Growing Concern
JULY 2013
A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e O h i o La n d s c a p e A s s o c i a t i o n
Plant ID Clinic July 17, 2013 PAGE 7
OLA Scholarship Golf Classic August 1, 2013 PAGEs 18-19
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President’s column
My Favorite Place for Ideas Its half way through the year and just about the time I need a break from landscaping. The build up to spring and the roller coaster ride that ensues should seem to get easier as the years go by, but that just doesn’t happen. Summer offers many escapes from the industry whether it be golf, fishing, or one of my favorites, hitting the singletrack on the mountain bike. But gathering ideas and thinking about how to improve your companies is not far below the surface. My new favorite place for ideas and thought provoking cool stuff is TED. What is TED? “TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader.” Check out Here you will find 1,500+ talks no more than 20 minutes on topics from business and design to science and technology. There is much more to it so I encourage you to take an
evening and investigate TED. A few people with some very unique ideas are listed below. Type their name in the search tool located in the upper left hand corner on the website homepage and you are on your way.
Ron Finley: A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA Taking landscaping and community building to a completely different level, this is landscaping with a purpose. Leave your half acre lots, patios and built-in grills behind.
JAmes Arch, ASLA Vizmeg Landscape, Inc.
…I encourage you to take an evening and investigate TED.
Pattie Maes: Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry Demo SixthSence Leave everything you know about smartphones behind. I look forward to seeing an OLA awards entry that incorporates this technology into a learning garden as this is a glimpse into the not too distant future. continued on page 6 The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 3
Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s J u ly 2 0 1 3 w w w . o h i o l a n d s c a p e r s . o r g
Ohio’s Professional Green I n d u s t r y A s s o c i at i o n Ohio Landscape Association 9238 Broadview Road Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147 Phone: 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 Fax: 440-717-0004 Web: or Editor Lindsay Scott, Ohio Landscape Association Regular Writers James Arch, ASLA, Vizmeg Landscape, Inc. Michael J. Donnellan, King Financial, Inc. Jim Funai, COLP, Cuyahoga Community College Shelley Funai, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Association Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, Bobbie’s Green Thumb
President’s Column
My Favorite Place for Ideas
For Safety Sake
Hispanic Outreach
Fiscal Fitness
What Your Spouse Should Know About Your Fiscal Accounts
Plant Of The Month
Maackia amurensis Amur Maackia
Perennial Focus
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow
30 Tax Law Changes for 2013 36 Directions
OLA Partnerships
Inside Every Issue
33 38 38
Advertising Index Welcome New Members ClassifiedS
Advertising Information Submission deadline: 10th of month prior to publication month. For advertising and classified rates, please call 1-800-335-6521 Disclaimer The Ohio Landscape Association, its board of directors, staff and the editor of The Growing Concern neither endorse any product(s) or attest to the validity of any statements made about products mentioned in this, past or subsequent issues of this publication. Similarly, the opinions expressed in The Growing Concern are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ohio Landscape Association. Officers President James Arch, ASLA President-Elect Joe Twardzik, CID Treasurer Chad Mikin
Directors Patrick Beam, RLA Jason Cromley Josh Hayden Chris Meltzer, MLA Steve Moore Cathy Serafin, ASLA, RLA Bryan Taynor
OLA Staff Executive Director Sandy Munley Membership Coordinator Jean Koch Events and Communications Manager Lindsay Scott
Ca l e n d a r o f E V e n t s U p c o m i n g OL A m e e t i n g s , e d u c a t i o n s e m i n a r s a n d o t h e r g r e e n i n d u s t r y e v e n t s
Plant ID Clinic JULY 17, 2013 This clinic will cover the basics of Plant ID for plants typically used in zone 6 in Ohio. Many of the plants are on the plant list for the Landscape Industry Certified Technician’s Test. Held at Davis Tree Farm in Valley City. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
Successful Plant Combinations AUGUST 27, 2013 Attendees will learn how to make a difference in landscape design by working with texture, color, form and the design process. Instructed by Kathy Stokes-Shafer, APLD. Held at Klyn Nurseries in Perry. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
PLANET Legislative Conference JULY 21-23, 2013
Pond Clinic SEPTEMBER 11, 2013
Influence lawmakers and make a difference in your industry. Held in Washington D.C. For more information or to register, contact PLANET at 1-800-395-2522 or visit
One-day, classroom setting pond clinic that will teach how to plan, build, and maintain ponds and water features. Instructed by Bill Hoffman of Pond Supplies of Ohio. Held at Chenoweth Golf Course in Akron. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
PLANET Renewal and Remembrance Day JULY 22, 2013 Beautification project held at Arlington National Cemetery where green industry companies from across the country spend the day mulching, pruning, planting, and aerating. For more information, contact PLANET at 1-800-395-2522 or visit
OLA Scholarship Golf Classic AUGUST 1, 2013 A great day that includes 18 holes of golf, cart, driving range, breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, game day contests and lots and lots of fun. Held at Mallard Creek golf Course in Columbia Station. For more information on registration or sponsorship, please contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test August 8, 2013 The hands-on portion of the Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test will be offered on the campus of the OSU/ATI in Wooster. For more information, visit or call The Ohio State ATI at 330-287-7511.
NGLCO Field Day AUGUST 13, 2013 Presented by the Nursery Growers of Lake County Ohio. Held at the Holden Arboretum. For more information, contact NGLCO at 440-241-7969 or visit
Snow and Ice Management Clinic AUGUST 23, 2013 Go where the pros go! Held at St. Michael’s Woodside in Broadview Heights. For more information on registration or sponsorship, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
OLA Facility Tour SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 Held at The Bremec Group in Chesterland. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
Drainage Workshop Northeast Ohio OCTOBER 30, 2013 Learn the latest techniques and products in drainage in this design and basic installation workshop. Instructed by Martha Hood of NDS, Inc. Held at Wolf Creek Company in Oakwood Village. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
Drainage Workshop Central Ohio NOVEMBER 6, 2013 Learn the latest techniques and products in drainage in this design and basic installation workshop. Instructed by Martha Hood of NDS, Inc. Held at Wolf Creek Company in Columbus. For more information or to register online, contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
Landscape Ohio! Awards Entry Deadline NOVEMBER 22, 2013 Ohio’s most prestigious landscape enhancement awards program. All entries must be received in the OLA office by 5 pm. For more information or for rules, regulations, and entry forms, please visit or contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521.
