2022 Beacon - Summer

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Volume 29, Issue 3, Summer 2022 BEAC N The Ohio WRMC is Growing by the Day Page 13 Ohio Mason’s Dog Shines at the Westminster Kennel Club Page 7 Meet Butterscotch Page 10 Travels in Estonia Page 5 The Heat Can't Stop The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation's 9th Annual Golf Classic Page 8 A JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE OHIO MASONIC HOME AND THE GRAND LODGE OF OHIO

We’re also in the process of making design enhancements and refreshing the memory care units at WRMC and Browning Masonic Community (BMC). The changes in memory care go beyond updating the physical spaces and include new interactive programming. Robotic pets, like Butterscotch that you’ll read more about in this issue, are just one feature of our memory care programming that sets us apart.


A MessAge froM the CeoIN THIS ISSUE Letter from the CEO ... 2 Letter from the GM 3 Grand Lodge News 4 The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation News 8 The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center News .. 10 The Ohio Masonic Home News 12 Western Reserve Masonic Community News 13 Browning CommunityMasonicNews .... 14 Springfield Masonic Community News .... 15 The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504 614-885-5318 TheDirector800-292-6092orJimHall,PMofProgramsjhall@glohio.comOhioMasonicHomeMarketingDepartment2655W.NationalRoad Springfield, OH 45504 receiveohiomasonichome.orgOMHmarketing@937-525-5609IfyouwouldliketotheOhioBeaconelectronically,sendanemailwithyourrequesttoOMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.org ADDRESS CORRECTIONS? Please update your information via Grandview, or report all changes of address to your Lodge

I hope you received the special publication we sent to you earlier this month about The Ohio Masonic Home, our history, the services and programs we offer, and what it means to support our mission. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, there’s more information on the back cover of this issue about how to access the publication online.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading this issue of the Beacon about the active lifestyle offered at each of our three campuses and the great work being done by The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation and The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center. work would not be possible without you and our Masonic CEO, The Ohio Masonic Home Secretary in turn, will notify Grand Secretary, who

Dear Brethren, As we close in on the end of the summer, our Ohio Masonic Home has been focused on the enhancement of the lives of our community members through various activities on our campuses.


Thanks to the interest and support of a donor through The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation, a 12 foot tall square and compass was recently installed by the pond at BMC. Now, work is underway to finalize its installation with lighting so it can be seen anytime, day or night. When it’s lit up at night, it reflects off the water of the pond and becomes even more impressive. This is a great symbol honoring our Masonic roots and ensuring they are forever part of our organization.


maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists. The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. WRMC OHIO MASONIC HOME | MEDINA, OH GREAT ROOM RENDERING

At Western Reserve Masonic (WRMC),Communityanimportant part of the expansion project underway is new amenities spaces. We’re excited to be creating a new state-of-the-art fitness center, salon, woodshop, and pub and café. These added luxuries will bring more enjoyment to the lives of our community members.

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We’re proud to be able to bring activities to our campuses for community members, especially for those who can’t easily attend off-campus events. Fourth of July fireworks displays at each campus are one example of many events we’re able to host for our community members.

This year the Grand Lodge gave our Lodges and Districts the flexibility to raise Masons however THEY wanted to –through traditional methods, single day and multi-day Grand Master Class events conducted within our Districts / Lodges, or by bringing candidates to the statewide Grand Master Class events. I believe that giving our Lodges this flexibility significantly contributed to us raising almost 1,500 new Master Masons for the second year in a row! I strongly believe that it is important to push the decisionmaking process concerning Grand Master Class events (and multiple candidate degree presentations) down to the local Lodge and District leadership levels. Our Lodge Charters state that our primary purpose is to make Masons, so I do not believe that the Grand Master should need to give Lodges special permission to carry out what their own Charter dictates for them to do.

God bless you, God bless our country, and God bless our great Masonic TimothyFraternally,Fraternity.S.Wheeland Grand Master Grand Lodge of Ohio froM the grAnd Find the Paw!

My theme for this year is “Reflect on Freemasonry”. I ask that you REFLECT on where Masonry has been and, more importantly, REFLECT on how we want to move this great Fraternity into the future.

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• Do not let the minutia get in the way of ALL OF US making progress

Our Lodges and our members must hold the Grand Lodge leadership accountable for continued improvements in our membership going forward. Everyone – at all levels of our organization – must step up and do whatever is needed to continue to drive and promote the many membership initiatives currently underway. There are no excuses for us to take any steps backward; we must press on and continue to build this great fraternity for the future generations of men.

