Ohio Quarter Horse News - Winter 2015

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Ohio Quarter Horse News Winter 2015

Photo by Darrell Dodds

ning photography

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OQHA Staff Dr. Scott Myers

Executive Director

740-943-2346, ext. 126 smyers@oqha.com

Barb Benedum Accountant

740-943-2346, ext. 122 bbenedum@oqha.com

Lisa Martin

Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 lmartin@oqha.com

Mindy Westlake Membership and OQHA Points

740-943-2346, ext. 123 mwestlake@oqha.com

Rhonda Harter

Show Secretary Futurity Secretary

740-943-2346, ext. 125 rharter@oqha.com

Danielle Stephenson Marketing and Communictions

740-943-2346, ext. 124 dstephenson@oqha.com

Barbara Aitken

Marketing and Communictions Intern 740-943-2346, ext. 128 baitken@oqha.com

Kelsey Grose

NYATT Coordinator

740-943-2346, ext. 127 kgrose@oqha.com

The Ohio Quarter Horse Association

101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344 740-943-2346 Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com www.oqha.com

C ONTENTS Features 10 Congress Coverage

49th Annual AAQHC in the Books

13 Congress Cares Devoted to Giving Back

15 Congress Super Sale Continues the Tradition

16 Ellexxah Maxwell

Congress Youth All Age All Around Champion

17 Karissa Shank Congress 11 & Under All Around Champion

Ohio Quarter Horse News


34 Congress Results

Cover Story The Woman Behind the Legend

Congratulations to OQHA Members

46 AQHA World Show Results

Congratulations for a successful World Show

64 NOQHA Futurity Show Results 67 Congress NYATT Ohio NYATT Team Reserve Champions

On the Cover 32 The Woman Behind the Legend Ann Myers & Zips Chocolate Chip

2015 Officers & Directors 20-21 OQHA 54 OAQHA 68 OQHYA 2016 Elections 22 OQHA

Officer & Director Nominations


Officer & Director Nominations


Officer & Director Nominations 4

Volume 57 | Issue 4

Regulars 6 Editor’s Letter 7 President’s Letter 8 OQHA Mailbox 49-53 Association News


Editor’s Letter

Some may call them dreams. Others call them goals. “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” – Christopher Reeve. Representing the Ohio Quarter Horse Association was a career goal that felt like a dream that was far from reach at the beginning of 2015. As I reflect on the events of this past year, I am feeling blessed to have become a part of this amazing organization that has allowed a dream to become a reality.

It has been an honor and privilege to work with so many amazing people and organizations during the Congress, such as the NRHA Open Reining Futurity Finals with the Buckeye Reining Series, the Freestyle Reining with Weaver Leather, the NCHA World Series of Cutting with Mercuria, the PBR with Coughlin Auto, the Congress Masters with The Equine Chronicle, the Congress Super Sale with Professional Horse Services LLC, and the Equestrians with Disabilities with NSBA.

I would like to extend a huge thank you to the OQHA staff for their endless support, encouragement, and assistance leading up to and during Congress. I was fortunate and wouldn’t have been able to make so much of it happen without the assistance of Barbara Aitken, who came on board in August as the OQHA With 2015 coming to a close, I find myself reflecting back on Marketing and Communications Intern, and Judy Skidmore’s my first day with OQHA. I was privileged to attend the Annual experience in the Press Office during Congress. Thank you to Picnic on June 15th, where I met so many wonderful faces everyone that made the 2015 Congress a success. of OQHA, followed by diving into the preparations for the 49th All American Quarter Horse Congress. The intensifying As we enjoy the holidays and reflect on the events of 2015, excitement of my first Congress, from the behind-the-scenes we have much to look forward to for 2016 and the 50th perspective, kept me advancing towards October 1st, the Anniversary of the All American Quarter Horse Congress. opening day of the 2015 AAQHC. The Congress Souvenir Program was by far my largest task to tackle. Focusing on generating advertising revenue, I would like to give a special thank you to all our corporate partners, sponsors, and the numerous supporters that give to OQHA and the All American Quarter Horse Congress.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

DANIELLE STEPHENSON OQHA Marketing & Communications

President’s Letter

Dear Ohio Members, One word cannot simply describe my year as the Ohio Quarter Horse Association President. I have been proud, honored, and thankful. To become president of such a well-respected organization is definitely a check off my bucket list, and the people involved have made this experience indescribable. I would like to congratulate the four Ohio associations that hold AQHA approved shows. The Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association made a few changes this year by launching The Madness, a prestigious four day show, attracting exhibitors from across the country. The Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association moved their four day Summer Circuit to the University of Findlay and their Fall Futurity to Eden Park, in Sunbury, allowing for bigger shows and more accommodating facilities. The Ohio Quarter Horse Amateur Association’s Buckeye Classic had more entries this year than ever before which resulted in more prizes and elevated events. The Buckeye Classic is looking forward to moving to Robert’s Arena in Wilmington to allow for the show to expand even more. The Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association continued to hold their fall futurity at the Ohio State Fairgrounds, allowing for exhibitors to prepare for Congress.

The Congress Youth Teams were impressive this year, and I cannot express enough how much I am personally impressed with them. The Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association represented Ohio with pride at the AQHYA World Show. Each youth member showed their dedication in and out of the show ring. Each Youth Team that participated on an Ohio NYATT Team upheld a commitment to their team. The Ohio Hippology team put in countless hours preparing for their competition and made Ohio proud. The Judging Teams always strived to the best and this was exhibited during competition. I am pleased with each and every youth that partook in one of the Ohio Teams and I thank you for representing Ohio so well. A great amount of effort and time goes into planning and delivering such a tremendous horse show. I would like to thank everyone involved in making OQHA a successful association and making the Congress such a success: the office personnel, Congress Tri-Chairmen, and OQHA Officers and Directors who work persistently in planning, organizing, and managing a show of this size. Without the hard work put forth by everyone involved with the Congress, a show of this size would not be possible. For this, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and support in keeping the Congress, “Still The One”. I cannot thank everyone involved in the Congress and OQHA family enough for making my year as president so inexpressible. I am honored to have held this position and represent such a great dedicated group of people.


Ohio Quarter Horse News 7

OQHA Mailbox


wanted to express my deepest appreciation for the gift card I received at the AQHA Youth World Show this summer. I am so grateful for your generosity and support of the youth organization. This summer was the first time I attended the World; it was an amazing experience. Every event in which I had the opportunity to participate was incredible - from singing the national anthem, to watching all my teammates compete in their classes, to qualifying for the pole bending finals. Your generous gift helped make this possible for me. Thank you for everything you do to promote the Quarter Horse industry and the youth who love this sport. God Bless! Sincerely, Courtney Mulford

Dear OQHA and Cecil Family, hank you for renewing the Jess Cecil Memorial Scholarship that was awarded to me in 2014. I greatly appreciate your support towards my higher education. I am currently a senior at Wilmington College and I plan to graduate in the spring of 2016. Again, thank you for your continued generosity and the Jess Cecil Memorial Scholarship. Thank you, Brittany Walford


Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, hope you all are receiving some well deserved rest after putting on the greatest and biggest show of the year! I wanted to thank you for all you do to put on such an incredible event. Many of my greatest life and horse memories are from Columbus and that is thanks to you guys. Your energy and positive attitude throughout the staff does not go unnoticed. Thank you again and I will see you all in 2016! Maria Salazar



he Oklahoma State University Horse Judging Team wanted to send our gratitdue for helping and recognizing the opportunity that the judging program provides for youth and college students. These students learn skills that serve them for the rest of their lives and careers, horse related or noth. They also become life-long advocates for the American Quarter Horse. The growth in analytical, evaluational and public speaking skills is unparallel to ordinary learning experiences. Your time and commitment to the judging program does not go unnoticed and is truely appreciated. Again, thank you for your support. Sincerely, OSU Horse Judging Team


hank you so much for my stipen at the world show! It came in very handy. All of the hard work you all put in is what makes OQHA one of the greatest associations in the nation! Thank you so much! Jillian Channell


Ohio Quarter Horse News

49th All American Quarter

The 49th Annual All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAQHC) proved to be, “Still the One” in 2015. Approximately 315 classes with 20,743 entries were recorded making the AAQHC once again, the largest single breed horse show in the world. Special events were held throughout the AAQHC including the Quarter Horse Congress Parade held in downtown Columbus on October 7th. The debut of the $15 million Adequan Barn allowed for exhibitors to enjoy top-notch facilities in comfort and style. A symbolic Ribbon Cutting was held on October 14th with honorary guest, the Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, Mary Taylor.

Lauren Harrington of Pennsylvania was crowned the 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. Lauren was one of many queen’s contestants who participated in a fundraiser to raise over $54,000 for Nelly’s Catwalk 4 Kids. Gil Gaylean, an NSBA Hall of Fame member and professional trainer succeeded as the first NSBA million-dollar rider during the AAQHC. A special presentation was held in his honor during the Equine Chronicle Masters on October 24th.

The 1st Annual NRHA Congress Open Futurity Draw Party was held in the Adequan Barn on October 4th before the Futurity finals on October 6th. Level 3 and 4 finalists drew for their order number and enjoyed a camaraderie-based environment embellished with food and live music.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

In addition to a successful AAQHC and the crowd favorite special events, OQHA members competed and were awarded with some of the highest honors of the show.

Horse Congress in the Books

JR. & SR. Ranch Riding are a Succuss Jr. and Sr. Ranch Riding premiered at the 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAQHC). NRHA judge and member of the OQHA Board of Directors, Clark Bradley of Findlay, Ohio placed 3rd in Jr. Ranch Riding and Reserve in the NSBA Jr. Ranch Riding with Guns Gal. The AAQHC added Ranch Riding (previously titled Ranch Pleasure until 2015) at the 2014 AAQHC. Bradley believes adding the Jr. and Sr. classes was a positive move for the Congress.

“It’s not impossible for a young horse to compete against older horses, [however], the [exhibitor] must have a horse with a lot of maturity and a lot of training,” said Bradley. According to the AQHA Rulebook, the Ranch Riding class “measures the ability of the horse to be a pleasure to ride while being used as a means of conveyance from one ranch task to another. The horse should be wellbroke, relaxed, quiet, soft, and cadenced at all gaits…” Bradley added, “It’s a really neat class. You’ve got to have a horse that’s broke and reasonably quiet. There’s so many transitions so it takes a horse that’s a pretty mover and an all-around soft horse to be able to do whatever you ask them to do.” Bradley also believes that Ranch Riding has a good future in store. “It appeals to people,” said Bradley. “They don’t have to dress up and the horses are free moving.” 19 entries showed in Jr. Ranch Riding while 48 entries showed in the Sr. Ranch Riding. According to Bradley, “It’s just going to get bigger and bigger.” By: Barbara Aitken

Ohio Quarter Horse News 11

Freestyle Reining


The crowd favorite Freestyle Reining sponsored by Weaver Leather was a continued success at this year’s AAQHC. Exhibitors competed on October 10th for the coveted Congress Freestyle Champion title. Performances ranged from “Uptown Funk” to “Cruella DeVille” themed patterns. Kathy Burma rode Tejons Shine channeling Miranda Lambert’s “Mama’s Broken Heart” for a sassy performance. Their score of 225 launched Burma to win the Non Pro division. Reed Kyle and Zins Smart Wrangler won the Reserve title with a score of 225, riding to “Sold” by John Michael Montgomery. “Reverend” Pete Kyle dominated the Open division, as he scored a high of 232 riding to “Brother Salvation” by Neil Diamond. The Reserve title, with a score of 230 went to Drake Johnson and Happy Trail with a “Mrs. Doubtfire” themed performance to “Dude (Looks Like A Lady)”.


The Lucas Oil PBR Touring Pro Division sponsored by Coughlin Auto came to the AAQHC this year in style. The stands were packed on October 9th as competitors tried to beat some of the toughest bulls in Ohio.

Brandon Erxleben came out on top as the winner of the night winning $4, 694.44 with Rory Colt Galven coming in second, winning $2,150.36.

In addition to the PBR, country artist Keith Anderson greeted the crowd with a concert on the floor of Taft Coliseum.

Congress Masters As an always-favorite special event of the AAQHC, the Equine Chronicle Masters was held on October 24th. The NCHA Mercuria World Series of Cutting continued to be a strong event this year. Joe Williamson and Sweet Little Cats scored a 220 to win the Non Pro division wining $10,896.00. Paula Wood and Pepto Boom scored a 215 to receive Reserve earning $8,572. Matt Gaines and Special Nu Baby stole the Open division Champion with a score of 230 earning the pair $11, 094.40. Randy Chartier and Cat Black I scored a 224 to win Reserve and earn $8,720.80. In addition to the Mercuria World Series of Cutting, the AAQHC Bridleless Cutting class was held, including automatic entry for the top three riders who did not qualify for the Mercuria. Alexis Stephens and Peeka Spice Cat scored a 219 to win the Non Pro Champion title while Libby Bowman and Rich N Snazzy scored a 218 to grab Reserve. Cullen Chartier and Once You Go Black scored a 227 to solidify the Open Champion while Game Reynolds and Magic Abbie scored a 224 to receive Reserve.

Tickets were sold at the Press Office located in the Celeste Arena throughout October. A live benefit auction was held between the Hunter Under Saddle and Western Pleasure. Proceeds went to Nellie’s Catwalk 4 Kids. 2015 also unveiled the first year for other breeds to compete in the event.

Gil Galyean and VS Lady In Red received the sought-after Champion Title in the Western Pleasure while Jackie ‘Jay’ Starnes and Its Best to Be Me won Reserve. Beth Case and A Boy Named Hoo won Champion title in the Hunter Under Saddle and Kristy Starnes and Al Fool Ya came in Reserve.

Congress Cares is about helping everything that touches our industry by providing support and funding to a multitude of causes. From a major life event that directly impacts our members, to research that improves the lives and well-being of the animals we value so much, Congress Cares.

Congress Cares hosted the 2nd Annual Congress Cares Bull Riding event as the grand reopening of the Corral on October 16th. Some of the biggest horse trainers participated in the Calcutta and bull riding action that grossed over

$46,000 and netting $23,000 to

Congress Cares, with Capital Quarter Horses pledging a total of $9500 on Joel Stein, Mike Mccool, Katy Jo

Zuidema, and RJ King. Joel Stein earned the high score over 38 total bull riders, and Ben Beckett placing second.

CUTTING: Congress Style

“Good cattle. Good judging. Good footing. That’s what makes a successful cutting,” says Chuck Smith, the President Elect of the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA).

Smith’s checklist for a successful cutting also includes one certified NCHA secretary, 4,000ft of portable panels, 75-100 round bales and 32 semi loads good cattle, which allows the NCHA approved All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAQHC) Cutting to run without a hitch.

Buckles will be awarded to NCHA members who earn money at any NCHA approved show. The Achievement buckles are based on a 7 layer scale: $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, $25,000, and $50,000. Each buckle has a medallion placed in the design that reads the amount of money won by the exhibitor and a 7 notch bar. For each achieved level, the exhibitor will be able to send their buckle to Gist who will replace the medallion with the updated level and place a stone in the 7 notch bar to represent each level achieved. According to Smith, the cutting industry experienced a shrinking effect in recent years. “The sport became expensive, young people weren’t interested, and the cattle market plummeted.”

Smith, a resident of Canal Winchester, Ohio is one of the driving forces behind the AAQHC Cutting. With his Ohio roots coupled with his strong ties to NCHA, the AAQHC Cutting is booming. “The Congress is the cornerstone cutting show in the northeast section of the United States. Columbus is our Ft. Worth.” Exhibitors can compete in a wide range of classes for both Non Pro and Open riders. “People come to compete for all levels,” says Smith. “Our goal is to provide enough money for the top Non Pro and Open riders and make it affordable enough for the grassroots riders.” The idea of a diverse class roster and award system broad enough for every cutter who competes at an NCHA approved event is a concept that NCHA plans to enhance in the near future. Gist Silversmith Achievement

grassroots exhibitors.”

However, Smith believes that cutting is turning toward a positive incline. “We’re addressing the cattle issue, we’re developing more non-pro options for the younger generations to get involved, and we’re making the shows more affordable for the

As for the AAQHC, Smith is confident that the cutting events will continue to grow. “People put the Congress in their calendar each year. It is the place to be.” For more information on the National Cutting Horse Association or their Achievement Buckles, please visit their website at nchacutting.com. By: Barbara Aitken

OQHA’s Himes & Schoeller WIN Congress Reining Futurity The 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress Reining Futurity was dominated by Ohio. Robin Schoeller of London, Ohio rode Tinseltown Flash owned by Ruoff Dietter Reining Horses LLC, aka Beth Himes of Millersport, Ohio to score a 225.5 to win the aspired $32,193.19 earnings. A year ago, Beth Himes, a member of the OQHA Board of Directors bought Tinseltown Flash (Mr. T) and placed him into Schoeller’s training program. “It’s been a longtime relationship between myself and Robin. We’ve been working together for about ten years now,” said Himes. Despite not wanting to be overly confident going into the AAQHC, both Himes and Schoeller knew Mr. T was special as they were leading up to the Futurity. “It’s always a dream to win, but I didn’t know [Mr. T] was going to step up like that,” said Himes. “As an owner, I’m always a nervous wreck up in the stands [because] you just never know. Anything can happen.” After the AAQHC, Himes, Schoeller and Mr. T set their sights on the NRHA Futurity in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. “Both Robin and I really like this horse so we’re not putting any pressure on him for the future,” said Himes. “After Oklahoma City, he’s going to come back home with me. There’s a lot more showing to be done and money to be made!”

By: Barbara Aitken

Gorski Sweeps Congress English Longe Line Elizabeth Gorski of Bowling Green, Ohio describes herself as, “a longe line nut.” That opinion became evident at the 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAQHC). Elizabeth Gorski and Here I Am received the NSBA Non-Pro English Yearling Longe Line Stakes Reserve Champion, while Here I Am shown by Jon Barry received the NSBA Open English Yearling Longe Line Stakes Champion.

Gorski’s wins were not by accident. She has made a science out of pursuing, preparing, and presenting top-notch longe line yearlings at the AAQHC for years. In fact, Here I Am was Gorski’s 16th longe line yearling to show at the AAQHC. “I do my own work as a Amateur,” said Gorski. “Over the years I’ve learned what I need to look for in a good longe line prospect.” Here I Am is balanced, easily lopes, and is naturally gorgeous, according to Gorski. These were the key elements that brought Gorski to the top of the class and made it possible for Jon Barry to step in and show the yearling on short notice. “I watched Jon in the Congress Lecture and Demonstration on Longe Line and knew I had to have him show Here I Am in the Open. He was fantastic!” Looking forward from the successful show, Gorski will continue working with Here I Am as a two year old in various futurities while looking for a new longe line prospect for the 2016 and 2017 show seasons. By: Barbara Aitken

Congress Super Sale C ontinu e s the Tr adition

“The 2015 Congress Super Sale continues the tradition of providing a strong market for Show horses and prospects,” according to Mike Jennings of Professional Horse Services, LLC. Mike and Stephanie Jennings manage the auction for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. The High selling horse for the 2015 Congress Super Sale, at $47,500 was Batt Attitude, a 2014 mare sired by Batt Mann. At the 2015 Congress this filly was the Champion of the NSBA Open Longe Line Stakes and Reserve in the Non Pro. She was consigned to the auction by Pete Mead, from Indiana and sold to Terri Smith, from Michigan. The mare had previously been named the NSBA Non Pro Longe Line World Champion and was Champion of the Non Pro classes for the NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity and the Tom Powers Triple Challenge, while placing 3rd in the Open divisions of those Futurities. Her total earnings are nearly $15,000 as a yearling. Pete Mead topped the 2015 Congress Super Sale with Hez Plum Poison at $49,500, a stallion out of the dam as this year’s High Seller.

There were 2 horses tied for High Selling Performance horse at $20,000. Rocking The Boat, a 2010 gelding by The Good Ranger with NSBA earnings of $5,942 and an AQHA ROM, was sold by Mark Harrell, from Illinois, as agent for Debbie Daugherty from Tennessee to Robert Sherman from Michigan. The other High Selling Performance horse was Hot N Rich, a 2011 gelding by Hot N Blazing with an AQHA ROM and Congress Top Ten in the 2 Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle to his credit was sold by Jason Ducharme, of Michigan to Randy Hubbard, from Connecticut. The gross sales figure of $889,100 shows an increase of $68,300, or 8%, over 2014 for the horses that came to the Sale. The completed sales tallied 87% of the horses sold, up 2% from last year. The average price for the horses sold this year is $6,261.27, while lower than 2014, is still stronger than the 2013 average price per horse of $5,619. This year five of the consigned horses were sold prior to the auction for a total of $100,000 and an average price of $20,000. These horses were withdrawn from the auction and not included in the figures of the paragraph above. “The Congress Super Sale strives to offer buyers a marketplace for quality horses where they can be comfortable the horses they bid on are really for sale, “ explains Mike Jennings. “This also shows that the promotion which comes with consigning horses to the Congress Super Sale has the power to sell quality horses.” The 49th Congress Super Sale is offered by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association as a part of the All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio. Mike and Stephanie Jennings of Professional Horse Services, LLC, in Round Hill, VA provide management services for the auction. For more Complete results and more information on the Congress Super Sale contact Professional Horse Services, LLC at ProHorseServices.com or email to Info@ProHorseServices.com The contact phone number is 855-272-8133.

Ohio Quarter Horse News 15





llexxah Maxwell is no stranger to the show pen. She is also no stranger to the spotlight. The 14 year old resident of West Mansfield, Ohio took home the coveted Youth All Age All-Around Champion title and the 12-14 Youth AllAround Champion title, along with five bronzes at the 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAQHC). Ellexxah, a freshman at the online Ohio Connections Academy, believes in showing horses as a full time position. “I am at the barn by 9:00am and normally ride 4-5 horses a day. Sometimes I ride more. After I ride, I do homework then do it all again the next day.” Her mother Melissa laughs, calling her daughter a, “youth professional”. “She views it as a job,” says Melissa, although Ellexxah says that her motto is, “I’ll just wing it.”








Melissa and her husband Brent bought Ellexxah’s mare, Zips Bossy Chip, aka “Annie B” four years ago when Ellexxah was ten years old. Ellexxah’s goal is to ride Annie B until the pair has earned 5,000 AQHA points and they are over halfway there with more than 2,500 points.







The goal is not out of the realm of possibility according to Melissa. “[That] mare is loyal to Ellexxah. There is a list a mile long what this mare does for Ellexxah that she does for no one else.” Ellexxah smiled and added, “Yeah, she’s pretty wicked.”