The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 5
President’s column continued from pg 3 Seth Godin: How to get your Ideas to Spread Over 1800 Different Species And Cultivars To Meet Your Needs! bamboo grasses perennials ferns vines roses dwarf conifers bog & marginals shade & ornamental trees
Visit Our Website For Product Availability, Our 2013 Catalog, Quote Form, And More!
(contact us to receive your username and password.)
A different take on marketing and getting your message out to the people.
Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti Sauce Who knew there are thirty-six different types of Ragu spaghetti sauce? That’s just fascinating in itself. Give the people what they want and make millions.
Bjarke Ingels: Three Warp Speed Architecture Tales The OLA Awards continue to impress me every year. Be prepared to be blown away as this presentation makes you want to try harder. I hope you take the time to explore these Ideas Worth Spreading and maybe spark some new ones of your own. As for now I’m hopping on the bike and hitting the trail. Have a great summer!
New/Used Commercial & Construction Equipment Parts and Service
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July 18, 2013
Presented by
8:30 am to 3:00 pm Instructed by Wendy Moore ~ Davis Tree Farm Bridget Comes ~ Medina County Career Center Russ Luyster, OCNT ~ Impact Grounds Maintenance Held at Davis Tree Farm & Nursery
Sponsored & Hosted by
Valley City, OH
This Plant ID Clinic is a hands-on training opportunity for you and your crews that will cover the basics of Plant ID for plants typically used in Zone 6 in Ohio. Many of the plants that will be covered are on the plant list for the Landscape Industry Certified Technician’s Test, including: perennials, groundcovers, ornamental grasses, as well as trees and shrubs - both evergreen and deciduous. Qualifies for 5 CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified
Those who should attend are plant installation staff, maintenance staff, garden center staff, foreman, and anyone studying to take the Landscape Industry Certified Technician’s Test. GENERAL INFORMATION: This seminar is hands-on training with live plant material. Attendees will need to bring their own notepad and pen, and will need to dress appropriately for outdoor practical training. Continental breakfast and lunch are included. Register early as class size is limited and will sell out quickly. Register online by going to and clicking on the EDUCATION button.
Cancellations made 8 to 14 days prior to the course start date will be subject to a 30% cancellation fee. NO refunds will be issued for cancellations less than 7 days prior to the course, no shows, or cancellations on the day of the course. If, for any reason, the course is cancelled, enrollees will be notified, and fees refunded in full.
Register On Time, Payment Received Before 7/8/13 Register Late, Payment Received After 7/8/13 Firm Address City Phone (______)
OLA Members OLA Members
$69 $99
NON Members NON Members
$99 $129
Contact State Fax (______)
FEE $ $ $
Check No. ___________ Enclosed
Charge to my
Acct. No.
$ Exp. Date
Name on Card
Billing Address + Zipcode for Card
Last Three Digits on Signature Line
PLANT ID CLINIC Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by mail, phone or fax • Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •
F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e
Hispanic Outreach Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA has made immigrant workplace safety a priority within the agency and is committed to identifying ways to improve the safety and health of immigrant and other hard-to-reach workers. While overall workplace fatalities have dropped 20% in the last decade, workplace fatalities among Hispanic workers, especially those working in the construction industry, have risen almost 35% in the same period.
OSHA Assistance OSHA offers numerous Hispanic outreach compliance tools, programs and training resources to help employers and Spanish-speaking workers prevent and reduce injuries and illnesses in the workplace. The OSHA website,, provides access to OSHA’s Spanish-language information and Hispanic compliance assistance outreach tools, programs and training resources, including Hispanic-related web pages, electronic assistance tools, cooperative programs, training, and pages devoted to publications, fact sheets, videos, and much more. Hispanic outreach resources include: • Hispanic Employers and Workers Compliance Assistance Web Page. This web page is targeted to English-speaking and bilingual Hispanic employers, workers and others who wish to access OSHA’s compliance assistance, outreach and training materials.
OSHA offers numerous Hispanic outreach compliance tools, programs and training resources… • O SHA en Español. A Spanish version of essential information on the OSHA website. • Hispanic Outreach Module of the Compliance Assistance Quick Start. An online tool for employers to quickly identify OSHA’s Hispanic outreach assistance resources, training and educational materials, and other information. Compliance Assistance Quick Start includes a Hispanic worker training section that addresses employee training issues and identifies Spanish language resources available from OSHA, other federal agencies and nongovernmental organizations. • OSHA Dictionaries. English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English dictionaries of general OSHA, general industry and construction industry terms. • Electronic Compliance Assistance Tools. (eTools). OSHA’s eTools that have been translated into Spanish. • OSHA Workplace Poster. OSHA’s required poster translated into Spanish. continued on page 10
8 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Ohio's most prestigious landscape enhancement awards program
deadline to enter
~ november 22, 2013
Rules, Regulations, and Entry Forms Available Now For details and tips on entering your projects, go to or call 1-800-335-6521
Winning projects will be featured in the Spring/Summer 2014
Landscape Ohio! Magazine - a supplement to Ohio Magazine and Cleveland Magazine. Entrants will be invited to join us in March 2014 for dinner and awards presentation.
F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e continued from pg 8 Publications
Cooperative Programs
Employers may access numerous OSHA Spanish-language publications, brochures, Quick Cards, Safety Tips and fact sheets on a variety of topics including PPE, fall protection, workplace violence, bloodborne pathogens, heat/cold stress, trenching and excavation, hazard communication, tree trimming, landscaping, electrical safety, crystalline silica exposure and employee rights.
OSHA’s free On-site Consultation Program helps small businesses (including those that employ Spanish-speaking workers in high-hazard industries like construction or have workers involved in hazardous operations) meet their obligations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and federal and state standards.
OSHA National Helpline 1-800-321-OSHA
This program is confidential and completely separate from the OSHA inspection effort. In addition, no citations are issued or penalties proposed. In many states, employers may participate in the OSHA Consultation Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) that recognizes small employers who operate an exemplary safety and health management system.
