Growing Concern
April 2014
A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e O h i o La n d s c a p e A s s o c i a t i o n
Landscape Industry Certified Technician Hands-On Test July 24, 2014 PAGE 17
OLA Scholarship Golf Classic August 7, 2014 PAGE 7
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President’s column
Be A Mentor At our recent OLA meeting in Columbus this February, our speaker Bill Ripley presented his topic “Leveraging Your Professionalism.” While his presentation and topic was compelling, the thing that resonated with me most was something he talked about during his introduction. He talked about the importance of mentors in his life. He started out by thanking them for shaping who he is and guiding him along the way. It made me reflect on my own mentors who I’ve had throughout my life and how important they have been in shaping who I am. It also reminded me of the importance of being a mentor to others as well. Like everyone else, I seem to get busy with life and tend to forget to make a conscious effort to help someone out, even though I subconsciously do it every day. Every so often, we need to stop and check to see if we are practicing the very things that got us where we are. For fear of embarrassing those who have been mentors to me by mentioning them by name, or worse, inadvertently leaving someone off who belongs on the list, I won’t
bore you with the details like who they are and what they do. We’ve all had them in our lives and careers. Rather I’d like to mention some of the ways that they have helped me. I’ve always tried to hang around people smarter than I am (not difficult to do) and who are more successful. By getting advice from them, I have learned what got them where they are and how they dealt with adversity and challenges. One common theme among my many mentors has been their ability to take on many challenges and responsibilities, no matter how difficult the task. Their attitude seems to be “bring it on!” They also seem to have a unique way of calmly handling the most difficult of situations, carefully analyzing any problem from all angles and finding the best solutions or options. They also have showed me that getting the opinions and inputs from many opposing viewpoints is not only healthy, but essential in the decision making process. We all have challenges, whether we are lawyers, corporate executives, business owners, crew leaders, or new company start ups. Problems and issues arise; it’s just a matter of how we
Joe Twardzik, CID Wolf Creek Company
One common theme among my many mentors has been their ability to take on many challenges and responsibilities…
continued on page 6
The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 3
Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s A p r i l 2 0 1 4 w w w. o h i o l a n d s c a p e r s . o r g
Ohio’s Professional Green I n d u s t r y A s s o c i at i o n Ohio Landscape Association 9240 Broadview Road Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147 Phone: 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 Fax: 440-717-0004 Web: or Editor Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Association
ON THE COVER — Sasak Landscaping, Inc.
President’s Column
Be A Mentor
Plant Of The Month
Perennial Focus
Amelanchier stolonifera Running Serviceberry
Aruncus Goatsbeard
For Safety Sake
Safely Driving Trucks with Trailers
Fiscal Fitness
Stock Market Rallies
26 3 Tips for Marketing on Social Networks
30 32
OLA Scholarship Recipients Named Directions
Applicators License Requirements Changed
Inside Every Issue
5 33 36
Welcome New Members Advertising Index ClassifiedS
Regular Writers Michael J. Donnellan, King Financial, Inc. Jim Funai, COLP, Cuyahoga Community College Shelley Funai, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Association Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, Bobbie’s Green Thumb Joe Twardzik, CID, Wolf Creek Company Advertising Information Submission deadline: 10th of month prior to publication month. For advertising and classified rates, please call 1-800-335-6521 Disclaimer The Ohio Landscape Association, its board of directors, staff and the editor of The Growing Concern neither endorse any product(s) or attest to the validity of any statements made about products mentioned in this, past or subsequent issues of this publication. Similarly, the opinions expressed in The Growing Concern are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ohio Landscape Association.
Officers President Joe Twardzik, CID President-Elect Steve Moore Treasurer Bryan Taynor Immediate Past President James Arch, ASLA OLA Staff Executive Director Sandy Munley Membership Coordinator Jean Koch
Directors Eric Brubeck, ASLA Adam Capiccioni Nathan Kowalsick Maria McConnell Cathy Serafin
Ca l e n d a r o f EV e n t s U p c o m i n g OL A m e e t i n g s , e d u c a t i o n s e m i n a r s a n d o t h e r g r e e n i n d u s t r y e v e n t s
PLANET Day of Service APRIL 22, 2014 Join other professionals across the county when you find a community service project to participate in. Register your project at
SIMA Symposium JUNE 18-21, 2014 17th Annual Snow and Ice Symposium produced by the Snow and Ice Management Association (SIMA). Held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus OH. Visit for more information.
Landscape Industry Certified Technician – Exterior – Written Test JULY 23, 2014 Prove your professionalism. Register by May 20 to take the written portion of the test on July 23 and the hands on-portion on July 24 at OSU/ATI in Wooster, OH. For more information contact Jan Elliott at ATI at 330-287-7511 or visit or
Landscape Industry Certified Technician – Exterior – Hands-On and Written Test JULY 24, 2014
OLA Scholarship Golf Classic AUGUST 7, 2014 Join us for a fun day of golf, networking, food and liquid refreshments at Mallard Creek Golf Club in Columbia Station. For more information contact OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit
NGLCO Field Day AUGUST 12, 2014 This year’s field day will be hosted by Herman Losely & Sons Nursery in Perry, OH. For more information contact Annette Howard at 440-241-7969, or visit
Prove your professionalism. Register by May 20 to take the written and hands-on portions of the test on July 24 at OSU/ATI in Wooster, OH. For more information contact Jan Elliott at ATI at 330-287-7511 or visit or
The Ohio Landscape Association is delighted to welcome the following new members to the association: REGULAR MEMBERS: Accordino Landscaping, LLC PO Box 373 Wadsworth, OH 44282 (330) 515-1631 Dominic Accordino
Bottom Line Property Management PO Box 52 Burton, OH 44021 (440) 539-8664 Nicholas J. Rundo
Bowers Landscaping PO Box 2176 Steubenville, OH 43953 (740) 264-4000 Benjamin B. Bowers
Bulone Brothers Landscaping, Inc. 135 N. Park Dr. Aurora, OH 44202 (330) 562-0070 Mike Bulone
Exterior Land Development PO Box 348 Sharon, OH 44274 (330) 239-3602 George Michaels
Landscape Design Associates, Inc. 3532 Copley Road Copley, OH 44321 (330) 808-6060 Ken Kusmider
PS Lawes Landscape Management 10986 E. Washington St., Unit A Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 (440) 543-1033 Phil Lawes & Spence Zachem
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Petitti Garden Centers 25018 Broadway Ave. Oakwood Village, OH 44146 (440) 439-8636 Ken Zawicki
Snow & Ice Management Association 7670 N. Port Washington Rd., Suite 105 Milwaukee, WI 53217 (414) 375-1940 Brian Birch
Working Hands Lawn Care PO Box 996 Powell, OH 43065 (614) 206-1931 Bill Woodward
The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 5
President’s column continued from pg 3 deal with them. The one underlying theme to success at any level seems to be, the better you can handle the issues that come up, the more successful you will be. Period!
