The Growing Concern - April 2013

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Growing Concern


April 2013

A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e O h i o La n d s c a p e A s s o c i a t i o n

OLA Scholarship Golf Classic August 1, 2013 PAGE 14

Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test August 8, 2013 PAGE 12


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President’s column

Safety – Changing Your Company’s Culture In 1997 when Paul O’Neill was appointed CEO of Alcoa no one knew what to think. In fact, upon accepting the position, his first speech as CEO to investors and stock analysts focused entirely on worker safety. With the company struggling over past years, what seemingly was missing was discussion of profit margins, growth or downsizing. Fund managers were convinced O’Neill was a complete nut case with one stating, ‘’The Board put a crazy hippie in charge and he’s going to kill the company.” They sold their shares of Alcoa, expecting the worst and advised their clients to do the same. Within a year of that speech, Alcoa stock had reached a record high. By the time O’Neill left in 2000, company revenues increased from $1.5 billion to $23 billion while Alcoa transformed into one of the safest companies in the world. To learn more about this story you can read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I just finished reading this book and found it fascinating. This is one of the stories used

to discuss how the power of habit shapes who we are and how it can be harnessed to better ourselves. But, the part of the story of Alcoa that has stayed with me the most is the topic of safety. It’s an easy topic to give lip service to, but, as Alcoa proved, can be a powerful tool to begin to change a company culture. Our employees are the backbone of our companies. When it comes down to it, they are out there doing the work and, in some way, shape or form, putting themselves in situations where accidents may occur.

JAmes Arch, ASLA Vizmeg Landscape, Inc.

Our employees are the backbone of our companies. When it comes down to it, they are out there doing the work …

What are you doing to improve and promote safety in your workplace? This is a question for everyone, from the owner right down to the hourly employee. Think of it this way. The safer you work, the more likely you are being more efficient. The more efficient you are the more work you can get accomplished. The more work can see where this is going. continued on page 6 The Growing Concern x April 2013


Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s A p r i l 2 0 1 3 w w w. o h i o l a n d s c a p e r s . o r g

Ohio’s Professional Green I n d u s t r y A s s o c i at i o n Ohio Landscape Association 9238 Broadview Road Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147 Phone: 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 Fax: 440-717-0004 Web: or Editor Lindsay Scott, Ohio Landscape Association



President’s Column

Safety – Changing Your Company’s Culture


Plant Of The Month

Ilex species Holly


Perennial Focus


For Safety Sake

Asarum Ginger

Back Safety


Fiscal Fitness

Stock Market Corrections

34 Stop The Insanity And Start Profiting


Directions OSHA

Inside Every Issue

5 37 42

Welcome New Members Advertising Index ClassifiedS

Regular Writers James Arch, ASLA, Vizmeg Landscape, Inc. Michael J. Donnellan, King Financial, Inc. Jim Funai, COLP, Cuyahoga Community College Shelley Funai, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Association Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, Bobbie’s Green Thumb Advertising Information Submission deadline: 10th of month prior to publication month. For advertising and classified rates, please call 1-800-335-6521 Disclaimer The Ohio Landscape Association, its board of directors, staff and the editor of The Growing Concern neither endorse any product(s) or attest to the validity of any statements made about products mentioned in this, past or subsequent issues of this publication. Similarly, the opinions expressed in The Growing Concern are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ohio Landscape Association. Officers President James Arch, ASLA President-Elect Joe Twardzik, CID Treasurer Chad Mikin

Directors Patrick Beam, RLA Jason Cromley Josh Hayden Chris Meltzer, MLA Steve Moore Cathy Serafin, ASLA, RLA Bryan Taynor

OLA Staff Executive Director Sandy Munley Membership Coordinator Jean Koch Events and Communications Manager Lindsay Scott

Ca l e n d a r o f E V e n t s U p c o m i n g OL A m e e t i n g s , e d u c a t i o n s e m i n a r s a n d o t h e r g r e e n i n d u s t r y e v e n t s

APRIL Low Voltage Lighting Seminar APRIL 9, 2013 One-day seminar that will cover lighting basics and much more. Instructed by and held at Kichler Lighting in Independence. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit

BWC Safety Congress & Expo APRIL 9-11, 2013 Largest safety conference in the Midwest. Held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. For additional information, visit


OLA Scholarship Golf Classic AUGUST 1, 2013 A great day that includes 18 holes of golf, cart, driving range, breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, game day contests and lots and

lots of fun. Held at Mallard Creek golf Course in Columbia Station. For more information on registration or sponsorship, please contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit

Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test August 8, 2013 The hands-on portion of the Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test will be offered on the campus of the OSU/ATI in Wooster. For more information, visit or call The Ohio State ATI at 330-287-7511.