Hispanic employers and Spanish-speaking workers can call OSHA toll-free and access the Spanish-language option for compliance assistance information and other assistance 24 hours a day. (Spanish-speaking operators are available 8 am to 4:30 pm.)
OSHA’s Spanish-language Education and Training OSHA offers a number of training and education programs to help Hispanic employers and workers improve their knowledge of safe and healthful work practices to comply with OSHA standards. • The OSHA Office of Training and Education has a variety of Hispanic outreach and training resources including: • Education Centers located throughout the United States that offer numerous Spanish language training courses. • OSHA awards Susan Harwood Training Grants to nonprofit organizations, including colleges, universities and other educational institutions to provide safety and health training and education and other services to Hispanic and other hard-to-reach workers. • The OSHA Resource Center Loan Program offers over 35 video titles in Spanish on a variety of subjects including electrical safety, trenching and shoring, lockout/tagout, and PPE. • The OSHA Outreach Training Program has many authorized trainers who teach 10- and 30-hour orientation courses in construction and general industry standards.
10 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
OSHA’s Alliance Program enables employers, labor organizations, trade or professional organizations, and educational institutions that share an interest in worker safety and health to collaborate with OSHA. OSHA appointed Hispanic/English-as-Second-Language (ESL) Coordinators in each of the 10 OSHA regions to assist a variety of groups including employers, small businesses, trade associations, union locals, community and faith-based groups and Hispanic workers with outreach, education and training.
American Fyre Designs by RH Peterson offers pre-fabricated exterior fireplaces, fire tables, fire urns, fire pits and fire walls – all made from durable, lightweight glass fiber reinforced concrete.
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+ more The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 11
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Fiscal Fitness
Michael J. Donnellan King Financial, Inc.
What Your Spouse Should Know About Your Fiscal Accounts Handling a household’s financial affairs is another one of those tasks that usually falls to one spouse or the other. Of course, there are some couples who are equally engaged in the process of budgeting, bill-paying, saving, and investing. But in many families, those jobs are the exclusive domain of just one partner. Within households, most couples divide and conquer. Maybe you do the laundry and your spouse always handles the trash. Or perhaps one is in control of all things yard-related, but the other always does the grocery shopping. The key risk you run in single-handedly managing your family’s financial affairs, however, is that you could leave your spouse out of the loop. If something were to happen to you, would he or she know how to manage the family nest egg? And even if you expect that your spouse will have to turn to
14 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
a financial advisor for help when you’re gone, would he or she even know where to look for advice?
Whom to Contact Your first step in leaving your spouse well prepared is to draw up a list of your important financial contacts: financial planners, insurance agents, accountants, and attorneys. Include their names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses, and also provide a brief overview of what they’ve helped you with. continued on page 16
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V800-030962-3_DistAd_Cnpt5-13.indd 1
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VISTA Landscape Lighting: Distributor Ad (for Irrigation Supply Inc.) Final 6/7/13 PUB: The Growing Concern (Ohio Landscape Asso); Summer 2013 SIZE: 4/color, non-bleed; 1/2 page horizontal = 7.5” wide x 4.75” deep Swanson Russell Job# V800-030962-3
Support those who support You!
100 60
ISO 12647-7 Digital Control Strip 2009
100 60
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• OLA members and advertisers who supply goods and services • OLA members who sponsor OLA events
You’ll find them... • Inside the pages of the OLA Membership Directory • Among those advertising inside The Growing Concern and the OLA Membership Directory • Displaying as a sponsor at OLA meetings and education events • Inside The Growing Concern’s pages with event sponsor acknowledgements
The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 15
Fiscal Fitness continued from pg 14 Where to Find Everything Even if you’re not an investment junkie, you’re probably holding a number of different accounts scattered across several different financial-service providers. You may have it all straight in your head, but it could seem like a confusing mess to your spouse. Try to streamline your investment accounts as much as you possibly can. Your partner will have a far easier time managing the family nest egg if something should happen to you. In addition to streamlining your portfolio, it also makes sense to develop a filing system that makes sense to both of you. Start by creating a folder – either paper or electronic – for each separate account, and be judicious about what papers you store in each. (Stash: Brokerage and mutual fund statements, along with trade confirmations. Trash: Annual reports, prospectuses, and marketing literature.) Once you’ve done that, create a master directory, listing all of your accounts and account numbers (don’t forget life-insurance policies), the names and phone numbers of any individuals you deal with at various financial institutions, and any URLs and passwords you need to gain access to your accounts. Store this information in an ultrasafe place, such as a safety-deposit box or in a password-protected file on your computer, and let your spouse know that it’s there.
How You Are Doing Even if you don’t inform your spouse of every investment decision you make, you should take time periodically to give him or her the big-picture view of where your finances stand. How much do you have overall, and how much of that is liquid (that is, in cash or in securities that you could easily convert to cash)? Are you on track to meet your shared goals or do you need to increase your savings rate? Deciding how much to spend each month and how much to save and invest is a basic decision for every household and both partners should be involved.
16 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
If something were to happen to you, would he or she know how to manage the family nest egg? Which Assets to Tap First Some of your assets can be tapped at any time, while others may carry penalties and tax costs if your spouse withdraws the money prematurely. To prevent your spouse from making a serious and costly mistake, it pays to clearly delineate which of your assets are liquid and which are not. As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to keep at least six months’ worth of living expenses in highly liquid securities, such as money market funds, CDs, or money market alternatives. If you’re retired and drawing upon your portfolio for living expenses, aim for three years’ worth of living expenses in highly liquid accounts.
Where to Go for Help If you’ve been an investment do-it-yourselfer but expect that your spouse will have to seek outside help in managing your financial affairs after you’ve gone, it can’t hurt to lay the groundwork for that possibility. Scout around for financial planners who share your investing philosophy and have served clients with needs similar to yours.
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OLA Scholarship Golf Classic Lunch Sponsor
Commemorative Gift Sponsor
Closest To The Pin Contest Sponsor
Long Drive Contest Sponsor
Cornhole Sponsor
Trophies Sponsor
Driving Range Sponsor
Continental Breakfast Sponsor
Long Putt Contest Sponsor
Hole-In-One Sponsor
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities We're not asking .... We're begging!! We are excited to be holding our 13th annual golf outing at Mallard Creek Golf Club on August 1, 2013. But we need your help to make it a success! This event helps to generate funding for our scholarship program, targeting qualified students interested in a vocation within the green industry.
