Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association Volume 96 • Number 4
Published 5 times per year in February, April, June, October and December by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com
Subscription price in the U.S. is $30.00 per year ($10 per year for Junior Members). The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue.
Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Email farm.writer@hotmail.com
Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd., Wooster, OH 44691
Executive Director .......................................... Dallas Rynd 740-207-5005 • silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com
Office Secretary .............................................. Diana Miley 330-466-2767 • oholstein@sssnet.com
Editor ............................................................ Melissa Hart cell 517-398-1957 • farm.writer@hotmail.com
Ad & Layout Designer ....................................... Erica Davis cell 614-371-8533 • cowladydesigns@gmail.com
President: Ryan Welch, Polk 419-651-5281
Vice President: Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield 419-606-0527
Secretary: Erica Davis, Washington CH 614-371-8533
Treasurer: Danette Simpson, Belmont 740-391-1122
Chris Lahmers – Past President 614-306-7194
Paul Haskins, Butler 419-618-4028
Joe Cole, Bloomville 740-396-0454
Evan Kiko, Paris 330-205-9354
Ty Etgen, Harrod 567-204-6310
Paul Haskins, Butler ................................... 419-618-4028
Dist. 1 David Klingensmith, Leavittsburg.... 330-979-7685
Dist. 2 Evan Kiko, Paris ................................ 330-205-9354
Dist. 3 Jared Harding, New Philadelphia 330-339-5389
Dist. 4 Open
Dist. 5 Erica Davis, Wash. Court House 614-371-8533
Dist. 7 Jason Miley, West Salem 330-466-8509
Dist. 8 Ryan Welch, Polk 419-651-5281
Dist. 9 Joe Cole, Bloomville 740-396-0454
Dist. 10 Dan Morlock, Pemberville 419-265-5771
Dist. 11 Jay Ackley, East Liberty 937-935-8272
Dist. 12 Ty Etgen, Harrod 567-204-6310
Dist. 13 Chris Lahmers, Marysville 614-306-7194
Dist. 14 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta 419-953-3427
Dist. 15 Curtis Bickel, Wilmington 937-728-0174
Postmaster: Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691
“The mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”
Bucks-Pride Hancock County was the pick of judge Pat Lundy in the 67th annual National Holstein Futurity. Here, she is shown with Lundy, owners and siblings Brady & Bentley Cole and the Ohio Holstein Queen Jenna Calfo. The futurity took on a little different look this year and you can read about that on page 20. As summer has come to a close, we have a banquet of show results in addition to the details of the Ohio Fall Sale. Make sure to check out the Grapevine to find out what’s been happening off the
at the
and if you are
Fall is officially here. The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are cooler. Harvest is in full swing. In Pickaway County, we are in the “Exceptional Drought” area. It has been easy to see that our local corn and bean yields won’t be anywhere near the highs of 2023. Hopefully, the rest of you will have a safe harvest with good yields.
Many of you will be headed to the Big Dance in Madison, Wisconsin. Whether you are exhibiting cattle or just going for the experience, there is always something to do. Besides the cattle shows, there are sales, judging contests, educational seminars, and lots of displays as well as the ever-popular grilled cheese sandwiches and ice cream. Ohio always makes a great showing on the colored shavings, and I know that this year will be no different. Best of luck to all the exhibitors.
Friday, November 1st will be our fall production sale. This will be a loose housing sale and will be held at the Neuenschwander
Farm near Orrville. Make sure you look in this issue of the Ohio News for more information.
I look forward to seeing you at the many events this fall will bring!
The most popular question of the season, ‘Have you started chopping yet?’ And that means college football season is here and the Ohio Fall Sale is right around the corner. The sale committee is combing the country for consignments to offer at this mostly production sale. Keep an eye out for the sale catalog on our Ohio Holstein website and our Facebook page. Luckily for us, this year the sale will be on Friday, November 1st at the Wain Neuenschwander farm in Orrville. So no one has to skip the sale or the game to buy a good cow, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to bid and then watch the Ohio State vs Penn State game the next day.
Now that we have solved your fall schedule conflicts, I want to thank Sarah Thomas for generating so much excitement with the Ohio juniors. It was great to see so many young people involved in the national convention this year and I hope they are equally excited to go next year to St. Louis.
If you’re showing this fall, good luck. For those busy with harvest, stay safe.
Spring Heifer Calf
Winter Heifer Calf
Fall Heifer Calf
Summer Yearling Heifer
R&P Kiko Family Farms
Blondin Sires, Heather Yoder
Ouric Holsteins
Richman Farms
Spring Yearling Heifer ..........................................
Winter Yearling Heifer
Fall Yearling Heifer
Junior Champion Female
Reserve Junior Champion Female
Junior Best Three Females ..................................
Fall Yearling in Milk
Summer Junior Two Year Old Cow
Junior Two Year Old Cow ....................................
Senior Two Year Old Cow
Junior Three Year Old Cow
Senior Three Year Old Cow
Intermediate Champion
Reserve Intermediate Champion.....................
Four Year Old Cow
Five Year Old Cow
Aged Cow
150,000# Cow
Dry Cow ....................................................................
Senior Champion Female
Reserve Senior Champion Female
Grand Champion Female
Reserve Grand Champion Female
Best Bred and Owned ..........................................
Dam and Daughter
Produce of Dam
Best Three Females ...............................................
Dairy Herd
Berg Farms Ltd
Toppglen Holsteins
Call-Del Holsteins
Homerville Holstein Farms
Purina Animal Nutrition
Select Sires Member Cooperative
Ohio Holstein Association
Don & Danette Simpson
LindLaur Holsteins
Conrad Farms LLC
White Light Holsteins - Menzie Family
Windemere, Jim & Nancy Kemp
Purina Animal Nutrition
Twining Farms
Weikland Farms
Spreng’s Longacre Farms Inc
Baker’s Acres
Ben-Alli Holsteins
Ohio Holstein Association
Trealayne Holsteins, Wayne & Steve Specht
Mary Lou Topp & Family
Holstein USA
Express Show Cattle
Holstein USA
JR & Angi Kaverman
Hardingdale Holsteins Larry Harding Family
National Holstein Futurity Inc
Ouric Holsteins
Spring Heifer Calf
Winter Heifer Calf
Jenny Thomas/Cybil Fisher Photography
Purina Animal Nutrition
Fall Heifer Calf ..............................................................
Summer Yearling Heifer ...........................................
Spring Yearling Heifer
Winter Yearling Heifer
Fall Yearling Heifer
Junior Champion Female
Reserve Junior Champion Female
Fall Yearling in Milk ....................................................
Summer Junior Two Year Old Cow
Junior Two Year Old Cow
Senior Two Year Old Cow
Junior Three Year Old Cow
Senior Three Year Old Cow
Intermediate Champion ..........................................
Reserve Intermediate Champion..........................
Four Year Old Cow
Five Year Old Cow
Aged Cow
150,000 pound cow
Dry Cow .........................................................................
Senior Champion........................................................
Reserve Senior Champion
Grand Champion Female
Reserve Grand Champion
Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford; In memory of Lewis
Andrews Auctioneers LLC
Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford; In memory of Lewis
Broad-Vue Holsteins
Ack-Lee Holsteins
Mason Farms, Ltd
DHI Cooperative, Inc
Jason & Gretl Whiteleather
Don & Danette Simpson
Rohaven Holsteins
Miley Holstein Farms Ltd
Goodson Farm
Crimson-Lane Holsteins/Thorbahn Brothers
Commodity Blenders, Inc.
Kalmbach Feeds, Inc.
IBA of Ohio
Erica Davis & Jason Robinson
Baker’s Acres
Miley Holstein Farms Ltd
Ohio Holstein Association
Purina Animal Nutrition
Hart Communications
Stan-Mar- Dale Holsteins
Ack-Lee Holsteins
By Melissa Hart
Milking 260 head now with four robots in northwestern Ohio is a little different than what it looked like when George Hempfling began dairy farming in 1862, as the first generation of Hemstead Holsteins. “The farm has been in our family for six generations. George Hempfling came over from Germany to start the farm; today, my grandpa, Tom, my dad, Chuck, my brother Kyle and I work on the dairy,” said Meagan Hempfling.
Set in the wide-open flatland of Delphos, the Hempflings were milking in a herringbone parlor in 1977 — in 2000, they put in a parabone parlor with nine on a side and automatic takeoffs. When Kyle and Meagan showed interest in staying on the farm, Chuck began to research upgrading to robotic systems. “After looking at a lot of farms that were using robots, we decided to put in Lely Robots in 2013,” Meagan explained.
The family bumped up the herd by 60 head when they went from the parabone parlor to robots, and while they always had freestall housing, they did switch from mattresses to sand bedding. “We’ve seen so much improvement in cow comfort since we switched to sand; the cows don’t have as many issues with soreness. We will never go back.” she said. “The milk quality is better as well — bacteria doesn’t have the opportunity to grow.”
Sand management is a work in progress. “Right now we don’t have a sand separator, but better manure management is one of our goals for the future.”
Happy cows need healthy feet, so the Hempflings have a foot bath in the robot barn and put in another one for the heifers. They scrape the robot barn twice a day and use a Lely Juno to push feed up for the cows.
The heifer barn has six pens grouped by age and is temperature-controlled by fans. Calves are under the watchful care of Meagan, who, after they’ve had a good start in separate pens in the calf barn, moves them into individual hutches. “Depending on the calves and how they are doing, I usually move them after about a week or two. The hutches are on a stone pad, which helps with drainage. They are bedded with straw and in the colder winter months we give them extra bedding.”
The calves are fed a combination of milk replacer and milk from fresh cows and high-somatic cell cows, and are weaned at eight weeks old.
“(Our herd has) been 100 percent registered for over 70 years now — it means something to us, and it’s a valuable asset for our farm,” Meagan explained. Everything on the farm is genomic-texted when they are born, “so we get the information when they’re about two months of age, and then at four to six months we look at that
genomic information and the bottom 10 percent is sold to a beef grower. We will sort through and keep some of the better heifers to put embryos in.”
The breeding philosophy at Hemstead Holsteins includes a heavy emphasis on bulls that are bred for robots. “We use bulls that emphasize udder composite, good feet and legs, plus in DPR and high Net Merit dollars,” she said. About two-thirds of the sires they use are from the robot-ready list of bull studs.
Meagan said of 200HO12222 Holysmokes, “We used this bull on a lot of our cows and heifers. He has a +3064 TPI. We are seeing daughters freshen with beautiful udders, and that are milking really well.”
200HO12667 Conner is a Holysmokes son, extremely well-balanced with great udder composite scores. His calves grow well, with a nice set of feet and legs and strength. Meagan also praised 7HO16276 Sheepster as a robot-ready bull, which means his daughters will work well in the robot with longer teats and wider teat placement. The calves hitting the ground are very well-balanced, and she believes he will sire tremendous wide rear udders and strong udder attachments that the family are excited to see come to pass.
Longevity is also a consideration. “When the classifier visits,” she explained, “he always says our cows have a lot of
strength and that’s a plus. Strength goes a long way for a cow to have a long, healthy life.”
Reproductive protocols include using the Lely heat detection system, and the vet coming every two weeks for pregnancy checks. Kyle learned how to perform embryo transfers and he does all the ET work on the herd. “We’ve been implanting our own embryos and we are IVFing our high-genomic heifers,” Meagan said.
The Hempflings grow all their corn, rye, and alfalfa, and the cow ration consists of corn silage and rye silage with canola and bean meal. The cows are also fed a 60 percent pellet in the robots.
Long-term goals at Hemstead Holsteins include a new calf barn with state-of-the-art ventilation and a pen for show heifers. “We would also like a more functional manurehandling system with more capacity,” Meagan said. “Our heifers used to be at a heifer grower and when we built the heifer barn, we moved all the heifers home but we
didn’t expand the lagoon, so we are pretty tight on manure storage.”
Being part of the Ohio Holstein Association has been beneficial. “We have shown a little bit and I’ve gotten to know a lot of people through showing. But I really enjoy the magazine and reading about other farms and how they do things, and especially the Bullseye feature. I also like to read the ads and see other people’s accomplishments and what they are doing, and how they are breeding their cows.”
The crew keeping all the plates spinning at Hemstead Holsteins includes Tom, her retired grandfather who helps wherever there is a need, Chuck, who handles all the feeding, Kyle with the daily work and all the breeding — and Meagan, of course, who manages the young stock. They have one outside employee who is a valuable cog in the farm’s smooth machinery, and who has been with them for 15 years.
Spouses are also a big part of the Hempfling family farm. Tom’s wife, Joann, is retired from the farm but helps where she can. Chuck’s wife, Sue, is a respiratory therapist, and Kyle is married to Megan (who shares his sister’s name, but not the spelling!) with two sons, Jack and Julian. Meagan’s and Kyle’s younger sister Lilly is at Miami University studying business with a minor in fashion and their older sister, Alicia, is a teacher in Washington, D.C.
