The Growing Concern Magazine - March 2014

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Growing Concern


March 2014

A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e O h i o La n d s c a p e A s s o c i a t i o n

Stone Clinic – Right Tool, Right Technique March 13, 2014 PAGE 11

OLA Meeting March 20 – NE Ohio PAGE 7


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President’s column

‘Marching’ Into Another Season It’s the beginning of March and everybody is gearing up for the fast-approaching season. Snow plows will be (hopefully) coming off of the trucks shortly and landscapers are starting their spring cleanups after the long winter months. A winter that was filled with bone-chilling temperatures for seemingly endless periods of time, much more snow than the experts predicted, a shortage of salt that was thought to be plentiful, at winter’s beginning and a vortex of some kind that I never knew existed! So, in other words, we had a normal winter season in Ohio!! This brings me to a wish I have had for every year that I have been privileged to be in the green industry… I wish you all a normal year. But, what does that mean?? Truth is it means different things to different people — depending of course on your perspective. I have been on the irrigation side of the business all of my 26+ years in the industry and I can tell you firsthand that a drought has always been good for our business.

In 2011 we had one of the wettest years in recorded history. That, coupled with a still struggling economy, made 2011 a challenging year, but we survived. There has been an irrigation industry trend that a wet year, like 2011, is always followed by a relatively slow start to the following spring. It seems the consumer’s memory carries over at least to the beginning of the following year, so 2012 would logically start slow and hopefully with good weather slowly improve. Although, logic and Ohio weather probably should never be used in the same sentence!

Joe Twardzik, CID Wolf Creek Company

… logic and Ohio weather probably should never be used in the same sentence!

March of 2012 started out with virtually no rainfall and August-like temperatures. For the irrigation industry, that season took off like a rocket and sustained that pattern throughout most of that year! We followed an extremely wet 2011 with an exceptionally dry 2012. Normal? What’s normal? continued on page 6

The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 3

Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s M a r c h 2 0 1 4 w w w. o h i o l a n d s c a p e r s . o r g

Ohio’s Professional Green I n d u s t r y A s s o c i at i o n Ohio Landscape Association 9240 Broadview Road Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147 Phone: 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 Fax: 440-717-0004 Web: or Editor Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Association Regular Writers Michael J. Donnellan, King Financial, Inc. Jim Funai, COLP, Cuyahoga Community College Shelley Funai, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Sandy Munley, Ohio Landscape Association Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, Bobbie’s Green Thumb Joe Twardzik, CID, Wolf Creek Company



President’s Column

‘Marching’ Into Another Season


Fiscal Fitness

Tax Efficiency In Investing


For Safety Sake


Plant Of The Month


Perennial Focus

5 Ways to Improve Workplace Safety In Your Green Industry Business Cephalanthus Occidentalis Buttonbush

Lupinus Lupine

24 Follow-Up Is Simple – So Why Isn’t It Easy?




Inside Every Issue

5 29 32

Welcome New Members Advertising Index ClassifiedS

Advertising Information Submission deadline: 10th of month prior to publication month. For advertising and classified rates, please call 1-800-335-6521 Disclaimer The Ohio Landscape Association, its board of directors, staff and the editor of The Growing Concern neither endorse any product(s) or attest to the validity of any statements made about products mentioned in this, past or subsequent issues of this publication. Similarly, the opinions expressed in The Growing Concern are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ohio Landscape Association.

Officers President Joe Twardzik, CID President-Elect Steve Moore Treasurer Bryan Taynor Immediate Past President James Arch, ASLA OLA Staff Executive Director Sandy Munley Membership Coordinator Jean Koch

Directors Eric Brubeck, ASLA Adam Capiccioni Jason Cromley Nathan Kowalsick Maria McConnell Cathy Serafin

Ca l e n d a r o f EV e n t s U p c o m i n g OL A m e e t i n g s , e d u c a t i o n s e m i n a r s a n d o t h e r g r e e n i n d u s t r y e v e n t s


OLA Stone Clinic – Right Tool, Right Technique MARCH 13, 2014 Instructed by Master Stone Mason, Chris Pascoe, sponsored by and held at Tri-R-Stone in Garfield Hts. With the proper tools and right skills, you can dress stone on the job and save money using age-old techniques. For more information or to register online visit or contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521.

OLA Meeting – NE Ohio MARCH 20, 2014 SBA Programs That Can Help Your Company, presented by Jim Donato, Small Business Administration. Held at St. Michael’s Woodside in Broadview Heights. For more information or to register online visit or contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521.

OLA Landscape Ohio! Awards Dinner MARCH 27, 2014 Gala event including dinner and awards presentations in an Academy Awards-style

presentation –complete with red carpet! By invitation only, however a small amount of tickets may be available for purchase as the event date approaches. For more information contact the OLA at 1-800-335-6521.

portions of the test on July 24 at OSU/ATI in Wooster, OH. For more information contact Jan Elliott at ATI at 330-287-7511 or visit or



Landscape Industry Certified Technician – Exterior – Written Test JULY 23, 2014 Prove your professionalism. Register by May 20 to take the written portion of the test on July 23 and the hands on portion on July 24 at OSU/ATI in Wooster, OH. For more information contact Jan Elliott at ATI at 330-287-7511 or visit or

Landscape Industry Certified Technician – Exterior – Hands-On and Written Test JULY 24, 2014

OLA Scholarship Golf Classic AUGUST 7, 2014 Join us for a fun day of golf, networking, food and liquid refreshments at Mallard Creek Golf Club in Columbia Station. For more information contact OLA at 1-800-335-6521 or visit

NGLCO Field Day AUGUST 12, 2014 This year’s field day will be hosted by Herman Losely & Sons Nursery in Perry, OH. For more information contact Annette Howard at 440-241-7969, or visit

Prove your professionalism. Register by May 20 to take the written and hands-on


The Ohio Landscape Association is delighted to welcome the following new members to the association: REGULAR MEMBERS: Chidsey Landscape & Design, Inc. 5331 Vandemark Road Medina, OH 44256 (330) 242-3945 Jerry Chidsey

Cleveland State University 1802 E. 25th Street Cleveland, OH 44114-4496 (216) 687-6904 Dennis Bartter

Grasshopper Lawn Care Services 3299 W. 82nd Street Cleveland, OH 44102 (216) 377-9459 Quentin Daniel

Greener Cleveland Landscapes, Inc. 4292 Mayfield Road South Euclid, OH 44124 (440) 759-3175 Adam Muller / Bobby Lester

