303-3239

MORLOCK, COLBY, D-7, 10416 Jeffery Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: jimmorlock@gmail. com; Phone: 330-350-0535

MORLOCK, DILLON, D-7, 10416 Jeffery Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: jimmorlock@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-350-0535



MURILLO, JANAE, D-10, 22139 CR V, Archbold, OH 43502; Phone: 419-270-0024

MUSSARD, BURLEY, D-10, 10359 Dunham Rd., Mt Vernon, OH 43050; Phone: 419-438-2746

MUSSARD, CLARA, D-10, 10359 Dunham Rd., Mt Vernon, OH 43050; Phone: 419-438-2746

MUSSARD, LANE, D-10, 10359 Dunham Rd., Mt Vernon, OH 43050; Phone: 419-438-2746

MUSSARD, PHOEBE, D-10, 10359 Dunham Rd., Mt Vernon, OH 43050; Phone: 419-438-2746

NORRIS, ZACHARY ADAM, D-2, 9900 BayaRd. Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Email: blondemartig@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-717-3012

NORTON, MADISON, D-8, 18118 Quarry Rd., Wellington, OH 44090; Email: DcNorton706@ gmail.com; Phone: 440-897-8001

PAYNE, AUBREY, D-9, 157 SR 510, Fremont, OH 43420; Email: westwayfarms7291@gmail.com; Phone: 419-680-9786

PITTMAN, CARISSA, D-7, 2304 Schellin Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Phone: 330-345-6769

POND, KALEB, D-11, 5429 CR 31 S, Bellefontaine, OH 43311; Email: kdpond48@gmail.com; Phone: 937-935-8339

POND, KODY, D-11, 5429 CR 31 S, Bellefontaine, OH 43311; Email: kdpond48@gmail.com; Phone: 937-935-8339

PORTZ, CONNER C, D-8, 2573 TR 687, Loudonville, OH 44842; Email: jmportz1231@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-571-6969

RANDALL, AVERY, D-13, 4981 S. Kennard Rd., Urbana, OH 43078; Email: brandall04@yahoo. com; Phone: 437-869-6397

RANDALL, BRYNLEE, D-13, 4981 S Kennard Rd., Urbana, OH 43078; Email: brandall04@yahoo. com; Phone: 437-869-6397

RAUSCH, HARPER, D-4, 2053 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320; Phone: 419-560-2206

RAUSCH, LUKE, D-4, 2053 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320; Phone: 419-560-2206

RAUSCH, MASON, D-11, 12331 Industrial Pkwy, Marysville, OH 43040; Email: nicholasrausch@ yahoo.com; Phone: 614-989-0560

RAUSCH, NOAH, D-11, 12331 Industrial Pkwy., Marysville, OH 43040; Email: nicholasrausch@ yahoo.com; Phone: 614-989-0560

RAWN, ANNE, D-5, 7449 Loy Rush Court, Canal Winchester, OH 43110; Phone: 301-788-5532

REIDMAN, EVANGELINE, D-11, 15433 Hagenderfer Rd., Plain City, OH 43064; Email: agrox98@gmail.com; Phone: 714-315-9110

REIDMAN, KONRAD, D-11, 15433 Hagenderfer Rd., Plain City, OH 43064; Email: agrox98@gmail. com; Phone: 714-315-9110

ROSEBROOK, BROXTON, D-10, 4866 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Phone: 419-278-1817

ROSEBROOK, GRAHM, D-10, 4866 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Phone: 419-278-1817

ROSEBROOK, LANI, D-10, 4866 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Phone: 419-278-1817

ROSEBROOK, RYDER, D-10, 4866 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Phone: 419-278-1817

ROSENBERGER, QUENTIN, D-3, 6254 Pronto Rd. SE, Amsterdam, OH 43903; Email: roseywr4703@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-418-0814

RUPP, KARLEE, D-7, 601 East Sterling Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Email: rupp170@hotmail. com; Phone: 330-466-5344

RUPP, MADICYN, D-7, 13955 Cleveland Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Email: ihfan5488@aol.com; Phone: 330-435-6233

RUPP, MASON, D-7, 13955 Cleveland Rd., Creston, OH 44217; Email: ihfan5488@aol.com; Phone: 330-435-6233

RUPRECHT, GALEN, D-4, 20009 Mishey Rd., Butler, OH 44822; Phone: 330-466-1382

RUPRECHT, OLIVER, D-4, 20009 Mishey Rd., Butler, OH 44822; Phone: 330-466-1382

RUTHRAUFF, SAVANNAH, D-2, 12148 West Calke Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: vanruth2005@gmail.com; Phone: 330-314-6062

SAILOR, BENTON, D-14, 7945 Johnston Slagle Rd., Sidney, OH 45365

SAILOR, DEAON, D-14, 7945 Johnston Slagle Rd., Sidney, OH 45365

Ohio Junior Holstein Association


SAILOR, ESTELLE, D-14, 7945 Johnston Slagle Rd., Sidney, OH 45365

SAMMETINGER, AMELIA, D-12, 14372 Pusheta Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: sammetingers@yahoo.com; Phone: 937-538-8313

SAWYER, ISAAC, D-8, 41804 Whitney Rd., Lagrange, OH 44050; Email: tsawyer78@gmail. com; Phone: 440-865-4136

SCHAEFER, CLAIRE, D-15, 4459 Anderson Rd., Hillsboro, OH 45133; Email: eschaefer1993@ gmail.com; Phone: 937-581-0950

