The Growing Concern December 2017

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Growing Concern


DECEMB ER 2 0 1 7


The Entry Deadline for the Landscape Ohio! Awards is here. Submit your projects by December 15th, 2017. (See back cover for more details.)

OLA Hospitality Suite January 16, 2018 / MGIX – Columbus, OH

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Suncrest Gardens

December’s upon us and I’m just now realizing how quickly time has gone by. As we enter the final month of the year, I’d like to glance back at the OLA’s 2017 activities and mention some future opportunities. Hopefully all of you have found value in your OLA membership by attending one or more of the educational programs/networking opportunities made available to you. Remember, as YOUR association, it is part of our mission to provide these opportunities, in an effort to promote professional, ethical and quality standards among Ohio’s landscape contractors. JANUARY The OLA hosted a booth at MGIX in Columbus. This is always a great first-opportunity to communicate and share our upcoming educational and developmental programs with members and other Ohio landscape professionals. One of the highlights of this event is always the OLA sponsored hospitality suite. It’s an evening full of socializing between landscape professionals – sharing food, libations, stories and lots of laughter. If you have not had the opportunity to join us for this event, put it on your calendar for January 16, 2018! In our first meeting of the new year, the OLA presented “Ultimate Networking: Learning from your Peers.” This event took form in a series of roundtable discussion groups, covering various landscape business and personnel topics. Due to this event’s popularity, this coming March will mark the third year we offer the program.

FEBRUARY Yearly, the OLA has a garden at the “Great Big Home and Garden Show.” Our garden is designed, built and staffed by membervolunteers, with the goal of informing home and business owners the value of hiring OLA members. Garden Show attendees are informed that our members are not only creative, but also properly trained, certified and insured. Opportunities to help build and staff the booth this coming January and February are still available and can be reserved by calling the OLA office. We held two “Landscape Business Legal Clinics,” which provided valuable information concerning operating your landscape business. The first clinic was dedicated to discussing business succession and protecting/evaluating your company’s assets. The second clinic was dedicated to contracts, and hiring & firing employees. There’s a good possibility we revisit these courses in 2018, as they were very well received.

continued on page 6

The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 3

TAB LE OF CON TEN TS D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 WWW. OH I OLA N D SCA P E R S. OR G OH I O’ S P R OF E SSI O NAL G REEN I N D U ST R Y A SSOCI AT IO N OHIO LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION 9240 Broadview Road Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147 Phone: 440.717.0002, or 1.800.335.6521 Fax: 440.717.0004 Web: and EDITOR Rick Doll, Jr.

What do all of the photos on the cover have in common? They were all award winning projects in 2016’s Landscape Ohio! Awards program. Get the recognition YOUR company deserves in 2017. Register by December 15th, 2017.



Recapping A Year of Activities and Education


The Holiday Bookshelf: 2018 Edition


Finding Yield in a Low Interest Rate Environment


Sleep Debt and Its Impact on Your Body


4 CORE Elements to Business Success: Managing the Employee Lifecycle


The WOW in Work Opportunity Tax Credits


Juniperus Chinensis ‘Pfitzeriana’: Pfitzer Juniper

32 DIRECTIONS 33 ADVERTISING INDEX 5 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS 4 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

REGULAR WRITERS Michael J. Donnellan, King Financial, Inc. Jim Funai, LIC, Cuyahoga Community College Shelly Funai, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Association Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, Bobbie’s Green Thumb Cathy Serafin, ASLA, RLA, Suncrest Gardens ADVERTISING INFORMATION Submission deadline: 10th of the month, prior to the month of publication. For advertising rates and ad specs, please call 440.717.0002, 1.800.335.6521, or email Rick Doll Jr. at DISCLAIMER The Ohio Landscape Association, its board of directors, staff and the editor of The Growing Concern neither endorse any product(s) or attests to the validity of any statements made about products mentioned in this, past or subsequent issues of this publication. Similarly, the opinions expressed in The Growing Concern are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ohio Landscape Association. OFFICERS President Cathy Serafin, ASLA, RLA President – Elect Marie McConnell Treasurer Adam Capiccioni Immediate Past President Bryan Taynor DIRECTORS Brian Maurer, LIC Domenic Lauria Doug Ellis James Funai, LIC Michael T. Ahern, LIC Steve Moore

OLA STAFF Executive Director Sandy Munley Communications & Events Manager Rick Doll, Jr.






Don’t miss the opportunity to become an award winning landscape contractor. Entries for the 2017 program are due in the OLA office by 5 pm on Dec. 15, 2017. For rules, regulations and entry information go to landscapeohioawards.html. See outside, back cover.

JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 15 -17, 2018 MGIX – formerly known as CENTS Tradeshow with educational sessions held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Visit OLA in Booth #1341. For more information contact the ONLA at 800.825.5062.

JANUARY 16, 2018 OLA HOSPITALITY SUITE (Central Ohio) Come network with others in the Green Industry. Hosted by OLA. Held at the Hampton Inn and Suites, 501 North High Street, Columbus, OH, 5 pm to 7 pm, across the street from the Columbus Convention Center at the close of MGIX for the day. Visit the OLA in booth #1341 at MGIX to get your invite!

Explore this year’s music themed gardens created by some of Northeast Ohio’s top landscapers. If you are interested in volunteering to help construct this year’s OLA garden, or would like to staff the garden during show hours, please contact the OLA at 440.717.0002.

FEBRUARY 22, 2018 LANDSCAPE BUSINESS BOOTCAMP Spend a day with business owners who have done it. This program is built for business owners, managers, employees and anyone else seeking to improve their business expertise in the landscape industry. For more info, visit education/2018Bootcamp. See page 22

MARCH MARCH 8, 2018 OLA MEETING (NE Ohio) Ultimate Networking – Learn From Your Peers. A series of roundtable discussions on various topics to help increase your bottom line. Held at St. Michael’s Woodside in Broadview Hts., OH. For more information contact OLA at 1-800-335-6521, or visit



GreenMark Consulting Group is tentatively scheduled to discuss Hiring & Retention. To be confirmed. Held at St. Michael’s Woodside. For more info, call the OLA offices at 440.717.0002.

Foremen have to walk the fine line in working side by side with employees while having to direct, motivate and critique them. In this seminar, they will learn how to more effectively handle tight deadlines, tight margins and increase customer satisfaction. Held in both NE and Central Ohio. More info to come.