The last time I wrote to you I had just finished the second quarter of my term as Grand Master – and here I am finishing up my third quarter! I just returned from the Northeast Conference of Grand Masters, where I presented Ohio’s 2022 Ohio membership initiatives and our preliminary results. Our membership year ends on July 31st, so I am looking forward to getting the final numbers and presenting them to our Ohio Masons in my upcoming third quarterly update (most likely in mid to late August).

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As many of you know, I have not said “goodbye” at any event that I have attended this year – and I won’t say it now either (although this is the last Beacon article that I will be writing to you as Grand Master). I believe that “goodbye” signals an end, and I will not be ending my work or my dedication as your Grand Master until October 28th around 5:25 p.m. (when the next Grand Master takes his oath). But I will leave you with a few thoughts:

Congratulations to Ernie Welch of Lima Lodge #205 in Lima, Ohio, the winner of last edition’s Find the 8-Ball search! There were 5 8-Balls in the last edition.

As I reflect back on the past three quarters, I am proud of the hard work and dedication that our Ohio Masons, District leaders, and Grand Lodge have put forth. We have made some significant improvements to all aspects of our membership metrics – including raising a large number of Masons, lowering our suspension rate, and improving our reinstatement/restoration rates. The many efforts across all levels of the organization are what made this happen. I am happy to say that we are in a better position now than we have been in for many years. This does not mean that we can take our foot off the pedal. We must keep our focus on continuing to bring in a larger number of Masons in the coming years – and continuing to do whatever it takes to keep reducing our membership losses. We can no longer afford to have our leadership focus on single membership programs or initiatives. In order to move the “membership needle”, we must execute on multiple initiatives at the same time and ensure that they are all working in concert with one another. This year’s results show how the “layered programs” approach moved the needle and we must continue to do the same in the years ahead. This year’s large number of raisings, new centralized dues payment system, online dues payments, reinstatement and restoration programs, and working closely with our appendant bodies, all contributed to the overall improvements that we saw this year.

• Dream Big, Think Big, and Execute Big

In this issue, we learn about Butterscotch on page 10, a robotic cat used to support those with memory-related challenges. Another "animal-centric" article is on page 7, featuring the story of a Mason's success at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Paw graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic).

Your Grand Lodge’s next focus will be on preparing for our upcoming Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Columbus, Ohio in late October. I hope that you will consider attending this important event this year and possibly join us at one of the banquets on Thursday or Friday evening.


• EVERYONE has a role to play in the success of our fraternity – and I ask each one of you – what is YOUR ROLE?

Submit the correct answer along with your contact information (name/address/phone) and Lodge affiliation to The Ohio Masonic Home, ATTN: OMH Marketing, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email OMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.orgat by Friday, September 2, 2022, and be entered to win a prize, courtesy of The Ohio Masonic Home Print Shop! (Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.)

Hello Brethren!

Brethren and Friends all, Summer activities are in full swing. Whether you enjoy baseball, auto racing, motorcycling, picnics, camping, or maybe a little of each, I hope you are enjoying each day. Remember to take a minute to check in on your friends and neighbors.

extend a cordial invitation to attend the 213th

Keith W. Newton, PGM, Grand Secretary Masons of the 14th Masonic District Annual Grand

I receive a lot of questions about Lodge tax status. Our members are not always clear whether their Lodge is classified as a 501(c)3 or 501(c)10, or if they pay taxes or not. In simple terms, a 501(c)3 is a nonprofit charitable organization, not subject to federal tax or state sales tax. A 501(c)10 is a not-forprofit domestic fraternity, not subject to federal tax but required to pay state sales tax. Ohio Masonic Lodges fall under a 501(c)10 definition. Let me try to clarify using a recent issue with The OMH Print Shop. A Lodge purchased some name badges and paraphernalia from The OMH Print Shop and thought they were tax exempt. Luckily, the Print Shop understands their status and explained the difference.

Did you know that we maintain a history file in the Grand Lodge office for each Ohio Lodge? Many contain items such as a programs from recent reconsecration ceremonies, special community celebrations, a copy of your Lodge history and even pictures of the Lodge building(s) over the years. If you are ever in the Springfield area, stop by the office and drop off the most recent Lodge history file, along with a picture, so we can keep your Lodge up to date.

It’s a Great Day for Freemasonry!