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Paying forward – One of my wife’s favorite movies is one entitled Pay it Forward. This movie is about how doing good deeds for others will benefit both the giver as well as the receiver. Since I have been helped by mentors along the way, it only seems fitting that I work at helping others along their way as well. One of my coworkers has recently gotten not only me, but many in our company involved with the Future Farmers of America (FFA), mentoring and teaching high school kids about the green industry and its benefits. Some of personal ‘pay it forward’ attempts have been teaching green industry classes, being a confirmation sponsor, and finally fulfilling a promise to my kids to join them on the Appalachian Service Project, where we spend a week working on houses in Appalachia. (I’m going back with them this year.) And of course there is OLA, where we have our own mentoring and scholarship programs. Find someone in the business to mentor this year. They are the future of our green industry and you’ll be amazed at what you get out of it as well.
Chagrin Valley Nurseries, Inc. We Give the Earth with Every Plant complete line of quality nursery stock
Trees Shrubs Evergreens Perennials Mulch Topsoil Organics excellent service prompt order pickup delivery available (440) 423-3363 • Fax: (440) 423-1113 •
6 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
OLA Scholarship Golf Classic August 7, 2014 Mallard Creek Golf Club Columbia Station, OH 4-person Scramble Shot gun start 9am
Each Golf Registration Includes: 18 Holes of Golf Golf Cart Driving Range Game Day Contests
Beverages Continental Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Register Today!
Before July 11 - $95 per person After July 11 - $105 per person
Number of Golfers
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$30 each
Number of Dinner Only
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Tee Sponsorship (includes signage)
Number of Tees
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Firm _______________________________________________________ Contact ____________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip _______________ Phone (______)____________________ Fax (______)____________________ Email ___________________________________________
NAME OF GOLFER (Correct Name is Mandatory or Forfeit Shall Occur)
Payment must be included with registration. Sorry no refunds after July 11, 2014
Check No. ___________ Enclosed
Charge to my
Acct. No. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______ Name on Card ________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Billing Address + Zipcode for Card ___________________________________________________ Last Three Digits on Signature Line___________ Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9240 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by phone, mail, or fax: Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •
Plant Of the Month
Jim Funai, COLP Cuyahoga Community College
Shelley Funai Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens
Amelanchier stolonifera
Running Serviceberry
Back in June of 2011 we wrote about Amelanchier and told tale of the many great uses of this beautiful and versatile member of the roseaceae (rose, apple, crabapple, pear, plum, spirea) family. We focused on members of the genus that had a tree habit, some multi-stemmed, some single trunk, all attaining at least 15- to 20-feet in height. Today, we share a member of the genus that likely won’t touch five feet tall, known as the Running Serviceberry. In keeping with the theme for 2014 – Rain Garden Plants, this plant has a place in your design of rain gardens. As a quick review, we want to make sure we are viewing the rain garden as a varied planting area. Not all areas of the garden present the same conditions, even if they are within mere feet of each other. The bottom of your garden collects the most water and as such needs plants with the widest range of tolerance from submerged roots to near drought conditions. As you work your way out of the “bowl” and up the banks of the garden, plants experience a decrease in amount of soaked soils they need to withstand and need more tolerance of quick draining and potentially dry soil.
As you are planning this transition of plants, you want to maintain an aesthetic appeal to the garden, which as we have mentioned, is where most people have been failing miserably. Just because the rain garden is a natural way to handle excess precipitation, does not mean you should make it look like a natural mess. If you do not preserve the aesthetics of the planned landscape that your clients are used to, you will only add to the negative connotations that some have about these types of gardens. Toward the outer boundary of the berm surrounding your rain garden, where the soils tend to be the most drained, is continued on page 10
8 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association Corporate Offices / Main Nursery 4534 Center Road Avon, Ohio 44011-0299 Email: Toll Free: 866-934-4435 / Fax: 440-934-5826
Distribution Centers
4825 Center Rd. / Avon, Oh. 44011-0299 Toll Free: 866-934-4435 ext. 2251 / Local: 440-934-3813 Fax: 440-934-4621 E-mail: Bill Owens, Manager
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The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 9
12/6/2013 1:38:31 PM
Plant Of the Month continued from pg 8 a great location for the Running Serviceberry. This shrub is a native to Ohio and in fact is on watch lists in several Midwest states due to habitat destruction. Growing to a typical height of four to five feet max this plant will form a thicket of upright stems about equal in width as it is tall. We like to refer to this type of habit as “colonizing”, as in it likes to build its own little colony of plants and if planted properly, in time you don’t know where one plant ends and the next begins. As we are all seeking to make rain gardens look good, think of your design principles. This makes a very strong background/ midground (depending on the scale of your garden) mass that helps your foreground perennials and low shrubs to show off. Make no mistake, the Running Serviceberry is like other members of the genus and will hold its own in beauty. In May, you can expect a heavy display of white, five-petaled flowers as the leaves emerge. As the other common name, Juneberry, hints you can expect a heavy fruit set in mid-June of red fruits fading to a dark purple black, resembling the size and color of blueberries. Just like blueberries, these are useful fruits with a high nutrition content and can be used in pies and jellies or eaten directly if you don’t mind the small seeds. We think this is one of, if not the best, of the serviceberries for eating. Another option, leave the fruits alone and the birds will certainly come and enjoy them for you. Fall color, like all Amelanchier, is just amazing. Varying shades of yellows, oranges, and reds all on one plant, and in this case, across the entire thicket will set the garden ablaze with color. In a good mass planting it looks as if a pyromaniac visited with a gas can and matches and set the whole thing on fire. Just what you want in a landscape right? As leaves fall, cleanup is not too bad since they are small and will blow out of the garden with ease. Winter reveals a thicket of silver-white smooth stems that add just enough interest en masse that we can call this a true four season plant.