Pond Clinic SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 One-day, classroom setting pond clinic that will teach how to plan, build, and maintain ponds and water features. Instructed by Bill Hoffman of Pond Supplies of Ohio. Held at Chenoweth Golf Course in Akron. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit


The Ohio Landscape Association is delighted to welcome the following new members to the association: REGULAR MEMBERS: Artscape Designs & Services 7779 Oakhurst Circle Brecksville, OH 44141 (440) 922-1000 Mark T. Common II

Clutch Landscaping & Snowplowing, Inc. 175 Marko Lane Brooklyn Hts., OH 44131 (440) 884-4001 Aaron Frank

Dubecky Landscape and Design

Nature’s Beauty Tree Service, LLC

37855 Butternut Ridge Road N. Ridgeville, OH 44039 (440) 454-1216 Nick Dubecky

PO Box 21488 South Euclid, OH 44121 (216) 313-0126 Seth Harrison

Lakewood Lawncare, Inc.

STM Lawn and Landscape

PO Box 770789 Lakewood, OH 44107 (216) 410-7399 Christopher Trapp

STUDENT MEMBERS: Tolles Career & Technical Center: Jacob Hitch

PO Box 4301 Copley, OH 44321 (330) 310-9844 Scott Matovich

The Growing Concern x April 2013


President’s column

Beautiful Landscapes Start with Quality Materials from...

continued from pg 3

We carry a complete line including: • • • • • • •

Topsoil Mixed Soil Landscaper Blend Leaf Humus Sands Grass Seed & Straw Hardwood Bark Mulch

Obviously this topic is much more complex than can fit into a quick article from the President’s Column. I encourage you to make safety a priority in your company. From the top down and the bottom up. Getting everyone involved will show you are serious. Alcoa took it so seriously that O’Neill fired his heir apparent because he did not follow the safety procedures in reporting a single incident at a plant in Mexico. That sent a message that rippled through the worldwide organization: safety comes first.

• • • • • • •

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Hopefully you already have a safety program in place and embrace it every working day. If not, the OLA website (OhioLandscapers. org) contains information and contacts that can point you in the right direction. OLA members also have access to the STARS Safety Program. This program is free to members and is ready-to-use with customizable forms, training publications, mentoring, and more.

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6 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

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April 9, 2013

Presented by

8:30 am to 4:00 pm Instructed by and Held at

Kichler Lighting Independence, OH

Not your typical lighting class, this 1-day seminar will cover lighting basics and much, much more. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn directly from Kichler’s Corporate Trainer.

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• Troubleshooting • Maintenance • Night Time Photography Continental breakfast and lunch are included with each registration. REGISTER EARLY - class size is limited to only 20 participants and will sell out quickly!

Cancellations made 8 to 14 days prior to the course start date will be subject to a 30% cancellation fee. NO refunds will be issued for cancellations 7 days or less prior to the course, no shows, or cancellations on the day of the course. If, for any reason, the course is cancelled, enrollees will be notified, and fees refunded in full.

Register On Time, Payment Received Before 3/26/13 Register Late, Payment Received After 3/26/13 Firm Address City Phone (______)

OLA Members OLA Members

$99 $129

NON Members NON Members

$159 $179

Contact State Fax (______)




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LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING SEMINAR Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register by phone or fax with MC or Visa: Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •

Plant Of the Month

Jim Funai, COLP Cuyahoga Community College

Shelley Funai Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens

Ilex species


Few things on earth are as impossible to accomplish as trying to cover the entire Ilex genus in one article. We wouldn’t dare do such a thing; we’d be much better to solve the national debt or end world hunger, as these tasks pale in comparison. We should be able to do justice to a couple of hollies – those, for lack of a better defining name, “shiny, evergreen, pointy leaves.” Certainly in your tenure in the world of horticulture you have heard of some very popular northern holly cultivars such as ‘Blue Girl’, ‘Blue Maid’, ‘Blue Princess’, and many other blue somethings. This group of “shiny, evergreen, pointy leaf ” hollies is known as the Meserve Hybrids. In the 1950s, a talented horticulturist named Kathleen K. Meserve made crosses between the Prostrate Holly (I. rugosa) and English Holly (I. aquifolium). Mrs. Meserve fell in love with hollies after attending a lecture at a Long Island, NY garden club. She discovered that nearly all of the hollies used in Christmas decoration were English Holly grown in the Pacific Northwest and shipped to the east coast as cut greens. She was determined to create a holly that would withstand the harsh winters of the northeast. You have to admire horticulturists, we just love to solve problems and make the world beautiful!