Ken Do Lawn and Landscape Co. 216 W. Lafayette Road Medina, OH 44256 (330) 723-3610 Ken Schulz

Kurb Appeal Landscaping, LLC 2732 East Mennonite Road Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 357-8200 Randal Kukral

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Kline Nursery Sales

Painter Landscaping 11458 Bass Lake Road Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 286-7131 Dan Painter

Seasonal Yard Work PO Box 79 Avon, OH 44011 (440) 934-9675 Joe Work

Vireo Design 1747 Perth Road Madison, OH 44057 (440) 343-0066 Paul Yoe

3462 Parmly Road Perry, OH 44081 (440) 478-5781 Tim Kline

Semco Stone 6015 Taylor Road Gahanna, OH 43230 (614) 861-4668 Tom Decker


The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 5

President’s column continued from pg 3 Over 1800 Different Species And Cultivars To Meet Your Needs! bamboo grasses perennials ferns vines roses dwarf conifers bog & marginals shade & ornamental trees

Of course when one part of the green industry is happy, usually another is struggling. In the drought of 2012 (and I only use the “D” word when it comes out of Dick Goddard’s mouth or there is a news story of a highway median catching on fire because someone throw a cigarette butt out the window), irrigation guys were happy, but a lot of landscape design build firms were not. They struggled to keep their plants alive and expensive landscapes looking good. Maintenance companies also struggled because they had little or no grass to cut since it wasn’t growing. Some fertilization companies also risked burning out lawns by applying fertilizer on already crispy lawns. Last year, we were wetter than “normal”, but nothing like 2 years prior. Drainage has become a growing portion of our industry, but unfortunately the consumer usually doesn’t call for that kind of work until it’s a problem. It’s up to us as an industry to educate consumers of preventative measures like these before the need arises, so that when it does happen, they will be prepped and ready to go. However, getting the end users to put in things like irrigation in a wet year and drainage when its dry takes some salesmanship, foresight and effort on our parts! Whatever portion of the green industry your perspective is coming from, I wish you a “normal”year. Whatever that is…

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6 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

OLA Meeting

Announcement 2013/2014 NE Ohio Meeting Sponsors Emerald Level


r.a.K sales Silver Level

Botson insuranCe group BremeC greenhouse & nursery eleCtroniC merChant systems

Bronze Level aflaC

March 20, 2014 SBA Programs That Can Help Your Business Grow featURing

Jim donato Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) provides answers, resources, and support to small businesses and entrepreneurs so they can start-up, succeed, and grow their small businesses. SBA’s core operations are focused around what it calls the “Three C’s”: Capital, Contracting and Counseling. Jim Donato from SBA’s Northern Ohio District Office will explain these programs and how they are available to help your business grow. Please join us!

Bio Char Davis tree farm anD nursery meDina soD farms usa moBile Drug testing valley City supply ZoresCo eQuipment

sponsorship opportunities availaBle! ContaCt 1.800.335.6521

agenda 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

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FREE to OLA Members Non-Members $25

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RegisteR online at ohiolandscapeRs.oRg oR call the ola at 1-800-335-6521 oR eMail info@ohiolandscapeRs.oRg

Fiscal Fitness

Michael J. Donnellan King Financial, Inc.

Tax Efficiency In Investing Compared with taxes, investing seems simple. With the higher 39.6% marginal tax bracket and the 3.8% passive income Medicare surtax in affect, tax efficiency is more important than ever. I don’t define tax efficiency as minimizing taxes, but rather as maximizing the return after taxes. For example, clients might be able to avoid taxes by holding municipal bonds – but if they are in a low enough tax bracket, they might keep more income after taxes by owning taxable bonds. That’s the better goal. Tax efficiency comes from several sources, including:

Product Selection Product selection is one way to increase a portfolio’s tax efficiency. At the most basic level, picking investment products for the long run avoids turnover. Whenever you sell an asset in a taxable account, it generates a gain or loss with taxable implications. So, holding on to assets with gains defers those taxes. Meanwhile, some investment products are more efficient than others. Mutual funds or ETFs that turn over their holdings generate taxable gains passed on to clients. According to Morningstar, the median turnover of active equity mutual funds is 49%, which means nearly half of the

Product selection is one way to increase a portfolio’s tax efficiency. portfolio is sold and new investments bought each year. This creates both short-term and long-term taxable gains.

Asset Location As a rule, tax-efficient vehicles belong in taxable accounts, while tax-inefficient vehicles belong in tax-deferred accounts, such as 401(k)s and IRAs. There are several reasons to locate some stocks in taxable accounts. First, capital gains can be deferred indefinitely – by avoiding turnover – and possibly eliminated altogether, passing them on to clients’ heirs with a step-up in basis. And dividends are taxed at continued on page 10

8 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association










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Fiscal Fitness continued from pg 8 15% for most; even for those in the 39.6% marginal tax bracket, they still carry a 20% rate – lower than ordinary income. By contrast, holding stocks or stock funds in tax-deferred accounts has three distinct disadvantages: • It converts long-term gains into ordinary income, which could increase the tax burden. • Because stocks tend to be faster-growing assets, they create more ordinary income later, when the required minimum distributions will be larger. • It could cause heirs to miss out on the step-up in basis. Slower-growing assets that are taxed at the highest rates, such as taxable bonds, should be in a tax-deferred account. Since REIT distributions are ordinary income, they also belong in the tax-deferred accounts. What about Roth IRAs? A general rule of thumb is that stocks and stock funds should be held in Roth accounts only when there is no more room (from an asset location perspective) in the taxable account. REITs are often properly located in Roth accounts. There are many other variables that could change asset locations, of course, including whether you plan to pass assets on to heirs or sell them to raise money to live on.

Tax-Loss Harvesting In late 2008 and early 2009, losses were plentiful and recognizing those losses created valuable tax-loss carry-forwards. While only $3,000 a year can be recognized, an unlimited amount can be carried forward to offset future gains. It’s never fun to harvest losses, but the silver lining is that bad times don’t last forever – and that there will come a time when those losses could save you a bundle in taxes.

Roth Conversions Roth IRAs and 401(k)s can be critical elements of your portfolio. Withdrawals from Roth IRAs at retirement age are generally not taxed because the contributions are after-tax dollars. A conversion to a Roth IRA is similar. You would pay the tax going in and enjoy tax-free withdrawals.