10 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
In a good mass planting it looks as if a pyromaniac visited with a gas can and matches and set the whole thing on fire. While we certainly enjoy having repeat work in the maintenance side of the business we also need to be conscious of our clients budgets and needs. This plant is a great addition to the landscape where you can plan for it to form its thicket, and leave it alone. Reaching a four to five foot height means you should never have to prune this down. Behaving in its own little colony means you will likely not have to cut suckers out and control the width. Plan for this plant to have its space, and it will keep its space. What it gives your garden in return is four seasons of beauty, a checkmark in the native box, great support to native pollinators and birds, and relatively minimal disease and pest issues (certainly very rare that a pest problem would reach a threshold for control). You know how you always want to make your work stand out? Here is another great chance to make that happen!
Jim Funai is full-time faculty at Cuyahoga Community College, a PLANET accredited, associate of applied science in horticulture degree program, offering many paths to higher education to the green industry. He has an MS from Colorado State and is a licensed arborist. Shelley Funai is the Grounds Manager at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens in Akron, Ohio that offers a historic estate designed by Warren H. Manning and a beautiful manor house museum. Both are graduates of The Ohio State University. Contact Jim and Shelly via email at
The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 11
Perennial Focus
Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD Bobbie’s Green Thumb
I regard Aruncus as one of the mainstays of the shady perennial garden. I suppose if you really use your imagination you can picture the flower as an upside down goat’s beard but frankly, as a city girl, I have trouble with this image. To me, the flower of the species is more akin to an Astilbe on steroids. Not every garden will have space for Aruncus diocus because it grows six feet tall and wide. I usually site it at the back of a border. When it blooms in June, it arrests the eye but when the blossoms fade, other perennials, shrubs, and grasses have started to perform. I will say that I like the deadheads and they will last well into winter. The large, compound foliage, composed of many leaflets, usually grows three to four feet high and then the huge, plume-like, creamy-white panicles add a few more feet of height.
… the flower of the species is more akin to an Astilbe on steroids. Hybridizers have taken pity on gardeners and bred several smaller cultivars. ‘Kneiffii’ is only three feet tall and wide but the flowers are not as dramatic although the foliage is wispier. I’m very fond of ‘Misty Lace’. ‘Misty Lace’ grows about two and a half feet tall. The leaves are smaller and the panicles are much thinner but there are many of them. continued on page 14
12 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
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Perennial Focus continued from pg 12 I grow it in a south facing location but it is somewhat shaded at the foot of tall Aconitum where it hides the bareness of their lower stalks. I also have been growing ‘Guinea Fowl’, which is even shorter at twelve to eighteen inches, in partial shade. It is a cross of the dwarf Korean native Aruncus aethusifolius and the taller European Aruncus dioicus. The foliage is even smaller than that of ‘Misty Lace’ but the size of the panicles is comparable. The smallest Goatsbeard is Aruncus aethusifolius which looks very much like Astilbe simplicifolia; however, the panicles are not as full. It needs to be sited at the front of a border where its endearing charm can be fully appreciated. All Aruncus are hardy to zone 3. Consistent moisture is crucial to the development and appearance of Aruncus. Lack of moisture will produce crispy foliage that is not attractive. Thus, it can be grown in full sun but I recommend either morning sun, filtered light, or partial shade. The roots are very strong so try to site it for eternity.
Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, owner of Bobbie’s Green Thumb in Shaker Hts., Ohio, is a landscape designer, consultant, free-lance writer, and lecturer whose specialties are perennial gardens and four-season landscapes. In addition to being an Ohio Landscape Association (OLA) member, she is an active member of the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) and Perennial Plant Association (PPA). Bobbie is a Past President of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD). Bobbie currently serves as chair of the ONLA Plant Selection Committee. Bobbie can be reached at (216) 752-9449.
14 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
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F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e
Safely Driving Trucks with Trailers With spring upon us, it is a good time to sharpen up your skills and review your current driving policies. Here is a checklist to help you. This article is reprinted from PLANET SafetySense, May 2013.
Key Points • A motor-vehicle crash takes place in the United States every 5 seconds, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Many of these incidents occur when employees are traveling as part of their jobs. • B ecause employees often are on the road, traveling between job sites, on-the-job traffic accidents are more common in the landscape industry than in most others. And, accidents involving landscaping vehicles tend to be more serious since these vehicles are usually large pickup trucks pulling trailers, with both the truck and trailer loaded with equipment, plants, and chemicals. • A cross industries, the average crash costs an employer $16,500, according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). If an injury results, the employer’s average cost is $74,000. Costs can exceed half a million dollars if there’s a fatality. Employees pay a price through injuries, psychological effects, and, sometimes, income loss. • O n the bright side, more than 90 percent of automobile accidents are avoidable. Teaching and following practices for safely operating trucks with trailers can help landscaping companies and their employees, respectively, prevent most crashes.
16 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
…accidents involving landscaping vehicles tend to be more serious… Employers’ and Supervisors’ Checklist 3 Ensure your company adheres to highway safety regulations. Know which local, state, and/or federal regulations apply to your vehicles and/or drivers. Agencies that might regulate your firm’s operations include the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, Federal Highway Administration, and Employment Standards Administration. 3 Make sure your company has a driver-safety program that includes training specific to operating trucks with trailers. 3 Check driving records as part of your recruiting process and screen out those with poor records. 3 Review current employees’ records periodically and clearly define the number of violations an employee can have before losing the privilege of driving while on the clock. 3 When buying or leasing, choose vehicles with “best-in-class” status for crashworthiness and overall safety (see 3 Put vehicles and trailers on a manufacturer-recommended preventive maintenance schedule that includes checking safety-related equipment. continued on page 18
Stand Out
Ohio Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test Partnership
By earning your Landscape Industry Certified Technician certification, you send a message to your clients and/or employers that you’ve met and achieved the industry standard, and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of all the facets of your job. 2014 Landscape Industry Certified Technician Written & Hands-on Test Dates Registration deadline for the hands-on test is May 20, 2014. July 23 - WRITTEN TEST (Ohio State ATI in Wooster) July 24 - HANDS ON & WRITTEN TEST (Ohio State ATI in Wooster)
REGISTER TODAY! Deadline to register for the hands-on test is May 20, 2014. For additional information about the test, registration information or study materials, visit, or call The Ohio State ATI at 330-287-7511 or 330-287-0100.