Major/Contest Sponsorships Dinner (Top Level Sponsor) .............................................. $2,500
Tee Sponsorships
Tee Sponsorship
................................................ $100
(Your company name will appear on a sign at your designated tee.)
Major Sponsorship Features: Ability to display equipment/product at the event (TOP LEVEL SPONSORS ONLY) Recognition during winners presentation at event. Banner and signage recognition at event. Recognition in the Growing Concern. Company logo with website link will appear on the Golf Page of Recognition and website link on all email event reminders.
Door Prize(s)
Please specify: ______________________________ Item(s) will be: shipped to OLA dropped off at OLA
Cash Donation $ ___________
Let us shop for you!
Contact Information
Address City
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Email Address
Payment Information
Check # Enclosed Charge $ Please send an invoice (Invoices will be sent upon receipt of this form.)
MasterCard Visa
Account Number
Exp. Date
Billing Address + Zipcode Name on Card
Last 3 digits on the Signature Line
Make Checks Payable and Send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Road, Broadview Heights, OH 44147 Sponsorships and Donations Also Taken Online: • 440-717-0002 • 1-800-335-6521 • Fax: 440-717-0004
OLA Scholarship Golf Classic August 1, 2013 Mallard Creek Golf Club Columbia Station, OH 4-person Scramble Shot gun start 9am
Each Golf Registration Includes: 18 Holes of Golf Golf Cart Driving Range Game Day Contests
Beverages Continental Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Register Today!
$105 per person
Number of Golfers
X $105
= $ ______
Don’t Golf? Join us for dinner!
$30 each
Number of Dinner Only
X $30
= $ ______
Tee Sponsorship (includes signage)
Number of Tees
X $100
= $ ______
$ ______
Firm _______________________________________________________ Contact ____________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip _______________ Phone (______)____________________ Fax (______)____________________ Email ___________________________________________
NAME OF GOLFER (Correct Name is Mandatory or Forfeit Shall Occur)
Payment must be included with registration. Sorry no refunds after July 8, 2013
Check No. ___________ Enclosed
Charge to my
Acct. No. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______ Name on Card ________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Billing Address + Zipcode for Card ___________________________________________________ Last Three Digits on Signature Line___________ Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by phone, mail, or fax: Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •
Plant Of the Month
Jim Funai, COLP Cuyahoga Community College
Shelley Funai Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens
Maackia amurensis
Amur Maackia
Remember picking teams for kickball back in the day? Without realizing the level of analysis you would incorporate you would select your team based on so many factors. Who’s got the best kick? Who’s got the mad running skills? Is this kid cool? It turns out; it is about the same thing each summer as Shelley and I review the plant list for my Plant ID course at Tri-C. One of the fun challenges of teaching a college level plant identification course is this great summer debate of what plants should make the list and what plants don’t quite make the cut. Does the plant solve many problems in the landscape? Is this plant over/under used? Is it available in the market? Is it unique enough to make the list? It is tough to narrow it down to 14 weeks of less than 20 plants per week, it could easily be over that. This summer, the debate has uncovered a great tree that for one reason or another has not been on the list and really needs to be. Maackia amurensis, which has a less then creative common name (Amur Maackia) is a tree that needs much more use and thus is being added to the plant ID list this year. This tree would definitely be on your kickball team and it is so cool you’d be lucky if it wrote a comment on your facebook wall. Being the Plant of the Month for July is quite fitting for Maackia as we will find out in a bit when we discuss the ornamental
features of this plant. First, let’s explore where this name came from. Many times a plants name comes from Latin or Greek roots that explain observed traits such as size, shape, and color. This particular plant is named after a river and a guy who “discovered” the plant near that river. Richard Karlovic Maack was an Estonian born Russian botanist who, in the 1850s explored the Amur River valley, which forms the border between Russia/Siberia and Northeast China. The Amur River, tenth longest river in the world, is more important to us in respect to ornamental horticulture than most of us realize. continued on page 22
20 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
ABC EQUIPMENT RENTAL & SALES 29 Pearl Road Brunswick, Ohio 44212 330-220-4545
38525 Chester Road (90 & 611) Avon, Ohio 44011 440-934-7368
For Kubota information, contact Dave Gardner 216-857-0152
The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 21
Plant Of the Month continued from pg 20 Thanks to explorers like Maack and Karl Maximowicz there are a number of plants in our landscape from the Amur River Valley, some great like Maackia amurensis, Phellodendron amurense (Amur Corktree), Acer ginnala (Amur Maple), and a beautiful natural variety of the tree lilac called the Amur Tree Lilac, Syringa reticulata var. mandschruica, and some we wish they would take back like Lonicera maackii (Amur Honeysuckle) and Ligustrum amurense (Amur Privet)… both terrible weeds that need to be punched every time you see them. So thank you to Mr. Maack for discovering this month’s tree and bringing it to cultivation. Maackia is a smaller tree member of Fabaceae, the pea family. One of the most important features of the pea family is most of the plants forming symbiotic relationships with soil microorganisms to fix atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form of nitrogen for the plant (manufacturing their own fertilizer). This allows the Amur Maackia to adapt to many types of soils it encounters including infertile/junk soils. It does prefer a well-drained soil without too much drought issue in full sun to part shade, but again, it is adaptable. In cultivation expect the tree to slowly reach into the 20 to 30 feet tall and wide range with a very rounded crown. Most of the trees we have seen seem to be low branched to multi stem (depending on nursery perhaps) and an open habit with odd-pinnate leaves averaging nine leaflets. In overall habit, it reminds one of a small, rounded Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos) or Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) especially the latter when looking at the leaf. Trumping the honeylocust in features, the Amur Maackia has a great bloom that makes it suitable for this month, as it should be opening sometime in July to August. The flowers are a dull white, upright spike about 4 to 6 inches long of pea like flowers. The overall effect is similar to a tree lilac but the flowers look a little more like an Ohio Buckeye (Aesculus glabra). These flowers do have a pleasant, though not too powerful, scent that adds to the trees interest. Following the bloom is a typical fruit for this family, a flat pea pod much like a Redbud.