“I never practice with her,” said Ellexxah. “I ride a lot and practice my position but absolutely no pattern practice with her or she feels like she knows the pattern. I try to look up the patterns a week before the shows, like at the Congress, and I’ll do a few transitions here and there but then I have to stop and not practice on those elements anymore until we get there.” “I went into [the Congress] knowing it was my last year in the 12-14 Youth and I wanted to make it memorable. I go into the Congress each year thinking it’s either going to happen or I’m going to walk away with nothing. It’s not anything you have control over.” After much success in 2015, Ellexxah continues to strive toward perfection as she goes into the 2016 show season. She will move into the 15-18 division at the 2016 AAQHC and plans to be at the top. Whether she “wings it” or plans her wins, Ellexxah is not slowing down anytime soon. By: Barbara Aitken


Karissa Shank started riding when she was a baby. She started showing when she was five. At twelve, she conquered the All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAQHC). After winning the 11 & Under Horsemanship, placing 3rd in Showmanship, 6th in Trail and Equitation, 12th in Pleasure and 14th in Hunt Seat, Karissa knew she was headed to win the 11 & Under All Around Championship. The seventh grader from Bowling Green, Ohio is exuberantly passionate about horses. Karissa’s family started leasing Assets Miss Reba, aka Reba last year from Haley Thorton. The 18-year old mare came out of retirement to partner with Karissa. “I feed her Oreos because that’s what Haley used to do. Reba will eat anything. I give her my chocolate fudge pop tarts because those are my favorite!”







“I went into Congress wanting to go for the All Around, but tried not to focus on it,” said Karissa. “My Novice Trail ride didn’t go as planned in the beginning.

I was discouraged after that, but I went to my trainer, Janell Pope, and she told me to not let anything get in the way of my Horsemanship, which was my next class. I just relaxed and went and had a good pattern.” That pattern was the launch Karissa needed to continue dominating the 11 & Under division. “I was so happy when I won the Horsemanship. It’s been a goal of mine since I started showing at open shows.” The oldest of seven children, Karissa rides Reba once a week. But as far as Karissa is concerned, she is hooked for life. “I’m homeschooled now and I want to keep showing and go to the AQHA Youth World Show.” As Karissa moves into the 12-14 Youth division at the 2016 AAQHC, she plans to continue showing throughout her Youth career and wants to become an all around trainer in her future. Be watching for Karissa and Reba to be conquering their upcoming show season in 2016! By: Barbara Aitken



&Banquet Awards Saturday February 6, 2016

Crowne Plaza Hotel

6500 Doubletree Ave, Columbus, OH | 614-885-1885 Reserve Hotel Rooms by January 31st for OQHA Rate of $89/night

12:00pm Annual Meetings Open | Amateur | Youth

2:30pm Hospitality Room 5:00pm Registration & Social Hour 6:00pm Dinner & Banquet 18

Ohio Quarter Horse News

2016 Stallion services are now available at a 50% discount when purchased through the Southern Belle Breeders Program

Southern Belle Breeders Classes are held at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, the AQHA World Show, and the APHA World Show. Classes are open to offspring of stallions that have SOLD in the program. Stallion breedings may be purchased at 50% off the advertised stud fee plus a $100 administrative fee. Stallion enrollments are still being accepted. Please go to the website for the stallion breedings that are still available to purchase. Contact Rhonda Harter today for more information!


Rhonda Harter

Phone: (740) 943-2346 ext. #125

quarterhorsecongress.com Ohio Quarter Horse News 19

2015 OQHA Officers

Hank Clason

Brent Maxwell

Committees Served: Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas, Super Sale, Horse Show Advisory/Show and Contest, Drug Task Force, Professional Horsemen

Committees Served: Congress Futurities, Riding Areas, Trail/Western Riding*, Annual Awards*, Executive Committee*, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Professional Horsemen

OQHA President

Executive Committee

Chris Cecil Darnell

David McDonald, DVM

Committees Served: Food & Beverage, Hall of Fame, Treasurers Office*, Annual Awards, Executive Committee, Annual Banquet, Finance, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Long Range Planning Rules, Tri-Chair

Committees Served: Judging Tournament*, Vet Coordinators, Executive Committee, Drug Task Force*, Research*

1st Vice President/Tri-Chairman

Executive Committee

Elizabeth Gorski

Skip Salome

Committees Served: Lectures/Demos*, Executive Committee, Grievance, Long Range Planning, Rules, Public Policy, Scholarships*

Committees Served: Award Assignments, Food and Beverage*, Grounds Security*, Hall of Fame, Parade, Stall Assignments, Finance, AQHA, Long Range Planning, Tri-Chair, Trail Ride, Public Policy*

Congress Tri-Chairman

2nd Vice President

Alan Potts

Denny Thorsell

Committees Served: Roping, Executive Committee, Finance

Committees Served: Awards Assignments, Bull Riding*, Hall of Fame, Parade, Stall Assignments, Drug Task Force, Tri-Chair

Executive Committee

Congress Tri-Chairman

AQHA National Directors Skip Salome

AQHA Director Emeritus

Dan Trein

AQHA National Director

Clark Bradley

AQHA Director Emeritus

Fritz Leeman

AQHA Director at Large

Dr. Scott Myers

AQHA National Director

OQHA Headquarters and Staff The Ohio Quarter Horse Association

Dr. Scott Myers

101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209, Richwood, Ohio 43344 740-943-2346; www.oqha.com

Barb Benedum Danielle Stephenson

Executive Director Accountant Marketing and Communications

Lisa Martin Rhonda Harter

Mindy Westlake

Kelsey Grose Barbara Aitken

Corporate Partner Coordinator Commercial Exhibit Coordinator


NYATT Coordinator

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Congress Show Secretary Congress Futurity Secretary

Membership Secretary OQHA Points Secretary

Marketing and Communications Intern

2015 OQHA Board of Directors Lisa Alley (2/16)

Randy Jacobs (2/17)

George Seanor (2/16)

Rod Atherton (2/16)

Roger Landis (2/16)

Chuck Smith (2/17)

Kelli Diaz (2/17)

Brent Maxwell (2/16)

Denny Thorsell (2/17)

Candi Fites (2/17)

Cindy Morehead (2/17)

Brent Tincher (2/18)

Bill Flarida (2/18)

Kristine Nagy (2/16)

Greg Tordoff (2/16)

Shawn Flarida (2/16)

Judd Paul (2/18)

Shane Watson (2/18)

Donald Recchiuti (2/16)

Randy Wilson (2/18)

Commerical Exhibitors, Morning Refreshments, Stall Move In Day, VIP/Awards Ceremony*, Grievance, Trail Ride

Congress Programs, Commercial Exhibitors, Overflow Trailers*, Stall Move In Day, VIP/Awards Ceremony, VIP Camping*, Trail Ride

Congress Cares

Congress Program*, Annual Awards, Annual Banquet, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Youth Committee

Reining, Information Booth*

Congress Futuries, Reining, Riding Areas, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Professional Horsemen

Kyle Flatter (2/16)

Congress Futurities, Judging Tournament, Professional Horsemen

Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas, Super Sale, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Drug Task Force, Professional Horsemen

Congress Futurities, Riding Areas, Trail/Western Riding*, Annual Awards*, Executive Committee*, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Professional Horsemen

Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Hunter/Jumpers, Team Tournament, VIP/Awards Ceremony*, Scholarships, Judging Team

Congress Programs, Speed/ Contesting, Annual Awards, Annual Banquet, Queens, Scholarships

Congress Futurities, Grounds Security, Commercial Exhibitors*, Riding Areas, Stall Move In Day, Trail/Western Riding, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Rules, Professional Horsemen

Riding Areas, Trail/Western Riding, Annual Awards, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Rules, Professional Horsemen

Hunter/Jumpers, Judging Tournament*, Team Tournaments*, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Judging Team

Elizabeth Himes (2/18)

Todd Salome (2/16)

Freestyle Reining, Reining, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory/Show and Contest

Congress Futurities, Stall Move In Day*, Team Tournament, Trail Ride*

Trail/Western Riding, Finance, Grievance, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Rules Long-Range Planning*, Cutting*, Memberships

Drug Task Force, Finance, Hall of Fame, Stall Move-In*, Awards Assignments. Stall Assignments

Animal Protection/Fire Saftey, Congress Futurities, Riding Areas, Lectures/Demos*, Trail/Western Riding, Professional Horsemen Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Animal Protection/Fire Saftey, Stall Move In Day, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Annual Banquet*, Finance, Public Policy, Long Range Planning, Technology,

PSA’s*, Annual Banquet, Memberships*

Congress Futurities*, Reining, Riding Areas*, Grievance, Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest, Drug Task Force, Professional Horsemen

*Denotes Commitee Chairman

Past Presidents & Honorary Directors Chris Cecil Darnell Past President, 2012-2014

Clark Bradley Past President, 1999-2000

Jim Brennan Past President, 1979

Fritz Leeman Past President, 1990-92

Jack Geschke Honorary Director

Vic Clark Past President, 1997-98 Ed Dingledine Honorary Director

Burgess Holt Past President, 1984-86 Binnie Ann Masters Honorary Director

David McDonald, DVM Past President, 1989

Dr. Scott Myers Skip Salome Past President, 2007-08, 2012 Past President, 1993-94, 2005-06, 2009-10 Cliff Nash Past President, 1987-88 Dan Trein Honorary Director Alan Potts Past President, 1960 Bob Hexter Honorary Director Roger Ruetenik Honorary Director Ron McCarty Honorary Director Wayne Erwin Honorary Director

Ohio Quarter Horse News 21

OQHA Nominees


2016 OQHA

Officer & Director Nominations

uring the September Ohio Quarter Horse Association monthly Board of Directors meeting, nominations were made for the 2016 election slate. Nominations were announced by the nominating committee, and are as follows: President Hank Clason 1st Vice President Chris Cecil Darnell

2nd Vice President Candi Fites Judd Paul Directors Lisa Alley Roger Landis Rod Atherton Brent Maxwell Rick Cecil Kristine Nagy Shawn Flarida Don Recchiuti Kyle Flatter Todd Salome Elizabeth Gorski George Seanor Ted Handel Greg Tordoff

Voting Procedure Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in late December. Ballots should be marked for no less than four directors and no more than six directors to be counted. Each ballot must be submitted individually in the return envelope provided. Ballots must be received by the accounting firm by January 29th to be counted. Ballots should be mailed to: Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Nominees

Hank Clason

Candidate for President Where were you born & raised? I was born in Hollywood, CA and currently reside in Medina, OH. Please describe what you do for a living: I own and operate Hank Clason Quarter Horses where I coach amateurs and youth, I also specialize in riding and training futurity horses. I also buy & sell horses. Please Discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: I have been a Director for over 25 years and have served on almost every committee

Chris Cecil Darnell

Candidate for 1st Vice President Where were you born & raised? I was born and raised in Sharon Center, OH. I currently live with my husband, Jeff. Please describe what you do for a living: My husband and I manage the family business, Lanning’s, a fine dining restaurant. I also own and operate Simply Show Services LLC, a show secretary management company. I am fortunate to have worked for many large horse shows and have gained a wealth of knowledge from working with so many different show committees and show managements. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organization: Treasurer-Parent Teacher Association, Fund Raiser Chairman Parent Teacher Association, Membership Chairman-Highland Alumni Association and the member of Ohio Restaurant Association. I am the past president of the NOQHA, and am currently serving as the Treasurer, a position I have held for 15 years. I have served on the NOQHA board for over 25 years. I am also a Director of the NSBA. I have served as the Treasurer for 2 years and also chaired the Finance and Show Committees for the NSBA. Finally I am honored to be chosen as a member of the AQHA Show Committee and also serve on the Blue Ribbon Task Force and Show Council. Please Discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: I am a life member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, and have been involved as a Director and Officer for the last 10 years. I have served on many committees including: Futurity, Nominating,

If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: This year I served on the Drug Task Force, Professional Horsemen, Horse Show Advisory and the Congress Futurities Committee. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Making the 50th Anniversary of the Congress a standout event to reflect the past, present, and future of the largest single breed horse show in the world. 2. Making sure that we continue to move forward with making Congress exhibitor friendly before and during the show. 3. Ensuring that the committees function properly and are representative of what OQHA wants them to each accomplish.

Congress Lectures & Demonstrations, Congress Programs, Horse Show Advisory, Rules, Finance, Annual Banquet, Annual Awards, Executive Committee, Congress Tri-Chairman and President. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: In the most recent term, I have served as 1st Vice President. I believe I have many areas of expertise that would qualify me to serve again as the OQHA 1st Vice President. My family and I exhibited in AQHA shows and NSBA futurities all my life. We have a long list of show accolades including year end highpoints, World Champions and Congress Champions. My family has operated Cecil Breeding Farm for over 25 years. I have been actively involved in the family breeding business serving as our office manager and treasurer. My company, Simply Show Services LLC, provides services to shows across the nation. I have served as the show secretary to many AQHA and NSBA shows including the Reichert Celebration, NSBA Show Your Colors and the Southern Belle Invitation. I believe my areas of expertise in breeding, showing and show management would qualify me to serve as the 1st Vice President of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I hope you allow me to continue this opportunity. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? The first priority of OQHA should be fiscal responsibility. The second priority of OQHA should be Congress. Our industry continues to change and we need to make the changes needed to stay current and on the cutting edge especially in technology at the Congress. Finally, we need to encourage participation of our youth, novice and rookie programs. We need the youth to bring in new blood and participation to the breed we all love.

OQHA Nominees

Candidates for 2nd Vice President Candi Fites

Candidate for 2nd Vice President Where were you born & raised? I was born and raised in Alliance, Ohio and currently live in Beloit, Ohio on the family farm. My daughter Valerie, her husband, Eric and grandson, Caleb also live close by on the farm. Please describe what you do for a living: I’m retired from West Branch School District Transportation Department, where I worked for 30 years. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organization: I am First Vice President of Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and serve on the Executive Committee. I also chair the Futurity and Membership Committees. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: I have been an Ohio Director for 8 years. I currently chair the Ohio Incentive Fund Program and Congress Program Sales. I also

Judd Paul

Candidate for 2nd Vice President Where were you born & raised? I live in Xenia, Ohio with my wife, Jennifer and our daughter, Allie. Please describe what you do for a living: Together, Jennifer & I own and operate Judd Paul Training Stables. Our business consists of both Western and English horses. We have trained multiple futurity champions, as well as Congress Champions and top tens. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organization: I am also a SOQHA Director and the SOQHA President for the past 3 years. I also hold my AQHA & NSBA Judges cards.

serve on the Horse Show Advisory Committee, Year-end Awards Committee, and Banquet Committee. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: As a member of the Awards and Banquet Committees, I help with the organization of the Awards and Banquet. As Congress Program Sales Chairman, I coordinate the program sales during the Congress. Ohio Incentive Fund Program Chair involves working with our regional associations holding Futurity classes at their shows. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Congress continues to be our top priority, while we have made great strides into the internet age, I feel we need to continue to move forward. 2. We need to continue our support of the weekend horse shows and encourage the show committees to be exhibitor friendly. 3. The support of our youth is important as they are the future of Ohio Quarter Horse.

If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: I am a life member of OQHA and have been a Director for nine years. I have served on numerous committees, including Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities and Stall Move-In Day, Grounds Security, Breeders Incentives, Riding Areas, Horse Show Advisory, Trail/Western Riding, and I am currently the chair of Commerical Exhibitors. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Congress- coming up with new, innovative ideas to keep it as the premier horse show to go to. 2. Weekend Horse Shows- coming up with new ideas to expand and get our new members involved. 3. Youth-finding ways to get our youth more involved in the association.

OQHA Nominees

Candidates for Director Lisa Alley

Candidate for Director Where were you born & raised? I was born in Piqua, Ohio. I moved to Notheast Ohio when I was in 8th grade, and now reside in Uniontown, Ohio. Please describe what you do for a living: I am the Coordinator of the neonatal nurse practitioner service at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: I have been an Ohio Director for 10 years. I currently chair the NYATT Awards/Queen Crowning Ceremony working closely with the Chairs of the NYATT and Queen contests. I am also on the Commercial Exhibitors, Trail Ride, Fire and Safety, and Move-In Day committees. I also support the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association by volunteering at the Buckeye horse show, Pancake Breakfast, and I even obtained Sarchione Chevrolet as a sponsor for the Pancake Brackfast this year.

Ron Atherton

Candidate for Director

Where were you born & raised? Utica, Ohio and still live in the same town Please describe what you do for a living: I’m a project manager for a large commercial construction company.

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organization: I show Halter horses and have been involved with Eastern Ohio shows.

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organization: I am a member of Sigma Theta Tau, a Nursing Scholar Honor Society and work with the March of Dimes to promote maternal/ child health. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: I have an excellent attendance meeting record. I strive to be the voice of the average exhibitor who works hard all week so they can do what they love, show their horse at the weekend horse shows. I am open and approachable, willing to listen to others ideas and opinions. Each and every Congress I have been here and worked for the association, doing whatever has been asked of me to help the Congress run smoother. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Develop programs that support the OQHA mission statement to promote the All American Quarter Horse. 2. Continue to find ways to make attending and exhibiting at the Congress desirable and affordable. 3. Develop a comprehensive manual that would provide an outline of the responsibilities of each committee.

Please Discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: I’m on several Congress committees: Congress Program, Commercial Exhibitors, Stall Move-In Day, and VIP/Awards Ceremony. I chair VIP Camping and Overflow Trailers. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: I am active in all the meetings and work the vip camping and help with programs at the Congress. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? Recruit membership, get youth more involved and help build the Congress to keep it the biggest and best horse show.

OQHA Nominees

Rick Cecil

Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. I own and operate Rick Cecil Quarter Horses and Cecil Breeding Farm. I provide stallion management services, broodmare cares, training and sale fitting of horses. Please discuss your past and current involvement

with OQHA. I am a life member of the OQHA. I current attend the OQHA meetings and am a member of the Professional Horsemen’s committee.

If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected. I believe I have many areas of expertise that would qualify me to serve as an OQHA Director. I have trained and coached many riders to Congress and World Champion wins as well as Honor Roll titles. I have been actively involved in the breeding business with Cecil Breeding Farm for over 25 years standing many great stallions including Artful Move and Lazy Loper to name just a few.

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am a lifetime member of AQHA and NSBA. I spend my leisure time playing golf and enjoying time with my children, Kara and Justin.

What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? The top priority should be the youth, encouraging participation in programs offered in the industry. Second would be to keep Congress the icon in the industry. Third would be to continue the development of the OQHA Foundation to fund benevolent works of the OQHA including the awarding of scholarship to youth in our industry.

Shawn Flarida

Kyle Flatter

Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. I am a full-time reining trainer.

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I am a long time member of OQHA. My father, Bill Flarida has been a member of the Board of Directors since 1994. I have competed at the AAQHC and have won the AAQHC Reining Futurity numerous times. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am a member of AQHA, USEF, and serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Champions Center and Clark County Fairgrounds both in Springfield, Ohio. I am also in the NRHA Hall of Fame, and have been the NRHA leading rider (five million dollars) for the last decade. Along with my wife Michelle, I am one of the founders of the Reining Buckeye Series, an NRHA Affiliate Association. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: During my time as an OQHA director, I have been an instrumental part of adding money to the AAQHC Futurity. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? If elected, I will focus on continuing to grow the AAQHC with emphasis on enhancing the Reining and performance horse portions, adding new and innovative divisions. I would also like to develop and manage new sponsorship opportunities for the association and the AAQHC.

Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. I am an assistant trainer and barn manager at Mil-Max Training Center which specializes in youth and amateur all around horses.

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have served one term as a Director and am currently serving on the rules and awards committees. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I have been an AQHA Professional Horseman for 4 years and I have served on EOQHA board for two years. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term:. This past year I was appointed to several committees that included rules, awards, and professional horseman. I was also on the Trail committee for the Congress. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. I feel OQHA should continue to cultivate the relationships with the state and local government, political groups, and new and established sponsors to help with continued growth and improvements of the Congress. 2. I believe we need to continue to look at new ways to increase membership especially for the youth as they will be the future of our industry. 3. As an association I believe we have to continually work to keep the Congress the premiere event in our industry.

Elizabeth Gorski Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. Our family owns a testing laboratory. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have proudly served as an OQHA Director since 2003. I have served on many committees including: Congress Lectures and Demonstrations, Scholarship, Grievance, Executive, Rules, Public Policy, Membership, and Long Range Planning. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I serve on the AQHA Public Policy Committee, and I am a Trustee for the AQHA Political Action Committee Fund. I am a member of the National Snaffle Bit Association, and actively compete in NSBA approved Hunter Under Saddle and Longe Line Futurities. In the past 5 years I have raised over 10 thousand dollars for the American Cancer Society by participating in several fund raising activities tied to running Half-Marathons and Marathons. I serve as an elected official on the Otsego Local School District

Ted Handel

Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. I am the owner of Mound City Products Inc., a commercial and residential awning manufacturer, Wind Socks for the FAA and a variety of custom Equine products and stall curtains. We also own Diamond H Farm and M&H Enterprises.

Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations. I have chaired and co-chaired committees for the implementation facilities required for fund raising events for The Works in Newark, Ohio, a philanthropic organization, served on the Properties Committee of Camp Falling Rock, I currently chair the bridge committee. I have also been a member of the Newark Maennerchor for more than 40 years serving on a variety of committee. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been a member of OQHA for more than 30 years, life member for more than 20 years and attended the Congress for more than 30 years. I have participated in the Ohio futurities. I also supported the Congress Queens Contest for the past 10 years and provide stall curtains for the newly elected Queen. I have supported the AQHA Trail Ride and in the past three years at Congress I have helped with NYATT ceremony, move in day and helped with the paid events Cutting, Freestyle Reining, and the Masters.

OQHA Nominees Board of Education. I have served in this office for 12 years, and was just re-elected to serve a 4th term. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected. In 2015, I served my second year as the Association’s 2nd Vice President. I was a member of the Executive Committee, chaired the Rules and Scholarship Committees, and also chaired the Congress Lectures and Demonstrations. I had the privilege and honor of co-chairing the 3rd Annual OQHA Golf Outing, which was a really great event that raised significant funds for the OQHA Scholarship Fund, and produced some of the funniest pictures in the Association’s history. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Keep the Congress as the best horse show in the World 2. Train a new generation of leaders to drive Congress and OQHA in the future 3. Help support all OQHA Regional Associations/Affiliate’s activities and shows. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am a founding member of the Ohio State Buckskin Association, a charter of (IBHA) International Buckskin Horse Association. I was a director for OSBA for 15 years and have served as both vice president and president. I am past two term President of IBHA. I served as chair of the abuse and illegal equipment committee and worked with IBHA and the committee to develop and implement IBHA’s current drug testing program. I have represented IBHA at the AQHA convention several times in conjunction with the AQHA/IBHA alliance agreement. I serve as the IBHA alliance representative to NSBA under NSBA/IBHA alliance agreement. I initiated the formal request to create the OSBA/OQHA alliance. I serve as the OSBA representative to OQHA as part of the alliance agreement. Please describe how would contribute to OQHA, if elected. I would be able to provide my expertise in procurement, facility management, the time to actively participate OQHA venues to accomplish the goal and commitments of the organization. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Finding and developing ways to promote the growth, retention and participation in all areas of OQHA’s membership. 2. Help to define the direction of OQHA during these times of a changing economy and how this will affect the requirements to serve the horse industry of tomorrow. 3. Continue to help to make the Congress the fantastic venue it is in the horse industry today.

OQHA Nominees

Roger Landis

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. I co-own North Farm Inc. Stallion and Broodmare managing services. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have served on various committees, including Drug Task Force, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Reining and Riding Areas. Chairman Professional Horseman Committee. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I have supported the weekend horse shows throughout Ohio, including the futurities, as both a breeder and trainer. Additionally, I have judged the Quarter Horse Congress twice and hold AQHA, APHA, NRHA and NSBA judge’s cards.