8 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Since you are familiar with these hollies, we want to talk about some others. We do not want to steer you away from the Meserve hollies, they are great for hedging and for large shrubs. Please pay attention to the mature size they want to obtain. It is just as silly to put a ‘Blue Girl’ holly (8 to 10 feet tall) three feet off the foundation of a house as it is a Hick’s Yew (Taxus x media ‘Hicksii’) (12 feet tall). That does not make these bad plants, just bad locations for great plants. There are no bad plants, just bad locations for good plants. Well, except for yucca, the only good location for yucca is in the trash can…or Arizona. We should say that the catalyst for this article is from our recent trip with the Tri-C Plant Science team down at PLANET Student continued on page 10

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The Growing Concern x April 2013


Plant Of the Month continued from pg 8 Career Days at Auburn University in Alabama. (By the way, the Tri-C team cleaned up, landing multiple teams on stage and winning many accolades in the nation!) We all made a visit to Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia and became jealous of the beautiful small tree hollies they can grow there. Several students asked why we don’t have any tree sized hollies in Ohio, to which one must quickly reply with Ilex opaca, the American Holly will!

The American Holly does something that few plants in our landscape can – it stays evergreen and full in the woods.

American Holly fits the bill of “shiny, evergreen, pointy leaves” and is a beautiful tree size holly native to our region. While the tree can obtain heights of 50 feet you’re best off telling a client to expect 15 to 30 feet in the time that they are watching the plant. It really isn’t the fastest of trees (which can be used to our advantage with good planning). Funny thing about horticulture people, we all have opinions and all of them are usually correct. Dr. Dirr states that there are many hollies out there much better than Ilex opaca, while the Ohio Plant Selection Committee says it is one of their favorites. Well, Dr. Dirr lives in Georgia where he does have a ton of choices, while we live in Ohio, where this is one of the only hollies that will become tree sized, so both are correct!

cross of the parents from Oxford, MD. Nellie is a favorite of the south and is fully hardy to zone 6. Shelley and I have had a seedling growing in our greenhouse at home for two years now, this being the end of its second winter. We do not heat our greenhouse and it will get just as cold as outdoors. Our plant has frozen solid both winters, and, while it is protected from wind, it has not shown one bit of winter burn or die back. It has grown from a 6 inch cutting to about 2 by 2 feet.

The American Holly does something that few plants in our landscape can – it stays evergreen and full in the woods. It prefers a more wooded setting with dappled shade over its head to protect it from harsh sunlight and drying winds in the winter. All winter long, this plant stands tall in the landscape, deep shiny green leaves keeping a sign of life and greener things to come. Birds shelter in its cover all winter and the berries provide food. How many clients have you had to screen views for but find the typical spruce/pine border won’t cut it in the shade of the woods? Try some American Holly. You won’t be upset at the effect and your client will think you are a magician! American Holly has many beautiful cultivars worth consideration, yet few found in large commercial availability. We’re told that American Holly is a tricky little plant in production and therefore not offered in large variety or quantity. Supply and Demand perhaps, so let’s up the demand for this native beauty!

This spring it will be planted outside to fend for itself. Our guess is that it will take some time for this plant to come to our market and we suggest you keep your eyes open for it and perhaps start asking for it. It is faster growing than its parents, and, unlike its parents, it can produce fruit parthenocarpically – meaning “virgin fruit.” Nellie is a “female” bearing only pistillate flowers and, while it can be pollinated by Ilex cornuta, it will produce seedless fruits without any male pollinator present. So, when confronted with a wooded lot that requires year round screening, say hello to American Holly. When desiring a larger holly in a sunnier spot, perhaps near a brick wall, turn to ‘Nellie R. Stevens’. Both of these shiny, evergreen, pointy leaved plants are a welcome addition to the landscape and can help you add year round interest to your designs. This won’t be our only visit to the genus of Ilex, there are many great plants born in this genus. We’re certain Mr. Hendricks would have our heads if we fail to mention the beauty of Ilex verticilata, the deciduous Winterberry Holly, a plant deserving of an article all to itself! Stay tuned.

Jim Funai, COLP, is full time faculty at Cuyahoga Community College, a

Now, since the USDA has waved the wand and changed all of Ohio to Zone 6, there is something we are considering as an option in our landscape at home. A cross of two hollies, Chinese Holly (Ilex cornuta) and American Holly (Ilex aquifolium) resulted in a small pyramidal tree 15 to 25 feet tall and very dense. Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ is named for the owner of the original natural

10 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

PLANET accredited, associate of applied science in horticulture degree program, offering many paths to higher education to the green industry. Shelley Funai is a full time Senior Gardener at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens in Akron, Ohio that offers a historic estate designed by Warren H. Manning and a beautiful manor house museum. Both are graduates of The Ohio State University. Contact Jim and Shelley via email at

• Hydro Clear Bioretention Soil • Permeable Pavers • Rain Gardens • Rain Barrels • Bio Swales • Consulting

The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 11

Stand Out

Ohio Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test Partnership

By earning your Landscape Industry Certified Technician certification, you send a message to your clients and/or employers that you’ve met and achieved the industry standard, and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of all the facets of your job. Landscape Industry Certified Technician Written & Hands-on Test Dates Registration deadline for the hands-on test is June 5, 2013. August 7 & 8, 2013 - WRITTEN TEST (Ohio State ATI in Wooster) August 8, 2013 - HANDS-ON TEST (Ohio State ATI in Wooster) REGISTER TODAY! Deadline to register for the hands-on test is June 5, 2013. For additional information about the test, registration information or study materials, visit, or call The Ohio State ATI at 330-287-7511 or 330-287-0100.