OLA’s NEW MEMBERS The Ohio Landscape Association is delighted to welcome the following new members to the association:

REGULAR MEMBERS Backyard Retreats Patios and Ponds 6155 Westerville Road Westerville, OH 43081 614-769-3193 Matt Medlock Hartman Landscaping 3060 Stine Road Zanesville, OH 43701 740-849-3075 Beau Hartman Quality Yard and Home Maintenance 6460 Blacks Road, SW Pataskala, OH 43062 614-559-0078 Jeremy J. Nestor

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Buyansky Bros. Landscape Materials 9400 Broadview Road Broadview Hts., OH 44147 216-524-3100 Jason Buyansky

STUDENT MEMBERS Portage County Career Center Ryan Bader Melanie Hefling Alexandra BernsBrandie Hercules Prewett Michael Long Joseph Cole Evan McCary Brittney Conley Dylan Miller Sean Fitzgerald Kody O’Brien Sierra Ganley Haley Simmons Harrison Gifford Kennedy Sorm Madison Goldsmith Sydney Stone

The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 5

PR ES I DEN T’S COLUM N continued from page 3 the Gala being held on March 22, 2018. Winners are often featured on the pages of this magazine! The month was rounded-off with our second NE Ohio meeting, featuring Elise Hara Auvil of EHA Solutions Ltd., who shared her valuable insight on getting and keeping the right employees, as well as the “Grow Your Landscape Business Workshop” with Jeffrey Scott.

Ken Sasak, of Sasak Landscaping, Inc., instructs volunteers during construction of the 2017 show garden at the Great Big Home & Garden Show.

Finally, several OLA members participated in Ohio’s Green Advocacy Day at the Statehouse in Columbus. The OLA takes part in this event bi-annually, arranging meetings with legislators to reinforce the importance of the Green Industry in our state. This is a great opportunity to view how our state government works and helps to show how we can make a difference with a collective voice. Our next visit to the Statehouse will be in 2019. MARCH Our first Central Ohio meeting of the year featured Lewis VanLandingham, from Sandler Training. Lewis shared innovative ways to break the rules and win more sales. This was by far our best attended Central Ohio Meeting to date, showing that the OLA is gaining momentum in all corners of our state! Another course brought back by popular demand – and our first hands-on class of the year – “Stone Clinic: Right Tool, Right Technique” featured instructor Chris Pascoe, a master stone mason. Chris instructed attendees in understanding and appreciating the challenges and beauty of working with natural stone. His instruction was easily understood and peppered with just the right amount of humor. Our 20th Annual Landscape Ohio! Awards Gala played to a full house again this year. Attendees had the opportunity to get dressed up and come together at the Cleveland Botanical Garden in order to recognize the award winning projects designed, built and maintained by association members. This year’s deadline for entries is December 15th, 2017, with

6 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

APRIL OLA fan-favorite, Daryl Lengyel, instructed our CDL Training Clinic this past April, with an encore held in June. As always, Daryl did not disappoint, bringing his sense of humor to what can be a very serious topic. The morning featured a classroomstyle lecture and then advanced outdoors, where both Daryl and his partner walked attendees through the inspection protocol one would follow when applying to get their CDL.

Instructor, Daryl Lengyel, walks attendees through the preinspection checklist necessary to obtain one’s CDL.

JUNE June was marked by Sandra Munley’s (OLA Executive Director) 25th year of service with the Ohio Landscape Association. We are all blessed to have Sandy at the helm of this organization, and appreciate her hard work, long hours, thoughtful insight and attention to every detail! JULY With the help of Davis Tree Farm and local industry experts, the OLA presented its annual Plant I.D Clinic to another sold-out crowd. With over 70 in attendance, this hands-on training exercise not only benefits crews in identifying plant material for Zones 5 and 6, but is an excellent training class for the LIC technician’s test.

Speaking of which, the hands-on portion of the Landscape Industry Certified Technician Testing was also held in July, at The Ohio State ATI, in Wooster, OH. As dedicated proponents of this important educational certification for landscape technicians, OLA members provided many of the volunteers and judges for this year’s event. A full list of 2018’s testing dates can be found at calendar.html. AUGUST One of our premier social events of the year, The OLA Scholarship Golf Classic (held at Mallard Creek Golf Club), brought out a wonderful group of OLA members. Proceeds from this fun-filled day benefit our OLA Scholarship Fund. Scholarships to young landscape professionals are awarded based on their applications, referrals, grades and community activities. This year, the Classic helped raise about $13,000.

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OLA Scholarship Golf Classic winners: The team of Angelotta Landscape Associates, Fiore Group, Busha-Okeson Insurance and Verizon Wireless. Pictured here with Committee Chair, Adam Capiccioni.

This year’s Snow and Ice Management Clinic was a booming success – yet again. This yearly event, which provides valuable information and products for companies that participate in snow and ice management, grew to the point where we actually had to remeasure the exhibitor space to accommodate more booths! Sponsors were very generous with door prizes for this event, including the distribution of 10 Meyer snow plow systems. If you are looking to get an “IN” with potential snow removal vendors, 2018’s event is a can’t miss. And, if you’re a vendor looking to be a part of this event, now is the time to get on the list for potential booth space. continued on page 9 The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 7

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Subtle elevation changes accented in Ledgestone™ coping and rectilinear borders of Town Hall® Basalt, create distinct ‘rooms’ in this generous space, while the running bond of Artline™ maintains a sense of connectedness. The focal point, built with Lineo™ Dimensional Stone, is a water feature that offers additional table space.

PR ES I DEN T’S COLUM N continued from page 7 SEPTEMBER Plant Geek Day, a first-time event featuring speakers and presentations focused on planting design, plant diseases and new plant applications, went well – for a first run! In 2018, we’ll look to build upon the solid turnout we had this year. The Great Lakes Nursery & Landscape Association’s 2017 Leadership Conference was held in Indianapolis, IN. In attendance were OLA Executive Director (Sandy Munley), President (Cathy Serafin) and President-elect (Marie McConnell). Eight states and one province that border the Great Lakes attended this event to share and discuss problems and solutions shared by landscape professionals in this area. The experience and relationships formed during these two days gave us tools for problem-solving and future growth. OCTOBER This year’s Landscape Facility Tour was held at Brian-Kyles Landscapes of Distinction, in Lorain, OH. Brian’s employees guided the tour through stations which featured facilities, services and employee responsibilities that comprise the overall operation. It was easy to see the pride Brian’s employees take in their roles with the company. All mentioned the huge emphasis Brian places on education as a requirement for advancement. Our second Central Ohio meeting of the year was held at the Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Columbus, OH. The tour covered many areas of the Botanical Gardens, but focused on a behind-the-scenes tour of the new Scotts MiracleGro Foundation Children’s Garden. It was a unique opportunity to interact with our Central Ohio membership and see an area not yet open to the general public. NOVEMBER As we wound down our events/education season, all three of our final events were packed! The NE Ohio meeting “Generational Differences in the Workplace” was a highly informative and entertaining look at generational differences through the eyes of a millennial himself, Steve Bench. Steve opened our eyes to the characteristics, flaws and attributes of millennials, and provided a great guide to hiring and working across generations. The “Get Marvinized Sales Training Clinic” was a great success, – to the point that we may have snuck in a few folks over our limit – but don’t tell anyone! Marvin, in only the way Marvin can, helped us learn how to be more than just “a salesperson.” His class really focuses on the skills necessary for building long-