A M ess A ge fro M t he g r A nd s e C ret A ry T he G rand L od G e of o hio At www.GLOHIO2022.com, you will find: • Your formal announcement and invitation to attend this year’s Grand Lodge Annual Communication • How to make room reservations directly • How to obtain tickets for all events including: Thursday evening Grand Master’s Banquet Friday lunch for attendees Friday Ladies luncheon & entertainment Friday evening New Grand Master’s Celebration • All information you need about the 2022 Grand Lodge including a schedule of events, times and locations. Any questions, email gloffice@freemason.com. The

The Lodge pays the state sales tax. For more information, please review www.irs.gov/charities or contact your local tax expert.

The Lodge Secretaries are busy now reviewing their Annual Report information and updating their Lodge records before the year end close on July 31. Please thank your Secretary when you see him next. They are doing a great job keeping our member and Lodge information current.

Communication of the Most Worshipful

Lodge of Ohio. Friday, October 28, 2022 Columbus Convention Center Downtown | Columbus, Ohio Details can be found by visiting www.GLOHIO2022.com GRAND LODGE 2022 4 SUMMER 2022

The 2023 Membership Renewal Notices are scheduled to be emailed and mailed the second week in August. Credit card payment options will be available in your Grand View membership account, or you can send your payment to your Lodge Secretary. By updating your membership status early, you are helping to save on program costs and eliminate multiple communications. Remember, yearly membership renewal dues must be remitted on or before the Annual Meeting of your Lodge every November

It’s an honor to serve the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The office staff is committed to serve you, so please call on us if we can be of any assistance.

On Tuesday, May 3rd, I visited the Hackney Brook Lodge #14 and met up with my gracious host, Brother Patrick Kobly, Director of Ceremonies. I “met” Brother Kobly during the COVID lockdowns and have "sat" with him through the Castle Island Virtual Lodge. Two candidates received their Master Mason Degrees that evening - one a member of the lodge, the other a member of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) who has been living in Estonia for some time. That the UGLE had requested this courtesy work was seen as a tremendous honor and a sign of the esteem held in the work of the lodge. This is both the only English-speaking lodge in Estonia and the only one that works in Emulation Ritual. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Estonia, Most Worshipful Brother Kalle Küttis, was in attendance to observe this event.

On Monday, May 2nd, I visited the Grand Lodge building (the Tallinn Freemasons House) for a Royal Arch Degree conferred by the Hackney Brook Chapter. The Hackney Brook Chapter is the only chapter that works in English, and is a direct transplant from its original home in England – hence why it is unnumbered among the other Estonian chapters. However, as the Grand Chapters of Royal Arch Masons of Estonia and Ohio do not yet recognize each other, my participation was limited to meeting the companions before the degree and catching up with them again later in the evening to congratulate them on work well done.

The Grand Lodge of Estonia was born of the Grand Lodge of Finland in 1999, which in turn was born of the Grand Lodge of New York in 1924. Of the 23 craft lodges, 22 work in Estonian (similar to Finnish) in a Webb ritual adapted through Finland from New York.

On Saturday, May 7th, I attended the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Estonia. This was held at the House of the Blackheads (a medieval guild of unmarried merchants) in the heart of Tallinn's Old City district. Foreign delegates were recognized according to the age of their Grand Lodge. Thus, the Grand Lodge of Ohio (1808) enjoyed a high honor in following only the Grand East of the Netherlands and the Swedish Order of Freemasons (both founded in 1735).

The meeting itself lasted only a few hours. Most of the reporting and approvals of the Grand Lodge are conducted in business meetings for that purpose. The Grand Master of Estonia serves a two-year term and there was no balloting or installation this year.

The Grand Lodge of Estonia consists of 23 working craft lodges, one lodge of research, and one lodge of instruction, for a total of 25 lodges. They have approximately 900 members. Lodges are encouraged to remain small and active. When they reach approximately 50 members, they are typically split into two. The Grand Lodge of Estonia has seen consistent membership gains, though the rate of increase was significantly limited by the pandemic. Approximately 67% of new Masons continue to be active participants in their lodge, with appendant bodies seeing above 80% participation.