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The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 13


OLA Scholarship Golf Classic August 1, 2013 Mallard Creek Golf Club Columbia Station, OH 4-person Scramble Shot gun start 9am

Each Golf Registration Includes: 18 Holes of Golf Golf Cart Driving Range Game Day Contests

Beverages Continental Breakfast Lunch Dinner


Register Today!


Before July 8th - $95 After July 8th - $105

Number of Golfers


X $ ____

= $ ______

Don’t Golf? Join us for dinner!


$30 each

Number of Dinner Only


X $ 30

= $ ______

Tee Sponsorship (includes signage)



Number of Tees


X $ 100

= $ ______


$ ______

Firm _______________________________________________________ Contact ____________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip _______________ Phone (______)____________________ Fax (______)____________________ Email ___________________________________________

NAME OF GOLFER (Correct Name is Mandatory or Forfeit Shall Occur)














Payment must be included with registration. Sorry no refunds after July 8, 2013

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Acct. No. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______ Name on Card ________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Billing Address + Zipcode for Card ___________________________________________________ Last Three Digits on Signature Line___________ Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by phone, mail, or fax: Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •


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Perennial Focus

Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD Bobbie’s Green Thumb

Asarum Ginger How often do we have clients look at shady gardens as liabilities instead of assets? To their way of thinking, a dream garden is all about flowers, color and sun. When they discover that their designated garden area is not the sunniest of sites, they are disappointed, not realizing how much color can be found in the shade. But the truth is, there are hundreds of plants that love shade but cannot survive in sun. I hear the most complaints about dry shade. “Nothing will grow there, whine, whine.” Wrong! Dry/shade situations are usually created by the root systems of the trees that are creating the shade. These trees absorb most of the available moisture and most have root systems that are composed mainly of tiny feeder roots near the surface. Planting under these trees is a tricky business. If too many of these roots are destroyed during soil preparation and subsequent installation, the tree will suffer serious damage and could even die. For this reason, I recommend never rototilling under such trees

and suggest using small plants that will mature while barely disturbing the roots. One of the best perennials for dry shade is Asarum. The best known species is Asarum europaeum (European Ginger) which is hardy to zone 5. It is easily recognized by its shiny, kidney-shaped, evergreen foliage that only grows six inches in part or full shade. It does bloom but the strange brown flowers are hidden under the foliage and are not terribly attractive. continued on page 18

16 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

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x 17

Perennial Focus continued from pg 16 This is an excellent groundcover for a small space. It grows very slowly, particularly in dry shade, but if given regular moisture and slightly acidic to neutral, humus-rich soil, it will spread more quickly. Even though Asarum splendens (Chinese Wild Ginger) is not evergreen, it has lovely silver markings on the heart-shaped or arrowhead-shaped foliage. The markings vary considerably from one source to another as does the height (from six inches to twelve inches but usually on the shorter side). It is more vigorous than A. europaeum but is hardy only to zone 6. Another deciduous ginger is A. canadense (Canadian Ginger) and it is hardy to zone 4. The heart-shaped foliage has a matte finish and grows about twelve inches high. One of my clients had a large mass of it on the north side of the house where it fended for itself. During installation of the design, we transplanted this ginger and it was off and running with no apparent distress. Any of these gingers provide great textural contrast for other shade perennials like Astilbe, Aquilegia (Columbine), Dicentra eximia (Fringed Bleeding Heart), Carex (Sedge), and Epimedium (Barrenwort); or with Adiantum pedatum (Maidenhair Fern),

18 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

This is an excellent groundcover for a small space. Athryium flilix-femina (Lady Fern) and Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’ (Japanese Painted Fern), among others. Happily none of these gingers are palatable to deer. I’m sure that the only reason you’ve never used these gingers is that you didn’t know about them. Now that you do, I know that you’ll be designing with them frequently.

Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, owner of Bobbie’s Green Thumb in Shaker Hts., Ohio, is a landscape designer, consultant, free-lance writer, and lecturer whose specialties are perennial gardens and four-season landscapes. In addition to being an Ohio Landscape Association (OLA) member, she is an active member of the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) and Perennial Plant Association (PPA). Bobbie is a Past President of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD). Bobbie currently serves as chair of the ONLA Plant Selection Committee. Bobbie can be reached at (216) 752-9449.