If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. I have participated in bringing more Youth members to OQHA through clinics for 4-H and spearheading taking OQHA to the grassroots level. I bring my knowledge of the horse industry, as well as support to increase the longevity of Congress and worked to get OQHA more involved with the state on a local level. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? I would like to continue to focus on the growth of Congress, increasing grass roots efforts to all levels of the equine industry within Ohio and increase education for the OQHA youth.

Brent Maxwell

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. I am the head trainer at Mil-Max Training Center which specializes in youth and amateur all around horses. I am also a farrier. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been on about every committee over my years of service to the OQHA. Each one has helped me better understand the many facets within the organization and allowed me to better serve to membership and their concerns. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. Vice President 2015 Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association; AQHA Blue Ribbon Task Force.

If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. I am currently chairman of the Executive Committee- Congress Trail/Western Riding Committee & Annual Awards. I have contributed by working through the various committees to help maintain and improve the quality of the association. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Restructuring the stalling so that the Voinovich arena can be utilized to improve competition standards in some events 2. Maintain the relationship between OQHA and state officials.

Kristine Nagy

OQHA Nominees

Candidate for Director Where were you born & raised? I was born and raised in Wadsworth, Ohio. I have an undergraduate degree in education, and a master’s degree in counseling, both from the University of Akron. I have been married to my husband Ron for nearly 29 years. He owns and operates Nagy’s Collision Centers. We live on a small farm with 6 horses, along with assorted dogs and cats. We don’t have any children of our own, but have 23 nieces and nephews. Please describe what you do for a living: I am a middle school guidance counselor at Cloverleaf Middle School, in Seville Ohio. I spend my days working with 600 students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. This is my 30th year in education. I plan to retire in 2016. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organization: I am a founding member of the National Pole Bending Association. I am also their national administrator, as well as a regional director. I am an active member of the International Barrel Horse Association, and the National Barrel Horse Association. I am also a member of NOQHA. I am also involved in several professional organizations through my work, and am on the building leadership team at my school. My husband and I have been actively involved with the youth at our church for many years. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: I have completed my second year as a director for OQHA. I am the chair of the speed and contesting committee, and serve on the scholarship, awards, banquet, queens and congress program committees. My most active area of contribution is with the speed and contesting. I am the voice for this group of competitors, addressing their concerns, and helping to improve the Barrels and Poles portion of the Congress. I have also actively participated in my other committee assignments, working on selecting scholarship recipients, helping at the golf outing, selling programs at the Congress, helping choose year end awards, as well as make decisions for the annual banquet. I will continue to work hard on any and all committees to which I am assigned, as well as attending monthly OQHA meetings. I will work hard to learn from the experience around me, and a contribute all that I can.

What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. OQHA has been diligently working with state government and non traditional sponsors to ensure the continued success of the Congress. While currently in a positive position, we need to continue this mindset to secure the future of the Congress and our association. 2. Continuing to expand the horizons of OQHA is vital. Examples of this are the trail ride, the Southern Belle, the Congress app, Congress Cares, etc. OQHA must be open to new opportunities and keep up with technological advances, while maintaining the position of promoting the American Quarter Horse. 3. Financial stability continues to be of utmost importance. OQHA is continually working to establish and follow a sound budget, allowing for savings. This is necessary for their continued growth.

OQHA Nominees

Don Recchiuti

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. I am retired from the USPS as a rural mail carrier for 33 years. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have served as a director for 23 years. I have served on the nominating committee, rules and scholarship committees and helped coordinate Equine Judging for OQHA. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am involved in church activities and fundraisers and with United Way Campaign. I hold judge’s cards for NSBA Category 1, POA, and 4-H (Ohio and PA). I am a lifetime member for AQHA, OQHA NOQHA, POA, and NSBA. I am a ring steward at some of the quarter horse shows, serve as a show steward for the All American Youth Show. I have judged the Michigan Futurity, Virginia’s Breeders and Reichert Futurity and POA National Futurity.

If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. I attend monthly meetings and participate in the decision making of OQHA. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Keep working with the Ohio State Fairground’s officials to make improvements to the grounds for our exhibitors at the AAQHC. 2. I have said this before, but it needs to be said again, how important it is to keep our youth involved in the quarter horse industry. 3. That the officers and directors work together for the continual growth of the quarter horse industry and the AAQHC.

Todd Salome

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. I own and operate Todd Salome Enterprises, Salco, Ltd which consists of rental properties, and Greenbriar Farms, where Melvin Yoder currently trains. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been a member of the OQHA Board of Directors for 12 years. I am the Chairman for the OQHA Trail Ride, which is 2nd largest AQHA trail ride in the country. I am also the Chairman for the Trail Ride Challenge, which is the largest in the country. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am a member of the Board of Directors of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association and a member of the AQHA Trail Ride Committee.

If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected. With the help of OQHA staff, Lisa Martin, I have managed the door decals at the Congress with revenues coming into OQHA over $20,000. I also work with all other signs at the Congress. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. I will continue to work on getting attendance up for all trade show vendors. 2. I will continue to work on keeping costs/ fees down for Congress exhibitors. 3. I would like to see that committee chairs rotate on a more frequent basis. I believe it is important for the Board of Directors to cross train and understand multiple facets of the Congress.

OQHA Nominees

George Seanor

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living: I recently became the General Manager of the Ruhlin Company’s Industrial Division. George is responsible for coordination of the total operations of the Industrial Division, inclusive of resources, staffing, quality, and performance. I provides all necessary support and direction to industrial projects and their owners. Please Discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: I have been a Director for two years, and have been Trail Coordinator for the Congress for 11 years. In previous years I have served on the Breeders Incentive Fund Committee and Congress Pattern Committee. As a current director I serve on the Rules, Breeders Incentive Fund, Congress Pattern, Trail and Trail Ride Committees.

Greg Tordoff

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living: National Accounts Manager for Fairmount Santrol. Responsible for sales and strategic planning for National Accounts within North America. FairmountSantrol is a leading producer of high purity silica sand used in the metal casting, glass production, equine arena footing, Industrial & Recreational Markets, and the Oil & Gas industry. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: I have been on the OQHA Board for the past 3 years, have served on several OQHA committees and participated in various fundraising and awareness activities. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations: I am the President of Wild Oats Farm and we are members of

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organization: I am is currently on the board for the Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and is a past president. I am also a committee member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I was previously on the board for the Canton Area National Society of Professioinal Engineers and the Catholic Youth Council. I was awarded the Engineers Society’s Young Engineer Award and is an Eagle Scout. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: In 2016 I would like to continue in my position as Congress Trail Coordinator and serve on the Finance, Grievance, Rules, Breeders Incentive Fund, Horse Show Advisory/Show and Contest, Congress Pattern, Trail and Trail Ride Committees. What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Continue to make the Congress more exhibitor friendly. 2. Continue to improve the Congress experience for all Congress attendees. 3. Continue to provide additional support to the Ohio affiliated organizations so that they may provide quality horse shows.

SOQHA, NOQHA, and EOQHA. Our daughters are also members of these affiliates and our oldest daughter; Olivia competed on the SOQHYA NYATT team at the 2015 AAQHC. Our family is also involved in local charities such as Nationwide Children’s Hospital, American Heart’s Go Red Campaign, Flying Horse Farm and we are members of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Powell, Ohio. If you are a current OQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: As a current OQHA director for the last three years, I have attended monthly OQHA meetings and have participated on several OQHA and Congress Committees. I have been the Chair of the Technology Committee for the past two years and I am the current Chair of the Annual Banquet Committee. I also participate on the following OQHA Committees: Long Term Planning, Finance Committee and the Public Policy.


Ohio Quarter Horse News


nn Myers never anticipated a life as an owner of one of the industry’s most famous stallions. She never expected to be a household name, bake cookies for the masses, or meet people from around the world. She simply had a love for horses. Ann grew up in Dallas, Texas with a stuffed horse named Cuddles and a dream that someday she’d own a horse. Ann’s dream came true when she received a mare named Rita Wonder, when she was ten years old. “Back then you could go to an AQHA show for the day,” explained Ann. “When I turned 16, I’d load up my mare and go show. Most of the time, it was just my horse and me.” Years passed, Ann left her home in Dallas, went to college and got married, but she never stopped dreaming. In 1982, Ann and her husband Phil bought a farm in Ashland, Ohio. “I just wanted a small breeding farm. A few mares and nice colts.” However, in 1987, Ann’s life changed forever.

One colt kept catching Ann’s eye. “Babies naturally stumble. They’ll be running along looking pretty then they catch something and go tumbling.” Not the colt she called Chip. “He moved like a ballerina,” said Ann. “I thought he was special. So I decided to keep him, train him, then use him to breed a few mares on the farm and send out a couple of mares a year to breed to really good stallions.” Little did Ann know, not only did she find her colt special, but so would the world. The colt she called Chip, Zips Chocolate Chip, went down in history as one of the greatest all-time horses in AQHA. World Championships, All American Quarter Horse Congress Championships, AQHA points— you name it, Chip won as a performer, a sire, and grandsire. “I remember the first time it actually hit me. I was standing by Chip’s stall at the breeding farm with Suzie Jean when she looked at me and said, ‘Ann, you own Zips Chocolate Chip.’ I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. Shivers went down my spine as I realized that I really owned Zips Chocolate Chip.” Ann describes owning Chip as the “greatest experience ever,” stressing that she never made the horse. “It was all Chip. He was famous. Not us.” According to Ann, Chip’s message is, “If I can do it, you can do it.”

Ann describes herself as a Novice Amateur despite her depth in the industry. “I was intimidated by the professionals when we first started out with Chip,” said Ann. “I’ll never be fancy enough to go in the arena and be competitive. However, I want to provide people with the fancy horses so they can go compete.” Since Chip’s death in September of this year, Ann is continuing to ensure that Chip’s spirit remains alive. She is currently considering a children’s book series based on Chip’s life. “When I was growing up, I watched TV with cowboys and horses. There’s not much of that on TV these days so I want some way to encourage kids to love horses like I did.” Ann also developed a Zips Chocolate Chip plush stuffed toy horse in his honor, which was inspired by Cuddles, her childhood stuffed horse. “I’m like Peter Pan. I’m never going to grow up,” she chuckles. “I want to touch people and encourage them to be in the industry.” Chip paved a path for Ann to be an encouragement to anyone who ever had a dream of owning a horse. Ann’s enthusiasm for horses and for the horse industry is infectious and simply inspiring. For more information on Ann and Zips Chocolate Chip, visit their website at www.zipschocolatechip.com. By: Barbara Aitken

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members

Novice Amateur Novice Amateur Horsemanship

4. Cookies Only | Natoshia Kelly | Natoshia Kelly - Carey OH 12. Dancing Western | Cheryl Kolb | Rachel Kolb - Lebanon OH

Novice Amateur Reining

9. Master Moonstone | Clint Leonard | Leonard Truck & Trailer N. Jackson OH

Novice Amateur Showmanship

NSBA Novice Amateur Horsemanship

4. Cookies Only | Natoshia Kelly | Natoshia Kelly - Carey OH

1. Pine Chexed | Ashley Reichert | Ashley Reichert Grove City OH

Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle

NSBA Novice Amateur Showmanship

1. June Has The Details | Lacy Lynn Watson | Lacy Lynn Watson Goshen OH 14. Orange Is The Newbay | Veronica Sholl | Veronica Sholl - Powell OH

1. Pine Chexed | Ashley Reichert | Ashley Reichert - Grove City OH

NSBA Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle

6. Baileys N Chocolate | Jordan Ferguson | Jordan Ferguson Tipp City OH

1. June Has The Details | Lacy Lynn Watson | Lacy Lynn Watson Goshen OH 11. Orange Is The Newbay | Veronica Sholl | Veronica Sholl - Powell OH

Amateur Amateur Weanling Stallions

Novice Amateur Western Pleasure

13. My Impulses Are Good | Karen Hughes | Karen Hughes - Westerville OH

Novice Amateur Western Riding

Amateur 3 Yr Old Stallions - Limited Division

2. Ima Safe Bet | Miranda Peck | John Peck - Ashland OH

Amateur 2 Yr Old Stallions - Limited Division

2. BPF Kiss And Tell | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH 5. The Original Rocky | Katilynn Nutter | Kenneth Brown - Creston OH

3. Angels Package | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH

Amateur Weanling Stallions - Limited Division

Amateur Weanling Geldings

2. BPF Kiss And Tell | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH 5. The Original Rocky | Katilynn Nutter | Kenneth Brown - Creston OH

5. I Cant Keep A Sekret | Melanie Griffey | Melanie Griffey - Pataskala OH

Amateur Weanling Stallions Challenge Futurity

2. The Original Rocky | Katilynn Nutter | Kenneth Brown - Creston OH

5. I Cant Keep A Sekret | Melanie Griffey | Melanie Griffey Pataskala OH

Amateur Yearling Stallions

Amateur 2 Yr Old Geldings

6. BVLGARI | Holly Saigo | Holly Saigo - London OH

5. PF Chrome Rimz | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH

Amateur Yearling Stallions - Limited Division

Amateur 2 Yr Old Geldings - Limited Division

5. BVLGARI | Holly Saigo | Holly Saigo - London OH

Amateur 2 Yr Old Stallions

Amateur Weanling Geldings - Limited Division

4. PF Chrome Rimz | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH

Amateur 3 Yr Old Geldings

4. Angels Package | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH

10. PF Supreme City | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield OH

Amateur 3 Yr Old Stallions

Amateur 3 Yr Old Geldings - Limited Division

2. Ima Safe Bet | Miranda Peck | John Peck - Ashland OH

7. PF Supreme City | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH

Amateur Horsemanship Amateur Aged Geldings

9. Corporate Secret | Miranda Peck | John Peck - Ashland OH 12. Hoosier Gunslinger | Jason Somnitz | Jason Somnitz - Geneva OH

Amateur Aged Geldings - Limited Division

7. Corporate Secret | Miranda Peck | John Peck - Ashland OH 9. Hoosier Gunslinger | Jason Somnitz | Jason Somnitz - Geneva OH

Amateur Performance Halter Geldings

2. Always The Best Man | Katie Grossnickle | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI 5. Remarkable Can | Rachel Kolb | Rachel Kolb - Lebanon OH

Amateur Performance Halter Geldings - Limited Division

4. Dontskipmygoodimage | Graceon Ehrman | Graceon Ehrman- Steubenville OH 14. Certain Valor | Lucy Igoe | Denise Igoe - Canfield OH 15. Always Lopin Sober | Katie Grossnickle | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI

NSBA Amateur Horsemanship

4. Dontskipmygoodimage | Graceon Ehrman | Graceon Ehrman- Steubenville OH 11. Certain Valor | Lucy Igoe | Denise Igoe - Canfield OH 12. Always Lopin Sober | Katie Grossnickle | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI

Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation

3. My First Notice | Ciara Bartholomew | Ciara Bartholomew - Dublin OH 6. Remarkable Can | Rachel Kolb | Rachel Kolb - Lebanon OH 10. Baileys N Chocolate | Jordan Ferguson | Jordan Ferguson - Tipp City OH 11. Version Of Goodbar | Sarah Lebsock | Sarah Lebsock - Hilliard OH

2. Always The Best Man | Katie Grossnickle | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI 5. Remarkable Can | Rachel Kolb | Rachel Kolb - Lebanon OH

NSBA Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation

Amateur Weanling Fillies

Amateur Hunter Under Saddle

4. Rocker Chick | Terri Heffelfinger | Rick & Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville OH 5. Premo Creation | Stephen Farley | Stephen Farley - Sunbury OH

Amateur Weanling Fillies - Limited Division

2. Rocker Chick | Terri Heffelfinger | Rick & Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville OH 4. Premo Creation | Stephen Farley | Stephen Farley - Sunbury OH

Amateur Weanling Fillies Challenge Futurity

2. Rocker Chick | Terri Heffelfinger | Rick & Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville OH 3. Premo Creation | Stephen Farley | Stephen Farley - Sunbury OH

Amateur Yearling Fillies

8. Kiss And Tattle | Ronald Mays | Ronald Mays - Ironton OH

Amateur Yearling Fillies - Limited Division

8. Kiss And Tattle | Ronald Mays | Ronald Mays - Ironton OH

Amateur 3 Yr Old Mares

5. Running In Heels | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH

Amateur 3 Yr Old Mares - Limited Division

3. Running In Heels | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH

Amateur Aged Mares

3. My First Notice | Ciara Bartholomew | Ciara Bartholomew - Dublin OH 7. Only In Showbiz | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ 9. Put Your Spurs On | Shelly Boyle | Shelly Boyle - Cranberry Twp PA

NSBA Amateur Hunter Under Saddle

7. Only In Showbiz | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ 9. Put Your Spurs On | Shelly Boyle | Shelly Boyle - Cranberry Twp PA

Amateur Pleasure Driving

10. Red Hot N Red | Beth Ann Conrad | Beth Ann Conrad - Ashland OH 11. Persuit Of Happiness | Bill Kelly | Bill Kelly - Akron OH 12. Fool To Invite Me | Suzanne Wilcox | Suzanne Wilcox - Hubbard OH

Amateur Pole Bending

15. Lightning Starsnbars | Kristine Kay Nagy | Kristine Kay Nagy - Doylestown OH

Amateur Reining

2. Footwork Revolution | Katsy Leeman | Katsy Leeman - Massillon OH

Amateur Showmanship

6. Version Of Goodbar | Sarah Lebsock | Sarah Lebsock - Hilliard OH 7. Baileys N Chocolate | Jordan Ferguson | Jordan Ferguson - Tipp City OH 9. Taylored By Deluxe | Molli Lyn Jacobs | Molli Lyn Jacobs - Dover OH 13. Dontskipmygoodimage | Graceon Ehrman | Graceon Ehrman - Steubenville OH

7. Allure Of An Angel | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield OH NSBA Amateur Showmanship 8. Supergold Centerfold | Paula Buehrer | Paula Buehrer - Wauseon OH 7. Dontskipmygoodimage | Graceon Ehrman | Graceon Ehrman - Steubenville OH

Amateur Aged Mares - Limited Division

Amateur Western Pleasure

5. Allure Of An Angel | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield OH 8. A Moonlit Goodbar | Justin Billings | Justin Billings - Ashville OH 6. Supergold Centerfold | Paula Buehrer | Paula Buehrer - Wauseon OH

Amateur Performance Halter Mares

3. Onlythebestchocolate | Chelsea Martz | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH 12. Ms Principle Zippo | Kelly Best | Kelly Best - Salem OH

Amateur Performance Halter Mares - Limited Division

3. Onlythebestchocolate | Chelsea Martz | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH 11. Ms Principle Zippo | Kelly Best | Kelly Best - Salem OH

NSBA Amateur Western Pleasure

8. A Moonlit Goodbar | Justin Billings | Justin Billings - Ashville OH

Amateur Western Riding

7. Dontskipmygoodimage | Graceon Ehrman | Graceon Ehrman - Steubenville OH 14. Sure Am Hot | Katsy Leeman | Fritz Leeman - Massillon OH 15. Ms Principle Zippo | Kelly Best | Kelly Best - Salem OH

NSBA Amateur Western Riding

7. Dontskipmygoodimage | Graceon Ehrman | Graceon Ehrman - Steubenville OH 13. Sure Am Hot | Katsy Leeman | Fritz Leeman - Massillon OH 14. Ms Principle Zippo | Kelly Best | Kelly Best - Salem OH

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members

Amateur Select Amateur Select Barrels

10. Rocky Dan Jet | Kristine Kay Nagy | Kristine Kay Nagy Doylestown OH 15. Real Cool Burgler | Mark Brown | Mark Brown - Byesville OH

Amateur Select Horsemanship

13. Dancing Western | Cheryl Kolb | Rachel Kolb - Lebanon OH

Amateur Select Hunter Under Saddle 1. This Art To Be Good | Vickie Shriver | Vickie Shriver Apple Creek OH 8. Hang Him High | Margaret Garwood | Margaret Garwood Canfield OH

NSBA Amateur Select Hunter Under Saddle

1. This Art To Be Good | Vickie Shriver | Vickie Shriver Apple Creek OH 7. Hang Him High | Margaret Garwood | Margaret Garwood Canfield OH

Amateur Select Hunt Seat Equitation

4. Dancing Western | Cheryl Kolb | Rachel Kolb - Lebanon OH 5. Hot Jazzin Zippo | Farley Barbera | Farley Barbera - Southern Pines NC 7. Good To Great | Sandra Clark | Sandra Clark - Jefferson OH

Amateur Select Pole Bending

3. Rocky Dan Jet | Kristine Kay Nagy | Kristine Kay Nagy Doylestown OH 6. Real Cool Burgler | Mark Brown | Mark Brown - Byesville OH 10. Notes For Lightning | Mark Brown | Mark Brown - Byesville OH

Amateur Select Showmanship

3. Solo Invested | Patrick Riley | Patrick Riley - Seville OH 9. Dancing Western | Cheryl Kolb | Rachel Kolb - Lebanon OH 10. Hot Jazzin Zippo | Farley Barbera | Farley Barbera - Southern Pines NC

NSBA Amateur Select Showmanship

3. Solo Invested | Patrick Riley | Patrick Riley - Seville OH

Amateur Select Trail

10. Check This Machine | Kimberly Best | Kimberly Best - Salem OH

NSBA Amateur Select Trail

10. Check This Machine | Kimberly Best | Kimberly Best - Salem OH

Amateur Select Western Riding

14. Good To Great | Sandra Clark | Sandra Clark - Jefferson OH 15. Equitable Asset | Terribeth Gordon | Terribeth Gordon Ottawa Hills OH


3 Year Old Stallions

1. Ima Safe Bet | Ross Roark | John Peck - Ashland OH

Weanling Stallions

3. BPF Kiss And Tell | Dewey Smith | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH 6. The Original Rocky | Troy Prime | Kenneth Brown - Creston OH

Champion Stallions

3. Ima Safe Bet | Ross Roark | John Peck - Ashland OH

Weanling Stallions - Limited Division

3. The Original Rocky | Troy Prime | Kenneth Brown - Creston OH

Weanling Stallions Challenge Futurity - Open

3. The Original Rocky | Troy Prime | Kenneth Brown - Creston OH

2 Year Old Stallions - Limited Division

5. Angels Package | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH 6. Kids So Cool | Randy Jacobs | John R Lewis - Ravenna OH

2 Year Old Stallions - Limited Division

3. Angels Package | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH

Weanling Geldings

1. King Jaimz | Randy Jacobs | John R Lewis - Ravenna OH


2 Year Old Mares - Limited Division

5. PF Chrome Rimz | Dewey Smith | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH

3 Year Old Mares

2 Year Old Geldings 3 Year Old Geldings

8. PF Supreme City | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH

3 Year Old Geldings - Limited Division

3. PF Supreme City | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH

Aged Geldings

9. Corporate Secret | Justin Bisel | Miranda Peck - Ashland OH 13. Hoosier Gunslinger | Matthew Claypool | Jason Somnitz - Geneva OH

Aged Geldings - Limited Division

6. Corporate Secret | Justin Bisel | Miranda Peck - Ashland OH 10. Hoosier Gunslinger | Matthew Claypool | Jason Somnitz Geneva OH