By Alexander P. Herbert It was an honor and a pleasure to represent the Grand Lodge of Ohio at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Estonia, held in the capital city of Tallinn. The Grand Lodge of Estonia is a young jurisdiction - only 23 years old - and it meant very much to them to have representatives not just from their neighbors in the Baltics and Scandinavia, but from as far away as the United States.

t r A vels in e stoni A T he G rand L od G e of o hio SUMMER 2022 5

Last year, Teri and I created and promoted a new fund under the Grand Lodge of Ohio Charitable Foundation to support those who have served and continue to serve us. Thank you to the Masons of Ohio for your donations. In the future, we hope you will continue to support our Grand Lodge Veterans & First Responders Fund. Thank you to all who have served, and continue to serve, our great country! r esponders

Escorted by the Ohio Widows Sons, we arrived on Friday, May 13th, for a dinner at the Vermillion VFW. After dinner, we retired to the camp for social time. On a beautiful Saturday morning, with some occasional

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T he G rand L od G e of o hio

cruised to our fishing spot. The charter captains were Mark and Meme Carr of Redneck Outfitters, who is also a Past Master of Hanover Lodge #115; Michael and Dana Daugherty of Reely Livin Sportfishing; and Mathew Leben, a professional fisherman. Teri and I also took our boat and fished right next to them. Following a great day of fishing, we again returned to camp for a superb dinner of walleye and Lake Erie perch. After dinner, we all sat around a campfire on the beach and exchanged stories. Sunday morning, with beautiful blue skies, we again fished until 2pm. After returning to a dinner sponsored by Blue Lagoon Catering, we gathered to hear the veterans share their stories. Speakers were called upon and recognitions were made. Each veteran took home many pounds of fish and plenty of memories. Hearing the experiences from the veterans made us further realize that we live in a country where their sacrifices were made of love of God and country. Their wounds were of the flesh and mind, and difficult to discuss. But, when you thank them, they thank you back and say it was “their honor”. What a humbling experience. Of the six Purple Heart recipients, one was already a Freemason, and two have since followed up with their respective Grand Lodges of their interest to join our institution. What great Masons they will be!

Six Purple Heart recipients met with many Ohio Freemasons and others for two days of fishing on Lake Erie. The three great tenets of a Mason are brotherly love, relief, and truth; but we know that not all live by our tenets. That is why we rely on our military and first responders to protect and defend us. This year, we were contacted by WB Virgil D. Tent, Past Master of Clifton Gaston Allen Lodge #664 in the 22nd Masonic District who brought before the Grand Lodge of Ohio Charitable Foundation a cause which fit perfectly with the ideals of the Grand Lodge Veterans & First Responders Fund.

Each spring, a Wounded Warriors in Action Ohio Freemasons Lake Erie Walleye Fishing (OFMLEWF) event takes place in Huron, Ohio. It’s a weekend of walleye fishing on Lake Erie, known to be the Walleye Capital of the World. This event is in partnership with the Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation (WWIA), who connects Purple Heart veterans from all over the United States and all branches of the military to provide relief from their daily struggles. There were six heroes who participated in this event at no cost to them! How are WWIA events financed? Each event group is responsible to raise funds to pay for their event experience. This fishing event costs approximately $10,000, not including the boat captains who provide their services, equipment, and boats at no charge. There are also other volunteers who provide services and food at no cost. Even the housing was provided by the generosity of Patti Nuhn, owner of the Wild Waves Hotel in Huron, Ohio. It is with deep emotion and a personal family experience she is compelled to support this endeavor.

By Richard A. Dickerscheid, PGM and Lady Teri

6 SUMMER 2022

In addition to Masonic membership, Andy is currently Vice President of the Friends of the Bexley Public Library Board of Directors and was recently installed as President of the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Society at Ohio State University. son s s hines A t the W est M inster K ennel C lub

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T he G rand L od G e of o hio

The judge evaluates each Best of Breed winner among its peers in group and then places the top four. After winning Best of Breed at Westminster, Josie was selected by highly respected Hound expert, judge Eugene Blake of Tulsa, Oklahoma, as third place in the Hound Group – defeating 325 hounds entered in this year’s “Placingcompetition.atthatshow under a man of Eugene Blake’s stature in the sport was truly an honor,” Andy says. “Winning a breed at Westminster is a lifelong dream for many dog people, so to place in the group our first time there? CompetingUnbelievable.”incaninesports is a family affair for the Vances. Miranda is the team’s primary trainer and handler in the show ring, while Andy does most of the show-day grooming. Kyra just started her journey in AKC Junior Showmanship competition, and recently won Best in Junior Showmanship at Purina Farms in Gray Summit, Missouri.

Josie also won Best of Breed at the AKC National Championship in Orlando last December!

“I’ve met some of the best people in the world through Masonry, and I’m proud of my affiliation with such upstanding men,” Andy says. “I’ve had the pleasure of traveling throughout our Fraternity, and really treasure the years I spent as an officer in my local York Rite bodies.”