10 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Having three pots of money – taxable, tax-deferred and in a tax-free Roth – is an important way to diversify against unpredictable politics and future tax rates.

Withdrawal Strategies Transitioning from accumulation to withdrawal modes, tax strategy continues to be critical. Generally, retirees should spend taxable assets first, tax-deferred assets second and Roth assets last. It’s not a bad rule to start with, because spending down taxable assets lowers future income when clients will be withdrawing from tax-deferred accounts – which generally have a zero cost basis and generate ordinary income. But the analysis becomes more complex if you have an opportunity to pay taxes sooner at a lower marginal rate. If, for example, a client is retired but elects to delay Social Security until age 70 (a wise move for the healthy), a client may have more deductions than income. Thus, it would be advantageous to either take out enough money to stay within a lower income tax bracket. In most cases, coordinating with your accountant is critical. Since many CPAs do not have a strong understanding of investing, you may need to explain some of these strategies to them. Just as I do not offer tax advice; I have an accountant handle my own taxes. Tax strategy is far from simple – yet if done right, planning ahead can create large amounts of tax alpha in any phase of life. Talk to your financial and tax advisors, to determine your specific needs and how to reach your goals.

Michael J. Donnellan is President of King Financial, Inc., in Strongsville, Ohio specializing in stock selection and retirement planning. Feel free to contact him with any questions or comments. Phone number (440) 878-9676.


Presented by

March 13, 2014 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Instructed by

Chris Pascoe Tri-R-Stone Held at


Sponsored & Hosted by

Garfield Heights, OH

With the proper tools and the right skills, you can dress stone on the job and save money using age-old techniques. Join us for this hands-on clinic where you will learn rockfacing, cutting, dressing, coping, splitting, and tooling. You will learn the difference between sandstone and limestone, and their different varieties and grades that require different techniques; as well as the skills for handling barnstone. Qualifies for 6 CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified

Chris Pascoe is a Master Stone Mason and has over 25 years of experience in the stone industry. He grew up and studied in England before traveling to the US to work on the Cathedral St. John The Devine in New York City.

Continental breakfast and lunch are included with each registration. Participants will also have the opportunity to purchase quality stoneworking tools in advance of the clinic. REGISTER EARLY - class size is limited to only 24 participants and will sell out quickly! Cancellations made 8 to 14 days prior to the course start date will be subject to a 30% cancellation fee. NO refunds will be issued for cancellations 7 days or less prior to the course, no shows, or cancellations on the day of the course. If, for any reason, the course is cancelled, enrollees will be notified, and fees refunded in full.

Register On Time, Payment Received Before 03/03/14 Register Late, Payment Received After 03/03/14 Firm Address City Phone (______)

OLA Members OLA Members

$129 $159

NON Members NON Members

$169 $199

Contact State Fax (______)




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Last Three Digits on Signature Line

STONE CLINIC: RIGHT TOOL/RIGHT TECHNIQUE Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association, 9240 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts., OH 44147 Register online, by mail, by phone or fax: Phone 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •

F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e

5 Ways to Improve Workplace Safety In Your Green Industry Business By David Crary, HindSite Software, LLC Almost all businesses have to address safety with employees and customers on a routine basis. Have you ever been on a flight where the attendants skipped the introduction of the safety precautions on board? How about the cruise ships that take everyone in and then immediately go through all the necessary instructions for safety after boarding? You are even fitted with your life preserver in the event you need it. A bit unsettling but necessary. It really shouldn’t be any different for your green industry business. Our green industry employees can have injuries from falls from ladders, vehicle issues, pesticides, noise, West Nile virus, heat, and lightning just to name a few. As a small business owner, you need to commit to a culture of high safety standards. Healthy employees will make for a healthy business and help you control costs. The following tips are ways that you can improve workplace safety. 1. All employees must go through a training program. Make sure the training is both verbally and in writing. If you have

Healthy employees will make for a healthy business and help you control costs. employees whose primary language is not English, be sure to have the training in their language as well. At a minimum, the written documents need to be bilingual. 2. Document every accident and learn from it. Create a simple form to fill out so that it becomes routine for the crew leader or service manager to address the situation. Use this document for facts when you conduct a post-accident review. It is one thing to write up the accident and file it away but it will be a much better work environment if the accident is shared (keeping confidentiality high for the impacted employees) so that all can learn from the issue. continued on page 14

12 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

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The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 13

F o r Sa f e t y Sa k e continued from pg 12 3. Have a written cell phone policy. Cell phones are a major distraction in vehicles, on equipment and simply on the job. When reading text messages and/or emails or talking on the phone, your employee is distracted and likely vulnerable for a safety infraction. Cell phone policies may be only on breaks, and in the event that 9-1-1 needs to be called. And, if you use mobile field service software, make sure your policy addresses when and how they are to enter and retrieve data. Whatever you decide, have it in writing and signed by all your employees. 4. Take advantage of industry trade magazine webinars and programs. Also, review information from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Their websites offer a wealth of information for you to communicate with your employees and solutions for safety issues that exist. Spend some time reading this information and you will have greater knowledge on how to make safety a cultural commitment at your business. 5. Set up a rewards system for your teams. For every 1,000 hours that all employees go without an accident, they could be rewarded with a Subway lunch or pizza. Make it fun and top of mind for them as well. The more aware they are of an incentive, the less likely they will be to sneak a text when on the job, or take a shortcut with the equipment to save time, or to forget the mask in the truck and breathe in potential toxins.

14 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Be careful with your ideas. Domino’s Pizza had the great marketing idea of guaranteeing pizza delivery in 30 minutes or less. This exponentially grew their business. However, due to one fatality and other accidents that involved Domino’s pizza delivery drivers resulting in multimillion dollar law suits, this guarantee was dropped. Safety first. This is only scratching the surface on ideas and tips for employee safety. To make it a top priority for your company, be sure to be an active witness of doing the right thing for safety yourself. Your business will be rewarded in many ways. Your employees will be healthier, and likely more productive and your insurance agent may be able to hold your premium costs where they are because of your exemplary safety record.

David Crary is the founder of Hindsite Software, LLC. His irrigation business struggled with paper work orders and timesheet management, killing his growth. After 10 years of pulling out his hair, he decided to invest in a technology solution. It worked so well at solving his paperwork problems and growing his business, that he decided to sell it to other service businesses facing similar issues. And HindSite was born. To learn more about HindSite Software, go to www.hindsitesoftware. com, email or call 888-271-4076.