Observations of the tree in its native habitat shows that it is more adaptable then perhaps it was previously given credit for. The compound leaves emerge in spring with a heavy amount of short hair giving them a neat silvery appearance. As summer progresses, the pubescence fades and the leaves take on a deep green color. We have never seen nor heard of a tree with pest issues and the leaves stay quite clean through the season until they turn a non-descript brown and fall off in autumn. While not offering much of a fall color display, the tree makes up for it with a very attractive bark. With a little age, the bark transitions from a dull gray to a more shiny amber red to copper color with very tight peeling curls. We think these features are all good enough to put this tree into a “Four Season Interest” category. Perhaps this tree is worth consideration as a specimen or even in a grouping of three with some up lighting to highlight the bark through winter. This tree is gaining praise as a good candidate for an urban setting. Observations of the tree in its native habitat shows that it is more adaptable then perhaps it was previously given credit for. Amur Maackia is worth putting on your list for street trees, considering you likely won’t see it top out past 25 to 30 feet tall, it may be of value under power lines as well. Certainly this tree is a replacement to the overuse of crabapple, hawthorn, pear, and others that we see struggling in the infertile, dry soil of the Devil Strip next to the street.
Jim Funai, COLP, is full time faculty at Cuyahoga Community College, a PLANET accredited, associate of applied science in horticulture degree program, offering many paths to higher education to the green industry. Shelley Funai is a full time Senior Gardener at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens in Akron, Ohio that offers a historic estate designed by Warren H. Manning and a beautiful manor house museum. Both are graduates of The Ohio State University. Contact Jim and Shelley via email at
22 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
August 27, 2013
Presented by
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Instructed by Kathy Stokes-Shafer, APLD Held at Klyn Nurseries
Sponsored & Hosted by
Perry, OH
Visually see how you can make a difference in your landscape designs by working with texture, color, form, and the design principles. Qualifies for 6.5 CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified
You will study design solutions for difficult sites and learn about sustainable landscapes. Actual plant material will be used to show various combinations for different effects. GENERAL INFORMATION: Registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch. Register Early - Class size is limited and will fill up quickly.
Cancellations made 8 to 14 days prior to the course start date will be subject to a 30% cancellation fee. NO refunds will be issued for cancellations less than 7 days prior to the course, no shows, or cancellations on the day of the course. If, for any reason, the course is cancelled, enrollees will be notified, and fees refunded in full.
Register On Time, Payment Received Before 8/13/13 Register Late, Payment Received After 8/13/13 Firm Address City Phone (______)
OLA Members OLA Members
$99 $129
NON Members NON Members
$149 $179
Contact State Fax (______)
FEE $ $ $
Check No. ___________ Enclosed
Charge to my
Acct. No.
$ Exp. Date
Name on Card
Billing Address + Zipcode for Card
Last Three Digits on Signature Line
SUCCESSFUL PLANT COMBINATIONS Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by mail, phone or fax • Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •
Presented by
October 30, 2013
November 6, 2013
8:30 am to 12:00 pm
8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Held at Wolf Creek Company
Held at Wolf Creek Company
Oakwood Village, OH
Columbus, OH
Instructed by Martha Hood NDS, Inc.
Sponsored & Hosted by
Learn to use the latest techniques and products in drainage to your advantage in this design and basic installation workshop. Whether you are new to drainage or have been offering it for years, discover how you can make drainage a profitable part of your company’s services. You will learn how to solve problem drainage areas using: • Catch Basins and Grates Qualifies for 3.5 CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified
• Gravel Free French Drains • Manufactured Dry Wells • Trench Drain Systems You will be shown how to “control” the water on a property using the latest technology in order to complete your drainage installation with less labor and more profits.
Cancellations made 8 to 14 days prior to the course start date will be subject to a 30% cancellation fee. NO refunds will be issued for cancellations 7 days or less prior to the course, no shows, or cancellations on the day of the course. If, for any reason, the course is cancelled, enrollees will be notified, and fees refunded in full. October 30th Clinic - Northeast Ohio
November 6th Clinic - Central Ohio
Register On Time, Payment Received Before 10/16/13
Register On Time, Payment Received Before 10/23/13
OLA Members $69
NON Members $99
Register Late, Payment Received After 10/16/13
Register Late, Payment Received After 10/23/13
OLA Members $99
NON Members $129
Firm Address City Phone (______)
Contact State Fax (______)
Email FEE
more than one attendee may appear on a line
$ $
Check No. ___________ Enclosed
Charge to my
Acct. No.
$ Exp. Date
Name on Card
Billing Address + Zipcode for Card
Last Three Digits on Signature Line
DRAINAGE WORKSHOP Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by mail, by phone or fax: Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •
Bowers_Ad_Layout 1 4/3/13 10:30 AM Page 1
You have grown a successful business Make certain you have the right insurance coverages A landscaping business comes with its own set of risks and calls for special obligations and legal responsibilities. Commercial Insurance from Pekin Insurance® and Bowers Group is designed for businesses just like yours and goes Beyond the expected® to protect your livelihood. With coverages that will protect your property, mobile equipment, fleet vehicles, and more, plus protection against lawsuits and other financial liabilities, we have a policy designed specifically for your business. If your business includes tree trimming services and snow plowing, we can cover those, too! Don’t forget about health insurance and life insurance for you and your employees! Ask about discounts for businesses with excellent loss history!
Call or email Gene Francisco at the Bowers Group for your competitive quote! 800-837-6146 •
Bowers Insurance Agency, Inc. 339 North High Street Cortland, Ohio 44410 330-638-6146
Perennial Focus
Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD Bobbie’s Green Thumb
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow Delicate, lacey foliage is often found on perennials that grow in the shade but harder to find on perennials for sun. If that has been a dilemma for you, look no further than that old standby, Achillea. Although there are actually many species, the one with which we are most familiar is A.millefolium and its hybrids. Native to Europe and hardy to zone 3, it has foliage that is deeply divided and almost fern-like. Some cultivars have green foliage while others have silvery foliage and they range in height from fifteen inches to four feet. The flower color covers a wide spectrum, from red to purple to white and virtually every shade in between. The flower itself is a distinctly different form, basically a flat plate of multiple florets. About seven years ago, the Achillea explosion came to the fore. Until then, our standards were ‘Coronation Gold’ (2 to 4 feet, very strong stems, a strong continued on page 28
26 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
The flower color covers a wide spectrum, from red to purple to white and virtually every shade in between.