While dogs and family–along with his career in media–keep Brother Vance busy, he counts his membership in the Masonic Fraternity as one of the most important aspects of his life. He is a Past High Priest of LaFayette Chapter #60, Royal Arch Masons; a Past Illustrious Master of Logan Council #85, Royal and Select Masons; a Past Inspector of the Second Arch, Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio; and a Past Eminent Commander of Bellefontaine Commandery #61, Knights Templar. Brother Vance is also a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Dayton, and the Aladdin Shrine.

If you’ve ever watched a dog show on television, chances are it was the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The second-longest running sporting event in U.S. history – just behind the Kentucky Derby – Westminster is the most prestigious show in the sport.

One of this year’s winners, a three-year-old Norwegian Elkhound named Josie, has a unique connection to Ohio Freemasonry. She is the family dog of Brother Andy Vance, an Endowed Member of Boggs Lodge #292 in DeGraff and a plural member of Highland Lodge #38 in Hillsboro. Andy, his wife Miranda, and their nine-year-old daughter Kyra live in Bexley, near downtown Columbus.

Josie’s biggest win to date was the Group 3 placement at Westminster, generally considered the toughest, most esteemed show in the sport.

SUMMER 2022 7

“Traveling to show our dogs has allowed us to see some wonderful parts of our country, and more importantly to meet so many wonderful people and build incredible friendships based on a shared interest,” Andy says. “It’s a wonderful bonding experience with our dogs, and we’re creating incredible memories as a family.”

Josie, the number four ranked Norwegian Elkhound in the country, has had a successful show career, with more than two dozen group placements to her credit since the Vance family started showing her last June. But Westminster is a different beast entirely. More than 3,000 of the top dogs in the country competed over three days at 146th annual show, held June 20-23 at the famed Lyndhurst Estate in Tarrytown, New York. At a conformation dog show, a panel of judges evaluates how closely dogs conform to their breed’s official written standard. The “Best of Breed” winners from each individual breed then compete in one of seven American Kennel Club defined groups: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding.

The golf ball drone drop – an additional fundraiser for the event – had not one, not two, but THREE golf balls go in the hole this year! Special thanks to US Bank and our other sponsors for their continued support of this event raising critical funds for dementia-related care.

T he o hio M asonic h o M e f ounda T ion 8 SUMMER 2022

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It was a sweltering 95 degrees and sunny for the Golf Classic at Wedgewood Country Club on June 13. More than 140 golfers participated in the outing and helped raise over $110,000 to benefit the Pathways memory care units at our three communities. One of the many ways these funds are used to support Pathways community members is through robotic pets, like Butterscotch, which you can learn more about on the next pages.

National Will Writing Month is the perfect time for you to start writing your will, or review your will if you already have one.

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Did you know? All three of The Ohio Masonic Home communities have a relationship with a local golf course where our residents can play any time, free of charge. Campus life might be FORE you! There’s more to a will than just who gets “the stuff”. That’s just one piece. Having a will is important for all of us and can give you and your family emotional peace of mind.

A ugust is n A tion A l W ill W riting M onth

Don’t know where to start with a will? Looking for more information about the importance of having a will and what should be included? The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation is here to help you navigate the process and four general pieces of will writing, including: emotional connection, administrative needs, financial necessities, and emotional peace of mind. Request your free copy of the Will Writing Guide today! Call (937) 525-5248 and we’ll mail you your guide.

The Details: Westin Great Southern Hotel | 310 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 6:00 PM: Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres 7:00 PM: Crowing of the new Duke & Duchess 7:30 PM: Dinner 8:30 PM: Dancing 11:00 PM: Hospitality T

The Rose Society Ball is quickly approaching and will be here before you know it! Join us on Saturday, September 24, 2022 in Columbus, Ohio to celebrate another year of generosity.

Proceeds from the Rose Society Ball will benefit community members in the skilled nursing unit at Western Reserve Masonic Community (WRMC). It’s the small details and focus on helping community members live their best lives that make The Ohio Masonic Home different – things that insurance doesn’t reimburse and capital support does not include. This is what your attendance at the Rose Society Ball makes possible. One of the features of the new healthcare center at WRMC will be Med Mizer beds in each room; you can learn more about what makes these beds so special by scanning this QR code and watching them in action at Springfield Masonic Community.

off with a cocktail hour, followed by dinner and dancing. The highlight of the night will be the Grand Duke and Duchess crowning their successors. The 2023 Duke and Duchess will represent The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation throughout the year with philanthropic support and advocating for our mission.

You won’t want to miss The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation’s premiere event of the year, celebrating generosity and the spirit of giving intrinsic to Masonry. The Rose Society Ball won’t be the same without you, so make your plans to join us now!

Take a look at these pictures and see how much fun everyone had at last year’s Rose Society Ball.