Above: Grandpa- Six generations of Hempflings have been on the farm which began in 1862. Chuck Hempfling enjoys time with his grandson Jack.
Below: Hemstead Holsteins is a family farm with all hands on deck. From left: Sue, Chuck, Kyle with Julian, Megan, Meagan holding hands with Jack, Joann, and Tom Hempfling.
In 2019 Meagan Hempfling and her sister Lilly purchased a Brown Swiss heifer from the sale at Spring Dairy Expo. She was Buckeye Knoll Dyna Peach and was the beginning of the Double Platinum Swiss herd. The sisters now have three head and have enjoyed flushing their foundation cow successfully — and hope to grow their herd by putting in her embryos.
They have shown their Brown Swiss at the Ohio State Fair and the North American International Livestock Exposition. Hemsteads Victorious Vera was the winning winter yearling at the Southeastern National Brown Swiss Show in 2023. And Hemsteads Power Valentina, a Powerball daughter, enjoyed a successful show season in 2024 as the first spring yearling and junior champion at the Northeast Indiana Dairy Show, and was the second spring yearling at the Ohio State Fair.
the day—the frog jumping contest—and serving as a judge for the Little Miss Firecracker and Little Uncle Sam contests. These activities added a fun and memorable touch to the celebration.
In addition to these events, I had the opportunity to promote the dairy industry at several county fairs, including the Crawford, Medina, Huron, Lorain, and Wayne County Fairs. Interacting with young dairy exhibitors and speaking with visitors about the industry was enlightening. The passion and dedication these exhibitors have for their animals bring a fresh perspective to the dairy industry, and I am excited to share their stories with others.
Looking ahead, I am eager to continue promoting the dairy industry this fall at several local events, especially during the Halloween season. Congratulations once again to all the exhibitors at the State Fair, and best of luck in your endeavors at the World Dairy Expo!
1. How long have you been showing? 13 years
2. Favorite show ring moment? Winning reserve grand champion Red and White at State Fair 2024
3. Dream job? Kindergarten teacher
4. What is one thing on your bucket list? Being in the sale of champions at State Fair
5. Favorite band/artist? Megan Moroney
6. Favorite restaurant? Raising Canes or El Az Teca
7. Biggest fear? Getting kidnapped
8. Ever met anyone famous? Who? Kent Boyd
9. Biggest pet peeve? Slow walkers
10. Do you have a hidden talent? I mean…. double jointed elbows…?
11. What’s your most unpopular opinion? Taco Bell isn’t good
12. Favorite and least favorite barn chore? My favorite barn chore is rinsing heifers. My least favorite is feeding calves.
13. Who is your role model? My mom
14. What was your favorite part of the 2024 National Holstein Convention? Seeing my long-distance friends and making new friends
15. If you could invent something to make your life easier, what would it be? An automatic homework answer helper
16. What’s a food everyone else seems to like but you’re not a fan? Or what’s a food everyone else seems to hate that you love? Everyone likes salad but I HATE salad
At our home farm, Hardingdale Holsteins (New Philadelphia), I have started learning more about the breeding and genetics side of things from my family. The red and white bull we are most excited about is Rompen-Red. Our first calves from him are due in March, and we can’t wait to see how they develop! As far as our Holstein sires, we are loving our 007HO13839 TATOO and 318HO21118 FUEL calves. They are so pretty and fun to work with!
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• Test day records sent to your choice of
• Support for PCDART, DairyComp, and other herd management software
• Local DHI field staff and laboratory – results within a week of test day
more information contact Randy Koontz: randy.koontz@dairyone.com
Thank you to everyone who supported me in my campaign. It was a thrilling and rewarding experience and I look forward to serving you in this new role.
We had a brief reorganizational meeting at the national convention after the election, and the next board meeting is scheduled for November in Chicago. In October I’ll be traveling to Brattleboro for new board member orientation.
The association continues to recover from the data breach that crippled our online services late in April and a significant portion of May. Personally, I recently received a couple registration papers submitted just before the incident, and I’m now caught up (with everything I’ve submitted anyways!). If for some reason you’re still missing some papers that were submitted during this time, please contact the registration department in Brattleboro.
One takeaway I had from our national meetings was how thoroughly impressed I was with the small but passionate group of California delegates who got up and spoke their minds on the second day of session. In this era of genomic testing, a popular suggestion to prospective new members and customers has been to identify the highest individual outliers through genomic testing and register them, and Stephen Mast, a large herd owner himself, challenged that thinking, essentially asking why he should continue to register everything and not just adopt that mindset and simply register only
the highest ones? I think this is a very important question to consider and address, don’t you? To me, registration ties in so well with identification, and that is key when considering traceability for larger issues such as disease outbreaks and food safety. I find it easier to manage when you can measure, and registration also effectively brings together production, classification, and other performance data to help us better manage our herds. What does registration mean to you? I’d love to hear your feedback on this topic and as your elected representative want to make myself available for any other association related discussion. Thank you!
Paul Haskins
When choosing bulls to mate my Registered Holsteins, I am drawn to those that have a very positive linear profile of balanced udders, feet and legs, depth of rib. High Plus components are a must.
• RENEGADE 250HO14134 - This bull caught my eye over 3 ½ years ago. We now have fresh 2 year olds, yearlings and young calves. The daughters are beautiful, black, silky hided animals. Those that are fresh, indeed have very nice udders, feet and legs. Well balanced overall.
• PARFECT 7H015085, and PAZZLE 250HO16115 - I had such good luck with Renegade, I chose these two sons to line breed his daughters. Their linear profile is a perfect match while increasing components and widening the rump structure. The young daughters on the ground out of these two sons look very promising.
• PACE 250HO16497, and LAMBEAU 200HO11862 - I chose these two sires to breed the Renegade, Parfect and Pazzle daughters, as well as current mating sires for our herd. These two bulls have the exact positive linear profile along with very extreme components to hopefully develop the next generation of beautiful Registered Holsteins that we all love to breed, own and milk.
1. Coffee or a soft drink? Coffee
2. If you could have free meals for life at one fast food chain, which one would you choose? Wendys
3. Salsa or Queso? Queso
4. If you could learn one skill instantly, what would it be? NBA Basketball Player
5. If you could do anything and know that you could NOT fail, what would you do? Be a division 1 college basketball coach
6. What’s your favorite cow show of the year? Ohio State Fair
7. What is the title of the last book you read? The Exchange by John Grisham
8. Hunting or fishing or golf? Hunting – Deer season
9. If you could donate $100,000 to any philanthropic cause or charity organization, what would it be? Children’s Hospital
10. On a Sunday afternoon in October we will find you….. watching Nascar then checking on show heifers.
Bonus: What is your favorite magazine? Ohio Holstein News
Saturday, July 13th was a beautiful summer day, only matched by the hospitality and scenic surroundings provided by Velvet View Farms (the Schlauch family), our District 7 host for this year’s summer tour. The herd at Velvet View is small but mighty (30 head with a 113.3 BAA!), and they keep busy with a variety of cow-related ventures. Many have run into sons Logan and Wyatt Schlauch clipping at the shows and sales, but the family has also been processing their own milk into yogurt since 2010 and recently added many flavors of positively DELICIOUS ice cream. Their marketing efforts are impressive as they boast presence at several Ohio universities in addition to a self-serve area on the farm and a local ice cream parlor. Velvet View also opened an IVF satellite facility for Genovations this past spring. Lunch was served to over 140 visitors who were able to walk around the facilities to look at the cows (every single animal was clipped!), watch a Genovations video about IVF, and sample some great yogurt and ice cream! Thank you also to the Velvet-View endorsed vendors that came with displays and information about the products being used on the farm: Byron Seeds, Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Program, Prenger’s, Inc., and Select Sires Marketing Cooperative,
June 1, 2024 • Judge: Sarah Thomas
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Conrad Farms
Supreme Champion Cow - Allandale Shocking Lilac, Scott Webb
Supreme Champion Heifer - Brown Velvet Powerball Flair, Elaina, Ava, & Audrey Lahmers
Best Bred & Owned - Conrad Adias Regal-Red, Conrad Farms OPEN SHOW
Grand Champion - Allandale Shocking Lilac, Scott Webb Reserve Grand Champion - Conrad Adias Regal-Red, Conrad Farms
Senior Champion - Allandale Shocking Lilac, Scott Webb
Intermediate Champion - Conrad Adias Regal-Red, Conrad Farms
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Conrad Helix Dell, Kadence Scholz
Junior Champion - Bratcher-Vu Advanc Anneliese, Mya Siegrist
Reserve Junior Champion - Quietcove Warrior Hot Topic-Red, Lilly Elsass JUNIOR SHOW
Grand Champion - Conrad Helix Dell, Kadence Scholz
Intermediate Champion - Conrad Helix Dell, Kadence Scholz
Junior Champion - Bratcher-Vu Advanc Anneliese, Mya Siegrist Reserve Junior Champion - Quietcove Warrior Hot Topic-Red, Lilly Elsass Spring Calf
1. Wabash-Way Hanx Taylee, Kennley Siegrist
2. Shire-View Crusher Robinia, Macy Stryffeler
3. Stryffeler Radio Roxie, Macy Stryffeler
4. Conrad Boeing Strike-Red, Klara Scholz
5. Conrad Henley Oreo, Lydia Scior Winter Calf
1. Bratcher-Vu Advanc Anneliese, Mya Siegrist
2. Topp-View Goldwyn Champ-ET, Dallas Rynd & Jason Whiteleather
3. DRH Cranberry RN Cherry-Red, Reese Schrock
4. Conrad Armada Dolphin, Karis Scholz
5. Conrad Wuhon Squid, Levi Scior Fall Calf
1. Quietcove Warrior Hot Topic-Red, Lilly Elsass
2. Maple-Downs Thunder Path, Silver Mist & Chuck McCumons
3. Vangogh King Doc Suzanne-ET, Scott Webb Summer Yearling
1. Quietcove Tater Tot-Red, Lilly Elsass Spring Yearling
1. Wabash-Way RB Tatum-Red, Grace Siegrist
2..Lah-Dale RB Honey, Elaina, Ava and Audryey
3. Conrad Boeing Spice-Red, Kadence Scholz
The featured speaker was Emily Mullen, from Okeana, OH in the extreme southwest corner of the state. A recent graduate of ATI, she detailed her journey transforming her farm into a bustling agritourism destination. While studying at ATI, she realized that she couldn’t just “do things the way they’ve always been done” and subsequently installed a robotic milking setup, started processing her own milk, and even hosting calf yoga classes! It was an extremely interesting talk blending the history and tradition of her farm with the challenge to try new things.
Thanks again to Aaron and Brandi Schlauch and family for hosting our group on an outstanding summer day.
We’ve been very fortunate the past several years to have visited several gracious host farms of many shapes and sizes with a variety of breeding goals located across the state. If you have a suggestion on where you’d like to visit in 2025, please let us know!
Paul Haskins | Breed Improvement Committee Chair 419.618.4028 | phaskins17199@gmail.com
Ad deadline for the Nov/Dec issue of Ohio Holstein News is Nov. 15
The Top five of the National Holstein Futurity from left: Judge Pat Lundy, OHA Queen Jenna Calfo, Lindsay Bown with first place Bucks-Pride Hancock County, Don Simpson with second place Plainfield Sidekick Giddy, Ty Etgen with third place Etgen-Way Wild One-ET, Heather Etgen with fourth place Etgen-Way Whiskey Stout, Nora Menzie with first Junior and fifth place overall White-Light Doc Lolly, National Holstein Futurity Coordinator Brenda L’Amoreaux.
The 67th Annual National Holstein Futurity was held on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at the Ohio State Fair and it looked a little different this year. Held in Cooper Arena instead of the coliseum, the futurity took on a glamorous feel as each cow entered the darkened arena through black velvet curtains onto the red carpet, all while under a spotlight. Eleven cows completed the class that Pat Lundy of New York had the privilege of judging. The winning futurity cow was Bucks-Pride Hancock County, a Hancock daughter exhibited by Brady and Bentley Cole of Bloomville. The highest placing junior owned animal was White-Light Doc Lolly, a King Doc daughter owned by Nora Menzie of McClure.