F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e continued from pg 16 3 Demonstrate to employees the proper way to drive while towing a trailer. Also, demonstrate how to back up a trailer. 3 I nstitute a reward/incentive program that involves recognition, monetary rewards, or special privileges to motivate employees to achieve traffic-safety goals. Also, reward or incentivize employees to report near misses. 3 C reate a corrective-action program that establishes progressive discipline for repeated traffic violations and preventable crashes. The program also should lay out actions that will be taken if an employee accumulates a certain number of violations or preventable crashes within a certain time period. 3 E nsure employees know how to tabulate the weight of vehicles and their cargo and avoid exceeding gross combination weight ratings. 3 Demonstrate to workers the proper way to secure equipment, plants, and chemicals. 3 P rovide regular driver-safety training and reminders.
Employee Dos and Don’ts Do: • C arry proper identification with you while operating a company vehicle. • C heck the hitch and ball to make sure they are properly matched and secured. If the truck hitch ball isn’t the right size for the trailer, going over a few bumps could cause the two to separate. Information on correct hitch size is stamped on the trailer tongue. To ensure a trailer is securely hitched, lift the trailer tongue to see if it remains attached. If the trailer and its cargo are too heavy for this, use a tongue jack. • P ut safety chains in place. Two safety chains should connect the trailer and tow vehicle in case the trailer tongue comes off the tow ball. • C heck tail lights, running lights, directional signals, and brake lights. Replace any burned-out bulbs. • Test the trailer’s braking system—if it has one—before towing. • P osition truck mirrors so you have good side and rear visibility. Adjust the mirrors so that when the truck and trailer are in a straight line you can see the back corner of the trailer. • C heck tire pressure and tread wear on truck and trailer tires. Ensure the load is properly secured and balanced. • M ake wide right turns, remembering that the length of the trailer extends beyond the back of the truck. The truck could make a turn just fine, but the trailer could hit a pedestrian, utility pole, or fire hydrant.
18 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
• Ensure there is adequate space for the trailer when changing lanes and change lanes properly. Check all mirrors and signal before beginning your move. Watch for other vehicles that might be attempting to switch to the same lane. • Beware of crosswinds that can cause the trailer to drift into another lane. • Steer straight ahead and reduce your speed gradually as you are passed by large trucks. The wind they produce can cause the trailer to sway. • Regularly check the position of the trailer using the truck mirrors. Remember a loaded trailer handles differently than an empty one. • Use opposite steering procedures when backing up a trailer. Always back up slowly and be aware that sharp turns can cause the trailer to jackknife. • Have a spotter when backing up a trailer. • Properly tie down or secure equipment, chemicals, and materials.
Don’t: • T ow a trailer with a vehicle not properly rated for the job, or exceed the gross combination weight rating of a trailer. This information should be stated on the trailer itself or in the operator’s manual. If you are not sure of the rating or the trailer and load’s weight, ask your supervisor. • Exceed the speed limit. • Follow too closely. Maintain at least a 5-second following distance from the vehicle in front of you. Accelerate quickly or unevenly. This can cause the load to shift. • Make sharp turns. To prevent jackknifing or curb-jumping, normal turns should be wider when you are towing a trailer. • Stop suddenly. • Neglect to change your driving techniques based on road and weather conditions. Slow down and use greater caution in snow, ice, fog, or rain. • Forget to set the parking brake and chock the trailer wheels once you reach the job site. • Leave trailer ramps down when parked on the street. Because they’re usually black, they blend in with the pavement and other vehicles might hit them. If you don’t remove or fold up the ramps, place orange cones around them to alert drivers.
17th Annual Award Winning Projects Residential Installation, Category I
Residential Installation, Category IV
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
Honor Award
Honor Award
Lifestyle Landscaping THE RYAN RESIDENCE
Merit Award
Meyers Landscape Services & Nursery THE HUNTER RESIDENCE
Residential Installation, Category II Sponsored by ALVORD’S YARD & GARDEN
Merit Award
Chesterland Nurseries, Ltd. THE CHELM RESIDENCE
Land Creations Landscaping, Inc. A PRIVATE RESIDENCE
Merit Award
The Pattie Group, Inc.
Residential Installation, Category V Sponsored by DAVIS TREE FARM & NURSERY
Honor Award
Lanhan Landscaping & Design A LOOKOUT DRIVE RESIDENCE
Merit Award
Hidden Creek Landscaping, Inc. A POWELL RETREAT
Residential Installation, Category III Sponsored by WILLOWAY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION CENTER
Honor Award
The Pattie Group, Inc. THE BIEHL RESIDENCE
Merit Award
Merit Award
The Pattie Group, Inc.
Residential Maintenance No entries
Cutting Edge Lawn & Landscape, Inc.
Commercial Maintenance
No Entries
17th Annual Award Winning Projects Residential Installation, Category VI
Commercial Installation, Category I
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
Honor Award
Merit Award
Chesterland Nurseries Ltd.
Merit Award
Land Creations Landscaping, Inc. THE PING RESIDENCE
Merit Award
#1 Landscaping
Commercial Installation, Category II Sponsored by KLYN NURSERIES, INC.
Honor Award
The Brickman Group
Specialty Gardens
Honor Award
Lifestyle Landscaping, Inc. THE WILSON / BLIXEN RESIDENCE
Merit Award
Landscape Lighting Sponsored by
Hidden Creek Landscaping, Inc. AN UPPER ARLINGTON RESIDENCE
Merit Award
Sasak Landscaping, Inc. THE PLATE RESIDENCE
Show Gardens / Display Gardens
Merit Award
No Entries
The Pattie Group, Inc. THE LAUREL SCHOOL
17th Annual Award Winning Projects Water Features
Garden Structures/Pavements, Category III
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
Merit Award
Honor Award
JTS Landscaping
American Beauty Landscaping, Inc.
Merit Award
Land Creations Landscaping, Inc.