Grand Duke and Duchess Terry and Cheryl Posey extend their warmest welcome for you to join Startthem!theevening

Rose Society Ball

Come dance the night away celebrating the new Duke and Duchess while supporting Western Reserve’s skilled nursing community members!

Purchase your ticket at ohiomasonichomefoundation.org/rose-society-ball (or scan the QR code below with your mobile device), by September 14, 2022 to reserve your seat.

For more information, contact Harley Sanders at (937) 525-3035.

he o hio M asonic h o M e f ounda T ion REGISTERTODAY! SUMMER 2022 9

M A soni C y outh o utre AC h p rogr AM : b ACK to s C hool r esource c en T er by Raquel Brown, NW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Youth Outreach Program Coordinator

10 SUMMER 2022

Another important thing to consider with school starting back is school supplies. The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center’s Masonic Youth Outreach Program completed its annual school supply drive benefiting children across the state of Ohio. Working with clients, employees, volunteers, and even the grandchildren of The Ohio Masonic Home community members, we were able to gather supplies and contributions to ensure children have what they need to go back to school.

If you have questions about immunizations and requirements for schools, please use the focus on immunizations as an opportunity to speak with a healthcare professional.

“Through the introduction of furry pets, we have seen a decrease in anxiety, stress, and use of anti-psychoactive medications,” shared Sister Cara Schuster, Chief Clinical Officer of The Ohio Masonic Home. For community members who can sometimes be isolated from family and friends, especially those with a memory-related diagnosis, these furry friends provide companionship and have been shown to have a positive effect on their mental wellbeing. Butterscotch and her counterparts have other benefits as well, including reducing stress, improving physical mobility, and reducing feelings of isolation.

Thanks to the generous support raised through The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation, furry companions have been made available to community members in both Pathways and skilled nursing units. Ms. Duckworth was the first off-campus recipient to receive a pet like Butterscotch, as part of a new program with The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center. For more information about these companions, please contact us at 1-877-881-1623.

by Trinity Davidson, Southern Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator

On June 30th, Butterscotch was delivered to her new home. You may be asking: Who is that? Butterscotch is Virginia Duckworth’s new furry friend, a robotic cat. The Ohio Masonic Home has robotic pets that are designed to look, feel, and act just like a real animal – complete with authentic sounds and motions. There are many different types of robotic pets available to choose from, but so far cats and dogs have been the most common choices.

M eet b utters C ot C h

Parents, grandparents, and youth caregivers, please keep in mind as we approach the end of summer break that the month of August is National Immunization Month. Immunizations have been a trending topic over the course of the past 2 years, but they aren’t a new topic. National Immunization Month was established to highlight the importance of vaccinations – not only for adults and seniors, but people of all ages.

If you know of any families with young children – connected with The Ohio Masonic Home or the Fraternity – that could benefit from some additional assistance please reach out to Raquel Brown, NW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator and Masonic Youth Outreach Program Coordinator, at 419-260-0855.

If you would like more information on the Masonic Volunteer Program, please call DeAnna Kinney, SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator and MVP Coordinator, at 740-262-1974.

The volunteers aren't doing this community service for any reward. I wanted to show my appreciation for all the hard work.

SamanthaLoy Director, OMH Resource Center & NE OutreachCommunityOhioCoordinator (937) 504-4407 McNealMillie FinancialCoordinatorAssistance (937) 525-3005 Brown,RaquelLPN NW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Youth OutreachCoordinatorProgram (419) 260-0855 TrinityBSWDavidson, Southern OutreachCommunityOhioCoordinator (740) 970-7903 ShirkDan Central Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator (937) 926-4305 Kinney,DeAnnaLSW SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Volunteer Program Coordinator (740) 262-1974 Schickler,BobbiCSA Certified Senior Advisor® SW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic ProgramBereavementCoordinator (513) 567-1100 Call toll-free 1-877-881-1623 or visit www.omhresourcecenter.org

This is just one example of how much our volunteers mean to our clients, who often show their appreciation with a smile, a simple “thank you”, or a hug.

The following letter was received regarding a 14th District Committee volunteer:

I wish to recognize Matthew Harmon, MVP volunteer and a Past Master of Capital City Lodge #656. Last year in 2021, I put in a request to Community Outreach Coordinator Dan Shirk, that I needed a volunteer to do some weeding around my house overrun with very tall weeds. I am disabled and walking is a major challenge. Dan sent out Matt Harmon and another who did a wonderful job pulling weeds and cutting overgrown brush. Matt noticed I had a large Troy-Built Chipper Shredder. Matt asked if he could use it, and I said absolutely.