SCHLAUCH, CHARITY, D-7, 6828 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611; Email: vvf48@earthlink.net; Phone: 330-275-2024

SCHLAUCH, KASSIDY, D-7, 6828 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611; Email: vvf48@earthlink.net; Phone: 330-275-2024

SCHLAUCH, WYATT, D-7, 12809 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 45611; Email: vvf48@earthlink.net; Phone: 330-231-2111

SCHWARTZ, EVIE, D-3, 4534 Schilling Hill Rd. NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Phone: 330204-0555

SCHWARTZ, LAYLA, D-3, 4534 Schilling Hill Rd. NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Phone: 330204-0555

SCHWARTZ, QUINN, D-3, 4534 Schilling Hill Rd. NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663; Phone: 330204-0555

SCHWIETERMAN, RYAN, D-12, 768 Voskuhl Rd., Maria Stein, OH 45860; Email: angieschwieterman@gmail.com; Phone: 419-3059114

SEEDORF, WILLIAM, D-10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516; Phone: 419-966-7480

SHEETS, MOLLY A, D-11, 931 Christopher Circle, Ada, OH 45810; Phone: 740-363-2184

SHELLENBERGER, CHLOE, D-14, 1610 Mowry Rd., Pleasant Hill, OH 45359; Phone: 937-7038797

SIDLE, AUDREY, D-7, 155 Franklin Ct, Smithville, OH 44677; Email: bethmatty266@gmail.com; Phone: 330-317-0805

SIDLE, BRADY, D-7, 155 Franklin Ct, Smithville, OH 44677; Email: bethmatty266@gmail.com; Phone: 330-317-0805

SIEGRIST, GRACE, D-14, 4762 Fleetfoot, Coldwater, OH 45828; Phone: 937-621-2606

SIEGRIST, KANE, D-14, 4762 Fleetfoot, Coldwater, OH 45828; Phone: 937-621-2606

SIEGRIST, KENNLEY, D-14, 4762 Fleetfoot, Coldwater, OH 45828; Phone: 937-621-2606

SIEGRIST, MYA, D-14, 4762 Fleetfoot, Coldwater, OH 45828; Phone: 937-621-2606

SIMPSON, BROOKS, D-2, 27848 Winona Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: hannahdye61@gmail. com; Phone: 330-581-3930

SIMPSON, HALLIE, D-3, 65621 Plainfield Rd., Belmont, OH 43718

SLOAN, RAY, D-7, 3777 N Elyria Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: angelasloan71@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-466-4560

SOOY, SUMMER, D-8, 12143 Greenwich Rd., Homerville, OH 44235; Email: bovinedreamer@ gmail.com; Phone: 330-600-4116

SPRANG, JULIA, D-7, 8719 CR 373, Big Prairie, OH 44611; Email: juliasprang05@gmail.com; Phone: 330-988-0493

SPRENG, CALLIHAN, D-7, 6860 Snoddy Rd., Shreve, OH 44676; Phone: 419-651-5198

SPRENG, JORDYN, D-7, 6860 Snoddy Rd., Shreve, OH 44676; Phone: 419-651-5198

SPRENG, NOAH, D-7, 6860 Snoddy Rd., Shreve, OH 44676; Phone: 419-651-5198

SPRENG, RHEA, D-7, 6860 Snoddy Rd., Shreve, OH 44676; Email: kspreng11@gmail.com; Phone: 419-651-5198

SPRENG, RHETT, D-7, 6860 Snoddy Rd., Shreve, OH 44676; Phone: 419-651-5198

STEINKE, ALLISON, D-12, 13505 Kettlersville Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: matmapletree@ bright.net; Phone: 419-738-7174

STEINKE, ZACHARY, D-12, 13505 Kettlersville Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: matmapletree@bright.net; Phone: 419-738-7174

STRYFFELER, MACY, D-2, 29651 Tower Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: mwyss22@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-257-1575

STUCKEY, SETH, D-2, 3097 Paris Ave, Louisville, OH 44641; Email: shortcake44625@yahoo.com; Phone: 330-428-4377

SUGG, KAITLYN, D-7, 5789 Cleveland Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: suggblastaway@aol. com; Phone: 330-317-0861

SWORD, NICHOLAS, D-8, PO Box 266, Wellington, OH 44090; Email: sword.nick9@ gmail.com; Phone: 614-560-7962

TAYLOR, MATTHEW, D-7, 992 Heyl Rd., Wooster, OH 44691; Email: jerz4me@gmail.com; Phone: 330-466-5350

TEDRICK, LILLY, D-10, 717 Hawthorne St, Ramsey, IL 62080; Email: whitelightholsteins@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-278-0030

THOMAS, SAVANNAH, D-11, 5548 CR 168, West Liberty, OH 43357; Email: jathomas1@ embarqmail.com; Phone: 837-465-0825

TODTEN, KARALYNN J, D-8, 414 W Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090; Email: kara.todten37@ gmail.com; Phone: 440-371-6701

TOPP, AIDEN, D-14, 9477 Botkins Rd., Botkins, OH 45306; Email: flipdog77@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-753-2276

TOPP, ALAINA, D-14, 9477 Botkins Rd., Botkins, OH 45306; Email: flipdog77@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-753-2276