Class Placings:
1. Bucks-Pride Hancock County (Hancock) Brady & Bentley Cole, Bloomville, OH
2. Plainfield Sidekick Giddy (Sidekick) Plainfield Farms, Belmont, OH
3. Etgen-Way Wild One-ET (Sidekick) Etgen-Way Holsteins, Harrod, OH
4. Etgen-Way Whiskey Stout (Sidekick) Etgen-Way Holsteins, Harrod, OH
5. (1st JR) White-Light Doc Lolly (King Doc) Nora Menzie, McClure, OH
6. Futurama Master Bella (Master) Futurama Holsteins, Fletcher, OH
7. Stein-Way Doorman Jadyn (Doorman) Damon Bertke, Maria Stein, OH
8. MD Hillbrook DB India (Diamondback) Phillip Topp, Botkins, OH
9. Plainfield Bourbin’s Bacardi (Denver) Plainfield Farms, LLC
10. Silver-Mist Minni3-Red (Jordy) Lindlaur Holsteins, Louisville, OH
11. Winright Octane Velocity (Octane) Cale Henry, Versailles, OH
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Etgen-Way Holsteins
Best Bred & Owned Cow - T-Triple-T Side Peace (Sidekick), Colton & Kendall Thomas
Grand Champion - Jeffrey-Way Hard Rock Twigs (Hard Rock), Doeberiener, Bowen, Carter, Conroy
Reserve Grand Champion - RJR Discjockey 7509-ET (Discjockey), Doeberiener, Bown, Conroy, Schmocker
Senior Champion - Jeffrey-Way Hard Rock Twigs (Hard Rock), Doeberiener, Bowen, Carter, Conroy
Reserve Senior Champion - Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass
Honorable Mention - Ack-Lee Allana (Jacoby), Ackley
Registered Holsteins
Intermediate Champion - RJR Discjockey 7509-ET (Discjockey), Doeberiener, Bown, Conroy, Schmocker
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Donacin Delta-Lambda Rain (Delta Lambda), Adam, Austin & Terrance Yoder
Honorable Mention - Buckland Brave Flowerchild (Brave), Doeberiener, Bowen, Clark Valley, Cole, West Salem, OH
Junior Champion - Genesee Altitude Leah (Altitude), Doeberiener, Bowen, Conroy, Joe Osinga & Clark Valley Reserve Junior Champion - La Forstar Friday Bullseye (Bullseye), T-Triple-T, Pierick & Cummings
Honorable Mention - Redcarpet Gold Journey-ET (Goldwyn), Barbee, Thomas, & Berry
Spring Heifer Calf
1. Beer Master Tiktok (Master), Doeberiener, Bowen, Conroy, Beer
2. Someday Warrior Rindy (Warrior), Betley Cole
3. Excelerant Alpha Ringpop-ET (Alpha), Ackley & Niple
4. Ren-Bow Chip Luna (Goldchip), Esther Baumbauer
5. Mors Master Joyous (Master), Hannah Froelich
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Kiko DL Donna (Delta-Lambda), Rudy Kiko Jr,
2. Bratcher-Vu Advnc Anneliese (Advancer), Mya Siegrist
3. Shadow-W SK Adored-ET (Sidekick), Madison & Macray Price
4. Ms Redcarpet Ring Side-ET (Sidekick), Phillip Topp
5. Kingsway Eye Cand Dwight (Eye Candy), Duane Cole, Fall Heifer Calf
1. Plainfield Glitz N Glamour (Doc), Plainfield Farms LLC
2. Oakfield Lambda Dasher-ET (Delta-Lambda), Spreng & Ackley
3. DC Destination Down Pour (Destination), Olivia Finke
4. LindLaur Sidekick Starla-ET (Sidekick), Lindlaur Holsteins
5. Glacier-Hill Misfit-Red (Styleleader), Guggenbiller & Simpson
Summer Yearling Heifer
1. La Forstar Friday Bullseye (Bullseye), T-Triple-T, Pierick & Cummings
2. A-L-H Hanans Juicy (Hanans), Vanessa Philson
3. Budjon-Vail TST Dualeepa (Thunderstorm), Wyatt Gordon
4. Ms Wil-San Thunderstrm (Thunderstorm), Glenn Craemer
5. Steinway-Qcove Bombshell (Tatoo), Damon Bertke Spring Yearling Heifer
1. Genesee Altitude Leah (Altitude), Doeberiener, Bowen, Conroy, & Clark Valley
2. Redcarpet Gold Journey-ET (Goldwyn), Barbee, Thomas, & Berry
3. Kingsway Crushabull Call Me (Crushabull), Egolf & Cummings
4. Plainfield Alst Ferrari-Red (Analyst), Plainfield Farms
5. Bucks-Pride Warrior Daffy (Warrior), Will Cole Winter Yearling Heifer
1. Shadow-W Tstorm Arrival-ET (Thunderstorm), Kurt Wolf
2. Red-Violet-ACC A Shady 1-ET (Thunderstorm), Jacoby Gilbert
3. Oakfield US Cupcake-Red (Unstopabull), Elizabeth Laney
4. Wapsi-Lana St Liquor (Showtime), Lilly Elsass & James Niple
5. Stan Mar Dale Quinle (Hancock), Avery Randall Fall Yearling Heifer
1. Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red (Swingman), Hannah Froelich
2. Shadow-W Tstorm Akna-ET (Thunderstorm), Kurt Wolf
Mid-East Summer National Holstein Show
July 27-28, 2024 • Ohio State Fair
Judge: Pat Lundy, New York
3. Borderview SDK Henley-TW-ET (Sidekick), Jacoby Gilbert
4. Ray-Jo Hanans Hokey Pokey (Hanans), Emmie Danku
5. Ray-Jo Defiant Cinnamon (Defiant), Ian Danku
Junior Best Three
1. Kurt Wolf 2. Plainfield Farms
Dry Cow
1. Express-SMD Nekia-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Express Stan Mar Dale Holsteins
Milking Yearling
1. Miss Tattoo Fern-ET (Tatoo), Double D Dairy
2. Hilrose Analyst Alli-Red-ET (Analyst), Kaleb Pond
3. Etgen-Way Dialed In (Crush), Menzie, White-Light Holsteins
4. Malic Ponde Delicious (Altitude), Justin Fox
Summer Junior Two Year Old
1. Stein-Way Master Tricia (Master), Damon Bertke
2. Kiko TS Grndbreaking (Thunderstruck), Rudy Kiko Jr,
3. Wil-O-Knoll Side Fat Martha (Sidekick), Wil-O-Rae Holsteins
Junior Two Year Old
1. Snspark Brayden Brinley (Brayden), Ackley, Bertke, & Tibovicj
2. MDHillbrook Iceburg-Red-ET (Moovin), Phillip Topp
3. Etgen-Way Wishlist, Etgen-Way Holsteins
4. Ms Plum-Line Sidekick Layla (Sidekick), Vanessa Philson
5. Quiet-Shadow Filly-ET (Hanans), Judy Wolford
Senior Two Year Old
1. Donacin Delta-Lambda Rain (Delta Lambda), Adam, Austin & Terrance Yoder
2. Buckland Brave Flowerchild (Brave), Doeberiener, Bowen, Clark Valley, Cole
3. Luck-E Hanans Kamieze (Hanans), Grant Thompson
4. ToppGlen Awesome Whodey (Awesome), Glenn Craemer
5. Duckett Devour London-ET (Devour), Kyle McGuire
Junior Three Year Old
1. T-Triple-T Side Peace (Sidekick), Colton & Kendall Thomas
2. Nehls-Valley TStorm Prancer (Thunder Storm), Doeberiener, Bowen, Carter, Conroy
3. Luck-E Antidote Melody (Antidote), Cole Pond
4. Ms Shadow QCove Magnificent (Sidekick), Quietcove Holsteins, Wolf
5. Luck-E Moovin Abriana (Moovin), Ackley Registered Holsteins
Senior Three Year Old
1. RJR Discjockey 7509-ET (Discjockey), Doeberiener, Bown, Conroy, Schmocker
2. Velvet-View Remembering (Moovin), Velvet-View Farm
3. Etgen-Way Select Reagan (Select), Etgen-Way Holsteins
4. T-Triple-T Power Play (Diamondback), Velvet-View Farm
5. Ack-Lee SC Kingway (Door), River Havens
Four Year Old
1. Jeffrey-Way Hard Rock Twigs (Hard Rock), Doeberiener, Bowen, Carter, Conroy
2. Ack-Lee Allana (Jacoby), Ackley Registered Holsteins
3. Sunnyville Altitude Jayce (Altitude), Phillip Topp
4. Wil-San Doc Daredevil (Doc), Glenn Craemer
5. Ms Quietcove Denver Daisy (Denver), Kennley Siegrist Five Year Old
1. Shadow-W Denver Mile High (Denver), Elsass & McCoy
2. Luck-E Artist Artistic (Artist), Lane Francis
3. Buckeyeleaf KB Easy A 374 (Kingboy), Cale Henry
4. Luck-E Do Azeezee-ET (Doc), Audrey Sidle
5. Curr-Vale-Lady Diem-Red-ET (Diamondback), Plainfield, Hart, Richman, Thorbahn
Aged Cow
1. Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass
2. Brookview Control Freak-ET (Diamondback), Grant Havens
3. Ms Sidbeauty PF Bourbon (Doorman), Plainfield Farms LLC Production Cow
1. Ms Armoni Denyell (Armani), Quietcove & Trbovich
Produce of Dam
1. Wyatt Schlauch
Best Three Females
1. Quietcove & Shadow-W Dam & Daughter
1. Quietcove & Wolf
Continued from Page 17
Winter Yearling
1.Wabash-Way RB Harlee-Red, Kennley Siegrist
2.Quietcove Alt Mojo-Red, Quietcove, Silver-Mist, McCumons, Cummings
Junior Three Best Females
1. Quietcove 2. Wabash-Way 3. Conrad
Junior-Three-Year Old
1. Conrad Helix Dell, Kadence Scholz
Senior-Three-Year Old
1. Conrad Adias Regal-Red, Conrad Farms
150,000 lb cow
1. Allandale Shocking Lilac, Scott Webb
Dam and Daughter
1. Conrad Farms
Best Bred & Owned - Wakefield Warrior Hershey (Warrior), Taylor Klopfenstein
National Show Grand Champion - T-Triple-T Side Peace (Sidekick), Colton Thomas
National Show Reserve Grand Champion - Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass
National Show Honorable Mention – MDHillbrook Iceberg-RedET, (Moovin) Aubree Topp
Ohio 4-H Show Grand Champion - T-Triple-T Side Peace (Sidekick), Colton Thomas
Ohio 4-H Show Reserve Grand Champion - Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass
Ohio 4-H Show Honorable Mention – Brookview Sidekick Hooked, Grant Havens
National Show Senior Champion - Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass
National Show Reserve Senior Champion - Buckeyeleaf KB Easy A (Kingboy), Cale Henry
National Show Reserve Senior Champion Hon. Mention - MS Quietcove Denver Daisy (Denver), Kennley Siegrist
National Show Intermediate Champion - T-Triple-T Side Peace (Sidekick), Colton Thomas
National Show Reserve Intermediate Champion - MDHillbrook Iceberg-Red-ET (Moovin), Aubree Topp
National Show Intermediate Champion Honorable Mention –Toppglen Awesome Whodey, (Awesome) Logan Topp
Mid-East Summer National Junior Holstein Show
July 25, 2024 • Columbus, Ohio
Judge: Kaleb Kruse, Dyersville, Iowa
Ohio 4-H Show Intermediate Champion - T-Triple-T Side Peace (Sidekick), Colton Thomas
Ohio 4-H Show Reserve Intermediate Champion - Brookview Sidekick Hooked (Sidekick), Grant Havens
Ohio 4-H Honorable Mention – Oakfield Ava Boo-Red-ET, (Avalanche) Hannah Froelich
National Show Junior Champion - Kingsway Crushabull Call Me (Crushabull), Caroline Egolf & Eliana Cummings
National Show Reserve Junior Champion - Ms Red Carpet Ring Side-ET (Sidekick), Aubree Topp
National Show Junior Champion Honorable Mention - DC Destination DownPour (Destination), Olivia Finke
Ohio 4-H Show Junior Champion - Ms Red Carpet Ring Side-ET (Sidekick), Aubree Topp
Ohio 4-H Show Reserve Junior Champion - DC Destination DownPour (Destination), Olivia Finke
Ohio 4-H Show Junior Champion Honorable Mention - BudjonVail TST Dualeepa (Thunderstorm), Wyatt Gordon
Spring Heifer Calf
1. Someday Warrior Rindy (Warrior), Bentley Cole
2. Broad-Vue TST Sassafras (Thunderstruck), Jacoby Gilbert
3. T-Triple-T Alpha Crystal (Alpha), Kendall Thomas
4. Campbell-Run Tatoo Rosemary (Tatoo), Finley Elsass
5. Wil-San Jam-To-It-Red-ET (Tango), Audrey Sidle
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Ms Red Carpet Ring Side-ET (Sidekick), Aubree Topp