The Masonic Volunteer Program (MVP) has volunteers around the state working to make the lives of The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center (OMHRC) clients a little brighter. Over the last few years, I have heard from many clients about how much they appreciate and love the MVP volunteers who come out to help them.

-Dick Van Meter, Community Lodge #684 (55 years)

Matt even came back this spring to remove the new weeds. He said he would come back and remove the weeds in front of the house.

v olunteers

If or someone you know could benefit from the Resource Center please connect with the Community Outreach Coordinator in your area today.


OMHRC would also like to acknowledge the recent passing of one of our MVP Committee Chairmen. Steve Hampton was Chairman of the 19th District MVP Committee and he will be missed by all who knew him. His hard work and dedication to the program and to our clients was deeply appreciated.

: A ppre C i A tion for the h A rd W or K by DeAnna Kinney, SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Volunteer Program Coordinator

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r esource c en T er

T he o hio M asonic h o M e

Western Reserve Masonic Community hosted more than 400 people for their 4th of July celebration and enjoyed live music, food trucks, balloons, and more leading up to their fireworks show!

Celebrating and having fun are important parts of active living. At The Ohio Masonic Home (OMH), we pride ourselves on doing both! Whether it’s celebrating a resident’s 100th birthday, a milestone wedding anniversary, or the 4th of July, we’re here to celebrate life’s big – and little – wins with you. We were so excited to be able to host 4th of July festivities at Browning Masonic Community, Springfield Masonic Community, and Western Reserve Masonic Community this year with the support of The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation and their generous donors. Each celebration was open to campus residents, staff members, and any family members who wanted to attend. It was great to be able to come together to enjoy the holiday and see the sense of community between everyone.

It may have been a rainy night, but that didn’t stop Springfield Masonic Community from throwing a big 4th of July party for more than 200 of their residents, staff, and families. With food trucks, live music, and fireworks, there was something for everyone! The team even put together a special celebration for memory care and skilled nursing care residents who couldn’t make it to the main festivities at the clubhouse.

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation also provided a free photo both at each campus so families could get a patriotic picture together.

There’s nothing better than being able to come together with our residents, staff, and families to enjoy each other’s company at a festive event. We’re already counting down to the next celebration we can have together!

Celeb r A t i n g t o g ether 12 SUMMER 2022

Browning Masonic Community brought together nearly 250 residents, employees, and family members as they spent the holiday weekend celebrating with patriotic wreath making, live music, a dunk tank, food trucks, and ultimately ending the night with a fireworks show of their own!

Even with all the entertainment and dazzling fireworks, the real highlights of each evening were the smiles on everyone’s faces as they gathered with loved ones and friends under the glow of fireworks in the night sky.

Everyone who drives past Western Reserve Masonic Community (WRMC) is amazed at the progress happening with the expansion project.

Strength training is another suggestion to maintain muscle mass and to keep the bones strong. Plus, staying active is a good way to speed the recovery process. WRMC will be able to help with this process following procedures like bariatric surgery.

The next big goal in the WRMC expansion is the healthcare center, and they’re making great progress. The building is under roof and the construction is being closely watched by the community members. If construction continues at the current pace, the healthcare center will open in early 2023. Fifty state-of-the-art private suites are a comfort to the community members because they know that if their health changes, they can receive rehab or long-term care without needing to move to a new location. These suites will be larger, making their stay more comfortable. The rooms will all have computers too, which will provide for better staff efficiency and patient care. The healthcare center will have short-term rehabilitation, as well as long-term skilled nursing and memory care. These services will be available to community members at Western Reserve Masonic Community, as well people being released from local hospitals.

W es T ern r eserve M asonic c o MM uni T y W r MC is g ro W ing by the d A y SUMMER 2022 13

The first goal was to complete the Community Center and it’s now complete!

Watch for more updates on how the WRMC healthcare center is progressing and can benefit you and your loved ones. This will bring exciting new health care options to the greater Medina area.

The memory care area will be divided into separate “neighborhoods.” Each neighborhood will have its own dining room, and the meals will be cooked to order. Do you ever wake up and feel hungry? What if it’s 2:00 AM? That doesn’t matter at WRMC. With the dining program, the staff will see that you get what you need or want at any hour of the day or night. You won’t find that type of care anywhere else.

A new offering in short-term rehab will be for people who have just been released from bariatric surgery. After bariatric surgery, physical therapy regimens are suggested to include cardio-aerobic exercise to strengthen the heart and lungs as well as to increase bone density.