TOPP, AUBREE, D-14, 9477 Botkins Rd., Botkins, OH 45306; Email: flipdog77@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-753-2276

TOPP, GRANT, D-14, 10356 Kohler Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: metopp@watchtv. net; Phone: 419-753-3177

TOPP, LOGAN, D-7, 9846 Lattasburg Rd., West Salem, OH 44287; Email: kurtandfam@aol.com; Phone: 330-464-9734

TOPP, MACKENZIE, D-14, 10356 Kohler Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: metopp@watchtv. net; Phone: 419-753-3177

TOPP, MADELYN, D-14, 10356 Kohler Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895; Email: metopp@watchtv. net; Phone: 419-753-3177

TULLIS, KOLBY, D-3, 2039 Aster Rd., Scio, OH 43988; Email: kolbyjohn@wildblue.net; Phone: 330-401-4765

TURON, COLBY, D-1, 5432 Greenville Rd., West Farmington, OH 44491; Email: gotmilk1013@ yahoo.com; Phone: 440-487-2330

TURON, LILAH, D-1, 5432 Greenville Rd., West Farmington, OH 44491; Email: gotmilk1013@ yahoo.com; Phone: 440-487-2330

TWINING, REED, D-8, 440 SR 95, Loudonville, OH 44842; Email: rrtwining@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-496-7188

TWINING, RILEY, D-8, 440 SR 95, Loudonville, OH 44842; Email: rrtwining@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-496-7188

TWINING, ROLAND, D-8, 440 SR 95, Loudonville, OH 44842; Email: rrtwining@yahoo.com; Phone: 419-496-7188

TWINING, RYAN, D-8, 111 Griggs Rd., Wellington, OH 44090

TWINING, TYLER, D-8, 111 Griggs Rd., Wellington, OH 44090

WHITE, SALLY, D-15, 8855 SR 725, East Germantown, OH 45327; Email: timabbey2003@ gmail.com; Phone: 937-602-5933

WHITELEATHER, ALICE, D-2, 22499 Bates Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Email: gwhiteleather@gmail. com; Phone: 330-868-5175

WHITELEATHER, AVA, D-2, 22499 Bates Rd., Minerva, OH 44657; Email: gwhiteleather@gmail. com; Phone: 330-868-5175

WHITELEATHER, JACK, D-2, 29468 Tower Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: jessicawhiteleather@ me.com; Phone: 330-806-1804

WHITELEATHER, STELLA, D-2, 29468 Tower Rd., Salem, OH 44460; Email: jessicawhiteleather@ me.com; Phone: 330-806-1804

WILLRATH, HAILEY E, D-12, 02315 Clover Four Rd., New Bremen, OH 45869; Email: ewillrath@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-733-0704

WILLRATH, HENRY L, D-12, 02315 Clover Four Rd., New Bremen, OH 45869; Email: ewillrath@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-733-0704

WILLRATH, RYLEE K, D-12, 02315 Clover Four Rd., New Bremen, OH 45869; Email: ewillrath@ gmail.com; Phone: 419-733-0704

WINKLER, JACOB J, D-7, 13515 KauffmanAve, Sterling, OH 44276; Phone: 330-939-9970

WOLF, ANDERSON, D-7, 13040 Canaan Center Rd., Creston, OH 44217

WORKMAN, BREANNE, D-3, 59745 Cool Hill Rd., Belmont, OH 43717; Email: blbgcworkman@ outlook.com; Phone: 740-686-2047

WORKMAN, GAGE, D-3, 59745 Cool Hill Rd., Belmont, OH 43717; Email: blbgcworkman@ outlook.com; Phone: 740-686-2047

YODER, AUSTIN, D-13, 11050 Huntington Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368; Phone: 937-2061398

ZELLER, LILLY, D-12, 10465 Clum Rd., Harrod, OH 45850; Email: zellerstephanie17@gmail.com; Phone: 419-303-3228

ZIEGLER, CADE, D-11, 10365 Long Rd., Ostrander, OH 43061; Email: cade.ziegler10@ gmail.com; Phone: 614-425-4090

Everyone Needs Some Quiet Time, and a Quiet Place

As soon as I was old enough that Mom wasn’t worried that I would get lost, I was allowed to take my faithful dog, Stubby, and wander all over the farm. I would take off following a cowpath in the pasture field. There would be interesting things to investigate as I meandered along—bugs, rocks, flowers, holes, sticks, etc. On the hot summer days I would head for the creek. It was lined with alders or trees were close by and it was such a cool place. I would go wading, just watch the tiny minnows swimming around or investigate under the rocks. Stubby often took a quick dip in the creek to cool down, especially if he had found a groundhog to sneak up on and battle. There was one place in the pasture field where there was a huge rock. I would sit on that rock, let my legs dangle over the side, listen to the sound of the water trickling down the stream, the birds singing and just think and

dream. It was a quiet time and a quiet place. As I grew up, I learned every one of the 175 acres we own, and I would walk it, ride my draft horse, Prince, all over it, or help with the farm work on it. When I was big enough I went every spring with my Dad to check and repair the line fences. I learned where all the markers and boundaries were. There were places where the fence was located in the woods and we couldn’t drive the tractor and the small trailer of fence equipment close to it. Dad would put a “spud bar” through the center of a spool of barbed wire, and he would take one end and I took the other. In his other hand he carried his “fence box” with steeples, pliers, hatchet, wire cutters, etc., and I carried the “fence stretcher” and off we would go, at times with a steep uphill climb. The woods would be so peaceful and quiet, just the sounds of wildlife and our voices as we talked.