Garden Structures/Pavements, Category I Sponsored by VALLEY CITY SUPPLY
Honor Award
Land Creations Landscaping, Inc. A PRIVATE RESIDENCE
Merit Award
Exscape Designs
Merit Award
Exscape Designs
Garden Structures/Pavements, Category II
Best Use of Color
Sponsored by
Sponsored by
Honor Award
Honor Award
Merit Award
Merit Award
Land Creations Landscaping, Inc.
American Beauty Landscaping, Inc. THE RUMBLE RESIDENCE
Merit Award
Land Creations Landscaping, Inc. THE BOHN-GALAS RESIDENCE
The Brickman Group
#1 Landscaping
Merit Award
Summit Landscape STOUFFER REALTY
Fiscal Fitness
Michael J. Donnellan King Financial, Inc.
Stock Market Rallies As we hit the fifth anniversary of this U.S. stock market’s spectacular run, I figured we should put this bull rally in perspective. This is the third largest stock market rally in U.S. history. Historically, there have only been twelve stock market rallies since 1900 that even compare. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, as most every one of those prior rallies ended in spectacular fashion. The other two that had greater returns were the 1921-1929 rise, which crashed in October 1929, ushering in the Great Depression and the 1990-2000 rally which ended with a bursting of the dot-com bubble. The now fourth place finisher was in 1982-1987, when “greed was good.� That ended on October 19, 1987 when the Dow Jones Industrial Average crashed over 22% that day. I ended up reading an article about market rallies and how an aging bull can still be a raging bull. The New York Times author pointed out that the current bull market had just celebrated its fifth birthday, it was the third longest bull run in 75 years and everything was strong. That article was dated October 14, 2007. We all remember what happened over the ensuing months as the mortgage crisis took hold and sent shock waves through global markets. Over the last 70 years, stocks have risen nearly 155 percent, on average, over the life of a bull market. In this rally, though, equities have gained over 250 percent.
22 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Historically, stocks have gone through a correction, defined as a pullback of 10 percent or more, every one and a half years. This market, by the textbook definition, has not had a correction since August 2011. It may seem counterintuitive, but corrective sell-offs can be beneficial to the longevity of a bull market. Think of them as tiny tremors. Small sell-offs in the market are thought to alleviate some of the pressure that builds up in the market. If there are enough of them, a big quake could be prevented. continued on page 24
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Fiscal Fitness continued from pg 22 The longer you go without a correction of at least 10 percent, the greater the probability that any future correction will turn into a bear market. At the end of the day, bull markets aren’t killed by market forces. Instead, it’s the underlying health of the economy that determines the market’s longevity. The late Sir John Templeton often said “Bull markets are built on pessimism, grown on skepticism, matured on optimism and die on euphoria.” I don’t think we are anywhere near a euphoric stage in this market, but feel we are ripe for a pullback.
…corrective sell-offs can be beneficial to the longevity of a bull market.
Here is a chart, from financial firm Raymond James, mirroring the abovementioned Templeton quote.
Another great piece of advice that I always heed came from the late Benjamin Graham who said “The essence of portfolio management is the management of risks, not the management of returns. All good portfolio management begins (and ends) with this premise”
Michael J. Donnellan is President of King Financial, Inc., in Strongsville, Ohio specializing in stock selection and retirement planning. Feel free to contact
I’m not sounding the bell that we are at the end of this bull market, but preparing clients for inevitable pullbacks or corrections. Investors should have exit strategies, protections or hedges against a correction or a bear market. Of course, diversification amongst various asset classes is the best strategy to counter market declines. Talk to your financial and tax advisors, to determine your specific needs and how to reach your goals.
24 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
him with any questions or comments. Phone number (440) 878-9676.
Effective and Affordable Advertising for Green Industry Suppliers Over 1800 Different Species And Cultivars To Meet Your Needs! bamboo grasses
Gnrcoerwn ing 1
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ferns vines roses
eeting OLA M 15, 2011
September Group The Pattie Hosted by page 7
Ice Snow &ement Clinic Manag22, 2011
Growing Concern
page 11
Clinic t Prunrthineasgt Ohio Dorman – No 27, 2011
octobeR 2011
A p u b l i c At i o n o f t h e o h i o l A n d s c A p e A s s o c i At i o n
io September Central Oh 4, 2011 – October page 30
dwarf conifers bog & marginals shade & ornamental trees
Drainage Clinic November 9, 2011 Page 17
OLA Annual Meeting November 17, 2011 Page 7
Sales Clinic
For Landscape Professionals December 13, 2011 Page 13
How To Set Goals For New Employees Page 32
Visit Our Website For Product Availability, Our 2013 Catalog, Quote Form, And More! Beautiful and full color throughout, The Growing Concern provides Ohio’s green industry advertisers an extremely cost-effective
(contact us to receive your username and password.) klyn nurseries, inc.
option to deliver their message!
CONTACT THE OLA FOR MORE INFORMATION phone: 1-800-335-6521 email: web:
The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 25
g n i t e k r a M s k r r o f o 3 Tips ial Netw c o S on uires q pott e l r i s h k JP etwor n n By T l a i soc uma n h o e g h nt etin t Mark f a focus o ore abou is m o it more t since its ips then n sh eleme g relation wledge. ial o c in build chnical kn und it, so ires e t u ro your no way a siness req ich u ’s h There king for b others w al h n or it netw g trust w interperso y effort n a in d build s time an did not s be more a or! I b d re requi ou notice ds’ shoul arded as la g en .Y skills aking ‘fri nd not re a m since njoyment e act of
26 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
ge 26
n pa ued o
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The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 27
continued from pg 26 In order to get the best results when social networking for business here are 3 things you will need to do.
Exercise Patience Take off your selling shoes and pull up a chair so you can get to know people. Building relationships is an absolute must to even get notice on any social sites and as you know this takes time. Even if you are only social networking for business time must first be taken to develop some type of bond with others or you will be invisible to them and useless to your business!
Establish Credibility The bonds you do develop need to be meaningful insofar as maintaining a knowledgeable, professional and always helpful profile. For any marketing attempts to be successful people must first have some confidence that you know what you are talking about and that your intentions are good and not all business. Your best results will come ONLY after you have taken the time to develop this good reputation with others.