2. Ms Alligator Athens-ET (Alligator), Caroline Egolf & Eliana Cummings
3. Bratcher-VU Advnc Anneliese (Advancer), Mya Siegrist
4. Kiko DL Donna (Delta Lambda), Rudy Kiko Jr.
5. Glen-Paul Wake Birkachu (Warrior), Will Cole
Fall Heifer Calf
1. DC Destination DownPour (Destination), Olivia Finke
2. Cal-Denier-I Hniko Apple-ET (Haniko), Wyatt Schlauch
3. Ms Shaleledge-A Und Yard (Undenied), Manon Van Raaij
4. Sunnyville Hancock Prissy (Hancock), Ryder Rosebrook
5. Shadow-W Tstorm Anuri-ET (Thunderstorm), Ryan Griffith
Summer Yearling Heifer
1. Budjon-Vail TST Dualeepa (Thunderstorm), Wyatt Gordon
2. Ms Wil-San Thunderstrm Wise (Thunderstorm), Audry Sidle
3. Klingendale Doc Me Too (Doc), Leah Menzie
4. Richman Warrior Micky R1437 (Warrior), Evie Reidman
Spring Yearling Heifer
1. Kingsway Crushabull Call Me (Crushabull), Caroline Egolf & Eliana Cummings
2. Peace&Plenty DLM Jubie (Delta Lambda), Olivia Finke
3. T-Triple-T TC Provoke-ET (Tatoo), Colton Thomas
4. Bucks-Pride Warrior Daffy (Warrior), Will Cole
5. Wakefield Diamondback Halo (Diamondback), Taylor Klopfenstein
Winter Yearling Heifer
1. Red-Violet-Acc A Shady (Thunderstorm), Jacoby Gilbert
2. Plainfield Anlst Royce (Analyst), Aubrey Grove
3. Oakfield Us Cupcake-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Elizabeth Laney
4. Stan Mar Dale Quinlee (Hancock), Avery Randall
Fall Yearling Heifer
1. Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red (Swingman), Hannah Froelich
2. Borderview SDK Henley (Sidekick), Jacoby Gilbert
3. Solid Fold Doc Deville (Doc), Cole Hudson
4. Ray-Jo Hanans Hokey Pokey (Hanans), Emmie Danku,
5. Ray-Jo Defiant Cinnamon (Defiant), Ian Danku
Milking Yearling
1. Hilrose Analyst Alli-Red-ET (Analyst), Kaleb Pond
Premier Exhibitor - Vanessa Philson
Premier Breeder - Luck-E Holsteins
Grand Champion - Culler Splendid Gift-Red (Splendid), Culler, Ackley & James
Reserve Grand Champion - MDHillbrook Iceberg (Moovin), Phillip Topp
Honorable Mention Grand Champion - Cookiecutter Remedy-Red (Jordy), Egolf & Cummings
Senior Champion - Culler Splendid Gift-Red (Splendid), Culler, Ackley & James
Reserve Senior Champion - Luck-E Artisan Jaxie-Red-ET (Artisan), Vanessa Philson,
Honorable Mention Senior Champion – Curr-Vale-Lady DiemRed, Plainfield, Richman, Hart, Thorbahn
Intermediate Champion - MDHillbrook Iceberg -Red (Moovin), Phillip Topp
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Cookiecutter Remedy-Red (Jordy), Egolf & Cummings
Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion - Crystal-Star AZ 2255-Red, Vanessa Philson, Farmdale, OH
Junior Champion - Maples Dback Candy-Red (Diamondback), Doenreiner, Bowen & Abbott,
Reserve Junior Champion - Maples Awesome Syrup-Red (Awesome), Doebereiner, Bowen, & Conroy
Honorable Mention Junior Champion - Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red (Swingman), Hannah Froelich Spring Heifer Calf
1. Miller-Farm Gemini-Red (Warrior), Danielle Miller
2. Broad-Vue C Tango Juice-Red (Tango), Jamison Gilbert
3. Wil-San APL CRSP Jammer-Red (Apple-Crisp), Audrey Sidle
4. Lah-Dale Rompen Sicily-ET -Red(Rompen), Audrey Lahmers
5. Luck-E Hindsight Arael-Red (Hindsight), Samuel Henry
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Maples Dback Candy-Red (Diamondback), Doenreiner, Bowen & Abbott
2. Iroquois Ace Lust-Red (Ace), Ackley, Olt, Kinnley, Hadley
3. Ms-AOL Warrior Rosie-Red-ET (Warrior), Ackley/Fitzgerald
4. Ms Rompen Mustang-Red (Rompen), Cade Ziegler
5. Lyn-Vale Style Magu-Red (Styleleader), Lindlaur Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf
1. Glacier-Hill Misfit-Red (Styleleader), Guggenbiller & Simpson
2. Ms Warrior Atley-Red (Warrior), Wil-O-Rae Holsteins
3. Hankansons Burgundy Mae-Red (Burgundy), Bentley Cole
4. Quietcove Hot Topic-Red (Warrior), Quietcove Holsteins
5. Wil-O-Rae Addison Rae-Red (Addison), Wil-O-Rae Holsteins Summer Yearling Heifer
1. Quietcove Tater Tot-Red (Unstopabull), Quietcove Holsteins
2. Miley Doral Galaxy-Red (Doral), Cale Henry
3. Shadeline AN PBK Loxley-Red (Diamondback), Shadeline Holsteins & Adam Neiner
4. Sunspark Altitude Lupita-Red (Altitude), Spreng & Ackley
5. Brook Hollow Metallic-Red (Luxor), Delbert & Heather Yoder Spring Yearling Heifer
1. Maples Awesome Syrup-Red (Awesome), Doebereiner, Bowen, & Conroy
2. Plainfield Alst Ferrari-Red (Analyst), Plainfield Farms LLC
3. Trbo-Land Ifinallyasked-Red (Altitude), Austin Trbovich
4. Ms Wabash-Way RB Tatum-Red (Burgundy), Grace Siergist
5. Lah-Dale RB Honey-Red (Burgundy), Elaina Lahmers Winter Yearling Heifer
1. Dorloy-K Golden Girl-ET-Red (Unstopabull), Kenlee Phillips
2. Cornish Warrior Anna-Red (Warrior), Wakefield Holstein Farms
3. Brook Hollow Spicy Hot-Red (Cheerful), Delbert & Heather Yoder
4. Oakfield US Cupcake-Red (Unstopabull), Elizabeth Laney
5. Quietcove Alt Mojo-ET-Red (Altitude), Charles McCumons Fall Yearling Heifer
1. Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red (Swingman), Hannah Froelich
2. Macs-BHF Warrior Dollop-Red (Warrior), Yoder & McMahan
3. Ray-Jo Warrior Josie-Red (Warrior), Emmie Danku
Ohio State Fair Red & White Show
July 27-28, 2024 • Columbus, Ohio
Judge: Tyler Reynolds, Corfu, New York
Junior Best Three
1. Quietcove Holsteins
Dry Cow
1. Express-SMD Nekia-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Express Stan Mar Dale Holsteins Summer-Junior-Two-Year-Old
1. Miley Warrior Graceful-Red (Warrior), Hart, Spreng, Ackley, & Plainfield
2. DRH MoLay Cheesecake-Red (Monopoly), Reese Schrock Junior-Two-Year-Old
1. MDHillbrook Iceberg-Red (Moovin), Phillip Topp
2. Brook Hollow Don’t Cha-Red (Jordy), Delbert & Heather Yoder
3. Oakfield Ava Boo-Red-ET (Avalanche), Hannah Froelich
4. Ms MD-HB Im all that-Red (Unstopabull), Austin Trbovich
5. Luck-E Rompen Aflower-Red (Rompen), Cale Henry Senior-Two-Year-Old
1. Cookiecutter Remedy-Red (Jordy), Egolf & Cummings
2. Wil-San Warrior Jammin-Red (Warrior), Glenn Craemer
3. Sco-Lo Awe Nemo 2432-Red-ET (Awesome), Plainfield, Weaver, Jennifer Deam
4. Smygwatys A Tomahawk-Red (Awesome), Austin Trbovich Junior-Three-Year-Old
1. Bert Mar Alt Adler-Red-ET (Altitude), Allison Francis
2. Stein-Way Lotto Ticket-Red (Lotto), Damon Bertke
3. McWilliams Alt Blitz-Red (Altitude), Wyatt Schlauch
4. Luck-E Analyst Ace-Red (Analyst), Callum Francis Senior-Three-Year-Old
1. Crystal-Star AZ 2255-Red, Vanessa Philson
2. Star-Gen Jordys Lexi-Red (Jordy), River Havens Four-Year-Old
1. Culler Splendid Gift-Red (Splendid), Culler, Ackley & James
2. Luck-E Artisan Jaxie-Red-ET (Artisan), Vanessa Philson
3. Velvet-View Reminisce-Red (Jordy), Wyatt Schlauch
1. Curr-Vale-Lady Diem-Red-ET (Diamondback), Plainfield, Richman, Hart, Thorbahn.
Aged Cow
1. W Brook DB Milly-Red (Diamondback), Express Stan Mar Dale Holstein
Dam & Daughter
1 Express Stan Mar Dale
Dairy Herd
1 Etgen-Way
Dam & Daughter
1 Quietcove and Wolf 2 Quietcove and Trbovich 3 Plainfield
Produce of Dam
1 Velvet-View 2 Etgen-Way
• Continued from Page 22
2. Etgen-Way Dialed In (Crush), Leah Menzie Summer-Junior-Two-Year-Old
1. Wil-O-Knoll Side Fat Martha (Sidekick), Dyllan Knoll Junior-Two-Year-Old
1. MDHillbrook Iceberg-Red-ET (Moovin), Aubree Topp
2. ToppGlen FC Makeitfit (Fitters Choice), Marissa & Logan Topp
3. Oakfield Ava Boo-Red-ET (Avalanche), Hannah Froelich
4. TJ Classic Doc Adele (Doc), Lane Francis
5. R-Crest Handshake Sarah (Handshake), River Havens Senior-Two-Year-Old
1. Toppglen Awesome Whodey-ET (Awesome), Logan Topp
2. Brookview Sidekick Hooked (Sidekick), Grant Havens,
3. Luck-E Hanna’s Kamieze (Hanna’s), Grant Thompson, 4. Wil-San Warrior Jammin-Red (Warrior), Audrey Sidle
5. KM Lund-View Radio Spooky (Radio), Wyatt Schlauch Junior-Three-Year-Old
1. T-Triple-T Side Peace (Sidekick), Colton Thomas
2. Wakefield Warrior Hershey (Warrior), Taylor Klopfenstein
3. Bucks-Pride Hancock County (Hancock), Brady Cole
4. White-Light Doc Lolly (Doc), Nora Menzie
5. Futurama Master Bella (Master), Luke Knoop Senior-Three-Year-Old
1. Velvet-View Remembering (Moovin), Wyatt Schlauch
2. T-Triple-T Power Play (Diamondback), Wyatt Schlauch
3. MDHillbrook BD India (Diamondback), Aiden Topp
4. Winright Octane Velocity (Octane), Cale Henry
5. Star-Gen Jordys Lexi-Red (Jordy), River Havens Four-Year-Old
1. MS Quietcove Denver Daisy (Denver), Kennley Siegrist
2. Sunnyville Altitude Jayce (Altitude), Aubree Topp
3. Etgen-Way Sidekick Whisper (Sidekick), Wyatt Schlauch
4. Wil-San Doc Daredevil (Doc), Audrey Sidle
5. Rupp-Vue Awesome Magnetic-ET (Awesome), Carissa Pittman Five-Year-Old
1. Buckeyeleaf KB Easy A (Kingboy), Cale Henry
2. Luck-E Doc Azeezee-ET (Doc) Audrey Sidle
3. Luck-E Artist Artistic (Artist), Lane Francis
Aged Cow
1. Geno Doorman Tesla (Doorman), Lilly Elsass
2. Southern-Hills Devr Nicolett (Denver), Hannah Griffith
3. Brookview Control Freak-ET (Diamondback), Grant Havens
Ohio 4-H Show & National Junior Grand & Intermediate Champion - Bert-Mar Alt Adlee-Red, Allison Francis
Ohio 4-H Show & National Junior Reserve Grand & Reserve Intermediate Champion- MDHillbrook Iceburg-Red, Alaina Topp
Ohio 4-H Show & National Junior Honorable Mention & Senior Champion Velvet-View Reminisce-Red-ET, Wyatt Schlauch
National Junior Show Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion-Cookiecutter Remedy-Red, Egolf & Cummings
Ohio 4-H Honorable Mention - Oakfield Ava Boo-Red-ET, Hannah Froelich
Ohio 4-H Show & National Junior Champion-Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red, Hannah Froelich
Ohio 4-H Show & National Reserve Junior Champion -Hankansons Burgundy Mae-Red, Bentley Cole
Ohio 4-H Show Honorable Mention -Broad-Vue C Tango Juice-Red, Jamison Gilbert
National Show Honorable Mention- Lyn-Vale Style Magu-Red, Lauren Lamoreaux
Spring Heifer Calf
1. Broad-Vue C Tango Juice-Red, Jamison Gilbert
2. Miller-Farm Genini-Red, Danielle Miller
3. Wabash-Way Tallie-Red, Grace Siegrist
4. Luck-E Hindsight Arabel-Red, Samuel Henry
5. Lah-Dale Rompen Sicily-Red, Audrey Lahmers
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Lyn-Vale Style Magu-Red, Lauren Lamoreaux
2. Wakefield War Gracie-Red, Caitlin Liette