September 11, 2013
Presented by
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Held at Chenoweth Golf Course Akron, OH
Instructed by Bill Hoffman
Pond Supplies of Ohio
Sponsored by
Learn to plan, build, and maintain ponds and water features with this one-day, classroom setting, pond clinic! This class will cover the tools, tips, and the science behind making every pond project a success. This clinic is designed for company owners, landscape salespersons and designers, and field technicians. Topics covered will include:
Qualifies for 8 CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified
• • • • •
Creating the correct ecosystem Selecting the site/location Types and sizing of filtration Correct size of pumps and hoses Green water and algae solutions
• • • •
Plants and fish care Water additives Pondless water features New techniques, products and more
Special Price! ~ Register one person from your company and each additional person from the company is only an additional $69! Attendees are invited to stay for a reception immediately following the clinic to meet manufacturers and see products. Cancellations made 8 to 14 days prior to the course start date will be subject to a 30% cancellation fee. NO refunds will be issued for cancellations 7 days or less prior to the course, no shows, or cancellations on the day of the course. If, for any reason, the course is cancelled, enrollees will be notified, and fees refunded in full.
Register On Time, Payment Received Before 8/28/13 Register Late, Payment Received After 8/28/13
OLA Members OLA Members
$99 $129
NON Members NON Members
$129 $159
Address City
Phone (______)
Fax (______)
Check No. ___________ Enclosed
Each additional person from your company is only $69
Each additional person from your company is only $69
Charge to my MasterCard
Acct. No.
Exp. Date
Name on Card
Billing Address + Zipcode for Card
Last Three Digits on Signature Line
Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9238 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by mail, by phone or by fax: Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •
Perennial Focus continued from pg 30 golden yellow, gray-green foliage), ‘Moonshine’ (similar to ‘Coronation Gold’ but shorter at 1 to 2 feet and lemon yellow), ‘Fireland’ (3 feet, strong stems, opens red but fades to pink and then gold, green foliage), and ‘Terracotta’ (2 to 3 feet, salmon to peach, strong stems, slight gray tinge to the foliage). There were also several shorter cultivars, most with green foliage, lax stems, and a tendency to spread. I have been impressed with the Seduction Series. The colors are clear and the faded flowers do not look like dirty laundry. Most of these cultivars introduced from 2006-2009, are only eighteen to twenty-four inches high and wide and have green foliage and strong stems.
and sufficient moisture. Too much moisture or poorly draining soil, however, are the kiss of death. Then the plants become lanky and floppy. Yarrows combine well with other sun and dry soil loving perennials such as Sedum, Baptisia, and Penstemon. They provide textural contrast and help bridge the flowering gap after Baptisia is finished and Sedum has yet to commence. Give some of these newer cultivars a try.
Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, owner of Bobbie’s Green Thumb in Shaker Hts., Ohio, is a landscape designer, consultant, free-lance writer, and lecturer whose specialties
I also love the Tutti Frutti Series that includes ‘Apricot Delight’, ‘Pink Grapefruit’, and ‘Pomegranate’. These are a bit shorter, growing only twelve to sixteen inches high.
are perennial gardens and four-season landscapes. In addition to being an Ohio
They all start blooming in June and will continue to bloom throughout the summer if deadheaded and supplied with full sun
Designers (APLD). Bobbie currently serves as chair of the ONLA Plant Selection
28 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Landscape Association (OLA) member, she is an active member of the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) and Perennial Plant Association (PPA). Bobbie is a Past President of the Association of Professional Landscape Committee. Bobbie can be reached at (216) 752-9449.
no minimums
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Professional products from leading companies are available in all of our store locations. We are committed to providing quality products and services at competitive prices to the professional landscape industry.
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The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 29
Tax Law Changes for 2013 All the talk about the fiscal cliff may be behind us, but the tax law changes that came about as a result are still ahead. Do you know how the new tax rules will affect your small business in 2013? If not, schedule an appointment with your tax advisor today: The earlier in the year you plan for these adjustments, the better and more accurately you can budget for the remainder of 2013.
Taxes on Your Profits Most small business owners pay income tax on their share of business profits on their personal returns. Cost-of-living adjustments to federal income tax brackets for individuals mean you can receive more income without being pushed into a higher tax bracket next year. Various other personal tax rules, including the personal and dependency exemption, the standard deduction and the deductible portion of long-term care insurance, have also been increased due to inflation.
However, “high-income taxpayers” face a number of tax increases for 2013: • A new top income tax bracket of 39.6% if your taxable income is over $400,000 for singles, $425,000 for heads of households, $450,000 for joint filers and $225,000 if married filing separately. • A 20% tax rate on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends. The same definition for “high income” applies here as the one for the top income tax bracket. continued on page 32
30 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association Corporate Offices / Main Nursery 4534 Center Road Avon, Ohio 44011-0299 Email: Toll Free: 866-934-4435 / Fax: 440-934-5826
Distribution Centers
4825 Center Rd. / Avon, Oh. 44011-0299 Toll Free: 866-934-4435 ext. 2251 / Local: 440-934-3813 Fax: 440-934-4621 E-mail: Bill Owens, Manager
6981 Scioto Darby Creek Road / Hilliard, Oh. 43026 Toll Free: 888-593-5999 / Local: 614-777-9859 Fax: 614-777-1276 E-mail: Jack Johnston, Manager
Effective and Affordable Advertising for Green Industry Suppliers
Ohio grown for over 45 years and proud of it! Mineral & Organic Grown Sod Blue Grass Blend Improved Tall Fescue Fine Leaf Fescue Blue Grass Mix Bark Mulch Ties Shredded Topsoil, Peat, and Custom Blending
ing Gnrcoerw n er 2011
Co li A pub
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c i At i
Growing Concern
octobeR 2011
A p u b l i c At i o n o f t h e o h i o l A n d s c A p e A s s o c i At i o n
ing OLA Meet
er 15, 2011 Septemb ie Group The Patt Hosted by page 7
Ice Snowag&ement Clinic Man 2011 er 22,
page 11
c ing Clini
t Prun Dorman – Northeast Ohio er 27, 2011 Ohio Septemb – Central 4, 2011 October page 30
Drainage Clinic November 9, 2011 Page 17
OLA Annual Meeting November 17, 2011 Page 7
Sales Clinic
For Landscape Professionals December 13, 2011 Page 13
How To Set Goals For New Employees Page 32
CONTACT THE OLA FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-335-6521 email: web:
continued from pg 30 • A n additional 0.9% Medicare tax on earnings (e.g., wages from employment; net earnings from self-employment). This tax applies to earnings over $200,000 if single or $250,000 if married filing jointly. • An additional 3.8% Medicare tax on net investment income. If you actively participate in your business, don’t worry about this tax. But if you’re a “silent partner,” this tax may apply to your share of profits.