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Plant Of the Month

Jim Funai, COLP Cuyahoga Community College

Shelley Funai Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens

Cephalanthus occidentalis


As we sat down to write this month’s article, we found ourselves in the throes of yet another late winter cold snap followed by a dumping of snow that makes one beg nature to throw out any sign of spring to give us hope. Certainly, with temperatures hovering at zero and at least a 6 inch blanket on the ground, nature isn’t going to offer so much as a bud swell on a silver maple. (How’s that for a nerdy reference to spring!) Perhaps we can just think warm thoughts of summer and talk about fun memories of summertime activities and warm up. This reminiscing led to our selection of this month’s plant, for we both enjoy taking our kayaks out to Westbranch Reservoir (a few minutes’ drive from our house) for an afternoon cruise and swim. Our little brown Australian Shepard mutt loves to swim, as do we, so we are always exploring the banks of the reservoir for a good docking spot with a gravel beach to swim from. It is during this exploration that we naturally take a look at what is growing along the banks in this unique planting situation. This 5,000+ acre State Park with a little over 2,600 acres of lake is used for recreation as well as flood control for the

Mahoning River which provides a plant habitat along its shores that would be similar to a rain garden. According the Army Corps of Engineers, who manages this reservoir, the average fluctuation of the water level is eight feet from storm surge to normal. When you consider the idea, this is just a giant rain garden that maintains a water feature year round. The plants on the banks (which often rise quickly in elevation) sustain periods of submersion in water as well as periods with no water. This makes the banks of the reservoir an ideal place to hunt for rain garden plants. We have often found mature, native, and quite beautiful Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), American Beech (Fagus grandifolia), Musclewood (Carpinus caroliniana), and a continued on page 18

16 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

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VISIT WWW.OLIGERSEED.COM The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 17

Plant Of the Month continued from pg 16 number of oak, willow, and maple species. But one little sparkling shrub that jumps out, especially mid-July when in bloom, is the Ohio native, Buttonbush. Buttonbush is not a giant of the landscape coming in at an average of 6-feet tall and wide, usually smaller on the reservoir banks as it is being towered over by other trees. In structure, this is your typical deciduous flowering shrub, and can be treated (as far as pruning) like most flowering shrubs. It does tend to be a more “natural” looking plant with a slightly open habit but maintains a naturally rounded shape without any help. The mid-summer bloom is what makes Buttonbush a rockstar for the rain garden. Butterflies, honeybees, and many other native pollinators love these blooms and will bring them buzzing into the garden. Blooms are a creamy off-white and held above deep green glossy 6-inch leaves. These inflorescence (group of flowers appearing as one “flower”) are nearly perfect globes about one-and-one-half inches across and consist of many tiny tubular flowers that have a slight fragrance that is quite pleasant. What makes these blooms even neater are the long stamens that project out of the ball looking like a pincushion stuck with a hundred needles. Upon falling off, flowers leave behind a smaller globe that contains the seeds. This globe is a dried brown ball that often persists into winter, offering some unique winter interest to the landscape. The Latin name, Cephalanthus, comes from two words, cephalo (head) and anthos (flower) in reference to the flower looking like a human head shape. Occidentalis is a Latin word that means “western”. In this case the reference of western is on the global scale as in North America (and Western Europe) versus the Orientalis which would be the “orient” or Asian countries. Since this plant is native to North America (and Ohio) it got the name ‘occidentalis’. Buttonbush is the northern growing cousin in the family, Rubiaceae, which contains mostly tropical plants including one of the most famous plants, coffee (coffea) and other ornamentals Pentas and Gardenia.

The mid-summer bloom is what makes Buttonbush a rockstar for the rain garden. Typical siting for Buttonbush in the landscape should consider native habitat. Full sun to part shade is preferred and it is best advised to keep it out of dry soils. Perhaps it would be better to say, soils that will always be dry such as really sandy soils that are not near a body of water. Clay soils are just fine for this plant, but they should maintain some moisture through the season. They certainly perform in swamped soils and are often found in lowland, swamp, marsh, river/lake edge, and other low oxygen soils. We have one planted at home near our pond and we may have been a little overzealous in locating it as it spends nearly all year with its roots submerged in water. However, it has done well for four years now and shows no sign of being angry at the constantly wet roots. Klyn Nursery offers a cultivar named ‘Moonlight Fantasy’ that maintains a more compact habit in the 3- to 4-foot range with improved clear yellow fall color. We have also seen at some nurseries a cultivar named ‘Sputnik’ (flower looks like the Russian satellite) that has a pale pink hue to it. Certainly this would be a great addition to your next rain garden and can set your work apart from the standard mix of perennials that end up looking like a pit with weeds in it. A native that thrives in soaked soils, has a unique bloom, offers winter interest, and is a butterfly and pollinator magnet? We’ll take 3 … or 5, or 7, or 9! Jim Funai is full-time faculty at Cuyahoga Community College, a PLANET accredited, associate of applied science in horticulture degree program, offering many paths to higher education to the green industry. He has an MS from Colorado State and is a licensed arborist. Shelley Funai is the Grounds Manager at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens in Akron, Ohio that offers a historic estate designed by Warren H. Manning and a beautiful manor house museum. Both are graduates of The Ohio State University. Contact Jim and Shelly via email at

18 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Stand Out

Ohio Landscape Industry Certified Technician Test Partnership

By earning your Landscape Industry Certified Technician certification, you send a message to your clients and/or employers that you’ve met and achieved the industry standard, and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of all the facets of your job. 2014 Landscape Industry Certified Technician Written & Hands-on Test Dates Registration deadline for the hands-on test is May 20, 2014. July 23 - WRITTEN TEST (Ohio State ATI in Wooster) July 24 - HANDS ON & WRITTEN TEST (Ohio State ATI in Wooster)

REGISTER TODAY! Deadline to register for the hands-on test is May 20, 2014. For additional information about the test, registration information or study materials, visit, or call The Ohio State ATI at 330-287-7511 or 330-287-0100.

Perennial Focus

Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD Bobbie’s Green Thumb



Several years ago, I used to maintain some lovely perennial gardens at a home in Shaker Heights. One of the beds was full of blue, pink, and white lupines (probably hybrids) that seemed to have naturalized. In mid-May and June, it was just beautiful. I then attempted to grow them in my own garden but could not seem to keep them alive. The next time I saw lupines was a year I was driving from Tucson to Phoenix in Arizona in mid-March. When the winter rains are plentiful, the spring wildflowers abound and at the bottom of Picacho Peak was a glorious sight: an abundance of yellow California poppies and blue wild lupine (Lupinus perennis). I was filled with plant envy!