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The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 19

Social Mission 2013:

Conduct a service project on April 22 during PLANET’s Day of Service. PLANET celebrates half a decade of community service across the country this Earth Day. Join the movement to make a difference in your community!

Make your community come alive outside.


16th Annual Award Winning Projects Residential Maintenance

Commercial Maintenance

Sponsored by

Sponsored by



Honor Award

Honor Award



Todd’s Enviroscapes

The Brickman Group

Merit Award


Residential Installation, Category I Sponsored by MEDINA SOD FARMS

Honor Award

Rock Bottom Lawn & Landscaping THE HOUCK RESIDENCE

Residential Installation, Category III Sponsored by WILLOWAY WDC

Honor Award

Lifestyle Landscaping A PRIVATE RESIDENCE

Merit Award

The Weidner Group


Merit Award

Merit Award



Lifestyle Landscaping

O’Neill Landscape Design & Installation

Merit Award

Merit Award



Graf’s Landscape and Design

Residential Installation, Category II Sponsored by

Moscarino Outdoor Creations

Merit Award KEW



Merit Award

O’Neill Landscape Design & Installation A PRIVATE RESIDENCE


16th Annual Award Winning Projects Residential Installation, Category IV

Residential Installation, Category V

Sponsored by

Sponsored by



Honor Award

Merit Award



Merit Award

Commercial Installation, Category II

Yard Smart

Rice’s Nursery & Landscaping A PRIVATE RESIDENCE

Merit Award

Hidden Creek Landscaping THE SCHLESSEL RESIDENCE

Residential Installation, Category VI Sponsored by EAST OF EDEN NURSERY

Rice’s Nursery & Landscaping


Honor Award


Merit Award

Hidden Creek Landscaping


Honor Award

Merit Award




Eastside Landscaping

Merit Award

Water Features


Sponsored by

O’Neill Landscape Design & Installation

Merit Award


Specialty Gardens Sponsored by THE GREAT BIG HOME & GARDEN SHOW


Honor Award


Merit Award



Merit Award

Merit Award



O’Neill Landscape Design & Installation

Green Estates

16th Annual Award Winning Projects Show Gardens/Display Gardens

Garden Structures/Pavements, Category I

Sponsored by

Sponsored by



Honor Award

Honor Award



Ohio Valley Group

Garden Structures/Pavements, Category II Sponsored by

Rice’s Nursery & Landscaping

Merit Award

The Weidner Group



Honor Award

Merit Award

McCullough’s Landscape & Nursery THE OGLE RESIDENCE

Merit Award Deckcreator


Merit Award

Down to Earth Landscaping THE RUSSELL RESIDENCE

Garden Structures/Pavements, Category III Sponsored by BELGARD HARDSCAPES

Honor Award

Down to Earth Landscaping THE FLAUTO RESIDENCE

American Beauty Landscaping THE VERBOSKY RESIDENCE

Merit Award

McCaskey Landscape & Design THE JOHNSON RESIDENCE

Best Use of Color Sponsored by ART FORM NURSERIES

Honor Award


Merit Award

Summit Landscape QUAKER RIDGE

Merit Award

Merit Award



Down to Earth Landscaping

Merit Award

The Weidner Group


American Beauty Landscaping

F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e

Back Safety Proper lifting technique is critical to back safety, but perhaps more important is proper planning. Before you lift that box, or tool, or piece of equipment, take a moment to consider your action and ask yourself the following questions: Do you need to lift the item manually? How heavy is it? Where are you moving the item from? Where does it have to go? What route do you have to follow? Many times the item you are moving could be moved with a piece of equipment – a dolly, a handtruck, a forklift. Consider using mechanical help wherever possible. If the item needs to be moved manually, and it is heavy or ungainly, ask for help. When using mechanical help, remember to push, not pull – you’ll have more control, and greater leverage. Fasten the load to the equipment so that sudden stops or vibration don’t jar it off. When moving an item from a hard-to-reach place, be sure to position yourself as close to the load as possible. Slide it out to get it closer, and be sure that you have adequate room for your hands and arms. Be aware of adjacent obstructions, on either side or above the load. Think about where the item will be placed once you’ve lifted it – will it be overhead? Under an overhang? In a narrow spot? Try to allow yourself as much room as possible to set the load down. You can always shift it slightly later.