Central Ohio Meeting attendees get a first look at the Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation Children’s Garden, located on the grounds of the Franklin Park Conservatory.

term relationships – useful when creating opportunities for repeat and referral business. And finally, our Dormant Pruning Clinics in both NE Ohio and Central Ohio did very well, again. These half day hands on clinics train crews in the art of pruning, using a step-by-step approach, that provides the basic guidelines of pruning success, while answering all your pruning questions. THROUGHOUT THE YEAR In addition to the events listed above, the OLA and its members have become evermore active in the fight for H-2B reform, taking part in a number of fly-ins to Washington, D.C., in support of the program. For the numerous member companies that use H-2B labor, these workers’ contributions are essential. Sandy was actually part of a very small, hand-picked group of experts asked to meet with the Department of Homeland Security to discuss the topic in July. In closing, I’d like to thank Sandy, our Board of Directors and you – our members – for giving me the opportunity to serve as your president for the past year. The hours and energy spent fulfilling this responsibility have been rewarding and worthwhile. I’ve learned that the landscape profession in Ohio is filled with energetic, hard-working, honest and really funny people. It has been an honor to meet you and share in your membership with the OLA. I wish you all the best in the New Year and hope your days are filled with lots of business and warm laughter! Your president – Cathy Serafin, RLA The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 9





Jan Johnsen St. Lynn’s Press, 2017 $21.95.

Stone is beautiful, useful, and artful. So writes the author, Jan Johnsen, who then proceeds to illustrate this premise with outstanding photographs. There are so many ways to use stone in our landscapes and Jan offers inspiration as well as technical advice for installations of different types. Reading the chapter on standing stones conceptualized an idea for using upright conifers as a counterbalance to a very large flat stone in a client’s garden.

10 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

I have traveled widely but never have seen such a diversity of styles of rock gardens as are showcased in this book. Sustainability is today’s design buzz word. Jan offers advice on using stone and gravel in the Japanese method for creating dry streams and establishing drainage. A discussion of sustainability also includes a section on the use of gravel in walks and driveways and examines the various types of gravel. Her advice on pea gravel would have saved me some design headaches when I was a less experienced designer. I loved her discourse on using different patterns and types of stone to modify the tempi of paths since they should be so much more than a way from Point A to Point B. Again, a plethora of illustrative examples. Many paths start or end with steps and Jan’s descriptions of stone steps as adding magic to a landscape and stone walls as being a visual dance of timelessness appealed to my artistic side. We, whether homeowners or landscape designers, need to add artistry to our surroundings. If I had known about this book when I was writing mine, I would have included it as a resource.

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This is the perfect book for those who are gardening in a lessthan-hoped-for space. It strongly advises such gardeners not to get discouraged, instead offering hope and positive affirmation that will enable the reader to make lemonade out of lemons. The author also believes, as do I, that breaking down any project into phases makes it much more manageable. The beginning of creating our own Eden, no matter how small or difficult, is visualizing what it will be. While doing this, we should give up preconceived notions of what a garden should be and focus on using the challenge as an opportunity for physical and emotional change. We should try to look at our space with a different perspective, perhaps even asking a friend with a good design eye to look at it for us. Being creative allows us to solve problems inexpensively. We can mimic an expensive concept by analyzing what makes the concept work and then ponder what inexpensive but similar materials or plants could be used to create our dream space. Planning is crucial because it gives us a sense of direction. Once we have a goal or goals, we can then prioritize them, with budget in mind, as well as the degree of maintenance with which we will be comfortable.

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The author, Marianne Willburn, reminds us that gardening is an evolution and takes time. She also says we should not be afraid to move things around. She supplies us with guidelines for designing the basic elements of a landscape and then goes on to suggest being resourceful, i.e. scavenging, using paint, taking plant cuttings (with permission), and even buying plants at garden centers or big box stores that are on “death row,” on the presumption that a bit of TLC will revive them. Another prompt reminds us that keeping records reminds us what worked and what didn’t since memory is unreliable. This book is just as useful for landscape designers as it is for homeowners. Most of us do not have the luxury of clients with mega-bucks; we have, instead, clients on limited budgets. Happily, the author provides us with lots of ideas that are long on creativity and short on financial expenditure. My only quibble with this book is the green photo captions which are almost impossible to read. Otherwise, enjoy this book, what you are creating, and then share it. continued on page 12 The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 11

PEREN N I AL FOCUS continued from page 11


Jan Coppola Bills St. Lynn’s Press, 2016 $18.95.

Jan Bills is both a passionate gardener and a landscape designer who brings a different perspective to designing gardens. She believes that gardens should be about happiness, not perfection, and brings a bit of laissez-faire to her creations. Her mantras are simplicity, naturalism, organic materials, and sustainability. Many clients of landscape designers are older people who want to change their gardens in ways that will satisfy their souls but be less demanding of time and effort. Nevertheless, any effort is good exercise and contact with soil bacteria is also beneficial. Jan’s four rules for designing this type of garden are: choose the right plant for the right place, plant for lushness (also known as orderly chaos) to prevent weed growth, make the most of your water, and replicate nature’s ecosystem where possible, especially by leaving the leaves in your beds so that they decay and replenish the soil. (Of course, you’ve never heard that from me before – ha!) She maintains that a sustainable garden can and should be functional, cost efficient, visually attractive, environmentally friendly, and easy to maintain. There are six design tips for creating this type of garden plus an interesting commentary on the use of color and suggestions for personalizing the garden with artful finds. One of the elements of low maintenance is the size of the garden. Thus, Jan maintains that small spaces are not to be disparaged. This is particularly true of edible gardens. If you bite off more than you can chew (literally), you will get discouraged. Sometimes, dissatisfaction with a garden can be mollified by just rearranging the plants. Other times, new beds or new bed lines are needed. I was fascinated with Jan’s take on what to do with unwanted sod so that it doesn’t have to be hauled away. She also has great ideas about water usage, mulching, soil revitalization, and killing weeds.