Performance Halter Geldings

10. Always The Best Man | Brent Maxwell | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI

Performance Halter Geldings-Limited

4. Always The Best Man | Brent Maxwell | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI 10. Kool Conclusions | Brian Kyle Bernatowicz | Marley Vieta Blacklick OH 13. Cruzin Softly | J T Mitchell | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ 15. Classie Minute Man | Chris Thompson | Natalie Vargo - Plain City OH

Champion Geldings

6. King Jaimz | Randy Jacobs | John R Lewis - Ravenna OH

Weanling Fillies

5. Kids Classy TD Lady | Justin Bisel | Jacqueline Salmans Coshocton OH 6. Running In Heels | Dewey Smith | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH

Aged Mares

7. Allure Of An Angel | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH 8. Supergold Centerfold | Matthew Claypool | Paula Buehrer Wauseon OH

Aged Mares - Limited Division

3. Allure Of An Angel | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder Springfield OH 4. Supergold Centerfold | Matthew Claypool | Paula Buehrer Wauseon OH

Performance Halter Mares

2. Onlythebestchocolate | Randy Jacobs | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH 12. Ms Principle Zippo | Brent Maxwell | Kelly Best - Salem OH 15. Km Sudden Lil Zip | Beckey Schooler | Madison Thiel - Dublin OH

Performance Halter Mares - Limited Division

9. Ms Principle Zippo | Brent Maxwell | Kelly Best - Salem OH 10. Km Sudden Lil Zip | Beckey Schooler | Madison Thiel - Dublin OH

Junior Barrel Racing

8. KR Lil Fling | Trate Brown | Mark Brown - Byesville OH

Hunter Classic

2. Dive | Lainie DeBoer | Bruce Brown - Versailles KY

Senior Hunter Hack

9. Dive | Lainie DeBoer | 4. Fabuliss | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield OH Bruce Brown - Versailles KY 7. Rocker Chick | Terri Heffelfinger | Rick & Terri Heffelfinger Jeromesville OH NSBA Senior Hunter 8. Shez Cool N Elusive | Justin Bisel | Tiffany Burke - Mount Vernon OH Hack 8. Dive | Lainie DeBoer | Weanling Fillies - Limited Division Bruce Brown - Versailles KY 2. Fabuliss | Dave Williamson | Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield OH 4. Rocker Chick | Terri Heffelfinger | Rick & Terri Heffelfinger Senior Working Hunter Jeromesville OH 1. Dive | Lainie DeBoer | Bruce Brown - Versailles KY 5. Shez Cool N Elusive | Justin Bisel | Tiffany Burke - Mount Vernon OH

Weanling Fillies Challenge Futurity - Open

2. Rocker Chick | Terri Heffelfinger | Rick & Terri Heffelfinger Jeromesville OH

NSBA Sr Working Hunter

1. Dive | Lainie DeBoer | Bruce Brown - Versailles KY

Congress Masters 2 Year Old Hunter Under Saddle

Yearling Fillies

8. Sheza Starlet Hit | Justin Bisel | Jacqueline Salmans - Coshocton OH

7. Hoos Got Legs | Katy Jo Zuidema | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ 9. GTG Thnxforcoming | Amber Clark | Angela Dahse Thurman OH

Yearling Fillies - Limited Division

Congress Masters 2 Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - Limited

3. Sheza Starlet Hit | Justin Bisel | Jacqueline Salmans - Coshocton OH

2 Year Old Mares

8. Kids Classy TD Lady | Justin Bisel | Jacqueline Salmans Coshocton OH 12. Annie Oaklee | Randy Jacobs | Randy Jacobs - Dover OH

5. GTG Thnxforcoming | Amber Clark | Angela Dahse Thurman OH

Green Hunter Under Saddle

13. Too Sleepy To Drink | Dorene Howard | Susan Grafton - Forsyth GA

NSBA Green Hunter Under Saddle

10. Too Sleepy To Drink | Dorene Howard | Susan Grafton - Forsyth GA

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members


NSBA Maturity Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes 5. Doodle Jump | Heidi Piper | Jenna Jacobs - Poland OH

NSBA Maturity Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes - Limited

1. Doodle Jump | Heidi Piper | Jenna Jacobs - Poland OH Junior Hunter Under 6. Only In Showbiz | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Saddle Paradise Valley AZ 1. Doodle Jump | Heidi Piper 4. Details Of Willy | Elizabeth Baker | Paige Merrill - North Royalton OH | Jenna Jacobs - Poland OH

NSBA Junior Hunter Under Saddle

1. Doodle Jump | Heidi Piper | Jenna Jacobs - Poland OH

Senior Hunter Under Saddle

8. This Art To Be Good | Rebecca Hurst | Vickie Shriver Apple Creek OH 9. Al I Want Is You | Heidi Piper | Ashton Krutulis - Ashville OH 15. HBF Silver N Chrome | Susan Stocker | Susan Stocker Port Washington OH

NSBA Senior Hunter Under Saddle

7. This Art To Be Good | Rebecca Hurst | Vickie Shriver Apple Creek OH 8. Al I Want Is You | Heidi Piper | Ashton Krutulis - Ashville OH 13. HBF Silver N Chrome | Susan Stocker | Susan Stocker Port Washington OH

Southern Belle Breeder’s 3 Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity 8. Orange Is The Newbay | Nicole Giumenti | Veronica Sholl - Powell OH

NSBA Open English Yearling Longe Line Stakes

1. Here I Am | Jon Barry | Elizabeth Gorski Bowling Green OH

NSBA Open Western Yearling Longe Line Stakes

3. Strutinwithmybootson | J Cole Baker | Olivia Hoecker - Reddick FL

Junior Pleasure Driving

7. Red Hot N Red | Travis McColley | Beth Ann Conrad - Ashland OH

NSBA 2 Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes

Senior Pleasure Driving

NSBA 2 Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes - Ltd

Junior Pole Bending

Southern Belle Breeder’s 2 Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity 3. Pretty Assets | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ

Congress Pole Bending Sweepstakes

4. Pretty Assets | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ 1. Pretty Assets | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ

Southern Belle Breeder’s 2 Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity- Ltd 1. Pretty Assets | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ

NSBA 3 Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity

15. Orange Is The Newbay | Nicole Giumenti | Veronica Sholl Powell OH

12. Fool To Invite Me | Amber Clark | Suzanne Wilcox - Hubbard OH 14. Lite My Firewater | Jason Thomas | Mark Brown - Byesville OH 4. Lightning Starsnbars | Charles Peoples | Kristine Kay Nagy Doylestown OH

Senior Pole Bending

8. Lightning Starsnbars | Charles Peoples | Kristine Kay Nagy Doylestown OH

Junior Ranch Riding

3. Guns Gal | Clark Bradley | Clark Bradley - Findlay OH

NSBA Junior Ranch Riding

2. Guns Gal | Clark Bradley | Clark Bradley - Findlay OH

Senior Ranch Riding

14. Dunnit Topsailing | Michael Jennings | Michael Jennings - Round Hill VA

NSBA 3 Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity - Limited NSBA Senior Ranch Riding 12. Orange Is The Newbay | Nicole Giumenti | Veronica Sholl - Powell OH

10. Dunnit Topsailing | Michael Jennings | Michael Jennings - Round Hill VA

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members Green Western Pleasure Junior Reining

12. Unequaled Invitation | Brian Baker | Lee Smith - Columbus OH

NSBA Green Western Pleasure 4. Electric Aledo | William Bowen | Walter Fuchs - Canfield OH 8. Great Red Cielo | Shawn Flarida | Karen Shedlauskas - Austintown OH 12. Unequaled Invitation | Brian Baker | Lee Smith - Columbus OH 10. Bigdazzle | Margaret Fuchs | Rachel Street - Warren OH 12. Lil Smart N Juicy | Margaret Fuchs | Margaret Fuchs - Canfield OH Junior Western Pleasure 7. You Bet Ima Batman | Brandon Burr | Tom Knoch - Wapakoneta OH NRHA Intermediate Open Reining

8. Electric Aledo | William Bowen | Walter Fuchs - Canfield OH

NRHA Open Reining

5. Tinseltown Fly Guy | Shawn Flarida | Fritz Leeman - Massillon OH

NSBA Junior Western Pleasure

7. You Bet Ima Batman | Brandon Burr | Tom Knoch - Wapakoneta OH

Senior Western Pleasure

5. Invite Me On Sundi | Randy Wilson | Whitney Wilson - Zanesville OH

NRHA Open Reining Level 4 Futurity

1. Tinseltown Flash | Robin Schoeller | Ruoff Dietter Reining Horses LLC Millersport OH

NRHA Open Reining Primetime Futurity

7. Doll Face Dunnit | Margaret Fuchs | Saddle Creek Farm Inc - Canfield OH 15. Guns Gal | Clark Bradley | Clark Bradley - Findlay OH

Senior Reining

13. Dunnit Topsailing | Michael Jennings | Michael Jennings - Round Hill VA

Junior Green Trail

NSBA Senior Western Pleasure

5. Invite Me On Sundi | Randy Wilson | Whitney Wilson - Zanesville OH

NSBA 2 Year Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes

11. Martinis Best Man | Karen Hornick | James Smanik - Maineville OH 14. Good Like Jagger | Gregory Johnson | Alexandra Chavex - Paradise Valley AZ

NSBA 2 Year Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes - Limited

14. Good Like Jagger | Gregory Johnson | Alexandra Chavex - Paradise Valley AZ

NSBA 3 Year Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity

3. How Bout At Midnight | Gil Galyean | Fritz Leeman - Massillon OH 13. Step Aside Boyz | Randy Wilson | Ftriz Leeman - Massillon OH 14. RR Magical Moonlite | Jamie Watson | Jamie Watson - Goshen OH

NSBA 3 Year Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity - Limited

10. A Chrome Cookie | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ 10. Ms RL Flashy Goodbar | Dustin Davis | Olivia Hoecker - Reddick FL 14. Howboutthizzcowgirl | Jennifer Paul | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH 13. RR Magical Moonlite | Jamie Watson | Jamie Watson - Goshen OH 15. Batmans Loping Lady | Chad Piper | Katie Bossart - Sunbury OH

NSBA Junior Green Trail

8. A Chrome Cookie | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ 11. Howboutthizzcowgirl | Jennifer Paul | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH

Junior Trail

Souther Belle Breeder’s 3 Year Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity 3. How Bout At Midnight | Gil Galyean | Fritz Leeman - Massillon OH 9. Step Aside Boyz | Randy Wilson | Ftriz Leeman - Massillon OH

8. Always Lopin Sober | Brent Maxwell | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI NSBA Maturity $10,000 Limited Horse Open Western Pleasure Stakes 8. You Bet Ima Batman | Brandon Burr | Tom Knoch - Wapakoneta OH NSBA Junior Trail 14. Shez All Pleasure | Chad Piper | Thomas Mechenbier - Sunbury OH 8. Always Lopin Sober | Brent Maxwell | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI

Senior Green Trail

NSBA Maturity $10,000 Limited Horse Open Western Pleasure Stakes - Limited

6. Vested In Good Karma | Brent Maxwell | Shelby Jo Brady - Kendallville IN 2. You Bet Ima Batman | Brandon Burr | Tom Knoch - Wapakoneta OH 11. Shez All Pleasure | Chad Piper | Thomas Mechenbier - Sunbury OH

NSBA Three- And Four-Year-Old Open Trail Stakes

7. A Chrome Cookie | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ

Congress Masters 2 Year Old Western Pleasure

15. Just Becuz Im Lazy | J Cole Baker | Olivia Hoecker - Reddick FL

NSBA Maturity Open Western Pleasure Futurity

10. My Impulses Are Good | Dale Hamilton | Karen Hughes - Westerville OH

NSBA Maturity Open Western Pleasure Futurity - Limited

7. My Impulses Are Good | Dale Hamilton | Karen Hughes - Westerville OH 9. Hot Lopin Goodbar | Troy Lehn | Alexandra Chavez - Paradise Valley AZ

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members

Non Pro NSBA Non-Pro English Yearling Longe Line Stakes

2. Here I Am | Elizabeth Gorski | Elizabeth Gorski - Bowling Green OH 5. Certified Invitation | Stacey Hibbert | Stacey Hibbert - Thornville OH 7. Al Get Your Shine On | Bill Kelly | Nichole McColley - Ashland OH

Sothern Belle Breeder’s Non Pro English Yearling Longe Line Stakes 1. Al Get Your Shine On | Bill Kelly | Nichole McColley - Ashland OH

NSBA 2 Year Old Non Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes

4. Pretty Assets | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ

NSBA 2 Year Old Non Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes - Ltd

NRHA Non-Pro Reining Level 4 Stakes

14. CTC Step It Up | Katsy Leeman | Katsy Leeman - Massillon OH

NRHA Non-Pro Novice Horse Level 2

14. Master Moonstone | Clint Leonard | Leonard Truck & Trailer N. Jackson OH

NRHA Primetime Non Pro Reining

11. Someday Well Know | Thomas Daley | Thomas Daley Rushsylvania OH

NRHA Rookie Reining

13. Einsteins Genius | Danielle Shively | Danielle Shively Uhrichsville OH

NSBA 2 Year Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes

13. Good Like Jagger | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ

NSBA 2 Year Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes - Ltd

6. Good Like Jagger | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ

NSBA 3 Year Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity

3. Pretty Assets | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ

2. RR Magical Moonlite | Jamie Watson | Jamie Watson - Goshen OH 8. How Bout At Midnight | Katsy Leeman | Fritz Leeman - Massillon OH 15. Quiet Ride | Cole Brooks | Cole Brooks - Wapakoneta OH

NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes

NSBA 3 Year Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity - Ltd

3. Doodle Jump | Jenna Jacobs | Jenna Jacobs - Poland OH 5. Only In Showbiz | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ 8. June Has The Details | Lacy Lynn Watson | Lacy Lynn Watson Goshen OH 10. Put Your Spurs On | Shelly Boyle | Shelly Boyle - Cranberry Twp PA 13. Signing In | Kelsey Sybert | Kelsey Sybert - Powell OH

5. RR Magical Moonlite | Lacy Lynn Watson | Jamie Watson Goshen OH 9. Batmans Loping Lady | Katie Bossart | Katie Bossart - Sunbury OH

Sothern Belle Breeder’s Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity

2. RR Magical Moonlite | Lacy Lynn Watson | Jamie Watson Goshen OH NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes - Limited 8. How Bout At Midnight | Katsy Leeman | Fritz Leeman - Massillon OH 5. Al I Want Is You | Ashton Krutulis | Ashton Krutulis - Ashville OH 6. Only In Showbiz | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Sothern Belle Breeder’s Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Paradise Valley AZ Western Pleasure Futurity - Limited 7. June Has The Details | Lacy Lynn Watson | Lacy Lynn Watson 4. RR Magical Moonlite | Lacy Lynn Watson | Jamie Watson Goshen OH Goshen OH 14. Signing In | Kelsey Sybert | Kelsey Sybert - Powell OH 15. Put Your Spurs On | Shelly Boyle | Shelly Boyle - Cranberry Twp PA NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes

NRHA Limited Non-Pro Reining

12. Gallo De Rojo | Bridgett White | David White - Canal Winchester OH

NRHA Non-Pro Reining Level 2 Stakes

5. CTC Step It Up | Katsy Leeman | Katsy Leeman - Massillon OH

NRHA Non-Pro Reining Level 3 Stakes

8. CTC Step It Up | Katsy Leeman | Katsy Leeman - Massillon OH

10. Hot Lopin Goodbar | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ

NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes - Limited 4. Hot Lopin Goodbar | Alexandra Chavez | Alexandra Chavez Paradise Valley AZ 7. Invite Me On Sundi | Whitney Wilson | Whitney Wilson Zanesville OH

Novice Youth

Novice Youth Barrel Racing 13 & Under

10. Jazzme Ta Fame | Colin Robinson | Donald Robinson - Caldwell OH

Novice Youth Barrel Racing 14 - 18

2. Top Jac Fritz | Dolan Robinson | Donald Robinson - Caldwell OH

Novice Youth Horsemanship 13 & Under

2. Good N Certain | Cora Wyers | Cora Wyers - Wakeman OH 5. Eazy Rider | Austin Iatonna | Kimberly Iatonna - Johnstown OH 12. Heza Potential Star | Isabella Weiler | Isabella Weiler - Pataskala OH

NSBA Novice Youth Horsemanship 13 & Under

3. Eazy Rider | Austin Iatonna | Kimberly Iatonna - Johnstown OH

Novice Youth Horsemanship 14 - 18

Novice Youth Pole Bending

10. Dees Boogie Man | Cassandra Priest | Cassandra Priest - Ohio City OH

Novice Youth Reining

5. Gunners Silver Star | Taylor Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH 10. Outlaw Juicy Wales | Luke Turner | Luke Turner - Orient OH 15. Ms White Cinch | Tara Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH

Novice Youth Showmanship 13 & Under

4. Heza Potential Star | Isabella Weiler | Isabella Weiler - Pataskala OH

Novice Youth Showmanship 14 - 18

13. CM Notice Me | Margaret Carter | Margaret Carter - Berkley OH

NSBA Novice Youth Showmanship 14 - 18

12. CM Notice Me | Margaret Carter | Margaret Carter - Berkley OH

Novice Youth Trail 13 & Under

2. Dont Zip Around | Taylor Overmier | Taylor Overmier - Liberty Center OH 14. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio 5. Surely Im Invited | Catherine Tata | Catherine Tata - Plymouth MI Lancaster OH 11. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH 15. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH 14. Makem Hot | Jillian Channell | Jillian Channell - Springfield OH

NSBA Novice Youth Horsemanship 14 - 18

2. Dont Zip Around | Taylor Overmier | Taylor Overmier Liberty Center OH 7. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH

Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 13 & Under

1. Dontskip Thismachine | Alexa Black | Wade Black Boene TX 10. Heza Potential Star | Isabella Weiler | Isabella Weiler - Pataskala OH 14. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank -

Bowling Green OH

NSBA Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 13 & Under

6. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 14 - 18

10. Surely Im Invited | Catherine Tata | Catherine Tata - Plymouth MI

Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 13 & Under 1. Blazing Hot N Gold | Alexia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC

- Powell OH

13. Good N Certain | Cora Wyers | Cora Wyers Wakeman OH

NSBA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 13 And Under

1. Blazing Hot N Gold | Alexia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH

Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 14 - 18

NSBA Novice Youth Trail 13 & Under

11. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio Lancaster OH 12. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

Novice Youth Trail 14 - 18

9. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH 14. Makem Hot | Jillian Channell | Jillian Channell - Springfield OH

NSBA Novice Youth Trail 14 - 18

8. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH

Novice Youth Western Pleasure 13 & Under

9. Touched Softly | Kylee Wiseman | Debbie Martin - Beaver OH

NSBA Novice Youth Western Pleasure 13 & Under

8. Touched Softly | Kylee Wiseman | Debbie Martin - Beaver OH

Novice Youth Western Pleasure 14 - 18

4. Willy Good Investmnt | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell W Mansfield OH 7. Psu Rockin Robin | Tara Salmans | Jacqueline Salmans - Coshocton OH 13. Dynamic Sports Buff | Elizabeth Walker | Elizabeth Walker Plain City OH 14. Quita Machine | Tori Kendle | Tori Kendle - New Albany OH

NSBA Novice Youth Western Pleasure 14 - 18

4. Willy Good Investmnt | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell W Mansfield OH 7. Psu Rockin Robin | Tara Salmans | Jacqueline Salmans - Coshocton OH 12. Dynamic Sports Buff | Elizabeth Walker | Elizabeth Walker - Plain City OH 13. Quita Machine | Tori Kendle | Tori Kendle - New Albany OH

Novice Youth Western Riding 13 & Under

11. Heza Potential Star | Isabella Weiler | Isabella Weiler - Pataskala OH

Novice Youth Western Riding 14 - 18

2. Too Blazin Cool | Olivia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH

6. Good Girls Dont Iron | Kayla Magrum | Kayla Magrum - Tiffin OH 7. Kool Conclusions | Marley Vieta | Marley Vieta - Blacklick OH

NSBA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 14-18

NSBA Novice Youth Western Riding 14 - 18

2. Too Blazin Cool | Olivia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH

6. Good Girls Dont Iron | Kayla Magrum | Kayla Magrum - Tiffin OH

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members


2. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH 10. Heza Potential Star | Isabella Weiler | Isabella Weiler - Pataskala OH

Youth Aged Geldings

NSBA Youth Horsemanship 12 - 14

5. Believe U Me | Cheyanne Griffey | Malanie Griffey - Pataskala OH 9. Buckyeye Coolest | Seth Craft | Ralph Craft - West Alexandria OH

1. Sterling Version | Olivia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH 2. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH

Youth Performance Halter Geldings

Youth Horsemanship 15 - 18

2. Classie Minute Man | Natalie Vargo | Natalie Vargo - Plain City OH 5. Kool Conclusions | Marley Vieta | Marley Vieta - Blacklick OH

9. Pleasures Impulse | Lauren Diaz | Lauren Diaz - Newark OH

Youth Yearling Fillies

9. Pleasures Impulse | Lauren Diaz | Lauren Diaz - Newark OH

2. Sheza Starlet Hit | Kaitlyn Salmons | Jacqueline Salmons - Coshocton OH

NSBA Youth Horsemanship 15 - 18

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 11 & Under

3. Kids Classy TD Lady | Tara Salmans | Jacqueline Salmans Coshocton OH

6. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH 10. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio Lancaster OH

Youth Aged Mares

NSBA Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 11 & Under

Youth 2 Yr Old Mares

8. Gotta Be Natural | Josh Conger | Ashley Conger - Hudson OH

Youth Performance Halter Mares

3. Onlythebestchocolate | Paulina Martz | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH 4. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell W Mansfield OH 10. Invitation To Boot | Alyssa Luckhardt | Alyssa Luckhardt - Saline MI 13. Km Sudden Lil Zip | Madison Thiel | Madison Thiel - Dublin OH

Youth Barrels 14 - 18

9. Streakin Ata Bug | Jessica Johnson | William Johnson - Normalville PA

Youth Horsemanship 11 & Under

Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 12 - 14

4. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH 10. Too Lazy To Zip | Lauren Carnahan | Lauren Carnahan - Chagrin Falls OH 12. Heza Potential Star | Isabella Weiler | Isabella Weiler - Pataskala OH 13. Quita Machine | Tori Kendle | Tori Kendle - New Albany OH

NSBA Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 12 - 14

3. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH 8. Too Lazy To Zip | Lauren Carnahan | Lauren Carnahan - Chagrin Falls OH 9. Quita Machine | Tori Kendle | Tori Kendle - New Albany OH

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 15 - 18 1. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | 2. Royality In Blue | Olivia Derlis | Barbara Johnson - Pickerington OH Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH 3. Huntin For Daisies | Alexia Tordoff |

NSBA Youth Horsemanship 11 & Under

1. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH 3. Huntin For Daisies | Alexia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH

Youth Horsemanship 12 - 14

3. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH 5. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio Lancaster OH

1. Sterling Version | Olivia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH

NSBA Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 15 - 18 2. Royality In Blue | Olivia Derlis | Barbara Johnson - Pickerington OH