3. Iroquois Acres Lust-Red, Kinnley Ackley
4. Oakfield Alp Anchor-Red, Ella Whitmer
5. Miller-Farm Bugatti-Red, Danielle Miller Fall Heifer Calf
1. Hankansons Burgundy Mae-Red, Bentley Cole
2. Quietcove Hot Topic-Red, Lilly Elsass
3. Miss Warrior Atley-Red, Dalton Knoll
4. Luck-E Tango Alnite-Red, Ella Whitmer
5. Oakfield Dev Footsie-Red, Elizabeth Laney
Summer Yearling Heifer
1. Quietcove Tator Tot-Red, Lilly Elsass
2. Miley Doral Galaxy-Red, Cale Henry
3. Brook Hollow Metallic-Red, Carissa Pittman
4. JA-Bob Horizon P-Red, Heidi Grube
Spring Yearling Heifer
1. Lah-Dale RB Honey-Red, Elaina Lahmers
2. Ms Wabash-Way RB Tatum, Grace Siegrist
3. Ray-Jo Warrior Winifred-Red, Carson Bickel
Winter Yearling Heifer
1. Cornish Warrior Anna-Red, Reid Klopfenstein
2. Oakfield US Cupcake-Red, Elizabeth Laney
3. Brook Hollow Spicy Hot-Red, Carissa Pittman
4. Wabash-Way Rb Harlee-Red, Kennley Siegrist
Fall Yearling Heifer
1. Hodglynn Swingman Lust-Red, Hannah Froelich
2. Ray-Jo Warrior Josie-Red, Emmie Danku
Junior Two-Year-Old
1. MDHillbrook Iceburg-Red, Alaina Topp
2. Oakfield Ava Boo-Red-ET-Red, Hannah Froelich
3. Brook Hollow Don’t Cha-Red, Carissa Pittman
4. Quietcove-Firecracker-Red, Lilly Elsass
Ohio State Fair Red & White Junior Show
July 25, 2024 • Columbus, Ohio
Judge: Madison Fisher
Senior Two-Year-Old
1. Cookiecutter Remedy-Red, Egolf & Cummings
2. Wil-San Warrior Jammin-Red, Audrey Sidle
3. Lynncrest Jet Wave-Red-ET, Jacoby Gilbert
Junior Three-Year-Old
1. Bert-Mar Alt Adlee-Red, Allison Francis
2. Stein-Way Lotto Ticket-Red, Ryan Schwieterman
3. McWilliams Alt Blitz-Red, Wyatt Schlauch
4. Luck-E Analyst Ace-Red, Callum Francis
Senior Three-Year-Old
1. Star-Gen Jordys Lexi-Red, River Havens
1. Velvet-View Reminisce-Red-ET, Wyatt Schlauch
• June 15, 2024 • Judge: Chris Lang • Head Shown: 56
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor - Plainfield Farms LLC
Grand Champion - Ms Sid Beauty PF Bourbon, Plainfield Farms LLC
Reserve Grand Champion - Velvet-View Remembering, Velvet-View Farm
Senior Champion - Ms Sid Beauty PF Bourbon, Plainfield Farms LLC
Reserve Senior Champion - Curr-Vale Lady Diem-Red, Plainfield, Richmond, Hart & Thorban
Intermediate Champion - Velvet-View Remembering, VelvetView Farm
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Plainfield Sidekick Giddy, Plainfield Farms LLC
Junior Champion - Plainfield Glitz N Glamour, Plainfield Farms LLC
Reserve Junior Champion - Glacier Hill Misfit-Red-ET, Zach & Eliza Guaqesrillre & Ben & Hannah Simpson
Grand Champion - Velvet-View Remembering, Wyatt Schlauch
Reserve Grand Champion - Velvet-View Reminisce-Red, Wyatt Schlauch
Senior Champion - Velvet-View Reminisce-Red, Wyatt Schlauch
Reserve Senior Champion - SM Reid Rain-Red, Brittany Finlin
Intermediate Champion - Velvet-View Remembering, Wyatt Schlauch
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Luck-E Hanans Kamieze, Grant Thompson
Junior Champion - Red-Violet-Acc A Shady ET, Jacoby Gilbert
Reserve Junior Champion - Border-Vue SDK Henley TW, Jacoby Gilbert
Spring Heifer Calf
1. Broad-Vue TsT Sassafras, Broad-Vue Holsteins
2. Broad-Vue C Tango Juice-Red, Broad-Vue Holsteins
3. Shere-View Crusher Robinia, Stryffeler Farms
4. Fal-A-Raewar Athene-Red, Clarkehills Farm
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Plainfield Eye Candy Nina, Plainfield Farms LLC
2. Maple-Downs PV Solo Anna, Ben & Hannah Simpson
3. Plainfield Crshbull Liberty, Middle Run Farms
4. Jimita Kudos Armani, Lavco Genetics
5. Jimita Redeye Sparkle, Lavco Genetics
Fall Heifer Calf
1. Plainfield Glitz N Glamour, Plainfield Farms LLC
2. Glacier Hill Misfit-Red-ET, Zach & Eliza Guaqesrillre & Ben & Hannah Simpson
3. Miss PF Hersh Has Diamonds, CL Hersh Genetics & Plainfield Farms LLC
4. Velvet-View Faithful, Wyatt Schlauch & Jacoby Gilbert
5. Southland Farms BackInBlack, Stryffeler Farms LLC
Summer Yearling
1. A-L-H Hanans Juicy, Lady-Luck Farm
2. Hardingdale Warrior Puppet, Hardingdale Holsteins
3. Klingendale TStorm Daphne, Ultra-View Holsteins
Spring Yearling
1. Ms Lady Luck A Berkley, Lady-Luck Holsteins
2. Broad-Vue TStorm Bartender, Broad-Vue Holsteins
3. Topp-View B Jordy Sasha, Hartline Valley Farm
4. Jimita Redeye P-Violet, Wes Bott, Lavco Genetics & Boltz
Winter Yearling
1. Red-Violet-Acc A Shady ET, Broad-Vue Holsteins
2. Plainfield Anlst Royce-Red, Hardingdale Holsteins
3. Hartline Alleyoop Tina, Hartline Valley Farm
Fall Yearling
1. Border-Vue SDK Henley TW, Broad-Vue Holsteins
2. M-Coffman-Crushabull Cora, Coffman Farm Inc
Junior Best Three Females
1. Plainfield Farms LLC 2. Lavco Genetics
Summer-Junior-Two-Year Old
1. Plainfield Aftrshck Giada, Plainfield Farms LLC
2. Luck-E Romper Attitude, Clarkehills Farm
Junior-Two-Year Old
1. Plainfield GChip Firenzo, Plainfield Farms LLC
2. Crescentmead Travler Red, Clarkehill Farms
Senior-Two-Year Old
1. Luck-E Hanans Kamieze, Middle Run Farm
2. Hartline Radio Lollypop, Hartline Valley Farms
Junior-Three-Year Old
1. Plainfield Bourbon Bacredo, Plainfield Farms LLC
Senior-Three-Year Old
1. Velvet-View Remembering, Velvet-View Farm
2. Plainfield Sidekick Giddy, Plainfield Farms LLC
3. T-Triple-T Power Play
Four-Year Old
1. Velvet-View Reminisce-Red, Velvet-View Farm
2. SM Reid Rain-Red, Carlene Farms
3. Quality Quest Flaming Hot, Workman Family
4. Dareco Crushabull Carli, Coffman Farms Inc
Five-Year Old
1. Curr-Vale Lady Diem-Red, Plainfield, Richmond, Hart & Thorban
2. Oh-River Syc Humble-Red, Hartline Valley Farm
3. Sm Reid Hardrock Gypsy, Reed Family Farm
1. Ms Sid Beauty PF Bourbon, Plainfield Farms LLC
Dry Cow
1. Hipalong Reggie Taylor, Stryffeler Farms
Best Three Females
1. Plainfield Farms
Dam & Daughter
1. Plainfield Farms 2. Reid Family Farms
Produce of Dam
1. Velvet-View Farms
Best Bred & Owned - Kiko Alleyoop Patty, Kiko Holsteins
Premier Breeder - Kiko Holsteins
Premier Exhibitor - Lady-Luck Holsteins OPEN SHOW
Grand Champion - Crystal-Star AZ 2255-Red-ET, Ladyluck Holsteins
Reserve Grand Champion - Luck-E-Artisan Jaxie-Red-ET, Lady-Luck Holsteins
Senior Champion - Luck-E-Artisan Jaxie-Red-ET, Lady-Luck Holsteins
Reserve Senior Champion - Ms Eatonholme Baila, Lady-Luck Holsteins
Intermediate Champion - Crystal-Star AZ 2255-Red-ET, Ladyluck Holsteins
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Kiko Alleyoop Patty, Kiko Holsteins
Junior Champion - Kingsway Eye Candy Dwight, D Cole & T Dobay
Reserve Junior Champion - ALH Hanans Juicy, Ladyluck Holsteins JUNIOR SHOW
Grand Champion - Luck-E Hanans Kamaguas, Grant Thompson
Reserve Grand Champion - Bar-B-Hills Rage Revive-Red, Macy Stryffler
Senior Champion - Bar-B-Hills Rage Revive-Red, Macy Stryffler
Reserve Senior Champion - Quality Quest Hnck Flamingo, Eric Miller
Intermediate Champion - Luck-E Hanans Kamaguas, Grant Thompson
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Miley Goldchip Hadlee, Jackson Metts
Junior Champion - Kiko DL Donna, Rudy Kiko Jr.
Reserve Junior Champion - Lindlaur Sidekick Starla, Lauren L’Amoreaux
Spring Heifer Calf
1. Campbros Eye Candy Liza, Rodney & Bailey Campbell
2. Rowdy MC Grace 10301, Garrett Hastings
3. Ouric Eye Candy Sunshine, Ouric Holsteins
4. Sanor Valley Master Flash-ET, Bryce & Lauren Sanor
5. Luck-E Has Apple Pie-Red-ET, Ladyluck Holstein
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Kingsway Eye Candy Dwight, D Cole & T Dobay
2. Kiko DL Donna, Kiko Holsteins
• June 29,2024 • Judge: Judy Wolford • Head Shown: 78
3. Lyn-Vale Style Maga-Red, Lindlaur Holsteins
4. Luck-E Harris Aylene, Aaron Carle
5. Lindlaur Lambda D-Star-ET, Lindlaur Holsteins
Fall Heifer Calf
1. Glacier-Hillmisfit-Red-ET, Ben & Hannah Simpson
2. Kiko Doc Valliant, Kiko Holsteins
3. Lindlaur Sidekick Starla, Lindlaur Holsteins
4. Miss Unix Aurora, D Cole & T Dobay
5. Campbros Chief Ava, Rodney Campbell
Summer Yearling
1. ALH Hanans Juicy, Ladyluck Holsteins
2. Ms Riceton Fast & Furious, D Cole & T Dobay
3. Kiko Ron Burgandy Cindy, Kiko Holsteins
4. K-Ace Master Disguise-ET, Bret & Shelby Keister
5. Whiteleather Hancock, Michelle & Madigan Reynolds
Spring Yearling
1. Ms Lady-luck A Berkey, Ladyluck Holsteins
2. Oakfield FP Kerfuffle-ET, Lindlaur Holsteins
3. Klingendale T-Struck Marvel, Kibler Holsteins
4. Ouric Hancock Aunyia, Ouric Holsteins
5. Ouric Special Anona, Ouric Holsteins
Winter Yearling
1. Pineybrook Wchant Foxy-Red, Larry Tobin & Jordan London
2. Whiteleather Hancock 5104, Mitchell & Madigan Reynolds
3. Ms Lindlaur Chief Whitney, Lindlaur Holsteins
4. Kiko Sidekick Ross 2150, Eric Miller
5. Misery Unix J Ryan Hope, Jackson Metts
Fall Yearling
1. Lady-Luck Vs Fortune-Red, Ladyluck Holsteins
2. Brook-Hollow Fire Fury, Roger Herstine
Junior Best Three Females
1. Kiko Holsteins 2. Lady-Luck Holsteins 3. Ouric Holsteins
Junior-Two-Year Old
1. Luck-E Moovin Maui-ET, Ladyluck Holsteins
2. Ms Plum-Line Sidekick Layla, Ladyluck Holsteins
3. Kiko Unix Nancy 2037, Eric Miller
Senior-Two-Year Old
1. Kiko Alleyoop Patty, Kiko Holsteins
2. Kiko Awesome Judy, Kiko Holsteins
3. Miss Delta Bee, Ladyluck Holsteins
4. Luck-E Hanans Kamaguas, Grant Thompson
5. Topp-Glen Doc Wawasee, Emory Close
Junior-Three-Year Old
1. Kiko Luster-P Kelly, Kiko Holsteins
Senior-Three-Year Old
1. Crystal-Star AZ 2255-Red-ET, Ladyluck Holsteins
2. Kiko Hoov Joy, Kiko Holsteins
3. Silver-Mist Minnie-Red-ET, Lindlaur Holsteins
4. Miley Goldchip Hadlee, Jackson Metts
1. Luck-E-Artisan Jaxie-Red-ET, Lady-Luck Holsteins
2. Ms Eatonholme Baila, Lady-Luck Holsteins
3. Oakfield Doorman Karma-ET, Lindlaur Holsteins
4. Quality Quest Hnck Flamingo, Eric Miller
Five-Year Old
1. Bar-B-Hills Rage Revive-Red, Macy Stryffler
Best Three Females
1. Kiko Holsteins
Dam & Daughter
1. Lady-Luck Holsteins 2. Lindlaur Holsteins
3. Jackson Metts 4. Stryffeler Farm
Produce of Dam
1. Lady-Luck Holsteins 2. Lady-Luck Holsteins
National Junior Show Grand Champions from left: OHA Queen Jenna Calfo, Judge Kaleb Kruse, Colton Thomas with Grand Champion T-Triple-T Side Peace. Lilly Elsass with Reserve Grand Champion Geno Doorman Tesla, Aubree Topp with Honorable Mention MDHillbrook Iceberg-Red-ET, District 3 Queen Breanne Workman.