12 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Late Bloomer may be a small book, but it brings a different perspective for landscape designers and is full of ideas for giving the client gardens they will want to live in.


Since I’m the author, I did not feel that I could review it for you. Fortunately, Elsa Johnson, a prominent Cleveland landscape architect and permaculture expert reviewed it and published it on the Gardenopolis blog as “One of Our Own.” While she believes the book is written more for the homeowner, I believe that landscape designers will be reminded of all the questions they need to ask their clients. ... In case you cannot tell from the title, the book is written to the homeowner who isn’t prepared to just hand the whole task over to a designer, or landscape architect, with the invitation to “knock my socks off—do something spectacular.” The book is not one of those drool-over-pretty-pictures-of-high-endgardens type books (the kind our bookshelves are so chock full of ) ….and though there are plenty of pretty pictures in this book, some of expensive landscapes, many are of small scale gardens and spaces easier to replicate. So, in many ways this book is aimed toward the do-it-yourself gardener. Chapter One covers all those ordinary reasons that lead one to undertake a re-do. I like that the final paragraph in that chapter introduces the not-so-frequently seen goals (in garden design books) of gardening for sustainability, permaculture, and diverting storm water run-off to on-site uses. I was taken by a picture showing a hillside that hides a children’s play tunnel, charmingly disguised as a hobbit house. Chapter Two gets down to business, mentioning the obvious; that unlike houses and architecture, landscapes and natural environments change. So, the first step in any redesign is taking stock of the existing on-site elements that will affect a garden’s

success; soil, light, drainage, wind, microclimates, animals, drainage, etc. There is a tidy little section on design themes, i.e., those defining/unifying concepts a designer uses to integrate a garden’s parts. It’s thorough, but not overwhelming. Chapter Three covers all those garden parts that do not change; sidewalks, paths, driveways, patios, decks, fences, walls, etc., that must come together as a whole to create an enjoyable outdoor space. One brief section dwells on illusions – always a nice touch. Chapter Four starts with a brief discussion of natives vs. exotics, invasive species, and what Schwartz calls “plant thugs” (interesting word application). This is a bit of a slippery slope for garden designers these days and Schwartz begs the question a bit – the question being: what is native? In my own practice, I aim for 60 percent natives, and of that 60 percent, most must be species or cultivars with flowers attractive and accessible to pollinating insects. Trees, shrubs, and perennials are a garden’s living components, and the book does a nice job of offering ideas and possibilities without becoming encyclopedic. The next to last chapter is the practical how to’s: how to start (with the soil, then pick the plants); how to add plants to existing beds; how to choose and work with perennials, etc. The concluding chapter is titled Success Stories. This is the chance for the author to show her stuff, and she does not disappoint. She shows us a series of front yards and backyards in their before and after personas, as they successfully mature over time. (I do not know that they are all her own designs but I assume most are). My favorite is a low slung ranch style house deck and backyard re-designed with a distinctly minimalist, contemporary feeling, with the once closed-in deck opened up and flowing down to a low maintenance yard of stones and gravels of varying textures and sizes laid out in blocks like a Japanese grandmother’s quilt. Nice. This stands in stark contrast to another redo in which the only pavement is the broad walkway leading to the front door – all the rest is planted with low shrubs, perennials, many types of textural grasses. Also very nice. Kudos to Bobbie Schwartz for a book many will find helpful and useful, rather than intimidating. Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, owner of Bobbie’s Green Thumb in Shaker Hts., Ohio, is a landscape designer, consultant, freelance writer, and lecturer whose specialties are perennial gardens and four season landscapes. In addition to being an OLA member, she is an active member of the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) and Perennial Plant Association (PPA). Bobbie is a Past President of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD).

The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 13


MICHAEL J. DONNELLAN King Financial, Inc.

FINDING YIELD IN A LOW INTEREST RATE ENVIRONMENT Stubbornly low yields have made income tough to come by in recent years, and they have sent investors searching for yield and income wherever they can find it. A key question on investors’ minds remains how long low rates, and the accompanying search for yield, are likely to continue. The reality is that while the U.S. economy continues to recover, short-term interest rates are likely to remain low. The Federal Reserve is facing some changes in the membership of its governors and I don’t expect to see rates rise dramatically. It does look like there will be a few small rate hikes over the next year, but this “low-for-long” interest rate environment will be the normal. And that means investors who are searching for income will continue to need to find alternative sources for that income.

14 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

This leaves investors with the same challenge they’ve faced for the past seven years: how to find yield in a low-yield environment. High yield bonds, which have outperformed lately, might be a good option within a portion of your fixed income portfolio, but of course have higher default risk associated with them. Historically, stocks do better when interest rates are low, and although rates have drifted up a tad they’re still quite low by historical standards. The 10-year U.S. Treasury note, for instance, yields 2.3 percent, compared to 4 percent or more before the financial crisis. continued on page 17

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The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 15

16 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

FI SCAL FI TN ESS continued from page 14

In most cases, rising rates are only bad for the economy when they are rising too fast. However, investors should also look to broaden their search for income beyond bonds. This suggests a greater emphasis on dividend-paying stocks, with an important caveat: Focus on dividend growth rather than the absolute level of yield. Many sectors offering high yields (such as utilities) are expensive and the most vulnerable to a rise in rates. Instead, yield-hungry investors should look for technology, financials, healthcare and select energy companies offering rising dividends. Some investors look for companies that have increased dividends for 25 or 50 years. Most of those are modest increases though. It’s not a big deal to increase your dividend from $0.18 per quarter to $0.19. Others look for big dividend yields. That could also be a red flag. The company may be paying out too much of their cash flow and sacrificing growth. Or the stock has been hit and the dividend could be in jeopardy.