…not all back injuries are a result of sudden trauma – most are of a cumulative type… Check your path from place to place – remove tripping hazards, protect openings, set up a “well wheel” or a “bucket and line” if you need to get materials up a ladder. Make sure that the lighting is sufficient to see where you are going. Stabilize uneven or loose ground, or choose an alternate route. The shortest way isn’t always the fastest, or the safest. As in life in general, moderation and balance are important considerations in the care and maintenance of your back. You need the correct proportions of strength, flexibility, and overall quality of life to eliminate or minimize back injuries. You need to exercise, eat right, and stretch as often as possible to help prevent injuries, and to recover more quickly if injured. In addition, a reduction in stress levels can help to relieve the muscle tension that can contribute to injuries. Remember that most back injuries can be attributed to one of these five causes: posture; body mechanics/work habits; stressful living; loss of flexibility; and poor conditioning. continued on page 26

24 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

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x 25

F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e continued from pg 24 Also consider that not all back injuries are a result of sudden trauma – most are of a cumulative type, where a repeated minor injury has flared up, or continued use of a heavy tool in the same position has caused pain, or a great deal of time is spent in the same position. Familiarize yourself and practice these techniques when lifting items on the job and at home:

Proper Lifting Techniques • • • • •

Squat to lift and lower. Do not bend at the waist. Keep your low back bowed in while bending over. Keep the weight as close to you as possible. Bow your back in and raise up with your head first. If you must turn, turn with your feet, not your body.

• • • •

Never jerk or twist! Put the weight down by keeping your low back bowed in. Keep your feet apart, staggered if possible. Wear shoes with non-slip soles.

Risk Factors for Back Injury • • • • • • •

Lifting with your back bowed out. Bending and reaching with your back bowed out. Slouched sitting. Twisting or jerking movements. Lack of proper rest. Obesity and poor nutrition. Stressful work and living habits.

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26 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association


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The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 27

Fiscal Fitness

Michael J. Donnellan King Financial, Inc.

Stock Market Corrections A market correction is traditionally defined as a downward price movement of 10% or more. When you examine stock market charts, you can see that stock prices never go up in a straight line. They rise and fall on their way to higher prices. Experienced investors consider this normal. However, you may also notice larger dips in some places, indicating that people began selling stocks so quickly that prices dropped as much as 10%. A 10% dip is widely considered a market correction. This can be as normal as other dips, but if you don’t understand the phenomenon, it can be alarming. According to research from Fidelity Management and Research and Ned Davis Research, since 1928… • 5% corrections occur at the rate of three times per year on average. • 10% corrections – average once per year • 20% corrections – average once every 3 ½ years

Stock market corrections are a naturally occurring event, and investors should be prepared for them. In theory, a stock’s price or the value of a market index represents the value of the company or the overall health of the stock market. In reality, it is often as much of a measure of an investor’s impressions of the market or a company’s earnings. If investors have confidence that a company will issue dividends or report earnings that back up an increased stock price, they’re likely to invest in it. The increased demand for the stock, or all stocks in general, drives prices up. continued on page 30

28 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association










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The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 29

Fiscal Fitness continued from pg 28 Speculation can only drive a market so far before investors realize that the prices they’re paying for stocks doesn’t accurately represent a company’s earnings, and the stocks, or again, the entire market, are either overvalued or undervalued. Once investors discover the disconnect between market prices and the real value of their stocks, demand for the commodities changes markedly, with buyers either purchasing undervalued stocks or selling overvalued ones. Through this process, the market “corrects” itself, returning to represent a more accurate measure of values. A market correction isn’t a reversal of a longstanding market trend, but a temporary downturn or upturn that’s counter to the market’s long-term performance. Corrections can occur in bull and bear markets, and are usually accompanied by a 10 to 20% fluctuation of value. After the market correction is over, the market returns to its prior trend, continuing the bull and bear market. Because corrections are but a reversal of a trend for a limited time, it can be difficult to determine if a change is a correction or the start of a long-term trend.

corrections, which occur about three times per year, typically last about 47 days between market high and low. More severe corrections are less common, with a 10% correction occurring once per year on average, and lasting 115 days. The largest corrections, which hit the market every 3 ½ years on average feature a loss in value of 20% or more and usually take 338 days to return to pre-correction prices. Talk to your financial and tax advisors for information specific to your individual needs and goals.

Michael J. Donnellan is President of King Financial, Inc., in Strongsville, Ohio specializing in stock selection and retirement planning. Feel free to contact him with any questions or comments. Phone numbers are (440) 878-9676 (888) 780-STOX (7869).

Stock market corrections are a naturally occurring event, and investors should be prepared for them. Looking at the statistics above, we can also research how long these corrections normally last. The small 5%

30 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

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The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 31

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The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 33

Stop The Insanity And Start Profiting By Dave Lavinsky By now we’ve all heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. But if so, then why do business owners do the same things every week, month and year and expect revenues and profits to grow? Below I’ll give you two quick exercises to stop this insanity and immediately start growing your revenues and profits.