• July 21, 2024 • Judge: Jason Miley • Head Shown: 38
Best Bred & Owned - C-Skidmore War Rhinestone, Chelsea Duvall OPEN SHOW
Grand Champion - C-Skidmore War Rhinestone, Chelsea Duvall
Reserve Grand Champion - Marste Doc Mary, Owen Steinke
Senior Champion - Marste Doc Mary, Owen Steinke
Reserve Senior Champion - Ballweg Delta-Lambda 904, Mackenzie Topp
Intermediate Champion - C-Skidmore War Rhinestone, Chelsea Duvall
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Mac-Acres Redeye 1078Red, Ethan Sailor
Junior Champion - Redcarpet Ring Side-ET, Aubree Topp
Reserve Junior Champion - Hemsteads Redeye Rojo-REd, Mackenzie Topp
Grand Champion - Marste Doc Mary, Owen Steinke
Reserve Grand Champion - Ballweg Delta-Lambda 904, Mackenzie Topp
Senior Champion - Marste Doc Mary, Owen Steinke
Reserve Senior Champion - Ballweg Delta-Lambda 904, Mackenzie Topp
Intermediate Champion - Mac-Acres Redeye 1078-Red, Ethan Sailor
Reserve Intermediate Champion - T-Triple-T Polished-Red, Ethan Hollenbacher
Junior Champion - Redcarpet Ring Side-ET, Aubree Topp
Reserve Junior Champion - Hemsteads Redeye Rojo-REd, Mackenzie Topp
Spring Heifer Calf
1. C-Skidmore Crwn Raelyn-Red, Chelsea Duvall
2. Topp-View Hindsight Tuliza, Mackenzie Topp
3. Etgen-Way Sk DL Whitney, Jacob Borokers
4. C-Skidmore Alt Radical, Chelsea Duvall
5. Topp-View Alleyoop Twirl, Mackenzie Topp
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Redcarpet Ring Side-ET, Aubree Topp
2. Topp-View Alleyoop Petal, Mackenzie Topp
3. Silvermist-Lane Liz 10295, Matt Andrews & Chuck McCumons
4. Marste Homecoming Marty, Owen Steinke
5. Sh-NCM HIA Avianca, Jacoby Borokers
Fall Heifer Calf
1. Hemsteads Redeye Rojo-REd, Mackenzie Topp
2. C-Skidmore War Ritzy, Chelsea Duvall
3. Chief Danica, Dillon Simons
4. Etgen-Way Dropbox Danika, Adrienne Spalding
5. Sugar-Knoll War Molly-Red, Jacob Borokers
Summer Yearling
1. Dell-Delight Pandora Pam, Benton Sailor
Spring Yearling
1. C-Skidmore Warrior Charm, Chelsea Duvall
2. Shadow-W Sidekick Alpha, Mackenzie Topp
Winter Yearling
1. Shadow-W Warrior Tailor, Mackenzie Topp
2. Trio-Acres Homecoming Leana, Jade Lane
Fall Yearling
1. Topp-View Alleyoop Hope, Mackenzie Topp
2. Marste Goldchip Mar, Adrienne Spalding
3. C-Skidmore War Randi, Chelsea Duvall
Junior Best Three Females
1. Topp-View Farms 2. Dell-Delight Farms
Fall Yearling in Milk
1. T-Triple-T Polished-Red, Ethan Hollenbacher Senior-Two-Year Old
1. C-Skidmore War Rhinestone, Chelsea Duvall Junior-Three-Year Old
1. Mac-Acres Redeye 1078-Red, Ethan Sailor Senior-Three-Year Old
1. McGuire King Doc Oligh, Deacon Sailor Four-Year Old
1. Marste Doc Mary, Owen Steinke Five-Year Old
1. Ballweg Delta-Lambda 904, Mackenzie Topp
1. Prestige-Gen Addition Marea, Stephanie Altstatler
Best Three Females
1. Chelsea Duvall
• July 18,2024 • Judge: Tom Thorbahn • Head Shown: 27
Best Bred & Owned - Hankansons Burgundy Mae-Red, Brady & Bentley Cole
Grand Champion - Someday Goldchip Liza, Brady Cole
Reserve Grand Champion - Kokosing Awesome Acacia-Red, Cole Hudson
Senior Champion - Kokosing Awesome Acacia-Red, Cole Hudson
Intermediate Champion - Someday Goldchip Liza, Brady Cole
Junior Champion - Glen Paul Warrior Bikucha, Will Cole
Reserve Junior Champion - Someday Warrior Rindy, Brady & Bentley Cole
Grand Champion - Someday Goldchip Liza, Brady Cole
Reserve Grand Champion - Kokosing Awesome Acacia-Red, Cole Hudson
Senior Champion - Kokosing Awesome Acacia-Red, Cole Hudson
Intermediate Champion - Someday Goldchip Liza, Brady Cole
Junior Champion - Glen Paul Warrior Bikucha, Will Cole
Reserve Junior Champion - Someday Warrior Rindy, Brady & Bentley Cole
Spring Heifer Calf
1. Someday Warrior Rindy, Brady & Bentley Cole
2. KK Hudson Journey Minnie, Cole Hudson
3. Bucks Pride Eye Candy Ivory, Will Cole
4. Trealayne Handsome Diva, Mark Payne
5. KK Hudson Romper Trixie-R, Cole Hudson
Winter Heifer Calf
1. Glen Paul Warrior Bikucha, Will Cole
2. Silvervue Dream Big Candy Cane, Megan McCoy
3. KK Hudson McDonald Willow, Cole Hudson
4. Markway Showtime Candy, Mark Payne
5. Markway Showtime Stary-Red, Mark Payne
Fall Heifer Calf
1. Hankansons Burgundy Mae-Red, Brady & Bentley Cole
2. Trealayne Sebet Dahlia, Mark Payne
3. KK Hudson Bosa Alison, Cole Hudson
4. Will-O-Rae Sidekick Lexington, Mark Payne
5. Con-River 3214 Kuhn, Jordan Haitschuck
Summer Yearling
1. Markway Alligator Riley, Mark Payne
Spring Yearling
1. Bucks Pride Warrior Daffy, Will Cole
2. Ms Etgenway Crushabull Satan, Cole Hudson
3. Bucks Pride Altitude Amy, Cole Hudson
Winter Yearling
1. Someday Tatoo Jackie, Brady & Bentley Cole
2. Topp Glen Goldchip Winnie ET, Cole Hudson
Fall Yearling
1. Solid Gold Doc Deville, Cold Hudson
Senior-Two-Year Old
1. Someday Goldchip Liza, Brady Cole
Four-Year Old
1. Kokosing Awesome Acacia-Red, Cole Hudson
Dear Holstein Breeder,
The National Holstein Futurity held annually at the Ohio State Fair has a longstanding reputation of elegance, pageantry and excitement like no other livestock class. It is the hope moving forward that we can continue this tradition began by Greta Cummings. It is her vision that Mary Lou Topp has continued and now it is my turn to work to take us into the future. Unfortunately, with the declining registered cow numbers in the state, the National Holstein Futurity has not been able to fund the prize money that has long been the tradition. Therefore, we are forced to find alternative methods to fund this show to continue in the excellence to which we are accustomed, and to increase class entries.
There was a discussion amongst many of you at the state convention about how we need to move forward to continue the legacy of this show. We think that paying based on farm size for a blanket entry for all animals carrying that farm’s prefix each year may be the easiest and most profitable. This blanket payment will pay the full entry for each heifer bred by that farm born that year. This will ease the paperwork of entering each individual animal, as well as increase the number of entries to the show at the fair. You never know which Holstein female on your farm may be right to show as a 3-year-old!
The farm size blanket entry schedule is:
• Less than 50 lactating cows - $150/year
• 50-100 cows - $300/year
• 100-150 cows - $450/year
• 150-200 cows - $600/year
• 200-300 cows - $750/year
• Greater than 300 cows - $1000/year
The option will remain to pay the “old way” and enter each individual animal at $3/head for the first payment or a $30 one-time payment. This is the method that partnership animals or animals purchased from a non-participating farm will continue to enter their heifers.
Another source of revenue will be donations. If there are interested parties that do not show cattle or simply want to help keep the futurity thriving, we would be happy to accept and recognize their donation. This year, we began an adult showmanship as a fundraiser. The class was held immediately following the Futurity. It was $10 to enter the showmanship class and $20 to opt out and $100 to the winner. It is safe to say that fun was had by all! Plans are to continue this fundraiser and continue to be creative in finding new revenue for the National Holstein Futurity.
Just as a reminder, heifers born this year will be eligible to show in the 70th National Holstein Futurity! There is much pride associated with the National Holstein Futurity as it is a true “breeder’s class”. It is my hope that our Ohio Holstein Breeders will unite to continue the greatest tradition of Holstein futurities. Best, Brenda Ramsey-L’Amoreaux DVM
Devoted to the interest and promotion of the Holstein Breed. A Show for the best Three-Year-Old Cow of 2027 to be Shown in 2027.
Entries must be made as heifer calves.
Closing Date for Your Entries and First Payment: October 20, 2024
Calf (calves) must be nominated and paid for by October 20, 2024 (See Entry Fees)
All calves born Sept. 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 inclusive are eligible for THE NATIONAL HOLSTEIN FUTURITY NO. 70.
1st-20%, 2nd-10%, 3rd-7%, 4th-6%, 5th-4.5%, 6th10th-3%, 11th-15th-2.5%, 16th-20th-2%, 21st-30th-1.5%
• 1st payment of $3.00 or Full Payment of $30.00 due on or before Oct. 20, 2024
• 2nd payment of $6.00 due on or before Jan. 20, 2026
• 3rd payment of $10.00 due on or before April 20, 2027
• 4th payment of $15.00 due on or before June 20, 2027 (last one) Herd Size
• Less than 50 lactating cows - $150/year
Brenda L’Amoreaux 7261 Paris Ave. Louisville, Ohio 44641 (330)309-0875
Should less than 30 animals show, the awards shall not be increased on that account and the unclaimed awards shall revert to The National Holstein Futurity, Inc., for used in the following year’s futurity.
Purses in this event shall consist of all monies received by this Association in connection there with by way of nomination fees, subsequent payments, plus all other monies received from any person or persons or Fair Associations, sponsors of this show and etc., except the first payment which may be used for promotion of The National Holstein Futurity, if the Board of Directors so chooses, also less actual expenses incurred by this Association in connection with the promotion and the management of said show.
1) Make all four payments in one - $30.00 each animal, 2) the usual $3.00 schedule, or 3) the herd size annual payment. (See National Futurity explaination letter for more details)
• 50-100 cows - $300/year
• 100-150 cows - $450/year
• 150-200 cows - $600/year
• 200-300 cows - $750/year
• Greater than 300 cows - $1000/year
Should any condition arise which prevents the showing of this futurity, the right is reserved to call same off and to pay the persons owning the calves eligible at the time of said calling off, their pro-rate share of all monies accrued in the division called off, after deducting the actual expenses of thisAssociation in the promotion of said futurity.