Youth Hunter Under Saddle 11 & Under

1. Blazing Hot N Gold | Alexia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH 9. Certain Luke | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio - Lancaster OH 12. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle 11 & Under

1. Blazing Hot N Gold | Alexia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC Powell OH 8. Certain Luke | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio - Lancaster OH 10. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

Youth Hunter Under Saddle 12 - 14

1. Too Blazin Cool | Olivia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH 2. Too Lazy To Zip | Lauren Carnahan | Lauren Carnahan - Chagrin Falls OH

9. Classie Minute Man | Natalie Vargo | Natalie Vargo - Plain City OH NSBA Youth Hunter Under

Saddle 12 - 14

1. Too Blazin Cool | Olivia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH 2. Too Lazy To Zip | Lauren Carnahan | Lauren Carnahan - Chagrin Falls OH 8. Classie Minute Man | Natalie Vargo | Natalie Vargo - Plain City OH

Youth Hunter Under Saddle 15 - 18

NRHA Short Stirrup

13. Heza Nimble Melody | Gracie Stingle | Nicole Stingle - Mt Sterling OH

Youth Showmanship 11 & Under

3. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH 7. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio Lancaster OH 9. Pines Royalty | Grace Miller | Erica Miller - Miamisburg OH 15. Ill Be Famous N Time | Alexis Pesicek | April Pesicek - Wooster OH

NSBA Youth Showmanship 11 & Under

3. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH 6. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio Lancaster OH

Youth Showmanship 12 -14

15. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell W Mansfield OH

NSBA Youth Showmanship 12 -14

14. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell W Mansfield OH

1. Doodle Jump | Jenna Jacobs | Jenna Jacobs - Poland OH 2. Al I Want Is You | Ashton Krutulis | Ashton Krutulis - Ashville OH 9. Im The Last Captive | Sydney Krebs | Sydney Krebs - Gove City OH

Youth Showmanship 15 - 18

NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle 15 - 18

NSBA Youth Showmanship 15 - 18

1. Doodle Jump | Jenna Jacobs | Jenna Jacobs - Poland OH 2. Al I Want Is You | Ashton Krutulis | Ashton Krutulis - Ashville OH 9. Im The Last Captive | Sydney Krebs | Sydney Krebs - Gove City OH

Youth Pole Bending 13 & Under

3. Jazzme Ta Fame | Colin Robinson | Donald Robinson - Caldwell OH

Youth Pole Bending 14 - 18

2. Gold Ribbon Chic | Trate Brown | Mark Brown - Byesville OH

Youth Reining 13 & Under

1. Wrighteous Man | Samuel Flarida | Shawn Flarida - Springfield OH 11. Electric Razor | Jordan Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH NRHA Youth Reining 13 & Under 1. Wrighteous Man | Samuel Flarida | Shawn Flarida - Springfield OH 11. Electric Razor | Jordan Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH

Youth Reining 14 - 18

1. Wallamelon Crawl | Benjamin Beckett | Benjamin Beckett - Dublin OH

3. Km Sudden Lil Zip | Madison Thiel | Madison Thiel - Dublin OH 8. Invitation To Boot | Alyssa Luckhardt | Alyssa Luckhardt - Saline MI 3. Km Sudden Lil Zip | Madison Thiel Madison Thiel - Dublin OH 7. Invitation To Boot | Alyssa Luckhardt | Luckhardt Saline MI

| Alyssa

Youth Trail 11 & Under

3. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio Lancaster OH 6. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

NSBA Youth Trail 11 & Under

1. Just Good Enough | Isabella D’Onofrio | Isabella D’Onofrio - Lancaster OH 4. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

Youth Trail 12 - 14

2. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH

NSBA Youth Trail 12 - 14

1. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH

NRHA Youth Reining 14 - 18 1. Wallamelon Crawl | Benjamin Beckett | Benjamin Beckett - Dublin OH Youth Western Pleasure 11 & 8. Shiney Juice | Caleb Sturgeon | Caleb Sturgeon - Beloit OH 15. Gunners Silver Star | Taylor Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH Under 1. Touched Softly | Kylee Wiseman | Debbie Martin - Beaver OH 15. Outlaw Juicy Wales | Luke Turner | Luke Turner - Orient OH

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members


9. Eazy Rider | Austin Iatonna | Kimberly Iatonna - Johnstown OH 13. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

NSBA Youth Western Pleasure 11 & Under

1. Touched Softly | Kylee Wiseman | Debbie Martin - Beaver OH 9. Eazy Rider | Austin Iatonna | Kimberly Iatonna - Johnstown OH 12. Assets Miss Reba | Karissa Shank | Karissa Shank - Bowling Green OH

Youth Western Pleasure 15 - 18

9. Just A Little Lazy | Katelyn Spencer | Robert Spencer - Versailles KY 15. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH

NSBA Youth Western Pleasure 15 - 18

9. Just A Little Lazy | Katelyn Spencer | Robert Spencer - Versailles KY 14. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH Youth Western Riding 13 & Under 11. Heza Potential Star | Isabella Weiler | Isabella Weiler - Pataskala OH Youth Western Riding 14 - 18 10. Good Girls Dont Iron | Kayla Magrum | Kayla Magrum - Tiffin OH NSBA Youth Western Riding 14 - 18 10. Good Girls Dont Iron | Kayla Magrum | Kayla Magrum - Tiffin OH Youth Working Hunter 13 & Under

Equestrians with Disabilities EWD Walk/Trot Horsemanship - Independent

7. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry Celina OH

NSBA EWD Walk/Trot Horsemanship - Independent

6. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry Celina OH

EWD Walk/Trot Showmanship - Level 2

EWD Walk/Jog Trail Independent - Level 2

4. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry - Celina OH

NSBA EWD Walk/Jog Trail Independent - Level 2

3. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry - Celina OH

5. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry Celina OH 6. Gotta Be Natural | Holly Norville | Ashley Conger - Hudson OH

EWD Walk/Trot Western Pleasure - Independent

NSBA EWD Walk/Trot Showmanship - Level 2

NSBA EWD Walk/Trot Western Pleasure - Independent

Small Fry

Small Fry Hunt Seat Equitation

4. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry Celina OH 5. Gotta Be Natural | Holly Norville | Ashley Conger - Hudson OH

3. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry - Celina OH 2. Shirley A Goodbar | Molly Jayne McCracken | Sharon Pingry - Celina OH

2. Itsallaboutcharleen | Mia Wunderlich | Mia Wunderlich - Powell OH 5. Recipe For Pleasure | Jalyn Mcelmurray | Richard ‘Ollie’ Griffith1. Genuine Sheik | Allyssa Paul | Allyssa Paul - Xenia OH 12. Hes Suddenly Handsom | Emma Gore | Emma Gore - Mount Vernon Dublin OH OH

Small Fry Showmanship

Small Fry Western Pleasure

NSBA Small Fry Showmanship

1. Genuine Sheik | Allyssa Paul | Allyssa Paul - Xenia OH 5. Hes Suddenly Handsom | Emma Gore | Emma Gore Mount Vernon OH

3. Hes Suddenly Handsom | Emma Gore | Emma Gore Mount Vernon OH 11. Miss Aok Bo Acres | Sadie Rose Ross | Beth Ferguson - Delaware OH

NSBA Small Fry Western Pleasure

2. Hes Suddenly Handsom | Emma Gore | Emma Gore Mount Vernon OH

CONGRESS RESULTS Congratulations to all of the OQHA Members

2. Art Of The Deal | Natalie Vargo | Natalie Vargo - Plain City OH Youth 14 - 18 13. Always Veronica Veronica OH

Working Hunter

NSBA Hunter 5. Always Veronica Veronica Mason OH

Youth Working 14 - 18 A Hot Time | Woodson | Woodson -

A Hot Time | Woodson | Woodson - Mason



National Youth Activity Team Tournament NYATT Barrels

1. Jazzme Ta Fame | Colin Robinson | Donald Robinson Caldwell OH 3. KR Lil Fling | Trate Brown | Mark Brown - Byesville OH 5. Westward Memories | Maggie Cain | Maggie Cain - Sunbury OH 14. Top Jac Fritz | Dolan Robinson | Donald Robinson - Caldwell OH

NYATT Reining

1. Wallamelon Crawl | Benjamin Beckett | Benjamin Beckett - Dublin OH 3. Electric Razor | Jordan Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH 4. Gunners Silver Star | Taylor Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH 6. Outlaw Juicy Wales | Luke Turner | Luke Turner - Orient OH 7. Ms White Cinch | Jordan Roeder | Janine Ladd -Roeder - Findlay OH 9. Shiney Juice | Caleb Sturgeon | Caleb Sturgeon - Beloit OH

NYATT Showmanship

NYATT Horsemanship

1. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH

1. Sterling Version | Olivia Tordoff | Wild Oats Farm LLC - Powell OH

NSBA NYATT Showmanship

1. Zips Bossy Chip | Ellexxah Maxwell | Ellexxah Maxwell - W Mansfield OH

NYATT Hunter Under Saddle

1. Al I Want Is You | Ashton Krutulis | Ashton Krutulis - Ashville OH 7. Too Lazy To Zip | Lauren Carnahan | Lauren Carnahan - Chagrin Falls OH

NSBA NYATT Hunter Under Saddle

NYATT Western Pleasure

7. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH 13. Howboutthizzcowgirl | Paulina Martz | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH 15. Psu Rockin Robin | Kaitlyn Salmans | Jacqueline Salmans Coshocton OH

NSBA NYATT Western Pleasure

6. Some Hot Potential | Emma Brown | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH 1. Al I Want Is You | Ashton Krutulis | Ashton Krutulis - Ashville OH 11. Howboutthizzcowgirl | Paulina Martz | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH 6. Too Lazy To Zip | Lauren Carnahan | Lauren Carnahan - Chagrin Falls OH 13. Psu Rockin Robin | Kaitlyn Salmans | Jacqueline Salmans Coshocton OH

2015 AQHA World Show

Congratulations to all the Exhibitors and Owners from Ohio on a successful World Show! Senior Hunter Hack Level 3 2. WHENITALLGOESSOUTH | Jessica Johnson - Pickerington OH | Kelsey Moody - Roswell GA Junior Hunter Under Saddle Level 2 12. ALWAYS LOPIN SOBER | Brent Maxwell - W Mansfield OH | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI 20. DANCE ON THESE IRONS | Casi Gilliam - Roaming Shores OH | Paul Vanek MD - Mentor OH

3 Yr Old Mares Level 3 11. RUNNING IN HEELS | Dewey Smith - Bellefountaine OH | J L Robinson - Bellefountaine OH 3 Yr Old Stallions Level 3 1. IMA SAFE BET | Ross Roark - Monahans TX | John Peck Ashland OH Aged Geldings Level 3 8. CORPORATE SECRET | Justin Bisel - Mt Vernon OH | Miranda Peck - Ashland OH

Junior Hunter Under Saddle Level 3 16. ALWAYS LOPIN SOBER | Brent Maxwell - W Mansfield OH | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI

Aged Stallions Level 3 3. LOOKINAT THE SIERRAS | Ross Roark - Monahans TX | Gary Louks - Rome OH

JR Pleasure Driving 7. PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS | Travis McColley - Ashland OH | Bill Kelly - Akron OH

Performance Halter Geldings Level 3 3. ALWAYS THE BEST MAN | Brent Maxwell - W Mansfield OH | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI

Senior Hunter Under Saddle Level 3 9. THIS ART TO BE GOOD | Beckey Schooler - Delta OH | Vickie Shriver - Apple Creek OH

Performance Halter Mares Level 3 3. ONLYTHEBESTCHOCOLATE | Judd Paul - Xenia OH | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH

Senior Pleasure Driving 4. PS BLAZE OF HONOR | Julie O’Brien - Southington OH | Diane Lyons - Douglas MA 8. MAN MADE IRONS | Travis McColley - Ashland OH | Darcy Stouffer - Grand Rapids MI

Weanling Stallions 4. OBVIOUSLY PREPLANNED | Dewey Smith - Bellefontaine OH | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH

Senior Working Hunter Level 3 4. ATM, GRAY GELDING | Jessica Johnson - Pickerington OH | Lauren Kunkler - Columbus OH 9. WHO DO U THINK U ARE | Jessica Johnson - Pickerington OH | Denise Firth - Melbourne KY 15. WHENITALLGOESSOUTH | Jessica Johnson - Pickerington OH | Kelsey Moody - Roswell GA Progressive Working Hunter 14. GOING IN ROCKING | Jessica Johnson - Pickerington OH | Julie Dishman - Topeka KS 2 Yr Old Geldings – Level 3 2. HEY COACH | Andrew Voight Station - Hanson KY | Amy Jo Erhardt - Oxford OH 2 Yr Old Mares – Level 3 6. PASS DA PEPPER | Steve Ferguson - Tyler TX | Amy Jo Erhardt Oxford OH 2 Yr Old Stallions Level 3 4. HEZ OUTA THE BOX | Dewey Smith - Bellefountaine OH | Richard/Debra Donnelly - Cedar Falls IA 3 Yr Old Geldings Level 3 10. BPF TELLA KID | Dewey Smith - Bellefountaine OH | Richard/Debra Donnelly - Cedar Falls IA


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Junior Pole Bending Level 3 1. TT REDNECK FLITERISK | Brian Foushee - Brandenburg KY | Tate Tobin - Fredericktown OH 6. HOME WRECKER JANE | Denise Evans | Denise Evans Blanchester OH 10. TT REDNECK VEGAS | Trent Tobin - Fredericktown OH | James Montooth - Fremont OH 14. BAD ASK REDNECK | Trent Tobin - Fredericktown OH | Eric Schulkers - Butler KY Junior Trail Level 2 2. ALWAYS LOPIN SOBER | Brent Maxwell - W Mansfield OH | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI 25. SLOW RYDE | Rusty Rea - Shelbyville KY | Kimberly Riviello Tipp City OH Junior Western Pleasure Level 2 2. LAZY HOLLA DAYZ | Ty Hornick - Jamestown OH | Shawn Johnson - Saukville WI 7. KM CALL ME HONEY | Brian Baker - Sunbury OH | Theresa & Kerry Love - Westminster MD 14. JUSTA MACHINE | Wade Black - Alexis NC | Cheryl Mullikin - Xenia OH Junior Western Pleasure Level 3 1. CHASING A DREAM | Randy Wilson - Zanesville OH | Kili Crawford - Golden CO 9. LAZY HOLLA DAYZ | Ty Hornick - Jamestown OH | Shawn Johnson - Saukville WI 11. YOU BET IMA BATMAN | Brandon Burr - Rochester IN | Tom Knoch - Wapakoneta OH

Junior Western Riding Level 2 22. EXOTIC IRON | Lee Shinn - Venice FL | Kevin Redman - Columbus OH Junior Western Riding Level 3 10. A CERTAIN RED VETTE | Spencer Zimmerman - Arlington OH | Valerie Deane Bernardston MA Senior Barrel Racing Level 2 16. MEYERS RANCH HAND | Travis Smith | Travis Smith Blanchester OH Senior Pole Bending Level 2 2. ROCKY DAN JET | Kristine Kay Nagy | Kristine Kay Nagy Doylestown OH 9. MEYERS RANCH HAND | Travis Smith | Travis Smith Blanchester OH Senior Pole Bending Level 3 3. LIGHTNING STARSNBARS | Charles Peoples - Butler KY | Kristine Kay Nagy - Doylestown OH 14. TT REDNECK ROULETTE | Trent Tobin - Fredericktown OH | Stacey Henkle - Rockford OH

Senior Trail Level 2 2. ALWAYS THE BEST MAN | Brent Maxwell - W Mansfield OH | Katie Grossnickle - Maple City MI 4. REMARKABLE CAN | Bruce Walquist - Cleburne TX | Rachel Kolb Lebanon OH Senior Trail Level 3 7. SOME HOT POTENTIAL | Jennifer Paul - Xenia OH | Emma Brown - Zanesville OH Senior Western Pleasure Level 2 2. IM SLEEPIN SINGLE | Beckey Schooler | Beckey Schooler - Delta OH Senior Western Pleasure Level 3 2. A CERTAIN VINO | Karen Hornick - Jamestown OH | Lee Reeve Garden City KS 7. IM SLEEPIN SINGLE | Beckey Schooler | Beckey Schooler - Delta OH 15. ONLY A SUMMER BREEZE | Brian Baker - Sunbury OH | Looney Quarter Hroses LLC - Jackson TN 2 Yr Old Western Pleasure 7. AVALABLEBYINVITATION | Kenneth Lakins Jr - Wilmington OH | Peek Owen - Piedmont SC 15. WHISKEY IN THE DARK | Mike Hawkins - Cave Creek AZ | Randy Kimmel - Covington OH Western Pleasure stakes Level 1 1. PERFECT 10 | Brian Cox - Mt Perry OH | Bryan Reger - Volga WV 3. CERTAINLY CLASSIE | Kenneth Lakins Jr - Wilmington OH | Stanley & Susan Scott LLC - Ocala FL 9. LAIDBACK N LAZY | Ty Hornick - Jamestown OH | Dr Laura Miller - Hilliard OH 14. THE COOLEST MAN | Tom Forehand - Brighton CO | Kimberly Haines - Lima OH

2015 AQHA Amateur Select World Show Congratulations to all the Select Amateurs from Ohio on a successful World Show! 2 Yr Old Stallions 4. ANGELS PACKAGE | Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield OH 5. GRAN PATRON | Len McComas | Len McComas - Marion OH Aged Mares 10. ALLURE OF AN ANGEL | Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder | Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield OH 2 Yr Old Geldings 2. PF CHROME RIMZ | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefontaine OH Select Western Pleasure 9. GOT MY SWAG ON | Cheryl A Mullikin | Cheryl A Mullikin Xenia OH Select Hunter Under Saddle 3. THIS ART TO BE GOOD | Vickie Shriver | Vickie Shriver Apple Creek OH

Ohio Quarter Horse News 47

2015 AQHA Amateur World Show

Congratulations to all the Amateurs from Ohio on a successful World Show! Hunter Hack Level 2 2. ATM | Lauren Kunkler | Lauren Kunkler - Columbus OH Hunter Hack Level 3 8. ATM | Lauren Kunkler | Lauren Kunkler - Columbus OH Hunter Under Saddle Level 2 9. THE CHOCOLATE CHIPER| Kathryne Zachrich | Kathryne Zachrich - Delaware OH Hunter Under Saddle Level 3 11. IM ONLY CERTIFIED | Whitney Karr | Whitney Karr - Racine OH Amateur Jumping 3. SKYS BURNIN BLUE | Phoenix Cooke | Phoenix Cooke - Chardon OH Amateur Pleasure Driving 8. PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS | Bill Kelly | Bill Kelly - Akron OH Working Hunter Level 2 5. ATM | Lauren Kunkler | Lauren Kunkler - Columbus OH Equitation Over Fences Level 2 12. ATM | Lauren Kunkler | Lauren Kunkler - Columbus OH 3 Yr Old Stallions – Level 3 1. IMA SAFE BET | Miranda Peck | John Peck - Ashland OH Aged Geldings Level 3 8. CORPORATE SECRET | Miranda Peck | Miranda Peck - Ashland OH Aged Stallions Level 3 2. LOOKINAT THE SIERRAS | Gary Louks | Gary Louks - Rome OH Performance Halter Geldings Level 2 11. KM ZIP ME SUDDENLY | Gabrielle Capron | Jim Capron - Medina OH 14. ONE GOOD MINUTE | Christina Berry | Christina Berry - Wadsworth OH Performance Halter Mares Level 3 2. ONLYTHEBESTCHOCOLATE | Chelsea Martz | Chelsea Martz - Blacklick OH Amateur Weanling Stallions 8. BPF KISS AND TELL | J L Robinson | J L Robinson - Bellefountaine OH Yearling Stallions Level 2 4. BVLGARI | Holly Saigo | Holly Saigo - London OH Yearling Stallions Level 3 4. EPIC | Amber Eirich | Amber Eirich - East Liberty OH 8. BVLGARI | Holly Saigo | Holly Saigo - London OH Yearling Geldings Level 3 7. CFS MOONSHINE | Jack Grove | Jack Grove - Oxford OH

Barrel Racing Level 2 12. MEYERS RANCH HAND | Travis Smith | Travis Smith Blanchester OH Barrel Racing Level 3 5. DONTPLAYWITHTHISFIRE | Jessica Ford | Jessica Ford Chillicothe OH Horsemanship Level 3 4. KM ZIP ME SUDDENLY | Gabrielle Capron | Jim Capron - Medina OH Pole Bending Level 2 4. HOME WRECKER JANE | Denise Evans | Denise Evans Blanchester OH Pole Bending Level 3 4. ROCKY DAN JET | Kristine Kay Nagy | Kristine Kay Nagy Doylestown OH 9. HOME WRECKER JANE | Denise Evans | Denise Evans Blanchester OH 13. DONTPLAYWITHTHISFIRE | Jessica Ford | Jessica Ford Chillicothe OH Showmanship Level 2 10. ONE GOOD MINUTE | Christina Berry | Christina Berry Wadsworth OH Amateur Stake Race 2. ROCKY DAN JET | Kristina Kay Nagy | Kristina Kay Nagy Doylestown OH 4. MILLS KING RACHEAL | Caitlyn Colvin | Kara Colvin - Trenton OH Trail Level 2 2. KM ZIP ME SUDDENLY | Gabrielle Capron | Jim Capron - Medina OH Trail Level 3 8. KM ZIP ME SUDDENLY | Gabrielle Capron | Jim Capron - Medina OH Western Pleasure Level 2 3. RR MAGICAL MOONLITE | Lacy Lynn Watson | Jamie Watson Goshen OH 5. YOU BET IMA BATMAN | Tash Schulze | Tom Knoch - Wapakoneta OH Western Pleasure Level 3 3. RR MAGICAL MOONLITE | Lacy Lynn Watson | Jamie Watson Goshen OH 10. IM SLEEPIN SINGLE | Ty Paris | Beckey Schooler - Delta OH 13. YOU BET IMA BATMAN | Tash Schulze | Tom Knoch - Wapakoneta OH Western Riding Level 2 3. KM ZIP ME SUDDENLY | Gabrielle Capron | Jim Capron - Medina OH Western Riding Level 3 6. KM ZIP ME SUDDENLY | Gabrielle Capron | Jim Capron - Medina OH

Ohio Michigan Indiana Quarter Horse Association News 2015 was a fantastic year for the Ohio Michigan Indiana Quarter Horse Association. We kicked off the year at our 2014 Awards Banquet where we had a productive, enjoyable, and entertaining evening full of awards, great food, dancing, and the crowning of our 2015 Queen, Chelsea Bollenbacher. The next big event was ourannual OMI Summer Sunsation horse show, which we ended on a high note with rave reviews from attendees. We had some generous sponsors who helped us offer two days of dinner and breakfast, as well as free t-shirts for exhibitors and surprise give-a-ways throughout the weekend. We were also told that our show had some of the best 13 and under class numbers in Ohio so far that year, which we were very proud of. Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored the Summer Sunsation.

Earl, Carolyn Kennedy, Chloe DeMint, Jordan Roeder, and Piper Manley, and Team Advisors Jill Earl and Lynn Lesko; and to 2015 OMIQHA Queen Chelsea Bollenbacher and Queen Advisor Angela Krueger. Finally, we’d like to once again extend a huge thank-you to our 2015 sponsors. Our success would not be possible without you!