Today I visited one of those places where I used to go. It is the farthest section of the farm from the buildings. I had not been to those fields in several years. I didn’t walk or ride a horse or tractor—I went in a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon that is equipped for camping. There was the sound of the Jeep and a big White tractor that was pulling logs out of the woods to cut into firewood. It is a beautiful place, a big green field surrounded by woods on three sides, with no road leading to it, just a path through the fields.. It is a perfect place, far from the hustle and bustle of daily life. As I sat waiting while my sons had a conference, a lot of memories of activities in that area from past years came flooding back. It was a quiet time and is still a very quiet place.

Everyone, young, old and in-between needs some quiet time and a quiet place. You need that time and that place where your mind can escape the troubles and the problems that occur in our daily living and our world. Living on a farm is such a blessing, as you can find those quiet times and quiet places in so many different places and ways. Farmers can find them where other people would never think to look! In your mind it can become a quiet time and a quiet place as you listen to the hum of a tractor while planting a crop in the fields, as you hear the jingle of the harness on a team of horses as you work with them, listening to the pulsation and sound of the milking machine as the cows are milked. You can enjoy the quiet time and the quiet place as you sit on a bale of straw late at night waiting on that special dairy cow to give birth to the heifer calf that you know she is carrying, or while watching baby lambs as they leap and play, baby kittens as they tumble and wrestle, sitting on the front porch and watching the corn growing taller, the wheat getting riper, observing the green alfalfa soon ready to mow, or listening to that rain on the roof that you know will make everything grow. And there are those beautiful green fields and the quiet woods.

Spending quiet time in a quiet place gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order. Silence and stillness has its own virtues. Step away from the chaos of life and erase the troubles and problems of your life and the world from your mind. Relish the moments of tranquility. The quietness brings inner peace. Enjoy those moments of quiet time and those quiet places where ever you can find them!

“There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story.” ~Linda Hogan


Mideast Spring National Holstein Show

March 29, 2024 • Columbus, OH

Judge: Eddie Bue, WI • Associate: Brooks Hendrickson, WI

Premier Breeder & Exhibitor


Senior & Grand Champion

Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis Reserve Senior & Grand Champion

Shadow-W Denver Mile High (Denver), Reese McCoy & Lilly Elsass

Honorable Mention Senior & Grand Champion

Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass

Intermediate Champion

Pondvue Butterscotch-Red (Altitude), Jay Ackley, Damon Bertke & Jim & Valerie Spreng

Reserve Intermediate Champion

Ack-Lee Sidekick Katniss-ET (Sidekick), Kris Ackley

Honorable Mention

Kuk-Lan Unstopabull Desire (Unstopabull), Scout & Caroline Kukelhan

Junior Champion

Cal-Denier-I Hniko Apple (Haniko), Kendall Marsh & Wyatt Schlauch

Reserve Junior Champion

Ms Nor-Bert Unix Ihop (Unix) Dillon Freeman

Honorable Mention

Wapsi-Ana Liquor (Showtime), James Nipel and Lily Elsass, OH

Best Bred & Owned

Ack-Lee Sidekick Katniss-ET (Sidekick), Kris Ackley


Senior & Grand Champion

Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis Reserve Senior & Grand Champion

Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass Intermediate & HM Grand Champion

Southern-Hills Myst Trinity (Mystic Crush), Hannah Griffith Reserve Intermediate Champion

Velvet-View Remembering (Moovin), Wyatt Schlauch

Honorable Mention

KM-Lund-View Radio Spooky (Radio), Wyatt Schlaugh Junior Champion

Cal-Denier-I Hniko Apple (Haniko), Kendall Marsh & Wyatt Schlauch Reserve Junior Champion