There are several species of lupines native to the United States…

Three years ago, I noticed that one of my neighbors had lupine hybrids growing in the front border along his driveway. This person is not much of a gardener and I decided that if he could grow them, I should be able to as

well. I purchased Lupinus ‘Gallery Blue’ and sited them in full sun as were my neighbor’s. They have thrived although they tend to be purple rather than blue. I think my early mistake was planting them in partial shade. continued on page 22

20 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association Corporate Offices / Main Nursery 4534 Center Road Avon, Ohio 44011-0299 Email: Toll Free: 866-934-4435 / Fax: 440-934-5826


Distribution Centers

4825 Center Rd. / Avon, Oh. 44011-0299 Toll Free: 866-934-4435 ext. 2251 / Local: 440-934-3813 Fax: 440-934-4621 E-mail: Bill Owens, Manager


6981 Scioto Darby Creek Road / Hilliard, Oh. 43026 Toll Free: 888-593-5999 / Local: 614-777-9859 Fax: 614-777-1276 E-mail: Jack Johnston, Manager

The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 21

Perennial Focus continued from pg 20 There are several species of lupines native to the United States but few are widely grown. I find the Gallery hybrids and the Russell hybrids to be the most available. The Gallery hybrids grow 15 to 18 inches tall in shades of blue, pink, white, and red. The Russell hybrids, with names like ‘Chandelier’, ‘The Chatelaine’, and ‘The Governor’ are taller at two to three feet. I am also now growing Lupinus perennis which is known as the sundial lupine. This true blue lupine is supposedly much easier to grow than the hybrids and should seed - so far, so good. The slightly pyramidal spires are composed of an infinite number of small florets and many are bi-colored. Give any of the lupines space so that the lovely divided, fan-like foliage can be appreciated after the plants are finished blooming. The large seedpods also add another season of interest to the garden. All lupines need well-drained, organic soil. Armitage suggests planting from one gallon containers in October, but I have planted mine in early spring quite successfully. If you or your clients love blue, lupines are a no-brainer.

Bobbie Schwartz, FAPLD, owner of Bobbie’s Green Thumb in Shaker Hts., Ohio, is a landscape designer, consultant, free-lance writer, and lecturer whose specialties are perennial gardens and four-season landscapes. In addition to being an Ohio Landscape Association (OLA) member, she is an active member of the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) and Perennial Plant Association (PPA). Bobbie is a Past President of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD). Bobbie currently serves as chair of the ONLA Plant Selection Committee. Bobbie can be reached at (216) 752-9449.

22 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Effective and Affordable Advertising for Green Industry Suppliers

Your Complete Tree Care Specialists VanCuren Tree Service can fulfill the needs of your clients to gain an instant impact to their landscape.

ing The Gnrcoerw n er 2011


transplant trees...

Co li A pub

Up to 9” caliper or approximately 20’ to 30’

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octobeR 2011

A p u b l i c At i o n o f t h e o h i o l A n d s c A p e A s s o c i At i o n

ing OLA Meet

er 15, 2011 Septemb ie Group The Patt Hosted by

relocate trees...

page 7

Drainage Clinic

Ice Snowag&ement Clinic Man er 22, 2011

That may have been improperly sited or spaced

November 9, 2011 Page 17


page 11


ing Cl ant Prun Ohio

Dormer 27, 2011 – Northeast

Ohio Septemb – Central 4, 2011 October page 30

OLA Annual Meeting November 17, 2011 Page 7

Sales Clinic

For Landscape Professionals December 13, 2011 Page 13

How To Set Goals For New Employees

provide aftercare programs...

Page 32

To best assure the health of their investment

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We’re “all season” for a reason.

CONTACT THE OLA FOR MORE INFORMATION 1-800-335-6521 email: web:


RCPW.COM/SNOW for Parts & Parts Lookup your snow plow parts source

let it snow. The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 23

Follow-Up Is Simple – So Why Isn’t It Easy? By C.J. Hayden, MCC

Doing a good job at follow-up is a piece of cake. You just capture every lead or potential referral partner you run across, then place a call or send them something, or both. If you don’t make a sale right away, you calendar them for the next follow-up and do the same thing again. Pretty straightforward, isn’t it? So why is follow-up such a problem? Here are the four most common reasons: 1. Prioritization. With an activity that you must initiate, it’s easy to let other tasks come first: responding to incoming calls and mail, getting the invoices out, going to networking events, and oh yes, doing the client work you get paid for. If you don’t set aside reserved time for follow-up, it will never happen. 2. Disorganization. Business cards and scraps of paper lying on your desk do not constitute a contact management system. Without accurate records of who you have contacted, when, and what your last conversation was about, effective follow-up is impossible. 3. Resistance. Do you find yourself saying, “Why do I have to do this? I’m good at what I do. Why aren’t the prospects calling me?” You are sabotaging yourself with this line of thinking. Business owners much more established than you are do follow-up every day. It’s one of the ways they got established. Regular follow-up does not make people think you don’t have enough business; it makes them see you as a professional. continued on page 26

24 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association


par ner


success The OLA helps its members take their business to the next level with its educational programs and seminars, networking opportunities, and with the determination to increase public awareness of the professionalism of the green industry. Submit your OLA membership application today and

instantly SAVE $50 off your initial membership dues! visit to complete the membership application online and learn about the additional ways the

ola will help your business grow and save you money!

continued from pg 24 4. Fear. “If I follow up that lead, I might be rejected,” reasons the voice in your head. “So I’ll avoid the pain by not making the call in the first place.” Or conversely, you may be thinking, “If I place the call, I might get the business, and then I’ll have to do the work, and people will have all these expectations of me.” The reality is that if you don’t place the calls, you’re going to fail even more dramatically than in these two imaginary scenarios. The thought of making follow-up calls may be even more paralyzing than cold calling. After all, this is someone you already believe needs your services. Maybe you’ve already talked or sent your literature. You’ve invested something or made a personal connection, so now if you hear no, the rejection really feels personal. What you have to remember is that rejection is not about you. This is a business transaction. Your prospect is deciding whether to spend his or her own or the company’s money. The number of factors that go into a decision like this are innumerable. Here are some actual reasons people with a strong need for the service being offered have refused to buy or bought from a competitor: • Decided to take a Hawaiian vacation instead • Competing bid was from cousin’s boyfriend • Getting divorced • Company going bankrupt • Didn’t want to take money out of a mutual fund to pay for it • Boss doesn’t want headquarters to know there’s a problem • Liked the competitor’s logo • Project was tabled until next year

26 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

The thought of making follow-up calls may be even more paralyzing than cold calling. When a prospect tells you a competitor was chosen because he or she “has more experience,” the message is that the company hires only people with strong experience in its own industry. This is not about you. If you are told the competition “came well recommended,” the prospect is choosing to do business with the friend of a colleague. It’s not about you. When you hear that the other guy’s bid was lower, it means the buyer values price over quality. Also, not about you. The real trick to vanquishing fear of follow-up is to have so many prospects in the pipeline that any one “no” becomes much less important.