After the show, our Queen and Youth Team started gearing up for their respective competitions at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. We are so proud of the young people representing our organization! The OMI Youth Team placed 10th at the NYATT Tournament, and Chelsea received 7th in Horsemanship and 10th in the Interview at the Queen’s competition. Congratulations to the Youth Team Members: Madison Jacobs, Ciara Lesko, Maggie Carter, Makayla

December 14th meeting. Thank you to current Officers and Directors for your service!

Save-the-dates and invitations for our year-end Awards Banquet are about to hit the mail. We invite everyone to attend the banquet, which will be held in Tiffin, OH on Saturday, January 16. Nominations are now open for 2016 Officers and Directors. If you are interested in running or nominating another member, please email Angela Krueger by Sunday, December 13 (krueger2011@gmail.com) or nominate in person at our

2016 is the 25th anniversary of the Ohio Michigan Indiana Quarter Horse Association, and we are looking forward to this being our very best year yet! Start thinking now about upcoming opportunities to join in on the fun, whether it is working at our horse show, joining the Youth Team, or running to represent OMI as our Queen.

Ohio Quarter Horse News 49

Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association News The Madness has added a second SLOT class to the show bill…Maiden 3 & over Western Pleasure class. More details coming soon! Be sure to check our website and Facebook for updates. Congratulations to our SOQHA queen, Sara Laughlin, finishing as” First Runner Up” in the 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queens contest. Great job Sara!!! Our Futurity show was a success. A big congrats to Brent Garringer and Easy N The Moonlight, winner of the 3 & over Novice Western Pleasure SLOT class.

Also remember to visit the “SOQHA Hospitality and Awards” room at the OQHA banquet in February!!!!! You can pick up 2015 award, join SOQHA, visit with friends, and enjoy some hors d’oeuvres. Anyone joining SOQHA or renewing their SOQHA membership at the hospitality room will be entered to win 1 free stall for all of our 2016 shows. NEW SHOW DATES for 2016 March 19-20 The Challenge-(all proceeds go to our youth assoc.) April 6-10 The Madness Stay tuned for more show dates………

Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association News Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association highlights of 2015 seen the successful return of QH racing to the All American Quarter Horse Congress. The AAQHC is the only Quarter Horse show in the world to have such a diversified schedule of disciplines as to include quarter horse racing. Quarter Horse Racing has been part of the All American Quarter Horse Congress since its conception in 1967 when “Pete” Drake and Blair Folck entertained the idea that racing would provide a unique entertainment for those coming to see the many roles of The American Quarter Horse. This year’s race was featured as a Challenge Racing Maturity and was a collaboration of The Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association, The Ohio Quarter Horse Association and The Sunday October 11, at Belterra Race Track in Cincinnati, American Quarter Horse Association. The event was held Ohio. The race, at 440 Yards, went off at 21.096 and had a purse of $20,050. Congratulations to the winner, Zoom N Crash, Margarito Sanchez- Owner, Cruz Sanchez- Trainer and Angel Ortega Stanley- Jockey. Second Place horse was Tortuga Tony, Antonio Valdez – Owner and Jesus Gonzalez – Trainer. Third place went to Luminaro, Rose Olivo – Owner and Tim Eggleston – Trainer. OQHRA hosted overnights at Belterra Race Track and Mahoning Valley Race Course during September and November. Information for the 2015 Banquet, Year End Nominations, and membership renewal will be sent to members in December.

Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association News AQH A TO The legendary P 10


football coach, Vince Lombardi, defined teamwork as “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work.” The Amateurs are made up of an incredible group of individuals who over the past year have come together and brought out the best in each other. They began their year by attending the AQHA Convention in Fort Worth where Executive Director of Shows, Patti Carter, shared the great news with the Amateurs that the Buckeye Classic had made it back on the list of top ten shows, an accomplishment that wasn’t taken lightly. The Buckeye is proud to be the largest circuit in Ohio and second in total numbers only to the Quarter Horse Congress. This year’s show introduced leveling for the first time to Ohio and reached a record number of 13,000 entries from more than 30 states, Canada and Australia.


has often been described as one plus one equals three and that is certainly the case with the Amateurs. To put it simply, teams don’t work without teamwork; where the sum is greater than the parts. The Amateurs put that practice in place after coming together and clearly defining their goals. They set out to accomplish (5) key initiatives throughout the year including the focus on working together to make showing quarter horses in Ohio more affordable, growing affiliate relationships to share best practices, improving educational opportunities and outreach, preserving the Buckeye Classic brand and finally representing OQHA in the best light possible as it’s amateur division. The members of OAQHA are proud

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Ohio Quarter Horse News

to report that along with the help of their corporate partners and BWHA, they were able to give away $60,000 in free youth and amateur entries at this year’s Buckeye shows alone; an industry first that is bringing grassroots exhibitors back by removing the stigma that showing AQHA is too expensive. The Amateurs were also thankful for their collaborative efforts with both SOQHA and NOQHA to pull off the largest trail classes in the Buckeye’s history OAQHA is looking forward to nurturing its relationships with each one of the Ohio affiliates as we all work towards the common goal of making our state the leading national AQHA affiliate. Lastly, the Amateurs introduced for the first time at an AQHA approved event, a 5k run where over 75 participants signed up to have fun outside of the show ring and to help support the show’s scholarship program. OQHA President, Hank Clason, was the highlight of the event and brought with him over 10 team members, all who were wearing matching tshirts with common quotes from him listed on the back. Hank was a great sport and provided the comic relief.

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Throughout the past year, the Amateurs have learned that it’s one thing to join a team, but quite another to perform as a team member. They have relied on each other and become stronger for it. Their members are full of enthusiasm about the future and know how important it is to remain innovative. That is why they recently made the exciting decision to move the Buckeye down to the newly renovated Roberts Arena in Wilmington. Their recent multi-million dollar renovations and the ability to house more horses and camping will allow the Buckeye to continue growing and to continue its positive impact on so many. Here’s to an incredible 2016!

Ohio Quarter Horse News 53

2015 OAQHA Officers & Directors Justin Billings

President (2/16) Executive Board 9755 State Route 752 Ashville, OH 43103 Phone: 614-207-3152 Justin@billingsquarterhorses.com

Kristin Martin

1st Vice President (2/16) Executive Board 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 Phone: 614-323-3384 Kristin@certifiedimages.com

Scott Nemeth

Second Vice President (2/16) 1164 Rambling Brook Way Delaware, OH 43015 Phone: 734-845-2790 scottnemeth344@gmail.com

Frederick Borer

Treasurer (2/16) Executive Board 2325 State Route 187 London, OH 43140 Phone: 614-309-6682 qtrhrsama@yahoo.com

Chelsea Martz

Secretary (2/16) 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 Phone: 614-205-1395 CMartz.56@gmail.com

Becca Dingus

Reporter (2/16) Executive Board 3090 County Road 17 South Point, OH 45680 Phone: 740-534-3551 beccadingus@gmail.com

Marla Atherton

Past President Executive Board 1013 Kingsbury Ct. Newark, OH 43055 Phone: 740-627-0885 kmrquarter@yahoo.com

Ann Taylor

Director (2/16) Executive Board 5939 Oswald Street Westerville, Ohio 43081 Phone: 614-638-8072 ataylor10101@yahoo.com


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Sydney Alley

Abby Pound

Danny Blackstone

Kara Schockling

Director (2/16) 11620 Market Avenue Uniontown, OH 44685 Phone: 330-575-7464 alleys@findlay.edu

Director (2/18) 164 Orchard Dr. Granville, OH 43023 Phone: 740-258-9041


Jennifer Sigman

Director (2/16) 38 Lee Lane Wilmington, Ohio 45177 Phone: 614-419-6210 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Chris Martin

Director (2/18) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 Phone: 614-406-5385 chris@certifiedimages.com

Morgan Alley

Director (2/18) 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 Phone: 330-324-6191 mea43@zips.uakron.edu

Jeff Gore

Director (2/16) 7950 Fry Rd. Mount Vernon, OH 43040 Phone: 740-392-6880 jgorebiz@yahoo.com

Cris Martin

Director (2/16) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 Phone: 614-805-2460 golfmom2010@hotmail.com

Maureen Persinger Director (2/16) 12179 School Lane Rd Croton, OH 43013 Phone: 614-961-9192 mop56@netzero.com

Allie Pitt

Director (2/16) 15539 Blain Rd. Mt. Sterling, OH 43134 Phone: 614-832-6342 reinercowgirl@att.net

Director (2/17) 1260 Riley Road Newark, OH 43055 Phone: 740-975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com

Director (2/16) 3130 Nob Hill Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 Phone: 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Spencer Taucher

Director (2/16) 2326 Middletown St. Uniontown, OH 44685 Phone: 330-819-2232 spencertaucher@yahoo.com

Winnie Nemeth

Director (2/16) 1164 Rambing Brook Way Delaware, OH 43015 Phone: 734-320-7918 winnie@horseadoption.com

Kathryne Zachrich

Director (2/16) 523 Kingbury Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Phone: 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco.com

Jordan Ferguson

Director (2/18) 1420 Gingshamburg-Frederick Rd Tipp City, OH 45371 937-416-0293 jordan8ferguson@gmail.com

Katie Dobrowolski

Director (2/18) 96 W Como Ave Columbus, OH 43202 740-973-4585 kmdobrowolski@yahoo.com

Sara Laughlin

Director (2/18) 2160 Sunnyside Road Vermillion, OH 44089 440-522-9991 laughlin.96@buckeyemail.osu.edu

2016 OAQHA


OAQHA Nominees

Officer & Director Nominations

uring the September Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association monthly Board of Directors meeting, nominations were made for the 2016 election slate. Nominations were announced by the nominating committee, and are as follows: President Justin Billings 1st Vice President Fred Borer

2nd Vice President Scott Nemeth Treasurer Ann Taylor Secretary Sydney Alley Katie Dobrowolski Reporter Jordan Ferguson

Directors Jamie Billings-Richardson Winnie Nemeth Tera Gore Maureen Persinger Tom Harmon Allie Pitt Tina Kern Melissa Street-Payne Carly Kidner Spencer Taucher Cris Martin Voting Procedure Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in late December. Ballots should be marked for no less than four directors and no more than six directors to be counted. Each ballot must be submitted individually in the return envelope provided. Ballots must be received by the accounting firm by January 29th to be counted. Ballots should be mailed to: Ohio Quarter Horse Association PO Box 209 Richwood, OH 43344 Ohio Quarter Horse News 55

OAQHA Nominees

Justin Billings

Candidate for President

Please describe what you do for a living. I manage my family’s quarter horse breeding and showing farm and serve as a consultant for our construction business.

What is your educational background? I attended the Ohio State University where I studied finance and equine science as part of their honors program. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been a member of OQHA for over 20 years where I started as a youth and served as a multi-year Director. I then moved on to the amateur program where I have served as Director, Treasurer, 2nd Vice-President and 1st Vice-President. Most recently, I have had the honor of serving as the 2015 President. I am the chair of our community service committee and have been an active member of both the horse show and executive committees. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations.

Fred Borer

Candidate for 1st Vice President Please describe what you do for a living. My title is Senior Service Specialist with BCD Travel, a Travel Management Company. No, I am not a travel agent, so do not ask me about discounts to Disney, LOL. I just finished a project where we rolled out an automated approval system for our client, our company is passionate on how can we make life easier for our customers. What is your educational background? After 12 years in school, I was not about to go back into another school type program. I did have some continued education after some time off, nothing that amounted to a degree; life and work are my degrees. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. In the past I have been a Director for OAQHA and very involved with our show The Buckeye Classic. This last year I was voted in as Treasurer, not a glamorous position but was told it would look good on my resume. Now I am running for 1st VP, see what happens when you are an outgoing person and opinionated. Should have taken the nap I was thinking about and kept quiet. Hee hee. Our club puts on a pancake breakfast each year during the Quarter Horse Congress. This breakfast is such a fun event, good friends, good food (yah I made them and they were great). This event helps us give back to Toys for Tots and St. Judes. We take some of the proceeds and give back to both organizations.

I am a lifetime member of both the AQHA and NSBA. I was recently appointed to serve as a national NSBA director and AQHA committee member. I am also serving on the advisory board for the All American Youth Horse Show. I am a proud supporter of the American Horse Council, AQHA Foundation and Congress Cares. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. I am proud to be part of a team who believes in the little guy and who offers a family friendly atmosphere at our Buckeye show where a youth or amateur can come show their horse without having to pay entry fees and even win a saddle as a first year exhibitor in our random giveaway. It’s encouraging to me that we have the support of so many great sponsors to pull off an event like that and still be smiling when it’s all said and done. My biggest contribution is sharing a small part in those smiles.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? I would like to see the momentum that OAQHA and BWHA has created at the Buckeye continue as we embark on a new move down to Roberts Arena in Wilmington. I believe it’s important for us to remain innovative and keep fresh ideas that bring our grassroots people back, grow the OQHA base and allow others to see that we are an approachable, fun group of quarter horse enthusiasts. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I have been a volunteer for New Vocations for the past five years, not a very good one lately. Their mission is very dear to me so I try to help when I can. The endless hours this group puts in for the organization is astounding. I am proud to be there for them when time permits. I have also helped with Toys For Tots, I am saddened that there are families out there in hard times, even the smallest gift to them means the world. If I can help make that happen, that is pretty much the gift I need. For our horse show The Buckeye Classic, I nominated myself as the volunteer coordinator, what on earth was I thinking, again why did I not opt for the nap. It is cray cray the amount of hours the Amateurs and the Buckeye Western Horse Association put into the shows. One year ends and we are at it for the next year, I am so proud of the fact we have been voted as one of the Top Ten horse shows in the USA several years now. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. Right now I am the OAQHA Treasurer, not a very glamorous position but still an important one. Uh see question 4, after all that who has time for anything else?

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? #1 Create a positive atmosphere for new exhibitors to get people back to showing at AQHA shows #2 Maintain the patronage we all have now. Do this by thanking every single person that passes that entrance gate. Every exhibitor and sponsor needs to know how much they mean to us. #3 Stand by our mission, be honest, own mistakes and again like #2, thank everyone you see.

Scott Nemeth

Candidate for 2nd Vice President

Please describe what you do for a living. I work in downtown Columbus as Nationwide’s Director of People Analytics.

State University.

What is your educational background? Although I am trying hard to be a Buckeye, I earned my MBA in Marketing from Michigan

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. My family moved to Ohio in 2009 and we started to become involved in OQHA at that time. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations.

OAQHA Nominees While in Michigan I served as a Director for the Michigan Quarter Horse Association for many years. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. As an OAQHA Director I have joined a phenomenal group of amateurs to create and run one of the largest shows in the country - the Buckeye Classic.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? The priority of our organization needs to be on providing member value. We should work hard to be as effective and efficient as possible to provide the best experience at the lowest cost. Equally important is to make showing in Ohio a fun experience for exhibitors and their families.

Jordan Ferguson Ann Taylor

Candidate for Treasurer Please describe what you do for a living. I am the Senior Business Development Manager for ECI Healthcare Partners, based out Traverse City, Michigan. I work on the sales and marketing side. I have been with this company for 8 years. What is your educational background? I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing, from The Ohio State University. I also have a Masters of Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing, from The University of Toledo. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. Through my involvement with OAQHA, I have been able to be a part of charitable activities for Toys for Tots, Flying Horse Farms, and also our annual Pancake Breakfast. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. For the past 4 years I have been a Director for the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association. I have also been on the Show committee for the past 2 years. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. For the past 2 years, I have been in charge of all of the stall and camping reservations, which I will be doing again this year, for the Buckeye Classic Horse Show.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? The top 3 priorities for OAQHA should be: growth in membership

Candidate for Reporter

Please describe what you do for a living. I am an Internal Auditor at Nationwide Insurance, specializing in regulatory audits of Nationwide Bank.

What is your educational background? I graduated from Otterbein University in May of 2015 with a degree in Business Administration. I am currently sitting for the Certificate of Internal Audit exam and am starting my MBA in January. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been involved with OQHA since I was a youth. Participating as a member of the AQHYA World Show team for several years and holding various posititons. I am currently an active board member and volunteer. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. Much like OQHA, my membership with SOQHA extends back to my youth career. Currently, I am the point secretary and active volunteer at the horse shows. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. Active volunteer at all OAQHA events.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Continue to welcome new members whose passions align with the goals of our group and whose enthusiasm inspires those goals, and the goals of other members, to exceed all expectations. 2. To promote the success and betterment of the non pro rider. 3. To impact the equine community in a way that facilitates positive change.

OAQHA Nominees

Candidates for Secretary Sydney Alley

Candidate for Secretary

Please describe what you do for a living. I work in the marketing department at Big Dee’s Tack & Vet Supply in Streetsboro, OH. I am in charge of local marketing, in-store events & sales, donations and content management.

What is your educational background? I graduated from the University of Findlay in Spring 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Equine Business Management with a minor in Marketing. While at UF, I was on the Western Equestrian Team. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA. I became involved with the Amateur association after my last year of being eligible for the youth classes. I was elected to a 3-year term as Director in 2012. However, my first experiences with OAQHA came as my mom held directorship & officer positions throughout the early 2000s. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I have volunteered and fundraised with organizations such as March of Dimes, Flying Horse Farms, Toys for Tots, Hancock Co. Humane Society and Findlay City Mission. I am also actively involved with my church. In the past, I was a Director for the Northern Ohio Youth Quarter Horse Association. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. During my most recent term as a Director, I was able to volunteer at Rickenbacker Air Base with the Marines & Toys for Tots. I was also heavily involved with our annual Pancake Breakfast at the AllAmerican Quarter Horse Congress. Finally, I helped plan and put on our AQHA Top Ten horse shows, the Little Buckeye and the Buckeye Classic.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Continue to fine tune & improve our horse shows. 2. Increase involvement with the organization from Ohio’s amateur eligible members. 3. Finding more ways to get involved within our community & volunteering with charity organizations.

Katie Dobrowolski Candidate for Secretary

Please describe what you do for a living. I am the Marketing Manager for Darcap Management Group, and I’m responsible for all marketing and event planning for two bars in the Arena District.

What is your educational background? I have a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Communications from The Ohio State University Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA. Previously, I was the Communications Coordinator for OQHA. Last year I was elected as a Director for OAQHA, where I have volunteered at all of our functions and served on our Buckeye Classic scholarship selection committee. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am a member of the Columbus Young Professionals Club. I have also organized two fundraising events this year for the ALS Association, with our total contribution being over $3,000. I’m also active in donating to the Michael J Fox Foundation, and was involved in “Moving Day,” an event to support the National Parkinson Foundation this year. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. In my first year of being an OAQHA Director, I volunteered at our annual Pancake Breakfast benefiting St. Jude Research Hospital. I also spent the day with local Marines at the Toys For Tots toy drive. During the Buckeye Classic, I volunteered at the Equine Chronicle Hospitality tent, was part of the Trail class crew, and also warmup pen attendant. I was also on our scholarship committee for the inaugural Buckeye Classic Scholarship. Recently, I was a part of the OAQHA presence at the Congress parade through downtown Columbus.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. The continued growth and success of the Buckeye Classic and the Little Buckeye 2. Increase our community involvement through local philanthropy projects 3. Increase our horse show and organization recognition on a national level, by having a large presence at the AQHA National Convention, the Congress, and the World Show.

OAQHA Nominees

Candidates for Director Jamie Billings-Richardson Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. I am a stay at home wife and mom of two boys, Bryan who is almost three and Blayne who is one. I also own a quarter horse farm along with my family.

What is your educational background? I attended Madison Christian High School and Ohio University where I studied communications. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA. I am a past director and secretary of the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association. I am also a past Ohio Queen. I recently moved back to Ohio from Texas and look forward to becoming more involved with the Amateurs.

Tom Harmon

Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. Retired Graphic Designer from Marathon Petroleum What is your past education background? Bachelor’s Degree, Columbus College of Art & Design

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. Off and on OQHA members based on my wife and children showing at OQHA shows. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities. Past president of Hancock County 4-H Horse Council, current president of Buckeye Western Horse Association (BWHA), current Hancock County Fair Light Horse Director, Co-Show Manager for Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic Quarter Horse Shows. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected:

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am a member of both the AQHA and NSBA. I also support the American Horse Council and AQHA Foundation. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: If elected as Director, I would contribute by actively participating at meetings and helping with ideas that grow our association. I would also enjoy volunteering my time at the Buckeye Classic and at the other OAQHA outreach activities. What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? The top three priorities in the coming years should include 1. Making others feel welcome so they want to join and participate in the activities of our association. 2. Continue to keep the Buckeye Classic an outstanding show with a great reputation. 3. And to give back to others that can use our help.

My wife and I have been running a successful open horse show, Findlay Fire Cracker Open Horse Show, for over 25 years. As well as being involved with BWHA with the Extravaganza Quarter Horse show for over 15 years. So I have experience in running successful horse shows and balancing show budgets. What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Reducing the show costs to attract new OQHA members 2. Have a standard qualification rules set for OQHA organization for Congress Youth Teams. Too often new youth members do all the fundraising work and qualify and then don’t make the team. 3. This is an AQHA thing; I don’t see the drug tests doing much to reduce the use of drugs. This program needs to be looked at and redesigned.

Tera Gore

Candidate for Director No Biography Information Provided

OAQHA Nominees

Tina Kern

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. Andy and I own Kern Marble & Granite. Kern Marble & Granite is a family owned and operated business for the past 17 years. We do custom countertops: kitchen, bathrooms, outdoor kitchens and commercial I currently am the Office Manager and oversee daily operations and production. In the past 2 years I became involved with my son in breeding and selling club lambs for County and State fairs and the Ohio Club Lamb Circuit. What is your educational background? I attended Ohio University with a degree in finance. Prior to leaving the banking industry I had over 37 years of experience in all areas of banking. I attended OBA School of Banking, Ohio University, Athens in 1981, American Institute of Banking, Ohio University, Athens in 1985, BAI School of Operations and Technologies, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee in 1995. In 2013 I returned to school to study and test for my Mortgage Broker License.

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been attending OQHA horse shows and showing in Novice and Amateur Select classes for the past 11 years. Several years Kern Marble & Granite was a sponsor for SOQHA and EOQHA. This year I have been working on a rule change for the Amateur Select Year End Rules to include points for an Amateur and Select combined class due to numbers in a class. Currently when a class is combined the Select exhibitor receives Amateur points, if the change is made for 2016 the Select exhibitor will receive Select points in the class that was combined. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I volunteer and work with Ducks Unlimited to preserve wetland conservation for waterfowl. If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: If elected as a Director I would like to volunteer my time, assist in reaching the goals set by OQHA for the upcoming year. What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? The top priority should be to increase OQHA membership. To encourage current members to become actively involved in the organization. Offer assistance to non member, 4-H clubs, horse clubs, etc, to show that OQHA is a great organization that is consistent, fair and promotes a positive image.