Ms Nor-Bert Unix Ihop (Unix) Dillon Freeman Honorable Mention

Bucks-Pride Dimondbak Kit (Diamondback), Brady & Bentley Cole, OH

Best Bred & Owned

Ren-Bow Hancock Liquor, Ruth Bambauer

Winter Heifer Calf

1. Bratcher-Vu Soul to Soul-ET (Altitude), Hadley & Hudson

Spoonamore & Trey & Charlie Bratcher

2. White-Light Tstruck Kustard (Thunderstruck), Ava, Leah, & Nora

Menzie & Lilly Tedrick

3. Glen-Paul Warr Bikachu-ET (Warrior), Will Cole

4. Plainfield Eyecandy Nina (Eye Candy), Plainfield Farms LLC

5. Bratcher-Vu Advnc Anneliese (Advancer), Joe Bratcher

Fall Heifer Calf

1. Cal-Denier-I Hniko Apple (Haniko), Kendall Marsh & Wyatt Schlauch

2. Toppglen Hanans Ayita (Hanans), Audrey Sidle & Logan Topp

3. Maple-Downs Thunder Path (Thunderstruck), Judy Wolford

4. Oakfield Lambda Dasher-ET (Lambda), Jay Ackley & Jim & Valerie Spreng

5. Lindlaur Sidekick Starla-ET (Sidekick), Lauren L’Amoreaux

Summer Yearling

1. Ms Nor-Bert Unix Ihop (Unix) Dillon Freeman

2. Klingendale Mr T Suzy TW (Mr T), Elijah Dobay

3. Ms Wil-SanThunderstrm Wise (Thunderstorm), Audrey Sidle & Logan Topp

4. Express SMD Venus (Camron), Express Holsteins & Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins

5. Silver Hitch DFT Crumble (Defiant), Morgan, Amelia, Taylor & Marshall Stone

Spring Yearling

1. Peace & Plenty DLM Jubie 49-ET (Lambda), Lillian & Olivia Finke

2. Quietcove Lemon Drop (Chief), Amelia Sammetinger

3. Bentley Layali-ET (Showtime), James Niple

4. Stan Mar Dale Nikki (Hancock), Brynlee Randall & Riley Doria

5. Ms Etgenway Crshable Sateen (Crushable), Cole Hudson Winter Yearling

1. Wapsi-Ana Liquor (Showtime), James Niple & Lilly Elsass

2. Red-Violet-ACC A Shay 1-ET (Thunderstorm), Jacoby Gilbert

3. Ren Bow Ack Delta Lottery (Lambda), Ruth Bambauer

4. Plainfield Anlst Royce-Red (Analyst), Aubrey Grove

5. Toppglen Goldchip Winnie-ET (Goldchip), Cold Hudson Fall Yearling

1. Bucks-Pride Dimondbak Kit (Diamondback), Brady & Bentley Cole

2. Luncrest Afrika-2574-ET (Tatoo), Cade Ziegler

3. Sikmadale Avalanche Bonji-ET (Avalanche), Hadley & Hudson Spoonamore & Trey & Charlie Bratcher

4. Petitclerc Crushtime Spring (Crushtime), Maci & Kylie Mclean

5. Silver Hithc Warr Cakepop (Warrior), Morgan, Amelia, Taylor & Marshall Stone

Junior Two-Year-Old Cow

1. Ren-Bow Hancock Liquor (Hancock), Ruth Bambauer

2. Stein-Way Thtruck Jumpin (Thunderstruck), Stein-Way Dairy

3. Springhill-VJ P Raven (Pharo), Jackson Metts

Senior Two-Year-Old Cow

1. Pondvue Butterscotch-Red (Altitude), Jay Ackley, Damon Bertke & Jim & Valerie Spreng

2. Lakeshore Moment Lemonade (Moment), Joe Bratcher

3. Stein-Way Hancock Rewind (Hancock), Stein-Way Dairy

4. Miss Delta Bee (Lambda), Vanessa Philson

5. Southern-Hills Myst Trinity (Mystic Crush), Hannah Griffith

Junior Three-Year-Old Cow

1. Kuk-Lan Unstopabull Desire (Unstopabull), Scout & Caroline Kukelhan

2. Express SMD Vittoria (Hancock), Express Holsteins & Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins

3. Ms Exp SMD KBrook Divine (Hancock), Express/SMD & K Graves

4. West-Daub Chief Aphrodite-ET (Chief), Cotton Spring Farm

Senior Three-Year-Old Cow

1. Ack-Lee Sidekick Katniss-ET (Sidekick), Kristopher Ackley

2. Loa-De-Mede WH Chief Bonita (Chief), Jay Ackley

3. Crystal Star AZ 2255 (Unstopabull), Vanessa Philson

4. Velvet-View Remembering (Moovin), Wyatt Schlauch

5. T-Triple-T Power Play (Diamondback), Wyatt Schlauch

Four-Year-Old Cow

1. Express SMD Immense Virgo (Immense), Express Holsteins & Stan

Mar Dale Holsteins

2. Quietcove Candy Apple-ET (Doorman), Quietcove Holsteins

3. Stan-Mar-Dale Bflip Arica (Backflip), Stan Mar Dale Holsteins

4. Ky-Blue Denver Grace (Denver), Cotton Spring Farm

5. Velvet-View Remince-Red (Jordy), Wyatt Schlauch

Five-Year-Old Cow

1. Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis

2. Shadow-W Denver Mile High (Denver), Reese McCoy & Lilly Elsass

3. Ms Kayebrook EXP SMD Jolene (Devour), Express Holsteins & Stan Mar Dale Holsteins

4. Hodglynn Solomon Alexa-ET (Solomon), Damon Bertke & Austin Trbovich

5. Redcarpet DM Dream Girl ET (Doorman), Express Holsteins & Stan Mar Dale Holsteins

Aged Cow

1. Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass

2. Ms Sidbeauty PF Bourbon-ET (Doorman), Plainfield Farms

3. Stein-Way Doc Jasper (King Doc), Stein-Way Dairy

4. Stan Mar Dale Quervo (Quervo), Riley Doria

5. SH-Edge-NCM Aval Sasha-ET (Avalanche), Ryan Griffith 150,000 lb Cow

1. Allyndale Shocking Lilac (Aftershock), Delmar Webb Dry Cow

1. Ack-Lee SC Kingway (Doorman), River Havens Produce of Dam

1. Velvet-View Dairy Herd

1. Stein-Way

Best Three Females

1. Stein-Way

Grand Champions from left: Judge Eddie Bue, OHA Queen Jenna Calfo, Callum Francis, Lane Francis with Grand Champion Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET, Keith Topp with Reserve Grand Champion Shadow-W Denver Mile High, Lilly Elsass with Honorable Mention Geno Doorman Tesla, Jeremy Elsass, Associate Judge Brooks Hendrickson.
Intermediate Champions from left: Associate Judge Brooks Hendrickson, OHA Queen Jenna Calfo, Caroline Kukelhan Scout Kukelhan with Honorable Mention Kuk-Lan Unstopabull Desire, Kris Ackley with Reserve
Intermediate Champion Ack-Lee Sidekick Katniss-ET, Kristy Ackley with Intermediate Champion Pondvue Butterscotch-Red, Jay Ackley, Jim & Val Spring, Judge Eddie Bue.