The National Holstein Futurity, Inc. is at all times the governing body of this futurity and will decide according to its rules. All matters pertaining to the showing of this futurity are subject to the rules and regulations of the Fair sponsoring this show. Any calf sold after nominations; the “Futurity” follows to the new owner provided they keep up with the annual payments as per the entry agreement. All entrants agree to be amenable to all rules and regulations of the sponsoring Fair and of the National Holstein Futurity, Inc.
*Dallas Rynd
*Judy Wolford
Ty & Heather Etgen
Bobby Hart
Melissa Hart
Jessica Whiteleather
Garry Kibler, Jr
Tom Thorbahn
Anne Wolfe
Chad Griffith
Danette Simpson
All Board Members
*Paul Haskins
Evan Kiko
Tony Broshes
Marvin Steinke
Kristy Ackley
Nevin L'Amoreaux
Cameron Mizer
Curtis Bickel
*Steve Moff
Angi Kaverman
Erica Davis
Bill Indoe
Jason Robinson
Julie Renner
*Jim Ray
Rodney Cambell
Ryan Welch
Charlie Henry
Dave Klingensmith
Jason Miley
Steve Buschur
Jon & Joe Miley
Evan Kiko
Ben Simpson
Jay & Kristy Ackley
Ty Etgen
Bill Indoe
Damon Bertke
*Danette Simpson
* Kaye Janes
Judy Wolford
Dick Indoe
Julie Renner
Ken Janes
Chris Sayers
Bill Indoe
Jim Sheffield
Tom Thorbahn
Paul Haskins
Anne Cole
Joe Miley
Jason Robinson
Lamar Liming
Ted Renner
Lisa Mangun
John Hartline
Matthew Steiner
Grand Champion - Geno Doorman Tesla, Lilly Elsass
*Steve Moff
*Patrick Twining
*Jim Ray
Angi Kaverman
Paul Haskins
Cindy Howman
Linda Beardsley
Don Simpson
Kris Ackley
Bud Gleisner
Mary Lou Topp
Jason Miley
Ty Etgen
Heather Yoder
Eric Topp
Steve Specht
Damon Bertke
Evan Kiko
Greg Cornish
Charlie Henry
Kurt Topp
Rudy Kiko
Neil Deam
Julie Renner
Jared Harding
*Dallas Rynd
*Joe Miley
John Hartline
Nancy Kemp
Randall Kiko
Bill Indoe
Don Simpson
*Ryan Welch
Jon Miley
Lisa Mangun
Jason Robinson
*Chris Sayers
Mikayla Gibbs
Melissa Hart
Erica Davis
Bill Indoe
Ray Twining
Barb Lumley
Laurie Menzie
Marvin & Therese Steinke
Katey Lora
Lisa Mangun
Annie Specht
JR & Angi Kaverman
Jason Robinson
Paul Haskins
Sarah Thomas
*Ken Janes
Gregg Topp
Jim Ray
Dave Gunkelman
Bobby Hart
Anne Wolfe
Jason Robinson
Keith Rosebrook
All Board Members
*Paul Haskins
*Sarah Thomas
Jeff & *Laurie Reidman
Erica Davis & Jason Robinson
Allison Jaynes
Jason & Gretl Whiteleather
Marvin & Therese Steinke
Bill Lund
Laurie Menzie
Jana Mussard
Jodi Crossgrove
JR & Angi Kaverman
Joe Henry
*Ryan Welch
All Board members
All Committee Chairs
*John Hartline
*Tom Thorbahn
Barb Lumley
Marvin Steinke
Jim Sheffield
Suzanne Lora
Phil Fisher
John Polchin
Jennifer Fisher
• July 29, 2024 • Judge: Rudy Kiko • Head Shown: 44
Reserve Grand Champion - Shadow W Mile High, Quietcove
Senior Champion - Geno Doorman Tesla, Lilly Elsass
Reserve Senior Champion - Shadow W Mile High, Quietcove Junior Champion - Quietcove Lemon Drop, Amelia Sammetinger
Reserve Junior Champion - McWilliams Adrenaline-ET, Ruth Bambauer
Spring Heifer Calf
1. Ren-Bow Chip Luna, Ester Babmbauer
2. Quietcove Lee Pop-Red, Greyson Elsass
3. Gencraft Alpha Jackie, Scarlett Sammetinger
4. Wakefield Luster Debbie, Jase Klopfenstein
5. Balmoral Sidekick Magenta, Rileigh DiGiavani
Winter Heifer Calf
1. McWilliams Adrenaline-ET, Ruth Bambauer
2. Wakefield War Gracie, Caitlin Liette
3. Quietcove Luster P M&M, Finley Elsass
4. Koneta Hanx Klove, Hunter Wingert
5. Tri Acres Pazzle Becca, Bryce Benning
Fall Heifer Calf
1. Quietcove First Pick, Braxton Elsass
2. Steinway Lauxury Powl, Stein-Way Dairy
3. Tri Acres Peve Suzana, Bryce Benning
4. Wakefield Analyst Ginny-Red, Reid Klopfenstein
5. Homan Trixie, Anna Homan
Summer Yearling
1. Quietcove Tator Tot-Red, Trapper Elsass
2. Steinway Qcove Bombshell, Stein-Way Dairy
3. Triplet Altitude Upstick, Claire Goecke
4. Broad-Vue Diamond Dream-Red, Rylee Willrath
5. Maple Tree Luster-P Diva, Allison Steinke
Spring Yearling
1. Quietcove Lemon Drop, Amelia Sammetinger
2. Wakefield Diamondback Halo, Taylor Klopfenstine
3. Dorloy AK Warrior Gia-Red-ET, Caitlyn Liette
4. Triplet Unix Puzzled, Karli Goecke
5. Ballweg Delta Lambda, Bently Ballweg
Winter Yearling
1. Wapsi Ang St Lignot, Lilly Elsass
2. Maple-Tree Crushabull Dazzle, Allison Steinke
3. Cornish Warrior Anna-Red, Reid Klopfenstein
4. Toppglen Warr Kastalia-ET-Red, Zach Steinke
Fall Yearling
1. Dorloy K Aval Gabby-Red-ET, Caitlyn Liette
Summer-Junior-Two-Year Old
1. Steinway Master Tricia, Stein-Way Dairy
Senior-Two-Year Old
1. Steinway Hancock Reward, Stein-Way Dairy
Junior-Three-Year Old
1. Wakefield Warrior Hershey, Taylor Klopfenstein
2. Steinway Lotto Ticket, Ryan Schwietetman
3. Miss BVWS Analyst Dede-REd, Rylee Willrath
*Randall Kiko
*Bill Indoe
*Eric Topp
*Barb Lumley
Evan Kiko
Allison Melvin
Garry Kibler
Jay Ackley
Jason Miley
Andrew Steiner
Phillip Topp
Ken Janes
Dave Gunkelman
Ted Renner
Paul Haskins
Curtis Bickel
Hannah Steiner
Aaron Schlauch
Jason Robinson
Ben Simpson
Chris Lahmers
Jared Harding
Joe Miley
Bobby Hart
Ryan Welch
Chad Griffith
Heather Yoder
Ty Etgen
Four-Year Old
1. Steinway Sidekick Palmer, Stein-Way Dairy Five-Year Old
1. Shadow W Mile High, Quietcove Aged-Cow
1. Geno Doorman Tesla, Lilly Elsass Produce of Dam
1. Rylee Willrath
The entry forms for the National Holstein Futurity are in this issue. A new herd blanket entry option has been added! Enter all your eligible calves and see if you might be the winner for the 70th Anniversary Futurity in 2027. Let’s keep this longstanding tradition going!
The OHA convention will be in Wooster, Ohio this year and details will be coming in the next issue and on Facebook. Keep an eye out so you can enjoy a weekend with your fellow Holstein enthusiasts.
The Ohio Holstein Association will have apparel and items available for purchase, featuring the OHA logo. Find the options and ordering information at https:// ohioholstein.com/ Christmas shopping can be crossed off your to do list! We hope to see you sporting your new items at an Ohio Holstein event soon!
Congratulations to Paul Haskins (D7) on being elected to the Board of Directors of the Holstein Association, USA. He was elected at the National Holstein Convention in June and Ohio continues to have important representation on the national board.
Adam & Kari (Harding) Miley welcomed their first child, Lincoln Robert Miley – 8 lbs, 2 oz 21 inches– on June 24th. Grandparents are Jon & Amy Miley (D7) and Bobby & Lorraine Harding. Congratulations!
Grandma Lisa Mangun (D7) has another grandbaby! Allison & Nick Melvin delivered a baby daughter, Cassidy Ann, on June 23rd. Congratulations to all!
Congrats to Tanner and Shannon Topp (D7) as they welcomed their fourth baby, Maven Rae into the world on August 14th. She weighed in at 8lbs 7oz, 19.75 inches. We also want to congratulate Tanner on being honored as the Distinguished Young Breeder at the National Ayrshire Convention held in Fremont, in June.
Tyler and Cathrine Topp (D7) welcomed Kolter Marvin Topp on July 19th. Their third child, Kolter weighed in at 8 lbs 1oz and 21 inches long. Congratulations to the Topps.
Congratulations to Julianne (Holler) McCormick (D1) on her recent marriage and move to Burghill, Ohio.
Select Sires was honored to host Ohio congressman Jim Jordan when he met with several members of their staff and board members to learn more about Select Sires and answer questions.
Kiko Auctioneers had the opportunity to sell a superstar’s stuff when they auctioned off nearly 500 items belonging to movie star William Shatner in July at the Hartville MarketPlace. Items included apparel Shatner wore at movie and TV premiers, custom jerseys featuring ‘Shatner’ on the back and other designer pieces including Armani, Brioni, Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana. PC: Brian Donahue
Paul and Shelly Detwiler of Mitchell’s Berries & Blooms went on an Edamame adventure in Japan. They will be stars in an upcoming Japanese Realty TV show. Its due to premiere in Japan in October. They traveled Japan in a complete immersion of
Japanese culture and agriculture. They have strawberries, flowers and many other agritourism events at their Plain City, Ohio farm. Paul is the farm manager for ST Genetics Ohio Heifer Center in South Charleston, OH. Follow them in their Facebook and Instagram Mitchell’s Berries as these secret details are released. mitchellsberries.com
Sept 29-October 4 – World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI
1 Ohio Fall Sale, 11:00 am The Wain Neuenschwander Farm 2220 Good Rd, Orrville, OH 44667
7-11 North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, KY
15 Ohio Holstein News AD DEADLINE for the Nov-Dec issue.
28 Thanksgiving Day
7-8 Ohio Holstein Convention and Annual Meeting, Wooster
Plan ahead to advertise your All-Ohio Winner in the January - February Issue of the Ohio Holstein News.
All-Ohio animals must have a professional photo. If you have an animal that could possibly be an All-Ohio or Reserve AllOhio winner, please send the photos to Diana Miley at the ahio Holstein office at oholstein@sssnet.com
Paul E. Harris, age 57, Bainbridge Twp, OH. He leaves behind his trusted partner in everything, beloved wife, Pam Krotzer. The son of Jennifer (Roddie) Hoffman and the late Ray E. Harris. Born and raised on the Howard Family Farm in Bainbridge Township, Paul spent his entire life striving to continue the legacy left by his parents and grandparents.
Vernon and Marion Howard, or as he called them Grandpa and Grandma, were his inspiration to lead a life dedicated to promoting agriculture and farming in Geauga County and beyond. Following in his father’s footsteps, Paul continued farming after earning a degree in Dairy Science from The Ohio State University. As a proud dairy farmer, maple producer, and owner/operator of Howard’s Apples, he loved sharing the history of one of Bainbridge Township’s founding families. He also proudly boasted of having the only rollercoaster in Geauga County. Paul could always be found on his tractor, in the fields, or with his cows.
If you knew Paul, you knew his two passions were dairy farming and The Great Geauga County Fair. He frequently boasted that he never missed a fair his entire life. In 1993, Paul succeeded Vernon Howard and became a Geauga County Agricultural Society Fairboard Director. From then until the day he took his last breath on June 4, 2024, Paul was driven to create an amazing fair experience for the community and beyond. In 2006, he was elected as Fairboard President. Always dedicated to doing the best job he could, Paul stepped up to be the Secretary of the Fair in 2008. Paul’s leadership extended statewide as he joined the Ohio Fair Managers Association and became the District 9 Director in 2008. He tirelessly advocated for the welfare of fairs across Ohio, working to update legislation and ensure fair funding and proper oversight. Paul recently completed his term as OFMA President in 2023.