Balance your risk and reward in your investment portfolio by diversifying your assets. This strategy has many complex iterations, but at its root it’s simply about spreading your portfolio across several asset classes. Diversification can help mitigate the risk and volatility in your portfolio, potentially reducing the number and severity of stomach-churning ups and downs. Remember, diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss. Long-term investors should have a target asset allocation and should stick to that target asset allocation whether rates are rising or falling, and whether the stock market is rising or falling. Oftentimes we are our own worst enemies when we try and time the market. Always look to rebalance and diversify your portfolio to reduce risk and stay focused on your long term goals. Make sure periodic reviews are conducted on your portfolio. Talk with your financial advisor to review and rebalance when necessary. Michael J. Donnellan is President of King Financial, Inc. specializing in stock selection and retirement planning. Feel free to contact him with any questions or

I give greater credence to the most recent past and also for solid increases in the dividends themselves. Search for companies that have increased their dividends each of the last five years and increased them substantially. There are companies that have more than doubled their dividend while growing revenues and earnings.

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The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 17


SLEEP DEBT AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUR BODY Winter’s coming and it’s likely you’re going to end up deep in debt. Sleep debt, or sleep deficit, is the cumulative effect on a person who does not get sufficient sleep. There are two types of sleep debt, and snow fighters are prime candidates to experience both: Total Sleep Deprivation – When a person is awake for a minimum of 24 hours Partial Sleep Deprivation – When a person has limited sleep for several days or even weeks While sleep debt may come with the territory, it’s important to recognize the long- and short-term impacts that sleep deprivation has on the body, some of which can be deadly.

SLEEP DEBT IMPLICATIONS The American Sleep Association ( and Adventist Health are among those who have identified the following as risks involved with sleep deprivation:

18 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

• Higher risk of diabetes. Lack of sleep increases cortisol and norepinephrine, both associated with insulin resistance. Studies have shown the body is less successful in processing glucose when tired. • Weight gain. Sleep balances hormones that make you feel hungry and full. • Increase risk for heart disease and stroke. Blood pressure decreases when you sleep. Research shows that when you sleep six hours or less a night, your chance of a stroke increases 4 times. • Increased risk of breast cancer. Melatonin decreases when you are exposed to light at night. A decrease in melatonin disrupts estrogen production, which can lead to breast cancer.

continued on page 20

YOUR MIDWEST GREEN INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE Presented by Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association

JANUARY 15–17, 2018 COLUMBUS, OHIO Start off the new year right. Get inspired, discover new products, build relationships, and make smart business decisions at Midwest Green Industry Experience.


Check out this year’s exhibitors, networking events, and 90+ education sessions • Early Bird Registration Ends December 20!

The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 19

F OR SAFETY SAK E continued from page 18

• Cognitive effects. Sleep deprivation also enhances activity on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis that regulates body functions such as the immune system, digestion, mood, and energy usage. Besides the many physical consequences of insufficient sleep, perhaps the most important consequences of sleep deprivation are deficits in working memory and attention. According to the American Sleep Association, a survey found more activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain in sleepier subjects. The prefrontal cortex supports logical and practical reasoning and working memory. These results indicated that to complete a specific task, the average sleep-deprived subject’s brain needed to exert a lot more effort than the brain of an average nonsleep-deprived person to accomplish the same task. Attentional lapses caused by sleep deprivation can move into critical domains whereby the consequences could well result in life or death: accidents and car crashes can be the result of inattentiveness, directly attributable to sleep deprivation.

DEBT RECOVERY? A study from the University of Chicago concludes that it might be reasonable to recover from short-term sleep loss. They found subjects who slept only four hours nightly for six consecutive days developed higher blood pressure, increased cortisol levels, and weakened immune systems. The sleepdeprived subjects also showed signs of insulin resistance – a precursor of type 2 diabetes. All the changes were reversed when the students made up the hours of sleep they had lost. However, other short-term sleep loss studies have shown that baseline cortisol levels and attention are not easily regained with sleep recovery. It may be difficult to recover from high sleep deficits, especially during rough winters with several serviceable snow events, but there are ways to try to recoup some of the lost time. The Harvard Sleep Health Center shares these tips:

• Rather than binge sleeping, it is better to increase sleep • •

• •

over a long period of time. Remember that sleep is just as important for health as diet and exercise. If you missed 10 hours of sleep in a week, add three to four extra sleep hours on the weekend and an extra hour or two per night the following week until you have “repaid” the debt. Plan time off or a period of time with minimal work or obligations. Go to bed as soon as you are tired and sleep until you naturally wake. Determine your “sleep need” and factor it into your daily schedule. Try to consistently go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, or at the very least on weekdays.

This article was originally published by the Snow & Ice Management Association. Learn more at and for more snow and ice resources, subscribe to Snow Business Magazine at http://www.sima. org/magazine-new/magazine-subscribe

20 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Eldorado Outdoor has redefined how to build outdoor living spaces with a collection of strong, yet lightweight building blocks. Each piece is made of glass-fiber reinforced concrete which can be installed on any solid flooring surface without concrete footings or rebar.

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Mason Steel

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(440) 439-1040 The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 21

BootCamp Introduction GREENMARK L A N D S C A P E




PL ANT OF TH E MEDUCATION ON TH OLA SERIES GMCG developed a proprietary Landscape Business BootCamp Platform which offers a combination of business and

industry expertise and accelerated knowledge of in-depth strategies. The program is tailored to business owners, managers, employees and all those seeking to improve their expertise in the industry.

The curriculum is based on GMCG’s 4 Cores of Landscape Business Success: Guiding the business, Running the business, Getting the business and Doing the business.


GREENMARK BOOTCAMP Primary benefits of the BootCamp program:


• Obtain a better understanding of what it really takes to build, manage and sustain greater success • Improve TEAM performance, attitude and loyalty


• Increase your customer loyalty

• Expand your market or service offerings

• Increase your revenue growth profitability

• Learn how to develop a competitive dominance within your market

Landscape Business BootCamp specializes in guiding you through the core business elements that will allow you to achieve greater business success.

Each Core includes Landscape Business Courseware and our Landscape Business Success Toolkits ™ which serves as a blueprint to help attendees:




N• Create U Rprocesses S EforRbusiness Y standardization, I.e. Systems & Processes • Create a vision, mission and values statement

• Define a branding strategy, market position and sales pipeline

GUIDE IT • RUN IT • GET IT •DO IT • Manage the internal & external customer delivery experience


GreenMark Consulting Group has developed a proprietary Landscape Business BootCamp Platform based on 7 decades of business and industry experience. Instead of theory, spend a day with business owners who have done it. This program is built for business owners, managers, employees and anyone else seeking to improve their expertise in the landscape industry. The day is based on GreenMark’s 4 Cores of Landscape Business Success.


us for general inquires ...