The First Exercise Make a list of the three things that worked really well in your business over the past year and the three things that haven’t worked well. Then, start doing more of the three things that worked well. Seems simple, doesn’t it? But the vast majority of business owners do the opposite. That is, they keep focusing on trying to make things work that aren’t working. Rather, focus your energies on ideas and strategies that have worked well in the past. continued on page 36

34 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association


continued from pg 34 For example, if you brought in a lot of money from a sale you did a few months ago, maybe you should figure out how to offer a new sale every month. Or, if training your salespeople six months ago led to a sales increase, maybe it’s time to do another training session. Unfortunately, when we were kids in school, our teachers taught us to work on our weaknesses. Rather, in business, we should focus more on our strengths; what we’re good at and what’s working. Doing so will bring you a ton more success.

The Second Exercise Write down your ultimate goal for your business. For example: • Do you want to sell it in five years? Next, write down what your business looks like at that time: • What will your revenues be then? • Profits? • How many employees will you have? • How many customers? Now that you have an idea of the business you are trying to build and what it looks like, you have a chance of actually creating it (before you didn’t). So, you’re off to a great start. • Figure out what you need to accomplish in the next year to put you on the right trajectory to meeting your ultimate goal. • Determine what you must accomplish in the next quarter to put you on the path to meeting your annual goal. • Determine what you must do in the next month to be on the right path to accomplishing your quarterly goal. • Decide what you must accomplish in the next week to be on track to hit your monthly goal.

36 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

…vast majority of business owners … keep focusing on trying to make things work that aren’t working. In my book I call this process “reverse engineering success.” That is, once you know where you want to be in the future, you can work backwards to determine what you must accomplish in shorter and shorter time periods in order to get there. Then, you can adjust your schedule to ensure you complete these short-term goals that allow you to realize your long-term vision.

To summarize: • R epeat the actions and strategies that have worked well in the past. They are proven winners, and deserve your attention. • Start at the end. If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll never get there. So, figure out where you want to take your business. • Work in reverse. Figure out what you need to accomplish each week and month to progress you towards your ultimate goal. • Organize these shorter-term goals into a business plan for you and your team to follow. Do these things and you’ll start to see your success soar! Dave Lavinsky is the author of, Start At The End, and a serial entrepreneur having founded companies in multiple areas. Dave runs Growthink, a consulting and information products firm that has helped over 500,000 entrepreneurs and business owners to start, grow and sell their businesses.

Advertising Index Effective and Affordable Advertising

9 ABC Equipment Rental & Sales 41 Bowers Insurance Agency 43 Brubeck Design Studio 17 Chagrin Valley Nurseries 38 Davis Tree Farm & Nursery 25 Electronic Merchant Systems 27 Environmental Horticultural Services 13 Huggett Sod Farm 13, 17 Irrigation Supply 29 JTO, Inc. 33 John Deere Landscapes 19 Klyn Nurseries 11 Kurtz Bros., Inc. 15 Lakeside Sand & Gravel 31 Mason Structural Steel 19 Medina Sod Farms 29 O’Reilly Equipment 35 Ohio Mulch 17 Oliger Seed 33 Power Equipment Distributors 31 R&J Farms 38 RCPW/Sohar’s 19 Shearer Equipment 6 Three-Z-Supply 2 Unilock 39 Valley City Supply 6, 13 VanCuren Tree Service 27 Willoway WDC

for Green Industry Suppliers

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eeting OLA M 15, 2011

September Group The Pattie Hosted by page 7

Ice Snow &ement Clinic Manag22, 2011

Growing Concern



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Clinic t Prunrthineasgt Ohio Dorman – No 27, 2011

octobeR 2011

A p u b l i c At i o n o f t h e o h i o l A n d s c A p e A s s o c i At i o n

io September Central Oh 4, 2011 – October page 30

Drainage Clinic November 9, 2011 Page 17

OLA Annual Meeting November 17, 2011 Page 7

Sales Clinic

For Landscape Professionals December 13, 2011 Page 13

How To Set Goals For New Employees Page 32

Beautiful and full color throughout, The Growing Concern provides Ohio’s green industry advertisers an extremely cost-effective option to deliver their message!