Develop Trust The most important ‘component’ of the reputation you develop is trust! As touched upon above your reputation must be a positive one that reflects credibility but building trust is just as, if not more important. If people cannot trust in you then any efforts you put into social networking for business will be wasted. People cannot be expected to part with their hard earned money if they lack faith in you, so obviously building trust is a priority. The best way to achieve this trust is to make a habit of being helpful or freely offering any type of information that may be of use or interest to
28 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
People cannot be expected to part with their hard earned money if they lack faith in you, so obviously building trust is a priority. others. Do so without any expectations of receiving anything in return and people will quickly regard you in a trustworthy manner. Besides, it feels good to be helpful to other. There is no need for technical skills when marketing on social networks just simply be willing to pull up a chair and stay for a while. Tapping into the viral potential of these communities will require building relationships with others first and this will take time and patience. By building trust with people in this way simply makes it easier to effectively promote to them in the future. It is very important to remember these are in fact social communities therefore your acceptance MUST precede any marketing efforts. Once this acceptance is earned by following the 3 suggested steps above it will make social networking for business a breeze for you!
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. To learn more about marketing on social networks and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:
OLA Scholarship Recipients Named At the 17th Annual Landscape Ohio! Awards Dinner, held on Thursday, March 27, 2014, The Ohio Landscape Association awarded scholarships to two very deserving students in front of an audience of more than 150 green industry professionals. Because of the strong support that OLA Members have shown for our scholarship fundraising event, the OLA Scholarship Golf Classic, the OLA is able to continue to provide monies to qualified students studying in the field of horticulture. This year’s recipients are:
Amy Miller
Amy Miller
Amy Miller graduated The Ohio State ATI last year, and has now transferred to the main campus to pursue her bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Plant Systems with a specialization in Horticulture. She is consistently on the Dean’s List and comes with many high recommendations. One of the remarks we received about Amy was, “She is a great leader, possesses a dynamic work ethic, has a great personality and is willing to do whatever is asked of her.” Amy is very involved in student organizations and activities around campus. She is working approximately 20 hours per week as a student assistant. Amy is receiving a renewal scholarship to continue her studies at The Ohio State University.
Jacob Hitch
Jacob Hitch
Jacob Hitch is a high school senior. He is a student at Hilliard Darby High School and Tolles Career and Technical Center. Jacob carries a 3.8 G.P.A. at his home school and a 4.0 G.P.A. at Tolles. Jacob has been certified as an OCNT-Landscape. He traveled to Washington DC with his class in 2013 and participated in Renewal in Remembrance at Arlington National Cemetery as well as made Hill visits to legislators with his classmates, instructor, OLA Executive Director, Sandy Munley, and other OLA members. He is a student member of many professional associations and has interned at two OLA members’ landscape businesses. Both employers gave rave reviews of Jacob and described him as eager, enthusiastic and a young man with a prom ising future in our industry.
30 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Mulches made from Buy From Me (MRLM), Drop For Free! all natural, premium hardwood YARD WASTE DROP OFF! materials, Wholesale Rewards Program Benefit 440-357-MRLM (6756) double WITH COUPON. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. Code OLA ground.
Become a member of MRLM's Reward Program now & reap the benefits this spring! Applications available online.
Our commitment to quality reflects our passion for what we make, and pride in our products!
The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 31
Applicators License Requirements Changed
Sandy Munley Executive Director Ohio Landscape Association
You need to be aware of recent changes in the way the Ohio Department of Agriculture is interpreting / enforcing insurance coverage for companies that hold or are applying for an Applicator’s License. Last year, the ODA determined that the coverage they have accepted over the years was insufficient – that contactors needed coverage for “workmanship” or their “work product.” What they are asking for is coverage in case the wrong product was applied or mixed improperly and the lawn dies (your workmanship), as opposed to the next neighbor who files a claim that says their dog died or their child became sick or their lawn died because you applied chemicals to their neighbor’s lawn (bodily injury or property damage). “Your work” has never been covered – the insurance world would consider that a warranty, not insurance. There was never a policy to cover “your work” in our industry. General Liability coverage has always covered Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability as a result of a contractor’s work, but not the “work” itself.
“Your work” has never been covered – the insurance world would consider that a warranty… In the past, the Ohio Department of Agriculture has accepted General Liability Insurance with an Herbicide / Pesticide endorsement covering Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability from applying chemicals (liquid or granular) at clients’ yards. An example of the property damage would be overspray from roundup getting on a neighbor’s property…it doesn’t cover the lawn or plant you have been hired to treat. Now the ODA is requiring “workmanship” coverage for the landscape or lawn care company killing or damaging the lawn or continued on page 34
32 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Advertising Index
2 Botson Insurance Group
6 Chagrin Valley Nurseries, Inc
15 Davis Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc.
39 Electronic Merchant Systems
6 Empaco Equipment Corporation
15 JCB of Ohio
25 Klyn Nurseries, Inc.
27 Lakeside Sand and Gravel
13 Mason Structural Steel, Inc.
9 Medina Sod Farms
31 MRLM Landscape Materials
11 O’Reilly Equipment
27 Oliger Seed Co.
31 R & J Farms
11 RCPW/Sohar’s
9 Shearer Equipment
34 Three-Z, Inc.
35 Unilock
23 Valley City Supply
13, 27 VanCuren Tree Service 9
Willoway WDC
33 Zoresco The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 33
Directions Beautiful Landscapes Start with Quality Materials from...
continued from pg 32
We carry a complete line including: • • • • • • •
Topsoil Mixed Soil Landscaper Blend Leaf Humus Sands Grass Seed & Straw Hardwood Bark Mulch
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plant they have been hired to treat, in addition to resulting Bodily and Property Damage Liability. We have members getting letters from ODA when they either renew their applicator’s license or renew their insurance policy that they must add this coverage or have their license suspended. Remember, ODA will receive a Certificate of Insurance from your insurance carrier when your policy renews (as well as notification if the coverage lapses) per their licensing requirements. There was no such coverage available in the state of Ohio, but at least one insurance company has created a special policy to cover this issue. This new type of policy will cover your “work” as long as you have legal liability for the work completed. If you did everything properly, but the product was faulty, they would help defend you, but the liability would lie with the product manufacturer. Be sure to check with your insurance agent and get the new coverage, or you may lose your license to apply pesticide, herbicide and/or pre-emergent. I urge you to be proactive so that you are able to serve your clients in a timely manner.