Have you ever thought about making your own soap? This would not be an odd question if you are a community member at BMC. Soap making is a monthly occurrence, and usually a dozen or more community members meet to make it. They often put herbs and petals in their soap to give it their own special feel and smell. They also put the homemade soap in welcome baskets for new community members. These creative endeavors bring community members at Browning Masonic Community together each month. They share their love of the arts while spending time together as friends. C ing t he o M h p rint s hop ’ s C o MM e M or A tive A pron d esign


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The OMH Print Shop is pleased to unveil the 6th Annual Commemorative Apron. This year’s depiction celebrates the patriotic ties between Freemasonry and our nations founding. These aprons were designed as ‘artwork’ to present as gifts, add to a collection, or display proudly in your den or office as a conversation starter about Freemasonry. This patriotic design is only available for one year–until June of 2023. Orders may be placed at www.omhprintshop.com


B ro W nin G M asonic c o MM uni T y

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14 SUMMER 2022

Community members at Browning Masonic Community (BMC) enjoy being creative. Every month you will find them enjoying a wide variety of different crafts. Sometimes you will find card making and other times you will find painting. Let’s not forget soap making!


Community members at BMC gather every month to make different types of cards. After the cards are done, you can personalize the message when you are ready to send it to the person of your choice. Even more special than receiving a card, is receiving a beautiful, handmade card designed just for you. Do you like to paint? Community members at BMC definitely do. Pop It Paint It regularly comes to BMC to work with a group who enjoys painting. Florals have been the painting of choice during the spring and summer months. Monthly art classes are a Browning Masonic Community favorite.

Muncy served in PBY (patrol bomber) aircraft while a member of the United States Navy before going to work for the FAA where he served for decades in assignments all around the country.

The flying event was hosted at the Springfield Municipal Airport with aircraft from the Commemorative Air Force, including B-29 FiFi, B-24 Diamond Lil, P-51 Gunfighter, and a T-6 Texan. These special planes gave rides to the public during one of their summer tours.

What’s an afternoon of baseball without having traditional “baseball food” –grilled hot dogs and hamburgers with all the fixings. Professional baseball began in 1869, and many of the traditions associated with the game are still with us today.

Greatest GenerationFliesAgain s prin G fie L d M asonic c o MM uni T y SUMMER 2022 15

If you are a collector, this was the place to be. Anyone who wanted a signed baseball card could have one just by asking. If you wanted your picture taken with Tracy, you could have that too.

When you hear “take me out to the ball game” you probably think about going to see a baseball game such as the Dayton Dragons, Cincinnati Reds, or Cleveland Guardians.

World War ll veteran Don Muncy, 99, a community member at Springfield Masonic Community, climbed aboard a B-29 and took to the skies. The B-29, FiFi, is one of only two B-29 Superfortresses still flying.

Nearly 70 community members at Springfield Masonic Community came together from all across campus at the Clubhouse to celebrate

Father’s Day with Tracy Jones, an outfielder who played with the Reds. Everyone, not just the fathers, enjoyed Tracy’s presentation and willingness to answer questions. Tracy grew up in Los Angeles, and is one of seven people in his family that played professional baseball. He was even named for another baseball player, Tracy Stalwart. Jones was drafted to play 3rd base and was later moved to the outfield. Many community members also know him for his years on radio with Marty Brennaman.

2655 W. National Rd. Springfield, OH www.theohiobeacon.com45504-3698 Scan code to learn more about the trusted partner to help people age respectfully BEAC N The Ohio Did you receive your copy of The Ohio Masonic Home’s Special Publication? You can access a copy online by scanning the QR code. Learn more about our history, the work we do at our campuses and with Ohio Masons, and the important role you play in fulfilling our mission. How are you choosing to fill that role? did you reCeive the speCiAl publiCAtion?What do you know about THE MASONICOHIO HOME? A Special Publication Summer 2022 A RETIREMENT LIFESTYLE FOR MASONSMASONICEVERYONEROOTS:MISSION&VISIONSUPPORTINGMASONS BROWNING MASONIC COMMUNITY 8883 Browning Drive, Waterville, OH 43566 (419) 580-1129 | BMCOhio.org SPRINGFIELD MASONIC COMMUNITY 2655 W. National Road, Springfield, OH 45504 (937) 907-1582 | SMCOhio.org WESTERN RESERVE MASONIC COMMUNITY 4931 Nettleton Road, Medina, OH 44256 (330) 992-2722 | WRMCOhio.org Non-Profit Org. U.S.PAIDPostage OHHomeMasonic

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