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+ more 38 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

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High Visibility Safety Apparel I have received many questions about OSHA’s requirement for landscape workers to wear high visibility safety apparel. OSHA does require workers working within 15 feet of the roadway to wear suitable ANSI/ISEA 107 – 2004 compliant high visibility safety apparel. One of the questions that many of you seem to have is the definition of working near the roadway. According to OSHA that includes parking within 15 feet of the roadway and getting out of your truck or returning to your truck, even if just to get a tool. So, keep in mind, even if you are creating or maintaining a backyard landscape, if you park near the roadway your workers still need high visibility apparel when they are near their vehicle. According to Grainger’s website (an online safety equipment resource), “High-visibility clothing is intended to clearly distinguish the worker from the environment. The basic high-visibility garment includes three components: background material, retroreflective material (bands), and combined-performance material (a combination of retroreflective and fluorescent material that may separate the two). The color of the background material and the combined-performance material can either be fluorescent yellow-green or fluorescent orange-red. Combined performance material is considered part of the background for purposes of total area required. Retroreflective material reflects light back to the source when light shines on it. The standard specifies three classes of high-visibility garments based on the wearer’s activities. Garment classes are differentiated by the amount of background material required, the width of retroreflective material used and garment design.” ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 outlines four performance classes E, 1, 2, and 3, with Class 3 providing the greatest visibility to worker. You can Google high visibility apparel to get the exact specifications of the requirements.

40 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Sandy Munley Executive Director Ohio Landscape Association

… even if you are creating or maintaining a backyard landscape, if you park near the roadway your workers still need high visibility apparel when they are near their vehicle. Class 3 garments should be worn where a worker may be exposed to higher vehicle speeds or reduced sight distances, the pedestrian worker and vehicle operators have high task loads, or the wearer must be identifiable as a person at least one-quarter mile away. Class 3 garments are recommended for nighttime and inclement weather conditions as well. Class 2 garments are needed for work involving complex work backgrounds, closeness of the worker to the traffic, the need for the worker to divert attention from traffic to complete tasks, or vehicles are traveling at speeds of 25 mph or more. continued on page 42

The Growing Concern x April 2013

x 41

Directions continued from pg 40 Class 1 garments provide the minimum amount of required material needed to tell the pedestrian worker apart from the work environment. Class 1 garments can be used when workers can pay full attention to the approaching traffic, there is enough separation between the worker and the traffic, the work background is not complex, and vehicles are traveling at speeds less than 25 mph.

I know that several of our members include tree work as a service offered, so I wanted to be sure to share this information. Be mindful, that even if you don’t regularly do tree work, but decide to help out a client, you could be subject to an inspection. OSHA Compliance Officers will initiate inspections when they observe tree trimming operations, even if they do not observe any unsafe activity.

Class E garments are high-visibility pants or shorts worn without other high-visibility garments. When pants are added to Class 2 or 3 garments, the ensemble is considered Class 3.

OSHA has provided OLA with information on safety for tree trimmers and it is now available on the OLA Member Center on the OLA website – There is also a Tree Care Industry reference page on the OSHA website (http://www.osha. gov/SLTC/treecare/index.html). I highly recommend you look this over and be sure that your employees are properly protected and trained before they engage in tree trimming activity.

So when you are selecting clothing for your staff, please remember to keep them safe and consider the OSHA guidelines. Unfortunately, I cannot answer your specific questions about the garments you should choose for your crew members, but I do recommend erring on the side of caution.

OSHA Targets Tree Trimmers Beginning April 1, 2013, OSHA initiated a Local Emphasis Program to reduce fatalities in the tree trimming industry in Ohio and Illinois. This program was put into place after studying data and seeing an increase in fatalities of workers doing tree work in this region.

STARS Safety Program Don’t forget that the OLA offers a FREE safety program for members for your landscape company through a partnership with PLANET. Details on this are also available in the Member Center on the OLA website. Sign up today! At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you and your employees are going home safely to their families.

CL A SSIFIED s For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit SUPERVISOR/FOREMAN


Looking for career oriented, self-starting person to run masonry crew, from brick and block to natural stone and flat work. Starting pay $15+ with paid holidays, vacation, 401k, bonus and profit sharing. Please call (440) 564-1157 or send your resume to

The Brothers Grimm Landscape & Design is in search of an Account Manager/Sales Representative to lead our grounds maintenance division. We are preparing for aggressive growth and need to fill this role. A minimum of 5 years’ experience in this role is required. Send resume to

CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN KGK Gardening and Design Corp., a well-established, award winning, landscape design & construction company in Hudson, Ohio is seeking a full-time construction foreman to work in a team-oriented atmosphere. Competitive compensation and benefits. Applicants must have a clean driving record and are subject to background check. References are required, and job portfolio is recommended. Applicants expected to have experience in hardscape construction, operating miniexcavators/skidsteer loader, and the ability to run their own crew. To apply, call 330-650-4337.

42 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

PART-TIME LANDSCAPE DESIGNER 9th Avenue Designs is seeking a part-time landscape designer to assist landscape architect. Successful candidate to work on projects ranging from conceptual designs to construction plans. May include field work. Software skills desired: Dynascape, Photoshop, Autocad, Sketchup and Microsoft Office. Hand Graphics a plus. Please send resume and examples of work to, subject line: Part-Time Landscape Designer.

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