Copyright © 2013, C.J. Hayden C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients Now!™ Thousands of business owners and independent professionals have used her simple sales and marketing system to double or triple their income. Get a free copy of “Five Secrets to Finding All the Clients You’ll Ever Need” at

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Support those who support You! They are... • OLA members and advertisers who supply goods and services • OLA members who sponsor OLA events

You’ll find them... • Inside the pages of the OLA Membership Directory • Among those advertising inside The Growing Concern and the OLA Membership Directory • Displaying as a sponsor at OLA meetings and education events • Inside The Growing Concern’s pages with event sponsor acknowledgements

The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 27


Teamwork OLA had a garden at the Great Big Home and Garden Show at the I-X Center in Cleveland again this year. The show ran from February 8th to February 18th and was very busy despite some snow and some very frigid temperatures!

Sandy Munley Executive Director Ohio Landscape Association

I think our harsh winter may have helped attendance this year. It was nice to see “spring,” even if it was indoors! Teamwork is such an important part of the garden. It is hard to believe that such a beautiful garden is created through volunteer efforts! Everyone involved worked long and hard to have the garden ready for the show’s opening day. An incredible amount of time and talent went into making our garden look professional and as beautiful as the competition gardens. I would like to thank all of those who helped to create a truly gorgeous garden! PROJECT MANAGER Chad Mikin – Mason Structural Steel ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER Corky Lilly – Mason Structural Steel GARDEN DESIGNER Eric Brubeck, ASLA – Brubeck Design Studio

Photo by Autum McConnell

28 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

GARDEN CONSTRUCTION TEAM Brubeck Design Studio Down to Earth Landscaping, Inc. Empaco Equipment Corporation continued on page 30

Advertising Index

35 Botson Insurance Group

17 Chagrin Valley Nurseries, Inc

9 Davis Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc.

29 Empaco Equipment Corporation

6 Klyn Nurseries, Inc. 13 Mason Structural Steel, Inc.

17 Oliger Seed Co.

23 RCPW/Sohar’s

21 R&J Farms, Inc.

27 Shearer Equipment

6 Three-Z, Inc.

2 Unilock



Natural Stone

> Bulk Aggregates

9 MRLM Landscape Materials 17 O’Reilly Equipment


27 Medina Sod Farms

Equipment Corporation

> Quick & On-Time


Servicing NE Ohio

2958 Brecksville, Rd Richfield, OH 44286


Sales Manager: Greg Schrank

15 Valley City Supply 13, 23 VanCuren Tree Service 21

Willoway WDC

The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 29

Directions Effective and Affordable Advertising for Green Industry Suppliers

The Gnrcoerwn ing

Co li A pub

c At i o

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i At i o


I would also like to thank everyone who helped to staff the garden during the show.

eeting OLA M 15, 2011

September Group The Pattie Hosted by page 7

Ice Snow &ement Clinic Manag 2011 September

Houk Landscapes, LLC Mason Structural Steel Sasak Landscaping Unilock Ohio Inc. Wolf Creek Company MATERIALS & TRANSPORTATION Carter Lumber Empaco Equipment Co. Great Big Home and Garden Show Mason Structural Steel Unilock Willoway Nurseries Wolf Creek Company

ber 201


continued from pg 28



page 11

Clinic t Prunrthineasgt Ohio Dorman – No 27, 2011

Growing octobeR 2011


A p u b l i c At i o n o f t h e o h i o l A n d s c A p e A s s o c i At i o n

io September Central Oh 4, 2011 – October page 30

Drainage Clinic November 9, 2011 Page 17

OLA Annual Meeting November 17, 2011 Page 7

Sales Clinic

For Landscape Professionals December 13, 2011 Page 13

How To Set Goals For New Employees

The purpose of the garden is to promote the use of professional landscape contractors — especially OLA members, and to promote the Landscape Industry Certified program, our Landscape Ohio! Awards program, and the value of landscape in general. During the show, we gave away thousands of Landscape Ohio! Magazines (which included our membership directory) and thousands of postcards directing show attendees to find a member of the OLA on our consumer website —

Page 32

Our consumer website includes a “Find A Professional” section that helps consumers find our members who service their area. If you haven’t provided us with your referral information, please be sure to do so!

Beautiful and full color throughout, The Growing Concern provides Ohio’s green industry advertisers an extremely cost-effective option to deliver their message!

CONTACT THE OLA FOR MORE INFORMATION phone: 1-800-335-6521 email: web:

Most of the contractors who had gardens at the show have reported a lot of activity and interest from homeowners, although a few seemed a little disappointed in their leads. I think we are looking at another strong year. The home and garden shows in Akron and Columbus take place later this month and I hope they have great attendance and produce a lot of leads as well. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am very ready for spring this year. Spending time at the garden show was a nice sneak preview for me, as much as it was for the typical attendee! It has been such a brutal winter with colder than normal temperatures and lots of snow that warm temperatures and sunshine will be a welcome change. I wish each and every one of you a safe and prosperous season!

30 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Plants for Outdoor Living CATALOGS

These catalogs are perfect for your business! 

An economical way to stir the imagination of your customers

Available in small quantities at great low pricing

Easy visual reference for your sales staff and customers

Sell them, or provide as a value-added bonus to your customer

Space at bottom right for your business card, rubber stamp, or label with your company information.

Catalogs can also be custom imprinted with your logo in full case lots of 200 catalogs. Call for a special quote.