Carly Kidner

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. I am currently preparing to take the LSAT and apply to law school. What is your educational background? I have a B.A. in psychology from Hiram College where I graduated with Summa Cum Laude and departmental honors. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been an OQHA member since the age of two. I represented OQHA at numerous events throughout the country as the 2014 OQHA Queen and the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I am a member of AQHA, NSBA, and IBHA. I work as a volunteer weekly at Fieldstone Therapeutic Riding Center. I am also actively involved with Nellie’s Catwalk for Kids, a nonprofit that helps make lives a little easier for kids and teens with cancer.

If you are not currently an OQHA officer or director, describe what you will contribute to OQHA if elected: As the 2014 OQHA Queen and 2014 Congress Queen I assisted with awards and the hospitality tent at The Buckeye. I look forward to being involved with The Buckeye and other Ohio Amateur events throughout the year as a Director. What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Working to increase active membership, so that new and unique ideas are constantly brought to the table. 2. Continuing to make The Buckeye Classic the best and largest show it can be. 3. Always looking for ways to give back as was done this past year with the addition of The Buckeye Classic Scholarship.

OAQHA Nominees

Cris Martin

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. I am a teacher at C-tec of Licking County, a career and technology high school, drive buses for Watkins High School extracuriccular activities and work in the office of H.W. Martin and Son Co, an agriculture business. What is your educational background? Associates degree from The State University of New York at Cobleskill and a Bachelors degree from The Ohio State University - both in Animal Science and Agriculture Business. I also have my Masters degree in Education from Muskingum University. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have served as an Officer, as Treasurer, and Secretary. Committees I have served on include horse show, scholarship, sponsorship, bylaws, pancake breakfast and community service.

Maureen Persinger Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. I am not working at this time. My previous employment has been sales and marketing. Rods Western Palace sales floor and a part of their management team. What is your educational background? New Albany High School Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. My past and current involvement with OQHA has and is with the OAQHA. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. As a Director I have had the pleasure of volunteering at Flying Horse Farms, Toys for Tots,the Pancake breakfast,The Buckeye Classic,New Vocations dinner and silent auction. In our little

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. Founding member of OSU equestrian team, 4-H advisor and 4-H horse council member, Toys for Tots, Chair of Licking County PAS show, life member of SOQHA, AQHA and OQHA. Was member of EOQHA. Volunteer at our schools. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. Organized The Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic horse show, pancake breakfast, community service project

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Continue providing a premier quarter horse show in Ohio, emphasing the exhibitor while also having fun while showing 2. Continue working to encourage new exhibitors to attend quarter horse shows and keeping it affordable to attract new members/ exhibitors 3. Continue growth and involvement with the membership

town I enjoy helping out at the food pantry,Christmas Tour of homes, Adopting a family each year. When I worked at Rods, St. Judes was one of the organizations Mr. & Mrs Hartle gave back to. I have continued supporting St. Jude. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. This past year as a Director I have enjoyed assisting and attending the New Vocation dinner and silent auction at The Little Brown Jug. Volunteered at our annual pancake breakfast. Participated in our first 5 k run at The Buckeye Classic. Was able to help a small amount with The Buckeye Classic.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Continued involvement with AQHA to encourage growth in the industry. 2. Scholarship Funds 3. The Buckeye Classic

OAQHA Nominees

Winnie Nemeth Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. I am the Standardbred Program Director for New Vocations Racehorse Adoption Program. New Vocations places retired Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds into approved homes after they are done racing. We are the leading racehorse adoption program in the country, placing over 400 horses a year. We are a 501 c3 charity. What is your educational background? I graduated from the Ohio State University and have a Bachelors of Science Degree in Education and a minor in Equine Science. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. This past year I helped with our two horse shows, The Little Buckeye and The Buckeye Classic. I have also been a part of our Christmas service project, Toys For Tots and the annual Christmas party. I also organized the Pre-Jug Gala and Charity Auction, which many OAQHA Directors came and participated in.

Melissa Street-Payne Candidate for Director

Please describe what you do for a living. Own and manage a small manufacturing and fabrication company in central Ohio. What is your educational background? International Business studies at University of Findlay. BBA from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. Office help with NOQHA fall show; Various duties at The Buckeye Classic; sponsor several shows. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. Treasurer for Knox County Equine program, active member of Rotary, Kiwanis, Leadership Knox, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, United Way campaign, Advisory Committee for Adult Education and Career Center.

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. I was a member of OQHA as a youth and then after graduating from The Ohio State University and moved to Michigan I became very involved with MQHA for 10 years. Upon moving back to Ohio, I became a Director for the OAQHA board in 2011. I have helped from the beginning with the Buckeye Classic. The Little Buckeye this year, Toys For Tots, Pre-Jug Gala and Auction, Christmas Party, Pancake Breakfast at the Congress and Flying Horse Farms. Our family also has been showing AQHA in Ohio since 2001 through the present. I am a member of the NSBA and AQHA. Due to my work with New Vocations, I am very involved with the Harness Racing industry, including the United States Trotting Horse Association and the after care programs for Standardbreds, Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization. I also help with The Little Brown Jug Society during the Delaware County Fair. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. The Little Buckeye, the Buckeye Classic

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? We had a very successful Buckeye Classic and Little Buckeye this year, that had great numbers so I feel we need to continue to make this show a premier event. I also think we always need to focus on getting new members and involvement for the many amateurs in Ohio who may not know all the great things OAQHA has to offer.

If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. If elected to OQHA I think it would be important to have a presence at meetings, work days and shows; put forth an effort of knowledgable contributions to decision making and problem solving; and use viable contacts the help ensure shows and activities run as smoothly as possible. As a member of OQHA it is also important to encourage new growth and development of the program.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? Maintaining a positive program Encouraging new members and involvement Expanding the program to meet growing and changing needs of the industry.

OAQHA Nominees

Allie Pitt

Candidate for Director Please describe what you do for a living. Purchasing agent at Palmer-donavin, a wholesale distributer of building materials in Grove City, OH. What is your educational background? N/A Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I have been an OAQHA director for the past 3 years.

Spencer Taucher Candidate for Director

Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. N/A

Please describe what you do for a living. I work for a contracted food service company called Healthcare Services Group as an Account Manager. I oversee day to day routine for one of the company’s many accounts.

If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. Volunteered at the Buckeye Classic horse show, as well as the Pancake Breakfast.

What is your educational background? I graduated from the The Ohio State University in the spring of 2015. I have an Agricultural Business degree with and minor in Entrepreneurship.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? Continued growth within OAQHA as well as reaching out as much as possible to the grass root exhibitors and continuing community service events.

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA. I became involved with the Amateur association 3 years ago. I have been a director for the past 2 years. Please state your involvement in any other equine organizations or other charities, community activities or civic organizations. As an Eagle Scout, I have been involved in my community through volunteering and service projects. I’ve also volunteered with March of Dimes and am actively involved in my church. If you are a current OAQHA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term. During the past 2 years as a Director I have helped with the Toys for Tots as well as working and setting up for The Buckeye Classic. The pancake breakfast at The All American Quarter Horse Congress has been something that I have helped out with the past 3 years as well.

What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? 1. Growing our horse show and improving the experience for the exhibitors. 2. Increase involvement with local charities and the community to help give back. 3.Keeping the association strong and working to get people more involved.

NOQHA Futurity Show

2015 Results

Closed Futurity Yearling Longe Line 1 $1039.76 2 $693.17

Exhibitor: Randy Haines Exhibitor: Kimberly Haines

JBLL Wonder Woman The Bat Signal

Closed Futurity Yearling Longe Line-Sire Award 1 $243.06 2 $162.04

Exhibitor: Randy Haines Exhibitor: Kimberly Haines

Closed Futurity 2 Yr. Old Snaffle Bit 1 $577.64

Exhibitor: Dennis Taylor

JBLL Wonder Woman (Batt Man) The Bat Signal (Batt Man)

Owner: Randy Haines Owner: Kimberly Haines

So Darn Lazy

Owner: Dennis Taylor

Closed Futurity 2 Yr. Old Snaffle Bit-Sire Award 1 $135.04

Exhibitor: Dennis Taylor

Closed Futurity 3 & Older WP 1 $693.17 2 $462.11

Exhibitor: Chad Piper Exhibitor: Dennis Taylor

So Darn Lazy (Lazy Loper)

Owner: Michael Farina

Batmans Loping Lady Lazy In Stilettos

Owner: Katie Bossart Owner: Susan Taylor

Closed Futurity 3 & Older WP-Sire Award 1 $162.04 2 $108.03

Exhibitor: Chad Piper Exhibitor: Dennis Taylor

Open Futurity Yr. Longe Line 1 $712.17 2 $559.57 3 $330.65 4 $254.35 5 $228.91 6 $178.04 7 $152.61 8 $127.17 9 $0.00

Exhibitor: Randy Haines Exhibitor: Arthur Yuhas Exhibitor: Madison Hallas Exhibitor: Stacey Hibbert Exhibitor: Kimberly Haines Exhibitor: Douglas DeLong Exhibitor: Julie O’Brien Exhibitor: Jessica Daniels Exhibitor: Travis McColley

Open Futurity Yr Non Pro Longe Line 1 $516.33 2 $409.50 3 $267.07 4 $195.85 5 $160.24 6 $124.63 7 $106.83 64

Exhibitor: Randy Haines Exhibitor: Kimberly Haines Exhibitor: Bill Kelly Exhibitor: Christy Linden Exhibitor: Stacey Hibbert Exhibitor: Robyn Allan Exhibitor: Douglas DeLong

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Owner: Randy Haines Owner: Kimberly Haines

Batmans Loping Lady Lazy In Stilettos

Owner: Katie Bossart Owner: Susan Taylor

JBLL Wonder Woman Missin My Zipper Impulses First Date Certified Invitation The Bat Signal Worth Repeatin Memory Layne Up To Good Diggity Al Get Your Shine ON

Owner: Randy Haines Owner: Christy Linden Owner: Madison Hallas Owner: Stacey Hibbert Owner: Kimberly Haines Owner: Kelli DeLong Owner: Robyn Allan Owner: Richard/Daniels Owner: Bill Kelly

JBLL Wonder Woman The Bat Signal Al Get Your Shine ON Missin My Zipper Certified Invitation Memory Layne Worth Repeatin

Owner: Randy Haines Owner: Kimberly Haines Owner: Bill Kelly Owner: Christy Linden Owner: Stacey Hibbert Owner: Robyn Allan Owner: Kelli DeLong

NOQHA Futurity Show

2015 Results

Open Futurity 2 Yr. HUS 1 $305.22 2 $203.48

Exhibitor: Missy Thyfault Exhibitor: Nicole Giumenti

Open Futurity NP 2 & 3 Yr. HUS 1 $406.96 2 $305.22 3 $203.48 4 $101.74

Exhibitor: Dorothy Bentley Exhibitor: Jamie Nicolls Exhibitor: Terri Hendricks Exhibitor: Megan McCulloch

Open Futurity 3 Yr. HUS 1 $457.83 2 $376.43 3 $215.56

Exhibitor: Missy Thyfault Exhibitor: Maggie Howell Exhibitor: Amber Clark

Open Futurity 2 Yr. Western Pleasure 1 $305.22 2 $203.48

Exhibitor: Dennis Taylor Exhibitor: Spencer Zimmerman

Open Futurity 3 Yr. Western Pleasure 1 $516.33 2 $409.50 3 $267.07 4 $195.85 5 $160.24 6 $124.63 7 $106.83

Exhibitor: Chad Piper Exhibitor: Dennis Taylor Exhibitor: Brian Bernatowicz Exhibitor: Rick Cecil Exhibitor: Lori Gingrich Exhibitor: Shannon Simmons Exhibitor: Rachel Stallings

Hot Enough for GQ My Irons R Certified

Owner: Jamie Nicholls Owner: Nicole Giumenti

Details In The Sky Hot Enough for GQ One Hot Class Act One Hot Reservation

Owner: Dorothy Bentley Owner: Jamie Nicolls Owner: Terri Hendricks Owner: Megan McCulloch

Better Hot Than Not Details In The Sky Divine Conspiracy

Owner: Vicki Kern Owner: Dorothy Bentley Owner: Amber Clark

So Darn Lazy Itainteasybeinggood

Owner: Dennis Taylor Owner: Maggie Kirian

Batmans Loping Lady Lazy In Stilettos A Smooth Machine Chex Out My Invite Do Ya Like Em Lazy My Awesome Intuition Radical Valentino

Owner: Katie Bossart Owner: Susan Taylor Owner: Bryan Reger Owner: Monica Sankovich Owner: Tera Gore Owner: Mr & Mrs Scott Obenour Owner: Ashcraft Acres LTD

Open Futurity NP 3 Yr. Western Pleasure 1 $406.96 2 $305.22 3 $203.48 4 $101.74

Exhibitor: Katie Bossart Exhibitor: Susan Taylor Exhibitor: Sarah Shaheen Exhibitor: Monica Sankovich

Batmans Loping Lady Lazy In Stilettos You Lazy Dawg Chex Out My Invite

Owner: Katie Bossart Owner: Susan Taylor Owner: Sarah Shaheen Owner: Monica Sankovich

Ohio Quarter Horse News 65

APPLY TODAY Attention! OQHA Members pursuing a higher education Visit oqha.com/youth/scholarships for all the requirements, including information about scholarship renewals, and to obtain an application. Don’t forget that all new applicants will be required to attend a personal interview at the Ohio Quarter Horse Association office in Richwood on March 12, 2016. Contact Barb Benedum at the OQHA office, bbenedum@oqha.com or (740) 973-2346 ext 122, with any additional questions


NYATT Competition The All American Quarter Horse Congress holds several youth contests throughout its duration, the largest of which being the National Youth Activity Team Tournament. After a long day of competition, the River Cities Quarter Horse Association Team was named the Champion, beating out 63 other teams and 385 exhibitors from across the country. Congratulations to the Ohio Quarter Horse Association Team, for bringing home the Reserve, and the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Team for placing fourth.

2015 NYATT Team Results 1) River Cities Quarter Horse Association 2) Ohio Quarter Horse Association 3) Texas Quarter Horse Association 4) Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 5) Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association 6) North Carolina Quarter Horse Association 7) Indiana Quarter Horse Association 8) Iowa Quarter Horse Association 9) Tennessee Quarter Horse Association 10) Ohio Michigan Indiana Quarter Horse Assoc. 11) Ohio Kentucky IndianaQuarter Horse Assoc. 12) Kansas Quarter Horse Association 13) Wisconsin Quarter Horse Assoc 14) Ontario Quarter Horse Association 15) Florida Quarter Horse Racing Associaton

Ohio Quarter Horse News 67

2015 OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers Madison Thiel

Directors Kalee Lohr

Hannah Overmyer

Ellexxah Maxwell

Sydney Hoffa

Paulina Martz

Olivia Tordoff

Abby Querry

Anneleise Ritzi

Emma Brown

Caleb Sturgeon

Kayla Tomilson

Audrey Baker

Alexia Tordoff

Natalie Vargo

Bridgett White

Karissa Shank

President 5544 Fawnbrook Ln Dublin, OH 43017 614-719-9144 horselover43017@yahoo.com

Vice President 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 937-869-2467 ellexxahmaxwell@gmail.com

Secretary 4212 Village Club Dr. Powell, OH 43065 740-881-4641 olivia.tordoff@columbuss.rr.com

Treasurer 2121 Pinkerton Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-453-3247 emmab10599@gmail.com

Reporter 314 Restoration Drive Marysville, OH 43040 937-243-5580 audreybaker1@gmail.com

Director 4400 St. Rt. 3 Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-562-1391 kcperfhorses@aol.com

Director 3320 Pigeon Run Rd SW Massilon, OH 44647 330-612-0314 bhoffa@aol.com

Director 3765 Pine Bank Dr Powell, OH 43065 614-881-3451 aquerry@columbus.rr.com

Director 17510 Courtney Road Beloit, OH 44609 330-402-5098 vsturgeon@zoominternet.net

Director 4212 Village Club Dr Powell, OH 43065 740-881-4641 shari@wildoatsfarm.com

Director 7709 Allen Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-915-7354 bblazer_466@yahoo.com

Jordan Gates

Director 358 N Funk Rd Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-3814 jordangates716@yahoo.com


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Director 15720 W. Smith Rd. Elmore, OH 43416 419-862-2137 considerhimshiek@aol.com

Director 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct Blacklick, OH 43004 614-751-2441 martz.paulina37@gmail.com

Director 2554 Merrimont Drive Troy, OH 45373 937-260-2168 artiz97@gmail.com

Director 2407 Manistique Lakes Dr Lebanon, OH 45036 513-934-2990 tomilsonkayla@gmail.com

Director 13776 Taylor Road Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-1323 natalievargo@gmail.com

Director 17225 US Rt 6 W Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-352-7849 shankhorses123@gmail.com

OQHYA Nominees

2016 OQHYA


Officer & Director Nominations

uring the September Ohio Quarter Horse Association monthly Board of Directors meeting, nominations were made for the 2016 election slate. Nominations were announced by the nominating committee, and are as follows: President Ellexxah Maxwell Anneleise Ritzi

Vice President Sydney Hoffa Olivia Tordoff Treasurer Emma Brown Abby Querry Secretary Alexia Tordoff Natalie Vargo Reporter Caleb Sturgeon Directors

Brooke Bradley Natalie Hilty Maggie Cain Paulina Martz Lauren Carnanan Hannah Overmyer Jillian Channell Karissa Shank Jordan Gates Isabella Weiler Abigail Hardy Voting Procedure Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in late December. Ballots should be marked for no less than four directors and no more than six directors to be counted. Each ballot must be submitted individually in the return envelope provided. Ballots must be received by the accounting firm by January 29th to be counted. Ballots should be mailed to: Ohio Quarter Horse Association PO Box 209 Richwood, OH 43344 Ohio Quarter Horse News 69

OQHYA Nominees

Candidates for President

Anneleise Ritzi

Candidate for President

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently a youth director. I was on the 2014 and 2015 OQHYA World show team. I was also on the 2014 and 2015 OQHA NYATT team. I haven’t missed a meeting in 2015. I lead the Hippology team committee and am co-chairman of the Fundraising, Community service, and Judging committees. I represented OQHYA at the Youth World show speech contest and received sixth place. I will be representing OQHYA at the Congress Hippology contest and Congress Prepared Speech Contest. I also represented OQHYA as an AQHYA region 4 Director. Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I own 2 quarter horses. I show my mare, Man Im Sassy, in western all-around events. I show my gelding, Nor UR Average Willie, in english events. In 2014 Sassy and I lead the nation in youth Level 1 Horsemanship and were the OQHA Level 1 Youth Hi-point Champions. In 2015, we were Reserve champions in Horsemanship and bronze champions in Ranch Riding at the East Level 1 Championships. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am an American Quarter Horse Youth Association Region 4 Director. I am the fundraising director for my 4H group ,The Lucky Horseshoes, where I will become a 10 year member. I am an IEA team member. I am also a member of SOQHA, NOQHA, EOQHA, and OMIQHA.

Ellexxah Maxwell Candidate for President

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently serving as OQHYA Vice-President.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I have shown horses for 13 ½ years. During that time I have shown in all-around events. For the last four years I have shown Zips Bossy Chip “Annie B” and I have been fortunate enough to have won 6 AQHYA highpoint titles, two AQHYA Reserve highpoint all-arounds, Congress 12-14 Reserve All-Around, two 12-14 all-arounds, highpoint youth & 17 Congress bronzes. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: Past Director and current member of EOQHA, SOQHA member, OQHYA member, AQHYA Region 4 Director

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am the President of my National Honor Society. I am also a 9 year member of 4H (soon to become 10). I am an IEA varsity team member. I volunteer at Clubhouse, an after-school program for under privileged kids, where I serve as a teen leader. I have served with Clubhouse for 5 years. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. In 2015, I worked with the fundraising committee to raise money for the world show, NYATT, and congress social by organizing 50/50 raffles. I worked with my fellow committee members to create baskets for the Tough Enough to Wear Pink Auction and World Cancer Relief basket raffle. I volunteered at the Youth Scholarship Golf outing. I offered kids rides to meetings and made sure members knew about upcoming meetings. If I was elected president, I would create outreach programs so more youth could join OQHYA. I would support my directors and officers. I would encourage all OQHYA members to become involved and always be open to insight, ideas, and/or concerns. I want all OQHYA members to have the opportunity to lead and participate so I would ensure they get the support they need to accomplish their goals. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? I believe OQHYA should emphasize fundraising, outreach/member participation, and community service. We have a large membership that is capable of making a difference in their communities whether by lending aid and/or connecting others with the amazing American Quarter Horse. I want to come to youth meetings and see every chair filled with youth who are excited about their association and what it does. Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am currently the ambassador of Ohio Connections Academy for the propose of educating people about the benefits of online public schools for students involved in sports that need to travel. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. As an OQHYA officer I have been actively involved in meetings, conference calls and fundraising idea. I’ve been part of decision making processes for the youth world team and the Ohio NYATT team. I have served as a member of both. I have also been a part of bringing back the “Youth Bash” to the Congress. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? I would love to see the OQHA website have a link of more youth related information; maybe include a monthly candid page. I would also like to see more participation and organization within the youth association. Everyone needs to share their ideas. I still believe we need to have a voice in the decisions made about our youth association by the OQHA board. It is our association, and I feel we should have a say in our future.

Candidates for Vice President

Olivia Tordoff

Candidate for Vice President

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am the current OQHYA Secretary and was very active in my position by preparing notes, submitting minutes prior to the meetings, reading the minutes at each meeting and also writing over 40 thank you notes throughout the year. I also have served on various committees and volunteered to sell raffle tickets for the PBR and Freestyle Reining events at the Congress for the last 2 years. I also attended the Youth Excellence Seminar the last 2 years representing OQHYA at the national level. I have also created and submitted the virtual scrapbook for OQHYA for the Youth World competition for the last 2 years. Explain your current involvement with horses: I show in the AQHA circuit and I show in the Horsemanship, Showmanship, Trail, and Hunter Under Saddle. My favorite horse of all time is my horse Sterling Version. We have been the Novice 13 and Under Horsemanship Congress Champion in 2012, Reserve Champions in the Novice and 12-14 Horsemanship in 2013, Champion in the 12-14 Horsemanship in 2014 and again in 2015 at the AAQH Congress. We also won the NYATT Horsemanship at the 2015 Congress and were in the top 15 at the 2015 Youth World in Horsemanship. I also recently received an early Christmas present of another horse, Too Blazin’ Cool and we were Champion in the 12-14 Hunter Under Saddle and Reserve Champion in Novice 14-18 Hunter Under Saddle at the 2015 Congress, which was our very first horse show together. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am a member of NOQHYA, EOQHYA and SOQHYA. I am currently the Secretary for SOQHYA and was a member of the SOQHYA NYATT team.

Sydney Hoffa

Candidate for Vice President

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I have been an OQHYA director for the past two years. During my time as a director, I have been an active participant in the meetings, served on various committees, attended the 2014 Youth Excellence Seminar, and participated in fundraising and service projects that OQHYA has sponsored.