To say he was a busy man was an understatement, but he was never too busy to visit with an old friend who dropped into the apple stand or the fair office. He loved telling stories and no matter how tired he was at the end of an exhausting day of running the farm and fair, you could find him in the Dairy Barn hanging out with his favorite people. The generosity Paul showed to both loved ones and strangers was truly remarkable. He was always the first to contribute to donations and took great joy in supporting the Junior Fair kids. There is nothing Paul loved more than his cows, the Parker kids and fairs.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to the Geauga County Fair Foundation, PO Box 402, Burton, Ohio 44021, or visit the Geauga County Fair Foundation online donation page.
Martin Wesley Yoder was born to John Junior and Lois Marie Yoder on March 8, 1975. His father nicknamed Martin “Bud” as he was the youngest of 8 children. Bud grew up on a farm near West Salem, Ohio; he lived and breathed farm life, from the first word he learned to spell – CASE (tractor) – to joining the local Wayne County 4-H Program.
In High School, Bud played basketball and was an active member of the Northwestern FFA. He graduated from Northwestern High School in 1993. Following graduation, Bud attended Rosedale Bible Institute, where he enjoyed friendships, and participated in the RBI drama productions.
After RBI, Bud spent many years fitting cattle for shows and sales across the world in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Brazil.
Bud developed a special relationship with Jim and Nancy Kemp when he worked for them as their cattle herdsman. Later, he also worked for David Hershey in the same capacity. While Martin loved
working with cattle, he found his next calling working alongside Roger Baker. After a long stint with Roger, who almost succeeded at turning him into a Hollywood star (hear the full story at the service), Bud’s desire to be his own boss led him to start a hoof trimming business which he successfully operated for eight years.
Bud always said he did not want to “just marry a woman he could live with,” but to “marry a woman he couldn’t live without.” When he found the woman he couldn’t live without, he promptly sold his thriving business, his house, and moved to Canada, to marry Sarah (Donaldson) on June, 28, 2014.
Bud and Sarah wasted no time starting a family. 9 months and 1 week after the wedding, they welcomed their daughter, Mikaela Joy Yoder on April 3, 2015. Bud started working on Sarah’s family’s farm. Bud quickly became the go to man. He took the role with a charismatic willingness. Soon after, Sarah and Bud, started their own farm, Golden Gate Farms. They built a state of the art Lely robotic milking and feeding system and were a model farm for many tours. Bud enjoyed having farmers from all over the world tour the farm and discuss old and progressive farming methods.
In 2018, Bud and Sarah welcomed their son, John Wesley Yoder to complete their family. Bud lived to farm, and enjoy the company of his family. He included his family in everything he did and wanted to pursue. He enjoyed family trips, side by side trips, traveling to Madison, Wisconsin for World Dairy Expo to exhibit his cows.
He was a true showman. Always displaying a true example to youth and fellow friends in his everyday actions.
Bud attended Bradner Presbyterian Church and was active in the ministry. He was a true shepard in how he lived. He lived by God’s word, and shared and taught his children all life’s lessons from its pages.
Bud was preceded in death by his father, John Junior Yoder (2014) and father-in-law Rob Donaldson (2022).
He leaves behind his loving wife of 10 years, Sarah Yoder and two children Mikaela Joy Yoder (9) and John Wesley Yoder (6). He is survived by his mother Lois Yoder, Wooster, OH; his siblings Linda (James) Nissley, Tuscon, AZ; Delbert (Heather) Yoder, West Salem, OH; Daniel Yoder, Apple Creek, OH; Glenda (Marvin) Zuercher, Wooster, OH; Myron Yoder, Centerville, OH; Anita (Ryan) Hostetler, Mechanicsburg, OH; Marla Yoder, Columbus, OH. Bud will also be greatly missed by his many nephews and nieces. He always had a way of making each one feel like they were his favorite.
Marvin Lee Topp, age 82 of New Bremen, died on Monday, July 29, 2024 at 7:11 A.M. at the Otterbein Senior Lifestyles of St. Marys. He was born on June 24, 1942 in New Bremen, the son of the late Walter H. and Angela C. (Berning) Topp. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Linda L. (Place) Topp, whom he married on November 23, 1961. Also surviving are his children: Kelli (Doug) Walker of Pataskala, Ohio, Gregg (Angie) Topp of New Bremen, Kurt (Rachel) Topp of West Salem, Ohio, and JuliAnne (Wes) Wyatt of New Bremen. Marvin has twelve grandchildren: Tyler (Catherine) Topp, Tessa (Seth) Hauts, Tanner (Shannon) Topp, Brennan Topp, Mick (Audri) Walker, Marissa Topp, Aaron Topp, Carson Wyatt, Casey Topp, Xavier Wyatt, Logan Topp, and Anna Topp, as well as nine great-grandchildren. Marvin is also survived by his siblings: Martha (Paul) Ewing, Doris Carr, and Thomas Topp; and his in-laws: Mary Lou Topp, and Tim (Kathy) Place. Along with his parents, Marvin was preceded in death by his brothers: Herbert (Helen) Topp and Donald Topp; his father in-law and mother in-law, Ira and Marjorie (Shappel) Place; and his in-laws: Jerry Carr, Jay
(Sue) Hixenbaugh.
Marvin was a 1960 graduate of New Bremen High School. He loved his family, farming, showing his registered Holstein cattle from Toppation Farm, and playing music with “The Moonlighters” wedding band. He began playing drums at the age of 14 with his dad, brothers, and sisters in the “Topp Band” which eventually merged into the “Dicke Band,” then into “The Moonlighters,” playing music for a total of 62 years. He was a member of St. Paul United Church of Christ in New Bremen where he sang in the church choir for many years. Marvin was affiliated with several associations over the years including: Buckeye Hustlers 4-H Club (where he had served as an advisor), the Farm Bureau Council for 50 years, the NOBA Board of Directors, the Ohio Holstein Association, and the National Holstein Association. Marvin and Linda enjoyed sporting events and many wonderful road trips with their New Bremen gang, and they also loved attending many of their grandchildren’s events from wresting to football and dance recitals to band concerts. According to one of his nieces, Marv was “a special one.”
Howard R. Bickel, age 89, of New Vienna, passed away Friday, August 2, 2024, at the Highland District Hospital in Hillsboro, Ohio. He was born June 11, 1935, in Cincinnati, the son of the late Virgil C. and Edna (Baumann) Bickel, Sr. Howard grew up near Marathon, Ohio, and graduated from Batavia High School. After graduating, Howard served our country as a member of the United States Army. After his service in the Army, he began his lifelong work starting his own dairy farm, along with starting his family. In 1963, Howard moved his family to Clinton County and started the Bickel Family dairy farm, which is still in operation today. Howard’s passion was farming and making sure that his farm was successful. He was a 50-year member of the National Holstein Association, member of the National Famers Organization, and the Ohio Farmers Union. Howard is survived by four children, Raymond Bickel of New Vienna, Donald (Jackie) Bickel of New Vienna, Kimberly (Richard) Burton of Wilmington, and Todd Bickel of New Vienna; great nephew who was raised like a son, Guy (Yvonne) Cutler, D.V.M. of Horseheads, New York; grandchildren, Curtis Bickel of Wilmington, Keri (Alex) Hodson of New Vienna, Carson Bickel of New Vienna, Emma Mathews of New Vienna, Maggie Mathews of New Vienna, Erica (Danny) Unger of Loveland, Travis Burton of Wilmington, Logan (Bridgette) Burton of Wilmington, and Paige (Ryan) Evans of Wilmington; great grandchildren, Kannon Bickel, Cole Hodson, Clay Hodson, Brooklyn Unger, Breck Unger, and Hadley Evans; lifelong friend and “Army Buddy” Paul Esz of Milford, Ohio; and several friends within the farming community. In addition to his parents, Howard is preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, JoAnn (Boner) Bickel on January 29, 2005; and two brothers, Virgil Bickel, Jr., and Eugene Bickel. The Bickel Family asks that Memorial Contributions be made to the Clinton County Farmers Union, c\o 5/3 Bank.
Robert J. “Bob” Ballweg, age 93, of Elmwood Assisted Living in New Bremen, and formerly of New Knoxville, died on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 11:55 A.M. at the St. Rita’s Medical Center in Lima. He was born on September 19, 1930 in Fryburg, the son of the late Edward P. and Minnie V. (Townsend) Ballweg. On November 17, 1956, he married Esther C. Wenning who survives in New Bremen. Together they shared 67 wonderful years. Also left to cherish his memory are his children: David (Cindy) Ballewg of New Knoxville, Debra Ballweg of Las Vegas, NV, and Douglas Ballweg of New Knoxville; his three grandsons: Greg Ballweg, Quincy (Tiffany) Ballweg, and Brandon (Katie) Ballweg; as well as his five great-grandchildren: Skyler, Myra, Kailyn, Bentley, and
Andrea. Robert also leaves behind a brother Eugene (Jane) Ballweg of Chickasaw. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his siblings: Lahoma (Leroy) Egbert, Treva (Tony) Pietrzak, Melba (Aloysius) Tangeman, and Cletus (Pauline) Ballweg.
Bob had attended New Knoxville Schools, and was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Botkins. He was a hard-working, “workaholic” dairy farmer for his entire life, and was proud of his registered Holstein cows on his family farm, Ballweg Farms. As a member of the Auglaize Farm Bureau, the National Holstein Association and the Ohio Holstein Association, the farm won multiple awards over the years including several awards for high yields in milk production. Bob was also an engineer of sorts – designing, welding, and building much of his own equipment and machinery on the farm over the years. Outside of farming, Bob enjoyed riding his motorcycle when he was younger, and took up walking and bike riding in later years. He also enjoyed when the family was all together at the farm for family gatherings and he and Esther took several cruises and trips to Las Vegas. The highlight of Bob’s “retirement” at age 70, was designing and building his own ultralight plane with the help of his family, and he loved to spend time flying around the area.
Richard “Dick” Lawrence Besancon, 89, of Wooster died on Saturday, September 7, 2024.
He was born January 29, 1935 in Wooster to Francis and Laura Pailliotet Besancon. On August 26, 1961, he married Lea Ann Smith. She survives.
Dick had been a lifelong dairy farmer and had also transported the Amish for many years. He was a member of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church and served his country in the U.S. Army as part of the 82nd Airborne Division.
Along with his wife, Dick is survived by his children Bill (Sandy) Besancon of Wooster, Michele (Tim) Koch of Orrville, Dan (Tonya) Besancon of Wooster, Frank (Julie) Besancon of Smithville, Brent (Karrie) Besancon of Smithville and Burney Besancon of Orrville; 18 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren.
Dick was preceded in death by his parents; grandson Gabe Koch and siblings Adrian Besancon, Eileen Nicholas, Vincent Besancon, Raymond Besancon, Beatrice Garver, Ron Besancon, Mary Jane Tope and infant siblings Joseph Besancon and Bernadette Besancon.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions be directed to St. Mary School, P.O. Box 109 Wooster, OH 44691 or to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105
Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins ............................................................. MW pg. 13
ADA Mideast pg. 3
Andrews Auctioneers..................................................................................... pg. 15
Brunswick Forage Seed Sales pg. 33
Coffee Cream Dairy MW pg. 6
Commodity Specialists ..................................................................................... pg. 7
Computermixx pg. 15
DairyOne ............................................................................................................ pg. 13
DHI Cooperative, Inc. pg. 34
Etgen-Way ................................................................................................. MW pg. 33
Farmers National Bank pg. 18
Harold’s Equipment pg. 11
Hempsteads Holsteins .................................................................................. pg. 12
Kalmbach Feeds pg. 35
Kidron Auction ................................................................................................. pg. 14
Kiko Auctioneer pg. 20
Meaden & Moore pg. 6
Mennonite Mutual .......................................................................................... pg. 11
Miley Holsteins ........................................................................................ MW pg. 23
Ohio Beef Council pg. 10
Ohio Fall Sale ............................................................................................ MW pg. 36
OH-MI Partners pg. 2
PBS Animal Health pg. 14
Plainfield Farms ....................................................................................... MW pg. 10
Prengers, Inc. pg. 12
Quietcove Holsteins ............................................................................. MW pg. 28
Roedale Farm pg. 17
Rohaven Holsteins ............................................................................................. pg. 6
Select Sires Members Cooperative pg. 36 ST Genetics pg. 19
Stein-Way Dairy ....................................................................................... MW pg. 19
Stein-Way Equipment pg. 16
U-Dean Farms ...................................................................................................... pg. 5
Velvet-View Farms MW pg. 23
Walnut Hill Feeds pg. 22
Wil-O-Rae Holsteins ............................................................................... MW pg. 41
L-R: Trent-Way-JS Redzone-Red-ET (EX-91-EX-MS), grandam of HARD ROCK; Trent-Way Resbit-ET (VG-86-VG-MS), dam of HARD ROCK, Jordan photos.
HARD ROCK is an exciting Red Carrier sire that hails from a cow family with multiple generations of Very Good and Excellent dams. Add him to your breeding program to boost components, add style and increase daughter fertility!