Grand Champion

Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis

Reserve Grand Champion

Pondvue Butterscotch-Red (Altitude), Jay Ackley, Damon Bertke & Jim & Valerie Spreng

Senior Champion

Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis

Reserve Senior & Honorable Mention Grand Champion

MD Hillbrook I Snapchat-Red (Army), Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp

Intermediate Champion

Pondvue Butterscotch-Red (Altitude), Jay Ackley, Damon Bertke & Jim & Valerie Spreng

Reserve Intermediate Champion Crystal Star AZ 2255 (Unstopabull), Vanessa Philson

Honorable Mention

Lynncrest Jetwave-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Jacoby Gilbert Junior Champion

Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red (Swingman), Hannah Froelich

Reserve Junior Champion

MS Wabash-Way RB Tatum-Red (Burgundy), Grace Siegrist

Honorable Mention

Ms Ail Warrior Rosei-ET-Red (Warrior), Sarah Fitzgerald


Grand Champion

Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis

Reserve Grand Champion

MD Hillbrook I Snapchat-Red (Army), Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp

Senior Champion

Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis Reserve Senior Champion

MD Hillbrook I Snapchat-Red (Army), Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp

Honorable Mention

Velvet-View Remince-Red (Jordy), Wyatt Schlauch

Intermediate Champion

Lynncrest Jetwave-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Jacoby Gilbert Reserve Intermediate Champion

Wil-San Warrior Jammin-Red (Warrior), Audrey Sidle

Honorable Mention

Le-O-La Jordy Alena-Red-ET (Jordy), Kaleb Strine Junior Champion

Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red (Swingman), Hannah Froelich Reserve Junior Champion

MS Wabash-Way RB Tatum-Red (Burgundy), Grace Siegrist

Honorable Mention

Miss Warrior Atley 1444-Red (Warrior), Dalton Knoll

Winter Heifer Calf

1. Ms Ail Warrior Rosei-ET-Red (Warrior), Sarah Fitzgerald

2. Wakefield War Gracie-Red-ET (Warrior), Caitlin Liette

3. Westway ALT Whiplash-Red (Altitude), Aubrey Payne

4. Dorloy-K Georgie-Red-ET (Journey), Jim & Valerie Spreng & Jay Ackley

5. Velvet-View Rhubarb-Red-ET (Wyatt Schlauch

Ohio Spring Dairy Expo Red & White Holstein Show

March 29, 2024 • Columbus, OH

Judge: Matt Mitchell, TN

Fall Heifer Calf

1. Miss Warrior Atley 1444-Red (Warrior), Dalton Knoll

2. Glacier-Hill Misfit-Red-ET (Styleleader), Zach & Eliza Guggenbiller & Ben & Hannah Simpson

3. Oakfield Dev Footsie-Red-ET (Devour), Elizabeth Laney

4. Pondvue Lnite Buttercup-Red (Latenite), Kaleb Pond

5. Wakefield Analyst Ginny-Red (Analyst), Reid Klopfenstein

Summer Yearling

1. Curr-Vale Alt Bikini-Red-ET (Altitude), Jay Ackley & Jim & Valerie Spreng

2. Quietcove Tator Tot-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Quietcove Holstiens

3. Wil-O-Knoll Lil Rose-Red-ET, Emory Close

4. Express SMD Moxie-Red (Analyst), Express Holsteins & Stan Mar Dale Holsteins

5. Broad-Vue Diamond Dream-Red (Diamondback), Rylee Willrath Spring Yearling

1. MS Wabash-Way RB Tatum-Red (Burgundy), Grace Siegrist

2. Plainfield Alst Ferrari-Red (Analyst), Plainfield Farms

3. Ka-Brat Unstop Lona-Red (Unstopabull), Hadley & Hudson Spoonamore & Trey & Charlie Bratcher

4. Lah-Dale RB Honey-Red (Burgundy), Elaina Lahmers

5. Arizone Jewel Red (Latenite), Ella Whitmer

Winter Yearling

1. Quietcove Alt Mojo-Red-ET (Altitude), Quietcove Holsteins, Silvermist Holsteins, Chuck McCumons & Tim Cummings

2. Oakfield US Cupcake Red-ET (Unstopabull), Elizabeth Laney

3. Wabash-Way RB Harlee-Red (Burgundy), Kennley Siegrist

4. Plainfield Anlst Royce-Red (Analyst), Aubrey Grove

5. Stan Mar Dale Qatar (Camron), Brynlee Randall & Riley Doria

Fall Yearling

1. Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red (Swingman), Hannah Froelich