CORE 1: GUIDING THE BUSINESS The power of purpose, creating smart metrics & the law of the good deal.


processes to run at capacity & managing sustainable growth. ChiefStandardizing Innovation Officer CORE 3: GETTING Group THE BUSINESS GreenMark Consulting Defining a brand that surrounds prospects with marketing and drives the sales pipeline. CORE 4: DOING THE BUSINESS Direct: 610.905.3637 Managing the internal and external customer experience to become top of mind.

COST w w w. gre e nEach m arcore k bincludes o o tc am p. com landscape business courseware & GreenMark’s Landscape Business Success Toolkit ™ MEMBERS BEFORE 02/08/18 - $199 Bill Eastman is GreenMark’s Growth Steven Cohen, Principal of GreenMark AFTER 02/08/18 - $249 NON MEMBERS BEFORE 02/08/18 - $249 AFTER 02/08/18 - $299 SPONSORS PRESENTER

Consulting Group, is a business management and operations consultant with more than 25 years of landscape & snow industry experience. He has an extensive background in managing crossfunctional business operations, business strategy and market growth projects.

Consultant. He has spent over 3 decades working with the Fortune 500 building a library of best practices for fast and sustainable growth – the secret behind how small businesses became market leaders.



STEVEN COHEN © 2016 GreenMark Consulting Group

2018 LANDSCAPE BUSINESS BOOTCAMP Company Contact Address City State Phone (______)


Fax (______) Email








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This is the first of 4 articles on CORE 2: RUNNING THE BUSINESS. Here, we’ll begin discussing the critical – though sometimes mundane – task of making everything behind the scene run right. While this task is nearly invisible to the customer, it is felt at every touch point you have with them. This month we tackle human resources, or the people processes. Attracting & Selection We’ll cover the components of building a powerful brand later in this series, but let’s be clear on one critical element needed to attract anyone to your business, and that is: Powerful brands are built for all stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, and investors. Your brand and reputation in the community impacts who is attracted by your job offer. The people YOU want are looking to: • Work some place that makes a positive impact. • Work some place that has a compelling purpose. • Work some place where they can contribute.

Onboarding & Development Once you have the right person, the first day is critical. The instinct is to throw them into the breech – don’t. Spend the morning educating them on your company, the rules for working there, their pay & benefits, and walk them around to meet the people they need to know. Spend the afternoon in the field showing them ongoing jobs and reinforcing your expectations. This might be the only chance you have to develop a relationship and drive your message home – so make the time.

WILLIAM EASTMAN GreenMark Consulting Group

Separation This is always a difficult time. Either you are losing a good employee, or you are dealing with a problem child. Look at it as a natural part of the people process and an opportunity to learn something. Starting at the beginning, make sure your separation decision, when firing someone, is performance based and ALWAYS have the documentation, just in case. Review the process used to attract, select, onboard, and develop this person. What can you do to change future outcomes and avoid Groundhog’s Day?

Once you move into the actual selection phase of hiring, you’ll need a process for:

Nurture the development of new employees by starting with simple tasks and working through a progression, until they master the basics. It is helpful to provide an on-the-job mentor to expedite this process. Also, it is in your best interest during the first week to carve out time to ask them questions about their job. The faster they can do the job correctly, the faster they will impact your bottom line.

Losing a good person is an opportunity to learn something about the company they may have withheld. A simple set-up for this is “Continue, Stop, Start.” Ask them what should you continue doing, what should you stop doing, and what should you start doing? These insights can be invaluable, whether applied immediately or later down the road.

• Writing compelling hiring copy. • Screening resumes: In order to weed out who cannot do the job. • Interviewing: To find who will do the job AND fit the work group, i.e., your team.

The development of experienced people is simpler – after the first day onboarding, put them on the job with some oversight to ensure their resume and interview was not a progression of BS. After a week, you will know.

If you want to know more about owning and managing the employee lifecycle, join us on the Ohio Landscape Association Group on Facebook and access tools to Attract, Select, Onboard, Develop, Pay, and Separate People.

If your brand doesn’t speak to these issues, you can probably expect interview day to look more like a police lineup than a job fair.



ERIC HAJEK Heartland Payroll Services

THE “WOW” IN WORK OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDITS Do you feel like you’re paying too much in taxes? Would it be great to have extra money at tax time to use for growing your business? Would you like to hire extra people and reduce your federal tax liability at the same time? If you answered “yes” to these questions, there is a perfect program available to you! The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program is a federal tax credit program created to incentivize employers to hire and retain employees with “significant barriers to employment.” The program has been in existence since 1996 and it is estimated that $1 billion in tax credits are claimed by employers each year. When hiring employees, here are some of the target groups that qualify and the corresponding maximum federal tax credit amounts:

24 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

• • • • •

SNAP (Food Stamp) Recipients – $2,400 Long Term Unemployed – $9,600 Ex-Felons – $2,400 Veterans – $9,600 TANF Recipients (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) – $9,000 • Designated Community Residents – $2,400

Approximately 25% of all employees in the U.S. qualify their employers to recieve federal tax credits worth $2,400 to $9,600 per new hire. There is no cap on the amount of tax credits that an employer may earn, so as your business grows, so do your savings. On a national basis, 1 out of every 4 employees hired typically qualifies for one of the above mentioned tax credits. In the Green Industry, it is not uncommon for that percentage of eligible new hires to be even higher. In simplistic terms, the typical tax credit ranges from $2,400$9,600 per eligible new hire. Summer youth employees also can qualify. Unlike a deduction, these credits represent a dollar for dollar reduction of your federal tax liability. There is no cap to the amount of credits you can have annually. The graphic on page 27 shows just how fast these credits can add up. Credits can be carried forward up to 20 years and back 1 year. Your CPA will love this. Just think of the equipment you could purchase with this extra money! There are some important dates and milestones to keep in mind. New hires must be screened within the first 28 days of the original date of hire. The screening process includes having the new hire answer a short series of simple, yes/ no questions. The new hire must work 120 hrs. for partial credit, and 400 hours for the business to receive the full tax credit. The Department of Labor website has an easy-to-use calculator for estimating the amount of the credit, or simply ask your payroll professional. So, when looking at the big picture, that’s only 3-10 weeks of full time employment. If a new hire is retained past Week One, how often do they make it about a month…through the summer? I’m sure you could name several new hires that would have been eligible. The biggest challenges that employers face regarding WOTC credit are screening the employees within the 28 day time frame, determining eligibility & certification, and tracking the hours worked milestones. The good news is that there are companies that specialize in helping employers with these challenges. However, the level of employer involvement can vary from low to high depending on the solution selected. continued on page 27

The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 25

You want your business to grow. Let us give you the tools you need to nourish it. Your company’s success is your accountability— delivering results, creating critical strategies and leading your teams. Heartland’s is to manage your payment processing and payroll, allowing your business to run smoothly… with the best-in-class solutions that you need.