Support those who support You! They are... • OLA members and advertisers who supply goods and services • OLA members who sponsor OLA events
You’ll find them... • Inside the pages of the OLA Membership Directory • Among those advertising inside The Growing Concern and the OLA Membership Directory • Displaying as a sponsor at OLA meetings and education events • Inside The Growing Concern’s pages with event sponsor acknowledgements 34 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
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CL A SSIFIED s For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit OPENINGS - ACCOUNT MANAGER + SALES + FOREMAN Moscarino Outdoor Creations is an award winning design company, a leader in commercial lawn maintenance/snow management and has exceptional opportunities to join our team of professionals as we expand our service line. LANDSCAPE ACCOUNT MANAGER Responsibilities include managing a portfolio of landscape maintenance contracts, providing excellent customer service and personnel management, recommend enhancements, prepare proposals, develop and train employees and deliver quality services to ensure maintenance contract renewals. Applicants with background in landscape management or horticulture and the snow industry are preferred. This position also requires excellent organizational, leadership, communication, and time management skills. LANDSCAPE DESIGNER/ ARCHITECT/SALES Seeking an industry professional with minimum 5 years landscape design/build and aggressive sales experience. Must have superb horticultural and construction knowledge as well as strong computer skills, including CAD (we currently use Dynascapes software). If you are up-to-date, energetic, computer savvy and love working with plants and hardscapes this is the dream job for you!! LANDSCAPE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SALES Essential functions of this position include: • Generate sales by obtaining leads from industry and community resources including calling on prospective clients, gathering and analyzing the client’s needs and then providing up to date information on product services and pricing. • Deliver and follow-up on bid packages to ensure that clients have enough information to make an informed decision.
Requirements of this position include: • Relevant business to business commercial contract sales experience in the service industry. • Excellent oral and written communication skills. • Organized and able to manage time. • Proficient with computer software programs including MS Office suite. • Industry or local knowledge and contacts preferred. CONSTRUCTION & LAWN MAINTENANCE FOREMAN Please see website for this and other job positions and job descriptions. Compensation packages will be tailored for experienced individuals. Valid Driver’s License Required. EOE/Drug and Smoke Free Workplace. Please email resume to: or apply online at job-opportunities/ PLEASE SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL LIST OF JOB POSITIONS AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS LANDSCAPE FOREMAN NEEDED Landscape professional needed for an expanding garden center / landscape company serving Akron and surrounding suburbs providing customer friendly service. A company where each staff member is treated respectfully and personal growth is encouraged. Position requirements are organization, communication and landscaping skills including hardscape & plantscape. We are seeking a highly motivated individual with leadership skills and an enthusiastic approach. Ideal candidate will have a minimum of 2 years’ experience and / or an associate degree in landscape installation. Individual must have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record. Competitive compensation & a reasonable work schedule. We encourage certification & additional job training as needed. Growth opportunities are available. Drug free work place
36 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Send resume to or apply in person, M-F between 9&5. (Weekend appointments by request.) Graf ’s Landscape & Design A division of Graf Growers, 1015 White Pond Drive, Akron, Ohio 44320 330.836.2727 LANDSCAPE TECHNICIANS NEEDED Landscape technicians are needed for an expanding garden center / landscape company serving Akron and surrounding suburbs providing customer friendly service. A company where each staff member is treated respectfully and personal growth is encouraged. Technician Position requirements are organization, communication and landscaping skills including hardscape & plantscape. Ideal candidate will have a minimum of 2 years’ experience and / or an associate degree in landscape installation. Individual must have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record. Competitive compensation, benefits, & a reasonable work schedule. We encourage certification & additional job training as needed. Growth opportunities are available. Drug free work place Send resume to or apply in person, M-F between 9 & 5. (Weekend appointments by request.) Graf ’s Landscape & Design A division of Graf Growers, 1015 White Pond Drive, Akron, Ohio 44320 330.836.2727 OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Vizmeg Landscape Company is seeking a highly motivated Operations Coordinator who has a strong desire to be part of our well established and leading landscape firm. We are looking for a self-motivating person who is able to organize schedules, communicate with team, develop relationships and schedule drivers, material and equipment.
CL A SSIFIED s c o n t i n u e d For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit We are a leader in the residential and commercial landscape construction industry that provides astonishing landscapes throughout our area. Position Requirements Include: Reviews and approves purchase order placement. Develops relationships with vendors. Negotiates pricing and seeks best quality and price combination. Identifies new product demands and schedules needs. Forecasts product need and replacement. Purchases material and supplies needed for landscape. issues and requests bid requests and reviews quotes. Schedules drivers to pick up material and deliver. Knowledge of job materials needed. Position Qualifications: Associates or Bachelor Degree in Horticulture or similar degree. 3 years of proven experience. Excellent interpersonal, leadership, and communication skills. Valid drivers’ license. Ability to work with all levels of the team. To Apply: Interested Candidates should submit their resume and salary requirements to jodi. or under Careers. LANDSCAPE FOREMAN — CONSTRUCTION Vizmeg Landscape, located in Stow, is currently hiring for a Landscape Foreman to join our Landscape Construction team. • A Landscape Foreman oversees and works landscaping projects, both commercial and residential. • Responsible for Softscape tasks such as; planting, seeding, topsoil applications, mulching and pruning. • Responsible for Hardscape tasks such as; patio installations, deck installations, walls, concrete applications, irrigation and lighting. • Manages the creation of landscape features; such as flowerbeds, water features, ponds and fountains. • The job requires heavy lifting, up to 70 lbs. • Ability to operate heavy equipment used on the job; Skid steer, Excavator, Trencher, Tractor, Sod Cutter, Tiller, Tamper, Carpentry Tools and Hand Tools. • Must have a broad knowledge of plants, shrubs and trees commonly used in the region.