Explain your current involvement with horses: I currently show at AQHA shows in the 14-18 age division under the guidance of Dan & Darlene Trein. I compete in showmanship, horsemanship, and equitation on my red roan gelding, You Bet Im Sumthin. Our goal is to add trail class in 2016. In addition to showing at the AQHA shows, I am involved in the Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) and compete on Equine Differences High School IEA Team. This past year, I won the IEA National Championship in the Individual Varsity Open Horsemanship at the IEA Nationals. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am the current president of the NOQHYA. I am also a member of EOQHYA and OMIQHYA. I have competed on the NOQHYA NYATT team for the past three years and have been on the Equine Differences IEA Team since the 8th grade. Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I also enjoy supporting my school and community. I am a member of the National Honor Society, journalism staff, Pep Club and Modern Language

OQHYA Nominees

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am a 2nd Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon Do, I am a member of the Junior National Honor Society and the Debate Team at Village Academy Schools. I also am a member of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church and I enjoy volunteering at church and school. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I have been an active member of OQHYA for over 3 years. I have been a Director and am currently the 2015 OQHYA Secretary. I have contributed to OQHYA through volunteering at various shows, selling raffle tickets, representing OQHA youth at our national leadership seminar, YES, and being a hard working, dependable member of OQHYA. Also, my father, Greg is a member of the OQHA board, my mom, Shari, is a member of the Foundation board and my sister, Alexia, is a director of OQHYA. Our entire family is committed to OQHA and helping to build a strong future for OQHA and OQHYA. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. Strengthen the engagement of members at our youth meetings through educational events like we started in 2015. We have over 80 members but only a small fraction attend our meetings. We need to show the value to our members so they will want to attend, learn, and hopefully we will be better members, a stronger association and better leaders. 2. I would like to see OQHYA be more financially independent so we can provide financial support for more members to attend YES, national level educational speakers at our meetings and be able to do charitable contributions for horse groups or associations in need. 3. OQHYA officers need to partner with our youth advisors to develop our future slate of officers based on merit, involvement in OQHYA and dependability as a member or officer.

club. I love anything that has to do with art and enjoy drawing. Within the community setting, I enjoy helping others and participate in different volunteer activities such as food drives, working and raising money for our church and making blankets for senior citizens. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. Besides attending the monthly meetings and participating in the events sponsored by OQHYA, I have tried to help by participating in fundraising activities, serving on committees, and lending a hand whenever it is needed. I have also shared my experiences, thoughts, ideas, and opinions with other OQHYA members at meetings, shows, and events. I have also tried to encourage other youth to become active members of the association. It is my belief that each person plays an important role in the success of the association. I would like to see more people get involved in OQHYA and have more events that are not competition related, such as the OQHYA event held during Congress this past year. I believe the more we involve the community, the more our organization will grow. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? I think it is important for OQHYA to continue to build the association in a positive manner by increasing membership and building friendships within the horse industry. I’d like to see more activities with other groups. We need to ensure that new members feel welcome and at our meetings and events so that there is more of a sense of community. I think it’s important that Ohio youth not only be known as some of the toughest competitors in the industry, but as the friendliest too. Another priority is that we need to do everything we can to ensure that our sport is recognized and valued at both the high school and at the college level. We need to support the efforts being made to recognize equestrian as a sport. The third priority is to continue to make a positive impact within the community through outreach programs, volunteering, and by being positive role models.

OQHYA Nominees

Candidates for Treasurer

Emma Brown

Candidate for Treasurer

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am the current OQHYA treasurer. I also represented OQHYA at the AQHYA world show, YES seminar and I am also part of the OQHYA NYATT.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I began showing horses at the age of 7. My horse, Some Hot Potential aka Brett is an amazing 8 year old gelding. We show trail, halter, western pleasure, horsemanship and showmanship. We have had multiple top tens at Congress, NSBA reserve world champion and top 15 at the AQHYA world show. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am currently the EOQHYA president Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities:

Abby Querry

Candidate for Treasurer

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I have been a member of OQHYA for the past two years. I have attended many meetings and was a director this past year. I went to the Youth World show where I helped with the stall decorations and I was a member of the t-shirt committee. I was a part of the Judging team this past year where I represented Ohio. I also attended the Novice Youth Championships this year representing Ohio. I was fortunate to be able to attend the Y.E.S convention the past two summers. As a rider, I have shown all over Ohio in the northern, eastern and southern regions. Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I have been showing for two years. I have focused on HUS and Equitation, but this past year have also started showmanship. My horse, Red Hot n Dangerous, (Saxby) is a 17.3 hand beauty. Together we have placed in many events including the top ten 2014 novice 13 and under HUS at Congress and this past year we placed 16th in the Novice 12-14 HUS. We have many novice points and this is the last year that I will be showing HUS as a novice. I am currently learning how to do Western Riding with our other horse, Behind the Wheel. I am very excited to try my hand at some of the Western events this next year.

I attend Bishop Rosecrans high school where I serve as class Vice President. I am a varsity cheerleader. I am also involved with the Spanish club, Key club and Robotics. I participated in the Angel Tree and Christmas on the Hill both are Christmas charities. I also volunteer at Starlight, a local school for handicapped childeren. I assist with the care of my handicapped cousin as well as my grandmother who suffers from alzheimer’s. I have served as the alter person at both St. Thomas and St. Nichols church as well as reading at weekly mass. I help with our church festival each year. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I have represented OQHYA at the YES seminar, AQHYA world show and NYATT. I have set on multiple committees and have also been a part of planning the youth social at Congress this year. I would like to see OQHYA get more involved at at local level. I would like to see a hospitality area at the Youth Show and/or the Ohio State Fair during the equesterian events it would be a great place for OQHYA to get to meet other youth that may be interested in showing at a OQHA show. I plan to continue to represent OQHYA to the best of my ablities. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? Recruiting new youth members Cost of showing Youth friendly shows

Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: No, I am only involved with AQHA and OQHYA at this time. Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am a member of the club at school called Glammer Gals. In this club we visit a nursing home and paint the nails and do the hair of some of the residents. More importantly we take the time to visit with them. They seem to enjoy our visits. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I currently hold the position of director. This past year I have attended most of the meetings and I also attended the YES program. I helped with the fund raising efforts by selling raffle tickets at the Buckeye Classic, and I helped with the stall decorations at Worlds. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? *One area that I believe that we need to work towards is increasing membership and getting the organization more well known. *Find a way to increase attendance at meetings to include all disciplines involved in AQHA. *Education- I would like to see speakers be brought in to increase education about our horses, what the judges are looking for, and the workings of OQHYA and AQHA.

Candidates for Secretary

Alexia Tordoff

Candidate for Secretary

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I regularly attend all of the youth meetings and served as an active Director in 2014. I ride in the quarter horse circuit and volunteer as a youth member at various events at shows and during the Congress. I was very involved in developing ideas and a concept map for the first All Youth Party at the Congress. My dad, Greg, is a Director on the OQHA board and my sister, Olivia, is the current secretary on the OQHYA board and my mom, Shari, volunteers on the OQHA Foundation board. Our entire family is actively involved and committed to the Ohio Quarter Horse Associations. Explain your current involvement with horses: I show in the Quarter Horse Circuit. My favorite classes are Equitation, Horsemanship and Hunter Under Saddle. In 2014, I was the 2014 APHYA All Around Small Fry World Champion. At the 2015 All American Quarter Horse Congress, I was Grand Champion in the 11 and Under Hunter Under Saddle, Grand Champion in the Novice 13 and Under Hunter Under Saddle and I was third in the 11 and Under Horsemanship. My horses are Huntin’ For Daisies and Blazin’ Hot N Gold. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I train with Brent Tincher but I am not involved in other horse-related organizations because Brent works us so hard. I am a blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and I love to wear crazy leggings and be unique. I want to be the OQHYA Secretary because I am familiar with the responsibilities of the position because my sister is the current secretary and I am have proven that I can be dependable and get things done. I also try to always welcome new faces in to the quarter horse circuit and OQHYA.

Natalie Vargo

Candidate for Secretary

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently a director of OQHYA

Explain your current involvement with horses: I show Art of the Deal, “Rocco” and Classie Minute Man. With Rocco I showed over the fence classes and equitation on the Flat. Last year I won the Congress NSBA in Equitation Over Fences. This year I was named the 2015 AQHYA World Champion in Equitation on the Flat and Hunter Hack. This year at the Congress I was Reserve in the Working Hunter with Rocco and Reserve in the Performance Halter Geldings with Classie Minute Man. I was also Reserve with him last year in the 12-14 HUS and 11th at the World Show. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: N/A

OQHYA Nominees

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I belong to St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church and enjoy participating in charitable events and giving back. I am also a black belt in TaeKwonDo. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I am a current Director and I attend almost all of the OQHYA meetings and am very active in suggesting ideas, asking questions and welcoming new members. I have also volunteered on various committees including the social committee and attended all the conference calls and came up with ideas and a layout sketch for the party. I worked very well with Tammy Gagliardo who made sure it all came together and was a huge success. I also attended the YES convention and was very involved at the meeting and was a good representative of OQHYA. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. Make sure our meetings and horse shows are fun and inviting to everyone. I enjoy the ice breakers and opportunities to meet new people. 2. I would like to see the youth Directors have 1-2 meetings a year with the adult Directors so we can get to know one another and talk about common goals for the future of OQHA and the Congress. 3. I would like to see us learn more about OQHA, how different disciplines ride, have judges give us a seminar on how they judge and score, etc. I thought the educational events this year were excellent and would like us to continue them. (I realize my mom organized them but they were really good!)

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am President of my 4-H Club, Union County Connections. We do multiple acts of community service and fundraising as a group. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I am currently a director and I have helped with multiple fundraisers along with being on many Youth World Committees service as the Chairperson. I also contributed to the All Youth Bash at the Congress. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? In the next 2-3 years, OQHYA should focus on expanding our association and the horse industry, helping the horse industry to the best of our ability, and lastly, make it enjoyable!

OQHYA Nominees

Candidate for Reporter

Caleb Sturgeon

Candidate for Reporter

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently a Director and served on the Social, Nominating, Fundraising, Congress NYATT, Youth World T-shirt and Youth World Stall Decoration Committees.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I show Shiney Juice & JD Fritz Jazzman in the 14-18 AQHA & NRHA Reining events. I nationally qualified both horses and attended the 2014 and 2015 AQHYA Youth World Show in Reining. I represented the OQHA NYATT Team in 2014 and 2015, winning the NYATT Reining in 2014 and having multiple top ten placings in 2015. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I have been a member of NOQHA since my leadline days, served as a youth director for 3 years and as Treasurer for 2 years. I am a member of The Autumn Rose Equestrian Team, competing in Varsity Open Horsemanship and Varsity Open Reining.

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am a member of Village Varieties 4-H Club, showing turkeys, pigs and beef feeders. I had the Grand Champion Turkey, Grand Champion Beef Feeder and Grand Champion Beef Heifer Feeder. I have also won the Feeder Showmanship for three years in a row. I play Soccer for West Branch and am a member of the Choral & Theatre Departments with parts in Hairspray, Peter Pan and Bye Bye Birdie. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. As a current Director of OQHYA, I attended the YES Convention in Amarillo, Texas, was a member of AQHA World Show Team, a member of Congress NYATT, sold 50/50 tickets, contributed to the trainer auction, and helped with the Congress Youth Bash. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. To continue to have OQHYA grow and make it a stronger association. 2. To have an outreach program that encourages 4-H/Open or other horse clubs to become more involved in OQHYA 3. To take part in more community service projects

Candidates for Director

Hannhah Overmyer Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I have been a director for the OQHYA for the past few years and have been on many committees throughout those years.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I’ve shown my horse, Consider Him Shiek, aka “Steve”, for the past five years in all around events. We’ve accomplished a lot as a pair in many Congress Top Tens and superiors. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I’m a member of NSBA, SOQHA, NOQHA, and EOQHA.

Jillian Channell Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I attend youth meetings, and have shown at every OQHA show this year.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I show the all-around events with my horse, Makem Hot. I have been the novice youth all around high point at multiple shows. Also, I attended the AQHYA World Show this year and showed in Equitation and Hunter Under Saddle. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am a member of NOQHA and EOQHA. I am also a director of SOQHYA and was a member of their NYATT team in 2015.

OQHYA Nominees

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I’m a member of Woodmore’s Symphonic Chorale, Drama Club, and Key Club at my high school. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I have helped set up stall fronts at the Youth World Show and collect photos for our stall fronts as well. I made sure to be there any other time I’m needed. I’ve contributed many other times and have also tried to promote OQHYA while doing so. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. Get more member and officer involvement in activities. 2. Make meetings more accessible to those who live far away. 3. Create more get-togethers to build OQHYA as a team.

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am highly active in extra curriculars at my school. I am currently the Class of 2016 Secretary, and have been since freshman year. I am the Vice President of my FFA chapter and I have served as Secretary in previous years. Also, I am the Secretary of my National Honors Society. Along with those leadership positions, I am a member of the Quick Recall team, a soprano in Symphonic Choir, and have played the female lead in my school’s musical productions since freshman year. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I will contribute to the OQHYA with a positive attitude and creative ideas. I will work with others to keep OQHYA as the best youth organization in the nation. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? OQHYA’s top three priorities should be their members, giving back, and fun. OQHYA does a great job of providing for their members; take the Youth Bash at Congress for example. Happy members can lead to higher membership. Along with giving to our members, there are so many opportunities in Ohio for us as an association to give back to our community. One of the reasons that most of us show horses is to have fun; we should keep that in mind as an association.

OQHYA Nominees

Abigail Hardy

Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? This is my first year involved with OQHYA. I was a part of the decorating committee for the Youth World Show.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I have two horses, Kam and Bentley. Kam and I show in the fence classes. We showed for the first time this year at the Youth World Show and placed 5th in the Working Hunter class. We also won the EQ Over Fences at the Novice Championship Show. We won the Youth 13 & Under EQ Over Fences at the Congress, as well as reserve in the Novice Youth Hunter Hack and Novice Youth Equation over Fences. We also won the 13& Under at the Youth World in the Working Hunter Class. This was also Bentley’s first year at the Congress. We were reserve in both 13 & Under, and Novice Youth Equitation and 1st in both NSBA classes. We were 5th in the Hunter Under Saddle. I show Bentley in mostly all around events and have placed well in halter.

Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I also compete in IEA at the middle school level. I show in the future Intermediate Hunt Seat Team where I do over fences and Flat. We help volunteer at shows to help make them run smoothly. Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I have none of these at the moment but I am very interested in finding some. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. As a director I can offer my suggestions for the upcoming year of events. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? I am not sure what the priorities should be yet. I would like to be a part of the organization for a while so I can see first.

Paulina Martz

Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently an OQHYA Director

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I show with HowBoutThizzCowgirl in the Western Pleasure, and Halter with my mare OnlyTheBestChocolate, as well as trail with my new horse Flashy Invite. I have come in 1st place at the Youth World Championship Show in the Performance Halter Mares twice [2013,2015] and was Reserve Champion in the same class [2014]. I have also been Congress Champion in that class [2013] as well as getting many top ten placings at both the Youth World and Quarter Horse Congress in Trail, Halter, and Pleasure. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am the current Vice President of Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association and have been an officer with this organization for the past four years. I am a current American Quarter Horse Youth Association Director and am a part of the AQHYA International Committee.

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am heavily involved in my school’s theater program onstage and behind the scenes and piano/voice lessons. I also volunteer with the Ohio State Law School’s Victims of Human Trafficking Justice For Children program. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I chaired and headed up the Youth World Show Decorating Committee this past term. I also helped with the Buckeye Golf Outing. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? Expanding Membership: In that we need to bring in 4-H kids and others in the industry. Expanding Involvement: in that we need our members to come to more meetings and be a part of more activities. Expanding Teamwork: in that the activities and events we put on should be more of a group effort both in the planning and execution, so that more people can be involved.

OQHYA Nominees

Lauren Carnanan Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently involved in OQHYA by attending the meeting and participating in the shows. This year I attended the Youth World and there were many events where we participated as a group.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I show my AQHA 2009 gelding Too Lazy to Zip. We will be showing in Youth 14-18 all around events. Our accomplishments are 2015 Reserve Congress Champions 12-14 HUS, 2014 Reserve Congress 12-14 EQ, 2X Youth World Finalist. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I used to be involved in my local open show horse show organization (GHPA). I started my showing career there. Now I do not have as much time for it with quarter horses so I am not as involved as I used to be.

Isabella Weiler

Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? This is my second year to show and participate fully in OQHA. The first two years have been total learning experiences. I showed with NOQHA, EOQHA, SOQHA, and OMIQHA. I would like to learn more and be a part of the OQHYA to really get to know and work with the youth across the state to continue to make Ohio one of the best states to compete and show our beautiful horses. Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) Currently, I show with my horse King, Heza Potential Star. This past year we were in Novice Youth and 13 and Under classes including showmanship, western riding, western pleasure, horsemanship, Hunter under saddle, equitation, and halter. This was my second year to own King and I feel like we were able to work well together. We had several larger accomplishments. I was particularly proud I was high point at the Summer Six Pack in Novice Youth and 13 and Under and also high point at the Buckeye Classic in Novice Youth and 13 and Under. We also placed 4th in novice showmanship and had multiple top ten and top fifteen placings at the Congress. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: Previously, I was a member of Boots and Buckles, a 4-H club in Pataskala, for three years. I was an actively showing member and competed on the county horse bowl team. This past year I decided to put my focus into AQHA. I spent most of my spare time practicing and showing in Ohio.

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: As an extracurricular activity I play volleyball. This past year I played for my school’s 9th grade team. This summer, I am planning to help our local equestrians with disabilities stable by grooming horses and cleaning stalls. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. If I were elected as a director, I would contribute ideas that can help our association. I would also be open to other people’s ideas and thoughts. Lastly, I would make sure I help OQHYA and OQHA in any shape or form. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. Making sure that shows we introduce new youth to OQHYA so that they can join in the future. 2. Making sure we give back to the community 3. Have a many people as possible to join OQHYA.

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: When I am not showing or in the barn, I play volleyball for seventh grade at Watkins Middle School in Pataskala, as well as beach volleyball in the summer. I attend an am involved with Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church in Granville with lay ministries and the youth group. I volunteer for the Pataskala Relay for Life and am on the Luminaria Committee. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I would like to become an OQHYA director to learn more about this growing and active group and to share this knowledge with other youth to help influence others to become involved. I like the direction the youth group is heading and would like to be a part of it. I would like to be involved with the leadership side of this organization. I am a person that can be counted on to help out or assist with different committees. I enjoy having responsibilities and am very good at completing goals. It is always a great thing to learn more, participate, and share information while helping others. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? I think OQHYA’s top three priorities in next 2-3 years should be continuing to grow its youth participants so that we continue to have great ,competitive , talent in Ohio. I think the growth of the social activities, such as the Congress Youth Party, is a fantastic idea to help us get to know one another across the state. We should continue and build on activities like that. I also think it is important to continue and grow in outreach with different organizations.

OQHYA Nominees

Maggie Cain

Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am a member of OQHYA. I represented OQHYA as a NYATT team member.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I show contesting classes. I have three barrel horses and one pole horse. I have qualified for AQHYA Youth World, NBHA Youth World, and am a member of IBRA and NBHA. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am a member of Barrels, Rails, and Such 4-H where I am president of our 4-H Club. Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am a wrestling stat for Delaware Wrestling. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. N/A What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? N/A

Brooke Bradley Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I attend monthly meetings and service as a member of the judging team. I also volunteer at various AQHA events (i.e. selling raffle tickets etc.)

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I started showing AQHA 1 ½ years ago. My horse, Skips Midnight Ride (Ryder) and I show in Showmanship, Horsemanship, HUS, Equitation, and we are currently learning trail! I will show him in Halter when he is finished growing. This past year I was honored to state qualify for the AQHYA World Show and the Level 1 Novice Championships! Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I will show IEA on the English and Western teams this year. I have shown IEA in the past and was in 4-H for 3 years.

Karissa Shank

Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently a OQHYA director and would love to be voted in as a director again for 2016. It was a fun year participating and volunteering as an Ohio youth.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I show my 18 year old mare, Assets Miss Reba in OQHA. We also won the 11 & Under All Around at the All American Quarter Horse Congress along with my champion title in the 11& Under Horsemanship. We had a great year and couldn’t be happier. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: I am currently on the SOQHYA NYATT team and showed showmanship to represent our team. Our team ended up 4th overall in the NYATT competition. Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I play piano and help with children’s church where I attend. I also look forward to my Monday night Bible Study with my friends. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I have contributed my time and services where needed and would love to help and serve another year. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? I would love for there to be more youth incentives for members and exhibitors, and also continuing fundraising and scholarships.

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I play tennis for JA, sing in the JA Mixed Choir and am currently the secretary. I am a member of the school Spanish Club and the Leo Club (community service), and am an alter server at our church. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. I will bring strong leadership skills and common sense. I have a good knowledge of AQHA and am an excellent team player. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. I think OQHYA members should develop a strong relationship with the other regional QH youth associations in Ohio to share ideas and support and help grow our QH organizations in the state. 2. I would like to see OQHYA reach out to youth exhibitors that show QH in the open shows and 4H and encourage them to get involved. 3. Start a mentor program pairing older members with new, younger members for friendship, support, guidance, etc.

OQHYA Nominees

Natalie Hilty

Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I’ve only attended a few meetings for OQHYA, but I’m fully involved in the showing aspect.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) Yes, I do show, and have been for about 4+ years. I’ve been a part of AQHA for 2. I show He Da Bomb (Max) in Showmanship, Equitation, and Hunter Under Saddle. I show each class under Novice and age group. As far as accomplishments go, I’ve only had Max since this past January and we are still learning each other. I did however qualify in Showmanship for World’s in OK, but unfortunetely I was unable to attend due to a family reunion. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: In each of my horse activities, I am completely involved. I participate in AQHA, 4-H, IEA, and the Midwest Express Youth Drill Team, which consists of about 12 members who ride in specific manuevers to music.

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: I am a cross country member at my school. I am on the school student council. I play the flute. I help at my church’s youth group and soup kitchen every month, and several other activities. I love being a part of every bit of this because I love to be busy and at the same time helpful. If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. If I’m elected as a director, I will be willing to contribute my time and dedication to this organization. Since I do not entirely know my full position as a director yet, I know that the organization will always be able to count on my participation and involvement. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. Giving back to others through fundraiser, gift baskets, or just community involvement. 2. Helping new members through their AQHA journey. 3. Introducing new ideas/organizations such as IEA to members who are looking to take things further with their riding.

Jordan Gates

Candidate for Director

How are you currently involved with OQHYA? I am currently a director for OQHYA. I have also been on the OQHYA World Show Team and OQHYA NYATT Team.

Explain your current involvement with horses: (Do you show? What classes do you show in? What’s your horses name? List any accomplishments you have in the show ring.) I am currently showing my 4 year old Moonlight Rodder, aka Harley in the all-around events. This spring Harley and I earned his Youth AQHA Champion Title and showed the showmanship, horsemanship, equitation, pleasure and HUS at the world show. Since Harley just started the all-around this year, I am very excited for the 2016 show season. Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? If so, please list them and state your level of involvement: N/A

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: FFA, Student Council If you are a current OQHYA officer or director, please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term. One of the biggest things that I tried to do this year was verbally promote OQHYA to other youth. I was also on the community services committee and fundraising committee. What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorites in the next 2-3 years? 1. Helping members feel like they are a true and important part of this organization. 2. Help or have resources and information on how to maneuver the College Equestrian Scene. 3. Build active membership

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Ohio Quarter Horse News

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