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F EATURE ARTI CLE continued from page 25

A solution that will lead to the greatest amount of eligible credits with the least amount of employer involvement will be one that is fully integrated with the payroll solution. In this situation, the employer can have the employee answer the WOTC screening questions while completing new hire documents electronically. Beyond the click of a button to initiate the tracking and certification of the hours, the employer has little to no involvement with the screening, tracking of the 120 & 400 hour milestones, and certification of the tax credits. With a simple and low involvement solution, you can easily experience the great financial benefits that this federal program provides. Just one eligible new hire will likely pay for your payroll and accounting fees for the entire year! For employers big and small, now is a perfect time of year to evaluate which WOTC solution makes the most sense for your business and begin taking advantage of the federal tax credits in the New Year.


1 New Hire

x $2,400 Tax Credits = $2,400 in Savings *

5 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $12,000 in Savings * 10 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $24,000 in Savings * 25 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $60,000 in Savings * 50 New Hires x $2,400 Tax Credits = $120,000 in Savings * * Savings are Tax Savings, calculated per year.

Eric Hajek, PHR, SHRM-CP, works directly with OLA Members for Heartland. Eric has over 10+ years of experience in the Payroll Services field, specializing in the Green Industry. Eric works with small & medium sized business owners to bring clear, transparent, and customized solutions in the areas of Payroll, Human Resources, and Time & Attendance. Eric Hajek can be reached at 330-620-7443 or

The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 27


JIM FUNAI, LIC Cuyahoga Community College

SHELLEY FUNAI, LIC Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Junipers are a very popular woody plants because there is a form for almost every landscape use.


As we close out another great year of sharing our plant geekery with you, we want to do a throwback to a plant that hardly shows up in the market anymore. This plant once held reign over the landscape, especially through Western European gardens, which we borrow most of our American landscape aesthetic from. We are going back to a time when the nursery industry, still in infancy, was evolving beyond production of fruit trees and shrubs. In the late 1800s, the American nursery trade was about 75% fruit tree and 25% ornamental plants. The first ornamentals to be offered were mostly bare-root, deciduous plants that most of us hate these days because we have torn so many out. Forsythia, Mock Orange, and the shrub Honeysuckles are among the most abundant offerings we found in the nursery catalogs of the time. By 1900, the

28 | Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

shift to ornamentals had made it to 50-50, and by the Great Depression things had flipped to 75% ornamental. The earliest record anyone has found of the Pfitzer Juniper in American nursery trade dates to 1901, which was likely offered first by Hick’s Nursery on Long Island. However, to find the origin of this garden centenarian, we need to travel back to Mongolia in the 1860s, when a Jesuit, Armund David, was collecting plants for the French Church. His records show

that he collected seeds from low-growing, spreading Junipers which were then grown at the Paris Botanical Garden upon his return. Naming of this new and novel plant came from an L. Spath, owner of Spath Nursery in Germany, naming it after a friend, Wilhelm Pfitzer. Ironically, the Pfitzer nursery, still in business today in Stuttgart, Germany, is known for breeding of Gladiolus, Dahlias, Roses, and Cannas; not Junipers or any other evergreens. The plant hit the European market in the late 1890s and was widely adopted by European gardeners. Growing to around 5’ tall and spreading to around 10’ wide, this low and wide juniper was a hit in the landscape. We now know from some of these earlier plantings that the plant can eventually reach about 10’ tall and up to 25’ wide with lots of age. At these sizes, the Pfitzer Juniper is still as beautiful as the original plants. Often the plant has been called “Spreading Juniper” which confuses it with another old staple of the garden, Juniperus chinensis ‘Hetzii,’ or the Hetz Juniper. Wide spread use of the Pfitzer and Hetz Junipers in American landscapes came about with the growing use of balled and burlaped plants as a means of transplanting, certainly necessary to ensure success of evergreens such as Junipers. Old homes and cemeteries are your best place to find these garden survivors. We would describe both Junipers as bomb proof, with the exception of susceptibility to bagworm infestations, that if left unchecked, can wipe them out. They are tough plants with wide heat/cold tolerance and adaptability to many a different site. Today, as we mentioned, you’d be hard pressed to find Juniperus chinensis ‘Pfitzeriana’ or ‘Hetzii’ in the trade, but you will find branch sports of “improved” varieties. All of the following should be listed and referred to as Juniperus chinensis cultivars: J. ch. ‘Hetzii Columnaris’ – Green Column Juniper is a fastgrowing, upright form that can reach close to 15’ tall while staying within about 5’ in width. We’ve seen this used most effectively as a deer resistant hedge row/screening rather than the obligatory sentries on each side of the garage door. Do we really need to highlight that big ugly thing? J. ch. ‘Hetzii Glauca’ – Hetz Blue Juniper is a more tame version of its predecessor. Keeping a tighter form around 6’ tall and wide, this light blue foliaged Juniper makes a great background mass for the shrub border.

continued on page 31 The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 29

c i s s a ico l C las C

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m Te


a ad

Pr em Pr i im um a

Avon 4825 Center Rd. Avon, OHCenter 44011 4825 Rd.


Avon, OH 44011


e v i t s ivo e F es t F

Broadview Heights 10001 Broadview Rd. Broadview Heights,Rd. Ohio 10001 Broadview 44147

Broadview Heights

Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

Hilliard 6981 Scioto Darby Rd Hilliard , OH 43026 6981 Scioto Darby Rd


Hilliard , OH 43026


J. ch. ‘Kallay’s Compact’

J. ch. ‘Pfitzeriana Aurea’

J. ch. ‘Hetzii Columnaris’

J. ch. ‘Hetzii Glauca’

J. ch. ‘Pfitzeriana Glauca’

continued from page 29 J. ch. ‘Kallay’s Compact’ – Kallay’s Compact Pfitzer is a smaller version of Pfitzer staying closer to the 3’ height and 6’ spread. This plant makes a great tall ground cover for filling in large areas of commercial sites.

plants 150 years ago, perhaps we can pause a moment before condemning these old fashioned plants. There is a story in these great plants that can be shared and understood that helps them take on a whole new value in the landscape.

J. ch. ‘Pfitzeriana Aurea’ – a gold tipped version of the original provides interest in the garden without being so yellow that it looks sick, like a number of other golden junipers out there.