• A s the leader of a working crew, the foreman must have excellent communication skills – able to communicate effectively and able to listen to details of the job from other managers. • Ability and confidence to initiate changes and improvements while maintaining forward direction. • Layout and installation experience of plants, hardscape, masonry, carpentry, and excavating, grading, drainage and snow removal. • Ability to develop self and those reporting to you. • Prepares soil, loads and unloads materials and equipment. • Must have a valid driver’s license. To apply, please send your resume to Jodi. ACCOUNT MANAGER – LAWN MAINTENANCE Vizmeg Landscape is one of the leading landscape firms in Northeast Ohio with over 90 team members. We have successfully been in business for over 20 years and each year continues to grow. Our expertise ranges from Landscape Design to Snow Removal and from Design/Build to Multi-faceted full service Landscape Maintenance. Vizmeg Landscape is searching for a Hardworking and Passionate Team Player to come On-board and help GROW and manage our Landscape Maintenance Accounts. As an Account Manager you will need to know the Green Industry; from horticulture to managing a broad range of generations who are starting or ending their careers in the industry. We need YOU to help sell new jobs and HELP keep our Clients LOVING US! A beautiful landscape doesn’t happen by itself – Join our Team to keep our Accounts and Clients GROWING and LUSH! MISSION: Provides direction and leadership to the Landscape Maintenance Team. Maintenance services performed by the team are detail oriented and designed to provide only the highest level of service and profitability.
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES and JOB DUTIES: • Sales to existing and prospective clients, both residential and commercial • Assists with Planning and Scheduling of all phases of Lawn Maintenance work • Confirmation of quality in all field work performed • Managing Human Resources (selection, hiring, training, evaluations) • Working with Field Manager to handle customer complaints and resolve any issues • Retain existing clients • Directs general operation of the Maintenance Team • Efficiently schedules clients to routes • Ensures material are available for Crews use • Implements training programs with Field Supervisors • Participates in weekly safety tailgate meetings • Trains team members on equipment and expectations • Makes recommendation to Division Manager • Up sells to clients for additional landscape work and services not currently provided • Ensures the satisfaction of clients with the services that are provided • Takes an active roll in weekly monitoring of actual man hours vs. budgeted man hours on the clients property and make suggestions to Crew Leaders and or clients on a solution EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE: Associates degree in Horticulture or an equivalent combination of education and experience as determined by the hiring manager. A minimum of 3 years experience with similar job and scope. • Maintain or Acquire Pesticides License • Maintain or Acquire CLT Maintenance Vizmeg Landscape is a Drug Free Workplace and Equal Opportunity Employer. We look forward to receiving your information and hope that you’ll be JOINING our TEAM SOON! To be considered, please send your resume to
continued on page 38
The Growing Concern x April 2014 x 37
CL A SSIFIED s c o n t i n u e d For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit MAINTENANCE FOREMEN AND CREW MEMBERS S.A.M. Landscaping, Inc. is now hiring maintenance personnel including Foreman and Crew Members. Candidates seeking the Foreman position must have 3 or more years of industry experience with at least 1 full season of leadership experience. Crew members must have 1 season of experience. Detailed craftsmanship, honesty, and willingness to learn and improve on a daily basis are required traits.
LANDSCAPE AND SNOW PLOWING POSITIONS D. Peterman Landscaping & Snow Plowing, Inc. located in Walton Hills, Ohio is looking for quality individuals to fill positions within our company.
Competitive pay will be based on experience and knowledge. Benefits include medical, dental, life and 401(k) with company match. Year-round employment is available. Drug free work environment.
Avaliable Positions: Sales/Design Construction Foreman Maintenance Foreman General Laborers Please send resumes or contact information to
To learn more about our team or to apply for a position, please call (440) 286-7697 or e-mail CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN S.A.M Landscaping, Inc. is now hiring a Construction Foreman. Position requires 3 or more years of industry experience with the ability to communicate with designers and clients. Layout of job sites, excavation, grading, drainage, and hardscape installation along with various other landscape functions will be required. Detailed craftsmanship, self-motivation, execution of ideas, honesty, and delegative skills are required. Competitive pay will be based on experience and knowledge. Benefits include medical, dental, life and 401(k) with company match. Year-round employment is available. Drug free work environment. To learn more about our team or to apply for a position, please call (440) 286-7697 or e-mail
We are a full service commercial/residential landscape and snow removal company with full-time, year-round positions available. Pay and benefits are based on experience and position applied for.
LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Now hiring full-time, experienced personnel with a minimum of seven consecutive years in the landscape construction and maintenance industry. Successful candidates will have a proven record in leadership, communication, and in quality installation and maintenance practices. Must have a valid driver’s license and a clean record. Offering competitive compensation and benefits to successful candidates. Applications accepted at J. Barker Landscaping Company, 24 Taylor Road, Bedford, OH 44146, or email resume and salary requirements to LANDSCAPING LABORERS NEEDED! Clutch Landscaping & Snowplowing, Inc., based in Cleveland, Ohio has been delivering superior quality work and customer service to Northeast Ohio businesses and residents since 2000, and we are looking to add to our team! We are seeking full-time experienced laborers in the areas of landscape maintenance, enhancement, and construction.
38 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association
Competitive wages and growth opportunities available. Candidates must have a valid driver’s license. Please send a resume to chris@ or visit www. and complete the online application. Clutch Landscaping & Snowplowing, Inc. 1420 Tampa Ave., Cleveland, OH 44109, 440-884-4001 LANDSCAPE AND LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION CREW LEADERS Impact Grounds Maintenance and Design, Hudson location is looking for individuals with Landscape and Landscape Construction experience and a valid driver’s license to join our leadership team. We offer competitive wages and benefits. Contact the home office or send in your resume to set up an interview with our award-winning team. Home office – 2055 Wadsworth Road, Norton, Ohio 44203 Hudson office – 6291 Chittenden Road, Hudson, Ohio 44236 Ph 330-848-0036 – Fax 330-848-0047 E-mail – LANDSCAPE OPPORTUNITIES The DiSanto Companies, Inc., a drug-free workplace, is seeking talented and experienced individuals with clean driving records, who are willing to grow in all aspects of our firm including, but not limited to: • Estate and Commercial Garden Maintenance Technicians • Landscape/Hardscape Construction Technicians and Foreman • Turf Maintenance Technicians and Crew Leaders • Irrigation Foremen and Installers • Interior Landscape Maintenance Technicians • Sales Personnel Please email Adam Greisl at agreisl@ with your letter of interest and/or resume.
9240 Broadview Road Broadview Hts., OH 44147-2517
Thank you to our