2. Lyn-Vale Jordy Chico-Red (Jordy), Scout & Caroline Kukelhan

3. Lady-Luck US Fortune-Red (Unstopabull), Vanessa Philson

4. Miley Warrior Galore-Red (Warrior), Jesse Muse

5. Malic Ponde Delicious-Red (Altitude), Justin Fox

Unfresh Junior Two-Year-Old

1. Pondvue Remy Allie-Red (Remy), Kaleb Pond

Junior Two-Year-Old Cow

1. L-Millertyme HiHeels In-Red (Remy), Lexa Miller

Senior Two-Year-Old Cow

1. Pondvue Butterscotch-Red (Altitude), Jay Ackley, Damon Bertke & Jim & Valerie Spreng

2. Lynncrest Jetwave-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Jacoby Gilbert

3. Wil-San Warrior Jammin-Red (Warrior), Audrey Sidle

4. Wil-San Warrior Jasper-Red (Warrior), Wyatt Schlauch

5. Oakfield Analyst Sandy Red (Analyst), Vanessa Philson

Junior Three-Year-Old Cow

1. Ratliff MS Freaky Girl-Red (Remy), Kaleb Strine

2. Miss BVWS Analyst Dede-Red (Analyst), Rylee Willrath

Senior Three-Year-Old Cow

1. Crystal Star AZ 2255 (Unstopabull), Vanessa Philson

2. Le-O-La Jordy Alena-Red-ET (Jordy), Kaleb Strine

Four-Year-Old Cow

1. MD Hillbrook I Snapchat-Red (Army), Aubree, Aiden & Alaina Topp

2. Velvet-View Remince-Red (Jordy), Wyatt Schlauch

3. Carters-Corner Luna-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Kaleb Strine

Five Year-Old Cow

1. Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red-ET (Russ-PP), Lane Francis

2. Benter Lapp Lady-Red (Absolute), Benter Family

Grand Champions from left: OHA Queen Jenna Calfo, Aubree Topp with Honorable Mention MD Hillbrook I Snapchat-Red, Jim & Val Spreng, Kristy Ackley with Reserve Grand Champion Pondvue Butterscotch-Red, Jay Ackley, Lane Francis with Grand Champion Luck-E Russ-PP Astro-Red, Judge Matt Mitchell.
Intermediate Champions from left: OHA Queen Jenna Calfo, Jacoby Gilbert with Honorable Mention Lynncrest Jetwave-Red-ET, Vanessa Philson with Reserve Intermediate Champion Crystal Star AZ 2255, Kristy Ackley with Intermediate Champion Pondvue Butterscotch-Red, Jim & Val Spreng, Judge Matt Mitchell.
Junior Champions from left: OHA Queen Jenna Calfo, Sarah Fitzgerald with Honorable Mention Ms Ail Warrior Rosei-ET-Red, Grace Siegrist with Reserve Junior Champion MS Wabash-Way RB Tatum-Red, Hannah Froelich with Junior Champion Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red, Judge Matt Mitchell.

In Memoriam

Wallace Dean Welch, 93, of Polk passed away May 6, 2024 at Brethren Care Village. He was born on July 23, 1930 at home in Ashland County, the son of the late Kent E. and Lela (nee Smith) Welch. He graduated from Polk High School, Class of 1949. Dean proudly enlisted in the United States Navy on December 26, 1950.

He married the love of his life, the former Doris Reed on May 11, 1952 while on leave. Dean and his bride returned to San Diego, California where he completed his obligation to the navy as a fire instructor; and was honorably discharged in 1954.

He began farming with his father and continued for more than 50 years in a partnership with his brother Eugene on the home farm that was in the family since 1867. As dairy farmers they developed a herd of RegisterDean was a devoted lifetime member of the Polk Church of Christ where he served as an elder. He served on the Mapleton Board of Education for 16 years, NOBA, 21 years, and the Ohio Holstein Association for 10 years. He was also a devoted member of the Ashland County Farm Bureau. Dean was a great supporter of Mapleton Local Schools with his children, grandchildren and many friends.

He is survived by his loving wife, Mrs. Doris Welch of Polk; two daughters, Julie (Rod) Rogers of Ashland and Nancy Welch of Polk; one son, Michael (Cheryl) Welch of Polk; a daughter-in-law, Sandy Welch of Polk; eleven grandchildren, Shenna (Seth) Cole, Joshua (Lindsey) Welch, Bethany Szijarto, Aaron (Tonya) Welch, Adam (Jill) Welch, Missy (Matt) Schmitz, Chad (Amanda) Rogers, Courtney (Josh) Bull, Jonathan (Mara) Welch, Ashlee (Sean) Lucas, and Reed Welch; 25 great grandchildren; two expected greatgreat grandchildren; and two sisters-in-law, Esther Welch of Polk and Barbie (Ralph) Daniels of Ashland.

In addition to his parents, Dean is preceded in death by two sons, Randy and James Welch; two granddaughters, Abby and Zoe Welch; and his siblings, Lorene (William) Gardner, Eugene Welch, Ercel (Dick) Swindaman, Grace (Dale) Gardner, and Mary Louise (Gib) Smith; and a brother-in-law, Bill Reed.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Polk Church of Christ; 204 E. Congress St. Polk OH 44866 or to the Polk Fire Department. Please make checks payable to the Polk Church of Christ or to the Firefighters Association of Polk.

Robert Dudley Brill, 93, of Pittsfield, passed away Friday, May 3, 2024, at Mercy Hospital in Lorain. Born December 21, 1930, he was the son of the late William Conrad Brill and Edith (nee French) Brill. Robert was born in Birmingham, Ohio, where his family were tenant farmers. Robert later became a resident of the Wellington and Pittsfield area and was a 1948 graduate of Wellington High School.