Available to current OLA members only

PRICING trees & shrubs

(40 page catalog)

Package of 20 ....... $26

Beautiful, Full-Color Catalogs



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Make checks payable and send to: Ohio Landscape Association • 9238 Broadview Road • Broadview Heights, OH 44147 Purchase online, by mail, by phone, or by fax: Phone 440-717-0002 or 1-800-335-6521 • Fax 440-717-0004 •

CL A SSIFIED s For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit OPENINGS - ACCOUNT MANAGER + SALES + FOREMAN Moscarino Outdoor Creations is an award-winning design company, a leader in commercial lawn maintenance/snow management and has exceptional opportunities to join our team of professionals as we expand our service line. LANDSCAPE ACCOUNT MANAGER Responsibilities include managing a portfolio of landscape maintenance contracts, providing excellent customer service and personnel management, recommend enhancements, prepare proposals, develop and train employees and deliver quality services to ensure maintenance contract renewals. Applicants with background in landscape management or horticulture and the snow industry are preferred. This position also requires excellent organizational, leadership, communication, and time management skills. LANDSCAPE DESIGNER/ARCHITECT/SALES Seeking an industry professional with minimum 5 years landscape design/build and aggressive sales experience. Must have superb horticultural and construction knowledge as well as strong computer skills, including CAD (we currently use Dynascapes software). If you are up-to-date, energetic, computer savvy and love working with plants and hardscapes this is the dream job for you!! LANDSCAPE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SALES Essential functions of this position include: • Generate sales by obtaining leads from industry and community resources including calling on prospective clients, gathering and analyzing the client’s needs and then providing up to date information on product services and pricing. • Deliver and follow-up on bid packages to ensure that clients have enough information to make an informed decision. Requirements of this position include: • Relevant business to business commercial contract sales experience in the service industry. • Excellent oral and written communication skills. • Organized and able to manage time.

• P roficient with computer software programs including MS Office suite. • Industry or local knowledge and contacts preferred. CONSTRUCTION & LAWN MAINTENANCE FOREMAN Please see website for this and other job positions and job descriptions. Compensation packages will be tailored for experienced individuals. Valid Driver’s License Required. EOE/Drug and Smoke Free Workplace. Please email resume to: or apply online at job-opportunities/ PLEASE SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL LIST OF JOB POSITIONS AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER/LABORER Bay Village, OH An established 10+ year old friendly Landscape Maintenance Company is looking for an individual with at least two full consecutive years of green industry experience that is verifiable. Job Specifications - Must currently possess these skills: • H ave a horticulture background and knowledge of our region’s plants • H ave the ability to clearly communicate with clients and team members • H ave the ability to correctly train other employees and enforce company policy • H ave the ability to oversee the quality control of jobs and employees in the field • M ust already know how to edge beds, mulch, fertilize, aerate, do all forms of lawn renovations, spring clean-up, fall clean-up, pruning, mowing, bed and cement weed control • C an run all landscape machines and drive large 18 ft. enclosed trailers • H ave the ability to work on and fix small engines as well as minor truck and trailer mechanical issues that arise • M ust have a clean driving record • Th is is a drug free work place • C ompetitive pay

32 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Personal qualities: honest, reliable, motivated, great attitude Please email references, wage requirements, resume of experience and contact information to Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you. LANDSCAPE MANAGER Landscape maintenance service company in Bay Village, Ohio is looking for an individual with at least 3 years of green industry experience and at least 1 year of management experience. Duties and qualifications include: Has the ability to grow the company; Sales to new clients and existing clients; Can close estimates; Management of employees; Develop and train employees; Schedule jobs efficiently; Provide excellent customer service; Proficient using computers; Has plant identification knowledge; The ability to diagnose lawns for diseases and insects; Good driving record and valid state driver’s license required. Personal qualities: Honest, reliable, and great attitude. Drug-free workplace. Please email resume, salary requirements, a nd references to Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you. DESIGN/BUILD FOREMAN Award-winning design/build, maintenance firm is currently searching for an experienced quality-minded foreman. This opportunity is for a talented individual who is committed to delivering a high quality service that exceeds our clients expectations. Foreman candidates must possess a minimum of three years’ experience. This position is responsible for directing the day-to-day activity of all crew members and has overall responsibility for the successful planning and execution of landscape projects, including softscapes, hardscapes, irrigation,

CL A SSIFIED s c o n t i n u e d For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit drainage, lighting and water features. Candidate must possess excellent communication and customer skills. Candidate should have a very good working knowledge of landscape plans and construction methods. Responsibilities will require landscape installation from plans including site work, hardscape construction and planting installations. Crew leadership, best practices installation and project tracking are a must.

Send resume to or apply in person, M-F between 9&5. (Weekend appointments by request.)

Burton, OH 44021, or email resume to

Graf’s Landscape & Design A division of Graf Growers, 1015 White Pond Drive, Akron, Ohio 44320 330.836.2727

Position compensation based on experience and skill level. (CDL) (CLT) a plus.

LANDSCAPE TECHNICIANS NEEDED Landscape technicians are needed for an expanding garden center / landscape company serving Akron and surrounding suburbs providing customer friendly service. A company where each staff member is treated respectfully and personal growth is encouraged.

LANDSCAPE DESIGN & SALES PROFESSIONAL Vizmeg Landscape Company is seeking a highly motivated Landscape Design and Sales Professional who has a strong desire to be part of our well established and leading landscape firm. We are looking for an aggressive sales person who is able to create a landscape design, present the concept and supervise the project.

Contact: Mike Sebastian (440) 933-6808 Email: MAINTENANCE FOREMAN & CREW MEMBERS Cutting Edge Lawn & Landscape, Inc. is now hiring experienced crew leaders and crew members. Crew leaders must have a minimum 2 years’ experience, and crew members 1 year with a previous landscape company and a valid driver’s license. Contact: Mike Sebastian (440) 933-6808 Email: LANDSCAPE FOREMAN NEEDED Landscape professional needed for an expanding garden center / landscape company serving Akron and surrounding suburbs providing customer friendly service. A company where each staff member is treated respectfully and personal growth is encouraged. Position requirements are organization, communication and landscaping skills including hardscape & plantscape. We are seeking a highly motivated individual with leadership skills and an enthusiastic approach. Ideal candidate will have a minimum of 2 years’ experience and / or an associate degree in landscape installation. Individual must have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record. Competitive compensation & a reasonable work schedule. We encourage certification & additional job training as needed. Growth opportunities are available. Drug free work place.