Payroll Taxes Your payroll taxes for 2013 will likely be higher due to a couple of factors: What you pay for employees. The wage base on which you (and employees) pay the Social Security portion of FICA is $113,700 in 2013. This is up from $110,000 in 2012. Thus, an employee with taxable compensation over the wage basis will cost you an additional $275.40. There continues to be an unlimited amount of compensation subject to the Medicare portion of FICA. What you pay for yourself. The employee share of FICA and self-employment tax is two percentage points higher than in 2012, due to the expiration of the payroll tax holiday that ran in 2010 and 2011. If you’re self-employed, you can deduct the so-called employer share (i.e., one half of self-employment tax).
Employee Benefits Most of the breaks you currently provide to employees on a tax-advantaged basis will continue to apply for 2013. Thus, employer-provided health coverage is tax free to employees. Some tax-advantaged fringe benefits that can be offered may be somewhat higher due to cost-of-living-adjustments (COLAs): • Contributions to qualified retirement plans. Companies can contribute on a tax-deductible basis up to $51,000 to profit-sharing plans and SEPs in 2013 (up from $50,000 in 2012). • Transportation assistance. If you provide certain transportation fringe benefits, changes are afoot. The limit on the value for monthly free parking, transit passes and van-pooling is $245 (up from $240). Bicycling assistance will stay at $20 per month. • Adoption assistance. Companies that pay for or reimburse employee adoption costs are limited to $12,970 (up from $12,650 in 2012)
Barbara Weltman is an attorney and author of J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Starting a Home-Based Business. She is also the publisher of Idea of the Day® and monthly e-newsletter Big Ideas for Small Business® at
Note: There is no employer matching for the additional Medicare tax on earnings mentioned above as there is for the regular Medicare tax that is part of FICA and self-employment tax; the additional tax applies only to earnings recipients (employees and self-employed individuals).
The earlier in the year you plan for these adjustments, the better and more accurately you can budget for the remainder of 2013.
32 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Advertising Index
ABC Equipment Rental & Sales
Botson Insurance Group
Bowers Insurance Agency
Chagrin Valley Nurseries
Davis Tree Farm & Nursery
15, 29, 33
Irrigation Supply
6 Klyn Nurseries
Lakeside Sand & Gravel
M&M Certified Welding
Mason Structural Steel
Medina Sod Farms
11 RCPW/Sohar’s
O’Reilly Equipment
2 Unilock
Shearer Equipment
17 Valley City Supply
Willoway WDC
The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 33
Mark Your Calendars!
46TH Annual Summer Field Day Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Holden Arboretum For more Information on exhibiting or attending: Annette Howard, NGLCO Executive Director 440.241.7969 1st Annual Field Day Auction Tuesday August 13, 2013 2-4PM Auctioneer: Tim Kline OLA Happy Hour 3:30-5:30PM
(OLA Member Discounts Apply)
2013 Ohio Retail Bus Tour Presented by NGLCO & ONLA Join the NGLCO & ONLA for the 2013 Retail Bus Tour! Get Inspired, share ideas, and network with professionals. This tour is a one of a kind tour for all. When:
Monday August 12, 2013 , 9– 5:30PM
Registration: 8:30-9:00AM at Dino’s Catering & Restaurant (Rt. 306) Tour and Discuss: Art Form Nursery, Breezewood Garden Center, Petitti Garden Center, Lowes Greenhouse and Garden Center, and Bremec Nursery
Dinner Plans?? Doors open at 6PM come party with us! We are hosting a Luau at Pine Ridge Country Club Wickliffe, OH… Great Food, Live Entertainment, 50/50 Raffle, Door Prizes and an Open Bar! Field Day Educational Workshop Tuesday August 13, 2013 10-11:30AM by Invitation 1-2PM Open Session
Join us for an interactive workshop with Jim Paluch, participants will discover why “Everybody wins when somebody goes outside” and will learn about the business strategy that can be gained by getting the Come Alive Outside EDGE: Energize your Team around a Passion Draw People into the Landscape Grow Sales from the Why Engage Community Outreach Marketing
The Growing Concern x July 2013 x 35
OLA Partnerships OLA is always seeking ways to benefit you—our member. Sometimes that means partnering with another organization. I would like to highlight a couple of partnering opportunities that are coming up. These are both great opportunities for you to take advantage of. LANDSCAPE OHIO! MAGAZINE Two times per year, the Ohio Landscape Association creates Landscape Ohio! Magazine and it is incorporated in both Cleveland Magazine and Ohio Magazine. This gives us a reach of 55,000 monthly readers with additional copies given out at consumer garden shows and through online access. The demographic of the readership is exactly the demographic that most of you look for in new clients! 89% of the readers own their own home or condo and 63% of them are planning a major landscape project! That is a great target audience! We are working on the fall edition now. We put a call out to members via email mid-June looking for landscape projects to feature. In addition to stories about great landscapes, the issue will include a directory that members will be included in on a complimentary basis. The ad closing date is July 11 and there is a price point for everyone! You can choose anywhere from a full to 1/6 page full color display ad. Alternately, you can choose to enhance your listing in the member directory starting at just $365! This would provide you with your company name in larger print, your website, fax and email address included, an enhanced description, and an online hyperlink. For $465 it will also include your logo! And at just $595 you can add a photo, too!