Robert was a retired dairy farmer and Pittsfield Township Trustee. He was a steward of the soil; therefore, serving as a Supervisor of the Lorain County Soil & Water District Board for 18 years, a member of the Ohio Holstein Association, a member of the Lorain County Farm Bureau, and was a member of the Board of Directors for the Allen Memorial Hospital for 6 years. He enjoyed watching his grandchildren show their animals at the Lorain County Fair and other shows around the state. You could find him attending most Wellington Dukes football and basketball games, cutting wood and clearing paths through the farm’s woods, snowmobiling with the Oberlin Snow Angels, playing cards, dancing and making jelly and candy.

Survivors include his loving wife of 74 years, Anna Mae (nee Gibb) Brill; children, Patty (Steve) Bragg of Sebring, Ohio, and Becky (Kyle) McDonnell of Wellington, Ohio; grandchildren, Sandy Bragg, Ben Bragg, Jill (Matt) Bushong, Morgan (Andrew) Goss, Miranda McDonnell; great-grandchildren, Kinsey, Alexander, Addison, Jackson, Olive and Theodore; and many nieces, nephews and a large extended family. Robert was preceded in death by his daughter Linda Brill, his parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Family requests in lieu of flowers, contributions be made to the Lorain County Dairy Youth Auction in memory of Robert or checks can be made out to LCDYA and mailed to 52237 State Route 18, Wellington, OH 44090.

Meet Ohio's Region 3 HAUSA Candidates

Ohio Holstein Association is fortunate to have two candidates running for the Region 3 position on the HAUSA Board of Directors, Paul Haskins and Matthew Steiner, Sr. The election will be held at the National Holstein Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 26-27, 2024. Both Paul and Matthew answered two questions posed by HAUSA and here are their responses.



1. Are you currently dairying? If yes, describe your operation, including how many head you milk, what percent are Registered Holsteins and which of the Association’s programs you are currently using.

Yes, Rohaven Holsteins has now grown to over 100 milking cows (100% are Registered Holsteins), and with the major upgrade in facilities, cow comfort and productivity has increased to our current RHA of 28,610M, 4.4%, 1,256F, and 3.3%, 940P. We are currently a Progressive Breeders Registry herd (24 years) and a Progressive Genetics Herd (26 years). I am mainly in charge of the milking herd and do most of the milking, breeding, and herd health management on all ages (200 head total). We have been on the Holstein COMPLETE program for several years, registering with the EASY program, using Holstein ear tags, and classifying regularly. The pedigrees provided through COMPLETE have been very helpful when advertising and gathering information for potential buyers. All calves have been genomic tested the past four years.

2. What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing the Holstein Association USA today, and specifically, how do you think they should be addressed most effectively?

As herds continue to get fewer and larger, I believe the biggest challenge facing Holstein USA will be to keep and attract these herds as members. The association has done an excellent job aligning itself with milk recording (ATA), genomic testing (Zoetis), and identification services (Allflex). All these products and services tie in neatly with our goals and play well with better herd management, national ID, and traceability. We should continue to focus and grow in these areas, iterate and reiterate with these herds that we can be a one stop shop provider, and make it handy to continue registering animals while giving them these additional tools to better manage their herd.


1. Are you currently dairying? If yes, describe your operation, including how many head you milk, what percent are Registered Holsteins and which of the Association’s programs you are currently using.

Pine Tree Dairy is currently milking 1,400 head at multiple locations, including 1,075 head of Registered Holsteins, plus some Jersey and Swiss. We also have 1150 registered heifers and bulls on the farm. Our main dairy is located in Marshallville Ohio. All cows and heifers calve in at our main dairy. Our milk is marketed numerous ways including high protein milk, A2A2 milk, and all is non-GMO. Most of our milk is marketed by DFA along with providing milk for several smaller processors. In addition we process and deliver some of our own milk. Our herd is enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE, and we classify several times a year. Most of our calves are genomic tested through Zoetis. Being in a good cheese market area, we have bred for high fat and protein percentages. The genomic information available today both on males and females makes component improvement quite easy.

2. What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing the Holstein Association USA today, and specifically, how do you think they should be addressed most effectively?

The biggest challenges Holstein USA faces today is the lack of potential data coming from farmers breeding Holstein cattle that either do not register or enroll their cattle in classification and testing programs. This is due in part to the cost model currently in place. This could be improved by designing programs to attract farmers currently not being serviced by Holstein USA by proving value within their own herds. Holstein USA needs more of a handson approach in educating dairy folks that are not participating in Holstein USA programs. In the past the dairy community was subject to numerous teaching organizations, but now most “educational” dairy teaching programs are selling a product.

Another challenge is the discouragement of small to mid-size, high type, farmer-breeder herds in the last 10 years seeing the value of their cattle diminish from prior years. Incorporating workable health traits while maintaining high type opens numerous markets.

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PAZZLE is an exciting Showcase™ sire that offers leading Type, balanced production and robust health traits. This combination of style and productivity will deliver genetics that will shine in all environments. Breeders love the strength and style that early PAZZLE daughters display. His pedigree combines two great cow families from Siemers Holsteins Inc., hailing from the 2023 Global Cow of the Year, Siemers Lmbda Paris 27856-ET (EX-91-EX-MS-GMD-DOM), and sired by the newly daughter-proven 250HO15087 ROZLINE. Add this easy-to-use sire to your breeding program today!

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