Technician Position requirements are organization, communication and landscaping skills including hardscape & plantscape. Ideal candidate will have a minimum of 2 years’ experience and / or an associate degree in landscape installation. Individual must have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record. Competitive compensation, benefits, & a reasonable work schedule. We encourage certification & additional job training as needed. Growth opportunities are available. Drug free work place Send resumé to or apply in person, M-F between 9&5. (Weekend appointments by request.) Graf’s Landscape & Design A division of Graf Growers, 1015 White Pond Drive, Akron, Ohio 44320 330.836.2727 LANDSCAPE CREW LEADERS Now hiring full-time experienced landscape maintenance, enhancement, and construction crew leaders. Pre-employment background check & drug screen required. Competitive pay. Benefits include medical, dental, 401(k) with company match. Applications accepted at Impullitti Landscaping, 14659 Ravenna Road,

We are a leader in the residential and commercial landscape construction industry that provides astonishing landscapes throughout our area. Position Requirements Include: Conduct research on site. Prepare and manage drawings and presentation. Tally costs of labor and material. Communicate and translate design concepts through all phases of design to client. Prepare and manage teams. Represent Vizmeg Landscape with professionalism. Establish and maintain client relationships. Continually increase sales and clientele. Position Qualifications: Bachelor Landscape Architecture. 5 years of proven landscape sales experience. Excellent interpersonal, leadership and presentation skills. Excellence in CAD (Vector Works). 3-D Modeling (i.e., Sketch-Up) a plus. Proven networking relationships. Excellence in Microsoft Office. Expertise in presenting information based on clients’ needs. Willing to travel to job sites To Apply: Interested candidates should submit the following information to jodi.destefanis@ or under Careers: • Resume and Cover Letter • Portfolio with highlighted 5 best residential projects • Other materials, references or data that highlight your qualifications for the position. OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Vizmeg Landscape Company is seeking a highly motivated Operations Coordinator who has a strong desire to be part of our well established and leading landscape firm. We are

continued on page 34 The Growing Concern x March 2014 x 33

CL A SSIFIED s c o n t i n u e d For an up-to-date listing of all classified/help wanted ads, please visit looking for a self-motivating person who is able to organize schedules, communicate with team, develop relationships and schedule drivers, material and equipment. We are a leader in the residential and commercial landscape construction industry that provides astonishing landscapes throughout our area. Position Requirements Include: Reviews and approves purchase order placement. Develops relationships with vendors. Negotiates pricing and seeks best quality and price combination. Identifies new product demands and schedules replacement. Purchases material and supplies needed for landscape. issues and requests bid requests and reviews quotes. Schedules drivers to pick up material and deliver. Knowledge of job materials needed. Position Qualifications: Associates or Bachelor Degree in Horticulture or similar degree. 3 years of proven experience. Excellent interpersonal, leadership, and communication skills. Valid drivers’ license. Ability to work with all levels of the team. To Apply: Interested Candidates should submit their resumé and salary requirements to jodi. or under Careers. ACCOUNT MANAGER Commercial Maintenance. Must be experienced in sales and supervising crews. Full-time, year-round position. Excellent growth opportunity. Send resume to: PO Box 23007; Chagrin Falls, OH 44023. MAINTENANCE FOREMEN AND CREW MEMBERS S.A.M. Landscaping, Inc. is now hiring maintenance personnel including Foreman and Crew Members. Candidates seeking the Foreman position must have 3 or more years of industry experience with at least 1 full season of leadership experience. Crew members must have 1 season of experience. Detailed craftsmanship, honesty, and willingness to learn and improve on a daily basis are required traits.

Competitive pay will be based on experience and knowledge. Benefits include medical, dental, life and 401(k) with company match. Year-round employment is available. Drug free work environment. To learn more about our team or to apply for a position, please call (440) 286-7697 or e-mail CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN S.A.M Landscaping, Inc. is now hiring a Construction Foreman. Position requires 3 or more years of industry experience with the ability to communicate with designers and clients. Layout of job sites, excavation, grading, drainage, and hardscape installation along with various other landscape functions will be required. Detailed craftsmanship, self-motivation, execution of ideas, honesty, and delegative skills are required. Competitive pay will be based on experience and knowledge. Benefits include medical, dental, life and 401(k) with company match. Year-round employment is available. Drug free work environment. To learn more about our team or to apply for a position, please call (440) 286-7697 or e-mail LANDSCAPE AND SNOWPLOWING POSITIONS D. Peterman Landscaping & Snow Plowing, Inc. located in Walton Hills, Ohio is looking for quality individuals to fill positions within our company. We are a full-service commercial/residential landscape and snow removal company with full-time, year-round positions available. Pay and benefits are based on experience and position applied for. Avaliable Positions: Sales/Design Construction Foreman Maintenance Foreman General Laborers

34 x Official Publication of The Ohio Landscape Association

Please send resumés or contact information to LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Now hiring full-time, experienced personnel with a minimum of seven consecutive years in the landscape construction and maintenance industry. Successful candidates will have a proven record in leadership, communication, and in quality installation and maintenance practices. Must have a valid driver’s license and a clean record. Offering competitive compensation and benefits to successful candidates. Applications accepted at J. Barker Landscaping Company, 24 Taylor Road, Bedford, OH 44146, or email resume and salary requirements to LANDSCAPING LABORERS NEEDED! Clutch Landscaping & Snowplowing, Inc., based in Cleveland, Ohio has been delivering superior quality work and customer service to Northeast Ohio businesses and residents since 2000, and we are looking to add to our team! We are seeking full-time experienced laborers in the areas of landscape maintenance, enhancement, and construction. Competitive wages and growth opportunities available. Candidates must have a valid driver’s license. Please send a resumé to or visit and complete the online application. Clutch Landscaping & Snowplowing, Inc. 1420 Tampa Ave., Cleveland, OH 44109, 440-884-4001


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March 13, 2014 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Instructed by

Chris Pascoe Tri-R-Stone Held at


Garfield Heights, OH Sponsored and Hosted by

With the proper tools and the right skills, you can dress stone on the job and save money using age-old techniques. Join us for this hands-on clinic where you will learn rockfacing, cutting, dressing, coping, splitting, and tooling. You will learn the difference between sandstone and limestone, and their different varieties and grades that require different techniques; as well as the skills for handling barnstone.

Qualifies for 6 CEUs for Landscape Industry Certified

Chris Pascoe is a Master Stone Mason and has over 25 years of experience in the stone industry. He grew up and studied in England before traveling to the US to work on the Cathedral St. John The Devine in New York city.

To register online or to download a registration form, please visit and click on the Education page. REGISTER EARLY - class size is limited to only 24 participants and will sell out quickly! •

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