Sandy Munley Executive Director Ohio Landscape Association
This really is a great way to market your company under the OLA brand! If a display ad or enhanced listing will not fit into your budget this year, how about a specialty listing? Specialty listings allow you to select a specific service(s) or product(s) you focus your business in. That opportunity starts at just $45! This really is a great way to market your company under the OLA brand! For more information call your Cleveland Magazine account rep or Paul Klein at 216-377-3693 today!
NGLCO FIELD DAY The Nursery Growers of Lake County Ohio (NGLCO) have a one-day outdoor trade show each year to showcase to beautiful plant material they grow as well as other industry equipment, materials, and related business services. This year Field Day will be held on Tuesday, August 13 at the Holden Arboretum – a really beautiful location for the event. Field Day hours are from 9 am to 4 pm. continued on page 38
36 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Quality Materials
Since 1954
Competitive Prices
landscaping products Granite and Sandstone Boulders 12” to 6’ dia Palletized Cobbles Round Gravel
screened topsoil
limestone products
sand Concrete Asphalt Fill Mason
gravel #1
6” to 3”
3” to 1 1/2”
1 1/4” to 7/16”
#304 Crushed
1 1/2” to Fines
1 1/4” to 7/16”
7/16” to 3/16”
3/16” to 1/8”
delivery available 3498 Frost Rd., Mantua, OH 44255
330-274-2569 • fax: 330-274-3569 •
Directions continued from pg 36 They have invited OLA to be a partner and are offering OLA members $5 off the regular pricing of full registration. Regular price advanced sales is $16 per person and $20 at the door. These prices include lunch and OLA members will pay $11 and $15 respectively. If you arrive after lunch (after 2 pm) then admission is just $5 and no further discount will apply.
NGLCO will be donating a portion of the proceeds from the auction to Valor Home to further the community service work we have already done there. OLA did a planting at Valor Home on April 22 and several NGLCO members donated plants for that project. Valor Home is a transitional housing program for homeless veterans in Akron, Ohio.
NGLCO has some fun additions to the event this year! From 1 to 2 pm, Jim Paluch will conduct an interactive workshop, “Come Alive Outside!” where participants will discover why “everybody wins when somebody goes outside.” Learn the business strategy that can be gained by getting the Come Alive Outside Edge. As the Green Industry, we must all come together to share the value of outdoor living with our employees, our customers and our communities! There is no additional charge to attend this workshop!
Then NGLCO is hosting an OLA Happy Hour from 3:30 to 5:30 pm at Holden. Please come out early, visit the many vendors, participate in the Come Alive Outside Workshop, buy something cool at the auction, then relax and chat with industry peers at the OLA Happy Hour!
From 2 to 4 pm, NGLCO will hold their first-ever Field Day Auction. Many of the exhibitors have donated the materials in their booth to be auctioned off. Working in partnership with OLA,
NGLCO did a mailing at the end of June and you can send in the registration form. (Remember OLA members can take $5 off!) Or, you can register online at Information about the event is on the “Field Day” page, but you need to go to the “Store” page to register. OLA will have a booth…so come on out, find us, and enjoy the fun!
The Ohio Landscape Association is delighted to welcome the following new members to the association: REGULAR MEMBERS:
JC Lawncare, LLC
Lung Lawn Care, LLC
Gates Mills Environmental Center
PO Box 36405 Strongsville, OH 44136 (440) 878-5066 Jeff Craddock
2499 Nadine Circle Hinckley, OH 44233 (330) 225-1528 Corey Lung
Nicholas DeMauro Kevin Turk
CL A SSIFIED s For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit LANDSCAPE OPPORTUNITIES
Moscarino Outdoor Creations is actively seeking for the most talented professionals in our industry for our rapidly growing maintenance and construction divisions.
As a Landscape Operations Manager, you will be responsible for managing a portfolio of landscape maintenance contracts, providing excellent customer service and personnel management, recommend enhancements and prepare proposals, develop and train employees, and deliver quality services to ensure maintenance contract renewals.
• Enhancement Foreman • Lawn Maintenance Foreman • Hardscape Foreman • Account Manager Compensation packages will be tailored for an experienced individual. Valid driver’s license EOE/Drug and Smoke Free Workplace Please fax or email resume to: Fax: 440-235-3744 Email:
38 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Applicants must have a degree in landscape management or horticulture and/or have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in the landscape and snow industry. To be considered, please send your resume to
OLA Scholarship Golf Classic August 1, 2013
Mallard Creek Golf Club
Columbia Station, OH 4-person Scramble Shot gun start 9am
Each Golf Registration Includes: Join over 200 of your industry peers and register today!
18 Holes of Golf Golf Cart Driving Range Game Day Contests
Register online, by mail, phone or fax. For additional information, visit or call 1-800-335-6521.
Beverages Continental Breakfast Lunch Dinner
9238 Broadview Road Broadview Hts., OH 44147-2517
Davis Tree Farm & Nursery (Valley City)
This hands-on training opportunity will cover the basics of plant identification for plants typically used in zone 6 in Ohio. Many of the plants that will be covered are on the plant list for the Landscape Industry Certified Technician’s Test, including: perennials, groundcovers, ornamental grasses, as well as trees and shrubs. Qualifies for 5 CEU’s for Landscape Industry Certified. Register early - class size is limited and will sell out.
St. Michael’s Woodside (Broadview Heights)
Go Where The Pros Go! Whether you have been in the snow and ice business for years or are thinking about adding it to your list of services, the clinic is a can’t miss event for both you and your employees. Qualifies for 5.5 CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified.
Klyn Nurseries (Perry)
Visually see how you can make a difference in your landscape designs by working with texture, color, form, and the design principles. You will study design solutions for difficult sites and learn about sustainable landscapes. Actual plant material will be used to show various combinations for different effects. Qualifies for 6.5 CEU’s for Landscape Industry Certified.
POND CLINIC September 11, 2013
Chenoweth Golf Course (Akron)
Learn to plan, build, and maintain ponds and water features with this one-day, classroom setting, pond clinic. This class will cover the tools, tips, and the science behind making every pond project a success. This clinic is designed for company owners, landscape salespersons and designers, and field technicians. Qualifies for 8 CEU’s for Landscape Industry Certified.