Perhaps if you come across one of these old “Spreading Junipers” in the landscape and it is doing great, consider designing around it. Let these garden historians help you tell your client the story of the birth of an industry and the leaps and bounds we have made in providing a huge pallet of beautiful landscape plants that not long ago was hardly a list of 10.

J. ch. ‘Pfitzeriana Glauca’ – much like the original in habit and form but adds in a handsome blue hue to the foliage. Seems like there have been a few articles now that we have explored our collective garden past. While there are many new hybrids and cultivars available on the market with an even more absurd amount listed in the Dirr book, we believe it is important to understand our horticultural history. When you stop to think about the great lengths and dangers that someone like Father David endured to discover new

Jim Funai is full-time faculty at Cuyahoga Community College, a NALP accredited associate of applied science in hoticulture degree program. He is pursuing a PhD in Landscape Engineering and Forestry and is a Licensed Arborist. Shelley Funai is Grounds Manager at Stan Hywett Hall and Gardens in Akron, Ohio, which offers a historic estate designed by Warren H. Manning and a beautiful manor house museum. She is Landscape Industry Certified in Ornamental Plant Care. Contact Jim and Shelley via email at

The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 31


MILESTONES It is that time of year again! With the holidays upon us, the OLA would like to thank all of our members for their continued dedication to the industry and our organization. At our annual meeting on November 16th, we applauded members celebrating significant membership milestones. Additionally, the annual meeting is also when our membership votes to approve the slate of board members that will serve in 2018. Congratulations to all! 40-YEAR MEMBER Bedford Glens Garden Center

35-YEAR MEMBER Three-Z-Supply Working With Nature, Inc.

Sitework Developing, Inc. Southwest Landscape Management, Inc. Stone Quarters Van Ness Stone, Inc. Worcester’s, Inc.

15-YEAR MEMBER 30-YEAR MEMBER Bobbie’s Green Thumb Hemlock Landscapes, Inc. Klyn Nurseries, Inc. Pond Supplies of Ohio, Inc. Second Nature Landscaping, Inc. Unilock Ohio, Inc. Yard Smart, Inc. Yardmaster, Inc.

25-YEAR MEMBER Cahoon Nursery & Garden Center DiNunzio Landscaping & Snow Plowing Inc. Eberhardt Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc. Land Creations Landscaping, Inc. Medina Sod Farms, Inc. Modern Landscaping and Design, Inc. Don Mould’s Plantation, Inc. North Coast Perennials, Inc.

20-YEAR MEMBER AQUA DOC Lake & Pond Management Davis Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc. Gates Landscape Company Hortica

Blue Book of Building & Construction Brookside Lawn Services, Inc. Cuyahoga Landmark Eden Group Horticultural Specialists Executive Landscaping, Inc. Greenkeepers Lawn Service & Landscaping Inc JTS Landscaping Maple Leaf Landscaping, Inc. O’Reilly Equipment Rice’s Landscapes Redefined Smith Bros., Inc. Spencer Services, Inc. Wolf Creek Company

10-YEAR MEMBER A New Image Landscape, Inc. Aaron Dorner’s Outside Solutions, Inc. APL Landscaping, LLC Centerra Co-op Chapin Landscapes Custom Gardens and Landscapes, LLC Edenscape Ewing Landscape & Design Landscape Design Associates, Inc.

Miller Landscapes of Westerville, LLC Mumm Landscape Services, LLC Nason Landscaping, Inc. Oakridge Landscaping Co. O’Neill Landscape Design & Installation Rockefeller Park Greenhouse Sajovie Brothers Landscaping, Inc. Sweet Bay Gardens University of Akron, (The)

5-YEAR MEMBER A Keener Landscape & Design Baldwin Wallace University Boulders Direct C & S Lawn Service and Landscape, Inc. Cenweld Corporation CK Stonescapes, LLC Clutch Landscaping & Snowplowing, Inc. College of Wooster Fairlawn-Medina Landscape Supply, LLC Ground Works Land Design, LLC Hospice of VNS (Hospice Care Ohio) JC Lawncare, LLC Lakewood Lawncare, Inc. Landscape Management & Design, Inc. Mike’s Landscaping, LLC MVP Snow n’ Lawn Nature’s Beauty Tree Service, LLC Reynolds Landscaping & Tree Service Site Design Pros, LLC Techo-Bloc Williams Landscaping & Pavers


15 2

Abraxus Salt, Inc. Botson Insurance Group, Inc.


Briar Rose Nurseries, Inc.


Davis Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc.

26 Heartland 16

Irrigation Supply, Inc.


Klyn Nurseries, Inc.


Landscape Ohio! Magazine


Mason Structural Steel, Inc.


President - Marie McConnell, Lake County Nursery President-Elect - Adam Capiccioni, Ohio CAT Treasurer - Domenic Lauria, Vizmeg Landscapes Secretary - Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Assn. Immediate Past President - Cathy Serafin, ASLA, RLA, Suncrest Gardens


Brian Maurer, LIC, Brian-Kyles Landscapes of Distinction Doug Ellis, Abraxus Royalton Supply James Funai, LIC, Cuyahoga Community College Joshua Way, Toledo Lawns Philip Germann, GreenLawn Specialists Stephanie Gray, LIC, Brightview Landscape Services

If you are interested in being more involved with OLA, we will hold committee meetings on January 25th immediately before the January evening meeting. If you would like to join a committee, please contact me at 440-717-0002 so that we can send you an invitation. Happy Holidays to you and your families! Sandy Munley, OLA Executive Director

Medina Sod Farms, Inc.


Millcreek Plants




National First Equipment LLC




O’Reilly Equipment, LLC


Premier Plant Solutions

7 15

Shearer Equipment Sohar’s / RCPW, Inc.

8 Unilock 25

Valley City Supply


VanCuren Tree Services, Inc.


Zoresco Equipment Company The Growing Concern | December 2017 | 33

There’s A Lot of Green Out There. Sixty three percent of Landscape Ohio! magazine readers are planning a landscape project and will look to our pages for help. Will they be able to find you quickly among them? With an audience of more than 55,000 readers plus internet users and Garden Show attendees, tens of thousands of area viewers will search our magazine looking for ideas on how to spend their money. By increasing your exposure you could take your landscape business to the next level. Call Paul Klein today to find the best rates available to fit your budget and marketing needs at 216-377-3693, or email MAGAZINE him at The deadline to place your ad is February 27, 2018.

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